THE OMAHA DAILY J3EE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 0 , 1862. 5 PANIC AMONG PRISONERS Inmates of Lancaster County's ' Jail Ex posed to Smallpox. I ONE CASE SUDDENLY DEVELOPS Ilcnllli O nicer llnrtrnm 1'nlls to Agree with tlio rityplulnnVlio tlio Cnso Other Lincoln News Notes. LI.VCOI.V , Nob. , Aug. 8. ( Special to T.HR Bii : : . | The prisoners nt Iho Lancaster county Jail are somewhat panic stricken ever the reuort that a well defined case ot small pox tins broken out in tholr midst , nnd their npprehenslnn Is shared by Jailor Lnnirdoa mid his family. Snvornl dnys BRO n prisoner named Frank Kennedy was committed to the Jnll for patty larceny. Saturday ho corn- . plnined of not fooling well nnd yottorday hit lytuptomB prow alarming. A physician wni enllcd in nnd ho pronounced it n cnso of small pox. Kennedy's fnco wns already uroKon out with what appeared to bo the offccts of the dUoato nnd the doctor gnvo orders for the isolation of the patient. Health Oftlcor Hartrum , however , declines to believe that It Is n cnso of smallpox and bis coulldenca has done much to ulluy the apprehension of the Jailor and the members of his family. The other nrlsonors are con- Bldornbly excited ever the prospect of n run of the dlscnso nnd nro clmnmorhiK for the ro- inovnl of the tick man. lie will ho removed to some Isolated plnco ns soon as possible. Nearly nil of the prisoners as well as the members of the jailor's ' family have boon ex posed to the dlsnnso nnd further develop ments are awaited with no llttlo anxiety. An Kncnm liuriillinl. The wrecking force of the Burllnjrton sta tioned nt this oily wa % called to Grafton early this morning to clear up n wreck wnich occurred nuar that place ut utout ! 3 o'clock this morning. An onglno nnd a dining car ran off the track n mlle or so this sldu of the town , and nil trains were delayed for u short time. Tno damage , however , was slight , and Superintendent Dlgnoll states that $20 will cover It. The operating department of this city was notillod of the accident In tlmo to send ono or tuo Knight Templar specials around by way of Aurora , nnd the pilgrims on their woy to Denver were not delayed by the Incident. Tbo locomotive nnd car word brought to Lincoln this forenoon , and all trams wore running as usunl bcforo noon. Froni tlio 1'ollcu Com I. A colored man named Konort listers wns nrraigncd before Justice Writers this morn ing , charged with assaulting Itobnrt Mitchell. Mllchull saw Esters and another colored cneugcd In a lltrht and cssayca the role of a uoacoinnker with tlio usual result. I s- tcrs was lined $10.Ii5 and as itooti as ho had paid it ho was iintncdintolv rearrested ou tbo charge of assaulting tbo other colored man. Mnttlo Nuwberry was charged with con ducting o disorderly house and was lined $20 nnd costs. Josslo Uisbrow was arraigned upon the same churcre , but as she proposed to maVo a vigorous defense aho was crantcd n continuance. Henry Johnson nnd Frank Prior were lined fll.'O for drunkenness , and n $3 line wns issosscd against David Brlggs for disturb ing the pcnco. ( Jcorgo Clark Is bolng detained nt the po lice .station pending the arrival of the sheriff of Custcr county. Clark cnmo nwny from Broken Bow nnd neglected to rot urn n uni form coat which ho had quietly Borrowed from the chief of police. Tbo coat was iound In his trunk. HurOonllUoiiro Wns Well Founded " 1 would rather trust that modlclno than nny doctor I knotv of , " says Mrs. llattlo Mason of Chllton. Carlo ? Co. , Mo. , In speak ing of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Dlnrrbtun Remedy. This modlclno can nlways bo depended upon , oven in the most Bovero and dangerous oases , both for children nnd adults. J > 5 and DO-coiit bottles for sale by druggists. - crviTu i'AHrr. It Ilolil * a Convention \vltli Startling Ito- Hllltfl. Chicago Tribune : The anti-cyclono convention - vontion j ostordny nt Lcavonwortb , Kan. , nominated I ) . G. Scyas of Texas for presi dent of the Unltca States , nnd O. II. Kodoll of Arlronn for vice president. Soyas wns nominated on tbo twenty-ninth ballot. The upplausn was so great that Chairman Mix ro fused to entertain a motion to make the nomination unanimous. The following plat form was adopted amid the wildest cboor- The antl-cyclouo party of America In their first national convention put forth the fol lowing declaration of principles : I. The cyclone Is n fee to civilization , the nrch uiiumy of the people nnd n public mil- Bunco. Any party that fulls to rocosriilzo the dominant niituro of this Issue In American politics I * undeserving iho support of tbo DCO- Dlo. Wo bolluve Unit If Ilio government would institute proper holontlllo Inquiry Into the CUUBO and nutitro of