Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1892, Image 1

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i.\L ! \
Oolorado's ' Oapitnl Welcomes Two Score of
Thousands Moro.
Qrnml Mnstrr ( lobln ] : xprcsip UlHUpprovat
of CoinpntUivo I'rlio Drills Twenty
Thouinnil Tcmplum Now Within
tlio Concliixc City.
DBXVDII , Colo. , Aug. 8.-The population
of this city was increased nearly 85,000
today nntl still the rush continues. Probably
one-quarter of this number wcro tumplnr
hnlgnU , the rest were visitors , attracted by
Iho conclave and the low rates.
The scones about the union depot , where
eastern and local trains arrived about nvcry
fifteen mlnutuu , were lively beyond descrip
tion. In many of the trains many passoti-
gcrs had stood for hundreds of miles. Uut
the itnlghts were comfortable , for they occupied
pied special "coaches nnd In many oases spe
cial trains. They wcro accompanied by
their wives , daughters and lady friends , the
female folks in their bright costumes nddlng
to the itttiactlvcncss of the scene. The
depot yards and streets of the clly were
filled with the strains of musluund marching
knights all day.
The Crowds were well handled and every
body was given good accommodations. The
local knights looked after .their visiting
brethren nnd the citizens' committee looked
nftor other visitors who were not fortunate
enough to have friends hero. They still
hove 5,000 rooms to let , but these will prob
ably all bo Hlled by Wednesday. Tr-ero are
mill In reserve rooms which will bo given up
by prlvnto residents If absolutely necessary ,
for no ono who comes hero will bo allowed
to RO away disappointed.
Keeping Open I foil HO.
Although Denver is several hundred miles
Bwav from the nearest Indian reservation , it
boro'a typical western nppoarnnco today.
Representatives ot four tribes of Indians ,
"wild west" exhibitions
who arc giving ,
roamed about the city , whllo pralrlo schoon-
JCM containing the families of r.uich.nen who
live In the suburbs from fifty to 200 miles
away , occasionally passed through the
iticots. These people are supplied with
camping outfits , and uavo put up hundiods
of tents in the outskirts , where they will
live during Ibo conclave. Then there Is a
plcturcsquo cowboy band on hand. The
leader carries a Wlncncstcr Instead of a
baton and his commands are given by the
crack of this arm. Tnls band was on escort
duty nil day.
ljuring tlio day nearly 100 eastern nnd
western trains rolled In nnd nearly as many
moro local trains. Denver was In its glory.
Tonight there wcro receptions at the vari
ous clubs and headquarters to the visitors.
The city Is keeping open homo and the
knights arc welcomed ovcrywboto.
< irniul Muster Oobln IU.iiiirovc | < < .
Accalon commnndory of St. Louis onter-
tuincd the grnndcommnndery of Missouri to
night nt Odd Fellows hull. Governor Fran
cis of Missouil Is commander and the boys
ro proud of him. The Massachusetts nnd
Htuulo Island comnianderics attracted a good
deflT of attention during the day and they
promise to mnko a line anpenranco nt the
parade. New York City nnd Philnpclphia
commandcrlcs contained u distinguished
looking lot of men. St. John's No. 4 of Phila
delphia arrived this morning from Us trip
around the state. Grand Master Go bin of the
grand commandrry was with St. John's ,
was received with a suluto of twenty-one
puns and was escorted to tha temple , where
GrandCommander , Carr ot Colorado made n
short speech of welcome. Godoral Gobln re-
cpondcd in a charming manner. Shortly
nftor ho learned that a prize competitive drill
bad boon arranged. He cxpressod his dls-
pproval and Commander Carr counter
manded the order for the drill. It was
rumored during the day that the parade had
been postnoned until Wednesday. This was
denied by several grand ofllcors , but there Is
some uncertainty about the matter yot.
Tbo Callforniuns are ono of the jolllcst
comnianderles. They are stosplag ut the
Oxford hotel , nnd this afternoon Sir Knights
C. II. Wilson nnd J. L. M. Shottorly gave a
joint birthday party , at which hpoechcs wcro
made and good wishes exchanged. Honolulu
wns represented by one ) delegate. Sir Knight
William ; , who was enthusiastically greeted.
A practice drill ot the mounted California
drill corps wns hud this afternoon nnd the
men did themselves proud. The corps was
plvon n dinner this evening by Sir Knight
Uoottcher of Denver , nnd later on the entire
comrnandcry attended u reception glvun by
Mrs. Christie of Denver.
Yi-Htrnluy'K Ari-luiU.
It is estimated that there are nearly 20.000
knights In town. The coramandories which
nrrlvod In town today wora : New Haven.
Bprlngfiold , Mass. , Trlnitv , Now Jersey ,
Hugh do Pnyon , Jersey City , Now Jersey
Grand , Ottawa of Illinois , Oriental , Kansas
Citv , Sotoan of Illinois , Montrose and Ourny
of Colorado. St. Joseph of St. Joseph , Oobin
of Illinois , Englcwcod of Chicago , Detroit of
Dotrolt , P.corln , Topeka of Topekn , Gothscm-
ano of Nebraska , Lnfuyotto of Indiana ,
Michigan City , Couur d'Aleno of San Fran
cisco , Sallna of Kansas , Akron of Colorado ;
Koso of Ohio , South Carolina und Georgia ,
Aidomnr of Montana , Ohio Valley , Lam-
brldgo of Iowa , Konnuth of Iowa , Mount
Burnt of Moulder , Washington , D. C. , No. 1.
Altogether nearly 200 eastern trains were
lohedulcd to nrilvo. At a late hour there
were still fifty of these trains to got In.
They will probably all arrive bufora morning.
Onn of the features of the conclavu is tha
ladies' reception tent at tbo union depot ,
whcro all ladles who arrive with the knights
are received and sent to tholr various desti
The Kansas City knights to tbo number of
several hundred gave u parudo and nn exhi
bition drill this evening on the capital
grounds. They were reviewed by nearly all
the grand ortlcars In town and they made u
tlno appearance.
As qulto u number of commandorios will
not arrlva before tomorrow , there were no
format recaptions this evening , but thuro
wan n goneriil round of frulornal culls going
in all tliotlmo.
l/ivlth Illumination ! ,
The fttrootn nro lighted up for miles around
tvltb.many colored stringers , fancy omblums
> f Masonry , colloisul search lights und bril
liantly decorated arches. Tlio olcctria lllu-
nlnatlon Is ono of the main features of the
conolavu entertainment. Four great search
lights , each of 5,000 candle power , are placed
In conspicuous positions in different parts of
Ibo town and so constructed that powerful
redactors concentrate the rays nt any point
Icslrod ami glvo the clearness of daylight nt
i distance of two or thrno miles. The area
tovercd bv the general Illumination from
these special plants Is a mile In length by
icarly Unit u mlle lu width. A magnlllcout
loublo arch near tha Masonic temple has up
In It no lower than 2,003 colored Incamtcs-
jmit Uglits. Two othqr arches near
the depot ate lUlnd up with
XX ) and 200 lights respectively ,
lud over a score of emblems on the puulo
itrccts have each from eighty to 230 lights
In addition to these emblems , llfty-six street
Intersection strinrors nro so arranged as to
harmonize with the other Illuminations und
jive to tbo whole a ctanmim and talry-llKa
tpponranuo. Doreiu of thu large uuMncss
Irnis In the city have tlolr own Independent
plant * and thnso lu every Instance h.ivn been
turned , for the time being , into furnishing
tlio best illuminating otlccts for the conclave.
