Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1892, Image 1

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Trick's Assailant Provoi an Enigma to
Dttjctivos and Eoportors.
Kirortn to Interview the Pleuil 1'roro rmlt-
lci His Identity Not Vet l > tnb-
llshnl Sir. 1'rlcU'n Conilltlon
Conlhlcnt Ho Will lletiovcr.
PiTTsnuiia , Pa. , July 2 . The criminal
riddle In the cc.ntral police station here ,
called indifferently the "anarchist , " Alwc-
nnder Bergman ( not Workman ) and blmon
Upnchmnn , Is still un solved. His antecedents
nro unknown , and whence became nnd why
ho shot Mr. Frlck are matters ot conjecture
only. No ono , even of the shrewd detectives ,
or the shrewder newspaper men , who have
been nt work on him over since bis dospornto
attempt nt nssasslnnlon have got anything
but contradictory or trivial information from
him. Ho stated today thnt when ho was
ready fwhich would not bo until nftor his
transfer to the county Jail ) bo would make a
written statement for the Associated Press
nnd until then bo would decline to answer
any questions.
Ilnppy ana Whistling.
Ho was whistling n sentimental air with
some accuracy when the correspondent was
ndmlttod to the calaboose. People who ro-
mntnbcr the appearance of Maxwell , tbo
murderer of Proller , can form on accurate
impression of him by making tbo nose more
Semitic. Ho la n fclight but wiry-looking
youtn. 22 years old , nour-siehtod and wear-
ingglasses. His mo t peculiar feature Is tha
mouth , which Is largo and sensual and has
two curious flaps of flesh which form the
lips , and whiuh , when his mouth is open ,
still partially cover bis upper teoth. His
dim is strong , his forehead excellently
shaped and the ears stand out from Iho head.
Ho may bo n printer , or ho might bo a school
teacher or n mportor. The only fault to bo
found with bis appearance is the shifty , fur
tive manner in which ho usoi bis oyos. Ho
would not bo n notable man in a crowd , nnd
would bo classed liullfforontly a * n
Gorman Jew of sorno education.
That he is secretly pleased with tbo notoriety
whirli ho bus gained Is evident , but that bo
is a dreamy fanullo who bad pone crazy over
nnntrhUtic literature Is also probablo. Any
study of his character must fall until some
facts about him are brought out und those are
bolng eagerly sought. Ho lw been photo
graphed twice , inking Iho oporalion good
nalurcdly enough , nnd evidently trying lo
got n good picture. Ho roads Iho papers
innlM n.,1 iiiMln mnlrlnrv Tin ( Tjinmcnts UPOQ
tnolr news is much Interested in what tno *
EUV and especially In iho edllorlnK
The diiy was n sweltering ono here and
Her mnn had made bis toilet to suit the
weather. Ha hail nothing on but n shirt and
pair of brown trou orn , nnd ho wns evi
dently suffering from the heat.
Will \VrJto n Letter to the 1'rcss.
"I can say nothing yet , " ho said , "tboro Is
nothing to say ; no good will como from any
information lhat I may glvo. When I urn
readv ' , which will not uo until I go to Jail , I-
will 'write a letter to the Associated Press
wh'.ch will tell why 1 did this. "
It wus noticed that while ho talked hia
German accent wavered us though it were
partially artificial.
" 1 have already said to tbo police all that
it is necessary for them to know now. I
Imvo committed no crlm'u , I have ub re-
"What is the truth about your connection
with Most and the FrclbolU"
' I hud none. Most is talking false when
hesnys ho knows me or that I worked on his
. My nnmu Is not on his books. 1
Ejper. done book work but not newspaper
work. "
"Aro you n Hungarian 1"
' 'You will learn soon. "
Nor could more information bo gotten
\vhlcn amounted to anylbine whatever.
Ho was ready onongh to listen to anything
that micht bo said to him , but bis answers
wcio difllcult to got und spouon lu a low , al
most inaudible tone.
JMc.niH to Conceal Ills Identity.
Bergman is n very docile prisoner , obeying
orders cheerfully enough , but he bus uo vary
Etrong affection for tl : t polijo nnd ho avoids
thorn as much us hu cun. Waother ho bus
been tuo days or two weeks In Pittsburg is
not luioun. The clerk of the Mechanics
hotel has , identified the prisoner as Simon
Uonchmnn , who sluytd one night in bis
lioiihO. Tbo suit of clothes in which Berg
man made his furious attack on Frick was
bought hero. So was his hat. He says to
bought bis revolver In tnu liowery In Now
York , but Ibis was doubted. Nothing what
ever was found upon lnui which Rives a
clew. Ho booms to Imvo deliberately taken
every precaution to conceal his identity bo-
fnro trohiir to Frlck's ofllco. and had hU plan
ol committing BUicuio upon uriuit , uccn suc
cessful ho uould buvo remained n mystery ,
because the fulmlnlto cap would have blown
his fa co away , leaving uinuu corpse Unit no
ona could rocogmzo.
/f l''ollonoil hy n Curious Mob.
Much to bis own surprise and to that of
V everybody else. liergmau was transferred to
* the Jail at 8 o'clock this evening. Detectives
Blioro and Colson called nt the station and
quickly walked tha prisoner away , hoping
ttuis to evade any public attention. A couple
of sharp gnmlns standing at the corner of
Cherry alley recognized BorgiLnn and nt
on co begun to form n procession. The ofilcers
tried to drlvo them away and lo deny ihui
tdoir prisoner wus tlio notorious anarchist ,
but the bovH ' followed thorn , tolling ovorvouo
they met. At Fifth avenue fullv 100 people
\vcro eagerly crowding forward to see iho
man. und oy Iho llmo Ibo Jail gates \\cro
reached there must have been twice that
number on hand. Thcro was nn demonstra
tion of any sort , the people seeming to bo
actuated bv curiosity simply.
When Bergman wus turned over to
\Varnon MoAlccso ho was 'searched ami
no I ; I'd the usual questions , tin guvo his
iiuinu as Alexander Bnrgmnn.
"What is your other name , Alexander ! "
tno warden usked.
"Ob , this niiino will oo for the present. "
"Very well , Uorgnian It is. "
"I'm willing to stuy Bergman for u while ,
luyhow. "
His WouniU Not of u I ) . ulcerous Chutaotor
Ho Will Uiiuo\or.
PiTTsnuno , Pa. , July 2-1. H. 0. Fnak slept
well during the night nnd rastcd odilly
today. Ills tumporuturo is OS and ho seems
to ba qullo cheerful and oonlldent of his re
covery. A curious thing was that another
cut was discovered today , which was missed
In tbo examination mndo Saturday. It is In
tha loft log , Just below the calf and has ul-
inoit severed the tondons. Ho complained
of a pain In the leg , out his attonilunts 1111 *
Uitlned that It was of tbo other' ' wounds ho
e polio. It was , of course , carefully dressed
nnd relief followed.