cyclones this crying ovll might buonlltoratod from tlio land of i'rnnk- lln , who bottled thn lightning. Wo doinnnd , therefore. that the national L-ovornmcnt sup- proas cyclones In HO fur ns they muy bo 0011- Htltutloniilly Huppressed h/ federal Interven tion without Infrln-'omcntot Htato rights. L . \\o demand that the elrculiitlii ! ! medium lie speedily increased to meet I he rctiulro- inenH of pcoplo who , from nny cause , muy now bo unsuppllcd with money. II. Wo bolliiyo the tlmo has como whan the liotelf , will nlthiir own the iiaoplo or the Dcoulu niiiHt own the hotels. Ilotulu buliiK a jiubllo necessity , the irovornmunt should own and opornto them In the Interest of the jioo- Iilc. niiil liotul moil , from proprietor to porter , alum Id hoiliNfr.inchlsed. I. T.irltr should bo levied only as n defense niraliiHt forolgii pee try , and uvun this lurllf should bo removed whenever Amorlujn poets hlutll concodn tholr Inability to supply tbo de mand for homo consumption. R. KorolKMcus she , ihl not be allowed to vote until they understand the principles or our party and H.vmpalhlzo with thorn. 0. All men should bo protected by law In tholr rlttht to rest on Sunday and every nlcht K in the wcolc , Irroipoutlvo of IIKU or color. 7. Wo abhor tlio cornering of pork or of any thing or uf anybody without his or her con- lout. Important Itesolutlon Adopted. On mellon of 1C. B. Guss ot Arizona the following resolution was adopted : tVhoioiiH , Tim antl-oyclono par'y ' Is not a ftontloiml unrty. but u national p.irl v. \\lioro.i , Tlio fact that thu slnfulnoss of liorHunto illni ; is settled and nettled forovor. therefore , bo It Uesolvud , That It is the f-enso of this con- yentlon that MjioiiUers who iiro uucorilod the honor of addressing the convention bo ro- questoil lo refuiln from unnecessary reference or Illustration that could bo construoil ns u rrlluetlon on imy of the parilclp' ntn in the | * t < liorsostoalluif In the fur west , At thU junuturo Caulrmau Mix road the following tclogrnm : OAIIIIKN. N. J. . Auir.5-A oyolono this after noon Killed thrt'o Inborlng men. The npplauso wns so great that for ton minutes no business could bo transacted At last Hon. Guy Kuttof Indlauii offered thn followlni : resolution , which wns adopted amid the greatest npplauso ever hoard In a ronvcntlon : Itesolvrd , That wo profoundly sympathize with tlio tliruu liibprliiB mun klflod In tlio \ Uanulon oyulono , nnd wo hone tliit nil muy > now lonrn the lesson Unit the tnrllT la no pro- It'ctlon to AmorloiiH liiborum Wo Incorolr regret lliut the lom of life wns not i : router In order that the leison mlKhl bo more Imprcs- Iro. Hooper of Now Mexico , when asked If the nntl-oy clones ox poctod to oloot nuybody , replied : "No. of course not. But that cuts no ilguro. You see , wo vote for a principle , and a vote for principle is never lost. " DoWltt's Sarsaparllta cicansoi the blood , . Increases the appotlto and toiios up the aya- . > turn. It has benelittod many people woo ' have suffered from blood dljordoni. U will Uoip.voy . \V' * iurn I'uiiiioni. WASUINQTOX , I ) , c. , Aug. 8. [ Special Telegram to TUB llui : . ] 'I'hu following list of pcasloni granted U roporloj by TUB 13ua gnd Kxumluer Bureau of Claim * ; Nebraska ; Original Charles J , Meyer , Frank Allison , Henry Hubbard , Itobort E. Ilardln , John U. Davis , Charles P. Btopheu. von , Henry \V. Gilbert , George W. Walden , LawU M. Wllcox , bltneou Decker , William F. PrlnU , Georpo Koodor , Ilensou WUoinin , Charles W , Luram , Samuel P. Baker , Bam- ucl Li. f'uruior , Edward B. Uuut. Addl- Alex H. McCain , John G. Snook , Charles A. Tledcraan , John Haioy , James McUlano , Charles W. Shorwood. Original widows , etc. Wo-Hun-Kaw-Yankee , mother. Increaso-George C. Maxlleld. Iowa : Original Wllllnm Downey , Ed ward L. Couch. Ambrose 13. Brolt , Samuel I. Bnlloy , Edward Ware. Adam Zshning , Both Vincent , Ulchnrd D. Bngley , Martin Dean. Charles Hollwfg , John Crawford , Uob- ert M. Young , Ccrnollut Conway , Jamei F. Kirk. James H. Ensloy. Kobort Burnoll , Thtfmas S. Croxler , Henry M. Crocker , Dunne S. Purdy , Michael Karch , Abram V. Brewer , Edward Coovnr , Victor B. Croxvell , John S. King , Charles B , Stuyt , Samuel A. Miller , John Lees , Leonard A. Groonllof , Hiram Barton. Additional Robert Stuart , John Stahl ( deceased ) , Lnwls S. Potter , Amo-s Parker. Increase John Archer , Mnr- tin L. Bishop , Luis A. Jennings , Hugh R Gllllland , Sampson CnssnOy. Uolssuo Nol- Bon McCollum , John Frohnor. Original widows , etc. Sarah O. Anshutz , Minna L. Fortnoy. Colorado : Original Henry S. Howe , Wil lis R McCownn. Wyoming ! Original Jacob Davis. Orig inal widow Anna Howard. North Dakota : Original Ezra W. Cart- wright South Dakota : Original James Doan , William Chafoy , Albert B. Wilcox. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething rests the child and comforts the mother , 'ijo a bottlo. IN DISTKIOT DOUBT. Suit Agniimt the C. , II. & 0.Siilnit for Di vorce Suit Against the Soliitnl Ilouril. In the district court Mary J. Carson , ad ministratrix of the citato of Charles H. Car son , deceased , has brought suit against the Chicago , Burlington & ' Qulnoy Unllroad company to recover $5,001) ) . In her petition the plaintiff ullngos that on May 3 bar bus- baud , Charles H. Carson , was in the omuloy of the defendant ns n switchman In tno Omaha yards ; that while in the discharge of hU duties ho was run uvcr and ! killed by ono of defendant's engines. Sarah Hoblnson , In a petition , has Invoked the aid of the court to divorce her from her husband , Daniel , to whom sbo was wedded In 1S03. Tbo plaintiff alleges that for moro than llvo years Daniel has boon an habitual drunkard and that during most of that tlmo ho bait boon n cruel and wicked husband. And now the Board of Education has a law suit on its bands , brought by Boll & Burllngham , the nrchttools. In their peti tion the plaintiffs allege that the defendant owes thorn $1,139 for supervising the con struction of the Kollom school building and for drawing additional plans nrovldmg for tbo Introduction of the Stnoad system of boating nnd ventilating. Disoaio novcr successfully attacks the sy om with pure blooJ. DoWltt's Sarsapnrllla makes uuro , now blooJ and enriches blood 'l.V.YO USCKMISSTS. This evening the famous Prlmroso & I \Vost minstrels will open their two nights' engagement at Boyd's Now theater. The company Includes many of the most famous minstrels of America and continue to lead in the art of entertaining in tholr peculiar line , nnd have surrounded themselves with the cleverest company of comedians thov have had since tholr organization. The bill will ombruco several now and novel specialty features. The sale of scats couimoncod thu morning. Mr. C. H. Bccdo , agent of George Thatcher's "Tuxedo , " which will appear at Boyd's ' on the 19th nnd 20tb , Is In the city. Bcocham's PIHsfor a bad hvor. The Uncle's Statement. - DetectvoJ. ! M. Vaughn called at THE BBS once ! yesterday to give his version of soroo of the facts connected with the death of Mrs. Corporal Crosby , neo Gurtlor. Ho stated that the undo , Charles Sleglo , knew nothing about the girl's death until ho rend the story published In Tim BKH. When ho arrived In this city , Mr. Sioglo first called upon the chief of police and at 13 o'clock of Saturday , August 0 , commenced his Investigation. Aflei that Mr. Sioglo called upon Coroner Maul and after talking with that ofllcial and a number of physicians , lie said that ho was satistlcd that death resulted from natural causes and that an Inquest over the remains was not necessary. Elected Ollleurs. At the annual mooting of the Omaha Schuotzouveroln held on Tuesday the fol lowing ofllcers were elected for the ensuing year : President , William Mack : vlco president , William Sogolko ; treasurer , William Krug ; financial secretary , Charles Horbortz , secre tary , William Butt ; llrst captain , C. Wuoth- rlch ; second captain , FR. . Hofb. Tbo annual tournament will toke place In this city on September 10 and 11. In con nection with tbo shootlnir tournament a grand nlonio will take place In Rusor's park on September 11. Attention Danes. All the Danish residents of Omaha are In vited to attend the unveiling of the monument ment erected to tbo memory of Jens Frodrlkson at Sprlngwell , or the Danish cemetery , on Sunday , August 14. Carriages will bo at Washington hall and Cumlng and Twenty-fourth street nt 1 p m. , sharp , to toke -ovory ono who has no convovanco of their owu , free of cost to and from the como- tery. A. R. GUAM , A. WAAOE , A. Nona tun , Committee. Itenl Xleo Ventilator * Those. The dwellers In the city hall are finding ° some things In the building that are not as tboy should bo. In the ofHco vaults there nro ventilators for the admission of fresh nlr , but instead of letting in fresh air. about nil that enters is soot from the chimneys. Especially true Is this In tbo mayor's odlct ) . Tboro , wbon tbo ventilators nro open , great clouds of black soot enter and settle about the room. The mayor attributes this to faulty construction , and will call the atten tion of the council to the dofoot. New Small Grain. Inspector Thompson reports tbo first oats of the now crop received yesterday by the Omaha Elevator Co. Tbo oats were bright , sweet , reasonably clear , wolghod 28 pounds and graded No. 3 white. Also a car of now rye , of a very choice quality , weighing 59 pounds sound , plump and