rim we * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAifc JULY 21 , 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES. 11 THE COSDITIOS OF TRADE The Volume of Bnsincsi Continuss Quito JULY A GOOD MONTH FOR JOBBERS Tlio Ttntntl Trade I > pcclnlly with Thoto Ifnndlliiff the Higher Cliisii of ( loodi Not Very Active Hunk ClearIngs - Ings Large , That part of July nlrondy passed has boon characterized by n very good Jobbing trade at Omaha. .Even should the week to como only show n moJcrato trade the averaso for thonvholo month would be very satisfactory. This condition of trade has not boon lim ited to any ono branch , but applies to the Jobbing trade tn general. Sotno lines ot busi ness may have experienced mnro activity than othcri , Just as ono jobbing houio may huvo a bolter Xrndo than another , hut they have nil been reasonably nctlvo nnd no conv plaints nro hcurd from any source , Most Jobblnir houses huvo had about nil the business Hint they cared to do nnd all hands huvo been uopt busy In filling orders. The feeling In Jcbblng circles Is ono of con fidence owing to tlio generally good pros- prets for crop * In Nebraska. A recent issue of the Now York Bulletin devotes considerable spnco to n re view ot thu dry goods trade during the pnst six months. According to his authority the dry goods ttudo has passed through six months of vurlnd experiences , with n gradual movement toward n moio satisfactory condition than hud existed for Bomo tlmo bofore. The main features Unvo . been n low level of prices and a largo busi ness. Thu former win the outcome of cheap raw material In the great stnplo urnnchps of cotton and woolen manufactures , the latter * being in no unull degree Iho result of the former encouraging IncrcnstU. consumption. It wns oxpcctcd thnt the demand from the grnln'growtng sections of the country would prove extensive , but that the conditions of the south would ho an offctituul barrier to nny Improvement there. Results have shown that In the ono direction business has barclv readied the anticipated dimensions , while they have exceeded thorn In the other. The enormous grain crops have not been sold at the high prices looked for , nnd the expendi ture on dry goods has probably boon Ilttlo In excess of the previous year throughout the west , but thn purchasing power of the dollar bus been ( -renter. This , moro than anything else , has enabled the south to show results , which , outsldo of too Atlantic states , com- pnro favorably with the preceding year. Trade wus comparatively late in getting Into motion , nnd when well under way Buffered moro than tbo usual spring Inter ruptions from bad weather , , floods and bad roads. Both at the bciiinnln of the year mid nguln some tune later it appeared us though stock * , of manufactured goods would accumulate materially o.i the bauds of agents , but Judicious concessions In some of tbo leading staples accelerated the movement mid thu half year closed with slocks In bet ter shape than at nnv preceding time during the six months. This Is noticcubfo In brown nnd bleached shootings und shirtings , in n \arioty of colcrcd cottons , and romnntnbly so in the Instance ot print cloth fabrics , of which tbcro tins been u lurpc consumption in the shnpu ot prints , Uld-finished cambrics nnd other converted styles. In cotton dross fabrics It has boon em phatically a printed goods season ; riot be cause of an unusual call for ordinary prints , but from the extensive vrrletios of special ties which have been put successfully on ibo market. The beauty ot thu designs and colorings of these and the excellency of the fabrics proved most attractive to the trade , nnd what is quite us important hnvo shown the high standard now reached by our manu facturers and printers. The great popular ity of printed patterns naturally affected the d cm nnd for ginghams and other woven styles , and the inuiffercnt business In these has bean an exception to the conoral rulo. Not the least snttsfnctcry feature of tbo talf year's trade has been found In the rcg- lilnrlty of collodions. In western sections , \vboro money was moro plentiful than of into years , It Is not surprising that bills were promptly mot ; but the south , where back- Tv'nranofs in nottlcmcnts might naturally have been looked for , has suffered nothing in comparison with the rest ot the country. Agents and jobbers in this city and jobbers throughout the west and south are ull acrecd in reporting outstanding indebtedness at the cloFo of tbo bait ycnr under the average. This U testimony to the conservative basis on which buslnc&s lias been done , und thnt sales under the provailint ; policy hnvo been KO largo is nmplo prcof of an extensive con sumptive domand. The bulf year has thus closed with the market generally in good sbupo und with an txcollunt oqtlook for the coming six months , to * withstanding tbo fact that the p'niatdei- llal campaign Is likely to oxcrciso a disturb ing influence. < i The fanner himself is not inoro Interested , ml decs not pay more attention to crop pros pects than the nvorugo business man ut the present tlmo. The advices from different sections of Nebraska seem to point to another Inrgo crop. Recent showers cover ing the greater portion of the state hn/o re moved nil apprehensions of any Immediate daiiL-cr to thu ci.rn crop train drouth. July Is not generally a good month In thn retail trade , and the present Is no exception to the rulo. The stoics currying u cheaper class.of goods appear to bo enjoying a lanror trada thun these which aim to supply : tie bettor class ot customers. This may bo ex plained by the fuel tbnt at this season a great many.of the wealthy pcoolo are out of the city , and the stores which they patron- Izu necessarily feel their ubsoncu in a di minished trado. ' Tlio Financial Situation. The money market continues in nbout tbo snnid shape as noted a wock ago. Ttio re ports of tbo clearing house make a very peed showing , and would seam to indicate a good deal of activity in business circles. The following will show the clearings for each day of the past week : \ Jlondny tl.30l.n7l.T4 Tuesday ' , ' ' . 1,07''J 3.t8 : Wednesday uil ; , > ! . > > .45 ThnrBilay l.u.tM.Nl" ) . ! : ; Trld-iy tnofl'.77 ; ) buturduy 1U < | ,7 < I4.57 Total tV.y-,7.HO' ( As compared with the previous week , there is a alight decrease in the clearings. Ituiil l > tntu Murkut. The past week has not been distinguished by tiny great activity In real citato circles. If anything , the mnrlcct was not in nctlvo as during the previous week , The sale of Dun dee Pluce brought up thu tra infers somowliut , The total transfers for the month of July un to and Including the 22nd nro $ 'J)1.S51. : ) The total tor the week ending Friday wus 01,259. The total of the building permits issued during tha week was light , amounting to only . ' 0,250. . AH SKIV : itv nu.v. Onmlm'n Tiudol'xonptlonully Onoil unit Her I'roxpi'otH llrli'litunlii' ; . ' W. II. Roborsou , manager of R. U. Dun & Co.'s Mercantile agency , cays : "Trade in oil JJu'ohiB HUOJ , saving dru-s , liquors uud lumbar , U exceptionally good. The drug houses nuuo no complaint , bow- over , and the lumber trade outsluo of Omaha Ik qulto satisfactory , The liquor nun and brewers huvo hud a dull week uud report local collections u trlllo DOW. ! "Jti I ho grocery trudo the ruirked foatura IK the rapid advance In prlcoj ot canned goods and dried fruits. Tha short fruit crop everywhere Is responsible for this. As u result the grocers tlnd prolhs bolter than a yvnr n-ru , wtii-n the deniund for canned and dried uoods wus small and tno domxud for sugars , on which the margin of protit is al' \\uvs Unlit , wus very large. "Tlio hardware dealers report a stiffening of prices onA no nails , bur iron and steel beams , duo In purl to Iho labor controversies in thn oa t. Collections continue unusually good owing to the fact that money Is vary cusy lu the country. "Thu