THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAYS * JULY 24 , 1892-SIXrEEN PAGES. 3 PROTESTS KEEP POURING IN Business Men Generally Up in Arms Against the Anti-Option Bill , SENATOR HISCOCK PICKS IT TO PIECES I.licly Ilclmtc In tlio Scmtto on tlio Mcn uro Ycntcrilitj'a 1'rocpedliiK * In tha House Judge Shiran' Nomination Other Wnnhlnilon Hevit , D. C. , July 23. A debate , Involving the question of specific contracts , payable In sold , was prcclpilntod In the bonato today In nn unexpected manner , and cnntlnucd until It was crowded out by the mitt-option bill. It happcnca In this way : JUHt before the adjournment on Friday unanimous consent had been given to have a bouso bill In regard to judgments of United States court * , taken up and acted on during the looming hour today. The fact had been overlooked that on a previous occasion the bill und been before the senate , and than nn amendment had boon offered to it by Mr. Teller and was stilt pending , mnklngsnch Judgments payable In legal tender tiionoy. o.'cti although the contract may have stipu lated for payment In gold. The amendment wns strenuously opposed by Messrs. Sherman nnd HlggiiiB , ami stoutly defended t and nd- vocated by Messrs. Palmer , Morgan und Turple. When the morning' hour expired the hill and amendment went over without action and tbo bill resumed Us pluco on ttie Jalondnr. , If-otcftta AcKlnHt the Antl-Optliin lllll. The anti-option bill occupied the attention > f the scnutoduiingthorcstot thoiiftarnoon. Mr. Hansbroutrh in A do an argument In favor of It nnd Mr. Hiscock au argument In opposition. Tbo bill is to bo taken up after the reading of the journal on Monday , when Mr. Ucorgo is to make an argumunt In Us support. * Remonstrances ngaltut the pasaatft of the nntt-optlon bill wcio presented bv Mr. Cul- lom from Sprlnglluld nnd HOCK Island , III. , signed by banlicm , morchantx , business men mid farmers , and by Mr. Davis from the bankers und business men "of Minneapolis. The latter wus signed by ttio presidents of the National Bank of Commerce , First National bank , City bank and Irisli-Amnrl- tan bunk. It. expresses fears of the effects Of the bill upon the value of the great farm products of the country und upon the great business interests of the great northwest. An accompanying note states that the senti ment ncmiist the bill is about unanimous. Mr. Sherman introduced a bill for the creation of a tribunal on International rela tions. Referred. Mr. Morgan Introduced a bill to provide for government control of the Union and Central Paclllo Railroad companies until their debts to the government are fully paid up or secured. Hoforrcd. A roBolutlon offered by Mr. Sherman In- Btiuctlng the committee ' on foreign relations to continue its Invo'itigallon us to the Nica ragua Canal company was agreed to. IlmiHUroUKh Favor * tlio Anti-Option lllll. Mr. Hnnsbrouch , In addressing the sonata ' in favor of the 'anil-option bill , said he bo- llcvcd Unit ttio inuusuro camu within the "general welft\ro clause1 , of the constitution , nnd Unit if enacted into law it would not only bo sustained by iho courts , but it would complete the system which hud grown up in the country In the last fuw ycats ana undur Which combinations of men and sometimes f one man could cll in u single day In fictitious lots ton times the total annual yield of the Country. Mr. Hlpcock opposed tbo bill. Who were Ihn men , ho asked , who were ancthmutized end characterized us criminals by those ) who \rcro pressing this bill ) In New York they Ircra the morcnanls , the capitalists , the men who bad developed the greatest growing % oit , which now complnitieJ aeiilnsi their commercial methods. Their nionoy , their enterprise , tholr genius , had built up prcit lines of transportation nnd hud built ( so to say ) ten now state * . They were the pioneers of progress in this country , us merchants wcro in uvory civilized nation , nnd yet these men were characterized us common gamblers wno debauched the young and who tempted tnen to embezzlement. Mr. Wushburu denied that ho had over in cluded such men in bis denunciation. Ho hud referred only to men who had no capital and who sold whut they had not cot. Trampled Down the li\v of thu Country. Mr. HUcock said that tboso men , whom lie had described , from the state of Now York and the state of Minnesota , were pro- losling to congress ugainst the bill , und ho referred to tlio petition from tbo bankers of Minneapolis , presentoa today by Mr. Davis , expressing fears for the effect of the bill on the value of tlio groin agricultural products ' 9 nnd gcnciul business interests ot the great northwest. This bill , ho continued , wus the \ basis of the most gigantic trust over con ceived by hiinmii intelligence , und it wo'Hd Bwrop Into political obll.'Icn every man who hud promoted it. It tramplcu down tlio common law of the country. It struck at Individual liberty ; it , Btruelt at Iho right of indivlunaU to nmku contracts. That was its spirit