reasonably clean , which graded No. U. Mnrrliigo I.lcoiuei. The following marrlairo licansoj were is- Auod by Judge Ellor yesterday : Name and address. Age , I Medard Llnowakl , Omnha 'M 1 Alary Oznpsko , Omaha y > j OoorKU II. Slgler. Omnha. , j 40 I Mary l'shbauKh ! , Omaha. U8 I Wllllnm M. Dodd. Chlo.iKO 27 I Nettle J. KlttRr , Uhloago 25 i J.ime. Co'lllns , Soiith Omaha 10 I llattlo Trolonr , youth Omaha IB I Kroil Stephens , Council lllulTs IB I Ida Worloy , Council lIlufTu 21 llulldmg 1'erinlti. The following permits wore Usuod by tbo superintendent of oulldlngs yesterday ; 11. M , Mollson , double two-atary brlok dwelling. Twuuty-thlrd and Chicago streets ( 5,000 II. M. MulUon , double two-story brlok dwelling. Twenty-third and OblouKO streets 5,000 J , U , Johnson , two-story frame divoll- Inic. Twunty-nlntb. and 1'raakllu htroets 1,503 Four minor permits 453 Total . .111.050 TO CODIFY PENSION LAWS Result of a Resolution Introduced at tko Eleventh Hour. IT IS REPRESENTATIVE PATTISON'S PLAN Condition of Cnncrcaslonnl KnncttnontA on Thli Subject Said to IIo Sufficiently In- trlcnto to I'uzzlo nit lUport Washington Gossip. ' WASUINOTOV Buiuuu OP TUB DBE , Cllt IToiMTKBXTit STIIKKT , WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Aug. 8. Just as Speaker Crisp's gavel was about to fall the ether nicht to doolaro the final ad journment of the flwt session ot congress Hoprosontntivo Pnttlson of Ohio caught the speaker's eye and secured recognition for half a mlnuto. Ho presented a resolution directing the appointment of a special com- mlttoo during the recess to codify the pen sion laws. As every ono was anxious to ad journ co attention was paid to Mr. Pnttlson's resolution and It went through without dis sent. Mr. Pattlson has slnco boon appointed chairman of the committee and ho explains that the resolution thus hastily passed prom ises to bo of croat Importance in brlneing order out ot the chaotlo condition ot ( bo pen sion laws. "Tho publio has no Idea what a tangle our pension laws were in , " said Mr. Paltison todny. "To a very largo oxlont the pension system Is not busad on laws at all , but Is made up of a vast accumulation of decisions by the pension bureau. Even the lawyer has great dlfllculty in finding out what n ponslon claimant Is entitled to. Our com mittee on Invalid pensions Is made up of lawyers , butjyhonover a pension bill cnmo before us there wns not n man on the com mittee who could toll what the claimant was entitled to under the regular law. "Wo would have to rcfor to the clerk who would co llrst to the low nnd would then dig through a network of decisions to see how the law had baon oonstruod. I suppose nlno-tonths of the socallod pension laws hnvor boon enacted by pension ofllcluls. I now intend to carry out u plnn I have long had , of codifying all these laws and decisions In such a simple form that any novlco can understand them. The Ohio code of laws gives u good model and will probably servo as a plan nn which this codification will bo made. According to lhat plan each pension law would bo given in full , nnd wherever a sentence or paragraph had boon nfTocted by the department decision there would ba n foot note giving the syllabus of the decision. In thai way the low in nil Its construction would Of clearly sot forth without having to dig through department decisions In order to llnd out how the low has boon construed. " The committee will assemble fre < ] uontlyjn Washinuton during the recess nnd the codl- ilcatlon may bo complete by the time congress - gross adjourns. Democrats DlHtorllinr Tacts. Mr. Holman has given cut tonight a dis torted and misleading statement about the appropriations. It Is compiled foe strictly CartUan purposes but it Is so plain a perversion - sion of the truth that it will not bo of much vuluo even as a party argument. Mr. Ilolman makes his comparison between the second session of the last concress and the llrst session of this congress nnd says that the river nnd harbor bill of this congress must not bo considered as there was no river and harbor bill last year. After subtracting the river and harbor bill Mr. Holman says that this co'ngross is much more economical than the last , though not nil that the democrats could wish. Any one who knows anything of congress knows that there Is on unwritten law that a nvor nnd harbor bill shall bo passed only once In two years. There was a river nnd harbor bill passed by the last congress nt Its tim session. The only honest way to make u comparison is between the flrct sessions of the two congresses. Mr. Holman's trick will deceive no ono with bis cye open. Ciiiitrulllnir the Itusmus * . The Department of State has obtained from Us consulate * abroad n series