Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY J3KE ; 3UTESDAY. JULY 19 , 1892. 5
tthoy Will Have a Spscial Display at the
World's ' Fair.
Intellectual nnil nnvolopment of tlio
Itaro Slnco tlio Kiimnclptlciu 1'rnclaiim-
tlon tn Ho Kxhlliltril Alluwoil thn
McUiimtlian Clulm.
WAIIIIXOTOX Btnntuop Tun , )
5ii : FouiirKRXTii STIIKKT , }
WASIHMJTOX. 13. C. , July 13. )
The colored people who Uavo so persist
ently been scoklnir to scctiro nn appropria
tion for n colored exhibit nttno World's fair
nt last carried tholr point today In the sen-
ate. Senator 1'oltigrew anam ofTorod the
rl'lor which ho has trlod to nlwh on nearly
ovor.v appropriation bill , izranttng foO.OOO for
nn exhibit of thu intellectual and moral uo-
vi'lopmont of the colored race slnco the
proclamation of emancipation. Heretofore
thu amendment has cone down bofoie points
of order and objection , but todny no senator
rose in object nnd as a result the 1'attlRrow
amendment was nfireed to. Messrs. 1'ullcs
and Jcihtison , who hnvu boon representing the
colored men , are fluted over thuir surcos *
and are salislled that the I'ouso will oudorso
the st'i.ute's action.
Allnunil thii Mrdnrrnhnii Clulm.
When William McGnrrahan of Winning-
ton WMO un this mornluK ho was hardly
worth n dollar , but tonight liU wealth Is bj-
Inn ostlm.ilcd at , somothliiR Ilko S10UOO,0'Ji ) .
The celebrated MuUnrrnhnn clulm which
lias biien before controls for Iho last thirty-
four years nt last passed Into this afternoon
end now nt'ods only the president's signature
to inniio McOarrnhan n vorv rich man. Hols
one ot the best known characters in Wn h-
ington , for be has haunted the capltol corri
dors slnco before the war In an effort to se
cure recognition for hl cliiiin. It directs
the court of claims to oxamlno Into an old
Brunt of valuable quicksilver lands In south
ern California , but the reference to the court
of claims is merely formal and the passaeo ol
the bill Is understood to Insure McGarrahun
tils IOIIK ilclavcd rights.
The claim has pa sod ono branch or the
other of congress at least llftcon times , but It
was never fortunate enough to pot the sanc
tion of both branches until today.
rnmmlHSHiiuir C.irlnr't Sit errs Mir.
The friends of Lawyer French of yankton ,
S D , nro working to have him appointee
coininl , < iionor of the pcnoral land nfllco to
Bticcrod Thomas H. Uurtot who will rosiRii
to devote Ills attention to ttio chairmanship
of the ropubllcan national committco. At
the Interior department today it was said
that the iinmo of oxrCoiiRrossman ( JeorKO W.
'Uor.sov ' of Nebraska had been vorv favorably
mentioned for the pluco. Mr , Uorsoy has
nlso been mentioned for the comptrollersblp
of the currency , although he is not an asmr-
nnt lor cither place. Ilo might Rot olthor
place If tils frfcMids would urge his name on
the president.
In the Homestead case of James Novak
from Chad i on the assistant secretary of the
llntorlor today nfllrmod the decision of the
commissioner reJoctlnR Novak's application.
These postmasters were con IV mod today :
Iowa E. M. Cass , Humnor ; W. K. Uavls.
Koosnuqua ; II. L. Holland , Kldnn ; Nebraska
W. T Mefarlnnd , Stnntou ; T. 13. Watson ,
liar Inirton.
I. Treanor wfti today appointed postmaster
nt La Oraco. Campbell county , b. D. , vlco
i II. 1'arrott , rcsiKnod ; L. . 15. Nackor nt Silver
City , PennliiRton county , S , 13. , vlco J. Stow-
nrt , resigned , end I. Cordor at May-Hold , El-
inoro i-ountv , vicoJ. McMillan , resinned.
Senator Paddock's amendment to the In
fllnn upproprlatlon bill appropriating $ I7'JIW3 '
for cerlillcd Indian depredation claims , has
been accepted and will bccomo a law.
The patrons of the Hushvlllo and Mosser
mail rou'cs arostrivliiK to have tholr mall
Increased to three llmos \\eulc. .
I'rof. David H. Kerr , D.D. , chancellor of
Iho university of Omaha , called nt THE BKB
bure.iu tcil.iy.
II. 12. Bailey of Nebraska Is at the Fro-
rJonm and II. Taylor of low.i Is at the St.
Assistant Land Commis < ! loner Stone of
Iowa has gone to Luray , Va. , on a thirty
days leave. _ P. S. II.
Complete l.Ut < if Cliiiiifjm 111 the Itogulitr
WASHINGTON- . C. , July 18. [ Special
[ Telegram to THE Bui : . | The following army
order * * \oro issued today :
f'lrst Lieutenant Molzar C. Richards ,
rollred , Is detailed as superintendent of the
Parish Union School nnd Military academy
at Parish , N. Y. A board of oftlcora is up
pointed to meet at the call of Iho president
\ thereof nt Fort Hamilton , N. Y. , for the ex-
bmluntlon of such ofllccra nt may
bo ordered before It to determine
their Illness for promotion. Detail for
the board ; Colonel Loonils L. Lancdon , first
nrtlllery ; Liojtonant Colonel \\Illlam H.
