Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1892, Image 1

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    7 * < |
Carnegie's ' Right Hind Mai Sjriomly
Wounded by a Murderoui Orank.
Alex Dorkmaiii a Now York Anarchist , and
Eh Bloody Dotd.
Ehot Two Times nnl Etab'ol : Four Times ,
Ho Makes a Pluoky light.
I'lttHbiirff ICxcltcil Over the Ad'alr Sup-
puicil CIIIIHO of the At * iult Synip itliy
for the Victim Mugiiunlmltr of
Sir. I'rlck-TUo Details.
PITTSDOKO , Pa. , July ! i3. A desperate nd
almost successful attempt was made this
afternoon to assassinate Henry Clay FrlcK ,
cbnlrinnn of the Curucglo Steel company ,
His assailant was Alex Borkman , a Kus-
Mini Jew , who cumo here from' Now York
with the avldotit lotontlon of removing the
man who has ooon the principal ono of tlio
employers in the great struggle now point ;
on between capital ana labor In this city. It
4 was a few minutes ueforo 2 o'clock this
afternoon when a dark coinploxlonod young
man with n Jewish caste of eounUmanco , of
medium height aud fairly well drtssod. entered -
tored the elevator In the Chroulolo-Tole-
prnph bulldlug , which Is also occupied by
the Carnegie Stc"l company , limited , and
nsknd to bo lot oft nt Mr. Frictt's oilloj. The
young man had boon a frequent visitor dur
ing the past few days , and Uavld Forlney ,
the elevator boy , thought nothing of the
request , but stopped ut the pocond floor und
polntod out the way to the chairman's pri-
vulo room.
Hlurtled \ > r Pistol Shots.
Two minutes later the occupants of the
building and passors-by on Fifth avenue
were startled by three pistol shots , llrod In
rapid succession.
Intuitively the victim was dh'Inod and
"FrlcK Is shotl1' "Frick Is shot ! " were tno
words soon passed from mouth to mouth on
the street.
It was trua. A man bollovod to bo a crank
had assailed the grout stool raiitor , but the
f latter , tiotwlthatnudin ? two bullet wounds
find four ugly gashes from a dagger , still
lives and will probably recover.
As was his custom Mr. Frick took lunch nt
the Duqucsno club ut noon today and ro-
turnud to his onico at 1:3j : thU afternoon.
Ho wont to the Uflh Hoar , where ho re
mained but a few minutes. Ho than came
down the elevator to his private room on the
second floor , fronting on Fifth avenue ,
where ho scaled hlmsolf nt his desk. The
olllco of Mr. Lolshmnn , a business partner
of Mr. Frlck's , adjoins that of the latter.
Mr. Lelshman caino In and the two
holding u private conference , no ono clso
being In the room.
The Woiild-llo Assimgln Appear * .
A few minutes before 2 o'clock Harry
licckloy , the ofllco boy , noticed u man
hastily push open the swinging gate In tbo
railing that runs botwcon thu public ) portion
and the enclosure where the desks of the
stenographers and clerk" are located.
There was no ono'noar the private odlco
door and the boy hurried up to ask the In
truder what ho wanted , out ho was too Into ,
as the stranger hud already entered the
private apartment. As ho entered the ofllco
\ Mr. Frick looked up , us did also Mr. Lelsh-
iniin , to see who It was. Mr. FrlcK was
examining n bundle of paporf. The man
prang within about , llvo foot of Mr. Frick
ami quickly drawing his revolver pulled the
The first cartridge did not explode , the
locond shot entering the back nf Air. Frlck's
neck und glancing downward , passed to the
outsldo below the armpit. Frick ma-Jo an
exclamation and jumped to the circular
window on Fifth avenue and rlod In vain to
open It.
The assailant passed In front of the desk ,
and approaching close to Mr. Frick , lived
ngaln. The bull entered the muscle on the
left siuo of the neck and passed around to a
lodgement under tbo right car , where it was
later reached by the probo.
Dexporato Mrilgulo ulth the Desperado.
At this instant Mr. LeUhman throw him
elf on the would-bo assassin and wrestled
for possession of tha revolver. Mr. Lclsh
man clutched the barrel and pointed the
\ imtzzlo upward , ns the carlrlugo exploded
the ball entered the plastering near the glass
partition. With agility the desperado drew
n dugrcr niul attempted to stub Mr. Lcish
man , who was holding the assailant by the
shoulder and body.
Mr. Frick saw the gleam of steel , and al
though staggering from the shock of the two
wounds and blooding profusely , Jumped between -
twoon the man and sclzad tha man's arm.
The latter freed himself from Irishman's
grasp and plunged the dagger Into Mr.
Frlck's right ldo Just above the hip , mak
ing an ugly wound three Inches long. Ho
inadn another lunge and this tftno the knlfo
truck higher up , but the point ttruult a rib
and glanced down without Inlllcilug much
of an Injury. Twice again was the kntfo
'thrust at Mr. Fnou , but ho wus moiely
scratched by those last attempts to kill him.
The struggle was In full view nf these on
the street. By this time the olllco boys and
Deputy Sheriff May , who Just entered ns the
flrntshot was tired , throw themselves on tno
I'rlck Sui < > * HU A * lliint' * 1.1 IV.
Mny hud drawn tils revolver und was about
to shoot the follow In the bark when Frick
cried out : "Don't kill him. Wo'vo got him
all right. Leave him to the law. "
The man broke awuy and triad to escape
but u'at bcciircd und taken to the Central
pollco station. Thu prompt uetlon of Mr.
Frick saved the lives of Mr. Lolshmnn and
lili self.appointed executioner. In live mlii-
utos a dozen surgeons , Including Lrs. ) Lltch *
Hold , McClctluml , Murdock and Joseph and
John Dleknon , were nt hand. Mr , Frick won
told to llo down on a louneo and after his
clothing hud been removed the wounds \voro
washed and the blood stopped. During nil
this tlmo thn wounded man was unlm , had a
) > rfcct command of hU features mid appar
ently WUB less excited thnn utiy other person
in the roam. From tlmo to tlmo ho tnndosug.
pe tlon as to how badly ho wu hurt , and a
bnlf hour after the shooting directed a mcs.
