THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TITESDAY , JTLY 19 , THE O-iMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFa orncr. : - NO 12 PEARL RTIIFXT. T ci x > t < 3 Ij Cnrrlcrto ntiy paTtof the Cllr II \ \ . T1L1O.N. - MANAGER , I1" ' - . Office No41 ii i-r rt-TiDNrvJ " ni-ni. 'J f riI10M > - riI10Mj -j iN phi Editor No = 3 . ' M i\TW.V. JC Y. Plumhlnp Co. Council Jllufit Lumber Co. , A mnrrlnee license xvns Issued ycstcrdny tn Joseph Prc-udb of Oakland nud .lounln Bico of Potlaxvuttumic county. Culaxxull Mrlntosh nncl Eiirn Alien , both of Honey Crock , were tnurricd yesterduy uflernoon ui Honor ( Jreclt. Koculur communication Bluff City lodge , No 71 , Ancient , Free and Accepted MUHOUS this cvcnlnp. All Muster MUSOUB tn peed KtunOlCR nro cnrdiallj invited. CtmrTBltr , wife of Davenport MrGrudcr , died Sunanv nf lei noon at ! < o clock ut tbo family residence in Hn7d Dell township. iircdtil years. Tno fun > ral will tuko plncc this tnornlue ut 11 o'clock. .lohu P. Tin lot and Miss Marcnrct G Stnrr , both of thlR cltv , xvrrr man led vestcr dux- noon ai tbo St. Frond1Xuvier'i Cntho- llc church , Uev H .1 O KourKO onicltitlnp . They will boein houhehoepltiK at once oti South Sixth street. Mrs Watt timpson , while rowlnc with her tiUKbnmi on Lulto Maiotvu Suridur nlKht , ciucht ho.d of n nole thut ox-urhuug the xvatcr nnd xvutt pulled out Imo the lake. She was ihorouphlv soaked. und is nnvx luffTlng from n Koverr illness us the result of the ncci'iont \Vinain : Couche , n younp man who works for , I Wllcoj..tlic oust Pleice street enrdenr.r , wus urrcMed jer.tcrduy ufte-noon on tne cunrpe of seduction. Mur Hunilln. tbo vounp mother of u 4-months-old child , was the proRoeutlnc xvitnesR. A Rlunce throuph the bars of the city jail were too much lor the younp inan'f. equanimity , und he agreed to end the prosecution bv marrvlup ; the tiros- ccutor. They were married by .fustier Ham tner last cvcninc at his house on north Main The tnree men who were arrested by Deputy Alurshul Fowler ttie otbor duy on huspiciou of belnp wanted In Omaha wore dischurpcd , ns thry proved to be the wroiip paities. Ther wore imtnediatulv roarrestea on a charge of vatrrancy. und now utiother und more m-rious accusation IB preferred iifTuiut-t them. Ueforo they were arrested they xxcroputoff tlin Burlinpton fast mull , und they made n preat tipht with the train men , which delnvcd the train forborne time They are now to be chnrced with delaymc the United States mall , und will have n bear- Inp b.'forc tnc comniURloncr. Trainb lonvo Manuwa aaltv at B u ndlO IL m. , 1U in , nnd 1 , 2 , 2:110 : , 8. 3:110 : , 4 , ! ; : ) , 6 , 6iO : ; , 0 , 0:110. : 7. 7HO : , S , & : IiO , 5) ) , ' : : ( ) , 10 , 10iO. : : 11 nnd Ili6p. : m. Thu a:53tniin ] : will muko connection with llic htbt electric motor cur for Omuhu , ric.kiiic out. All trimmed work ut 'iOcon the dollar , riowcrt. . ribbonIUCCB uud cvorythlnn that bolotijjs to millinery sit loss than ccbt. The Louis , Munonic bloci ; . I'MibUfi.ii. i' tiACJtAi'ii't. S. P. Mact'ounell bus returned from a tout hern trip. H .T BuirJ und fatnllv leave today for n visit uitli friends In Glen wood. Miss , Colin Kncs of \ \ ushinrlon , la. , xvho tins been visitlnp the family of G. M. Gould , Icuvos ludnv for her home , nccotnnanicd by Miss J. E Gould , who will t-nend teverul tveoiifc tnere. _ CIlAUTAI'fJI ' A CI.OsKS. .liiliu ItrlVItt Mllli-r Tells VTImt HP Know * Aliuiit NM simpers. The Twin City Cnnutauqua held Its clos- Inp session yesterday All day lonp the camper * wore puttiup ready to decamp. Great wapon loads of cots , dishpans , mat tresses , mosquito bars , paHolino stoves and otner uric-ii-tiruc pilea together Indiscrim inately in horror-breedinp masses , moved out 01 the gates and told plainly thai today would see the busy canming pround u de tuned xillupo until unoiner year hhould roll uronnd. Fullt hulf of the tents were unoc cupied lust uipht , atthouph most of the cumperB ruma.ned until the close of lust input's untcrtuinniont. Jatiu Dcuitr Miller's lecture yesterday nfleronon was one of the most interesting uml iiitilructivu feature * of the duy und xvas made ot on more tuuu it would othcrulse