iff gmMmp" y OMAHA SUNDAY BEE . HE , F > PMRT TWO. O PflGES 9 TO 16 I I TWENTY-SECOND YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY M011N1NG , JEJLY 2d , 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 86. ultis the universal verdict that MO other tented eshibition in America is entitled to even a comparison with 33armiin & Bailey's this yeajL\--CAiicago Ateraict , July ifi.itM In stupendous , overshadowing and imposing association with the operatic , terpsichorcan * nautical , martial and dramatic spectacle of Scenes of [ ncfescriliebtc beauty and intoxicating enchantment more glorious than day. Resur recting and electrifying into spectacular life the btieht historic page to be commemorated by the Columbian exposition , it is 5 \ 5 * The Chicago Herald of June 2Glh last says : "it will do more to enable the masses to apnre- cfatc the event the World's Fair is to celebrate than the circulation of all sorts of pamphlets by the Bureau of Publicity. " Indisputably ten times greater , grander , more original , truthful , moral , instructive and entertaining than any other amusementmstUution in the whole world. tOyrEOFlifulft MOST 0 XU DIMINUTIVE 1JVINO SPECIMENS' 17 , /ilDllil / $7,300 $ , = 1200 People Actually Employed 'j SECTION 6.0F THE HEW.MIWON DOUAR.NEE STRICT PARADE NO OTHER SHOW Coming Here VISITS the BIG CITIES and and Wf and DFOTVFDI < \ . ] ! \ Y THREE MONTHS IN LONDON , ENGLAND. whore 11 wns laurel-crowned with - record-eclipsing suc- . cess. The only tented show exhibiting every year at EUadisori Spare Garden , Slew and endorsed by HID clergy , sta esmen , philanthropists , churches , nobility , press and the masses. IITItfFI Y PRnnilfiFn ! IS DMKHii IN FUFRY HFTSII OH FPTFI5 * BBiwLLI riiyyuyLy all Uaalnyn ? lay LwLlil BJdBriiL ysy dLa 3 gojsS It is the Plain , Convincing Truth that the Barnum & Bail ey Show pays 10 times thoenlnrlcsof any other show , lias 100 times as many nrtlsts , uses moro than twice as many curs. Is larger thtin all others combined. Can comfortably put any other show coming to Omaha in its dressing-room. Is 1,000 times more interesting Only show endorsed by whole states and na tions. Is the only exhibition beyond comparibon. Its costumes worth nioro than the total cost of any other show. Only show having so many performers that each can appear but once. Controlling every feature worth p. c- Bonting. No other show coining hero is high enough on the luddor of fame to escape the red ants mediocrity. Only show blending all there is in the nrunic world with the grandest theatric triumphs of all the centuries. Any oi.hcr show coining hero and ad- voitlbing two herds of performing ele phants wilfully accclves you. Positively the only show coining hero that possesses -100 thoroughbred horses ; no other show has 14U. COc will buy more amusement Sept. 34 than all the money paid other thews during the year. Grandest living tableaux of the ngce. The Barnum & Bailey is the only show presenting 1,200 richly robed men and " women , -100 radiantly beautiful millet dancers , 800 tmined vocalists and in- Biruiuentalists , and a inonopo'y of all the world's exhibition trda ures. Full Bi/.ed duplicate of Columbus' Snip ' 'Tho Santa Maria. " $75,030 Worth of Gorges Costuming. $15M)00 ! ) Worth of Art Scenery. Princely Processional Pageants. " " * i"M//ii. / | . ' . { IH , M'll'tJM ' ) ( > COLUMBUS ttUJSTRATllW HIS PUNS TO ISABELLA BEFORE THE WALLS OFBAZA First I me 'n O iaha of the Patriotic , Majestic , Educational and Matchless Spectacularized creation of COLUMBUS AMD THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. &n S SSS XSiSW * Highestancl Most Sublime Ideal Dramatic Spectacular Art the World Has Ever Known. fc ' This Line Represents til -4 Trains The world's only Cat Circus , troupe Sittings from Chicago's Greatest Daily Papers. , of performing Arnbs , trained Goats , 'In OTiry re > pcrl tlio mo t iiiniMiltloentovcr teen \ here. Mory ( if Columbus Just mitt iipijcnnont In DORS , PiKOons , Zebras , Lions , Monkeys , [ lie iiiliul nf CM'ry unit Intelc lcd In ihu World's " " 'air , .inil forma an object Icntuii nut only liintruU- And this the "LEfttB © SarsSsoo Show" 28 ' { u- lint tliuolr , " HiTiilil , JunuZI , Ib'J. . ; fra gECTEsy ? g PonicB , Hours , Shc'op , Horses , Tlpors , "Xtit uvvriinlliiK " " > uttriictUciifia ( u eny tlmt It rn'liy imivuil Us clitlm in bt'lnu tliu urt'nlc' t on cnrlli. " Trlliuno , Junu''l , IKfi. Pnnthors , Leopards and Elephants , In " .MiMincorlu ccil.ilnly tliu tlnuit. I'.vcrj plinno of This Line illustrates ! ' nrrnlc . url Hppuurccl to liiirn uciomplliilu'il clniiii * uuiiipdr' a series of the most clover and surprising ) > luii > Kn my "lid ( ntvrprUu tiliiiiipliln tuniMi- IiiK 11 wniulcrliil ontcrtnliiinciU. Coliiiiibin pc'ctn- 21. rlu ! aurimbtutl . ' . nil preilio.iur . " Inter Ocu n , Juno ing acts over presented by brute