Tbo patient has passed Iho day listening to
lo ! on and telegrams and dictating roplloj.
Ho has also wono over the papers qulto
closely nnd discussed their contents ,
H Is the Intention ot his associates m tbo to let Mr. Friok continue the direc
tion of the contest at Homestead from bis
homo , os they believe that Ibo worry und
unxicty of enforced Idleness In such n crUls
would do him moio harm tbun the worK it *
olf. Frlck himself will not hear of any
Itber course.
"I sula I would bo back at tbo ofllco on
Mondny , " ho declared , "but if I cannot do
that I can nt least tnlco up my work here. "
Will Ito Up In n Fen * DnyR.
Dr. LItchfield who is in constant attondnnco
nt the house says Mr. Frick Is doing nicely
and unless something now unlocked for hap
pens the patient will be up nnd about In n
few days.
There Is much more anxiety In the family
over Mrs. Frlck's condition than her bus *
band's. ' She became n mother twelve days
nco and has boon In n weak and nervous
condition , nnd yesterday the papers were
kept from her , and sno was given to under
stand that the affair nt tha ofllco wns a trifling
ono. This morning , however , she got hold
of n nowspaocr und the effect of tbo whole
story thus glvon At onca was almost disas
trous. Of course she Is receiving Ibo most
Anxious attention nnd the bast results are
hoped for.
Severe rnnlsliinent oln , Military Man Who
Cheered for I'rlcli'n AnHitluiit.
Pa. , July 21. Private la ms
of company 1C , Tenth rezlmont , shouted
yesterday afternoon whan tbo report of the
attempted assassination of Mr. Frick roacbed
thu brigade ; "Thren cheers for the assas
sin. "
Colonel Strootor , from his quarters , hoard
the incondlary shout. Ho burriod into the
camp and ordered the regiment to bo paraded
in double quick tlmo. Wnen his command
wus drawn up ho recited lo tbo soldiers the
remark no bad heard.
" 1 heard the volco distinctly , " the 'colonel ,
said. "I think I recognized it , nnd 1 xvant
the man who made the statement to advance
two paces. "
The colonel hud recognized lams' volco ,
and ho was standing directly in front of the
accused. Immediately Private lams stoppca
to the front. He was trembling Ilka an
aspen , nnd ho scorned unable lo hold his
gun."You offered three cheers for the killing
of Mr. Frtctt , did you not ! " the colonel
lams did not answer. Ho huntr his head
and noddoJ In the nftlrmativo. Ha was or
dered to tbo guardhouse. Tno colonel nnd
his staff , including tbo surgeons , than wont
to the guardhouse.
Hunt Up by the Thumb * .
The ofllcor of the day took charge of the
criminal and ut the colonel's orders ho was
hung up by the thumbs for thirty minutes.
Tbo surgeons remained with the unfortunate
during nil his punishment ; ono of them koot
watch on bis pulse whllo another looked
after his heart , and nt the end of thirty min
utes Surgeon Neff ordered him taken down.
When released lams was limp and ap
parently unconscious. Tno surgeons re
mained with him for an hour , when ho wus
taken to bis quarters.
Tbo severity of lams' punishment was
duo to bis refusal to take baolc or apologize
for the expression. Today one side of his
bead was shaved and tha buttons cut from
bis uniform , of which ho was then 'tripped.
Ho was given a suit of cast-off plain cloth
ing , part being a pair of overalls , and was at
once drummed out of camp.
The proceedings were approved by General -
oral Snowdcn. Young lains lives nt
FltlOK'S XKtlVtt.
To His Itomiirhnblo Self-Possession Ho
A.IOIIO Owen UlH Ilie.
P.Trsnono , Pa. , July U4. Mr. Frick was
nblo this afternoon to describe to a friend
more fully tbo Assault.
After the shots had been llrod Uorgman
still held his revolver in his right , while
with tbo loft baud he drew the knife. Mr.
Lclscbmun bad the maddened assassin by
the left band irying lo wrest the knife from
him und Mr. Frick iliad clutched his throat.
Thus the three men\ struggled und swayed
about the roam. Bergman in tno mcantliuo
lustily plunged his knife , culling deep on his
victim oo every opportunity that the chances
and changes of thostrucglo gave him. Three
of the wounds barely missed being fatal.
Nothing in his lifo has so thoroughly dem
onstrated Mr. Frlck's ' courage and self-con
trol us iho dastardly assault upon hl < Ufa and
the exciting scenes which followed. All who
wcro lu the ofllco trom tbo time tbo assassin
fired tbo allots until bo was removed to bis
residence In Home-wood agree lhat bo was
calmer and more soil-possessed than any ono
about him. Ho could hoar the newsboys on
Ibo streets shoullng : "All about tbo assas
sination of H. C. Fricid" and the voices of
thousands of people , crowded into ' 'Vtli nvo-
uuo about his ofllco , but ho was as little af
fected by ibis ns tnough It hid been a matter
in which bo was not directly interested.
Hu ICeinnlnoil bllent.
"It Is singular , " Mr. Frlck said later , "that
Dorgman did not attack mo in the hall in
stead of waiting to follow mo In tbo oftlce.
I saw him out there as 1 came down the
elevator. Ho was walking uo and down. I
saw ha was a bttanior , and I glaoccd at him
as I passed in. Ho did not seem excited.
It wns n curious thing that In the
whole of the attack on mo nnd the sub
sequent struggle tbo man was absolutely
HilenU Ho never uttered a word or a cry
from ilrst to last. I fancy be must have hud
n dynamite cartridge in his mouth , which
acted ns a gag. "
At midnight Mr. Frlck was sleeping
easily , there was no fever and everything
Indicated steady improvement.
l-'lvo Hundred Mmi nt Work In the Mill
Notice to thu .Men.
PirMwmo , Pa. , July 21. Saorotary Love-
Joy authorizes lha statement that there nro
now between 10J and 5J3 men In the Homo-
stcud mill and that as nnny mare will go in
tomorrow. Hu snyj the conpany it not
worrying nbout the strike In tbu Union mills
of this city and nt B.-uvcr RtlU. Mnit of
the people .wish lo return to work nnd the
striKO will not last long.
Tbo following uotlco will hi poUcd in nnd
about the Homestead stool works Monday
morning :
Xotlco-To All .Men Who I'ntor Our Kinoloy
AClor.Iiily 1,1st ) . ' : In noe.iso. and nnJur no
clrunniht'tnuus will n single ono of you bo ills-
charged to make room for another Von
will Kooi ) your icopouiivu positions so Intig us
jouutteml to your ilntlus. l' < Mllivo order * to
this nll'eot h vu bean given lo the Kcnornl
lly or.lor of Iho lio-ird ot inannKors.
TiiuCAit.Ni.uiubrKKi.fnMi'A.NvU'lMnTn ) ,
II. (1 , 1'HiOK.
Homestead Steel Works , July L'l , Ifc.iJ.
