Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1892, Image 1

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ssaCA :
f Eopublicans in Every Walk of Life Pleased
with the Prospect.
All tlinViiy Iroin Duwra to Ncni'ilin the
Leaders of tlio 1'iirty I'romlnu to Alii
In hccurlng a Triumphant Vic-
toiy Nnxt rail.
PiATTDMiiUTit. Nob. , Aug. 7. ( Spoclnl to
JPiiB Bui : . I If any doubt ever existed
about how Cnss county would stand on the
itnto ticket that doubt ha Dcon dissipated
cosily. Vour correspondent mndo n tour of
the city In search of tha doubting nnd lost
republicans of whom ho had hoard so much
nd is pleased to report that they nro n
minus quantity. Of course hero and there a
block sheep was found but most ot them bad
never been seriously afflicted with repub
licanism and so tholr conversion wouldn't
amount to much anyway. Many of the moro
prominent topubllcans hnvo left the city for
their summer vacation nnd so somu ot the
leader * ara not quoted in the following In , or-
viows. Among these visited were the fol
lowing gentleman , who expressed their opin
ions :
S. P. Vatmtta , lawyer I am very well
intlsflcd with the ticket , nnd , taking It nil
through , I don't think wo could have cot u
vtroneer ticket. 1 am not personally ac
quainted with Judge Crounse. but I hnvo
known him us n public man for the last
twelve years , and have always kno'vn hlin
ns n clean , straight man und ono who had
the confidence of the people , and I think the
- / convention was ospoclnlly fortmato In horn
mating Eugenu Moore. I hnvo known him
for fourteen years , and there is not a more
honest , conscientious , reliable young man In
the stale , and I think wo cin elect that
ticket In November by the old-time icpub-
lican majority.
.r. I. Unruh , furniture dealer nnd coroner
I think tbo ticket a strong ono. Ciounso Is a
stronger man than Majors. Of courso. Cnss
county wanted Snoldon but wo nro satisfied.
I thought that Sheldon would bo stronger
than Crounse tnls joar. because Sheldon is n
farmer and this is the farmer's yoar.
H.V. . Hyersi insurance 1 think the ticket
Is nil right. It suits mo all right. It is n
ttrong ticket.
James Pettce , Insurance I thlnlt thu state
ticket Is all right. I ran lind no fault with it.
II. N. Dovoy , dry goods nnd groceries
1 think it is a doggoned .strong ticltot. A
winner. Am pleased with Talc , I toll you
that.Allen Boeson , nttornov I am satisfied
with the ticket.Vbatniorccau I sny ! I
think It is a .vlnncr.
Jcsso L. * Uoot , attorney I think the
ticket Is n good ono Crounso will hold Van
Wyck down bettor than nny other man that
could have bean nominated. Thuio are no
knives In Cass county.
T. H. Pollbi-k , jr , assistant cashier First
National bunk 1 tlilnlc It n stiong ticket
nnd hnrd to boat.
O. A. Brown , druggist I think ttio ticket
Is nil lip lit.
M. D. Pol'c.editor ' Evening News A good
clcail ticket , but Croiinso will not draw any
enthusiasm , and if Fiank Ireland is nom
inated bo rtill push htm hnrd.
Joseph Fait Hell , politician Tuto Is n
trong man. Crounso is u good strong man ,
one of thu stiangcbt.
W. .I.Stretght , assistant postmaster You
couldn't gut n better man than Crounse. Hu
couldn't bn battered ,
A. Suuldbuiy The ticket Is nil right from
top to bottom. It suits me.
J. M. Ley da , abstractor 1 think Crnaneo
will bo elected und , of course , tbo roil will
Frank Dlckson , county clerk The ticket
Bulls mo nil light. I am acquainted ultli onlv
ibico or four on the ticket , but I should
Judge it to bo n good Rtiong ticltot.
S. W. Dutton , county commissioner So
fur as I know the tlckot Is a good one. It
teems to give general satisfaction.
A. C. Ma } es. county surveyor Well , I
think Crounso Is probaoly as strong a man
ns wu could gut.
James S. Mn'hows , attorney I think the
ticltot hard to boat , or jou. may say casv to
A. J. Graves , attorney I Just think It nn
vxcellont ticket. Our dulugatlon wiis not In
k''npo ' to vote for nil of It , bat thov'ro good
i en. The burden nf thoulectlon nf Crouusc ,
V. ho has nn excellent record and is seconded
l > y ns good a man us there is in the state ,
jests on Douglas county.
As can bo easily dlsccinod , thcso Inter
views ate taken from among thu business
men and icprcsent tbo Intelligent portion of
the thinking t.insJi-s. They Indicate that the
niirty In Cass county will do Us duty next
November nnd that this count } will return
to tbo republican fold und roil up Its normal
110(1 ( to f > 00 majority for C roan so und the busi
ness men's tickot.
Col n in hut Coiillih-nceH.
s , Nub. , Aug. 7. [ Special to TUB
JJr.i : . 1 The opinions of lending republicans
concerning the state tlckot nominated at Lin
coln Friday may bo summed up as follows :
M. If. Turner Among the old'tr represent
ative men of thu state , few aio better or
more favorably known than Judge Crounsu.
His career has proven , not only his eminent
ability , but his Integrity as a foundation
C. J. Ciarlow I'lio nomination of Judge
Crounso for govcinor is the bust that could
have bcon made under the circumstances.
Hope tlio tlckot will bo elected and \\ill do
ill 1 can to that ond.
'I1. Friedhof I am well satisfied with the
ticket. Crounso uas my lln > t choice.
A. Anderson AH fur us 1 know the can-
dldalofl the ticket Is excellent ,
S. C. Otny 1 am perfectly satisfied with
thi ticket.
E. D. yit/patrick I am morn than satisfied
\vlth the nominations , but think It would be
advisable to biing in u few big , strong In
tellectual giants Hue McICInluy to tulle repub
licanism In order to luuku the party suc
E. Pohl Don't know the candidates per-
tonally , but I am u republican nud Intend to
veto and work for the election of the ticket.
Curl Kramer My lioncjt opinion Is that it
In Uio strongest ticket that could hava been
put up , und I think It ulll bo elected.
Henry Uoiraiz Judgu Crounso Is n very
r'.ean and able man , \\oli known throughout
Iho state n the exponent of honesty nnd
fairness , nnd ro better nomination could
have been mndo. Ho ulll prove u towur of
itrnctli to n ticltot composed of bright ,
competent , honest men. The ticket Is seat
at Is 'actory I think nu cnn elect U by n big
majority , and I shult not bo surprised If tno
republican state. tlcKot receives double the
vnto it did in ISM
W. M. Cornelius Crounso Is entirely sat-
tsfurlory and to are tbo others , so lur ni > I
am acquainted with thorn , i know Eugene
Moorp personally , nnd I tlitnk hU nomina
tion WAS n gocd stroke. Judge Crounto's
anti-monopoly tecord , hlr. honesty , ability
ind acquaintance throughout the stuto will
bo n tug Inducement for people to vole thu
republican ticket.
