Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat and Oorn Were n Trifle Higher Last
In All Market * the first Itesult Was u Hotter
Support unit lllghi-r I'llccs Ncbrasku's
Wheat l > thnuto Wus ynlto
CHICAGO , ill. , An ? , 1.-Wheat nnd corn are
n trllli ! higher tonleht than Saturday ovoulng.
Good growing wonther uroventud bttyliu on-
thusliisni , nlthniu'h the country took qulto a
lively nlbblo nt corn. Provisions are about
unchanged ,
The thin.'iipucrmoit In the minis of the
tr'adoM wao the notion of thu senate In defer
ring conslduratlun uf Ilia Katcl illl until l > o-
combor. In all markets the lint result was u
bettor support nnd higher prleus. Wheat
showed about "jo Improvement. Then the
grout receipts at St. Quills and tnu tirospoets
of an Incruusu of 1,5.0OJO bu. In the visible
Rutip y guvu thu a sjt , buck to thu ouon-
lug Ilguroa. Later tlio visible Hiipply did not
increase as OMJoctcd anil enlarge-
niunt of stocks full bulow l.UjO , 0 bu. This
rescued tbo mir : > ut from the natural depres
sion resulting from tliu very bo.irlbh crop
prospects. St. Liulsdlsu.itches roporlu I 1'M-
vin tin , or inoio who'll dullxoriS I there. '
There were tui ilell\eris hole or in Now
York , The Ivi-utm-Ky and Nutir.isku who it
cstliniito was bunrlsli. sliowliu aiiruit crop ,
whl o I'rltud WHS quoted i s saving Mint tlio
thurtikuo In Ohio will bo 7d per cont. .
2.'i nnd Ind nun 2 ti ) ' . ' . " > per cent , whllu a major
ity of rupoilH fnini tilt ) norlliwufi bosuoko a
rood ylold for Allnncsnt-i and South Dakota.
Tno uoorcrup tullfits coiiilniird about tbo
Ited river valley , and the fear of fmsldiiiiia-o
lutur wnsoxprcssed 'Iho Auslr.un ciop tuport
Isuttlniated at lli.0jn.0in bu. auulnst IJ.Dj'.vUU
liu New S Drlc toduy loportod the
export tiiltln iof urulu there nnd at iiutpoit ?
us ainoiiiitlnK tu lltty-two iioatlo.ids of wliuat
and 40.UOO bu. of ni\ed ! outs
' ( lie opctiln.liuru wus about ! e bolter than
Biliiidny. with urlcts sntscquently lluutuiit-
inic wllhln ' 10 rniiRi * . tlio market closing with
on Imiirovoinuntof ' u.
Theioiviis jood buyln of corn , chlclly to
cover sin rts put out on the recent high
prices , but tliuto was also som > Investment
uiiyliiu mid with llttlo for silo firmness was
thu i mo. Cutler & Co. had a Ms llnu of hny-
ln.r oider" t nd their purchases Imported
liiuili sticiiKtb to the miret. : ! Thu crop IIUKH
vas Kcncr.illy cucoiinislnr. though some of
tbo bulls were cliilinliir tlmt I'rlmo wan ro-
more or leas damage from tbo Into
lUli tpinpeiatuio. Aftur opcnlnK at aleut
thu Ilinil quotations of suturnuy , the inurket
Bold up with ( .mall ruiicllci.H 7 > c , tecudod
Me. ruled siendy and closed with u gain for
the day of from Uc to aie.
Uats lluettiufutl with corn and closed tram
) ie lo ? ie liUhcr. Trade was uulet. .
In provisions thu heavy vulunio of trade
lasted most of tbONOSslon.whllo prices shotted
no Important clmngo. The bcav.v receipts of
lioisstiirtod urlces lower. 1'orlc was olV 7'io
ttnd other proJuets Su from Saturday. Tbo
packing cuiiip.iiilus becamu rood Lmyeiiuid
prices recovered , follnwln ? tbu advance In
corn. The lowest and highest price * were
Iniidc the llrat hour , and durinf tbo later
hours there was u grout deal of changing from
Bentciubor to other monthclilolly Outobor
rll.s. clKiii lir-'e\eii nnil lard allies dllToruiieo.
Freights wcra stroiiRer and a shane belter
nt from ! 'e to "fie for wheat and liO for corn
to liulialo.
Hsllmatcd reculnts for tomorrow arc ;
AVliciilM7 rural corn , 01) earn ; oats , 143 ! cars ;
liozi , 10.UUO Head.
Tbu lending futures rallied as follows :
AIITIUI.EH. ninii. tow. CI.OSK.
No. 2
AUKIlpt $ 57H
citcmbcr. | . . 77
December. . . . ( 770 EOQ150H
CoilN M.2 )
tcptcnibiir. . . C-'H ' ,
May 10)6 M
OATH . " o. 2
AllKllst . , . 80K 30H ,
kcptcmber. . . 80 Hi
October HiW4 31 -
September. . . 12 07 U 12 20 1207J , ! ? ! ?
Jnnunry 13 07 hiT 1.1 IS U 07H
Hcptombcr. . . 7 ft
Jnnunrr. . . . T IS 7 IS 7 20
bcptcinber. . . 7 W 785 7 M 7 M
Jnnunry 0 BJV
Oneli quotations were ns follows :
FI.OUH Slow iind unchanzfd : winter nat-
cnts. H.tO ; winter t > lrilts. ji.u.K3i.Uj ; : ; snrlnir
Btralts , ( ail : ® : ) . ( > 0 : bakers. ? ' .Si > a > ' . 'Ji.
. WIIKAT No. U'Eprlni : . 774o ! : No. asprlns , f o
b. . 7o7.'ltics No. a red. T7'/Sc.
OOIIN bloauyj No. 2. 48jc ! ; No. 3 cash , 47Jicj
Ko II yellow , -Ib'iflM'lc ' : No. 4. 4 IQillc1.
OANa 2. yoiiaM ? c ; No. 2 whltu , 35MS3Jc ; .
No ; i whltf. ai'itoi'c.
HVK No. ; , f,7c.
IUKLKV--NO. 2 , Kcj Na 3 , f . o , b. , 45c ; No. 4 ,
TlMOTIl v bBEli 1'rlinc. tl.m.
I'OIIK Mess , per hhl. , ! li..U7Kl2.20 : ] ard , per
Olhs , $7.:07.X : : short rlliu tlUcs ( loosol.t7.UJ
Ci''fr. dry s iltud shoulders ( lioxod ) , t'.O @ 7.
short clo.irsliles ( boxed ) , t7.0)Ji7.0j.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
HtKiAiis Cut loaf , 47i ( & > > ic ; pranulated , 4ic | ;
Itandaid A , 4J'c.
Itccclptu u nd blilpnicnts today \vcro as fol-
lous :
On the Produce exchange today the butter
imirkot wus steady : fiinuy croamury.i Q
Cl c ; fine western , IH20o ; ordinary. l.'iQtTc ;
line dairy. 15lic. .Eg.s , llrm ; strictly fresh ,
Ht. Louis .11irUeln. :
ST. Louis , Mo. , Auir. L Ki.ouit Unsettled
owing to Elnirp dccllno IP cash wheat ;
patents , fJ.7 O.I 00 ; extra fancy.
other grades not quoted.
WIIKAT Options opened lower , but
eoou rallied , advancing lo the oloao
on the shelving of the untl-optlon hill ; line
crop proupoctR und lioiivy receipts seemed to
IHIVO lltl o cll'cct. Casli wheat WIIH sharply
lower on the wltlidrawulof the July shorts dele -
closlug UtTi-'lO IIBllOll.
COIIN Options opened down on ( Ino weather
mid largo receipts , but n good demand r.illled
tno price , trading , however , being confined to
fcoplumbur , and cash lower , with llttlo better
domain ; No. 2. u.ish , closo.l nt 43ic ? ; August ,
' bid ; t-ontuniLor. 4 < ® 4iic , closing ut
OATS Llfeluss ; No. 2 , cush , Woiksd ; Scp-
toinbor. Sto ) iisked.
llYi-No. . ' ' "
: - , too bid.
ItttAN l''lrm. lilo at mill.
HAV atoiidy , unchunrod.
UAIII.BV No market.
HUTTKII btoady , iincliniiped
Keas Steiiulor. h4fl'Jo !
LKAK Lnuhaugcd.
PROVISIONS Aud other marleta aulot. flrin.
KKCKUT8 I'lour. O.UDO bbls. ; wheit. 4.8,00
bu. ; corn , fl..UJ bu , ; outs , 45,000 bu , ; rye , l.DOJ ;
barley , noiio.
