fl THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 1) ) , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Bears Had a Ohanco to Swelter and Hoar Yesterday. CORN WENT UP EARLY LIKE A'ROCKET rrnviftlons , Until mill Corn Vied with Kncli Other in Itiillluli Activity , nntt Open- liifr I'rlcos Were Immediately Added To In nn KxcltcilVnjr. . OincAiin , III. , Aue , K. A lil , brond old- fashioned bull innruot with tbo boars swelter ing anil roaring In tliplrunhappy predicament was witnessed today for tlio nrsltlnio In many months. Whoatnt tlio closfl. conipurod with Hi prlco nt thu corresponding tltno Saturday , WHS IJio higher : corn was : to up : oats showed IMo advance , pork 35c. lard 15o nntl ribs 12 ! < e. The dny's Milvnnco got well utiOor wny ussnou OB tlio iiusslnn coinnicncci ) . Corn , outs nntl provisions vied with each other In bullish activity , and opening urlcu * vans Imiuucllatcly added to In an oxoltod way. The news concerning tlio danrigo to Kansas corn Influenced tlio ontlro trudo. Outs anil provlHlons nioro cspecl.illy sympithlzed In tlio news Directing corn , but the ndvunco in nil tlioso articles was too Itnniutcrlnl to ullow of wliont being ulToclod. There wiiHSOtno nowaof n bullish nature , nfTcctln : wheat. Liverpool being quoted open ing linn ami held hhlicr , owing to cold , wet weather In England , and Nuw Vork messages mild they nero receiving more foreign buying orders tlioro and at bettor urlcos. Tlio export olrnrnncc * from New York were liberal and wcro ono of Ibo stimulants administered to the mai-kot shortly after tlio ononliig. llion there were H < | vices from the northwest of flnningo by'hot , dry wo.ither In sonm p > aecs. nnd unroiipc < l grain In others bv severe wlnil Montis. On thootbvr hand , rucnlpts atprlm- nry uomtR worn iiiiurni : tno Illinois state crop report estimated tlio season syield ut Ul , " "M.OIX ) 1m. . asnlnst.7.l5G.O. , < niBBiig-ilstod by the last government report and compared with 3V01.- 000 bit. last year. Tlio visible Hiipply state ment showo.I an Inuroasoof 2,087uiii bu. These liift bearish Items , with realizing bales by long * , were rospnnslb'o formic or two weak H.pots dnring tlio day. Hoptembur opened Ho up at781ir , ndvunerd slowly to "rifti- . declined to the opening prlco. milled to 70ic ! , reacted to78iV ( , sold mi amid considerable excitement to 8 e , and closed strung at 7'Jic. ! The corn market opened excited and irrog- uliir at from fttu to.Vjije for Miptembcr. The early cxcllcricnt was varied chlully during the day by frcdticnt bursts of the snn.o kinder or oven moro Intensity. Kansas .supplied tlio news which so worked lip the shorts. If thu reports from there tolay : uro correct and they appeared to bo unanimous , is to tlio heavy damage being done tlioro wns good" reason for the sc.iro ninong thoshorts. riling , scorching , burning-tip hot Ivtmls wore tlio o - prcsslons concerning tlio Kansas corn crou which were heard around the corn pit us the price , from n comparatively moderate jump of ? io at the start , rose In bounds until It was 3 o higher than tlio closing prlco on Saturday. In the mlddlo of the udvatico it report from Kprmgfiold. III. , giving the condition of corn on A us list I for this state as 81 pnr cent , com pared with C ! ) percent on July 1. created a eliort-lhoil diversion In favor of the bears. September , nhicli previous to that had Hold ill ) from 52o around the oucnlng to 5'JUc. tum bled back on the Improved condition as re ported above. A later and correct version of the Illinois state report , making tlio oiescnt condition 73 per cent Instead of HI per cent , as nt llrst , reported , caught a hoit of traders ibortlio Imd sold on the first erroneous Illinois I nois reooit. The gieulcst excitement of the day followca the correction referred to. Itw.is simply Im possible to flit buying ardors for u time. ' 1 ho prlco mounted quickly from around Mo to Sic , und between the tlmu It louche : ! the latter prlco and the time of Its reaching .Vi'.jc , or HJc advance , less than ton minutes Intervened. The closing prlco was M ? c. or within ! { o of the extremity of the bulge. Outs \voro nervous and materially higher through sympathy with corn. Fluctuations were frequent and covered a range of lie. ! I'riccs were also atroc.tod by roeeipts of crop ilnmaeo. The liUli price of thu day was' mauo near the closo. The provision mnrkot opened 10c hlshcr for pork ; nlKol2o ! for lard and So for ribs , com pared with bftturday'H closing riuotatlons and utter many fluctuations , mauo further oon- eltlorablo advances. . Tliero was steady and licavy roallzlng by ilia bull ollijuo , but the whole army of snorts , both fore I en ana do- tnosttc. icomed to bo In'a state of panic and crabbed nervously for the offerings. The bulls , therefore , found unloading at u heavy nroflt an oiiHy matter. In fact , the shorts took no thought of who wai doing the Belllntr , their concern was In'finding some ono who was wllllnit to lot go. The small receipts of hogs only 15,000 being reported from the yards and damage to Kansiiscorn wore , of course , strong adjuncts to the otherwise pow erful leverage of the bulls and did much to unblnzo the minds of the bears. Lake freights were firm on the basis of 2 , ' o for corn to llutl'alo. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , BOO curs ; corn , MJ curs ; oats , 'JU cars ; hogs , 12,000 head. AIITICI.EN. OI'K.V. 1II01I. Tow ) CLOSE. WHEAT No. 2 Auiiunt t 80 Bcptonibcr. . . 80fcll 7'JM December. . . . 81H BiM Cons No.2 August Septuinhtir . . Mnj- KH OATH M ) . 2 Align lit . . . 33Jf Bcptouibcr. . . 31 if 35 October 3134M 35 } ; JlEJH I'OIIK September. . . 1303 13.15 Jnnunry 1385 14 15 U 5 I.AIIII Keptcmbor. . . 8 10 H K 8 10 January. . . . 7 7 MM C7H BIIOIIT Hum September , . . 8 12 825 S 10 20 January. . . . . 7 40 7 40 7 vn- 20U ) Cash quotations were as follows : I'l.ouu 1'lrin and unchanged : winter pat ents , tl.OncD4.20 ; winter i.trults. $3.503.75 ; cnrlng patents. $ l.00@4.50j spring patents , I L5 < ( 3.U ( ) . WIIKAT No. 2 iprlnz. 70JJc : No. 3 spring , nominal ; No. 2 red. 799(0. ( COIIN Higher ; No. 2 , 50io ; No. 3 , cash , 5Cc ; Mo. 3 , yellow , K'/\Wc. OATS No. 2 , iNSKH'ic : No. 2 white , 35 ® B3' ' o : No. 3 white , 33W3l.ic- } ? ItVE No. 2 , CBe. HAHIEV--NO. 2 , C2o : No. 3 , f. a b. , 46o ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , old , : i943o. I'IMX tKEll No. 1. f I.C3 , TlsiOTHVSKEli I'rlmc. tl.J031.37. I'OIIK JIcsH. per bbl. , fl.L2JKSI3.25 ; lard , per 100 lus.f.8.ir.f.l.v. Hhort ribs sldoK ( loose ) . $ d2J Q8.25 ; dry suited kbouldors ( boxed ) , (7.25@7.50 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , & * .3. > Q8.40. