THE OMAITA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. JULY 20 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUUTR OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. tj Carrier toany pnrtof the City II. \ \ . T1LTON. - MANAGER JM I Il"'t npf Ofllcc . No41 . / . \ o n M i11 y.v. N Y. Plumbing Co. ? Council Blurts Lumber Co. , At its last meeting Local Assembly No. liOO. ! Knights of Labor , agreed to purchase no shoes in Council Bluffs that do not bear the union label. The Ladles' Aid society of St. John's nngllsh Lutheran church meets tomorrow nftcrnoon at ! i o'clock nt the residence of MM. H. J. Meyer , BJJ3 Sixth avenue. 'J bo regular council meeting of Pottnwnt- tntmo tribe , No. 31 , Improved Order of Ked Men , w'.l ! bo held this evening In tnelr wigwam , corner ot Broadwnv and Main street , at the eighth run. Mrs.Voohorth , who lives at 13.1 Bluff street , bas hud n line tent stolen from her yard. The theft is supposed to have been committed bv some of the dirt haulers who nro Working In the nclchborhood. Aldprrnen Stnlth , Jennings , Tibbits and Van Brunt have been cho cn as a committee from the city council to make n division of the city Into voting precincts in nccnradanco with the provisions ot the new Australian ballot law. Judge Smith held a short session of dis trict court yesterday forenoon. No business of special importance was transacted , with the exception of the Issuing of an order in the CUSP of Ucorco 15. ( Jngo against the Kim- ball-Dump Investment compiny directing the receiver , Uhnvles ft. Hhiiimn , to pay n cltilin presented tiy ,1. C. Teller Ycstcidny wns the hottest dnv of the sum mer. At Snvder's drug store the thermome ter nt 10 o'clock registered 90 = in the sbade , while the mercury touched the even 1X ( ) murk on tbo opposite side of tbo street. Some of the more conservative Instruments failed to record over ! t4 = nil dav long , but the cheaper thermometers , by whicn men uro accustomed to swear and sweat , loitered about In tbo neighborhood of 100 = most of the day. Two petitions xvcio filed in the district court yosfrdny wherein the petitioner seeks release from matrimonial lie ; . In tbo llrst Lu/.lo Barlow Is plaintiff , and shealleges desertion on the part of her husband , M. ( I. Barlow , whom sbo married In Omaha live ycavs ago and with whom she lived three years , In the second case GcnovievoVul - lets Is plaintiff and Elijah Walters defend ant. They wore married in this city six > ears ngo nnd crueltv and desertion ate al leged ns tbo grounds for divorce. A call has been Issued for n democratic county convention to bo held In this city August 11 , at 11 a. m. , at the county court houso. Twenty-six delegates will bo chosen for the congressional , Judicial nnd state con ventions. In all eases w hero different nr- ranKCinenls have not been made by the town , ship trustees \nshln caucuses will bo held on thn Saturday evening preceding the con vention , for the purpose of electing delegates to the convention. The Australian system of volitig will he used in choosing delegates to the convention , and the polls will be open nt places to be selected Inter , from 7 to 9 p m. Tlio Jewel irnsoltno steve it the best in the world for wifely , thinibility and economy , nnd the new Jewel it ? its oqtril. Sco tlii'ii ) sit Churlob Swiiino's , 7i7 ! Bioiulwny. Hundreds of pcnnlo nro pending tlioir jugs to Miinawaforininunil wutur. They uro wise. r S. J. Kodda Iffl last evening for Denver. IB. H. Nash of St. Joseph , Mo. , is visiting ? . . U. Evans. 1 P. llcndrlcks returned yesterday from t > trip to Texas. .Smith McPhcrson of Had Oak was ia tun rity yesterday. Mrs. IClla Kobcrts is visiting her son , Fred Coon , at Mattoon , 111. Mr and MM. J. J. Stewart are visiting relative * lu Oi Miss Mulqupcu loft yoitcniny for n visit with friends in Sioiu City und Hubbard , Kob. Kob.Misses Misses Jennie Ulco and Kmma GillU of lovvn City nro the siiests of J. T. Shueart nnd fnnnlv nt Diiliioy's band gives un open .iir con- co-1 every evening from 7:30 : to 11 , ut Miinuwii. Sriinul lit Oul-Oir. At the Bchool boirtl mootlns on Monuay evening a number of iracortant Items of \ business were transacted , mention of which was crowded out of yesterday's report bv the lively war of words which took plnco between - tweon the f.icllons of the board. A petition \vas presented by C. O. Hamilton nnd forty- two other residents , of Ciit-OT ( isl'ind nsUIni ; that a school bo established there nt the opening of the next school year. Forty- boven children of school uio were repre sented in the petition. It waa referred to the committees en teachers ana buildings u nil uroundi nna somclhliiK will bo done with It buforo iha next regular incctiUK of the board. Chairman Bridcnstein of the committee on hcntlns ropor'cd that ho hncl maao nil ox- nmli-allou of the beatlnir anp.irntus at the various buliulnis , unJ bad found thut some of them were lu very bad shnpo. Hopnli's of tuic kind or another were needed nt the East Pierce street , Uloouier , iblrd street , Wash ington avenue , IIlKh , Twentieth avenue nna KiKhth nvenuo buildings. Tbo committee was nutnorized to inuka tbo repairs. Mrs. M. It. Curtis , whoso name was unln- tcntlomilly omitted from the Hit of teachers , was appointed to u place in the schools. On motion of Wells , Stacy wns appo.nted to assist the lluunco commltteo and the treasurer In uhculiinir up and destroying the fTT.OlK ) worth of bonds that were reacctnca tucciitly. A resolution presented by Chair- limn Wells of the linnncn committee , provid ing for the issuance of Jlfi.OOU worth of ten- iear bonds for the election of the now bulldiiiK' "car the corner of Grnlmm nnd Knpcll avenues and SlOlUJ ) ( for Avenue I ) liuiluliiK , was adopted. Hlsrecemmendiktlon Unit the trousuiur be Instriictod to pay oil ttio $ I'JM Ut of sp-'cliil taxes that cnmo duo AuBUfct 1 before that date was concurred In. Cuairmnn Shubart pf tbo eonimitteo on supplies reported that he had iroltcn HKUI-C.S on school furniture according to