Interiors nro decorated with n wonderful
rarlcty of beautiful domgiiH formed of colored
noanuescoiit lumpt , and on the outside , ol
Ibo buildings bong glowing arc lights that
Ulumlaato the whole section , Prlvuto rccl-
loncei , totals und clubs nro nllko ono blare
If brilliancy and the streets ura crowdvil
ATlth Mshtsocrs ,
Killed by Itullnnn.
\Vil.KE8iuuiu : , Pa. , Aug. h.Whllo a uum
bor of young men , said to DO rnllroadciswcru
ttio Loblfh Vwlloy railroad
yards at Coxton , three miles from Plttston ,
ast evening , ttoy mot a party of Italians ,
vlth whom they began a quarrel. A few
moments later the Italians arew knives and
slashed right und Istt , Harry Uciltotto of
Asbloy was slabbed In the head , and alter
walking down the railroad track about II Hy
yards ho dropped dead. Kobort Williams
wns Ktabbnd In the back and Is also reported
o bo dead. John Jones escaped with several -
oral serious cuts about the body.
/ rjln KUHII Kits' in.iin.
Kvnit * nnd Sontng Ilmn Not Itccn dip-
turcil nn Ynt.
VISAI.U , Cal. , Aug. 8. Sheriff ICny nnd
party who wont In pursuit of Evans and Sou-
ng have returned. All had closed mouths
and were Instructed to keep so. Sheriff Hill
nnd four or llvo others who loft Saturday nro
still absent. It Is believed that the Kay
party lost the trail , but It surmised they
came bac-k losocuro paclc animals and will
cave again without delay prepared to camp
on the trail of the robbors. They brought
JHCR to town the mule nnd cart boning se
cured of Wnrd. The outlit wns secured In
Iho bed of Negro Creek. The Ktty party
saw nothing ot the Fresno nosso , who nro
said to bo stationed blghor up the mountain
with the expectation ot bending olT the rob
bers. It Is said that Kay nnd party overtook
lOvatii and Soiling aud were In loss than
eights1 yards of them when ono young man
could not resist thu temptation of tailing n
shot at them. This spoiled the probable cap
ture , as the pursued , tiikon by surprise , were
thus warned to seek n safe hiding plnco.
which was easily found in the rugged section
where they nro.
Deputy Sheriff Willy's condition is much
improved Heaver was buried yesterday at
[ . .omors , the funeral procession being ono of
the largest ever soon there.
Once Opttrntetl 1'iirthnr Hint.
MANICATO , Minn. , Aug. 8. Geurgo and
John Soiling , who are supposed to have boon
implicated In the express robbery near
[ lollis , Cat. , Wednesday , are oollovod to bo
former residents of this city.John Sontug
removed to California nbout llvo years ago
and had a bad record. Qcorgo was brought
before the United States court nt St. Paul
LWO or thrco years ago on a charge of raising
United States currency. His reputation has
not boon good. Ho returned to Mankato
Llirco months ago but lias not been BOOH since
the second day after the attempted robbery
of Urn Omaha train near Kasota , five weeks
ngo.This clrcumslnnco , together with his fight
with ofllccrs tttVlsallu , Cal. , leads to the
suspicion that ha wus one of tha parties who
tigured In the Kasotn affair. It was given
out shortly niter this that the robbers were
In tlio city for two days after the attempted
robbery , nnd If so U mlcht bo that Sontag
nnd Evans were the parties. The police are
thought to have Important inside facts , but
rofnso to glvo out information for u day or
two , or until something is heard frcm Cali
The robborloB nt West Prntrio Junction ,
Kasota nnd Hollis wcro conducted on the
same plan , and there is reason to bollovo
that the same parties carried out nil threo.
The stepfather of the Soiling boys Is pro
prietor o'f a hotel in this city , but their own
father's name was Contant , which they do
not carry. The police beltovo there is no
doubt that the Sontngs in California are
those boys. George Snntag's family lives
hero. Interesting developments are ex
J//.V.V/M > I.I SI OKM-b H'lH'T.
Italu , Hull niul Wlmt Work IleUrnctlnn
Clear ACIOSH the fstiitc.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Aug. 8. Last night's
rntn , wind nnd hall storm was very severe
locally , but the greaton damage wns done in
other parts of the state. The storm was
widespread , extending from nwny over In
South Dakota , clear across this state Into
Wisconsin. Trees were blown down , houses
wcro wrecked , grain llattcuod"to the grounder
or washed out , and nltogothursomo hundreds
of thousands of ilollars worth of damage wns
dono. Full reports have not boon received ,
out the loss suoms likely to roach well up to
$1,000,000. In Lincoln , Yellow Medicine und
Lyon countioJ , grain Is so damaged as to bo
unlit for culling. _
I-'utul Tornado Krportuil lit Marshall.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Aug. 8. Marshal' ' re
ports a tornado nt 1 o'clock this morning goIng -
Ing over the same course as the blow of last
Friday. Near Cummtngs the Ice-
Inndio Lutheran church was thor
oughly demolished. Several barns
nnd small buildings wora cms lied and
others badly damaged. Hailstones fell an
inch and a half In dininotor. Two Polnndors
are reported killed near Marshall.
At St. Paul und Minneapolis n number of
houses were struck by lightning and moro or
less dan'ugo was done bv tbo ilro that fol
lowed , while the daimigo by tha wind and
rain was very great.
Tinina Koiinil Tor Cimry Inland Golllilo
\Vith lilNHitrotM Kunilts.
Nr.w Youic , Aug. 8. Several hundred
people were spilled In promiscuous heaps
from a train bound for Coney Island on the
Brooklyn. Bnlh & West End railroad yester
day. Fully twenty were injured , some of
them seriously. Six heavily loaded cars , on
which the brukos refused to work , crashed
Into the ronr of five otbor cars , equally
hoovily loaded. The passengers In the rear
section had scon tbo Impending danger and
many attempted to Jump from the op n cars.
It was this that caused the great proportion
of the injuries , The occupants of all Iho
cars but two were thrown from tholr seats
with great violence by tha collision. Whllo
no fatalities are expected , thu Injuries of
some nro ghastly. Broken bones and cut
and bruised faces and bodies were plentiful.