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , el * 15 * SUCAHS Unchiinsed ; eut loaf , 4i@3jo ; gran ulated , 4so ! ; standard A , 4 c. Itccclpls and bhlpments today were as fol lows : ICnnsiiH City . " \lnrktits. KANPAS CITV , Jlo. . Aue , 6. WIIKAT In p : oed demand and hlghor. clnslntr slroni ; : No. t hard , old. Utuavj ; nuw , ( i5HUU7o ; Nu 2 rod , fCfi7U ( * . COIIN Irregular , but uady at the oloso : No 2 mixed , 4. ' > ' ,44tlio ; : ' 2 white , 64iai5 > So. OATS Irio.'uiur : No. 2 mixed , old , Ct'e : No.2 white , oldtlOfiil.'c' HVK Higher : No.2 , now , COe. HIIAN Strong ; s.ickod. 65o. .lUy-Weiik : timothy , } 7.60 < aaoo ; prairie , . . lIurTKit I'lnni creamory. llt } < asuc ; dairy. 13 Bite. luios I'lnn at I Hiu. ItKUKiinhMio.it \ , M.ou ] Int. ; corn , 3CObu ; oats. ii.Uiiii. tiiiii'MKNTrt-Whtiat , 4inco : bit. ; corn , none ; oats , 4tW ) . _ HI. l.onU .MurlioU. ST. Louis , Mo. , Aue , B. I'l.ouu-Blow , un- chinigod , WIIKAT Wu llfli'd up by com and without B small roiiotlun cloned ItolUo nlovo Bat- nrduv. Not " red ea h was hlthur. 7&o b.d ; Aiu- lut. 74 > ii ( [ . > A'4C , closing at 7&Ue uskodi tioptom. berJASU'USi' . oiualng ut 70HU7U , o ; licvombur , 7S'.4ltiiHc. vluslng ut Miu uskoJ , CiiKN-Ojn neil Uo higher IbHii Haturilny's cli so anil bhot up lo In two iiulek lumps on hot , ury weather In the corn bet w.th no ro- llof In piospuot An uiisoitlOLl fooling with an upward teinlenoy followed and a 001 ruction In tbo Illinois ciop condition , taking or ton of ihu twolvu points of Improvement runorlod , with hot , iliy winds In the state , sent eoru biiloonlng to aelohoofi ) % above Saturday | Ma " . cuih , hlghiT.Wo. btdi AiiKUht.a ) io : numiimlt Htplcinbor. 4W/ftsc , oloslng at 51H4l314o , blui Uetolier. WSe , noinlinil. UATS Alieuily bullUli , shot up with tlio run. BWII v corn niui'Kots. No , 'J oiibh , hluhur utUiiio blili Augmt. 34Uu bid ; t < vpteiiitjer , aJ4C lo , closing ut 331 o old , Jlo uskudi October , a33to blui llocoiuuor , 37i > , nonliial. riiovisioNH Stioiigand higher , out buyers ( low totuko hold ut nUvuneen aikodj very llttiu doltu In round lots , 1'ork Htuiidard mum , Jobblui.- , * , U.U'JiitIX7i , Lurd-17.1 Ury S.ilt Meats I.oofo ihouldcrs , t7.02U ; longs nnd ribs. f8.i7 : ! ( : shorts , 1H.W ; boxed. lto ! more. Jlncon r cknti shoulnora , taoo : longs nnd ribs. I02.'it shorts. $ 'J.HKiaG3K. ! ? limns bug r cured , Ilii3t'ilio ! HH to slzo and brand. Kve-rto. 2. C'lc bill. IIAlil.Kv No trade. HAY Hlcndy nt previous quoUtlon * . HRCD-Tltnothy , $ l.2.Vill.30 : llaxsecd noinlnnl. IlUTTKit AND RonR Qulot anil unchanged. LEAu-StoaJy . . WitisKV'-l'Iriii ; tl.IO. - . . - . IitriN COTTOV Tins $1.20. ItKCKlt'TM 1'loiir. 7.0UO bbK : wheat. 377/00 bu. : corn , 7ouj bin oats , 4,500 bu. ; rye , 3,033 bit. ; bur oy , none. BitipMENTa Piour. I3.oon bbts , : whont , os.ooo bu. ; corn. I7nuo bu. ; oats , 4uuo bu. ; rye , 2,003 bu. ; buriey , none. New Vork .Mitrkctd , Nnw YoitK , Autr. fi. l-'r-ouii Kccolpts. 17,1173 pkgs.i exports , H.Oh ) bnls , . ll\0)i ) sucks ; mod erately actlvu. stoiiiller : stiles. 37,7.0 bbls. C < ) NN.MKAi-Stond.v , quiet. WIIKAT Itccolpts , iw,5au bu. : oxports. I"1'- fl 0 bu. ; Rules. : J,8T.wu ' bu. of futures ; 14I.OJO bu. of spot , i-pot moderately aetlvo for experts : hither with options closing llrm ; No. 2 red , SlSSI'io In store und elevator : bVi ? 'o alloat : ( OJJii.J'Cifio f. o. b.i No. : i rod , BIMot un graded rcd.U * > itb2c : No. I northern , 70l14lSOHo ! No. 1 hard. KiMc : No. 2 northern , 8'fio ; No. 2 Chicago. 7ic ! : No. 2 Milwaukee. Wiel No. 3 Bprlng. vote. Options advanced l > iai4c ! early on higher O'iblea und with the strength In corn. dL-ullnnd ? ftio ! on thu Increase In the visible foreign selllnt and local rcallr.lng.nd- vauiiod ? iTS'io ( with the west and local cover ings , o oioii stnady at l > { ® P4o over Satur day ; No. 2 mil , Augtut , H4U8IXC. closing at Biyc ; September , HIXO8J l-10c. closing atKi.'Kc ; Oi'lober , KVS' Hr'si > . closing at fcBijo : Det'cinlier , SSijiattlJ e. eloslng ut Wi < ii May , WJJiiiani.Scloilng tit lllc. ! Kri : Dull and steady. Stocks of grain. In elevator itnd afloat : Wheat , l,2.1.Vt ! ) ! bit. ; corn , 5,0,758 , 1 u. : oats. T-'l.O.O bu. : rye. 31.021 bu. ; barley , SU. Sbu. ; malt , -i.Wi : ) : bu. ; peas. = 1,250 bu. . HAIILEV .M.M.T-yulet. Con.N llacolpts. 45Kin bu. : experts , 35.000 bu. : sales , S.X&.U 0 bu. of. futures anil D.OOO bu. of snot. Hpots firmer but dull ; No. 2. U''Uo In elovntor : U. e alloat ; uiv.'railed inlxo.l. Ulc. Options active and oxclluJ und -,1i5 ? > llio higher on continued bad crop reports ; higher west , decrease In visible , nnd short * vovLT nir. closing llrm ! August , nofflKc , clos ing atU2c : Hvploiuber , OjQUI'.ie , closing atOlc ; October. . 'iSSOf.UuVie. closing at UJlSc : Dccombcr , 57.MVic. ) OATS Uocelpti , 102.000 bu. : exports , 49,000 bu. ; sales. 20'j.uuo bu. of futures ; IK.OjOUn. of spot. Spot. blghiT and fairly active : options , higher and ntronzcr ; moderately ac.tlvo ; August. : i'J O Uc , closing nt. 3Uc : Scptoniber. 3'.i40c. ' ! oiosln : atMo : Octobur. : iJ4l | He , closing nt 4i'4c : spot No. . ' , white , 4Ho : mixed western , WiiHe ; whllo western , 31 ® 47o ; Na 2. thlc ! go , 4LlJc. ! ) ! HAV Moleratoly ; wanted , steady : shipping , { 0.v : J7.00 : uood to choice. $8.r > 0ffllo.uu. Ilors Steady , iiulot ; 1'acl Ho coast , 20'J3o. HIO.\H ; Haw. firm , ijulot ; sales. 70U tons nutlgua innseoviido. 84 test , 2 11-lOc ox. ship. ; rellned , linn , fair demand. MnkAJpHS Klrm , nominal ; Now Orleans , quiet , steady , KAI : Quiet , ( Inn. Eons i.luht receipts , hlghor ; prime. I8o. HiiiKS SU'ady ; wet Halted Now Orleans , 40 to no IDS. . GB7c. I'IIOVISIOKS I'orlc. Quiet , llrnior ; old moss , (13.7 ( & 13.79 ; new mess. $ I.V-1) ) . ( Jut meats , qulut : plcklad hams. Jl'.V.VBliSU ; sales. &U.OOO Ibs. ; ploklod hollies and 6'l boxes do at (9.75 ; mid dles , steady , dull. Lard , active , hlghor ; west ern steam closed at l8.47W5iS.f > 0 ; option sales , 10.0)0 tierces ; September 8MV3S.M , closing at $144 : Ootobor closed ntJS.CI. nominal. HuiTKit Moderate domanil. fair : western , 14 O18c : western creamery , 17 < aW3JiO ; western factory , lljiilo : Elgin. 