Instructions nnd had found that iho companies were In u combine that hau rchiiltcu In rnisin tbe prices of seats about Jl a sot over the prices paid for the same coeds lust year. Ho pre sented bidh from thu United Status company of ChlcnKo and tlio Champion of Philadel phia. On motion the commltteo was uuthor- ucil to send for a sample ol the Champlou goods , Miumv.M na ft buiiiinor resort can't bo botiU s Dill M\ltchlni , ' CroiimU. John W. 1'nul ana the Union Land and Ir.i- piovcmont coinuniiy of which bo Is a mem ber are Interested in a now schema .tuat to tbo surliico In tbo form of a petition , \xhlch they pro entpd bolfero the city council Monday night. It was a petition for u right of way to construct a railway In the north- went part of the city. The course of the railway , as u appears from ttio proposed franchise , U from a point cast of North Kt hth klreo' near thn center section line of itvilon 'J4 , westerly across North niglith , I'Mtecnlh and bouth- Twenty-fourth Htivels , - westerly mro Twonty-elchlh street and Avenue O , Twenty-ninth nnd Avenue M. 'Jhlrtuith uud Avenue M , Thlrty-lliRt and Avenue L , Thlrlh-sccoud and Avenue 1C. The llKhtof wuy Is also iitKed over tbo alleys In blocks I and 10 In Colbe.v's ' Walnut Cirovp. block * ! 1 uud A In Mcllonu's udultion , and blocas I and 11 in Henson'i llr t addllloti This , It Is call ! . U tn bo the switching priiund for the Nebraska Central railway , which is to foiiiiIn from the north and across the river corcowbeto to thu bouth of Cut-Oil Island. Tbo understanding U Hint n corps of uMit-'Inecrs Is to start out today to iiuiko the rt'cohdurv surveys ol the rog\on \ covered by the petition for ru-lit of way. lioforo any uctlon Is taken tbo council will take a look over the t'rouudi usacowwiueoof tbo whole , V NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS St , Francis Academy to Bo Removed to Sioux Oily Soon , NEGOTIATIONS TO THAT END CLOSED Nrw Crnttmls 'ipcurril nml a Commodious Iliillillni ; to Hi ! I'.rri'ti'cl ' 1 hi-rciui Itpnnons for HIP Itumuxnl As * BlgiM-il by ( lie Maters. The oroipects are that bsforn long the St. Francis academy will bo moved from Council Bluffs , where It has been for tbo last twenty years , to Sioux City. Nogotutlons have been pending for some tlmo | bo tweet : tbo sUtora and citizens of Sioux City , nnd a proposition has at last occn mad ? whereby the institution is to receive a donation of fifty acre * of ground besides u largo cash donation. This proposition has not yet boon accepted , but the prospects are that it will be In thu ncnr future. Something dohnito Is to be done lu the conrso of the next two or three day . Ono re.ison for the prospective removal Is the smiilliieas of the present grounds. The institution has been growing rapldlv of late , until now the buildings contain twenty-four sl'.lcrs and about eighty ouplls. Need is felt of larger qunttcr but there aio MO available grounds In the immediate vlcimtv of the present locution. There is another reason , however , which is Influencing the sisters more oven than the question of room. "Tho aradomv has not been receiv ing the encouragement It should from the citi/ens , " mild Uov. Father MeMcnomy of St. Fr.inch X'lvler's Cathollu church ycsterdiu afternoon in a conversa tion on the sr.bjojt , "tho school beard has re fused to recognize us. A protcstant young lady who hud boon employed In the school * for some time failed of ro-clcction a. little while ao because she was a graduate of the academy , nnd all of our other graduates were shut out in the sumo way. Sioux City Is taking advantage of tha dissatisfaction that nrisi-s from this Kind of treatment , and with her usual quickness to recognue a good thing when she sees it , began to inako the sisters propositions looking to.vard a re moval.1 ( Kitolnl lor Her I.IO. A few weeks ngo a lady was brought over from Omaha Ijing on a cot placed across the seats of < i motor ear. She was perfectly helpless. The car was slopped in front of Dr. I'aiifrlo's olllco and two men carrio.rhorup tair3 on the cot. She had no money to pay for treatment - mont , hut "the Good Samaritan" travo her n little hottlo of medicine contain ing just an ounce , and directin ; , ' hoi- how to take it , sent her homo. Four wuolcs a o she roturno'l to his olllco , walking without assistance up the stair ? , HO changed that ho did not know her and fifteen pounds heavier than sno had heon for three years. She ia now en tirely recovered , and yesterday she ex pressed her deep pratittido to hoc plivsician in the following earnest letter : FLOHKXCU , Xeb. , July 18 , ISiW. "Well hath it been spoken of Dr. O. W. I'anjllc , the treed Samaritan. " Ho has proved a healer and a Samarium to mo. I \viis sulToring from fainting Ills of the heart , weakness of the generative or gans , kidney troubles and paralysis of the hips. I snllored untold ' agony for months. I saw in Tin' ; lii ! : : that I/ . Panglo was in Council BUilTs , and as wo knew him when ho was in Lincoln three years ? ago and know of his rointirkablo cures there I insisted upon being taken to him. My husband and assisting friends carried mo into hib olllco. With out asking mo a question ho told mo my disease and kindly gave me n small hot- tie of medicine , which in three days helped mo so much that I could walK again. I rapidly grew hotter and under his treatment I am cured and \voll , do ing my own housework , including wash ing and ironing. I feel that Dr. I'anglo hub saved inv life. IIo has boon vorv reasonable in his charges. I write this testiinoninl for the benefit of weak and su tiering women , nnd recommend Dr. 1'anglo to you as ono who can help you and make you strong. Mus. L. B. KINCIIIIOK. Have your picnics at Mnnawa. The opera house saloon has been re opened by business men and will ho a popular and respectable report for bu-il- nens men and gentlemen. No loafing w ill bo nl lowed. Dave McAdams is man- Ognwa's Royal Jap'ino-o troupe "gives two pci formances daily at Manawa , o to 0 and ! ) to 10 p. m. leO people in thi- > city use g is stovoa 'Ihc ( JasCo. puts 'em in at cost. ItorlirHtpr llrcr. People hnvo hpcomo so fond of it that oven horses climb through the window to got it. W. J. White , agent , at the "Annex , " 18 Main and 17 Pearl. Trains leave Mantuva uaily at 8 a ndlO n. m. , 12m. , nnd 1 , 2 , 2ii : ; ) , ! ! , 3Sj : , J , 1:30. : 5 , 6:30 : , 0 , 0:30. : 7. 