huve been bv the fact tbat ut tbo close of his lecture he invited the audience to apply thn jiumpto him in the hope of tottinp out f-oroe of the information thut ho ihoupht perhaps , $ would come to the surface ii u should bu \ pivou proper ourourupemunt. The subject \ of his tutu WUR " .Inuniullsm " Ho bopun by funlrustiiip the cnuttcr of the French news papers and the conservative clumsiness of the tnplish with the Lreerj und interostinp wav In which ihenovx'B of lun xvoild lit dinhed up olhe rcndeth of the American dull ; . On o peculiarity v Inch nmrkrd IJr. Miller us belonpinp to a difleiout bchool from the BX-crnco clcrpxniou xvho bpeaks upon tliesub- i of the secular wus thut ho tool : it us ho found it und dil not appear to think it Ins iiutv to tofonn it from the pround up. lie readily admitted the uood points nnd nlained the readers more thuu the publishers for the hud.hen the question box xx-ub opened sonic one in the audience usked the aoctoi's udvico as to u hat he would do xvhen u newspaper had been u little too free in Us discussion ol his past record. "Well , " XVUE ihe rupli , "the flrsl thine I Lhoulu do would he lo malic a record in luo future thut 1 shouldn't bo ufruld to huve the paper toy xvlth " iu ruplv to u question as tu Ills opinion of certain publications that uro mauo up of cniipinpH from other mngnznics ho said : "Hash IK u line food sometimes But n man cuu live longer on roast beef or beefsteak for i. stuadx diet than ho cuu on hush , notwith- htundlnc there uro to muuy uiore tliinpb in hush " As to the Sunday iioxx-Bpaper , Dr. Miller t > nxv in It simply another enleiincwedre that nppeurrd to he Hepnratinc the American people frnm the American Sabbath Ho lliQUchl , however , that the question of read- inp or not reudliiR tno Suuauy papers fchnula be left lo Iho coiisoicnco of each person. The liburt.x of inkinp questions XVUH taken rcadilv by the audience , und it wat in tkiu part of the iinlcrlulnnient , rather than in tue fim , jlr thut the speaker showed hit power. In Iho eveiunc u concert xvus pivcn iu whlrh the Apnlioqunrtot , : ho Ileliilckc uunr- U't. Mnt SL-cllon , L , B Copclund , the As- K'mbly ban a und others took jmru The pro- rrnui was excellent , uud the entertainment formed u filling close lo tuo t > oustm. KIII' : : cotiu IlrcKK Acrnrillni ; lo I Hi' XX'ruthi-r. ViMt the Boston ntoro ; there you xvtll find thu lui'Kost dinplny of bumiiiur P'xiclh nt n nominiil uost. Our ( Himpluto line of all xvool for-JSc. AH our LnnsdovvncB in light tor S'ic , ! IMKI ( yiirdtt of llyht and inudium col ored In\vns , nil fan ! colorti , for 3e iv jurd. llill ( In2uii ludieh' ribbed vvxtb , 6c uauh. Ludiib'vtiihU wo rhoxv tin iniuioiiHo nn- Mirtmuiit. Our hue ot hiditib' blucl ; uut- ei'ti wnlst culilKit bu equuled. Ilonlory All tlitit ib necessary ib to see our line und got our prices. Out Tfic HUiniuer forseth tor 60c. Our 5-1 UUctiuruutuud r-utnmor cornctb for UUc. UOSTON STORK. Cuunuil UlutTb , Itu Tinlln i < X\'u Drj. A lively runaway mole pluco ycsterduv on Pearl lruot. A lior o heloiieinr to E. L. . Huupurt dashed doxvu the Ktntft drawiuc a dcilxorj xvaton. Ji oollidod xviih B lire hx Ui nut und ono xvhrul of luo xvu ou xvus torn r ft In his p\ rut otik the hnrt > u iu omo wav icut n u i tre both hU hiuo fool lUrouh the bit ; I > luU c Uk * xxlnuovv of Iho "Annex" fculoun u id u holu nearly luree vnuuch lo jiul tao r kl o' thn n'imitl through UPB uiu The horse ctcnj id injury. K > 0 ) n.'Oiile in thin city UBO pas ctovos. Ihe GukCo. pulB 'cm iu ut coat. NEWS FROM COOCIL BLUFFS Effect of the Hot Weather Plainly Shown at a Echool Board Meeting. MEMBER WELLS IS MAKING A RECORD lit Dlierm T1U Attention to Wnrnilnt ; tip Alliilrn In u ( ti-iirrnl Way I. > r Otlirr Mcmliern Itcd Hut bfKHlun La t Nlpiit , One of the liveliest moetlncs the school Joard ot Council Blufls has over held tools place last evening. An encapeinent of some kind was looked for. so every member wus to his place waltlnp for the chairman's gavel to demand when the hour for moetlnp came. The oarlv purt of the evening passed quietly cnoupb and there was nothing of an exciting nature until Chairman Brldonstom of the Epeclul committee , to which were referred ttio bids for heating apparatus for the Avenue B building , made his report , t-tutlng that tbo contract bud boon awarded without taking into consideration tbo bids of P C. Dcvol and the Simons Manufacturing com pany , Bince they did uot conform to the specifications , The committee , however , which consisted of lilmsulf and \Vnite , said Bridenstuln In his report , paid a visit to Devol's store in the interest of economy. Devol refused to change nis bid b.x pivinc an udilitionul guar- unty , and seemed very clad when he learned tnut they did not think of awarding the con tract lo bun. Hence thry pate the job to K L , Sbupart & Co. Mr Brlilcnsteln asked thut the bids of tbo various parties be read before uny action \\us taken , for tbo bonotlt of any miimber * tnut might have b2cn ab sent when the contract wus awarded. Tnls rci'ommendutiou was concurrea in and the secretarv proceoiled to road the bids. Mi-mlxT Wi-ll Wiinti-d tn KIIIIU. When he had finished the intcrestinc jmrt of ttio evening's entertainment came. \ \ ells called upon the committee to give its reasons for uuvlup lot the contract to Suugurt Ac Co. for fTM hen P. C. Devol hud a bid for f47.1. Ttis President \Vuite , one of the members of ttie committee , refused to do , sayinc that ho had already mudo all the explanations he thought uecessarv over his signature. "Tnen , " said Wells , " 1 want the secretary to take down this resolution for the board lo act on. " The resolution was as follows : Wliereus. At u repulur meeting on June LI ) the olds for the huutlnupp ir ttus or furnace for tinAx unuu II school buiidln : were opened and referred lou 1.pecia ! eoiiiiiiltteo cons MliiR ( if MiMiibur Uridciihtein und 1'resliluiil Wulte. w ho hae reported thut they luithu rontnu-t to Miupart\ forf7U mid rejeuti'd.the bid of I' . C lle\ol. hi Is known to bn u reMioiihl- blc buslni-sR iimn of this city , xvno o bid v. is f 7. > , und. ' \\liuruas.Tlie statutes of Iowa distinctly ( leelure thut all tonlructs fur bulldlncs or remilrs for more thuu il'JU shull bv let to the lowest responsible bidder , and. Whuruub. He-'urdie-ifc of the lu th s eom- inltte liusbuiin lit to let the vontraet to s-hu- purt & . t'o . thert'fon be It Ki-solxcrt Thut the Bpi-olui eoininlttcc eon- hUtlni : of llriileutteln and U alte lie culled upon iinU licifliy recjuesti'd uud directed to Mate to this liuuid their ruusons for lulilns the eon- tniet to shiuiirt i. Co an I rejertm ; the blu of r U Hi tol. An ominous silence folloxved thereadinpof this resolution , and xvus finally broken by PresuientVinto savinp , "He'lllhuve to pet n second , 1 guess. I've ruudi ; ull the uxplunu- tlon I intend to " "Then 1 xvant to call attention , " replied Wells , "to the fact thut tbis committee re fuses to pive the board such infoimution ns xou muj bavo to the taxpayers for x'otmp awuxj ! ol tne jieople's monej " ' Yoii must conline voui reinutks to some- thlup else , Mr. Wells , " said Wuite , "if mv explanation is not sufficient , it is not my fuult. " "It is mv prix-ilege to talk , Mr. President , " njolned Weils. "But you shan't abuse me1 said \Vaito. "I'm iiot abusing vou , but if I n-unt to talk lo the tux pavers and parents of this city , you shan't prox-ont it. Furthermore , it Is in very bud taste tor you , the chairman of the board , to sit there and talk back at me. " "I'm afraid you're talking for political of- fent,1' said Waite. Polities or no politics , the discussion xvns ono of tne xvnrmeat over heard In the Board ol Education rooniM. and the speakers' vo.ces x\ere tremulous with suppresses excitement or Bomuthiur else , xvhile ttie rest of the mem bers sat around , nppnrentlv very happy to thiuu thatIhoy didn't Uave to do any of tuo shoutiug. JiiM VntMl Mr.VcllB Dmrn. Wells then proceeded to point out the pro visions of the statute nud tried to convince the buard that the pretended ambiguity iu Devol's Did xvuu us clear us anvthing iu the English lunpunce could be But it xvns of no use ; there xvero five of Wuite und Bridenstciu and them xvus only one of WolU , und ho xvus bopcle siv snoxved under xvticu me motion to adopt the report of Iho committee cause. U he xvcuthiT in