Siiii'iiiiNTS Flour , 4,000 bbts. ; wliout , 10,00)
bu. ; corn , 0OvO bu , ; oats , 4uuO bu. | burluy ,
none ,
No\v York Market * .
NEW YOIIK , Aug. L I''i.ouu llccelnts. 2aODO
bbs.t exports , l.UOO buls. . 1'ju Hickn ; moro
actlvo and general y mo.idler ; sales , Vl.wulibis.
CoitNMEAh Qulot n ml stuudy.
WHEAT Keco pis , 115' ) , UJ bu. ; exports. yi,0 ; 0
bu. ; sales. U.RUU'U bu. of future ! ) ; iuiuju bu. of
spot. Spot moderutuly uetlvo und llrmor ; No.
U red. Kic In store and oluviitor ; HiHcG sliu
Ulloiit : biJWs"i40 } ? f. o. b. | No , U red , NXclbOlia ;
ungraded red , H.litrSo : No. I northern. Wlit ®
B. C ! No. l hard , UIQU2 c ; No. 2 northern.
BI4iu ; Na U spring. BJC ; No. - ChtuiiKo ,
K > ! io ; Na 2 .tillwaukoc , Mo. Options
m vi , need UO\n on thu deferring
nf thu unil-optlou bl.l until ntixi
Di-eumbur , decruuso In htouk In storu
uud no deliveries ( in contract ; declined Ji < U )
lUuon liirgiruiolpu. . roallzlng and wiutUor
pr.xatu , uioied ut ! i iu over Saturday
und stuady. ( t s roil , August , b'j'iicS.Hc ,
cloflng attUot Buptumber , HiW-Mic. ) ! olo'liu
iitH ? io ; OutoborM'oh5ic.oslng ( ! at W.o ;
lio.cintior , ti70-lt > o ; Jluy , UJUc , closing atWio.
JlVK Hleudy.
btocusof ( iriiln. store und ullout. July M :
i\ho.t , ) ,4i.t ; l ) bu ; com , 70j , - ' < J bu. ; oats ,
6.1KAbu. ) ; burley , -ft.uiibu. ; mult , 2Jb'ja bu , ;
J10UK. U-l..UtlU )
llAiner.MALT Dull.
COIIN KoculptH. 1.003 bu.t experts , 10.CO )
I n. * uii o * . ; > .o o bu. nf futuics iiua lU'.uOj bu.
of HUot. Spot lower , moderately uctivv. o os-
Ing ' siu.idy iif A8Ho ulloat ; un.iudud , mlxol.
Wit-'iliH' . Opllonn mo nuiiriy ! W" o higher ,
with whuatutul local covcrln. % deulltiud
on u dull trade and closed sto.idy , uiK-h.niucd
tu Uc up. Aiutut , ( DHc. oioslng at 5.Mic ;
bepluniber , 54. ' , c , ulcsiug ut Altic ; Octobur.
Uiii.lJic. ! ( ! oloslug ut MHui Doiombor.ClUc ,
ciuslngi t.MUc.
UATS Itecolpts , 20'.OtfO bu.s tales. C'&OuO bu.
nf futures ; l ; , u 0 uu. ot spot. Spot fairly
uvtlvc , trineri opiluiu fairly nctlve. ( Inner !
August , : iV , L35 U-iilc '
, vlosing , aiftu ; b'optem-
licr. 3 ' "itt-JJfic. olosln * . 3-ltiui spot No. i' . white ,
B'.cs No. V.3ii0j7o ( ; white. 3 > U4Uo
HAY Quiet , ktoudyt shipping , tUQGJo ; ijood
to choice , 'lOQi'JOc ,
llui'8 li'irni , qulot ; state , comiuou to choice ,
ICiBWoi Paottlo const. ltxa J5o.
tuoroaotlTO , llriui ooutrlfujnU
Da test kt3io ! ! POO bag molnsscn sugnr 80
test , 2Kc. Kcllnod. fsilrly active , flrin ;
No. r . 3 i.i > ti < $ i i-lflo : No. 7 , it'iWic ;
No. 8. ,1 13-1MJ.-I 15-lOo : No. P , nwmi'ic !
No. 10 , ; iu-ixaii3-ico ( : : oir "A. " 4'ici moid
"A , " nn ( < ? ic ! standard "A , " 4MCHHC ! confec-
tlonorv "A , " ! ® jio ! cut loaf , B 13-lCe ;
crushed , Bl-IDffii.i-lOc : powdered. 413-1031
15-lOci crnniilnted , 4j < $ ! Nc ! cubes. 4sia4io. ?
MoiA pKa I'orolgn , iiomlnMi 5J test , 10c ;
Now Orleans , dull , sloady ; cotntunn to
fsinoy ,' .
HiC'E-Oond dctnnnd , firm ; domestic , fair to
oxtn , 4 i'iMKc ' ; .lupin , 5'i.l3Uc. '
EfldS Higher , moderate rocolptfll western
prime. IGSJlflJJct western prlmo per case , 8100
4JIBO ! rcculpts , 4l8iilgs. quiet uud stontlv ; old
mess. ll..2'Ol.i.2i ; cxtrn prime. 112.50. Cut
moats , very dull , stoadyl ploklod bolllJs , 8
ODc : plekloJ shniildors. 714o : ti' ' l < ln > linniSi
vjc : middles , very qulot , steady ; short
clnnr , 87.0.1.
I < AIID Quiet und unchanged ! western sloatn
closed nt J7.Ut ) sales. 2V ) tlorccst Hoptombor ,
87.01 , closing at JT.OJ bid ; Ocoucr , t'.OJ bid.
llurTEit-Qulut , firm ; western , 1'lViOlSc :
western crnamerv , 174J,23ci western factory.
1.WM7C ! Elgin , yiH'tULa.
CimusE-Uulet , stonily : partsklms , SiiCO.Uo.
Pin lluiN-Qtilct : American. lii.Vi1.1.0. : ;
Uoi'i-hit-Strmdy ; liikc. { 1 .aiOll.75. ,
und ( Inn ; domestic. 81.0334.10. *
Oin.tlm Produce .Murltnt ,
PRAciins 0 illfornln , } l. . " > C < tll.C. > ! southern Il
linois. iLVilT'iu per basket ,
LK < IONS t7.6j7tR.'iO.
OiiANfiua-Cullfnrulu , $1.00 ® 1.50.
llI.ACKllKllllllHUl. : .
Pi.UMS-Callfornla , $2.50i.OO.
HANA.VS Soiree.
UAiiium : Homo grown , G-VaTfic per iloz.
Mi LOSS Wiitormolous , I'.lJi'lJi' .
Niw AiM'ttiis Porunci-thlrd bu. bov , 7i30c ,
WAX llliAN- Half bu. basket , 73o.
PEAKS linrtluit , iiOif. ' . ' ! .
lltiTTKit Pin-king st03i ( , ISJJSHo ; small lots
select dalrv , I lift , do.
Poui.Tiiv-Sprlng chlcUons. tJ..VJffi.'l.CO , slow ;
old fowls. siIOu.
OANTAI.OUPES Per crate , Jl.'j ; joins , 7c. per
OAMi'nii.viAnintinS"llorcaso , $2.50 ,
CtlcuMliKiiS Perdo&i 5U5.
NKW POT\IOIS $2.2.vai. .i > 0porbbl | In sacks ,
liu ! per Ib.
UMONS Per bhl. t.1.50.
KIIIISIIM City Alurkcts.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Aitff. 1. WHEAT Was
actlvo and genet ally ( jo lower : No. - hard ,
old , liK&ltlc ; nnw , ( Uir ( > c ; No. 2 red. ( lUftOOo
COIIN Was b.irulr sto'idy to lo lontiri No. 2
m Ai-d , 42 t42'iu : No. 2 white. fluO-Wic.
OATS Very weak and prices were Irroaular :
No. 2 mixed , 21Jia2Jc ; No. 2 white , old , UOu ;
now. SSe.
Itvi : Steady ; No. 2 , now. r.8c.
ri.AXHHEii Steady at8s'J'c. '
BKAN fctoady ; sti'kod , ftUiftlSc.
HAV Weak 'nit ' uiich .itjtoJ ; timothy , $7.5015 ; prnlrle. Si.WTitlOt.
t-l'irmi croimory , ll' ' QilOc ; dairy.
. uud steady ; candled , 10c. ! !
ItfcCBii'TS Wlio it , OI.U'JJ bu. ; corn , 10,00) bu i
o.ita , Aui bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. 47,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
oats U.o bu.