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30. : 0 , l:30 : , 10 , 10:80 : , 11 and llwp. : in. Tnu 11:03 : train will make connection with the last electric motor cut- toe Omaha. Chautiuaui dru/gist , GJO. S D.ivU Colfax ginsrer ale and mineral water sold at wholesale hy Duquotto & Co. . manufacturing confectioners. Manawn mineral walor is especially good for all kinds of kidney ailments. aovi'ii O.M m t , Annual Tax I.ovy Muile liy the City ( 'iinnrll. The city council met last evening and made tbo annual tax assessment. The mem bers were on hand early , but a large- amount of caucusing and preliminary dlscuision was necessary before Mayor Miller brought the body to order. Tno so slon was of very short duration anil the oxcoislvo heat caused the members to null matters. The appropriation ordinance was Intro duced nnd passed. It provides for the fol lowing levy for Is'JJs SI 1 1 IB. ( icnor. il fund . ; . . ID I'o U-o fund . 5 i'lru and w.ilor fund . ; i Judgment fund . 4 Interest f mil . u btruul repair fund . . . 4 Total levy . a."i The levy Is In re or than that of Ib'.ll. Tbo totul amount of thu levy for that year was tti mills. A number of Interested citizens sent in a petition asking that the I'crdlug of cuttle bo permitted on the territory wou of Twenty- lourth street and north of y street. Theme mo tubers of the council wuie not prepared to take cognizance of the petition and action was deferred until Monday evening. KllgUCI'll III U ilolllt HolMtO. The Joint debate last evening between A. II. Murdock and Joe ( Cdgurton brought out a fuirblzed crowd at 1'lvonku's hal. Tha mibj''ct of discussion was that gold , silver and paper money should bo made a full Iciml under and Itsued by the government. "Cal amity Joo" hud the opening and closing nnd made one of thoio stereotyped pi'cches for which he U noted. The textures of his remarks wore of u culatult ) kind and bU statements of an imaginary i.ature , carrying no convinc ing proot with thi' in. On the other baud Mr. Muraock was louded uiui statistics and facts , which ho elTuutlvcly exploded In Hd- gerton's cauip , much to the discouilUuro of that self-appointed loader In the alliance rank * . Mr , Murdock's remarks wera but u plain statement of thu financial question , u nd ho clearly showed tbui the position of the republican party ou tbli Important ques tion Is correct. AJlhough a majority of those In attendance were of the alllanca persuasion , the popular verdict was that Mr Murdock worsted his opponent In tbo debate. Two Itoliliurlr * . Two robberies were reported to the police yesterday. W. \\Inqulst , n carpenter , Is desirous of receiving n number of tools valued nt $ . ' . " > . They were taken Sunday from the new hrlok block on Twenty-fourth street , between Q and U streets. N. A. lloaxlnnu Is also n victim of burg lars. They look from his homo Tuesday nlpht u quantity of jewelry which was valued at MO. I.ui'lii'il u Omirnm. The meeting of the Doard of Education fulled to materialize , owing to the lack of a quorum An adjournment was taken until this evening. An attempt will bo made to select n drawing toarhcr for the High school for the ensuing year nnd it Is probable that the deadlock will bo broken. The board will nlso take some action In regard to that 1-K mills levy for school purpoios. ll.nlly Injured. David Uigera was badly injured about the hip last evening at I ) o'clock. Ho alighted from a rabidly moving motor train at Twenty-fourth nnd F streets nnd was thrown violently to the pivonnnt. Ho did not wait for the train to bo brought ton standstill , and was through his own carelessness. Xoli'H unit I'piMoiMU. Hnbort Martin of Chicago was nt the yards yesterday. The Voung Men's Republican club will meet this evening at ; U South Twenty-fifth street. Hon. M Cameron , ono of Washington county' . moit protpirous farmers , was In the city yesterday. The funeral of the infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Saverner , Twenty-fourth nnd Armour streets , occurred yesterday afternoon. A largo delegation of republicans of this city will BO to Ueatrico August- bear Governor William McIClaloy of Ohio. At the Cleveland house iast evening Judge Levy united In marriaco A. Ueason of thU city and Miss Minnie Fleming of Onawa , In. One of the most enjoyable social events of the season was the lawn social eiven last evening at Twenty-fourth nnd M. streets , by the members of El 1C. Wells camp , Sons of Vetcians. The infant daughter of E. D. Uideon died yesterday. Thu ramilns will ba sent to Micr- idan , Mo. , this afternoon at 3 o'clock for In terment. Funeral service t will 1)3 hold nt'J o'clock at ttiG > roildcncc , Twentieth and I streets. At 2 o'clock yesterday morning an alarm of fire called coTipmJ-N'o. 1 to Lundsron's saloon on Twenty-seventh street. Just south of N streDt. An exploding lamp cajsod the blaze , which was extinguished before any damage was done. Poundmastor Phillips has cauaod a war rant to bo Issued for the arrest of John Peterson , an employe of Swift & Co's. Peterson and thrjo companions cut it rope which was attached to a cow the poundmas- tor had taken into custody. Chief Beckett has returned from Beatrice , where ho went nftor L. M. Hunter , who is wanted hero tor obtaining money , under false pretenses. Hunter smned anxious to bistllo the matter , and as the Beatrice au thorities nro not through with him , tb.o chief returned home without his man. xiii's t'on mi : .iii.iir. Complete J.ltt ot Cli III MM In the Son ice. WASIIINOTOV , D. C. , July 19. [ Soeclal Telegram to Tin : BEE.I The following ns- sicnments to regiments of ofllcors recently promoted are ordered : Calvary