the little ofllcB bad hardlv become Rotllod xvnon Wells threxv another nomnsbell into tuo cnmu. It XVUB u resolu tion something lilio tbtt : XA heieib. : At the regular ineetinc of tnib ourd.lune . II 11 J n Id ropuried li.iv 112 pliu-ed uisunineu to the amount of * ,7.0U i ; mid Wlifjiuub , Two of the policies were fnt- nihhfd by 1'ruiilv K Maej.vtio wu * , not ut that time i.iul ! > not now u duly uulhorized In- surkiu-e iipeiif. thL-rufiirc be it Kvsolted. Thut Mr 1'luld he requested nnd dlreeled to furnish to the tuiurj unt infurm.i- llon hu ntu > huxi * uh to h s reasons for placing the tiiMmiiR't with un iiiiuiiumii/ed uieni. Member Stacy , the futbur ot the young man ul xvhom the resolution was aimed , teen this resolution us a stab at himself. "Wells seems to nave como up loaded for bear , " he remarked. "Frank Stacy is a son of mine , and ho has been in ttio insurance busi ness for the last two years It ib no xvorse for my son to pot insurance tram the hoard thnu it xvns for Mr. Well's brother , h B Wads- worth , to do the bttmo thine , not for ex- Member Scuoentpcn of thib board , u friend of U ulik , to tie u warded the contract for luriiishinc supplies throuph U ells' ussUt- uuca. Wells' remarks this evuuine plainly show n poiilicul bias und nothing more " In Kiply \ \ ells said that the xvuy i.i which busiuuvE wus now hemp done by the boiira xvas blmply u sloppinp stone to sometbltip a coed ucal worse , und It would HOOU bo possi ble for uny of the member.of the bouid to send one of their : nouds to insurance men and tell them that thav couldn't pet any DUblnetib from the district xx-lthout "divrymp up. " "J don't care for any of t'.io thmcrs Wullu has said about me tonipbt , " said Prcbidunt Wulte after ho had finished , "jor 1 know xMiero they come fiora " "Mr. President , " suid Wells , "your dirty tnslnuutlon is worthy tbo bouruo from which It comes. " l\tnl tin- SunnWuy. . After a few of tbeso little ninonltios hud heed distributed around ivith freedom and eclat Wells' second rcnulutlou met the bumo fute of its predecessor. Fields then Ktatea to tne board. In com pliance 1 h Wells' resolution , tbnl when Stucy applied for the insurance be aid not Uuow tVtut be WIIB u sou of me director. It , however , lie found out tnut the vounp man hail deceived him us to his bolnp the rcpu- Utly uulburi/ua upent of thu coinpanlos ho pretended lo bu reprokentinp. he should tauo uxvuy the insurance he bud plvru him uud pluce it souiexxhere ACCIItK.STAL DUOXVMNC. Vi-rdlet of the Ooroiinr'n > lur > In the Ciibr ot l > r. Miiinuii. Cormier Enep yotnrday held an Inquest iu the case of Dr. Sloman. XVUOBP body was found In Luke Munuwu Sunday morniue The wlthCB et. who were Culled upon to toil xvhut they ktiutv about the CUHO wore Slmou Cioctz , Charles Alhcrton , W. A. Ik-rcer , Thouiub Malouoy , F. C. Keod , ( i rucr Snyder , O C. Schxvorin , C. T. Hoclcufullow , C. O. Malowney , F. E Joslyn , li. tl. Siomun , Mm. Milton Sloman ana Uubtuv Hubu. The facts brought out ( n the Inquest were fcubstuutiully as have tiuuu altoidy recited Iu the column * of Tnr. lir.i : . All of the witnuisek ucreud in buying Uiut noibinp strunco bud ever been noticed Iu bib mental muuo ui > or In bU uctlon uud that on the'iM-eninc of the uccldeut he seemed to bo in hi * utuai goui tplnU. So Jar us i known ono pla of beer xx-as tbo onlt intoxl catlnp liquor that had passed his lips dui- nip all his Ktar &t the lake , nnd that was on the ovonlnp of Ms disappearance. Just be fore loavinc on big midnicht excursion he bouphl a bottle of pop at Thomas M loneT's ( .nloon and tbo omptv bottle xvas found the next morninp in tbo bottom of the boat. OuRtav Habn , uu Omuhadruprl1 * ' , testlflod that Sloman had boucht medicine at W Place on numerous occasions , but hud never boupbt anv morphine or other poison of the Kind. The statement made in n morninp ptper to the effect thut the deceased boupht some morphine and chloroform at O. M. Brown's druc store on South Main street proved to be unfounded. E H hlomnu , u brother , and Mrs Milton Slomau , n slstrr- in-loxv of Iho deceased , testified that thev had never known of his US'.DK morphine or other deadly drup Mrs Slomau