Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Eulllvan nnd Gorbott Working Hard for
Their Coming Fight.
B.irntnga Society Stirred Up Over n MootIng -
Ing ol Two of Us Mum bum Within the
Hiinnrnil Circle Ituros unit
8cr pi
Nr.w Yomc , Aug. 8. John L. Sullivan Is
gutting rid of his superfluous flesh rapidly.
Ho wns wolghJd nftor his eight-ratio walk
Vostorany nnd tlppod the beam at 211J , , and
wns feeling remarkably well HP weighed
SI4 \ \ when ho started on Iho wain. It looks
now as If ho will have little trouble In get
ting down to 205 before ho leaves for Now
Over fifty people visited the champion and
looked htm over carefully. Among them was
n delegation from the Manhattan Athletic
club. On oohnlf of the Cherry Diamond
organization Eugene Van tacbuck presented
Sullivan with a gold stop watch In recogni
tion of his services as referee at the club's
recent boxlni : lournoy.
Pugilist Jlin Corbott , training at Loch
Arbour , N. J. , for bis Jlght with John L.
bulllvan. has found it necessary to secure
itill ono moro trainer. Jim Dulr , who has
been Corbott's sparring partner , haa found
that the California ! ) wns getting to bo too
much for him alone , and a * Corbott must uo
worked very bard from now until the fight ,
John McVeigh of Philadelphia Is now present
to assist him. McVnlgh is a perfect giant of
2.'J5 pounds aud has no moan reputation as a
wrestler and 11 enter. McVeigh will hayo a
bard set-to with Corbott about four times a
WCOK and Jim Daly tne other three. Corbott ,
wont through his rocular routine of training
yesterday hand bull In the morning , fol
lowed by his long run to Long Brunch and
return. Then bo wont ut the punching bag
vigorously and Kept hammering It for an
hour. In the afternoon ho again attacked
the bag tor an hour.
A London cable to a morning paper says
that "Parson" Davlos. on behalf of Choynskl
says that ho will match hU man to light
oiirht threo-rnlnuto rounds with Jim Daly ,
Oorbott's trainer , who has recently offered to
light Fltzslmmous on September 5 , the date
intended for Filzsimmoiis' contest with
O'Brien. Davles further says :
"If the Olympic club will offer a reason
able purse , Choynskl will soil at once for
3Now Orleans and will not ask for expense
money , Tno reason that I stipulate eight
rounds Is that there is not tlmo for Choynskl
to tram for n finish contest on that aato. If
Daly will not make this match wo will sail
for America August 25. Choynskl is in good
bo.iltb , good habits and can easily tram
lufllulcntly before September 5 to make u
Hgbt worth seeing with any man of bis
weight. " _
I'larco nnd Uonrgo Slilcloiu Slake u
Draw In the Forty-Third ,
NEW YOUK , Aug. 8. Tbrco bouts were
fought tonlgbt at the Cnnoy Island Athletic
club before 10,000 spectators. The first bout
was between Billy Pllmmor of ' England.
champion bantam of the world , and Terry
Burnett of Now York. It resulted in favor
of Pllmmor , who clearly outclassed his op
ponent.Barnott , however , lasted the
stipulated eight rounds.
The second contest was an eight-round eo
at 1G4 pounds between Charley Kammor and
Jim Sullivan , both of Now York. It was a
veritable slugging match and anybody's up
to thocnd of the fourth round. In the fifth
round Sullivan weakened somewhat , but
soon recovered and had thn best of both tbo
sixth and seventh round * . In tbo eighth
honors were about oven. Both men dis
played science. Tbo referee declared the
light a draw.
I.lchtwolKht * iUnkou Hot Fight.
The third bout was the fleht ot the night.
It was a contest at 120 pqunds between
Kddlo Pierce , 'ono ot tbo greatest amateur
featherweights in America , who made bis
debut as a professional , nnd George Siddons ,
'tho liltlo demon of the south. " After
forty-one rounds , both sides agreed to call
tbo light a draw.
First Round Boih men cautious. Siddons
landed lightly on Plorco's chin. Siddons led
with his loft , but received an uppcrcut from
Plorco. Pierce forced matters und landed
twice on the body. Ho had Siddons on the
run DS the gong sounded.
Second round Siddons still sprinting. Ho
jabbed Pierce In tbo body , tbon clinched and
made u play for Siddons' wind. Piorcc
lands a hot left on Siddons' bellows , flooring
him. He came up again but the round ended
in Plcrco's fnvor.
Third round Plorco lands a wicked uppercut -
cut on Siddons and receives a hard one on
the body. They clinch. Pierce null making
play for the wind. Siddons lands a right
hander on tbo neck , then elves * a facer and
receives one in the broad basKot. Honors
Fourth Round Siddons lands bis lelt ou
Plerco'a Jaw. Pierce gave him two , ono in
the face and a stilt body blow. 'Ho received
i stunner on the neck. Slddous swings
| l svlldly. Pierce lands with loft on neck aud
lomo clinching follows. Pierce lanas on
I'l body nud neck with left. The repeated
; linchliigs causa a caution from the referee
And hisses.
Slililons CiroK y.
Fifth Round Plurce made a play with
his lott ou the body aud severe Infighting
follows. , Ho sends his left on Slddous1 jaw ,
Uagguiliig him to'the ropes. Slddous grogcy
urn ! clinches" tdsiivo'blinself. Pierce uppercuts -
cuts him , clinching. Both men weak ;
Slddonn lands with his right lightly on iho
wind , men cllnchlnir us the gong bounds.
Doth men show plainly the effect of hard
Sixth Round Siddons loads nnd U clev
erly avoided. Plurce lands u wicked ono ou
the body with his right. Siddons lands right
nnd left on the neck , but with,1 no force as
round closes.
Seventh Round Both men appearfresher. .
Siddons lauds his loft on face , toads and is
rounlerud , resolving another wickud upper
cut. Both men tbo tired to severely punch
imrti other.
Eighth Koumi Siddons led and was
stopped. Pierce lands on tbo body with his
Inn. Pierce follows him around'tbo ring
lunging wiukcdlvSiddons woulr. Pierce
laiuU right and loft , Siddons clinching.
Ninth Itouud Uliuch followed clinch.
Siddons got In two on Plorco's fuco. Then
ho blurts the piomonado and Pierce lands
bU left on the body repeatedly.
T.tmth Round Siddons running around ,
striking nlmluGsly. Pierce gets in two good
ouua und cots a facer from Slduons , The
round closes with each following the other
u round the ring ,
Eleventh Round Pierce fortes Siddons
into bis corner ; ho loniU the left on Sid
doit'd htoinnch und rovolVv-s ono oil tha chin
Pierce lands llghtlv with hfs right. Ho ro
reived a rlKbt-baiidor on iho body , Slddous
iwliigs wildly.
Ttvctnti Round Slddaus still sprinting ,
Pierce follows him up , but the waiting amo
Is tlrlnit him.
Thlr'eonth Round Siddons succeeds In
landing lightly. Hlddons bleeding freely
from nose ; Pierce lutidt on Slddoni1 chest ;
they clinch again.
Million * tin Ihn linn ,
Fpurtconth Hound Siddons continues his
parade , breaking Into u run whenever
.Plerca reaches for him. Ho lands on Eddiu's
breast and a clinch follows , Plerco doo-i
tome uffuctiva jabbing.
FilU'onth Round Pierce larded heavily
on the face and followed It with another on
the body. Slddona not lu u blow on Plorca'j
wind. Both Pierce and Siddons very weak
and both ijuUo bloody. Klddons on the ruu
Sixteenth Round-rNuthiug but clinches.