A baby which had been resting In Its
mother's lap was thrown several feel from
the track mid seriously Injured.'H MX cnvitcn , *
Tlu > Notorious CoolnjH Turnirl/u n Congro-
giillon , TJiKii Contrlliutii to Iho Colluullon.
UMONTOWS , Pa. , Aug. 6. The Cooloys put
In an nppoaranco nt Springfield last night
und attended Iho Methodist church. About
8 o'clock , whllo tha little congregation wcra
engaged In thatr usual devotionc , Frank
Cooley nnd Jack Unmsoy rode up lo the
church door , hitched their horses , and will nod
into tha church , with as much uncon
cern as though they wc-ro regular commu
nicants , They did not carry thnlr rifles wllh
thorn , but lu the two laro bolts which they
were they hud largo revolvers. The outlaws
took their position on either sldn of tbo door
aud would permit no ono to go out. This
was done to prevent uti alarm being spread.
Almost every ona in tbo church was tright-
onod nearly out of his wits.
The outlaws partly compensated for thi'lr
recent robboilcs bv contributing to the
ovnngolical collodion , after which they Inft
Iho church nnd loclo away , lo Iho great relief
of thu congregation.
Kund.iy ririurliuM Urowiiml.
Mass. , Aug. 8. A boat over
loaded with ton picnickers f com this city w.-.s
overturned on Loo's uond near this city , yes
terday. Noiia of them could swim , and
Ucorgo F. Brlorly'aud two other young men
Jumped Into the water und pulled nil but two
ashore. The drowned are Annlo Bernstein ,
aged IS , and ( da Harris , aged ID.
Hmngglu'l In Dozen C'lilnmio.
POUT To\\XBSi > , Wash. , Aug. 8. Last
evening u sloop from Victoria landed a Joren
Chinese near Port WiUon and hastily sailed
away. Customs officers arrosto LjC-jr of the
Chinese and are now oil ' . o trail ut the
ither * .
_ _
Tim I'lro Iti'ourd.
BAI.TIMOUB , Mr. , Aug. 8. Fire today con.
sumod largo portions of John Cbattorlon it
Co. ' * furniture factory , Grcon &Co.8 Hope
Bruis works and tha premtiosof KlcucUumu
& Co. , builder * . Damage , f.'OO.OOO.
Tory Governnunt Boinsr Weighed on Its
Record of Six Years Past.
Irish t.nailer Sprain 1'lnlnly In Voicing tlio
Demand * or Ills 1'nrty Sir. ( loicliou
Asks Tor Information III
tlio Lords.
Loxnox , Aug. 8.This morning , when the
IIouso of Commons mot the members were
summoned to the House of Lords , where the _
speech from the throne opening the session
was road. The spaoch said that as the busi
ness of parliament wns practically completed
before dissolution under proclamation of
Juno 23 , It was not necessary for parliament
now to conlinuo Us session nt this unusual
period of the year. The hdpo was expressed
that when parliament moots nt the custom
ary season It will again direct attention to
tha measures for social and domestic Im
Gladstone nrrlvod In London this morning
greatly improved In health.
A petition has been lodged against the re
turn of William Hodmond , Parnuloltu , who
was elected by 410 votes in County Glare.
After the queen's speech was read
both bouses look n roccss until 4 o'clock.
When the IIouso of Commons reassembled
the speech wns again road to that body.
The last portion was groated with groans by
the liberals.
Barton , conservative member for mid-
nrmagh , moved the address lu rnply to the
quean's speech.
.Salisbury Government llclnpr Weighed.
Before tbo opening of the debate on the
nd dross In rnplv to the speech from the
throne , Mr. Gladstone entered the house and
took tbu oath. Ho was heartily cheered by
his supporters.
Neither the spocch of Mr. Barton , In mov
ing the address , nor that of Mr. Cross , who
seconded the nddross , attracted any atten
tion. The bouse was listless until II H.
Asqulth , Q. C. . Glndstonlan member for the
east division of Fifoshiro , rose to move the
amendment declaring that the house had
no confidence in the government. Ho
wus greeted wllh loud nnd prolonged cheer
ing by the liberals. lie declared that parlia
ment had mot for the obsequies of a dead
majority. The house ought not to dally over
practical questions , but 'should ns spcedllv
us possible place in power a. government
representing the decision of tbo country as
expressed nt tha polls.
Mr. Thomas Butt , Gladstonlan member for
Morpolh , secretary of the Northumberland
Minors Mutual association , socondcd the 110-
confldcnco amendment. Ho contended that
the question of homo rule tor Ireland must
dominate all other questions to which the
liberal party was pledged.
Mr. uoacben , chancellor of the exchequer ,
said ho hoped the house would at last hear
something definite about homo rule. Mr.
Gladstone , ho declared , could not longer
shirk explaining his homo rule scheme , nor
could Sir William Harcourtovad < unpleasant
questions by going out of tbo house instead
of responding to them.
Demanus of the Irish Party.
Justin McCarthy said that the Irish party
expected that coercion would cease when the
llbeiuls came into power. If the liberal gov
ernment's home rule bill did not satisfy the
people of Ireland there would bo nn
and of it. [ Conservative cheers. ) Ho
oeliovcd in Iba sincerity of the
llborul assurance that the homo rule bill
would ba kept in the front or their legisla
tion. The Irish party also wanted an early
measure for the relief of every ono of the
tenants and inquiring Into the cases of Irish
men wrongfully convicted of nffonsos against
the crown. Ho further desired that the term
of imprisonment of prisoners be shortened.
John Redmond said ho considered ll Iho
duty of every Irish mom bur to assist In oust
ing the present government. IIo could not
consent to Mr. Labouchero'n suggestion to
glvo the Newcastle program precodoncoovcr
the home rule question. IIo hoped that they
would not have to wait until February fo'r
tbo provisions of Mr. Gladstone's bill. It
was useless for the liberal party to llvo in a
fool's paradise. Tb&y were going to bo
placed in power by Irish votes and they must
fulllll their pledges.
Wiintud Tlio I'olley of n Party.
