Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Einil Gcoa from Mineola Finds Death in
Mnuawa's ' Wntor.
Tliniicli lln Could Not Svtlin llo 1'crnUlciI
III TncldlUK Hi" Ilct-p AVnler Tobor-
R-II ( in-lit Kll'ortu .Muilo lo
JUi\l\o Illin ,
EmllGooa , n youni ; farmer living ncnr
Mlnoolu , losl bis llfo in Iho waters of LnUo
Muiinwa ye t rdny aflcrnoon.
llo catno to lha laxo Sunday inoriiliiir , uc-
conipanloa by bis urother nnd two sisters ,
for u day's outing1. During Iho nftcrnoou
the two boys went In swltnuilng on the south
eldo of iho luitc , nnil attar riding suvoral
tlmos down Ilia tobogRiin slldo nearest Iho
Bhoro , which li intended for Inexperienced
-wlminura , they decided to try the slldo
fnrtheil from the shore. The lower end ot
this slide runs out Into water uhlcb is nboul
cl hl feel dt-ep , and Ilislbcrcforocouslilered
unsafe for any excepting Rood swimincts.
At Iho bottom of Ibc lllhl of steps lending
up to It Is postal u placard , InfonniiiK the
public In lurgo IcttoM of iho danger. Someone -
ono culled the n tuition of tbo boys to the
placard and uskcd them It they could swim.
Tboy replied that they uould not , but they
were going to try It nnywny.
No moro nttuntlon was pild to the pair
until one of Ilium was seen floundering
nround In the water. Ono of the men em
ployed at the beech Immediately went In
lifter him und succeeded In draggln 'hlm out
ot the water just alter ho bad gene down for
the second tlmo. When ho ROI to the shore
thu young man said his brother was in tbo
water and another man , whoso nnnio could
not bo learned , wont after htm. liefoio any
atari was made , bowovur , und In fncl bcforo
unyono know that ho was In iho wnler , the
nnfortunalo young man hiul coin1) to thn
surface and gene down for the third tlmo.
After considerable trouble thu body was
located and brought to iho surface.
.lames Armstrong nno , F. J. DcsDorcheru
pill In nn hour und a bn'if by turns try Inn' to
resuscltiito him , bul.wltboiil . success.
Allhough the body hud" been in the water
k"s than three minutes tbo spark of llfo bad
Hod. A physician was summoned , but il
was nearly Iwo hours before any m rived.
Both the young men bad buon diInking
bcforo they went Into the water , nud Iho
smell of liquor cojld bo detected plainly on
the person of the dead man. Tbo fncl of his
dying so quickly after fulling Into the water
led many to thlnlt thai bo died of heart dis
ease.Despcrchere , who is a practicing physician
and has had n creul deal of experience in
handling drowned persons , gnvo il as bis
opinion that the young man died of heart
failure and noiof drowning , and this vlowof
the cnso seemed to bo sustained by ihu other
circumstances. '
Tlio coroner visited thosconoof the drown
ing nnd uftcr looking It over bad tbo body
brought to Kstop's undertaking rooms ,
w hero II now Is. An will uo held
this morning nt 10 o'clock nnd Iho remains
\\I11 bo lakou home for
Hundred * < ilTi'ipIn After thn Hai-Ralns ut
tlui ( in-lit Mum S.ilr.
All ilny yoHlcr day the store occupied
In Iho grout bankrupt sale of bhoos nnd
BlipncrH , Ml Broadway , was crowded by
people in bourcli of'bingains nnd the
Biniling fnccft of the nooplo showed thnt
tlioy woio nlun&cd with their purchnscs.
This Btoi-k IB fioin the lurgo lirst class
Chicago Shoo IIouso of St. Paul nnd
every dollar's worth must bo sold. Cull
nnd ho convinced. Look at seine of
those prices :
Ladles' kid button , 75c , worth 31.50.
Ladles' kid butlon , ! )8c ) , worth $2.00.
Ladies' dongolu button , 81.25. worth
Si ! . CO.
Ladies' oxford tics , OOc , worth $1.25.
Ladies' k'id oxford tics , Sou , worth
$ l..r > 0.
Ladios' "Rnrt" French
dongola but
ton , * Ji.50 , worth 10.00.
lion's work slioou , 76e.
Men's areas shoes , $1.5 , worth $2.60.
Men's calf shoos , $ l.f)0 ) , wunh SU.OO.
Hoys' school shoes , "Go.
And many ether bnrguins too nnmpf-
ous to mention ut the gicut banUrnpt
Bhoo sale. 621 Bioudwiiy , Council Bluffs.
25 pieces turkey red tiililo linen ,
fo inor pi too ! ( ! iu , now for 2ijc ; , ut the
Boston Store clcttring snlo.
The > IIIIIII\VL laKsi > 4.
The pass system as It is operated In con
nection with Iho Manawa railway Is pro
nounced a decided falluro from the stand
point of the owners of HIP road , and Colonel
] : . C. Heed has decided to make a change
nexl jcar. Some of the passes uro made oui
in fnvor of tbo bolder and family , and the
wny seine families have grown sttico iho
opening ot the lake season Is something
marvelous. In some Instances men hnvo
been known to adopt lemporarlly their
whole neighborhood and steer a email army
down to the lake us the members of his fam
ily. A few days , uco a gentleman who wa
fortunate enough to hold one of the oriiu-
ninntcd bits of pasteboard decided to
glvo his Sunday school class n picnic ut the
Inkn. Seventeen small boys between the
ngcs of ton and fifteen years rode on the
.Tiitbs , and II is stated thai tbo conductor who
bad charge of the train was so busy Irving to
JlKura out how a genuine Sail Lnkb Mormon
had been ublo to camp in this vicinity with
out tbo interference of tbo police that ho ul-
tnly forcnl to make his cuMomary round for
lores. This state of affairs is whal bus led
Colonel Kuod to announce thai next voar Iho
" 00 cdd passes row out will bo recalled and
few if any are to bo Issued.
. The Boston Store clearing sulo ends
Monday , August 8. Now is the time to
Eccuro bargains in ull dry goods.
Pasturage for horses und cattle on the
Chuutauoiiu , grounds. Inquire of A. S.
