Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY RKiQ ; , FRIDAY , JULY 22 , 1892.
"W , F , Harrity Will Direct tbo Deracoratio
Cnl llrlco iulc > cl ril nnil Caiiimrnilpil for
11U Work Michigan He-publican * 1'ut
n Slroii- ) Ticket In the Tlrlil
1'olltlcal Pointer * .
Khw YOIIK , July 01. The national demo-
cratlo committee met toasy nnd organized
by the unanimous selection of W. F. Harrity
of Pcnnsxlvunia as chairman , nnd Simon P.
Shnerin of Indiana ns secretary. The com
mittee was called to order by Hon. Calvin S %
J5rlce , nnd the roll call showed all the mem-
bets present excepting these from Montana
end Arizona. They wore , however , rcpro-
erntcd by proxies , which were held by A. P.
Ilrlcp Make * n Tulle.
Immediately after the roll call Hon.
Calvin S. Brlco , chairman of the former
committee , reiterated his former declnrn-
tlon that be did not desire to bo
considered a candidate for re-elec-
tlon. "In the campaign of four years
ago1 ho suld , "I worked as earnestly as nnv
man possibly could for democratic success.
The parly wns defeated , however , and I nni
nuaro of the fact that the public always
Judges a matter of this kind by the standard
of success. I nm continent , however , that
the members of that committee know that
nothing was left undone by myself or the
committee to achieve success. [ Applause. ]
1 rogrol to sever my pleasant connection
with the committee as Its chairman , but I
must decline to bo considered In that con
nection. 1 thank the members for the past
honor conferred upon mo and assure the
committee that my services ns a member are
always at the command of the committee
nnd everything 1 can do for the party 1 will
olwiijs be clad to do. " f Applause. |
Mr. Gorman of Maryland. Mr. Rnnsom of
Keith Carolina , Mr. Thomas of Colorado nud
Mr. Whitney of Now York all made brief
speeches in commendation or Mr. Brick's
past services to the party. At this Junc
ture Mr. Brice retired trom the chair nnd
Mr. Suwcll nl Maine assumed tbo gavel.
A resolution extending the thanks of the
committee to Mr. Brice for his earnest nnd
oblc services of the past was adopted by a
risintvoto. .
Mr. Brice resumed the chair and declared
that the election of a chairman of the na
tional committee to bo the next thing In
Hurrlly iirrtt : > il Cliiilrnmii.
Mr. Whitney at once moved that Mr. W.
P. Harntv of Pennsylvania bo selected
chairman. There btlng no other nomina
tions Mr. Harrity was selected by acclama
On assuming the chair Mr. Harrity spoke
brlcflv , exnressms bis appreciation of the
honor pieced unon him nnd pledging his be t
efforts to aid in achieving success far the
puny , its principles und its candidates.
Simon P. Sheerin of Indiana was reelected -
elected secretary bv acclamation.
Lieutenant Governor Sheehan of New York
comlnaten Robert B. Roosevelt for treas
urer , ho .vus also elected by acclamation .
Mr. Roosevelt is n native and resident of
JSow York city , bo Is n member of Tammany
hall , und wns appointed by President Cleve-
luiul minuter to the New Netherlands. Ho
is a man of wealth. Ho is favorably men-
tloi.ea us a possible candidate for the mayor
Air. Whitney Introduced the following res
olutions in rcgaid to the plan of campaign
and they wcro adoj d t > y acclamation.
IMiiuiil ( > riniilziitliiii.
Tbo following plan ot orgnnizatlon was
ltL".o.\ed. That the oxocntUo commlttre of
the democratic nat.onal commltleo shall con-
Ifit of twcnty-lhe nicmhers who shall be des
tgit ited by the ch.ilrm m of the national com
cilttue and tliut tinrlrilrninn of the national
fommltlre .slui.l be u.\-ofllolo chairman of thu
e.xoc'iillM' coiniiilltbc.
lifsoiM I , That thn cninpnlsn commlltco of
the nitltnnal roinnilttcu shall conslht of nine
members who ahu'l be ili'sl nnteil by iho
c'halrinnn of iho nallonal coinmltlee , the said
chaiiman to bo MM ! > one of thu meinhfrs.
Hald c impaiKn committee , when appointed ,
shall select Its own chairman ulthln orwlih- iho sild cnmpal.'n committee , or from
within or without tuo domocr.itlo nallonal
lti sol\cd. Thai Ihe nd > lsory board of the
domocrallc national commltti > e which com-
inltte < > the chairman of the dcmocr.illc iic > -
llonal committee Is horebv authorl7 d to np-
pn ut from within or without the membeishlp
of Iho i.cinncratlc nullonal commltti-e-shall
consist of mi oh number of inembiTS as may bo
deemed proper by the campaign commltlee.
Ki'SoiM'il , That Iho cundncl and direction of
thncampalcn of IHr.'shall bo nndcrthoclrir e
of the chairman of the domorratlo national
commltleo und the campaign tommlttee , stib-
jcol lo the approval of iho executive commit-
tue of iho democratic national commltlee.
It is rumored that Mr. William C. Whit
ney will bo rrade chairman of tno advi ory
committee provided for in the above resolu
lIi.adiintrt | M Will He In N < i\v York.
A committco of two , conslstinc of Chair
man Harritj and Secretary Shuerin , was selected
lectod to procure headquarters In Now Yorn
for tbo nallonal democratic committee.
The chairman was authorized to appoint a
committee of five to consider restrictions re
pardiiiK tbo next national convention. Tbo
tendency seems to Uo to restrict the attend
ana ) at national conventions to delegates anc
others directly concerned in the proceedings ,
ns proposed by General Collins of Massa
cuubclt.i in the Chicago convention.
The contests ns to the coinmittecmon from
Indian Terrllory and the District 01
Columbia wcro referred to u commltleo con-
tlstlncof Uorman of .Maryland , 1'asco of
Florida and Ulalr of Kansas , nod il was or
dcrcd thai this coinnntteu't ) decision should
bo Dual.
A resolution was adopted Instructing cah
member of the commlllea on returning honu
to study cloiolv the political situation In bis
particular stale und submit n writ ton report
thereon to Iho secretary of Iho committee ul
the earliest practical date.
The committco then adjourned subject to
call of the chairman.
Mr. Ilurritv announced bo would appoint
the various committees provldiM ior In th :
plan of campaign ns sooil as practicable , bui
that It would probably bo several days before
all vtoro announced.
Wottorn llriiilijnnrter * .