It Is expected thai , this notlco will Imvo an
Immediate nnd important effect on the sit
uation in Homestead , because tbo compain
could not Usuu a more solemn pledge ot It's
purpose lo proieei tbn now men in their po
Among the lockodout workingmen ono of
tbu rc&sons for their hesitancy in returning
to work Is said to bo the fear thnt If tbi
Amalgamated usioclatlon wins tbo fight tho.v
will bii made lo suiter Iho vengeance of the
successful association. Secretary Lovcjuy
expects tbo noiilleatlon will causa n brcnk It
thu solid ranks of the opposition upoa its
I > IM : > UNOID nto.u THI : AI/I.VII.
Anarchy nnil II * Adherent * Anathematize !
| > y n Homestimil I'rlenl.
HoMCHTUAi ) , Pn. , July 21 , A * now mova
men I for the solution of the Homestead dead
lock was Inaugurated today under Impressive
circumstance * . The tragical occurrence in
Pittsburg , with H , 0. Frick as tba victim
was tukeu as the occasion for this latest do
parturo. In tbo presence of u gathering
made up largely of ctrikoi-a und inllitlnmoi
It wus proposed to make n fresh attempt n
arbitration. The proposal cainofroiu u source
beyond cither party 10 the dinlcutty nnd wu
put forward in a way so unusual u lo com
inand marked attention ,
Divine service hold at the pnuclpa
Culholio church la Homestead wus inter
rupted in tbo most solemn part , when th
p.inlor , Hov Father Bullion , attired in hi
priestly vestments , who bad roiurnei
[ co.smueu v.v BCCO.NU JMUE.J
His Dcspicablo Actions Giro Offense Even
to the Democrats ,
Ho Thrcntnni to Dnfcitt the Civil Sundry
11111 If Aid In OIVL-ii the XVnrld'H
1'itlr Ailjonrnmrnt Neitr at
Hiinil Notci.
Bonn tu OF TUB
WASHINGTON. D. C. , July 2
Thcro Is not a democrat or republican In
Wnsbicgton tonight who is not nauseated at
thu statements of Chairman Holman of the
ng the adjournment of congress and tnopro-
> osocl World's fair appropriation , it being
suggosicd that Holman is not only in bis
dotage , but that tboro is something radically
wrong about his calculator.
His first objection to the vVorld's fair ap
propriation was that there waa not money In
the treasury to meet it. It has never been
iroposed to take the money out of the treas
ury , but to Uke 83,000,000 of Old , ubrasod
and useless subsidiary coins nnd racoln it
ute souvenir half dollars.
It Is Knlo or Hum With Him.
Then tbo chairman of the commlttoo on
appropriations declares that rather than ap
propriate this useless money , the sundry np-
iropriullon , ono of the most important of all
.ho regular annual appropriations for the
support of the regular institutions of Iho gov
ernment , shall fail. Ho has sot his foot
.lioro and until his position bocaino known
t looked like bo would uofoat tbo bill and all
tboro is In it. Now the bcr.tof prevails that
this hostility to the World's fair provision
will glvo It strength and that the bill and
fair provision will pass this week.
The impression prevails now that congress
will adjourn a week from tomorrow.
It Is the belief of tbo bast minds m the
senate that the anti-option measure
will cither bo recommitted to tbo
sonata committee on Judiciary or
defeated. Tbo question of constitu
tionality has boon raised. If it goes to Judi
ciary committee again it will , of course , stay
tboro until next winter. If thU is douu the
bill may bo defeated on a direct vote. Tbo
opposition to the measure comes from demo
crats mostly. Tbo Jew republicans who op
pose tha bill are from the east , in boards of
trade centres.
Munlcy Hus Asplrntlona.
A report is In circulation that the object of
Joseph H. Mutiloy in resigning from the
postuiuslcrshlp ut Augusta , Mo. , and devot
ing ull of his tlmo tb Ibo republican nulionul
campaign is lo canio lo Iho son ate. The
term of United Slales Senalor Halo will ox-
nirn nn Mnrnh ! l nnvt. tind 11 Infrlalnt.nrrt will
shortly ba elected to choose bis successor.
Mr. Munioy is an intimate frlond of Air.
JJlaino , who could have Senator Hole's place
if he wanted it , uucl it is surmised by some
that be U thinking of asking Ibat the
seuatorshlp bo given Mr. Mauley , who is ono
of the smoothest republicans in tuo country.
Tbo rumor at Bar Harbor is that Mr. and
Mrs. Hussell Harrison will spend a portion
of the season Ihoro as the guests of Mrs.
Elliott Shapard.
Its 1'Inao In History.
This Fifty-second congress , whoso tint
sessiou Is "so near Its'ond , will pass Into his
tory nil the "Do-Nothing Congress.1' It
tried bard to carn'for itself the title of the
"Nickel Congress , " but it could not oven
accomplish that feat , the appropriations for
this session being so near to tbojo of Iho first
session of tbo last congress as to stlenco tbo
democratic onltuel , "the Billion-Dollar Con
gress. "
Tuo reason why this congress has ac
complished so little beyond making tbo abso
lutely necessary appropriations to carry on
the business of tbo government Is the exist
ence of the overwhelming democratic major
ity m tbo bouse und the determination of tlio
democratic minority in the senate to blooi
any legislation thnt could by any possibility
rolled any credit upon the republicans. Fo'r
ttiis reason , knowing how hopeless uuy effort
would be , the republicans have confined their
efforts to a comparatively limited number of
measures and to proven'ting Iba democratic
majority from enacting ovll legislation. For
example , the democratic senators , aldoj by a
few republicans from tbo sliver-states , were
able to send to the bouse a free coinazo bill.
13nt in the house Iho compact und solid re
publican minority was able to prevent 83 per
cent of Inn democrats from foisting free sil
ver upon the country.
Democratic Consistency ,
Notwithstanding the democratic cry for an
Increase of circulation tbo democrats buvo
succeeded by parliamentary Jugglery in de
feating tuo bill introduced by Senator Shor-
wuu , allowing Iho national banks to Usuu
notes to tbo full par value of their deposited
bonds , Instead of limiting tboir circulation to
00 per cant of the par value. Had this bill
become law it would huvo increased tbo cir
culation of national bank notes by 10 per
cent , or about 15.000.000. or about li.'j coats
per capita. Iho bill pissed the senate , and
was then so amended in Ibo bouso as to make
it necessary to send it lo a conforcnco com
mittee that parliamentary gravoyurd of so
many measures , notb good and bud. In Iho
conference committee the democrats voted
solidly against tiny agreement. Tno real
motive of the democrats in defeating this
bill was in the interest of Another piece
of financial legislation most vicious in Its
character. This is the bill to remove
the prohibitive Internal revenue tax upon
the Issue of paper money by atuto banus.