arm Cap tain CJoorgo H. U Gale promoted from firt lieutenant , Fourth cavalry , to the Fourth cilvarv , troop C , to date from July a , IS'Ji , vice Smith appointed captain and commis sar v of subsistence ; First Lieutenant Arthur Tliayer promoted from second lieu tenant. Third the Fourth cavalry , troop E , to datu from July - , vice Ualo pro moted. Artillery Arm Colonel Richard Lodor , promoted from lieutenant colonel first artil lery to the Second artillery , to date from July 1 , vice Mendenhall , deceased ; Lieu tenant Colonel Abram C. Wildrick , promoted meted from mnjor , Fifth artillery , to the First artillery , to date from July 1 , vice Lodor , promoteJ ; Miilor John A. Darling , promoted from captain , First the Fifth artillery , to date trora July 1 , vlco \Vllariek , promoted ; Captain William P Yanness , promoted from lirst lieutenant , First artillery , to the First artillery battery , to date from July 1 , vice Darling , promoted ; First Lieutenant Charles F. Parker , promoted meted from second lieutenant , Second artil- lor.t , to the First artillery , battery A , to date from July 1. vice Vanness , promoted. Infantry Arm Lieutenant Colonel Jeiso A. P. Hampson , promoted from major- Twelfth infantry , to "tho Twelfth infantry , to date from July 4 , vlco Drum , de-ceased ; Major Joseph T. Haskcll , piomotod from captain , Tuonly-third infantry , to the Twenty-fourth infantry , to dale from Juno U * , vice Trotter , deceased ; Major Juines H. Gjgeby , promoted from captain. Third in fantry , to tno Twelfth infantry , to date ftoin July , vice Hampson , promoted ; Cap- ta n .1. Hosier Cluggett. promoted from lir-,1 lieutenant , Third Infantry , to the Tvonty- thlrd infantry , company F , to date from June 2 > , vice Haskcll , promoted ; Captain Fay- otto \ \ Uof > , promoted from lirst lieutenant , Third infautrv , to the Third , infantry com pany 1C to date from July -I , vice Gagobv , promoted ; First L.eutenant hvun M. John son , jr. , pioiuotcd iroui second llrutonunt , Tenth infantry , to the Twenty-third in fantry , company fl , to date from Juno iiS , vice Cluggcit , promoted. Major George W. Candee , paymaster , will piocced at once to LoavLMiwortb , Kan. , nnd relieve Major Gcorze H. Smith , paymaster , temporarily of his duties at that station , per forming such duties during the absence on leave of Major Smith. The following imnioJ ofllcors will report In person to Colonel Robert E. A. Crofton. Fif teenth infantry , president of the examining board at Fort Sheridan , at such time as ho may designate for examination oy the board us io their litnoss for promotion : Captain Jacob H. Smit.n , Nineteenth , infantry , First Lieutenant William P. Evans , Nineteen' ! ! Infantiy , First Lieutenant Francis II. French , adjutant Nineteenth Infantry , The following named ofliccra will report In person to Colonel Edwin C. Mason , Third infantry , president of the board nt Fort Snelllng , Minn. , at such tlmo us bo may designate for examination : Fi t Lieutenant Arthur William * , regimental quarter master , Third Infantry. Second Lieu tenant George J. Godfr.v , Twelfth Infantry , Second Lieutenant Ernest V. Smith , Third infantry. Tno suponntcndentof the recruit ing sorvlco will cause thirty recruits at Jcf- fer.son Barracks , Mo. , to bo assigned to the First cavalry and forwarded to the Depart ment of Ari/.ono. Louvoof absence forthreo months , to take rffect on borne relieved from bis duties ut the rillo range. Department of tbo Plutte , Is granted Second Lieutenant James L. Drulon , Seventeenth Infantry. Mfil.iU lor tlio Cliamploiiti , Cuicioo. III. , July 19. iSpccIal Telegram to THE BBK. 1 Fifty-six beautifully engraved gold and silver medals , to bo awarded to suc cessful competitors in the regular rifle and carbine contests at Fort Sheridan in Sep tember , wore received at army headquarters ynstcrday. The medals were struck off nt tbo mint for the War department and are ready for presentation with the exception of tbo names of the winners. Too inoduls are valued at from f 10 to K > 0 each , The content has buu sot to begin Septem ber HO , but the date may be changed to Sep tember J ! ) , Inasmuch us tbo llrst date may clash with the dedicatory oxcrcisoa of the World's fair , In wnlch General Miles dcMris to have ail tbo marksmen participate. The regular army , cavalry and Infantry trial shootinir will begin August ] f > Each of the departments of the army will bo represented and live men from ouch department making the best records will contest in the Fort Sheridan shoot. Captain Frank D. Baldwin , Inkpcctorof small arms practice , and his as sistant , .M. MilU , uro now preparing an elaborate p rot : ram for thn event , The ranges are In line condition , many Improve ments having been adde.l since last venr. Many dUtlnguUhu'.l o nicer ? of the army arc expected to attend. .Sew Vurk lUcliuiigu l.liiotiitloiin. New YOIIK , July 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUB. ] Exchange was quoted us foil own : Chicago , lOo discount 10 par ; Boston , f > o dis count to So premium ; St , Louis , 1'J o dis count. WOMEN AT THLWORLD'S ' FAIR Nebr.isk.Vs Matrom and Plaids to Bo Well Represented by Their PLANS OF THE STATE COMMISSIONERS / ! I , „ cnts That lli\\o Hccii Made to U'luit tlio AVumcn of This Mute Arn Dnlnj ; for U * Ma terial Advancement. Tbo secretary of the Woman's Auxiliary board of the Nebraska Columbian commis sion furnishes the following statement of the progress of the work of the auxlllinry : "Notwithstanding the warm wo-ithcr the work for Nebraska's interest in the Worla's Columbian exposition Is going on In a very satisfactory manner. "July 15 the executive commltteo held Us llrst session alnco the tlmo of organiza tion nnd received reports and outlines of work from various committees. ' Through the courlosy of Prof. Bossoy and his knowledge of the botanists of the state , promises of a complete display of the flora of Nebraska have boon given by n num ber of our women students nnd scientists. These