6 THE OMAHA DAILY BKKU SATURDAY , AUGUST 6 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Sensation on 'Ohabgo ' Yesterday Was the Advance in Lard , ARMOUR'S PO ITION ALARMED SHORTS Coining on Top of Iho Illc AitTntico All Around Tliurmlny the Itomnrknlilc Ac tion Itpsultod In Dcclilcdljr Strnlucil Conditions. CniCAOo , III. , Atttf. 5. A Jump of 35o In tlio price of lurd was the Mcnstitlon today on 'clinnpe. There were rumors thit Armour was In 11 position to squeeze short sellers In the product nnil n very nervous recline ruled. I'ork niul ribs participated In the advance. In Iho other tills realign : sales by the bulls cnuocd n decline , mid wheat , corn and oats each eloscd He lower thiin lust night. The twist Klvon tlio lurd market wan ono to 1)0 rcnicnibcrod for soiuo time. Cotnliu on top of the big ndvuncc nil uround ycstcrd iy nnil against the Influence of uii o.ifilor corn mutket , Iho romnrk- nblo iKtlon resulted In decidedly strained conditions , lard bavins uueu for inonthe the most Iniinuvnblu iirtlelo on tlio Mat. L'ork in ado mi advance of 20o from the opcnln ; price. 1111)9 ) , nttor soiling buck fie , wont up 12Mo. While othur prodnctx opened slightly easier , lurd was up V',5o for September anil wont upTic moro the llrit hour. Then Ryan nnil others bought sonic October BUI It anil started the shorts uflur I bo Septemboi lard. Commission houses ulso hnd ston oidcr-t. ThcHn titled thu markets still morn , llo'.dois of lard \\ore serene , and tlio top price , nftur clunli UK to J7.75. .lumped tot'.BI with sonrculr n Irndo. and on up to J7.-J'iuL ' thu hltthi'st point , flr u over llio close Thursday , clos us mound t'.H-Vt. It was s ild th it the liU p ick- crd sold thu lurd , mid with Unlit stocks still higher ptlcos may ho uasllv made , \Vlieiit was unsettled early , the strength In corn and o its having collapsed , uuJ n them was nootilHldo Mipport the louil cionil who liouitlit yesterday on the Into nilvnucu ux- lilblled a disposition to close out. The south * weit were also ftee seller- . , and unuci tlieso Influences the market uasud oir. 'I ho vultimu nf trading was modorato. Thoopunlu. ! pi lees were at yesterduy'o cosliu ! lit-'urea , and thu market gradually declined about ! { c. closing wt > ak. In the corn pit the hull clique , headed by Itrynnt , Cuncdon and I'ouler. took corn as fast as oirered. llaldwln and riirnum. llov- dcn A. Co . Ash AU.tms and the scalping crowd sold \rry freely. The niarUot wo.ikened but ilia not bruak. KansnH City and bu Ion Is tent crop scare dlsn-itches. OITsullluK tlieso worn certain rallrond reports saying nc serl- ous dnmnxo and Wall stiuot hold stoeks of corn roads very linn tit on advance , Ihoo-its market was comparatively iltiln- tcrusllni' , with options wouUcnlni ; soon after the opening of the session. The advance of 4o this uio' ' ( was rcsiirdcd us siilllclont for the present , Innsmucli n the cash imitUctdld not synipatlil/o us roJdlly to the iiilluunco uf the crou reports us the futures die ! . There was reiillzlnit ny part cs who bought freely ( In yesterday. The country so fur sent In Rolling orders fur Miiy. The offerings of vessel room wcro light. A fair dcniiind existed , it llrmcr fuullitit prd- Vallo'l nnd rates were advanced from 140 to $ } Jo for wheat to llulTnlo and " ' -So for corn. Intimated receipts for tomorrow arc : Whci.t , 530 cars : corn , \l'J \ earn ; oats10 curs ; lio.'s , 10.000 head. The leading futures runted us follows : AIITICI.EH. WlUAT No Z 8 ra bcptcmbcr. . 78 December. . . . COIIN .No. 2 AUKUM 61 if M-M hoplcmuor. . . tu May OATH : o x Auinist. , . MH 3.-W boiitcmber. . . f.S' < October Miff * I'OIIK Sc'iitvmbcr. . . 127 12 rsv 12 r.ix Jiimmrr 13 40 II 65 1.1 40 U i. > ( , liAIMI hc'ptc'iiibcr. . . 7 ( O 785W Jnnnarr. . . . BIIOIIT Ilins- bcptumtcr. . . TWVt t tO 777 7B7M Jiuuniry 1VM 7 W 7 Win 70 % Cash ( juotallnns wcro ns follows : 1'l.ouu Steady and unchanged : winter nat- cnls. J4.40 ; winter fiti-alts. JJKaO ( ; spring traits , nja@l.fiO ; bakers , J.bO.U WII AT-NO. ' . ' spriiiir. 787 c : No. 3 72 c ; No ' 'red. 7Hc. HiKhur : No S , 50Ife : No. 3 ju . . . .Ji'o : No. IIo.Hh. 4Vc ; No. 4. 4540o. T < -Na i. ' . T2Vo ; No. 2 white. Ko. 3 white. 3l'i.l4Uc. li\K No. ! ! . Uo , llAHLcvNo. . 2 , C2c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 40(3COe ( ; No. I , no salon. Kl.AX SEED > 0. 1. II.OHi. TIMOTHY bEED I'rlmo. il ? 4. PoiiK-Mes" , per bhl. . l2.Uuftl2.02 ; lard , per 3(0 ( lbsf7.B7M : short ribs slih"4 ( loose ) . $7.8.1 © 7.9.1 ; dry H iltetl shoulders (1 ( oxod ) , ! 7.0 © 7.2J ; lliort clo.ir sides ( boxed ) , f .lOftS.15. WIIISKV Distillers' Onlshed poods , per gal. , Cl.1.1. faURAHS-CiilIoitf , 47'O.I'ic ; granulatoJ , 44o ; standard A , t'ic. C4)itN ) NO. : i. 4eif. ; ItccolplH undbliltncnts | today were as fol low Bi On the Produce exchange today the bultor market was linn : fancy cioitinury.SI& 'ju ; fine western , ! & < SJOc : oidlnary. 13Q17c ; Unotltilries , luaifcc. Ug s , firm at lOo. New York Mur'icts. NEwYonic , Aug. 5. I'r.ouu Itecolpta. 2LOOO pkgB. : exports , 81.000 hols. . n.ouuH.ickH ; Unlit , demand , generally weaker : sales. 17.5JO bbls. COIINMKAI , Dull , steady. WIIKAT ItecolptH. 187'Od bu. : oxports. 259- 00 bu. ; sales. 2,4UWO bu. of futures ; 207,000 iiDrthuru , 8I ? : No. 2 Chicago. l < 5yo : No 2 Jlllunul.ef , 8.1 0 : No. 3 spring , 7 ! ) fo. Options opo ntd stoutly , fell Mf/Jo on local ronll/lng and easier private cables , with a very dull trulo , clojilngwoak : No. 2 red. August , 8.1'i ( tStfic. . . clo'liiK ut 8l'ic ; September , 8 1-Klo , olosliuat 8lu ; October , K. ) ? 'Ubif ( , rloslng at W" o ; nocomber , b8'4ilb8 ' ( , e , closing at WUo : Way db'U' ' , U.HiU ( . ' . c'oslHB at OJe. It ) E tjulot and rttcudy , 1IAIII.KV MAI.T Dllll. COIIN Itocelptx. ,1'J.OOO bu. : ON ports , 29,000 on. : sales , Ioi5.oc0lti. ) of futures and ni.oot ) bu , of spot. Spot marker llrmur and inoderutoly ctlvo but scarce ; No. 2. 59 < idle In elevator : 6.'o ulloat ; unladed mlxod. COe. Options , August advanced Ujc on short covurliu : othei mouths werosto.uly ut thfopculiu ; the market declined Jf < il , ' o on ox peeled freer ro- OATb KccolptH. 1)7.000bu. ) : exports , 11,000 hu. : ales , GJO.OOO bu. uf futures ; lirJ.O 0 mi. of spot. Buot murkct higher .mil ilrm but quiet ! op tions moilcratulv autlvo nnd easier ; August , l ? , Q : ? jf , closing at M'u ; September. 