of reports on the Importation nnd snlo of patent medi cines. It Is ono of a sot of reports on trade Industries of which the department has Issued quite a largo number in the last few voars. Tbo subject is of Interest In the United States for two reasons. A largo amount of patent medicine is manufactured In this country that Is ono reason. Then for another there Is o proposition before congress to make it obllentory on every manufacturer of any compounded article to publish the formula of the compound on the laoel of the package. This law in nnothor form It seems exists in SOUIB other countries. In Italy , for example , the law requires that no medicines of any kind , either foreign or domestic , shall be sold in the kingdom unless a statement of the composition thereof Is previously given to the Central Board of Health and its approval obtained. This is reported by Consul General Bourn of Homo. In Germany the moit serious restriction ou tbo patent medicine trade U the old Prussian law which forbids tho. advertisement In pub lic Journals of all nostrums or proprietary medicines which are made by a secret formula or procois. This law Is enforced rigorously In Bndon and Prussia. The pro hibition Is relaxed In some other parts of the empire. Scheme of n American. The proprietor of n well known American remedy for diabetes and Kindred diseases , who lias maintained for years a principal nccnoy at Frankfort , has obtained n conces sion which enables him to ndvortlso his goods In Wnrtotnburg , but In other parts of Germanv ho sends out circulars which nro folded In With the Issues of newspapers. The Intention of the law is to dUcourago the uio of proprietary nrtlclos. Franit Mason , Consul - sul general of Frankfort , makes this report. In Hussla great dlftlcultles stand In the way of the patent raedioino business. No patent medicine Is allowed In the country without obtaining ouch tlmo special permis sion from the medical department of the ministry of the Interior. The mod leal do- partmout carefully examines the modlclao.ond If it appears that elaborate work nnd expen sive apparatus are needed for the production of the article and It Is regarded as bonoflclal , It Is allowed for Importation. But no exam ination Is undertaken unless a description , Issued by the Inventor , accompanies the ap plication , giving in ralnuto detail the sub stances of the composition. Consul General Crawford of St. Potowburp sends this re port. port.Mr. . Now , the consul general at London , reports tnat In England every modlclno maybe bo liable to duty if there is any claim to any socroi or art In Us preparation or any claim to a proprietary right in the preparation ; If the sale , past or present , Is under loiters pat ent , or If any handbill , label or oi'.vortlso- incnt is used , holding out the preparation as a nostrum or speoltlo. P. S. II. I'urn niiilVliolesciino Oiiullty Commends to public approval the California liquid laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs. Hjla pleasant to the taste and by acting gently ou the Iddnovs , liver and botvols to cleanse the ays to in effectually. It promotes the health and comfort of all who use It , and with mil lion * It la tbo best and only remedy. She Would lie IlnmUume , If Kewt licconl. It Is laid of Mrs. Lease , tbo alllanoa leader , that "aho would bo a very handsome woman If she did not bavo to wear skirts. Sklrtt hang on her about as awkwardly as they would on her husband. " DoWlU'sSiriaparlllucioaujw tha bloal Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. A Friend Wishes to speak tlirojiRhJIic Register o\ \ the beneficial results ho 1ms received from n regular use of Aycr's I'llls , Uesnys : "I wns fccl lck nnd tiled nnd my stomnch sccnltdinll out ot order. I tried A number of rbiuJdlcs , but iiono socmoil to glvo mo relief Until Ivni In duced to try the old ftll.iblo Aycr'a I'llls. I Imvo taken ouly.tnio . box , lint I feel llko a now mnn. lithlnk they are the most pleasant andeasy to take ot nnythiiiK I ever 11101,1 (11113 so finely Btignr-coated that cvcp achlklvlll take them , I urge upon nil \ ljo are In Need of n laxntlvo to try Ayor's Pills. " lloothbay ( Mo. ) , Register. "Dotwcon tlio nges of flvo nnd fifteen , I wns troubled with a kind of wxlt rheum , or eruption , chiclly confined to the legs , and especially to the bend ot the knee nbovo the calf. Hero , running sores formed which would scab over , but would break Imiin-illatoly .on mov ing tlio log. My mother tried every thing aho could think of , but all was without avail. Although n child , I read in the papers about the beneficial offccts of Aycr's I'llls , nnd poraundcd my moth er to lot mo try them , With no great faith in the result , aho procured Ayer's Pills and I began to use them , and soon noticed an impiovemcnt. Encouraged by this , I kept on till 1 took two boxes , whou the sores disappeared ami Imvo never troubled mo since. " K. Clilptuan , Keal Estate Agent , Honiiokc , Va. "I suffered for years from stomach nnd kidney troubles , causing very severe pains in various parts of the body. None of the remedies I tried afforded mo nny relief until I began taking Ayer's I'llls , and was cured. " Wni. Goddnul , Notary Public , Flvo Lakes , Mich. Prepared by Dr. < T. 0. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mags. Sold by Druggists I'.Mrywlierc. Every Dose Effective HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP Fdh ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water A Tonic A and Pleasure : That's the happy combination found in Hires9 You drink it for pleasure , and get physical benefit. A whole some , refreshing , appetizing , thirst quenching drink. One package makes five gallons. Don't be deceived If a dealer , for tha iaVe cf larger profit. telU you tome other kind Is "just nsgood " ' | U false. No Imitation ll as good as llie genuine HIKES' . llt.H.C. Vl'S'S NKIU'U A.VI1 MKNT.nnpoclllo for llystorln. Illzzlnojj , l-'lt ) , Noil- rnlKln , llouilaclio , Nurvous I'rojtrnton ciusoJ u/ ulcohoior lobtttCD , Wnkuftilnoss , .Montil IJiiuros- elondottnoasuC tlio llraln.Ciiuiltii ; Infinity , inlajry decayiluatli , 1'ruiiiitura Ulil Ago , llarroiioii. I.on of 1'onor In cltliur tax , Imputoncy , Inncorrhii niiil all KonnloVoilcnoiJ33. . Inroluntmry LOISDI , bpor niutorrhoa catiaod by ororoxortlon of tti ] brain bulf-aUunooTur-liHluiiionco. A nionta't troittnjnt fl.Uforfi , br mall , \VoKii rnntoe lr bores to curi Knell order ton' boxoi. with $ i will oonil written Kuarnnteoto rotund If not curJ < 1 Ouanmloo UsuoJ only by Tliuoiloro , K I.owla drugulat , solo nuaul , southeast coruor lotu and Furuaui eU. . Omaha CURB Anovr nnj Complata Truatmoat. conilstlnz of Suppoiltorloi. Olntmont la < Uiiuloi | , ulio In Hot and I'llli : n 1'oslilvo Uuro fur KiU'rntil. Intornnl bllndor UleadliiKllolilm ; . ( 'bruulo , Itcoontor lloruill- tarr I'llijj. TnU UuiuoJjr hus uuvor buun known to fall , tl | ior box. U forMi aunt by mull. Why suUor from tbls turriulu Uliuato wlion u wrlttun KUaruntua Is uonltlTOlyKl'un wlthG boxoi or refund the mono ? If not curud ftouil atamp for free bniuplo. ( luarantoo Usuod by Kuhu A Co. , DruL'Bl'l' . Solo Acont * . corner litl1 and DuuKlas ilrootw , Uumln , Nob. FROM THE"PACIFld JOtJRIJAI. . " "Ann-ut Invoiitloii lin JictJi inailu liy I > r. Tntt. Tliut eminent chemist liuu produced pa BM 11 B % lull s Hair Dye wMoU ImltntoK nature to perfections It acts InstinitiineoiiMly nntl I * jierfretly liiirinles * . " Trlcv , 81. Ollleo , 3I > & 4t link Place , N. Y. NOTICE OP DAMAGES Totho owners of all lots und uarts of lots nnd ro it ostuto along aith.stroot from I'ur- imm struct to DodKoatroutY' * Vou uru horohy no tilled r1mt the undor- BlRiiod , thruo dlslnteru tuU fb eUoldorj of the city of Omulia. have beeiululr uuplontod by the niayur , with the approVA1 ot "lo olty coun cil ot said olty , to IIBSOSS uio dIIIIIRO to thu owner * respeotlvoly of the proj > rty ulfoctod by Kradliik-yitli slreut from I'urnam ' struct to Iodio ) mroet declared i > ej ) 8ary byordlnmiua J.irJ , paused July Slst , 1.9J. upprovod JulySJrd , You nro further notillod , that Imvlnz ac- cpptod Huld appointment , nnd duly nuitllllod IIH reiUlred | by Utv. wo will , an the Ilth day of August , A. U. . Mi , iitthohouruf 10 o'clock In thu forenoon , ut tliu ollluo ot T. 11. Mo'Uillooli ' , room HI. ' . New VorU 1-1 fo hulldlnK. within the corporuto limits of iMd olty , incut for the pur pose of considering and mukliiK the assess ment of duinaito to the owner * ruspuotlvoly of said property , utfoctod by laid craulnir , taUInK Into uonsldorutloii | > oolul benullts , if uny. Vou uru notlllud Hi bo present at thu tlmo and place iiforosuld. nnd milku any objections to or stutomonu eoneornlii'/ said nHsosniuout of dumunes us you nyiy eomldor proper. ' ' lt'\V. ( MH80N , JOHN I' . 