Ilu/.olton. 210 Murrlain block , orChurlos
Copolnnd , on the grounds.
Books by popular authors , 2,000 12mos ,
during snlo for 11 jo , worth 10c und 25c.
Boston Store. _
Grconshlolds , Nicholson ft Co. have
choice bargains in improved und vacant
residence property in all parts of the
city for casli or on payments. Sou thorn
bcforo buying.
MIIIIK ll.v ii Cut ( Nil.
Emory Wright , n young man who lives at
Manawa , Is suffering from the effects of a
Ui.flo he had with a ratlUh some tlmo ago ,
wbllo trying to un'oad ' li from a boolc. Tbo
cntlUh stuck ono of Its nnlnes into his hand
and li'lliclod ' what ho then thought was an
Innocent Hi sh wound , and until a fowdars
ngci bo thought oo ir.oro about tt. The wound
began to pain him nnd u dny or two ugo bo
went to a physician , but failed to gel relief.
lllood poisoning had net In as a result of the
Vtouml , and jcitcrday bo was In
100 ilo/.cn gents' outing flannel shirts
voilhftOu each , at the Boston Storu
clearing uulo for 21)c. )
K)0p3oplo In this ouy use gn stoves
IhoUusCo. puts 'oin In ut cost
100 dozen gents' fanov strlpo and
p'aln balbi-lggiin shirts und drawi-ra ,
worth Too and $1 , during the great ealo
for 680 , Boston Store.
In Trumpi.
For the past week ihoro bos been a great
Immlpr-tloii of trumps Into Council Dluffc.
Almost every town of any size lu iho itato
iuu been iQBkhig a yitoin.tio cruinao
against their undesirable citizens , nnd ns a
result every freight train that has entered
tbo city has brought with It its lull quota ot
unwashed passengers. Every railway yard
In the city has been swarming with tramps ,
and the pcoplo living In tbo vicinity of the
vards have boon put to considerable incon-
vrmenco by unwelcome cnllors. The col lea
of Hoono a few days ago boxed up two car
loads of tramps and soul thorn to Council
Bluffs with instructions to tbo trainmen that
they were not to ha lot nut until iho train
got hero. The police nro making strenuous
efforts to ship tha ttampa away as fast us
they como In. _
COcand $1.00 intiscs' straw hats during
the Boston Store wile for 15o and 25c. A
chance like this novel- was offered bo-
foio In the hut lino.
Grcenshlelds , Nicholson it Co. can
rent some iribro houses to good tenants.
What huvu you ?
All our light stripes , plaids , checks
und mixed Cheviot ( all wool ) that hold
for 60c und fiSu during sale for ! ) Uo , Bos
ton store. _
Summer suits for gentlemen ; cool ,
comfortable nnd cheap. Halter , the
tiilor , 310 Broadway.
All shooting und pillow case muslins
nt co t price during Iho Boston Store
leu ring salo.
Tbo democrats of the city held n conven
tion batuiduy night und chose dclecntos to
the county convention to bo hold al .ho courl
hoiuo ncxlTbursdav , as follow ) :
First Ward Fred Golsc , John Clausen , ( ' . .
D. WnltcrsV. . M. MoFaddcn. l-\ II. GU.I-
iiollii. Winter Amy , P. I ) . Mooinaw , K. A.
Wlckbnm , O. W. Wilson , B. Winchester , Jr.
SccoriTi Ward Wllllum Qroneweg , Jaroo
Xoumiivor , Lucius Wells , Nick Scltuiv , A ,
V. Welsingcr , A. T. Whittlcspy , W. H.
Kiicpbcr , A , C. Schmooclc , Milton A , Bceboe ,
John MeDonnlil. Louis Grell ,
Thhd Ward 1-VedSpetmau. .1. II. Pluner ,
J. ,1. flutha\viiy , 1' . Gunnoudo. . ! . U. Ululrluh ,
1' . 12. Spencer , Or. William O'Gormau.
Fourth Warn- . R Hondrleiw , S. B.
Witdswoitb. .1. J. Shea , W. II. Ware , E. E.
Ayloaworth , 13. Terwilllger , J. Schoentgen ,
J. B. Atkins.
Fifth Wurd-M. Callashnn , N. O'Brien ,
W. L ) . Ilni-dlii , W. W. Cones. W. C. Motrls ,
L. Lubhnrt , C. Fitzn.ilrlck. O. Hansel.
Sixth Wurd ( J. U. Nicholson , J. W.
Mikesell , W. B. Fisher.
Trains leave Manuwa dally nt 8 a ndlO
n. m. , 12m. , and 1 , 2 , 2fO : : , 3 , ; ! : IiO , 4 ,
J:30 : , C , 6:30 : , 0 , 6:80. : 7 , 7:30 : , 8 , 80 : : ! , ! ) ,
9:30 : , 10 , 10KO : , 11 nnd 11:35 : p. m.sThe
11:55 : train will make connection with
the last electric motor cur for Omaha.
50 dozen gents' outing flannel shirts
thut sold for 25c at the Boston Store sale
for lOc. _
To buy , soil , rent exchange real
cstutc. See Grconbhiclds , Nicholson &
Co. , 021 Broadway.
.Minor Montlju.
N Y. Plumbing Cc.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. ,
Thcro will be a gospel temperance meeting
this uvt'ning at Ihu Union Christian mission ,
2iS : Broiawnv.
An Oitiabn motor collided with a cow yos-
lerdav morninc nl the corner of Avenue A
and stioot. The cow waskllled ,
Heuular mectlni : of Excelsior loiliro , N > .
12.VJ , Ancient Prco anil Accopind Mns,3ns , this
evening. Visitingurethron cordially in
vited. By order of the \V. M.
Mis. 1' . H. Sheridan cumo , Daughters of
Veterans , will clvo a social and duncing
party next Thursday evening nt the now
Grand Army hall on Pearl street.
The Union Vcleran legion will glvo Hov.
G. W. Crofls n farewell reception tomorrow
evening nt Iho Knights of Pythias ball. An
elaborate program of speeches und imisio is
being prepared.
There will bo a spoclat mooting of Iho
stockholders of iho Council Bluffs and
Omaha Clmulauqua assembly this evening ,
nl Iho city building , lo make arrangements
for next season's assembly.