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cnlluo Mnrlcnt.
NKW YOHK , Aug. 1. Options opnncd stoidy ,
unchunced to i > points down ; closed steady ,
unchHiKcd lo 5e down. Sales. S.700 bags , In-
oludliig Auisust , * l ' .40I2.4.1 : September. $12.41
© 12.51 ; October , 412.40 : Decombor. $13.4 : 13.50 :
May. 113.51 ; spot Hlo , qulot , stoutly ; No. 7 ,
li'io' JANEiun. Aug. 1. First ordinary. 13.100
rols per ID kilos. ; good seconds. 12,500 rcls ;
receipts durlni : the week , 8,0 10 bags : purchases
fcr the United St.itos. 4.1.0 0 ; shipments to the
United States , 21.000 ; stock , 126.000 bugs.
SANTOS. Auir. 1. Good average , lAl.n ro's
per 10 kilos : receipts during the week. SSUOO
onus ; purchases for iliu United Status , 45.000 ;
slilpnicnts to thu United btatca , 21.0JO : stock ,
87,00 bugs. _
Oil .llurlirt.
opened steady , became dull and rcmaltii * . ! so
until thu closo. Pennsylvania Oil Spot su'es ,
IO.OJJ bills ; opunliiL' , 51'a'c : highest. 5IVc ;
lowest , lilacs closliiBl 'io : Soiitomber option
sales , 13,11.0 bbls. : opening , ft-'c ; liljlicst , Mo ;
closing. fiJo Lima On No sales : total sales ,
2J.OJJ bills.
TALi.ow-Qulot , flrm ; cltv ( } 2 for pack agesi ,
4 in- i BO.
KOSIN Quiet , sto.idy ; strained , common to
good. * l.22Jia'.S7'i.
Dull , stond v at2tHJ20Jc. !
llrltlsli Uiiiiu 'Iniilu lEuilrw.
LONDON. August 1. The Mai k Limo Express ,
In us woukly rovlow of the ill IINU grain trudi * ,
says : Kngllsh hunts woio In favorof buyers.
Good reports have been received In regard to
thu crops , although the harvest , gtmorally is
likely to bo lute. TorcUu wheats assisted in
stuuuylng prices. I'lonrs llrm. Indian corn
bus been llrnily hold at u ( kl to Vd rUo.
New York Dry ( iuudu Market.
NEW Yonic , Aug. 1. Dry gooJs transactions
on tlio spot were moderate , but buyers were
re-entering tha m.irkct through the day.
Tlioro were uo now features. The print mar
ket , however , w us strong.
Cotton Market.
NKW OiiLKAN-1 , La. , Aug. 1. Dull : mid
dling. 73- IBo ; low mlildllir..U 11-lCe : good ord-
lipiry , OIl-HIc ; not and gloss receipts , 432 bulos :
sales , 3JO bales ; spinners , b27 bales ; stock. 8i'Ji $
bales. _ _
iiKl ; liiutcr Market.
ELGIN , III. , Aur. 1. The butter market Is
flrm , sales lO.lteO Ibs. at 2Uio und 11,81)0 ) Ibs.
at 22c.
Traders' Talk.
CHICAGO , 111. , Aug. 1. Counsolmun & Day
to Cockrell Uros. Commission comouny :
The grain murkiitoponod llrm und i-cncrally
iidvunccd on buylni ; loil by commission
houses , The house's postponomcnt of action
on tlio Hatch bill and less tli-in l.uuO.O obu. lu-
cieuso in the vlslblo sunplv Hero thn bull ln-
cuntlvcs in , whllo dull cables , plcus-
unt weather and sinall clearances
made holders willing to tuuo profIts -
Its und caused uu c.isicr fooling lutur.
Coin opened strong und ml v.incud > ; c on buy
ing by the local bull crowd and ? o moro on
shorts covering. Charters were mudo for 11X1-
000 bu. Samulu lots were III in and In irood do-
mnnd and at the close shlpuort , seemed to
huvo buying orders and tried to close tlio
marUot easy to Illl them. Piovlslons opened receipts of hogs than
oxpoetoil. Cudahy came to tlio support nnd
bid prices up until the decline was it-covered.
Other trudeissoolng the market thus domin
ated ( hopped out and thu e.using was very
dull. Our opinion of the market Is that wheat
and corn If bought on soft spots will make
fair pro Ills ultli small rlsUs.
CHICAGO , III. . Aug. 1. Konnott. Hopkins ACe
Co , to S. A. MoWhortor : Keporls from tlio
northwest suggest u full uveia.-o crop of
spring wheat In both Minnesota and Mnitn
Dakota , homo accounts claim us largo us
lust , but the moro conservative ones sav
Nortli Dakota will have a uoor erou even with
the most fiivorublo weather. Itisestimated ut
ono-hiilf to three-fourths of lust , year's crop.
Thu July wheat bmice/.u isatSt. Louis nnd the
miirkot was wouk today In conscquciuu of
ho ivy dollvurles on Auuist contructH. H.\-
ports were small ana foreign engage
ments light. but u grout deal of
wheat Is gnlug oust and it rimy beset
sot ulloat later for Kuropc. ItoarsNn corn
huvo hud about everything tofnvor them
thu finest weather , lluorul receluts
parutlvoly light consumptive demand uut In
spltoof the bearish factions the market bus
shown much strength nnd lee It a like going
higher. Outs Bymputhlzo somewhat but uro
slow and Innollvu. Pork tins bcon llrm with a
full demand. The poor quality of hogs re
ceived Indicates pretty clnse marketing ,
CHICAGO , ill. , Aug. 1. K O. Uuuii & Co.
to Duncan. Hollluger& Co. : The wliout inur-
Kct bus had a steadier tone toduy. t-optombor
wheat opened at TKc , sold upto77jo ; and
closed ut 77V bid. The receipts , estimated ut
7 7 curs for tomorrow , hud rather 3. depressing
ulftct and causud suinusollliig by ttio early
tjuyurs. Kocolpts ut fct. Louis nnd ToloJo
were iiouvy und wo cannot lo.irn of any fresh
export business. Without tills wo cannot ud-
vunco prices. The only ar/iimniit in favor of
un advance Is tno low price , und
thuro Is ' no doubt It Is low ,
but that Is no urgumunt for nu
increased domund ; In fact It Is the roverse.
Thu lucre.iso In tno vlilulc supply Is loss than
generally expected but wo look for a steady
increase from this forward. The growing
spring crop continues to Imurovo. Corn has
been strong , lionteinbor opum-d at 48K , > > old
up to 4'JVc und ctosocl at from Wi to 40. The
ut'ticral reportsot the growing erouarohotter ,
but special expert ruportu put the con
ditions low und point tu u small out
turn with favorable wouthor. Meantime
rocolpts are light ami the scntlmont amongst
our sound-thinking inoii is for higher prices.
Wo foci on declines that It Is suto to buy for
moderate profit ? . Thu oat markut Is lifeless
and without lluctuutlon. Hog product wus
strong uiong Iho vtiiolo Una. Tbuy , Ilko coin ,
should bo purchasou on nil bruaka.
( Ireut Hulk of tlio Trading Wus In tlio
Lending Nliurot.
Nuw YoiiKi Aug. 1. The stock market to
day was moderately active , but the great
bulk of the tradliu wis In u few ot tlio loading
sliurus , the rust of the murUet boln ; without
foituro. The fact Is th it the market now Is
oxtrumoly narrow , notwithstanding the Into
Incronk ? In activity and advance * In prices ,
for whllo the latter iimvo o.islly alter they
ro marked up It 1s Impossible to soil any
amount of stock. I'rlooj uro just as o.islly
munlpululed downward , but when they uro
down It U ; i hard to buy any llnu of stock.
Tlio imirkot lu fuel still continue * to narrow
that many uporntori uro making uo uttampts
tu trade nhutovcr.
Thu feuturo of the news today wus tbo do-
cUlon favorable to Ko idlng , which was ren
dered In Pouiuylvuulu today , und It wus
mujo the oooHSlou of advance la all the
coalers by tbo Insiders , wblob wus tbo only
uiovuuiout ot iuiuortauco la the sbvros duilug
tbo entire session , The decision , bnwovcr ,
wnsof llttlo Importance oxrupt as Indloatltig
the position ot the combine In tlio courts , but
the IniDortnnt decision Is to bo rendered by
the chancellor of the fttuto ot Now Jnrftoy.