3 < s ® aH7e , oloslnuat 38 ? e : Oolobor , MfifbJD'tv ' , oloslng at 3S > , c : spot No. 2 , white , 40M& > llUc : jnlxod western. : wa.iu'Jo ' : whlto western , 3y j 0oi No. 2 , Chicago. 30aQ.tOJJe. lUv ( Jultit but linn ; shipping , Gitt70o ; coed to choice. IMUtte. Hot's-Ilull but steady ; state , common to choice , 20 ® . ' 5o. htHiAii-Uuw. quiet mill steady ; rullnod , toady an't In good uomaud. Min.A < HiK-rorolxii , nominal ; Now Orleans , quiet , btiMidy. Iticic rinnly aotlvillrm ; tlomostlo , fair to cxln. 4\ < ; i'ic [ ! ' ; Jup.in.ft'.ia.ViUu. ' l.dUb Moderate recolpts , bliaJy ; vrcntorn pr.ini ) . I'fC He. HlliK ! . Dull. Ht ; idv. \\4K.i < r'ilrdiim.ind. nrm ; nomestlc fleece , 2.1 Os : iiulli.'il.'UtCJ''ui Tux t , l5Q2lc. I'ltovicioNS-l'ork. ijulut , llrmur : old ini'i-a. tH.MJtll.Wt c\lra prime , 112.7.1. Cut meutu , Kte dv. nuloi : tickled bullies. 8 o ; jili kled j > houldcr . 17.10 ; sules ; 50.W.OJ | b > . p'ok- Ii'il helllcs , Miv ; , ' ,5)0 ) p'cUed shuuldois. * 7tO : inlddlcs. liiilet. steady : . ! < ird. fairly aotlvo , lil.'hurt nettern steam cloki'd at 18,0.1 ; kales. 1.1 OtluricHt silos. .V ) tlcn-es , ojitlnn sale . I.5A ) tlorccMi Pontember 7.h8 , oioslng ut 14.50. 1.2 0 tie no * : October , t7.bl. ( cloning at (8.0U IIUTTKit tjulft. Ilrm : western , H3lboi west ern eruumery , I'tJiJijci western factory. 14ffl I'u ; I.U'ii.x'.o. ' ( lU.KhU-rirm , fulily uutlve ; jnirt skims. Tiu 'lltON Wo.ik. dull ) American. IU50 ® 15.141 Ciii'PKlt-Stoadyt like , lll..var. 0) . l.KAiiSluadyi donu'stlv , flnA TiN-BteaJy ; btraltt < -M.V.Jt.uaX Ht. l.ouU .Miirkutu , ST. I.ouiH , Mo. , Aiir.fi. ri.ouu-SloHdlor , but nut ijuolibly chaiieedi patents , M7 IU ) | t'Xtra funey. ti.604I3.tOi ruucy. U. SdJ.23t cliulcc. * . ' .40ii2.5. ; family. * iitxill WHEAT After a ulichtly bettor opening turiuil downward , clunlug ! ji&s.o below jenterdKyi iiown wumdllior of a dull or buur- Uh cluirueter an J the luok uf bull enthiuhum In com helped wheat down ; eakli higher : No. S luiV. 73'et Auutiii. 7JV < ic7 < c. clublim at 7Jo iiBketlt feiitember. 74Ha73fc. ( ulosliiu at7\a bid ; December , 7b\a7uSc , clonlnic ut 7bidi TbVo CoiiM-IInd ncwscnouRhof hot wlndi , etc. , to fwce It up , but bull culhuiliuu wu luck- Inn nnd there was lolling on rains In Nebraska and predicted olnowlitro. The close was ! Jo off ; No. 2. c.nli. 47 > ic : Atigust. 47o bid ; September - tombor , 4B' < 'i6l7S'c ' , closing at 47o asked. OATS Wcro weakened ny corn's setback ) No. 2 , emit. 3lc ; August , 3l4c. ! nomlnalt Sep tember. ; il'4&-'Kc , eloslt g at 3Ptu naked. KVK-WO. 2on call , tt.e ; We asked. IlAiit.Kv No trado. HKAN rirm at G2o nt mill. 11 AV Host grades of timothy active and de- tn n ml tinsupplleil : urlmo to strictly fancy. tll.Uifill4.tOt prairie , choice and fancy wantod. t7.fl08WX ) . lltrrmt Steady : creamery , fancy. SOUSlo : dairy , fancy , I&ai7c. Koos rirm and iiuchnnRcd , IKXI > Pit m ntUIH. COHNMKAIfctoady utt..l > SO2.U > IIKIN COTTON Tins $1.10. WHISKY fl. in. . . . , I'uov istoNfl Strong , hlilior , with llht do- inatid for secorrd lots. Pork Standard mess , jobbing. JI.I.PO. lara-l7.lMl7.v5. Iry Silt Alonts-Loosn shouldon. 7.T ) ! { : tongs and rlh , M.uo ; ftliorts , 8.l2Mt boxed. 15o more. Uncoil packed shoulders , t''f > ; longs and ribs , I8.87X : shorts , SU 12(39.23. ( Hams sugar cured , tll.OiOIMO HrcEii'TH-riour. 7,000 bbls. : who.it , 2MJ00 bu. : corn , .I-VOJ bu.t oats , 32,000 bu. ; rye , 4,000 bu. ; barley , none. 8mr\tRNT > < Fiour , 0,003 bbls. : wheat , 0,000 bu. ; corn. J5.IKO hu , : oats. 2,000 bu. ; rvo , 1,000 bu * ; burley , noiio. Ouiiiliu 1'roiluco .Market. PKACIIFS U.illfornla. $ l,50l.01 ; noutlicrn Il linois. O.V3730 per basket , IniiiNH-tr ( .VKg-AW. OiiANOKS-Callfornla. out of market ; lm- Iiurtcil.J7.S3 , HucKiiKitiitri Moo. PMIMH California , $ J.50Oo. 00. I1ASAXAS-.OJS..7.V . OAIIIIAIIB Homo grown , &V37.'o per uoz. Mfr.ii.Nh Wntormoions. 2.VisJc. ) New Ai'i'i.ES I'oroiid-thlrd bu. bo7i30c. . WAX HIANHalf bu. biifkot , 71u PKAIIS llartlutt , J-.73a.l,21 IIUTTEII Packing sto.-k , 12MlJc : small lots select dulrv , 14't'th'c. PootTuv-Hprlii. chlckons. $ J.OO303 ns to Mze ; old fowls , saio. CANTAt.oui'KS Per crate , $1.25 ; Jems , 73c. per basket. CAtipouNiAOiiAi'E3--Percasc IJ.50 , - - , , CucuviiiMts Porduz. , iVJ3. Kdim-Klrni ill He. NKW POTATOES I..M pcrbbl ; In sacks , Uio per Ib. OMONs-Per bbl. WS3iW id. s w-tU | boxes. J.00. KIIIIHIIH City Murlu'tn. tTV. Mo. . Atiz. 5. WIIKAT Active. hUlier : old dull and loner ; old , 020lc : now , ( UHfijUiGc ; No. 2 red. d'OjSHo. CoitN Hlglicr and in fair dem-ind ; No. 2 mixed , 4ll.l4e ; : No. 2 while , 51H.14c. OATS-Oponed steady nndeloaod higher ; No. 2 mlvo'.l. old. 27c ; No. 2 white , old , 30o ; now , "Ac. U\K Stoitilv : now. SSO'-fcKc. I'rAxsiii-Stoidy ut 8&Jlu on the busts of puie. BIIAN Stotdy : h.ieked , 5li812c. ( HAV-Weak ; timothy , $7.00 8.30 ; pralrlc , $ . -.ioao on. lIurTEit 1'lrm ; creamery. lUJS20c ; dairy , 13 © l o. Tons Moro active and higher ; lie. UCCKI ITS Wheat , 3juuJ bu. ; corn , 10,00) bu ; oats , 2i ( 1 1 bu. SiiiPMe.STa-Whoat , 15,000 bu. ; corn , 4,000 bu , ; oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cotton Aliirket. NEW YOIIK , Aug. 5. Futures closed dull but stoaily : sales. 4' ' > , fiiO bales ; August , (722 , Bep- tomber. $7.22iJ73 : October. J7.3.I ; .November , JT.i'4 ; December , f4 : January. $7.01 ; Feb- ruaiy , i7.74 ; Maich. t7.8l : April , I7.UJ. NhW Oui.KAN' , La. . Aug. 5 Steady : mid dling. 7 1-lilc ; low mlddllns. 01)-lr.c ) ; good ord- lii'irj- l-ir > c ; not and gtoss rocclotb. 31X1 bales : exports to Great Itrltatn. 1.2.V1 bales : s lies , 03J biiks ; stock , 70.510 bales. Weekly : Net re ceipts , n.'l-M bales : gross. 2,441 bales : exports to uioat Hrltuln. 2.5.1(1 ( b.ilcs : exports to Iho contlnc'it , 11.280 b lies : i-o.istwlso. 1,71 ? bales ; sales. 3,800 bales : spinners , 827 bales. Oil Miirlcut. NEW YOIIK , Au ? . 5 I'liTitor.EUvt Dull on al scnco of any nous of any kluU from the oil districts , COTTOXfURD OlL-Dull , steady ; yellow , 31i , c. TALLOW rirm , scarce. KOSIN Quiet , steady : strained , common to gi > ixl.l.2 , ' < ai.2i4. Tuiii'iNTi.Nt-Dull : , steady : 28'4Me. I.OMIDN. Aut' . 