Powell , Eleventh Infantry ; Major Ezra
Woodruff , surgeon ; Captain Curtis H. Price ,
nsslitant surgeon ; Captain John W.Dillon
back , First artillery ; Second Lieu
tenant John C. Kenntml , First artil
Icry. recorder. The following named
ofllccrs will report In person to
Colonel Loonils L. Lnngdon for examination
ns to their lltness for promotion ; Second
Lieutenant Charloa T. Monohor , First nr
tlllory ; Second Lloutounut , T. Bontly Molt
l-'l ht artlilury.
Lluutcnnnl Colonel Charles H. Cireenloaf ,
nshlstaut medical purveyor , will proceed to
Mnntpeller und visit the camp of Iho Ver
inont Niulonal guard during tlio period o
Its cncampnicnt , commencing August -X
WISIII.VOTOV , D. C. , July IS. [ Snoda !
ToloKrntn to Tin : Dm : . ] The following Us
of pensions granted is roporlod by Tin : Biu
nnd examiner Bureau of Claims :
Nebraska : Original August Hanoy ,
Cnaunctiy Cronk , Ucorgo Bolts , John H ,
Dunn , Lvpinn B. Cunningham , Newell A.
lioriuni , Henry Eaton , John O. Moore , Will
iam Gorton. Luclnn J. Fish , Wilson E , Field ,
Daniel O. Fisk , I3.ivlU W. ForoU , John Dil
lon , tlnriison B. Wetherul , Edward Black-
tone , Emanuel Sprigclns , Ellas EcUhurt ,
Jost'ph Ij. Thompson , Ethan A. Valentino ,
Hobcrt U. Balrd , John Wolf. William H.
Ilarrlck , Albert Brown , Additional Kou-
ben M. Clark , Daniel Hlnchmun , John Uoylo ,
John Jonkins. Franrflln Case , James L. Hob-
luson , supplemoutiil ; William II. Fairbanks ,
Ii.cie.ise Henry Swigart , James \V. \ Hown-
man , Daniel ( J. Urlco , Jumcs H. McCormlck ,
Joremluh BrlttliiKhum , S. Harper , William
Hall. Original widows , otu. AdolU M.
Beod , Margaret Barber.
Iowa : Oilgliml Edward B. Tnompson ,
Mi'rrvumu I'urlsb , Levi E. Lalir.tnt , VVIU-
lam N. Croft. Lvaudcr E , Stlnomate.s , Henry
K. Burgatt , Charles A. Uutlcdgo , CKiorgo M.
Adamn. Otis Chapmen , James 1' . Burrow ,
Jacob Hart.- , Edward J. Youuglovo , Cioorgo
DulKur , Ueorgo Currier. Jacob Wllioughby ,
David N. Cafforty , Samuel K. Morton ,
Alexander McLaln , Ulchurd T. Honaliuw ,
JauiinV Ciraham , Nelson H. Mav , lleln-
rlch ivoempfo , H Irani L , Jackson , Jsauo P.
MurUhaiu , Eugcno A. Ijallard , Mnrlus Fuller ,
John C. Ferris , S.imuol Cilunoro , Stuart
Clomrnts , Holland P. Kceland , ( leorgo W.
Hnrll ) rn. Additional Simon Crosser , Jon-
ntlmn Bender , Patrick MoLuughlln , Eldad
A. Siirut'iil , Ciooi-gn Miller , Cary L. Nelson ,
Ucorirc Hedrlck , Charles J. btiwons , Thomati
Allen , Jumcs It. Hoynolds , John Allgo.ror.
Jncrcuso Mortlmor L Harnmn. Svlvostor
J. Linn , Jtimes Wrlgh * , , John Pettlt , William
AW. . Foyu , Watson Ulsclen , Blsmael P.
"U icliham , Ntoholus Maurice , VVolllngtoii T.
Btofihuusoii , Joseph J , llorstlor , William H.
l'"obln , Hinssno Albert B , Chapman , John
N. Wolf , Harvey N. Brookwayllllum J.
Johnson ( dccca cd ) , Henry N. Harris ( do-
ceajcil ) . OrU'liuul , willows , oto. Juiinio
M , Johnson , Marv A. M. Harris , minors of
John \ \ . Auttin , Alice J. Dudley , Christian
Bcbou'Jltor , fotl-ur.
Colorado : Original Smith Frey , Arthur
SuiHh , Jonas W. Dorr , Levi L. Tuulbco ,
Author SlruthOM , William J , Eiton. Cburlcs
M. bli'lnUonion , Churloa W. Bowman ,
Arnold -JprniBor , Francis M. Charles ,
Haimicl Cable. Incrcatu Joseph H. Munn.
Theodore F , C. Polk. KoU.uo-.lumoi C.
Btewurt , deceased , Original widows , ulo.
lluth S. Btownrt.