1'1-AOK. Omaha , July 20th , 1WJ. jaOdlOt The most decided bargains that are offered In men's and boys' clothing arc those at tha of Hellman's sack , cutaway and Prince Albert suits , in all colors and sizes , cut down for this sale to Special bargains in men's furnish ing goods , including hot weather shirts and neckties. We don't want themjyou do. Successors toM HKLLMHN & CO. , Cor. 13th and Farnam Cor. 13th and Farnam Streets. t B MMM B ' 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. . . - . . . . ' . . - - fiundan I0a.ui.lo tlin. Sund it mi > tor ruolj. PERMANENT SIDEWALK LUTION. Council Ohamhor. Omaha. Neb . July 20 , 1802. , Ho It resolved by tboolty counull of the city of Ormilm. the Mayor concurring ; pornrinents'downlks bo constructed in the city of Omaha us designated below , within live dnya after tlio publication of thU rosolu- tlon , or the service thereof , in by or- dlnanco is nutliorl/od and required ; such sidewalks to bo laid totho permanent gr.ido ns established on on the pivod : streets speci fied heroin and to bo constructed of stone or stonn. accorJInr to spccluoiitlona on Illo In tl-o ofllco of the board of public works , and under Its supervision , to-wlt : North sldo Oumlns street. Its 6 , 7 , 8 blk 202J , Cltv , S font wide. . „ . , , North side of Oumlng struct. Its 5 , 8 , 8 blk 2im < city , 10 foot wide. , , „ > , , , North sldo of Cumin ? street , It5 , DlkSOJJS city. 10 feet wluo. . . , , . JBO orthsldoof Oumlnffstreot , oV4 Ita 0 and 7. 8 blk 20Bj ! Cltv , 12 feet wide. North HlclnotCumlnit street. Its 7 and-8 blk 2)7'city. . IS foot wide. , . . , , , „ . , , , , South Hldo of OumliiE street. It 1 blk 2.1311 city. 12 foot wide. , , . . , , South sldo of Ounilng street , Its 1 , 3 , 4 blk JIOK city. 12 feet wide. HoutliHldoof Cumins street , It2 , 4 , bllc2lli. } city , 13 feet wlilo. Sum h8ldo of Cumin ; street , Its 1. 4 blk SUM city. 10 feet wide. bnuth sldo of Ciimlug strcot. 1132,3. 4 blk 214 ! J city. 10 fret wide. . . , , North sldo of C.ipltol avonui' , Us 5 , 0 , 7 , 8 blk 73 city , 'JO feet wide. South slvio of Onpltol avenue , Its 2 , 3 , 4 blk 90 ° ifts't s"doWof l\2th street. It 5 blk 72 city. ID LWo"tsid of 11th street , Its 1 , 8 blk 72 city , Wostsldo'ot 13th strcot , It 1 blk 74 elty , 18 East side of 13th 4 , blic 73 olty. 18 feat wldo. And. bo It further resolved : That the board of public works bo , and Is horobv authorized and directed to oniiso a copy of this resolution to bo published In the olllolnl paper of the olty for ono wook. or bo served on the owners of said lots , and that unless HuchownnrH shall within flvo dnys utter the publ cation or sorvlco of suoh copy con struct such sldnwulk us herein requlrod. tlio board of public works cause the samn to bo done , the cost of coiibtructlng Bald sldo- wiillcsrcsooctlvoly to bo assnssoil against the real estate , lot or part of lot In front ot and abutting such sldowallo ) . < I'rnslclont of the Council. Attest ! JOHN OUOVKS. Olty.Olerk. Approved : OKO. I' . 1IE.MIS , Mayor. NOT10H TC OONSTUUOT To the owners of the lots , parts of lots and real estate described In tbo above rosolu- You'and oaoh of you are hereby notified to construct permanent Hldowallcs us required by a resolution of the city council and mayor of the elty ot Omaha , of which the above Is a l . W. IIIIIKIIAUSER. Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. Omaha , Nob. , August 8th , 160. ! . aBd7t NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES FOR CHANGE OP GRADE. To the owner * of all lots nnd parts ot lota nnd real ostnto aloi.ff 40th street from lluit to California street. Vou are horuby notified that tbo under signed. throu dl lntere ted freeholders of the city of Omaha , huvo boon duly appointed by tbo mayor , with the approval of thu elty council of laid olty , to utsot * thu damaso to tboownorsresti'jctlvoly of the property uf- fvctoil by ohanKlnv the trade of sold mrcut , declared iioeoflsurv by ordinance number 1H , oMHsoii July 21st. 1HX' , approved July .Mrd. IB ! ) . ' , Vou nro further not.flod , that huvliiK no- copied suld ttpuolntmoiii. and duly ( luallllod ns reriu I red by law wo will , on the lUth day of August , A , ! > . , ItiX' , at the hour of 10 o'clock In the lorenoon , at the olllco of Hhrlvor & O'Donahoe. 11(13 ( Karnnm Htiuut. within the corporuto limits of slid city , inuot for the pur pose of considering and nmkln ? the siu - mont of damage to the owners respectively of S'lld proporty. atfuctcd by Raid chuiiKO of erndn. tuUliiK into consideration upoolal beno- Utx. if any , . , Vou nro notified to bo present at the tlmo and ulaeo aforesuld and make nny objection ! to or ntutomenU concerning said usiuisment of dnuiuxos an you may consider proper. Vi f ] , HIIKIN I. It , T. MrUIIMtOUU , H. W. 01II80N. Coinmltteo of Appralsoro. Omnha. July IWth , law , IN THE OPEN. Tlio glorlovs dixy of open doors till outtjido is Binllllng welcome hero's honlth and joy nil uncon fined Tlio cycler SOCB ovorythlng free ns froodbm from the heights of oxhilauited haopineaaho cunnot fall froin-his Columbian Safety. All HboutColumbln * ttoa on application to any Columbia niicnt , or aont by mull fur two two-cent stamps. 