botanical specimens nro to bo for warded to thn Nebraska university In Oc tober , whan they will bo carefully stored until the eases arc uropirod for their exhibi tion In Chicago. In aadltlon to the collec tion already itmuo , a number of young women are , during the vacation , endeavor- Inp to secure new nnd rare specimens. Any botanist having rare specimens and being willing to loan such is requested to report to Mr.i. J. H. Smith , Lincoln , chairman of the committee on flora and hortieillture , or to the secretary , Miss E.V. . Irwin , Lincoln. "Another feature of tha exhibit will bo the preparation of n number of window boxes for the Ncbr.tsk.1 building. This special feature was the suggestion of Commissioner General Garncau , and Is under the direct supervision of Mrs.V. . II. McDonald of North 1'latte. "Tho superintendent , of forestry anil horti culture. Prof. 1C. T. Hartley of Lincoln , has been most courteous and helpful to thu ladles In charge of this work. Slum nit ; Up the Women. "The exhibit from the state will bo made as a whole , irrespective of sex , and will snow a decided advance in the estimation in winch woman's work is held. Indeed this plan Is to bo carried out throughout , the en tire line of work and those interested are ex erting their best efforts to show Nebrasna as she Is : i state where woman is in all educa tional lines placed on a level with tier brother students. "Tne art work is more exclusively that of woman's handiwork. Some of our women were much exorcised to learn that Kansas has entered our territory and secured Miss Barton of the Nebraska university to model for them a llpure of Lot's ' wife .n salt to rep resent the salt Industry of Kansas , but after some consultation with Miss Burton she was persuaded to undertake for us a design m modeling , which wo hoou will bo of such character as to especially recommend itself to Nebraska , nnd of such artistic merit as to show a decided advancement in art. Mi's Mooic or the same institution , in conjunc tion with Miss Bartoii. hopes to combine their skill and furnish'a [ anol In fresco and a mantel design that mar tlnd a suitable pluco in the Woman's national building. In addition to these there uro . overal pictures in oil and Water color ! , china painting nnd fine specimens In emoroidery and ceodla work , whicn are already engaging the atten tion of our best artists. "Tne Western Art association also offers Its valuable collection from which to select its rarest specimens , "The committee on education , literature and philanthropy have attended , to this work as follows : "To aid the superintendent of education tno Nebraska Columbian commission in his important work of presenting an umplo illus tration of the educational methods of the state in which woman figures to such a great extent and to ascertain the general statistics as to number or women employed as teach er * , as superintendents , number of scholars , best specimens ot work , including kinder garten and manual training , to make a rep resentation of scleutlllc work done by women , and any other work of kindred character , anil to collect phutosraphs of all our Ilncst educational buildings. "Two copies of every book written by women are requested , one of which Is to bo placed in the library of the woman's build ing , the other in the state buildinc , in order to show the place in literature woman has taken. Journalistic work can also be shown , as can all professional work upon which woman has but recently been allowed to enter. "All orgnnl/fttionscocductod by and for the advancement of women must bo represented in some unique and attractive manner. All will readily hco into what un unlimited field this may lend , and yet upon the correct representation of all this depends ttio Knowledge of the honored position woman Has attained in this now state. ltT1he committee on manufactures and in ventions arj anxious to learn to what pxtcni woman's work enters into all our manu factures , nnd to this end desire to secure definite data from every factory cmnloyine women to any extent. Correspondence 'will bo entered into with the head of such factor ies and a request ho mudo that dellnito in formation be given. Object I.PKSOII 111 Aclvancmviit. "An application has boon m Ida to the com mission lor space in tno Nebraska building to show the rapid development cf the state. A miniature sod bouse , or dugout , lurnishod as were original sod houses of Nebraska , a flat ropreientatlon of the physical condition of the country nt that time , viz. , sandy soil , very scrubby , scanty trees , sun flowers and cactus , no means of transporta tion except the ox cart , emigrant trains com ing in , cic. , and around this to bo grouped evidences of our present condition as bhown by tno llnost oxhioits of every character that tno stuto can prepare or produce. The plan is not yet matured , but If permission is civen by the commission to develop it wo hope to make it a feature ol Nebraska's exhibit. ' 'Durlnc I ho short timeof its existence this much tins been accomplished by the woman's auxiliary boara and those in charge of the work feel that hearty co-oncratlon on the part of all having tbo best Interests of the state at heart will insure for Nebraska such a display , not only of tbo products but also evidences of the energies of the people as well as their public spirit and patriotism , which will be likely to prove ? of practical ad vantage to the state. < i "In view of the limited time in which all have to work , as the exhibits must bo ready by March 1 , all persons interested , and knowing of any facts that will assist in mak ing a creditable dliplay , are requested to confer with any member of thu executive committee. This committee Is composed of tno following mombdri : Mrs. C. H. Van Wyck , Wyoming : Mr , , John S , Brlggs , Omaha ; Mies U. W. Irwin. Lincoln ; Mrs. M. A. Bock , Omaha ; MM. W. H. McDonald. NorthPlatto. " / > - WUIti.U'n TAI/t , JlATi:8. Kallritail OfllclnlM Commriirlni ; to Oimrri'l OVIT till' IJIIt'Htlllll. CHICAGO , III , , July lO.p-'A special meeting of thn Western Passenger atsoclatlon was to be hold toddy to consider the proposition to extend the limits and dates of sale of tickets for tlio Knights Templar conclave ut Den ver to correspond wltn those Adopted by the transtnissourl association. An effort will be made to have the question of reduced rates for tbo dedicatory exercises of ttiu World's fair disposed of it this meeting. A few ol the western road * are strongly opposed to making u higher rate than ono fair for the round trip and will stubbornly resist the adoption of the Coulrul Pu&bonger ubsocla < WOODBURY'S ' FACIAL SOAP droiiri i xiux The if mil vl io } f r > ' eiiicrltore In ' lil.ll , or Ul l J 1HU1I lot ill1 Munlf < > lr ef S .p mil lu | .uo IMII k i n per. luilul yirJC.niiTi. i.ln ltOrirlU ( IllutlriKJnubklll fttln 'fl'uutunj aiii'jlilw . Ah , , IlliHiirrmclill /11V. r.lru.ui.tki , llclciV tli InOiu Ink in.l | ' , , wd > r U lkl , fcur I'll llntft. Ile li it of t\nn , KuiM-rlluum Uftlr riuplct.FMUll > vtlopni nl , tc luku ulliMi fr. ttl tpdli * .r kr Irlltr. JOHN H.WOODBWT.C.I. , 125 W.42dStlkw York Cllj. tlon commttloo'3 recommendation of a faro and one-third. The Atchlson is ono of the companies that has tauon this stand nnd It will present a ml- norltv report when the tlmo comes to con slaer the committee's report. It will argue that the railroads composing the roads cen tering In Chicane should do nil in their power to cncournco the largest possible number of people to attend the dedicatory ceremonies In order that they may bo provided for the exposition next year. These people , it Is claimed , will return to tnclr homoi and do gr < nt coed in advertising the World's fair nnd bringing n largo number ot visitors in During the second WCOK of July the earnings - ings of the Chicago , Milwaukee it St , Paul road were ? < m > ,147. ngalnst $301,355 duiinp the corresponding week last year. Another improvement In eastornbotind trafllo is reflected in statements for last week. The dond freight shipped east from Chicago by nil roads engaged In tnnt busi ness amounted to f > S,184 sons against Sl,0t7 for the precedlne week , an increase ot 7.047 tons against 5t.VU tons for the correspond ing "week la t vcar , an Incronso of,00'J ! \ tons. Lake shlnmcnts durlngtho week amounted toSJ. lot tons , ngalnst 7H.H7 for the weak previous , an Increase of U,9.0 tons. * ATronNEY nioirs STOKY. Other Mile of Ibo Troiiblrs of the I.uw- JcrN I'lrin Tlnit DUnotxt-il. ICdson Uleh of the late linn of Joffreva & llich was founa at bis olllco ycsterdny by n UKU reporter and reluctantly talked of the trouble ho bus had with his partner. Briefly stated , his. story was that Jeffreys had been noalectlUR ouslncss for a yjarj that ho had overdrawn the linn's account frl,700 ; that Ulch was on his paper for ? IOO , and.out- sldu of all that , Jcffroys' inattention had cost the Ih-inM clients WJO or J7JO tbut Ulch would havu to make eood. Hlchsuid that Joaroys had tnndo all sorts of statements to different parties and had as- Rorted that ho did not know that Ulch was BoliiK to ICuropo until the day bofoto ho loft , when as a matter of laet the partners had repeatedly talked of It In the ofllco before otheis for a period of six months. Mr. Uich showed the telegrams that ho had received trom Jeffreys and said that the only reason ho could assign for the latter's action was that ho had sent them believing that thev would not bo received until niter Ulch sailed , nnd that Jeffrey * intended to take pos session of the olll co. Ho said that Jeffreys had done practically nothing for the last year , but br.d drawn out of the business an average of $ . ' 150 a month , lie nad boomed in tensely jealous whenever Uich was com mended by clients for winning a ease In court , nlthouKh Uich did all the court work , and Mr. Kich had concluded to cross the water for a three months' trip to look after important business at Hamburg , hoping that by having full swing during his absence Jeffreys would cet over his feeling of Jealousy and would apply hlms.'lf lo work. Uleh was all ready to sail , and had oven arranged all little diitalls on board when ho received the llrst telegram announcing nn In tention of dissolving ihc firm. It 'was the lirst intimation of anything of the kind and was followed by others of the Bamo import. Mr. Ulch nt once started for Oinabn , unable to comprehend what was the matter and in anything but a pleasant frame of mind. Ho consulted lawyers in Chu-ugo ns to the course to pursue and cunio on to Omaha , ilo wont straight to the olllco , and lludiug Jenreys there proceeded to tell him what he thought of him. Jeffreys left , but returned a couple of hours later and apologetically rom.irkud that there was nothinu wronc between them , whereupon Mr. Uicb grabbed him by the neck and threw him out of the ofllco and down the stairs uith au injunction not to re turn. Uich canceled the lease of the ofllccs and leased them again in his own name nnd sent out the auove circulars to the clients of iho tirm. He says Jeffreys undoubtedly in tended to do him up in his absence , and that heas surprised at his own game , ilo claims that bo did only what was necessary in order to protect his own interest' . HEALTH M ay depend upon the w ay j o i treat' he arn- ings which nature gives. A few bottles of S. S. S. takrn at the proper time may insuio good health fora jearortxvo. Therefore act at once , for it IS IMPORTANT that nature be assisted at the right tlme.S never fails to relieve the system of im-l purities , and is an excellent tone also. He Wants to Add His Name. " Permit me to add my name to your miny other certificates in commendation of the great curatne properties contained in Swift's Specilic ( S. S. S. ) It Is certainly one of the best tonics I c\er used. "JOHNV. . DANILL , Andeison.S.C. " Treatise on blood and skin diseases mai'ed rec. I' Sl'IiCIFJC ca a. . ita.Ga. HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER , Cures Chafing , Chapped Hondo , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSlAH SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water NEBRASKA National Bank. U , F. DEFOSITORY - - OMAHA , NEB Capita ! . $103,000 Surplus . $ ( (5,001) ( Olllrern anil Directors Henry \V Vales , president U I I lulling , Uci' priulilunt ( . H Mnurlfc W V Morre , John > Co.llns , J .N II I'alrkk , I.cvvU A llenl , Cm CmTHIil IRON BANK. CURE Ancvf n1 Complete TreatJient , conilitlnir of Supposllurle ) . OlntiueiU In ' 'apiului , iilio In HUK anil I'lIU , u I'oililvo ( 'uro fur I.'Hc'rnul , Intornil lillndnr Uleuilliullclilnv , Ulironlc , Keointor llurmll- tnrr I'llc * Tnln Kuiuuljr li > iiuvor boon known to lull flpurlioi lilurti , nuntbjr mill Whj nutlor frJiu Hits tcrrllilu illiuiie wlun a wrltlm KUirintool ponlthcly ( il'on with G Uixuiur rofuntl ihu inunayU not curi'ii sun I damp for free --uiiipio. ( Inirjlltaf uolbjrKulii .V'-o llru illli , Hjl'j Aifuati cum ) lm UruoK > a > u < u Save Your Eyesight l.vestostol free byan IJ.VIT.'IT OITIOIAN I'erfect adjustment. Superior lenses. Nerv- oiibheaUucliu cured by iiMii.t jur Sno.Hauie * and Kyu labsuj I'lIctiJ luw for url clan vocds. THE ALOE & PENFOLO CO , , HIS. loth SU.Crolsfhton BAKING ABSOLUTELY PURE - F F JAQ.UE.S A CO. KANSAS CITV.MO. WELL-BRED , SOON WED" GIRLS WHO USE SAPOLJO Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next House-Cleaning. Ncrvo Goods , " the wonderful rompilr U sold with B written - ton aimrnnioe in euro itll norvoin rtlfca'oc , such n Wvnk Memory. l/o of llnlnl'owrr. llmidielie.Vakefuln. . I o t Manhood , NldHlv ISmli- lon . Norrounno'a. lii'Mludo. nil drains und lomof power of thuliFiioratlto Cream In either * exramo I liy over oiprllon , youthful irro f. or r co l f n oof tntifieco.opium orrtlniiilanto which eon Itad to liifltnillv.Cmmitup- lo"ll"aI" ' lll"r' I'nt iiicotin nli ntorarrylnYo t jiockrt J4 ! pcrimck- ngely pnuiiBforfA. With < iti ryf ontrrwp citontcrKt/n tfibininfrr to curter or re/unJ the money. Circular frcu. Ailjrcu AcrYoBueiK o. , Vhlcngu , 111. For sale in Onmlui by Sherman it MoConnoll , 1613 Dodge street. g. W. PAMLE , M. D. The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Eiperiencc. HEADHH OF DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMUN. PUOPltlETOU OF TUB WOItWS IlKUltAL DISPUK- SAUY OK MiUlCl.NU. /treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , nnd I.nn$9 : DIl- oaocsofthc E > eand bar Pits and Apoplexy , llciirt Diwasc , Liver Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of MnnhoocJ , Seminal Woaknpss. Diabetes nneht B DJ'casc , gt Vltus' Dance , Khcumatlsm. 1'araljslshite Swelling , Scrofula , Fever Sore ? , Cancers , Turners and Fistula In nno removed without the knlfo or dravvine : a drop of blood. Women with her delicate orpans re stored lo health , Dropsy cured uilbout tuiplng. | Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. S5O to S50O forfeit for any Venereal Dis ease I cannot cure without mercury. Tajie Worms removed in two or three hours , or no pay. 11 inorrbolda or Piles cured. THOSE WHO Alii : AFrLICTKD Will rave Hfo and hundred * of dollars by calling on or using OR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. The only I'hyslclunvlio can tell what nils a i > ci \iltliout asking n question. All correspondence strictly confidential. Mcdlcino sent by express. Address ail letters to G , W , Pangle , M , 0 BSS Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa Sim & Prac- an d ffdoal courts ItnnnisI 4 und Ilcnro block. Council lilur ; = i , Ia. COUNCIL BLDFF3STSHDY3 TO All k'n 'sot nye nsanl fleanln'dnno In tin M.'hi'.it style of tbo art Killed an 1 htilntl fulirliS riiuilo to lo.i < as us nor Work promptly done nnd dcliverol in all pulls or ihe funiitry Sen I for ur co list. ' . I'UUl'lUIU'Olt. L' A. MAOUAN. - - UUllroidwiv. Neir Vort'i veitara Ojjj ( JOUN 1U Hl.UffJ. lOVY. CITIZENS STATE BASK Ct Council CaplUlstco'J r/.T , 9J burplusuiil I'roflta HtlllUJ Net Capital an I Surplus < } ) itfiHt3 Director * -1. l > KJnJiIui r'I I/ -iiijir. . ' ' ) Gli'Hioa , 15 K Ilirt , I. \ . Mllhr. J V . aridClmrlgi llnnnin Trans let 'onor il b ini- Ingbusinois. l/ar.'ov capltil un I anriiluj jt any bank lu iocilliwoaturn lo.ra. INTERE3P OK TI.M3 DBO3trJ JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1880 , THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. NOTIC'K OF ASSESS'MKNTOIJ1 DAM AGES FOU GUAU1NU. To the uunern of nil lots und [ iiirU of lotx nil runl ebtnto uloni : tbo illuy riinnliu o ibt nd went unjoin 114 lots .n. .11. .it' . A III. : i' . , , .fi. 'if ! , M , , U und 4U In block 4 , OampbuU'it addition fiom XiJth street to I'lut ktreet : Von arc hereby notlllcu that tbo iinder- HlKiicd. three dulntcrented freeholders of thu city of Um.ilu. have been duly nppolnted hy tb 11 mayor , with the approval of thu city luiincll of kalilelty. to II * .OM the iluiiuiu to the ownun iiiipuutlvuly of tln > property af- fcultiil ny L-nulliii. alloy In bloul. 4 , Campboll'H nUillllon , ( rum VUth htri'ut to lint flicol. ile- rlnred iiKcei > < aiy by 01 J.niuu'o : iUI , puaniid Jul > II , IK'i. . npiirovcdJnly I. . Isle. , \ mi are further notlllud. that liuvlnau - ccptcd mild appiilntiiiont. und duly iiualllluil UN reiiilii'd | by luw , we will , on Iliu "oth ilny of July. A I ) . , It-'J' . ut tin ) honrof tuo'ulock In tbo forciiunn , nt thgodlco of T. II McC'iillOfb. room hi.1 , Nuw Vork l.lfn linliilliiL1. ultbln thu corpoiate llmltMol said < IV , meet for tliu pur- pi no of coiiHlilurliK ami making thu .IMCM- iiient of ( Ininiiiio ' " thi ) owner * respvctlvuly of said property. affi'Cicil by wilii Krnillni ! , tali- liu' liitoconnlduratioii youclul buncllls. If uny Vnu uru nolllled to buuru unl ut tlio tlmo nnd plauu uforesalil. and make iiny objeotlnns to or Htuteinunth concornliu biilil asst < s meiit of iluniuu'es us you inay conild r iiropci T. II MiCI'ljUKII. < I1AUUS : UTHOilAH , i. Jj. 1IU.NAWA. Omaha , July 15 , UU SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOIIHKXP Thodwollliuon 1'lMt nnd Kitfhth street formerly occupied by M. H fnitth ; U room' " , U h.itli rooms nnd ull modern unproviMiiunts ; iroiiil stulilo and out building ; rent t-u per month. _ 1 II. Shuafo. _ 1 1 YOU hiito nuYllilnR for silt * or trade see Ij. II. liujfo. Urn id\viiv audjlaln stront OU HllNI' Uwoillii.'iln nil pirn of the i : I ! Shoafo.Uroidw.iyanl _ _ _ Mftln. _ \ ANTiiHastcm : Nnhrask i l.iiuli In o\- > ' clunui' for Oounoll Illnlfs proporty. U II. ie.ifo. llro i ivray and M tin atroau rn iTT : units isrJ nAUOAix umibiu rosi- ' J-iloni-o lot. No. II ! ) routh I'irst strjuu SO feet front ; host loattlon and t > uH I ) ir.'uln In the city if takou at once. Day & lieu. JJ Ipu | istrout. I/SAKM mid city loins at lowest rates. JL ivipitu for sitla. Iluollin an I binlnoss rentals. lUonuy lo Hied fur luoal liivosKir ! ) . Lougae & Towle. _ : MJ I'oirl strent. _ _ IflOK SM.U-I-.Tov.