said she telephoned the doc tor Thursduv r.lcht about 10 o'clock aboat a patient of bis and that tie told her that ho would bo iu Omaha the next morning about 11 o'clock O. C , Sclixverin. xvho keeps the boats on tbo north sidn of the lulto , was the man xvho rented the doctor the bout and xvno found bis dond bodv Sutiriav morninp. He stated that the boat xvas sufc for live people and ho did tint think that Siomua could have fallen out accidentally , even If he wus Rtundlnp up , without potti'ip xvatcr Iu the boat. The hot toin of tbo bout , xvheu found , xvus pjrfoctlj' drv. Several xvltnesses who xvero UP all Thurs day rurlit ut the lake testified tbat they heard no culls lor help from the lale. When the bodv arose Sunduv mnrninp Scbxvcriti nnd Snyder , xvno discovered it , said It WHS ivlnp In xvutcr six feet or more drop. It lay fnco doxvnxvards , nud they could KOO tne nuck of his bead , the elbows and thu back us fur KH tbo hips , After beliiR out only n fexv minutes the jnrv broupht In a verdict findinp that Dr. Slnmun came to his dcatu b ) accidental droxvnlap. Tbo oend man xvas n member of the Mod ern Woodmen of America and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. In which socie ties he cutried Ci.OJJ insurance He ulso hud about 0,003 xvlth various insurance companies. Chant tuaua di-u ijist , Gsa 3 Davis Colfits pinucr ule titid mineral xvutor sold ut xvho'.esule ' by Duquotto & Co. . munufncturing' confection erd. Tire ' "iiln. On Mondn.v ivnd Tuesday of this xvcok Miss Ktichdulc will soli all millinery poods nt one-quiiftor of original cost on account ol the recent lire. It xvas seventeen depress cooler at Lake Muuaxva lust cvenint ; than it xvus in Council Bluffs and Omaha. .losoph Millard and familv of Omaha xvero puests at Manaxva yesterdav and enjoyed themselves ut Mannuttau beach. C ty Attorney Eli Doud of South Omaha nnd fumtlv etijoved themselves ut the beach last nipht , nua distinpulshod tbomselvos by catching the biggest strlnp of tish of the bummer. A lady will b In attendance at the ladies' hath hoube on Maihuttun : b.-ach , and special attention will bo pivun to ladies and children xvho xvisb lo batbe in the luUo If the bottom ut Manhattan beach xvas pol ished marble cox ered xvith brusseils carpet it would not be firmer and cleuner. The Manhattan beach people have con structed a large batve , capable of holdlucr seveutx-Dvn or 1UO people , and covered It xx ub an axvnmp. It is to be used for private danciuc parties and vill be towed out in the lake , unfl the partx can be as select and free from intrusion us if the dancers xvero in u city druiviiip room. A uunce on the luka Oy e'.ectnc llpht Is both novel und enjoyable. Tne Manhattan Btiucb Imptovemeut com pany bus eniraped u striup bund thut xxill furnish music for duncmir each eveninp ut the dock pavilion on the heacn. The lane Is fulling at the rate of about three inches u dav uud will boon be at its nominal dopth. The toboppau slides ute beinp put in position and by this eveninp evervoodx car. slide xvhn wishes. Hound trip tickets from Omaha to the beach , includmp boat ride , can be obtained on motor curs between Council Bluffs and Omaha forSOc. bUVTII U.UA11A. Mi'i'tlnp of the Cltt Cuuncil An Inter Sl-Htildll. The city council mot last cveninp und transacted a large amount of business of nn unimportuut nature. It wus expected that the annual tax levy would bo made , but this xvns postponed until this evening , the coun cil to meet in special session for that pur- po e. A short executive session on the tiuxx city hall resulted in tbe accomplishment of absolutely nothing. Ordinance No102 xvns passed , creatinp priidiup district No Ifi. The street commit tee xvus nlso instructed to utlvertlso lor Bids. T. .1 O'Neil uhlcs tiumupcs in the bum of pr > ij by reason of the water overlloxviup his propeity. tJouue-ilmeu Wvmui , Bruce und Boxvley'xvill loou into the claim. Wolisteiu Co sent iu a communication complaining thit Dun O Nell's livcrx btuolo. under Blum's huh , U a nuisance. Thu Board of Health xvus instructed to invt : - tiputc. An ordinance xvus passed vacatinpR street in Bovd Sharp's addition ana the alley be- tueen blocks - and ! l in the