' 1 his bill Is in thorough harmony with the
Chicago platform , which plainly declares in
favor of such money. Many pcoplo will
remember the trouble , Inconvenience- and
fiequcnt losses caused by tbo old system ,
wbiub preceded Iho national oank system , of
state notes. Tbo bill which would make a
renewal of this system possible uas passed
by Ibo house , but could not of course pass
Ibo republican senaio. Of course , ihti reestablishment -
establishment of the stuta bank system
would be n fatal blow to the nallonal banks ,
as , oven though the slalo banks Issued circu
lating no 103 upon Iho same security a * na
tional banks united States bonds they
could and would issue 10 percent more upon
the same security jban tbo national banks ,
and with such a handicap no system could
live , Tbo state bunks would drive the na
tional bank * out of existence , and tbi > ro
would follow an era of as many different
kinds of paper currency us there nra * states ,
accompanied by un enormous increase- the
"green goods" business.
Talked to Ijouth hy the Democrats ,
Ouc most meritorious measure , which the
democrats In the house talked to death , after
it had passed the scnuto , wns Senator
Mandorson's printing bill. This bill pro
vided lor a complete reorganization of tlio
government printing ofllco and our present
s\stom of public priming. Under It the
publications of the government , of all Kinds ,
would bo iebuud witli greater system , with
inoro accuracy , nnd with less cost to thn
public The bill would save to the treasury
at least u quarter of u million dollars u year ;
but bccaubo It would have deprived demo
cratic congressmen of a little pally prUron-
ugo they belled their protcnsos of "economy
und reform" by refusing to allow this excel
lent measure to bucomo a law. Undoubtedly
tnoro were a tew of the shrewder domocratlu
loaders who appreciated the merits of this
bill and who would bavo lluod to sen it ba-
comoluw ; but they wore unublo to accoin-
plUh an ) thing , occauso. under thu rules , tlio
hungry rabble were nblq to block -iho busi
ness of tbo bouso at any tlmo , as ox-Speaker
Hoed so forcibly pointed out at the tlmo.
While thus refusing , for tbo euko of pat-
rouagp , to save the government & .VJ.OOJ u
yuar , the confdJnrato , brigadiers who con
trolled the bouso refused to concur in the
action of tbo senate in appropriating $100,000
to pay tbo expense of transporting the flour
contributed by tbo farmers and millers ol
ho weU to the starving peasantry of Russia.
This Inhuman notion [ Wns dictated bv the
most contemptible tnqilvcs of revenge , because -
cause tbo southern brigadiers romcmbarod
; ho friendly nlliludo ojf. .Uussla toward the
United States government during Iho rebel *
Ion nnd bow ijio appearance of several Hus *
&lan mon-of-wnr in Untied States ports do-
[ orrcd iho Llrltlsh government from oponl.V
recognizing tha\coufoilcrncy , wltb which It
was in secret nnd Uiou1uiul | sympathy.
Another tt'ixld Meiiiuro Kilted.
Anothnr rocnsuVe of great merit which
passed the scnntd bul which the house suc
ceeded In swoinerlnlr In conference was the
bill for the reorganization of the army. This
bill would have saved the government $301)-
000 n year , and at the same tlmo would bavo
placed tba army tlpon u tnoro ofllclont basis
by making a larger skeleton organization ,
nnd would have increased t'io opportunities
fur deserving men to work their way up from
the ranks nnato attain the rank of commis
sioned ofllcorg. After passing thu sonata the
bill was antagonized in tbo house by n coun
ter bill , which pretended to have the same
nurnose. but which nil military exports
agreed in pronouncing" Wholly impraciicuoio
nnd worthless. Tha result wns a conference
committee , the democratic member : ) of which
have prevented any report. Tno southern
brlpndlors who control the house have nodr-
sira to increase the cfllclonc.v of tha federal
army , oven thouglf that were to bo accom
plished with on actual saving of expanses to
the government ; and so again they exposed
the holiowncis of their sham cry for "econ
omy nnd reform. " , '
More r lso Kconomy ,
Then there was ipb Paddock public bu'ld- '
intr bill , which proposes to glvo every eltv
having 5,000 population or an annual postal
revenue of $5,000 a federal building to bo
occupied by Us postofllco and other federal
oilces ! , tbo building nnd site 16 cost from
$ " 0,000 upward , tbo price to bo ccrudod ac
cording tn size of city or town or aggregate
postal receipts. It passed tbo ncnato early
in this session , and Wont to the house com
mittee on postofllcttt and post roadswhoro It
nas not been dignified by oven a slight con
sideration , nlthuuKh all of the members of
tbo committee urt familiar with Its pro
visions , sb populafifs the proposition and so
generally has it bpon discussed. It was
shown that , bos1n > s < glving quito nil towns
of 4,000 or 5.0UO pbnultufon a handsome post-
office bulldtncr , It would yield tbo govern
ment in rent , by-way of nn Investment ,
about U per cent , not counting tbo increase
of the real citato vollro.
Tension ulllt Defeated.
When the present pnnslons committee of
the house was unpointed last December , it
was announced by..tho southern brigadiers
that the union veterans would not bo per
mitted to enjoy the 'benellti of any general
pension legislation by this congicss. The
promise has boon kopt/ ( Not a single general
pension bill hasmssfcd the house. The
senate , howcvar , ha passed nnd scat to tbo
house four general pension bills of great im
portance. Tnose nro tbo bills , introduced by
Senator Mitchell , extending lo ino survivors
of Indian wars sinco'18l5.ttio boncllts of tbo
Mexican pension not ; .Senator Warren's bill
pensioning women onrollou as army nurses ;
Senator Davis' bllljiqerajislng the pensions
or soldiers midsallors ( otally helpless from In
juries received or frora disenos contracted
in Ibo net vlco of die. United States ; and
Senator Cameron'sfbill ndJuKtirig pensions
01 inosu woo nu > mio9 , [ urn us. upon an
these bills the democratic house committee
refused to take any , action whatever , but
strangled thorn all.It nvas only a few days
' '
njto'in a public lot'orvjovy that Mr. Murtia ,
the chairman of tbo-liQuso pensions commit
tee , boasted that tula , house would pass
fewer piivatu ponslon. ( bills than had any
house ( teen , years. * . his record is ono
that J.ho ucinbcratioiolilor .voter , may welt
ponder upon. ' . $ / , , "
Ihfcsg afoon.lysfi ( aiv-of thJ monr cnn-
' ' '
splcu'O'exa'uivjies of jlne manner in which
the ] the house has
stilled" ' lmpor ant'Je'gismtio'b7''and ; h'ns 'fnirly
earned 'for this congress tbo titloof thn "Do-
Nothing. " Many other examples of almost
equal importance'mttrht bo cited , so as to
form n pataloguo of great length. These are
enough , however , to show that the demo
crats have dellbdratdty and repeatedly re
fused to accept measures of trua economy
und reform , nnd that they have constantly
blocked efforts of the republican senate to
enact legislation of importance and of real
benefit to the country.- * , P. S. H.