* ago lo Andrew Carnegie about thn nssuult ,
In which ho told him ho thought ho would bo
ill right.
At Mr. Prick's request ill communication
with his residence was shut off nnd his
brothcr-ln-liuv wns sent to Inform Ms wlfo
of his llliuss nnd to reassure bar. She hnd a
son ton days ago nnd Is still confined lo her
room. She wai greatly distressed , but bore
herself Dravoly when told Unit thora wns no
apparent danger. She cent her sister , Miss
Chltds , lo the onico with instructions to
return nt once und Inform her of Mr. Frlck'j
actual condition. In the meanwhile Mr.
Frick was removoi to the back ofllo-i , where
the physicians mndo a careful examination ,
nnd at 4 p. m. tdo bullet was removed and
the wounded man was resting easy.
The news created intense oxcitcmont nail
telegrams poured In on Mr. Friclc from
pcoplo high and low from various parts of
the United States.
At no time did ho bollovoho bcllovo ho was
fatally injured nnd , after tha romoral ot the
bullets , to four of his stenographers ho di
rected Icttors undnskoJ his chlofs about the
condition of attain at Homestead and
Guards were placed at the door ? nt 12:15 : p.
m. , nnd nduilttunco refused to nil butollluials
of the company and Immediate relatives nnd
Itci Wilt Hcouvnr.
Mr. Frlok refuse.1 nil medlelno until 5
o'clock , when ho was given n nodntivo nnd wns
aoon sleeping soundly. No 0:10 : was permitted
to see him for an hour bsforo his removal to
his homo , which took placa shortly nftor 7
o'clock. Dr. Lltchflold felt confluent- that
Mr. Frick would recover , although a son-
nuily Injured man , who'had baa a marvelous
escape from Instant death. His phislcians
announced on his arrival at his homo in the
east end that ho had stood the trip well und
showed no bud effcols from it.
At II o'clock ho vwas reported as resting
easily aud tbo doctors regarded his condition
of favorable.
Citizens Kxpross Thulr Indignation.
The news of tha attempted assassination
spread llko wild tire and la a few minutes
utter the shooting Fifth avenue to Wood
stroctvera black with poplo and the
cst indignation was expressed at tbo cow
ardly deed. When the follow w.u brought
out of the building by the police oDlcors to
bo token to the central station crlos were
heard of , "Snoot him now I" Some growled.
' Lot him have what ho gave Frick , " whllo
a hotter clement stopped forward aua helpad
keep the assassin from mob violence. A
largo crowd followed the patrol wagon con
taining tbo prisoner to the central i-ollce
station und when the lock-up wai reached ,
the police were compelled to shut the gates
to the yard to keep out the pooplo.
The pri-ioner was so much exhausted trom
excitement that ho could not answer tno
usual questions for several minutes. Ho was
taken back Into the cell department and Inspector
specter M'cKelvie put him Into u citll.
C'ross-KxuiiilniMl tliu rrUiiner.
When the prisoner recovered siittlclontl.v
to speak Inspector McKelvio asuod : "What
is your namoi"
Ho responded : "Alexander Borkinan. "
"Twenty-six years. "
"SVhorodoyou live ! "
"Forty-second street , Now York city. "
"Occupation J"
"Compositor on a New York paper. "
"What is the name of the paper on which
you nro employed ! "
"Tho Now York , " Bcrkman started , but
after hesitating moment positively refused
lo nt.Bwor the question.
"How long huvo you boon in Pittsburgl"
"I came on Thursday and have boon stayIng -
Ing at the Merchants hotel on Water street. "
Oiieilloneil by u Itoportcr.
Before Inspoctor-Kelvlo tssuod an order to
cxcludo all persons from the pollco station ,
except ofllocrb who were needed , Berkinun
was iislted by an Associated press reporter :
"Did you know Mr. Frlcki"
The prisoner replied : "Wo all know Mr.
Frick. "
When nskcii to toll \vhyho attempted the
murder , Berkmnn responded : "That's a
queer question to asu ; you know why. "
Then Inspector McKolvlo had the room
cleared In order to alMta the excitement und
refused lo allow auyono to talk to the pris
The pilsonor said ho was a Russian Jew
and had been In this country for sotno
After the crowd had disappeared the pris
oner wus bocrchod , but beyond a few US-cali
ber cartridges , some pieces of candy and a
nickel plated watch , nothtntr was found upon
his person. That ho was prepared to end his
own life , however , was developed later.
Chewed ( Hunt I'imdcr Cups.
At S o'clock the prisoner , in charge -of
Superintendent O'Mura , Inspector McKol-
vie uud Detective ? Shore nnd CouUon , was
tauon to the gymnasium In the station yard
to bo photographed , SouttJd In the chulr ,
the only action of Iho .yo'iiig man that Indi
cated any nervousness was a peculiar move
ment of his Jaws. This aroused the sus
picion of 1'otlco Surgeon Mohcr , who after
wards made a search und found a small
shell In the prisoner's mouth. The do *
porato man refused to onan his mouth
und it was necessary to choke him
till ho was black In thu fuco before ho
would glvo Iho shell UP. It was taken to
the establishment of Arthur Kirk & Sons ,
where it was pronounced to bo a giant
powder cap of the same kind used by Ling ,
the Chicago anarchist , to kill blrnsolt. It
was considered a mlracio that Borkman was
not blown up.
IteroKiil/cil HI an AimrcliUt.
Several persons said they rocoiriilzod him
to bo a member ol the anarchistic circle of
Allegheny , which has recently been ad
dressed by Hcrr Most.
