Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Our Inventory is an Immense Job with
Our Largo Stock ,
% Vc Wnnt to Cut Down the Work soVI11
llcr.ln Outline I o\vu the Stock Mon-
duy Mornlncr nt 7 O'clock
Don't Mil * ThU.
Commencing Mondny morning nt 7
o'clock wo will1 Inaugurate n grand
' "reducing stock Bale , " prior to taking
our annual Inventory , August 15th.
i ( Out- stock Is enormous nnd must bo
reduced to save labor nnd tlmo In Inven
torying. The prices wo will make dur
ing the next fifteen days will ac
complish thld. Como dally and
i cnrlv nnd secure gome of our
I now , clou n , fresh goods at greatly re-
i duccd prices.
In dry poods department- will close
out our dress goods at loss than half
price , -Ic ytird , Oc yard , lOe yard. All
| bargains.
i Embroidery dress patterns. $1.25.
Ladles' hose fie pair , worth lOc.
I Handkerchiefs 3c each.
i Men's ' pants COc pair , worth $1.
Overalls , shirts , socks , etc. , nt greatly
reduced prices.
Great picture sale In basement of an
nex commencing nt 3Sc each. Any
price wo ask would bo cheap for the
frame alone.
Baby buggies nt 08o upwards.
Center tables 2-r > c nnd 75c. Bedsteads
only $1.50 each ; 2 ploco suits $9.75 ;
chairs 35c each ; high back chairs i't 08c ,
former prlco up as high as $2.10 , all gent
nt 08c. In jewelry dcp-irtmont nickel
clocks nt 55c ouch ; waTchcs nt $2.75 and
up. Elegant assortment jewelry very
low prices. Rn/.ors 08c nnd up. Largo *
und complete assortment cutlery and
shenrs from 5c upwards. Silver plated
ware , Rogers Bros , goods in great quan
tities , all must be reduced. In this do-
I pii-tinent wo also have fanoy shopping
' nnd lunch baskets , feather dusters at
lOc each , valibcs and hand satchels.
In drugs wo can save you big money.
Prescriptions filled correctly by regis
tered druggists ( two of them ) with the
choicest nnd purest drugs , und our sys
tem of figuring profits is well known to
nil. You will bo surprised at the sav
ing. Our patent medicines nro the
largest , best nnd cheapest to bo had
C5c for $1.00 articles.
Toilet Foaps , excellent vnhies , at 2c
nnd 3c. Pear's unscented soap lOc , and a
largo assortmeot of toilet articles til re
duced prices.
Bottom out of butter nnd eggs all
guaranteed. Butter pure , no olco and
nothing separated out of our butter , but
all the line qualities and flavors retained.
All our butter is made the "old fash
ioned" way with churna nnd has that
sweet delicate flavor only obtainable by
making It this way. You nrb sure to be
pleased with our poods. Eggs nro
every ono candlednnrt guaranteed fresh.
Our moat dent , is supplied with fresh
smoked meats daily , so you are sure to
got the best every time. In hardware
wo excel. Lanterns , 22e each. A great
invention in an Acme lamp filler , made
i to make lamp filling a pleasure instead
I of a nuisinco. It was gotten up to sell
nt 2oc , wo sell them nt 60 each. Great
sale of clothes racks at 2oe ouch , just
half our former p ice.
Child's garden tools now lOc.
Our exclusive ten , coffee and spice do-
pnrtmont Is thronged daily. Call nnd
pot.a glass of iced ton free nnd test the
quality of our teas. Wo have more of
that instantaneous jolly , all flavors ; in
quire about it.
Our grocery department has been ono
wild route all day lonir , and in fact our
entire cbtal/lishment has been thronged
with eager buyers and is at vhls present
writing , IHO ) : p. m. , Saturday , crowded.
Como early Monday and all the week as
there will be new drives every day.
Weigh , count and measure every
thing you buy.
1502 , 1501 , 1500 , 150S , 1510 , 1512 Cipitol
ii venue.
r.oooi ) ( ) .
Vitrified paving brick for salo. Wo
will contract to deliver tlio above
amount within the next ninety days.
BuckstalT Bros. Manufacturing com
pany , Lincoln , Neb
1 o
Oniiihii AthlPtlu Club.
The regular quarterly bunl ness meet
ing ot the O. A. C. will bo hold ut the
club hoiitio Monday evening , July 25 , at
8:30. A full attendance is desired.
7 O'clock III thn IJi
Is the time the fust Omaha-Chicago
train via "tho Northwestern lino1'
loaves the Union Pacific depot , Omaha ,
nrrjvlng at Chicago ut 0:30 : o'clock next
V < dtibulod sleepers nnd free parlor
cars. City ticket ollico. 1101 Fiirnam.
One lot Indies' southern ties , southern
button and fancy 007.0 top oxfords wo
have been belling for # 3.001.00 , $5.00
nnd $0.00 wo shall clnso out this week nt
81.75. II AY WARD BROS. ,
1515 Douglas street.
JIAVlililKIS. : .
For .Moodily.
Mason fruit jars , -IJo each.
Tin top jelly glasses , 21u each.
Table tumblers , 2u each.
Butter crocks and water coolers , 3o
per gallon.
C'ups and saucers , 2Jc each.
Dinner plated , 2c each.
Wash bowl arid Ditcher , 20jc each.
Chambers , 15o each.
Soap dishes , 5ceuoh.
i-gul. glass water pitcher , 10o each.
Decorated toilet BotB , 31.05 nor sot.
Decorated dinner sots , & 7.00 per sot.
Wd have u few more refrigerators in
| ; Mode that wo will sell at 50 per cent loss
Ii than they cot to manufacture.
Now and second-hand upright pianos ,
terms to suit. A. Weber , jr. , 113 N. 16th.
The Omaha Alhlotlo club has matched
John Molnornoy of Bradford , 1'a , , with
Farmer Burns for u puree of $350 00 ,
bobt two in three falls , catch as catch
can. Match to take place at the club
house 'Monday ' evening , July 25 , at 8:30 :
p. in. , Tommy Ryan , champion welter
weight of the United States , who Is
.1 matched with Jack \Vllkeswlll also glvo
a an exhibition. Admission $1.00. Mom- *
bora In good standing free. Membership
tickets must be shown.