same addition. ( Jouucilmun BuUu pave it us his opinion thut N street should bo opened up to tbo B. it M. trucks , and xx hen a motion , vas made that the city uttornov draft an oidiranco oneninc up the street the other members voted unanimously in favor ol it. A resolution xvus passed thut it x\as tbe sense of the council that the Nebraska Cen tral Kuilxvuy company bhould pay the South Omaha recistert , in the recent special elec tion $ ( > per d&v nnd tbcrub.x prevent the city from becoming involved in bovurul law suits. Uitv Treasurer Hoctnr xvus empowered to employ u deputv at $ > J pur mouth to collect delinii'uent taxes. J. H Kopietz , J B. Watklns ana ex-Mayor Sloane xvore uumnd b.x Mayor Miller to "up- ] iruise the damupeb which would accrue by reason of pradiup O street from Fourteenth lo Twentieth streets. The American Waterworks company xx-ore instructed to put in a fire byaruutut Twenty- third und B streets E JJ. ( iideou xvus allowed dumnpes iu the sum of fl. > ( l by reason of xx utor from the street ruunlnp In on uis nroper.y ul Txvent- secotirt I htreetb. Tne linal estimates of pruainp L street from Twnntj'-flrkt to Txvculj-second ktroeis , ainouutinp to ( 'KIU li'J ' , nnd Twenty-third street , from J to L streets , auiouuling to r..Hl'iO.Db , xvero allowed. Tbo ordiouncc reccttly pusRcd. prohibitinp tbo hcrdinp of live stoci ; in city limits , has u provision thut ihe council ma.x pruul purrais- tlon lo unv ono lo herd slouk within the limlis. P. O'Lonry wus given i ormission lo hero KtocK xvest of the Cuduby Packing company's plant nud Nuls Holmes east of T xvcuty-tlrst blrcot and north of H street. fiolnp Altur ti J'rlKOiiiir. Chief BiiCKett left ycblordav for Beatrice. Ho pees uftor L. M. Hunter , xvho is under arrest in thut city uud is wanted in South Onmtia for obtuiuuip money under false pretenses. The Dt-hnouico hovel cubhnd a email draft on n Chlrapo bauu for Hunter xvhich bus proved xvortbluss. uud unluHC tie muleos good tbo umounl tie will bo prose- cuind A few years npo Hunter was ono of tbe beta itnowi ) und xveulltunst live Ktocu com- uiibslou ineruhautb In Clucapo. The fuilure ot two Kansas City bunks und other un fortunate tlnuiiclat venture ! huve wiped utvav his wealth. I'UhHcil Counti-rli-ll MIIIII- ; . A tuinbor of couuterfelt silver dollarE nro in circulation in this city and the police are looUlup for the young man who Is responsible for inelr appearance , Venerduy a younp man ubout " ! ) years of upe , of sandy com plexion mid rather lull and slender , padsud Ixxo of those xvoribloHS dollun ut Ward' * uoufuctlouery fctoro. Ho nUo uttemptcd to i.nbs one of them at a grocery store on North Txveut ] fourth btruct , but the prjpriotor , Mr Hint , ejected him from the promises , He visited several other buhlncbb houses one \xub kuucebsful Iu pjssiup u fexv of the fcjiurl- ou colus. Tim Snliuol The Board of Education will moot thU evening UUQ tbe fartblou will bo uu intoruiit- inp one. Thu board xvlll tuko some action In regard lo the li'i ! , mllU levy for school pur jio cs xvhich the couuty has refuted lo inuke. Attorney Farnsxvorth , wti ndvlsos the mem b"r. < of the board upon , lpgal mattnrs , will recommend that mnaamu < prncoedinps bo co.Timenced to cotno ? ! thn couuty commlf- stonrr * to make tbo lev . Tbl * xvill bo done for the purpose of scttllnr tbo dispute ns to xvho ! her Ibo cnmmlstloficrs or council should make tbe lex-y. i . Nntr null rjppsniiHls. Mrs Eoill Sager is visiting xvith relatives in Hustings The Kepubllcan club hiet lat cvcnlnp ; nnd transacted laipirtant business. Mrs D B. Watiph "loft ycstcrdny for Shonandoah. la. , xvhcro he xvlll make an ex tended vliiu L. E Hollowell , formerly of tbo JJrovors Journal of this city , buf ioxv located at At- antlc , la. , xvas in town yesterday , Mrs. M C Hudson nnd dnucbtor. Miss " "loronco Hudson , of Uothonburc. Ncu. , are n the ultv to i-emain for hovorui days. Mrs. Alfred Green xvbo tins boon visitlnp xith Mr and Mrs. A. J. Cuuphoy , returned o her home nt Atlantic , lit . ycsldrdav. The member * of L. Ix _ Wells camp. Sons of Veterans , xvill ph'5 a laxvn Roclui this evening nt Twenty-fourth aua M strootM. John S Knox , tr-illic