produce ronimtsmon dealers have n d n good week Thu only drawback bus been the shortness of the supply of frulta and ini'lons. The demand for fruits hut boon ubeud of the supply ull tbo season. Califor nia U depended upon for pouches , prunes pear * and miwontblo price * are ex pected. Apples will bo very high , Iho crnp tn this section being a complete failure. "Tho bankers are in no better humor than last week. tcposlts continue to accumulate and the domnnd for money is very slow. Only ono bank Is contracting Its loins in any general tense. The snvlncs Institutions changed their rates of intcrctt on July 1 , and are now paving 4 per cent on open ac counts , 4' on three months and 5 par cent on six months' C'.Ttlllcntcs. The bankers say thnt this change from f > per cent to 4 per cent on open accounts has induced ninny to take six n.onths certificates , and bus slightly reduced - ducod the totnl of deposits , but t.ol so much ns nntlcipitrd. "Rolnil trndo continues dull in nearly nil lines , especially nmor.g dealers tn luxuries , Thu dry goods men regard the outlook ns favorable for n bettor full Irado , hut Just , now owing to the season and the absence of the wealthier clllzons , there Is Ilttlo doing. Boots nnd shoes nro In bettor demand than usunl ill this season , Grocers uro not suffering , but trade might be hotter witb them nud still not bo phenomenal even for midsummer. Real estate bus been Hat for the most of the week. "At South Omaha receipts of both cattle and hois hnvo been rather bettor than last week and prices have been somewhat lower , ( JooJ cattle are not coming In very fust , and feeders are not selling with much spirit. Re ceipts of stackers and feeders were ahead of the demand. Uood hogs nro bringing coed prices , nnd the pens nro usually clonrcd t-ailv in the day , though local houses are Indifferent - different buyers a good share of the tlmo. The rxtremely hot weather is not without Its effect upon the market. . ' Rcgrots nrn tory general amoncr business men that the Board of Trade should have re- fusrd its endorsement of the proposition fern n local freight bureau. Tbo only. lilndranio to nn expansion of the Jobbing trade of the flty Is the discrimination In freight rates , which seem t- > favor other cltloi in territory nroporly belonging to Omnhn. A local freight bureau with a compoto-it commis sioner would do mucA to correct this. " N'iim.vsKA : r.vcnoitv NOTKS. evidences of 1'rnipcrlty ( i.itlicrcd Among Il'inui Industries. /The manufacturers of Omnhn have tron- crully bean fairly active during ths wjok past , executing In such lines of business ns are especlnlly affected by the hot weather. If thu local brewers nan bo induced to have their boor kegs made in the city Instead ot sending nwny for them it would moan the employment of nt least thirty additional skilled worklncmen In Omnhn. ft will nlso mean the support ot that mnnv moro families. At the present time the brewers nro using tnschlne-miido kees obtained in ether cities. SVhilo the lirst cost of these ga Is lc s than Oinabti hand-made kegs , they nro said 10 bo no cheaper in Iho cud , us they do hot lust as long. Motz Bros , uro quoted ns snying thnt thov were in fa\/or / of Keeping their business in Omaha it the ether brewers will do the samo. At the present tl.no there Is no establishment in Omaha capable of turning out enough beer kcg.s to supply the local brewers. U is surmised , however , that there soon will bo if it U once known thnt such an ostnblUhmont could get tlio business of lo.'al browcr * . Tno extremely hot weather does not help the millers. Housekeeper : ; no not baKe ns much as usunl and the popular taste runs moro to green vegetables , etc. , than to bread. Snme miller. } eUlmnto that the amount of flour consumed In prlvato families decreases 50 per cent during the extremely hot weather of suminor. W. It. Drummond spent a few days in Sioux City the yast week. Business men there sp. ak of tbo jobbing trade is gooJ , but the retail trade is slow. The Carter White Load company of O-nahu is building a plunt In Chicago which will bo about a duplicate of thoirEist Omaha fac tory. Theobjectof loculliiga plant In Chicago is tosupplv ihcircastorn trade , which can bo reached to hotter ad van tairo from thut point than from Omnhu. Tn lr present plum , lurgo as it is , cannot keep up with the con- bluntly incrcusincdo annd for whlto lead. Ttio Martin Morrissey Manufacturing com pany of East Omaha has boon lillingan order tor light casting to go to Chlcutro. Marks Bros. , harness manufacturers In East Omaha , report n good domand. They would Hku thirty moro harness makers and stltchors. Hera is an opportunity for a number of skilled workmou to lind employ ment. The W. A. Pace Soap company Is turning out 40J boxes of laundry soap par duy. Tno Nebraska City packing house will probably close down August 1 for repairs. Thcro Is talk of establishing a mineral paint manufactory at Nebraska City. The Nebraska City cereal mills is pushed to 1111 orders. A patent railroad sollto , the Invnntion of a NabrusKa City man , is soon to bo placed on tbo market. It will bo manufactured at that place. The C. H. Krnssono Plow factory at No- braskn City has done a goad buslnnss the past three months , nnd the sbopj will prob- nblv be enlarged next fall. The Beatrice Times savs : W. A. Coleman - man of the P > ipo Soap company at Omaha was In the city toduy. Mr. Colornan is nno traveling man who is not a resident of Beut- rlco who has done much toward advertising this city's manufacturing interests ever the stato. lie lias from the start taken a lively " Interest in the homo palronngo movement" , which bo has aslstod in no small doL'roo. Ho says the movement is not laieing in Interest , but on the contrary is growin : : ODII- stantly and a corrospomlinc inciv.isa In the sula und consumption of homo products is uotod all over tbo state. 003r OF SIDEWALKS. Schedule of I'rlces 1'Ucit l > y tlio Hoard of I'nldioVorI < s. Early in the season nn ordinance was passed ordering pernrinant sidewalks in certain portions of the city. That ordinance provided for stone or artificial stone walks nloiii * ull slreots within the lira limits , with stono. nrtillclal siono or tlio walks along the line of paved streets outsldo ot tbo tire limits. At the loltinof contracts Ford & Hughs captured the artlllciul stone , J.V. . Pumas ft Sous the natural stoao and J. O. Corby the brick and lilo. The ordlnnnco provides that pro perty owners shall bo given un onportunlty to luy their walks , but if they nosloct or refuse so to do , then In thnt event they shall bo luid by the cltv contractor. The Board of Public Works nus prepared the following table , which shows tbo class of material that may bo ujcd uud tbo price of each klud : Tor si ) , foot. Cents. Artificial stone . . : ! White Colorado sixnJstono three Inches thick . CO White Colorado sandstone four Inches thluu . , . > Ited Colorado sandstone three Inches thick . 24 Knil Colorado BHiulstono four Inches thick : M Uhlos'tndMtono three Inches Ihlalc . ' . ' 5 Ohio snndxtono four Inches thick . Ill ICunsiis stone three Inches thloU . . . . . . lA' Kansas xlono fmir Inulics thick . 25 Indiana stone tluoo nches thick . * ! 5 Indiana stone four Inches thick . Kl llrlek . U ) { U'hon walks are condemned , thoio blanks will bo left with property owner ) to mnlco their selection of material. If Iho material is not selected , tbo board will order the ma terial thut Is most suitable for the street. TIII : n i : A i/i Y MAKICCT. TNBTUUMKNT8 placed on record July S3 , -J ! & ! WAUllAJVTV DEBUS. rilrubsth Urn.vn and husband tn N I ) CoeUrell. o Si lot IV. block I , Lin wood pirk $ 55D l''rudi < rck ! Stabrol nnd xvlfo to 1'ranlc Vufikornu , s ) J nw und no nw'tj-15-11. . . 