2jo. UHCESE Klrmer and qulot ; part skims. I'm Itto.N Easy , qulot ; American , 113.50 ® 15. CO. Coprnu E.tsy ; like , $ ll.5fi@ll.C' > . ] , KAi-StOily ! ( : domestic , $10534.10. TiN-Woak : straits f-'J.4oa20.JO. Uiiiiiliu 1'roilnro Mnrkot. PBACIIKS California , $1.53 © ! . 05 ; southern Il linois , H.Vi67.e cr basKot. LKMONS J7.f.OilS. . " > 0. OtiAxnus ( Jallfornla , out of mnrkot , Im ported , $7.50. lll.ACKIIKItIlIKS-tl.00. TWIMS California. $ l'.503.00. KANAKAS ft oi4f..7.\ OAjiUAnE iroruo grown , 0. > iJ75c per doz. MKr.oss Wntormoions , 2.va.'llc. NKW At't'i.us I'orono-tb. rd.hu. box , 75aSOo ; jbls. . JUKI I'EAits llartlott , S3.7'.01 IJUTTKit I'ackln stock , 1213o ! ; small lots select dairy , > 4&17c. I'oui.Titv Spring chickens , J2.0'J'J.OO as to slzo ; old fowls. He. UANTALOUi'Ks 1'cr crate , 81.2J : joins , 75c per basket. OALU-OIINIA OuAl-R ? 1'or caso. SiSO. CocuMiiEits I'.or doz. , OUc. KaaB-KIrm at I4c. NEW l'OTATOK8-JiOO,23 per bbl.j in iaoks , lU < ai cporlb. ONIONS I'er , bbl. . J3.OOIt3.23. Ili.UEiinniiiKS la-qt. boxes , { 2.00. TOMATOKS 4 basket crates , il.253&1.50 | bu boxes , } l.75@2.00. OKAPES 1'ur "J-lb. basket , 6MJ7JO. Coll'eo Murkot. NEW YOIIK. Aug. 8. Options opened steady unchanged toftnoluti up. olosou steady , un changed to 1U points up. Sales. 0.5'JO bags , In- oludlng August. 112.5 : < iOI.03 ; September , $12.5) © 12.00 : October , $12C.r : Docombor. $12.05 : March. $12.73 ; spot Ulo , flrm und qulot ; No. 7 , . Hio JANKIIIO. Aue. 0. First ordinary , 13.250 rols per 10 kilos. ; good seconds. 12,700 rols ; receipts during the wcoU,74OJO bags : purchases for the United States. 24.0JO ; shipments to the United States , 33.00J : stock. 12-J.OuO bug * . CAIVllf. % XVUK * u. uulltl IIVU1UKU , 1..UJU IUID pnr 1U kilos ; receipts during the week , 04,000 Uaus ; purchases for the United Stutes , I'j.lUO ; shlpmonts to the United States , 3,000 : stock , 110nuO bags. Now York Dry Uooitn Alurkot. New YI.UK , Aug. 8. The dry goods market opened with a very good volume of mull ordurs on hand , thu disposing of which kept mer chants busy during the forenoon , whllo buyers began to como Into the market in good num bers. The transactions of the dny Indicated a good movement at western centers of trado. There was no p.irtlouUr nuwffaluro. The mnriiot continues strong In tone , with print cloths and prints vorv llrm. Of the latter Simpson's prints and tbo Hamilton prints were each advanced to 7'-io. Oil Market. NEW YOIIK. Aug. 8. I'ETIIOLBDU Opened steady , advanced } o on light trading and closed steady. Pennsylvania oil Spot sales , none : August option sale 3. 22,0jl ) bbls , ; oooy- oniiig. K.'eS : highest. Me ; lowest , M7 o : olui- lu'63c. ! . Lima oil. no sales. Total lalci , 22.0)0 ) bbls. COTTONSEED OiL-Stendy. TALI.OW Steady , llrm. KosiN 1'Mrni , stoudy. TUill'KNTINK-Dnll. I.lvrrpuol Markets. Livsitrnor , Aug. 8. WHEAT Firm : demand fair ; holders oll'er modoratoly. COIIN Firm ; demand fair ; tnoro Is no stook of now mixed western hero. I'ltoviBinNS-l'lrm. liAHi > I'rlmo western. 40s per owt. I'KAS Uanadiuti. 5s M per cental. riillnilolplilu Urnln Market. rnii.AiEi.i'iiiA , Pa. , Aug. 8. WHEAT Strong ; No. 2 rod , September , TiJidJ ' io. COIIN Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , Scptotrbor , 67 ® S7iC. ! ' OATS Qulot : No. 2 white , 42c. NorthxveiitoriiVlieut Stocks. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. . Aug. 8. Figures com piled by thu Northwestern Miller and the Market Itecord show the total northwestern stock of wheat to bo 10,101,120 bu. A week ago It was 7 , 108,000 bu. Cincinnati CINCINNATI , O. . Au * . 8. WHEAT Good do- miind ; No.2 , rod , 75c. } COIIN Higher ; No. 2 mixed. M'/io. OATS Strong : No. 2 mixed. U4 ? c. Ciittiui Miirlcut. NKW Oiti.EAN.J , La. , Aug. 8. Dull and easy ; middling. 7 1-lOc ; low middling , llO-luo ; good irdlii'iry , 0 l-Uo ! : not and gros * receipts , CC2 u Uos , Wll bales ; Ktook , 77,1173 bales. H.iltlinore drain M'trkot. . M. I ) . , Aug. fl.-WliKAT Firmer : No. v ! rud. spot H.'liu COU.N Firm ; spotft'c. OATS Firinor ; Na 2 white western 42c. Toledo ( ir.iln .M.irknt. TOLEDO. O. , Aiiu' . 8. WiiEAT-EusIer : No. S cash , tflKc. COIIN Dull ; No. 2 cash , 51)io. ) OAiB-lUill : cash. Me. U'lioiit .Mrlmt. Mlnu. , Aug. R WHEAT Ouonoil hl.'hor , bouanio very strong , uultvu. Kucolpts , Uii ears ; wheat clofcocJ , beptomber , 7i ? c ; opouul , 7i ? > , Klgln lluiter .Murkut. Kr.oiN , III. , Aue. 8. The butter market was aetlvn. The salot were lU.Sjo Ibu. at 2lc , August Trudur * ' Talk. ClliOAno. III. , Aug. H Couiikoln.an fi Day to Coukrell llros. Coinmltuiloii compuuyt l.ver K nee the lUtoh bill was shelved Itu-ro h-jH been u dully lucroabo of pubilu Interest In the market. DiNuppotntilu threshing roturnn In wheat und ouu. dioutb In corn nnd light receipts of hogK , with u good donio tlo demand In provi lon liuvu been thu bulk foulures , and have given nuoli un Incronsu of eon- liilenco to the outslUo buying public that they Imvo takun the marUots beyond control of loual bo.tr * . The heavy buying of wheat and uorn. which mudo the bulgvs to- dny. > ru probably fnr 1'nrdrldfe. The roller * of Soutombcr fuiuivn ut bUo itnd Uo were lotus titkln prullts. Th _ oountry. howuvur , boiitfht moro jiiu , corn uiiaiwjrk tlmu thuy noid. 'Ibo principal fuuturcslUrov. ) . lon were OiiJuhv sollliu pork nnd Armour buy- lnsnr | > l. Wheat looks to us llko the cheapest thlni Inlton the list. CntCADO. III. . Atltf. 8.-K. 0. lei n * Ca t Duncan , llolllnxcr fc Co. ! "Wheat opened strong nt 784o ! forScptombor. the lowest prlco of the session ; It closed Bt 7B i'c. The market hat been active with a lar o scattered trade. All reports wo rocolvo from the winter wheat dlstrlcUuro tlmt f rmori > are not marketing tholr wheat freoiy , nnd whit 1ms boon and Is being stacked will remain In stuck at present low prices. Tlio receipts at this nolnt nro up to thoavcrnttootnernons : the demand Is not so urgent , but iill receipts are taken o.iro of. HCDOrts from the northwest , are loss llntter- Ulg , particularly from North Dakota. Eouth IJauotit nreu good. Cable advlooi nro unsot- llo'l early , lo higher , with wet , cold wonther. The market late , unable to sustain tbo ad vance. Thorn Is an absence of speculation 111 Kuropo , but It will como should It bo a wet harvest. Wo look on whc.it us cheap and any dlsapuolntmont In the spring crop means higher prices. The excitement In corn con tinues nnd will until this question of dnmngo Is settled. The Improvement In the Illinois crop report , ns 73 against 69 , Is a llttlo Im provement , but loss than looked for , nnd points to n small crop nnJ-Jilghor prices. Advices from Nebraska and Hvansus are do- cldodlv bullish , The oxcUement , wo think , nlll keep up until nftor the government. report - port Is known. This U duo on Wednesday , Oats share In the oxcltmnont In corn. 