Suvcutccuth Round Their blows are now
sncra punches. Piuri-o follows Siddons und
bits him at will. tlldJoas almost helpless ,
Eighteenth Pierce aggressive , landing
with right oiul left , Slddous malting no ru-
sUtauco. They clinch , Slddous rallies and
ecu in one , a weuU rigbt-bnndor on P'.orco's
body , They clinch near tlui ropag aud Sld
deus turnn bu buck on Picrcu , who tries to
put him ouV with taoor * . They clinch und
referee kupuraloi thorn. Tuoii Siddons
makes a-giwd it vuh nls right' nnd follows
it with nnotheVr 'Now tWoy stnro holplsssly
at each other whan the boll sounds ,
Nineteenth Siddons ( lies at Pierce with
astonishing strength , landing right and left.
Ho lands again on Plorco's fnoo with'both
hands , Slddonn' round
Tvenlioth Pierce lands with loft , foU-
lowed with rlchton Siddons' body. Slddona
wnlKs around with head down , apparently
oblivious of the punUhmont ho Is receiving.
Twonty-Urst Tbo fight li now a inioro
hugging match , tbo punches as a variation.
Until .Men Very Wrnk.
From the twenty-second to the twenty-
ninth round It was glvo and UKO both ways ,
but the blows would hnvo settled matters
had they not boon too weak to put steam into
Thirtieth Round Siddons1 body U blood
red fi-om punishment. Ho turns on Pinrco
aaaln , guvn him u weak ono on the face nnd
receives n fiicor in return. Ho lands tnroo
times attain nnd nppuars gaining strength.
Ho clinches again , Picrco Is getting the
worst of it , Picrco lands two good on01 , but
receives a stinging counter.
Thlrty.foitrth Siddons gets In hoavllv on
Plerco's neck nnd then smashes Pierce right
and left , Piarcc is dazed for a monvnit.
From the thirty-fifth to the thirty-eighth
round b'lddons continues bis wonderful ral
lies , and It Is now Plorco's turn to run.
Ncarlng tha Und.
Thlrty-llrst Jabbing nnd slugging ro-
Bumod. Pierce drags Stddon all over tbo
ring , pounding him while ho holds him up ,
blddons down on his knooj , and cries of
"shamo.1 Plerco drass him across the ring
nguln and batters away. PI tree very wcait
from his own exertions.
In the thirty-second and thirty-third tbo
blows were weak , both being exhausted from
the rally In the preceding round.
Thirty-ninth Pierce gets another facor.
Ho trios to counter but ip too woalt to land.
Pierce clutches Siddons around the neck and
assumes his old jabbing. Siddons lands two
good straight blows , but goU > B counter
which astonishes biro. Piorca cots in a good
ono on Siddons' bead and ducks to avoid
Fortieth Weak sparring. Siddons gets
In a body blow and uots a counter on the jnw
In return. Then Sl'ldons gets In twlco on
Plorco's faco. Pierce has Siddons ncninst
the ropes ngnln. Ho rallies aud hits Picrco
Forty.llrst Siddons gets in on Eddie's
face , then n two-hand blow on the chin and
node. Pierce throws Siddons nnd nftor-
wards chases him Into n corner. Siddons
weakens nftaln for a moment , and then his
seconds claim a toul. The referee declines to
ullow thu foul , but announces that both sides
ngrco to a draxv. Time : Two hours and
forty-four minutes.
Saratoga's Dppnr Toiiiliiui KtcrcUoit Over a
Fight Itobwoeu Two Swells. '
SAiuToaA , N. Y. . Aug. 8. A prize fight
in upper-tea * circles took place on the fair
grounds at Balls ton at 11 o'clock this
morning. The prln clpals were Daniel \V.
Shea of Boston , a Harvard college student ,
and Sydney Smith of Bsllston , the son of a
wealthy and prominent family.
The men are both ilno boxers and the
trouble was jealousy. The pai-ty toft Sara
toga in two tally-bo coaches at 10 o'clock
and drove to Ballstoa. Billy Elvvards was
referee and Jlmmlo Larkln of Now York
seconded Shea. The flcht was a hard ono
and for blood. Smith knocked out Shea In
tbo second round. Shea was badly pun
ished and a dispute as to the tlmo of the
second round nearly precipitated a general
fight among the two dozen spectators ,
friends of the fighters. Smith weighed 153
pounds and Sboa ITS. The time of the first
round was two minutes , second round ono
minute and ilfty-four seconds. Tbo fight
was eoverned by London prize ring rules.
Shea Is promlnont in Boston society and U
" 1 years of age.
VlckeryViis IVlId uuil Hint to Ilo Takcu
Out of'thu Itox.
BAWIMOIIE , Md. , Aug. 8. The Btaltlmoros
fulled to.hlt riaddoclc today. Vlck'ory was
wild and pitched four Innlups only. Stoph-
oua finished the game. Brooklyn won by
superior p'.ay. Attendance 2 , < W4.
Baltimore 0 00000110 2
Urooldyn 3 ft 1 2 U I 1 0 8
Hits : Haltlmorn , S ; Urooklvn , 10. Errors :
Baltimore , 4 ; Brooklyn , 1. Earned runs :
Brooklyn. 2. Itatterles : Vlekory , Stephens
and Koblnson ; Qtinson , Uaddouk and Dalloy.
WASHINGTON' , D. C. , Aug. 8. The Bostons
won from Washington today bv bettor all-
round playing. Attendance , 1,1)30. )
Wa-shlngton 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0
Boston 1 0 0 0 A 0 1 0 7
lilts : Washington , 4 : Boston 5. Errors :
Washington , 0 ; Boston. ! . E-irnod runs : Bos
ton. : i. : ICIIlen and Ber0-er ; Htaloy
mid U.uiaon.
Piin.iDKM'iiu , Pa. , Aug. 8 The Phillies
defeated the Now Yorks today , principally
throueh King's wildness , Attendance , 'J.520.
Score :
Now York 0 0000002 0 2
Philadelphia , ! OtU 210000 4
Hits : Now York , 10 ; Philadelphia. 7. Er
rors : .Now York. J ; 1'hlladolphla. 2. Earned
rims : Now York , 2. lliittorlos : King , Uoylo
und McMahon ; Uarsey aud Gross.
Rcllly was struck behind the car by a
pitched ball and knocked senseless and
Catcher Do.vlo of the New York team had a
ringer knocked out.
CHICAGO , III. , Aug. 8. The Colts won In
tbo last thrco innings bv heavy hitting.
The fielding on both siaos was very looso.
but the players charged with errors re
deemed thorasevos by doing most of the
batting. Attendance , 1,500. Score :
Cincinnati 2. 10210002 8'
Chicago 0 0100722 * 12
lilts : Cincinnati , IS : Uhfca.'o , 13. Errori :
Cincinnati , ! \ : Chicago , 7. Earned runs : C'ln-
iilnnatl , : i ; Clilciiiro. Ii. ll.iUurlus : Uwyerand
Vaughn ; llntcliliibon nnd Klttrldio ,
PiTT.siiuwi , Pa. , Aug.'S. Pittsburc earned
nil of Its runs and Melded without nn error.