5IOJ N K Aokor und wife to W S O.ynn. lot IS , blonk 15 , 1st ndil to Kimili Omaha 050 Clinton Orcutt and w fo to Hans Jensen ol al. lot II , block I , yiiurlann plucu , . . . Tu ] \Vnllncc.iriMlo9 , to till Turrutt , lot IU. bio. U-ll , MoniiuHith liurk 60 } W A Ulllltplonnd wife to Ml llnlstod. lots 4.5 nnd 17 , block u. lots I , ' . ' . Hi and 17. Llouk 7. tot K. b.ook I' . lol . ' ( , block II , lot ! ) , block K lull , bloox U , Ninth Oninhiv , 65 Joseph Urudl nnd wife to Joseph Uru- bor. lol II. block 4 , 1'nrk Forest add , . . . 05 } Lin\\ood t'ark I.and company to J U Kliiklo. lot IV blouk ' . ' . Llnwno.t park. . 350 Mary llwnniek to .Mury Uworaak. Jr. . IOIH n and IS , bloou I , loti 1'J und 1) , b'ook S. loin 4. ( l , 1) ) nnd IU to lit. b oeu U. lots 1 uud 2 , b.ock 4 , Uwnruok'H add. . . . 0,500 niius. : : H J Pcunnoll , Hpootul tnnitor , to Charles Iliilbach , lot 6 , Wood'k pliico , and lot It ) , block B. McCoinilck'n udd 10,000 Q A llcmiutt. khor if. to J U Moorlio.id , lot V , bldok II , li V Uiulta's add 4,500 Tolif amount ot tranifers. t.7lV THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Trading Was Again Restricted by the Oppressive Weather , SEPTLMBER CORN WAS UNCHANGED 1'rlmo'n Crop Iloport Wns Generally lie- glinted U9 lliillUli , n tlio rrotpects \Vcro Sulil to lla Dcclilcilly 1'oor Stocks nntl Uomln. CIIIOAOO. III. , July 2.1. Tr.irtlnT wai ngaln restricted todny by tlio oppressive weather and upproharislon on ncco jnt of tlio null-op tion bill. Tlie grain markets closed weak. rlth who.it ? o luwor. Corn was unchanged for September anil u trlflo lower for July tinil Ootobor , whllo provisions on tlio contrary were strous ut tlio close , with park 53 higher nnd lard and rlb each up 2Jc. ! Everything opened tame and without in itorl.il cluinjo In irlecs. Wheat for September started nt 73lio. nnd dnrliiK the Kroiitnr part of the session kept within the range of 76c and ! 8Uc. The early cablegrams were discouraging , reporting dull ness ana loner markets abroad. Kcculnt ! \voro27Joars.ofwhlch 1CI wore now wheat. I'ho northwest reported S7d oirs Ono of the bo.ir features tiday was thn lionvy In-rpiso In roL'elpts at St. I'nul. which amoiinto.l to i. IJvO hu.jitil udvlccs from thuie predicted i-i'UK ) , DObu. for .Monday. llridstrcet's statement of clcaruncas of wheat and Hour from both coasts this week were equal to n total of i,7IflU..O . bu. ucnlnst .V.l.Wi.O u DII. for tin ) corresponding week of ISlll There \veru further reports of u\tunslvo In jury of bprlm ; wheat by rust In the northwest , but they had ilttlo effect on prices. Late ca bles reported further doulluis abroad , which unused solllnr here , tlio Seiitember option de clining to nnd closing ut TT c. Corn w.is very HOW iui'1 while there was ImrJ.y anv business , prlocs wcro well main- tallied. 1'ilnm's crop report was toner.illv re garded as bullish , us It Indicated but a poor crop In the sup us states and the condition two or three weeks lat' % . Them were alMi re ports of hot winds In Kansas and Injury from dionuht. September corn opened at 4SJc. sold at from Wo to 1SJJ , sp.lt oil' to IS ! Jo and c osod at ISJjc. Oats were inactive and very steady. sop- tninbemoUl ntsu'ju at thu stnit up to from lie ) tosijac , split then at from U0)'o ) to : iJic ! and closed at'w.'ic. Hog products were neglected. There was .irly on the hlchcr receipts of hogs to bo expected and hlqlior price * at the yards. September pork sold fro u $ .2.i'74 ! to Jli.O'J'/J , then buck to glil'J ' und c.oso 1 at Jl..OJ ! J. Lurd nt from tr.2 ! ! { to$7.iO. : nlnalnc at 87.S7 ! 4. und ribs nt if . * i ) und b ick to f7. * > 5. loalns ut J7.57i4. L.uko freights llrm at l.'itt-u for corn to buf falo. Estimated rcoalpts for Monday : Wheat. 810 cars ; corn , "U5 oars ; onts , IDJcnra ; hogs , S5.0M head. The loading futures ranged ns follows : AIITICLKS. moil. LOW. CLOSE : . WHEAT No. 2 July . t 70' < AIIRUHt . September. . 78 } < 77 Coil.v No. 2 Jnlr . 60 49X 49H' AtKUBt . 19 4S f Eoptombor. . OATS No. 2- July . 31 SOW 3'J ! ( September. . 30J4 30 > i MKNM I'UIIK July . 12 00 11 W < 12 00 bcptumbar. . 12 IV 120. ! * 12 IU lit nil- July . 7 17K 7M 1 17 7 20 boptembor. . 7 22' ' , 700 727.4 , 7 30 SHOUT Ilins July . 7 Si 7 JS 1 55 7 65 bvptcuibur. . 7 K Cash quotations were us follows : Ki.otiu Dull and unclrmuo I. \VIIK\T Ni.'J spring , 76'ie ; No. 3spring , 7Je ; No.red. . 7S'4ai78'io ' Coitx No. - ' . .UJic ; No.'I , cash , 47c ; No. 4 , 41 < Sl5e. OATS .No. 2. 3'jj c : No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 3lt ! ® ysc : * so. : i whitu. ' ' 'i i'Jo. KVE No. 2. ( We. HAIII.EV No. 2 , O'c. Ki.A.\SERn-No. 1. JI.0214. TIMOTIIVSKBD 1'rin.c , ti.raJii.n" . t'oitu Mess , per bbl. . llJ.OXiil2.05 : lard , per 1(0 ( Ibs. . t.2.7.25 : short ribs sides ( loose ) , ; 7.A5'7.lX ) : dry Halted slioulders ( lio.xed ) . ST.OJ @ 7.'J" > : short clear sides iboxcd ) . jr.7.V37.fiO. WIIISKV Distillers' llnlshoJ nooJa , per gal. , SunAits UnchanKod. llecolpts und snipineuts today were as fol lows : ARTICLES. IIKeillTB. Flour , barrels. . . HUUO 7.WV ) Wlicnt. bu liL'ls. . ei.ooo 203,005 Corn , bnlicl3 . . lei.ujo 224.UOJ Cats , buitliuU. . . . 213.003 11B.UUJ 4.0JJ 1.000 Hurley , bimliels. 100) 4.000 On the Produce exchange to lav the hutter market wua Urni and unchunieilcgg8 ; , 15o Now York .tTarkotx. NEW VortK , July ) . Kf.ouu Hocolpts , 31,240 pkiis. ; exports. lS7.l ) bb.s. . A,5)'l ) sacks ; very dull , only small sales ; prices hoi ! steady ; sales. llo Obbls. ; low oxtr.is. J-M.V2TU1 ; winter - tor whe it , low irrudes. $ . ' . I.VQ > l.l.r ; fnlrto fancy. M.l.f .l.4'J ; patents. $ : i.81 l.7. > : Minnesota clo.ir. f LU'l.a'i ; stralzhts. M.W31.4J ; patents. M.'i ' ( aV'O ' ; rye mixtures. tllM&'Uft Co INMEAI/ Quiet but steady ; yellow wostr- orn. M.llKit.'l.'JO. WHEAT Receipts , 40,2V ) hu. ; exports , 140,804 bu. ; sLlea. l/J.H'.wu on. of futures , 5.MW bu. of spot. Spot market stiidy ; : but dull ; No. 2 rod. bT > ic In store and elevator : bi ( 8SUu alloat ; hfiiio 1. o. I ) . ; No. : i ro.l , Kl'i ' asiu : No. I northern. WlJio : No. 1 narJ. S' . ' . c ; No. 2 northern. blic ? : No. . ' ( Jlilo.ino. blc ( : No. 2 Milwaukee. Kitfc ; No. 3 spring. 8Jjc. ! Uutlons wcro very dull , opening ' | e lower and closing weak to ! io to Ku deollnu from yestor.luy on easier caboa ! , uoo'l crop weuther. larco re ceipts woit un I selling by St. I.onls and Chi cago. No. 2 red , July. nT c ; Aiuust. hl'.f ® S.k' . closing at Hl' c ; September , 8'iSUSc. ! ; closlnc at H'J.'BC ' ; October , hflasoiic. oloslnir nt file ; December , SSJiffiSJc. closing at BiJ.cj Slay ( lrt ( t. lUSUI'Sc , closing at 0 1'ic. KVR btoiuly ; western , 7.V37Sc. llAiiLKr MALT Quiet : two-rowed state , 70 < ra 72'c ; six roneJ state , 75SOci Canadian , We © . ' . CoilN Uocelpts , 52.7.10 bu. ; exports. 2I.90D un. : sales , lOl.uiObu. of futures. Ki.UJO bu. of spot ; spot stroiuor. ilull : No. 2. . ' 3o ljl | : alloat ; ungraded mlxel , 4.VUlc. Options Irive Iji'en dull and closed 2tie higher on July , with other months unehangvii to ijc liUher. Tlio ad vance on July was throiuh the squealing ot shorts ; July , ( JOo. closing at ( We : Auirust5Iiffl M [ > i' . closing iit\r ! ir : Soptomoer , 5lr. ! closing at fil'io : October , 51e ; December , 53i5J'ic. ? closing ut & : | 'BO OATS Itccolpts , 01,709 hu , ; exports , 43.0C8 bu ; no sales of futures ; 31,000 bu. of spot. Spot , dull and easier. Options dull , noinl- nilly : lower : July. : Me : August. 3\iiu ; t-ap- temtor. 3li'o : o. 2 white. 374i.8o : mixed wimtt-rn , : i'W017ic ! ; white western , Matllo ; No. UAV Steady , quloi ; ahlppliij { , 0001e ; gooj to choice. 75 < aaic. lloi'B Quiet , steady ; state , common to choice , Hfti'io ; I'nclllu coast , ISii.'Ic. HUOAU Haw , ( julet , held llrmer ; fair refln- In"Ve osUed : cuntrlfiiguls. 