manatrer of the Cudubx Pucklup oompativ. njturned vestor- day from Kuusas City , xvhuro he bus bscn in thu lutcresl of bis company. The city council met vestcrdoy morninp as a board nf cquallzutlnu for lue purpose ot equalizing the spaclal assessments levied upalnstpropcrly in several urudlnp aistrlcts. An Otnahu ludy. xvhn refuscn to pive her lumo , XXMS overcome by tbe bout on Txventv- 'ourth street yesterday afternoon. She ocovcrod sufllcicntly to return homo late ust evening. The Younp Men's Republican club xvill noet W'jdncRdiiv cvonlnt : ut . ' ! JU South rxvoatv-fifth stroat , for the purpose of tult- np HCtinn In regard to selecting delegates to tbe county contention. The replevin case of D. P Koth apuinsl ounamasler Phillips xvill bo hoard In .hulrc Hedge's court this ufternoan ut 2 o'clock. The cuso is one xvhorcm Mr lloth roplo.-lned ilneteen head of coxv , xvhich Mr. Phillips lad ini.otnided. [ A. H. Murdock and .loo Edperton xvill discuss the money question this evening nt i lvonka's hall. Mr. Muruocu xvlll uphold tbo position of the republican party on this question , xvhile Mr. Edpertou will tell of tbo leople's party xvild cat Ksu De Witt's Sarsupanllu is 'elianlo. AO r.iruits run VUKISTIAMI. llifiirils I'ostitil Tlnoiiplioiit llonp Kong Di-iiounrlii ! ; tlio Church. SAN FiiAscist'o , Cal. , July Is. The Btcam shin City o' Polcln has arrived from Hong iiong and Yokohama. A correspondent writes from Nanking thai there are no Indi cations of nuy serious onen trouble with 'orelcners , but rumors arc slill boinc spread as lo tbo torrlL'lo doedf of Christians and loss > f cbildren's eyes , etc. These are penoruily jclieved.ovon by those in high authority , but still there is no danger of uny opcu trouble. At Wusicn placurds have been posted xvarnlnp apalust the practice * of Catholics xvno are charged xviih rnuUiuc ; uxvay xvitb children. A series of llrcs uro reported from the Phillipinc islundi and Muronp , June , ' ! , 200 buildings in the business section being do- stroxed. At Bulanpa Juno U 1'OU bulldinpB were de stroyed , il.UJU persons belnp tendered home- ess und destitute Other conflagrations oc curred ut Juan Mandela and Manban dunne tun month. Yokohama advices up to July - state that .he mmistr.x is still iu nn unsettled condi tion , the vacancies not boiup filled un News has been broupht to Yokohama of a terrible murder on the high sens. A few mouths ace the schooner Undine , oxvnod bv Jrawford it Co. , of Sau Francisco , soiled from thut port for the .South Sea islands in command of CapUm Castella Thexessol's crew consisted uf the captain uud eight men At Honolulu a man xvho said bo XVUB tbe mate's brother joined the vessel nnd xvheu three days ftom Honolulu one of the brothers snot tbe captuin. The crexv xvas supplied xvith liquor and made away xx-lth all the crsxv jxcept toe stoxxard , who xx'as civon u puss Ths authorities arrested the murdore.t > and beut them to Manilla. I'OUAO Mliii. JILJUA'E Her Health IIus Isot Ili-t-n liiiprovod bj Hrr luriiiean | Trip. Ntxi YOIIK , July Is. Mrs. Mane Nevins- Blaine , the divorced xvifo of James G. Blame , | r , arrived in tbis city yesterdav on the steamer ia Champapne , nftorseverul months Btov abroad. Mrs. Blame is still verx feeble and her health has not unproved ns much us xvus hoped. She was met oy her futhor , Colonel Nevlns , xvho looU her 'o Uio Now York hotel. Broudxvux and Waverly place She xvas so exhausted bv her X'ovupe thut she itnmudiutulx xveuitoued nuu remained there the whole ufteruoon , declining to see even her most intimate friends Mrs. Blame's plans us to the future are still unsettled , but it is thoupht she xvill po to some qui'jt health resort as SODII as she recovers suillcicutlv to be movea. J'olirr Notes. Barney Skipxx-orth owns a dog xvitbout a tup One of Spoon's men attempted to take tbo aforesaid canine clown to a care on the bands of the Missouri , but Skip objected uud slnoa the dog fiend oil with u slcdpe hummer nud Stunxvurtu xvas arrested uud churpeo with ussuult. Tom Lawless , un old timer in police circles , pot druuit nirum yesterday nnd xvetit home to uuuso his family , xvno live ut Eleventh and Nicholas. Tom hadn't broien up