5. LINSEED On. .8s I'di8s ' $ 3d nerevvt. TuitfUMlSE Sl'ltl'TS 22s Per cwt. .Liverpool MarUctn. Ll\r.iipoou Aug. 5 WIIE T 1'irni and de mand Imiiroviug ; holders olfer sp.irlngly ; re ceipts of wheat foi the past three dnys &J7.COO centals. Including 21 i.OJO American. COKN I'lrni. demand fL.r : ; mixed western. Mll'fd per cental ; receipts of Aincrlcurj corn for the past three days , 2.3M ( cent its. JlEKl' Extra India mess , 6s .Jd per tlorcc. IHco.v I.on r and short clear. . .Vlbs. . , 41s per cwt. ; long clear , 45-lbs , 4 s 6d per cwt , LAUD Prime western. J5s per cwt. Cnflco .Murkct. New YOIIK , Aug. 5. Steady options opened firm 5 to 1.1 points up , closed U to 15 points up Sales. 15-jiO bius , Including August , JI2.5j ; September , $12.0 ; Oitotcr. il2.d.1 : November , Slid : December. 8 2GVfol2.70 : Jnuuary. J12.70 : robiu-irv , 6U'.70 ; March. J12.7t@u'.7.1 : Miy , il2.7ii ) > :2,7l : : spot Ulo , iiu ot but hteuay ; No. 7 , JU.U71iQ.IJ.JJ. Kevv York Dry ( > ooil Market. Nnw Y'.IIK , Aug. 3. Uuslncss In dry goods was without change. Traders' Tulle. CHICAGO. III. . Aug. 5 Counsoln.an & D iy to CocLroll liros. Commission company : Wheat was steady within ! i = ranc , clos nx at tlio bottom. Local operatorx were Inclined to sell for a scalp nnd estimate I receipts of 510 nats for tomorrow helped tnom to a profit. Corn mis strong on puollu buying and stub bornly withstood professional r.ildlo-1 , till noiir the e.osu , wlicn uencral sell- lug started by Increase of estimated recolpts and some suspicions that Ihu dioutli bcuro had been overtlunc gave tlio hull ciowd a elmnco to buy hu ivllv and resume control of the market * Wu know poslllvoly that a coed many little IOII.H sold out and that con siderable short soiling was Indulged In , and shall bo suiprlsod If the short sales mndo ut thu close today do not show a loss tomorrow. N'e\\s from the southwest. Inllcates no lns of u break In the diouth as yet. The boptombor provision dual l.-a become loncuu- tratuu en that thu leading holders can bid prices up without getting much from others. Wu ad vise our friends to lot the inunlpuititurR do the work of .out ting Iho present stock of pork Into consumption and to trade .n uow crop futures oullioly hoioaftor. CiiICAtio , 111 , , Auir. 5. P. U. I.O.T.UI fc. Co. to Duncan , llolllii.-cr ft Co. : The whout maikot opened ( ) ulot from 7alic to7ic for betitembor , Onsomo ruiillzln ; ; It sold elf to78Bc. ! On the deellnu there was Homo good buvlng and the market gradually went up Io7biic. closing ut 7WTMH5BC. There ( s no change In the Hltuatlon. Tlio demand for hard No. 2 rod Is fair ut about 75u ; for othur grades the demand Is poor. Thu critical time , ex cpt frost. Is past , with tliu grow IM sprlni crop and values In the neur fntuio will beInlltiuiiecii a good iieul by the securing of the crop * , In the northwest wo Htlll builovo buying on declines will inuKo moderate prollts. Cabled are steady with fuiurabln weather for the growlnc crop , i/oru opened about thu top ut fti.'jf. boptemuor did sell ntSlc , the closing uilco Is Mj'.c. ' Thu crop reports ate all about the same tenor , estimates i.ingln ; from 50 cu in pur ceu uf an average.Vhllo \ all this may tuiii out to Uo truu It must bo berne In mind 50q. corn is a high price with other feed , abundant. Thu market for the present looks strained , and unless wo havu a compete let up In re ceipt * our opinion is a br > uk Is due. Oats have been aulhn. but it'is t > o than yesterday 'Iho liquidation by the rtv.-olvlng houses has botn heavy , The buying has been largely fur local account. Thu future will be wltn lower corn ( and wo louk fur IL ) Wo will have u du- ullnoln provisions. Hug product was uutlvo by fits and starts CHICAGO. 111. . Am. 5. Konnott. Hopkins Si Co. to ti. A. McWhorter : t ho news 1ms boon of no particular Interest wit li tlio execution of a destructive wind and hailstorm In thu northwest wblch uppuars to havu done con siderable damage. 'Iho outside orders are coming In mom freely uiitl a htrougor tone Is developing , \\hu.it kcums to bo a pur- chuso on all soft tipots. The local traders hammered prices down He , but It soon recovered and the outlook forces hi her prices. Locuriml s ns a rule bull out tfndr whe.it at close and buy It back nuxtdny. ThUofien caiueK u weak closiii , : nllh a higher opening next day. Corn and oats have been rather heavy , but prices were better susta nod than veeicud po.slblo with BO much realizing local Holders havu generally told out , but country men art ) Htlll large holders and bollovo 111 muoh lilchur prices. It Is bolluvnd that re port * of dumnRu to corn havu been considera bly uxaggeratuJ. Iho forthoonilng govern ment report oun hardly fall to bo bo.ir.Hh. 1'nivlhluiis.li tvu been coiuplcuuusly strong with Arn.our uncl other lurjo ho durs lnollni i tu forco. prlco higher. Lard him beun the bull eurd today. It U generally believed that prices will lliiHlly vo coiitldorauly hlk'her , but bomu reucllon llrsl u looked for. STOUKft AM ) 1IONO4. InduBtrlal l.lnrnVero Almuiit Uutlrely Noclectuil Yf ter < my. Nr.vr Yoitic , Aug. 5. The stock market still furthorijuletud down to Jay and thu In Una- ttluU. wltli thuoxcup'tonot Ounoral Electric , vvuro almost entirely neglected , and except In thu first hour railroad aliureu wore not traded In tu any extent , only Iti iputi. Tlio market seemed to bo waiting to BUO tlio extent of the good movement , and , us uitlul. thu forenoon' * otiorat'imi bocanio the prlnolual foaturoof trading again. London has orders lu the mar ket an both sldeu. Of the luturciu which have boon conspicuous lu tholr olfort * to depress prices ail wore qulcicent , and the itoady do- mauil for both luvoatori aud tlia ihoru gar * the mtrkot Its strength during thooarlr cloal- IllES. As thliilcmaml slaclccd away , however , only the Btrenctli showed npurts hero nnd there nnd the lUt maintained Its flrnincss , whllo thnro was but n slow and ntpudy dlnilntillou In thu amount of business With the withdrawal of the liidiistrlul Blocks from the prominence. In the doalltiKi , tlio lending rnllrond share ! arc given more attention , and whllo the grnnetrs and Atchlnsun still failed tothownny malcrlal movoniunt , Omaha wns further advanced with spu lal movements In .Manhattan and Krlo giving character to Iho later