03 test , 3 l-10o asked ; ru lined , ste.tdy and quiet. MULASMKS I'emilL'n. nominal : Now Orleans , steady , quiet : cominon 10 f nicy , 'J/xJl'llc. KICK Qnlot and Mo.idy ; domestic fa.r to ax- tra. 4ittl'/So ; Jnpaii , ftije. HlDLB-Uulol and steady ; wet salted Now Orleans selected , 45 t'i7J ius.CGSc ; Texas se lected , AO to IKJ His. , ( iJi , o. 1'ouic Quiet , steady ; old moss , ! l.2il3.5 ; ; extra prime , il-.50. CUT MEATS Dull ; pickled bo'llos. O&UUo : shouldorrt , 7Uc ; pickled hams , 124M. o ; mlU- dles. dull ; short clear , t'J.73. . IMIID Steady ; dull ; wcntorii Rtoim closed nt JAM ; B.Uut. 300 tierces : no option sales ; August , * 7,4'J ; Sootumlier. fr."ij ; Oetobur , $7.52. llUTTBH-Qulet : Nteady ; wcsiorn dairy. it5 : ! Cll'u ; western creamerv. IVOi.'lic ; wentcra factory. l.(6IOe ; KUlii. rJii-'Siu- ( JiiKissK ( fillet ; Urm ; purtsUlins , 2UUOo. Knns Western pi line , I0'il7c ; western , peer pur CUM' , t.LWii'iO : ) : reenlptN , 4.7UI p'.igs. I'll ! liio.N-Dull ; Aincrlo in. ll.l.W Klrin : lake. tll.0.vau.7\ I , BAD Kasy ; oulet ; donuistlc.JI. 05(41.15. TIM Easy ; straights. I2J.MJ plates , Urm. KitiimiK City , Murl < ut , KANSAS OITV , Mo. . July Zl WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 hard , old. ii ajJo ; No. 3 hard , now , Gift U'Je ; No. 2 red , Hijiruc. COUN Weak ; So , S mixed , 4.U > iO ! No. 2 white. Mo. O * Ti Lower ; No. 2 mixed , 27c ; No. 1 white , 30 C. lire-Steady : No. 2 nominal. 553WCO , Kf\X8KKD-tUoady ; Ulc , HIIAN Steady ; sucked , ftlo. II A v Sto.idy and unclmngod. lliiTrun-atuiulyj creamery , Illi'iMSo ; dairy , lions-Dull , weak to lowori lie. HBJKHT3 Wheat , 3I.OUJ bu. ; corn , 2,030 bu. ; oats. I.WKi. Huii'UENTH Who it , 1S.OCO bu , ; corn , none ; oata. none MlnnuupollVlieat Jtlarkut. MI.SNKAI-OI.IB , Minn. , July 23 Tlio wheat market mittht IIR well Imvo been omitted today - day MI fur utmny Intoreit In connection wild It is concerned , fcrptumbiT opened at 7iio ! and closed ulovter , with very f w trades con- RiimmaloJ and none of milllulunt size to attract uny u'.lont on. The reports from the sprlni wheat tleldsdroupud out for thu day and Uld not play any pirt. Hhowcrj wvro re ported In North Dakota , wliloli eased the ffol- iiiK a little , an It was taken for granted ihtt soniti place * In need of rain were vUltod west 80 far us there might be u clmiiKO , for lu cousuuucuco U would Lo l r the batter. The cn\ market wns fully is strong nsyostcrJayfUespUotho weak ton- loncy for fuiurcs. NoU northern sold prin cipally ntSJc , withso'iiofiO'ic. nnd nbout as much moruntloss than file. The ninrkct for ow Rrndos wns dull. lhalptsnf ( wheat hero wcro 2 > 7 cars nnd nt Dnlijtli nnd Superior 01 can. Closet July. 76HC ! rcstcrday , 70c ! Ausustoucntiu nt70 > io. hlslielt TU'ic , lowest rflSic : No. S northern , 72ii7ioi' ; quoted nt 77c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. l.nillH iurKnts. PT. I.outs. Ma. July 23. I'r.oun KaBlcr ! patent" . $ l.o5ai.l5 : extra fiinoy. tL7'O-'L75 ! faney. urxau.35 ; choice , J2.4Dl5)l ) family , WIIBAT Haf-i-od slowly downward , elosltn tciubcr. 7847li8Vo ! , closing at 7iyo nskod ; De cember , 7S ( S78iC. closlnz ut 77 ? ® 78o asked. Uoll.N Was dead dull for options , declin ing slightly , C.tsh lower ; No. 2 closing nt 411'ie : July. 40UIO < doling at ICc ; August , 4."io asked ; buutombcr , 44JiWil4c ! , closing at 44.V344J40 bid. OAT9 Weak , loner with no buyers ; o.ish No. a.aONffl'li..c : July 3ln. ciosltu at 30Uo | August and ! > optemOor , 2Sjo ? askoJ , Hms-fllc. UVK Xa 2. Ole bid. MAH..F.V No markat. \v-In Improved demand but none olTorcd of brands wanted , especlnlly tlmotby ; prairie steady. llUTtEtt Market healthy In tone but un- clringcd : creamery. 20a2lc ; dairy , I0ai7o. Enos Unchiinpcd nt lOt1. liKAt ) Dull nnd woik ut.f LOi bid. consMKAiKlrm : tJ.G.Vit'.TO. OOTTO.V lUnniNO U5Jll e. IIION CTT.N ) TIE3-J1.IO. WIIIBICV Steady ; Jl.lU anti-trust nnd (1.15 trusr. I'liDVi'iONS Dull and nshado oasor. ! I'oiiK Jtl.fi'J for now. iM'in Prime steam , I7.3AQ7.5) , nccordlng to ui'und , liar SAJ.T MRATB Shoulders , J7.00 ; lonzs nnd ribs , $7.7.1 ! shorts. S7.S7V5 ; boxed , iSu higher. 11 \ CONShoulders. . $7,25 ; lonss and ribs , 83.ilJ'4 ' ; shorts , US.S7 ! } . llAMS-Siigaronro.l. tll.O © ll.M. ItEceifrs-Kiour. 4.000 Ibs. ; wheat , 210.030 bu. ; corn , 10.000 hu. ; oats , 8J.UOO bu. ; rye , mine : Uiiriey , nunn. SIIIPMBNTS Kiour , 'O.OOJ Ibs. : wheat , 10.000 bu. ; corn. 27,000 bu. : oats , 10.UUJ bu. ; rye , none ; barley none. _ _ _ _ _ _ Oinaliu I'lMuuuo . .i.irkot. Enns-I2OI2'c , ( ; iniuitE. : > Ore -on , tS.OO. 1'rACIins Callfornli , J .75. TOMATORS Southern. Jl.-'jl.r > D per case of 4 baskets. Ai'iiiCOTS California. SI.T.V&.0\ ! IjKMONS Choice , i. " > .JUtt'iOJ : fancy , JC.03 ® a Ml. OitAsr.r.s-Cnllfornla , $4.034.23. HI.ACKIIKIIIUES % I..Vi. HASl'llKiilUKS Illack , $ tC.rod ; , quarts , (1.53. 1'i.UMS Callfornl.i , $ i5o'j.OJ. I1ANANA9 Scarce. lliors AND TALLOW-NO. 1 green hides. 3c : No. 1 green salted hides. 4e : No. 2 Kr-'cn sultod hides , ilo ; No. 1 green H.iltcd hides , J.5 to 4 1 Ibs. 4c : No. 2 green stilted hldcx. 25to40 His. , 3o : No. 1 veal ca f. 8 to in Ibs. . Ac ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs , . : uc ; No. 1 dry Mint hides , 7e : No. 2 dry Hint hides. 5c : No. 1 dry suited hides , f > 3 c. blicop polls-Green salted , c.ich , : t5c(3ll.- ( ' . " > ; vreen s.iltod shearlings ( short woolod early skins ) , each. ISIiilc ; dry Kliuurllnvs ( short wealed early skins ) . No. 1. each. .VfilOc ; dry sliearl'ngs ( she t woolod early skliui. No. - , eucli. 5o ; dry Dint Kuneas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , porlU , actual weight , 10 ® 14ic ! ; dry Hint Kansas mul NobrnslC'i murrain wool polti , per 11) . . actti il weight , B12c. Tul- low nnd create TullOF. No. 1 , ! ic : tnllow No. 2. 33&l > < o : greased white A , 3 ? , c ; grouse whlto U , yJio : graaso , yellow. : ii < ; grease , dark 2 ? o ; old butter , ! u ; beeswax , prime , lOffiiic ; rough tallow. IU'c. ' . " 1'oTATOJb New , scarce ! southern stocK , l-5o ! per Ib. ' CAIIUAOI : Home grown ; fiflc per dor- MELONS -Watermelons , per I'l ' . m.OO Ni\v Al'Pt.Bs I'orono-tblrd bu bax , 73o. WAXIIKAXH Half hu.baskct. 'JJ- Niw : TUIIK rs L'or hu. , li'e. ' 1'KAHS H.irtleU. tJ.5l : oilier varieties , $ .1.03 HUTTKH Packing Etock , J2'i3) ) 3c : small lots solpct dairy. 1 © lOo. I'oui.TiiY Old hens , BtJOc : chlckons , weaker , 8..59SAOJ. _ Woul MlirUtt. ST. Louis. Mo. . July 2t-'Uepelits | , 27,220 Ibs. ; shtpiucnti , 10H.7uO Ibo. Manufacturers buying largolv at seaboard pbiius lias led receivers here to accept the best olTcrs made , tints causing a soften'n. ' ; ofr values , llrlght wools nn well as Inferior grades are thcretoro a center or mare oir from whaflms been paid hereto fore. Missouri and Illinois medium , 23 2.'e ; coarse nnd braid. " ? . ! ) ; Kansas and No- bniHUalncditim. 17f3'-fc'coirso. : I5ii'7c ; Texiin. Indian Territory and Arkansas modliim. 17 ® 2de ; conrie. 15ict7o for eight t-j Hfteon months ; Montana. Wyoming and Dakota , ! 7@Mc : coarse. nQJlCu ; Colorauo , Utah , Now Mexico and Arizona medium , 17'Jo ; course , 13lGc ; choice tub washed , 3iM4c. ! LONDON . July 2,1. Sales of skins wcro held here on Thursdny and Friday. Little anima tion was displayed ; merino : und orois breeds sold with no quotable change In prices. Short nnil coarM ) wools sold at u reduction of 5 per cent. The Imports durlinr the wee Ic were as fol lows : From New South Wales , l.vjj bales : from Victoria. o.2.S : bales : from Australia , U2 bales ; from New /.calami , 6ti'l : ( ; from the Oupo of Uood llopo nnd Natal. 0,110 bales ; from Persia. 