Ksuur pitched his llrst gumo for the homo
team and did well. Attendance 1,312. Score :
rillshurtf 0 1200300 * 0
Ulovolaiul. . . , 001U02UUU 3
lilts : I'lttshiira. 11 ; Cleveland. 8. Errors :
I'ltlshurz , U ; Cluvolanl , 4. .Karncd runs :
I'lttbhura , 0. llrtterles : Ejiper und Miller ;
Clarkson nnd.imiiior. .
ol theTeums.
w , t. i-.c. vr. t. P.O.
riovcliud U ii 7U 0 Cincinnati 011 45.U
iioston u n 7iu Culcnxo 911 450
Now York 12 T kl,2 I'lttstmru 8 11 U.I
Urooklyn 11 9 ftt.U Washington , . . . 8 1,1 Sf.l
riilmilolpliln..ll 3 MO LouUrllle T It 33.3
llnltlmoro IU 11) ) CO.O St. l.onU 6 16 25.0
J'aviirlten Wuru Not In lent Brighton IScnch
BmniiTox BKACII , N. Y. , Auff. 8. John
Cuvunagh , an B to I cbanco , who won the
llrst rucovus the only wlnnlnc favorite to
Klrsl rum , inllo und u furlong : John Guv-
uiiHXh ( i to 51 won , Luiit ; D'liioo < 2 to I ) second ,
Hiindstonu ( rf to It third. Tltmi ; ' 1:5715.
Boi'omt r.ici > , live furlongs : Koam fJ to t )
won , HatulsUmo Ci to 5 ; second , Anjrot (20 ( to 1) )
third. Tlmo : lilr.j.
Third race- six anil u halt furlongs ; Kxcol-
lunua Illly ( A to 1) ) won , Vorhcna (0 ( to V ) second ,
AlrTlsht ( I''to I ) third. Tlmo : l'JI" .
1'onrth race , onu mile : l.opiuito ( b u > 1) ) won ,
Wllliu h Cltoll Hucond , Ilzio ! II to ' . ' thud.
Tnnoi l : S { .
Hftli ruco , suvcn furlongs : Jnuk Itoso (11 ( to
ffltton. Oyuotuiuil to 1) ) soooud , llltlet lloux
( IS to 11 third. Time : I:03U. :
frKtli riu-e nix und a half furlongs : Crochet
(7 ( toI on , floUoriouuviii ( ) second , Luray il
tel ) third. Tluiu : U ; " . ' .
u tiuinniurlnu.
SAU VTOOA , N. Y , , Aug. 8. The track was
in fine condition today. Weather extremely
hot :
First rituo. six furlonas : Nlok ( t to 2) ) won In
lilt ! , Ahrousllltol ( ) soooud. Woodbau (0 to 1) )
Bouuml race , ono milo : Mabot Oiou (5 ( to 6) )
won in iN'jti.lludco ( I to 1) ) MOcoud.Htouomasou
(4 ( to l ) third.
Third race , soron-oUlUhs of a. mllot Dr.
Unibrouokil l to a won In lUH : { . Uladmor (10 (
to 1) ) soiiond , Bnlonl ; a ( II to 1) ) third. '
1 uurth riKMi , Unitud Bute * hotel italics ,
mlle unila , Hl.xtoimth : Copyright ( oven ) won
In lWJ : , L.i < Iy-Hiii > erorW ! ( to 1) ) second , Ui -
Undoii. ! toll-third.
ruth caco. HU and HE halt furliinvsi Walter-
neil ( II toft ) won In 1:20 : v , lufurno ( oren ) BOO-
oi.d , Itiuh id H 1,1 yilrd.
lUrnil iu iho Uuln ,
Sr. PAUL , Minn. , Aug. 8. Notwithstand
ing the long threatening and flnul downpour
of rain , u crowd of 1,0(10 ( went to lluinfluo
park today , drawn largely by thoProsi club
race. In which llvo reporters ou trlod horses
tried for tint place , Tbo race was ilovr la
tlmo , owing to ttio trad/ , but mndo u.i in
hufnbr what it lacked In fiporL Summaries :
First rnco. for nil nxc * , seven fnrlonas !
Coslu itlcii (3 ( to M won In HOT , Oorlnno Klnnoy
( IUo Ilsvvond. AllcoVi to I ) third ,
ifccond rncc , for il-yonr-old * nnd lip. ono
mlle iind eovoiity ynrds : Lord Wlllowhrook II
to t > ) won In I : . " > 3J ! , Dolllklns (5 ( to 1) ) second ,
I'Mitnloltd.Mo 1) ) third. *
Third riico , for ull aei , seven furious1) ) :
Bnfo Homo (4 ( to l ) iron In HM'j. ' London Bmo o
01 In 1) ) second. Prod Knox ( I ) to II third ,
1'onrth rneo , Twin City I'rcss club , purse ,
9 1,000 to the winner , catch wulghM , onn mllo.
rldari active nownpnpur workerJ In tbo two
cities : Dyer , rlddnn hy llcrwlck. ( Oto5) ) won In
2 hilnntei. Uurit * . Donoon tip , ( U to 1) ) sucond ,
und Ited Kot. Dr. Uomtnol tin , (3 ( to 1) ) third ,
Fifth race , pony race , slv niilonK ? :
(8 ( to 5) ) won In lis. % Vo Tnmblen II ( J to 1) ) sec-
onU , btuy Kock ( J lo II third.
Hull Triickn ut lutvn City.
IOWA CITT , la. , Aup. 8. The races opanod
tbo second day with Una weather and a
dusty track. There wns no betting to men
tion oxcoot a few small local bets among
rivals. Everything slow , only two races
run. The rouch track caused an accident
by which two driven were thrown , but not
seriously hurt. Ono of the horses , Silver
1)111 , gathered hlnnelf nnd kept In tha race ,
and , in snlto of opposition , llnlsbod In the
load. Lioth horses were sent to the oarn.
The rest of the races wore declared off.
Horsemen complain of tba track and mh-
rosregontallon in entries , aud thcrais much
dissatisfaction with the management.
Klttninc was injured by falling on a drag-
barrow in llyln the track , but will recover
Men and horses nra leaving on every train.
First race , 2I2S , trotting ; purse , SMJ :
Morciirlus . a Sill
J. M.O . , .i 1 1 1 a 1
J. M. B . . . . . 4 a 4 4 3
Scott Ashton . . .2 4325
Time : 2iiy : ; , 2:31 : 2:3Ui. :
Second race , 2:27 , pacing ; purso. $50) ) :
Jnok Jowott .
How. . . . . . a 123
.7. F . *
Corul ) . . . . < . . „ . : . , . 4 234
Time : ar.otf , 2:23. : 2:20. : 2:3) : . 4
Itaclng nt Chicago ,
CIHOAOO , 111. , Aug. S. Hawthorne races :
First race , four furlongs : Oorolla won. Tim
Murphy second. Hoautltul Hells third. Time :
5J. *
Second race , ono and ono-slxtoonth miles :
Mtiry Sue won. State of Texas second , Experi
ence third. Tlmo : i : m.
Third race , dlx furlongs ; Sunshine Whlskv
won , Hcdlnsisoaond , Ethel third. Tlmo : 1:18.
Fourth race , llvo furlongs : DociMit'on won ,
llitwthorno second. Vurdunt third. Time : 1:0.1.
Fifth race , ono mile : Minnie B. won. My
Lucy second , Henry Jenkins third. Tlmo :
l:47 i.
Uarllold park races :
Flrnt race , llvo fnrjnnz ! Ilswdco won ,
Kriutttlonsueond , Dlsmarelt third. Timu : lui.
tcconil rnuo , slv furlongs : I/i/ilo-D won ,
Highwayman second , Uunwud third , Tlmo :
IMfiii. .
Third race , one nnd one-eighth mites ; .Mlra-
hcati won , Quotation second , Hoblu llood
tblrd. Time : l:5BJi.
Fourth raco. ono ana ono-slxtooutli rallei :
Ormlo xvon. Mury'MoGowun second , I'a 'an
third. Tlmo : l:4Sy.
Fifth race , seven furlongs : Julius Sax won ,
Rod I oot second , Fruellght Uilrd. Tlmo : 1:20 .
Sixth ruco , six furlongs : l.onlso won , Hurt
Wallace second , Audrey third. Tlmo : l:14Ji
( lood Jivt-nts at Uonvor.