J. U Pollock The nomination of Judge
1'itmiiHo WHS not my Hist choice , but undui
the flreumsluncos 1 brlluvu bo Is the strong
est man Mat the convention could liuvo su-
tectod. Duuttlm countv will uivu him 5,0 ( I
ouijoilty. Barclay und Moaru will bu
limit * oil u | Ohinlioii ,
i.N , Nob. , Aug. 7 , ( bpoclal to Tin :
fin. ] Although Major * was very popular
n tliit station and many lopubllcnim would
iku to uavo soon him nominated , they \\lth
cno accord are ready to stand by the ticket
mid tbolr coats ate already off awaiting the
frav , Tba nomination of Burtlov und Moore
will help Uiu ecton ! a yioat deal , us tliuv
ire both very popular.
Jcro Mauouoy I have no doubt that the
tlcuot Is n winner , although some of them I
do not know parsonullv.
A. L. Warrick Tni's ticket is all right in
every respect. And the beauty of it is thov
nia all republicans.
P. B. Curly Personally I should line to
iavu seen Majors got it. The rest of tno
tlckot Is coed , very good in fact , nnd 1 thlnn
OH u whole wilt prove n winner.
T. A. Coffoy-Tho tlckot Is n "bird. "
Jould not bo Improved anywhere. It is n
four-tlmo winner. <
F. L. lAirgoson I am acquainted with the
lOtnlncos onlv through the nwtpapors and
by nciiisuy , DutI have no doubt as to tbo
strength of It , ns it was put into the field bv
persons of undoubted political sagacity and
\Vlioro J. ( I. Tale I.lxeii.
lUsTivos , Nob. , Aug. 7. | Special to Tin :
BIE.I : Expressions ot republicans concern
ing the ticket nrj of the congratulatory
order :
F. P. Klmstoad I thlnlt the ticket Is nil
right. Personally I would Ilka to hnvo seen
Bowonnan nominated , but it U all right.
11. 12. Forrls Crounso is n good consorvn-
tivo man , exactly the right man to head tlio
tlckot. The lost of the tlckot is good , those
ofllclals who have boon ronomltmtod having
served faithfully. It is n good ticket , uud it
is going to win.
City Attorney Moroy I ralhorUkcd tosno
Crounso nominated Instead of Major * . All
sections of the ntatu nro lopiosontod , and
represented well.
Editor A. H. jJrnwn of the Independent
Tilbnne It is n iirst-rnto ticket , and It will
bo tiiumpbantly cloctod.
County CloikC. B. Blgolow-1 thlnlc It
Is ii strong tlckot , and n wlnnerin addition.
Hoglstor of Deeds C. W. Wilson It Is a
wlnlici , and the convnntlon , I think , did
well. All sections of the state are repre
sented , and all of the nominees nro good ,
clean men. Itv.Ill not only druw out the
full strength of the puty , but from ether * in
County Judco W. H. Burton I nm wfcll
pleased. Ciounso Is the man for thu place ,
nnd wilt add to the strength of the tlckot.
Tuto is another stroncr num.
Treasurer J. H. Fleming The tiukot is
satisfactory to mo , especially tbo head.
Deputy Troasuior Havorlv Crounso and
Tuto ought to bo strong in this lection , while
the ro t U quite ngreoablo to mo.
District Court Clerk J. II. Snlcor I'm
perfectly satisfied , and 1 think we'll win It.
Deputy District Clerk A. T. Bratton-I
think It Is the best ticket for campaign pur
poses \\o have hud for manv years Wo
have Crounio , Andrews nnd Tate , und I
think 1 ought to bu satisfied.
Sheriff UeorgoCrann ; It Is n good clean
Charles H. Dietrich 1 am highly pleased ,
because I was down there. It is an absolute
\ \ Inner , nn absolute winner.
E. W. Bexton , secretary of the eoiintv cen
tral committee The tlckot Is all right. Cra/v
Horse Is not in it. Cjrtalniy it will add to
tlio strength of the countv tlckot.
Editor J. A. Croeth The ticket Is Just
about thu ono I wanted , and Is ono that 1 will
bo pleased to support.
Ex-County Attorney J. A. Casio The
ticket is all right , exactly a * I voted , with
ono exception. I am qutto reconciled to that
William Brown , candidate fol float rep
resentative I am highly pluascd , and think
tnat the tlckot will help elect Bill Brown.
Juntos N. Clarice , president of the Hast
ings Republican club IJ nm satisfied with
the tlckot , although 1 think that one or txvo
moro rcprosonuitivo men might have boon
nominated. Liounso is a good mau , quilo
alter mv idea.
Hon. W E Andnnvs. candidate for con
gress in tdu Fifth district , expressed himself
us much pleased with thu nominationswuicb
ho legardcd as stiong.
Amoiif ; .lliiors | * Neighbor ) .
AummN' , Neb , Aug 7. fSpocIal to Tun
Br.p. ] Upon rocclptot the now * of 'he nom
inations made at Lincoln , your correspondent ,
started out to Interview "tho republicans of
this pluco as to their views of the tickut se
lected. Most of them won ? out of town.
Judge Church Mr. Crounse , the nominee
for coveutor. was an old resident of Klcbard-
son countv. and lived there when elected
judge of thu supreme court. I know him
quilo well , and regarded him ns n good man.
My choice , of course , was Tom MiJ3rs. and
1 believe , outside of Omaha ho would have
polled a heavier vote than Crounso. 1 thlnlt
it was a mislako In nominating an Omana
man , hut I Mmtl support tnu ticKOt.
T. J. Ctuinmel , bridge builder I wont to
Lincoln. . \ eltod and worked liku a white head
for Tom Majors , and did want to KCO him
nominated , but I nm a republican und shall
support the tlckot hoartilv.
D. J. Wood , cashier of First National
banlc From what 1 can learn Mr Crounso
bnlongH to the aristocratic class , wnllo
Majors is ono of the bovs , nr.d unions the
farmers would take better than Crounso.
How the iarmor element will support
Crounso I do not know , but ho is a good
man and no doabt will make us a good gov
D. A. Mccse , dentist I conxlder Ciounso
a \\oak man. I am a republican , and of
course will suppoit the entire ticket.
K. O. Fallow , editor of the Auburn Post :
Although Lorenzo Crounso was not the llrst
cholco in this section ho will carry Nomaha
eounty Novembers , but the margin will bo
loss than would have developed with Ml.
Majors at the head of the tickut , for vote
from other parties would have flocked to thu
latter. Mr Crounso U a republican and will
get the ropuDllcnn vote. Tnls U republican
year when republicans will DO republicans
realising that to back their convictions by
their votoj will permit them not only to ro-
tntn their pnnent foothold but nld very ma
terially In securing future po.ver nnd glory.
Count on Ncmaha for Crounso.
Crniiil Island U All ( Eight.