This morning ho called at Mr.'s
olllco at 10 o'clock unu bundod bis oird to
Harry Uraekloy , tbo ofllco boy , who look It
In to Air. Frlok. On the card was written :
"A. Bcrkmun , Agent Now York Employ
ment company. "
Mr. Frluic said ho would BOO hlai in a few
minutes. Bcrkman appeared nervous , nnd
alter titanding mound for u short tuna sud
denly wheeled ubout and went out. Ho was
boon louiiplng ubout the street , door during
the day aud ho evidently Intended to muko
the attuok us Mr. Frick was entering tha
Mr. Frick has uovor hud guards to protect
his person. It wns quiet nssurunco of sufoty
that enabled Dorlfumn to moko his desperate
attempt uguliibt Mr. Frlok'a tlfo today ,
llu U OIliTcd mi KuiruKOiuvut by u Thuut.
rlrul .Mmiiitir. |
Wii.Kisiuiiii : ( : . Pa , , July ' 'U.-Samuol IV.
llo.vd , editor of the Newsdealer of this city ,
ruluruud from Now York today , where ho
wont on Tucnluy lust for the purpose of con-
feu-Ing with llueh O'Doniioll , tbo loader
of the HomcHteua htrlker * . It U uutuorlta-
lively Mated that Mr , lioyd closed u contract
with Mr. O'Douticll lor his uppcarnnto in
the cupltul uud labor p'.uy , "Underground , "
which opens Its neusou In PitUburg , ) ) . L.
Hint of this city , iiulhor of the play , tele-
O'Uoniiell olterln < - him
graphuil | > un ongogo *
mcut , and the mcotlnir botwceu thu latter
nud Mr. Uoyd wet tbo ruiulu
Duly Two Followais of tha TTncrownod
King JRaturn tj Parliimont.
Iral n3 Torn Up with Rincsnua Stiifo
of Opposing Political Factious ,
Msnv Faces Never Scon an Parliament
Eupplant Old Famllur Ojes.
Ho Htm Not HVCII thu Ite prct of Jinny at
HU 1'iirty ! Io\r Clmmberliilii
Grown nnd Clitirolilll U\vln-
clluil In the Outcome.
LONDONJ'.ily , ' ax [ No w Yoric Herald C.xblo
Special to'Iitc BUE. | Now lhat wo caa
survey the whole battlefield and Know ex
actly wboro wo stand , I flnd very lltllo to
modify in thoforooist I put baforj you ere
Iho flght began. I told you .that the Pur-
ncllltos would bo roduoad 10 about six or eight
members In Inn now bouse. They did have
nlno in all , but tnls romnnnt has b"3on swept
away , This is , by far the greatest parcont-
ago tnat either political party has to show.
The only well Known followers of Mr. Par-
neil who come back nro MtHsrj. Harrington
nnd Uodmond. The antl-1'.irnolllloj fought
thorn everywhere , with tha eli of the
Behold the rosultl Wo vhall have twenty-
six now members nraonp the McCarthyltos ,
ail nppeifrlng for Iho flrst tlmo in parliament.
The bltteriies ? that hai boon loft bohli d
in Ireland by these liorco contests passes the
power of words to describe. That the de
feated man will ba hoard from ngatn In n
moro or loss unpleasant minnor wo need not
doubt , James J. O'IColly , John O'Conno'- '
and the rest of them nro not dead vol.
( ilatlstona Alter UouvurtH.
Of course t.tio liberal-unionist se-
coders Jrom Mr. Glaustotu have
suffered , but not to the extent Iho
Gladstonluns anticipated nud hoped.
They have como back forty-six strong ,
objects of the most , fatherly interest , of Mr.
Gladstone. If ho could only win a dozen erse
so more to his side , what a buttress they
would bo to his rickety majority. Ho will
move hoavnu nnd ourtti to ncco nplUh this
result. I think I see a eoupio of doubtful
persons In this party , but the rest will stand
firm to their colors. Wllh 203 staunch con
servatives they will muko up a must formida
ble army.
The GludUonlans proper only number 274 ,
so that unionists h.iva no oauso to bs
ashamed of their muster roll.
There will bo many now focas In the
house and tun doorkeepers and ofllulats have
all their work cut out lo learn thorn among
the Uludbtonlans.
HiniilroiU oTXew Members.
There nro 103 who never sat in Purllamonl
before , nud nmoig : the conservatives boventy-
tlvc. Although thcro will bo UU now mem
bers ou i of a total nf U70.
Seme excellent men have cone , many of
them specimens of the "flno old English
gentlemen1' line Sir Itiinuld ICnlghtly. The
drift of the times is against them , and tboy
cannot stand against the raging tulrof
democracy. With every House of Commons
henceforth the typo which stood Its ground
for so many centuries In Parliament will
become moro and moro rare. I merely point
out this fact without expressing an opinion
upon it. Tuo change bus become inevitable.
Whether it bo destined to wonc well or 111 for
thu country Is another matter.
Hag a UoulitTul Army.
Mr. Gladstone has lost soma of his sturdy
supporters , and their places have boon tnkon
by men whom ho most profoundly distrusts ,
and who look upon him as a played-out relic
of the past ; as a ourioilty of a remote era ,
fit only to bo labelled and put Into a
Tboy would not llko to get up In the public
mooting and ny so , but that Is the fooling
ot ninny of them. The old orJer Is chang
ing. Men who led the liberal part.x
ara no longer In touch with it.
Even Mr. Morley Is being rapidly
loft behind. U Is the old story. The ad
vanced radical Is very soon dlstancou by
sorao one moro advanced. The guillotine
which ho has so bravely used falls upon
his own neck. The new sohool of radical
will sweep nwny the old , and before many
yours arc over the glory of Burnes & Co.
will hnvo been UlmmoJ.
Cliitiuborliilii anil Cliurclilll ,
Who of all the men well known to the
public como back 10 Iho now parliament
much stronger than bo fore ) There is but
ono answer an J that Is Chamborlafn. Ow
ing to his superior powers of organization or
personal influence ho has carried every posi
tion. Ho hasovon enlarged his bordersso as to
include some of the midland counties. Ho Is
in a position In dictate bis own terms to
either Lord Salisbury or Mr. Gladstone , ana
In proportion as ho has grown , Lord Kin-
dolph Churchill has shrivelled and de
clined , llo decided to efface himself
from this contest , und succeeded onl.v
lee well. No ono thinks of him.