DESVEII , Colo. . Aug. 8. Among the largo
crowd at Ovorlana park today were many
visiting Knights Templar , who greatly en
joyed the racing. The weather was line and
the track good.
First race , llftecn-slxfoonths of a mlle : El
Kayo won. Flllmoro second. Governor Iloas
third. Tlmo : lsoy .
Second race , h-ilf mlle : Sheridan won ,
Oilutto second , Orltlo third. Tlmo : 1:4-1 .
Third riico , mlle and forty yurJs : Penny
royal won. Hny Chester second. Hoodlum
third. Tlmo : l:475i. :
Fourth race , Ovo furlongs : Ilalanoo All
won , Mitmlo H second , Jlmmlo O third. Time :
1:01 : ; . ; .
Fifth rale , six furlongs : Warner S won.
Warwick second , Uluo Veil third. Time :
Tip * for Toilny.
Here are tbo probable wlnnors in the
different ovonU today :
1. Kingston His Illshncss.
2. Jtobeeua Uauatt , colt LiteBoat. .
3. Sir Walter Don Albnzo. ,
4. I'oot&cout UaiKjuot.
5. Hacolund Slolnndr. , , , -
0. Fred Taral lCI c | > . s . " *
or.oudnsTKn. ' > * >
1. IJuokeyo Mountain Doer.
2. Ollnklim Moll-Charon.
It. Young Lottery Xlnuarl.
4. Kric F.lyton.
0. llallyhoo llonjamln.
Florliuor llargaln.
Cruise of the Now York Yacht club.
MAIIIILB HBAU , Mass. , Aue. 8. Thu an
nual crulso of the New Yorlc Yacht club
over the Marble Head run took place today.
Thsro were twonty-tivo racers that -Jlrted
this morning. The Constitution and Katriana
were the winners of tbo Morgan cup , and
for the Squadron cup the wlnnors are : Con
stellation , Iraiiuols. Merlin , Quickstep ,
Katriana , Clara , Walker , Walsh. The keel
schooner socclal cup was won by the old
scnooner Dauntless.
Zimmerman Ilrujks 3lor HoooriU.
HAMILTON , Ont. , Aug. 8. The Canadian
bicycle records were lowered hero today by
Zimmerman of Now York ns follows : Mlle
record , from 1:134-5 to 1:132-5. : Quarter
mile record , from 39 1-5 down to 89.
.l KNlUIllti UP
Annual Sleeting of the Stiito Grand Lodge
to Occur Tomorrow.
CKDAU RAPIDS , In. , Aug. 8. [ Special to
TUB Bnu. | With each succeeding your the
interest in the grand lodcu meetings of the
Iowa Knights of Pythias increases nnd the
annual meeting to commence in this city
Wednesday promises to surpass all others In
numbers and interest. Not loss than 3,000
members of the order are looked for , some of
the lodaes from the larger cities sending big
Tno meetings of the grand ledge will beheld
hold in the C. S. P. S. hall , whllo the meet ,
ings of the Iowa Pythian Sisters of { own ,
who hold tholr second annual meeting hero
at the same tlmo , will bo hold in
the Knights of Pythias hall. On Tuesday
tbo work of the order will be oxomplltlod-bv
Star of the West No 1 , in their hall. Wednes
day tboro will bo n parade of tbo uniform
rank and Wednesday ovonlng a reception
will bo tendered the visiting knight * and
their friends at the opera house.
The chief interest in tbo meeting lies In tbo
election of the grand ofllcers. The tight on
grand chancellor ana grand master-at-arms
will bo especially close nnd interesting. Tbo
following gentlemen are mentioned in con
nection with the grand chancellorship : C.
F. Kuehnlo of Jefferson , Dr. S. U. Deyrlil of
Nora Springs , homer B. Cope of Dos Molnes ,
W. A. Cunningham of Anamosa , M. A.
Qululey of Haworden and J. H. Patton of
Montozuma. For the grand mastor-ut-arnis ,
John 13. Davis ot Manchester will contest
with G. F. Parker of Sao City , James Moor-
head of this city and others.
Three Drowned nt Sioux City.
Sioux Cur , la. , Aug. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBB.J A young lady pamed
Hust was drowned in Klvor Sioux near this
city whllo bathing with elrl 'rionds today.
Patrick Collins , a boy , was drowned in the
same stream near by soon afterwards. Kd
LarUlnB , a small boy , was drowned In the
Missouri river today whllo bathing off the
foot of Court street. The first two bodies
have oeen recovered.
Creston 1'iitlng Itooin ,
la. , Aug 8. [ Special Telegram
to Tins BBB.J The city council lot the con
tract for ton blocks of paving to Barns &
Co. , Council Bluffs. VItrilled brick will bo
used. This murks a now era of progress for
the city. _
Thn 1'roiuluiit In the Adirondack * .
Loox LAKE , N. Y" , ' Aug. 8.r-President
Harnnon ba * spent the day at Loon Lalio In
a quiet way. Last evening ho attended ,
with Mrs. Dlimnlck , a sort of union omco
In the parlor of the Loon Lake bouao. This
mornlug ho arose ut about 7:30 : o'clock and
breakfasted nn hour later lu the orivato
dining room. Ho Intended going tUhtug
today , but for some reason a drlvu was sub
stituted. The trip will he made tomorrow.
Mrs. HarrUon continues In good spirits.
Will Meet Tim Afternoon.
The Board of Flro and Police commission-
era filled to materialize lost night uud the
meeting was adjourned until i o'clock this
Nathan Johnson Cjs < 'gBo'ycrad Hia Depth
Wlril tbing.
The Itnily Still MHllyjcT-SfirlonsIr Injured
In ft Itufmway AIT'Utlo Girl Itim Over _ 3
mill Seriously [ Hurl A. Chnp-
tor nftAcouielitB.
Another drowning accident wft * ntldod to
the chronicle of the victims of Cut-Off lake
at 8 o'clock ) ast evening. The victim was
Nathan Johnson , a tailor employed by Q. A.
Ltndqulst nnd who rooms at 527 South
Twenty-first nvenuo. Ho went out to Court-
land 1) ) each In company with n number of
other tailor * nnd wont In bathing. Johnson
could not swim and slipped Into n hoto whuro
iho water wns beyond his dopthi Ho was
dead bofnro his companions could roach him.
His body waa not recovered.
Johnson was a single tnau and. has A
brother who resides In South Omabn.
Mr . Itlohnrd llelllnei llnilly Injured nil ( I
n Vehicle DomolUhod.
A serious runaway accident occurred at
Sherman avenue and Locust atroot about 8
o'clock last evening. A rig belonging to the
Palace stables and occupied by a quartet
of young people was overturned and MM.
Richard Holllngs , who resides at 013 Jones
street , was sorlouily injured. Her loft arm
was broken and she was severely bruised
about the body. The other members of the
party escaped injury.
Mrs. Holllngs was taken Into an adjoining
residence and afterwards to her homo. The
carriage wns demolished and the horses
badly cut about the shoulders.
Contradictory stories are laid as to the re
sponsibility for ttio accident. Flio ooeu-
pants of tbo carriage cinlm that iboy were
run down by a motor train , Out coulil not
give the number of the train. Others
claimed that the accident was thn result of
rocUloss driving , unas'slsted by any fault of
the street car company.
The parties themselves were densely ignorant -
ant and professed knot to know each other's
names. They were returning from Court-
land Beach whoa the ucculoi.t occurred and
that was about all that could bo elicited. Tha
quartet comprised Mr. and Mrs. Holllugs ,
James Galen and Miss Leonard.
A I.Htle Girl Uuii Over.