Giusi ) Isi.vxn , Neb. , Aug. 7. fSpccml to
Tin : BiSB.l Tno republicans of Hall county
ore delighted with the result nf Iho Lincoln
convention , und It is the universal sentiment
that the tlckot will win.
Uoorgo tl. Cialdwcll , ono of tho'ropubllcnn
candidates for tliu lovisl.itura It Is us strong
a ticket at could have boon put up and can
not bo b.Mten.
Seth P. Mobloy. World's fiilr commission
It Is as stiong u tickut ns could possibly
have boon nominated and will win without a
doubt. It U composed of clean nnd honest
men , a tlokot by , for and ot Iho people.
Frud Hcdde , editor of the Independent
Vun Wyck will cot n good many votes , but
ho cannot beat Judge Crounso , whom the
Independent hus stood for right along. It is
a much monger ticuoi than any preceding
ono and Insures success. Thu tickut is such
a clonn ono that it cannot ho boiton.
Ex-Lieutenant Governor A , A. Abbott
Mv opinion Is the tlckot Is a k-ood onu and
will elect every man on It , 1 huvo no fears
wliatnvor as to thu result.
A. C. Lodormun Judgu Crounso Is n man
who needs no dufonnu whatever. Hu Is u
niiin for the people , not for the politicians ,
( In. record is clean and without n blemish.
The whole ticket will bo elected.
E. C. Hockunburuur Tliu ticket is a flnn
ono. There seems to be n general Impression
that Hon. J. G , Tain is of the north sldu.
Thut ImpiCislop ought to bo corrected asltis
false , Tha ticket assures republican suo-
co s.
( cortjo H. Hummel It Is a tlckot without
n flaw.
W. M. Geddoi I like the ticket booauso
not u word ran bu bald against lu candidates.
They nro clean and strong ,
C'P. ! Williams , editor of tbo Times
Thu. ticltot ls n Joseph Dandy , clean nnd
strong and for thn people. . Wo'ro going tu
win und don't you forgot. It.
( .itoix'o P. DJ.IU I like it beuauio it can
not full to load to victory ,
lleiitrlie Uell I'lf.iHod.
Brniiici : . Nob. , Aug. ' . [ Special to Tin :
HUP. | In answer to the query propounded
by TIII : Bfu representative to n number of
leading lormbllcans of this section , "What
do you think of thu stuto tlcUol uouiluatod ut
Lincoln ! " Thu following ropUos wcro ro-
colved :
S C. Smlth-'Iho ticket U an excellent
onu und U sura to win , I predict for Ne
braska under Judge Crounso'sloadorihlpono
of our L'COJ old-tuuo republican m-ilorltltM.
Dr. U , S. Miles -I am not as familiar with
the personnel of Iho ticket as I would llko to
Qenoral Oomacbo Starts a Serious Revolt
Agalust the Government.
Commissioner * Wilt Ho Appolntml Soon
KKUII Coinlnir Home HuRlum !
to ( lobliln the Ununo Cash
Other South American
/u//itmci / / OiraVn
VAU-AIIUSO , Chill ( via GnlvoMon. Tox. ) ,
Aug. 7 , [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald Special to TUB DUE. ] Om-
clnl tolcgrams hnvo breti received nt the Mo-
nailo at Santiago to the clToct. tnat Oenornl
Comaoho Issued a pronunclamcnto nnd
started a revolution at Oruro , Bolivia. The
Bolivian government nt once took stops to
supprcsi thu uprising. Comacho was placed
uedor arrest , Slxtcon doputloa who were
supposed to bo In favor nf Comacho's move-
I-.UMH were arrested and with their Icador
were deported to the Chilian port of Anto-
All the cities of the republic have bson do-
clnrcU in a state of sct o and congress has
bcon summoned to sit at once and to dcclnro
BaptUtr. president. The Indians nro sup
posed to bo In favor of Comacho , nnd It is
not at all Improbable that ho will lonoiv his
attempt to gain conttcl of the executive
machinery of the republic.
Chill Will Appoint romtillsilollcrH.
I Inarn that Chill has decided to grant the
request of the government of the United
States to appoint commissioner * to sit at
Washington und act conjointly with commis
sioners appointed by the United States to
nrbltratu nil claims against Chill. The Chil
ian government requires , however , six
months in which to make the necessary
United States Minister Patrick lSgan has
announced to the foreign ofllca that ho iu-
tends to lo.wo Chill oy the cud of the pres
ent month.
iii--uiui : Wants it AH.
There have boon some developments in tbo
controversy between the Peruvian corpora
tion nnd the French claimants against the
Peruvian guano deposits. The corporation ,
roprojontod by the Brltlsn charge d'affaires ,
hus triad to ( ret control of the money now on
dcpooil in the Hank of England to the exclu
sion of the French creditor ? . To this Min
ister Errazuriz objoots. Ho has told the
fhargo that the money must bo distributed
among nil thu creditors , but that Chill will
extend to the corporation for a term of ton
years the light to work the cuano dnposlts
on the Lobos islands , und that It shall receive -
coivo Its nro tala shaio of the money accord
ing to the last protocol. If tno British
government does not ucico to this then ho
Insists that the whole matter mint ba sub
mitted to the arbitration of the president of
thu Swiss republic , us provided for in the
Cl.itiiM , Congress unit ( irlp.
Minister Errazurl/ has had. his hands full
In seulltip claims ftom various nations.
The question of voting the amount agreed
unon * in the settlement of the Baltimore
alTalr lias not yet been brought bnforo con-
gics.s , owing to the Ulniculty in seeming a
q'uorum on account of the opidcmto of in
Ch irse Aij.ihut the IJiilmuei-dlstH ,
The memorial containing thu charges
against Bnimaccda'n ministry were presented
to ilio sonata on Friday nr.d discussed
Saturday. It Is a lengthy nnd exhaustive
indictment. Tbo political events of Bal-
tnaccda's administration nro recited nt
length. They nro followed by legal and
philosophical arguments In tcgard to tbo con
stitutional tight of the country.
Among the charges against the ministers
nro that they prevented public meetings ,
suppressed the liberty of speech , nrdotcd a
soaich of houses by foica , extorted money by
violence , destroyed valuable industrial ptop-
erty , violated correspondence , organized
bands of spies for unlawful purposes impris
oned citUsns , many of ivhom worn tortured
laid hold of the public treasury , and wasted
8U.OOO.OOO pesos.
Furtber charges arc that they raised a
largo nrrr.v by violent means , nuppicssed the
courts of justice , treated the rights of congress -
gross will ) contempt , caused the lo > s of 100-
000 Chilians on the buttlollold and shot
down men without legal form.
Tbo document is said to bo a masterpiece
of constitutional Jurisprudence , nnd Is highly
pialscd. Tin senate hus not yet fixed a day
for a decision on the charges.
Ituuiuil Per HiH ( i.illiuitrv.