Agreement Itenclird on Everything hut the
Worlil'M Fair Appropriation.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , July til. The commit
tee of conference on tbo sundry civil appro
priation bill made unexpectedly rapid pro
gress today and succeeded In adjusting all
iho points of difference between tbo two
houses , except in regard to the World's fair
appioprialion of 'fp.'OOO.OOO , In- regard to
which they will report a disagreement. The
agreements , some liOO in number , which
were nonconcurrcd in by the bouso , provide
for an addition lo tn4 bill of about $ JOOU,0)0 ) ,
distributed throujn/ almost all tbo branches
of the service. The. sonata conferees ugrco
lo recommend lhat tlio senatci abandon about
Jl , 000.000 of this amount and tha bouse con-
forces recommend t < / grant the remaining
Tbo conferees have stricken from tbo bill
all the now legislation Inserted in regard to
district attorneys an j morsnuln. The man
agers on the part of tbo house consent to the
senate Increase ot ttic appropriation for sur
veying the public 'lands frora $ JOO,000 to
$1175,000 nnd various other largo amendments
nro agreed to or compromised so as to fix the
amounts us follows : For the International
monetary conference , ( 0,000 ; for carrying
iho enforcement of the Cblncso exclusion
act , { 100,0'JO ; for a special fund to bo placed
in the hands of iho president for USD in case
of need to prevent fl ) suroailjgf opldemlo
diseases , $100,000 ; for the purchase of a site
for a coveinment building nt Plttsburb' ,
$200,000 ; for continuing the construction of
public bulldlne at Oniahn , * JOJOJI ; for re
pair of public buildings In New Yorif , fT.'i-
ooo ; Chicago , $ " > .OoO ; Lansing. Mich. , , " > , -
000 ; for Uook Island nrscnul. fTfi.ooO ; fora
new lighthouse nt * Nanlucket , 75,000.
Among Ibo iionalo amendments wholly
stricken out arc tbo apprjprluiions of $10,000
each fur tbo wldowrf of three supiomo court
Justices. , '
It wus learned late this evening that the
senate conferees refused to accept the
O'Neill Pinkerton iuniudincnt ; to tbo bill
adopted in the liousu when the sonata
amendments wcro bel&g considered. This
amendment prohibit * jibe employment of
1'Inkorton detectives ) > ? ' persons connected
with the goyornmcp V-Cbo senators were
willing to uurea to 9/modification of the
amendment but tba bousq conferees were of
tbo opinion that it wqutd. bo bettor lo give
tha housb the opportunity to pass Judgment
on the proposed rnodiUe'atlon In preference lo
doing it themselves t (
'Action on Ibo senatp.amendment contain
ing an appropriation'pf ' $50,000 , an addition to
ono ot $ l7r ,000 , for tlio. .ascertainmeut ot tbo
boundary line bat ween , Mexico uud tbo
United States was tieii ) ) ( nbayanco pending
tbo tccolpt of cortulu lufoinmlon dojired by
tbt-con/oi .
_ _ _
MruaurcH Thnt Will Kngugo Attention This
WASHINGTON , D. O. July 21. There nro but
two obstacles in .lie"way of an early adjourn
ment of congrcss , a4d they uro tbo World's
fair amendment to ( bo sundry civil appro
priation bill nr.d the pending nnti-optlonbl II
in the senate. When they are disposed of ,
or at loHst the first of thorn , the session will
undoubtedly terminate. As'to tbo first ,
tboro may bo difficulty of a serious nature ,
but it Is nardly expected that the friends of
tbo mill-option bill can carry out their threat
'of keeping coogruss together until It acts
upon Ibo bill.
In the senate tie ) week will probably bo
characterized by the number of speeches de
livered , They will cover much ground und
many subjects , ranging from the tariff ,
iTobrnska Votoram Preparing to Gather in
Annual fisunioi Next Mouth.
f.opat Committee ! rimming Hlir Things In
iiitcrtiiln the Ancient Warriors Snper-
lur 1'onplo Will Welcome the Inter-
Into Itcuiuoii Handsomely.
Oiusn IstANi ) , Neb. , July 21. ( Special
to Tun BRU.J The routilon commlttoo mot
is per ndjournmonl last night. The goiior.U
arrangements hnvo nil boon nndo and Mas
wns the lait mooting of the conitiiltteo before
tlio murnltiL' of Autrust 27. the first day of
the reunion. There were proiont Depart-
tnoiit Commander O. J. Dllworlh of llust-
ngs , J. U. Mo. gherot Coluiibna , Secretary
Caldwell , Chairman S. P. Mobloy , Quartermaster -
master Harry Harrison and Co.nrados
George P. Dean , C. F. Bjntloy and George
Fifty thousand programs wcro sent out
to all parts of the state yoslorday. Com
munications \vero road last night from Sana-
tors Manacrson and Pnddook. it Is likely
they will both attend ono or two days , but
they could not set an oxaotdato. Several
other sptmkcrs of state prominence have
been invited to attend , and have dignified
ttielr intention to coino.
Quartermaster Harrison reports that appli
cations from tbo various posts throughout
the state , as far as have been received and
illeti , show an Increase In attendance of over
JO pnr cent. The number of Sous uml
Daughters of Veterans and Woman's Kollcf
corps will nl o bo larger this year than last , at the same tlmo the instructions of the
department encampment ttfat tlio committee
should try to nialto Camp Sheridan distinc
tively an olu veterans' reunion have not
been forgotten.
Signed contracts arc In the hands of the
committee for two balloon nsconslocs and
purachutu doaccnslons by Prof. Hcddon , thi )
Michigan aeronaut. A large nuuiberof bands
Imvo fclf-nillod tboir intention to comu , and
the prospscts for a good baud control were
never bettor. Applications for booths are
co.ning in rapidly. The commit too adjourned
until August 27 , providing for further busi
ness by empowering Chairman S. P. Mobloy ,
Secretary uoorgo Caldwell and Quartermas
ter Harrison to transact all mattors.
Stall' fur the Interstate.
SUFBKIOK , Neb , July 24. [ Special to THE
BEE. | At a largely attended business men's
mooting last eight , at which Colonel James
II. Kesterson acted as chairman and Major
Frank P. Bonnell as secretary , the com
mander of the Interstate reunion of Kansas
and Nebraska was tendered the services of a
mounted staff of fifty uniformed men , repre
senting many of the leading business Inter-
eats of the city. The stair will bo placed
under tbo cfllolonl management of Adjutant
A. C. Felt for drill ana will undoubtedl )
make n very imposing fealuro of tbo reunion ,
the success of whicb is already assured.
iG ii > WOUTIIS.
Members ( ilvo Hustings u Genuine
McthoilUt Sunday.
HASTINGS , Neb. , July 2i. [ Special to TUB
BBC. ] Hastings people bavo bad tbo oppor-
ujilty to attend church" services toaay at
almost any hour they chose , as from 5iU !
a. , m. until lute ut night the state convention
' '
of BpwortK'lea'qucs has been almost continn--
ously in session. Although many of the
delegates hud left lor home , there wcro still
many in attendance , and the church has at
all times been crowded.