'I'horo Is but ono opinion on provisions and that Is higher prices ; Itrltlsli ( Irani Traclo Itnvlow. LONDON , Aug. 8. The Maik Lane Express , In us weekly rovlowof thu Ilrltlsh grain irado , siiys : KnL'llsh wheats nro weaker , Tlioro has been an averaged fall In the London market of ( id. The harvest Is progressing In the couth of Kngland. The crops of wheat und barley are good , The whole wheat hiirvestof the United Klncdom , If August proves line , Is calculated at 8.5U0.030 quarters , barley ntl > ,7.Vooo ) quarters , oats lit fo.OJO.OOl. Potatoes promlso a yield of 0.300,000 tons. This Is lllioiy to limit the dnmand , Forolmi wheats Hro heavy. American winter cargoes have fallen ( id. Corn Is stoiidy. Ilarloy Is qulot. In today's market , English wheats worn Improved , foreign wheats were flrmor. California , Indian nnd Australian were nd bettor. Outs ivoro 3d higher , lloans. owing to Iho sprond In the blight In the homo crop * , rosa K There was n good sale for corn atCd advance. Flours were steady : peas were llrm. ST O CKS AND 1ION IIS. Decrease In the Itanlc ICrsprvoVns Felt In Spi'culiitlvn Circles. NEW YOIIK. Aug. 8. The Influence of the unexpectedly lane decrease In the bank reserve on Saturday was felt In the stook market this morning und there was during the forenoon a dropping of quotations. In this result the downward tendency of the silver market as not without Its effect and the agitation ot the silver question seems likely to tntorforo with the ra.iklng of that market for stocks. The conuMonco of h'ohloM In securities , however , was not Impaired and the depression In prices of stocks was the result of further short svlos with the usual accompaniment of an IncronsoJ short Interest In the markat , The bulls are now Inclined to lay stress upon the failure of the prediction of hoary gold export to innterlallzq together with the tendency of oxchairjo nttos to drop under a frcor offering of commercial bills aim the evident oversold condition of the market , A few specialties displayed maruod strength. With the withdrawal of the press ure to soil , dullness today , ns usual , became the principal foaturoof the dealings and the whole list Undiluted ever the narrowest range , though Bomo recovery from the lowest points was scon , The dualities were based on the unfavorable cron reports from Kansas , but the soiling was evidently of a Kind to aug ment that already unwieldy short Interest In Granger stocks , and cessation'of the pressure was , ns usual , followed by dullness und re covery. The pressure wan maintained to the oloso , which was qulot but heavy , generally at close to the lowest prices of the day. Tran sactions reached lil,4ll ) listed ana 24,053 un listed. Government bonds have been dull and steady. State bonds have been dull nnd steady. The Post says in Its financial column : It Is gratifying to sco that traders are waking up to the tlungors or Industrial" suoculatlon. One olTort has been made by the manrgors of these properties to revive the current criti cisms. They allege , und doubtless with truth , that Information has never been refused to shareholders. Hut lut It bo observed that this Is quite beside the point. What Is wanted , In stocks which are endangered for Investors. Is not alone Information for people who have already purchased , but Is meant for people who are thinking of purchasing. This point Is altogether bey on a dispute. Listing of the Stock oxclmngo Is ot itself nn oiler to the trudtnz and Investing public and thn fact that oooulo already In possession of the stook know all about Its finances in no wlsu prevents the deluding of outsiders. On the contrary It makes the deception moro tempting a'nd moro easy. . .Thoso stocks were placed on the Stock exchange Hits two or three years ago , In deference to the wall of brokers , who then believed that Wall street profits were past forever unless some nov elties could be exploited. Hut for the fair ness of some wlsor heads , out local board might have followed the example of the Lon don Stock exchange and spread out olllclallv before tbo nubile an unlimited mass of such securities , moro or less discreditable and worthless. The line could not logically bo drawn between the sugar und whisky combine and the brewery sanitarium , butchers' snaps , whose shares crowd London's stock Hat. For tunately the Londin. Investor learned his lesson. The following nro the closlna acotxtisns rr the loading stocks on the Now Ycik Stock ex- chaiue today : lM. t ankod. Now York Alining Oiiotntlnnii , NEW VOIIK. Aug. 8. The following nro thu closing mining stook quotations : London riniiiiflnl lluvlew. | Coj > vri0W l IMlbu Jainu Gonlot lltnnitt , I LONDON. Aug. 8.-Now York Herald Onble- BpfolHl to TUB IlEE.l Tliero bus been a marked nbionco of now business In the block exchange today , tint few transactions that have taken place bulns mainly In preparation for the ttiitlumunt.whlch commences Wednes day , Consol * have Improved U pur cent for the moiioy uecount Indian rupee pupor has fulleu pur i-iint. owln { to thu conllnued do- pruolatlon of l.vor. For lgn goveriinient o- curltlos closed tolerably btroug , as rognrds Intvrnutlonnl < lo > orlptlona , being supported by firmness on oontlnontal bourse * . Homo rallwiijr * o Died somuwhut Inejiiiar , Boiilh- eastern deferred has doellnol lii per eiuit on u poor trafllu statement. Hrlvh- ton roeolpti. khnwrd an lnrro.bt' of JC414. beotch Hnouuiuit shmlo easier Hhllu huitvv Hues are firm , an udvunsu Lu.ui ; vs In Great Western , Midland , Northeastern nnd London ft Northwestern. American railways close flat on salts to secure profits before the fiottlomonl. NoniYurkhas not BITCH support to the market. .Honey has boon nlmoit un- Icndablo. yhortr loans have been freely offered at H percent. The discount market has been n llttlo flrinbr though bills Imvo born carco. Those of two nnd three months were quoted nt X to 1 per1 cent. Fliuuiflnl Notes. PAHIS , Aug. 8.--i-TIireo per cent rentes 03f50o for the account. , > NEW YonK , Aii ! ? . , 8. Clearings. 171,250.- 070 : balnnccs. l4.458.Yi4. IIALTIMOIIE. Mil. , Auff. 9. Clearings , $2,333- 55.1 ; bnlnncoj , 1141,878. Money , 0 per cent. Dl'MlLADKLpitiAiTn. ' * Aiu . Clearings , 17.- 021,433 ; balances. < II246,8I5. Money. 