No one montlons-hls niireo. He has allowed
hi i old rival fa do all thu work and fill the
public eyes.
How stana mailers In consequence ? Cham-
borlnln occupied Iho whole foreground ,
whllo Churchill U absolutely out of
eight. Indeed , ovoryboily has dwindl
ed In comparison with Chamberlain.
Now whin u 111 ho do ) What sort of n
course does ho Intend to stccrt Shrewd und
crafty , ho U to bo master of many legions
before this "war of the nonunion" is over ,
and at the end the old tor.v party , oven the
modern conservative party , will require a
grant deal of looking before you will ho
able to flnd It.
Plum mill MovumiMitu of I > i tliiuUlim !
.Mumhrrrf uf tliu rnilrilim.
LONDON , July i3. ! At the Hoyal theater ,
which has recently passed Into the liquids of
a now proprlntor , a now cotnlu opera , In two
act , by Mr. Cotsford Dick , will bo produced
early In Soptombur. The composer ha.i
written his own libretto , which in entitled
"Tho Haronoss. "
At Covent Garden It is still Intended to
hilog out In October an English version of
the "Ulng dus Nlbulgen. "
llerr 1'olllna , the manager of the German
company now performing alternately ut
Covent Gardsn and Drury Lane , has
arranged to proluca Mr. Isadora do Li '
' Ligntof Asia , " in n Uirtnan version , at the
Hnmburg theater , undef his dlwotlon. With
the prologue shortened nnd with the opl-
loguo omitted , bis workHvIll hnvo much moro
the character ot nn opara than It possessed
when it was brought out nt Covent Garden ,
halt in oparn nn half in oratorio form , In
the compressed ( | rmau voralon , tha "Light
ofAsln"cnn scarcely fall to obtain gonuluo
dramatic success. -
The scheme of presenting n trlplo bill nt
the Court thcntrr has rooolvcd n fresh Im
petus from n piny by U. ; C. Stephenson ,
entitled , "FaithfulJnmos , " In which Woodou
Grasmlth plays IM part of a placid , olllcious
wnttor In n WouE-jti hotol. Ills proaou ucod
the best thing ho h&s dono.
The Lyceum thdalar , whora Mr. Henry
Irving has long1 bdon playing King Uonry
VIII , will oloao on July 1)3 ) with n banotlt lo
Miss Ellen Terry. She ha ? boon in 111 health
lately , nnd has often baon out of the bill. It
is not bollovod tlmtflhols suffering with any
thing but a temporary Indisposition.
ll.irrctt Will Mrtlte un A'.iiodc n Tour.
It was stated In this sorlos ot cable loitara
last week that Mr. W'lUon Barrott IntondoJ
to muko a tour of Atnonc.i. His plan , ai now
nrriingcd , Is to opon'on Monday at the Theater -
tor Hiynl , NottUiRharn , and ha will play in
Iho provinces until Ootobar 15 , when ho will
glvo a farewell porformanoa at the Court
thontor , Liverpool. Oa the lith ) of October
ho and bis company hope to sail tot America.
After appearing with his compuiy in all
the American clttoj , Mr. Barrett will pro
ceed alone to San Francisco to Oil an en
gagement nt the Stpckweli theater , where
ho will oo supported by a California com
pany , his own having in the meantime returned -
turned to Europo. All the old piecoa that
have pleased EnglUh audloaooi will bs
played during this visit to Arnariui , as wall
as the two newonoi'whlch ' ho will proJuoo ,
Olio of theo Is na adaption by Mr. Hall
Cain und Mr. Barr-itt of'TUo Baa-lnim , "
and the other U o'utltlad "My Pleasant
Sins. "
Mr. Bnrrott has oaffasted _ John U. Uogors ,
husband of Miss Minnie Palmer , as his
manager. ' j' '
i Nou' Vontnrr * to llo Aritilo.
Whllu the theatersIn London nro closing
on nil hinds , now vojituraj nra in prcpira-
lion. The Criterion „ thojitor will opsn on
Wednosduy , with Mr . , Gllbort and Gro3-
smlth's now musical comoJv , "Hasio to the
Wedding. "
Ax Van Blono , will-opan the Pflnco of
Wales thaatacoa July 3i with a pUy ont-
tlud "Tho Broken Alijpdy , " In which ho and
Miss Olga Brandon' will take the loading
parts. In the soo3nd''al ( ) Mr. V.i'i Buao , us
the here , is cil'lod upsmtu pirforin a ' 'rev-
one" on Iho viollncallo aa Instruiunt , by
the byo. which Iluro3 proralnoritly In the
pluy and eventually /proves thi maans of
providing a noval nnd'OtTectlvo denouement.
To MUs Olga BrandonMias baon allotwJ the
part of Iho soductlv6 couniojs , anU to MUs
Blanco Hortogk that of.'n oDa'idiu ; wife ,
whllo Mr.V. . .L. j pttisJon Is to .ippjir in
his familiar oiurautor of the vilUlu of the
pioco. . , , .l
The Adoljhla thoatoKWllL.rbj'pan on Sat
urday with a nauliokl cj\tm.i by G. H. Sims
nnd Uabjrt L. Buehanffi. , "
Miss Affiles Haru' daughter ot Dona Hart
of Doavor , Cole , who 'iiij ' been atudrlu ; la
London for several yoarj , rrulo a suceojsfal
debut In concert at the Portmia rooms on
Monday. In n critJcUm oa har program tha
Tunes commends bor tasteful und Intelligent
Oa Thursday Sir Arthur Sullivan dlroctod
tha choral chorus of the musical festival at
Leeds. This wa ; the lint work ha has done
slnco his lllnois. Ho looked pile and wJ-ik.
Ho was given a rousing rosoptloa.