audits purpose. Ho boliovcd thai it wus fraught with the greatest danger , Inasmuch us It would make n precedent lor allowing con- prcbs to wield the power of Jove over the American people. Under tlio taxing poucr congress could rule ot ruin every Individual mid community and state in iho union. The bill would bo Ibo basis of ono of the most cruel and rapacious trusts nnd oppressions of the people that over oxUtcu among nuy people. Tlio bill wont over until Monday. Mr. Fryo , from the committee on com merce , reported u bill appropriating f JMOdO , for iho construction of a ship canal to'connoct the waters of Inkes Union nnd Washington with Pujol sound , nnd $200- (100 ( for facilitating transportation between Lnko Washington and Puget sound , nnd It Was placed on the calendar. Aujourned. ' \ In thu Home. WASHINGTON , D. O. , July 23. The house today made substantial progress with Its business in at least ono particular , and that was the disposition of the senate amend ments lo the general dollclenoy bill , which Wcro , with ono exception , nonconourrod in fcnd sent to a further conference. Otherwise Ibo day was without feature. The senate amendment whlcb was cou- turrod In was that appropriating $178,000 for Iho payment of Indian depredation claims. The senate joint resolution was passed framing authority for the erection of ovcr- hoau wires for Illuminating purposes during Iho Grand AYiuy encampment m Washing- ton. ton.On On motion of Mr. llltt of Illinois n resolu tion was adopted asking the president for Information us to the regulations now In , force concerning the transportation of tin- ported merchandise In bond from ono port In the United States over Canadian territory to mother port In the United Slates , und whether tlio interests of tbo United States do not roiiulro that each car containing such merchundUo whllo In Canadian territory bo In the custody nnd under the lurvelllanco of In Inspector of the customs department. Adjourned , AVontorn I'oimoui , WASHINGTON. D. 0. , July 23.-bpoclal [ Tologrdm toTiin UIE.J The following Hit pf ponilnns granted is reported by TUB IIuu Mill Examiner Iluroau of Clalmi : Nebraska : Orlclnul Richard S. Cooley , Abrum Scott , Ly ander Chnllln , Duvid Llne , , Henry P. Mucloon. Jemniiih Shu man , Hurvoy A. Brown. Ucorco ColTinan , James Vi'alkup , Juires lilenn , William L. Hamil ton. Suinuol ! ' . lieaty , David L. Smith , Additional-John L. Abel , Milton Cooper , William Melroy , Frederick P. Stono. In- creuso Marlon J { . Kindred , James M. uowan , Patrick Ciorman. Reissue William J. Wyniuid. UOIKUO nnd Incrctttu John S. Thompson. Original wldawi , ota Fruuccs L Hunllnu' , Ainorolto < J. llnlier. Iowa1 Orlelnul Alfred C5. King , Oliver Li. Wutltln , Thomas W. Luuinlo , John Oar- rlgan , John A , Uraon , John R BuoJcrass , S'imuel ll.vsong. Lawrence lloyle. Kllmon R. Wright , Uyron Lolghton , Itaau N. Melindu , Kdwufd U. Wllliaini , Louis NKucdy , Joseph A. Puckott , Jauios Carter , J.UIM O. Cooip- ton , Wllllnm McCoy , Hnnrv Wosion , John W. nowem , Bdwln L. Uaff. Additional Ucorgo W. Sharp , Jnmea Conner , William D , Coin , William R. Gray , Jamc.i Darnhlll. IncrcMO James M. Argabrlght , Quslavus Chnrtos w. Alton , deceased. Ortgina widows , etc. Martha Wyutt , M rgarot A. Allen , Maria I. Shtiman. minor of Joseph L. Tanner , Carrie Crnndall. Colorado ; Original Joseph Lowe , Flnloy M. Nowlon , Alfv Wells , Francis 15. Wheeler. Isaac ( Juishall. Kll WatorhoustUavld M. llocnsholt , William I ) . Uobo. Original widows , otc. Maria Kncarnncton Vasquoz. North Dakota : Original Ocorgo Porter Original widow , oto. Chrlllann II. Hill- borg. South Dakota ! Gcorgo II. Chapman , John B. Werner. Jacob Krb , Martin Falvey , Kbenczcr Lc.Uro. Additional Frederick Nelson , Kmll Joenn , Horace G. Wolfe. In crease William W. Finch. Montana : Original-Michael McDonough , William II. Wright. WOICMI'S FAIR MATTKIIS. Clmncon of .Scciirlnc the Sn,000,000 Appro- ] irlntlnn tUciinpil. WASUINOTON , D. C. , July 23. Speaker Crisp said this afternoon thai the World's fair appropriation would nol come up In the house until Tuesday. It Is the understand ing lhat iho conferees of the sundry civil bill will muko their report to the house on Monday , but that they will uot call It up until iho following day , tboreport going over to enable It lo bo prl-ilod In the Con gressional Record bcforo Us conslderallou U begun In iho hoitso. This program will on- nblo iho majority In the house to devote most of Monday to the R.iutn pension ofllce re port. Them are over 'WO amendments to tno sundry civil bill , and ni they will bo consid ered In order , It will ho possible for the op position to ulvo . .considerable trouble aud , perhaps , cause a little delay in reaching the World's fnir amoudmonts. J\l > cct. tn Win on the "Show Down , " After a decisive vote bus been obtained in the house on tbo World's fair bill there will bo llitlo. trouble over other points In the re port , aud Iho disposition will bo to finish up the bill