Jessie Kohvitz , a 4-yoar-old girl , whoso
parents Uva at Thirteenth and \villiaras
streets , was run ever by a horsn and buggy
last night and seriously injured. Tbo vehi
cle beloncod to S. J. Brodorick , who lives at
Thirteenth and Hickory streets. The little
girl was severely bruised about tbo bond ,
but will recover.
Complete r.Ut of Changes In the llogulnr
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 8. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEb. ] The following army
orders were issued to'dav
Upon tha completion of the rillo compel- !
ttoa at Fort Ijoav oilwdrlh , Kan. , Captain
William P. Hall , Filth cavalry , will repair
to this cltv aud report in parson at headquar
ters of the army. Tjio. , appointments la the
army of the followlngnnmod oQlcurs aud their
assignments to regiments are announced :
Second Lieutenant Hobart Sowoll ( apoolnted
from civil life ) to Seventh cavalry , troop D ,
to date from Juno 7. . Ho will ropo'rt in per
son August 23 to tbo commanding ofllcor at
Fort Myor , Va foe assignment to duty with
troop Seventh cavalry t Second Lieuten
ant William H. Morford- appointed from
sergeant , company CuTwpnty-flrst Infantry ,
to the Third Infantry , company C , Fort
S neil ing , Minn. , to date irom July 4.
He will join bis company not later than
September 1 ; Second Lientonant Wil
bur E. DJVO , annotated from ser
geant company E , Twelfth Infantry ,
to the Twelfth infantry company
C , Fort Sullr to date from July 18. Ho will
join his company not later thiin September 1.
Tbo following assignments to rogiuionts of
oUlcers recently promoted are ordered : Cav
alry arms Colonel Ucorgo B. Sauford , pro-
moled from lieutenant colonel Ninth cavalry ,
and slnco retired to the Sixth cavalry , to
date from July 22 , vlco General Carr , ap
pointed brigadier general ; Colonel David O.
tlordon , promoted from lieutenant colonel
Second cavalry , to the Sixth cavalry to date
from July 28 , vlco Sanford retired.
Ho will proceed to Omahu and re
port in person to the commanding
general .Department ot the Platte for assign
ment to n station ; Lieutenant Colonel
Reuben F. Boraard , promoted from major
Eighth oavalrv to Ninth cavalry to date
from July 22 , vice Sunford , promoted. Ho
will report by telegraph to the commanding
general Department ot the Platte for assign
ment to a station ; Lieutenant Colonel
Louis H. Carpenter , nroicotod , from major
Fifth cavalry to tbo Second cavalry to date
from July 28 , vice Gordon , promoted. Ho
will remain at St. Reno , Okl. , until further
order * ; Major Moses Hams , promoted from
captain First cavalry to the Eighth cavalry
to date from July 23 , vice Bernard , promoted.
Ho will report by telegraph , on Iho com
pletion of bU present duties with the
national guard of Wisconsin , to the com
manding general of the Department of Da
kota for assignment to a station ; Major
Francis Moore , promoted from captain Ninth
cavalry to the Fifth cavalry to date from
July 28 , vlco Carpenter , promoted. Ho will
report by letter to the commanding general ,
Department of the Missouri , for assignment
to a station , and will join the station to
which ho may bo assigned after completing
his duties as a member of the examining
board at Fort Leavonworth , Kan. ; Captain
John Pitcher , promoted from iirst lieutenant.
First cavalry , to the First cavalry , troop M ,
to date from July 22 , vlco Harris , promoted ;
Captain Charles \V. Taylor , promoted
from 11 rat lieutenant Ninth cavalry to the
Ninth cavalry troop C , to date from July 23 ,
vlco Moore , promoted. Ho wilt remain on
duty at Ft. Myor , Va. , until further orders.
First Lieutenant John I. Halnes , promoted
from second lieutenant Fifth cavalry to the
First cavalry troop E , to date from July 23.
vice Pitcher , promoted. First Lieutenant
Cecil Sto.vart , promoted from second lieuten
ant Third cavalry to tbo Fourth cavalry
troop 1C , to date from July 20 , vlco Bonsan
appointed regimental quartermaster. First
Lieutenant Samuel Rober , promoted from
second lieutenant Fourth cavalry to the
Ninth cavalry troop 1C , to date from July 23 ,
vice Taylor promoted.
Artillery Arm Cantata Uaraiav D. Potts ,
promoted from ilrafiibntonnnt , Third artill
ery to tbo Third artiflery , ' battnry O , to date
from July 13 , vlco Tburslon. deceased. Ho
will join his proper station ; First Lieutenant
Elmer W. Hubbard. promoted from tiecond
lieutenant , First nrllU6ri ; to the Xhird ar
tillery , battery L , to' dale irorn July 18 , vlco
Harrold , retired ; Fir Lfoulonant John K.
Crco , promoted from scouil lieutenant , Third
artillery , to tbo Thvrdrllllory , battery M ,
to date from July 18 ; vlco iPotts , promoted.
Infantry Arm CotoodliAndrew S. Hurt ,
promoted from llotiWililiit colonel. Seventh
infantry , to the Twgnty-flfth Infaairy , to
date from , 'ulyI , vied ? 'Bush , deceased. Ho
will proceed to join th'tfTutbnty-llf th Infantry ,
reporting by lottljp. to the command
ing general , Dqpartmont of Dakota ;
Major Charles C. Hoofl ; promoted from cap
tain Twenty-fourth Ilifintry to the Seventh
infantry , to date from July 4 , vice Bonluim ,
promoted. Ho will report , by telegraph to
the commanding general , Dnpartment of tbo
Platte , for assignment to a station : Captain
II. K. Ballov , promoted from first lieutenant
Fifth Infantry to the Fifth lufantry , com
pany I , to date from July 4. vice Lyman , re
tired ; Captain Charles J. Craua , promoted
from 11 rat lieutenant and regimental adju
tant Twenty-fourth Infantry to tbo Twenty-
fourth lufantry , company F , to date from
July 4 , vlco Hood , promoted ; First Lieuten
ant Frank Molntyro , promoted from second
lieutenant Nineteenth Infantry to Third IP-
fan try. company 1C , to date from July 4 ,
vlco Roe , promoted1 Firit Lieutenant
Harry Frccland , promoted from second
lieutenant Third lufantry to the
Fifth infantry , company II , to data from
July 4 , vlco Balloy promoted ; IHrat Ltcuton.
ant Frank G. Kalk promoted from second
lieutenant , Third Infantry , to the Twenty-
tourth Infantry , company H , to date
Irom July 4 , vlco MIIU retired ; First
Lloutoatiut David J , Dakar , 1r. , promoted
from second lieutenant , Twelfth Infantry , to
the Twenty-fourth infantry , company 0 , to
date from July 0 , vlco Dodge n | > polntod regi
mental adjutant. Ho will remain-on duty
with the Twelfth infantry until further
orders ,
Leave of nbssnoo for two months , to take
effect about September I , Is granted First
Lieutenant Rouet B. Brynn , Second cavalry.
The lenvo of absence granted Colonel Page ,
assistant surgeon general , U extended
ono month. An nrmv retiring board
having found Captain Will W. Douehorty ,
Twenty-second Infantry , Incapacitated for
active service , ho Is relieved from further
duty In connection with the Illinois National
guard and will proceed to his homo and re
port thence by letter to the adjutant general
of the army. Second Lieutenant Lctchor
Hnrdmnn , Fourth cavalry , will report In
person to Lieutenant Colonel Ar.son" Mills ,
Fourth cavalry , president of the examining
board convened at Fort Walla Wnllo , Wash. ,
nt suoh time as ho may designate , for exam
ination for promotion.