3,301 bales ; from U issln , 1,180 bales , and from France , 513 bales. Continental nd- vlcesshow .gcnur.illy sle.iav murkot with a smull vo.umo of business. Oil Allirltot NEW YOIIK. July rn. PETitor.tun Qnlot , steady : crude In mils Parkers. J5.IU ; crude In Iniik. JJ..U ; rullnol New York. Plilladelplila und 11 iltlmoro , A9o : rollno.l In huik , $ ! . " > U ; opened steadv at .VJ'ju for Aiuust options , tliim bee. imo dull and ro'iiulncd Hoihroiiirhout the day. oloslng b.irely sto idy ut Rla IVnn- sylvunla oil August option sules , K.o.tO . bins. ; opening .VMic , highest f > 2'oc. lowest A''Ji , clos ing J-iC ! ; total sales , both oxchungus , 17.0JO bbls. OOTTON.SKED OIL Stoidy , quiet. TALLOW Firm , quiet ; city , ( IJ.OO for pkgsA 4 0-3.'c. U MX Steady ; stralnod , commou to good , SI.H'i0'.37i. ! ! Tuui'ENriNE Qulot , steady. DiilnthMic.it Alnr'cot. DULUTH.'Mlnu. , .Inly 21. This mirltot was Incline. ) to weakness In tliuo-irly hours todnv. duo to sluklsti cables nnd u disposition to sell on the part of forolun.huuses In America. The who it slocks hern snow u decruasu of About ' . ' 2J.OJO bu. during the p ist week. Tlio close was ! ic elf all around. Folio win i were the closing prices : NJ. 1 hnrd , cash , 8'C ; July. fi2'ie ' ; Seotomber. Kle ; December , H.'c ; No. 1 northern , cash , < UUc : July. 70Uu : September , 7SJe ; December , Hie ; No. ! northern , caxh. 7l'.5c : No. a. 3o : rejected , 5lc. Oil track , No. 1 h ird. Blc. _ I.lvcrp ml MurketH. IjivEitrooL. July ? : i. WIISAT Quiet ; holders - ors oiler moJcrateiy. Colt : : Firm ; demand poor ; mixed western , Cs 2d per cental. IiAUU Prime woUorn , 37s 3d per cwt CHEESE American llnest white and colored , 41s lid per cwt. IttisiN Common. 3s Cd per owt. PEAS Oanada. 5s 7d per cental , Cotton Market. NEW OIILCAKS. ha , July 23. Standy ; mld- dllncs , 7c : low middling. Utc ; good ordinary , Go ; not receipts , ll'i b.iles ; gross receipts , 4UI balei ; exports to thu continent , 5.0'J bales ; sales , l.loj ljloa ; stock. V0.7tl7 li.iles. ST. Louts. Mo. , July 23 , Steady : unchanged ; mlddlliux , 7c : M ties none : receipts. 20J bags ; bhlpiiicnts , UOO b.ilos ; Etock , KfcOjw bales. Cotluu jAlitrKuc. Niw YOIIK , July v-rSptlom steady : un- clianged to ft points doiVn ; sales. 11,250 baud , Including : July. $ r.V..VS > lioO : Au'iut. t 2.'W ; teptumbor. ( f..n5 : October , ilinoain ; Do- ucmbor. tr..xvi24) ) ; January , 2.30 ; March. tr..a'S : May , $12.40. SpbnKlo ( , quiet ; steady ; No. 7 , tli3H3.5) ! . rf- , OIIICAOO. III. , July ft ) . Coiinsolman & Day to Dock re II I Iron. Cumiil | 3loM Co. : Wheat closes woik : at bottom iirlpes for the day. The crowd were unwIIUng.tOiJbarry much property over Hundiiy , hencti tlioy bold freelv. Helllii' by thosoiitnwjst hiis'lieen the feature and another feature win Wltno tlirinkage In the Juiy nremluiu hcrv * Prime's report was not bullish enough to huvo any olTcct nor were HIOM northwest receipts stroni onoiiu'li to olhetjliu weak feeling and dull buslni-BS. Cable advices wore generally lower , Paris und llorllu. being weak and ma terially lower. Corii'.fwfis ' dull all day until the last naif hour wliqara few tlrej longs sold out und the market cloted at the lowest point. Provisions have been ) especially dull. The holdings aca conooutr led In strong hands , who nra desirous of working tliendvuncu to kell out OIL The close was tnbdo steady to llrm by the bull Intercut for elf cut , CHICAGO , ill. , July 23. K O. 1-o.iaii & Co. to Duncan , Ilo. linger & Co. : Tlio general market has bdoii ijutet toduy , September wheat opeaod at7 ' f. Hold ns low u * 77ie and elo > ed ut 77 ? 'o bid. Tliuro 8 no special feature to It heyoii'l the dullness. Uacu pts of winter wheat at nil Interior points show connlnera- be Increase and thcro Is uiiiibaencoof de mand for It for export. Uiilots we have ttiU ilemuii I prices niiut go lower. The reports from the iiortlmL tiiro of tiiemr.stuUcourit- Ini elmriielor. hot winds playing havoc with the plant , which , 1 * " now passing through the critical stages. If * tins diimagn amounts to dlsuitor It will prevent the deullne wliloli ap pears imminent , Thu demand for the cusli wheat mid the July option Is less urgent and thu piomutm of it U now nuout l cent over eptomber , Corn wits u trlllo o inter. Thorn was no Ml- tempt by brokers , representing Ilryunt , to sell lung Hautoinbor holdings , but after market ing a moderate amount they were withdrawn from m irket. Wo too nothing to ehunguoir former advlco. Ww bolloru Septouiber will du- cllna to the neighborhood ot 4do. July option WHS heavy , losing ? o compared to September , closed 4SMO4SSc. r-inge 4SU 43Hc to 49'4 H'io. Oats wcro quiet , oottio reports ot rust n the neighborhood nt Poorln , duo to hot , sultry wo.itlicr. closed nt HO'jsi.'U'tc. Pro visions opened llrm and fractionally hlaher in smaller receipts than expected nnd n ilgher ling market. Outside business was Ight and tr.ido nmountud to practically noth ing until Just before the clo e , whnn thu mar ket received n llrmer tone nnd n fractlonnl ulvnnco In consequence of purchases of ribs nnd per * by Armour. CHICAGO. III. . July 23. Konnott , Hopkins ft Co. to H. A. Mo Whortnr : There wcro some out- sldo buy Ing orders at I ho opening , due. nppir- cntly. to dnmago reports from the northwest nnd prospects mat anil-option would not bo reached this session. There were sollliu or- lors from t. Louis , where receipts of the now crop are bojlnntng to pile , nnil Now York ns selling some on dlscouraglnz advlcea From abroad. Corn and ontn biivo been dull and s l htly easier , but corn Is 'Irmly ' hold nnd It n 111 bu hard to strike out Lhnt much longs , \\hllo the crop outlook Is the season Is unusually late for the crops. Damiigo from weather Is nlso retired , butour ndvlci-s from Kansas und No- ruskH say that Injury Iris not occurred , lthough r.iln Is needed In Iowa sections , I'rovislons were very dull but Drmvlth no features ot Interest. STOCKS AND Operations In Sorurltlui Ycstcrilny Were Down to th Minimum. Nr.w YOIIK , July 21. The oper.itlons today in the stock mnrkot renchinl nbout the min imum and possessed no character from any standpoint , the lluctuacttons botiu duo simply Lo the laok ot offerings , with a slight do.nun 1 to cover shorts. The trading clo.iiont w.is Incllnod to press the market down nt tlu opening , nnd llMt prices were slightly lower than those of the previous evening , but as no support was found nnd no Inducement to risk opposition to the poner.it sentiment appearing , thu pressure w.is quickly withdrawn. Under the limited demand , how ever , prices slowly nopreclatod , but union ? even the most prominent shares lluctuutUins over U percent were rare. The Minneapolis At St. ionl3 blocks furnished Homo diversion In the lute trading , the preferred rising a large fraction , but there wus no accompany ing animation and the market felt no stimu lus from the movement. The close was In tensely dull and llrm. Tlio trading was only j"lU01l toJ an 1 2 , 2J unlisted. Uoveinment bonds uorodull and steady to llrm. Slate bonds ueru neglected. Tlio following nro tlio c olng niint&tlons for the loading stocks on the New Ycik Stock exchange today : rUclilsun 87HI du prcfcrrcit Ailnnn Hi press IIS N. .1. Centrnl. . . AltonT. 11 31 Norfolk A WoJt.pM do preferred lit ) Xortli Aiucr. Co. . . . . _ American l jcprces * . 118 Northern I'nclllc. . . 20M ll.iltlmoro AUhlo. : . lij * < do prufcrrctl 6SJ4 Cninultaii 1'ncina. . . . 8S U. 1' . Den .ICulf. . . . 111 ! Camilla Southern. . . Ml'i Xorthnpilorn 117 Central 1'itolflc. . . . . . . UUU do preferred 111 ChcB. ft Ohio ' . ' ! ! ( N. V. Central ClilC'KO Jfc Alton. . . 1O N. Y. .V N. i : . c. . n. \ < j torn Untirlo A. Woitorn. . 1'JH Iniprovuin't i'J C'oiiBOllilntcd lins.H ) > i .Nav 73 C. , C. , C. A rt.-L. ! . . . W. O. is I , . A U. N KM Colorado Conl , V I. , 3j * { rnclllo.Mnll 3.ii Cotton Oil Curtlflo's Wi I1. , Dec. AM 17' ( Duluirnro A Hudson Uii IMttuburK IM'S 1) . , L. A W IM'l I'nllman 1'alnco ll' ' & < U. Alt. O. pruf 4U D.AC. KCo 46H Iltctiutond Terminal 8 ! Kast Tennessee. 4' < do preform ! 42 Erlu 2I1H lUollrumlo Wvst. . . 87 do preferred em , do preferred Fort Wnrne UH : Hock Islnml 80)i ) Orent Nortliern , pft lti : Ht. I * A a. f. 1st pfd. 7iiJ ) Clitciiio A K. III. pfd 1'84' St. 1'niil Hocking Vnllcj 35'V do preferred Illinois Central ID'JH St. I'nul AUmnlia 49 St 1'auKV Dulntli. . 4'J do preferred . , . 