The 5:30 "vVesloy Sunrise Mooting" was
under the charge of C. S. Polk of Plaits-
mouth , Rov. U. A. Hobsoa of Surpiiso
breaching a short sermon.
At 9li : ! ) a special session of the con von lion
was hold with the now president , G. W.
Berber of Lincoln , In tbo chair. After thu
devotional exercises , Miss Christina Lon-
qulst of Fremont read a "
pspor on "Tbo Ep-
worth League and the Amusement Ques
tion. " Tbo discusilon of tins paper occu
pied the remainder of the session , followed
immediately by a love feast led by Uev. N ,
A. Martin ot Fullerton.
This lasted until 10:3" : , when tbo usual
church services were bepun , Chancellor
Crolgbton ot the Nebraska Wesloynn univer
sity prouubing the sermon. At Its conclu
sion the sacrament of communion , was ad
min is tcrca.
Uev. Wlnship , president of tbo general
conference district league , occupied the pul
pit of the Baptist church.
In tbo afternoon at 3 o'clock a pla'.for in
meeting was led by Dr. B. L. Payne ot
Lincoln. In the evening , after a devotional
service , led by G. W. Woodwjrd of Hast
ings , Hov. It Pierian of Aurora preached
the closing sermon on "Heart Purity. " At
its conclusion u farewell meeting gave the
delegate ! and their friends an opportunity
to brealc the ties ol friendship formed nt
this second annual session of tbo Nubraska
Epworlh ioaguo.
Fanner Smith Klllnil In u ICnniiwnv-Cilrl
Struck by u htruy Shot.
PAPIM.IO.V , Nob. , July 24. | Special Tola- TUB Bii.J This evening William
Smith , u prosperous young farmer living u
few roil03 southwnst of town , was driving
homo from 11 visit in company with bU wlfo
and three children. A mlle north of town
they wc-ro run Into by William Eicbnor ,
whoso team was unmanageable. The oc
cupants of both wagons wera thrown out
and Smith was instantly klllod , his neck
being broken. The children were all slightly
hurt. Both teams run away and were cap
ture ! after an exciting cbsso. The coroner
bos boon notified and his investigation will
show 11 Eichnor u'as to blame for running
Into the other rig.
GoTiinMiuuo , Nob. , July21. [ SpodalTolc-
gram to Tim BCB. | Thu 1-year-old daughter
of F. S. Doollttln wa * allot In tbo shoulder
while eating Ruppur by n oullot which uamo
through the window from u distance , ilred
by aorno unknown person , Tlio bullet
lodged in tbo bacK of her neck. The girl is
getting along rlcnly. .
IXDIANOI.A , Nob. , July 24. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BiseJ Thomas lluyden at
tempted sulcido this evening by cutting bis
throat , but mndo a bud Job of It , and still
Ilvo , Ho hud been drinking heavily all day
and said ho was tiroJ of living.
oArruuisu AI.V.IN j
A Much Wanted Mini finally Limited Safely
In Jail.
WILIIKII'Nob , July 21. [ Special to. Tun
UEB.JSheriff Barton last night brought in
from Wichita. Kan. , Alvln McGdiro , who
had boon placed under arrest to answer the
cbargo of stealing a team , wagon and
harness at Crete In the spring of IS'JJ. Mc-
Uuiro was captured at tbo tlmo , but after ho
hud been In the county Jail a few weeks ho
offoutod hia escape by sawing through tlio
tmrs of tbo steof cage and breaking out a
panel of the outer door. Ho is ono of the
most expert Jail breakers in tbo country and
is the aumo Alvln MrGulro who figured in
the Poglcg Grifllu affair ( > t the state capital a
foiv JOIUM ago. There has boon a standing
reward of ? 50 offered for him slnoo bis
escape. Ho had been previously beard of In
Oklahoma , but before the requisition papers
could be secured ho moved out of the terri
1IU Mmiry Wan lntiiot ,
BKLLEVUIS , Nob. , July 24. [ Special to TUB
UKK.J Coroner Miller and a Jury held an
Inquest yesterday ovur Iho body of tbo
floater picked up by Fred Moore south of
Utillevuo island Friday. Ono hundred and
seventy dollars in bunk bills wera found in
the left front pookotof his overalls , and la
the right baud Pocket was found 0 couU la
change , a poc t Unlfo ami a key ring on
which wcro Vl five door kovs , two old-
fashioned flat padlock hoys , and n
button hook. ho watch pookot of the
overalls was n hunting caio llamndon
watch , nttacliVJ which was a Gorman
silver twisted 1\ In , which wai hooked
Into the i\t\K \ \ ot\Z t suspender. Fattened
to this by ft snlaU'n wan n metal chnrm
about thosl > eof , l . ul with the Imago of
atlcor stamped otr aldo and the words
"Clisotzltoli GoscK 'U. S. " on the other
side. The body vt clothed lu n pair of
dark tslrlpad overalls , t'.aek shirt , rod suspenders -
ponders narrow leather belt around the
want , ootton socics but no shoai. The ver
dict of Ihs Jury was that tbo deceased met
his death In n manner unknown to the Jury ,
but buppo cd to bo by drowning.
iTunmtuN DiiUKliU-n til Itolinrcn.
JUXIATA , Neb , , July 21. [ Special to TUB
Uii.J : Wednesday nvonlnx the Daughter )
of Koboccii gave n public Installation of
ofllceiMi The largo Jntlopaudont Order of
Odd Follows hall was crowded , and the
Installation they repaired to the Grand
Army of tbo Hopubllo Hall , where an elegant
suppar awaited thorn , then rotumod to tholr
hall again and listened to several excellent
Mrs. Smith , ( lopuly grand master , nwlitod
bv McsdaMios Moroland , Stevens , Urass and
Kerr , grand ofilcers , Installed the ofllcors as
follows : Noble grand , Mrs. Nettle Anecll ;
vlco grand , Mr"i. Susie Cole ; secretary , Mrs.
jjizzic xwiunic ; treasurer , Airs. A. Jonusoit ;
financial secretnrr , Mrs. G. Bohtolholmor ;
xvardon , Misa F. Aylesworth ; conductor ,
Miss A. Brass ; right support to nobla grana ,
Mrs. M. A. lirass ; loft support to noble
grand , Mrs. Hattie Aylcsworth ; right sun-
port to vlco grand , Mrs. F. Curtis ; loft sup
port tovico urund , r Mrs. H. Kerr ; Insldo
; uard , Mrs. Emma Brown ; outsldn guard ,
MM. Stella Brooklov ; chaplain , Mr * . C.
Bowers ; past noble erand , Mrs. Ella Hlokol.
Mrs. Cora Thumb and children of Hoso-
Innd are hern visiting her parents , Mr. and
Mr * . D. K. Ball.
Kov. O. A Bu/zol cauio Uomo from North
Platte Friday.