George H. Meschondorf ynsterday received
four nowdilivury wugons thai uro Ibo hand-
somcsl and most striking novollv in Ihoir
line in the city. iL'hoy are painlud a btiehl
jcd nnd cream color. Two of ihom will run
in Omaha und Iwo in Ibo Bluffs.
Texas Baxcrnnd wife had ihelr periodical
matinco.vc3loid.iy morning , und Mrs. Baker
cnmo oui second busl. With fnco badlv
knocked to ulccss she presented herself nt.
City Clerk Stophenson's house nnd swore
oui mi information charging her lord with
assault und battery. Texas was arrested ucu.
will hnvo a bearing this morning.
Three younc men became involved in a
flttlil yesterday afternoon in a saloon at the
corner of Sixteenth streel nnd Broadway ,
und were run In hy Oftleer Clitar. They gave
their name us Doug Burns , James L.
Erskluo nnd John B. Waliter , uud weio
slated with disturbing iho peace. Walker
was exceedingly fractions and made the ofll-
cor a gooa deal of trouble before he was safely
lodged behind tbo bars.
The members of Ibo Council Bluffs Wheel
club buvii rcco'vod invitations to n bicjclo
lournamenl to bo held nl Crcston during the
latter part ot Ibis month In connection with
the bluoL'rusB palace. Some of the local
wheelmen are talking of entering some of the
racing contests. Tha races include ono mile
safety , boslU'.oln Ihree ; ono mile safety ,
besl ihtco in live , nnd ono milo safely , bosl
three iu live. 'Ibo races will occur * Auirusl
_ 4 , 25 and'I (
Miss Laura Baldwin entertained a nuinbor
of young ncoplo at a picnle at Fuirmouni
park last Wednesday evening. A telescope
lormod one of the part } ' and by us aid cases
were kept on the flirtation of Mars with the
earth. These present , were the Misses Gen-
ovlevo Baldwin , Lucllo Plnnoy , Nelllo
Dodge , Nellie Clark of Des Mollies , F'ranltlo
Uniloy , Irene Test , iSllon Avlosworth , Mabel
lilcks. Ethyl Thomas , Carrlo Schoentgen ,
Elsln Schoontfron ; Mustor.1 Ucbprt Baldwin ,
Hick Stewart , Clinlon Spooncr , Bert Pinnev ,
Frank Plnnoy , Warren Dailoy. Miss Bald
win was assisted In entertaining bv Miss
Woodbury , Miss Wright and Mr. BadoilcU
5,000 yards of remnants In unbleached
muslins for 6u u yard , worth 80 , ut The
Boston Store clearing s tlo.
Wanted Iron molders at the Og.lon
Iron works , Council Blutt' * . Good wages.
Gc und 0)o ) blouuliod mujlin for 5c ul
the Boston Storu stile.
Ml s Carrln Sponner has gene to Denver.
Mr. nnd Mrs , W. II. WnUolleld started
yesterday afternoon for Denver.
L. C. Baldwin loft last evening for a busi
ness trip to Chicago.
Mrs. S. a Niclioii of Frankfort , Kan. , Is
the guest of Mrs. W. H. Troy nor.
Mlsn Katluyn Samuels of Schuylcr , Nob. ,
Is the guest of Mlbs Grace Osbornu this
woo It.
Miss Cnsndy loaves for Denver today , ac
companied bv her guests , the MUioi Mc-
wluroof Ml. Pleasant ,
Mr , George C. McBrldo of Nuw Orleans
arrived In the city Salurdav with the Inlon-
tlon of makluK Council Bluffs his future
home. Ho will bo connected with iho
Mueller Piano und Organ company.
Charles Zlmmer arrived In tbo city yes-
toidny from Holtina. Mont. , in responco lo a
lelt'grum sent to him suveral dayt atin un-
iiouiiclngtbo serious illness of hU wife , who
tins bern visiting her parents In tins city ,
Mr. and Mm. George Gurner on Glen ave
nue. _
COOyurda Chnvlol shirting , worth 7c ,
for-lie , ut the Boston Store clearing
10,000 yards dark und light chulllos ,
worth "c , during the Boston Store stile
lor Jo. _
00 pieces best indigo blue calico for
60 ay aid at the Boston Store clearing
Bllll ) . _
George Davis , drugs ana paint *
Frnctical Jokes Drive Away Dull of
Idle Actors.
lion Mum of th StiiRO inj : y
A llruuny C'o.tcliiiniii Trlokoil
.Mum' * Ilio Wont 1'iirtl-
Coloicd Stockings.
Before the Into John Mnokny lost all
of his animation he was blessed with an
appetite for practical jokes that quite
outrivaled his fondness for Vichy water.
In 18SO hi' was plajing in Now York at
the Fourteenth Street tlio.iter. On .the
corner dlitironuliy across the street was
Mncv's big dry ( roods store , whore many
riuh equipages were drawn up 1" lt" ° i
for , according to the Ilor < ild , the
wealthy In Now York seek for bargains
with oven more zest than the poorer
classes. Ono warm day in the spring ,
when the desolate trees along the thor
oughfare were beginning to show a yel
lowish green tint , Muekay saw a car
riage drive up and an elderly and fussy-
looking lady got out and go into the
store , after leaving directions to the
driver to wait for her. The driver
comfortably bottled himself in iho seat ,
evidently Hotel-mined to make the best
of a long and monotonous wall. Pres-
ei'tly the warm sunshine began to 1mvo
an cited and the driver nodded. After
ono or two inolloctual attempts to keep
awiilto his good intentions willed
and ho was doling on the box
with that pcncofulness that only
drivers ate capable of. When the
driver was quite oblivious to all around
him the actor stole softly up to the c.tb ,
opened the door with the gentleness of
u burglar and then closed it with a loud
slam. The driver win all alert in n
second. Mr. Mnolcay politely tipped his
hat and said "good day" through the
carriage window. "Homo ? " ho inquired
of the imaginary occupant. " 1'es ,
home , driver , " ho continued , turning
his face towin-U the box and again bow
ing as the carriage rattled up the street.
The joker hurried over to his dressing
room in tlio theater nnd , after a few
minutes' manipulation with the wig and
liis make-up box , came outacadaverous-
looking gentleman with very black hair.