It is piobab'a ' that Captain Marino Jarpn
of the navy , who defended Iqulquo airainst
Rabies , who comm.inuYi : the Balmacedist
forces , will bo appointed intondonto of the
province of Tnrapoci.
At a iccont session of the House
of Deputies n question was asked regarding
tbo dofcct In the Conot guns , The minister
of war replied that ho was not willing nt
present to give the data required , as it would
bo likely to prove prejudicial to u respectable
linn. The defects exist , however , as 1
cabled to you.
The funeral of Senor Uonoso was celc-
prated with much pjmp In the ptusonco of
great crowds at the church of ttio Esplrlto
Snnto , where the body was buried. Ills
death Is ( neatly recruited by foreigners hero
whoie friendship ho hud gained
Argentinian Nnlu * ,
The Herald correspondent nt Buenos Ayrcs
says that the negotiations looking toward an
agreement between I'rosldunt Saciu Pena
nnd the radicals hnvo been discontinued ,
Kobberio nnd forgeries have baua dis
covered In the bureau of immigration ,
Locusts have appeared in sumo sections of
the republic and it is feared will do much
damage to crops.
UcoclccinUarcin Is dead.
The cruising squadron will soon sail lor
Montevideo. Ureat vigilance Is being dls
played In the different departments cf the
city. Suspicion hits been aroused In the
minds of the autlioiltloj that n revolt Is not
improbable in the neur fuluro and they in
tend to bo propaied to meet it.
The Hurald conoipondont at Montovldco
learns that the provident of Uruguay la
closely guarded by soldiers and the troops
have bcon ordered to their barracks.
News comi'i from Ulo do Janeiro , Brail ) ,
that Piusldont PoUolto Inn sunod the law
granting amnesty to the revolutionists. A
bill allowing tbo emigration of coolies has
ulso boon blgncd by the president.
One I'rutldint lletlifiii.
PANXMV ( via Cialveston , Tex , ) , Auif. 7.
[ Iy Mexican Caul j to the Now Yorlt Herald
Special to TUB Bnu.J A dispatch received
fioni Bogota nnnouncos that Leonard Canal ,
second vice president of tbp republic , tun for
some unknown reason rcslcncd. Ho 1 sue-
eecdcd by Qutntero Culaoi. Senor Caldot
wbllo u oonservatlvo it a supporter of thu
uatkmal party. Flwt Vice Piesluenl Miguel
- - , -
AntonioCaro takes charge of.tho . government
tomorrow. Scuor the titular presi
dent resides la Cartaglnl % . I
ClrnciiM nnd Mbn raintight n\tr thn Hint
of Coliimhns.
ROMP , Aug. 7. Two hundred members of
clerical associations , with bands playing and
banners Hying , marchOJ procession to the
Plnclann cardans tdplnco a wreath upon the
bust of CbilstopuorIC6lumbus. A grout ) of
liberals , carrying ilatloual flagX tried to
place themselves nt the bond of the clone its ,
whereupon n scufili occurred , in which the
bust was ovotturuod.
The combatants were dispersed by the po
lice nnd some nrrosW wcro made. T'ho liber
als , fhouttng the nftmcs of Uarlbaldl and
Bruno , attacked thq clericals nt different
portions of the route. The pollco reinforce-
menu arrived too lato' ' to protect the Colum
bus .
_ _
HKK si'ii.ou is nitiir.
Queen Victoria Intitnutes Tliut I'nrllnmont
linn Not Mot for HIIHIIIOHS.
LONIIOV , Aug. 7. Tno. queen's speech , ns
communicated to the chlafs of the minister
ial and opposition parties , is the briefest
speech from tbo tlirono over road in parlia
ment. It formally Intfmatos that parliament
has not met for the transaction of business.
It contains no reference to prospective legis
lation , and is almost silent in rocard to for
eign affairs and Ireland. The queen simply
says that no ImmoulaU : work can bo expected
of tbo mombord so soon after the labors of
the last session and the fatigues of the gen
eral election. >
Cholciii IllL'iriHlni ; In IliiMln.
ST. I'crRiismiiia , Aup 7. The cholera ro-
turus from all Russia for Aucusti ) nnd 4 ,
show a total of 0,74litiow oases and i,40G )
deaths. '
A circular Usuod bji. the ministry or the
Interior calls upon nil Kussinns , main or
female , who have studied medlcltio abroad to
place themselves at ttio disposal of the
authorities to combat ctiotora.
.Murilurcil thu Ili Iiop of lolltno.
HOMI : , Aug. 7. On the arrival of the train
from Florence at Fotlgno , the bishop of
Foltgno was found IVIng doad. In one of the
carriages with several wounds on hU head.
The pollco have arrested tbo suspected mur
Lord leunjKiinX Itlrtluliiy.
LOXLOV , Aug. 7. Lbrd Toiiuvson cele
brated hU birthday yesterday In his house at
Aldworth. Ho racolv'ed ' n number of con
gratulatory mcssagos from America.
J.Y .1 br
St. 1'iiitl IIrbr tv/ / I ) 'turhcd la Tholr
II < iu u \Vornhlp. .
ST. PIUL , Minn. , Aur. 7. Yesterday ,
which was the Jewish Sabbath , ut 5:1)0 ) in
the afternoon , the bout when tno descendants
of Jacob meet to prsr and listen tn a discourse -
course fiom 11 rabbi , tlie synagogue of the
Sons of Jacob was lllUd with U vout wor
shipers. A strange rabai , for fiuou no was
taken to be , aro-io und boijan to preach in tbo
Hebrew tongno. Ho was closer and tin ;
nudierco was much tsUon with him. Sud
denly ho bo an to preach Christ orticitiod.
A match dropped injo U can of nowdor
could not hnvo craated a srrcator commotion.
Instantly ttfo congregatloa WMTOII Us feet ,
demanding that the munto'put put of the
uouso. The man continued to preach Christ
ns though talu'n ' ? to ifia"'most appreciative )
uudlence , ? umt a moment later everybody
made a rush for htm ht ol.ce.j.Jle nttemploit
to defend 'himself , but'Avns Knocked down
und , : ittei\lilvhead right well tbumpod
on tbo lloor.'Wns dr.igifednnd thrown but of
the svmi'-'oguo. 'J'tio strancer tpoK tno hint
and concluded that ho was not wanted there.
It seems that the stranger was n converted
Polish Jew named Nalhnnlol Preidman , who
lives alGif. Lawsoa siroot. Ho claims that
ho was Invited there by a prominent member
of the Suns of Jacob and told that ho might
preach u short sermon.
Prledmin stated lust evening that he
should bting suit against the Sons of Jacob
to recover damages for his Injuries , etc.
Ftieumnn is not seriously hurt , but has some
big bumps on his head , which ho received by
having his head thumpoa on tbo lloor.
Till ! JUUIH ItOl.L.
( icnernl John 'II Nun or Oulncy iiuU
1(114 } 1IIL' ( .
