Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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ly Cnrrlcrtonny pat t of the City
i " trlIIOvEh ! llM lncM Office. Nell
I Mght Editor No23
K Y. 1'lumblng Co.
Council Bluff * Lumber Co. ,
Nathan M. Kelly and Mnllda E. UidRoway ,
both of this city , were marrlud vostordny oy
Justice Hammer.
Tbo Married Ladles' Social society bavo
novcd Us exchange Irom Ti7 to Dl" Broad
way , ono door above Atkins' ilruir storo.
A change hns bcon made In the tlmo for
holdlMR the democratic caucuses next bixtur-
dny evening. The polls will bo open from 5
to 8 p. m ,
H. W. Qoiloy fllod n pint of his now subdi
vision ycstordoy with the county recorder.
The subdivision lies nt Iho corner of Broad
way nnu Ulllot street ,
The ladies of the Second Presbyterian
church will clvo n watermelon sociable this
evening nt I ho residence of A. M. Htltchln-
KOII , 610 Franldln nvenuo.
The ieiular ; mcotliiR of the Hallway Em
ployes club will be hold in Archer hall to
morrow ovenlmr. AH railway oniplo\o nro
Invited to ntttcnd. F. E. Glllllimd , secio-
tarv. ,
'TlmYotinp i'cople's bocloty of Christian
Endeavor voted'nt tholr mcctuifj Sunday
evening to supply the Younp Men's Christian
Association roudln room this % oar with the
You tit' People's Standard nnd the Golaou
II. E. Uundlott nnd Miss * Mary Hccardt
nro coitiK to bo married tomorrow nl Tuma ,
and will ba at home to tholr friends In this
city after August U , " > ut their now residence ,
1811) Fifth avouuo.
Hufjlr Heed and Etnel Kockxvcll , both of
this city , wcro muirlcd Sunday afternoon by
Justice Swcarlugcn at the residence of the
brldo'r patents , Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. W. Itock-
well , 1114 avenue 1C. A larcc number of the
friends of the family were present.
Invitations nro out for a ilouulo wedding
nt thn residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Con-
rnd on Harrison street ou Wednesday evenIng -
Ing , August n , at 8 o'clock. The parties nro
Miss L.cnn L. Conrad ni.d Fred Whoolock ,
nnd Miss May Culver nnd George A. Prior.
A petition was filed In the district court
yesterday by Mathilda SVcinhottncr asking
for n divorce from her husband , Henry Wolu-
hottnor , on the ciounds of drunkenness nnd
cruelty. She also wants the custody of hot-
two children , aged two and three years ro-
Twelve men who were arrested cy the
oolico at different Union batvveou Saturday
morning and Sunday night on the charge of
vagrancy wcro roloaica by Judge McGao
yesterday morning , there being no evidence
against them. Four drunks were lined the
usual amount.
A meeting of the Catholics of the city was
held Sunday afternoon nt St. Joseph's
academy to tuko some notion to Induce the
Sisters of St. Francis" academy to allow
their school to remain bcro. The matter was
put into the bunds of n committee consisting
of .tunics Wickhum , James Million , John
Dohntiy , Dr. O'Gorman , J. M.Calvin nnd
P. Uounoudo.
Thrco imitation cowbovs started out for a
tlmo Sunday night. To show what motnl
they wcro maoo of they commenced opera
tions by firing n futtlludo on lower Bioadway
with their revolvers. It aroused the o nicer
on that boat , and ono of tbo gang , \V. A.
Brown , Blent in the cooler over night.
Yho other two , ono of whom was named
Manning , escaped and wont to Omaha , so
tbat the oQlcois could not find them. Brown ,
who hns qulto u police record , was fined $15
in the nolico court yesterday morning.
Captain W. A. Hares , who has had a cnso
pending In pohco court for over a month for
disturbing tbo peace , uns on trial yesterday
morning , and most of his nmgbbors wcro ou
hand to sco that ho got the full doso. Sov-
riral witnesses testified that the warlike cap-
tuln had gotten up on the steps of Mrs.
Theodora Bray's house nnd had anplioJ a
number of vile epithets to bar In a manner
that awakened the whole neighborhood.
Hayes then pleaded euilty to the charge and
was lined (10.10. Ho paid the line aud was
\Vtlltam Dolson wan arrested at Man awn
yesterday by Constable Evans and taken be
fore Justice Cones to nnsvor to the charge
if malicious mischief , In shooting and killing
uno of John Montgomery's hounds in the
X'cstnrn part of the city. CnnstabloVosloy
vns sent to Munawa several days ago to
Piako Mie arrest , but while tboro ho mot
lomo friends , with the result thai ho was
nicked UD nnd put on a car to bo brought
back to the 'Bluffs without knowii.g any
thing about it. When nirnlgnod Dolson ad
mitted killing the dog , but claimed In dc-
lenco tbat the dog had bitten him. The case
will have a hearing next Monday , and in the
ineautlmo Dolson Is out on ball.
Mrs. Johnson , who bus been keeping bouso
for u man named Jeffries , who llvns on North
Tenth street near tbo driving park , presented
herself at the police station last even
ing with u grievance. Sbo claimed
that she had. hired out to Jeffries
blx years ugo at the rate of W a week , and
that while her pay had always bcon very
regular , Jeffries hud bcon almost ns regular
about boriowing the $3 Loforo the week was
up. As n result she found hareolf nt the end
of six years with $7 In the bank. Jeffries
became angrv at her bccuuso she would not
spend this llttlo firtuno for eatables , and
made It -unpleasant for her that she de
cided to leave , but ho shut up her household
poods and refused to lot her go. She was in
a peck of trouble , but when nho left tno sta
tion she had not decided what aha would dote
to get out of It.
P7JKAU.V.II'.Ul.Ullt.lPIIS. .
John Dohany , Jr , has returned from Port
land , Ore. , wboro no has boon for u your.
Ml s Ida Lutz goes to Denver next Fridav ,
accompanied by u friend from Burlington. *
Miss Vlnnlo Shorrndon has returned from
a two weeks' visit with relatives In Nebraska.
C. A. Case loft yesterday for Hock Haplds ,
la. , where ho will tano a situation lu u musl-
oil instrument factory ,
Mrs. William Moore and daughter , Miss
Nellie , left yesterday for Hot Springs , S. L ) . .
there they wilt stuy several wooks.
Miss Sue MoLain , who has boon visiting
the Misses Oliver on Park nvoeuo , loft yes
terday morning for her homo In Chicago.
Thomas Tostovm Is In St. Louis mailing
arrangements for the manufacture of a
draughting apparatus which bo has recently
W. C , Bodman , of the Crane Etovator
company , and Hon. John Mulvahlll. also of
Omaho , were enjoying Council Blulli1 scen
ery yestcrd y.