Hon.Vahlnpton HoiKlnj ; of ChloJRO ,
Speaker Crafls of the Illinois houru of rop.
roseiitntlves , Hon. C.V , Gout dick of Chi
cairo , Hon. Lambert Trc > ; , ox-mlnUtor lo
Hua lu , und others who have been npnointci
lo endeavor to sccuro tbo establishment ol
vtCHtern ncadquurlert of the natlona
committee at Chlcuuo , decided today
that the executive committee , when
appointed , would bo the proper
organization to consider the report of the
conditions aim nccc Itlos in I honest. The
committco has been by no menus Idle , bow
ever , hut hits explained to cx-1'rusident
Cleveland , Mr. Whitney und nearly all the
members of the ( -011111111100 Individually the
Objects lo bo attained by Ihe western houd
Air. Cleveland assured thorn that ho
thoucht vcrv favorably of the movement foi
nestorn bcMdquartcrs. "Of cp'irsn , " sail
be , "It is a matter for careful consideration
but it iiniinsses mo lavorably und I wll
think Iho matter over carotully. ' "
Mr. Whitney and others gave the com
mitten the samn assurances und Mr. Hcssin , ;
ind his friends fenl encouraged that they
Mil bu finally sucue ful with the executive
riiry llnlil Itrrrptluni uuil Jlrnt rronil
iirnt Di'inorraU lliflr .Murfiiii'iitii.
Nrw YOIIC , Jul 21 , I'roin the \Vbtttiojr
nansiou Mr. Clovolacu was thlt morulnc
driven lo thix Fifih Aveuuo hotel , whore
parlor 8S , on the flru lloor , had neon re
served Ior hli oocommodutton. A mom : the
first callers was Lieutenant Govcrno
Sheehan. Following thu llouteuant gor-
oruor came several member * of the demo
cratic national committee , UUIOIIK the num
Vor bclni : William K Harrity of 1'cnmyl
vanla. Mr. Cleveland. Mr. Whitney , Mr
Shucbnn and Mr. Hnrrlty were chatting to
go'herhcu Mr. 13rlo catue lu. Thcxo
ontlemen were nlonc for some time. H li
udcrstood that Mr. Sheehan represented In
i tnoajuro the sentiment of the New York
action and was there to express his opinion
upon the selection of a chairman.
Nearly nit the members ot the national
.ommitice and a great many of the democrats
rom other states as well ns local celebrities
called and shook Mr. Cleveland's hand nnd
halted about Uioriunpaicn.
General Stevenson meanwhile was recclv-
ng callers at his apartments In the Hoffman
louse. "I had no Idea , " said he , "that tbo
lotnonslratlon last night would bo so enthu-
Jasllc. Mr. Cleveland's popularity Is un-
jounded. "
Mrs. Cleveland has loft the city for Gray
At 12:30 : Mr. Cleveland , accompanied by
Oon M. Dickinson , loft the hotel for Mr.
Whitney' * roMdonco , It being expected at
that time that Mr. Cleveland would not bo
irosent at the mooting of tbo national com
Ho Will LriMl thn Itopuhllcnn Forces In
MIchlRiin Other Nominations.
SAOIXAW , Mich. , July 21. The republican
Into convention reassembled thu morning
and the temporary oQlcors were made per-
nnueut. A resolution of sympathy with Mr.
jlnlno In the death of his son was adopted
by a rising vote.
The platform adopted endorses the Minne
apolis nominations ; denounces the domo-
ctatio party of the state for enacting tbo
Minor law ; for choosing presidential electors
jy districts and the gerrymander of legisla
tive districts ; pralsos the republican policy
of protection and reciprocity.
The names of John T. Hlch nnd Mayor
I'nigreo of Detroit- were placed In nomina
tion for governor. An Informal ballot pave
llich a majority nnd the norninution was
made unanimous without a formal ballot. A
recess was then taken.
At the opening of the afternoon session the
chairman Introduced Mr. Rich , the candidate
for governor , who spoke at some length.
When ho concluded a storm of cries wcro
hoard for Plnirroe. The Detroit mayor
arose and declared that ho would support the
convention nominee.
Congressman James O'Dounell responded
lo calls made for a speech and spoKO ut great
Hov. Washington Gardner of Calhoun
spoke briefly , prophesying a republican vic
tory next November.
The convention next proceeded to the com
pletion of the ticket. Hon. J. W. Glddlngs
; > f Woxford county was chosen on the llrst
ballot for lieutenant governor. John 'A' .
Jocnim of Marquette was the only candidate
for secretary of state and ho was nominated
by acclamation.
Third 1'nrty Leaner ; * -Map Out Their of Tra\el.
ST. Louis , Mo. , July 21 General J. B.
Weaver and Chairman TnubenocK arrived
In St. Louis this mornliu' from Vinconncs ,
Ind. , and went direct to the national pee
ple's party headquarters.
General Weaver , speaking of the cam
paign , said bo was confident the now party
had as good a show for success as either of
the Iwo old parties. The campaign in the
silver states has been mapped out , nnd
General Weaver nnd General Field will fire
the first gun ut Denver on July 20. From
there they go to Pueblo , thence to Load-
vlllc , and on the 30th they will hold forth nt
Asppn. August 1 n grand rally will bo held
at Grand Junction , when" they will leave
Colorado and spend ten days in Novnda ,
three in California , and make a trip throuch
Oregon. Tnov will proceed from there to
the state of Washington , and will wind up
at Helena , Mont. From this point a plat-
lorm campaign will be carried on throuch
the north to St , Paul , returning to IJos
Molnes on August 10. Then the campaign
in tbo xoulh will bo mapped out , and snortly
nflernards will bo begun.
lln Will Vlnlr I'rcjHhli'iit .lone * oftlio Itostan
SOIIIICNTO , Me. . July 21. Unless something
of a political nature prevents , Grover Cleveland
land , Mrs. Cleveland nnd a small part } ' of
friends will leave Boston on August 4 for
Mount Desert terry , where they will betaken
taken on board the steamer Sednoa and como
here , where they will be the guests ot Presi
dent Krank A. Jones of tbo Hoston Maine
rood. Thov ill ride in his private car , HIP
Sorrento. The ex-president has accepted
the invitation nud already n program for
each day has been mapped out. When Mr.
Jones was a mem crof congress ho formed
the acquaintance of Mr. Cleveland , and when
the latter was president they became friends.
Nominated lor Congress.
CLAYTON , Mo. , July 21. Dr. KIchard Bar-
thold , editor of the Tribune , a German eve
ning paper here , was nominated for congress
on thn first ballot by the republicans of the
Tenth Missouri district ,
DL-LVTII , Minn. , July 21. The Sixth dis
trict republican convention reinitiated J. i3.
Mediums Appnlntnd Secretary.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , July 21. Hon. Louis
McComas of Maryland has been appointed
by Chairman Carter secretary ot tbo national
committee. Mr. McComas has accepted the
position and will begin iho discharge of its
duties In New York city forthwith.
Iiidt-piMKlrnt * Nniiilniilo.
ATIANTA , Ga. , July 21. Tbo people's
parly state convention endorsed the Omaha
platform and nominated a full stnto ticket ,
with W. L. Peek , president and busincs
manager of the alliance , as candidate for
governor. _ _
In-rlslnn of .Mln i > iul Judge In a Suit Tor
ST. Louis , Mo. , J'uly 21. Judge Klein of
the circuit court has made a ruling which
will PO deeply discussed aud will bo re
garded -as a victory In labor circles.