Ho reached Macy's just in time to meet
the fussy old lady coming out with a
clerk in her train , his arms piled full of
"Why , my dear , whore's my car
riage ? " she exclaimed , hquinting ner
vously up and down the huarbo-liko row
of equipages , with the statuesque
drivers and smooth-coated horsos.
'This U provoking. I'll h ivo txlis
charge Brown. I suppose he has been
drinking again. " After a fruitless
search Brown's ' mistress and her bun
dles were bundled into a street car in a
high pot. Long before she reached
there Bro\\n had drawn his horses up
in front of her mansion and w.i'.tod for
her to open the door. In a few minutes
lie became alarmed that she did not do
so. Thou , regardless of etiquette , ho
jumped from the box with the reins in
his hand. Then the true siato of af
fairs dawned upon him and the horses
were turned and hihhod into a gallop ,
while Brown said profane things 10
Iheru. Whim ho reached the store
Mackay , in his disguise , was still thoio.
"Your mistress has been looking for
you , " said ho to the coachman. " 1 think
she wont back in the btoro to wait. "
And then Mr. Mackay concluded that
it would be advisable for him to retire
and watch further proceedings from the
window of a neighboring saloon. Ho
saw Brown fuss and fume for nearly an
hour , and then drive away in anything
but a pleasant mood and enjoying none
of the beauty of that lovely spring day.
Citit i\en : ulth n Surly I.iiiulloril.
Ono bleak Fo'ji-uary day Arthur
Rohan's comedy company landed at a
little New Hampshire town and wore
driven to the only hotel , being booked
to btny there two days. They found the
landlord to bo crabbed and moi-obe , but
thov sot about making the bosl of it.
Glare Harvey , tlio lending man , was the
jolliest of them ail. Mountimo the
landlord wandered around and bcowled.
It was in the morning when the com
pany arrived at the hotel. In the
middle of the afternoon Harvey was
coming down the stairs singing "Soo-
S'iw" and making raoro noise than
"Seo hero , " growled the landlord ,
standing in the olllco door with his
hands in his trousers nocUots , "I want
you folkto understand that I'm the
bobs of this house , and yo can't go hella-
balloolng around hoio as though yo
owned iho pUico. I don't , charge you
the regular rates , and if yor gentleman
you'll mii.ko less nolso the rest of tiio
time. Fol'ks in your business nro
alw lys raisin' tho' devil or kicking , I
won't huvo it here , and that's the end
of it. "
Iliirvoy , who was n big , athletic fol
low and foil very much like thrashing
the surly down-ouster , controlled him
self and said :
"All right ; you won't bo troubled by
any more noibo. "
'i'hun ho wont upstairs and told the
oilier members of the bchctno that had
occurred to him.
Supper time came and with it the
Uini-o tiptoed his way into the olllco ,
looked around much in the manner of a
burglar on professional work intent , and
asked the landlord in a ghastly whisper
if supper was ready.
"Couisu 'tisdldn't you hoar the boll ? "
growled the landlord.
'Thank you , " in another whisper , and
noiselessly as u cat Clare Btolo into the
dining room. Ho had no sooner closed
the door than Miss Jennie Bright , the
Eoubrotto in the company , came into the
ollico in the biuno stealthy way , not once
touching the French heels of her slippers
to the tloor.
"Can yon toll mo if auppor is ready ? "
she whispered under her breath , with u
face us borlous as a gravestone.
"Yes 'tis. ' "
Miss Bright vanished like a droiun.
Another actor sneaked in with the eamo
" ? "
"Insuppor roiidy
"You , you fool. "
"Is supper ready ? " whispered the
fifteenth and last artist as ho cnmo in.
"Goto tophot ! " yelled the landlord ,
as he made a dlvo for the outside door
and f him moil It after him.
That was not iho end of the game by
any means. AH long as the company
stayed in the hnuso not ono * of them
spoke above u whlbpor , much less in
dulged in a laugh. They were us bllont
us mutes at a funeral.
Monday morning cnmo. when the
company was to leave the hotel , their
wnispors and the landlord , who was
driven almost lo u slate of frenzy. Then
came a dispatch saying that the trains
wore stuck fast In the snowbanks und
could not got through that day.
The landlord was frantic.
"If you'll got out of hero today I'll
knock oil half your board bill , " ho
Had it bouti possible the company
would gladly have tukou it up. Still
they were enjoying their tsscnnado with
tho' landlord , and uiulur li serious fnco
thcro was many an j jrurd chuckle.
But the train did not p < through ; that
dny nor the next , and itj0was not until
Tuesday afternoon thut tlioy budo the
landlord farewell. , , .
.Moro rnrtl-Colorcil Stocking * .
Miss Tlpton who Isv'ell ' known as a
high opera singer , was Moo playing a
small part In "La Mnscotto" with a
traveling company. Although she was
diminutive and domuVo. she was not
exempt from the prevailing weakness of
her sex , and enjoyed having all those
little novelties in nptinrol that the
fonialo heart so loves. A' " now style in
hosiery had just como out that was
striking if not bonutifttr. Ono-half of
the slocking was of a decided color and
the other sldo In marked contrast to it.
The particular pair that hud caught the
young lady's fancy wore light blue on
ono sldo nnd very dark blue on the
other. Shooxpocted Unit their contrast
would niiiko all Iho other girls grcon
with envy , and so kept her possession of
them a profound neorot until a time
came when she could wear them. The
tlmo came that evening in "La Mas-
cotte. "
It was in the second net , when she
was to sit around dui Ing the reception
in the ballroom bi-eno. She had taken
her place nnd was conscious that the
most conspicuous things about her were
her stockings , and probably rather sell-
sat is lied in her belief that none present
had seen another such a pair. Ono of
the comedians , the stage manager , too ,
had certainly never seen the like of
thorn before. From where ho stood it
seemed us .though MissTipton had on
otio light blue stocking and one black ,
"Great Scott , " ho muttered to him
self , "why ain't these girls moro care
ful. " Then drawing near the young
lady ho whispered a command rather
more forcible than elegant : ' 'Sneak oil
quick , you'vo forgot to change your
stocking. "
"No , I haven't. " she renllod , under
standing his delusion and wanting very
much to laugh.