Quixpv , 111. , Aug. 7A-General John Til-
son , who was colonel pfxlho Tenth Illinois
nnd commander of a t < i-jgido in Sherman's
march to the sea , and later editor of the
Qaincy Whip , died luVe Saturday night.
Cinuuio , III. , Auir. 7. Mrs. Willnrd ,
mother nf Frances Wlllnrd , died nt her home
in ISvnnston shortly after midi.ight last
night. Slio wn ? SS years of ago.
LofisMi.i.r , Ivy. . Aup.J. William White.
need 7li i oars , grand secretary of thu In Jo-
pendent Order of Odd fellows , died this
morning of heart disease.
Toitosro , Ont. , Aug. 7.Sir Uaninl
Wilson , president , of the Toronto university ,
died tbU morning.
Urr.ituil u SonsAloii 111 Court.
Mos'Tituvi , Aug. 7. There was n. sensation
In couit during the proceedings In the case
of Harris Blank and Cuailcs Kosouwcig ,
ytstcrday , the two 1'ollsu Jews arrested on
a charce of murdering n young Jew peddler
named Marks belonging ut Towandu , Pa.
When the uaso was called Blank said ho
wanted to make a sweru confession. He de
clared that wlillo they tlireoero In Dutch
mountains , UosonWciu bad declared uls in
tention of killing Murks for Ills monoy. Wit
ness made an unsuccessful attempt to evade
tliu crime. Both will bo committed lor ex-
tiudltlon. '
StoMinsiMi hi Kuntiictty.
Lowsviu.i ! , ICy. , Aug. 7. Genernl Adlnl
E. Stevenson spjnt today quiotty. In the
morning , with Mrs. S'tovoiison , ho attended
tne Central Prcsbyto'fan church. Tonight
nn informal supoor was tendered him by
John B. Caslluman. .General Stevoiuon
leaves early lu the. murani | ; for ludir.aupoli s.
ins ii IIK&
OMAHA. Aug. 7. f
An area of low baroipctur Is central tonight
in South DaUota. Tha area of greatest boat
overlies Nebraska , Kuus and Indian ter
ritory. Yunkton ropprtB-a maximum of Oil3 ,
Valentino 10'J = > , Uon'cordU , Dodpo City and
Wichita 100 = > , und Kansas City US .
Warmer weather Is "tbcroforo likely for
this section , but an nrooablu chanxo to much
cooler weather , prob.ibly urocedud by hhoiv-
ers , is In sight. ,
A cool wava Is entering the upper Missouri
valley and cooler norlliwest winds and local
showers prevail In Montana and North Di-
kotu. I'lsewncro tho' Jweatlior today has
been fair and dry.
I. ouil I'ornuiiKit 1'or Uimtorn Ni'IninUu ,
Oniiiiui und Vltlnlty- VVurini'iiionlliiiiuii
lair \ti > uthur during * . * | oiniiy | , lollnn < > d .Mem-
tinnlcht or ruii > < IUvhy I.IIIIH und
uuolt'r tithi'r. A f" < i | "ii ii oomlMj.- ,
WAHIIINIUON- ) . -O. , Aug. 7. Weather
forecast for Monday i For Nebraska Fair ,
except showers In northeast portion ; cooler
northwest winds.
For South Dakota Showers In eastern
petitions ; cooler nor i Invest winds.
For Iowa Shawcf > ; cooior ; southeast ,
shilling to uorthwost winds ,
MotHim-ntH/iC Oi'iMii Aiuiunitrii ,
At Boston Arrived , Catalonia , from l Iv-
cniool. ' 1
At Quooosto vn Ajrlvoil , British Prince ,
from Pblludolphlq ! / '
At Havre Arrived , La Uatcogne , from
Now York. *
At Now York Arrived , JJtulopIa , from
CJluacow ; France , 1tpm Loudon ; ( Julie , from
Llverjiool. * *
At l oinloii Arrived , Miuuesotn , from
At HouthmnntoniArrJvtd , Kins , from
Now York.
Interesting Annml Report of tbo General
Land Ofiio' ,
lto\len ol the Condition of All.ilr * ut thn
Tlnid thu 1'rcKont Ailnilnliti.ttlon foolc
i1 Settler * Tteitvd in it .Uiinncn
WVSIIINOTOV , D. C. , Aug. 7. The annual
report to the secretary of the Interior of tbo
operations of the general laud ofllca for the
fiscal vcar ended Juno 80 , IS'Ji , was miulo
public today. A ciroful loading of this re
port shows that Commissioner Carter will
damonstrato that the liberal nnd policy
toward the settlers upon the public domain ,
adopted by Secretary Noble at the beginning
of this administration , has boon productive
of very satisfactory nnd banoficjnt results.
"I felt Justlnod , " ho continues , "In pro-
dieting in my annual report of last year that
with the force then at my command , the
business of this bureau would ba brought up
abreast with the current wont by the end of
the fiscal yonr JuitclosoJ. Ills gratifying
to mo now to bo nblo to report to you that a
literal fulfillment of that prediction has boon
fullv consummated. In order that the
magnitude of the work done during the last
fiscal year ntnv bo toadlly comprehended
and the results accomplished fullv appre
ciated , I fool warranted In dlsoasslnir briefly
thouollcy that governed und controlled the
business of this ofllco under the last adminis
tration from 18S' to 1SSO.
flinch toorcome. .
"CommissionorSparks In his annual report
for the fiscal vcar ending Juno ! tO , lbS5 , said :
'At the outset of my adrafnlstration I was
confronted with the overwhelming ovldcnco
that the publio domain was bolng tnado a
prey of unscrupulous speculators and the
worst forms of land monopoly , through sys
tematic fraud , carried on and consummated
uudor public land laws. '
"Ho further stated in the same report , in
discussing the subject of commuted home
steads , that the proportion of frauduleut en
tries of this kind could bo uioro neatly esti
mated as the whole number of such entries
than in nnv ether manner ; that the avcraco
proportion of fraudulent pro cmptlon filings
to the total number of tilings made , nnd re
linquished should bo estimated In round num
bers nt oxnctlv 103 nor cent , and that OJ per
cent of all timber culture entries were fraud
ulcnt. Having become wrongfully imbued
with the Idua that nuarlv nil , or at least a
very largo proportion of , pntrlos made upon
the public domain wcro fraudulent , and that
tbo great body of well disposed settlers were
unscrupulous speculator : ! , it is not surprising
that Commissioner bpirUs , on April S , lbS5 ,
issued an order susoandinc action on all en
tries ( except on certain scrip locations nnd
on private casn oninoi ) lu the whole of Colorado
rado except the Ulo luscivation. und in all of
Dakota , Idaho , Utah , Washington , New
Mexico , Montana , Wyoming and portions of
Kansas , MeDjraskfgiflJJJlDIipsota.
lliiglnvi * ClmnnuU Clogged.