Mr. Goschon , In concluding his speech ,
denied that homo rule was the paramount
question which had boon submitted to the
country in the recent campaign , but ho do-
clarcd'tliat It. had occupied In n large num
ber of electoral addresses a very subordinate
plnco. [ Cries of "hoar , hoar. " | The Irish
members sromed to think that they had
nothing to do but evict the present minis
ters lu order to got homo rulo. [ Cheers
from Irish members. ] Did tha mover of
the amendment to the address In reply
to tbo speech from tha throne know the pol
icy of his party regarding this snmo homo
rulot Beyond the loader of Iho opposition
and &oino fuw of his followers nobody know
of tbo exact nature of the moasuro. 1'lioy
had now arrived at a stage where tha House
of Commons was exorcising its prerogative
peculiarly , in selecting mon whose measures
would coma afterwards. [ Laughter. ] If
tucso measures were adopted by tbo
House of Commons , then the house of peers
would sbaro with the other house tha re
sponsibility for their measures. When those
measures are presented to tbem thcro will
bo no difllculty in criticising thorn. Perhaps
then tbo liberal lords would abandon their
present conspiracy of silence. Then also the
peers would perform their duty wllh that
wisdom nnd decision upon which the bouse
established Its right and reputation in days
past. [ Cries of "Hoar , hoar. " I To the duty
thuf cast upon them they would have to pay
regard , as no mandate ou that question had
been before the country. The country was
against the principle of homo rulo. So If
homo rule wus passed It would bo by the
Irish majority coercing the JiritUh majority.
fClicors.J If thu unionists were ' defeated by
tbo Irish vote it would not bo th'o finaljtrlal.
Defeat would not moan thu dispersion of tbo
unionist forces. Tbo unionists would btlll
remain rampant against the forces of rapine
and disorder , which would throw themselves
In vain. [ Cheers. J
reura Attack nnd Defend tlioNotlilng-to-Uo
bpreoli from thnTlirono.
LOXPOK , Aug. 8. In the House of Lords
the aurl of Denbigh moved and tbo earl of
Powls sncondod the address in reply to the
speech from tbo throno.
Karl Klmborly complained that this was
the first occasion that no policy had been
foreshadowed in the spaoch from the throno.
There was nothing In tbo speech , ho de
clared , tnat could bo criticised.
The duku of Devonshire ( Lord Hartlngton )
said tbo ilmo had arrived when effect was
about to bo given to thooplnloni proyalllnv
in tbo other house. In declaring that tha
country bad po confidence In the government ,
tbo liberal loaders ought to explain tha
policy they would adopt If returned to power.
The government would at all events hold
oftlco till it became certain that the various
sections nf the opposition would combmo to
maintain anew government. " [ Hoar , hoar. ] ' *
Lord ilerschol hold thai no declaration of
policy ought to bo given until thu liberal
government was conntllutud , Possible mln-
istiuf , ho suid , were still private members
aud their duclarutlons , If they Indulged tn
anv. could not bind tbo future government.
The address wu approved.
I'lou | n lYur.
VIENNA , Aug. 8. A dispatch from
berg says that on along tramway railway
between Kursk , Cbarkoff und Azof a erout
number of phvsiolans have abandoned their
pitlcnts and Hod ou account of the preva
lence of cholera.
round Mrycliniiio In llur Stomach ,
LONDONAug. . H. The case of Thomas
Nolll , under Indictment for poisoning Mutll-
du Clover , was res u mod to Jay. Dr. Stovcu-
son , the govnrnmoat onslylst who examined
the stomachs of tboj Mursn , Shrlvell nnd
Clover girls , also suspected to ba the victims
of Nolll , testified thntjho had found strych
nine In the organs examined. This was un
doubtedly the calaso of death.
SACKII : > AM. Tin : sitors.
I'rleftta Induce Mobs to Snpprns tile Liquor
Tratlle lu Persia.
ST. Pr.TRUsnuno , Aug. 8. At Astrnbad ,
Persia , the priests denounced the alcoholic
liquor traffic as being Iho causa of the out
breaks of cholera. The populace at once da-
lormlncd to suppress the liquor traftlo and
raided and plundered all the dram shops.
Tha mobs destroyed the goods of n number
of Armenian merchants who are Russian
subjects. Twenty.llvo mounted Cossacks
were summoned from Hussla to guard the
Russian consulate and n Russian gunboat Is
now anchored in tha river opposite Astral ) id.
Tha Russian mlulstcr has dcm iddcd com-
LONIIOS , Aug. 8. A dispaleh lo Iho Times
from Tohornn says Ihut cholera in a mild
form is spreading In Tlborls , the oftlclal no-
counts reporting theiuy deaths daily. The
Armenians nnd Europeans have fled the
town , The mortality train cholera In tuo
Jewish quarters ut Teheran is fifteen to
thirty dally.
The Coliilnn Onli Pertnrlie'l. J *
I.ONPOX , Aug. 8. The a.inuul report of the
Cobdcn club Is largely devoted to Lord Salis
bury's celebrated Hastings speech. It la
ments the effect Salisbury's language must
uavo on European countries huvlng n high
protective tarltf nnd wluoh nro hanging our.
signals of distress nttho very moment Salis
bury has selected to hoist the protection flag.
The report also says the speech will have n
beneficial effect on free trade in the United
OICUl' * - l.VI'HOSl'lXTS. .
Winter Wheat Plenty In llllnoU and of I'lnu
Com Uncertain UK Yot.
) , 111. , Aug. 8. The crop bul
letin Issued by the 'stato Board of Agricul
ture today shows that with an urea ot
1,883,148 acres of winter wheat Ilia average
yield per acre throughout the state wus
olgbtcnn bushels. The total wheat crop wns
83,811,718 bushels. Tno quality of the grain
is unusually good , and most of u will grade
Nn. 2. The avcraco.Vleld per aero of spring
wheat Is 11 ftoon bushels.
The area seeded to oats , ns compared with
IS'Jl , Is 03 percent , or 'J,73Tr > a3 acres. The
total yield is 93,10-1,513 busbols.
With n late fall it Is believed that much
moro of the corn thali Is expected wilt yield
a fair loturn. The growth Is exceedingly
uneven and Ills dl ill cult to form a corrcctcs-
llmalo as to what thu result will bo. Re
ports from all over thb stata Indicate 73 per
cant is of a seasonable condition nt this lime.
Hot winds have nU. > prevailed in western
Missouri for the past two days nnd reports
of dnmugo caused by'thom to the corn crop
nro coming in. A dispatch from Oicctolu ,
Henry county , says the crop lu that county
cannot now give moro than half of the
average crop.
In Choyriiuo County.
Siuxnv , Nob. , Aug. 8. ( Special to TUB
BEE. ] The harvest of small grains , OJPO-
dally wheat and rye , is ono of tbo heaviest
In Cheyenne county. The ontlro counly is
ringing with the clatter of solf-blnderi. It
is very difficult to obtain harvest holp.
Wheat will throih about twcnty-throo
bushels to the acre imd rye noout the samo.
Two mammoth grain clevntcn arc In pro
cess of ordcllonioro. , The hay crop will bo
simply immense. Corn 1 ? rip3nlng rapidly
and will bo out of the xvuv before frost. The
potato crop Is looking brighter.
Cfny Cqnjity'8 Crop.