Gborgo W. Becbtolhelmer and family are
homo from the mountains.
Woslov Cole of Tinln is visiting with
George Mizcn.
W. Hall anil wlfo of Chicago nro visiting
tbo family of A. N. Hall.
\Vct Point Saw * Nntni.
WKST POINT , Nob. , July ! M. [ Special to
TUB BBE.I--U. C. Fentlto. who has boon
Ingorlng between lifo and death for two
\\ooKspast , died Wednesday afternoon at 5
o'clock. His Illness dated back some two
months ago , when ho hud an attack of the
The oleotrio storm that prevailed during
Thursday night did considerable damage
here. D. C. Giffcrt bad the chlnmov of bis
rosldoncn shattered by lightning. The fluid
ran down the chimney Into the llroplaco and
threw the cover to the mlddlo of the floor.
No ono was in the room , but the family was
badlv frlghtencO. The kitchen of Otto
Wickert's residence was struck by lightning.
The normal is in full swing. Cumlnt ;
countj- teachers and many fiom the adjacent ,
counties have endowed tbo plan of Superin
tendent Collins oy their presence. No less
than seventy wera pnrollod the first day , and
the indications point to an Increased attend-
llttrii llnrni'il liur * .Stolon.
BLUB Srinxos , Nob. , July 34. ( Special to
THE BIB. : ] A barn belonging to DrrJ. Uoop ,
and standing near tbo business center of
town , tooit Iho about a a.m. yesterday and
burned to tbo ground. Tbo ilro was kept
from spreading to other buildings by the
efforts of the bucket brigade. Considerable"
-rrnin , huv and loose property wai burned In
the building. No insurance.
Wbilo'every body -worked hard to save
property they were not sparlncr of their
curses against the water works contractor * ,
who have wholly failed and neglected to com
plete their contract , and to loft the city with
out any protection.
During tbo excitement cauooj by tbo Ilro
the stable of A. A. Chork was ente'rod and K
horse stolen. The thief was tracked u block
or BO. It Is supposed bv some that the burn
was fired by the ihlof to fucllltnto hiscsojpo.
1'liittsmmith'N I'ni.iini'ii Ursorta.
PIATT.IMOUTII , Nnb. , July'J4. fSpoclal to
TUB BKI : . I Plattsmouth people know n
good thing when they sco it. Situated as
this city is there is no need for nay of Us in-
bibltauts to travel away from homo during
the hot season for fiuminor resorts. The line
fishing grounds In the La Platte and over
the Missouri rivorat Luke Waubonslo uro
bomp well patronized those days. Every
morning frprn three to ton fishing parllos
leave the city bound for those pluco * . They
return at uitrht laden with sun burn , blisters
and fish , i ast Sunday the bonks of the
creeks and lakes were covered with Plaits-
mouth pcoplo tlshlng.
Snml.ty riouuru ut 1'liittxmoiith.
PI.ATTSMOUTII , Nob. , July 24. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKB. j Six carloads of the
( Jathollo Knights ' of America picnicked at
Bajok's pa'rk this ultjrnoon. They were
accompanied by an elegant band and
orchestra , and put in a day full of whole-
bomo enjoyment. The party returned homo
by special train at 0 o'clock ' this evening.
The republicans liclit their primaries for
congressional dologutas lust nipht. From
Cass county holld over Field. In sovorul
wards spirited contests wcro had , but
Field's ' Srluuds wcro outnumbered.
Gudiiliy ISntvluirH I'lcnlo ,
WATBHI.OO , Nob. , July 131. [ Special Tola-
irrum to TUB BEB. ] About 500 employes and
friends of the Cudaby Packing company of
tioutti Omaha held their annual picnic today
at Waterloo park. The rnoit Interesting
feature of the day was the beef killing con
test. It was won by J. Swartin eight
infinites and tbico soronds. The xllvorcup
for the bust wiiluer win glvon to Ed O'Brlon
and wlfo. Evoryonojsooinod to onjov thorn-
selves heartily. TrulnS'ldH the purii on the
return trip at 0:30
Kliln'N Iiiipi-ovoinuntii.
KI.SIB , Nob. , July 21. [ Special to TIII- .
BKE. ] The largo Methodist Kohcopu )
church building hero , coiling between f..OOO
and ' ) , OJO , is about completed , except paint
ing. O. J. Hlchard will rommonco work nt
once on a largo two-story brk'k , tabo used
for u bank and hotel. A lariro two-storv
school building will by complctod during tlio
next sixty days.
lloljolco Deuliirn Arnincliig to C'iro fur un
IinmoiMo Vlnlil.
Hoivoiu , Colo. , July 24 [ Special to TUB
BUB. 1 In view of the imtiionso crop of small
grain i.ow'assured in this county by the
ubdndnnV rnlna of the past ton days , L ,
Tnikel & Co.'Vr ln buyers of' this place ,
bavo broken ground for tlio erection of a
groin elevator with a cnpaulty of 120,000
bushels. TliU makes tlio second elevator
for this pluco and Judging from the promis
ing outlook both will bo taxud to their ut
most capacity to Huuitlo the grain the coming
Tbo Burlington agent of this place in
formed TUB BUB correspondent yuitorduy
that live carloads ot self-binder * bad been
shipped to Holyoke within the past ton
days. An inquiry unions the different local
iiL-enta for machines showa that 160 self-
blndcri and five liondora Imvo lio'.ni sold
bore this season to the fanners of this
Kvo and barley are all In shock and the
cutting of the wheat crop U wolf under way.
i limit Corn m > llunij > lni ; Itiuir ,
FOIIT'PODOB , la , , July 21.-Special [ Tola-
grain to Tin ; TBB. ) | Tbo past wcok has been
thu liotte oxporloucod bore for ton years ,
The thermometer rungod from S > .i ® to 03 °
dally. Tim ratult has boon u phenomenal
development o. ' the corn und oats crops Thu
former now averages much bailer than ut
thin tune ono year ujjo. The luttor Is nearly
roudy for harvest uudof an excellent ( juulliy.
Further Pnrticnhrs of ths Explosioa at the
York Farm Mine ia
Not Ono Working lit U o Vicinity of til *
Acclilont INcnjiod Allvo llovv the
ixplotlin AVn Canned 1.1st
of the Dead ,
POTT3VIU.B , Pa. , July 2i. The Hvos ot
victims ot Saturday's explosion of gas nt tha
York Farm colliery has Inereasod to Hftoon
dead and ono momentarily expected to dlo.
Thus not ono of tbo men working In tbo
vicinity of where tbo explosion occurred
will ba nblo to toll the tate of Iho disaster
oxcoot Llowollyn , the man who first notlcod
the prosonod of gas and.tbo . unusual running
of coal nnd who , by strictly complying with
colliery rules , had goiu fn to Inform the lira
boss of this unusual Indication and th us wat
absent from the vicinity of the explosion.