North Dukotat Orlirlnal Franklin
Bheuks. Addillounl Seth Hulloy.
South Dakota ; OrlglualJohn A. Norton ,
Samuel Wlhon , F. Cooler. Incroaio Henry
Pnrdce. Original widows , etc Minor of
William E. Aldnoh.
Montana : Original Daniel \V. Thompson ,
Adim Klmball.
\Vyomings Original William Jones.
Tlio Old Timers nrn Not In It.
Wbllo nt our store at Bis Island , Va. , last
Vorll , I was taken with a very severe attack
f dlarrboaa. I had never had It worse In
my life. I trlod several old-tlmo remedies ,
such ns Blaokbnrry Wino , Paregoric nnd
Laudanum without gotttnc roltof. My atten
tion was than called to Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Dlarrluui Homodv by Mr. H. C.
Tlnsloy , who had boon handling It thsre , and
n less than llvo minutes after taking n small
ese I was entirely relieved. O.Q. Uimronn ,
lairls Crcok , Amhcrst Co. , Va ,
There Is a great deal to bo said In praise of
rof. Gentry's Equine nnd Canine Paradox ,
ivhlch began n week's engagement lust night
t Eighteenth nnd Farnnm streets. While a
lorformanoo made up cnllrniy of dog nnd
: iorso acts , there Is much that Is now nnd
ovcl in thin tented exhibition. It Is really
ivondorful to what degree ol perfection these
ot's and IIOHOJ have boon brought by the
-levor young showman nt the head of the en
terprise. 'I hero are dogs that do everything
but talk , nnd sometimes ono wond'ors If thov
do not do that. There are horses that show
ho linen training Imaginable , a training
lint hat not been excelled by any of
ho famous cquino masters who for agoi have
ilollghlod the oyoi of thousands with the
ilmost human Instincts of Iho animals
under their caro. There nro dogs that leap ,
In this exhibition , dogs that pray , and reverently -
ontly , too , If notions nio a criterion , and dogs
hat clown , and what delightful fooling it Is.
The ponies are not behind thilr canine
rionds , when It comes to a display of their
neveral abilities tn entertain the women and
children , for they waltz and march nud
teeter and generally dhport themselves an If
they roolly loved the garish glare of the tent
ighls and Iho applause of the audioncp ,
which , unless all slirnt fall , will bo limited
only by thu slio ot the tent during tno week.
Tn tliu ruhllc.
I have no hcsitntancy In recommending
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Ularrhiua
remedy to thn public , as 1 do to inv friends
nnd patrons. I used It mvsolf after other
well known remedies had failed und it cursd
mo in it few minutes. I recommend it can
didly and cheerfully upon Its merits , not
from u llnuncial standpoint , because I have
others In stock on which I make a larger
jirolit , but boenuso Chamberlain's U tbo best
remedy t know of for bowel complaints.
There U no doubt about U , It dee ; the work.
J\MU3 Foliar , Druggiit , McVoytown , Ponu.
l.ilri , Inn \\oile. .
Lincoln News : At thii Kearney state ropub-
lean convoutlon was a Swede f armor from ono
of the interior counties , whom for convenience
wo will call Lars Larson. "Hello , Lars ! "
sold an old iicquaintanco.frotn nn adjoining
county. "How dou * It happen that you are
: icrol You wore with the alliance people
two years ago. Glad to sco you back among
your old republican friends.1'
Lars took ono long , comfortable pull at his
cigar and turning tits largo grey oycs on his
f rlond , said : "Veil , you see u Is yoost dee *
way. A not boon much In pollilo ; a boon
yoost common feller , but a always bean good
republican. Does ropubllcan party ha been
good t , > mo end a make mo plenty raouny ;
but two year go dom lianco feller ha como
to mo and hn srtv dcm llancu Is good for do
farmer. Veil , n linn when ha Is good for do
farmer a go in. Don a talk so mo to dotn
udder Svode feller an Ha go in , too.
Purty soon dee 'lianoo ha got In politick.
Veil , a not like diit , but a tmk a ga little
moro an' see what ha do. Veil , dem foliar
ha 'lect mo delegate to county conwontion.
Veil , you BOO In dees county conwontion dero
oeen plenty foliar and ha make good many
speech and 1m say ha boon farmer's frlond.
Veil , dooa man Marsh ( Sam ) Elder , na make
plenty speeches , and ha say ha line to ga to
loglslutur. Ha say na been good farmer
irlond , nnd ha boon honest man. Veil , n not
line dat purty well. A link ha is good when
foliar been honest , but when ha alt time say
ha neon honest ha maico ino awtul tirod.
Veil , dls man Elder , ha say von hn go to
Icgislatur ha vlll bo honest man , nnd
ha vill not ttko moauv from dom
boodle foliar. And ha say ha vlll
not rldo on railroad pass. Ha sav
von hn ga to legislatur and von ha not pot
uny mouny to buy ticket , ha vill write letter
to dem foliar In Clay Center and von dom
fcllur send him moany bn buv ticket and
como homo ; but von dom feilar not send him
moany don ha vtll walk home. Ha su ha
been all time honest man.
