Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Tr Jh i idly Carrier to * nr pattof the CUT
Himlnesi Office , . . . . No 41
. ; . ; . No23
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Dlufft Lumber Co. ,
Prof. Carnes will today bourn Instruction
In * elocution ana physical culture In tbo
Omaha Institute.
The Woman's Mlijloimry Society of the
Congregational cburch will meet with Mrs.
Dr. Montgomery Wednesday ati:30y. : : in.
A plat of Peavy's subdivision of the town
of Avoca was tiled with the county recorder
yesterday by Frederick aim Ifunnlo Oolio.
Article" of adoption were filed with the
recorder bj which Carl and Mary Peterson
pi VQ to J as pur Johnson their child , Catha-
Albert Newton and Grace Skotchloy , both
of Council HlulTs. and 'I'homas Donahue and
LIzMo Ullev , both of Fremont , wrro married
by Justice Hammoryestorday.
A thlof entered the residence of U. Jepson
Sunday uvcnlntf and ran oft with n gold
watch belonging to MM. .Tcpsoti whllo the
family wnro ilttlng on the front porch.
Wednesday evcnlne has been sot as the
time of the recaption by the Union \ otoran
lA't-'lon to Kov. O.V. . Crofts , tnstoad of
Tuesday , us first untiouncad. All old sol
diers nro cordially Invltod to attend.
The members of Auxiliary No. IT , Union
Voternti Legion , are requested to meet in
ibelr hall Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock
for Important bualncsi. Flducla E. Will- .
laws , president ,
The Kl-niontts-old on of Mr. and Mrs. F.
Itoboi ts died yestciday morning. The funeral
will occur at 4 o'clock this afternoon from
thu residence , } SXK > Avcnuo H , Gcorup Con-
n Ink' onlciatlnir.
William Dalson , who Is charpcd with kill-
Ink' n due belonging to John Monmomory ,
has tnkun change of vcnuo from Justice
Cones to Justice Hammer , and will have a
hear In IT tomorrow.
GcorO 13. , son of Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Kroc > lc , died at 5'M : o'clock lastovonliifr , need
I'J mouthy nftor a two week's illness , ut tbo
residence , 1512 Tenth uvenuo. Funeral
notice will bu given later.
J Some of tun merchants are circulating n
petition nsldnK thu cltv council to pass an
orcllnanco compelling limit that visit the city
for the purpose of cloimp out bankrupt
BtocltR at special sale to pay foOiJ per annum
for a license.
The stockholder * were to have
'bold a meeting last evening , but a quorum
foiled to KOI together encl the ovontni : was
itpnnt by tboso who were there in talking
over the prosnects in an Informal way.
Nothing wns dono.
An error In stating the first , natno of a man
named Motcalf who was shot , at by a hired
man of bii a few nights ago , has caused
Uoorgo Motcalf considerable nnnovanco.
John Mctcalfvii3 the correct iiamo of the
pentlomnn in quostion.
A drunken man cr.used considerable confu
sion in Camp's drug store yostordav after
noon by trying to walk through the mirrors
under the Impression that , ho was walking
Into another room. Ho was put out before
ho succeeded in dolng'any damogo by break
ing the glass.
A man giving his name as Jerry Parish
was run In lust ovonlng In n stnto of light-
In ? Intoxication. Ho amused himself by
altornutolv swearing and crying , und after
being put In too Jail ho Jumped upon an old
man 70 years of ago nnd would tinvo
pounded htm but for the interference of tbo
ofilcors. Ho spout thu rust of lLo night In
the stcol coll.
Six men who disturbed the peace on Sun
day were brougnt up in police court yester
day morn In IT for n trial. Four of them , whoso
names are Billv Murphy , U. I ) . Uurncll , Joe
Morgan and John H. Walker , were iicod , and
the case against Doug Hums was continued
until this morning. The cbargo of assault
and battery was preferred against James L.
Haskms , and ho will have a hearing in Jus
tice Swcarlngen's court today.
At the fruit social which is to bo given by
the Young ivlon's ' Christian association this
ovotiing a pro/ram has been prepared in
which Prof. Cariics and bis daughter , Miss
Portia , thu well known elocutionists , will
appear in so veral numbers. Musio will bo
fuinlshcd by the Misses Turner , AnnaPater-
Ron , Julia Tulteys , May Tulloys. and Messrs.
V. Fornokes , Scott , Prowell , C. A. Atkins ,
James Bradley , Colonel L. w. Tulloys and
Paul A. Tulleys. This part of the enter
tainment will bo followed by tbo serving of
watermelons and other fruit.
Don't Hi ) Deceived.
When a innn oilers you something for
nothing1 , look out for him. lie's laying
for you. You don't imagine t'.uit mon
run portable shoo atorus for fun , do youV
Hardly. Yoti'ro no chump , whatever
your neighbor may bo. If you want to
Fay 60o for a pair of Hhocs go to SargonU
f you want to pay $1.00 for a pair of
uhooB go to Sargent. If you want to pay
$ iiOO , SILOO , $1.00 , $7.00. goto Sargont ,
"Why ? Because you know him. Be-
catido he guarantee * every pair ho soils ,
nnd you know right where to como if
imy imporfectioiiB develop. You can't
do that with a traveling concern. Sar
gent takes a hack seat for no one. lie
is ready to duplicate the lowest prices
ovoi made by a. circus shoo store.
13. M. SAKQKNT ! Broadway.
Trains leave Manawa daily at 8 a ndlO
n-in. , 12m. , and 1 , U , U.-IiO , a , aiO : ; , 4 ,
4:80 : , 6 , 6iO : ! , 0 , 0:30. : 7 , 7:110 : , 8 , 8ao : , 9.
9:30 : , 10 , 100 : ! ! , 11 and 11 : o5 p. in. The
11:55 : train will make connection with
the lastolcctrio motor cur for Omaha.
I'/ui.x ; . > . ! / , t-iia.
A. Ovorton and wlfo loft yoitcrday for
Pueblo , Colo.
U. A. Robinson loft yesterday for a trip
through South Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Graham tmvo returned
from a two week's outing at Lalto OkoboJI.