Next Friday there will bo a great cmicra-
tlon of Masons nnd thi'lr friends from Coun
cil Bluffs to Denver. Most ot these from
this city will leave on the special train on
the Union Paoillo Friday ovonlng nt 0:45 :
o'clock. Among thoiv wbovlil compose the
Diirty nro Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Jnmoson , Mr.
mm Mra. W. O. Wirt , Mr. und MM. Via N.
Jennings , Mr. nnd Mrs. George W. Upo ,
Hov. and MM. KJ. J , Babcock. Mr. nnd Mrs.
P. Wind. Dr. T. B. Lacov. Mrs. B. Atkins.
Mrs. Liura Klrby , MUs Ella Uagadalo und
Miss Anna Mooro.
Trains leave Mntwwii dullv nt 8 u nillO
rum. , 12m. , uuU * i a , iJHl : ) , 3 , ! ! : ! W , 4 ,
4tO : : , 0 , 6ao : , o.uto. ; : 7. 7:30 : , 8 , 8uo : , o
9:80 : , 10 , 10iO : : , 11 and 11w : p. in. The
11:55 : train will miku commotion with
the lustolcotrlo motur cur toe Omiihtu
lliiok from Colorado.
] : . C. and Arthur Cole , who lofc several
weeks ago for u tour through Colorado and
tbo west , huvo returned , and with them they
bring u great many surlllntr ator'qi ' of llfo In
tlmt section of tbo country. They wont as
fur us tbo railroad would tuko them and then
they chartered a broncho for W a month ,
lastontd their camping utensils on his back
und explored the wlldoraes ! , for aooat IJJ !
miles on foot. They brought sovOral elk aud
Jlhcr specimens of tuclr booty ,
The Jewel gUBoUno stove ID the best
In tlio world for sufoty , durability and
icoiioiny , uud thn now Jewel Is Ita oqunl.
See them ut Clmrloa Swtiluo'tf. 737
George Davle , drugs und paints.
Qniot Session of the Echosl EoarJ Hold
During Wolh1 Temporary Absanco.
All l Wolln * ItddolutloiM Orrlrrcd Kt-
jiuiiKoil Ironi the Jtecord A Scliuol
nt Cut Oir ArraiiRlnff f < ir Now
The school board held n spoolnl mofitln > ?
last ovoutuff. IjUclus Walls , wbo ( vw such ft
thorn In the flosb ol the republican members
nt ttio ast mooting , wes absent , nnd Iho
mooting proRrRssed with nil the smoothness
nnd the goad fooling of nn old-fashioned
Mothodlst camp mcetttiR.
Owing to the fact that President Walta
loaves In a low dnys and will not bo back
until September , It wan decided to tnnko n
change In the data of the bonds , which are
to bo Issued In n short time , from August 15
toSoptombor 15 , nnd the secretary WAS In
structed to mitko this change In nit min
utes. In ronalnc the minutes of the
In-a mooting hu was also Instructed 19 leave
out all of these portions relating to
the bau ! < tnllc which was indulged In bctwocn
Wells and Wnltc , nnd nlso to oxputiRO the
resolutions which were presented by Wells
on the ground that they had not bcon
seconded nnd was not therefore properly a
pirtof the proceedings.
Chairman UHdcnstcin of the committee
on boating reported that the cost of repairs
In the hentlnc nnoaratus nt the Pierce
street school would bo $100. Ho recom
mended that the old heating nnu.iratus ul
be replaced Dy nc < v. In nccordanco with his
rccimiincndnltoti the commlttuo was in
structed to ailvurtUo fur bids for heating.
Chairman Fields , of Iho committee on
bulldlnpi , reported that ho , together with
other mumbor * of the board , hnd miulo n trip
to Cut-Off for the purpose of loolclnc over
Iho grounds with a view of securing n DullJ-
Ina for school purposes this year. Ho had
found two rooms , ono belonging to P.
A. Bond , which was offered for $15
n month , and the other owned by John
Kcrr , forl'l.i > 0. Tim oond room was pro
fen oil on account of Its location and the com-
mlttco wus instructed to ongagu It and put It
In stutno for use.
Shubcrt roportcd that ho had received the
sumplo of the "Champion" seat which ho had
bcon authorized to ardor und ho did not think
It was the kind tbo board wanted.
The board then passed to tbo consideration
of the plans for the now building nt tha cor
ner of Graham avenue and Madison street.
Four architects wcro present , W. II. Alforil ,
C. 1C. Bell , A. U. SchraooK nnd J. W. Wood
ward. Each man wai given ton min
utes in which to show plans and
explain thorn to the board , while his rivals
stayed out In the hall. Tno board then dls-
cdssod thorn and flnallv decided to accept
the plans olTercd by Bull. Thev call for a
building of tbo estimated cost of $3,509 nnd
will cost the board ? J50. Alford's estimate
wus S > , C)00. and ho wanted ? ! SS for his plans ;
Schmouk's estimate was $8,000 , and for his
fcofci.OOO ; Woodward's cstimnto was $ DOOJ ,
nud his fee $ -30. .
STIL.I , mii'iii curs.
Grrut Clearing hnlo nc tlio lloito'i Store ,
Council lUinls.
At G5c wo nhow an 85c.
At 7c ! ) oui1 $1.00 spread.
At OSc our $1.25 spi ond.
Our linu of 25c towels for 19c or $2.15
per do on.
Boat qutihty pattern oil cloth for 15c.
Adjustable window , screens for 19c
Wash ullks , taffotta cords and Chilian
cloth all in at lOc a yard.
Light nnd dark clmllics worth Gc and
7c for 4c n yard.
Pears' unaccnted soap 9c n cake.
Walker's Water Lilly , Dusky Diamond ,
Census soap and custilo , all in at ii
cakus for lOc. Buttermilk soap lOc a
Colored parasols at half price , $3.00
for $2.50 , 38.00 for $1.50 and so o-i.
All our black sun umbrellas at cost
during the 11-day sale.
Come early and secure the best bar-
Council Bluffs , lu.
Tim City Council lrcl : < lrs Thtt : Ono Organ
IB Knoiili. |
At the mcctlnp of tbo city council last
evening Mayor Lnwicnco and Aldermen
GeUo , Gravei , Jcnnlncs , Pace , Smith , Tib-
butts and Vun Brunt wrro present. Oilly
tbo chulr formerly occupied by the late
Alderman U. C. drown vacant , and It
had bean tastefully draped in memory of tbo
dead , while a beautiful bouquet of ( lowers
stood on tbo table in frout.