' Yes. you huvo. Sneak , I toll you. "
"It's all right ; lot mo alone , " with a
snicker that caused the soloist to lose
his note and draw the whole attention
of the audience on her. The stage man
ager took the laugh as a personal insult
to his dignity. What presumption on
her part when he had tried his best to
get her otT quietly ! His Umpor soared
up into the wlncrs.
"Loavo the stage or I'll flno you a
week's "
Undar such circumstances there was
nothing to do but leave. She went to
her dressing-room , and , cryinir with
anger , tore the stockings into shreds.
O Street 1'roporty Oirnurs Mo\lng for 1m-
Chairman \VooJ of the street corpmittoo
1ms aclvortlicJ for bias for the grading of O
strool train Twentieth street to Fourteenth
street. Ttio oillmatcd cost of completing
the work Is $ SJ75. ! Wnon the improvement
is completed O slroot will bo one of the best
tnoroughlaios in the city east of Twonty-
fouilh street.
Perhaps a great many inquiring minds
have wondered why thu O slroot property
owners were so nr.xious for the grading that
thev went down Into their pockets and deposited -
posited with tbo city treasurer the amount
required to pay for tlio grading of tno inter
sections. The owners of O street proooiiy
uro bustlers and they know a eood thing
when their optic ? rest upon It. The 13. & Al.
line to I'lattbmouth runs along a few fcot
east , of Fourteenth streotand the company
has long desired to ilntl a .suitable location
for u passenger aopot in South Omaha.
Fourteenth and O streets is regarded as a
desirable spot uud whoa the interested
lot owners heard that tbo B. & M
wanted a depot in tbo city and
only lacked a location they went
out and captured the plum. When tbo grad
ing is completed the railway company will
oiocta depot at that place , wbfca is a good
location and very accessible. Tbo B. & M.
at iho present time does not stop any of its
passenger trains in South Omaha , although
it skirls the city on iho west uud east. Pas
sengers for any destination are compelled to
go to tbo union depot , and it is ofion annoy
ing nnd Inconvenient. When a depot is put
in nnd trains ston passenger Irufllo over that
road from South ( Jinaha will bo lurgoly in
Hoard of Uqimllynllmi.
The council will comuleto its labors this
oveninc at 7 o'clock as a board of equaliza
tion. The board is meeting for the purpose
of equalizing Iho special taxes und ussofs-
inonts levied against tbo property abutting
on Twenty-third street from J to lj street ,
to pay the cost of grading Twontv-third
street ; also to pay thu cost of paving wltn
sniuUtono Twcnly-liftb stroci from L to M
street , and from O to Q uroet , nnd the
grading otTwenty-llfth street from J to Q
streets. No complaints tiuvo been received ,
but several property owners say tboy will bo
on mini ) loday with protests.
Young MIMI'H Kopiilillcau Club.
President Bruce McLulloch has issued n
call for a mooting of tlio Young Men's Re
publican club , Saturday evening at 8 o'clock ,
at Pivonka's hall , Twenty-fourth , and L
streets. The principal purpose of ihe mcct-
lug Is to enroll Iho club in Iho membership ot
iho Nebraska league of republican clubs and
elect delegates to utloed the Grand Island
meeting. Several well known tallters from
Omahn will bo present and address Iho club.
X < i I CM mill
Miss Cora Holmes is vlslllng with rela
tives fvt Corning , la.
Prof , unu M . A. A. Monroe nro visiting
at several points In lowu .
Mr. and Mrs. H. E , Roberts tmvo gene to
Colorado on a pleasure trip.
Bert Blanchard , John Dainron and lid.
Anderson Icll yesterday for Denver.
Mrs. T. D. Tocld nnd daughter of Water oo
are visiting Mm. A , I. MclJnugall.
H'jv. S. b. Marks of Tidloul , Pa. , arrived
in iho city yesterday and li visiting Dr. W.
J. Bell.
The ladles of the First Christian church
will give an Ice cream social Thursday overl
ing In the fowler block on Twanty-fourlh
s t root.
The Vanous block. on/Tjvonty.fourtb street
near M , U completed uiitljWHl bo occupied by
a clothing firm. The new. . building u ono ol
the best business structures in the city and
There was an Manning action of Mount Etna.
Next week Die ItnrlliYfe't'oii will shorten Its
St. Loins-Denver time hy tire hours.
The International convention of Iron molil-
orsutBu Paul eleeteil Jils'onh I'lereu of 1'itts-
burj president. - ' l
Henry Trenor of Now V6rk hub been elected
president of thu Uiirpenlera nnJ Jo nera
National union. l > n
A race war between negroes and Italians at
OriniKO , N , V. , Involved | liO people. Ouihs und
knives worn used without-fatal olfeet.
Walter I'onilk t in , Ktliluh Inland HKont of
thu Mur.u.i Imniraneo oomp.iny , la under ur-
real fu embezilln. BOU/al ! > ho-'s ' mil ilullara.
HiiKh O'Djiinell , the HomexteaJ strike
le ider. declared lo a Noiv York reporter thai
ho had u pun by which the Btr.Uors werj sure
to win.
BWIPTB SI'KCIFie l totally unllko any
other blooil medicine. It cures dlbcascaof
thu blooil and ekln by removing the iioliun ,
and ut the tame time mippllos good blooil to the
wauled parts. Don't ho Imposed on by nubstl-
tutus , ulilch are tald to bo just as good , il it
not true. No mcdlciim | U TUC WflRI fl
ba > | K > rfonncduJtinany in II1C TVUllLU
\voudcrful curesor rvllovud no much nulforlnc.
" My blood wan badly polloneil last > ear , v hlch
got my wbolu fcystcni out of order diet-anil and
a constant source of Buffering , no apputltu and
no enjoyment of life. 'I wo butt lea of
brought mo right out. There In no
better remedy lor blood diseased.
-JOHN GAVIN , Uajton , Ohio. "
Treatise on blood and ikln diseases mailed free.
BWUT Sl'IJCinO CO. , Atlautti , On.
Vanilla Of porfoot purity.
Of great
Almond Economy In their use
Rose etc.
Flavor no dollcatoly
and dollclously as tlio fresh fruit
A Wrltton Uunnintco
SYPHILI to Cure Evor.v Case or
Money Refunded.