as quickly ns possible , The Worm's fair managers expect to hiivu a slight major ity on the "show down" 0:1 : the appropria tion , und If they have such n majority ulth a quorum voting It of course settles the mat ter , nnd U ir. almost equally certain that if the vote should show a clear and decisive majority of the house ugainst the appropriation , the senate would yield something. There Is ono thing , however , that is dis turbing the World's fair managers and mem bers who are anxious for final adjournment , and that Is that u quorum may uot vote on the World's fair item on Tuesday. A vleor- ous effort Is being made to recall absentees and lo hold for iv few days longer the mem bers now in the city , but chating to got out of town. Ono active World's ' fair worker snld this morning that ho was afraid , with all the members present in the house casting their votes , a quorum might not bo dis closed. It is certain some members viould raise the point of no quorum should such happen lo bu Iho caso. ' 1 ho World's fair man added thov baa kept a prortt ninny of their friends hero on Iho assurance that the matter would reach a vote tnU week , ana now some of them , ho Icarod , would leave town on the afternoon and oveuiug trains. This would maka necessary a call of the housj and delay - lay final action. CliiiuccA for n Quorum. There are not n great many members in the house at one lima these hot clays , but on u vole many new faces appear , und yet a vote showed -00 members present und vet ing. This would indicate that , barring Iho po.ssibility of a filibuster by southern mem bers , which may or may not occur , and will continue to bo a mutter of speculation until the last moment , n quorum will bo bora on Thursday oven though tome of these now in the city take their departure. U Is expected thatBorao additional members will arrive In the city In time lo vote Tuesday nnd render possible nn adjournment of congress next week , and the fact itial the Ruum report is ready to bo called up will tend to nwull the congressional attendance , Iho naoptlon of the resolution urging Commissioner Ranra's dismissal being in iho line of dumocralio pariy policy. ALMOST A SUCXU. Ociicnil Outvs KcHciito the Impudence at a l.iilxir I. cutler. WASHINGTON , D. C. , July 23. There was a lively scene this morning in the house just before Its assembling , and John Devlin of Iho executive committee of the Knights of Labor curno near gelling a good blow from G. N. Dales , a ono-armed veteran of the con federate army , and at present chairman of the special committee- Investigating Iho Homestead trouble and the Pinkerton sys tem. The trouble grow out of criticisms laaJu by Devlin on tha conduct ot yester day's examination of Ibo Pinkertons and in sinuating that an adjournment of the com mittee , tukon lo enable the members lo vote on Iho dollcicncy appropriation bill , bad aciu illy been taken to glvo the Pinkcrtoini time to prlma-lhcin clvos with nnsucrs to such questions propounded by the Knights of Labor. Mr. Devlin snld to Mr. Uatcs that ho thought this action of the committee yostor- dny wus most extraordinary. Ho thought it strungo Hint the Pinkcrtons shoulu bo per mitted to see the written questions and read them before Ihoy woio asked by iho chair man. His manner as well us his wordt of fended General O.Uc , who told him that the committee had treated him and bis associ ates with extraordinary consideration , hav ing given tholr quo.Ulons precedence over these of the committee aud that his criticism now was Improper nnd impertinent. Moro words followed and General Oatos told Dev lin thai bo migbt go to h 1. Mr. Devlin charged that the oommlltco nan laicon UiU recess at the Inxlanco of the Plnkertons. JudgoOatoi retorted that this wai false ; that Devlin was it d d liar. The two man seemed about to coma to blows when mom- herd Interposed and doorkeepers hustled out of the bull. PAVOHAHM : AOTIOX I'rlcmU of JU < IK Shlrui Conlliloiit Ho Will Ho ConllrmpiL ' WASHINGTON , D. C. , July 23. The judiciary committee of the senate- managed to get a quorum and a meeting this mornln ? . The same six members who wcro present yester day again attended Iho scission today. Con trary to expectation llnnl action was nut taken on Iho nomination of Mr. Shlras to bo associate Justice or the supreme court , and the commltleo , utter dlscuBslng the matter for half an hour , adjourned to mcot Monday. The attituao of the democratic members of iho committee has not yet been fully defined und 1C is now Impossible to say now they will vote on iho question of reporting thu nomination to the senate favorably or whether they will permit any report to bo made. It may bo noted In this connection that the soimto , by u majority vole , may nt buy time discharge- the committee from further consideration of tbo 'nomination and take- the matter In it * own hand ! . Among the conservative senators , however , there U , of course , a strong Indisposition to adopting this radical course except in