2 percent. MEMIMIIS , Tomfi. Auir. a Now York ox- chnn.'o soiling nt U.60 ; olcarlngs , J07,801 ; r - balnncos , NE\V Oitt.KANS. ' IJa. . Atiff. 8. Olcarlnes , * 3IIf > Oj | Now YorWbx\liango , comnioroUl , fiuus bunk. * I.5U porlljjop.protnlum , ST. Louis , Mo. . Aug. B.-Olonrlngs. W.46I- 870 : balances , J40'twi Money qulot nt 07 per cunt. Kxchntigo on Now Vork .Wo discount. HORTON , . " \inss. \ , Aug. R , Oioarlhgs , ttl.- 822uoa ; balances. } l.78l.f > 77. Money , HHI per cent Rxchango on Now York , 17o discount. aCittOAOo , 111. , Aug. 8. Money flrm nt 4 per con ton call and ft per cent on lime loans ; clearings , } I.\VMI7J ; Now Yorlc oxchatmi 2Jo discount ; sterling oxohanco dull atI.H7Ufor sixty-day bills ana JI.88H farsight drafts. L1VK . SJTtltJK MAIttCIITS. Itccclptu of Cnttlo 11 nd I logs Light 1'ulr 1'rlcns Killed. OMAHA , Aug. 8. The receipts of cnttlo were by no means excessive , whllo the supply of liofs wns the lightest In ever live months , or since March 7 , There wore ninety-five ears of caltlo re ceived. These were largely western rnngors and Included fourteen cars of Kansas City Toxnns billed direct to n local slaughterer. While tlioro was no shipping demand to spnuk of , tlioro was a good Inquiry from local houses and desirable killing cattle sold roiidlly at fully steady prices. With no shippers buying the heavy c.ittlo were rather Blow sale nnd thin cattle had to sell nt feeder prices. Good I.VUOto 1,4.1 Mb. stoctrs sold at , fromJI.'JJ to 14.OJ , with l,10J-lb. stuir soiling from Jl. 10down to $ : j,25. Quite a string of food 1.300 to 1.3'iO-Hi. wnstnrns broui'ht Ji.73. It was a moderately aetlvo market through out and a fair clearance was elToutod. OITorlniEs of cows and mix oil stock wore quite liberal Inoludlng seventeen or cUhtecn ears of , wo.-torns , some of thorn very good. There wore several loads good enough to bring $3.23 an I $ J.i : > . but $1.20 to 8.VJ5 bought the big bulk of the offerings In this lino. They are not In very good demand nlthotuh prices are nominally steady. Several largo bunches of calves were received and sold at about steady prices , sales being largely at * i75lo I..Vl. In thu stacker nnd feeder line while tlioro was llttlo or no country demand the regular dealers wen ; free buyers of the fresh offerings at from J'.DO lo.MW. Tlioro Is llttlo change worthy of note In the situation. Koproienta- tlvosulo-i : DRESSED I1CF.F , No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. Na Av. Pr. 1. . 790 $3 00 31..1101 ? 4 20 63. . 1'114 4 65 1..1I80 825 EJ..I240 420 fit..1274 455 10..1101 ! I50 60.1203 425 20..1382 400 110.1071 4 10 17..1144 4 35 COWS. I. . 830 1 50 S.vlOOO 1 50 18. . 007 223 1. . 680 1 50 Mir.KCItS AND 1 cow and calf f.'W 00 1 oaw und calf 25 00 1 milker 2000 WVOMINd CATTLE. No. Av. 8 iteers..H33 13 10 1 Itoor..l070 125 sp'd b'fslOSS 2 bolters. . 1100 12 heifers..1125 f heifers..1040 2 cows 120J H flows 1070 10 OOWR 1003 8J feodors.,1047 125 steers..1310 . Hoas There were hardly enough hogs here to muko a markot'but the foiv here sold nt an average advance of fully 5o over Satur day's prices. They quality In the main was common and thorn was no shipping demand. Only two local buyers , uudahy and Swift , were In the field. Chicago was hk-hor and they bought the beitihogs of all weights at from 85.75 to $3.tfwith common light and mixed stulT nt from $5.5J to $ " > . " . " > . It did not take very lonz to'clc.ii * the pens. Hales were largely at from < * V70 to 15.81 , against $3.fi5 to 95.75 Saturday. The gojieral average of prices paid was 15.74K. against $ . " > .70J ! Saturday and last Monday. 'Kbjiresontatlvo sales : No. Av. an. I'r,4 No. Av. Sh. I'r. 2. . .270 350s " " " 50. 210 2SO 5 50 I 3. .233 41) ) 4. .289 40 6 au , , ; 57. .205 100 5 Wr .1 70. .204 80 5 7B 70. .V13 360 5 70 * 72 .237 200 5 75 8. .203 40 6 75" pins AND nouoii. 01 500 4 00 SiiBEi1 Again the mnrfet wasbnroof sheep. Good muttons nro wanted badly and will Und a rendy sale nt strong prices. I'nlr to eood natives , (3.75@l.l > 0 ; fair to good westerns. ( .1.5(1,2o ( ; common end stook sheep. J--.U1 © 3.50 ; gooa to ch'-lco 40 to 00-lb. Iambi. S4.5Q4. ) 6.50. I.nst Week's rurellines. 1IUVE11S. I CATTLE. I HODS. I31IF.E1' . Itccolpts mid Dmpoxltlon of Slock. Olllolal rocoluts und disposition of stook as shown by the books of the Union Stook Yards company for tlio twenty-four hours ending at 5 o'clock p. u. , Augusts. M92. UtICKIl'TS. DISPOSITION. Now York Llvo Stock Markets. NBW YOIIK. Aug. 8. 1JUEVE3 Uocolpts for tno days were ; i.HI ? head , Inoludlng 41 cars for sale ; market active and IMiSSo bUhor ; natlvo Steers , * J.25.V83 ( : Toxana. f-'LUJaiLbU ; bulls and cowg.i'.ya.85 ; dressed beef steady at 7W © 7Ho ; sblpmonts tomorrow. CSabeovea OAIA-KS Hcceluts for two days were 2,975 head ; market itotlvo und ' , io higher ; vouls , JVHO'A'.O ) ; grassers and buttermilk calves , C2.50&3.00 ; westerns , & .15&5.00. HllEKi- AND tiAMlis Kocolpts for two davs wore U.1UU bond : sheep. Crm at } I.OOai.7.M lambs Kotlvo and KO lilghor at tG.uu < & 7.M > ; droisocl mutton Hteaily nt SCtllo per Ib. ; dressed lamb * IInn at HOl'-'lie pur Ib. lions Uooelpts for two days uuG3 bead. In cluding 'i curs tor sale : market weak at J5.D03 , C.UO. St. I.oul I.lvo ntook AInrknt. ST. I-ouis , Mo. . AUK. 8. OATTI.E Kccotpti , 4,600 ; shlpmoiits , 400 ; nuirkot easier to lower ; fair to good native Kteers..wXiH.8' \ < ; Texan and Indian stoors. fair to good , fc..40UO : ; cows iti.il canners , ll.OJffl-'JJ. llJOH-HeeelptH , H.iW ) ; shlpmonts , 2,400 ; mar ket rxaiOo higher : , heavy , Hj U.iri ; inixml , to.GOSU.lU ; light , i.V8U@U.Ol. ( UccolpU of poor nuallty. HilKici' Kocolpt9. 