-itor with corn sheller , 4.0JO bu. H illy ; corn cr iiilur. III ) bu. nn tioiir ; i i\v mill utt ulinicnt. Ill 11 1 * . oiulne : cloliit a mi ) I bun noisi lojatad near Uounull HIiilTs. i : H Slio.ito. FOU SAM ] On small paytncnti. fruit and ganlon lun I noir Council IllnlTs IX II. Humfu. Hro.Mlw iy nnd Main itreot. "ITIOU t.AI < K Hooil Intho , font ur iinwdr. Afoot -L ions. I' ' liH'lie.i wide , buck so ired and screw cutting , with co niilete changj o ioirinx. 3 ihiioks. ono G-lnch. ono 4-Inch null 1 drill flmi'k. I sets motnl turnlti ! toils , of. ! alsp onu l-liono powuroll eiulin' . ult'i ' shifting. jiulluys , bcltlne. otj. All In KOJ 1 order an 1 will bu sold oiiuaii for cash or nn time to rlihfc puty. Adilroas HOT < V Klllott. I i. _ 'Jll'Iin of land III soiitlii'rn low i fir i il. 'at ' fl | ) or ncro : 0) ) aoi04 fruit ftru In Mills county for s ilo. Johnston .t V in 1'atto'i , 1/UMt sAM-Alblan Koliur mills on Boonn J- river Nub. ; lino-it water p iwor In the stiite. duvulopln Ui hordu power w itur entire year ; dally utpirlty , 100 barrels ; m ih nery : tnd nppurton inccs cnmplute In every dut ill Oooil frame rusMc'iiuu ; fi Horoiof Inn 1. tltlo uorfo % tt price. J .VMO : will tikn : unl nprovol oajtora Nebraska Innd. U II. fahuifo 0 "IJ OU SAMJ On oasv piynuniis. ( Inolllnja lu Jnil p.irU ot tbo city. K II Sbo ifu. 7/tUHSALU Stock of inilse. mm brick store * bul dlnz , well established trade ; loc.itloit near Uniabn. I'rlco. SVIM. Will take good farm In uxeliitute. IX II. Hhuafo. FOH SALE Iowa farms In Pottnwnttamlu nnd adjoining counties I : II t-boafo. " \\rANTf" ! ) About August I. In a prlvati ) family , a coinpotcnt clrt for general houvowoik ; must liato reference Apply o\enliiiii atfllA Willow avonno. Council ItltilTS. $ ! ) \OJwlll buy a Slcrllni pnutiiiiutle blcyclei No. 1 condition , Charles A. Atulns. Counell Illuffx. FOK SAIiL Hotels nml restaurants In Iowa iina Nebraska , doing profit ibio business nnd well lou.ited ; will t ike 1 ind In part tradet \\rlloforilotaiU.I' _ : II. Shoafe. f Olt SALE A llrst cliss sto-k of eonural * - incrcli indlso with goolwlU ; price J'l.OJJ ; wllJjuUo food land inoveb ino. ll II Shoafo. ITIOIt SALE Stock of millinery mid Tiollons. Jwith Vtoro nml llxturusi price t ,3J3 ; will rade for bind. U II. fcbeafe. | (1UUALi : SJ acrasnf KooJ 1'iiid nu I now - * - colt iL-e. with four a res land In W.irnars- vlllc , .Noli : all modum Ininr.ivemunls : will oscliiin foi a plo.isant cnttuu fruti of In- iMiiiilir.ineo In Uounull Itlulls or Unriba. II II. Shcafu. J OIt HAMKrosh .Juraey I'ow with belfor c-uf. Inuiilru of George Kuollno , IU'1 K st Pierre bliect. 1/lOlt SM n Ono of the brightest an-1 most J di'S riblo bo-lies In thi ) city , on 4th avu. : iiiDilcrn in nil rchpocts. Must sell , and will saei illi-o. Address L 111. lli'o ollle. . If CM I bAU : JH-ncro r.ini'h In I'berrv C'o . Nob. Hood buy land , i-plond d rniub for cattle. Mco cotlaie , stable ami out build ings Inrood rep Or , plenty w itur. Host land In the I'onnty : ttlll hull cliuap. Write for de tails. I. . II. Shcnfo. I OIJ JAM ; OK 'lltAI > 1 : iu Bliiirmt and J Hiloun at Manawa : Koo'l ' business nt all hi'isons : peed building and linpriivcinents. A snail ( or it live num. U II , Miejfo C'OOI ) mnn wanted , Dam * or Swcdu pro * 'fcriiHl , lo take care of hurduH ami do ROII- nrul work. Hefurcnces ri'iiulreil. No. II North .Main htrcut.V. . C ! . Kitep. INFIRMARY FOR. 'r TREATMENT OP ALL I I.-1 ' - apparatus it nn Ho-noJm fors i fceimfu trj itnunt of ivor fi-n of dlsoiiso roiiulrlii u o lloal or" giirileil truatinunc. M bed B for patients , bo ird mil ntton Uni Hunt accomojiitlons In the west. Wr.tu for clr uUrs on flufunnitios an ! brace * , trimos. club fout , o irv iturosof siilno , plies. liim-iM , oinoor.ontirrh. bronoh.lis , la- bal.uloiio octrlelty , pirjilyglH. ouiluujy , kld- nev.b a lilnr. oyo. oar , kklil an 1 UlooJ ntvl all HUrtdvaloDuritloni. niSPASPS ( IP WflMPM HI'EOt Al.TV. UlODliOLiO Ul IT U lull 11 li ! > o ! m Dnuuai of Wuinon I'HKI-X Wu havulitteltr ad leil i Irliu- Inilop irtinont for women during conflnuinenU Flrlotly pr valu.l Un v KelUiblo Mudloul lu- ttltuto making n Sjioul ilty m . , 1'UI VATIO IJISICASIi.S A 1 II oed * nuccuisfully troitol byphldtla 1'oUon removud fro n thu syiloiu Hllhoiit innruury Nuw itusloratlva TruaV- muni for loss of v" ! J'Ah I'UWICIL I'erious uu- ab u to \i tm may bu truitud at boinu br inrrumiun once. All conirminlciillorn conlf- dHiiilal. Me I clues or Insim nonti Bent l > r ina I oroxprosn , Bueuruiy packed , no m irxn to. tnd cntu contents or miuiliir. Una In- ti-rv PW pruforre 1 , Call an < l coiiauU us or aonl history of your case , anil wo will kund In ulula wrapuor , our MEH i'UBnj Ulion J' . TO , 11"it'll , Nervous buopiui or Uu- , Impotenoy , SvphllU. Uluut ititJ Yuriou- coif , witliiuustion | llsu llrat-cs , Aiillnuce | | for lli'iiifinlllus ' ft Trmji. Uny | inunufnotory In thu Wcdtof litifo.t il ITv'At'1'l.t.ltHlKlt , THU tei ! ) , tSlKVftlU ll.t'IfliltlltMA.VIt. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institut 28th nnd Broadway , Oojnoll Ton mlniitnV rl < la from comer of Umah oa OujuhaundOouoall Uluffi olo.-trlu