Our euro In H'rinnnuiit nnd not n imlcldnit upl rn cs
( rente I ( CM.MI yi > nr IIRO lmpnotcr i'n n * ) iiiiitom
nlncos by do prlbln < C H fully we cmi Irmt you by
mull , mid wcclvolho sumo Mronit uniirniitoo to euro
orietiiiidiillinonuy Tlio < o nlionrefcrlo comulirro
lor IrrnltiiiMitiimiltKo nml wo will i ny Mllroul fnro
both nayn mill hotjl Mil * nhllo here , If u fail to nira
Wo chtilloniio the worll for n oifo Unit our .Mp lc
Hdiiinly will not euro. Wrlta for piirllcidnri nnd isi-t
t'ipuxlileiuu In uurocvon scnri iinictlcu wllhllie
MIIKIO Uonuvly It him btcti iiui t dlnlcult to o\ereinnu
the projuillees iiijiilint socnllcd upccltlr * . Hut uiiiler
our Ftrimx iiiiHrnnteu tlioiiKiiiiiH lire tr > IIIK It nnd be-
ti > K cured. Wo Kimriinteo lo euro or refund CMTJT
dolhirifid nine hnvi ) n repulllUim to protect , ills )
Hiinnc-liil biicilnil of &VJO.IIUJ It Imperfectly Mife to nil
who nlll try Iho treii'.iucnt. lleietofiri- yon lm\i )
been puttliuupnnd piiln oiit > ouriuoiip > for dlir-
cnltrentmeiit * , nndnltliuiiKli ) on lira not jet Hired
no ono Inn paid back jour mi n y. Wo will podtl\ply
cure > oii. Old , chronic deep rented c.ifcs cured In 00
toll ) ihitr , ln\c"tlHiite our llnnnehil Munclln , our
ropulHtlon nsbii lncii > nun. Wnlo ui fiirnumi' nud
nil Irenes of thOfO we hmo cured who have il\cn !
permlK'lon to refer to thorn. Hcmtsjou only po t-
me to do till" . 1C > our nyiuptoni * nro Mini throat.
IHUCOIH pnlchcm In mouth , rliiMinmllxniln bonciiind
: onls | , Indr fn link' out , eruption1 * 0 l mi ) pnrt of the , leelliiKof Boneriildepre5 liin , pmnMn hend or
bonci. Vo i luivo no tlmi ) to : iste The o who are
coii'liintly tnklnu nierciirj nnd potiiih , hould til-con-
ttiiuo It. cunitint U'C of tlieio driiKs will Mirol )
brlint ore nnd entlnx tilceri In Iho end. Don't full to
write. All correspondence enl ncnlcil In plain cu-
vnlopc. We InUtu the iiiodl rlnlil biNeitlKHtiou und
will do all In our power lo aid ) oil In It. AiUlren ,
COOK. KEMKDY CO. , - Oir.nlm , Nob.
. Hobb's Are the Best on Earth.
Act gently yet prompt
' ly on tbo I.IVKlI. Kll ) .
OR , HOBB'S NKKS nnil nonGIS , dls
polling Headaches , Fev
ers and Colds , thorough
ly cleansing the system
of disease , and cures
habitual constipation
They nro sugar coated ,
donat erlpi > , icry small
easy to take , anil purely
vegetable.15 pills In each
vial. 1'crfaa digestion
followH their use. They
ahiolatolr ruro nlrk head
ache , and nro recommend
ed by lending p ! ' slclan . For sale by lending
flruRRlsts orsenlby mi- : ; 26cts. 3 vlnl. Address
HOBB'S ' MEDICINE CO. , Props. , Sari Francisco 01 Chkaji ?
Enhn & Co , Co.r 15th & PoKiila ? hts.
J .A Tullcr A Co , Cot. 14th & DounlaoSU.
A D Foster < fc Co. . Council llluCd. la
A Yplelock will lock it well. I
And every genuine one
now bears
or "Yale" I
on lock or key.
Sold wherever locks sell.
i r r.r. VIS'F NKHVK AND .
JIENT.inpoclllo for Hj-iturlx. Oliiliuii. VIH , NJ.I
raliiln , MoaUaclio. Nervoiu I'roitruton ciusul b/
tlcohoior tobacco.Vnkefulnoij. . Mantil llj.irji-
flon.riottnua orihu llriln eunliliIn nlly. unsjry
dcciy.duitli , I'romituro Oldie , Iliirrjiuu , loj
of Tower In either sot , Impotenc/ l < o mjrrlui nud
ull I'omnlo Wonknei 9 , In.'oluntiry I.onn npi'-
matorrlici einio 1 by ovor-oturtlon or t'u hriln
balf-nbusuaror-lndiiltreuce. A nioilt'i'j trJ it u in t
IIli forfV by mall WoKiitrnntjHalx liixm to curj
Kuch ordar foru lOTui , with Ci will sj 11 wrlltai
euarnntcoto refund If not c irj 1 Uu ir mt3 I
only by Tlieoitorn. K Ijonl * dnu Ht , solo meant.
> outh n9t corner loth nnd Fiirnam nts Oui ihn
Anoff an I Complelo Trcat-ucnt , contlilln ; of
Supposltorlo ) . Ointment In ( 'apiuloi , also In llov
mid I'llls : a I'otlllvo Cure for Inturnil
bllndor UleuillnuHcliliiz.Chronic. Kcasntor lluradl-
tnry I'llei T.ili Humu ly Im , never bjen known to
full. ( I pur box 0 for Jj , 'jntby mall. Whyaulturfrom
thla turrlblo UUoi 3 wlun n wiltt n Kuiranteo Is
positively ulvon wltliii bjxoiorrerund the money If
noicurud bcml Bl-iuip for frao Sniuplo. ( iiiirantuo
Issued by Kuhn < VCo , DriiKVl * ! * . Sulo Aiccntjcorner
litl' and Douithi ) treet , Ucualiti Nub
All klmlsnf Dyeing anl Oloanln ilono In ths
hh'hcat style of tbo art. Faded and Ktilnol
fabrics nmclo U ) look ai uooil aa nun
Work promptly done nnd delivered In ull
parts of ihu country. Bead for urico list.