3.BOO : shipment * . COO ; Rocolpts mostly fooilufs. Market steady. Chicago I.lvo StoeK IMiirkot. GuiCAdo. III. , Aug. 8. [ Hpoelal Tolcgrnm to TUB lluiij Thorp W.IIN fair aetlvliy In all branches of the oxltlo trade today and prleos were held to about a steady course , choice unlives were a little Lcarco and were stronir , while common and ineclluni gradun , wliluh constituted tlio laUlof / the xupDly , leanoil to weakness , but thoio-wna seurcely a ijuotnbo | elmngo In any grudo. Tbaro were sales of ctiolco touxtra moors , , at from .r > .25 to tl.50 , und a little poorstulT wns cleared out nt from ti.25 to ll.fto , though prices hotween tioo and fA.ou took most of tlio natives , and from II.M to M.UU were the pcornlllng prices for Toxnni. Western rungo OKttlo were dull aim easy ut from < l.50 toll.M. From 6c to luo in'iirJwas added to the value of nogs , prices moving up to from iUO to ( U.'Jj How is Your Blood ? . m i.mmw % * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below tbo Unco , and was cured Bound and well with two and a half bottles of JKJQKM Other blood medicluea bad failed F'fPjrVl to do mo any good. WILL C. UKATY , I was troubled from childhood with nil ne ; ayutetl cuta of Tetter , nnd three bottles of MA iUnuvlllt , I.T. Our book on Illnod and Bkln Diseases malM SWIIT Bi'ixiwo Co. , Atlaut * . UsW for vorjr common to extra grades. There were not many trades at even $ VI\ neither were many of thoofTorlngs no poor ns not lo bo snlcfiblo at oTcr3.85. Sales of sheep were nt quite as good prices ns were paid Init week nnd Iho bettor grndos of lunibs were steady. Common Inmbs were not wanted at former prices nnd thin shexp wore vary slow. Quotntlons were from M..V ) to W.UJ for sheep nntl from Jl.no to M.M for lambs. Culls were quoted at from it , 50 to $ .1.23. Receipts : Cattle , 1,0 < W : ho s , l.\003 ; sheep , 0non. ' The Ercnln ; Journal reports : OATTLK Hccolpts , VJ.ooo : market active , strong ; nntlrof. M,4)it-V5' ) ) ; To.xans , t..003 > : i.20 ; cows. II.OOQVJ3. lions Uecelpts. 17.000 : market lOiJI.Iohlelier ! rough packers , $ \2.V35.85 ; mixed , $3.0xa < V > 0 ! prime heavy nnd butohors' weights , { 0.05ft 5.20 : light , nr.j ai.- . SiiEF.i1 Heeolpts , 0.000 ; marmot toftdy : owes , JI.SnOI.Mj mixed W7.VJII.75 : wuthers. 3.o03-\6i ! Tcxatm , 4.IOit 40 ; westerns , tl SJ&l.vO ; Inmbs , J3.uxaaoo. : Uiiusas City l.tvti Stock Mnrknt. KANSAS OITV. Mo. , Aug. 8.-CATTLE-Ro- colpts , .1.200 : shipments , too ; the market for good native steers w.ls steady to lOo lower : other o.ittlo steiidytil strong ; natives , f2.2JTM.40 : cows , Il.J03i2.3tj Texans steady ut ll.7.VinoO : Mockers and foedors.Ji.03ai.03. Houa UocoipU , 2.2JO : shipments , 1,103 : the mnrkot was 'NI''O ' higher ; all grades , I-5.41XJ4 o.o : > i bulk. M.k : > ia5.9J. SHEEi'-Kocolpts , 1,100 ; shipment * . 100 : the market was stoutly ; muttons , 73.7534.53 ; Inmbs , J2.GoB2.75. I' . E. Ishnm of London , Canada , is visiting Omaha friends. Judge IllgRius of Grand Island was In the clt3f yesterday. Judge VVilliara Montgomery of Bault Bto. Marie Is In tbo olty. Harry Nott has gone to Now York for n visit with relatives near Ithaca. Mrs. Florence O'Hnnlon will leave this ovcnlne for Denver to Oo gene about ono month. Comptroller Olson loft Sunday for Den ver wucro ho will tulco part In tbo Masonic festivities. L. Wostermann , secretary nnd treasurer of the News PuolUhlng company of Lincoln , nou. is in inu . , city. Tbotnns Orr , nsslstant to President Clark of the Union Pacillc has Joined his familv ut Salt Lake for n short outing. Hon. John Steen of Lincoln nnd P. O. Hodlund of Holdi-ego were in tbo city yestor dny and culled tit Tin : BEE ollli'o. Huph Honderaon of Sonttlo was m Omaha today on his way to Cocmr Knplas , lo. , to at tend tbo wedding of n friend. P. K. Louis , n former Omaiin nowapapor man , now of Plttsburg , was in tbo city yestordav en route to Chicago nnd Now York. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Konrnoy nnd son of Stantou , Nob. , called on THE HER , ion their way to the Knights Templar conclave at Donver. H. M. Lvtlo of Brnddoclf , Pn. , who was well known in Omaha thirty yours ago , is in the 'city wild his wife visiting his brother , John Lytlo , Lord Coleridge writes : "Send me fifteen dozen Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Wine. I tried it wnllo here and ilnd it superior. " Funds for T.nhnr Uny Forthcoming. The members of the local commltto of the Central Labor union who have charge of the work of soliciting : funds to defray the ox- ponscs of the Labor dav pnrado , nro suc ceeding most admirably. The mou started out last Friday , nnd of the ? I,5UO necessary the sum of JOUD has already boon plodgod. o DeV ill's Sarsnparllla destroys suob poi sons us scrofula , skin diseases , eczema , jrhou- matisui. Its timely use saves many livas. Ann" " " " .Hull Olllco Opened. Superintendent Mnthioson of the city hall is now at homo in his own ofllco. Ho has boon assigned rooms on the first floor , just east of the alovntor at the right of tbo court. Those rooms are the ones which were oncin- ally intended for Suporlntondent Coulter of the 11 ro and police alarm system. DeWlU's Sarsapanlla is rolianle. LOC.ll , JSltKI'ITIKS. Instoaa-of two tlio ilttora'"as has boon pub lished , there are nine men working on the tlio contract in the now city hall. Joe Woltman , an oraployo of John F.Coots , fell from Mr. Coots' South Tenth street resi dence Saturday afternoon and broke his arm. arm.Mary Roach , a 7-year-old girl living with nor mother at Fort Omaha , was taken to the Child's hospital with a badly cut limb. She was playing about the house with some broken bottles when aha slipped and fcll across ono of them , severing the cord at the back of the loft linoe. Test It requires no learned experts or scientific experiments to establish the fact that DR. PRICE'S DELICIOUS FLAVORING EX TRACTS are not only the strong est , but positively the sweet est and most delicate fruit flavors. If housewives will flavor a cake , pudding , cus tard or cream with Dr. Price's Extract of Vanilla , Lemon or Orange , and a smaller quan tity gives a more natural and grateful taste than can be imparted - parted by any other Extracts , , is it not an incontestable proof of their greater excel lence ? In every case where Dr. Price's Flavors are used they give perfect satisfaction. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. eat cuttle , liog nnd snoop m nrkot In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZ1ER LIVK HTOCIC COMMISSION- , UCADEKd. fl flUIAIM I Write to this Uousa for cor- V. UMAIIrt | roct Marltot Reports. Wood Brothers , fc'outh Onmlm Telephone 1IY7. - Chicago J , I ) . DADI8MAN. I . , W , K , WOOD , f M nagori. Market report * by mall and wlro cheerfully furulbhed upon application. THIS Campbell Commission Co. Chicago , KistHt. Louis , Kansas City , Soutli Oinalu , tJlgux Ultr. I'ort Wortu , A. D. Boyer & Company , 68and 59 Exchange llulldlnSouth Omahi. Correspondence solicited and vroaiptly nniireril , tipuclul attention to ordurs f or mockers li f uederi , I88IJ. . . . lDoori > orat9d , 13J1 Capital fully paid , IW.WJ. Waggoner liirney Company , Write or wlro us for prompt and reliable mirkut reports , . Perry Brothers & Company , Itvo Btojk UjmmUilon. Uoom 61 I'.xuhuiiifo llulldlnx , fcoutli Oiauba Tolephoiio 1707 , OMAHA Hanflfactnrers' and" ' AROIIITlSCrS AND DUILDHRS. J. II. Glenn ; Contractors nd sub conlractori for nil kinds ol ballitlnv. lilitstcrlnx pMntliw. oto. All will rocctvo copjof ( Ilonn's nrchltrru' mid tnilldtrs' illrcctorr free , by sending tliolr nnni ? . business nnil location to the publisher. .1. II. ( jlcnn , 114 S. 1Mb street. AWNINGS AND TKNT3. Wolf Bros , ACo. . Tents , nwnlntarpnu - ldds , litimmockK. oil nntl llai , covers of Ml Kinds , rubber clothlnit. 