Michael Fleischmann , one of thu striking
planing mill men , was In Judge Klein's court
03 a defendant in a suit for a divorce by bis
wife. A motion for alimony was being ar
gued on tbo case. FloUcbruann's attorney
put hit client on the stand and showed Dy
him that ho was out of omplovmont , being on
a strike , and without means , and argued
that a motion ordering him to pav his wife
ullmony Mioula not bo cute rod under the cir
Mrs. Flelscbmacn's lawyer areucd thai
strikes were no excuse fora man Delng idle.
Ficischmunn could got worn If ho would take
it , the attorney held , and should bo uiudo to
support his wife ,
Judge Klein , however , decided that being
on a strike , under the circumstances , was a
sufficient cause , and would not make ttio
order at the present tltna and refused to
erupt the prayer. Judge Klein stated after
examining KleUclimunn that he thought ho
was Justified in not going to work , as In con
sequence of the tyranny of tbo union ho baO
reason lo feur for bis personal tafuly if bo
dia so.
l.UMllKit JC.iTKt TllltK.lTK.\Kl > .
'HtiTii OlllrlaU Ihivo Taken n lliilc
CHICAGO , 111. , July SI. Scrioui trouble
threatens the western roads in consequence
of tbu order of the Interstate commerce
commission reducing the rates on luuioor
from au Claire , Wis. , to the Ml&sour
river. Tbo conferences that bavo been bold
thin week have not baa the effect of dtmlnlsn
Ing thu gravity of the situation , because tbo
interested line * were unable to agree upon n
plan of concerted action. The Chicnco , MII-
wnukoo & SL Paul road obeyed the order ol
iho communion by reducing the lumber rate
from -l'a oont * to ISVj , cents per 100 pounds
from Eau Claireto the Mluourl river. The
Chicago ft North wet tern adheres to iu de
termination to make corresponding roduc
tlous from all affected points. It 1s this ottl
tudo of the Chicago & Northwestern that
complicates the situation. The order of tbo
commission was designed only to rollovo tbo
merchants of Kuu Clalro und was not la
tended to carry with it any such sweeping
chaugo as ucw teems inevitable.
DoWltt's Sarsaparilta cleanses tbo blood.
Kyo and oar surgeon , Grant CullU
more , room 221 , IJoo building.
Douglas Oounty Republicans Express Their
Preferences for the Candidate.
Prominent Cltlrrns Interviewed by Our Re
porters Court-mini ; the Most Avail *
nblct Ci nillilntoto I.onil the Tarty
lu the Coming Ciimpalgn.
Judge Leo Eslollo-I am for Ransom , al-
.hough Crounso is a particularly strong man.
Hansom was nn nnti-monopollst when It cost
something to ttilnk differently from tbo cor
porations. Ho is square on tbo labor ques-
.Ion , bis position regarding prohibition is
thoroughly well known. Then ho is the
' daddy" of the "raluod policy" oot , ns It is
Known , an aot which has proron of Incalcu-
able bonoQt to the ( armors of tbo state , al-
Lhouch howould bo antagonized , uo doubt ,
by the Insurance mon for championing an
net which compelled Insurance companies to
pay the IOSBOJ Instead of scaling thorn , as
they were In the habliof doing under the
old law. Ransom Is popular and could go on
the stump ngalnst "Crazy Horse" on ! beat
him nut. Of cottwo Crounso Is n strong man ,
probably the strongeit that has been named ,
but I am for Rnnsom because I bcllovo ho
can win.
Henry T. Clorko Judge Crouuso would ,
In my opinion , bo a very available man for
governor. 1 should have booa pleased to sou
Dr. Merger nommutod and olootod , but seeIng -
Ing that ho Is out of It 1 am tor Judge
Crounse. Both Mr. Baker and Mr Ransom
are good men. Any Rood republican will
il mo.
Major D. ll. Wheeler Personally 1 very
much like Mr. Ransom , but when It comes tea
a question of which of the three would poll
the most votes I huvo no hesitation In sav
ing that Judge Crounso would bo very much
stronger than either of the other * .
Will Saundurs I would be glad to support
either of them , but Mr. Baker is my piefer-
once , and 1 believe that ho would bo the
strongest candidate.
JiimosValshCrounso Is unquestionably
the strongest man. 1 wouldn't touch Baker
with a thirty-font polo and the Germans of
tbo county would skin him nlivo. His pro
hibition record would kill him just as sure ns
ho was put up as n candidate of the party.
Ransom may bo all right , but Crounso Is tbo
only man to nominate with Mercer out of the
race. Ho would catch tbo Gorman vote and
his antl-monopolv record would suit the
farmers. The old light against a Douglas
county man wouldn't hurt hlui , yet ho Is to
all Intents an Omaha man and would run
well here. There are thousands of votes on
the fence that Crounse with bis record could
catch that the others couldn't touch.
Hsnry Estabrook Have said I was in
favor of Baker and so am sort of pled cod to
him. Think he is as strong as any man wao
could bo nominated.
U. H. Alarple Am In favor of Frank Ran
som. Strongest man sugcestod. Could
catch a good many of tbo young democrats
of this citv as ho Is generally very popular
and bis legislative record Is just the kind
that is wanted. Ransom comes awful near
tilling tbo bill all uround , for ho was Van
Wyck's lieutenant for a long tirno and could
run it into Van harder than almost anybody
Major John B. Pnray Crounsa Is the
strongest politically In the state of Nebraska.
We can elect Juago Croucso easier than any
other man By all means the republicans
should nominate Judge Crounso.
John T. Clarke Wnon the county conven
tion is held you will see an instructed dele
gation for Judge Crounse. Thcro can be no
comparison between Judge Crounso and the
other gentlemen who are mentioned as cau-
uidales. He Is popular , has tbo ability and
is not tied to any factions or issues.
S. A. MoWhorter I believe Judge
Crounso is the best man yet mentioned ( or
first pi ice on the state ticket. There has
been one objection urged against him , that is
that he has oeen out of politics for several
ycais. I consider that fact as a point in his
W. X. Nason Crouuso Is ray choice. I
think ho can be elected. Ho is n people's
man. I bavo known bim a lone time and
have always found bun on the right side of
every question affecting the welfare of the
people. Ho is an earnest , hardworking ,
painstaking man and nothing can bo truth-
lully said uamst bin : .
John Rush I nm entirely out of politics ,
but I confess that I still bave an interest In
the welfare of the rermbllcan party nnd bo-
COU30 of that interest 1 would say t'hst Judge
Crouuso Is not only tbo strongest man of tbo
three gentlemen that appear to bo most
talked of , but be Is one of the strongest m > ? n
in tbo state. 1 have great respect for Mr.