It. S. , formorlv a resident of this
city , Is seriously III ut tbo Mercy hospital in
Mrs. L. H. Cousins Is confined to 1'or homo ,
( i2'J Fourth street , by n serious u'.tuck of
Dcuraleln of tbo stomach.
Leo Evans , ono of the dorks nt the trans
fer , left Sunday evening for n two week's
visit with friends In Lancaster , Mo.
A party of Knights of I'ythlas will leave
today for Cedar Uaplds to attend the grand
ledge of the order. Among the number uro
J. M. Scaulun , J. J. Koitti. U. A. Tibhltts ,
John Itrough , J. J. Stork und A. I ) . Cooli.
Mrs. Scanlan and Mrs. Kolth will aocoin-
puny the party us ilelecntnt to the grand
asiombly of the Pythian sisters.
Groonshlclds , Nicholson & Co. can
rontxoino moro houdes to good tenants.
What have you ?
Summer suits for gentleman ; cool ,
comfortable and cheap. Itultor , the
t.iilor , 310 Broadway.
A llulil Attuuipt.
Ono of the boliiobt attempts at burglary
ever made In this otty , where thu possible
gains were so small , was matlo Sunday night
at the } unk shop kept by M. Solomon , tl.'O
Won ISroadway. When the store was
opened yesterday morning It was evident
Unit It hail been vlsitod during the night ,
for tbo would'bo thieves hud evldontly spent
ronslficrablo tlmu tumbling with the lock.
Iho front door wus In Iho broad glnro of the
I'lrulno Unlit , but the thlovoi succeeded li
brunklng Iho luck. A padlock llmt kept the
door securely fastened on tbo Instdo still
b.irrod their nrogress , however , and luoy
\\ure nt lust compelled to leave on poor as
when they camo.
100 dozen gents' fancv strlpo nnd
plain halbi-lggan blilrta und drawers ,
worth Too und $1 , during the great sale
for 68a Boston Store.
George Davis , drugs ana paints.
Verdict of the Coroner's Jury On the
Drowning of Emil Qoos.
Cure Men Succeed In ( letting Them *
iclvcn In Trouble Heath of Mn.
Chnrlu * Zlmtncr Vast Tim *
Un the Motor Lino.
The coroner's jury , In the case of Einll
Ooos , the yotttiR innn from Mlnneola who
died whllo nt the tobogan slldo nt Manawa
Sunday afternoon , hold an Inquest yesterday -
day morning at Estop's undortoldns rooms.
No evidence was brought out durintf the In-
luost that would throw any llj'ht ou the
affair , nnd the only thing In the tostlmooy
that contradicted ttio published accounts was
.hat of some of bis friends , who claimed tout
10 had not boon drinking early In the after
noon , A verdict of death by accidental
drowning was rendered , and the remains
were then taicon to Mlnneola tor Intormont.
MANAAVA'.S Tlllltl ) VIOTl.M.
Illrnni Urntliiirtnn of MiKllnon , S. ! > . . I.UBCB
Ills l.llo U'hllo Untiling.
LaKe Manawa yesterday ovonlng claimed
U third victim this season , and now holds In
t.s silent depths a bright young man.
The drownlnc occurred In the presence of
julto n crowd on the bench ana when there
were u dozen or moro bathers In the water
niid all around him. Yesterday afternoon
about 3 o'clooUV. . H. Campion and Hiram
Urothorton came to the lake from Omaha
and wont at once to Mnnhattan bcuch nnd
cntorOd the water , both using tbo same Dath
ilrcsslnt ; room. Neither of thorn could swim
very well and they paddled around In shallow
water until after 5 o'clock. Fooling some
what exhausted from their long oath they
storied to como out nt the sametime. .
Campion was ahead , but Dcforo they got
out of tuo water young Hrothcrton turned
back and said ho was going to take one tnoro
swim bcforo ho lof ; .
Campion wont on toward the bath houses
and when ho looked over his shoulder after
reaching tbo IJsach ho saw lirothortou
swimming near the end of the spring board
where the water was only about llvo foot
deep , lie wont on to the dressing room and
ilrcsscd , but when ho returned to the beach
Brothorton was not In sight , do loft the
Ij.ithroom key at the olllcj and sauntered
around on the beach watching for his com
liiHtltutcil n Search.
Fifteen minutes elapsed and ho didn't
show up and Campion returned to tbo oQlco
and Inquired If Diotherton had called for
the Hoy. The key was still there , and then
lie informed tbo Oath house people of the
dlsanncuranco of his friend. Tnoy went to
the Uressintr room and found the missing
man's clothes. Still the conviction was not
Hired that ho was in the lake and
search for him around the grounds was In
stituted. In this way nil hour or more was
consumed , but In tbo meantime n score or
moro of bathers were Diving and searching
the bottom of the lako. It was not generally
believed that the young man was drowned
until I. W. Minor ot Omaha , who was in the
water bad dressed and recalled tuo fact that
ho had seen some person's hand above the
water waving bacxward and forward at a
point about twonty-llvo feet fiom ttio
end of the springooard wbcro the
young man was lust scon by bi.s
friend. Then tbo most active and
systematic search was instituted. Miner
recollected seeing the tuo.young men start
toleuvotho watertOBOthcrand heard Brother
ton say ho was going to have ono moro swim
before" leaving. Ho saw him paddling near
tbo springboard a moment before his atten
tion was attracted by ttio bund ubovo the
water , but ho supposed that It was only
Rome expert swimmer and diver and paid no
further nttonlloij to him.
Thu I.list Seen of Hrothcrton.
Other gentlemen also saw the waving
hand dUappear , butallwcro so Intent upon
enjoying themselves that they paid no atten
tion to it. It then became apparent that the
missing man was In the lalto and drowned.
Tbo search was renewed with vigor and the
bottom of the lake In the vicinity was
thoroughly explored , but without success.
With later hours c.imo crowds of bathers ,
and there were Hundreds of men and women
In the water enjoying themselves to the
fullest extent , either unconscious or careless
of the fact that there was a dead man In the
water that surrounded them.
Grappling books were brought and the bed
of the luuo dragged In every direction , but
up to 11 o'clock without results.