On tbo tublo in front of Alderman Smith
but in u position where it could bo easily
reached bv the mayor or uny member of tbo
council who wanted to chow a wocd , ( smok-
IIIL' 1 not allowed , ) sat a box of cigars. It
had bcon put tnero by Smith as u sort of a
burnt sacrillce In honor of till rocout victory
over the Phlllislinos , b'at domocuati and ro-
rupuhllcans allko with wonderful willingness
to overlook past differences , put their hands
into the box as often as It cuino around.
After the monthly bills bad been allowed
and a number of reports trom the eommiltoo
of the whole had boon received Alderman
Uoiso stated that ho and ' 'oco bad learned
that tbo city could borrow u nllo driver from
somebody in Garner township , and recom
mended that no money bo laid out on a pile
driver. Tbo recommendation was cou-
currnJ In.
Tbo marshal was Instructed to abate the
nulsnnco near the axc-hundlo factory and In
the rear of the Kiel hotel stables.
Tbo committee to which was referred the
petition asking that Unlosburg addition Oo
roplutted roportcd that It was inexpedient ;
concurred In.
' The petition of M. E. Meyors for the can
cellation of tax assessment was refused.
Tbo report of tbo Judiciary committee that
tbo council offer N. M. Pusoy IUUO la full
settlement of his clniiu of $1,40J for attorney
fees was concurred In.
A communication from J. C. Dahavon call
Ing attention to the bad condition of North
Suott street was road and referred to tlio
oiiKinoor for information us to the probublo
cost of making ImorovomentB.
A 'btconth attempt wan made to elect a
city cleric. Van Brunt nominated Sloponson
nnd Qolso nominated Dick Holllns. Two
uallots were talcon , thothrctulomocrutg stuck
to HollliiB nnd Iho four republicans to btupfi-
onson. Klvu votes were nsotmury to an
election and the election was postponed ouco
The report of the committee to which was
rolrriod the division of the city into voting
products was road , und alter tbrco readings
tbo ordinance providing for tbo redivision
was passed. The boundaries us tbny now
oxiit were published sovornl daya IIRO ,
An ordinance wan proioutcd providing that
It should bo unlawful for any person to cir
culate uny advertising circulars , poitois , or
tbo MUc , without Hut obtaining a license
from tbo ulty ; the prlco of such liooaso being
$ . ' 5 per year , nothing leas than > being
churned lor uny fraction of a year. The or
dinance wai laid over under the rules.
An ordinance accepting tbo plat of
Mynstcr'5 Uenton street uddltlQii was refer -
for red. to the committee ot the wlinlo.
Alderman Tipltts , with tha air of a man
who had made a great dUcovory , nroio ut
thU Juncture uud stutod that tor the past
year mid n half tbo city hud boon paying out
exact ] ) twleo as much money as win uecos >
jury for ulty printing by having two oQlulul
papers luitoad of ouo , at ha a bcon
coiimdorod > ufllclont horotnforo. Ho moved
that hereafter the printing bo given to ono
pupurouly. To tblt the domocrutlumtfuibors
demurred , us ( t wai plain enough ttiat
Ihatplnn would maUo It IIUDOSB !
bio for the { llobo to get Us no > o
In DI the public trough , The motion
was carrlod , bowovor , by u party vole of 4 to
U , aiid wbon Van Bruut movoii that tbo Nou-
purell b < > declared I no ofllolal paper of tbo
city , at the laino prlco U u now receiving ,
h tlon went through by the same
ur > The only romant mido by either
t. . w i that of Jennings , who sncrgoitod
that inero were two city papor. , nnd ho
thought the city ought to try to support
them both.
A petition for writer on East Picrco street
and Canning Atroot was referred to the com-
mlttco on water.
A icsolution exempting the members of the
Veteran Plromon's n socHtlon from the pay
ment of neil tax was referred to the flro
At tlio Huston Stora clearing Sale , Council
All our light wool plaids , strSnos and
mixtures thut sold for 50 and 5Sj , during
sale for 33c.
Full Hue of bjdford cords in plnln and
fancy weaves , also camels' hair sorpos
and Scotch chevrons that sold foe Too
and 88c , durlntr sale for 52c } Pull line
of cololo uni , bjdfonl soi-ds , cropons ,
7.1g zij : { jncquards , etc. , that sold for
81.00 und $1.25. during sale for 72c.
Oalanco of our all wool chnlllos in light
and dark , durinp sale for flOc.
$15.00 dross ptttcrn for $7.50.
S10 00 dross pattern for $5.5i ) .
China silk in Iljmro3 that sold for 03o
and Too during sale for 47c.
Council BiulTs , la ,
lln'x Knnwii In Lincoln.
Sovornl days ago nn account nppoarod in
Tn BBC of the nrrost of James Halrdon , a
Lincoln mm , on tlio chnrgo of having
burglarized John Murgel's store in Cheyenne
cnuntv , Nobrnska , several yo.irs ago. Tbo
mornluc after the arrest Morgel failed to
show up und linirdon was rolouscd. Yoitor-
day Chief Scanlan received a letter from A.
l > . Pound , chief of tbo Nebraska State DC-
toctlvo association of Lincoln , stating that
Kulmen was nn all-around crook nnd tough ,
nnd tirnt ho had arrested him on u number of
occasions for being Implicated in crimoi with
another notorious chnractor named Barrv.
f o hoped tbo uutboritlcs here would succeed
in making out n case niraliist him. That Mr.
Pound will bq disappointed goes without
savlntr , for as soon ns Ralrdon was dis
charged ho commenced boating a tattoo on
ou the pavement that ho kept up until it
died away in the distance.
Ills .Mothor Helped Him.
Dick Grandon , who has boon lying In the
county jail lor three months for robbing the
tollkcopcr at the east end of the Missouri
rlvor bridge , was rnloasod on ball yesterday.
The charges against Him were assault with
Intent to kill aud blah way robbery. A bond
of $500 was demanded on each Indictment.
Yostordav Orandon's mother appeared nt the
ofllco of the county clerk with two drafts on
tbo Omaha National bank , made pavablo to
M. Herman , and deposited them with the
clerk , whereupon her son was released.
Sheriff Ilazou thlnlis ho has seen Grandon
for the last time , unless Grandnn moots with
some bad luck , as there Is n vorv strong case
against htm , and bo will probable forfeit the
amount of the bond rather than Jaoo tbo
Summer suits for pontlomon ; cool ,
comfortable and cheap. Raitor , the
t.tilor , 310 Broadway.
McKluluy nt Ch.itauqua.