artists. "VoiniKcrlotiiont commi'tu uflti klnil. .Most ilnr- Anil this all there is in the Little SRC-OIK ! Hand Circus. Inn mill dextrin ! * cxIilLIu ver oi'i'ii with nclroun In A multitude of odd crotiturus , Including lhl city. t > pvct.iclo fcent'i roilly urunt work * of nrt * ' ( * rlllclkiii ( oMiiniu bBuntl * nlmvu qucvtlttu iirnlfu. " ; pruliio Times 9iipurllttuuti. , JuniT.il , l. < 1. A THE BARNUM & BAILEY SHOW is an International institution , presenting all there is in the Amusement World worth ing the Glnnt Horse , Hairless Horse , iniiKtoipli'toiif iuclnculrl iii' ' ( lUibo.JuiinZl.'W. | nuiifiinirblr | livyuiiit nnytlilnu of tliu Vluilvver Gee ingIt costs only 50 Cents no more for the Biggest and Best than for the little , inferior show. " . . Dwarf tUi'li .Sewn , Jiinu W.yjr \ ! Cow , Midget Zebra , thoS-horncd , "htnruU wltliout a rival In tliaworll. Clilcngo fic'opluuno tlielr tliunki tu Marnnni X Hnlloy fur tin ) uluiiitiunMU'ctnelu. l > L'L'ttn > u n mi nitvrrtlBU- 8-oycd and 3noscd Bull , double-bodied nii < nt fur tliuVurl < r * Kitlr It cuulil nut Imvobtcn 14 lijtlnrilevlni'ilby HID Ik'iuirtiiiontuC Publicity and J'lomutlim "lilKKtilnliuw Iliolr.Journnli ont"iitli Incruuni'd Jniiull In , Ib. iiunnllly ' . ' . nnd A truthful comparison convincing beyond doubt. Their menagerie a beggarly excuse. Their-alleged spectacle a third rate circus entree. Their circus a long male and fouialo living human enigma , quiilltJlnll "I'K.rund till , otliiTK Juno Jl. In It-.i. uvurjr ! . point cf compurl- drawn and oft-repeated wearisome programme. Their hippodrome a "Broncho" farce. Their performing elephants and a score of others . " . ' . ,011.-To.t , Juno SJ , Ifc'/J. and 999 of their advertised " 1,006 features" exist only in their minds. The only amusement institution com ing here that has appeared in New York , Boston , Philadelphia , Chicago , St. Louis , Cincinnati , Pittsburg , Louisville , Balti more , Washington , Cleveland , Detroit" , Denver. New Orleans , Si. Paul. Minnea polis , Brooklyn , and other big cities. Every promise on honor. Everything truthfully represented. A BAILRY SHOWS will exhibit at the following places and nowhere else in this vicinity : DCS Moines September , 7 Marshaltown. . " 8 Boone " 9 Carroll - ' 10 Sioux City - " 12 Norfollc " 13 Nebraska City , " 15 Lincoln " 16 Beatrice " ' 17 $15OOOO worth of finest bred horses , 100 circus performers , IOOO living won ders , 1O acres water proof tents , 60 beautiful - -tiful ponies , 20 acting clowns , % mile of wild beast cages , caravans of actor-ani mals , droves of dromedaries and camels , 20 desperately conlested laces , whole ; regiments of marching soldiers. Notwithstanding this is the only really big show coming this season , and that it actually contains all there is of merit in the aerial , acrobatic batic , gymnastic , hipodromatic , circus , menag erie , museum and mystic universe , the admis- sion ! remains Children under 9 , 25c. ion Hollar Free Siroo ! Parade Will transform the streets of Omaha into a Winding , Dazzling River of Silver and Gold. 3 circus rings , 2 elevated stages , greaC hippodrome track , huge 450 toot plat form for the presentation of the specta cle , 5 full circus companies , 3 monster and unapproachable menageries , mu seum of most wonderful curiosities , sense mystifying illusions , 64 cars , 5 ad vertising cars , tons of novelties , 40O ballet dancers. COMPARED WITH THE Shows Simply Do Not Exist. All shows combined do not equal it. No show is so honorable in itn dealinga. No show can read its title to enduring fame. In its every department this great exhibition * Stupendous growth nnd matchless nchiovmont ; Itself incomparably beyond all others ; .Uefinomciil and moral character no other possesses ; A Wealth'of-rasoufco uiie"quallod. Untnaslc the deceptions of other shows coming hero nnd this one ronmlnr The only "Grontost Show on Earth1' ; The only one exhibiting all It advertises ; Unapproachable In all its marvellous exhibits ! Alone in its toweling majesty and greatness It you wish to pose as a person of judgment Not bo mis'od by the deceptions of irresponsible showmen. You believe 28 ears will carry as much as Ul'f If you not. wait for Barnum and see the best. Other shows earn their fame iiTbig cities ? NEVE Rl If consulted , the reader would undoubtedly say that To "wait for Barnum' ' is to bo an unredeemable chump. A feature worth hoeing outside of the Barnum & Bailey show , An improvement but what originated with Barnuin & Bailey. ' In It" with this show , applies to all others. In all candor and truth , now , what other show can For over half a century and steadily Improve ? Is moro than other shows could , if honest. Principally on paper IH what other shows coming hero do. In all its advertised greatness is tiuo only of Barnum's. However Learned 2HKa VsSjhyf H U'ftViJ > ? - ' r 'T Ft. .