trim- Ructions. Among the specialties only Minne apolis and.St. Louis d ! plavcd any particular strength , the Mexican Contra ! bucamo nctlvo and strong at ono tlmo. Among tlm unlisted nliarcn , the Dulutli , b'outli Shore ft Atlantla Rharcs wcro lifted In the curly dealings , but failed to hold all the advance and quieted down with thagoneral list later tn the dar. The murkot closed dull but , firm. Transac tions reached 191,18. ' listed and 18.20J unlisted shares. Government bonds hvo been dull and steady. State bonds have been outtroly neg lected. The Post says : There U a steady Invest ment domtind which hns now uxtenuoil from thu particularly high price In the securities which have nlroidv been pretty thorounhlv absorbed to the cheaper ls los. The chief activity of the lust fortnight hns been In bonds sollliu I olow uur. but nt the sumo tlmo high enough to show belief In tholr Intrinsic worth. Tliero are many such securities on the murkct , and tholr comparatively low jtrlco is duo nut HO much to any nvilly had olomunt in their position ns to the fact that they wore not well known 10 Investors. Hocunt buying lu thosu iillarlors has been very heavy and re flects undoubtedly n feeling of Increased con fidence. . llio following are the clnslua quotntlons for bid. tasked. The total sales of stock today wcro 222,584 shares. Including : Atchlson. VJ.UOO : C'hlcaco Gas. MOO ; Erie.-"MOO : Louisville & Nashville. : iVK ) ; Manhattan , rt.2 0 : Keiidlnc. ll.WOj Hichinond ft West Point , afl.COij St. I'.iul. H.- 4TO : fct. I'aul & Omaha. 1,40) ; Union I'ueiUc , 5.C8Western ; Union. i-.OOP. Now York .Money .Murknt. Nr.w YOHK. Aue , n. MONBVO.V Our-naHy at 1 > 4 toJ pur cent ; lust loan U ( per coat ; closed altered IY uorcont. 1'itiMU MEHOAV IM : I'AI-FII : H4S5'i per cent. iMUUMM ) j.xciiANOi-Quletbutste-idy : ut W 87 lor sItty-Uay bills and J .8Sh for dc- iniintl. The closlns quot itloni on bon < K : bid. t asked. linston . IIOSTON , Mass. , AiiR. S. The following nro the aloiliu inlnlns stok quotations : Kovv York Mining Quotation * . NBW YoitK. Aiit. ( 5. The following arc the closing mining stock nuotatlons : n kcil. Sail I'rancUco .Minnie Uiiotntlons. SAN FIIANCI-CO. C.il. . AII . 5. Tlio olllclnl closing ( inotiitlons for mlnliiK RtoeKS today weru us follow a : St. T.iiuU .VIInuiK StnckH. ST. Louts , Mo..Auir.5. Tliorowas little tradIng - Ing on the mining o\chaiio today. The fol lowing quotat Ions were m idu : Stock. lllil. AskLM Stock lil. : Askuil Oranlto Mt. . S75 b 5 Vuuia 1)3 ) 05 bmall lloici | ! U J'lnitnclal Notes. KANSAS Cirv , Mo , Auz. 5. Clearings , $1,709- 1'Aiiis , Auz. 5. Three per cent routes 03f 20c for the account. New YOHK , Aug. 5.-Clo.trlngs , 188,302- 068 ; balances. iG , IIMI. HAVANA , Aug. 5-Spanlih gold. * J.15 , Ex- chanKo quiet , out firm , bugarijulct. HAI.TIMOIIE. Md. . Am. 5. Clearings , ti,22I- DCd ; balances , f5,7i4. ! ) Rate , U per cent. Piiu.AnEU'illA , Pa. , Aug. 5. Clearing ) ) , 19- 001,470 ; balances. (1810,3110. Money , . ' percent. MEMl'lliB , Tenn. , AUJ. 5. Now York ex change , 75c ; clearings. fJS4,205 ; balances , { 107- 677. 677.NEW NEW OHLKANB. Li. Aug. 5. Clcarlngi , fl.UJ.lBI. New York uxchanuo comuierula ! , (1.50 ; bank , ( l.ca CINCINNATI , O. , Aug. 5. Money , Itl per cent. Now York exchange , 25Qt.u ) discount. Clearings , t..HAujo ) , IIObTo.v , Mass. , Aug. 5. Olo.irlngs , (14,871- 410 ; balances. 11,400.287. Money. ; i'ttl < pur cunt. Kxchango on Nuu York , r.til5a ulnoouiit. bT. Louis , Mo. . Aug. 6. Clearings. W.OVl- 245 ; balances , ( .1)7,1117 ) , Money Ilrm at 6417 per cunt. UxchaiiKuon Nuw Yutk23&50u discount. NEW YOIIK , Aug. A. [ Special Tulogram to Tiu : lliE.l ! i\clniiiKO : was limited as follows : Chicago. 2Ue discount ; Itoiton. I''ii iOa dis count ; Ut , Louis , 2jQ1jo discount. CiiiUAno , 111. , Aug. 8. Clearings , ( is- 70U.073. Now York uxchaiuu leudv at 2Jo discount , bterlliu uxchungu heavy ; sixty-day bills , * I.8714 ; demand , * l.b3S. Money abundant ut 4 pur cunt ou call. IVIiut HnuUtri--it' ! Hayn. NEW YOIIK , Aiu. 6. llriidstreol' * , In Its ro- vlowof the stock market , saya : The dovul- opmnnti of the present week in tliu nharo market havu not been of a character lochnngo IU tendencies. Manipulation und profehsloual activity havu been ulmoit entirely of a bull ish kind. Such movements , howovur , appear tu bo conllned more closely to Industrlul Blocks an I other speelultleii which lend tlioin- solve * readily to thu efforts of profukuloiml opuratorii , than IH llio oauo with tliu Npooiilu- tlvo feature of tlio railway nharo Mat. It bo- comei moro plain , hunuvur , that though uuch proec-eillius Impair to a curta'n du rjo of activity tlio market UH u wbolo iiu'l attract a limited and almust untlroly professional buy ing as vur.uui stocks uru tukeu succu > slvoly lu hand and advanced , the aotlvo condition and Interest of thu public either hero or abroad Inm not been aroused uiid mill does nut furnMi H has H fur u gcuuluu hull market. Cummlssiou nouves. It In true , are In roi'olptof buyluirorddM lu various kpeclultloi , but tl.o duvu.oumeiitof * uch buHlnens oinnut by any meatis bo said to have attained lai o propoi- tlona. Thu London market has merely followed Nuw York quotations on the .ipward grudo. Intureit in that iUurtur | In still at a low ubb and thuro liai been no tanglbiu sUns of u dla- posltluu to luuu uratu any resnonulvo bulllli movement In Americans oil the other slilo of the occun. The utrunxtb of exchange and thu tiiulblo duiuer of further exioimlvo exports of gold IIUIIK over thu market during the whole week and uxercUoU a restrictive Inllii- cuco , The croy ouwi from the wont wai fuvor- able though IAilndcl by ropcrts of ilamago nnd diingcr In various quarters , coinHHl with Intimations th.it the rallroads wprrt Indulging moro or less In ratodcmorallfcilon. | ( The failure of con gress to adjourn might uUo be rankoil among the unsettling liil'urnccs. although the moas- urcs which cxcltba'ttlnrni ' In speculative cir cles seem to hav o lidcn la'd nt rest , Notwith standing these Influences It wan notlcoabln that the undortonoiiit HpcculMlon was firm nml the absence iifnbearl li manipulation or attempts to work ilan n iirlccs liuil consldor- able to do with the "tcidlnoss ot the ccnoral list , which was ac'coilipanlod ' by n moro or less artificial tnovcmchttit tlio various apodal ties. London Flnunclul llcvlcw. ICopi/Ht/htat / ISntij J.tin-i OonlVja Hoitt'A I LOMOX. ) Aug. R.