C. A. MACIIAN. - - rjlOl'KIETOK.
HUHroadwiy. Naif North'vattara Dij)1
Of Cnua.'tl Uluti
Oapll Utco'f
burplusunai'rollt- HO.OOU
NetOaplt-U anl Burpiue. . . . . . < ftIOOIi'J
Dlroctori . I ) . riciiimUDi , a , I , , a mi in. i > ' )
Gli-aion , a. K. Ilirt , I. \ . vlllUr , J. V. 111-ninii
andCharlm ItlUiiana. . Tr.ini lot Konoril bink-
lin'bumno i. Lar ei' ciipltil uu.urulut of
any buuklu ioutliwestorn Intro.
W. C. ESTEP , '
Funeral Director , Embalmar
14 N. Main Street ,
Att"rncyi at law I'MO-
tC8 | i , , ije Mll4to uoj ,
fedeal courts , llr.omi U. i unit & Bbugut
Ueuro block , Council Uluffi. la.
approach nearest the
IO3 Main St. ,
Council Bluffs , lovvn.
ThrotiKli nil tlio bioad bordnr , nnd
through the wlcln wrsl of nil flno
IManoi , Tbo
Orcatest device kiu > \ \ n for ediK'allnu nnd rontrolllirn' the horse , ll'tii-riititfil to prjvent
mil 1'iuo her ennd colt" from Id Kinir. tiui'U us. ro.irlnv , Imckln ' , runnlnK , t-tnmhlln r , turn-
m : . fall nr , lu 'K\ns \ , uro lUln.sbufts , elieek ruins ; Is c-nsy nn their months ! clooi not Interfere
with tholrtrivt ) Init. mid innkos Ilioiu poifnully s.ifo fora child to drive. It IB Invivlnnblo In
iicaliln.- mid ilrlvlni colts , youtii ; borsus and slalllons. and can bo iisod on track , roa 1 and
\ork horses at nil tlme- <
Wurrinto : 1 to be the host billr > r in evlstenoo an 1 to jiiovpnt und euro h iller inillors : lu
lire.11 , a colt to Ic in In ten inlnnti t ; iiihundle n stalllnn , anil to hroal ; a balUy horie.
I'orviluonly by I'Wl'ienIlTItl' , coneral itisunt nnil inaniifiietiirer of line harness
nnd dealer In ull lurf poods. Sir > Ilro.ulwav , Cunncll ItlnlVs. IIL
facilities , mis
forsoccosbfn troitmentuf jvjrvf.irn
of dUo.uo ronulrln i n.o.llu U or
niir'luu tro itip.unt ,
69 beds for patlonls , bo ml an I
llent accomoJalions In Iho weit ,
Wr to fur on dnforni tim an I
braeos tnissos. club foot , onrv.itnroi of snliu ,
nllos , luinor-f , oinuor.oitirrb. bronehitis. In-
halntlon.o octrlelty , | ) ir.ilysU. onllciHy , klJ.
nor.buildur. eyo. uar , ckln an ! blool unJ alt oner itlon- , .
FINPA PQ np wnwpH A spRoiAhTA
yiOD/luhO / Ut WUlUun
ltoikon DUjis3 o (
Women KKEK. Wo havoliitoly ad led i lyliu-
Juilon irtniont for women during eonlliiomonU
Etrlotly ur v.ite.i Only KolUulo In-
slltuto making a Bnojl ilty o.
, , P H I\r ATM UfSta ASKS
All Hood Dlsu is ? ! sucueiifully tro t3l
byphllltlo 1'nlson icmoved tro.n thu syttluni
without inuroiiry. New ilustor.illvo 't'
menl for Loss of VITAf * I'UWKIL I'orsorn nil-
nblo to vlxlt ut in.iv bo tre ited ut homo by
rnrrosuon lencc. All commnnleiUloni eonll-
dontlal AloJiclnes or InsirnmenH soul l < y
mull oroxpress , soenroly p.iekod , nn in ir cs to
Inil cntuconlenlHor mmJer. Unu person il In-
tery.ow profurrflJ. Call and vonsult m or vend
history of your , und wo will send In plulu
wrnnucr , our
PfinY Tf ) MFN ' 'I'f.B : Uuon 1'rlv.iti ,
OUUfi IU men
, bpoolal or Norvom IJn-
eases , Iinpotonoy , SypbllU , Uloot uuJ Varloo-
cola , wllh quest on [ lit.
Ilraeeu , Appliances for Oefprintlloift Trmui.
Only mamifiiotory Inlho Wo ltof UKVUtt > l-
IT''lAXV * * KUal ! > KLKVUItM
Omaha Medical and Surgical InslUute ,
26th nnd Broadway , Oounoll BluSTi.
Ten mlnutos1 rl le from conlor ot Um.ih.i on
< - maha and Council HluItJ uioutrlo motor lino.
T OK HAM' Improved 40J-iiero stock farm
-L In wobtorn Iowa , til ; IBU-acro fiirm , fJOj I'M-
ucrca. < a Johimtun & Van I'attun.
Tlibll EXOIIANQK-A. ek'ur lol for hnrso and
Jbnrgy ortuiini , Oreenshleldu , Nicholson &
Co. , ( Hi llroadway.
Foil n.VCIIANOK ImproTcd fiirm , joins
corporation of Mlmonrl Vulloy. for u rebl-
deuce fn Council ! lllutTa. : : Orctiit.hlodi.NIchol. ) :
ton A. Co. , biil llroa Iwny.
OK KXOHANGK-A M.OOU stock of drilim
for roldonco In Council Illnirs , or for land ,
UreenshleldB , Nleholnon d Co , O'Jl llroiulwiiy.
rpo HUV Wo luivu u emh i-iiktomer for n
L boctlon of liind mo mlloi of Oinnba. Oreen-
ahlolds , Nicholson & Co. , b'JI IlnuUw.iy.
flbflTXOlTANoT } : : lcr-acro Improved fiirnT
12 cluar of liiciunbr.incoi In Iliitlor county ,
ICnnsaH , 4 miles from rallioud , for Council
HI il If t , nropcrtr , ClrcenshlelUs , Nicholson fc
Co , 031 llroudwuy.
HICK K\rcTlANOi-A : nlco ft-room hniixo.