"Veil , n not like dcos man Elder , but a
woto for him all same , n link a yoost see vat
ha do. Veil , dcos man ha ca to logUlutur
and von ha boon dera llfteon tninuto ha got
plenty passes , nnd a Unit ha got leotl moany
all same too. Voll , von a see dom tings a go
to udder Svedu foliar uud a tell him u link
vo hotter pull out. "
Disease never successfully attacks the ys
torn with pure blood. Dowltt's Sarsaparllla
makes pure , new blood and ourlcbes blood.
Mut .111' . Ilnrr.
HOD. II. G. Horrof Now York was nt the
Morcoryeslorduy from 11 to U o'clock. Ho met
many of tbo prominent men of the city , nud
several of thn loading politicians of the state.
Ho went to Plattsmoulh last evening to speak
on political matters , und Irom there to Hast
ings. Secretary Slaughter , of the state
republican league , received a letter vostoday
morninir from James N , Clark of Hastings
aaylng that tbo meeting there had boon ad
vcrttsod in surrounding towns and that there
would bo uu Immense crowd present to hea
Mr , Horr.
DoWltt'a Sarsaparllta destroys such poi
sons us scrofula , skin diseases , oczomu , rheu
matism. Its timely use saves many lives.
Dnugl'i * County 'lYiiulinri * Institute.
Tbo county superintendent of public In
struction , Guorgo , Hill , has issued a call
for the annual county institute , which will
bo bold in this city , beginning August 8 and
continuing two weeks. The daily sessions
will bo bold In the High school building.
The Instructors will bo Airs , Ida Notsoii of
Omaha , Miss Huttiu Moore of South Omaha
and Pi of. Bernard Blgsoy of Detroit , Mich.
Too at.nual examination of toacliors will
begin August S and continue oaoh day until
Your Sunday dinner is not complete with
out a bottle of Cook's Extra Dry Cham
pagne. Once trlod never forgotten.
Wanted nt tlio ofllco of Tin : OMAHA
] Jiu : , copies ot Tan EVKN'I.VQ Hun of
April 2o.
I'lrnt Wunl Ki'piililicitns.
Tbo republicans of the First ward nro
earnestly requeued to moot the oxooutlvo
committee of thu Firat Ward Republican
club at Forest hall , Sixth and Pierce strooU ,
Wednesday , July SO , at 5 p. m. , to provide
ways end menus and arrange for ratification
mooting * In the various precincts In the
ward during thu present campaign.
Cium.m S. Euiurnu , Provident.
Jun.v KUHIUKY , Secretary.
When you go to Denver stop at the Ameri
can house. Katei $ J.r/J to SJ.SJ. Komouolod
Spuctnulos iuljudtoci for defective
vision. 13 r. Cullimoro , R ± ! 1 , JJoo bldg.
The following uurrUgo llcansoj were
issued by Judge Ellur yoiturday :
Name and Addru & Ago
l James I' Hurit , Omaha . !
I .Mury llalmur , Omuhit . . . . Ut
I Ouor e Wullur , Dunbiir . IM
1 Julia r.tlniur , Uinulia. . . . \M \
If you are bilious , take Becchaui's Pills.
Kyo and oar surgeon , Grant Culli-
uioro , room --I , Boo building.
Walnut Mill Iti'tmlilloain.
The members of the Wulnut Hill Ninth
Ward Republican club anu all who wUh to
Join nro rcqtonod to meet at 40J5 Cuintng
and Fortieth street Tuesday ovenlng , July
iy , ut S o'clock , B. Hionv , President ,
Mrs. Winslow' * Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething ruros wlud collcdtarrhiua , etc.
Scouts * batUtt.
Democratic Desire ? that Hava Turnjd into
Keau Diuppointinanta.
to Make Cnpttnl of tlio Hint Itcroll
on ( lut lliiiirliiiiii DotlRliij tlio TnrllT
Js5uo l\trai .ignnco of tlio
WASHINGTON , D. a , July IS. [ Special to
Tun BCK.J Labor troubles are as much
talked about In Washington as they are In
Pennsylvania or Idaho. When the disorder
botan at Homestead there was a general dis
position amonv the politicians to look at the
Carnuglo locKout as likely to Injure the
republican c.iuso In the national campaign.
As the situation tuero developed , however ,
ulolllgont men on both sidebocan to sea
that there were no politics to bo extracted
for the bonollt of olthor party out of the
Uamonoad situation. Krai the democrats
low acknowledge tliU. Keprcscntatlvo
Hoard of Missouri , ono of the oldest and
most sonslblu democrats in the house , said of
thu Homestead tragedy :
I do not sco how It is possible for olthor
the demom-Atio or republican party to gain
any campaign advantage from the war be
tween c-iultal and laoor in Pennsylvania.