Ci.\YCc.N-TCn , Net ? ' ; ' Aug. 8. fSpeclal'to
Tun Bun. ] Considerable Ihroshing has boon
done hero and It Is found that previous esti
mates of winter wheat wcro too low. Many
Holds nro yielding forty nnd some forty-two
bushels per ucro. Tbo " nverago of the county
will reach thlrty-flvo" bushels.
JMoininentK of Oecan Hleamen.
At Glasgow Arrived State of Cnllforniu ,
from Now YorK.
At London Arrived British Queen , from
Baltimore. Sighted Vcndomo , from Now
At Antwerp Arrived Nordland , from
Now York.
At Philadelphia Arrived Pennsylvania ,
from Antwerp and Hibernian , from Glas
gow.At Now York Arrived Norwegian , from
At Nflw York Arivcd Steamer Kaiser
Wllbelmll , from Bremen.
Outluw lIuiMnn'n ISrothorTnUos AoMnn.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Aug. 8. A special to
the Times from Joplhi , this stuto , bays : Con
stable Jack Hudion , brother ot the notorious
outlaw , who was Killed ntGranby yesterday
while resisting urrest , summoned a cor
oner's ' Jury this morning and began an
Investigation ot the killing. Hudson offici
ated , und after examining several wit
nesses instructed the Jury to bring in a
verdict of willful murder by a mob 'led by
Olllcors Stout of Joplin nnd Robodcw of
Uranito Pas , Colo. The jurr loturned the
vordlct according to instructions. The coroner
ner nrrlvod at Granby shortly afterwards ,
summoned a Jury , viewed Iho body and then
returned to the city , whcro un inquoit was
bold , A vordlct wai returned in accordance
with the facts us given In these dispatches
last night.
Wont on IIU Latt Sprue.
Tn.Foni ) , S. D. , Aug. 8. [ Special Telegram
to Tun UEH. ] W. C. Smith , a blacksmith of
Plea nnt Valley , llvo miles east of hero , sui
cided lust night by hanging himself In his
shop. Smith enjoyed a good trade , but was
notorious for his triannunl sprees. Ho was
Just recovering from ono and it Is thought
his mind wns uffectrd. lie has relatives liv
ing at Wilton Junction , la.
Rclihipanilll Cannot Come.
NEW YOHK , Aug. 8. Dr. Scblaparolll has
replied to the offur of the proprietor of a
weekly paper , to bring him to this country
to investigate Mnrg , as follows :
"Verj thankful for you kind proposal , but
I cannot accept. Planet too low for good
observation. In my'opinion the opposition
will glvo butter opportunities. "
OMAHA , Aug. 8. f
The cool wave u coming and Is at this
hour (7 ( p. m. ) not fur off. It is raining nt
Sioux City , where the , temperature fell 20 °
during the day , A'onff ' tha front of the com
ing cool wave local rnina have occurred from
Colorado , northeast aud to upper Michigan.
A small area of Jew Imromotor occu
pies southeastern Nebraska and adjoin
ing portions of Kan i SB and Iowa. On the
southeastern side of this low area intensely
hot weather prevails. Hot , dry , kouthorly
winds swept over Kiunu ? nnd this section.
The maximum at Omaha was 100 = , Concor-
dialOO' , Wichita and Kansas City 03 ° .
This wus again tha hottest partof tbo United
States , but tbo boat Is drifting eastward and
will probably ba mdra severely felt In the
oast. - Chicago was W ° and St. LouU 00 ° .
Meanwhile jnueb cooler northerly , raln-muk-
Ing winds are blowing Into this boated area ,
'and relief U In sight.
I.ocni I'oreausU" . Vur Kasturn Nebraska ,
Omiilut mill Vicinity I.ncitt rulin , prnlmbly
heavy In plucm , unit cooler wo.itliur U
likely during TuoiitUy , Cooler Wrdneiilny.
WiSiiiXQTO.v , D , 0. , Aug , 8. Forecast for
Tuesday i
For Nebraska Fair , except showers In
south portions ; cooiorm ea tportions , northwest -
west winds.
For Iowa Fair , preceded by showers la
northern portion ; cooler ; northwest winds.
For Iho Dakota * Full1 , precode'J by show
ers In eastern South Dakota ; wurrner ; wlndi
becoming variable.
Judge Orounso's Sentiments its Expressed
in His First Oampiign Speech ,
Member * of tlto NuliriMkn St-ito Associa
tion ol tlio District of CottimbU Adopt
ilcRoluttotift of Conlldcnro lu
the Titrty.
WASHINGTON. D. C. , Aug. 8.-Spoclal [
Telegram to Tun Br.n. ] Thu Nebraska Stulo
Honubllcan Association of the District of
Columbia hold n meeting nt its quarters on
Pennsylvania nvontto tonight , at which
Judge Crounso was present and made his
first campaign speech. When the mooting
was called to order Colonel George A.
Fisher of Ilarlan county , Nebraska ,
presented resolutions which were
seconded by Judge Blxlcr of
North Plutlo , Mafllrmlng Iho unswerving
Jldollly of the association lo Iho principles
of Iho party as sol forth In Iho national and
Nebraska stnto platforms and tendering a
welcome to tholr distinguished follow citi
zen , Hon. Lorenzo Crounso , whom they
hailed as the next governor of the state and
bid godspeed In his canvass.
Mr. J. Hyde , the president of the associa
tion , Introduced Judge Crounso. Ho wns
greeted with very hearty npplnuso. Judge
Crounso said that ho felt honored by being
the choice of the party for governor. Ho
said thht ho would take oft not only his coat ,
but the rest of his clothing if necessary to
redeem Iho stnto of Nebraska.
Spoecbos wcro made also by J. P. Griffith
ot hidinna and Curl G. CIouso of Logan
county , Nebraska. The mooting was very
rorui.iST MADIKM : TOGiyriinit.
National Kxcrnttvo Commlttuo McotH nt St. * and 1'asuex Kcsoliitton * .
ST. Louis , Mo. , Aug. 8. The people's
party national executive coaimiltoo * hold a
meeting hero today.
A resolution was passed authorizing Iho
Alabama btato committee to at once put a
full electoral ticket In the field. The recent
Alabama election was discussed at
some length. "It Is n noticeable
Inct , " said Nalionnl Treasurer Hankin ,
"that the counties overwhelmingly
carried by Jones were Ihoso in
which black volors prodominnlod , while Iho
white counties were nearly nil carried by
Kolb. " Another resolution was passed , call
ing on Messrs. Washburn of Massachusetts
ana Parlln of New YorK to call u mooting of
the national commllloo of the caslcru ttutes ,
to arrange a vigorous plan of campaign.