All the Information that could bo obtained
concerning the young man wns secured from
his companion , Campion , who xvas only in
duced to give his own name when leaving
the lalio to carry tbo iutolllcenco to Omahu
by the threat of arrest and being held until
ho gave the desired information. Ho then
( . Campion , and said
ho lived at 2814 North Nineteenth nvonuc ,
Omaha , and that young Brotbortou came
down from Madison , S. 1) . , a fc\v duys ago to
visit his mother , who was boarding at the
Campion homo.
Tbo drowned man was IS years old , and
had been engaged in the postofllco at Madi
son , Ills mother Is a nurse In Mrs. Brown's
hospital , Omnba. The young man
there to visit her and have his eyes treated.
It Wan Cooil Meat.
A cast ) Hint has attracted n good dual
of more than local in to rest wns thrown
out of the superior court yesterday
morning for lack of evidence ami the
costs taxed up to the prosecution. Sev
eral weeks ago Mr. Lanphlor of Lan-
nhlor & Kennedy , wholesale butchers of
South Omaha , was arrested for Belling
* IlltW ( l a t v/ i\ * \f W MtTIllV'ltUMlU
meat In Council JllulTs , the chnrgoboing
biibod upon an attempt to fioll a carcitss
of boot Unit the local inspector subse
quently condcmnod und koroscned , and
out of u-liicli hovonil daiiingo sulta liavo
grown. It was abown by a crowd ol
witnesses on tbo trial of nno of tbo
damage suits before Justice Hammer
that tbo bocf WHS of tbo best quality
and before it was brought to tlin B nils
nnd olTorod for sale had boon inspected
and approved by tbo government in-
Bpnctor at South Omaha. A most
searching inquiry was also inndo into
the slauKlitorintT bublnoss of L-uipliior
& Kennedy. The further they wont
into tbo case the moro clearly apparent
it became that the South Omaha men
\veru conducting a business that was
in every respect above reproach
and that thu Interference was
wholly unjustitlcd. Ttio wltnossoa
who appoarctl in the interest of the
South Omaha linn included thu govern
ment inspoctoi-H , and the best butchers
and slaughterhouse men in the twin
cities. The other side had practically
no evidence at all beyond individual
opinions and guotMuu. A transcript of
this evidence was taken to the biiporior
court and there wore plenty of addi
tional witnesses who wore ready to give
the biography of the condemned carcass
from the time thu animal was a little
calf. The prosecution had no evidence
at all , and the CIIHO was stopped almost
bnforo It was started by Judge McGee
peremptoi'lally dlsmlHsincr it ,
Thu only feature of thu un u that now
has any interest to the public is the very
apparent fuel that the wholu trouble
was aggravated by local spite and
jealousy. It has made a good deal of
trouble and MHUO expense /or Messrs.
LanpMlor & Kennedy , but it has set at
rest any doubt about the character of
their business that this spite and jeal
ousy might have originated.
Vi'or In tlin Camp ,
Ono of the numerous Jujj-curo citablUh-
moots thut havu beun stnrtou upull over the
country witclu tna tail year or to has eniion
its proprietors lute trouble if the ttulomont *
which mo inuihi In u couple of petitions tiled
iu ttio district court ycntcrday uro to to bo-
llorcd. The plaintiffs In tbo two suits nro
F. M. Hunter and U. C. Cook , nnd tbo Alle
gation * are Identical. Tbo defendants nro
tbo Fronoh League Safety Cure company of
Sioux City GeorRO VV" . Klngsnortb ,
J. M. Campbell and William Davis ,
rtio plaintiffs claim that the defendants
roprcsontod to thorn last April that they
were about to Oi-ganlzo a company for the
purpose of treating the drluk , tobacco nnd
morphine habits by the Kronen League euro ,
n remedy which thc.v bad paid & 0,000 for to
the French physician who discovered It ,
Thov represented that It contained no harm
ful Ingredients. The plaintiffs were offered
one-fifth of the ontlro cnpllnl stock ot (500-
000 if they would RUbscriOo f > ,003 each to the
ontorprlso , and tbov2to leu to bollovo that
the defendants had already paia ? 10,000 Into
the company's traasury.
On April 7 the companv was organized at
Sioux City , but after the plaintiffs dad paid
In tbolr money they claim to have learned
that no such discovery as the "French
Lcniruo" euro had over boon made , that the
dofoudants had no olhor remedy In their possession -
session but such as was already commonly
known among physicians nnd on which there
was no patent , nnd that the remedy which
they did have contained harmful Ingredients.
Thov also claim that U. C. P.ilmor , who wns
elected president of the company , paid no
tnonoy Into the comimnv , but bis note for
the vnluo of the stock which ho hold , with
n secret understanding with the defendants -
fondants that it was never to
bo paid. The defendants .ltd ItkowUo nnd It
was their Intodtlon , so say the plaintiffs , to
divide among themselves the $10.003 which
they had gotten from the plalutlffs. This
division was actually made and Klngsnorth
nnd Davis each received $1,000 and Campbell
$4,000 , the share of tbo latter being In
creased , they claim , on account of Cntnp-
bell's fiilso ioprcsontatlon to his coiiofjnd-
nuts that It bad cost him f 1,000 to "work"
his victims.
The nlalntiiTi maKe these allegations and
demand n decree cancelling tholr subscrip
tions to tbasloclr.
Thpy Kick IVhu Are Hurt.
To the public of Council UlulTa and
vicinity : Wo have brouirht a stock of
825,000 worth of shoes and all kinds of
footwear to Council BlulTs for the purpose -
pose of selling it to tbo pcnplo in a
straight , legitimate way. Wo have
made no unreasonable promises , and
have not and will not deceive a single
customer in any manner. Wo have ad-
vorti-od the fact that this stock must bo
sold out hero in the shortest possible
time , and have nnnotincod prices lower
than any of the manufacture s can make
the goods for , and of course far less than
any local dealer can buy them for. Wo
have bought to make only friendsamong
all clasbos of peoplo. Merchants have
come into our store and bought shoos
that they are now wearing , and going
homo thov have sent their wives and
daughters to get more of the bargains.