Certainly neither party could afford openly
to approve of the action of men who take the
law Into tholr own handi and col up a revolu
tionary government. The party which would
cndoiao such acts as those of the men nt
Homestead who will not work themselves and
who propoao to prevent with rillos any ono
else from working would destroy luolf , be
cause It would ulionuta the support of ovary
man who had or hoped to hive any property
of his own. Tno democrats have an oppor
tunity to ciltlclse the introduction of
Plnkortons. but there Is not much
advantage In this politically , for
the ropubllcan party will not bo behind m
Denouncing the use of mercenaries bv
cauital. On the other hand , the republican's
can show that 'jovernor Pattlson , uftor It
had been clearly shown that the civil author
ities were powerless to enable the Curnoulo
company to m.iko usn of Its own property ,
obstinately delayed calling out the mtlltln ,
thus making possible the bloody riot nnd loss
of llfo of July ( i. The Introduction of non
union labor by the company will now bo
accomplished , if It Is accomplished , under the
protection of troops called out by u demo
cratic governor. "
Cuii'l C'luirRn It to the T.irlir.
Tno democrats hnva displayed a wish to
charge the Homestead troubles to the McKinley -
Kinloy tnrlff. Hut hero too they have sud
denly discovered that they had hold of the
hot end of the poker. Koprosontatlvo Ding-
ley of Maine has [ jointed out hero , Just as
has Governor McIClnloy In Ohio , that the
McKinlov tariff actually reduced the duties
unon nearly every article manufactured nt
Homestead , and especially upon utructural
steel , the principal output of these mills.
This point too was somewhat unexpectedly
brought In the congressional investigation at
Pittsburfjwhon Bureaus McLuoklo bluntly
told tbo committee that In his opinion tbo
higher the tariff the higher the wages , nud
thn lower the tariff the lower the wages , and
added that the people at Homestead com
plained of the McIClnloy law not us the
democrats complained , bbcauso it Increased
duller , but bocaubO It reduced them on the
articles whlcn they wore paid to inako.
Another point oroughtout by the Homestead -
stead investigation which has caused no lit
tle surprise and much comment nt Washing
ton is tbo high schedule of wages paid at the
Carnepio mills. The romorlt of Mr. Boat-
nor , a LouUlaun democrat who voted against
the McIClnloy Dili , "Why , thojo rtro the high
est wages I ever hoard of , " Is Doing echoed
very freely among members of congress. It
Is very evident tnat the democratic members
of the Investigating committee who hastened
to Pittsburg and Homestead , expecting to
unearth campaign airmunltion which would
bo hurled line so mjch dynamite against the
republican pariv und the protective tarllT ,
are returning to Washington keenly disap
pointed. Thov announce that they will con-
line their report to denouncing the Pinkerton -
ton system. This is entirely safe ground ,
mm the single ropubllcan member on the
committee , Judge Taylor of Ohio , will not
11 ud it necessary to write u minority report.
IlGiiiiicr.itx Miirtliif ; tha IHHIIO.
The desperate elTortH of the democratic
managers to Dullo the tanff-for-rovomio-ouly
pluntc of the Chicago platform by oviiding
the tariff as an Issue and substituting what
they are pleased to call the "force bill" con
tinue. This week the democrats thought
they had done the smart thing in authoriz
ing the printing at , government expense of
10,009 copies of the federal elections bill as it
passed tbo lost republican house. Tnoio
copies the democrats Intend to dis
tribute among tholr constituents as
campaign documents. To their surprise
the republican leaders in the senate
promptly responded to the resolution
by ordering the printing of 4,001) ) moro copies
for distriuution by that body. The republi
cans claim that they would llko to have as
many copies of the bill for nonost elections
distributed innong the people at largo as pos
sible. The bill , thov say , speaks for itself.
All the fuss uud fury raised against it two
years ago was In the nature of misrepresen
tation. It li only nocossarv for any intelli
gent person to read the Dill Itself to discover
that after all it is [ nocuous and only provides
for the moro ofllclont enforcement ot election
laws nlrcndv on the statute books.
Just before his sudden death the late
Senator Harbour of Vlrumia , in conversation
with Senator Miindoraon ol Nebraska , gave
utterance of the real animus of the south
against the enforcement of the election laws.
'I nin very sorry that thorn has boon so
much fooling stirred up over this force clll ,
for If it should uocomo a law It will take an
army to enforce it in many states , " said Sen-
utor Harbour.
"Why , " exclaimed SonatorManilerson , "It
will be strictly enforced in Nebraska , and
without a single soldier or bursh word. I
vontlo'i the assertionritxU thcra wilt ho no
iro.itjl-j In Hi enforcement In any state In my
uniintry. In What stal6 ifo \ ou think soldiers
win bj required undt'Mhb bllll"
"In all of Iho touthccitjstatoi , " replied the
venerable Virginia stat inan.
"Why states south antf not north ! "
"Uecauie , you tnusi > 'remember ' , " nnd the
Virginia senator spoke feelingly , but kindly ,
ns wus hU wont , "UQ have Just emerged
from n war In the south , nnd wo are not yet
educated up to thoi'enforcement of such
laws. "
HoliiKiii tq Hn llctlrril.