8onl : flags , inuiner.i , etc. Honit forcat'Kuo. 1113 Pnrnnm for c.itnloinio.TO'l . liHIt BAGS AND TWIN US. RcmlsOinaliaiiagCo Importers ninlmrfn , flour tacks , Lnrlnps , twine. BICYCLES. BOXES. 11.0.1011(1 ( , M. 0. Daxon , Bnnco ( ir to I.J.Tllle enso't. M'f'irclnnr. paper Itlcfclci sold nn monthly piictlnvlinxoi. All novel paymonta. 12U.N . 15th st Hoi In tie < c iliio. llll lioutlM BU BOOTS AND SHOES. Morsc-Coc Slice Co. ItW Howard Stroot. Knctorrcornor llthninl Domlmtrsots. \\onromakingclo < | > rlu3Uo cam buyer. * , nn I nro n clajs of uondi wlilch Ij very sulenblo with niurclmnta. Steven Crccdon. Manufacturer's nitent. Ic.nnsupply you with ovory- thlnjr In slioes-men' ; ! , wonoiVn an.I elillds' it loircst factory prlcasnnddlicuuiils. Litest ctyls. 1401 Knrnnm struct. Uoom IS. Kirkea'lall , Aniei'.llancScwcilSlioeCo VVIiolcsalo M Hoots , ehooi Huston Haulier PhocCo' ' felt KOoiU 11 = 1 IIOMIOI-UIW llnriiuysl , Harney-sl CLOTHING. Blolcky & Co. Clothlne.notlon. furnish- Inies. Ulvu us n trial. Samples prepilil br express - press , I1U llnrnoy. COAL , COKE , CORNICE. OmaliaCoaU'okciLimCe ' Eagle Cornice Works Hard nnd soft coal. S. K. Mfr * . KnlvnnUed Iron cornice , window , . caps cor. llHb nnd Uougala mutnllc skyllKhts. etc. cots , 1110 , HIS UotlKU-et. CONTRACTORS. J. II. Glenn. Contractors nnd sub contractors for nil kinds of building , plastering , pMiuliiK. etc. , will rocclvo n copy of Olonn's architect' nnd builders' directory froc , by sanding thalr nnma , busliioss nnd location to the publisher. J. 11. Glenn , 11.1 S. IMh street. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith k Co , Kilpalriek - Koeh Dry Kooils , notions , fur- Dry Guo.1 * Co , Notions , nlaltlng goods. Corner K3nts' furnlshlni ; croodj 31tu and llowar.l-bts. Cor. llth aid Howard. FURNITURE. Omalia Upliolslering Co , IlccliD & llunyan Upholstered furnUuro , Kurnlturo Co. , Urnco an 1105-1101.Vlcliolns struct 1 Jill street. Wholosnlc only. GROCERIES. | DRUGS , ETC. D. M. Stecle&Co.Blake / , Bruce & Co' l l.'i Jones street , 10th and llnrn cy street Uinuha. Omaha. PROPOSALS FOR PAVING INTER SECTIONS. Scaled proposals will bo received by the un dersigned until 1:30 o'clock p. m. , Augint 2tlth , 18'- ' ) , for Colorado sandstone , Sioux Kails granIte - Ito and Woodruff. Kansas , stone , according to specifications for 1S01 for Driving the part of Intersection on the west side of Kith street and Williams street , und for paving 49th street from Davenportbtreet to Cunnng street. In street Improvement district No. 443 , with Trin idad shoot nsuhaltiim dug or taken directly from the asphalt lake In the Island of Trini dad. dad.Kacli bd ! to specify n pr.'co pnr squaroyard for the paving complete on the Intersection and on the streot. \Vorlc to bo done In accordance with plans and bpaclllcatlons on Illo in the olllco of the Hoard of Publlo Works. Each proposal to bo made on printed blanks furnished by the board , and to bo accompa- nUv.l by u curtllled chojk In the sum of } > OJ. payable to the city of Oinaliu , as an evidence of good faith. _ The board reserves thn right to rcjectany or all bids and to w.ilvu defects P. W. HIUKIlAUSKIt. Glmlrman Hoard of Publlo Works. Omaha , Nob. , August Dili. Ib92. a8-0-15-10 WOODEN SIDEWALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Chamber. Onlnha , Nob. . July 20th. IfiOi. Ho ID resolved by the city council of the _ city of Omaha , the mayor concurring : Th.it woo.lcu Kldenalks bo eoustrue'.od In the city Omaha as designated bulow , within live days after the publication of this resolu tion , or the personal borvlcu thereof , an by ordinance Is authorized and required ; such sidewalks to bo laid to the present gradu on tlio streols spccl'lod ' heroin , and to ho con structed of pine plunk of such width and thleUih'ss and bo laid upon joists of such dimensions and In such mUnnor IIH Is pre scribed by the sppclllcatlona on Ilio In the olllce of tbo HorirJ of Publlo Works and under Its supervision , to wit : East side of lOlli street , lots 8 and 9 , block 3 , Van Camp's addition , ( I feet wide. South side of Dorcasstreol. lots 1 to 0 Inclu sive , block 2. CampbellM addition , U feet wldo. South Klilo of Wlrt or Newton street , lots 2J to'4 , Davenport's Kill ) , U foot wldo. West. Hide of."list. Htrout. lu 1 to 20 block 11 , West Sldo addition. 4 feet wldo. West side of TiUt street , lot 120 , block 8 , West Sldo addition. 4 feel Id e. Westsldoof filstslreut. lots 1 to 4 Inclusive , block li , West Sldo addition , 4 foot wide. West sldo of " > lst street , lot 1U to 3. ) Inclusive , block 1 , lllmobaiigh'M and Patterson's sub ad dition. 4 fiMit wldo. South xlcio of I.oavonworth street , lots 1 to 5 Inclusive , block 1 , West Sldo addition , u foot wldo. ' Kuutli sldo of Leaveiiworth street , adjoin ing M P or Holt Mno U K right of way , HOC 10- r > - 3. tifoot wldo. South sldu of I.uavonworth street , adjoining M P or Holt IIno It K right of way. btouic 3 , Hlmobaiigh's addition. 0 feet wluu. South sldo of leavenworth Btreot , Huh lot 1- 34 , hlK 2. IIImobaugh'H addition. U foot wldo. K.ntHldo oHKth street , lots H and 15. block 2 , HrligH1 Place. 0 feet wlrto. EaHtsldo of 4Blh street" lots II und 15. block 3 , HrlK b' Place , I ) foot wldo. KAStn do of 4Sth street , lots 11 nnl : 15 , bloolc 7 , llriggs' Place. 