1I8 Kaiuas .t Texas pfd 2G ! < Southern 1'aclMc . ' -iko Krlo A. West. . 24H ctlncry do preferred . . . . . 7tf-i Tenn , Coal A Iron. . 83)i ) I.akoShoro IJI'j Toxns I'nclllc V Lend Trust 8i ( Tol. AO. C. pfd . . . 83 Loulsrlllo.t Nnsli. . i'U'4 Union I'acltlc , UT ? ! * Louisville A N. A. . . S3 U.S. l.'xpruss. . . . . . 67 Manhattan Con. . . . Ii2' : < Wnbnth. bt. b. A 1' . lli ! Monipliln .t Char. . . M do preferred 2 * > 4 Mlchlitnn Centrnl. . 103' ' Wulls-Kartiu Kx 144 Mlmourl 1'aclno . . . . i5n ! Weitvrn Union Vili Moblli , AOlilo : I7 Wliuellnir A U.I ! . . . . Su'i .Nnsnvllo Chiitt 834 do preferred 73 * > g National Corda'-o . . I''UH Tlio total sales of stock todav were 3).10'J shares. Including : Atchlsim. 1.4.V1 ; Onlcago Gus , 2.ICO ; Louisville tfe N.iHbvllle , 1 , 5Ji Head ing , IUOO ; St. Paul. 2.fi7.i. Mow York . .ilono.ililrkct. . Nnw YOIIK. July . MONKV ox CALL Easy , with no loins ; closed at ! ' { per cent. PIIIUE MKIICANTII.E CAPKH : iin ! percent. STKUMNCI KxpiiANOB Quiet , but steady a $1 h7for klxty-dny bills and $ l.8d'i fordcman The closing quotations on bonds : U.S. 4s reg 1H > M Mutual Union (1 . . . . 1IU U. 8. 44COUP lim N.J. C. Int. Cert. . . . 110 ? < U. S.4Ha ! reg 100 Norlh. I'aclHolsts. . 11. H 1'ncincUsoC'Ui 1M ( North , racincimls. . Il.'i ) I.oulslnna stnmp. 4 'Jl'i ' .Northvvcstcin Con. . ] S'J tTenn. new netbs. . . 107 Nurth. Dob. 5n . 108 Toim. now set Ss. . . 101 St. I , A I. M.Ccn.is. BS' Tenn. now cot 3s. . . . 71 St. UAS. F. ( Icn. St. Conaila So. 2nds lal't M. I'nul Consuli. . . 1:0 Cen. rnclflclst 105 t. 1 . C. & 1' . Hits. . . . 118 Pen. A. It. ( i. Isla. . . 117 Tex. I' . U (3 J'r. Hcts W Den. A II. O. 4s 8.IU I'ox.l * . ll.U. Tr.Hcta. Z7 Krlotnils 10 > > { Union I'ac. Isls . M. , 1C. A T. ( icn.tis. . 7I > U Weatbtiuro . lilt M , . K. AT. ( ion.fu. . 451 , It. ( ) . W . SOW 1 bid. t asked. w York .Mining Ijuafatlnns. NEW YOIIK. July SSL Tlio following arc the closing mining stock quotations : Choler 'Kl iipulr uu Crunn Point C/J I'lyiuuutb IOJ Con.Cal. A Vu UUO Sierra Ncv UK ) Dpndwoo.l JKI -Un.Unl . 110 Could ACurry 1-0 Union Con 75 Hale A Nurcrois. . . . I0 > Vellow Jacket 5 llnmcstakc I'UI Iron Silver 00 Mexican 110 Quicksilver. . . . . . . . 40 Norlh Star li'il du prefcrroi ! ' 100) JnUrln. . 1153 llulwer 80 asked. I'lll II1CI.I1 .Mlll-s. KANSAS CITV. Mo. , July 21. Clearings , $1. 424. . 117. NKW Onr.uANS , La. , July 21. Cloarlngs , liAt/HMOllti. Mil. , July Kt.-Cloarlns , } 2..40I- 2KI ; balances. ? Jf'.7il. ' ; Monov , t ! per cent. LONDON. July 21. Amount of million troiio Into the Hank of Kn lund on balance toduy , ! I5UUO. MEMI-III * . Tcnn. , July SA Now York ox- chaiiKU" solllni ; nt $1.50. Clearings , t3M,2 : . : balances , if lOA ii NKW YOMK.Tnlv 21. Olcarlnzs. ll)2.:51.2'0 ) : baltincos. (5.015.7&1. I'or thu week cicar.ius , $ jTO , 'lSlldJ ; balances , filOI5tlU. ; PIIII.APCMMIIA. 1'a. July 2 Cloarlnus , 117,781.113 : bul.uicos. S1.40.MI.K .Money. 2 per cent. Oicarlu * s for the weak , $70b > " ,2.iti ; bal ances. JIO,078.-ilU. NKW Voiuc. Jiilly 23.-Special Tolozrnm to TllEllKl l KxchanKO WHS quoted as follows : GhleiiKo. 10o iireinluni : Huston , par to 6c premium ; St. Louis , par. CINCINNATI. O. , July 23. Money , 31 per emit. New York exchange. 25e discount. ClanrliiKs , fJ.li',230 : for Iho week , $ ii,7 : < l7,450 ; for the s.uno woelc List your , $12,215IOJ. BOSTON , Muss. . July 2) ) . OlenrlnKS. $15,131- 010 : balniiccH , $1,821,818. Money , Wil per cent ; e.xch iniru on Now York , par to 5u CHH- count. For the week : ( Jlearrnus , 51ll.r > : i.iH : ( ; b'llnnco.s. $1II54.1S1. I'or the same week In 1691 : Clearings. $3I,079,7M ) ; balances , $0,7l.,25l ( Sr. Louis. Mo. . July 2.1. ClearliiKs , U.i'go- 231 ; balances , | 3S..72.1. Kor the week , $ il..8 . . - 105 ; lialnnces. $ . ' ,732.121. Clearln i > | nt > t week. $2i,727i : ( ' > .5 ; balances , 13.012,145 : clcai IIIITH lust your for the corrospondlnweek. . $ , ' 2.2 < l,5'i2 ; balances , J.H ! ,74I , Money quittt ut r > a'J per . Nnw York oxchun-o - cent. : p-ir. CiiiCAdO , HI. . July I1 ! . .Money flnn and 1111- chaniied at 4 per cunt on call and 5 percent on tlmo loans. Hank clearings , tlii-lU S : ' . ' ) ; for the week. M7.414.72' ' . Now York ex- chanyo at iJe discount. Sterling oxchanuo dull and nnch'ingod at 81H7 for sixty-day bills und $ I.BS for sight drafts. , 'K STOCK SIAKKKTS. Cnttlo Triiilu Still In Had Klmpo Hogs htrone unit Trlllo Illf-hcr. OMAHA , July 23 Heeolpts for the past wock , 1H.070 cattle , : i2.23t hogs , and 725 sheep , ugulnnt U.U15 cuttle. UV > 7d ho.-s and 2,128 Hlieop the week previous , and 1',4'tl cattle , 22I1 hogs nnd2,7Msheep the corresponding week of 1U9I. The week has been u bad ono for cattle , and prices liitvo brolcen badly on all grades , especially on thu pretty good grass and cornfed steers. Prices were weak ut the opening of the week , und notwith standing u rapid falling on" In receipts the nrirkot went from bud to worse , mid the break In values amounts to from 3 u to ? lio. Hhlppers nnd oxnorteishavo been big loners the latter part of last week and the early purl of till * , und their ubsenee added to the other depressing features of the trade. The principal reason for tlio dee Ine , how ever , limy vastly be traced to Iho heavy re- oolpts of western entile ut ull markets , 'ihoso cultlo were rounded up n u hurry , regardless of condition un 1 rnsliHd Into the market to tuko iidviinta.o of the reeent buU'u in nrloos. This resnltol ns usual In tlio Uenio.ltlon of prlt-on , und with plenty moro of the saroo kind of uuttle liiskht It U usjlms to look for any murliod Improvement noon , ( 'own have also siilTereJ , and prices are from "Jo to 'Mo lower than last week. The situation In stocker - or nnd feeders h , s undergone no noiluablo ohuir o. Thorn has. iiorhup ! ) , been u little Ircor movement , nut It toolc a bU break In prlieito start them going , Plcoa are very low now- , low enough , It would seem , to suit v.e H evn of the mint beurUh. .llo s have fluctuated within n tOc to Ho range , but the feoilni In ttlll strong on goo I lioa * and prices fully us high IIH u week ago. It look * us If the packing duinuud wus fulling olf. Tlioro tiu > beun un lncrcu > o In the khlp- plni : demand , however , that nuiio than coun- torlmlancoi thin. Hhlppers' purcluikeii the pukt weuU have bbun fni.n M to75 per font of the entlra receipts. Thu hogi uru running rather llttit now and the uood butcher und heavy hof > 4 uantlniiu to command a premium of from Ac to too on light and inlxuj BUI IT. CATTLK The supply wu lljut tor u Butur- day. In fact , the lightest run to far this month , Heeolpts for the p ill three dnys have been lleht. the comblnrd receipts being Icsi than the number on sale Wednesday. This fuel prevented n further break in values nnd pro duced a ralhor belter fooling on nil nldo1 * . There were comparatively tow decent cornfod cattle hero , nnd with modoralo coinpotllloii from shippers nntt exporters prices ruled 100 to IAo higher than Friday. On the general run of hnlf fat nnd grass stulT thu market was no hotter. Uood to choice cornfed utoor * welch ing from I.VOJ to l,55J-lbs. sold at tram ( l.oo to 11.8 ' . with urotty tool ir.oilfed Texutis us low ns.70. On nil but the host rlpo cornfod cnt- tlo the trade wns extremely slow , but n fair cler.ranco wnft llnnlly eirccted , There worn eight or ten hvids of cows nnd hollers on s'llo und the Irado wns gonirally at nboulstcnily , nlthonghuxtromuiy low prices. Old thin cows so'd ' t s low us 7" > c , whllo prime fat westerns topped the murket at $ . ' ,50. Hulls , oxen nnd slips were dull al froml.5J to liM. 'Jalxcs were dull and utichan eil. The trade In stockers and feeders wns lighter than U has been for the lust iwo or tnroo ilays and ( irlcos wcro If any thing onslor , Kopt-cscntatlro sales : DUKSSKU 1IEKF. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av.I'r. . No. Av. Pr. 0..1I.M MM 20..1f.2 fl U M.,13'0 i25 ! .VJ. . 