It Ii said that General Eugene A. Carr , the
newly appointed brigadier general , will not
bo assigned to the command of the Depart
ment of Columbia as reported In some
quarters. In the llrst place Gonorixl Carr Is
very much averse to taking this command ,
principally for the reason that ho does netlike
like to bb placed lu authority ever his old
friend nnd dim mate. Colonel W. P. Carlln ,
who has boon his senior in rank from date of
graduation until the president honored him
with his present commission. In the next
placothc authorities hnvo In contemplation 11
general shitting around of department com
manders and a change in the geographical
limits of some of the military departments ,
which , if carried out. will result lu General
Carr bolag assigned to ono ot tbo other de
partments and somcono else detailed to the
Columbia command.
For the present General Carr bos boon
directed to toke a station in this city. With
this statement comes the information that
the secretary of war may reestablish the
division commands broken up by bis pre
decessor. Under the present plan some of
the junior brigadier general * have larger
commands than tbo major generals.
soirrn OMAHA.
Mooting of the City Connoll-A Ills : Bntcli
oC lluslnois Dliponod Of.
The city council enjoyed a novelty In Its
proceedings at last night's session. The
novelty was a report from Chairman Wy-
man of the finance committee , nnd it was the
first rendered ot any consequence since Jan
uary 1. Tbo total amount of the bills re
ported on by the chairman was ? 13,000 and
they will bo paid out of the overlap fund
created by the levying of the ocaupatlon tax.
There were several hundred ot the bills
and wens all allowed.
A resolution was passed granting to each
police olUccr ono day oil during each month ,
The location of the huymarkot was ordered
changed from Twenty-sixth street to Twon *
ty-seventh , between M aud N streets.
Chairman Schulz , from the committee on
fire and water , reported that a team of horses
had been purchased for the Third ward bara
at a cost of WOO.
Eloctrlo lights were ordered placed nt
Twentieth and Brown streets , Twentieth
street and Missouri uvonuo and Thirtieth
and S streets.
Walters introduced n resolution providing
that In the future appropriations to pay the
cost of gra'dlng Intersections shall bo made
in numerical order , beginning with district
No. 1. The resolution also provided that
where property owners have advanced
funds to graao intersections they shall bo
reimbursed. Wyman objected to the last
clause. Treasurer Hector said ha drafted
the resolution at the request of Mr. Fans
nnd Mr. Wood , who have advanced consider
able money for grading Intersections , and
tbo Intent of tbo icsolution is to simply
make it a matter of record that the money
was not a present to the city and is to bo re
paid. After considerable discussion the
resolution was amended and money advanced
for grading Intersections will bo refunded
when money Is appropriated for grading.
An ordinance was Introduced amending
tbo occupation tax ordinance and the saloon
men will each bo $100 bettor off. The
amount of the tax will bo reduced from $200
to $100. The ordinance will bo passed Mon
day night it tbo rest ot the saloon men pay
up bv that time.
Clerk Ditzon had a special ordinance to
levy assessments agalniit the property on
Twentieth street , from O to Q streets , to
pay the costot sloping banks. Tha work
was done by Cash Bros , and amounts to
$723. At a recent mooting the council in
structed the clerk to issue warrant * to ttio
contractors and the Instructions were car
ried out. The council should have mot as a
board of equalization and passed the spo'cial
ordinance before paving for the work , They
will meet ns an equalizing board August 10 ,
20 and 22.
Geortro B. Goetschal was appointed to suc
ceed J. S. Hasbcrg at flro house No. 1.
Snt a n Hoard of
The city council , as a board of cquallza-
Mon , mot lost evening nt 7 o'clock to complete
pleto Its labors , out the Intention was not
carried out. A portion of the board's work
was to equalize the proposed levy of
special taxes and nHsessmnnts against
tno property abutting on Twouty-Hfth
street , from J to Q streets , to pay
the ovornaul of grading done on that
street three years ago At the time tbo work
was completed the grading was paid for bv
tha city , and tbo overhaul , amounting to
$0,500 , was assessed against the Union Stock
yards property west of Twenty-fifth and
north ot Q street , the dirt being p'lacad upon
that pr.qperty. Tno Stock Yards company
objected to paying the overhaul and carried
the matter Into court , The city was beaten ,
ttio Judge holding that Twenty-fifth
street , not being opened up 'south
of Q street , relieved the company from
any obligation. Of course some ono ba to
pay tor the overhaul and It was proposed by
special ordinance to levy the amount against
tbo properly on Twonty-llfth street. A
majority of the property owners , however ,
arc of a different mind , aud yesterday pro-
soutod n protest to tbo boaid of equalization.
The protest was signed by cltlio'is repre
senting 3.100 foot of the 1,000 foot of prop
erty frouting on the street. The board ad
journed , until Monday ovenlng , at which
time an nffort will bo made to settle tbo
Crooked Oamlilors.
Russell Sarvor arrived in South Omaha
yesterday frosb from Virginia. Ho found
pleasure In bucking the tiger In C. F.
Logan's gambling house at 2007 N street.
Ho won $11 and Sam Lawrence , the colored
man in charge , refused to pay over to
him the money. This an cored Sarvor
and bo appeared before tbo police Judge
and entered complaint againsi Logan and
Lawrence. Lawrence was arrested but
Logan sloped and U now sojourning In
Missouri. Sarvor was also placed under
arrest , and ho says ho Is willing to pay a fine
If.ho can punish the two gamblers.
That occurrences of this uaturo are not of
moro frequence Is a wonder. Five gambling
houses uro run openly in the city
and are well patronized. Around
each place is to bo found a
gang of toughs and crooks , nnd they gen
erally stand In with the house , Tha police
are loth to make raids and giro as their rea
son that a vigorous prosecution cannot bo sc
oured. Two of the placet , are located on
Twenty-fourth street and three on N street ,
nnd a continual stream of men and boys may
be soon each ovenlng climbing the stulrwnys
to them. It Is high tlmo that a general raid
wai made and the great publicity ot gam
bling stopped.
Will Ho llurlod In Iowa.
T. E. Aultumn , an undo of Dart Aulttnan ,
the young man drowned in Uut-Olt lake
Saturday night , arrived in tbo city last even
ing from Sioux City , Iowa. He received a
telegram from H. R. Aultraan , the young
man's father , statins that It was Impossible
for him to oitne on. Tbo funeral services
will oo hold Wednesday mornlug at 8 o'clock
ut the First Methodist church. Tbo body
will be taken to Stuart , la. , at 10 o'clock
tbo same morning und will bo laid to rest
alongside of bis mother , who was buried
there some years ago ,
Note * und J'orooiuiU ,
Dr. T. II. Enior loft last ovenlng for
Poorla , 111. , oil a business mission.
Mrs. I > r. W. II. Slabaugh nnd daughter
returned yesterday from an extended visit in
Mlis May llowo aud Mri. Rose Howe of
Johnstown. Pa. , are visiting MM , Daniel
1'ho Infant child of Mr. und Mrs , Kd ICr-
ickton , living at Thirtieth nud U streets ,
died yesterday altoruoon nod will bo burled
this afternoon at 1 o'clock in Laurel Hill
Various OommSttses Mnko Their Hoports to
the Board ,
Fortitnnto Illilclor * tor Furnt'lilitR Suppllm
nnd Doing Work Mr. Wchror's I'ot
Mchemo Again Defeated A lie.
sumo of the I'roceodlncft.
Soon oftor the Board of Education wns
called to order last night Mr. Smyth moved
that the rules bo suspended nnd the board
mnko a special order ot the report ot the
committees on supplies , on heating and von
Illation and on buildings nnd property.
Mr. Gibson wanted Iho regular order , bu'
the motion prevailed , and the board too'i up
first the report of the commltton on supplies.
The committee recommended that the con
tract for furnishing hard wood bo awarded
to A. R. McCandlass nt $0 per cord ; for sofl
wood to Mount & Grlflln nt 51.75 for four-
foot wood , $5.83 for twelve to sixtoon-inch
wood , sawed and split , und $0.50 per cord
for kindling wood. The report wns adopted.