None ban ns yet bceu rendered and they nro
looking forward to It as of vast Importance to
the coal combine. The movement chanced
the temper nt the whole list fortho better and
the early losses were regained In almost all
The London market Is dead , the only de
mand from that center being for cliolco in
vestment bonds. The close wna quiet uud
steady to flrm and irregular , but slight
ohiinzf" ) from Saturday. The trading reached
ZU,30 listed and 3',090 unlisted.
Government bonds have bonn dull nnd
stoudy. btuto bonds have boon dull but llrm.
The Postsuyat The London Stock exchange
kept holiday and several of our most actlvo
local operators for the rho followed Its ot-
amplo. It there was such cvtonslvooutsldo
buyliu ns muny people profess to havodlscov-
orod last week such putty factors as the ab
sence of ijondoii Arbitagb and thtoo or
four local brokers could tonrvoly litiio af
fected this market ,
The following nro tlio closlnir quotations fnr
the loading slocks on the Now York Stock ox-
ohanju today :
Atchliton , . Notional Cordniio. .
xprcsa. . . , * 143 N. J. Central
Alton , T. II. . . . . Norfolk A Wc t. pM
do iircfcrrcil . .North Atncr. Co . . .
American ltiircjs. | , IIU Northern 1'nclllc. . . .
llnltlmuro .tolilo. . . do iitil
Cnnndn 1'ncltlo . U. 1 * . Den Aliiilf. . . I7M
CiuindAtoiithcrii. . Northwestern 1IT ? |
Ccntrnl 1'nclllc . do tifcl in
Clio. X Ohio . N. f. Contrnl IISM
riilcnuo & Alton. . . , IM N , Y. , VN. H 87 <
Clilc. llur. .V gulncj- 102 Ontario & Western , 20 i
Chlcu-'cKiiii , . Oregon Imdrovo . . . 20
ConnOllilnlL'.l ( im. . , Oregon Nnv 78 X
C. I' 0 , .VM. I , . C7 O. S. K.VU , N
Colonulu Coal It I. . I'ncltlc Mnll
Cotton (111 ( Certllle'B P. , Dec ft. V
Del. .1 Hudson. . . . . . ill I'lttsburK
! > . . I , . A. W . Piillninn i'nlnce * mm
I ) , V II. O. | > M. Itcndlm ; HIM
lAl\ . Co. , , 49 Richmond Term. . . . 8H
rnitTeun 494V do ptd 41
I'.rlo 21)usa ) Itlo ( irnndo Went. . . 1C ,
do pfil usa do plcl
Tort Wnync Hock Islnnd
( Ireit Northern iifd. 'A. ' I , . A. y. K. 1st pfil
ChlciiKo.1i ; . III. iiM IM fct. Paul 81 ij
llncklng Vnlloy do iifil 12TM
Illinois Contrnl , ' & St. I'nul & Onmha . M
fct. I'unl A Duliitli. . do ufd ISO
Kiinxni X'l'cxtiB | ifil oulhrrn I'nclflc , . . .
l.nku Hrlo A. West. . . mnr Itctlnorjr
do | ifil 7(1 ( 'Icnn , Cnnl \ Iron. .
I.uko Shore 1.14J41 TciusPncllle UH
l.i-iul'1 rust Pol. &O. I' , pfil B.I
I.oulsvlllu , V NiiBh. . Union 1'ncllic > ! <
Louisville A. N. A. . . U. S K\prcsi (0
Mnnhiittnn Con. . , 182M Wnbnsh. bt. U A. P. . 11'S
-McmpliU .VCImr. . . M do | iM 211
Mk-hlKiin Ccntrnl. . , 10H Wells I'arso iv : 11J
MliHOurl I'ncltlc. . . . Wcglcru Union 7
MolilluOhlo Wheeling A. U II . . . 7BOH
Nil ih\llle Cunt 6' ) do pfd
Knlloniil Cord HBO. .
Thu total sales of stocks today were Ki,470 ; )
Rharea , Including : Atchlsnu , ' 'D.ilOj ; Chicago
Ga . 0ifl | ; Doliiwarc , Liickawana & Western ,
i'.IM : Krlc. I5.UIO : Missouri Paclflc , 4'JUO ;
Northern Paclllc liroferiod , 0.700 ; Ifcadlng ,
08C50 ; St. Paul. 21,000 ; Union Puolllc , 4l00 ! ;
Western Union , 0,475.
No\r York Money Market.
NKW YonK , Aug. L MONEY ON OAt.r. Easy
at 14 ! to 2 pur cent ; last loan lii per cent ;
closed olforcd li ( porcont.
PIIIMB MKHCANTU.B PAPEII fli-ilJ ! per cent.
STERUNU ExciiANac-Qulot. at JL87 for
sixty-day bills and (1.881 for demand.
The closing quotations on bonds :
bid. t'nBkod. } ol-lntercst.
] : ntoii Mlnfni ; U'lotutlniK.
BOSTON , Ma s. , Aug. 1. The following are
the closing mining stolc quotation1 ; .
San FninclHco Mliilnir Qtiotntloim.
SAW FHANCKCO. 0 il. . AUK. I. The olllelal
closing Quotations for mining HtocKs tuduy
were as follows :
Now York Mlnlnc Qiinlallnni.
NKW YORK. August 1. The following are
the closlnc mining stock tiuotatlons :
Cliolor 46 Ophlr 215
( 'roirn 1'olnt SO Slerro Nevada 100
Con. Cal. X Va : U5 Btandard uo
Dendnood 200 Uulon i on. . . . 80
Gould & Currr SO Yellow Jacket. . (0
Ilalo&NorcroBB. . . . 10 } Iron Mirer. . . . (0no
Horaotako UVJ Quicksilver . 425
Mexican H5 do preferred. , .200J
North Ptar US3 llulwor 31
Ontario 4HX )
1 asked.
ht. LoulK Allnliif ; Stocks.
Br. I < ems , Mo. . Aus. 1. On iho mining ox-
omno ) today trading 1u.iutlvo and prices
were lower. Quotations ;
Htoclf. 111(1. ( AHkcd. Stock Hid. Asked.
American. . . . S5U . . . Tat Murphy. . . . 1,4
r.lUnl.ell M Cl ) { Small Hopes IK ) 10J
( iranltoMt. . EJO 10JJ \uiua . 1) )
Io 10
I'limilflnl Note * .
KANSAS OITV , Mo. , Aug. I. Clearings 11,529-
0 < U
PAULS , Aug. 1. Three per cent rentes , OSf
5c for the account ,
HAVANA. A up. l.-Suanlsh gold , 82.5302.50.
NEW VOIIK , Aug. 1. Cloarluss , 171,631,557 ;
balances. ! TU99i > 02.
SAN KUANCISCO , Cal. , Aug. 1. Drafts sight ,
o ; telegraphic , 12'/ic.
HOSTON , Mass. , Aug. 1 Oloarlngs. f 12.209-
017 : balances. tlilt : > .217. Monov , " ® Vi ! percent.
Exchange on Now York..r > SSo discount.
I'liir.ADnr.i'iiiA , Pa. , Aug. 1. Clearings , f8.-
7&UGOil ; balances , (1018,214. Money , 2 percent.
HALTIMOIIE , Md. , Aug. 1. Oloarlngs , 1.037.-
7Ui ( ; balances , f lU < U. Money , ' 1 per cent.
NEW OIILKANS. La. Aug. 1. Clearings ,
$1,124,1112. Now York exchange , commercial ,
75o ; bank , 81.50 per premium.
MKMIMIIB. Tonn. , Aug. I. New York exchange -
change soiling at (1.51 Clearings , HV43.U51 ;
balances. J17.VJ53.
ST. Loum. Mo. . Aug. I , Oloarlngs , 1771,011 ;
balances (711U09. Money firm at Oit.7 per font.
Exchange on Now York par.
CINCINNATI , O. , Aug. 1. Money , ; > ® < J per
cunt. Now York exchange , 2Mi5jo discount ,
Cloarlugs. 82,470,220 ,
NBW YOIIK. Aug. 1. [ Special Telegram to
THE HKE. ] Exchange nusiiuotod as fo.lows :
Chloago , par ; Uo3tou , 5Sc discount ; St. Louis ,
OiiiCAdO , 111. , Aug. 1. Oloarlngs , ( I7i3l,204 : ;
Money steady ut 4 per cunt , on call ; 6)4 ) on
tlmo. Now York oxchaiigb llrmiitpar. Ster
ling oxchiumo dull , sixty duys blllxti b".U ; do-
maiid II.Sj ,
Cattle Trndo In lietlor Hliupo Hogg Ten
Cunts Loi\cr.