032 3 CJ SlIII'l'INfl AND r.XI'OUT. 373 42cfwlf04 4 00 10..1513 480 COWS. .t. . srci 75 0. . 85 1 55 1. . 781 1 85 in. . 8M 1 10 1..107J 1 GO 3. . 113.1 203 10 . S'U 1 40 7. . m I m 1. . 850 223 i. . usj 150 17. h 3 I 80 nini'ctiB. 8. 030 1 2j 63. . CO I 1 25 CALVK3. 7. . 105 2 00 2. . 310 3 25 HULLS. 1..1100 1 5) 1..1I50 t 75 STAO1. S..13 5 1 TO 1..10JO 250 STOCKKIISAND 3. . 570 1 TO 7. . 1374 2 3J 3.853 2 fi 7. . 737 2 15 21. . b75 2 43 27. . 8."J 273 MILIIEIIS AND SlMIINd<S. 1 row and calf. 3200 1 cow and calf 31 (0 ( Icow nnd calf 2700 1 cow mid o.iIf 17 ( K ) cow and oalf . * . 2000 2 cnws and calves , each 15 03 2 cows and calves , o.iu'i 2J 5J WKVTKIIN CATTLC. No. Av. Pr. No. Ax''r ' - ! ) * steersfed. IUI JJ 70 S feeders . . . . llOJ WOO 1 feeder UW 2 ) 1 feo.lcr 120) ) a ,0 20 feeders. . . . 1W 2 50 1 feeder 1170 anil Icow K 2 : i5 llleinvs 87 1 St 2 cows 100 235 3 cows 8V ! 18) ) 2 cows 2 35 1 steer * HIM 200 1 feeder . 1170 30) ) OMoor-t' 12JI 200 3 U3 iBteers 1211 25J feeder . 1370 ! l IX ) 7eowf > j. . . 1)17 ) 250 2 feeders. . . .1050 3 OJ 5 calves. . . . . . IB ! 275 1 feeder . 11)20 ) 3 00 Breeders lli > 3 30J * tailings. lions Receipts wcro liberal und the qual ity about up to the average. The week's re ceipts were 3.wo : lighter than last week and 7OJii ho ivlcr than a year ago. The market opened strong to fie higher on good to ehole medium und heavy hogs on shipping account ut from (5 (15 ( to $5tW. Locul buyers were bearish from tlio st.irt. nnd after the shipping orders had been tilled thuy got quite u few liigs at less than Fr day's prices. from J5.40 to J5..VI. The bulk of the light nnd mixed lings sold nt toncrnlly unolringcd price ? , from (5.53 to fUU. A late shipping order enlivened the murkot and strengthened prices toward tho'closo. Everythliv. sold , the bulk , us on Friday , ut from Si.ivj to ' (5.0V Tlio iivorago of prices wns * .1.IH. agalnsr5.59y Fri day and $50l'i last Saturday.Kcprosentutlva sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 7. . . . .211.1 40 $1 35 7J 218 12J WOI 10. . , . .2J5 5 4) 71.7J . . . .SIS 1'JO 500 ' ' . . .20.1 aw fl 40 7J . . .201 2.10 5UO 07 . . . .27 ! 100 fi 40 03. , . . .Ib3 83 5I'.0 81 . 184 210 r > 40 . . .213 2.0 503 . . .241 24 J 5 45 17. . . .2111 (4'J 5(1) ( ) : ! ! ! . . .221 I''J n 45 17.fiO * ( 50) 4il . . . . .241 120 fl 45 71 . . .2)0 40 ft CO Ill . . , . I.U 5 . ' ,0 71CO. . . .2lH 40HI 5'fiO 0- . . . . .153 101 5 5) 4S . . .212 176 5 TO 071. 71. . . MS ' . ' 8) 5 53 74 ' ' " ' 1 IGJ r > ro 7 ! ) 101 24'J 3 , ' > 3 ( .7. . ! . 24'1 3 0 50) ) 2 0 3 51 04 . . 223 240 500 til. . . .212 24J 5 50 IV ) . . .210 2)11 ) 85. . . .217 4 0 B 53 71 ! . . 214 210 5 r,2 ! * 10 . . .HI 40 : > r > 3 03. . . .221 . 121 5 - " / 81. " 3.1) ) Ji 5) 07 n. , t 120 4. . 2' ( ! : rj .5 50 ' . ' 243 U'O 502 ! ' , > . . 2J ) 5 50 75 . . . .Ull Ili3 5 6.1 B'J. . 243 5 3 C8 210 200 501 71. . . . .2J2 101 5 32 ! , T3 2u4 K'O 5 05 71 . . . .20J 43 5 53 01 211 8J 5 at 73. . . . .228 24 J fi 55 TO 210 4 ] 505 C7. . " .224 120 5 55 70 237 4J 5 111 57 . .255 2JO 5 55 S3 221 12) 505 fit . . . . -03 12) 5 f > 5 611 . . . . 231 43 50.1 67 . . . .If5 20) 7'J 243 233 set " . . .188 103 fi.1 2M 123 5 ( > 5 G.I" . . 223 2 0 5 55 hiC7 2JU 11 ! ) 501 . . .214 49 553 C7 . . 217 12J 5 ( V > SO. . , . . .2JG 10) 5 53 B ! ) 27 8J 505 8JkO 81 . , . . . f-'l JO ) 5 5"i 70 22'J kO 5 K > CO . . . .245 40 5 r > * . li,1 , S20 to 5li7'i 72 . , . . .200 120 5 f5 77 2UI 5II7M 80. . . . 2.U 200 5 55 07 2.0 40 507H 01. . . . . .21fl 120 5 55 71 217 40 fi Ci7'/4 S3. . . . . .22U ll' ( ) 555 01 . . . 2.13 120 5 7i ! 71 . , . . .214 303M 5.V. 51 207 12) ) 570 75 . , . . .HW M 5 571 Kl 811 571 57. . , . . .204 10'J 83 571 70 . . . .248 32J 5 57-.J 50 103 . ' 73 81. . , ICO 50 . 43 570 51. . , .j.83 30) ' 57 ! ' , fit. . . . .2tS'J 23) ) ' 103 5 57' i 70. . . . .243 71. . . .5.1 210 5 CO 50. . . . .SM 120 7.1. . . .1S1 40 5 0) 21) ) . ' ' 75 8J. . . .20 ! ) -.8) ) 5 m 55 . . . 'ilo 83 5 75 113 IDS 5 liO f ' . ) . . . . .mi 120 5 75 03 . . . . .KB IS. ) 5 10 53 . . . .28. ! 12J 575 04 . . 120 5 03 67. . . . .25:1 : 5 77W ' " ! M = 7 01. . . . .IbS 80 r.Hj 70' . . .iOJ 103 5 00 ; ) tb3 80 583 ins AND nnutni. 1 KO 283 1 173 525 1 210 510 3 301 525 3 2.0 r. 2) 2 383 40 53) Hum1 ; ! Theio were no fresh receipts of sheep und nothing hero to inuke a inarl > et , The demand continues coed for deilrablu muttons ut fully steady prices. Kalr to good natives. i.7. " ' < ii4.5 ; fair to good westeins. f.l.50i,4.21 ; coinmon ull I stock t-hcnp. $ . ' .5. ® : ' . : , ; J40od to choice 40 to U3 Ib. lambs , EI..U ® 5.50. Krcnlptn mul UiiipoHiiion of Stock. Onielal receipts und disposition of stock ns Hliownbv the hoolcsot the Union Stoslt Ynrds comp my for the Iwcnty-four hours , cncnni * ut 5o'oio.-k p. m. , July 2J. 18 ! ) . ' : Itnouil'l'S. IIUVCIIS. CAITI.H. IIOI1H HIII.EI Kwlft A.CO l.l'.l.'i Tha Cudnlir l'ac ° ilnx Cn. Ti'j J. 1 * . i-iinlrcB , IIOHton Klniinn & Co 574 HpprryA. llnrnui . ( i. II. Wilson llluiUler Nuttli Lo Coey.V Co Andruw lliinn . 7J 1' . I ) . Armmir , KnnanaClty 1,08.1 Jorsojr City . IU Spuc'l't'rj , nh I p. A fcudom o70 Totnls. . T.S'll Chlcngo l.lvo Stork Marknt. CIIICAOO. III. , July ( . ISpcclalTeleizrniii to THIS llcc.l There were unuiit " ,00 cattle on sale today. They were bought upon u busts of from $1.00 to * J.7 for inferior1 tocholco cows , helferH and bulls , tl.75 to * , UV > for stoekerii and feeders , i.lUJ to t . .n for common to uvtra bteers iiirl $1.25 to i..75 ) for xrusH Tuxas. tiales of goo I to prime xnulcs of hoits looked n llttlo btroimer thun yesterday , while ( O.UJ was today , as then , pract caily tlio top of the market. There wan nn Increased proportion ( it triUlnK above $5.0 , ) . That thu demand wus not very ur , out is evidenced by the fact thnt altlion h the receipts woreulont ; thouniiilleat re.-orded Nlncu lust September , Hellers fulled to secure any coindaorab e advance. Quota tions were from t .oj to $ (1.00 ( fur Inferior to choice heavy , and from $ ) .U ) to $5.)5 ) for Iluht- The bulk of the ho s wcro weighed ut from J5.I1I toJ5.1)- ) ) ' Of bheep. no chun''o In prlcrs was noted. There wns a light domnnd ut from f--.0l ( to tJ.75 for poor to cholcu hheup , und at from tl.uo to in. " ' < for lambs. Culor.idoos were not readily disposed ot t from * ' . ' .0l ; to f l.7 > . Kocellils were : Cattle , 15.UOU ; ho0's , 7,000 ; sheep. J.OJO. The Kvonlns Journal reports ; UAITM : Kocelpts , l.MMU head ; Khlpnicnts , none ; market dull ; prices steady ut ycster- duy's close ; H'jarcely sulltclent unlives sold to make inurKut. Moos Itecolpta. 7,090 huad ; shipment * . 5.0JO head ; murket hteady ; nnxoj pie t'iu K > .MiU > . ' ! ! i : nr.ine heavy und butchers' woUhtH. ( * .OiU.oi ; usKorted ll hl , fo.Uvtt'.U. ' ; second cluss. tl.lHKai.ri. HiiKBi'-KiieoluiH. ) bond ; shlpinonls , 1,1X11 head : nuirkct steady ; no ehnn u from yesterdiiy'H < juotutlons ; natives , JJ.52 > 'i.7i ; Texuns , Jd534fl.j | luin Ilnimni City l.lvo .Stuck Mnrkot. KASSAB UITV. Mo. . July 2'l OArriK lie- colpU. 1'tOU ; Hhtpincnts , b07l Bloom I iQ > l5o lower ut Jl.wl. : ; e < iW4 steady at } l.'f/ii..7.V feeduri ijnlut nt I.'J.t ; Texan steers uctlvu am llio hi hur at * ! . ! ) . ! < / > . IlodK Kecolpts , : .5,0 : Mhlpinonis , 030t the market was 5iitUi' lilnhcn nil grades , 4J.i : © & .b5 ; bulk , t5.U.r4W.07"l. rtliuui1 Iteculptu , none : shipments , 100 ; the murket wus nominally stonily. Nt. Luiili l.lvn SfJulC' .tlnrlcnt. Hr , Louis , Mo. , July 2a.--OATT-.ii ItecelntH. 