The cry of the "billion dollar congress"
will not bo rnl < cd by the , democrats tn this
campaign. The nplinjprlatlon bills nro
nearly all completed and It is evident that
tbo "economical" democratic house has
snnnt some flO.OOJ.O.M ) more than did the
"billion dollar" congress whoso extravagant
expenditure" the democrats have so often de
The work of the appropriations committee
Is about over and it has served to completely
expose Mr. Hoi man nud to thoroughly dis
gust bis colleagues with his transparent
aomngogy. Indeed , on moro than one occa
sion democratic congressmen themselves
have risen nnd uomo to the assistance of ro
publlcan mo in bo H who were showing up tbo
Jllmsmoss of Mr.'s pretonso3
to economy and reform. Within
tne last wean faovoral congressmen from
Iho democratic side have notlllod
Mr. Crisp that In tbo event of domocnuio
success naxt fall ho can count on tholr sup
port for his rc-olcctlon ns speaker of the
1-Vty-thtrd house only tn the event of n dis
tinct understanding that Mr. Holman shall
not bo chairman of the appropriations com
mittee. Many go oven farther nnd say that
Mr. Holman ought not even to bo pluced on
unv committed which has the right of pre
paring an aporooriation bill. Sojuker Crisp
in each Instance Is said to have assured his
advisers that tholr surprise nt Mr. Hoi man's
conduct has been no less bitter than his own.
bpeaker Heed did not place him upon the ap-
prooriutlons committee und several times
during the lifetime ot Samuel J. Hnndull
Holman was loft off the committee undnr
democratic rule. In short , the bark of the
"watch dog" has degenerated Into n snarl ,
and some of bis critics are unkind enough to
sav that In the Interest of the parly tha
democrats of the United States ought to peti
tion the democrats of the Lawrenccburg ,
ind. , district to keep Mr. Holman at homo.
I'roo CoinnRO IXUirmhrUiMl.
The most Important event ot the week In
Washington was the llnal defeat of the
Stewart bill for the free coinage of silver.
'Iho democratic managers are anxious to
clulm the credit for the defeat of this meas
ure , and to dodgn the record they have made
for their party for free silver during the
coming campaign. It was this motive which
induced something like 13 per cent of tbo
democratic members of the housa to vote
with the republicans against the considera
tion of the measure. Many of the demo
crats who so voted are nt heart free silver
men , nud would so vote if they did not real-
bo that upon that Issue Mr. Cleveland would
be qulto certain to lose the electoral votes of
Connecticut , Now York , Noiv Jersey nnd
possibly some other eastern states.P.
P. S. H.
I'livlng Ordinances Unit U'oroln n Atudillo
.Sow lli'lnx Kcvised.
The special council.committee on paving ,
curbing and guttering , appointed last week ,
pot together In the city engineer's odlco
yostordav morning.
They at once commenced their labors ind
state that they will r6port upon all Improve
ment ordinances at the council mooting to beheld
held tonight.
The ordinances were found to bo In a
wretched condition. In some Instances tbo
ordinances were full of errors and erasures ,
while In others there were Interlineations.
In going through the papers the committee
in seine cases fount ! ' as man ? ns throe and
four paving * ordinances covering tbo same
City Attorney Council said that ho would
stay with the committee until It had corn-
completed and corrected nil of the ordinances
nnd that ho would sco that when they got before
fore tbo council at the next mooting they
were correct.
At the noon adjournment City Attorney
Council stated that the ordinances were in
worse condition than ho had Imagined. Most
of the paving ordinances Indicated that they
had been prepared with reference to the con
tractor Instead of In the Interests of the city.
For Instance , In the asphalt paving ordin
ances the documents nut only provided for
sheet aspbaltum from the island of Trinidad ,
but allowed the contractor to make his own
This , with many other thing ? . Mr. Con-
ncll said Indicated to his mind that the or
dinances had boon prepared by the con
tractors , or their private attorneys.
Mr. Connell thought that the only way out
of the difficulty would bo to disregard the
old ordinances , introduce now ordinances ,
tomorrow night and then pass thorn
at a special mooting to"bo hold
Wednesday night. All of the ordinances bad
been prepared without consulting the engi
neering department of tbo city and they
were full of mistakes.
The petition for material In the paving of
Leavenwoith street had been lost but Mr.
Conncll did not think that that would delay
the work. It was well known to tne city
engineer that a majority of tbo street
f rontogo had petitioned for brluK nnd as the
thirty days had expired bo did not think
property owners could petition for other ma
.Mr. l.inil ! r'.s KocmmnniMilatlnii.
Mr. J. A. Lander , a prominent cltizon o
Clarksburg , Mo. , and widely Known In that
st to , says ot Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Ui.irrbcci Homodv : "I bavo soeu Its
good results nnd can recommend It. * ' For
sale by druggists.
Trndo Tuples.
The People's Investment company have
lllocl articles ot Incorporation with capita
stock nt ioO.OOO.
The Omaha Tooiln Publishing company
has bean incorporated , the capital stock
being placed nt $12,000.
SchlaiiK & Prince , proprietors of the
Windsor hotel nnd saljon , have dissolves
and Mr. Prince will continue the business.
DoWltt's Sarsaparlllu cleanses the blood
Increases the appetite und tones up the sys
torn. It has bdnolillod many people who
have suffered from blood disorder * . It wll
help you.
A Nice
Quiet Game
is never
without a
ibe'pl supply of
Biackweii's Bull Durham
Smoking ; Tobacco ,
composed only of "pure leaf , " grown in the famous
Golden Belt , its uniform quality , and rich fragrartt aroma
recommend it to all who desire a really goodmoke. .