Chairman Tnubenocic announced Ibat his
Colorado ndvlcoa showed that forty-five
papers In Colorado had deserted the old
parties , and were supporting Weaver and
Field. Of these sovunleon wcro formerly
democratic organs nnd the others repub
lican. The Walson Investigation in Wash
ington was mentioned as having helped tbo
cniibo wonderfully. Ucgnrdmg finances
'ircusurer Kiinkin announced that the people
we'ro rcspoudlDg.liborally to'tno recent call
for campaign contributions. "Wo expect to
receive about , $10,030 , wilh which \ \ o will do
as much as will ellhor of the old parties
with $2JJ,000. " Foraging reports were an
nounced us having boon received from all
over the south and west. The next meeting
will bo hold on September 13 at the head
quarters here.
The Hcpiibllcnn i\opullvo : Committee ( Ict-
tliif ; Ito.iily lor llnallirss.
NRW YoiMCf Aug. 8. The Herald says :
Tt .republican campaign in the west will bo
dlrtjc.- . ' uy the following committee , subject
to Iho nallonnl oxeculive committee : W. J.
Campbell of Illinois , J. N. Huston of In
diana , E. Uosowator of Nebraska , 11. G.
Evans of Minnesota nnd II. G. Paynoof Wis
consin. The committee will moot the latter
part of next week probably. The day has
'not boon lixcd. Their headquarters will be
at tbo Grand Pacific. Mr. Campbell will bo
elected chairman.
The committee will have supervision over
the canvass In Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin
Ihroo stales regarded as doabtful nnd ul !
over tbo wost. Its decisions will bo regarded
as settling questions pertaining to tha west.
The work of the executive committee will
still further ho subdivided. William O.
Bradley , the Kentucky member , will have
charge of Iho southern stales ; J. H. Mauloy
and Sam Fossondon in Now England. A
meeting of Iho executlvo committee will beheld
hold Friday or Saturday , The compensation
of the ofllcors and employes of the national
committee is to bo lixod.
Mnny TmllratloiiH Tlint , tlio Koniihllciiiis
\Vlll Do Some Hard Work.
CKPAJI "ilAiMPs , la. , Aug. 6. [ Special to
Tin : Bicn.j Tbo coming campaign in thir ,
part ot tbo Htale promises lo bo Iho hottest
nyor known , and both parlios are getting In
shapa for aggrosslva work. Tlio republican
club of Marlon is selling the pace
for nil similar organizations lu this
district. At nn enthusiastic mooting held a
few evening * ago it was practically deter
mined to build a wigwam for the coming
campaign. The decision wns left lo the ox-
ecu llvo commlttoomcn and it Is known Unit
Ihoy are In favor ot the plan. Tha Marlon
club Is made up of enthusiastic workers nnd
limy ara storting out to muUo their work
MACUPONII , la. , Aug. 8.-Special [ Tele
gram to Till ! Br.n.J At a nonpartisan cau
cus this evening a full ticket was placed in
tbo Hold for the first city election , which
takes place tomorrow as follows : Mayor , J.
M. Kclluy ; clerk , S. P. Hopkins ; aldermen ,
E. E. Cmith , .1. Young , W. Dye , A. I.
Mitchell und E. P. Stouipol Diane.
Dollglitrdvltli 11U Xtthnmlm Trip.
DBNVBII , Cole , , Aug. 8. Governor MoKln-
ley of Ohio and party , who arrived yester
day , did not stop long In Denver. After
viewing the city the party went to Color
ado Springs , from which plnco tluy
relumed lo Denvnr last night nnd
loft for the east this morning. Mr. MelCln-
loy said his Nebraska trip WAB very delight
ful. Ho expected to stump Colorado during
the fall , Ho added that President Harrison
would bo ro-nlccted , and bo did not think
that the people's party would Injura riihor
of the old organizations , lie was of the
opinion that the voters of this state would
not throw their yolos uway , but ho I of used
to talk about the silver controversy.
To Itennlillcan Clnlx ,
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Aug. 8. President Clark-
son of tbo national league of republican
clubs has sent out a confidential circular'
requesting Iho clubs to organize a marching ;
campaign club , August 10 , at 7:30 : p. in. lie
wants bicycle clubs , cavalry clubs ana
women's clubs formed also by way ot
A prUo Is offered of a standard of Ameri
can colors to bo given the stale league which
will Houdlo Iho national convention at Huf-
fnlo the most numerous and best drilled cam
paign club.
Hlicohnn Will Work lor Cleveland.
BAIUTOQA , N. Y. , Aug. 8 , Lieutenant
Governor tihoehan was tonight chosen chair
man ot the etuto oampalun committee ,
Actlal Nuyi lie Wuiu't u 1C. ( I. O.
INPUNATOLIS , Ind. , Aug. 8. General A. E.
Stevenson pasted through thu olty on hli re
turn homo to BlootuiogloD. He wu aikod ra-
ganllng the Z" s connecting him with the
Knights of U 'f. Idcn Clrclo In war times ,
and this U - ho said : "I'hov are huso
lies. If there o any truth lii them 1
uould not ht boon elected twice to con
gress. "
.Striker * ( lain „ . sotnlilo Aninlattlon to
Their Strength.
PiTTsiiuuo , Pa. , Aug. 8. The sensation of
the day nt Carnegie's Upper mills wns the
resignation of Night Superintendent and
Pnddler Boss Uichard Nichols. Ho has boon
In the employ of the ilrm for eighteen years
and wns ono of the mo t trusted workmen
nbout the mill. Immediately nflor leaving
Iho works ho wont to the Amalgamated
lioadqunttors where ho staled that the
MOD ho had taitan was duo lo the tact that
his work had boon made extremely
unpleasant slnco the strlico bad been
Inaugurated Ho siys ho has been
shoved from ono station and position to
nnoihor until the work has simply become
unbearable. In connection with the workIngs -
Ings of the mill he said the Illtjou or twenty
mon did not start todav as was reported.
The strikers , ho s-ild , gained a victory this
morning by inducing two of the best boaters
to leave the mill. In regard to the number
of mon who wcro working , ho stated that
there were less than nt any time since the
strike began. The acquisition of Nichols has
greatly encouraged the strikers.
The sto-imor Tide was busy today taking
nonunion men to Homestead and In four
trips carried over 200 mon.
Mrcittor On th Unties of an Ulllcnr.
Lieutenant Colonel Strcator , who has
gained so much notoriety on account of the
lams caio , wns scon on the street today. Ho
Is not nt nil worried about the prosecution of
thu case , nnd snya ho Is willing to let It go
before any court In the land. Ho nddod that
If nn ofticor were to bo punished for main
taining discipline In his command , especially
nt n time llko that , ho find always "miscon
strued the duties of an ofllcer of the national
This' nflornoon Iho eleven mon charged
wllh rioting nt Duqucsno had n haurlng be
fore Alderman Uolllv. Two were released
nnd nlno held for court In $1,000 each. All
furnished ball but George 'Ursen , xvlio wn
committed to Jail. The promised suit for
false urrest growing out of the charges of
murder nnd aggravated riot against Edward
Bui ko , will not be brought until nf tor Bunio's
trial In court. Attorney General Unmnan
fpcls confident thu Informations have boon
made against the wrong man , nnd PA poets to
provo Burkq was In Pittslmrg from July 5 to
the morning of July 7. Workmen will tnnlie
no infounution for Inciting to riot today , but
such information will bo made some day this
Society Men In tlio Mills.