Ransom nnd I admire his ability , but all
tboso who , like myself , bave lived In Ne
braska from territorial times down to tbo
protont acknowledge and appreciate the ser
vice that JudgoCrounse his rendered In every
position of honor that bn has filled. Not
only that , but ho is the most exalted typo ot
the American c'tlzon ' , free frnm the taint of
knownothingism and bigotry. Judco Crounso
is ray man.
J. H. Millard I have a shop that needs
looking after ana can truthfully say am out
ot politics. Of tbo three men mentioned ,
however , all have elements of strength , they
are all fnenus of mine nnd 1 hope 1 am "a
friend of theirs. A candidate is needed this
year wbo can go on the stump and cross
sword * with Van Wyck , snould ho bo
nominated. Ransom's position as
an anti-monopolist Is well known
and bis stand on tbo labor quoitlon would
win blra votes. Uaker Is a strong man and
would command the strength in this state
but for several reasons I believe Lorenzo
Couuso to DO the man who would cnma near
est beating Van Wyck , who , as u sophist , Is
unparalleled. Crounso would bo" strong
among tbo farmer * , and bu > incss democrats
would Hock to bis support notwithstanding
that it 1s the policy ot the democratic party
to throw Neoraska into the alliance column
and elect an allinnco governor ut.d legisla
ture. Van Wyck's business methods are In
such contrast with his political meth
ods that I wonder sometimes two
such opposing forces could exist in
ono Individual. Van is a rich
man and if ho were to come In my bank and
draw his check on a Nebraska City bank for
$10,000 I would pay It Instantly , witbout a
moment's thought. But to tbo world at
largo he poies as a trump and talks about the
rapacity of moneyed mon and corporations.
To sar the least it is a remarkable position
for a man to occupy. As aVood republican
1 will bo found with the man wbo Is nomi
L. M. Bennett All tbo candidates men
tioned are thoroughly available , but tbo
strongcit man in my opinion Is Lorenzo
Crounso could ho oopretailud upon to ac
cept. Ho is identified with Omaha , ho Is
a good business man , clean and Irre
proachable in his private life , and
a strength among the farmers. Ho
would conio nearest being elected of
the candidates mentioned. While I have
faith In the ability of the other gentlemen ,
whllo I believe they would make a strong
tight Individually'Crounso Is my choice , for
the reason that bo would attract alarga dem
ocratic vote , men wbo bavo largo Interests
at heart , and would protect , tboso interests
by a ballot In favor of a candidate whose Ufa
was like an open book. Politics should cut
no figure In this campaign , for tbo man
should bo nominated who would stand tbo
greatest show of defeating the loader of tbo
popullus in tbh state. Charles H. Van
John E. Wilbur I am for Crounso. Ho In
able , clean and would make a good governor ,
Good politics demands his nomination.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for ohll-
dren teething curoi wind oollodlarrbaa , eta
25 cents t > bottle.
S | > eilul ; Nutlet * K. off *
Special meeting 1s called for local assembly
5141 at 112 North 14th street on Friday , July
? J , at 8 D. ru , , for the purpose of electing
officers for the ensuing term. Important.
All members should bo present.
DoIll's Sarsaparllla destroys such poi
sons us scrofula , skin diseases , eczema , rheu
matism. Its timely use saves many lives.
Short on Mullilug Uuituuioi.
"The people who are trying to run a sum-
tnor resort out ut Courtlana beach have
apparently made a mistake this tuuimor by
lettli g the season f Hn away without pro
viding more commddtous accommodations
for bathing , " said a.nuron of the resort.
"Tho beach was allvdxvlth people last night ,
and hundreds were unable to get
bath suits , whllo scores who hail their
own suits could uot got the use of n dressing
room to make the necessary change ot cos
tume. A whole lot of people come back to
town very much disappointed. The natural
facilities at Courlland Bench appear to bo
first-class , and with proper facilities Court-
land Beach would bo , thronged with merry
bathers every night during the boated
spell. "
Uoaril of TrncloDccldo ot to Invest Inn
Tbo Board ot Trade held an adjourned
mooting at their rooms last night to con
sider the question of a yearly appropriation
for the organization and maintenance of a
fright bureau. In tbo absence of President
Martin D. H. Wheeler was made chairman.
The frelgbt bureau matter bad proved a
fruitful source of contention at a previous
meeting and everyone expected that the would Do renewed as soon ai
tbo question was bcloro the bouso.
But when the meeting was called to order it
looked as though tlto advocates of the Durcau
bad left the enemy In possession of the Held.
W. N. Babcock , John Brady , Ed Cudnhy
and others who were interested In the mat
ter were conspicuously absent , while the
ncgoatlvo contingent was out in force.
Opened tbo Argument.
Mr. J. J. O'Connor ' opened the ball by
moving that the board of directors bo in
structed not to make any such appropriation.
Ho hold that such action was neither ndvls-
able nor legal and that any member might
enjoin the directors from making the appro
Walter Broon seconded tha motion nnd W.
V. Morse rose to glvt a few reasons why the
freight bureau would bo a benefit to tbo
business interests of tbo city. Ho maintained
mat n bureau In tbo bunds of a competent
mauagerwould DO able to obtain concessions
In railroad rates which could not bo secured
in nny obor way. Other cities had shown
what could bo done by an institution of this
kind , and Omaha would have to take similar
action in order to keep in the procession.
S. P. Morse was also in favor of the ap
How the Ilonils Are I'ursrcutcit.
James Stephenson was dead against It.
Tbo latter said that if the newspapers would
treat the railroads with justice It would not
bo necessary to organize u frolgut bureau to
got fair rates. The treatment that the rail
roads had received from Omaha bad boon
outrageous and \vas not calculated to make
tnom net favorably towards the city. If the
present mooting sbould vote the appropria
tion an Injunction would bo filed to reurain
Hand the courts would sustain It. The
Board of Trade bad had funds enough to
have paid off its incumbranccs long ago , and
\voula liavo done so if it had bad a compe
tent board of directors.
This statement caused a little confusion
and some one remarked that Mr. Stcphenson
was one of the directors himself.
"Yes , but I nm only ono of them , " retorted
the speaker , "ana if I bad my way things
would bo different. "
Mr. W. V Morse replied that these who
were opposing the bureau did uot realize the
magnitude of tbo interests that were in
volved. Omaha had nearly 900 wholesale
houses with 1,000 men on the road , to say
nothing of the immense live stock interests
of South Omaha , all of which needed a
frelgbt bureau to protect them from tbo at
tack's of other cities who wore bolter organ
3Iudo n Sensational Clmrgc.
Mr. O'Connor resumed the floor and cre
ated a sensation of hit own. Ho snia that at
the previous mooting the advocates of the
bureau had "attempted to steal" the amount
Involved.from the other members after they
had left the room. Tbo remark struck hard
against the pride of thn "thieves" and a
dozen voices were raised in remonstrance.