an omergouoy , and It is not likely to bo done Immediately In view of the fact that tbo friends of Mr. Shlrus fool a crowing conlldonco in luoir ability 10 tocuro favorable uctlon upon the nomination. _ COLUMIUA is unit KAMI : . CruUor No. 12 Will Xetur Anlii llo Known IIK the "rirnte. ' ' WASHINGTON , D. C , , July 23 , Secretary Tracy today directed that tbo triple screw cruiser No. 12 , beratofora designated the "Pirate , " bo named Columbia. Tots Is in recognition of tbo celebration or the 4 00th anniversary of the discovery of America , and of the flout of ourgovaraiqoiit and tbo capital ot the vtatn of South Carolina. Thu vessel will bo launched at Philadelphia Tuoiduy next and will bo christened by Miss Edith Morton , daughter of iho vice proildeut. Joseph H. Manly huvlnir accepted a mom- borahlpon the piulnnut republican executive committee , hai roslgnud Ills position a po it- manor at Augui to , Mo. , and Walter U. Stln- sou itM been uomluatod to tuccood ultu , CRITICISED THE BISHOP Epworth Lcaguers Declare for Old-Fail- ionod Methods at Prayer , THEIR IDEA OF SCRIPTURAL ADVICE Action of thn Committed Cinurs n ftnit Hot Dclmtu In the Anntml Stnto Coif vcnflon lit Huntings Other State News. HASTINGS , Neb. , July 23. | Special Tola- cram to TUB BEE. ] Fully a hundred nnd IIfly delegates are in attendance nt the second end annual state convention of the Epwot th league. All the delegates are quartered among the families of the city , and appar ently Hastings Is owned by the Epworth IcdRuors. At 5:30 : n. in. today-lhoro was a Wesley early morning mooting with preaching - ing nnd Druycr service , led by Kov. L. T. Guild of Crete At 8I3J , uftor breakfast , the devotional exercises were led by Rev. George M. Jones ot Graf ton. Harold Foisht of Ord rend a paper on "Tho Epworth League in Country Charges , " in which ho advocated the establishment of leagues In country districts. A general discussion fol lowed , the prevailing sentiment bolnc with the paper. Miss Laura II. Lcedomo of Col umbus discussed "Molhodlst Ways for Meth odist Young People , " the paper Oelntj the subject of nn extended general debate. After lha committee on credenllals had re ported a number who had failed to hand In thrlr credentials nnd a number of the junior leacuo delegates wcro admitted to scats. G. W. Ucrgo of Lincoln wai announced to open n discussion on the ofllcial paper of iho leapuc , the Epworth Herald. Miss Baulnh Llvosay of Hebron read a paper on junior leagues , after which written reports from the various chapters were made. In thu Afternoon. In the afternoon session , after the devo tional exercises had been led by Uuv. G. L. Hulght , the annual o.ocllon of'ofllcors was hold. For president two ballots were uoccsiary , but G. W. Borgo of Lincoln was finally chosen. Between the ballots the committee on credentials mudo n supplemen tary report and the two mtnuto chapter re- porls wcro continued. For first vice presi dent , J. M , Hazelton , odllor of Iho Young Men's Journal of Omaha , was chosen. For second vice , two ballots wcro needed to elect Miss Lonnulst of Fremont. Miss Anna Randall of Rod Cloud was chosen recording , Ilov. McAaam of Grand Island corresponding sec'-otary , the lalter Dy unanimous consent. Rev. J. D. Graves of Uonkelman was named for treas urer by unanimous consent. For directors , Revs. Haywood of Oxford. Bross of Omaha ana Guild of Crete wore otcctod by acclama tion . York , Omaha. Grand Island , Mlndcn and Kearney nil wished to have the next conven tion. Omaha llnally secured Iho plum. On motion iho vote was made unanimous. The committee on resolutions reported , and after thanking the retiring oflicers treated a lltllo trouble by reporting a resolu tion favoring kneeling in pntyar and sug gesting to the board of bishops that they kneel , according to scriptural advice. Favor Ivni'rllni- 1'raynr. A motion was soon mndo to strike out Ibis reference. Alter u lively nnd at limes boiled discussion the objectionable resolution was removed , nnd in its pl.ico a substitute , calling upon Motbodlsls everywhere to carrj' out iho oldfushloned custom "of genuflection at prayer WHS adopted. Plauke condemning Sunday breaking und positioning the World's fair commissioners to close the exposition on the Subbalh and endorsing Iho Epworlh Herald wcro adopted. The treasurer's report was made and de clared correct and tbo minutes of tbo previ ous meeting adopted. In the liiororv de partment a paper prepared by Miss Fannlo Fry of Beatrice was read. Miss Myrtle llaro of iho satno nlaco followed with a dis cussion. ' 'Finance" was a toplo assigned lo Rev. J. D. Graves. At Its conclusion the convention took n recess for supper. For a while the spectacle ot the Iwo con ventions moating at the same time in the same building was presented. The district convention mot with President Winchott in the chair. The tnosl woiglily mailer Ihoy hud lo decide uus tbo question of adjourn ment. Tha body separated lo meet again on call of the president and