"Tho detrimental effect of' these and other
similartnvc6png ! orders and of the mistaken
Impic-tslon and policy which prompted thorn ,
upon tno business of this olllco was very
great and as n consequence tbo administra
tion , on assumingtho reins of government in
Ibb3 , was 'confronted' by a land oftlco greatly
dcnioralirod in nil its ramitlcations. Injus
tice , or n denial of justice , under the ma
chinery of the law , wait dominant fea
ture. 'The settler who had honestly nnd la
boriously , anil at much ba/.aul und heavy ex-
peusp co'mplled In good faith with all the re
quirements of the laws , outraged and Indig
nant at the multiplied injuiics inflicted on
him by maladministration , aomandcd a pat
ent , u'titlo to the land ho held bv settlement ,
by cultivation and lompllanio with the law
fully earned. < Thus , by reason of this erro
neous nnd mistaken policy , the legitimate
channels of business in this olllco hid be
come clogKOd and by icnson of wrongful de
lays a vast amount of none had accumu
lated , there belli ! ; nt the close of the lUcal
year ending Juno 110 , IbsS , HVJ.Ml ontric-i of
all kinds pending or awaiting consideration
Chiuxud I ho Policy.
' I'uder these clroumstunccs a change of
policy was deemed necessary. Hence ,
shortly after March 4 , 1830 , n now adminis
trative policy , based on a liberal und enlight
ened Interpretation of the public land laws ,
was adopted and bas been continued during
tbo inloivcning lineal years. Under tins new
policy settlers uiu presumed to bohonost and
well disposed toward the government and
ttiolaus , and public land business has been
expedited with mnikod beneficial results.
"On March ! ! , IbOl. the law was passed
entitled To repeal the timber culture laws
and for other purpose,1 In which congtcss
manifested its approval of the now pnlioy.
Under and by virtue of section u of that
law lurge numbers of cases long suspended
on thu merest suspicion of fraud
or under harsti technical rulings
have been and are bolng passed to patent , In
n manner which , wbllo greatly facilitating
business , also luppllos uiuplo safeguards
against all posslolo fraud. In virtue 01 this
marued and Dcnullciul chanee of policy and
under tlio favorable logUlatlon mentioned ,
thu latgu number of accumulated entiles
above stated , together with tin addition of
.llb.OII ) aiitrios received slnca the present
policy wan Inaugurated bad on Juno 'U. IS'J' . ' ,
to bo carefully considered and propjr action
taken "
llanlly Cleitiod the Olliuc.
Comparative tables accompanying the re
port show an excess during the four fiscal
years ending Juno ilj , i& ' . ! . ' , over tha tour
years ending Juno : IO , ISss , lu the number of
ucreuKU of patents Issued of
nearly 145 pur cent , substantially clourlug
the docket nnd leaving the oftlco on July 1 ,
1KIU , virtually free to attend to current ousl-
ness as it
As to mineral and coal patents , the report
shous an excess under a similar comparison
In the number of mineral patents Issued of
US per cent , In the ntimbnr "of coal patents
Issued U21 per cent , clearing the mineral and
coal dockets and passing to the popy | and
statin and nation millions of permanent
wealth. Duung the period from ISb'J to ib'JJ
there were 4H4.VJtr > acres of the public do
main surveyed us against 'J,71DtiJ , ; dining
the preceding four years. Duiing I bo last
llscal year the cash sales , according to thu
report , airgroeutud 1,031,17 $ acre * , tno ptln-
clpal item ut which was UIUlbl ! acres uliich
were maJo under thu pre-emption law. The
total aureagu disposed of during the year
uas'.H.Ol'J. ' . Thiuo thousand , two hun-
died and forty-two mineralbltu patonU uoro
iisucd during the year as against 1,70.3 dur
ing the year l&bO. The report shows that
various public lands in thu United States ag-
grofuto 6.V.K1.7b.i ( ) items , The commissioner
recommends u liberal policy In reference to
BUrvojb for public lands In all of tha slului.
ICeiinlruM Moio l.uglulatlon.
A general law on the subject of tha public
forests , the report says , U unquestionably
demanded , tvhich shall umko udequnta pro-
vUlou In rcspoct to both forest reaumulon
und the uutting and rnmoviil of lumber to
supply the public nucesMltles , and shall also
repeal nil existlni ; uctB or parts of acts lu
conflict with the provisions thereof. As re
gards the leading features of ucu an act ho
U of thu opinion that tbo umo should bo in
line with the following general suggestions :
Provision ruould be made for the immediate
reservation of all public lands buarliiu for
ests or timber , except for entry under tha
homestead mlulug laws ; Individual soulurv ,
locators of inlnei , should bo authorized to
proouro from tba public timber lands ucb
timber us may bo imperatively needed to
supply their actual , Personal uocesilUts for
fuel , bulUllncs , fences and the improvt , " * . \
of their cl lm . " \
llo tlio I'lnrs Woutil He npo rd ( ) \
The cutting or removing of public tiintji
should bo prohibited for purposes of trans
portation , or for exportation , or for inli1 , or
disposal , or for nny other use or purposu
whatever , except as itbuvo stnted , or tinder
laws exacted nnd tales nnd regulations
pra crlbcd bv the local leglslnluio of the
state or tcrittorv lu which the timber Is
located , and unions permit to cut timber has
llrst boon procured Item the secretary 6f the
Interior. A penalty should lie provided for
wasting or destroying timber growing or
being on public lands , whether by tire , fell-
Intr or otherwise , with the provision nttnchcd
that of all sums collected as lines penalties
or dauiHcos under the net , ono half shall be
to the Informer , if any , and the other half to
thoscluol fund of thu county , or counties In
which the offense \\its committed.
In the opinion of the commissioner the
pissniro of a general act of this nature will
effectually dispose of all qtioitlons relating to
forest cutting and moving timber from publio
lands and rcmtar further legislation on thu
subject unnecessary.
wn.r. ATTUNII TIII : coNrnitKNcu.
Appoliitnient ot thu Interniitloiml M ono
tury CoinniNiiloiier't.
WisiiiNOToV , D. C. . Aug. 7. The follow
ing gentlemen hnvo been announced ns tha
commissioners on the pitt of the United
States to take pirt In the international mone
tary confotcnco soon to be held in ono of the
capitals of K a rope , though not yet having
been ilxud : Hon. William B. Allison of
Iowa , Hon. John P. .lotion of Nov'ada , Hon.
J. B. McCrcary of Kentucky , lion. Henry
W. Cannon of Now Yon : nnd Hon. Francis
A. Walker of Massachusetts.
Mr. Allison has boon for yunrs n leading
senator of the UnltoJ States , and has boon
for a long tlmo the chairman of tbo comnilt-
tco on appropriations and n member of the
committee on llnnnco. Ho Is well informed
on llnnncinl matters.
Sonntor Jones U also n lending member of
the llnnnco committee of thu senate , nnd has
given a special study to tbo silver question.
Ho has been noted for his speeches on finan
cial Issues.