OMAHA , Aug. L OATri.K In today's receipts
were found several loads of desirable handy
beeves that bold readily to sliiughtororii at
MJIfio advutico over Suturduy'H busts. Heavy
grudos and grassy stuff showed no sucolul
change , iiltlmuuh borne of the bettor grades
Mild a shiido stronger. Tbo supply of cows
uud mixed stock was qulto largo and con
sisted largely of range grasiors. Thu demand
was fair , trade brisk and un early clearance
wus made , about everytliliu changing bunds
before noon. The Imiulry for stouk ciittlo was
conlliiod largely to local doulers ; but few
country orders to fill. Prices were In thu
main unolmngrd from these paid ut the olojo
of lust weak. Itopresentatlve sales ;
nilKSSKI ) llKKf.
10. . 773 3 U )
. . TJS S 40
No. Av.
ail cows. . . , KO n 10
Id cows. . . BiU " "
74 steers * . , f.74
10 feeders. 7lO
1)4 ) feeders , au
1(14 ( fecUcrs avi
lloos Twenty-seven loads , a ll'.1 lit run oven
forlJouduT , with u few buucbcs carried over
from Saturday inirto up the supply. Prices
ruled 1 o lower tott'ibost boits. with many ot
them being sorted , nnd lOo to 15o lower on the
rough ends. The'inVtrkot Wns dull and weak
nt the decline butftifylng to the omall supply
trading wusovor uylnldduy. Itoprescntatlvo
No Av. Sli. Vet No. Av. Sli. Pr.
0 . . . .SU 80j.110fj 7.1. .MO 83143
112 20 720 S 10 m llfl 2SJ 645
21 . . . . : K > 2 , o n iit si , .233 ii.'o 54,1
. . .22.1 120 SIS „ 50 210 120 541
22 . . 2 > 0 SCO 5 IS 1 C.1 . . . .SB 200 fi 4.1
57 276 540 fi 2a . 73 244 8) fifO
.2.11 bO fi Si 72 SI.1 240 fifiO
KI4 210 fi IM . , 3.1 2.17 66)
.11.11 303 RSI , . 5(1 ( . . , .818 120 660
.210 400 fi M C2 224 80 ft 50
.ip.i wn am"1 in . . . .217 40
2 r 240 sn' : ' " GO. . . .227 ira r,52i !
21.1 101 5 37U' 78..103 8) fi5.1
2.4 10) ) fi M , ! M 314 41 fiM
, .181 200 fi 40 20 . . .100 81
, .SOl 200 fi 40 3D 2.11 101 f 55
,207 , 410 S 40 211 291 8) fifi.1
11 241 120 fi 40 31 13i tO fifil
C4 227 280 fi 4J Iti8 2 ! B55 .
TO .r > 3 210 fi 43 7U 2J'J BOO
b2 214 10J fi 41
rias AND noun it.
1 . . . . SW 003 3 283 40 r.O )
1 2.10 fi 00 0 260 120 500
1 iGO 40 6 OJ
Siiitnp Only ono load was received , Thomar-
Kot was actlvo miH llrm. Fair to good natives ,
M.7fiiJ4.50 ; fair to good wcstorns. M.5C48I 2,1 ;
common and stock sheep , J..WKiM.fil : coo.I to
choice 40 to 00-lb. lambs , } 4.5j5.50. Hoproson-
tatlvo salt-si
No. Av. Pr.
101 mixed natives . . . . 78 W DO
I.nst .Month's I'urclmscn ,
ll\ < - Stork ! \Inrl \ nl.
OniCAno. 111. . Ausiist 1. tSpcclnl TeleUrnm
to Tin : llii : : , I llnd tlio supply 1'cen conllnod
to tlio fr'isli lecolnts KUMHI ttnprovoiuunt In
prices of cattle might have followed , but with
ii'i addlt'onal supuly of from 4.UUJ to & , OCO head
of s.ilocaltlo \vastlttlOblio\vforanyi d-
vnnco. Oood to choice mtlvo Htcori were In
fiilrilotiiand and were taken nt strndy rules
but for anytliln uradliiK below good tlio nm-
kut was dull , weak and unevenly lower. Of
today'H arrivals aboitt 8.0JU were nathes ,
They sold on u IKISH ! ot from tl.DO to $ V'.T.t for
Infuilor to choice cows and bulls , and from
SJ 01 to > . ' : u for common to extra steers.
Instances where bettor than N.D ) was p ild
were extremely few. tlio prevailing price1)
lieliiir from JJ..3 to tl.T.'i for stocra siuu from
81.05 to S'.f.O for cows and built * There were
about J.IOJ Toxns cattle. They averaced
stpudy at from Sl.2. > to J.l. " ' > for poor lo prime
Krabsers. The receipts of westerns were
ostlim ted at ' . ' .KM lio.ul and the range of
( jnotatlons from SI. 7. to { ! . " . " >
Thcio was a sharp docllno In the prices of
IIORI. The rariL'o was fiom K'o to l. > o lower
than for Saturday iina the fcollnic was very
limp from the ononlnp ; to the close. Good
trades \\oro to bo had ar. front SV53 to J"i.03 und
any time after 8 o'cloelc the best sorts could
not bo moved nt over i. > .85 , tlionch earlier
there were scattorlni ; sales at from 8S.87K to
tJ.O' . The cool w outlier of the last tew days
Appears to have been taken advantaKO of by
the farmers to cut BODIO ot their sur
plus stock to the railway sta
tion. Hccolpts were nourly twice as liirgo
as for any day of last week. The Increase
was greater than any ono had looked for and
a titmblo In prices was the result. Not all the
lio/s were ! > old and the close was weak at
from Ij.tio to I5.t5 for poor to choice heavy and
medium weights nnd at f rom J5.0U to $ VSO for
11-ht. The bullcot the hogs went over tbo
scales at from $5 WjofJ.Tu.
Hales of sheep were readily effected at last
week's closing prices. They were In Ik'ht
supply and In Rood demand at from 81.50 to
J.vliu for poor to choice. Tlio Imub market
was steady at fiom 8 > .OJ to 70.75 for common
to choice. Culla slow at from $ l..r > ) to
f.'ioo and fancy lambs were ( j noted as high as
Itccclpts : Cattle , 14,000 ; hos , : ioP03 ; sncop ,
C,1-o ' .
The Kvenln ? Journal reports :
OAT , K llecolpts. H,0)0 ) : shipments , 4,000 !
matkel dull , weak to lower ; rood to prime
stoors. SI.4Ui4.SV : ; others. JJ/Jj4.2 : : Toxins ,
JI.Ri3.'J5 : raiiKcrs , .7.4. ' . ' : . ; .cows. t2.L'5 < a.15. : )
Hoa > Kecolpts. 5,00u : shipments. 10,000 ;
111:11 : Ket active to lOc lower ; loiitih nnd roiu-
moii , tio.SO ; cood' ' ml.\ed , J. .00-V7U ; piltno
heavy nnd butcherr weights , $ . ' > .75il5 ( 83 ;
Heeolpts , frOOO ; shipments , : i.OO ) ;
market active nnd steady ; owes. J.l.i.'itBO ;
mixed owes und-wothors. Jl.0.ii4.65 ) ( ; wethers ,
$5.03550 ; fed Toii'iins , W.50y,0i ; wcstorns ,
$ l.75linijbB ; , 81.OOaO.75.
Kovr York r.lvo' Stock MarkotH.
NKW Yonx. July M. tlKEVES Receipts for
two d.iy. .l.M ? head. lnoludln 81 cars for H.ilo ;
infirket dull. ISe per 190 Ibs. lower ; twenty
cars unsold ; native steers , 4c5o per 100 Ibs. ;
Tcxansand Inalans. 2.5 ® : i.50 : bulls nnd cows.
JiUMW-iO ; dressed oeof dull. 7'iS8iC ! per 11) ) . ;
shlpmonta tomorrow. bSO beeves.
CALVES Hecelnts for two days , 1,004 head ;
market active , Vo ocr 11) . hlirhor ; veals. Slot )
(37.09 ( per 100 Ibs : buttermilk calves. IJ.50&I2.75.
SIIEKI * AND LAMIIS Uocelpts for two days ,
15.V25 hcud ; sheep stoidy ; iambs. Uc per Ib.
hijher : Hhecp , $ J.7J55U ucr 100 Ibs : lambs ,
Jj 2.va7.00.
HOGS Itoeolpts for.two days , 5.C8iJ head. In
cluding two cars for bale ; market flrin , (5.50 ®
O.UO per 10J Ibs.