corresponding secre tary. A commltleo was appointed to har monize thu coustituiion with the church dis cipline. In Iho evening after a social session Rev. C. B. Dudley of Wvmoro spoke on iho -Highest Now Testament Standard of Ex perience. " At the conclusion of the session ibanklng tbo people of Hastings for tholr hospitality wcro passed. I'llsHixl Conntorlrtt Monoy. SOUTH Sioux Cm" , Neb. . July 3. [ Spe cial Telegram to Tin : BtK.J A man giving the name of Tom Joyce and a co.npinion parsed Ecvoral counterfeit dollars hero loday. Joyce was captured. His partner got awny. Ho buvs his parents live mar Omah. Ho has been working near Rindolpu , Nub. , for some tune. He declared that bo did not know the money was counterfoil. I.iixliiKton'H Water U'orln. LK.XINOTO.V , Nob. , July 23. fSpocial to THE Biti : . ] The wutor works , light In ibis clly has ovldnntly reached an end. The city council finally secured n quorum and have advertised for bids , lo bo opened August 15. The clly has JOOOU , ou baud , crtdlted to the water works fund. F. S. Rollins has bcon returned hero to answer to the char go of forgery. The pre liminary heating wus bold yesterday und the prisoner bound. The man is also badly wanted In Colorado to answer to numerous criminal charges. Ilmnlt of I'rovlons Trouble. BCMIOM , Nob. , July 23. [ Special to TUB Bun.J A closer inquiry concerning the row that occurred Thun lay night batwcon iho tha solalors and citizens discloses the fact that It was partly Uuo to bud reelings exist- in i ; loward ono of the citizens on account of having boon a witness agnin&t two of the soldiers who were arrested and jailed hera a few days UKO for disturbing the peace. Ow ing to the absence of the counly attorney the hearing has been adjourned until July 'J.ri and Ibo defendant commuted till that time. The Injured man Is little , If any , hotter , suffering severely from concussion and severe pains in the neck. Surpy County' * Cropi. GIIETNA , Neb. , July 23 , ( Special to THE Bui : . I Sarpy county luivo the best corn In the state. Farmers are through cultivating la all parts uf tbo county and a majority of the fields are now In taaslo. Winter wheat Is turning out good , but the oats is a liltla short. Inspect to Win Ihn GUANO tsiAND. Neb , , July 23. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEE. ] F. Howard and wife , who are footing it from Souttlo to Chicago - cage on a wager of $ . > , U'JJ , to roach Chicago by September 1 , pained through hero this morning. They are enjoying good health and expect toln tbo wagor. CoiUr - ' . Countj-'n limlliuto. HAUTINGION , Neb. , July 83. fbpoclal to TiiEiIlKi ; . ] The Coclar county touchers1 In stitute will be bold In Hartlngton this year , convening August 23 and continuing two woo Us. S. S. Hnmlll , tbo well known clocu- lionUt , will bo prckont und Instruct the teachers ono hour each day , The other In structors am T , C. Grimes , A , H , Colllnr , A. E. Wurd , L. J. Townsend , Miss Nelila Sturks'und Mus Ilattlo Cadwell. Injured In 11 Kiiimtviiy. DUNIIUI , Nob. , July 23. [ Special to Tun BKK.I Whllo Mrs. Vlnulo Miller was ro- turmng homo Uito , lasi evening with her Iwo daughters in a cart , the borso became frightened ar.d throw out the occupants , in juring nil of them quite severely , Ono of the little L-lrls hud an ugly cut In the fore head , Her recovery Is doubtfdl , 1II Knglno ilrol < Through thu Urlilue. AUAt'Aiioe , Neb. , July 23. [ Special Telo- grain to TUB Due. | i-H. L. Miller of Hoi- drogo , nn export for tb.o Jf. I. Case Thresh- ins Machine compuny'.jlHd a rib broken by nn onglno ho ivat milmgla ? , going through. a bridge , today at Clark's mill. SHI : IS A KUlt'TO.UANIAC. Hcatrlco 1'onplc Siulilifiity Jo < p Fultli III n 1'rotty YontijJ stranger , HEATIHGE , Nob. , Julv 23. [ Special Tele gram to TIID BEE. ] Eugenia Mctcalf , n young woman hailing ffdm Denver , who has for several weeks past-boon plyln ? the voca tion of nn artist , teaching pupils at their homos hero , has proved \'o \ bo n kloptomauho of rare ability. A number of arti cles , such ns ribbons , laces , shoes and many other species ot femlno adorumcnt wcro found In her room that had evidently bcon stolen from stores nnd pti- vato residences. Recently she had n quan tity of broken gold and silver jawolry molted up at a shop In the city for sorao un known purpose , and It Is thought It was done In order to destroy Its Identity. She made restitution of much of the goods today , und was permitted to leave the city without being prosecuted. She wont from hero to Atcblson. She ! n young woman of good npucnranco and easily found entry Into the best families of the city In her capacity as nn artist. She Is a grass widow and was vurv much averse to having the prolix mlsi attached to her uatno. Xcbrntltii'n Month Jtnll. Nnnuvsicv CITT , Neb. , July 23. ( Special Telegram to THE BRE. ] E'.ltot ' Josporson , an old rest dent of this city , died at his homo this morning , aged 7J. During the palmy day * of Mormonlini