Mr. McCroary is a member of tbo bouso of
roprusontntlvos , formerly chairman of the
committee on lorclgn affairs. Ho introduced
In the house the bill providing for the present -
ont International monetary conference , and
bas taken special Interest in the subject.
Mr. Cannon has for years taken a lending
part in financial operations in New Yonc ;
was formerly comptroller of the currently
and is now president of the Chase National
bank of New Yoik city.
Mr.Walicrr Is n well known writer on
economic qjcsttuns. Ho has been super
intendent of tlio cenHIS and was n aiombcrof
the international monetary confc-unua hold
nt Paris in 1878. Ho Is president of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology , presi
dent of thu American Statistical society and
honorary fellow of the Hoyal Statistical so
ciety ot London.
Lovnns , Ann. 7. Sir William Henry
Houldswortb , Bart. , Hon. Charles William
Fremont. 1C C. B. , and Bertram Curry have
been nominated as British delegates to the
international monetary conference.
The Associated Press has authority to state
that the new liberal government Is likely to
add ono delegate , a prominent mono'iiotalllst ,
to the delegation. The appointments an
nounced me considered unsatisfactory Sir
W. II. Houidsworth Is nn aidcnt blmotalltst
and Mr. Currio , who is n membjr of the
council of Indi'i ' , also has a loaning to bi
metallism. Sir C. W. Frcemi'itio was nom
natcd solelyon accountof hisofliclal pasltlon
In the mint and will take no active part In
thu conference.
MUST JIAVI : AJiiJifi5AJJ ovricuns.
Oivnora of foreign SU- unships bmldonly
.si i IKe u Snag.
WAsiiivoTOX , I ) . C. , Aug. 7. An Intcrest-
ine question has been prusnnti-d to thoTrens-
ury department in regard to the st'tam-
ships City of New York and City of Paris ,
the owners of which are proparinir to have
them documented ni American vessels hi no
cotdaiico with the provisions of a special act
of congress granting them that privilege
under certain conditions The steamship
company is anxious to retain the present
complement of ofliccrs of those vessels , most
of whom , however , nro of foreign nationality ,
and in order to brUiz them within tno law
requiring \ojsuls of tbu United States to bo
ofllcoted exclusively by clti/ensot the United
Stales , the companies" tome step ) to secure
tnelr speedy nnlurulUalion.
This , however , is a very slow process.
The olllcerIn question have already taken
out their llr t pipers , nut hnvo to servo out
the full probationary period baforo they be
come full-fledged cltbeiiB. Leaving out the
question of their financial ability to remain
idle during that period , the company itself Is
unwilling to sacrifice them for tbo untried
men of American cltlz nsnlp. Accordingly us
a test case , application will bo ma lu to the
Treasury department tor retention of Cap
tain Watklns ns master of tbo City of Paris
during bib proballonut period of naturaliza
The commissioner of navigation , tn whom
the matter was referred , has replied that the
law Is obligatory as to the citi
zenship of masters ot United States
vessels , and ns such citl/ensblp in
the case of nn alien is not established
until ho shall fulfill nil the requirements of
the naturalization taws , unless the decision
Is lOVCiMCtl the steamship company will h ivo
to secure n now sot of olllcors for the steam
ships or else dolav the documenting of the
vessels under United States laws until tbo
present olllccrs can legally scr\o.
7honih ItViis Kiiciriiiiiiis , the I'roilueerH
Iteitll/ed Vertl.lttlo I'rollt.
WASIIISOTOV , D. C. , Aug. 7. ( Special to
Tin ; Bnr.l The United States consul nt
Hamilton hai made a report on the crop con
ditions in the Bermuda Inlands , Ho sajs
that tbo onion crop of Ib'.ti was one of the
largust , If not the lurgoit , over Known In the
a rkulttual history of thusa Islands , but thu
unprecedented wet nnd stormy weather that
prevailed during thu months of February
and March retarded the growth of tbo bulbs
and kept tha harvest back throe woolen later
than In previous yours ; consequently the
onions could i ot bo sent to Now Yoik
( which Is almost the only market for thu
products of the Islands ) until lute. Not
withstanding their superior quality and
flavor , which can bo produced only In the
peculiar soil and ciimatoof Bermuda , thov
had to compete at u disadvantage with the
cheaper Ugyptian , Cuban and native. Ameri
can onions.
Whou harvesting began It was on nn ex-
tcnslvo scale. HveryPoiiy buyiiu to harvoit
u > tluisamo tlmo and the onions poured into
the market so plentifully tnat the prices ob
tained wcro almost ruinously low to the
farmer ; , most of whom did not cover ex
penses , and many foil nil thoniHolvos deeply
in debt us the result of their year' labor.
The avurngo prlco pnlil to farmer * was 1)0 )
ccnta a box of neatly a bushel , U is esti
mated that HII average of $1 a box is neces
sary to glvo thorn u living margin of proiit.
Being perUlinUlo , the onions had to bo
shipped nt once , and In such large quantities
ns to overstock nnd glut tbo American mar
ket. The supply was mcuter than the de
mand , und thu usual consequences followed. l.iuv In llolltlu.
WASIIINOTOV , D. C. , Auir , 7 Tno Depart
ment of Stale Is In receipt of Information
that n torlous lovolullonary conspiracy tins
been discovered in Bolivia. A liirjo number
nf prominent men , including muny mombars
of Conureeu , It h said , hava boon sent be
yond the frontier and murtiil law hus bcon
proclaimed throughout the republic. 'I hero
U no minister of Bolivia resident now and
further particulars aranot obtainable.
Kt'tr Steiuniililp Line.
HKPONUO , Cat. , Aug. 7. The eluamer Pro-
groiso arrived touny nineteen days from Now
York. Thin Is tbo first arrival of the At
lantic and Pacific Stoamiulp company's ' vus-
kol which wilt raaku regular voyages iroiu
New York to Ilodoudo and San FruucUco.j
Ut Conshti of Reduced Appropriations in
Important Branches.
Ho Will I * uo n Supplemental Stiitoincnl
on the sltnutlon to Ho Printed In
the lust iMiioof the Con
gressional Itucorit.
W.isutxnTov Bfitinu OF TUB BCD , )
fiKl FofllTKKNTII Srill'.liT , >
WASIIINMTOV. 1) . C. , Aug. 7. J
Senator Allison has prepared n supple-
mcntnl atatoment about the appropriations
of this congress , to bo printed lu the lost
Issuoot tbo Congressional Record , probably
Tuesday morning of this \\cok , I had nn In
terview with the senator this afternoon on
thu subject of the appropriations , n subjocl
of particular interest to the public * , because
of the part played by the "billion dollar
congress" cry lu the last campiign , and
bociubo of the excess of the appropriations
of the llrat session of this congioss ovoi
tbo o of the tlrst session of the last congress ,
familiarly known in democratic circles ns the
"billion dollar congress. "
"Tho savings tnado by this congress , " said
Senator Allison , "or what they call saviuus ,
nro totind only In reduced appropriations for
rivers and hnrbora ; for the construction ot
the navy ; for lorttllcaitons , und , of course ,
fewer deficiencies because of the sufllcioticy
of former appropriations. These are tha
only Items of Iropnttanco tn the regular bills.