Kubonstelu has doQnttoly ontoroJ. into his
contract lo make a tour of the Unite J States.
Kllau TurryVllllMblUliu Kanlc.
Miss Ellen Terry will pablUh In the
autumn a book entitled "Stray Memories.1'
It Is nn expinslon of the articles which Miss
L'orry contribute J some linn ago to the Now
liovlow , and will contain nuoiorou ) portraits
and Illustrations.
Iloa. Fred Wolloy. Kato Vaughn's hus
band , has been uirnmltlod \Vunbloton to
fourteen duvs' Impi'lsonmant for being in
arrroars XU on the taxes on his bouse. It
was staled In court that ovoi-y effort had
boon made to levy oa a distress warrant , but
sufliclent goods belonging to the defendant
to pay the arrears coijld not be found.
Apropos to the question of opaningof the
Chicago exposition tin Sunday , It may Da
interesting lo note that Iho Sunday opening
of musuums and art ; trallorlo * finds many
prominent supoorlcw in this country. A
memorial is about tp ba presented to the
Royal academy by nearly all the mombora.
Ono of their numbarjot least Is in favor of
the proposal. Mr , G..F. Walls wrote a-loltor
nn the .subject nnd sajd ; "I cannot but think
thu objectors lo thooDcnlngof fras museums ,
free urt gallorlos nnd fraa Hbrarioj on Sun
day forgot that religious teaching , If It is to
bo of nny value whatever , doas not btfgln nnd
end within and out of churches. "
U'm Kxtrumuly Qulot Vcsteriluy
In tliu Stock Ktc'ImiiK"-
IrUt'nv Onr.tin Hfl , ' - ! . !
LONDON , July 2 : ) . jNow York Hornld
Cable Special to Tnii'BiiE ' , | Business hns
borm extremely ijulet ) n the stock oxchnngo
today , ns Is usually tho" case on Suturduv ,
mnra ospeclully whca the sottloinent is close
ut hand , Tuesday boljitftho first day. Funds
are steady. Indian ' rupee papar has given
way ouo-fourlh nf 1 per cent , not
withstanding the firmness of sil
ver , except Spanish , which bus rlsou
n fraction on further boar repurchases.
With ono or two oxcdptlons the tendency by
homo railways has not boon unfavorable.
in several cases small improvements tire
recorded on the < luy.Jroat ( Eastern , however -
over , has been freely offered nt a marked
decline. Scotah lines uro also n trlllo easier.
American railways have shown some decree
of dullness , a few weak uud timid holders
fcurlng rate trouhlai,1 owing to tbo
disruption of Iho U'eitoni Passenger associa
tion. In Iho absence of fresh buying , little
selling has produced its efTcot , nearly a general -
oral dcctino of ono-algbtb of 1 per coal to
throo-'elghths of 1 per cant having tulcon
place. Canadian lines hnvo boon quito nog.
looted , nnd beyond a fall of ono-fourth of 1
per cent In Canadian Pacific uro unchanged.
The has boon little or uo fuqulry for money ,
Loans fora fowaaya have boon obtained nt
ono'fourlh ol 1 par cent , and for a week or
fortnight at one-half of 1 per cent. In the
discount market fp\v \ bills have boon ottered ;
those ut two aud throa months were quoted
at tlilrlocu-slxteonUis of I per cent lo bovou-
eighths of 1 pur cent.
Nutlvo Alrotu mi ilia U'ur I'ath.
LONDON , July S. A dlspitcii from La-
lunoa , west co'adt ot Africa , says : The
Egbas , who were recently reduced to sub
mist on , uro again becoming nggroisivo. They
have blocked the traiio routa to the Intorlor
and ara murdering und kidnaping traders.
Two hundrutl liomai hive bjon doitroyo-l -
by a Uro of accidental origin.
England and Frauco Are in Dangar of
Olashiug Over Mordooo.
Ho Hopsd ta Socura tha Morl3h : Doiniin
Much as Egypt , Wa ? Taken.
French Troops Will Laid if English Sol-
diars Do and Trouble May Ensuj.
Police Murk * the Course of Uovcrnutrntiil
Kvnry where nirorti IlolngDl-/
rooted Agulimt thu Spread uf the
Cliolcru 1'lnsuo.
lCopitrlgMtillsm > i JJ.-MI
PAUIS , July 33. | Now York Herald Cable
Special to THE Bus. ] The vacntlou which
the political world appears lo have boon tak
ing , nnd the consequent calm , has been
broken In upon by recent cvonts In Morrocco.
Several months ago I pointed out to the
readers of the Herald ihoaangor to the pence
of Euronj that was to bj npprohondcd from
that quarter. I was nol deceived.
England In January , 18VU , sip nod a treaty
with Spain and Italy for the apportionment
of Morrocco to tha exclusion of Franco *
Franco , however , has the right to bo con
sulted iu Moorish affairs , slnco Algiers
Is contiguous lo Morrocco. The French
diplomats said nolulng , but mndc n note of
what was being done. England did not dc-
slro to put into operation tbo treaty made
with the European powers , nnd so she tried
to tnko for herself ulono all Iho profit deriv
able. With this end in view , she sent to
Morrocco Sir Charles Evau Smith , charged
to conclude a treaty of commerce with the
sultan , but this treaty covered almost every
question , und If iho sultan slgnod it , Mor
rocco would bu placed virtually under an
English protectorate.
Armucd the Ilrltlnli I.lon.
Tbo negotiations , which lusted for several
months , toll Ihrougb because the sultan was
not willing to accord England the right to
establish stations upon Moorish territory.
All the Encllsh newspapers were furious.
They accused Franco of b Ing the cause of
this crushing blow lo English diplomacy.