Kuiinas City I.IVD Stock Market.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Auir. 1. OATTI.E Ho-
colpts. 8,500 ; slilpnicnts , " .700 : the market was
steady to strong for good cattle , others weak
to lower throughout. Sales : Dressed beef
ana shipping steers , Cl.0.l. ! > 0i cows imd
hulferis. l,102..Vi ; Tux. is nnd Indian steers ,
$ , ' .20(32.B. ( ) ; Toxns and Indian cows. t.2.i1.00 ;
stoekois and feeders , JJ.t : ® J.CO.
llous Uocelpts 4.100 : Bblpmeiits , 2.501 : the
market was quiet and WtMOo lower ; cxtromo
ran jo of prices , Si.2Jfao.Oj ; bulk of sales , Jj.40
< & > . ! W.
SIIEKP Hocolpts , 1.003 ; shlpnirnts. I01 ! ; iniir-
krt steady ; sjlos ranged Bb53ft570 forahecp
and lamba
St. J.onls llio .Stock Alnrknt.
ST. Louis Mo , Aug. I.-OATTLK Ilecolpti ,
2l"0 ; shlpiiionts , 1'JJU ; market steady to
strong ; fair native steers , } J.2v)04.23 ) : TOXIIH
and Indian steers , { lo ® ' 3) ; cows and ean-
nois. $1.1J200.
I1.S Koto'pts , 1,70i ) ; shipments , COO ;
market So to lOo lower ; heavy , 3o.7033.OJ ;
mixed.4o.81 : ; Hxht. 85.0l5.80.
SllKBl" Hocelpts. 2.030 ; Blilpinents , GO ] : re
ceipts mostlv tluongh Tozans ; cliolco natlvo
muttons , JJ.O ® j.25.
Hugh Murphy Jlccomi'X ItcKponslblo fur the
lviavini | ; of lc voii ortli Street.
The members of tno Board of Public
Works feel that n great load has boon taken
from tbclr shouluurs.
fYesterday afternoon HuRh Murphy ap
peared botoro that body with bis
contract and bond for repaying L.oavon-
worth from tilxtoonth street to 1'aru
avenue with vitrified brick at $ l.4U per
square yard.
The sureties on the bond are George E.
Barker and W. S. Hector. Tno contract was
at once taken to tbe city engineer and the
comptroller , who certified that the city bad
funds on band to pay for repaying the inter
Tbo bond that goes with Murphy's stone
contract was also presented and on this tbo
sureties are J , N. Cornish and George- .
Barber. _
Two Contracts f p llo Awuriloil t Tonight's
Co uugil Muutlni ; .
The codncll compitlteo on public buildings
and property will tiavo two reports to sub
mit tonight. ODO of tbodo reports
will bo on the contract for the fresco work
In the council chamber and the other will bo
on the contract for art plass in the
rotunda. While'tbo ] , members of this
committee are , not talkative gentlemen ,
tboy have said oiitniEh to Indicate that K. ti.
Fassott & Sons uro the parties who will
paint ttio pictured the council cbambor.
Ono genilouiuii'W.uo said that ho was on tbo
Insldo with thu < .comraltteo romaritod tlmt
when It came ro.u ( junsilon of art ttio de-
SRIIB ! ana uUototw/urnlsbou by the other
bidders were npi , m It to any vhlblo extent.
FasROtt's bid was' but ; 3V ) higher than tbo
others and what ho proponed to glvo the
city for 3,000 was really worth
Which nature Is constantly giving in the shape
of bolls , pimples , eruptions , ulcers , etc. 'Ihebo
show that the blood U contaminated , and Bomo
numt bo given to relknotho trouble.
Is tlio remedy to foreo out these poi
sons , and euahlo ) ou to
" I have had for years n humor In my blood ,
which madu me dread to slm\e , as small Ixills or
iiimples would IMJ cut , thus causing the shavlngto
ba a great annoj ance. After taking thrco bottles
my face 19 all clear and smooth as it
S.S.S. should IMSapiwtlto splendid , sleep
well , and feel like running a foot
all from the use ot B , 8,8.
CIIAS. HEATOX , 73 Laurel it .Phlla.
Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free
$5,000 or tnoro , besides Ills designs \voro
moro elaborate nnd artistic.
The art plass will RO to the Konnnrd Art
Glass company on n bid ot $1,800. Thu com-
nilttoo llntis tlmt tbls bid is not only 1 00
cheaper , but thnt ttio designs nro superior.
workmen have commencedconcreting the
rotunda of the ellv hull , and the contractor
In charge states Hint the tllo llonr will bo
laid before the end of the present \vcok.
The marble men nro pushing their con
tract , nnd , with the exception of putting In
some pUastors which hnvo not arrived , tmvo
everything completed up to the fifth floor.
W. A , Austin , engineer at the city hall , re
ported for duty , but ai the clovntors
were not rondy to run his services were not
needed. Work , however , upon the catrui Is
boliifj pushed by the Crane company , and the
man In otmrgo status that Ihov can bo ID oper
ation today. Not later than Wednesday
the boltcra will bo tcstod and if that test Is
satisfactory tbo Ores will bo Uont up. whllo
walking up and down the stairs will bo a
thing of ttio past.
fun Axn Anuur iro.iiB.v.
Stiver Rrnpo scissors tire n necessary table
Branches of luscious looking chorrlos nro
served upon aplattor of wine-rod glass with
silver network.
Accordion pleating Is still used on the bod-
leas of thin summer gowns and In ton gowns
and for the blouse nluovcs of fignro jackets.
The old-fashioned combs of our Rrand-
mothers nro again In vojuo , nnd tower In tor-
tolscsbell carvings of gold filigree In stately
height above the short curls and puffs of the
chignon modern.
Some of the Now York hotels provide
chaperons for fcmuln guests unacquainted
with the city. A shopping tour , und r the
guidance of ono of them soon familiarizes n
stranger with the city.
It Is Intimated tlmt tboFronch government
Is seriously considering the Importation of
bablos. Tboro is a dcllclt , it appears , In the
national baby budget of 38,440 Infants.
Mr * . IlnrrUon has a pusston for orchids
and h > u thorn in profusion In the rooms of
tbo executlvo mansion. The whllo house
conservatory contains over 153 varieties of
ttio orchid-about 5,000 of the plants In
Some of the now dust cloaks nro dainty
enough for ton gowns or evening cloaks. Ono
worn recently at the races was of fawn China
silk , trimmed with double ruuhos of rllioon
round the hem , nnd had a crepe of guipure
Hod with long ribbon loops. They are lined
throughout with ihln China silk.
A boautlful decoration Is so doslgnod that
the center of the table Is illlod with a crystal
lake dotted with water lilies , amid which
floats a silver gondola laden with Iris blooms.
About the sldos of the ralulaturo lulco foath-
orj-tuttod water-rushes bond.
A Jaunty small hat is often more suitable to
the wearer's small ilguro thnti n moro elab
orate affair. Quick as a flash the other day ,
when all the rest were selecting sailors , a
pretty brown-oyed girl with line , small fea
tures teen to herself a crinkled brim flat of
flno braid edged with fancy straw , a mlto of
n hat which just covered the crown of her
According to an acknowledged authority
on dross , If a girl is accompanied In public
bv a dog she should dross In tmrmouy with
the dog or change- dogs with each dress.
Broivn and gold brown tones nro In svmpathv
with tin Irish setter. Vestal whlto 'matches
the grim vlsaged whlto bull terrier. The
vulgarity of n yellow dotr Is mated by proper
artificial shadlags of hair.
"I suppose If you were to lese your monov
thnt you would go into chicken raising or
something of that sort , oh ? " "No , " said the
wealthy young woman , "I should not. I
would bo sure to mnko a fnilurn of It. I am
too strong. You know those women In the
newspaper stories who mnko such wonderful
success never weigh moro than ulnctv
pounds. ' *
Mrs. L. K. Patton , HookforJ , IU. , writes :
1 From personal oxporlenco I can recommend
DoWitt's Sarsaparllla , a euro for Impure
blood and general aobillty. "
Fined Two Hail Men.
M. Boatman , proprietor of the Omaha
house , was lined ? 40 and costs In police court
yesterday morning for abusing his wlfo and
resisting an o01 cor. This Is the second tlmo
Boatman has Been token in for the snrao of-
A man named John Dunn walked into the
home of Mrs. McVeigh , .10J South Tulr-
toonin street , yesterday , and proceeded to
make himself nt homo by smashing furniture
and talking loud to tbo inmates. Ho paid $20
and costs In police court yesterday for the
fun bo had.