ho wun a prominent fig ure nnd has brought over from the old cnun- try several bhlp loads of converts. Ho had lalely been idonlltiod with the bailer Day Saints. Mr. Jaspjrson hud lived In this city since 1SOS. Loiiff 1'lno CImutiuiiito | Note's. LONO PINT , Nob. , July 1)3. ) [ Spsclni Tele gram to Tun BEL'.l Today has been cloudy and very favorable for the Cbuuluuqua This Is the educational day with lectures in that lino. With but OHO cxcopllon the pro gram was carried out ns novortlsod. Notwithstanding - withstanding Iho excellent lectures It is al most impossible to Itulucomostuf the visitors to leave the water where they wudo and swim from morning till night. The blgcost occasion anticipated Is Grand Army of the Republic day next Wednesday , when the " railroads will run many dpochils" There will bo many Grand Army of Iho Republic posls attending In oodles. HOT Si'iiiNG ? , S. D. , Julv 2,1. ( Special to TUB BEE.I Tbo Black Hills Cnuutauqua osbcmoly vlll convene nt iw grounds near Ibis cily next , Wednesday , the 'J'tb , and con tinue In sostion sixteen days. The progrjm is very line , and a laruo attendance than ever is expected. The lust two days , August 10 and 12 , have boon sol aside ns political days , in which tbo various parties nrc given an opportunity to OXPOUSO their principles. Each parly will have three hours. It is Intended to make these days rousing onoi , in a polit ical sonsc , as each party will make a great effort to outdo tbo other , and the best speakers In the hills will bo hero. No speakers are admitted from outsldo the hills without the consent of the other parlies. NUWS FOIl Tim Alt.MY. Complete List of Chinees In the I'ognlur Sorilce. WASHINGTON , D. O. , July 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE , ' ] -Tho following army orders wore issued yesterday. Captain Richard E. - Thompson , signal corps , Is relieved from temporary duty in this city lo toke effect August 1 , and will proceed lo nnd take station at Chicago in connection wilh his duties nsoflicer in clmrco of thn War department exhibit at Ibo World's Columbian exposition. First Lieu- tonanl ! Francis D. Ruckcr , Second cavalry , detained as recorder of tbo examining board st the War department , Vice Second L.IOU- tenant George 11. Jarvia , Twenty-third In fantry , is hereby. , rellayod. Captain John Pilman , ordnance department , will proceed from Frankfort arsenal , Philadelphia , to tbo powder mills of E. I. Du- nont & Co. , ndar. \ , ilmlngtoa , Del. , in connection with thai Inspection of small arms powder now being manufactured for the ordnance department. Captain Constantine stantino Chase , Fourth arlillcry , on being ro Ilnvcd of bis duties as acting assistant quartermaster nt Fort MoPhorson , Ga. , will report In person to the commanding officer , Fourth artillery , for duty with his battery. First Lieutenant William W. Wothersooon , Twelfth Infantry , will conduct a detachment of twouty-cighl enlisted man of company I , Twelfth infantry ( transferred to company 1 , Eleventh inlnntry ) , from Mount Vernon bar rack" , Ala. , to Forl Huuchucu , Ariz. Leave of absence for seven days is granted Colonel John M. Wilson , corps of engineers , super intendent United Stales mllllary academy. The following named ofllcera will report In person to Colonel Melville A. Cochrnno , Sixth Infantry , president of thn examining board convened at Fort Thomas , Kv. , at such tlrno as bo may designate for examination as to their Illness for promotion : First Lieu- lonanl John H. Pcftblr.o , Thirteenth Infantry ; First Lieutenant John C. F. Tlllson , Fifth infantry. Tha travel enjoined Is necessary for iho public servico. Dr. Ornvos Cif n Ci-vlvnd. DENVIMI , Colo. , July 23. Tbo slalo today , Ihrough Assistant Attorney General Bnbb , filed with tbo supreme court Its brief in reply to tuo case In error of Dr. Thatcher Graves , who was convicted of poisoning Mrs. Josephine Ilurnuby of Providence. R. I. Dr. ( Jraves , among ether things , claimed that Judge Rising was biased in his Instructions to the jury and that erroneous rulings were made against him. Attorney Bubb denies all these allegations and says that Judge Rising's rulings , and Instructions nnd iho records of Iho Irial are free from nrror. NATURAL FRVU FLAVORS. Vanilla Of porfoot purity. Lemon Of grpit strength. Orange Almond Eoortdmy In tholr use Rose ec. I'm s delicately and dollclously as.tho fresh fruit. t&a Hesw M " AnESTRlcruf TInsT CLASS tbe Largwt. Ftuteat iih.Fliieat In tlio World , Pati.cDicer * coni < Mlvlone un * i celled . HEW YORK. loNDONOERRY AUD GLASGOW. Kfery Saturday , NEW YOItK , milltAl'TISK nnd NAl'IEH , Atrek'ulor Intervala. SALOON , SECQNO-OLASS AND STEERAOK rntoa on lowest term , to and from the principle D53KH , Enauin , man i AU co mn : TAL romic- Eicunlon tlckeu nvalUble to i turn by either the plo- tiirtBQue Clyde A No'lli ot Inland or Maploa & OILraltar iRtfti isl Urciy Grim fr isr Accut at lovnt 2 t . Apply to any nf our local Arenta or to UGKUKUSUW