1'opa Mfg. Co. , 3l ! Columbua Avo. , Boiton. RIPANS , TABUL&S rtmiutoj the HtomuUilriruiiu bowcln , l < urll ry the lilcoilaiusale uniteticilimlif thi beat inciilclr.o knim u ( or LUIuuiiJ. J. ns . coiullimtloii , dy < nfii > u. ( oulj , "iraalh , , lienrt wrn , losa of | /opcUto , tnculnl ile * ) rrwlou , ) > nlnful < dl. > < tlg.i , jihrpl'B. wlluw P .mplcr- DR. C. GEE WO. Thoonly lo illr uriluatal Clitnaia ItlKlit yo M' study. Toi yoi practical . oncovrltli nil kuon dho 110.1. Treats siicoisifullf iiUchronlce-iiujutvon up by ntlior doctor ! Uill and BOO him or writs for question lilutik. Do not hii | Hoi biiomoj your "lootor DIM you no , but try tlio Cliluuio ilnotor with lili now nil I wonrtorf ul ro noilluJ. anil rjoolvu now bouonti nn 1 a iiorumiiuntcuro wlintotUur doatori mimot iilTJ. llerb . HooH uml I'lnnli r.nturo's remudlot Idi medlclnos. The world Ills ifltneii. Ono tlmuiinl tvittiiionlnli In tlirjo yoari' pr.jctlcs. No liijurlout decoctluni. no nuraotlci , no iiolnoa. Itatlunil troatuioiit uml purmununt euro. Following cases lucconfullr tra&tod anJ curjl. glTon up by ntlior doctors ; Tlioi. Couiihlln. 41U llarnojr atroot , ctiroillorbou- mallnmO yuan , kldnoynnd llvor troubloj , Tlioi. Uulvort , 12th nnd Kurnim atroeti , Konornl diiUllltr. InJIuoitlon , lo * of atren < tb nud vltulltc. Took mudlclno for yoirs but got no rollot , M. U Andenon. Hit Cumlrij atrjet , oiticrli , asthma nud broacliltla of flftoen jam stanilln/ . Ilai foraalo tlio followlnu propirej rooiadlii at II.UUn bottlo. ill boltlos forfVUU. for ( ho cure of ABtlima , Catarrh , Hick lluadiclio , liiillxoitlon , lllood I'olionlni ; , Uhounnllini , I'nrailo Wo knon. Ktdnvr uud I.lrur Complaint. Ho nttontf. Hold only by Uulnuio .Modlclno Co , Capital , I1UJ.WJ. Office , ICth and Caliloraii Sti. Omiin , Neb _ URE , .rYOURSELF ! , _ Aik your Druggltt for . a f hoitle ol lilu . Ihc only 1 / non-jxjiionum remedy lor all I / the unnatural illiclmrcn ana I private dl e ol men and the I lUbUitatlns weakntu peculiar I to vromvu. It cures In u Uw Idivi without the Aid or \ iiubllelty ol a doctor. IY/i / Vniitrtal American Cure. Manufactured by I Tbo ETIDJ Chemical 0) . ' v CINCINNATI , O. U. O , DR. J. E. McGBEW THE SPECIALIST. Isunsurrmssod : in the troatmontot nil formaol PRIVATE DISEASES , nnd all disorder ! and debilities of youth and manhood. ITyoarr experience. Ills resources mid fuollltlos aw pr.-ictlcnlly unlimited. The Doutor Is rcrom- mended by the pro-is , und ondoraod In tha strongest terms by the people for fiilr trout * mont nnd honest professional ndvlao. Tha most powerful romodlos known to modern Bclouro for thu successful treatment of tha followlir- diseases : GONORRHOEA linmorth'.to rollof. A com. pletonuru without the loss ot uu liour'a tlma frnm business. GIiEET- of the most complete nn 1 stio- cpssfiil treatments for sleet and nil nnnoymz discharges yet known to thu molloal prdfoi- Blnii. The results nro truly womlurfiil. HTH.ICTUJIE < Jro itost It noun roinody for the truitiuent of Htrluturn , without p iln , out- tliiL' . ord.lnthvr. A iiinslrciiiurk illlo roinoily. SYPUIliIS-No triMitinont for this torrlDIo bloo | dlsouso has uvor bean morn siicomful. norh.ilNtroiioruiidorxoiiioiits ( ) In the light of miidorn sulonco this dlsoiso Is po.sltlvoly ctir.iblounil ovurv trace of tlio poison entirely rrmovo 1 from tliu bloo J. LOST MANHOOD , nnd ambition , nervous ness , timidity , dospoudoncy nnd all wo.iUnun and ( llsonlors ot youth or manhood , Itullof oUtnliiud nt onca SKIN DISEASES , and nil diseases of tha stomarii , blood , liver , tfUnoya und blutldur are treated HU uuossfully with thu iro.ito known romodlos for the ( flso isns. Write forelrculara and quoUlonllst. frjo. frjo..V llth J-tli-iliini Mv. .V > S5 TIRST CLAOB k * . . nlUnki . Ibo tarBMt , Faitctt and Vlntit in the World. AuMiRirBrcamodaJaniuiinitllea. HEW YORK. lONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. Krnry Bnturdny , „ _ . . , . NEW YORK , OIMHAI.TKU nnd NAri-E3 , Atrcuulnr IntcrT l . _ . _ _ BALQOH , SECOND-CLA8S AND STEERAGE ratoioiiluwOEttnniislo unrt from llio prlnelplo osoien , siioLnn , iBisn s ALL csaiinzntiL rowiB' Eicunilaii tickets nrallalile to iBUirn by I'lther llie nl turosquo Clyde < lt NorUi of IroUnil or Ni iilo Gibraltar "i Bl licntT Ordtri tit AM Aissut t lc trt Bttll. Apply to nny "f our local Apenti or to JIItOTUHIl'S. G'lUoujjo , IU. ALLAN LINE IJOVAf.MAffj 9TEAJIB11II' ; ) . CAIIIN , SIB to WHO. According tu btuuiuo und looiitlon of Mtatoroom , Intermediate nnd Ktcor.iiro nt. low rittus. NO UATl'Li : OAH ( IKI ) . 8BKVIOK OV STATE ) ( ALLAN LINB LINK ) BTKAMSIIII'S NEW VOHIC'ind ' OhAHUOW. Vlal < ondondorry , every KortnlgUt. Aug. lltl . HTATK K NEVADA . noon AtlK.5tti . HTATH K NK11UAHKA . noon bvpt. Bill. . . .HTATK OK CAMKOIIMA. II A. M Cabin , HO , Second Cubln tl ) , hl urnxulV. Apply to ALLAN ACO , 11. B. M OUIIB , IM'J llownrd Ht. Omalis.