-t ow York Herald Cable Special to THK llr.R'1 lluslnoss In the stock exchange today lius.beon of a holiday charac ter , which rather dlshoarlcnoj the speculators who havu been expecting a spccdlor return of activity. Consols have given way 1-10 to U per cent. I ml I an ruuco paper Is ! ; per cent cailur. 1'orel.ni government securities closed dull for International inscription. Notwithstand ing the llrmncBS in continental houses , homo railways closed sonuttlnt Irrciuhvr. There has not been RUfllolont business doing to alTcct prices much. London , Northwestern , Line i- slilroiind Yorkshire BhowliiKii decline of 'ilier cent , Calcdoran 14 percent. while SouthweHturn deferred , 11 reatWi'stern , ( IreatKaslorn , Metro politan and District mark n rise of H to U per cent. American railways , after liHVliuboen dull till day , become firm within the last hour , good buvliu orders having como from New York , which have checked the would-bo sellers on tills side. The declined noticed In tnocoursoof the day has boon moUly recov ered , whllo r.rlc murks an advance , and sev eral others nro up > ; pur cent , llnal ( imitations being thu host , Money has bcou very little- wanted. Short loans have been freely offered al it Per cent. In tlio discount market few bills have been ulT"rod. Tlmso of two and three mouths were quoted at 'i per cent , LlVi : STOCK MAHKKTS. Cuttlo Show Sliicli linprnvamont HOKS AnttVH and limber. OMAHA , Autt. 5. The receipts of uattlo were about 1,0 JO head all told and consisted 1 irgolv of western grassers ; only n very few corufed cattlu at thu yards. The tone of the trada was batter and prices generally So to lOo higher on suitable gradtis ; about ovorytulng olTored sullliu to the local tr do. Cow stuff was In pretty good demand ngaln toduv and prices strengthened tie to lOo an the better class of stock. The supplv w s niado up largely of western grass cows of pretty fair condition and a few odds and ends uf 1111- tlvograsscrs , Trad ug was reasonably brisk and at the close of business all the cows und heifers were out of ( list hands. Thcro vvero practically no stock cattle ic- cclved and outside of v\ hat few are In regular dealers' hands tluiro was nothing on sale. There are few country orders at present , con sequently the market Is very dull. Kopro- bcntutlvo sales : imnsSKD itr.r.r. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. SJ..1I2J ( JS.1 3) . 103J $1 10 23..1I4J $1 15 4J..1102 4 00 COWS. 3. . OSfi 1 ' 14. . B < ! 2 1 05 12. . 1000 235 1) ) . . tk)8 1 3j IS. . Kit 1 75 CALVES. 10. . 2.14 2 03 4. . 2IJ 2 IS 27. . 100 250 3. . 313 2 OJ nui.t.s. 1..13IO 1 50 1 . 003 1 50 1..1450 163 1..1J80 1 50 YBAIILIKOS. 2. . G23 2 53 8TOCKEIIS AND KPEDEI1S. 0. . 711 2 30 2. . CJ'i 2 50 MILKKH8 AND ! 1 cow and cilf 825 OD 1 1 cow and o ilf 2J 00 1 cow and calf . . . . < ' . ( 00 1 cow and calf 20 00 1 milker 1000 2 milker ! , , each. . _ . . . _ . 1500 wrmuMl CATTLE. tnlllnL-s. Hoo- ? Prices Htrongthcncd from 3o to lOc on hogs , the bulk soiling at t'.U ) this morning , against from $5.50 to f1.GU yoator.lay. and tops nt $5.75. . Tlio finality of the receipts was about the same ns ( luting the Duct few days. Doth the shipping and local demand was liberal , and as a result the offerings wcio picked up early with thj mirkut cosjng [ strong at the advance. HoprcsohtaUvo sales ; i' Thori wore four doubles of Colorado and five of Idaho wethers received. Tliero was a good demand for mutton sheep from local houses and prices ruled Htionir. All hold at good prices Fair to uood unlives , t.t.7.1 ® 4..10 ; fair to good woitorns , f.t.5l.23 common i nd stock sheep. $ .M ® .l 50 ; go w to clio'co 4J to 00-lb. luiuLs. il.SM5.50. Itoprceontatlvo sales : No. Av. Pr. 200 Colorado wcthors , 81 JOO 50 Colorado wolhurs 84 3 00 3J5 Colorado wothoi * . 8i d 00 Toiliiy'H ruruliuios. Chicago Live Stock .Market. CIIICAOO , III. , Aon. 5. ISpeelul Tolcprnm to TUB HKK. | r-Tho cattle market made a further advance today. It was from lOu to lie htvliur than yestoiday and as autivo an the limited supply would permit. QuotatlouH ranco from li/JSto tl.50 for skinny cows to from Wild to (5,50 for extra steers bales were principally at from $1.7" > to * 1.00 for cows , heifers and bulls , W.83 to $1.75 for Htoura , JI.IU to tIM for 'lexan and ut from t2.5j to W Ui for vtosteriiM. Thine was brisk movement In lions and prices continued to jiolnt upward. They were Jo hlKhur than yemerduy. the IS.iOJ on sale beliiK Cobbled up at fiom $5.00 to $ ttlO for com mon to extra qualities. There was moro ehaiuo In the common than In the choicer Rradcs , buyers hesitntlnz to pay over iuuo for anything. Howoyo , there weio a number of trades at from H.O ) ( .o < 01"74 " ! und ono or two at 1110 homo poor lii xod and grussor.s were closed out at from $5.10 to (5.50 and culls were o no ted ut from 1 Wo | Vi.OJ. Only a small part of the supply wiiiit' below f5.70 , thu popular Ui Ices bu.n from IV& to * 0 00. Quod to nliolcu trudos of shcop have con- tliiuod acurcu. 'ilioeo dpscrlptloni were taken atstronK prices , or on a hauls or from (4.50 to tiLOO. No HutulaxuKoDdH wore offered. Whllo there was an Inudr'umto supply of fat sheep , there was cuiutailty | it surplus of poor ami common still' , Thu latter sold slowly at the lowest prices of llio year , miles maklnx nt from $ . ' 2.-i to tl.-i for poor to common , and ut from J.'IKJ to aia.lor ( uulls und ninm. The recent advance iuilambs was well supportud until Tuokduy. iluc.l when thuro Imsbuuna doollnoaf from Wo to "Jo. pmnmtijuotatluns bulnic from Uoo to < .LM for culls Kocolms : Cuttlo , Uouut ho s , 15,003 ; bticop , Bi un. Tlio nvcnluJournul reports : OATTLK Kecolpts. B.MKJJ shlpmcutB , 2,50J ; VOUR HEALTH I May depend upon the way Jo i treat the warnings - ings wliich nature cives. A few bottles of S. S. fa. takrn at the proper time may Insure good health fora jearortvvo. lucre/ore act at once , for It IS IMPORTANT that nature be assisted at the right time never falls to relieve the system of Jin- , S.S.S. purities , and Is an excellent to-.le also.1 He Wants to Add tils Name. " Permit me to add my name to > our many other certificates In commendation of the Breat curatlvo properties contained In Swift's ' Specific ( S. 8. b. ) It is certainly one of the belt tonics 1 ever used. "JOHN W. UANILL , AndersonS.O. , " Tieatise on blood and skin diseases mailed irec. market lusher : prime to extra Moori. MO'CJ 5. : ; othcri. UOJ4ROt Toxuns , tl.flVaaM ; raimors , . | .4oa.lCS ! cows and heifers. t..7VMll ) , llotlR Kecelpts , H.OlWt slilpniont . 