Unlonulo'ii Cunt ItetriMitu ,
During the "tourist soabon , " from
Juno until t optombor , the Burlington
roulo has on sale round trip tickets at
very reduced rates to the principal re
sorts of Colorado.
To Don vor.Colorado SpringsManitou ,
Pueblo and Katos Park ( the most attrac
tive spot In the whole state } , particu
larly low rates are in force.
July und August are the best months
In which to visit Colorado's unrivalled
rcsorU , to all of which the Burlington ,
with Ha connections , oTors | unequalled
burvlco ,
The city ticket agent at 1223 Farnam
troot will be glad to give you any do *
lircd information.
Tomonow's the Lost Day ! The Wind Up
of the Great Bankrupt Sale ,
Not Much T.rft Hut Knoii U to Crcnto n
Disturbance Tomorrow All Over Otnnlia
And JUiiko Htoiiclilll'd I/nt llnnk-
rupt Snlo D.iy ruinous.
Tomorrow wo will close out Stone-
hill's entire stock of13 pieces , highest
grade , gros grain silks , falllo sllks.satin
rhadamcs nnd imported fancy changea
ble talTcta silks , in all colors. Stone-
hill's prlco on these was up to $2.00 n
yard. They will ho closed out tomorrow
at OOc a yard.
You want to avail .yourself of this op
portunity , which Is ono of the biggest
things out tomorrow , and ono of the
biggest bargains in the whole salo.
i)8C. )
In the Stonohill stock wore C pieces
high grade black dress silks consisting
of failles , poau do solo ana bongiilincs ,
worth up to $3.00 a yard , which will bo
closed out tomorrow at 9Sc a yard.
All of Stonehill's plain and fancy fig
ured Imported China silks worth up to
$1.00 go "tomorrow at 40e.
Prjestly's finest grade silk warp black
nun's veiling that cost 81.75 a yard to
import will bo closed out tomorrow at
70o a yard
Flno silk warp , GENUINE LANSDOWNE -
DOWNE inches wide , any color you
want , go Monday at OSo a yard , worth
Stonohill's all-wool albotros nnd nun's
veiling , 42 inches wide , that sold up to
$1.00 a yard po Monday at 30c.
Two liutuired dross patterns for sum
mer wear , that sold up to $5.00 , go at
$1.50 tomorrow.
Remember this is the last day
All of Stonohills' heavy blade silk
faille and double faced silk ribbons Nos.
40 that ho sold for 75c a yard go tomor
row at lc ! ) yard. .
Stonohill's black and cream chantilly
inccs that ho sold up to Too go at lOc ,
15c and 25c.
Stonohill's point d'-Ircland Inco that
ho sold up to 35o goes at 8c , lOc nnd loc.
STONEHILL'S $1.00 LACES , 250.
Choice of all the 15-ineh point d'
Irclando laces that Stonohill sold up to
$1.00 go Monday at 25c.
Stonohlll's entire stock of children's
nnd infants' ' luce and embroidery
trimmed c'ips go in lots at 7c , lOc. 15c ,
lc ! ) , 23c , all worth four times as much.
Remember this is your last opportu
nity to buy anything in Stonehill's old
10th nnd Douglas.
Anil ujrs Hint ThU heanon'g Illinium Show
llcutH the World.
A prominent citizen of Oraitia recently
naw the Barnum & Bailey show In Chicago
nnU jslvos Iho follo.ving very enthusiastic
description of liU visit : "Thu mjnugorm
seomou different from any I ever saw , " ho
continued , ' 'The unluiaiti looked so line nnd
hciilthj and then thcrovoro a good many I
bud never soon Ucforo although I am a con
stant circus goor. Thcro is a Bonpal tiger
there that really looks a foot tullur than any
over In Omana , and another caco containing
thrco Kront bit ; irmlu lions and still another
ivlth five lions and so on , everything seemed
hotter represented than any incnaccrlo It Has
boon ray pleasure to sco. 'I was taken back
by the illusions for they wcro nearly all now
to me , and tboro was an old lady who stood
by ray sldo who Insisted thut they were not
ullvo , but 1 know ttioy wore for I spoke to
some of the girls. But the part that I liked
boot was the performance. First they had
tbc gr.ind entree which seoraed to contain
more performers and borsos than I over saw
before in any show and then the cir
cus came and she's a dandy , too. That Miss
Davis and Wllllo O'Dalo beat any riders I
over saw and In fact the whole circus outfit
nnd the hippodrome races were tbo best I
oversaw. But the spectacle of 'Columbus'
is too much for mo to describe and do it jus
tice. The scenery is hlph as a two-story
house and they look as life-like as 1C they
were on the spot and tbo ballot Is a revolu
tion. Think of a line of girls three deep and
extending from THE BUB oftlcp pretty near
to . the Fnrnam strcot theater and all
trained dnncers nnd pretty girls. And the
costumes nro gorgeous , i never saw any-
thlnc line them uuu the beauty of it all Is the
story Is so familiar everyone can understand
it. O.iiaba never saw any such show as Bar
inrm's this year. Ko take ray word for It. "
200 Omaha grocers sell Domestic soap.
Spectacles adjusted for defective
vision. Dr. Cullimoro , R 221 , Boo bldg.
California Kxcuraloni.
You have seen California frequently
mentioned in newspapers and magazines
Perhaps a friend has boon tlioro ana
writes enthusiastic letters bncH homo
about the climate and the fruits. It
makes you anxious to see the country
for yourfolf.
The way to.go Is via tho.Santa Fo
route , on ono of that lino's popular , per
sonally conducted parties , leaving Chicago
cage every Saturday evening , nnd leav
ing Kansas City every Sunday morning.
Special agents and porters in attend
ance. Pullman tourist sleepers aroused
used , furnished with bedding , mat
tresses , toilet articles , etc. Second
chus tickets honored. Write to E. L.