But O'Connor would uot bo silenced and
wont on to state that If tbo gentlemen had
their way the Board of Trade would eventu
ally bo in the hands of a receiver ,
Major Wbooler took tbo floor to relate a
little ancient history. Ho said that the
freight bureau that had been organized
before bad accompllsbmed much good , and
vould have done more if some of its mem
bers had not withdrawn their support Just
at the moment of success.
A long discussion cusued upon ' .ho status
of the question before the house , and
ilnallv tbo vote was taken on the motion of
Mr. O'Connor. The roll was called and tno
motion carried by i" to 15. A motion to re
consider was tabled , ana tbo board ad
journed. _
DeWitt's Sarsaparluu ciennsoj the blood ,
increases the appetite and tones up the sys
tem. It has b'o'nellttod many people wbo
bavo suffered from blood disorders. It will
help you. _ _
Mrs. ( ioodtrln In Omalm.
Mrs. Artio M. Goodwin , widow of the late
Matt Goodwin , arrived in this city yesterday
and is stopping at the Merchants hotel , which
had been the borne of tbo family for a num
ber of years Deforo Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin
moved from Omaha.
Mrs. Goodwin is in the city with some of
her attorneys to take depositions in a suit
brought by her against tbo Mutual Reserve
Life Insurance company of New York for
$5,000 insuranuo on the Ufa of her late bus-
band , which case is now pending In the Iowa
courts. In Justice to Mrs. Goodwin THE
BKC deems it proper to siato Incidentally
.that the reports concerning the death of Mr.
Goodwin and the ciicumstances attending
tbo same and the relations boUveen Mrs.
Goodwin nnd her late husband , which were
published in Tin : BEE and other ncwspipors
in the latter part of April , wore unfounded ,
tending to prejudice the public against her.
So far as wo can ascertain these reports
emanated from a source not worthy of
_ _
Mrs. L. R. Patton , Rockford , In. , writes :
' From personal experience I can recommend
DoWltt's Sarsaparllla. a euro for impure
blood and general debility. "
Shut 111 * riiiymute.
Joseph Benok and Jamei Hofka wore
playing war on South Fourtoontb street
Wednesday when young Benok pointed
an old revolver at Hofka and pulled tbo
trigger. It was supposed that the revolver
was empty , but a discharge followed , and a
bullet lodged In youni : Hofka's uack In the
region of the liver Inflicting injuries which
resulted In Hofka's death.
A warrant was Issued yesterday for
tbo arrest of Benok for murder. It la
thought that the shooting might not have
boon accidental , and hu will bo bold until
the case is Investigated. Bouek was released
on ball In the anna of 1,1,000.
Disease never successfully attacks the sys
torn with pure blood. Uo Witt's Sarsuparilla
makes pure , new bloo J and onrlehe blood ,
County .schi > 61 I'umln.
County Superintendent of Schools Hill
has made the apportionment of the Douglas
county school fund , The total of the Doug' '
las county allotment Is ? 40,104.S3 , of wblcu
Omaha receives | 24.'ttl,59. ) South Omaha
receives .240.bO. Fl'pronco gets J401.84.
Tbo other districts recoJvo amounts running
from f 1&U4 to f331.44 > Under this allotment
Omaha receives $ * .000 moro than last year.
thooni.6 ) of THE OMAHA
Bun , coploa of THH > JSVENINQ HUJJ of
April ! ! o.
I'lrtVuril lepifl > llcaui.
There will bo a caucus of tbo republican
voters of the First ward at Zimmerman's
ball on Saturday evening , .Inlv 'J3 , at 8
o'clock for tbo purpose of nominating nlno
delegates to tbo county convention to bo
voted for at tbo primary election to bo hold
on Saturday , July 30. JOHN W. HONZI ,
Chairman ,
DeWitt's SanapariUa U roliaola
( ruiBkis.suLriiniroirM.xiux.
Tl rtiull olio jctn' ciiwriccra la
, . ,
l.l.gll > 4 < i > Anil | l ptK > book on per.
untulo j andtf UIT miUcttlxtftir i Ui
llluilr t JrD8klu.tic lp > < rtooiinj
lllockl DlM ci Ilia Dl.flrurviiuill
Uo Mrihrotrki , Mol f , w rti , lo'lm
Ink u-1 roi ! < r U ihi , frui. I'll-
tlMt tUdufi * fif SIM. tiux | rduniu
ll&lrllnipltf , r'Arl.ll > v lui > iu btttc.
C MMIIUU * Im itl eit * r tIrlltr. .
JOHN H. W09DBUBT , O.I. , 125 W. 42d SL , New Yoik Cilj.
25 ° zs.FOR25
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Th eminent RpeMallit In nervovi , chronic , prlrnte. blooJ , ikln and nnnnrj ilbfAVi A rerml&r and
registered graduate ID tueilclne. n diplomas * nd ceritflctttoA chow , is mil treating with the grente < t succen
cfttnrrh , spermatorrhoea. 1cm manhood , iemlnal wi'RktitH * . nlcbt lotses , Itnpotoncy afphili * . nirletnro , iou *
orrhoea , gleet , Tnrlcoruleetc No mercury uiJ. Nun treatment for losi of % liul puncr , t'artle * unable to
visit me may be treated at homo by corwpondenco. Mvdliln * or Instruments pant br tnall or express *
curolj1 packed , no marks to Indicate content * or lender. Ono personal Interflow prplstrod. Consultation
frco. correspondence strictly prlvruo. nook ( &ljst rl i of JUf ) s nt frt * . OiHoe hour * tf . m. to W p.
Bondajs 10 a , 11 in. Sunu tuuup tor
-is toia witn n writ-
nervous dl i'a oi. such as Weak Memory ,
CEronc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VT rcjuw * * ' * o i/H/7 rv * vituar iivv. jiuurusBji crvcaccu l o. .
For sale in Omaha by Sherman & , McConnell , 1513 Dodge street.
For the lilcher and l.ll'crul KilurHtlnn of clrli
nll JOHNS women Sprrialllrn. ilinlr. Art , Klo-
cullen , l'bilcal Tralniiic. bteam lirnt , Cold
Mill lint watrr both moron , rtc . on pnch floor ,
"i S < fton l chm pl ( * lh. 1S12 ForCatalOKUt
FOR YOUNG Lf\DIES. r ior nJtAntucM for rJiicstlne
- - - - YoiinifliJici Coiirrcof rind ) thor-
ouKh.lluticalanil dopr.rtnif nl < lnjlicBl unlcr tcnrlinr" . .f ilirlimtnitrlr a
nj Kuropenncultu'r , IITKC nnil Inautiful cruund/i. new binl.lliic . rnnmnwell
GOLLEi ! TrntllMeJ. llclitrd bj c 'irn t.eptpnilirr Tlh Kor cutnloeur K.IIPM |
Mbcrlj , Ho.
i men . .
i in. OD ftrfj
foor Urbudbrluiiilnnoiflrcirlgllihli Ur r. tM q i'l | > * J JIUi ? ? Ullh od bolibful lanlou f unra of find/
rii I.tru ultr MU.K taj Art - f hltWl .
drpirlm-Bti * er * ( * Ltrc ft F.rn u C\litf \ in ih M ct Ni v .iUb vtieci
Sxurn-ljcr J 182 Send for Cnltlucac. Addrru T. UEMFKb rruldrnt. I.1KKKTT. J lB lirill
BViIvfar. J'rtruuniorT OillrirfnU' , Mndc uml Flue Art
rnir > ri * rit4ror\\pl'i ' i 3 * Send fet Illu tiat J
E. F. BULUlOi. A. II , 1'im. JickmnMlle , UL
C. J Wright , Jt. S. , A. 11. . Cornwall , N. V ,
IOTiTOritT.s : | ItlN < : s , VA.