It would not hnvo bjcn possible to have
talton Iho Engllslf auger seriously if Ihcro
had not come at the same tlmo the nowJ
that disturbances had broken out in
Morroceo and that Europeans were in
danger. Soon English Intervention became
necessary to restore order , and It looked us
If tha same blow would bo struck as hnd
been struck In Egypt. Intervention iu Mor
rocco "to ro-osUbllsh order" meant the
prompt bring ubout of the occupation of the
country , and a litllo nfter its annexa
tion would bo possible. Lara Salis
bury , who at this tlmo was
considerably hnmparod by the elections , yet
in spite of them wanted lo ma'.to a grand
coup In the Jingo line to demonstrate that
Iho consorvallvo party was very patriotic
and to causa a now embarrassment to Iho
"grand old mm. " A dispatch last ovonlng
states lhat Sir Charles Evan Smith had c. m
barked at Tangior.
Lot u ; sco if ho will return , which Is al
most cartulu if England does tbo least thing
in Morocco.
Frituco \ Au'.ilconod , T oo.
Franco will protect by every moans In her
power. If England should land ton man upon
the Moorish ojast , Franco will land twenty.
No mutter what happens , even should that
bo the immediate result , wo cannot permit
the repetition of the historic Egyptian ludl-
donl , and public opinion will foroo the gov
ernment into notion.
The Moorish question , without very much
disturbing the diplomatic world , yet gives
cause for serious rellootlon. It Is said that
England aid Franco will avoid as much as
possihld a conlllct , but it Is possible that we
may see a number of skirmishes.
Outsldo of this the European situation Is
ouo of tranqulllty. As Iho summer season
rolla on ibo governments of central Europe
ara very much exercised about It , and are
taking precautions ngatnst Iho invutlon of
cholera. It Is difficult to prevent the
ravages of this plague , which has mudo such
frighlful havoc In the south of Russia.
As to Iho conflict between Emperor Wil
liam and Prlnco Bismarck wo must wait for
the return of the kaiser from his whaling
expedition , to s'co what the news will bo.
Then most likely wo shall have a controversy
of u slormy character , the young sovereign
and his old chancellor being very much iu-
cones , iho ouo against the other.
jii > cui > i > iu ix i
How Senator * mid Ut-prcMriitiiUvcn View thu
AHHiiult on Mr. I'rlok.
WJISHINOTOX. D/C. , July 23. "Tho people
who will regret this most are Xho strikers. "
That is what n prominent democratic sonalor
said this afternoon when iho news Hashed ever
Ibo wlrea to-the capital that Mr. Frick had
been shot. Ho expressed what was iu every
body's mind ut tbo time. Everywhere , nlso ,
there were expressions of sympathy for thu
man Ihus murderously stricken down. But
few senators wore in tbo chumbar when the
news came of the shooting of Mr. Frlok.
They wuro deeply impressed , und some of
them w'lo have been foremost In the debates
which have taken place upon the subject of
the relations of capital and labor und the
Homestead troubles were plunged into a
thoughtful mood. It wus with a fooling of
rcllaf that they received the tutor dispatch ,
announcing thai Iho aot wai not committed
by any of the strikers , although nome of the
senators who sympathized with the latter
feared lhat Iho Utter organization would beheld
hold chargeable with ibo occurrence by many
people who jump at conclusions.
Senators were not dUpe od to discuss the
manor. The olfunt of iho news wus moro
noticeable in Iho house , for little attention
was puid to the current business.
The mum ben of the Homestead Investi
gating committee , who expressed themselves
for publication in regard to the effect ot the
tragedy nt I'itUburif , were very brief In
their uttoruncos. They preferred to wait
until they had hoard nil the funw In the cuso
before passing judinneut upon the case.
C'liili'iniui O.urb' Opinion ,
Hoprciontativo ( Jutes , the chairman ot the
committee , read the dispatches very cure *
fully and then said : "I regret very much
to hear of tha shooting. It adds to the corn ,
plications already existing. It is not. any
irruut surnruo to mo , considering tbo stutu
ofiiduirs and the conditions oxUting be <
twccn the Curnegiu company and the
strikers at Homeituad. 1 huvo boeu appro.
Omihiand nel'iftj ; \ *
GVinli'niirilcifr ; protuMicoolw
. , \
1. II. C. rrlolt Shot l y nn AimrcliUt. \
I'nrnpll-K 1'urljWiped Out.
KiiKlmiil ( Irnlililiig tor .Morocco.
C'liolrrn'H Awful Ailvtinva .
" . Sport * ot the Sc.uon Civil OIllcrM In
Cliirco nt MotiiMrnd.
n. Ycttpriliiy In CoiiBi'PM NctiriMkit Stnto
t < TM Another Colllrry Horror.
4 , IMItorlul anil Comment.
5. Sliituiiml l.ocul I'nllllri.
Lincoln' * llnlldliig lloom.
"Why liln niinu-lil Dlril.
South Oiniiliii Nuw4.
n. Council Ilium Lot-ill ,
7. Uriinil Army Depart memt.
llnilpiivorltci In Now York.
Trlulfl of u ClorkM Mfp.
10. Ml * * .Miinutt'H Letter from Greece.
Spurnl Society S'pw .
11. Uniitliii'H Trnilo ltevle\vccl.
< ir ln , I'rovl lens mill Ll\n Storlc.
Duvld Itleli's Kxperleuco In Court. * -
13. l.a t Week In Soeloty.
13. Ciirpenter'n Ittixiiiiiii Letter.
lcin : ( Snrdiicr'H Viieiillon Trip.
14. Where to Worship Today ,
in. In XVomun'H World.
Miifilciil unit llieutrlcal Xo\r ,
10. Huncln.v'H Sportlnc Mclnngr.
honstvo nil the time that something of this
kind would occur. It wus n very serious
situation ibcre , ami because of what I saw
on my visit , t wns not surprised whan I
hoaid of the shooting. "
Brodorlck , nnothor-uiembor of the Investi
gation committee , recanted the shooting ns
very unfortunate , Indood. It wns hard to
tell whether or not the affair would huvo
nny effect , on the Inbor question. It would
no' , affect the laboring men's causa unless It
wns shown lhat the man who committed the
deed was connected with the laboring men's
organization. If Iho deed wus that ot an ir
responsible crank , ( ns Mr. Brodorlck be
lieved it to bo ) , it ought not to affect injuri
ously the causa of the laboring people , or
that nf any ouo cUc.