Palmer , passenger agent Santa Fo
route , 1310 Farnam street , Omaha , Neb
Curtice Bros. ' canned fruit and vege
tables are sold by all first class grocers.
Meyer fc Raapke , wholesale western
Eye and oar surgeon , Grant Culll-
more , room 221 , Boo bultdlng.
Antl-modlcal practice removes dlsoaso.
Mummolli Auction Hulo of Lots on Wott
Olcolinjl Iuki > .
The general public have been fully
advised through ono channel or another
of the Immense improvements made this
year on West Okobojl lake by tlio Man
hattan Beach company of Des Molnes ,
la. The company owns ono and one-
half mile of the most beautiful lake
shore at this popular resort , They have
expended fully $10,000 in such attrac
tions as tend to make the property du
al ruble for the building of cottages.
About 150 largo residence lots have been
platted with beautiful drives , athletic
park , tennis courts , otc. The lots aver
age In size 00 foot frontage by 200 to 300
feet in depth , The company has de
cided to iiiaUo a bweoplig ) auction sale
of lots on Monday , August 1 , 1802 , to
the highest bidders. From n purely
speculative standpoint , this property is
certain to bo a remunerative Investment
as It must double invalue within the
next two years. No. such opportunity
is likely ever to l > o olTerod on this
boiutiful lake again. The great Iowa
State bund will bo In attendance at the
auction salo. All stoamora will run
free und the day will be such a gala day
as In Itself will bo a sulllclont attraction
to bo present at that time. For further
particulars , address the Manhattan
Bouch Co. , Arnold's Park , lu.
Sale Extraordinary Ladies' ' Bilk Waists at
$1.98 Fast Black Waist , 75o.
on.nillri * fancy \Vnl U liver Put on the
Omulia Mnrkot You Ciinnot Altiiril to
Alls * Thl * H.ilo-Not nil Old
Wiilit Among Them.
They nro nitulo by tlio best wnlst
inunufucturors in Now York. Such
firms us Schwab and FrfinUonhaubor ,
who anlyfturn out good toads.
Wo ( junnintoo the pi'ices to bo at least
CO pur cent loss than regular.
Wo could , only secure 083 ot thorn as
the rush WIIB so great.
The ontii'o lot will bo nlnced on sale
Monday. You will have to cotno early
or you will miss your chanco. Read
the prices.
There are about 150 of these , all raado
of Gilbert's celebrated fast bliick satcon.
They oujrht to bring $1.50 , Monday ,
choice for 75c.
This waist is mndo of silk striped
zephyr cloth , worth 50c a yard. Wo
have boon olTorlng the same waist at
u bargain at $12.2o. Monday $1.27 will
buy one.
Thcso are guaranteed styles. You
can't duplicate this waist anywhere for
less than $3.75 Monday's price , $1.1)8. )
Wo have a big line of these waist1. *
They are worth $1,00. Have cascade
from , plaited collar and cults and cotno
in tans , croain , blue , pink and lavender.
Monday's price , only $2.21
This is a3 00 waist and comes in
black , navy blue and b wn.
This will probably bo the last chance
on waists this season. Wo would have
taken 5,000 of thorn ft " 'wo could have
cotton them ; 08-5 won't last any time.
I3o sure and bo on hand in time , as wo
wish to satisfy all.
Wo have closed out our entire manu
factured stock , consisting of
Bureau scarfs.
Tray cloths.
Center Pieces/
Lunch cloths.
Doylies , eta , etc.
In plain , funcy , stamped , embroidered
and hemstitched , from the finest to the
orninary grade. They will bo displayed
on our center tables and linen counters.
Prices vary according to quality , but
nro all away below the market vnluo.
The Deliver Uonnlnvc.
For this occasion the Union Pacific
will sell tickets at greatly reduced rates.
Avail yourfaolf of an opportunity to visit
the cool retreats of Colorado.
City Ticket Agent ,
1802 Farnara Street.
Domestic outlasts cheap soap.
Open lor IJuslnetfg.
The Hotel Orleans , Sntrlt Lake. In. ,
is open for business and patrons of tills
convenient and delightful resort will bo
pleased to know that the hotel is under
the management of the B. C. R & N.
Ry. , W. J. Morrison-manager , thus in
suring strictly first class accommoda
tions. Through sleeper dally from
Omaha to Spirit Ltiko.
New , and rare drugs. Shermun & Me
Connell 1513 DjJgo , 3d doo. ' west P. O.
Kimtcrti Oltlei anil 1'lu'isiiro
Are best reached by the Burlington
Route and its connections.
Forty hours' ride from Omaha lands
the travelers in Now York or Philadel
phia , within sight and sound of the
broad Atlantic.
It's getting warm now , and life In Ne
braska is not so pleasant as in Septem
ber or October.
Tiiko a holiday , buy your ticket at
1223 Farnam street , and go east by one
or the other of the Burlington's three
daily express trains. They leave at
0:50 : a. ra. , 4:45 : p. rn. and 11:50 : p. m.
It Ii Cool Hi Colorado
And the Burlington route July 25th to
August 10th , inclusive , will sell ticlcots
good to return until October. 10th to
Denver and return at one faro for the
round trip. Those tickets nrojivtiilnblo
for the Knights Templar eoiiicluvo in
Denver August ilh ) to 13th.
The Bifrlington will also sell tickets
to Salt Lake City , Utah , and Helena ,
Mont. , at one faro for the round trip on
the above dates with the s uno limits.
Don't forgot that you can leave hero
in the evening at 4:411 : , and arrive in
Denver at 7:00 : next morning on the Bur
lington's No. 3.
City ticket ollico , 1223 Farnam street ,
telephone No. 250.
W. T. Soa.nan , wagons and carriage ;
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , oclootln and
magnetic physician and surgeon. Spa-
chuty , disease of women and children ,
HON. I(5thstro3t. ( Telephone 14Si
To tlio Coot llliicl ; 111118.