I. M. Troynor wont to Beatrice. Nob. ,
yesterday afternoon to complete his
arrangements with Governor McKmley
of Ohio for n speech at Cbnu-
tauqua next Thursday. MsKtnloy Is to bo
here without fall , and tbo prospsct Is that
there will ba a great crowd on the grounds of
the Twin City to hear him discuss the tariff
question. Special excursion trains nro to bo
run from the neighboring towns and arrange
ments hnvo been made by which the Rock
Island will run special trains from Council
Bluffs to the grounds. The nddross will bo
at 2 p. m. McKlnloy will not pneak In
Omaha , so that the pcbplo of Omaha who
want to see and hear him will have to como
Wanted Iron nviidors at the Ogden
Iron works , Council Bluffs. Good wages.
Another Tent.
Chief Nicholson gave the fireman of the
dlfloront departments another test yesterday
morning , and the following records wcro
made , the tlmo being reckoned m onch case
from the tlmo wbon the song sounded :
No. 4 Floor hitch , 5 seconds ; drive out ,
tun 1,87. > foot to plug , lav 250 foot of hose ,
attach plpo and got stream in 1:35. :
No. a floor hitch , ! > } seconds ; drlvo out ,
run 1,675 feet to plug , lay 250 foot of hose ,
1 * > i > .
No. 1 Floor hitch , 5J seconds ; drive out ,
run 1,25 ! ) feet to plug , lay 230 foot of hoie ,
1 * ! S.
No. 2-Floor hitch , 4 seconds ; drlvo out ,
run 1,123 foot to plug , lay 250 feet of hoso.
1. tul't
Hook and ladder Floor hitch , OJ seconds.
It Is Chief Nicholson's intention to pivo
another exhibition of the same kind in a
few days , ut a tlmo of day when the cijy
council can bo on band to look on.
loOpooplo in this city use stovoa
The GasUo. puts 'om in at cost.
Portland , Ore. , has been vliltod by a 1250,000
Toxu : has boon visited by a general raln-
.Jolin Gill , another victim of the wreck In
the union depot ut Milwaukee , bus dud , from
bU injuries.
On hot- trial trip near San I-'riinelsco. the
sto unship I'orn developed u spued of Uf teen
miles an hour.
Three young children of Kobort Dorsov.
council , of Luku I'ipvldour , La. , loit thulr
lives In a Ilro which destroyed thulr father's
hOllbO. I
A ' om " ° n' I" the memory of the mun
killed In the bomb room explosion at Miiro
Island navy yard , California , liuu UJBII un-
I'rocondlnss Irivo been commenced nealnst
px-beuret.iry of the Navy Whltnoy and
lol Liunont to coiiiiul | them to vuc.ito Kovein-
nicut land , iiuur Apuloton , WU , which they
unlawfully occupy.
A wilt of havoiis corpus bus been denlod In
thoejHuof Iho Uhlimmeii recently conv.clud
In Detroit , Mleh. , for bolnt , ' uriLtwImly In the
country , aud When thulr time expires they
will be roturueJ to China. *
" > the
PP i 11PITI PVXt'iVTPtT ' Ptin\ !
i'EARFUL ' i'AJJi'TICAl ' ' IUR\ ; \
Sanguinary StruggJo , , , Ietwaon } Russian
Troops Slid a Mob.
ci >
lull lined by Humors or Uruolty to Cholera
1'atloiUA Itlotermhtnrt On n Cure or
of Destruction mill Aturdor
ST. PnTEitsnuna , Auit. 1. Letters rocolvod
here from Aspontl report that the news In
rosard to eorlous riots which occurred In
that place on July 0 , In connection with
the cholera epidemic hns boon &up-
pressed by the government , the strictest
consoMhlp' being exorcised In the matter.
From thoio loiters it Is learned that the nn-
tlvo Sarti , bollovlttR that the doctors were
poisoning the patients who were suffering
from cholera , became greatly oxcltod and de
termined to put nn end to the
murJerous practice which they Im-
aRltxed was balug employed In the case of
thounlortunatos stricken wltb the terrible
disease. The wildest rumors were current
of the cruelties Inlllotod by the medical men
In cammg the immedlHto death ol the
patients , and those stories had the effect of
nrousitiR the fury ot tan people to the high
est pitch.
btoned tlio Deputy to Dentil.
Flvo thousand of the Sarts Invaded the
Uusslan quarter of the town and attacked
and wrecked the residence of Deputy Gov
ernor Poutinstoff , who lied ou the approach
of the hortllns mob. His Illcht wes dis
covered , lioworor , and ho was pursued and
overtaken In the street by a largo nnd In-
furlntod crowd of the attnckcM who merci
lessly nveuRod their fury ou the helpless
ofllclul. Ho was surrounded on all sides
by enemies , hungering for his blood
and was maltreated In n terrible manner.
Ilo pleaded with hU assailants for mercy ,
but his appeals -.vcro in vain and at length , ho
was Hung to the ground and niter being
trampled upon by the desperate rioters was
assailed with a shower of stones until the
life had been beaten out of him and his fea
tures hud been mutilated beyond recognition.
The authorities having booonio ( .ware of
the state of uffutrs In the town toolc 1m-
modiste steps to suppress the disorders and
protect the other endangered ofllcials. A body
of troops was hurried to thosconu of the attack
on the deputv governor , and they were given
orders to adopt the most rigorous measures
In dealing with the rioters. Arriving at the
place where the dollant Sarts were nssem-
blea the troops opened ilro on their ranks ,
killing several ol them.
rurioiu lltmd to Hand Tight.
The Sarts were armed with pistols ana
daecors , and nothing daunted by the deadly
nre poured Into them held their ground and
made a desperate resistance to the soldiers.
The two forces closed in ou each other and
a furious hand to hand fight resulted , the
maddened Sarts , when luelr pistols had been
ntnptied , slashed furiously about with their
dajreers , doing much execution wltb these
weapons. '
The drilled nnd better armed soldiers were
unable to overcome tttolr fanatical opponents
and additional troops had to oo sent to their
assistance. They were reinforced by a body
of Cossacks and with the valuable aid of those
soldleis they finally' succeeded in quelling
the riot nnd dispersing the Sarts in all
dircctiot.9. The Sarts were not disheartened
by this repulse and soon teen steps to resume.
their attack. They' collected around the
mosques , taking possession of these edlflces
and ut once sot about the work of converting
them into temporary forts and dotted the au-
tnontles to battle with them.
A laro number ot'soldiori were dispatched
to tno scone of the new manifestations on the
part of Iho rioters arid'attompted to dlslodgo
them from their strorf nolds.
Jlamcadod in o Mosque.