Ono of iho two remaining members of the
committee was not In the nouso when the
correspondent sought thorn , nnd the fifth'de
clined to bo Intervlud for puollcailon. The
Pennsylvania members In tbo house were In
clined to think Iho trouble a crnvo one , undone
ono which i hey feared might lead to other
scenes of dlsordor.
of Thulr Sixth Annual Convention
Itoioliitloni r.lsnetl.
Pa. , July 2J. The sixth
national convention of the window glass
workers , which has been In session for the
past nine days at the now Tumor hall on
South Thlrtoouh street , najournoa with
yoslcrduy's sssslon. Although n largo
amount ot businois was brought up for con
sideration , tlu saislou was the shortoit th-it
has ever been hold by the body.
Various roiolntions were passed todav ,
among thorn ono increasing tno salaries of
the presl lent nnd secretary. Tno folio vlng
resolutions were adopted before adjourn
ment :
Notwithstanding the effort In bolnlf of Mr.
Stone's Immigration hill ami the fact that a
Inrjo of tliu Intelligent citizens of
our country favor such u nie.isiiro thu Bulout
comniltteo on Immigration and natural
ization has ) rccotnnionilud for puss.i o
In coii7ross the Slump bill , which
Is plainly drafted In Iho InterostH
of those who favor unJncre.iso rather Ihnn a
decrease of Immigration ! viz : The stoanuhlp
aim railroad companies and lias been sup
ported only by thorn and tholr paid a .rents.
The iimln feitnre of tbo Stump bill Is to lvo
the examination of Immigrants Into the luiu Is
of the stenimh.p eomp.mles. wliho the iitono
bill provlilos for n consular examination on
Iho other fide of tins water.
Notice Is horch ) hervoil un the present con
gress that uo saull hold Iho dominant party
ot that tody responsible for the puMmpoof
sneli mo isnres .m the Stin.p hill.Vt u o
citizen- all congressional districts through
out Ihe United flutes to imilto Itiin i-nnu In
the coming camp ilk' " . un < l sue lo It that only
those who are In favor of linnon Immigration
laws uio elccto I to canro < a.
Ilerkiiiaii Known In Xoir York.
NEW YORK , July * a. If the man who Is
locked up in a Plttsburr juil for Ibo attempt
to murder Manager H. C. Friok of the
Carncgla Stool works is Alex Borkman ,
formerly of this city , ho is an anarchist of
the most radical stvlo. It Is said ho at
tempt to organize a group for the express
purpose of going about iho couulry to ex
terminate capitalist .
The pollco advance the thoorv lhat Berck-
man was simply an ngont of the anarchists
hero and was sent by them to I'itlsburg tor
iho express purpose of Icilllntr Mr. Friclc.
It wus said at police headquarters that
Inspector Sioers received dispatches Imme
diately after the shoaling occurred and sent
detectives to hunt up Berckman , The
detectives are at work on the case , and they
uro working on Iho theory that Borckmrn
was "sent 10 Plllsburg.
Will ICcMtrlot I'roiluctlon.
NEW YtwK , July ) . An important moot
ing of wrought Iron und bailer tube manu
facturers representing the entire interest In
the United States has boon In session hero
slnco yesturday. C. B. Ilornn of 1'ittsburg
Bays the mooting was for the purpose ot con
solidation , nnd lo urrango for iho reitriction
of production until the demand should im
prove nnd ibo mills bo enabled lo make pipe
ut n prolit.
American Loiigiio \VlilUCIulm. .
New YOUK , July 2U. The first nnnual congress -
gross of the American Leuguo ot Whist
Clubs concluded iu business tonight. The
mutch between the Capitol Whht club of
Washington and the MllwaukoaVhlst club
losulted In a llo.
The pluyor.s agree lo leave iho disposition
of the trophy to the oxocutlvo committee for
thlu year ,
The coinmltloo will probably dccldo to
allow each club to hold the trophy for sit
months and when the congress is bald ut
Chicago next rear a contest for the final
possession of the trophy will bo hold.
OMAHA , July ! 23. J
Generally fair wcatnor , sllghlly cooler in
Iho northwest prevailed today. For the first
tlmo this season Omaha reached 100 = . Cou-
cordia and Dodge Clly also report 10i ) = > . The
warm wnvo is now drifting over the Missis
sippi valley. Culcairo wus W = uud St.
Louis'JO = .
Lorul 1'oreeanl I'or ICaxtorii Noliranliii ,
Oiniiliii nail Vicinity Ooiitlniinil fair
unit warm \\uitlmr , lint proliahly croirlnt ;
Hllcl'tly cooler ilurlng Nnniliiy.
WASIIINOTON , D. O. , July 2 . Forecast for
Sunday : For Nobrnsku I ocni showers In
west , fair Iu oatt portion : variable winds ;
warmer in norihwost portion ,
For lown Uononilly fair Sunday ; west
winds ; slightly cooler In east portion.
Fsr South Uakota Generally fair ; vari
able winds ; warmer in west portion ,
For North Dakota Fair , except probably
local she wora Iu extreme northern portion :
wobt winds. .
Normal College.
LKMAIIS , In. , July 3. ( Special Tolcgrnm
to TKU UlinJ The corner stone of iho main
building of the Lomam Normal colloi-o will
bo laid with MM > onla roromonlos by the
ofllcor * of the Eruud .lodge of Iowa Matons
August "I.
lo forulcii Cuininvroii.
LONDON , July 23. The British minister to
Guatemala han telegraphed lo tha foreign
olllco that tbo government of Honduras hus
closed tbo count to foreign commerce.
1 v iolor.\'s Irroslatibh Onward March
i Through European Countries.
Its Shadow of Death Ovorlmngs Europe1 !