8,500 foot altitude , among the pines to
comfort and recuperation , to ploamire ,
rest and a "heador" In that magnificent
plunge bath at Dakota llo\ \ Springs , is
refreshing to think of those terribly hot
The Elkhorn railroad puts on a second
end sleeper July 10th , which will run
dally ( leave Webster street at 9:00 : a. m. )
between Omaha and D.ikota Hot
Springs. Shut up the house and tuUu
the trip by the Elkhorn.
Wanted at the ofllco of .THE OMAHA
BKIJ , copies ol TUB UVUNINO Bisu of
April 25.
Knight * Tcinplur
Commencing July 25th the Chicago ,
Rock Island & Pacific railway will soil
tickets to DenvurSalt Lulco and Helena ,
Montana , at half faro for the round trip.
Tickets on sale until Aug. 10th , good to
return until Oct. 10th. The Colorado
( Iyer , leaving at 1:20 : p.m. , serves dinner
in dining car after departure from
Omahu. This Is the only direct route
with elegant , through sloopora to Den
ver , Colorado Springs , Manltou and
Pueblo. Take the Roclc Island and you
will bo satisfied you have selected the
best. Ticket ollico 1002 Farnam at.
JOHN SI5UASTIAN , G , T. & ; P. Agt.
Clicup Hilton tu tlio Illnolc Illlli.
From July 25th to August 10th inclu
sive , agents of the Fremont , Elkhorn ft
Missouri Valley railroad in Nebraska
and Iowa will sell tickets at one faro for
the round trip to Hot Springs or Deadwood -
wood , good 30 days from date of sale.
Fine cllmatq and picturesque scenery.
Through sleepers and free reclining
chair cars.
Ticket ollico , 1401 Fnrnam street.
Depot , 15th and Webster atrcota
General Passenger Agent.
H.vrnr.N 111103.
Letting Down thb I'ricps Still I.nwnr on
Thret ItiiukrnptJiStock from Vrnnt'int.
Royal American standard silk , black
gros grain , "of Tj-cmont prlco'was $1.50.
Black gros grain silk , $1.1)0 ) ; Fremont
price was $1.84
Gulnot standaVd frame black gros
grain , $1.40 ; Fremont price , $2.25.
The very best grade oil boiled tnffata
silk , in colors < nd black , at GOc ; Fre
mont prlco wag l.So.
40-inch black ( Bedford cord , Too ; Fremont
mont prlco wasiSl.15.
40-Inch Prlcstjys' flno black hcnrlotlrv ,
Fremont prlco was $1.75 ; our orlco , ! )0o. )
40-inch shop.ird plaids , Sou ; wore ( He.
60-inch very line black mohair at 83c ;
Fremont price was $1.45.
40-inch colored brlllantino Fremont ,
75c , Haydon's price 33c yard.
38-Inch colored gloria silk 8oc , was
$1.2. .
40-inch grav and brown mixed serge
67c , Fremont price was SI.
Our $2 , $2.50 , $3 nnd $3.50 flouncing
reduced to close at $1.50 yard.
e Our $1.15. $1.2. ) . $1.50 and $1.75 flounc
ing to ba sold ut $1 yard.
42-Inch white tind'ooru lace flouncing
Fine hotn-stitehed flouncing at lOc , 25o
and lUe ! , worth double.
Point do IrelandoaYul point do gene
laces nt half price to close.
Only a few more chances to buy hot
wonthor dress goods from the bankrupt
stock of Fremont.
32-Inch wide crepe Japan was loc ,
now 7jc.
28-inch Verona linen lOc , now 3Jc
30-inch half wool grenadine bunting
was 'ioo , now 12je yard.
12c } Bedford cords , now 5o yard.
36o Brandenburg suiting. nowlScyard.
OOc figured Swiss , now lOcyard.
12jo lace lawn and Nainsooks oo yard.
SJocMlnon lawn , now lOcyard.
lOc figured lawn Seynrd.
30 inch wide linen sold at Fremont at
lOc to close now ut Haydon's at 2c } yard.
2oc for a dross pattern , lieht ground
handsome figure , only 2c yard ; only
one dress to each customer.
2-jc white goods , now lOc.
Fine zephyr llannol , now lOc yard.
Outing llannol , 60 yard.
$ l75,11-4 Maj'solllns badsproid. $1.00.
Fine printed porcolino , 2oc yard.
Fine batiste lining , 25c yard.
Best cambric , 3jo yard.
32-Inch wid'o Anderson Scotch zephyr
gingham , 17cayard.
Muslins and sheetings from this bink-
nipt stock nt loss than mill prices.
Hammocks at closing pricoa.
Over 200 dozen line linen and Turkish
towels from the bankrupt stock which
sold at 12Jc , loc , lOu and 2oc , choice lOc ,
On a tie in main aislo. SlxtoontU s treat
building. This will bo the best lOc
towel sale ever/soon in Omaha.
Tuo.llluck Hills.
Dead wood tho.mining center.
Hot Springs the famous saninrtum.
Both reached by the F , E. & M. V.
R. , the pioneer railroad to the Hills.
Palace slaoparaiand chair cars now run
ning on through ) trr.ins , ani ) commenc
ing July 0 fhn through Otnalri-Hot
Springs sleeper will b3 put on acd run
daily thorcaftorr
Ticket oIllcoiHOl Farnam struct.
Depot 15th and Webster streets.
General P.issongor A.gont.
Special-20 pertcent { l count on gents'
southern tios'nll ' thfs week.
$2.00 shoo cut'to $1.60. ' i
$3.00 shoo'teut to S2.40..J
$4i0 ( ! shoo cut to $3. 10. -
$5.00 shoo cut to $4.00.
1615 Douglas'street.
An honest made piano at honest price
at 113 N. 15th.
Sam'l Burns calls attention to the sets
in his front windows of the celebrated
"Brownlield" waio of England , morkcd
$7.00 and S12.CO , formerly 812.00 and
$20.00. Like some of his neighbors , ho
must have money too , and takes this
means to got it.
Cnrcl from N. II. I'.ilcniior.