This was no easy task , especially as the
Sarts were safely escouced behind
the protectlne walls of the mosque nnd
could shoot down the soldiers while
they themselves were In a practically
safe position. The Sam made o siurdy re
sistance to every effort of the soldiers to
drive them from the buildings nnd llred from
loopholes with telling effect upon the In-
voders. The troops at last concen
trated their forces and making a
grand cssault they triumphantly entered
the mntquos and a sreno of carnage
ensued. Tbo lighting Inside the structures
was of the most desperate and sanguinary
character. Although thoSarts , , found they
could not copa with their military opponents ,
no quarter was for asked for , nor was any
given , and they fell bv scores befow the
weapons of the soldiers , tholr desperatp
courage being unwavering and their duttauca
unceasing to the very end.
The character of the struggle rony bo Im
agined when it is that sixty of the
Sarts were kilted nnd th.ut hundreds of them
were wounded , many of them most griev
The soldiers , too , suffered heavily , the
Russian loss being llfteon killed and many
wounded. Tremendous excitement was
caused In the town and the authorities
found it necessary to strongly patrol tbo
whole place both day ana night. Many arrests
have been itnde of persons concerned iti the
disorders and there Is no doubt that an
example will bo made of all those convicted
of complicity in the riots. It is feared that
thcromay bo n renewal of the troubles rnd
precautions nro Doing tulton accordingly by
the ofllctals.
Carpenters unit Joiner * ol America 'Meet In Contention.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Aug. 1. The seventh an
nual convention of the Urothorhood of
Carpenters and Joiners ot the United States
and Canada was called to order hero ut 10:2u :
this morning by President Kltvor. Commit
tees were appointed and a recess talien to
1 : UO p. in.
The afternoon session was secret. Con
tests und the planing mill btrlko ol St. Louis
were discussed without acliou ,
Tomorrow tbo onlcors will submit tholr
annual reports and than the roul work of tbo
convention will begin.
I'Htntcrg und Decorators.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Aug. 1. The third biennial
convention of the Hrothorhood of Painters
and Decorators of America was called to
oraertbls afternoon by General President
. * ' 'At today's session
George A. Thompson. ,
nothing but tbo routine of organization was
atluudud to.J <
smoke , and yet , yc
drive him away to his club out of just such tilings come misery ,
unliappiness and divorce. The trouble is that lie uses peer
tobacco. Coax him to get BLACKWELL'S BULL DURHAM SMOKING
TOBACCO ; its delicate aroma will not be offensive to you , and
it will-not fill all the curtains , hangings and clothing with that
stale disagreeable odor that now troubles you. Keep your husband
home , and avoid all risks by having him smoke BULL DURHAM
TOBACCO. Sod ! everywhere.
Yantlla Of porfoot purity.
Lemon Of great strength.
Almond Economy In tholr uTSo
Rose otc.
Flavor as delicately
nnd delloloualy no the fronh fruit.
Wciluiess ,
Catarrh or
RLc.mUssin ,
i Chronic ,
h 7 Nervous or
Diseases ,
. Searies & Searlas
Consultation Free.
Acknowledged to bo tlio most suceuif til poclnll t In
Conorrluu.t In from .1 to 0 ilay . SspldHs cured
vlthuut.Mnrc.uiy. All utilizes for life.
bTUICTUIlK permanently curoil. removal com-
plcto , without cultliiK. cmillj or iltlntntlun. euro
nlTectei ! at liomo by patient without n moment's
pain ornnnoynncu.
I'lT.ns. KISTUI.A AND 11KCTAT * ULClillS cured
without pain or detention from business.
and luccoafullycuruil. Method now and unfailing.
( VITALITY WBAK ) . Madanoby too closj appli
cation to business orntiuly : severe msnut lraln
or isrlof : Sti.XUAI * K.M.KSSK3 In mldJIo life , or
from the effects of youth fill follloi.
YOUNG and MIDDLK AIKI ) ; lack of Tim , vigor ,
nud strength , with sexual organs Impaired und
nrnkencned prematurely In approachlnK old ago.
All TlBld rcadllr to our n w treatment for loss of
vital power. Call on or address with stamp for
circular * , froa book and receipts.
Dr. Searlcs & Scarles , Il88 ° , lii1itli-C8ircot' ! , ! !
Next tal'ostonico.
It U for tlio euro of i
Jiittonilitiits HlcK-licu , voiutliii- (
tlouillld jilIi'M , tlmt
Mm\o IXTOIIIO so ruiniHiH. They
gently , w Itliout KrlphiK or imu un.
0 ©
SIUNT. u apocltlc for llysturlx DUtlnost , fit ) , Nou
rulKla , lie ail.icho , Nervous 1'roiirnton cuisaJ b/
nlcolioior tobacco. Walt of ulriojs , .Mentil DeurJi-
ilon , Soltiiossof ( .he Ur.iln. c mil u In tnnlty , ml tatf
< loc yUoatli , Premature Old AitOi llarrjnoii. l.oi ,
of I'uwcrln either lor , Irapotcncjr. l.oucorrliai an I
nil PoinaloVoaknossj. . Inrotuntarr lioim , rip o-
mntorrlini caused br overoxo.'tlon of t'uijri .
self-abuiooror-lniliilaanco. A Tuont'j'i trjUinm'
( l,0forf.i , by mnll , Wotcuarnntcaslx botos to curj
Encliorderforrlbotoi. nltli * i will oul written
Buarantcota refund If not ciirjJ Uuiraiitea Ijsuol
only by Theodora. K. J.eivl druicxlat. solo nk'cnt ,
southeast corner Ibtli nnd rurnnra Mt . Onmhn
A \Vnttan a a Rr an too
SYPHILi to Cure Every Cftao or
I Money Refunded.