For YoiinB LnillPM. Oix-nii Sert 14 , I < ! 92
onJf AW H n nearllrvinoltf. Cllmntouni-iccllcd Ele"
gmt Kquipinont. Wnlo fur illuntratod catalc uo to
S. JL. CUCICK , tauiu. , Uollins , Vo.
Cla. ic l. Llter rr. Sclcntlflc Conrim of itnilj In.
f.ntrr anrt Artlll r drill nd nctii.l Cavalrr
Olilr.t MllH ry Brbmil lo Mo. rMitotjit.
Hnjor K. B l > l > KlU , Jl.A. , t xlnelon. Mo.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water BHAJK
MKNT , a BpoclHc fur lljBtorlv IHitlneii , Klti , Neu
ruUla , Henducliu , Nurvouj I'rotlratua cnusoJ tijr
Blcobuior tobacco , Wukefulnom , Mental Denroi-
elua , soltnemof the llralu. cauiliu limuilty. mltorjr.
deuir.donUi. 1'rumMuro Old Axe , llarrnium , iMtt
of Tower In ellhor sex , Iicpotonor. lAiucurrbna aad
nil Kemalo Weaknesses , laroluntarr Ixiiiui , riiur-
tualorrhna causud br oror-fliortlon of Iho liraln
boir-nljmti uvor-liiJuif.nice. A month's truutiuont
tl.CforfV liy \Votiuarantoaslx bozo * to cum
Kncli order for u borot. with f ) will saad written
cuarnnleoto refund If not cured ( iunnuiU'O Uauod
only by Tlit'oduro , K I.e l ilrncuDt. rulu IIK
southeast corner Rib anil Kanmin rtt Uniaba
Anew an ! Complete Treatmont. cnnilitlnR of
Bupposllurles. Olntmenl la i'uuului | , ulna In HOY
end I'llln a I'oiltlvo Cure fur iriti-riml. Internal
tllndnr llleodlni ; llclilnk' , Ctironle , llvcont or Hurudl-
larr I'llPi T.ils ItoraeJjr has never been Lnuwn to
Jail tlperbox Oforli sontbxm ll Whynuilnrfrom
thislorrlbli ) dlsoaiu whin it wrlttsn uioraiiteu If
posltlvelrEtrun with Oi > ot orrBfna.l tlio inunerlf
not cured bond tampJfT Irae aulplo ( luaradteq
uuil br Kulin , tXiHruL'"l H , .Snlu Ak'ontt. corns r
UbanJl > ouiIus truotw. Uiualm Neb
is via the Claicago , Mihvaulced
& St. Paul R'y , as represcntee
on this map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 7105 p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. m.
City Ticket Ofhce : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
Foaled proposals will be received by Iho
until I : 0 o'clock p. m Aucustfi ,
1S'J2 , for ab.itlnc the niiN.incn ( in cortaln lots
of real ostiiy ; , the ( -01111111011 of whloii has boi n
declared a finlsjiiui ) by re.isoti of the cxist-
PIICO of htiiKiiatit water upon tint same or
Dank1 , of earth ojvlni : over ndjacent sidewalks -
walks , by ordliianuo No. .WiJ , and desurlbud us
folloui :
Loth J ami 4 block 'I Swoprj ' - , addition.
Lul IT Keoil's-'m ! nclultlon ,
Lots i und 4 b ock 8 A. S. 1'atrlck's addlllon.
Lots fl , 7 , 8 block il A. P. 1'iitrlcK's addition.
Lots 1 , i1. J , 4 , 5. 0 , 7 block 2 A. ! - . 1'atrlck's ad-
l.ols 7. F. 0 block 9 A. S.'s addition.
Lois tl' ' and 1 OCisn's andltlon.
I.otl block 4 ItoxwAHill's Hcldltion. .
Lot 10 east CO feet of west 210 font , liartlett's
Lot .Oeast 100 feet of nest .110 feel ll.irtloll'a
Lots4 and r , Kcyes'dlv lot'J Capitol addition
earth covorlnp sidewalk.
Lnts J and : > Kcvca'll\ lot 0 Capitol addition
earth rovcrinn s'dewaik.
Lul'i block uVi citv.
Lots 1. - ' , . ) . J , f. , o 7 Drake's addition.
Lots 10 , 0. f. 7. 0. 114 , 1 1 block 7 Drake's ad
dlllon already reported filled.
Lots II. I. 4 ft , 0 bliioK U Drake's addition.
Lot M in D.iveuport'ssub
Lots Il-isca I and Ho ers' sill ) of lots M , 57 , 53
offII Kouut&'iilalof On ihonia.
Lots J and 4 block S Hawthorn addition.
Lot : ' 'i b ork 25 Hawthorn addlllon.
Litsfi and 7 b ock 7 linpiovoniunl Associa
tion addition.
Lots 1 and h block 10 Improvement Associa
tion addition.
Lots ,1 mid 4 block 13 Improvement Associa
tion addlMon.
Lots 1:1 : and 10 block I" Konntze's and Utith's
Lots 17 , 20. 21. 24 , 25 block 17 Konntzo's nnd
Ruth's addition.
Lot ? : i block 4 Ifonntzu'aSrd addition.
Lots s and H ) block 17 Kountzu and Huth's
Lots 111 nnd 14 block 4 Lane VIow.
J < olO block U Lowe's addition.
Lots rt and 0 block b March's addition.
IMa 5 aud south h. lf | 0 , block It Marsh's add -
d i lion
North half lot 0 block 0 Mnish's addition.
Luis It. 10 , 11. 12. U 14 , 15 , 10 , 17 , IS , I'l. ' . ' 0 block 7
.ilonmonlh I'ark.
Lois - ' and 3 Ulcahomn.
C.i-i hnlf lot : iand wesl half Iol2 I'ark I'laco
Lot 10 block 2 1 1'oppleton I'ark.
Lots 2. a. 4 , ! > , 10. Il block lu 1'opploton I'arlc.
Lotsn. 0. 7 1'armentor I'lacu.
Lots 7 nnd 8 Itcdlck's drove.
Lot 41 Hickory 1'lacc.
Lut vi Uudlckrs2ml addition.