Wo have just completed a deal for
another lot of blazer suits. They will
bo in Tuesday and go on bale Wednes
day or Thursday. Thobo suits are all
made of E. W. Frost's $1.50 nil wool
suitings and the Buchanan sorgos , cm-
bodying the very latest ideas. Wo
bought thorn at our own price and you
can depend upon bargains in blazer
suits , such as you have never soon hero
Remember Wednesday or Thursday
the aalo commences.
Wo have a big fancy waist sale for to
morrow. Don't mifas it.
Domestic soap Is the best Try it.
Absolutely Without I'uln.
The painless filling of icoth by too now
process avoids every vostipo of pain with
complete anfoty to the pulp and to the entire
satisfaction of the patient. The rollof from
pain In filling bus been peculiarly appreciated
Dy tboso who are nervous or In delicate
health , mm by children. Our now method
for putting up bridge worlt IK morn perfect
tluu the old wny. Dr. U. W. Wortz , 10U7
Douglas street.
Ilot.Spriiii : * , South Ualutti ,
Is a sanitarium of the highest class , sit
uated in the most picturesque portion of
the Black Hills.
Its climate is delightful , its bath
houses luxurious anU the bonoliuinl ef
fects of its thornul waters truly astound
Tickets good for 00 days from date of
purchase uro now on sale nt the Bur
lington Route city ticket ollico , 1223 Far-
nnm street , at the very low rate of $23. 03 ,
Omaha to HotiSprlngs and return.
The 10:15 : n. nij train for this northern
paradise offers * unequaled Horvlco of
through iloepars , and rocllnlng-ohalr
cars. .
Kxcurttion Opportunity.
Via the Chicago , Mllwaukoo. & St. Paul
Ry. , with choice of routes east of Chi
Washington ; D. C. , and rftturn. ono
faro for tiio round trip , on sale Sept.
13th to 20th , good returning until Oot.
Call at odlcB * 1501 Farnam street ,
Omaha , or telephone 284 for additional
ickjt agdnM ajant.
Hummer Tourlnt TlcltoU
To 1,000 pleasant places east , north
nnd west are now on s.ilo at "tho North
western lino" city tlcicot ollico , llth
Farnam street
Spirit l-uku.
The nearest nlco summer resort for
Omaha pooplo. Dally trains with Pull
man sleepers leave Webster street depot
at 5 : 15 p. m , arrive at Spirit L-iko at
7 a. m. Returning , leave Spirit L'iko at
10:30 : p. in. , arrive nt Omaha at 0:25 : a.
in. Ton dst ruto tickets on suloatllOl
Furnam street.
General Passenger Agent
'Xutlcaofftcelltutur Un under tlilt head , fifty
c < ril ; cnr/i
lIKUWN-July JB , JbW , tu MM. Ut , Ewlug
i a Ooy.
Grand Olonring Snlo tf Our Entira Stock oi
Summer Wnsh Dress Goods.
Owing to tlio Iinturnto I'urcliitita of tlio
" .Stout-hill" Stock Our Own I.luo or
Silininar CJoodi Is Almost Untouched
Tomorrow AVe Couimenco
Our entire stock of clmllics in cream
nnd black grounds , corded and plain.
All go at 5o a yard.
Our entire stock of the finest grade ot
outing llannels go at6c a yard.
Our eh tire stock of llgurod mulls ,
wash , Bedford cords , ponang , pine apple
tissues , worth up to 25c , go at Oo a yard.
Onr finest grades of wash d"oss goods
go on ouo immonsa table at ! ) } c.
Our entire stock of French salines
on ( lurk and blue grounds go nt 12c.
Our entire stock ot white India linens
that sold for lOo go at 2Jc.
Our entire stock of fast black Pgured
Organdies in satin chucks and stripes gent
nt 0c.
Our entire stock of lace chock wool
grenadines po at Sic a yard.
Our entire stock of second quality and
short lengths of mosquito bar go at Ic a
All our flrot quality mosquito netting
goes at 25c for entire full piece
Our entire stock of sllhaliuo draperies
goes at 5c a yard.
To make this sale still more interest
ing wo will sell ono bale of extra heavy
quality , full yard wide unbleached shoot-
Incr atic a yard , w6rth 8c.
Best quality table oilcloth loc a yard.
And 2 pieces of Ingrain carpet at Oc a
yard. ,
Our entire accumulation of short
lengthsof ingr.iln carpets go at 2jo for
entire piece.
All ho short ends of our finest grades
of brussels carpels , runnintr from | 5 to
18 yards , will close out at 30o a yard.
Right on the corner ,
N. W. cor. 10th and Douglas Sis.
C.iso Agulnst I'r.iuk Kliiinmm UMnmsctl
Hoiitlno Work.
When tiia Board of County Conrnlsslonors
convened yoiterday afternoon , Mr. Stonbcrp
moved that the consideration of the case of
Frank Shannon , justice of luo pcaco of West
Omaha product , bo psitponod mull nsxt
Saturday. . There was no second to the mo
tion and Mr. PaddocU moved that tuo c.iio
bo dismissed.
Mr. Stonbcrjr said that Shannon had col
lected Illegal feai. In some Instances ho had
collected two and tbreu times moro than the
law allowed. Tnu uvid'jnco was such that a
dismissal could not tie.
Mr. Paddock replied that possibly Shannon
bad collected moro than tlio I.UT allowed , but
If so it was through ignorance of the law.
The resolution was adopted , Mr. Stonbcn ;
alone voting "No. "
"And now the stealing can go on , " replied
Mr. Stenbarg , ns ho recorded his vote.
Tbo Kynn < Sc Walsh judgment against the
county , amounting to f4lTS.5 ) : ) , wus ordered
paid bv drawing $ J-,81S.t : ! ; from the hosnttal
and (3.U20.23 from Iho general fund.
M. D. Hoclio , secretary of the Soldiers'
Relief commission , tendered his resignation
und nskod that Dr. Ktnsler be appointed
to till Iho vacancy. The resignation was
accented and Mr. Paddock moved the
appointment of the doctor , stating Hint tie
was a good solditr , an old citizen and would
make a com pi ) tent olUclat.