Our cur * Ii permanent itnd not * putchl.iij a * . C gi
treated teren yeara szo hare n rer teen a lympton
tluoo. IlyHesoribln ? case folly wac B traat yon by
maU , end ire KTO tb tame stroni guarant to car *
) r nfund all money. Thoie wbo prefar to com * bar *
fortnatmeotcRndo Boanl wo will pay railroad far *
boUi waji and hotel b.lls while her * , If vr * fall to ear *
W * challenge tbu world for a ca tbat ow Marta
Kemedy will not euro , write for particular ! anil sit
; htTldenoo. In ouneyen years pi action with tb *
Mmrio KerneJj Ithan been most difficult to * Troom *
Jie prajndlcei agalnit Bocalled spcclflci. Bat under
aaritrong guarnnteo tbousjiuti are trylna It and b *
Ingcnnd. Wenuarantoo to euro or refund every
itollar.Knd mwa bnre a roputitlon toprouet , aUo
Dntuctal backlnif ofKUUJOU IB pcifectlr lafa to Ml
wbo wlli try tha ticntmant , Heretofore you bar *
puttlnzupaDd pnylnxout your money for dirrorant
treittmonta , andaltbouxb youara not yet euroi na
one hu paid back your money. Wo will poittlvely
cure yon , Old , clironl : , deep sealoj caie > cured la 6)
loirday * . InvojtUato our Ilimnclal ( tandlnr , our
reputation nsbu > lnc men. Write us for n m anl
addretiesof these wahnve curol who bare glT n >
permlnlontorofor to tba-n. It coiti you only DOI >
ice to do tbla. If your lympvimi are ior * throit ,
muooui patcboi la mouth , rbc jinittlao In bonea and
jolnta , nalr falllnE out , eruption * on any part of In *
body , feellnff of Kcaeral doprcsilon , pnlna t heal or
bonea. You haruno time to waito. Tnoie wbo ar *
conttaatly taklnK mercury and potaab , * bould dlv
continue It. Conitant usoof theio drnga will eurely
brine aorea and catlnz ulnora lo tbo enl. Dou't fall to
wrlto. All correspondence tent tealed In plain cu-
volopo. We Invlto thoraoit rlKll Inveillgntlou ud
will do all In our iionorto all you 1& It. Addraii ,
COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omnha. Neb
conntlpattoli , dyl > rp > la. fuulX
Ii , liindiul.f , hurtliurn , ( ore of
: tlto , mroUil utf re klun , pnlLful f
' tallow Id- "
lciso < lpTorfdlhiiMn ulllngfron
i. , . . . . . , Jr .fi > llureli/tlioi > tonmitiIhe.-crlu
Jtoilluca topcrfonu tbclrproporfimctloua. rcrwiBi.-
* Riven to nvtr aulnu arrbencaltil ' > T taVlooronocU r
t tfi Ii mo-J. liIce by mall. 1 ( trow , $21 turuploIbc. ?
{ 1'll J.i CI1UM/CAL CO 10Pprucofat.ISew , Vork
6. W. PANGLE , M D.
Ihft Good Samaritan. 20 Tears' Eipcricmc.
WOMEN. rnoritiKTon OF TUT
/treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head. Throat , niltl Lungs ; Dl -
cnsoaoftho Uyoand har.KIUand Aioplcxy ] , Heart
Dlaooso. U\er Complaint , Kidney Complaint ,
Norvouo Doblllty , Mental Doprcc-
clon , Loss of Manhood , Somlnnl
Weakness , Wal-clc , Bnsht s IM'casc , St Vllus'
Dance , luicmiiatlsni , l'aral > Bls , Whlto Snclllng ,
Scrofula , rover Sores , Cnncoro , Tumors
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drawlnc n drop of
blood. Wompn with her dclicalo orcan3 re-
Btorcd to health. Dropay cured without tapping.
Special Attention given to prlvnto
and Vonorcal Dlsonso ? of nil kinds.
85 O to S5OO forfeit for any Venereal DIs-
onso I cannot cure without mercury.
Tano Wornit removed In two or three hours , or uo
pay. Hemorrhoids or I'ilcs cured.
Wlllsavo life and Uundrcdfl of dollars by calling
on or using
The only riiyslclan who cnn toll what nllo
liorsoiiwithout asUIng n quoitlnn.
All correspondence strictly confidential. Mcdlolno
Bent by cxprcaa. Address all letters to
B55 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
An ordinance onlorlns the cradltiR of Hamil
ton street from the viaduct over the Omaha
Holt KiUlvrny to 4. > tlrstrcctnnd directing llio
board of public works to tikotho necessary
Rt-jps to ciiuso s ild work to bo done.
Whereas , three disinterested freeholder ! )
have boon appointed by the mayor mid con
tinued by the city council to uupnlso the
damagcs'nrldlng by reason of an h gradliu ;
am ) ,
Whereas , said nppralsera after duly ( | iiailfy-
Inc accordlni : to law and oimlnln ; ; the prop
erty affected have rn.ulo their report , and the
city council ln.s approved tliesamu : thuruforc ,
Holt ordained by the city council of the ulty
of Omaha :
Section 1. Tli-it It Is neo ssiry , and It Is
lioiubv declined necessary that (1 ( million
street from thu vlailut-t oxer the Oiiitih i licit
Kallnny toTali street , bo sr.i ! od to the pres
ent established Hnulc , mid the a line Is hereby
onlerud HOIK" .
Section L' . That the bo-ird of public works
Is hoii'hy dliceted to take the ncecss.uv
steps to eunso s ild wor'c to oo done.
Seiitlon . ' ! . That this oidlnanco shall take
oiled and bo hi for 'o fiom and after its , pass-
"l-assodJulySIst , 189i
189iJOHN Giiovns.
Olty Oloik.
U I' . DAVIS ,
President City Council.
Approved July 2lrd. ivi- .
_ Mayor.
An ordtirinco establlshlni ; the prado of
Frances street from a-'ith avouuo to a point
elcht fceto ist of the section line between
sootlons23and 9 , T 15 N , U U E. In the city
of Omaha :
Ilo It ordained by the city council of the city
of Omaha :
Section 1. The grade of Frances avenue
from DHh iivoiiuu to a point olpht foot east of
the section line between sections M and SO , T
15 N. H 1 1 I , In the cltv of Omaliii , Is hereby
established at the follo ln I'lcvullons , the
crailo beliiR nnlforin stralKht lines between
the points specified In the streets , avenues or
alleys n irncil In the rcapojtl\o sectlons fol
lowing. tolt :
Section 2. Gradoof Frances street
iiRv.itlon : Elevation
of South of North
Curb. Curb.
West curb of Xith avenue ag
ostibllshod . U'lO-.V ) 2JAOO
A point H feet east of the sec
tion Mni ; between sections
si and ffT 1" N. U 1 1 13. . . .2 d.r 227.0
bcctlon : L This ordmaneo shall take effect
and bo In force from and after Its passage.
Ulty U oik.
1'resldentClty Counoll. '
Approved July 23r.I , Ih't' ' .
Gi:0. : 1M1KM1S ,
PealoO proposals will bo received by the
undersigned until I : U o'clock n. in. August 1' ,
18i2 , for KrailuiK 2'nd street fiom 1'opiileton
Avenue tu the south line of the U. 5. Qnar-
tormastor'H Depot , In the city of Omaha , In
accordance wltb plnns and Hpcclfluatlons on
( Ilo In the ollicu ot the boar.Iof publloorlcs. .
lllda will be made on printed blanks fur
nished by the ho ird , and to bo accompanied
by a I'ortlllcd chock In thouuin of V > 3J. payi'.blo
to the cltv of Omaha a * an evidence of good
The l.o.ird reserves the rlsht to rojnct any
Ohiilnmn Hoard of 1'ubllc Works.