Lots 1 and S block 5 siibdlvJ. I. Hoillck's ad
Lul * 13 and 14 bloc1.- I ! bhlnn's 2nd addlllon ,
Lot J block 2 Btmir- Idltlon.
Lois t * and 9 block 4 Svvcwy's addition.
Lot I Terrace addlllon. earth covering walk.
Lots 7 , B , U. 10 blot * \V.iliiut Hill.
LotsH. d. 10 block : i Walnut Hill.
Lots il. Si block 10 Walnut Hill.
l.otsli. 12. is. 14 ajbloi-ic II Walnut Hill.
Lot 24 blocl:8 Walnut Hill.
Lots 12. IS hlK 0 IValnul Hill.
Lois ) , 2 , 22 , 21.24 , block B Walnut Hill.
Lol22block4 Walnut Hill.
Tax lot llauc''l-I.Vii ( ;
That pail of Dale slrcot north of George
Htiuet , as vacated.
The nbatlngof the niilsancns to bn done In
accordance with the Instructions of iho city
enslnoer and board of public winks.
llldii to bo made on printed bUnkn fur
nished by thn board , and to be accoinuanUul
with a curllfled check In the sum of } VMJ , p.ty-
ablulolho city of Omaha , as an evidence of
KiKnI faith.
The board reserves the rl ht to reject nny
or all bids and to wulvo defei'ti.
I' . W. HlUKHAUSnil.
Onalrman Hoard I'ubllc Works.
Orimha , Neb , July 22 , H/J. jy22-2J-2U-SJ
An ordlntinco oslahlUhlnS thu jiraduof 24lh
Btri'ut from thosoulh curb line of Wool worth
avenue to the north curb line of Hickory
hi runt. In the clly of Omaha :
He It ordained uy the clly council of Iho city
of Omaha :
M'utlon I. Tim pradp of 2llh street , from
the south curb line of Wooiworlh iivnnuo to
the north curb llnu of Hickory sltciit. In thu
city of Omaln , Is hurnby establlMliod at Iliu
following elevations , the r.ulo bclim uniform
straight lines between the polnls specllloil :
Klin-all .u iuv.ilton ; |
of West of Hast
C'liib Ourb
South curb line of Woolworth -
worth avo. as tiKtahllshed. 15.0 154.5
Nortli curb llnu of lllckoiy
street , as established . . .127.0 1S7.0
rltcllon 2. This ordinance shall likoolfuct
and bo lu farcufrom mid uflur lit p.i > uio ,
1'asiud July 15th , IHj. .
JOHN oitovr.s.
rrnsident C'lty Council.
Approved July ISth , loll' .
UKO , 1' . II EM IS.
IS.Mayor. .
.Sealed proposals Mill be rwulved by Uiu un-
dt > r lKiiccl illilll 1JO o'ulou'c ' p in. An.'u-l .Mh.
IflU , for undlir , ' iho alley In block 10.
Knunlro'h4tli supplementary nddlllon front
llk'knry Htrrot u > < ontur istrucit. and Ihu all y
In block I. Kounlze's 4th addlt on from Ciin-
terstrepl to iho ullov north of Dorcuti hticut
In thouliy ofOniaha. In ai-void.iiice with nl m
and spuclllcal oiiKon Illu In thu o 111 to of the
bnur.l ut public woiki ,
Bids tobo in 'do on pilntud blnnks furnl lied -
od br tlio bourd.and lobuuocompanlud wllli u
cerllflud uhtiuk In the sum of } & 0 OJ payable to
thu city of Omaha , us an evidence of vooC
Tim board roservomho rlzlit to reject any or
all bld und to wulvo defectK.
Chad man Ilonrd I'ubllc Works.
Owuha , Neb. , July 22 , la/J. Jy
Dr. Bailey , Sr
The Lo.ulinjj
' 1'hlrd I'loor. I'm ton Mock ,
Telephone 10S * ) . Kith anil rnrnnin SK
A full . pt of troth on riiblicr tor l1'crfcol tn
Tci'th wltlionl ptftlps or romOTablo t < rUUo work
Jim HIP tlilnx for elnirvrs or public speakers , nortr
dtoi | Oow"
All fllllnc at rcHsonixblo rates. AH worlj
v rrinted. : Cut this out for u irnldo ,
or THE
Omaha Turn Vererin ,
10Turner's Park Stenmor "Oily of I'lnrrnca
envps iMuslns street pier B u. m. ht'tnr noi
envm jmrk T | > in. Tu-Kots may i bo IIRI ! of J
I. 1 ruoluuf , H Kunilu und Kii Mituror : TV >
onch , children SJe.
The gloriovs ilny of upon doors
nil outside H smillinj ; welcome
hero's health and joy nil uncoil
lined The oyolor sees everything
frco as finodom from the huiffhts
of o.xhiliunted htinplnosshu ciinnot
full from his t'oluinbhui Safety.
All ntwut < olnnibln * fn > n nn
to nny lo'nmbK ' nui'iit. or vnl tij- mull for
two two emit ntnmpi l * > > | > u Mfi : Co , 2 'I
( .ulunitiu * A\o , llostim
C * V I E ? I
_ _ _
An ordlinnco eli.iiienu ttiu grailo of'Oh
srcct from the south curb line of IJUIIMMI-
ortli struct to the north curh line of Woo -
worth avunuo wnil the lnl r > ectlni streets In
the clly of uinnlia. : uul ii'poullnn MI much of
tirade * Ordiiiiiiictt No in and so much of ml
ordinances In oonllict herunltli :
Ho ll nn ! . ilnod hy the city council of the clly
of Oinah i :
Suction 1. Wlioreas. It has boon oecliirud
ucfSMiiy to chiiisu the cratlu of - H'1 ' Mri % t
from I.oavenuorth struct to Woolworllinvo-
11110 and curtain | > .ut < or the liitur&uclltu
streets lieriMiiaflorspt'cilloil :
And \\ , tnri'o disinterested fieohold-
ers liuvo bcoii npl.olnleil l > y the iiiuvui and
roiillrnioilby the city council to pjiruiso thu
diuiiapui nrivni : bv ruisnii of thu ulniiign of
Bride horcliLiftoriniMitlniiuil : nnd
Wnctcas , said appraisers aflur duly quali
fying acriinlliii : U ) lau nnd oxnmlnlii- the
proper ! v airecli'd bv s'lld chansc , havu Hindu
Ihulr rupert and the city cctincll lias ajiprovcd
t ho satiu * :
Therefore , the cratlo of Raid purls of 2Uli
tret-u and cctlnir strc-ots. Is hereby
changed and cst.inllshod so that the cita
tions shall bois fo'lows , the urado botwcuu
thn pn nts cited bolus uniform slraght lines !