All were pleased and satisfied , antt wo
thought wo were making good friends
and no enemies. But it seems that ene
mies have arisen without our fault ,
bloodthirsty , implacable enemies , who
are after our blood and our lives. Because -
cause wo are selling goods to you so
much cheaper than they can buy them
they want to kill us. Today they have
been circulating a petition asking your
city council to impose a license lax of S500
a month upon us. Of course the inten
tion is to close us up and drive us out of
town. They announce Unit a special
meeting of the city council will bo called
Wednesday ovenine and this ordinance
will bo railroaded through. Is this in
your interest ? Are they not your ene
mies as well as ours ? Shall they kill
usV No , wo think noi. Such an ordin
ance would bo illegal as it is unjustifia
ble , and might result in heavy dam.igo
suits such as have boon brought and
won in other cities where similar out-
rngoa have been attempted against the
people and live dealers who want to give
them something for their money. Wo
will stay hero at 5'.J1 Broadway until wo
close out this stock of irouds , and we will
make these kickers berry they kicked ,
but wo will make you people who want
ull there is in sight for your money gl'id '
wo came. Como around and see us and
see if it will not pay you to lay in shoos
enough to last you a few years , and see
if wo are not bettor friends to you than
the mon who are asking your council to
commit a crime against all of us.
Wo are not adventurers , but are repu
table , responsible business mon with the
largest shoo house in St. Paul.
D. Fl.ATAU & CO. ,
Chicago Shoo Co.
521 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Foster's
old stand.
I'rub.llily an KliiOiiinnt. |
Mrs. Alice Evans , n Missouri Vulloy wonan
WDO Is supposed to bo running away from her
husucnd to join her fortunes with an Onnwa
crook numod Oscar Chase , occupies a roo.n In
the city building , and Mr. Chase has a cell in
tha Jail below. Last evening a telegram was
received at the pollco station Iroin George
Evans of Missouri Valley , requesting the
potlc'o to arrest the pair , and furnishing a
meager description of them. With this In
hM hand Olllccr Kemp went to meet the In
coming train on the Northwestern , duo at
9:30 : o'clock. When bo reached the depot
the train had como und ho picKcd out a
woman whom ho took to bo Airs. Evans , and
ho guessed right , bhc was very much op
posed to talUlng , and refused to have any
thing to do with tbo olllcor. Nothing
abashed , however , ho took her under bis
wing and broucbt her to the nollco station
In the patrol wngon , accompanied by her
llttlo lU-yoar-old daughter.
Chase was found a llttlo way up the street ,
ho having evidently separated from the
woman In ordar that suspicion might not bo
cxcitca. When Kemp asked him his name
hosald It was O'Urlon , hut as ho could not
provo it the olllcor decided to bring him
nlnni ? too. At the DOLQ ntntlon ho rrnfnssnd
to DO entirely ignorant as to tbo reason
for his arrest. Ho claimed never to
have nml anything moro than a pas
sing acquaintance with Kvans or bis wife ,
and aonled havlnir mot her on the train by
agreement. Ho claimed to have boon workIng -
Ing In a hotel In Onawa as cook , and was on
his wnv to Omutia.
Mr. Evans is oxnected to arrive from Mis
souri Valley this morning , when moro of the
particulars of the afYuir will bo learnod.
Groonshiolds , Nicholson & Co. have
choice bargains in improved and vacant
residence property in all parts of the
city for cash or on payments. See them
before buying.
150people in this city use gaa stoves
The UasCo. puts 'am in at cost.
I'rotrctlni ; tliu llutlior * .
Mayor Hoed of Munawa Issued the follow
ing order last ovonlng and directedtbut U
should bu enforced ut oncoi
LAKI : MANAWA : You nro hereby directed
to ohiinuo the lower or terminal points
of toliojuan HI Idea at yunr roHiuiullvn bunches
BO that they t > liall ho hi not to ox-
ouod three und one-half foot of water nod
Hlnill point toward the Niioiu. You iiiiiNt also
cruet llfu lint" ! am ! nut up skns in ull lun-
giniKusilunotlni ; dsitmur ut polnu where the
Uiintli of thu water boyund Is ( luiiKorouti , untl
to nuvo luebunu anil oxnort Hwliiiiuors at al
tliuu * when there are urnwdn anil from ;
o'ulouk p. in , until the bath hoiihus elou This
1 doom U niicebxjry for thu iihsolnto protec
tion ut the bathors. K , 0. UUBII , Mujror.
Pasturage for horses and cattle on the
Chaulauqim grounds. Inquire of A. S.
Ilii/.olton , 240 Merriam block , or Charles
C'opoland , on the grounds.
Mocldiolil.irs Will Meet.
A call , signed by W. II. M. I'usoy nnd
OcorgoF. Wright , president and secretary
of the Union Depot company , has bcod Issuoi
fora moiitlugof the stockholders at the court
bouso this ovonlntr at S o'clock to lay plans
for the future. Tbo hope that may bo berne
in the breast of some of tbo stockholders by
this announcement Is not likely to receive
much nourishment , as Mr. 1'uioy Is author
ity for tbo statement that practically nothing
has boon accomullsned for several months In
tbo direction of getting a union depot , al
though numerous meetings have boon heli
with reprodoattllvoa of the roadi , Jiv
Gould nnd S. II , H. Clark of the Union P.
cltlo are uo\v spending the time nt n
vatorlne place In lcjilo. ( ( where they tire sofo
rom importunate caljs gr assistance. Some
of the property belonging to the depot com-
lany nas boon sold far taxes nnd the com-
mny tins been put (13. ( conshlor.iblo expense
or grading the rMtlbf It. Some of the
tookholders nro very decidedly In favor of
hrowlnc up the sponge nnd putting the
iroperty In the bunds of. n receiver , whllo
ithors want to neop'lftgother ' n llttlo while
on tier In the hope j that the hard-hoartod
allwny companies will relent. At Any rnto
i full mooting Is hoped for tonight In order
hat some action may bo taken.
Ilrnko tlin Kocord.
Sunday moraine some extraordinary time
vns made on the motor'llno ' between Council
Muffs und Omaha. JAliKlmball , vice prosl-
enl of the Hock Islnnd'rond , came In on the
:20 : train nnd It wasraccossnry for him to
ronko the Elkhorn passsngcr that loll the
Webster street station In Onnihn forty min
utes later. A special motor was accordingly
olographod for , nnd when the train arrived
t wns nt tbo Itock Island depot at the lower
end of Main stroot. Mr Klmball and party
voro put on board , and Just nmutcon mln-
itos later they were dropped nt tbo corner of
Thirteenth and UougUs stroats in Omaha ,
inviug made the distance , seven miles , in
hat ilmo. This is the fastest tlino qvor
made on the Council Qlutfti and Omaha line ,
and It is to bo doubted If nnv bettor ilmo has
over been nmdc on any electric lino.