Omnlia. JnlyiiHtli , 189.Jy20J7A2i :
Notlro to Contractorx mill llullilcrH.
For the erection of a now Catholic church in
1'orthiiioiilh , hholby County , Iowa.
llids ulll bo reeelvod until Anijiist 2)th ) , 18) !
1'laiiH anil Bpeellleatlonsenn uc oin : atlho un-
dcrslKne I , nho nlll alsoclicerfully Rlvn Information
mation to paitles wlshln t to hand In a bid ,
HI3V. ! ' . W. IIOl'l'MAN ,
I'ortsiuouili , Shelby County , Iowa
Every KIAIf can hr
BE R MAN OROUSinall re.pcrl.
_ _ by uiInK SPA WISH
NJJRVINB.thegreat Spnnlah Remedy. YOUNO MEN
1'AII/INO If ANUOOOiiiRhtlyeiultslontconvulslona , nervous
f proilraionciumd ! by ttioute of opium , lobacco er alcohol , wake-
fulnesi , menial depression , loai of power in either tcz , apermalor-
rhcoacaureilhyselfabuao and over mriulKcncoor ny penonal weak'
ness can be restored lo perfect health Iho NOBI/It VITALITY OP BTHONO MI5N.
We glvo a written guarantee whh G boxes to cure any case or refund the money , t > bot'O boxoi ( j
FOP Sala In OmaliA by Snow Lund & Co.
Twin City Steam Dye Works
Ornnlm Olllco , 1621 Piirnam St. ; Telephone 1C21. Counoll UluITu OHlce nnd Worha
Cor. Avo. A und 20th St. ; Tulophoue 310. 6oad for clrculurd und prluo 1ml.
IlKNT-pl'ho'il woTilnT "on TlMt iTvoiuu *
W'J ' ' tro t formurty occupied kg
SI. J * Smith : II rooms , 3 bith rooms und nl\
tiuKlcrn Improvements ; peed sUblo and out
bnlldtiiK ! rout 8iO per month. ) ' . | | , siionto
1Ky9.uJmvo.mirthlrn for sMo or tr.vlo a
_ K. II. slip ife. lirnvl way anil M ln stront. n
If Oil IUN : I'-DwollliiKsIn nil piru of the
- ° ' 'l ' ' , " bl"i.ifo. llrojvdwuy nriti Main.
XVANTIin-Kiutorn Nebraska liutds In or-
dmnirofor ( Jounoll ItlulTs property. lull.
Sheafo. Urot.iway uml M tin strait *
rpiti ; nuuiEsr H.vito.uN-oouuio mil-1
-Ltlonvo lot , No. IIJ fonili Plr strict , 80
foci frimti host lee itlon ami hon lur inn In.
the ulty if tikoii ut oiuo , Oiy .t lloaj. .a
l'ou _ I HI root.
_ _
liVMlU nnd city loins at lovroit r.itos.
* - Itonlost.ito for i tie.
Dwulllnc u n 1 b isliKm ratittN.
Jioncy loaned for Investors
„ , . „ . . Loiiieo it Toxtlo.
_ STi Poirl s trout ,
_ _ *
li'Oll rt.VI.E Onsmi'l piyinonls. fruit mid
A' garden Inn I no r Council HIillU 13. II.
Slioiife.llroiid\T _ ly un I Main street.
FOIl frAt.n-Albhm Hjllor mills on Hoono
rlvor. Nob. ! tlnost w itur pjwor In t'io ' stito
developing I J3 liana power w itcr ontlro yo in
dully cipiclty , too birreU ; inn ih nerv unit
n | aurtonuticrs complete In nvory tint ill.a u I
friunu rosl lonco:8 : ticrosor Inn I. tltlo iiorton ;
lirlec , $ n. Jjjjtlll fiko unl itprova I outturn
Nebraska land. M II , She i fa
iron SAIiK low.i firms In I'otMwatt'imlo
_ mill ad lolnlnit con itlos. II II hlnvifo ,
lOll SXljE-lIotQU un I roil iiirnnU In IIVTIV
Jmill Nobrai'cn. ' ilolnv pnllliuio buslnrw
mid well loa.itnd ; will t iku 1 mil In u irl tr.ulo :
wrlto for dot , ills. _ K II. Slip ifo. _ _
irOl ! HAT/C A first elm stoIt of
* - inoroli.mlUa with goo I wlli ; prluo fVU ) |
will tuku joa.l Inn I inotuli ino. . I : . II. 3hoifu ,
"I71UK SA lilt Stook of inl.Hnarv mil Motions
-L with store iiiid llxtnriH ; prU'O Jl.tDJ ; will
' 1 ° for l'"l1" ' H. Sliuifu.
_ _ _
171011 SAM : -\orosofiroot lind mil now"
Juotlims. . with fouriiunM l.iud In Wnnuri-
\Illr , Nolt. : nil modern liiiimivcinnnts : will
OM'luuuo fern cull I'jo fruo of lit-
( Miinbrnnfo In Ooimolt 11 luff * or Oinih-v.
U II. Hlionfo.
_ _
17IOK SAhK Ono of the nrt.'Titost un I moit
* - ( lOH.r.thlo liomo * In the cltv , on 4th sxvu. :
inodurn in nil rcsputi. . Mimt neil , mid wilt
s iurill'o. ( Adimm It W. llou oilljc.
I/ION AIK 181-noro ranch In Cliorrv Co.
JNoli. . (3oo.l hny im.d , splundia rmi o for
uiittlo. Moo COUIIKO , HtiOlo uml out liulld-
IIIKS In eootl ropilr , plenty water. Host Innd
In the enmity : will soil uhoip. Write for do-
l.illH. i : . II. Shimfo.
_ _
T710U EAI/15 Oil TKAnn-llustiiinnt mid
A. s-iloon t Matuiwa ; good liiislnu s ut nil
so HOIH : good biilldln ; mid Improvements. A.
ajiap for n llvo man. Rll. Sboifo.
QK AOKE3 of liind ! ) miles from cliy llnilw' '
< - ' ut IS ) per ivcro , on iniiln road. Would
miikii u line fruit farm. Johnston & Van
_ _
LOST-A Columbia b cycle. A reward will
bo u nil for Its return to .1. 11 K. McUoc.
fjlOIl SAIE Good C-room duolllnz near U.