DoWitt's Sarsaparitm cleanse ? tbo blood ,
increases the appetite and tones up the svs-
toro. It has bonotlttod many people wtio
bavo suffered from blood dUordor.s. It will
Grading Douglas Street.
Ed. Phelan , who has the contract for grac
ing Douglas street from Sixteenth to Twon-
tloth , commenced work yesterday. Ho
status that ho will complete vDo grade within
sixty days.
Sick headache } Beecham's Pills will re-
On the one hand there's
$500 in cash ; on the other ,
tliero'a a euro for your CUT
lorrh. Ono of thcso two tilings
has got to como to you that's
promised nnd ngrecd by the
proprietors of Dr. page's Ca
tarrh llcmedy.
But , do you thinlc they'd
mnko any such promise if they
weren't sure that you'd bo
icured ? That has como to
* thousands , through this Ilcino-
dy , hen every tiling else has
fulled. I/ its mild , teething ,
cleansing nnd healing proper-
tics , the worst chronic cities of
Catarrh in the Head have been
perfectly nnd permanently
That's tbo reason they're
willing to take such n risk.
This is what they say , clearly
nnd plainly : " If wo can't euro
your Gutnrrh , no inatter how
tad your case or of how long
standing , we'll pay you $500
in cash. " If they have faith
enough to say that , Isn't it safe
for you to bavo a llttlo faith.
Union Stock Yards CompanA"
est cnttlo , hoi ; nnd sheep inurkot In the west
OMUIU Write to thU hou for cor-
_ reot Mlrl"t
Wood Brothers ,
Fouth Qmaha Telephone in ? . - Chicago
J , 1 > . DADI8MAN. I , ,
W. K. WOOD. fM nmrori ,
Mnrkot reports by mall un 4 wire cheerfully
furnished upon application.
- T 1-113 - '
Campbell Commission Co.
Chlcaeo , EistSt. Louis , Kansas Olty , South
Oniulij , eloux Oltv. Fort Worth.
A. D. Boyer &Company ,
Ml a nd M Exohungo Ilulldliu.Boiith Omaha.
CorrOKtioriJoncd itollcltod nnd urauiptl ? nnvwrerJl.
tjiucful attention tu onion forntoeltoM A. foudori.
Kitablliued , 1831. . . . Incorporated , 13JJ
Capital full ? I'MJ ' , t.MAMJ.
Waggoner Uirney Company ,
Write or wlro ui for prompt and reliable markJt
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Live Stock Commission.
Itoora 61 Exchange llulldln.bouth Omaha
Tuiupliono 17J7.
M. H. Hegarty & do. ,
Uooin 31 Ilij-iufd
Boutb Omaha , - Neb
' and Joibs' Directory
\ )
J. H.
Contrnctors nnd Biib contractora for nil kinds of
Ijulldlni : , pUitcrlMit , ptlntliiK , etc. , n III rooclvoa
copy of tiicnn'H nrcliltucls' and bulldurV directory
free , bxcndltiKtliulrniuuD , bualncxi nud location
to tliL publltbcr. J. 11. Olcnn , IMS. IJtli itrcct.
M. E. Smith i Co , Kiljutriek Koch
Dry good * , notions , fur- Dry (3oodi Co. Notions ,
nlshlnc coudi. Corner KJiits' furnlshlni ; H'O ' Is
11th utitl Ilov\nrdbt8. Cor. llthaid llow.ird.
Oinak Upholstering Co , liccbo & Hnnyan
UpliolBtcrcd furniture , 1'urnlturo Co. , Grace and
1UU IIOJNIcholna street IJtli atrcut.
nalu only.
D. M. Stccle&Co.Blake / , Bruce & Co
12Jl-rj05 Jones street , 110th and Ilnrncy s tro ct
Omaha. Omaha.
An ordinance establishing the grade of 10th
stroutfrom Giand avcniiutol'owlcr avonuu ;
40th strcot from Aint-s avenue to Spr.iiMio
street , and 40th avcnuo from Arncs uvtuiuo
to Sprague street. In the city of Umaha.
Ho It ordained by the city council of the city
of Omaha :
Section 1. The grade of 39th street from
Grand uvenuo to Kowlcr avenue , 40th sticut
from Ames avcnuo to Spragitu street ! and 40th
uvonuo from Amos nvoiiuo to Spr.ino ( streot.
In the city ot Onmha , Is horouy catubllshcd
ut the following ulovutlons the triulo bolna
iinlfonn stral lit lines between the points
specified In the streets , nvuiiupi ot allovs
named In the n-pccthohections following , to-
wlt :
Section 2. Grade of Mth street
Kluviitlon Clov.-it on
of West of 10. i ( it
Uurli. Ourli.
South euib of Graiirt avo..27.0J ! 21 ' .DO
North curb of Fowler uvo'Ou.OJ 'JOiUO
Boctloii : t. Grade of 4flth strnot
Nortli oui b of Ames in euiio.
as established . 107.50 1C800
South curb of Ames aveiiuu
us established . i 7..r J JCJOO
North curbof lloyd st . l-'ufiJ l" )
South curb uf lloyd si . . . .IM.CO 12S.OU
Center of alloy botwofii
lloyd ttiid bpnmuo sls..l'4 00 12J.OO
S'ortli curb of buraKuost..WiOJ 13j.OJ
Section 4. Uradoof 40th avenue-
North curbof Amcsiivenuu.
as established . 15D.M 1CO.M
South curb of AIIIOJ iivcnuo
as established . 150.50 1C0.50
Points Lotwcen Iots2. > and -
SOKadford UulKlils . KiSOO WS.OO
Not th curb of lloyd street. . IIIO..V ) iw.50 :
boiithuurbot lioya street. . IJO.OO UO.OO
Center of alloy between
lloyd nnd bpiainio bts . 12800 12600
Nortli curb of Hpraguu st. ) IS8 00
bectloub. This ordinance shall tal.c olieot
ind bo In foroo from and after Its passage.
Uity Olcrlc.
I'retildeut City Council.
Approved July 83rd , lhUlalinltfISi
Council Chambor. Omaha. Nob. . July 21 , 1602.
Ho It ordained by the city council of the ulty
ot Om.tha , the Mayor concurring :
That Horinanont Hide-walks - bo constructed In
the city of Omaha IIH designated below , within
live days iiftor the publication of this resolu
tion , or the porsnnitl sorvlco thereof , IIH by or-
( II n unco Is uiithorl/od and roijiilred ; such
sldowalks to bo l.ilU to tlio poriiiaiient gi'.iilo
ascslahllshvd on on the p.ivi-d htrouts jiecl-
lled huiolu nnd to ho conatructod of stone , ar-
tlllolul Btonii. brlclc or tiling accor-Iliu to
Hpeclllcf.tlonson Illo In tl'o olllco of the board
of publlo woiks , and under UH hiipervislon , to-
wit :
bouth side of 1'lorco Btroot , It U blU 2CO city , 0
f cot wido.
Knst side ot 10th strcot , Us 4 and OblU 21 ! )
city , U feel wldo.
t-outh Bhloof AIiiBon street , It 3 1)1 It 231 olty ,
8 feet wldo.
North flldoof Ii.ivonport Btrcot , ltsr , 0 , 7and
8 bik M city , 0 foot wldo.
Nor tli Bid o Chicago street , Its 5,0 and 7 , blk
41 city. U feet wldo.
Bomb sldo of OassstrcoVltsl. 2 , 3 nnd 4 blk
41 olty. 0 feet wldo.
North slUoO.issitroot . , Its fi , 0. 7 nnd 8 bile 22
olty , U foci wide , ' .
fcouth sMo of California strcot , Its 2 , 3 and 4
blk 2J olty , 0 feut Mlclo.
Nortli Hldo ot Oiillfonila street , Its5 , 0 , 7 and
8hlk II city 0 foot wldo.
South sldo of WubUor strcot. Its 1 , 2 , 3 and 4
blk.ll city. U foot wldo ,
North Hldo of Webster street , Its 5 , 0,7 und 8
blk ; ) city , ( I feet wldo.
SouthBldoof lluri/street , Its2und 4 and w ! i
It a UIU 35J city , U feet wide. , , , . ,
INorth sldo of llurtbtrcet. Its 6,0,7 und 8 blk
city , ( I feet wldo.
West sldo 17th street , Its 1 and 8 blk 41 city
0 fi'nt wide.