5CO 1-oiiJ : fdilpniunli. l.wn bo'id ; murkel steady on natives und Htron i nn Texas ut yes terday's ( ! viincu ot 100 per 100. lionsUocelpt * . ll.iuoliuadl uhlpmentu , 1'JDQ houdi innrket utronut prices ninnc from t\U iJ-'iUJ for t Ir inUed to best IIOAVV , BiiBti'-lteculut * . Wi li'jad ; sblumouU , 1,200 uuad ; luurkat unruly Htuudy , ISED HIM A COOL HUNDRED fVttornoy Kich's Brother Gota Fined foi Oontompt of Court \l \ HAD THREATENED LAWYER JEFFREY : rforts tn I'.itoli Up the .TolTrcy A llloh rnrtncmhlp Dlffbrenoes Only lli iilt In Another ICnenuntor llctweon In. tcroitnd rnrtlrs. There WAS another chnptar addoJ to the ciuiUlotml Htoh-JolTrey illftlcultios ycitordar mornlnp , nnd as upon a former occasion Ciuorgo JcfTrojr scored a b.iso hit , The trouble grow out ot the Rich > rothors rotuilnp to obey tlio order of the court , issued by Judga Scott on Thursday mornlntr , Ic which Kdson Hieliva onjolnad rom lutorforlnp ; with Gcorgo JolTroy In the niiAgciuoiu of ny busluosa ot tbo. llrm of Jcftroy & Rich. Tun Injunction also wont 10 far ns to ro- ttriiln tlio clerks and omployciIn the onico from Inlcrfcrlnt * with Mr. Jeffrey u oxnmlnlnit any of ttio books nnd papers ) cloiiiiii : ; to the llrm. When the sheriff visited the ofllca for the purpose of serving the papers , llloh as- inultcd. Jeffrey , who In turn ohot Hloh , jrouklnt * his ai-m. Friends of Iho txvo man .linn took hold ol njr.ttors , Intending to ; rlni * about a poaconblo sottlomonU but tha .roubles Friday afternoon widened tha jfcnuh and in ado nnythun ; of thnt kind lm- losslhlo. Durlm ; thodny E. M. Ilartlott , uttornoy 'or JcfTroy , and O. S. Montgomery , attorney 'or Hloh , hold a consultation nnd things ookcd ns though an adjuumont would bo roaohed. Liter Attornor Uarllott , In company with JelTroy , visited the onico of JclTroy & Rich , where they found Uuvld Rich , u brottier ot djon Rich , nnd M , L. Sean in possession. They had hardly entered the room wlitm 3avid Rich , with a heavy c.uio In his hand , rushed ut Jeffrey , oxclalmlni ; : "D-n you. got H.-IU out of here or 1 will do you up , and thnt mlKht.v quick , too. " JrfTroy snla that ho was tlioro not to have any 11-jht , but lu pursuance of thoordor ot tbo court. "I don't cnro for that , " answered Rich. I'll do you up sooner or later , and you bad batter get out. " Jeffrey saw there wns trouble In sight and started into the hall , where lllch started for Itartlntt , suvlnp , 'This Is none ot your affair mid you had bettor qctout. " . Unrtlott .stood his ground quietly roruark- ng thnt Rich , whllo possibly ho did not know It. was violating an order of ttio court. Ho did not cara for that , bu * . ohf-agod tn a hand-to-hand contest vuth Bartlctt. All at once ho concluded that ho had placed ilmscif in a oad light with tbo court and begged to have the matter dropped. liartlett told him that t&oro'waft no thin it o drop ; that ho had violated the ordci ot the court and would have to tnka the con o- quonccs. Rich grew loud and wanted blood , but was quieted down by Bears , who led him off Into another room. Messrs. Qartlott and Jeffrey then brought .ho matter to tha attention of Judge Scott , unit this morning ho cltad Q.ivld Rich to upoour and show cause why ho should not bo fined for con loin nt. On tbo witness stand Mr. Dnrtlott stated that ho and JolTroy were in the ofHuo looking over the books whan David Rich walked Into the private room and imufo the assault. Mr. JolTroy toitl'lcd to Iho s.imo stntn of Tacts , ufter which Judge Scott rendered his opinion. He mild that David Rich kuoiv thnt the order of the court had boon Issued , und that it enjoined .Kdson Rfoh , tils clerks und employes from Interfering with the man- agcmnnt of the affairs of the ofllcc. Mr. Montgomery argued that David Rich was not an attorney and consequently did not know what It meant to violate un order of the rouut. Judge Scott replied that If ho did not know ho haJ boon advised. Then Mr. Rich wus requested to stand up , and ns ho ilooj : io .vas lined { 100 and costs nnd ordered Im prisoned until tbo duo was paid. Besides this , ho was placed under bonds of $303 to keep tbo pence and not Interfere with the order of the court again. Tlio sentence read that upon tbo failure to furnish the bond thnt ho would po to jail. Mr. Montgomery pleaded for a reduction of the line , but . 'udco Scott mid "no. " The flno wus not so much for the purpose ot inflicting n punishment , out was to show that on order ot the oourt meant something. Mr. Montgomery stated that ignorance caused David Rich to act. That may bo true , " answered Judge Scott , "but it you will bring the luwyer wno advibcd him , I may make u different order. " Mr. Montgomery thought that there ought to bo somj raoroy accompany tbo Justice , and that the client ought to nave two or three dnyu in which to ralso the money with which to pay the Quo. Mr. Unrtlett believed that an injunction was an order that should not bo violated with impunity , and that the order of Iho court should bo carried out. Judge Scott answered that the nontenco would not bo modified nnd that It would DO carried Into effect at ouco. Owing to injuries inlllctcd upon Edsoa Rich , the contempt proceedings were con tinued , co far as ho was concerned. In lust evening's Issue of TUB BISE the reading of the matter did nn unintentional injustlcn to Mr. Soars in that it inferential ! ? connected him with the assault on Mr. liartlctt. Tha only efforts put forth by Mr. Soars m the matter wuro lu the Interest of poaco. Al to Uoud lli > K * . OMAHA , July 23. To the Editor of Tun Rim : I seldom pay any Attention to anony mous communications , but ttio latter pub lished in TIIK Burs and dated July " 0 refer ring to a dead dog reflects unjustly on aa faithful a man as is to bo found in the city of Omaha. I refer to Prank Johnson who performs the duty of deponltlnt ; dead ani mals in the rlvor. I dcslro to state Unit until tbo city hall ofllcos are ready to bo occu pied thnt the Board of Health telephone Is No. 1U05 , that tbo ofllcols open and some ono present from 70 : ! ! n. in. until 0 p. m. , dnlly , ono and ono-hnlf hours lungur thun tno law requires , und that any communlnatlon re ceived at ttio nfllco relating to the health of the city will bo attended to as promptly as Iho slza of the force employed will admit of. I wlsb , uowovor , to have a few points dis tinctly understood. 1. The Board of Health Is not a board of arbitration to settle neighborhood lirawls. 2. All anonymous communications are promptly consigned to the wusto basket , ! ) . \Vo are not responsible for communica tions sent to Ma3 or Bern ! * , Chief Souvoytho city council or any ether party until tbo biuno huvo boon received nt this oflluo. 4 , Wo pay no attention to communications by telephone , sent to our residences after business hours , on sanitary matters , C. I do not give my por.ionul attention to mutters of detail that can bo as well attended to by men employed by thu department ut } " par day. But to return to the question of dead dogs. The records in ttio ofllco show that tbo tlrst rommunlcutlon received at thu Board ot Health olliuo regarding the case complained of WOH at 8 a. in. July U and that ha was re moved tha same duy , something over six tour/1 from the data of the notice , but us 'promptly as a faithful man could well got around considering tbo numborof animals dying from the heat these days. Lot people sonU their communications direct to tuts onico , bo definite as regards location , send as early In tbo day as possible , und sign writ ten communications , A. B , SOMEIIS. A Contractor OliJoeU. Thcro appears to bo trouble brewing for tbo Board of Education , Meyer Bros. , tbo brick contractor1 , threaten to got out u man- dumus to compel the board to award them the contract ( or Iho construction ot the Wett Omuhu and Lolhrop school buildings. The bid submitted by Meyer Bro . wai , as u matter of fuel , lower than the bid of the ( Inn to whom the contruot w s lot hut owing to the fact thut Mayor Bros , ' bid was net according to tbo tormsof the advorlUemont ankinir for bids , tbo board decided to rt'Juct Meyer Bros. ' bid. Ttio board ubked for bids on three different binds of limiting apparatus und Meyer Bros , submitted llguros upon ouly ono kind , Foi this reason the Lid wus dcolurcd Irregular.