Mr. Stanborg , admitting that the words of
Mr. Paddock wcro true. aid ho could bco no
reason for so much haste. As an amendment
bo raovc'U thut tbo appointment be made tbo
special order for next Saturday. Tbo amend
ment prevailed.
A. J. Van Alstoui aslccd to bo appointed
engineer at the county court house o'r at the
hospital. He did not euro which job be got.
The application was referred.
The board allowed the Timmo estate Iho
salary of Mr. Tlwino up to the date of tbo
qualillcallou of Mr. Williams.
The city attorney of iroiitb Omaha served
notice that ho would apply for a mandamus
compelling the board to levy too Soutu
Omaba tax of IS milts for school purposes.
Movements or rromliiciit U'orkorH In the
- , v Onmlui Y. M. G. A.
The regular run of the wheel club was
postponed on account of the heavy bhowor
Thursday evening. The cyclists will BO to
Paplllloa next Thursday.
The adjourned tennis tournament will beheld
held Saturday evening beginning ut 5t0. : ! It
is free to members and their ladles.
"Our meeting" was well attended last
evening. '
Hov. Mr. Rose addresses the men's meet-
Inp Sunday 4 p. m. on "Think for Voursolf. "
A Rood cool room with plenty of fans will
await thoao'Who desire to nttond.
General Secretary Obor has gene to ICeor-
noy , Grand Island and Lincoln to work up
an'intcrcst In the blolo confercnco to oo bold
at tba Doatrico Chuutauqtm grounds August
8 to 10.
Physical Director Sboldon has pone to
Kearney to address the association thcro.
Assistant Secretary Holsonbultcl Is now
at Lake Mohupac.
Tulo of u Young M-iu Who Wanted to Uet
Itluli H.iplilly.
Tom Ormsby is inonarcn of all ho surveys
at the police station. Captain C'ormuck Is
seriously 111 ut homo from tbo effects of the
boat and Cnlof Soavoy Is nearly In the same
Doat. ThU leaves Tom in charge nnd ho
scarcely gets tlmo to oat.
A' telephone mossngo cama at 11 o'clock to
the station nblilns for a ilotoctivo at Dennis
Cunningham's lo take a forgor. Ornuby
sent nut KoyBor , but the forger had down
wnon bo arrived. Ho wont on the trail and
Inside of un hour had overhauled H. A. An-
drus , who had subsequently triad to pass
chocks In half a dozen ether places. Ho bad
In his possession about u dozen clioclu lo
which he had nltnched tbo names of promi
nent business men and firms about town ,
In I'ollco Court.
Before Judge Herlta yostaraay ap
peared a varlcgatod acortmont of vags and
drunlts , all repentant and willing to bo given
another chance ,
Mlko Gorman bad a head of hair Ilka a
wirid-iwopt hay stack and when charged
with having been drunk growlua ;
"Well , what If i wus ? "
"Only $1 and costs , " pleasantly smiled the
IJellu Brandon , the notorious , had boon on
the warpath with a club last nlgbt and mndo
ttio ilunUons of the Third ward tblnl : that n
c.vclona had struck thum. She gatfo bonds
for her appearance at B o'cloolt this morning ,
but the hour wus too early und the bonds
were forfeltod , enriching the city to the ex
tent of ttt.
Minnlo Drown was charged with robbing a
"granger" of his roll while tbo rural visitor
wus tailing In ttio sights.
JtflllOHll tllO lloilll ) .
During the ubjonco of the family
the rinitlouco of Fred Hortzko nt Kiev-
en tti and Martha was otitoroil bv burglars
anu ransuclcnd from top to bottom. livery
drawer und box tn every room was broken
open und tue contents scattered on the floor.
About $ JUO worth of ] owolry was stolen.
Another Croji lrulluro In Mexico ,
Eiou : I'A ss , Tor. , July 23.-- For tbo fourth
year In succosMon tboro Is an almost total
crop failure In northern Mexico. The best
farms are lalo nnd farm bauds are working
on roads at 35 cents a day , with corn , tba
principal artiolo of dlot , 43 cents a peck. TU
outloojt for the future U very Krajo ,
m MI ii MO nuns. ' emeus.
A Orowlncr Intrrcsl In the Comlnff of tin
lllK Show August t.
Omaha has been lurid with clrcuf
nnnouncomonls during Iho past Iwc
weeks , nnd Iho man , woman or child
who does not know that lllnirilnc
Brothers World's G.oalest Shows will
exhibit in this city on Monday , AuijuM
1 , must bo beyond the roach of the
newspapers and the irrepressible bill
poster. There are also some Indication ;
of a circus war , with the Inevitable
claim on the part of each of the rival
shows that It , and It alone , is the big
circus. All this is very interesting tt
tlio public , and calculated to arouse
interest nnd oxolto curiosity. As , however >
over , the Rlngllng Brothers circus U
hero on August 1 , while Its rival docs
not exhibit hero until sqven weeks later ,
the first arrival seems to have best oi
the controversy. Omaha Is proverbially
n circus town : last season all of
the thrco circuses that exhibited hero
played to big business ; and the small
shams that have been hero this year
have played to the capacity of their can
vass , Tlio Rlngltng Brother's circus
will be the llrst big show to exhibit in
Omaha this season , and while it has
never boon soon hero , it well known
by its outside reputation , thata success
ful day is a forcgono conclusion. .Be
sides. there is : i reasonable suspicion
that the public will welcome a change
from the shows it has boon accustomed
to bee your after year , and that this now
claimant for popular favor will bo mot
with outstretched hands.