West Kldu of 17th street. Its 1 and 8 blk 22
cltv , (1 ( foot wldo
West sldo ot 17th Btroot , It 1 blk U olty , 6 foot
W\Vu'ttsld of 17th Btrcot , Its 1 and 8 blkUJO
olty * 0 fvot wloe.
West sldo of 17lll Htrt'Ot , It 8 blk ! Ui city , 0
C\Vusl sldo of 17th street , It 1 bill 21414 city , 0
Nortli sldo of Davenport moot , ItsS. 0,7.8
01 kU ulty. U foot " , ,
North sldo of Hurt atrcut , IwS , 0 , 7,8 blk JIO
city , 0 feut wldo.
And. bo It further resolved :
That tlio board of publlo works bo , and Is
lieruby authorized und dlruotml to o-iiisu u
ropy of this resolution to bo published In the
onlclul paper oftho city for ouo week , orbo
Itcclor 4 Wilhclmj Co. I/obcck & Linn.
Corner 10th nnd . Jncknon Penlern In Imrdirnro nnd
ttrcoti. tiivrlinnlcM1 tools.
KOI Ho UK Ins street.
A. C. llaymer.
llulldors * Imrdrrnro nnd
cunlrnctorn' ntipplles ,
6 ! tfoulli lHh .trcct ,
Her & Co. Frick & HerberL
Mquor merchants. 1111
ll.irncr t. Mfn. Kun- doilor
ncdy's Knst India lilt- 1001 Furimiu sU
J. Olicrfcldcr & Co.
Importers nnd Jobbers of
millinery , notions. Mnll
order < prompt.
KU-lotiUimii : ! St.
A. llospc , Jr.
rin o < , orcnns , nrtlsts'
miitcrlnU , etc.
1MB liounlHB Btrcot.
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co.
Cnrry n full itock of
prlntliiK , wrnpplnR nnd Hcllm-d nnd lubrlcntlng
lnK piper , cnrd pn- oils , uxlc grciiio , uto.
per , otc.
Kinz & Sracai
Mfri of "K * 8" pant
nlilrlH nnd ovoralli , etc.
011-18 South lllhul.
Kstnbllaticd 1878. Branch & Co.
Whitney & Co ,
Produce , fnilti of all
Duller , cBRn nnd poultry , kinds , oyatcra.
ai'.iboulli 13th Bt.
J. B. Huse & Co. Uas. ! J A. & Co.
Our npcclnltlcs : Huttor , i lluttcr. cheese , eg
I'KKH and poultry. iKiiiIIrr anilKnmo.
1U1.I Howard Bt. 317 boutli Ulli st.
W. E. Riddcll. Riddcll & Co.
( i : tnblHhcd 16SS. ) lluttcr , cliecsoOKU' , veg
Wluilci-olo butter nnd etable * , frulta , poultry
C K * . HuysnndBOllafor nndh'ima.
OKxIi. 4UB. lltlut.
OmaliaSlovcllcpairW'ks '
Etovo repairs nnd wntor
nttnchmonta for any
kind of stoT-o rnado.
12U7 Douglas. I
M. A. Disbrow & Co. H. Hardy & Co.
MnniifncturoM of iaib , Toys , dolln , albums ,
doora , blinds and Inner goods , liousof ur *
moulding * , nrnncli of nlslilPK Koodi , chil
fice , 12ta and Iiard sts. dren's cnrrlnccs.
131V Fnrnam it.
served on the owner * of said lots , and that
, utrosssuch ownerssliall within flvo days uftor
i the publ oatlon or hcrvlco of such copy cou-
1 struct such sidewalk as heroin rculrotl. ] that
the board of publlooiks cause thoBamo to
bo done , the cost of constructing bald sldo-
w.ilUsrcsueet.volv to ho assessed agnlnst tlio
real estate , lot or part of lot In front of aud
abuttliu such sldowillo3. :
1'assod , July21st. I89i
E. 1' . DAVIS.
President of the Council.
Attest : JOHN GKOVKS ,
City Cleric.
Approved : GEO. 1' . 11E.M1H ,
To the owners of the tots , parts of lots and
realcit.rtodescribed In the above resolu
tion :
You and each of you are horooy notified to
construct permanent slduw.UKs as required by
a resolution of tlio city council and mayor of
tlio city of Omaha , of which the ubovo Is a
p. w. muiciiAnsnii.
Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works.
Omaha , Nob. , July -dth , 1 U. . Jy28d7t
Council Chamber. Omaha , Nob. , July 2lst,1692.
Uo U resolved by the city council of thu
city of Omaha , iho mayor concurring :
Tlut uoojon sidewalks lie eoiihtriictml In
the city Omaha us designated below , within
11 vo days uftor the publluutloii of this resolu
tion , or the personal service thereof , ashy
ordinance Is authorized and requliotl ; fcuch
sidewalks to bo laid to iho present gradu on
the strcots speol'Jod heroin , and to bo con
structed of plno plank of such width und
thickness and bo laid upon joists of biich
( llmuns'oiiH and In Mich manner us Is pro
scribed by the specllluutlonj on Ilio In the
ollleu of Iho Itounl of Publlo Works and under
Its supervision , to wit ;
West side of 31st street , lot 18 blook ) , Ornuha
Vlnw o\tciison. ! 0 foot wldo , X
West sldu ot3lRt Bticut , lots I to 4 Inclusive , %
block 2. ) , lioohmo'H sub In Omuhu View exten
sion , 0 feet wldo.
West Hldo of 31st strcot , lotl block 20 , Omaha
Vlow extension , 0 fact wldo.
West sldo of 31st street , lotl blok7 , Omaha
Vlow , 0 foot wide.
South Hide of Ohio street , lots 1 to 10 Inclu
sive , block I. Hitchcock's addition , 4 feet wldo.
South sldo of Ohio street , lots 1 to II Inclu.
Blve. blook 2. Hitchcock's addition. 4 foot wld
Kast sldo of 29th uvo. , lats 10 to 14 Inclusive ,
block 2. Hoggs & Hill's second addition , 0 fool *
Kust sldo of 20th avcnuo , lots 11,11 , in blook 2 ,
Hoggs & IIUI'8 2nd addition. U feet wldo.
South sldo ot Douglas street , lot 1 block 0
Hoggs & Mill's 2nd audition 0 foot wide.
Nordi sldoof Dodge street , lots 11 to 20 In
clusive block4 Druko's addition. C feet.
West sldo of 28th uvoiiuu , lots 1 , 2 , 3. 4 block3
Hoggs Ac Hill's 1st addition , 4 fool wide.
boulh sldoof California htreut. lotsl to fl In
clusive block 4 Swuorv's addition. 0 feut wldu.
Kttst sltlu of IMtli street , lots It ) to 10 Inoluslva
I'nlrinoiint Pluco. ( I feel wldu.
Ninth sldo of Ohio Nlrout. lots 7 to 12 Inclu
sive , 1)1 ooIt 1 , Frederick's addition , ( I foot wldo
North sldo of Ohio street , lots 7 to 12 luclu-
hlvo , Marlon addition , G foot wldo.
West sldo of I'lllh street , lot 1 blouk3.Swoozy
addition , U feet wldo.
Wt-at sldo of 2tlth street , tax lot 2.1 , r > oo 10-15-1
0 feel wldo.
West side of 27th street , n \ \ ' block O , Shltm's ,
1st addition. C feet wldo. . -f
West sldo of 27th Ntroot , s / block C , Shlun's k
1st addition. 0 foot wldu , >
And bo It further rcsolvod :
Thut the Hoard of Public Works bo and
licroby U authorized uiid din-clod to ouiisoa
copy of thin resolution to bu published In tlio
olllulul paper of the olty for ono wt-ok , or bo
served on the owners of suld lots and unlms
Kiich owners Hlmll within IIvo days after tlio
publication or sorvlco of mull copy cuustruot
Hild Hhluwnlks heroin required , tliuttlia
lluurd of Publlo Works OHIISO thu Hit mo to bo
done , tlio cost of constructing sild slduwnlka
ruspectlvoly to l > o iisnonsod uguInU the real
oil ute , tutor inrtof lut In front of and nbut-
Preside nt City Council.
Attest ! JOHN UKOVKS ,
City Clerk.
Approvedi OEO , P , HE.MI8.
To the ownorsof the lots , parts of loin and real
ckfito described In the ubovo rutolutloni
You nnd ouch of you are hereby not I llou to
conitmct wooden slduwalks us reiiutrod by a
resolution of the city council und mayor of
the city of Ouiuha , of which tlio ubovo Is a
Ohalrmmi Hoard of Publlo Work .
Oinnba , N U , Juljr Wth , IbW. Jy28d7t