100 dozen gents' outing llnnnol shirts
worth SOo each , at the Boston Store
clearing sale for 20c.
DroiriiPil Inn fish Pond ,
Coroner Soybort wns called to Nooln
vostordny noon ny n telephone message itat-
ng that Robert Uownoy , a young farmer liv
ing nbout nlno tnllos south of tout place , had
been drowned. The young roan was out
swlmmlnc during the afternoon with n crowd
of his Jrlonds , only one of whom coiild swim ,
Although the pond Is not very large , it Is
qulto deep In places. Uownoy got in he-
yond his dopl'o , and ' although ho
called for help bis companions were unable
to help him. The pond was dragged for the
body , nnd it was nt last recovered , the water
where It wns found being nbout sixtonn feet
deep. All the circumstances went to show
that the drowning was accidental , nnd Cor
oner Sevbcrt docldod that an inquest was
unnecessary. _
To buy , sell , rent or exchange real
estate. See Grcenshlelds , Nicholson &
Co. , 021 Broadway.
Uuntli of Mr.limner. .
Mrs. Angellquo Zlmmor , wire of Chnrlo ?
Zlmmor , died at 1 o'clock yesterday morning
of malarial fever ut the rcsldonco of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Corner , 170
jlon avoiiuo. She had bon visiting her
parents for some time , and ourlnz her stay
bcro she was taken with a severe attack of
malarial fovcr. Her condition nt last bc-
came so nlurcung that bar husband wns sent
Tor. Ho left his homo in Holona. Mont. , and
arrived in the city Sunday. The funeral
will lonvo the house at 5 o"'clock this after
noon for St. Xnvler's Catholic church , where
services will Do hold. W. A. Mauror , A. W.
[ toikman , W. Koolino , John I'lumer , E.
jpoonor and A. Burosholm will net as pall
ioarors. _
Wanted Iron minders at the Ogden
[ ron works , Counoil-BJuirs. Good wages.
.iy MAlfKft 11 COMl'.lltlbUX.
A Statistical < 1iiKui'uf | | < ° i > riiicl ( to Discredit
s < > imtnr Alllnmi s Di'duellons.
WASHINGTON' , I ) . C , , ug. S. Ilv authority
of the house Mr. HpUiuui will print a speech
n the Congressional .Record tomorrow , deal-
ng with Iho appropiiatlons made at the last
session on congrds from the democratic
standpoint. Mr. Holman's statement dittors
materially from that/niHdo by Senator Alli
son last weak. Hc'saldi '
'Tho appropriations made nt this session
of congress , including pjrmanont nppropria-
tio'.s , show n redUiHion'bf S'M.y'JV-'Jl under
ho appropriations triudtf at tbo lust session
of tno ln t congreisfar"n ! reduntlon equiva-
ent to SIOO.OOJ to e'adlf congressional district
in the United Stales , ' but for the purposes of
comparison theaniouut of tbo river
and harbor bill $21 , M8lIS ! should bo de
ducted from the appropriations of this
session , for the reason tbut no rlvor and
larbor bill was passed at the last session of
congress against the appropriations of
which these made at this session should
logically bo contrasted. Without the river
and harbor bill the appropriations of this
session arc ? . " > ! . S-0,909 loss than the wbolo ap
propriations made ut the second session of
the Fifty-lirst congress. "
Searching f r UN Daughter.
J. H. Bulla of Harlan , la. , Is in the city
seeking for some trace of his 17-year-old
daughter , Nelliu , who mysteriously disap
peared nbout the H.lddlo of July , 'i ho girl
left , no word behind her nnd her parents are
almost heartbroken over her disappearance.
The quest of the fulhe. has so fur boon un
successful. '
Arthur Oroft. n tinner nt Vlttsbnr1'ji. . ,
swnlloucd ( Ivu ounces of carbolic ucld In
mistake fur wine and died.
The rate for passenger business between
Loulsvlllo und Ohlcimo contlnnos und the St.
Louis Air Line announces u rate of Sl.Tid via
Princeton , Ind.
A family , conslstlni ; of a man an J nlfe nnd
four children , 11:11110 : unknown , were killed
near Guthr.e , Okl. , by their loam runnliu
away and over u precipice.
While aUomllni ; camp inoetlng ut Andcr-ion
station , 1'u. . John Don hortv. colored , ua.s
Shot In the head hy laielan Illnlr , also col
ored. Dougherty Is dead. Blair K In Jail ,
The Ilrotliorhood of Cnronturs | ) und Joiners
udoptud u resolution duiinindlnu' of congress
the repo.'il of the cliiuso of the net recently
Diissod closing thu World's fair nn Sunday.
Tno fires In the West Superior. WIs , Iron
nnd Stcol works uio alight und the whole
orlM uro In cliurvo of pnllcu. They will bo
run by nonunion inun. Trouble Is expected.
James FanlUnor , the D.insvlllu , M. V. . bank
wn-eKor , who was ro ewsed on the president' ) )
pardon , has noun rearrested on a warrant
clrircliiK for ury In the seuond decree. Ho Is
in jail.
I'Yiur moro Oarza revolutionists arrested ,
The cliurjo iiKiilnst them Is violating thu neu
trality law. The federal olllelalb profess to
know nothing of Gai/a's whereabouts , lint H
Is nrouubln they know moro than they euro to
A number of notvsnapor correspondents In
Washington formally duolaru their dUhollcf
In thu charges made ujalnst .hunts K. Venn ? .
formerly i .ieeiitlve clerk of the sen ite , who
was accused of giving out reports of secret
Hussions of the senate ,
Thu Qoodlnnd Artificial Haln company ,
which contrasted to produce an Inch or rain
In four duys over nn urua of twenty-llvo
hijuare miles , ut Counull tirove , Kan , , puclind
up their ontllt nnd stole away. Thu contruct
tlino expire 1 today , and not u cloud him boon
seen In thu BKy during ull the tlmu of their
operations. i
The situation In AIO 'CCO continues to grow
In seriousness. .