No other smoking tobacco has ever been made winch has
secured and held the popular favor as has Biackweii's
Bull Durham. It is now , as it has been at all times dur
ing the last 25 years , the best in the world. Made only by
Hverr MAN can lie
BE n 8'/UONO and VIO-
MRNiHverr I all feipcru
„ _ _ Jby u inK ai'A ISII
NJUIVINI5 , Iliegrent apatilsh Itemeily. YOUNO MJN
OH OX > iiiUrrlnir from NItHVOUH nUUIHTV , I.OST or
FAILING MANHOODui lulyei.iiuloniconvuliioni , ntivoui
r proilrauoncauiiii by Ibeuie of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake-
fulncii , menial iepre ! ion , lei < of power m eilher > cx , periuoior-
orrno K ANU AHIH ukt Hiu-acauicd by ellabuie and over indulccnco or any PCI tonal weak *
pen can be reilcred lo peifecl health end die NOI1I.IJ VITAIITV OF STRONG MBN.
Wo cite a v.riilenKu r niecviih 6 bates lo cure any n.u or refund Hie money. Jt box. 6 boici } j
For Sala In Omaha by Snow Lund & Co.
ff tmmmm ! i i Ma&01 K UHBKKBKl HBSaH HKaV K > ' * * * * * * . (
Your Boy
During this great sale we have never said
very milch about our boy's clothing in our ads ,
for the simple reason that it has been about all
the men in this department could do to wait
upon the trade. But the goods have been all
right best in town and that we make one
final sweeping cut before we quit we think it
no more than right the people should know it.
Boys' All Wool Boys' Fancy Worsted
Cashmere Suits ;
Short Pant Suits , Former Price , § 4.50 ;
In 4 Shades , Nice Line of Them.
Boys' Finest Imported Cheviot
and Cassimere Suits
Cut Down from $7 and $ S to
Our $6 and $1O Men's Suits have neverjbeen
equalled in Omaha.
A few more of those Fat Men's Pants at
Plaid flannel coats and vests , $1.OO.
Serge and Mohair coats and vests in light
and dark shades. $2.OO.
In our window we are showing 8Oc and 7Bc
Domet , Sateen and Crepe shirts at"35c ; regular
made , with yoke.
Swits Conde Outing shirts , silk finished
worth $2.25 , cut down to 7Sc.
Administrator's Closing Sale ,
Quitting Business August 1st.
13th and Farnam Sts.
Dl'S. ' IfillS &
The only uniformly
Consultation Iroo.
Call upon or address
with stamp.
South 1-Hh St. , N. E. corner
llth and Douglas Sts. ,
Oinuliu , Nub.
Elastic Stockings
Weak Limbs
, Varicose Veins
Swellings , all
sizes. Abdo
minal Supporters
ters , Dsfor mit
Braces , Medi
cinal Supplies.
114 S. 15th St. , Next to Post Office
Tooth-Food ,
This medicine for babies prevents and
cures pains of teething and resulting
diseases , not by putting children to sleep
with an opiate , for it contains no harmful
drugs , but by supplying the tceth-founing
ingredients which are lacking in most
mothers' milk and all artificial foods.
It is sweet and babies like it. $1.00 a
bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam
phlet , "Teething Made Easy. "
Omaha Turn Vererin ,
o Turner's Park. Steamer "City of Florence'
eaves UoiiRlns Htrcet pier 0 u. in. Knturnlng
envos park 7 p. m. Tickets may lie had of J.
J. I'rnohiiuf ' , II. ICundo and Eu , lluuror ; 75o
each , children U. > c.
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalled in Flavor.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only in 12 } pound packages.
Velvet Meal ,
For mulling and goms.
? IW
! ] Dml
SoM by all ( Jrocnis.
To tlio owners of nil lots , part of lota nnd
ronl ostiitu nloii Fourth street from Wool-
wnrtti iivunuo to I'opploton iivonuu.
You nro liorohy notlfloil tlmt tlio ilndnr-
slaiiecl. tlirco < ll lnturostol frooliolduri of thu
city of Uiiiulm , liavo been duly ujinnlntod y
tlm mayor , with tliu upprovnl of tlio city
council of sild city , to ussuss tliodiimngo to
ttinownoM rospoctlvuly of the property uf-
foutod hy Kradlnp I'oiirth street from Woolworth -
worth uvonuoto l'oplotoii | nvonuo. ilorlarod
nrccaiary hy ordlnunoo nuintjur : illll , [ JiSsoJ
Jniio tli , I8'J. ' , upprovoU July 1st , 1HJ. ' .
Von nro further notlllud. tlmtliuvlni ; no-
coptod said nppoliitiiiunt , und duly uiiullUod
ns ruuulnul hv Inw , wo will , on the 31st dny of
July. A. l > . Ib'J ' ! , nt tlio hour of 11 o'oln ! { In thu
forenoon , nt thoolllco of Snrlvur > * c O'Donnlioo ,
110.1 l'irnuin ; Htroot , within thocorporato lim
its of aald city , moot for thu purpojo of con-
HidorliiK the mnkliiR nnd utnossimmt of dam-
ugii'i to the owniirs roiDootlvolv of nald nron-
orty , ulToctod hy mid Knullir. . tnUliu Into
coniildorutloii Hiionlnl honoflts , If uny
Vou urj notlllod to ho prusont nt the tltno
nnilplauo nforosald , nnd inulto uny objootlnii *
tonrstntoiiiontxconuoriilni ; fi.ild n sos9inuut
of dumbKOS ua you limy consider iironur.