Christian Horntokor , wboio body still lies
juried in the mine , llrod a shot wltb a
battery in breast No. 1 In the second lift
and immediately tboro wit ? a strong rush of
KM nnd run of coal. The gas rushed up the
olrwfty nonnootlngtho flrat and second lifts
uod was ignited , It issuppoiod _ , by ono ot
.ho safety lamps that'wa either upset and
jrolten or faulty , and the tcrrlblo explosion
'ollowod , whereby Iho mod working in th
immediate vicinity were affootod as nbova
nontlouod nnd tlio gangways filled with
'alien rojlt , coal and ttnibor , covering up Iho
Bodies of some of the m > ni.
All the bodies have baon recovered oxoopt
[ Inrrison and Hornlokor , and It is expected
: heir bodies will bo brought to the surfnua
bcforo morning. The complete list follows ,
all of whom ore now dead out ono :
Corrootod Ilit of thu Dond.
OEOUaE KRYKS of Mlddlo Creek , 21 year *
old , Fliulc , laborer.
WILLIAM JONK3 , Mlnorvlllo , 17 years ,
slnglo hoy.
WILLIAM M. WK1MAN , Mlnorvlllo , 31
years , wlfu nnd several children , minor.
39 , wife and ono child , l.iboror.
1IKUMAN Olair. years , wlfa
ind lar.-o family , miner.
THOMAS JONES. Mlnorsvillo. 33 years , wlfa
and four children , minor.
ANTI10NV STOCK , Yorkvlllo. IB yoara ,
flhiKlc , laborer.
HiNKYMAlAnAi'ottsvlllo,31 ; years , wlffl
nnd Ilvo children , minor.
niMVAHD OUKUAX. Mount Laffoo , 35yoarfl.
\\Ifo and two children , minor.
THOMAS P. LANDKHS. 1'ottsvlllo. 27years ,
wife : ind one child , laborer.
ItOltnitT W. AljLOTP. I'ottsvlllo , 42yoar \
wlfo und clKht children , minor.
O. D. ALLOT" , I'ottsvilto , 17 years , single ,
JA.MIH iiAKisuiyLi , lyiowoiiyn , .17 years ,
wlfo and ono child , minor. 9
JOHN 11AKUISON , Wadosvlllo. 3J yean ,
wlfo nnd three children , Ilro boss.
yours , minor , wlfo and three children.
OEOUOE STOCK , 2S yours , roeoutly mof-
rlcd , fctlll living.
Of the above , Henry Madara. ThomM
Landers , Robori und Charles Al'ott ' and
EJwiird Currnu , who were still living wbea
taken from tbo mine , died slnco last ovonlnff.
III ! SrUK'lH tiU.ME , TOO.
Parson Tlrrol'H Lnvu of Vast Homos la
Catmint ; Him Trouble.
FOUT DOPOB , la. , July 24. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BISE. | Hov. U. Tirrol , pastor
ot the Methodist Epircopal cburcb at
Clarion , occupied a scat In the Judge's stand
and officiated as timekeeper In a race ba-
twocn two local trotters. When the
prcachor announced tbo result and limn ,
ono of the spoctntors " 2iuestlonod his de
cision. Hov. Mr. Tirrol promptly pulloa oft
bis coat nnd announced that ho could whip
any man that culled him a liar. Mutual
friends prevented 'the affair from going
further , but tbo occurrence has > created
much comment.
Rev. Mr. Tirrol Is well known as a lover ol
fast norso.s , but so long as ho look no part iu
racing Ills congregation did not object. Now
many of his llocu uro indulging lu narih crlt
iclsin of their pastor's conduct , and tbo mat
ter may bo brought before tbo next confer *
Trying to Uro lit the Doctor * .
.Ai.iiu , la. , July 24. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ) The coming term of district
court promises to bo as attractive and In *
Ktructlvo as a full course In a medical col
lego. A few months ago Dr. Abopg WOK
mulcted for a neat sum of money for raal-
practice In restoring a fractured limb , anal
four similar eases havq boon Drought for tha
coming term. Mr. Demurs sues Dr. Dnrtrarn
for $7,000 for malpractice , vyilliam McKlnlo ?
wants $ tnOOU from Dr. Hlordan , and ycitor-
day Sam Hayes entered suit against Dr.
Starr for l.'i.OOO. Another $10,000 damaga
case will bo lllca thin wcolr.
- . John Smith Klllnil l > y Hunstroko.
OTTUMWA , la. , July SI , ( Special Telegram
to Tih : BBB.I Today has b on the bottost of
the year. The thurmomotor tbli morning at
10 o'clock stood atlOJ9 and at noon waa four
degrees higher. Churches were almost do *
populated nnd people thronged the parks to
keep cool. Onlv ono death from oxccmlvo
bout wus reported , Unit , of Jobn Bioltu nt
Mount Pleasant. Tno extreme heat for tbo
pist three days , howovur , has been excellent
for corn , which bus grown n foot in tbo last
tbreo days.
OIMIII u Sow Minn.
FOSTBII , la. , July : M. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BBK.J Anoiier ) big coal deal hap
boon mndo In this mining olty. The Deep
Vein Coal company hai been quietly pros >
[ icctlng In this vicinity nnd found a rich de
posit extending under inoro than 2,000 noros
of lund. which It i mined lately purchased.
This will bo opened up nt , once , giving em
ployment to 4UO or 500 additional minors.
Hluokstnllh mill I'oiimun.
Ceniii nu-iPs. la. , July 21. [ Special Tclo-
grain to TUB DEB.J F. O. Hollingor , a blacn-
smith nt Dodo , loft for parts unknown
' 1'liureduy evening. It has developed that ba
forged notes amounting to several hundred
dollars and succeeded in cashing them at
batiks lu liutnbojtlt und Itodo before leaving.
Koulli IJnelUh In Quiet.
OKUAII HAi'jDg , la. , July 24. [ Special Tele
gram to THE UKII.J Later news from South
EnglfftU showa tbo reports abouf , tbo troubla
over tbo incorporation of that town to liuvo
been j/roatly oxnKgorntcd. The wblto can
notice is considered a fake , and was prob
ably written by somebody tooking notoriety ,
Accident to the Charleston ,
POUT OuuimiiVnah , , July 24. A flra
broke out In the coal ounkora of tbo United
States cruiser Charleston Friday , from
upoutunoou * combustion.
The Ilro was ox-
tingulshod lu tblrty-flvo minutes. Tno
deck In the utoera o bad to be torn up to
reach tbo Humes. The berth deck In the
RtecruKO was partly destroyed , a was uho a
part of tbo olllcurs1 bunks. The damage can
on repaired by thu ship mechanic ,
Itcjiorlcrulll OiKiinlio ,
MlNNIIAl'OUS. Mlllh , , July 2-1. Bovcrjl fr < f
porters , moinbors of tbo Minneapolis Press
club , are cuiuidHrlng tbo advisability of
forming a reportoro' union to strike ngulnst
oyunvoru and under uuy , *