Tlio Rlngllng Brothers claim for th'olr
big amusement enterprise that it is a
circus pure and simple. There Is , to bo
sure , a spectacular entry , but tills is
maroly an incident of the show. The en
try occupies ten minutes ; tlio races twenty
minutes , and the circus proper ono hour
ajid a half. There Is no show now before
the nubile that can compare with It in
the length of the circin poi-formanco
or the number of high class circus acts
piescnted. The Milwaukee Dally News
of Monday , July 11) ) , in speaking of the
show said : "Of the parforni'inco noth
ing but words of praise c'lti bo s.iid. The
show was packed with a surfeit of good
things- , and the Riugling Brothers have
made a record that will bo hard to beat. "
The Kiinaa City .Tournil : , on the morn
ing after the recent exhibition of the
show there , said : ' 'It is a simple state
ment of fact losay that the performances
of the Ring-ling show under tno mighty
canvas yesterday and last night wore
the finest over witnessed In Kansas
Citv. " Those are notable words to bo
said of any exhibition , nnd as all of the
newspapu comments elsewhere , with
out exception , have been of a commen
datory character , It is fair lo assume
thai they are true. This is the more
remarkable when It is known lhal in nt
least , one instance of the two papers
cited , a considerable bum of money was
offered by a rival to have the Ringling
Brothers' performance condemned by
an un avorablo notice.
The question might bo asked with
profit , "What really constitutes a great
circusV" The Ringling idea is that the
best circus is the show that has the
most and best circus acts. In their esti
mation a pantomime under canvas is not
a circus performance and cannot bo
classed as buch. They have adopted
the principle that people who want to
see u circus at all want the circus pure
and simple ; tlioy want great acrobits , aerialists , great riders , great
arcnic performers of all kinds , and
they have 3.\cmplillcd their theory by
bringing together what is said to bo the
strongest aggregation of high class per
formers that have over been seen with
a single show. As a result their busi
ness has been phenomenal everywhere ,
and in Omaha there is a constantly in
creasing curiosity to see un exhibition
that has attracted So much attention
olfae whore. _ _
John r.lliuni Cfli < liritni4 : III ) l'Mll Illrt . -
day Mary .McDonald , Agrd Mil.
Philadelphia Times : John Gibson.
an inmalo of the homo for aged and
infirm colored persons , Bolnumt nnd
Girard avenues , puifeod his 123d birth
day ycbterdav at the home , and is
probably now the oldest man alive.
John has a wonderful tenacity of life ,
can got around with ease and always
has a good appetite , lie was one of the
first inmates who was attacked during
the late grip opidnmtc in the home and
almost the lirst on his feet again.
Ho was born in Virginia , and says ho
is ono of a family of twenty-two chil
dren , but all of whom ho lost sight of ,
as the family was broken up by .t slave
sale many years ago.
Another inmate , named Mary McDon
ald , has now reached the age of 112
years , and is probably tlio only woman
nliv-o who saw General Washington and
conversed with him at Valley Forgo.
Mary recollects the incident well. She
was living with the family of Rocs
Ilowell at the timo. She can sco to sow
without glasses , and has just finished a
quantity of rags for a carpet , Mary
gets up every morning at 0 o'clock , and
has seldom missed a meal at the tables
except during the "grip" epidemic. Her
carpet-rag sowing was an object of atten
tion at the Wilmington exhibition a
short time ago.
Deported Vlllaui-g.
There a'-o ' twenty well built towns in
Kaiibas without a slnglo inhabltantjjto
waken the echoes of their deported *
streets , says the Chicago Herald. Sar
atoga has a $1)0,000 ) opera house , a largo
brick hotel , a $20,000 schoolhouse and a
nuinbor of line business houbcs , yet there ,
is nobody oven to claim a place to sloop.
At Fargo a $20,000 schoolhouse stands
on the side of the hill , a monument to
the bond voting craze.
.Mimic lit th 1'iirlc Today.
A grand concert will bo given by the
Musical Union Military hand , undur the
direction of Mr. II. T. Irvluo , at Hunsco'm
parli today. '
Post-March Tannlwusor. . . . Wagner
Overture llarliurof huvllle . Kostdnl
BimnUh Kuntuslu Lu I'uloinu ( by rcijmul )
. , . Vrndlor
Selection 11 Trovatoro . , . Verdi
Caprice Horotiio ! | Thu AwiKcnlng of the
Uuii . Koutskl
Mcdloy A lloston HHKO. . > . Hroolcs
Tim l-\Ht Ho.irtTlirobi . , . . . . Klluuburg
Idyl Thu l''orio ' ; In tlio Forest . Mlt-hunllu
Dokurlnlloii ; 1 AlNlwht. a .Morning , a
Ily the brook , t The stuuplo boll utrlkod flve ,
S-Mornliu prayer. U Tlio for.ju.
I'AIIT itr.
Overture I'ra Dliirolo . Aubor
WalU-Dmnnsof ( Jhlluhoo.l. , . . , Wulilloufol
Boloutlon Oltenb.iehlaiu ( from Uirun-
buuir * uuuriis ! . . . .HuutUjer
Maroli .National Cumputltlvo Drill. . . . Irvine
Letting Down thn I'rlcn. % .
Improved vapor gasoline stovos.SlO.OO ,
worth $25.00. You will never get such
a chance again lo buv n stovo. ,
Unsolino ovens , 05c , $1.25 , 31,60 , S3.CO , J
A good oil Hlovo for OoC. f
Wo just received 100 tubs of this flno
butter that wo will sell nt the following
low prices : Iflo , l"ic , lOo nnd the separator
rater for 2lo and IWc.
Now Is the tlmo to supply yourself
with line butter , and at such low prices.
Remember all this butter Is made IP i
Aubrnslcn by the separator procosa.
nothing to equal It In quality. s
Wisconsin full cream choose , lOo
Young America full cream , 12Jc.
Eastern process full cream , 12Jo , and
Imported Swiss , lee and 17jc.
Brick choose , lOc. 12jo and 1-lc.
Como hero for your lemons. Mcsalnn
fanoy lemons , 23c.1TAYDEN
Promoters of home industry.
All kinds of'musical Instruments ro-
p.ilrod by A. Woborjr. , 11 ! } N. 16th.
On the OtherSldo of Aiill-Optioim.
O\mtt , July ) . To the ICditor of
Tin : Unnz Having lately road aovoral articles
favoring the pansago of the anti-option hill ,
now pending in the United States senate , wo
should llko to bo permitted to udvanoo un
aruumout ou the ether sltlo.