Fairest Frovinoas-
Austria nnd Gornuny Will Aid Her in tha
Russian Ooulnversy ,
lie Contemplate ! Further AttnokH Upon tha
Gorman Chancellor-Kinporor
Hum's Program of Travel Cou
illllon of the Ivmpresi.
[ Copyrighted tSSibuNtw Yuik Asuorateil Prtii.1
BKIIU.V , July SKI. Tha uavanco of the
cholera toward tbo Russian frontier absorbs
the attention of the public to the exclusion
ot all political and other topics. Toe health
of Berlin Is fairly good , the only disturbing-
sign bclnc some cases of cholerine , which ,
nro common at this season of tbo year.
Tbo medical stntfs hare boon Increased ,
and make extremely thoroueh examinations ,
of all passengers by rail arriving at over/
frontier station.
Horrible Condition of Itiimln.
Concurrent advlcos from various Russian ,
points afford htlla hope lhat the cpldomio
will bo stayed. The announcement from St.
Petersburg concerning the enforcement of
sanitary regulations in iho stricken district
docs uot correspond with thofnots ns scon by
the Gorman physicians. These roprosenta-
lions exist on paper , but are not entirely
carried out. There are no signs of
sanitary arrangements In the streets , res
idences , or of lodging houses. These quar
antine regulations are neglected and healthy
trnuelors are constantly brought Into contact
with persons thronging from Infected places
at railway stations and ou steamboats and
quays. The Gorman medical men state thai
they find the hospital arrangements defec
The Bulgarian government , with the ap
proval of the Berlin and Vienna forolgu
ofllcas , Is preparing a protest , against Rus
sian nfllclal connivance In plots against
I'rinco Ferdinand nnd Homo Minister Statu-
bulotf , The outcome of the affair is likely to
bo an curly recognition of iho Bulgarian
ruler by Iho droibund.
The nolloo lakon by Germany and Austria.
In supporting the protest roraouM the last
chance of a mooting nt Sklernequleco bo-
tivoon Emperor Francis Joseph aud the
IVlll Open Out nit von C'aprlvl.
Prmco Bismarck will leave Klsslnqon for
homo on Monday next. Ho will stop enrouta
at Jena , whcro preparations are la pro rois
to give him an ovation. It Is czpoctod that
Prlnco Bismarck will sclzo the chance
afforded by this reception lo open out against
Chancellor Von Caprivl. To visitor * from
Tublngton the prlnco announced his Inten
tion of spending a day In Berlin oa hit
homeward trip.
Emperor William has ordered that prayers
bo offered In all the churches on Sunday foi
a happy nccoucbmont of the empress.
Emperor William' * Movement * .
The omnoror has started on hla return
from his whaling trip into the north. Hu
inujoily Is oxpcctod to roach Wllholmshavon
on Wednesday. Upon his arrival bis Ural
visit will bo to the empress , and ho will
then hold a conference with Chancellor
von Caprivl. On August 1 ho will go t
England lo attend the Cowos regatta , ant ]
will remain a weak as the guest of Quooa
Nlctorla. On August 10 ho will return U
Potlsdam and will there await the aocauch-
tnoiit of the omproas. On September ! ) nil
majesty will sail for Sweden. Ho willspont
bis time as a guest of King Oscar in hunt
ing elk ( n Uoottobiirg. flo will return iq
time to attend the tnancu.Ivors at CoblonU ,
Motz ana Stuttgart.
U In Alleged Tlmt ut Ilnr Iimlnnco Hired
ANHIIHHIIH | Invaded Illllcurlll.
BKW.IX , July 23. The communications ro-
ccntl.v publlshod In the Svoboda , the organ
of the Bulgarian government , from th <
Russian legation at Bucharest to the Rut'
slan foroliin ofllco , uhowlng that every move
ment undcrtakon against Prlnco Ferdinand
of Bulgaria wus directed , paid for aud lnstl <
guicd by Russia , bus caused a sensation ia
this city.
Tbo nolloy of Bulgaria has tbo full np.
provnl of the newspapers.
Among iho documents which have been
pibllshod In connection with thorn there la
a telegram dated August 10 , 1837 , to tha
Russian minister at Bucharest from tha
chief of the Asiatic dep irlment , saying that
tuc czar's government had 11 n ally deter
mined to consider Prlnco Ferdinand an
usurper , standing beyond the pulo of all
laws and nil acis , and dlroctod his removal ,
iho accomplishment of which , therefore , wai
The chief concluded his lologram as rol
lows : " 1 uogyou lo assist some confidential
persons who are ready to take an nctlvo
shnro In Prlnco Ferdinand' * removal , "
The Vossicho Kcltunc says : "It is mon
strous that Uusklau hatred has wont so fsl
as not only lo < and murderer * to kill the
loading statesman of Bulgaria , but also td
declare. Prmco Ferdinand an outlaw. "
Devimtittuil li.V I'oroHt Fire * .
HAi.iPAX , July ! J3. There has boon sollttla
rain In Capo Breton for six weak * past that
forest 11 res huvo started aud raged for tbo
past ton days. People are becoming very
much alarmed. Unless there Is rnln tonight
or tomorrow muoli property will bo destroyed
through the country and the lira may raaoh
the town of Sidney and North Sidney.
Hun Onto tliu Soi .Serpent ,
Kixosrox , Ont. , July 23. Oooriro Parki
and his wlf , whllo sailing off Wolfo's
Island , encountered a serpent thirty foot in
length. Mr. Parks drove it from bit skiff
by beating It ever the head with bit oar. U
disappeared with a hiss line that tnado by a
bun saw. Mrs. Parks wu badly frightened.
Delaying Work onViir Voiiel * .
Pnii.AiiKU'iiu. PH. , July 23 , Work oo the
crulsor Now York is being delayed Because
of nonreceipt of her armor from the Carno-
glo woiki. The bout will ba launched next
wosU , but without her nido nrmor , the
Uarnviuo works having tbo contract , The
unnoi for tbo Massachusetts U horo. Th
Jndmnu armor is all here from thu Bethlehem
liuu works.