7.000J market nntlvu and strong to a ulinilo hlithori roiiRh , } Viva\7o : ! coed ml\cd , f\85i6.\ i lirlmo heavy nnd butchers' weights to.0 , " ® 0.10 ; light , } \8CGaoO. HliRM'-KeeolptB. S.OOO : shipments I.MMi market active nnd hl lieu otockont , MO ' ® a.60 ! owes HO © 4.fi ! mixed. tl.ftOQI.W wclh- or . f.\novoO ; Toxuns tl.2J4.5u ; westerns , I4.IUQ4.7A : lambs , J.IM0.7J. Xr\v York l.lvo .Stock Mnrkotn. NKW YOIIK AtfR. f > . IU.RVB3 Hocolpts 1WO lioad , Inulud 1112 .M curs forsalo ; market active , ghado firmer ; r.holeo tnitivoi , l.lMAUm Toxns nnd Calornilos. MOiii-lM ; built and cows. U.SVisAooi tires-sod beef sloady ut 7Uia 6o ! ; shipments tomorrow , l.SOJ beeves and 6iOOtiartorsof : | beef. CAI.VKS KccclDts 1 , 1 10 head : market Uo nor Ib Ion or ; \ cals , Jj Wits OS ; bultormllk culv es , . i * llocalpts , 4.WO head ; shoop. Uo atJi.MxanilJ ! lamtw llrtn ; dressed mut ton firm at wailc per Ib. ; tlrcssoil lamb * stnidv atPOIJo. Hcina Hocolpts. 4,010 hoad. Incliidtna two cars forsalu : market lower at } : > 50G.UO. City I.tvo Stock Market. KANSAS OITV , .Mo , An5. . OATTI.B-KC- cclpts MJO ; shipments. I.KOOJ steers were active nnd stead v to li'n ' htichor. iJ.75Qtl.riO ( : cows sto idy to lower , * l.50tt'i.V ) ; Texas steers stronff to Kio htahur , closltu' wonk , fif > 0J.'J. > ; stockers nml feeders dull , $ isva.,7" > . lions Uocolpts , 4njO ; sliliimctits , 033 : the market wiis moro nctlvu and . > o hlchur , closlni ; stroni : : nil Rrades , * ' > i.'jiit' > . ! i' : bulk , UftvaSHA yiiiip-Uoculils : : | , 403 ; nlilpmcnK 50 1 ; the market was Ktronn ! muttons (4 6,1 5.00 ; lambs , f3S3Q.1,80. ! St. IIHIB | l.lvo tnelc .Market. ST. Lout" , Mo. AUK. S. CATTI.K Receipts 1,000 ; shipments , 1'J.W ; miiKet &tromr ; uo peed nnthos on sale ; Texan and Indian steers , JJ.r. 1 110. IUOR ) itecolpls. ; , rO1 ; shipments , .1,700 ! mar ket I Oa hlL-hor ; houvv , J.xS > a : > . ( ) J : mixed , K l > 0 © .l.'i ; llijht , W ( ) M&-i ST . tiiKKp Uccitlpts , 1,100 ; shipments 1,000 : market steady. London Itotrlcorator llccf. IjO iio.v , AUK. B. American rofrlKcrator beef , forequarlors. Is Hd's ; hlndtiuartors , Ss Ildtt.'s 4d poi B Ibs by thu carcass. " Her Confidence U'lisVull Koundcil , "I would ratlior trust that raodlcluu than any doctor 1 ltr.o > v of , " snvs Mrs. Huttio Mason of ( Jhllton. Uartor Co. , Mo. , In speak ing of Cuambct lam's Colic. Cholera and Dlurrhnja Uomedy. This modlclno can always bo depended upon , oven lu the most severe and dangerous cases , both forchildron nnil adults. ! ? 5 and GO-cont bottles for sale by druggists. Kolbltcs Will Sco u nilr Cnunt Is Hud. BiHviixoiiAM , Ala. , Au ? . 5. P. G. Bow men , chairman of tuoIColb-JolTonoiilan demo cratic oxocutlvo commtttoo , has issued a circular to his partisans. Raying ; "You are requested to meet at the courthouse ot your countv on not Saturday nlffht for tlio pur pose of seeing that tbo votes cast at the elec tion on August 2 , 1S'J3 , nra correctly und fairly counted. You will make note of nil Irregularities. Keep an account ot all votes illegally cast. Circulate this among your frlonds und go to the courthouse in such numbers as to show that you nro determined to preserve vour rights. The Indications now are that Kold Is elected governor , nnd that the legislature will bo composed of true men who will sco justice done in the prom ises. I urge you to do your duty from now on as you have ilono In the past and not lese th6 fruits ot your victory. " Disease never successfully nttaelts the sv om with pure blood. Do Witt's Sarsupirll la makes puie , now blood and enriches uboa C < rnr ( PAlcne illotem on Trial. BOISE , Idubo , Aug. 5. lu the United States district court , in the oiso of the Ccuurd'Alono rioters , the lattur's ' counsel moved that tholr clients bo discharged for the reason that it had not boon clearly shown that they wore guilty of contempt. His motion was ovnrruled. The trial was then proceeded with. DoWltt'sS iwan irlli ici ia nsoj the oioo 1 nisiistrom Storm lu Inilhinn. SOUTH BK.VD , Ind. , Aug. 5. A terrific storm visited St. Joseph county last evening. It did great damage to growing crop.- ! . Sev eral residences lu North Liberty wore badly damaged. In Now Carlisle liftoou resldouuos were Injured. I'nro anilVlioliinoino ( JiKillty Commends to public approval the California liquid laxatlvo romedv , Srrup of Pigs. Hlls pleasant to the taste nnd by acting gently on the kidneys , liver and bowels to demise the system effectually. It promotes the health and comfort of nil who use It , and with mil lions It Is the best and only remedy. Ono of the I'lnkortom Surrender * . PiTTSiiuito , Pa , , Aug. 5. Fred Primar , ono of the Pinkortons charged with murder , surrendered last night and was committed to jail for a hearing on Suturdey. The other detoctlvns , it is promised , will surrender be fore the close ot the week. Doctors ? Pshaw ! TokoBoeeham's Pills- Yitmlorliltt'H .Sunken Vuclit Sold , NEW YoitK.ug. . 5. The sunken yaoht , Alvii , which was built for W. H. Vauderbllt , was today sold as she lies , for $ I,5'JO. ) No household is complete without a casn of Cook's Extrn Dry Imperial Champagne. It's the host sparkling wluo made. Hard to wal low the great , priplng old-fash ioned pill ; and that's not the hardest part of kit , either. Your ] troubles nro only beginning when you get it down. It's all non sense. You can get moro good , and without hav ing to suffer for it , with Dr. 1'icrco's Pleasant Pellets. Not merely temporal y good , but help thnt lasts. In a perfectly easy nnd nat ural way they cleanse and regulate the vvholo system , nnd Keep it regulated , Sick and Bilious Headache , Constipation , Indigestion , Bilious Attacks , and all derangements of the liver , stomach nnd bowels are piomptly ro- lievcxl and permanently cured. They're the original Liver Pills , the small est , easiest and 1x > st to take and they're the cheapctt. for they're guaranteed to give fiatlsiaction , or your money is returned. You pay only for the good you got This Is true only of Dr. Pierco's medicines. A perfect vost-pockct remedy , in small rials , and only one necessary for a dose. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards CompanX SOUTH OMAHA. eat cattle , hog and sheep market In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. OEO. BURKE & FRAZIER LIVK bTOOK COMMlHSiON , THH LKADHUd. fl flMAIIAI Write to this nous- ) for cor- V. VllrtllA | root Mirlcat Iteparn. Wood Brothers , * r'outh Omaha Telephone IliT , - Chicago J. IJ. DADISMAN. ) W. IS. WOOD. fMnniforj. Market reports by mall and wire chourf ully fnrnUlieil upon application. - Tl-IH Campbell Commission Co. Chicago , EiistHt. Louis , ICiinsiis City , South Omatn , sl'jux Oltv , Kurt Worth , A. D. Boyer & Company , Miaiid.Vj Hxehunzo llulldliuSouthOmahi. Corrciiiontlenco lollcltuil und uroinptlr univrurjt tpuclal uttentlua to urilorn ( or otoukuri & fejiluri. Kutabllibed , 1MW. . . . IncorporuVjd , 13)1 Capital fully paid , IW.UJJ. Waggoner liirney Company , Wrllo or wlro ui for prompt and relloblo market ruporu. Perry Brothers * x Company , Live Stock Commission. Itoom Cl Kuchunzo Itulldlnir , South Omaha TufcpUouo I7u7. OMAHA. * laiiufactefs' ' Jollors Dir J. A AKCIIITEOrS AND Conlrncton nnil sub contrition for nil klm ! of tinlltllnn nlMlcrliu pnlntlnir , ote. All will rccclvo ropy of ( ilcMin'a nrchllccts' nnil biillrtCrs' directory free , \ > f nondliDt their immo , business nml locntliin to the publisher. J. II. Hienn , 111 f. IMIi street. AWNINGS AND TUNT3. OffluhaTcaUAvtoiigGo Wolf llros. & Co. Tchts , nwnlnm. turpnn- KlncnImmtnocks. ollnnit llns , cover * of nil klmlx. ruhbor clothlmt , Semi flnRB , bnnnora. ntc. 5-riul forcnl'Kuc. 1113 Knrnam forcitnlOKtio.TttiS. IHtli 13AGS AND TWINBS. Importers nnduirfK.flour Bucks , btirlni | , twine. BICYCLES. BOX US. M. 0. Daxon , H.G.TOIUI , Suocessor tn T. 3. Wllk cnson , M'f'u clxnr , pupcr Illcrcles nold on mont mcklnirboxus. All norol 120N. 15 [ lusln box linn. 1110 Douxlnn St. BOOTS AND SHOWS . Morsc-Coc Shoe Co. 110. ) HowArd Street. rnctorrcornermiuinil Doiulns slr ot . Monrotniklnvcloio prlcoito a tin buyers , nnl nro ( Oiling nelnssofBooili which \errnalcnblo with niurclmnts. Steven Crccdon. Manufacturer1 * n ont. Icin supply TOII with every- tldru In Hhoes IIILMI'S , woiio.i'i mil rhllds' it lowi-nt ( nctor > prices and discounts. Kitost styles. 1401 Knrimai streot. lloom IS. J. H. Glenn. Contractors nnd sub contractors for all kinds of bulldlne , idnsterlnv , pnlntlni ; . etc . will rouNoa copy of ( ! ienn' architects' and builders' directory ( roc , by sending their nnrao , hualiicss mid location to the publisher. .1 11 ( Jk'nn , 1US ISth street. DRY GOODS. FURNITURE. Oiiiaha Upholstering Co , llecbo & Hunyan Upholstered furniture , I'lirnlturo Co. , ( Jraco an IIU. IIUINIcliolus struut Uth strvot. Wliolosiile only. GROCERIES. | DRUGS , ETC. D. M. Stcclc&Co. I Blake , Bruce & Co 1231-ll.0' ) Jones street , 10th and Ilnnny i troct Omslm. Omaha. SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 1709. An ordinance luvylnq ; a special tax and a ess- ment on certain iots anil real estate In the city of Omaha , to cover the damages for cliuiiRO of crude of-.th sticet from l.omenuorthstieet to wool orth avenue. Whereas , It having been and being hereby anjudued.detormineu and ettabllshfd that the ( ft ) veriil lots and pieces of real estate Hereinafter tef erred to , have eaeh been bpeclally benolltted to the fu 1 amount herein levied and nssos-ed OKalnsteathoff aid lots and pieces of real es tate , respectively , by 1011011 of the dam igos fori'liangoof grade or"tli ( sttoot fiom I.ea\pii- worth ctroet to Woolworth .ivonuo. Tiioicforo , for the purpose of paying the dam- nges for H tl I change of grade , lie It ordained by the city i ouucll of the city of Omaha ; Section 1 Tint the damages for change of crado of 2lth street. In the city of Omaha Irom i eaventtoith street \\oolvtiith avenue , said damages being Iho sum of Jl. Ill UO , bo and the samoU huioby lovlea ami assessed , according to special bunoflts by reason of suld grading , upon the follow Ing lot s nnd i eil estate as snow n bv thft generally reco tiliiail map of tlto city of Omaha , lithographed and published by Mutr & Onvlortl. In 18U1. Hahl cost being so lev led on said lot- ? and real estate , rcspei live ly , as lollow. , to wit : W J Council It Hickory Place Jll 42 do It4) ) 11 fi'J ' do H4I 11 dO do It 41 11 Ml do It 40 11 W ) J &S Montgomery . . . Louis llrudfonl w 'ill 20 14 : > 2 do w M It 27 II 51 Mutual InvCo n4'l'S ' ft w ii It 23 10 88 Lice S Moou s 10' ' } ft w ' 5 It ! ! S do n SI ft It Jil 5 50 Mlchanl Parrs IU ft , itUJ 24 S3 John llacorty lt2J Itoillck' 2d add 7 5" > do 1124 18 83 Andrew KrederleUfion w V { It 23 in ua do w" 1112(1 ( 10 Oil Zinnia Waller , n .10 ft w 'i It 27 * * C 0 J Nim'l A Cot ner s 44 f t w / , It 27 I ) Us : M W Kfiinody u V It 28 10 4'l Joe KlohaUer n 4 1 f t u ' .i It 29 8 84 , ouls Hoi ei .Ti fto ! i lt2'J 703 , Woodworth o > i lf.0 ! in 40 lenry T Vosso li Itai in fin I' & W yoll/mano 120 It S3 fin A N.ii.1 w I4ofu 110 ft It. l n John Widennr n 511 fto / lt.1l n no Cclwtirct I. llowo-t5UJte H n 10 ilanniih Mndson lt'J7 8 fit KHz lyOuulllnld nM ftltlW 11 OJ A IITuKoyHhltt n l.ll ftltM 18 4H Adellu Jennings s 11) ) ft Itli8 4 17 do n2I fllti'J : 4 ( li cliool Dlst of Omahu U3 ft It 39 8 : i3 do U 40 U 117 do U41 U 75 do lt4J 127-i W KOIarWo n U2 fto ' / ; It.V ) Rodlck'H2nd add 2001 Otto Hull w 'M ft it H blk 2 bluiU'rt 1st add 57'J ilsthur Harwich It Ubik 3 1' . ' 01 lei maun bchmldt It IU li I ; 'J 22 4J W CUIurkonii It Iblk'J 10 7J Ulrluh Kredutlukson H ' / It 1 blk a 10 71 w i ; oiuriio n ' / itabiuu 0 17 Ulrleh KruilerluKsui ; H " , It 2 blk 3 0 17 Miull Kntato u 40 ft lti : blk U I ! 