Among the men now working in Iho
Homestead plant nro three well known nnd
ono Umo wealthy oil brolrors. They nro
Linn U. Dilworth. C. Leslie McLnughlin
and J. L. Agnow. Thcsa gontlcmcn nro nil
highly educated and move in the best society
in tha city. At ono tlmo McLaughlin was
considered the "highest roller" In the Oil
City nml Pktsbjrg exchanges.
Secret. iry Lovojoy stated this afternoon
that no attempt would bo made lo start the
Beaver Falls plum until the other mills are
running full. _
The Ilomostuail Slrlko I.o.nlnr Talks About
IIU i.iHt rn 'lrl | > .
BOSTON' , Mass. , Aug. 8. Hugh O'Donnoil
of Ilomostcad , Pa. , who is In this city , said
In an interview thai ho saw no reason for
throwing such a cloak of mystery around his
movements since ho loft Homestead. Ho
had been In no sense trying to evade any
one. Said ho :
"Of course , Iho mission Hint brings mo
east is somothlap that It would uot ho Judi
cious to talk about Just yot. Regarding tbo
lock out , it has just begun and the end is not
In sight. "
ftlr. O'Donnoil ' seemed perfectly uncon
cerned about his arrest nnd stated that ho
thought tlio arrests were made with the hope
that the rank and lUo would bccomo fright
ened and surrender unconditionally. "Hut , "
said ho , "ii has made the men inoru deter
mined than over to win. My mission will
keep me in Boston for n wool ; , "and after that
I will make a tour ot the Now England
stales. "
TiHiiosni | ) Striken * Itcmiine. Uorh Couldn't
AU'oril to Take Cluinves.
PiTTsnuiio , Pa. , AUR. 8. The strikers nt
Duqucsno returned to work this morning ,
and the Cumoglo Steel company scored a de
cided victory.
DUQUCSNI : , Pa. Aug. 8. Several of the
strikers were interviewed 'In the mill yard as
to their surrender.
"Wo found the firm was determined lo fill
our places , " said ono of the men when askud
why t'io ' break wns so complete. "Most of
us have been in Duquosno a year and were
Just galling on onr feat. Wo could not afford
to taka further chances to show our sym
pathy for tLo Ilomostcad people , "
A few Homestead men wcro near tha gate
at 7 o'clock this evening and hissed the men
when they came out. There was no violence ,
IVdoratlmi .May Diiuturo n Ilnycott.
Nuw YOHK , Aug. 8. President Clampers
this afternoon said that It was more than
likely that the Amerlinu Federation of
Labor , 000,030 strong , would boycott the
steel made by Andrew Carncgin nt Home
stead and other placos. This means that
every employer who uses Carnegie steel will
bo blacklisted nnd the union mon employed
called out and thus practically paraly/.o big
building operations ) all ovur tbo country , If
what Air. Gompers sayi actually comoi to
pass. It will uut ' a stop to railroad building ,
as the Curnogio'wnrka manufacture it largo
part of the steel rails used in this country.
It will also put a stop In a largo measure to"
government boat building.
Strralor Itn-Kluoteil.
HoMUSTilAD , Pa. , Aug. 8. Lloutonant-
Coloncl JomcH H. Stroalor wnslonlght unan
imously ro-oiected to his position in the
Tenth regiment , tils term buying expired.
Thn unanimous re-olecllen Is an endorsement
by all of lams' comnanions-in-urms of the
punishment meted out to him.
lams was in Homestead tonight , The dis
charged prlvnto was greatly chagrined attho
result of the election.
Tl'.o advisory cnmmllloo today pave out
that slnco Saturday between liO ! and 100 non
union men hare left the works. The com
mittee Is not surprised over the Duquosno
surrender , It having boon ox pee ted for a
Consldiiilllg tlin Wiign Krnlo.
PITTSIIUUO , Pa. , Aug. 8. At ! i o'clock to
morrow afternoon tbo committee represent
ing the Iron and stool manufacturers and
their worker * will once again ossutno their
deliberations ovur the wage scalo. The ques
tion of a settlement Is surrounded by ttio
same dcgrca of uncertainty that has markml
these negotiations from tholr origin. It Is
now understood that the various amalga
mated lodges Interested do not favor thu
schema of arbitration nnd that It will not DO
considered , though President U'olhe stated
today that , a considerable number of lodges
had hot turned in their vote on the Mibjcct ,
aud may not before tomorrow morning.
ImbnrerM I.ono u hlrlliu.
NEW YOHK , Aug. 8. The general strike of
the building trades , in sympathy for tbo
locked-out union material deliverers , will
probably end today. The walking delegates
liavo mot defeat In the ulrilco Involving 20-
000 laborer * . This morning the Framer's
union , comprising -,000 men , gave up tbo
struggle and returned to work ,
Will lie 1'uil by the Alllunco.
VVicuiTA , Kin. , AUP. 8. A pooi l to the
Eagle from La mod , Kan , , says that the ofll
cors of the farmer * ulllaucc are authority for
the ktatemont that the nlllanco ba * agreed to
furnish Iho looKod-out mon at Hoinoitoad
with flour enough to tide tbem over Iho
trouble wltu the Caruogle company.
Frightful Result of a Runaway at Louis- *
viilo , Nob.
Wlitlii Itolurnlni : from n Pleiisuro Trip nrf
J.'ntlro rainlly U Tlirimn from u
Carriage I.Ut of tlio
Lnuisviu.c , Nob. , Aug. 8. ( Special Tolo.
Rrnm to TUB BKIS. ] A aorlous accident hap
pened upon the streets of this oily this
evening , resulting fatally to tlio Infant child
of Thomas Urwln nnd tlio surlous Injury oC
both Mr. mid Mrs. Urwln ntid Airs. J. N.
Drake. Mr. niul Mrs. Urwln with throa
small children hntl driven Into the country
fora pleasure rluo and returning overtook
Mr * . John ICoop and her two children ami
Mrs. Drake nt the Inloraoctlon ot Third niut
Mnplo stroots. Mrs. Koop's liorso bocanm
unmanngcaulo and Mr. Urwlu got ou (
of his carriage to assist in
controlling the ntilimil , allowing Mrs.
Drnkoto got in with iiU wife. Ills own
team then bccnmo frightened nnd tartot : to
run down the hill. In his effort to stop thorn
Mr. Urwln was thrown to the ground mid
run over. Mrj. Urwln , her Infant nnd Mrs.