JIUOX'UKKH. L'UlouRO , II ! . Kir * rii > TABULfc'8 rwuifciu ry the blood.'are ULfe nadcITttctualif | the bwt lurdlclae keen u f or bilious X coiutliiatloii , dy | < rpila. JoulJ . * aaclvLuc&riliurii , lei l3naod v Mr < > .ultuiifroni * Impure bloc ' , o ; r. fidlure by tha nuitwh. liter or lu > * t * tlD04 to perloi m Ibtlr proixtr fuuctlona. I't-rbciu * Ctr n teen wilnitareU-ixlltedbytalkliuroueafteri " * ViIGlM,1/iWllUBTSy't"tVPl' ! ! ! l'0 4 , ? . ; , > , Z llll'U.3 CIlEM/OAL CO. , JOfprucebt..hew York. ! ANOTHER COAL MINE HORROR Minors Mutilated and Burned by a Torrifio Explosion of Gas. NINE MEN KNOWN TO HAVE BEEN KILLED York Colliery , Near 1'otUvlllc , Tn. , tlio Scctio of tlio DlstrciftliiR Acrlitcnt I'lvo Iujtircil , Homo of Tlicm L'titnlly How It Hiiiipcucd. POTTSVIM.C , Pn. , July 23. A frightful ex plosion occurred on the York farm colllory about 11 o'clock today , by which ntno inon nrc It n own to titivo bcon killed outright , and It U bollovod that three iiioro Unvo nlso suf fered the snino fate , Klllnit mill Injured , At this wrltluR the Known killed tire a ? fol lows : JOHN HAnitlSOMof Wiidcavtllocnro boss ) , loaves wlfo nml three or four children. THOMAS JONR ? , 'MlnoMvtllc , carpenter , timrrlud. HAKItY JONHP , son of Thomas , sliiftlo. WILUAM WKIIMAN , Nowo.istlo street , Mlticr.-iVlllo. JAMKS llAUTZEkU Llowylyn. ANTHONY STACK , n boy. Thcra are believed to bo three more ntnong tlio killed. GEOKOfi IIIUOHT , Tromoiit , single , board- ) In 1'ottsvlllo. HERMAN WRUNntl. bt. OUIr , wife tuid seven or cUlit clillilrun. ANTHONY OUT01I RAVAGE , I'ulnndnr , wldowor. The injured nro as follows : HUSKY MADUU , Mount Hope , , perhaps fatally burned. THOMAS LAN-HITS , Fullback , badly burned. HOIIIIUT AU.OTT mid SON' of 1'otuvltlo. tioiioi ! : : STACK , Yorkvlllo , aged 1U1 years , married ; leg broken und burned. BUVVAKD Cumin * , 1'ottsvlllo. C.uun of the i\ploHlnii. Tuo explosion. It Is bollovoJ , wus caused hy a stronff feeder being brolcou Into and Its force penetrated n safety lamp and Ignited the cas. Tlio explosion was terrific , and completely closed the gangway with cars , which wore on the trade. York colliery n owned and operated by the Lclilpb Vulloy company aud the Philadel phia & H-jading company , lessees. liodlcK Itooovcrccl. Of these who were killed outright nud brought to the surface are : Wlillum Wo.vmnu und William Jones of Miuorsvillo , Ueorco Krols of Middle Creek , Herman Warner of St. Olalr and Anthony PultchlnvHge of Pottsvtllo. Besides these , three < Iho < ro given up as dead. They are l < 'lro 1 OES John Harrison of Wadsvillo , Thomas Jo. .03 of Mlnersvlllo aud James Hurtzoll of Llewellyn. The slopes and gangways In different directions nra filled with debris and It will taiio many days to clear them away. Loaded mltio wagons art ) wedged across In the gang ways and rocks , timbers aud debris are so plica upon thorn that thu rescuers have hard work making their way to the front. Workmen In the distant parts of the mlno say tha noise und force of the explosion was something tcrrlblo. Men 100 yard * away were thrown to the ground. Volunteers In 1'lenty. As noon as an entrance could bo mndo to the mine , numerous volunteers ofTcraU their services , but none out tha most tried wcro selected , aud they at once eot to worK. The first bt ought to the surface wcro tlio in jured. Preparations had previously boon made and tuo requisite materials were on hand for the relief of the burned men. Physicians at once took them in chargu and alt that med ical skill can accomplish was done for them. The body of Thomas Jones of Mincrsvillc was recovered in tue tunnel' and brought to the surface at 5:30 : and It is expected that his companions , Harrison and llurtzoll , are near by and will bu reached In n few hours. Henry Madata , one of the injured , died this evening. Kxplnslon of n I'oMik-r 3 ACTON , Mass. , July S3. An explosion oc curred ut tbo American Powder mills at 0:35 : this morning , ulowln ? ono of the mills into atoms. Benjamin Ingbam. who was running the mill , was Instantly killed. SOLD AND ENJOYED Unlike tke Dutch Process No Alkalies on Other Chemicals are tiaed in tha preparation of Iff. Bate & Co.'s ' Breakfast Gocoa , which ia absolutely pure ' and soluble , It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , ami Is far more economical , tasting less than one cent a tup. It is delicious , nourishing , anil EASILY DIGESTED. Sold by Oroours ovorywhore. W. Baker & Go , , Dorchester , Mass. WASHBURSMI Cullan , Mandolin * & Zlthen lu valuing end quality of touc mo the HUT IN TUB WORLD. War * ranted to wear In any climate. Bold b > all Icsdloedcaleri. llcnu- tlfully Illuitrated ouveulr catalogue - aloguo with portralta of fimoui artuti will be Mulled PHEB , LYON & HEALY , CHICAGO. mly Girl's ' Higher School ' 4VJund 1 Dearborn ATO. . Cuionu. 