41 Klof Nelson w ! ,0 ft It H blk OSliull's "d add r > 47 Mary A Klliott It Ublkfl II 28 llurmann Kuhmldt U 111 bll < 0 2(1 ( 20 Podur Johnson It. 11 blkO 20 .0 John 1 > Murphy It 12 b k r , 11 2H Oiull Kututo wlUft It III blk 0 f > 47 dti It 1 blk : 10 M do It 2 blk 7 11 M Murv Iuedc40i ( ! ft It 3 blk 7 r > 8.1 Miull INtato o Wft It IK blu 7 n 8.1 Kute M Jdiwreucii It 10 blk 7 II 50 do It 28 blk 7 III 511 Sliull rotate It 1 bill 13 II 0) ) do It 2 blk I. 11 01 Klmbi.ll Ohiimp Inv ( la It3 blk 13 11 00 Mary A I.lllottlt4 blk 12 11 ( II OarollnoH Kulin It ft blk.IV II OJ Juno Turner lib blk 12 11 00 Kninci-H A Kaon It 7 blk 12 II 00 Hhull Ijtlittoll * blk 12 11 00 fliurlfiM A Ankolll n blk 13 II 01 Harry Oioft It in blk 12 II 00 Kdwurd froft w U It II blk 13 1 1,4 Hun OroU u ' , ' w 14 It 11 blk 12 1 1/1 I , IS . ! , / . _ 385 Henry Croftti tie / It U blk 12 ; i KI Hhull l.'stutolt ! blk I.I 14 Uf do H2hlkii ; 11 UO do ItJblkU H oo do U4bll < U II ( K ) do HSIilK U II 00 do It 0 blk 1.1 II 00 do it 7 blk 1.1 II 00 do It 8 blk W 11 00 do HKhlk 13 II U ) do It 10 blk 13 II 00 node U II blk U II IK ) do HI.'blk Id 11 00 Etopht.ii T Dolor w li uf that part of tax It.UbooVJ butifoeu l < odlck' 2d udd and bliull'n add uiiu betw'n M and 2Uh bU OJ 80 bhull Ciluto H 1W ft of nWlftorthut S j \ 1 HARDWARR. Hector & Wilhcliny Co. Lobcck & Linn. Corner 10th nn < l J cUon Dealers in Imrdniun nn < t streets. uierhnnlcM' tooli. HOI Doiiulitt it root. A. C. llaymcr. lliillilCM' hnntwnro anil rontrnctors' nipplUi , i24 tioulh Hih slroet , LUMBER. Chas. II Leo. John A. WakcficlJ. llnrttirooil lumbor. wood IniiHirlpd.Anicrlonu I'ort- cnrprtu Hint parqujt Inn. ) cement .MIIimtikRar llonilna. li > drnullc camont nmt Mil nnil Douglas. ( julury white lltnn. LIQUORS. MILLINKIIV. J. OtieifclJcr & Co. Importers nnd Jobber * of inlllliH.rr. notions. Mall onlortt prompt. IW-l.'joutli llth st. MUSICAL. A. llospo , Jr. 1'lnnos , orcnns , artists' mnturlnls , eta IM8 DotiKlns street PAPEU. I OILb. CarpcntcrTaper Co. Standard Oil Co. Carry n full stock of printing , wrapping and Itollncd nnd lubrlcntlnir wrltlait pupur , card pa- oils , nxlo grease , cto. pur , etc. OVERA LLS , King & Smeai Mfr , of1C ft 8" pants Bhlrts nnd overalls , etc. fill ISboutti 11 that. PRODUCE COMMISSION. Kstabllshcd 1378. iirancli & Co. Whitney & Co , Produce , fruits of all Ilutter , CKKS and poultry. kinds , oystoro. 3IU South Uthlt. J. B. Huso & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co. Our specialties : Ilultor , Duller , oiicaso , VKKS and poultry. poultry andxamo. Ul.i Howard st. 317 toiltli IJth at. W. E. Uiddcll. Uiddcll & Co. ( Kstabllsliod IMS. ) Ilutter , cheese , eifirs. veg Wholeoulo butter and etable * , fruits , poultry ecus llii ) sand sells for aiulKitmo c < < h. 4US. llthst. STOVE REPAIRS. OinaliaSlovcKepairW'ks ' 6to\e repairs nnd water utliiLhmcnts for any kind nfntovo made. l.'UT Douglas. I SASII I TOYS. 31.A.Dlsbrow&Co. H. Hardy & Co. Manufacturer ! of lash. Toys. dolls , albums , Jours , blinds anJ fancy igooila , lioii fur- moulillngs Urnncli of- nlBldHK vooili , cbll- lice , 12th and Iiard sts. drcn' cnrrlattCH. 131'J I'urnam st part of tnxltSHROC 27lylnK s ot I'ouplo- ton nvo and oof 24th Bt 13000 Slnill Kslnto vr 150 ft of tlio n 230 ft of tax It 31 see 27 5000 J and K N Wtthnoll the w 150 ft of Iho s : ilO > 4 ft of Iho n54n > 4 ftotlnxlt.il sec 27 00 05 Hlleii Morris sub It : i tax It .14 eoc'7 & 60 do sub 114 tax It , 114 see 27 774 CSchcrmvobbonub It 3 It.4soc27 ! 15 50 Total amount (1,111 00 Section 2. That the special taxes anil assess ments levied and assessed as afoiesald , shall be due immediately upon thu passage nnd ap proval of rhls ordinance , nnd slntll beeomo de- iniiicnt | It not paid within llftv days thereafter - after ; and thereupon IntiTOit snail bo added at Iho ratu of ona per cent a month , payable In ad- viinto from the tlmo said t.ixoj beco Jio so da- lilUJULIlt -out Ion .1 That this or Inrinco sh til t.ika clluutand bo In force fiom anil after Iti p ui- ace. Passed July Sflth. 1393.JOHN JOHN GUOVE3 , Provident Ulty UounclL Approved July 23th , 1M(2.uio. ( uio. : P. HKMIS. Mnvor The above tax Is now duo ni : I payable at tlio olllco of the city treasurer an I will bocoine du- lliuiuent anil boar Interest DM and after Septem ber Kill , IbW , as soeti In toitlon No. 2 of above otdlnatico. JIIINKV IIOI LN , CUy 'Jreasuror. GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 180. An ordliuuco chiuiKliu the grade of 20th street from Illekary street to Martha htrtiot , nnd the liitorsectlim xtrcut , In the city 01 Unialin , and ropoallnK so iiiueh of tlntdu Or- dinnneo No IIH and so niuuh of all ordln- nncus In conflict herewith ; liu Itordiilnod by the city council of the city of ( Jinulm : Section 1. Whero.is. . It IMS been declared iiD.esiary to chan o the K'.tdo of 211th strung from Illokory street to Miirlha street , nnd UUM ' tain purls or the luterhoclln : ; street huroliu ufler spt-olllod ; And whereas , tliroo disinterested frneholn- CIH h.iMi been appointed liy the mayor itn4 lonllrmod by the city council to nppralso the diim.i-os ( urlHlnx by re IHUII of thu olmngo of Crailn hortiln mentioned ; and Wlibieas. s.ild apuriilscrt , after duly quiill- fyliu iiccordlim to law and oxiunlnln : thu property alTcoted , luivo inado their report and thei'lty council has adopted Bald rupert ; Thuroforc , the Kradu of bald p trts of SOth l rent , and InterHOctliiL' stroat , Is hereby uliunxeil and eutulillaliod hu Iliut thu eleva tions itliall bo HS follouH , tliu tnidu between tliu | io ills elted buliin uniform BtniKht llnobt tJeclloiiZ , ( Jrudoot 2Jtli slrcot Klovation Ciovatlon of West of Cult Ourb. Curb. South curl ) of Hickory street , an established . 22H& 220 0 A point 400 feet south of the Houlh line of Hickory HI. 210.0 210.0 Not Ih curli of Shlrioy street us established . 108.0 103.0 boutli uurbof bhtrloyslieot aui'stabllshcd . 107.0 107.0 Ninth uurbof Horcasstreut llll.O 101,0 South curb of Dorcas stniut. IUI.O 101,0 North curl ) of Martha bt , as ust.ilillshod . I'.O 172.0 beellon 3. Grade of Ooreai eticot Kliiviitloii Cluvnt'nn of houth of North Curb. Curb. niNtourli of 20th avenue as oitalillnhud . 1800 1600 West ourb of 2th ! ) strnut. . 1NI.O 1UI.U Kusl curbof 20tn stroul. . , ,101.0 101.0 WiBtuurl ) of iMth strnet , us eht.UillshoU . 150.0 UO.O Hiictlon 4. Bo muoh of ( irmlii Urdlnnnco No. Hound eo much of all ethel ordlnuuctu delln- iuir the urndus of the above Htrouls , IIH eon- Illcts u Illi the provisions of thin ordinance , Is hiuuby rupoulod , Huctloui. Thli ordln.incu shall takourftiot and bu In force from and utter ilu passu o , Passed July 20th. Id/ , . ( Jlty Cteik. li P. t ) A VIA President City Council.