Drake were thrown out n moment later. Thu
baby wns almost Instuntlv killed and tha
other two rccalvod dangerous brulsos.
The tontn , on reaching Main street , turned
northward nnd run the lull length of that
thoroughfnie , bohi ? stopped near the B. &
M. depot by a number ot laboior * .
The other two small children of Mr. Urwin
were tnkan fro.u the vohlelo alter the loam
nnd been stnpnod. It was n very narrow
escape for all the occupants of the carriage.
They Meet In County Com out Ion lit
Polltleal Nntei.
LIVCOIANob. . , AUK. S. [ Special Tolo.
cram to Tin : Uii ; : . | The people's Indepen
dent county convention mot In this city today
for the purpose of nominating two candl-
antes for the stnto senate , llvo members ol
the legislature , county attorney nnd county
commissioner. O. II. Hull was made
permanent clmlnnnn and \ V.V. < . ICcrlln soa-
rctary. The principal con lost of ttio convention
come over the selection of delegates to the
congressional convention. Lincoln has two
independents who deslro the congressional
nomination Mayor Weir and .loromo
Seluimp and both mtm wrecked tholr rival
booms today. A motion to Instruct the dele
gates for Weir met with n ntonn of protests
nnd a similar motion fuvorablo to Schamp
wus shouted down. The committee then
voted to send nn uninstructed datamation.
The following candidates werp selected :
County attorney , II. P. Uoao ; commissioner ,
Ferdinand Switzer ; state senators , I , N.
Leonard nnd .1. C. McNerny ; roprojonta.
lives , A. Peterson , II. I Chambers , S. S.
Griftln , Murt Howe and John Moddtns.
Holt JtepiililleiuiK KnUiushixtlc.
Ewiso , Neb. , Aug. 8. [ Special to Tun
BEE. | An enthusiastic mooting was hold
Saturday night for the purpose of organiz
ing a republican club. The mauling was ad
dressed by loonl speaker * . Porty-soven
mimes wcro pi need upon the roll mid tha
number will bo doubled itt the next mooting.
Much enthusiasm is t > hewn throughout this
county to the ontirn republican ticket , whlla
the Independents ara Undly demoralized and
are breaking nway'by tbo'scoro. Holt county
will give her , old-time republican majorltr
this full.
Coitnliletuil it Winner.
FAM.S CITV , Neb , , Alii ; . 8. iSpcclaltoTiiii
BEI : . ] While Kieunrdson county Instructed
her delegates for Tom Mijors , the republi
cans ara well pleased with the nomination of
Lorenzo Crounso for governor , and ho will
rccoivo moro than the republican veto in this
county , whore ho used to icsldc at Hulo.
The tlcltot is considered a winner.
I'luiiHPil with thu Ticket.
CIAY CnxTRii , Nob. , Aug. 8. [ Special to
Tun Bun. I The republicans of Clay Center
and vicinity are enthusiastic since the slata
convention. All are well pleased with tha
nominations and are preparing for n lively
campaign. A campaign cavalry company
has boon organized mid had its first drill lust
led of Alii , mro
Ai.i.iAxor , Nob. , Aug. 8 , [ Special Tele.
gram to THE Br.K. ] The losses by yostar-
Uay's lire will probably reach $ . ' 0,000. with
about $1,1,000 covered by Insurance. Tha
financial standing of nil parties burned out
is not impaired. Insurance companies loio
as fallow's : Hartford , &I. > 0 ; Connecticut ,
f > .SOO ; National , $1,001) ) ; London and Lanca
shire , * V)0 ) ; Underwriters , ? I.UOi ) : Gorman
of Qinnev. $1,000 ; Pennsylvania , $11,000 ;
Queen , f&OO ; North America , $ . ' 00 ; Phwnlx ,
$1,150 ; North Urilisli nnd Morcantllo , $700 ;
Spnnglleld Flru nnd Marino , &JOO.
Tlniil ol Doilguij ; OHIi-em.
Biuvi-u CITV , NoU. , Auir. 8. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : lii : . ) John Dillon , wanted
nt Oxford for the stabbing of Morris Moon
on July 28 , came into this city today nnd
surrendered himself to the authorities. Da-
loctlvos have neon on his track for ten days.
Moore , his victim , wno it was thought would
die , Is recovering.
Mom Coimty'H 1 1 envy Itiiln ,
HUIUISO.V , Nob. , Aug. 8 [ Special Tolo.
gram to Tin : Bui : . ] A ilno rain has boon
falling hero for some hours , with Indications
of continuing nil night. Some of tbo early
grain is in the shock mid this rain assures
thu corn , potatoes and late grain In Sioux
county , _ _ _ _ _
Klro'l by u Punning Hnglne.
FAIHIIUIIV , Nob. , Aug. 8. [ Special To'o. '
gram to 'I'm : Bun. ] Sparks from on engine
set ilro this morning the old St. Joseph Si
lira ml Island depot , now used as no oil
house by tlio Standard Oil company. No
damugo was done oxoept to the roof.
Alnnlarrr < ! lny Klim'H ClmiicoH ,
Me.Mrui ! < , Tonn. , Aug. 8. There are possi
bly two chances of hope for Clay King. Ono
U by appeal to the federal supreme court
nnd the other by pardon or commutation
by the governor. Nona of Iving'ft friends
are so snnguino as to liopo for King's '
pardon by the governor. But his
friends nnd the lawyers are trying to
secure a comminution of his sentence to Ufa
ImprUonmont. Judge Clrocr left for Nash.
villa tonight with a batch of petitions to lay
before the governor. In tha meantime tbo
construction of the gallows will bo commenced -
moncod on Wodnosdav in the jail yard. Tha
death wutoh will bo pi need on Colonel King
tomorrow or next day.
A Widely Known JrlHlimnn Iliully Hurl.
MONTB VISTA , Colo. , Aug. H. 1 > . J. Short ,
dan , u farmer living elgnt miles south ot
town , while driving through liu gate wlHi ,
hayraok wns crushed between the pout nml
hayrack. Several ribs worn brouon and U
U thought he cannot llvo.
Mr , bhorldan gained a world wldo roputu *
tlon u few years af.o as being the man who
was supposed to know namolhlnir about tha
Phtunlx park murders , lie has been offered
largo sums of money to go to Kngland aud
testify as to what ho know of that celebrated
murder , but has ituudfnstly refused.
Tim Duutli Hull.
CIIICIAOO , III. , Aug. 8. John V. Clurke ,
president of tuo Hibernian bank und father *
Ill-law of Mayor Hoinpitoad Wmhburne ,
died early this morning from tun olfeoti of 4
surgical operation ,
Lovpox , Aug. ! < . Aurlonne da Couritll * .
tUu Fruncli dr&tnutls nuhor , It dead.