The sarao committee recommended thai
the contract for furnishing soft , screened
nut coal bo awarded tb Coutant & Squires at
$2.83 per ton ; soft stuck and soft lump to
JoffW. Bedford at $1.00 per ton and f3.3."i
for Ardmoro , Mo. , coal , and that the
contract for furnishing hard coal bo
awarded to the Nebraska Fuo !
company at 89.30 per ton for grnto and $9.55
for ranco. The report was adopted.
The contract for furnishing text books was
awarded to the Mogoath Stationery company
at the prices named in tholr proposal dated
August 1,189J.
The contract for printing blanits for the
year was awarded to the Pokrok Zapadu
Printing company , and the pamphlet work ,
rules and reflations and the annual reports
were lot to tbo Mogoath Stationery company.
Considerable discussion arose over
the purchuso of por.s for the
schools. The committee recommen ded that
tbo 14acle pencils and pens bo adopted. C.
W. Welch of Chicago had offered to furnish
Sponccrinu pens und u varlog.ltrd lot of pen-
oils nt a trlllo lower price , but the committee
thought that his goods were unreliable and
not so good us the standard" EiiBlo pencil.
Mr , Morrison made the plea that the Kuglo
company was an American concern , whllo
the Sponcorlun company , the Fabor's nnd
.others were foreign manufacturers , nnd ho
was opposed to purchasing foreign Roods
when American made coeds of bolter qual
ity could bo purchased for almost us low a
price. The report of the committee was
then adopted.
Then came the great annual janitorial act.
Tbo lobby was crowded with professors of
dust and ashes , and the members of the
board decided to taico up the question ot
electing janitors behind closed doors. So
they wont Into executive session ostensibly
on "boating and ventilation , " but really on
Sclortmt the Janitors.
After three-quarters of an hour of deliber
ation the board again emerged from seclusion
nnd the secretary was requested to road the
following list of janitors who had been
elected for the ensuing year :
High School , Thomas Falconer ; manual
training engineer , i'Tod Perkins ; Ambler ,
John J. No bos ; Bancroft , Thomas Shea ;
Cass , Henry O'Noll ; Castellar , Frank
Suchy ; Central Park , W. H. Miller ; Daven
port , Mrs. A. Zoigler and Mrs. L B. Woer-
nor ; Dodge , Mrs. LoulsoThompson ; Dupont ,
Mrs. H. Fungor : Enkorman , Charles Mans-
fleld ; Farnam , Charles E. DJouroon ; Forest ,
Mrs. E. T. Lewis ; Fort Omaha , Mrs.
Mary McCausland ; Franklin , Mrs. Gott
lieb Elser ; Gibson , Mrs. B. Stop-
anok : Hartmun , William ( Jloaelman ;
Jackson , Mrs. A. Coleman : Loavonworth ,
Louts Wedror ; Long , Henry Buach ;
Lothrop , Mrs. Mary Bartb ; ' Mason , Louts
Peterson ; Paclllo , Mlko Ford ; Park , Silas
Garner ; Pleasant , Mary Bradv ; Kollom ,
Charles W. Joy ; Viuton , Mrs. H. Farrell ;
Walnut Hill , Matt Gabion ; Webster ,
W. Stewart ; West Omaha. Willlan
Focan ; West Side , A. M. Johnson ;
Sherman , W. T. Johnson ; St. Barnabas ,
Elmer Matson ; Hartman Annex , Mrs. M.
Gumotto ; Izard , Josie Hcrold ; Long Annex ,
Mrs. Mary Gllmoro ; Paclllo Annex , Mrs.
Mary Alsossor ; MOD mouth Park , Mrs. Bbnet ,
Clifton Hill , Ed Suhoonovor ; Lothrop , Mrs.
Guttintr ; Long Annox. A. Toulp.
The following schools were not supplied
with janitors last night : Center School ,
Hickory , Izard , Omiiha View and Saratoga.
Contracts on tlio CVntral School.
Tho'bourd then took up a report from the
committee on buildings and property on tbo
bids for the carpenter work In the now Cen
tral school. The committee recommended
that the contract should be axvarded to H.
B. Mayo , the lowest bidder at ? 13,47i. ! There
was a long fusllade of oratory from Morris
Morrison and others over the matter , but the
report was adopted.
The committee recommended that the con
tract for the brlok work on the Control
school building bo awarded to George H.
King at jZJ.QUO. Tbo report was adopted.
The committee also recommended that tbo
Fuller & Warren system of beating be
adopted at a cost of ? 3,1GO. This system did
not include the dry closets. Mr. Martin
stated that the < Fuller & Warren svstotn
would cost 91,000 less than tbo Holbrook
system out tbo latter would bo a nystum of
steam heat Instead ot hot air He sain that
if the board considered tbo steam bout pref
erable at f 1,000 more than hot air tbo com
mittee would not consider it a slight to have
the report rejected and the Holbrook system
adopted Instead.
Mr. C. E. Babcock spoke in favor of trying
the Holbrook steam beating anpaiatus at the
extra cost. He believed that the hoard
should try this excellent system slnco Mr.
Holbrook had offered to put In his system of
heating nnd ventilation and lot it boar the
test for a whole year , and if at the end of
that tiino the apparatus was not perfectly
satisfactory bo would IUKO It out without a
cent of expense to the board , and bo hud
also agreed to have nearly all the work noo-
assary In putting In bis apparatus douo in
Dr. Gibbs favored the Fuller & Warren
Mr. Smyth thoutcht the board should give
steam boiit chnnco nnd ho thought tbo
Holbrook system a good ono.
In view of the fact that the bid of Mr.
KmgJor the brick work took into considera
tion only tbo Fuller & VVarron system ot
lieuting end ventilation It was finally do-
: ldod to refer the matter back to the 'com
mittee on buildings and property that a con
ference might bo bold with Mr. King on the
Elolbrook system before final action should
bo takOD.
PlumbingContrurtK Awnrtlod ,
Tbo contract for iho plumbing of the West
Dmaha school and the Luthrop school was
iwardod to Mr. vV. G. Higglns at $ d'J7 for the
former aud $743 for the latter.
Ou resolution offered by Mr. Martin the
board decided that all bidders bidding on
building work of any kind for the Board of
Education shall/present / tbor | bids ou blanks
furnished by the architect of the board so
that they will bo uniform.
Tbo ofllolal bond ot Charles Conoyor , sec
retary of tbo board , was presented by Mr.
Poppletori and accepted by the board.
HTho bond of Joe Hummel , foreman ol re
pairs , wns also presented by Mr. Popplutou
and was accepted by thu board ,
Under the general head of potty depreda
tions Mr. C. 13. Babcock raudequlto a speech
ind offered a resolution to offer n reward of
f 5 for the arrest and conviction of any pur-
ties found guilty of breaking into school
buildings , stealing any article of furniture
3t committing any nuisance about the build
ings. The resolution was adopted.
Then Mr. Joseph Hummel broke Into pub
lic gaze again under tha qbapcrouago of Mr ,
Doryell , who offered a resolution to amlgn
Mr. Iluoimol to work as foreman
jf repairs at a salary of 1100
per month and $35 per month
iddlttonul for tbo use of his borsouud wagon.
Mr. Hummel was elected foreman of repairs
Eoveral weeks ago as a necessary adjunct to
tbo success of the Conoyor faction of the
board in the election ot Secretary Couoyor ,
but ho ha * not boon put to work yet nnd Mr ,
Wohror , his friend and patron has boon
growing restive on account of the delay lu
getting Mr , Hummol ou tbo pay roll ,
Mr , Gibson wanted to know If this resolu
tion meant that Mr. Hummel would take the
place ot Mr. Hamilton , superintendent of
uulldlugs. llooald Uo could see no i nio In
bavin ? two men to do the lamu work.