W. (1 HliltlX I.It ,
OM ) . J. I'AH ] , ,
w H. UATIH : ,
Commlltoo of Apprauors.
OMAHA , July 8th , Ib'i.1. jyuaiot
U Mk If ytori > filnii
O LJ IVH c.r.dfn lOtoaodt )
, Jkik your Druggiit ( or a
. bottle of JIlB . The only .
. ' riori jKidonuui remedy ( or all
, 11m unnatural dltclmrgt * nml
f private illtcI.MI of men und the
debilitating wenliuti peculiar
to women. It oim-s In a few
[ days without the aid ot
i publicity ol n doctor ,
77ie f'rilifrial American Curt.
ilunufucturtxl by I
jJbtKms Cbtmical 0) . '
u , a. A.
H Host Instruction In nil depart *
JmiMiU of MuMcnISliiil-
year. AiMrtus E. r.HUI.LAUD.'su't. JuLUoiivilh-l'ili"1
Ail < lrrli Krv. T. I'cvto
Valton , A. I ! . , 1'rctlucul , Lc&Incton , MUauurl.
t'nlvuMlty-jiroparilory ( I'sfiblUliPil 1&7B. )
CHIC \ ( . ( ) . ll.UMUt. Voniu I. idles
-'hlltlron. I'orftirthor parlliMiIuis mldrcsjniid
SUHXH. . Till i r.ilno Ave.l'lileniu
UIUKIHIMJ IIAUtllU'AM > . All branchuHof Muilr. Flo-
riitlonh \ Narti- Fort ) limtnictofH } tuiiimtUi > urtiieiil )
for toucher * . riitmiim Mdiuliatiliiirnx Kulltt 1111 IM IHS
ticpt.7. bind fur lattiloguu. J. J. umsmiJT , UlrrcUiw
ClM icftl , I.lterar . Sclrnlltlc Conmfn of iln.Ji' In-
' rtllWr drill and .clnal Cavalry.
Vif/Mim1 Mrliool In Ilo. CMaluirue.
, M.A. , I. lugton , no.
A thoroun'i ' school. 1'rep.iies for College or
Busine Within JO mllrsufst I.miK AildrcM
COL. WILLIS UROWN , QupcrlntondcnU
is via the Chicago , Milwaukcd
& St. Paul R'y , as represcnteo
on this map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9145 a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASII. Gen'l Agent.
Thonnlr IM llr itri-lusni Clilnaia iiliriM l
ttlKlit roAM * aluil ? Ton jruirJ iirootioal ctiur1.
I'lico with nil kilon < lltoucn Trojti iicojsifullr
ullcliroiilocaiojidrun up for ntliiir rtootort mil
nnil ou liliu or vrrtto fur quoitlon lilunlt. Do ml
tlilnk ynur ojio lioinl'iu ' | IJUIM J ynnr ctoolor UIH
you no , but lit tha Uliluuio ilnntur wllli Lit nuw un 1
wonderful r < rno.lo | , iinilrooulro nuw liaiullK a > i 1 i
tMiriuannntcurowliutottior iloo'ori omnut Kin.
llorln. lioou uiul IMinu- '
IMinumtura'a rjuiudlot nil
nipitlclnut. Tim vrurl'l till wltiieti. Oiu tli ii < iil
tnntlinunlnli tntlir lu jroirt' ( irictloo , Nolnjurloai
( li'uocllom , nu nnroullu ) . no polion. llatlunil
UuutmuiH JUKI permuiiuiit ourj.
Iraitol on I cur 1 1
glroil up bjr ntliur doclorti
Tliot , CouKldln. ilu llnrnor n trout , clironlarliaa-
luntlinid your > , kldnoir unit llvor truublot ,
'iliO9.Culrurt.Utli and I'nrn tin ntruoK.
ilubllltr , ln < lluu < lluii , luj < or ntrurutti iind vlUIIU.
Tuok luuillcliiu fur ru ir > but K'H no rolluf ,
M. U Anilorion , | l ) | CuuiliK Btrn' . oitirri ,
Bbtluau uud bruiiLliUI * of IKiuJii jrtmr * i
io fotlowliuprnptra.1 rainsllai at
IIJ/J u bottl" ! l)0ttlo for * ' > iu , for Un euro ot
Attlinm , Catarrh , tflok ll'juliolio , In lUoill-ri ,
Illooil I'olsunliu , Ithuiimitliiii , KuiuiluVojkuu i.
KlUiiuy uua l.lrur Coiiiplalnl. .Nu unuMt Hula
onlbjr Chluutu Muilltluu Cu , Cupllal , IWJ.UJ ) .
Office , 16th and Cafaij Sis , Oauln , Neb