-L KtKid barn , for sate cheap , and will tukun
tucnnl lot Inpirt nuyment. "
Nicbolsor fi Co. , U.'l llroudway.
THOU HUNT A plomant buy window room.
J. furnished. luiiulruTUO I'lrnt uvonuu.
MONKV loaned ut 0 per cent nn Council
Uluffi reildcuco yiopurty. K. H , fahouf * .
WANTKD. An oMiorlnncod teal cstato
silc < iiinn ! , ono iieiiua nto I with oily
vnlncs. S.ilary $ I."OI Mist your. K. II. .Shoafo.
FOR SALH. Floriilii oran--o crovu ; will
tiado for Council lUiHf * orUinuha prop-
crty. K II. fcno.ifi ) .
. UP.NT. the Ids in in residence. Kll Park
nvc ; In good ropalr uii'l nil modem eon-
MMiiences. HcntliUJ. K. II. Miuafc.
\\l AXI'l'D Yonnt in-in to work In town
VT and on f.iiin us required. Apii v to I'Oon-
nrd Cieiett. olltcu. I'uarl struct. No 10.
\\T AN'THn-A well dig or to ills 4 or.'i well
Vt nnd tiiUo his p ly In Applv to
r.conaid Everett , I'o irl streul , Council 111 u Iff ,
lu.FOK .SAIjK-I'lvo ncroq of garden gronnil
110,11ihu city. Will laKe nn iinlncuin-
bcred city lot in pail p ivinunt mid Klvo 10
years tlmu for the p.ivmunt of the Imliuioj at
h per cent Intoiost. Apply to Leonard Kver-
ott. 1(11'o.irl ( street , Couiisll UliitTii , l.i.
\V ANTKD lly a yonns Iiidv. fiiriilhhcil
i ' room with no ml , south of llriiad wuy und
cast of Ninth struct. A 07 , Uco nllla. .
fi'iOK SAM : llotol , U'i rooms , located In
-I-1 southern Nob. , iloln f a thrlvln.-hnalnoss.
* . ' , r > 00 buvb bulldm ! ? nnd fiirii.tnro Will trade
for indso. I' . II. Sboafo.
I71OK SAIK Ilnnlwiiro stook In eentrul Nob.
-L Will Involcu $ j , ! > 03. I ! A. Shoafc.
Ij'OH hAIi-Uholeest : farm In I'oil.iwutta-
JL' nile Co. . 4II ! acres , vtull loe.ited and Im
proved. I'lIceSIO an acre. II II. Shuafo.
IJVMtM and city loins ut lowuji ratoi.
-L cst.ilo for i.ilo.
Dwullini ; an 1 business rent il * .
Kionoy lojnud for local Investors.
I'J'i 1'ojrl strcnt. l.on.-oo h Towla.
IV YOU have nay thins for s ilo or tr.iclo HU *
i : . II. She ife , lira nlwiiy inn Main slront ,
iroit Ki\T : I ) oilln--n In nil pirta of tha
-L cliy. II II. Hheufu. llroidw.iy nnd .Muln.
\\7ANTKD-naitorn Nobrnsk.i liimlfln ox-
> ' I'liuiiKo for Council IHulfs properly. IX II.
Bhoafo , Uro tMvv.iy and M Un atruau
mm : IIHIGEST HAIUIAIN Douiiio roii-
JLdenco lot , No. Ill -oulli I'lrit straeu 80
feet front ; boil loo.illon and bosl u In
Iho city If liken ut onue , Uay &
I'o'iil Btroet.
fj OH SAM ; On small paymonn , fruit unit
-L garden liinil ntur Council llltilfs. 10 , U.
Bhuiifo , ItroMlwny and Main strout ,
HALK-Alblon Holler mills on lloonn
river. Nub. ; llnusl wiitorjnwor lu Iho Htato
duvoloplng l 'i horse power w.itor untlro yo ir :
dally capacity , 100 h.irrol ; miiuhiucry nnd
nppiirtenmicea complete In every dot , ill.uo-jd
frame renldunco ; H auroHiif Inn 1. tltlu uerfool :
price , l'iOJUs will tuko iinlniprovul oustora
Nebraiikii land , I. II , Hho ife.
FOIL SAM' lown far NIB In I'ottawattnuilo
und adjoining couuilou. U II. Hhoafu.
FOR HAM1. llotoli iinrl rostiinruntrt In lowu. ,
and Nohrm'di. dolns prulltiDIo biiKlnon
nnd welt loo.Ued ; will t ike I uid In part trudo ;
write for dotulU.i : H. bhuafc.
rr ° u ticros of see 1 I'ind mil now
JL1 cott ige with four ucroi lurid In WiirnoiH-
vllle , Nub. ; all inodorii IiniiriiveVnontsi will
uxchuiuo font pliiainnl cotluii frou of In-
iMimhriineo lu Council llluifj or Oiniiha.
1-1.11. Hlmaro.
'I71OU HAM } Ono ot thu hrlililusl un-l most
--di'Hii.iblo homos In thu city , on Uh uvo t
inoilurn in ull reipoi'tB. MIIKI Hell , und will
b.ierilli'o. Adurejs \ M. Jlluo olllu. . _ _ _ _
I71OK hAI.K J8i-aoro ranch In Oliorrtr Oo.
JNeb. . Ciood bay Iiiiid , splendid ruiuo for
cuttle. Mc-u collate , stiiblu nnd out. liulld-
iiiK lu cooil repair , plenty w.itur , llust lunil
In the county i will null cheap. Write for do-
tiilU Ij. II. tiliHiifu. _ _ _ _ _
1' OST A Columbia b cycle. A row.ird will
-Jbo p ml for IU return to J , E. F. Mcduu.
1I1OH BAIiK Good lroi > ni d ollln near U.
J.1 1' , transfer. I'rlcul..uio. Will tiilio horses
and uiittlu In part uuy , M II. Hbuufu.
. . . . B A liK Oreaiuory , well loentud In No
li ni l < a. doing nooii biKlnoiia. Will taUo
uurtner or sull entire business at u burgnlu
K' . II , rihoufe.
\\TANTKI ) Hardware stock In itoutlf
IT western low * for spot cash , I. II , f