0 feet wldo. Kastslrtnof 4nth street , lots 14 and 15 , block B , llrlggi Plaiio. G foot wldo. lv ist fildti of 4ith street , lots 14 and 15 , block 13. HrlggH' Plaro. U feet wldo. 1C.si. sldo ontHh street , tux lot 0 , see 20-15-13 , C foot wldo , Kast side of 4Sth street , w ! { of uwUofsw } < of ueoil-l-i,0 : | : feet wide. East side of 21st. bt. lots U to ID Incluslvc.blook H , llorhuck' 2d a.ldltloii , 0 feet wl le , East , uldo of 21ut strout. loti 7 to 12 Inclusive , block li , liorhiicli's 2d addition , 0 foot wido. West fildo of ld ! ! Btroet , lot bulk 183 , city , 0 foot wldo. West Nldo 22d street , tax lot 'M , BOO 15-15-13 , 0 feet wldo. WostHldo2.'dstroot , It33 , 1'ortor'n addition , Oft'Mt wldu. West , side of I8th Btrect. lots 1 to n Inoluslvo , blooiifi. Klrkwoo I'a iiddltlon.il foot wldo. South side of Chariot street , w IOJ It-ct block 0 , Khlnn'n adilltlon. U foot wide. Kant sldo of UUih stioot , lots 7 and 8 , block X , Shlnn's 3d adilltlon. U foot wldo , South sldo of Charles street , lots 1 to 7 In clusive , blook 1' , 1'roipect Plueo addition , 0 foot wldo. North > Vlo of Charles street , loti B to 14 In- olnslTO , block I ) , Prospect IMuco addition , G North side of Charles utrooMoU 0 to 10 In oluslvo , block C , Prospect Plucu addition , 0 North ildo of Chailos Htroot , lott 1'to 13 In- nltulvo , block S , Pronneet Plucu addition , 0 foot wldo. North side of Clmrlos utroot , lot * 7 to I''In- olutive. block It , I/OHB'H addition , H feet wldo. West sldo lUlh streot. lot * 1 to U In duslvo. block 5 , Klrkwootl'v addition , C foul wldu. \ MILLINEKV. J. Obcrfcldcr & Co. Importers nnd Jobbers nf iiillllni-ry , nolluni. Mnll ordorn pronipl. VUMSfotilli llth st. MUSICAL. A. llospe , Jr. I'lnnos. organs , artists' materials , etc. 1MB Doutdns street. PAPER. OILs. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. Carry a full stock of printing , wrapping ami Itcllm'd and lubricating wrlllim pnpur , curd pa oils , axle grume , etc. per , etc. OVERALLS , S im\TSKTC. King & Sincad. Mfrs ofK A B" pnntJ shirts and orernllii , etc. 014-18 South llth tit. PRODUCE COMMISSION. ( KKtabllshod 1635. ) Iluttpr , cliocso.CKgs , TCg. Wholesolu butter nnd vtnblus , frulta , poultry ffUi. llnyHiindsullsfor nndgnma. osh , 4ia . llthst. STOVE REPAIRS. 'ks ' Etovercpnlrs nnd water nttiiclimcnta lor uny kind of .stove made. IM7 Donitlns. SASH TOYS. M.A.Disbrow&Co. H. Hardy & Co. Mnnnfncturcrs of sash , Toff , dolls , albums , doors , blinds an-l fnncy goods. Jiouse fur- mouIdlngH. Ilrnnch of. nlslilnn goods , ohtl- lice , lain and Iiard sts. ( Iron's carrlngcs. IWJ Karnam sL Kast sldo of 20th street , lots 12 to 16 Incluslva , Franklin Square , 0 feet wldo. And bo It further resolved : That tlio Hoard of 1'ubllc Works bo and hcrnby Is iiiitbor'zod Mild directed to 0111130 a copy of this resolution to bo published In the olllclal paper of thocltv for one week , or ba served on the owners of Hild : lots nnd unless such owners sluill within IIvo days after the publication or service of sinh copy construct said sidewalks an herein required , that the Itoard of I'ubllc Works cause tlio snmo to bo done , the cost of constructing said sidewalks estate , lot or uirt : of lot In front of and abut ting such Nldowalks. I'assed JulySOtli. ISOi li P. DAVIS. President Uity CounolL Attest : JOHN OKOVKS. ( ! lty Clerk. Approved : GKu. 1' . IIK.MIH , Mayor. NOTICE TO CONSTUUOT SIDEWALKS. 1 To the owners of thu lots , parts of lots and real I'.sfite described In the nbovn resolution : You and ouuh of you are hurouy notlllod to construct wooilon slilewiUks as required by a resolution of the city council and mayor of tlio city of Omaha , of which the above U a- copy. I1. W , IHRKIIAUSEU , Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. Omaha , Nob. , August 8th , 18IC. . aHd"t PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. CoiiNCir. CIIAMIIBII. OMAHA , Nob. . July 23. IMC Ho It resolved by the city council of the city of Omaha , the mayor concurring : That pcrninnont Rldowalks bo constriietod In tin ) city of Omaha us designated bolovr , within llvo days nfter the publication of this resolution , or the personal sorvlno tnoroof , an by ordinance Is authorized and required ; sucu ildowulk.M to bo laid to the permanent grndo as established on the paved Htrouls spoolQud heroin and to ho constructed of stone , nrtlll- e.al stone , brick or tiling , according to speci fications on Illo In the olllcooftho Hoard of Ptibllo Works , and un'lor ' its suporvlslon , to > wit : . j North sldo of St. Mary's iiveniio , It 14 PresI. . ton an WIIIUniH add. H foot wldo. ICastKlUoot 23nil Htrsot. Its 2,3 , 0 , 7 Preston nnd Williams add. U font wldo. Knst sldo of 22nd street , Its 10 and ntf U Preston .t WUIInms addfi feel wldo. West hide of 22nd wtreot. tux ltH see 22-15-13 , U fret wldo. Wont of ii.'ml street , tax ItO soc 22-15-18,0 foot wldo. Went sldo of T.'nd xtrout , tax It 10 eo 22-15-13 , 0 foot wldo. KastHliloof 20th street , tax It 10 seu 22-15-13 , ; . C fi'ot wlda * K'lht sldo of 20th street , tax It IB HOC 23-15-13 , Ofeetwldn. IJist hide of 20th street , tax It 17. B'JO 2Z-15-13 , Of eat wldo. Wostsldu of 20th avenue , Us 1,3,4 Iteon 1'laco 0 foot wldo. Woatrddo of 23th avenue. Us 7 , 8 , 0,10 Kcoi Place , 0 feet wide. Wnstsldoof 2'Jth ' avenue , tioutli 150 foot US bile7.1. I. ltitdlck'8 ndil , H fxot wide. HastNhloof2Utliavouuo , ltd bile 4 J. I. Ited- Ick'M add. 0 feet wide. North Hide of Vlnton utreot. It 11 blkGH. K. Hogors add , North slilo of Hurt street , Itx 5. 0 , 7 , 8 blk . .41' ' , city. feet wide. ' Knst sldr of 21th street , Us 32 , XL 31 , Paul- en's add , H font wide. Kaht sldo of 24th street , sub It B , 10 , 17 HI Canltol add. It feiit wldo. \Vfst sldo of 21th Htreot. Its K. V , O , II , I , J , K. Kollom'H 1st add , 0 foot wide. Hontli H'door Jlasoii Btrool , It 3 blk 231 , city , 10 fi'ot wldo. Wostsldu 24th utrcot. It 1 blk 1 Khlim's add , Bfeel wlUu , North sldo of Oumln ; street , Its It , 15 , IS , blU 1 , Armstrong's 1st add , 10 foot wldo And , bo It further resolved : That the llo.itdof Publlo Works be. and li liuroby uuihorlr.ed and dlreutnii to onuio a copy of thin resolution to bu published In thn olllolal junior of the oily for ono wuuk. or bu served on the owners of said lots , and thatun- ItHi such owners shall within llvo day * nftor the publication or sorvlco of Much ropy con- stnietHalil ilclownlku in lioroln reijulrod , that the Hoiird of Publlo Works OHIISO the u-uuo to bo done , t ho cost of constructing said Hide- wiilks respectively to b umnsiod afnlnat tint roul ixt'ito , lotor pirt of lot In front of ami abuttingHiirliHhlowalks. . Pasne'i July iCth , Ib'Ji Atioit : K. P. DAVIK , JOHN ( iiinvEl , I'rualJont of the Council. Olty Olork. Olork.Apjiroved Apjiroved ; Quo , P , llr.uis , Mayor , NOTICK TO CONSTIIUCT BIIK > VAIKH. To the owner * of the lots , parts of loin mid real estate uoscrlhod In iho ubovu renolutlon : Vou and oaeh of you nro liuroby notlllod 10 coiutrucl porinanent sldowalks IIH roiiu'red bv a resolution of ilio oily eounell ami mayor of thu olty of Omalia , of which the above u a COpy. P. W. HlltKIIAUtlKK. Chairman Hoard of Puullo WorUi. OUAIU , Nub. , AUtfUkl bib , Ib/i attJ7t