Gradoof 21th elreut
Klovntlon Elovat on
of Wust of hast
Onrb. Curb.
boutli curb line of f.ouven-
north street. . 1KIO 13.0
North curb line of Mason st lIlsS lUS.i
South curb line of Musoil st 1115.0
North curb Una of I'aclllost II'.O 1MO
-diitli curb llnu of Pacillo si lilO.O KIJ.O
North curb line of I'ouuluUin
avcaiio , as established . .101.5 1GOS
South curb line of ropnlcton
avenue , as established . .1CI.5 100.3
North curb llncof Wool worth
iivcnuo as st.iblNhpd . . . .1. > .0
bectlon ii Grade of Mason streut
of South of North
Ourb Curb.
K st curb line of 2ltli st . ias.0 1. .5
Wrstcurb line of 2.lrd st . 142.5 H2.5
Orndo of I'aulllc street
HSi curb line of"itb street .140.0 140.0
\Vestc\irbllncof24thstrcut 1IHO li.00
Si-cllon 4 , So much of ( irudu Ordlnaneo No.
115 and HO lunch of all other ordinances < lctln-
IIIR the urados of tbo abo\e stroelh. as oon-
Illcts "Itli the provisions of till.ordlnaiifo , U
lii'robv rcpealoil.
Section ii. This nrdirniiiru slmll lauo olfoct
anil bo In roree f nun auu after Its pnss.i o.
I'ussod Ju.y 13th. Ib/J.
City Clerk.
H. I' . 1)AMti. .
I'resldont City Council.
Approved July lElh , Is'U. '
OEO. I' . HHM1S.
_ Mayor ,
An ordinance clmnirlne the Rrmle of 'JSnil
slreet from the south cMirb HMO of I'opplolou
avniiuo to the soulh line of the L'ovoniiiiunt
corr.ill. In the city of Um ilia , unit repenting
so much of Urilln.inct' No. h'Jl and so much
of all ordinances In uonllict herowlth :
Ho ll ord.ilnod by the city council ot the city
of Omaha.
Section ] . Whereas , properly OH nors repre
senting the total trout.ivo on said purl of ! nd
street havopolltlonod the city council fur said
chaiiKO of gradound have waived all damage *
that may arlsn by reason of the change of
r.ido and cradlnz thcroof :
Therefore , the grade of said parts of 22nd
stioclls hereby cli.itiKoU and o t.ibllshed so the elevations shall bo UH folloWM , the
crndu botuucn the points eltod huliiK urlform
straight lines :
l.lovntlon Kiovatlon
of West of i-jst
Curl ) . Curh.
t-uuth utirb line of I'opplot'jn
iivetiun aso tabllsliod. . . .113.5 11115
A point dm feet north of the
south line of the govern
ment corral ! 121.0 1240
Point 42"i feel south of I'opplo-
ton avenue 120.0 KOO
boutli line of the povcrnincnt
VIM rail lOrkO 105.0
frpctioii 2. tin much of Ordlnaneo No Mil and
so much of all other oidlnaiicus ilellnlirz tln >
crado of thu above streets , as conlliola with
the provision * of this ordinance , Is hereby re
section M This ordinance shall take effect
am ! l > o In forcu from and after Us passage ,
i'asscd July IStli , IM. ' .
City Clerk.
n. i1. DAVIS.
I'rusldent City Council.
Approved July 13th. iMtt.
GIO. i' . mMIS.
/ Mayor.
To the owners of all lots , p irt of lots and
real ostuto UOMB' | Martha street from 2Jtli to
211 n at units.
Vou aru hereby notinod that the unjer-
sk'iiml. three ( il-lnturo.iUil frouholduH of thu
clly of Oinah.i. liavo boon duly appointed uy
the iiiuyor. with the approval of thu city
council of silil city , to aisosD lhodaiir.isu < i 10
tliH OWIIOM ruinuotlvnly of iho pr.i | > oity af
fected by Kfndlns Martha utruot trtiiiJlh lo
' 'Ith streols , ilerlarod neccxsary by i/rdlnancu
number 'll..i. ' pisstnl Ju.y Oth. 1SJ ) , anil up-
proved July Ilih. IB'J. .
Vou are furllioi notlllod. ibathavins ac-
coploil mil ( I appo iilinunt.and duly iiuullllod its
required bv law.uo will , on ihii IHI ilay of Au-
miht. A. I ) . leU. ' , t Iho htitir of 1' o cln k In thu
forenoon , at the olilco of MITIVIT . " > . O'Donahoo ,
ltui : I'arn nn strcot. within Iho corporatu ilm-
ll < of gain eltv. inool fur Iho purpu < u of con-
biderln the makliizanil iitossmoul of d xii-
a o to the owner * ro nj ilvulvol Mililiirou-
oriv. alfiTtiid by bill rnlin'.f. taldiu InU
consider.itlou Mxifral bunotlla. If nny.
Vou iir > ) nollllod lo IID protuul at ihn HIIID
an I pl.ieo af' < . anil make any objolloni
tour HtntuiiiuiiUuoiii'itriiliiK ainus
of daiiiiies as you mav consiilor proiiur.
lif.o. J. I'AUU.
Omaha. July 18th. tbJi jy21illUt
To tlioownors of all ! oti > . pull , of lots ami
lual oitaUi alouu.litli avenue from Ktiaveu-
w01 Hi ktreot lonoulh IIno of Kllln 1'jauo'
Vou aru heruby notlllul fiat Iho undnr-
KlKiiod , tniou dlsiiiturusted fruuholdHM of thu
oily of Omaha , liavo been duly appointed by
UK * muyor. with the approval of the clly
couno I of BII | | city , lo IIHSDIthu iluinue ; t >
thuOHiioi'fi ri'unuuilvol.v of thu property if-
fiii'lod uy rjilln.IHh uveiiuo from I.c.ivon-
uorlh Hlruul toKOUtli llnu of Kllli I'laco. ilu-
oluruil iiufch ary by Ordlnaneo No , UlUO.pus-iud
July . ' ) . li-'J. . approved July II. IHj-J.
) on are further nolllloil , that liuvlns no-
cuptud ( .aid appoliitniuiit. and duly ( lualllloil
n roijulred by l.iw , wo will on thu Ihl day of
AiuiiMt , A , 1) . Irtti. at thu hour of It ) o'elouk In
the foruiioon , at the olilco of John 1' . Fun k , at
room Ml. Clmnibur of ( Jomimircu , within thu
corporalu HinltH ot nail city , meet for iho
purpotuof considering .mil niaUlii ; thu iu-
hiimnenlot ilmuiuo to the ownon ro p'i-i >
holy of mill ) propttriy. aiructuil by s ild ur ii-
luv , tiklru Into coiiiildvMktlaii sjui-l il bunu-
lit * , if unv.
Vou uru notified to bo iirobunt ut the tlmu
and plueu afoio alO , aim mulce any ubjcctlom
toor btutoinuiiU eon eriiin. mid a t * tiiiuiit
of dniuuuoa UH > ou may oimldor priprr
JOHN I' I'l.Vl'H. '
JOHN H. ltl.l.r.S. .
Omaha , July 18,16W. JyilulUk