Hmporor Wllllum'n'rrtyed ut Wllholmshavcn
from Kngliind , <
A steamer wus run down outside the harbor
of Uolsliigfors , Kin land , und flirty-live pcr-
boiK were drowned,1'
The bpanUli gnvurnl ciit has concltidod n
loan of liu.txw.txx ) with thu Hank ol 1'arls.
Olllulal hnlletlns 'uhofr thut prior to August
1 thu number of deaths from oliolur.i In Km-
sla hud reached n total of 1U.U1U. Ulllclal lists
uiu admitted to tjo Jiieonipleto.
The lesnlla of Biipplutiientury elections for
inuinberiiof the Kriinuh duiiurtiiiontnl coun-
clluahowa rouiibliLvn-xuIn of 1 ! > \ The ron-
sorvutlvcs now holij only six departments.
Jlu .Sudri'il Stnnton.
Colonel John Q. J > ; ibcock , chief of se
cret service in the Army of the I'o-
toiuiic , Bays that General George II.
Sharpe , now u prominent republican
politician in Now York state , once won !
to the War department in Washington
to got an important order countersigned.
Ho had boon commanded by Gunora
Grant to transfer a regiment from Balti
more to City Point , but was told in
Washington that the troops couldn't ' bo
moved without Secretary Wanton's Big-
nuturo on the paper.Utor waiting
Boino time in line in the war ollico ho
reached the secretary and stated the
case. "Why , " saidStanton , ' 'that needs
no signature of mine. Go right over to
the provost marshal coneral'a across the
street and ho'll Ilx you out , " It laclcot
but half an hour to train time , am
I'm an old smoker , and
have at one time
or another tried all
80 oVus1WV ? > the different Smoking
Tobaccos , but for a good smoke Bull Durham
beats 'em all.
A leading characteristic of Bull Durlinm lias always'
been the hold which it tnkes on old and fastidious smokers.
What its excellence first secured , its uniformity has always
retained , and it is , therefore , to-day as twenty-five years ago ,
the most popular Smoking Tobacco in the world.
Get the genuine. A\ade \ only by
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. ,
Twin City Steam Dye Works
Omaha Ollico , 1521 Farnam SU ; Telephone 1521. Council Bluir.4 Ollleo nnd Works
Cor. Avc. A and 20th St. ; Telephone U10. Send for circulars and price list.
Kvery MAN can he
S'/UONQ and VIO-
I OROUS la all
_ _ _ Jby UilnK SPAVISII
NURVINE.thecrent bpnnlnh Remedy. YOUNG MEN
OR OI,1) sul/ernur from NERVOUS nitBII/ITY , XOST or
PAII/INQ MANHOOD , niKlitlyei.nssloniconvulsions , nervous
prostralion , CRUSH ! by tbeuse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness -
fulness , mental depression , lots of power in either BCX , spermator-
BEpnoKK AND AFTER USE , rhoja caused by self abuse and over Indulgence * or anypersonal weak *
nosscan be restored to perfect health and the NOni/B VITALITY OF STRONG MEN.
We give a written guarantee with 6 boxes ( o cure any case or return ! the money , ( t boz-'G boxes (5
For Sala In. O.-nahaby Snow Lund & Co.
A12 Ton a Day Machine for a 10 Ton a Day Price.
The POUTIIWIOK HALING I'.tHriS Is a two-horse , fnll-oirolo nmchlnc. It has the large/it
feed opening o. any Conlliiiionti-IiiilliiK , Uoublc-fctroUo Press In the world.
Bales Tiglat. Draft Light.
Capacity , Construction , Durability-All the Best.
Sandwich Manufacturing Bo , ,
Of Council IIIUI4
Cnnltal stco t JJ1. 0,0UJ
burplusunJ Profits HUUUJ
NctC.ipltal anl Surplus t > Vtut > 'Jtt
llroctur J. I ) . ISJ nunli'n. < S. It S'i iir ; . K' >
OlcinonIS. K. Hart , I. A. Mlllir , J. V. dim mi
undClinrliii It llimnan. Tr.ini latKonoril bink-
IriKbusmoJi Lurxoj' caplt il uuJ surpltn of
any bunk In ! ? outliwoUurii liiw.u
"SANATIVO , " the
Wonderful Hpunlcti
JlFiiicdy , lo Him nllli a
Written Guarantee
l/ > cure ull Ncivuim Ills.
CWWB. tutli u Weak
Memory , Ixiu of Ilrala
Tower , IlendacUc ,
\Volii'fiilnr , I.oitllnn-
tlluile , ll ilialui'aud
DoforoA , After Uso. lo 1 of ( inner of tha
rhotograplied trom life. CMirrutlvo OH.KIIS In
i .1.1 tlilicr MX. cautcd liy
o erieillon. . joutliful tnillecrftloin.or Hi * eiicwilye itliiiiiliinlii , ulikli iiltlinnlety
lr iltii Inllriiilt > , Ciiiiiuiii | > tliiii nml IiiMiiillt I'nt up
In cnnveiilenl form In cnrry In tlieirt | n .krt. 1'ilce
| 1 n tmcknif. or s for $5. \ Itli tveiy Ki nl'i * * td"
written euoraiitoe to euro or refund tlio
nionor. "nit l > y innll lo nnv mlilren , rirnilar Iret
111 | , Ulii cnvrli ) | > . Jli-nlloii lhliuier. | | AilJiru ,
MAD.ilD CHEMICAL CO. , Drnncli Ofllce foi U. S. A.
3M Drnil m Rlr-Pt. CIIKMGO. II.U
Rube & Co. , Cii.r 15m & Uouclu si * .
, A Fuller * Co. ( Vir 1 lib * no-it- ' " " '
Sharpejiurriod over the provostmarnhai
gonoral's only to bo Unformed that
nothing could bo done without Secretary
Stanton H. name on the jKipor. Thor
oughly aroused. General Sharpe ran
baclr to the War department , and ,
brushing past the men in line , pushed
the paper once moro before the socroj
tary. "I won't nit'n it1 said Mr. Stin-
ton. "I have tola you what to do.