Mr. Coryell Miurod Mr. Ulbioo that Mr.
Hamilton was Hot to ho disturbed by , the nil-
Mr. Points opposed the resolution because
ho thought there was uo need of paying the
fi" a month for the use ot n horse , The sal *
nry was ampin without that.
Dpfontoit the ItOftolittlon.
Mossri. Bnbcock. Coryoll , Martin , Popplo-
ton and \Vohror voted for the resolution ,
while Messrs. Etgutter , Glbbs , Points , Pow
ell and President Spaldlng voted mrnltmt It ,
nnd the consummation of Charles Wohror's
potsohomo , upon which ho has boon working
for mure than a year , viz. : to soouro a soil
SI\JP \ ! .2r " , ls frlo"d Hummel in connection
xvlth the Board ot Education , was again
postponed. Mr. Wohror's expression of
countenance nftor the failure ot the resolu
tion Indicated that ho was tndulelnc In some
montnl remarks not suitable for publication.
. , ? board ! docldod ! ' b MrKl * or ,
to appoint n coimntttoa to
confer wl'.h the mayor nnd city cojnclt rom-
t vo to the occupancy of the now quarters In
the cltv hall. The board adjourned to moot
next Friday night.
'IhcyHotectn Club Itmnu for Ihn ComimlKU
Otltar llmlni' - , Triii-itct < ill.
When the Fifth Ward Rypubltoan club
convened last night it was anticipated that \
J. G. Tnto , the republican candidate fpr llou , .
tenant governor , would ho present to address
tbo mooting , consequently there nas n largo
attendance. Prosldont iraundoM , however ,
upon his arrival announced that bo would
have to disappoint the rotors for once , at
least. Ho had just received a notification
from Mr. Tate and It was impossible for him
to bo present. The o Wears of the club were
authorized to book Mr. Tate for a speech nt
some later date during the campaign , end
then some routine business was transacted.
In selecting delegates to attend the moot
ing of the Republican Stoto league to bo hold
T1 Sr id Istond , August W , W. A. Saunders ,
J. H. MoCullouirh , John J. Jenkins , James
II. Kynor and H. E. Hodyord were named
and elected.
John J. Jenkins , George Ellen nnd J. H.
McCullouRh were appointed as a commlttoo
ou finance * , with instructions to go out into
the by-ways nnd the hedges for the purpose
of gathering together a campaign fund.
The vacant storeroom at Sherman avenue
nnd Clark street was selected ns n club room
nnd tboro the future meetings will ho hold.
( iiililo \Vllshlnutoil. .
Mr. O. P. McCarty of Cincinnati , south
western passenger ngont of the Baltimore &
Ohio railroad , has favored TUB Ben with a
guide to Washington Issued for iho especial
use of those who attend tbo onoampmont of
the Grand Army of the Republic In that city.
The worn contains In compact form a sketch
ot Iho city , the great government buildings ,
the monuments , the clubs nnd other points of
interest , all appropriately illustrated. It also .
mentions many noted places of Interest near
Washington , including some of the famous
battle Holds , together with directions for
reaching them and the cost ot railroad faro.
The style Is not the flowery and verbose re
cital of the ordinary railroad pamphlet. The
book gives In condensed form a great deal ot
valuable information that every visitor to
Washington will want.
Keep * n Disorderly House.
A man named Davis , who lives In D
rickety shanty opposite the Dellono hotel on
Fourteenth street , was arrested last night
for disturbing the poaco. The arrest was
made on complaint of Mrs. Hannah Johnson ,
a neighbor , who claims that Davii runs n
disorderly place wboro tougb men nnd
woman are accustomed to concrogato
A 17-year-old girl , who gave her name as
Lizzie Foler , was found with Davis and
turned over to the matron. She says that ,
sbo came to Omaha with Ida Ebrigbt , who
was found dead in a physician's ofllco In the
Shoely block some days ago , and bos boon
living with Davis slnco.
Failed to Got n Quorum.
There were but flvo members present at
he regular monthly mooting of tbo Board of
Trade last ovonlng , and In the absence of a
quorum an adjournment was taken until tha
next regular session.
( Tasteless Effectual. )
Such as Sick Headache ,
Weak Stomach ,
Impaired Digestion ,
Constipation ,
Liver Complaint ,
and Female Ailments.
Covered with a TaMelesa & Soluble Coating.
Of all druggists. Price 26 cents a box.
New York Depot. i < Can l St.
Sealed proposals will bo received by the un-
lerslpncd until I'M o'clock p. m. , . August , 17th ,
,802. , for Nliont asphalturn from the asplmlt
'akoln ' the Island ot Trinidad.
Tor n.ivlriK p.irt of the following
ttreots nnd nvuniius In the city of Omaha ,
: oniprlsud /street Iniurovonfunt districts
Vo-i. 4.7 , 411. 412. 4iu uiliVJnna : inoro partiou-
arly dosorlhod us follows !
No. (27 i < tthroi ) street from Sherman ave-
iiin to 13th street. >
No. 411 : rth ) Htniot from Furmim street to
.ho north Una of Oiivonportstroot.
No. I IU I.kvenort | .street from : Wth street to
qth struct.
No. 3VI'.irk or 23th iivonno from Leaven-
vorth street to Hickory street.
I'.iuh bid to specify u price | Dcr square yard
lor the p ivlng complete In the streets nnd
Work to ho done In accordance with pluns
ind unoclllciitlons on file In tiiu ofllco of the
joara ot pntlio works.
Kuch proposal to be made on printed blanks
'urnisliod ' bvlliebonrdiind to bo accompanied
JY n curtlllod oliook In the sum of & > 0) , puy-
iblo i to tbo olty of Umahu , 114 an evidence ot
; nod fiiltli.
The board reserves the right to reject any
) rull bids and towulvortofmits.
1'V. . 111UKIIAU8ER. .
Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Works.
Omaha , Not ) . , August 1st. ISO. , n2-i-M ! ! ! >
VfcaKncss ,
Catarrh or
lllieiiraatssm ,
Chronic ,
Nervous or
Diseases ,
Dr. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free.
tcknowlodroil lo bo tha most nuccoiful ipeclnllit In
Uonurrliumln from 3 to 0 darn. Syphilis euro !
vltlioutMurcury. All tn o fur Ufa.
HT1HUTU1IK puriuauontlr cured , removal com-
> lcto. wltliout cutting cauillo or dilatation. Uur *
itlectoil at hunm ty patluat without a moment1 !
" " " '
"l'"l"KKnifKff u'lUi. ANI HKCTAI , Uf.CKItB CUt 4 l
iltbout i > ale or detention from builnun. lV
.K AND VAIIIUOOKMS | > ormnnantlr X
iilljr ourinl. Mut
( V1TAMTV WKAK ) , Madetobr too olote ppll-
ntlua to builnen or iludri < ere montnl itraln
irvrtari 8B.XOAIj KX-KS3Kd la mlddla lift , or
row the eOectt of youthful folllot ,
fUUNU and MIUDliU AOKUi Uult of Tliu , vigor.
, ud troiiKlh. with BaxuM or * n liupalroil anj
enkunonuil iiruiunturulr In aiiproichhiK old SICK.
VII rlold luadlly to our ntiw tr muiDni fur Ion of
\M \ uower. Cull on or iwUrno nllli itamp fur
: Iri. > ul r , ( re < ) unuk mil ruatlnU.
PirlP UN south 13th Htr4 k
f PQ .V ?
llt ) a owilCi , ouitu , .N *
MoxttoI'oatOnk * .