Wo miulo some extraordinary appropriations
two years ago which were counted ngatntt
ui < , such ns thn IIvo or six millions for tha
census , the refund of luo direct tax und largo
appropriations for the construction of the
How the CIIHO StiuiiH.
"Many of these appropriations nro not yet
expended and so thu work goes on without
similar appropriations nl this session. But
this congress has made no loductlons worth
considering In nny of the great departments
of the government or upon nny of the great
bills other than I hava suugostnd. Tha bomo
legislative oxpensns have boon provided for
the Agricultural department , the same for
the army nnd for the togulnr conduct of tha
navy , lor West Point and the Indian service.
There have bcon increases in the appropria
tions for postal service , so that the demo
crat le party havinir itciuttnlzod anew all of
these appropriations justifies the appropria
tions ol ttio last congress and clearly shows
that no great reductions can bo made In the
general ordinary expenses of the govern
ment.Thoy sny that these increases of appro
priations wcra nccossaty because of tbo law *
of the last congress nnd they quota the pen
sion act and the sugar bounty law , yet they
do not propose the lotiealof the pension laws
or of the sugar bounty. "
Mr. Allison said that hodldnotconsidortha
appropriations of the present session of con
gress at all ovcuislvu. Tbore might bo small
items whtcli were extravagant , no said , but
they \\cro too small and composed too small
nn nggregnto to bo enumerated.
No I.iirjjo Ilcllflimcles.
The dellcloncios of this > oar , the unpaid
debts ol the last congress , ho said , woio not
largo ; In fjct they wore not so largo us
nsui'l. '
There was a deficiency In public print
ing , " said Mr. Allison , "and in the depart
ment ol justice and sundry dcllclonclas hero
nnd there , but the aggrpgata was not larco.
Theio nro always unfoicseon expenditures
which have to be mot In ttils way. "
In answer ton question Mr. Allison said
that ho exported th it the appropriations ol
the next session of congiuss would bo greater
than tboso made at this session. The natural
Increase in the Business of the country ,
together with the increase in the pension nu-
ptoprlations wbich was to be expected
under the existing law nnd the Increase ) lu
the postal expenses , made it almost Inevit
able that the appropriations would bo in
Mr. Allison leaves Washington tomorrow
afternoon for his homo in Iowa. Ho ox poets
to return cast oaily in September to maka
some campaign speeches in Mane ! and ho
may spend n part ot tbo mouth on tbo Malno
coast. Ho bas no other campaign onuafco-
monts nnd ho will spend October in Iowa.
T. S. Clark of Omaha Is at the American.
C. G. Lane of Hustings is at the Metro
Charles Diolman Madison of South Dakota
Is at the Howard.
1.1 F. Hurd and William Hortop of SIOUK
City aroattho Ebbitt.
It is said that a speculator his offered tha
directors of the World's fair 10 per cent or a
nouns of $350,000 for the privilege of bund
ling the Columbian half-dollars. Ho ex
pects to sell them at u premium ns ho bo-
ilevcs tnora will uot bo enough to go round
as souvenirs.
Koprosontativo Bon C. Caolo of Illinois
wont to Now York Immediately after'ad
journment on summons from Chairman Hnr-
rily. It is said that Mr. Harrlty intends to
establish in Chicago the headquarters of a
movement to carry what bo calls tbo doubt
ful stntos Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa , Indiana
and Michigan. Mr. Cable is to hava nbargo
of this olllco. U is estimated that { 200,000
will bo nocdod to conduct this western head-
quaitord. P. S. It.
Ooinptuto List of I'll HK In the Uecnlui
Sitrtluu ,
WtsiitNOTOx , D. C. , Aug. 7. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BitK. ] The following annj
orders were issued yesterday :
l.cavo of absence for lour months Is granted
Major Cuarlos Smart , surgeon. Tha leave of
absence granted Captain Horace Nold ,
Fourth in tan try , Is extended three months.
Captain Crosby P. Miller , assistant quartermaster -
master , will proceed fiom this city to St.
AugiiKilno and Barrancas , Flu , , and Fort
McPhcroou , Ga. , on public business eon *
nectad with the qiiattormaster's depart
ment , and on the completion thereof will ro *
turn to his proper station. Tholoavoof ab *
fence ( minted First Lieutenant William U.
Lang , Fifth corps of imglncnr * , U extended
ono inontn. Louvo of ub-ionco from August
Ut to September , inclusive , is granted First
Lieutenant Warren P. Nowcouib , Fifth , or-
W'onturn 1'uiiHloim.
WAHIMNOTOM , V. C. , Aug. 7. ( Special
Telegram to TUB Bi'.u.J The following list
of pensions granted Is reportoJ by THU Buu
and Uxatnlnor burunuof Claims :
Nebraska : Original Stephen F. Hal-
brook , Wlnlield S. Uunton. James ( J. Pluii ,
Klwln M. Park , Gerrv W. Cheuoy , IsraoJ
ICnodo , Ports Wilson , W. Frederick Shuolo ,
Luvi A. Wuldon , William Watklnson , Chrii.
lion Y Long , David Kroactibuum , Thomai
J. Puuh , James L. Oxford , Uoorgo W.
Barnes , Lcvl Hooter , John O'Hoarn , William
A. Hobion , deceased. Additional Murcollua
Fleunor. Original widow * , etc. Wllbol-
mlna Schradcr , Jeltori-oii A. Wright , fattinr.
Julia M , I'urkor , Martha Ann Jones , Maria
UUU , JStnlly A. Ham.
Iowa : Original- John 13. O'Hara , Wllllntn
U. Heggs , George Loi-htle , John W. Waluor ,
John U , C. Clark , Joseph J. Younv , KlUhu
B. Moore , Jesse B hhelhamt'r , William W.
.Smith , Hamilton lllehl , Joseph P. Ktwoll ,
Ht-nry Tilley , Albert S. Town , Philip Dally ,
Daniel C. Palmer , Frederick W. Hlckox ,
I'runcln M. MfAlfeity , Michael Fory ,
Mn It III as Plngn.i , Hlimiihroy I'onn , Churlon
II. Bfrnur , Charluo V. Lou In. Increase
Gcorgo McDonald Original wldowi ,
etc. Mary S. H > do , Hnrrlot Curler ,
minors ot Henry Hmllu , Mary Ottcittlon ,
Mary Mitchell , CatherlLO A. Otis , Mary U
II. Abbott , Charity M. Timmoni , Magdalonii
M , Kortuin , Marina ( J. Guthrie , mother ,
ijvula Johnson , Adolhldo Nootlieh.
South Dakota : Orlviunl Myron W. Ienl <
nun , Byron S. Payne Orlglual , wldovt * .
oto."Fiaucl Murray , Tatbor.