Don't Interfere with the business of the
ollico. " "If you , " the irate Sharpe 1
Bald to have replied , "would attend t
that btulnosa instead of sittUig hero n
day on your marrowbones oh structln
ojvoratlonH at the fcont , thingti would ( , '
hotter. " ItiBtantanoouu arrobt was th
reward of this raali Hpoocli , hut a huber
dlnato boon succoodud in soothing Mr
Stanton , oxplalnlng General Sharpo1
prcdicamont and cottlng the ordo
olgnod and the troopa moved. Colonu
BabcocU , who IB now unpaired on hi
mouioird , lives at Shuepshuad Bay , L 1
Id ami Sorfin
MB G'e ) ' * Ear
lie ft facilities , npimr.iiui mill Ua noun
forHiiccossfu troitineiitof ivory fonu
of liliaaio rotiulrln t or
Hur.'lotl tro.iticunt.
M beds for patients , ho , rd iinJ uttondami.
UoKtuUL-oinoJatioiu In the won. for clrjul.iM on dofonnlno < nnl
briices. trmtos. club foot , o irv.ituriwof miliu.
illu .tumoM. o incur , o it irrh. hronohltH , In.
Iiuliulon.o octrlu-lty. p irulysls. uullooiy , kid-
uov.bin-ldor.oyo. ear. nklnunl blooa mU ill
( IP WfltfPN f Hl'BOIAI/C .
Uo kunUNuMu o (
omen Kltl lX Wo havulutuly ail led .1 lylnj
Jndo | ) irtinent for women durlnconlliiuniutiL
etrlotly i > riv.U , i Only Kolluulo Mudlu l lu-
Ultuto making ii Hpaul iltyu.
All Hood Olsoasei succoiifully troito L
Dynhllltlo I'Dlioii rt-iiioved friiin tna yjoin |
without niorudry. Now Koitor.ttlva 'I'roiu-
iiiunt fur l-oij of VI I'Aly I'UWKIt. ronoNs un.
ublu to vlult ui IIIAV ho troitud ut home hy
cnrroiuon loncu. All communication * conlf.
dentlul MeJ clues or Initriniiuiiti sent t < y
iiiuil oroxpruti. suouruly pnckod , no mar * * to
Ind catocontontttor omul or. Ono puraonul In-
torv PW prufurroJ. Cull uniJ coninlt in or oii4
history of your ciuo. und wo will vend In plain
wranuer , our
' ' " "Et Uoon ' .
BOOK TO MEN I'rlv.iti.
DUUIU men , buouiul
or Nurvom DH-
ensos , Impotunoy. SyphllU , GloJtuni Vurloo-
role , with quoit on fuu
Ilrutvs. Aiillunuas | | for lufprinltloi& Truioi.
Only munufuulor/ the Weatof tnSPUU u.
. t til.
Omaha Medical and Surgical lastitula ,
26th and Broadway , Oounoll 331uITi
Ton nilnutoj' tl lo from cantor ot Oinahon
UliitT * uiuotria motor lluu.
$ M HKWAUU-Ixist. between Kit Park
iiTonuo nnd Mniiann , lady's Raid watch1
monogram " 3. MoU" If no Mcl.uln ) on b oV4
Hcturn to lloo olllco. Council llluirs , or J. T.
Oliver , 8 I'e.irl tttrcot.
Foil SAM ] Improved il-ncro stock farm
In uestorn town , tJl ; ISO-aero fiirin , ( JO ) IW !
ncrcs. Kg .lolunton & Van I'ntUin.
iru > ll KXUIIANUK--A eleurlot ( or hone nml
JbiiRKy or tciini , Uruotulilulili , Ntobolion A
Co. , ( ft ! llroailway.
1/Olt UXlMIAMin Improved fnrm , John
A ; corporation of MNiottrl Valley , for n resl ,
donc-fl In Council lllnlTs. UreonRhlods.Nlohol !
son A. Co , KM llroa'lwtiy.
FOll K.\01IANir-A : M.OOII Mock of driiKi
for n'Hlilonuu In Council illufK or for land.
Ureenslilehls , NlohnUnn A. Co , G'1 llrtmdwny.
rpo lll'VVo have a cash customer for n
& - unction of In ml tuo miles of Omaha. Grecn-
h I I'ld s. Nicholson .V Co. , G''l llrniidvruy.
I(1OK KNOirANUK-TittMicro Improved fartnT
- * oloar of Incniiihranee , In llutlor county , , 4 nillrs from ralli-ond , for Council
llluirs propcity. ( .Irvonslilchls. Xlchoiiion fa
'o , (121 ( Itroaduay.
. . . KXPIIANOK A nice o-rootn bouso ,
t-uod burn , for HUO | clion ; ) , nml will tnUnn
'nut lot In p.irt. tiiiyincnt. ilroctnlilotilN ,
Nicliolaon vV Co. , ( V.'l llro'iiluiiy. '
oit HUNT A ploas'inl liny window room ,
furnished. liiiinlruTua 1'trst UMIIIUO.
MOXKY lounnd ut II per cunt on Counoll
UlufTx rcKlilunco proucrty. i : . II , Shuufe.
WANTP.l ) . An uxpcrlonctul real estate
salcsnmii , "in ! itciiuniiito I with city
values. Salary JI.SOJ llrst your. H. 11. Slicitfo.
ITIOU SAIiT. finikin oranuu citivo ; will
A. trade for Council HlulTH urOinahn prop
erty. R It. Shuifo.
IjimfirnNT. man ri'sldi-noo. Ill ) 1'iirk
J- live ; In itood ropalr anil nil imxlurn eon-
viinu > nuus. Hunt fiiUO. V. . II , bhunfu.
\ \ / ANTKD Vunint mini to uork In town
' und on farm us riiiiilroil. | Apply to l.oon-
nrd Kxorott. olllov. I'oarl struct. No. 10.