-L 1' . trmisfor. 1'rlcolJ.OiO.Vlllfikoliorscs
and cattle In part uay. 11 II. Hhoufo. _
TjlOll SAIjE-Crcaniery , well locntod In No1-
* - ' brasku. dolns Rood lnislno-3. Will tuko
nartniT or soil entire business nt a bargain.
K. 1) ) . Shpiifo.
171OH SAIn Elootrlo llzht jilnnt In llvo No-
Jbr.iKku ultv , wnll oqnlupad mid doltm eood
business. I'rleo J7.0JU : win tndo for liiml. A
nnni for rlKht man. K. II. aiioafo.
\\TANTI : Ilardwaro stock Tii sonlli-
' ' \\e9turn Iowa for spot cash. P. II. bhoafo ,
TT1OK hALH Improved JO'-acro Htoo'i farm
-L' III western lowii. * JI ; IfiJ-ncio fiinu , S.'i ) ; 1110-
ucres. $ Ji' . Johnston & Van I'attun.
WANTI',1) Oood lionsokcciior : coed u nm > 3 ,
Apply to 11. 1' . Thomas. Wr.iy's landing ,
on M ii iwn motor lino.
W AX KIKoroman ut botthns works.
Apply t oiieo to ( i. lluri Is. Council 111 u If a
ad Sirjfeil
Eye ( fi Ear
lle t fnoll tlos , apparttui analtoiiolui
for suecossf u _ tro itincntnf ) vorvforn
of dlsoaio ronulrlii : n.oJIo U"or
surIoil tro.itnunt.
59 beds for patients , bo ird mil ntton J irnj.
, 1'ent ' uoeonioJutlons In tliooic. .
„ „
wr to fur clr.-uliin on doformltio anl
braces trmsoi. elub foot , oiirv.ituras of snlnu.
illeH. uiiniiri , oinoor , o'lt irrh. bronobltls , In-
hiiliulon.o ectrlflty , p iralysl ? , oulloosy , kid-
nov.b aldor. oyo. our. fklnnnl blool unJ .ill
' -
H.JkonDUau3 > o
Women t'KEli Wo h.ivol.ituly ud led i lyliu-
'Indop irtinorit for wcrnoti during conlliiuinunb
blrlully iir.v.tto.1 Un v Koll.iblo lu-
ttitutein.'iUInz n Hnoul illy o
. A'l n oed IJIso isoj Huccoistully tro tol.
bynhllltlo 1'olson roniovcd tro.n lliu ayslom
wliliont inurotiry. Now iteitor.itlve Trjiit-
ment for Loss f v'lTAL I'OWKIt I'OHOIH nn-
able to vlnlt in inav bo tre itod ut homo ly
rirreaion 'onco. All coinmunlu.itlons conlf- MoJlolnca or Instninionn sent by
inn 1 oroxpross , scourely p lekoil , no imr { s to
Ind catu eon touts or sender. Una personal lu
lu ry ow preform I. C.ill un 1 consult in or send
history of your cuso. and wo wilt send In nlula
wruiibor , our
RnnK TO MEN r f3E Uuon l-rlvitu ,
OUUn IU men
, joollli or Nervous Iii. )
eases , IniDOlonDy. Syphllla. Qlootunl Vurloo-
cole , with auost on il < l.
llr.tccs. Appliances for Deformities A : Trusoi.
Only in inufactory In the WoJtof IHlt'ittt il
irx Ut'i'iittiUK ! > , ' 'ituaitu , , iszaujcttuj
HA TTJHt I JlH A. HUH lit. L'H.
Omaha Medical and Sur c.U Inslituts ,
26th nnd Broadway , Oo Jnoll BluEfi
Ton minutes' rl lo from cantor of Omiihi oa
UmuhaundOounall Illuffi olontrlu motiir Una.
Sealed iiropoaiils will bo received by the iln-
'd until | | M o'olooli u. m. , Atuust 17th ,
IS'.i , ' , for Hhoot asphultiim from the nHphitlt
lukoln the island of Trlnldud. ueconllni : to
Hi > fineutionK.
1'or tuvlnff part of the followini ?
htreels and avenues In the city ofUiuuha ,
eoniprlHi > d In street Imimnoment dlstrluti
Nos. 4.7. 411. 41 ! . ' . 410 nnd xa und more iiurtieu-
Inrly described us follows :
No. 4.7 fjithrop street from Sherman ave-
n no to IHili street.
No , 411 iiUth street from rnriium Htrost to
the north line of Diivoiiport street ,
No. 41' ' D.ivonport street from Mth street to
40lh street.
No 410 tihoriiian avenue from south line of
Or n i id uvonno to 1'ortntioot ' , nnd
No. U.VJ I'urlt or " .lih uvenuu from I < oavcn-
wnrth street to Illekory htraeU
iieli ; bid to specify 11 prlco uur Riiuuro yard
fur the pivIiiK complete In the stieets und
WorUKiho done In accoidunco with iiluns
nnd Biiecllluutlonson ( lie In tno ollluo of the
board of pnVlio works.
Kirjb proposul to bo nmdooii prlntod blanks
furn shed by thobo.iril anil lobe uceiiniiuiio | ! < l
bv u coi tilled elieolt In the mini of 4501 , pay
able to the city of Oinuhn. an un evidence of
K'ood f iltli.
The ho'ird rcsorvo'j the rluht to rajoot any
or all bids an 1 towulvj ilcfuctH.
Oliulrman lloiird of I'uhllo Works.
Omuliii. Neb. . Aunust Ut. IB ! ) . ' . u'-li-8-l )
An orJIiiiineo ordorliiK the k'r.idlnir of Sind
street , from I'linploton iivunuo lo thoKOiith
line of the U , 8. ( pun teriniister'H depot , nnil
d'reutln ' : the board of publlo worki to tnko
the necessary mops to ouusj sutd work to bo
done ,
Whereas , property owners nwnlnx the entire
front 11:0 on suid | i rt of'nil street huvo
waived all UaiimKCi for u eh'tnso of Kr.ulu und
t hour id I IK thereof ; tlnrofoio ,
lie It ordained hy tlio elty council of the olty
of Omaha :
Suet on I. Thut It l noensiar.v nnd It U
herebv deelared iiec ( ! airy Wnd street
from I'lipnlvtonuvoiiiieto thoHouth llnouf the
U. H. iii | irKrniiisier's depot be graded to the
pienent oitubllHhud Kracle , and Iho uamo U
lieiebv ordered dono.
Hc-ttoii . ' . 'Unit the board of publlo works
U htreby directed to tnko the neeubsary itepi
to OIIIIHU said work to be dune.
Ueetlonil Thut this ordlnanco shall taka
ellect und hu In force from und utter Its pusa >
President Olty UouuolL