1 i.u Be eiilDcithye rreiiori B ' . . cmr < llni ! Day ( School for Young I.urtk'i und Children. iJHLli vu uiimu JL uiiiiJL i UJLIU w < THE OLDEST AND LARGEST WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL IAT1 i tlouse in t > lie Goods utitl prices to plonso ovoryono. Chamber Suits from $10 to $ 1,000. Newest Styles , Largest Stock , Lowest Prices , . Spccltil designs nnd estimates glvon on Fine Parlor Pieces and Draperies ; Our stock contains nil the lutost novelties rts well ns the most Rttxplo goods In the furniture lino. Cull boforc buying. 1115-1117 Farnam Street. Established ISO I. FOR SKIN Scalp , and hair , nolhinc in the whole world Is so clcr.nsing , so purifying , and so beautifying as the celebrated CtrricunA SOAP , the most purifying and beautifying soap in the world , as well as purest and sweetest fur toilet and nursery. For irritating and scaly eruptions of the skin and scalp , with dry , thin , and fall ing hair , red , rough hands , with shapeless nails , and simple rashes nnd blcmhhcj of infancy and childhood , it is absolutely incomparable. Thousands of grateful mothers pronounce it the only perfect baby soap. CUTICURA SOAP Is the only cure for pimples and blackheads , because the only preventive of inflammation and clogging of ths pores , the cause of many minor affections of the skin , scalp , and hair. T-Trci r "RiK5r > c QllfTrT when their lender skim are litenllr on fire \vilh Itching , ITIUW JJclUlLb OlllH-l scaly , alJ blotchy skin and scalp dUeaset , none bill mothers realiie. A single application of ihe Cur.riiRA UBHKDIBS will afford iinmcdiMe iclief , permit re t ami lecp , and point lo a speedy and economical cure. Puce : CUTICUBA , the great Skin Cure , soc. . CUTICURA Smr , i < c. ; CuncuiW RUSOLVBNT , thur r Illood Pimfier , St-ao , PorrnR Ufva AH CHEMICAL ConrOKATiOH , Boston. "ALL ABOUT Tim SKIN , SCAIT , AND HAIR , " mailed free. ' "THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and 4 A bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and < P always eTfectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches ? on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , 5 Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered J > Stomach , Dizzii ess , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , J Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausca , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pim- pies , Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Corn- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- ease that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ilipans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross ยง 2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. BLACKWELL'S EVERYWHERE , SMOKGNG TOBACCO , Whether on the hills gamins ; In the place of business ; or at home , It always fills that niche of com fort a good smoke. Put up In handy packages , and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali ty ; it recommends Itself to every smoker's use. Sold everywhere. Is always uniform in quality. Pure , sweet and clean. TUG IDEAL OF FINE TOBACCO. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , DURHAM , N. C. THEGREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cure. ' nil tllsoriler.1 of the Stoiincli , Liver. Ilotroh , Kilonj-t , Itl.nlibr , Norroui inTH , Loss of ApuolUa. Hoailitdic'oiistlpatl ( n. Costlroiia , IiiJlh'OstI m , Hll- on : ucts , I'cver , rilesKit1 , , nml rcu .on tlm systoni Ilubln Lo coatr.ict DYSPKPBIA. KADWAY'3 I'lI/I.S uro curu for this cii'iiplnlnt , They touo up the Interim ! nooretlonf ta bonltliy nrttlnn. restore slreiuth to tin Htoniuuli , itn'l cnalJlo It to perform It * fiuictlom. I'rlcn'J uu Imx. Sold by all clruKUH , or mulled by ItADWAV & OJ. . as Wnrron Street , Now York , on receipt of price. a ten trurnntco to cure all nerroui dliaaiea. aucb m Wtak Memory , Ix > of Uruln 1'owcr. Ilnndache. Wakefulneai. Ix > it ManhooJ. Nlibtly Koila lon . NerTouincn. Lmiltude.alldralni and lost of power of tbo Uoiieratlro Organs In i'ltliur er causu.l by over vxortlon , youthful < rrn a. or rzccnirr V uiu of tobncco. vpluni or tlinulant which noon load to Intlrmlty. Conniuno- Hlonnnrt linBiiltjr. 1'iit up conrenlon. to carry In Teat imckei. Ul Dernnck- nuot nmij , , ) for fj With every ior.lorw fivtavtriUtn ywiranttt tvcurt vrrtjundllutnotuv. Clrculurfroo , Addruei AcrvaUaeilUu . C'blcaaii , III. For sulo In Oinitlui by Shorinun It McCoimoll , 1613 Doilfjo Htrcot. Uv6iy MAII can bo BE n MAN OllOUSinall-eiiiecia B'/UOMO and VIO. Nl'.KVINl , t7iei7reaTt3iauTiili"ltemeily. | VOUNO 'M1JN OU ORDtuHrrhiK ( loin N1UIVOU8 HB11I&ITY. IOBT or 1 AIItfIKO filANUOODnightlyeiriiifloitaconvulalonv , nervous . iiroitrationcnuxd by Ilieuie of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake * fiilneti , nienial lienretilon , lota ofriower in eitlier ten , aueriuitor. , vt. rliojacauiedbyaelfabuteand overlnduUenceorany pcrtonal weak * neitcan be r | ored lo perfect licalih ar.d iho NOHIvK VITAMTY OP STRONG MUM VYogivaa written cu r nlee wlib6boxe < lucuro any caioor refund tlie money , | i it boi6 { buxetft For SaU In Omaha by Snow Lund & Co ,