\VANT1M ) A well dig.or uiillit t nrfi wells
' and talio his pay In hoises. Aiilv | | to
Leonard Kvurott , I'oiirl streut. Council IIUIIN ,
FOR SAIiK Klvu nurns of garden nrounil
near thu oily. Will tal.u un uiilnvuin-
bertd oily lol in part pnvnient and ctvu HI
yt'iirs llmo for thu p ivinont of the balnno ) nt
N per cunt Intorost. Apply to Lroiuvnl Kvor *
ott , in I'oarl streel , Counull HluIN , In.
" \yAM'IMI My n younu lady , furn'.shctl
I ' loom with iiOiird , south of llrond nay and
cast of Ninth slroul. A GT , live ulll'T.
fT-OR SAM : Hotel , . ' . ' roomt. located In
* - ' soutliein Noli. , iloln t n thrl\ Ins business.
$ . ' .500 Inivs bulldlni ; und fiiin turo Will tr.ulo
for niilso. K. II. Shoafe.
17OKSAM ! < Hiirtlwtim stock In cenlial Nob.
Will Involcu W-oa n. A. Shoafo.
AJji : Choloobt farm In t'ouawnttn-
mio Co. , 4ti : nuros , wall locntuil and 1m-
proxod. 1'rlcu III ) an acre. K. H. Shenfc.
1A A KM nnd ulty louna nt lowest rates.
-L. ' lle.U estute for snlu.
DnollliiK anil liuslnoss rentals.
Money lo.uied for Investors.
"J > I'oarl stronu I.ounee i Towlo.
[ KYOU have nuythlni ; for s'lle or trndo BOO
Lli II. She ifo , Urdiilwny ami Main stn-nt.
I/OKIHNT : Dwaiiin.-sin nil mm of the
-L city. U II. blionfu. llro.idwny anil Main.
\\rANTtil-iiistern : : Nohraslc t lands In ox-
' I'hntiKU for Uouncll IHnirss property. 11 II.
Slienfu. Hro i.'l WLV und Milnatroou
rpin : iiiuuKsr MAUOAIN Doubio resi-
JLdeiieo lot. No. ll'l ' ? outh I'lrit Htraet. Si )
fcut front ; lusl ) loo.itlou and bust n In
thu city If taUun at oiue , Day & Ilo33. : u
l'o rl Htroot
fj'OU HAI.n Onspiall piymonts. fruit und
J-1 garden Inn I noir Council ItltilTs 12. ! !
bhrnfo. llroadw ly an I .Main street.
T71OK 1SAIjK Albion Kollur mills on lloono
JL rlvor. Neb.j llinj"t w.iturpouor In the suite
developing l-"i liorae power w.uor entlro yoxr :
dully oipaulty , IWbirruls : innchlncrv nml
iippiirtcnunues uompluln In every dut.ill.Qooil
frninu residence : S acres of land , lltlo nerfojt :
in Ice. J fii8il ( ; will taku iinlinprovo I oustorii
Kobrnskn lunil. II II. bho.ifo.
UH SA1.K Inwu fa mm In 1'ottiiwattumlo
and adJnlnliiK couiitluu. C. 11. tiheafo.
FOR HAI-K Iliituls mm restaurants In Iowa
and NobrasUu. iloliu nrolltiiDlu bushiest
nnd well luontcil ; will take hind In part trudo :
write for details. I 11. blio.ifo. ,
IJ1OU SALiE R3 ucrcMOf sonil land ami now
JuuUajre. ? . with four uuro < land In Wurnors-
vllle , Nelt. : all modern IniprnvomcntH : will
CM.KIIISO | fora plu.isant cottage free of In-
ciiinhranco In Council Illnir , or Oin.iha.
H II. Hheaff. _
TflOU SALE Una of the lirlzhtost anil most
-L dcslr.ihlo homes In tlm city , un Uh avo. :
modern in all respect * . Must Hell , and will
Micnllco. Adciruss 1 ; Hi. Ili-u olllcc.
I1OU SAM ; 4SJ-aoro ninuli In Chorrir Oo.
Neh. Cooil hay , Hplundlit rmiRO for
cattle. Mcu cdttuj , ' " . Hlahlo and out Imlld-
Inss In coed ropilr , plunty wnter. Host Und
In the county : will sull cheap. Write for de
tails. K. II. Shnafq. .
A Columbia | i cyelo. A reward will
JOST . for Its rotiirn to.I. K. P. McUuc.
HAI.n ( Joot ! ( J-rooni dwelling near U.
FOIt transter. I'llco . ' , ( MO. Will tiiUo horsoi
mill cuttle In part niiy. Ull Sheufe.
T7IOK SALII-Ureuinery. uoll located In No-
J3 brasUii. Uolns seed business. Will tuku
iiurlniT or hull entire business ut u b.ins uln
K. U. Hheiife. ,
' \\TANTUD Iluiilwaru stoelc In soiltll-
TT westein lo\v.i for Hiot | e.iHli. 1" . II. Slienfo
Funeral Director , EmbaliM
14 N. Main Street ,
W. PAMLE , M. D.
TIio Good Sajnaritan. 20 Tears' Experience.
I treat the following Diteasts ;
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , end I.unga : Dl * .
coecaoftho Eye and Kar , FlUaml Ajiopluzy , lleurt
Dlecuc , l.lver Uomnlalnt , Kidney Complulnt ,
Norvoua Doblllty , Mental Dopros-
slon , Loss of Manhood , Somlnnl
Woaknoas , Plnbctu.Dright's Di > ciuo,8t.vitus'
IJancu , Itheiniiatlam , I'ttralytla , White Swelling.
Bcrofnla , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drnwlne a drop of
blood. Woman with IHT ilellcato organs re-
Btorcu to health. Dropsy cured without tuiipliiK.
Special Attention glvon to private
and Venorcal Diseases of all kinds.
OBO to 650O forfeit for any Vonoronl DIsease -
' ease i cunnot cure without moroury.
Tape \Vonn removed In two or three houra , or uo
1x17. Hi morrhol'la ' or 1'llea cured.
Will ewe Ufa and hundreds of dollar * by calling
on or UiliiK
TIiu only I'liynlrlun who cun tell what ulU
u jKirnoii without unUlntf a < juo tlou.
All corrmiKjiiilence ulrlctlyconQdentlal. Mcdloln *
Bout by expruu. Addrcu all Icttvn to
G , W , Pangle , M , D
68B Broadway ,
Counoil BlulTs , Iowa