The llrst mm most practical question which
suggests Itself Is , how would Nob.-aska ba
nltoctod should tha Hatcli-Wmhuurn bill
pass and be offoctlvo ! The llrst result would
Uo that the Chicago Hoard ot Trade , whtoh
Is ronlly the grnln and produce exchange of
the world , would oo wiped out , together with
the ether smaller cxchnngoi. As a natural
consequence the small dealer * who buy from
the farmers nt all the country stations , and
mike tholr little profit by shipping at once
to marltot , or soiling for future dohv-
cry on the Chicago Board of Trade ,
would find themselves at unco out
of the business. Even If they had sufUclont
capital they could ut host fill tholr small ,
warehouses , cease buying and wall porbans
six month' , until a slow , consumptive market -
kot gave them an outlet nnd to do that and
maho any profit they would require to buy
from the farmar at starvation prices. It la
evident that In such ciraunmnticos the gram
buying In the country would fall into tha
hand * of the mammoth mill companies ( such
ns Mr. Wnshtmrn's ) nnd largo corporations
which caulu control Imtnonso c.ipltal , or ,
moro likely still , that railroad corporations
would build olovutoi-j along thnlr lines nnd
monopolize both freights and prices. The
plain probability of either alternative seems
a sorry roiult of legislation ostensibly in
tended to bcnollt the farinor. Sued restric
tive legislation Is naturally followed by
trusts nnd monopolies , low prices to
producers and no bonollt to consutnarr.
Nebraska produced last year about 250,000-
000 bushels of gram , and It tt would bo put-
ling tt mildly to assort that 0 cents u bushel
less would go Into ttio fanners pocket under
the now dispensation than they would receive -
coivo by the old method , making n diffcrenao
In thU state ulono of SI2.51X1,000 ; and who
would ho benefited by the annual loss to tha
state of such n largo sum ) Probably seine
railroad corporations , or largo milling com
panies or trusts , but assuredly not the oou- _
fumcrs. Now U tills alU Iho farmers would
probably not find a sulllclont market to talcs
all they offered at any price nt times of
prontost prossuro. Mufllply this disarrange
ment and loss by the number of the othorv
statoa and you cun * eo what widespread dls.\
ustur might bo brought ubout by this boqo. \
llcont legislation.
There seems to bo a trreat deal of mltap.
prchonsbn in the pubilo mind as to tba
effect on prices of tbo operations of tlio
boards of trndo. Thcro Is hardly room to
question the fact that they toitl lo kcup the
price from falling at times when supply
mou exceeds demand. The best Illustration
that can ho given of that is tbo history of
prices for the lust wheat crop. When
farmers were pouring in their wheat by
thousands of oars a day last fall to Dulutb ,
Minneapolis and Chicago , and tbo Chicago
mnrKot bud to bear the of It all (40,000- (
OJO bushels ) , the price paid was ? l per
bushel and ovor. The wheat nfcenVards
went into consumption at 80 cents per
btuliol. Tlio spooulutoi-j who bought it had
some C.IUSQ to rue. but surety tbo farmer bad
small ground of complaint. The fact Ii thut
the enthusiastic nature of most speculators
loids thorn gonornlly to buy , nnd tholr com
bined buying bridges ever Iho time of oz-
rossivo supply.
It is hnruiy too much to nay that the Chicago
cage Board of Trade moves and regulates tha
crops of tha world. The Liverpool buyer of if
wheat tn India sells nguinst It in the Chi- /
ciiga nurltot to avoid the risk of change of
pricn during tbo voynco. The extent to
which it is used by dealers , millers and
manufacturer * In the United States and
abroad to give safety to tholr transaction !
Is little appreciated by these who seolt to
destroy a mighty engine of commerce to ro-
plucn it by nothing.
As regards the question as to whether
speculation Is allowable : It seems to us that
orory farmer , dcalor , merchant or manu
facturer is loss or moro a speculator , having
opinions as to whetbor particular prices uro
too high or too low , and .governing hli no
tion as to buying or f.ollmg In accord mica
with his ideas. Kin 1 to human judgment Is
frequently wrong in its efforts to compro-
hnnd all the factors Included In the phrnso
"supply and domucd- " These nro uf-
foctod by price and by weather , by trans ,
portullon , by the needs of the seller
and tha poverty or riches of ttio consumer
tha world ovor. and a thousand changluc
conditions. The ward "prlco" Is n crystaliz-
Ing of all those conditions , and what it
should bo Is the most Interesting problem
under thn sun. There U no wonder that
mon should so oxerelso thnlr wits ever It nnd
wo do not see why such exorcise should ba J '
right ns upphod to leather aud wrong as apr
plica to wheat.
' It seems to us outsldo the scope of good
government for. con press to interfere with a
useful commercial system which is so closely
Interwoven with the entire trade of this and
ether countries. It Is cupeclally objectiona
ble whan it Is HO clearly class lognlulton and
when itupromotor ? nro so plainly liable to
the imputation of personal und lolllsh mo
tives. Yours truly ,
U UNO IN , & Co.
niiirrlngo IIcemen ,
The following marriage llnansos weru
issued by Judga Idler yoHyrJay i
Name and Address. Ago.
1 Itnvld McUord , Smith Om.tlm 2d
1 llrldKctOnniiliiKhuin , .South Omaha ao
i I'olor N , Grant , Onaha. yt
\ ICilen llenson , Onmhu , , 13
I Wllholni ( lennann , Omuha 21
] Llzzlu I.luUurt , Uiiiulm IT
i Paul I' . NUson , Umalm , 23
I Marie Jorcenson , Omaha. , 24
I Christ Jorgensen , Omaha , , 21
( CluiaK llondrlekHon , Omaha 21)
i ( juorgo II. Hponcur , Omaha. . . . . , t iJT
(1'ora ( owanaon , Omuha < ! 0
The following permits were issued by th 7
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
John Wossmor , ono and n half story
fnuno dwelling , I'orly-thlrd und Luke
HtruuiN ( JV)0 )
Three minor pormlt ) . , , two
Total tJ.loa
Highest of all in Leavening Power , Latest U. S. Gov't Report