much fu < - utturo befoio u policeman runtime ut lurpe stopped the trouble and bent tno druuuurd to jail. Charles Llrst , xvho lix-ea near the Belt line on the north , spent a few hours tn juilyester- dux on u ctmrceof erab zzlmga small amount of inonov from Murthu Hoot. Tbo prisoner xvuh released on f.VJU oa'l. ' Tne police drugped Peter Elttenocrper in oul of tbe dump uir ia t night for stealing a cloulc und several articles of xvearing apparel from Emil MiUolholier , xvho btops ut the Marshall bouse Tbe stealing of fl'j , a suit of clothes , a hut and u puir of shoes Andrew fat. Clair , Seventeenth und Cuining Htreets , is what Thomas Donahue Is locued up lor ut the city jail. All the plunder xvus found on the pris oner except u part of the money , which tiud been 8pent for rum in a Tenth streol joint The charge is petit larceny. Tn C'tlrlirtilK Another DiMMUrrv. SAN Dir.uo. Cal. , July IS. It hub boon de cided lo celebrate the ! ir > 0lb uiinivursury of the discovery of San Dleco bay , xvhicb oc curs September I ! * , next. Elaborate prepa rations urc being made for the event. or i'KTjii > tr. A II Austin , a Nmr Vork traveling man , aiixl suddenly ut the 1'.aimer house I'hleauo One man was Ullledana sexon wunnded by the explosion of cat In the Clleu Ciowan eolllury near Mionunduun. I'a. rnslneor Jrmes M Muddy XMIB killed und about u dozen men hi'uled by the I'Miinslnii of u holler at the tile \vorun nt X\ est Liberty I'u. The tnc bout Itooth unfl-lirr tow , which has hcun niiHhlus for several duth. has turned uji ull rich ! u Bhori ( IUtiiou : ; , from U WUKU , N V Aclinc Comptroller | ) [ rthe I'urruiiey Mxon liui. ordered anoiner twsCbiiiiieiit uf Hixi.uoj on the HtouUholdcri , of ttio burHtud MuxunuU bunk of lloBtun. MUBS. , Tuvlor Hull , ( iiiRlni-iTiln Hpcrioiir \ C'o's fuc- ttiiy ut Kiehniond.'IiKU was Lliliul and seien other men badly hurt t > f the explosion of u holler in thu enirlno ruum of the eilubllsh- nii'iit _ _ _ _ _ _ J'ori'Jpn. Huniarlan railroad lahmerR are rlotlnp Uiindhrhl . Out , and u lar.'e furee < if deputy fherlllh called out lo hiipprobs Item , which they did without trouble. Mnnslunor llurdlttt. hlbliop of f-t. Olniid. Minn. , it. In lioino iihln evnr > iitlort to pvi u decision iigu'Ubl llUhop Irulanu'b jilan of ediicut.on. The mlshlon of HlrC'lmrles smith , the llrllish unxcy lo 1'ez. has proven u I nil uro and hi huu ttlthdniXMi ChriHtlun * uru nnsufe In tin BIII- l ni's territory und riotous soldlur * are com mitting many murilert. A nuihof Itoiimuiiluiih ut Mucura. Oallclu , uttumpted to rrsenecome prisoners in theens- tojy of ensd'arme Tun of thu mob were 1.11 I'd und twenty-liie woundea. The eommon p opu In the cholera Inflicted duiricisof Uiihslii mill rtisUt theertoris of the aulhiirlties tustay the oiiwiird eonrho of tliv druud due isc und urooiintb ol the w reel , of hoMiltalb and the murder of sui.'uoiib by the funulti'Ul noiuilui'i' uro nuiiieroiib. AVIuul hiii | > l ] ol tin.Sorlhueiit , Mi.NNUroi.ik , Minn. , July 18 Figures compiled by the Northwestern Mllior the npcrocnto stoclt of xxheat tn couotrr cle vntors of Minnesota and the txxo DuKotas * o IKS llUi4.-li ! ( ) ! bushels , a decrease for the xvcok of S'M.KK ( ) bushels A veur ago the stock was n.SST.TOO bushels. jo inntin. . Itiinnti-A > pt I'lrc to the ( ! tl Ui-lnrm sclinnl lit Inill iniipiills. ] M > UNAi'OMs , Ind. , July IS. A wilful but unsuccessful attempt to burn the state xvo man's prison und rolorm school for clrls xvns made lust nlcht t > y Inmate * of the irstitu- lion. Three flro ? were slarted at the sumo instant in us muuv parts of tbe building A bed xvus ipnltea nnd u lot of clothing set on lire. The younger inmates of the Rrt eel xvore just retiring xxhun the fires xxero discovered und they ran down the stnlrwavs screaming During the excitement nud confusion that folloxved flftx of the females escaped into the yard and attempted to scale HIP high iron picket fence surroun-linc the grounds. It is tboucht ail xvoro recaptured. Tbo lire xvas extinguished before any damupo was done. Anna Bishop und Lticlnd.i Hlte , xvhlto girls , nud Putsv Wllllum , colored , are suspected. The latter bad thrc.ilonod lo lira tbe build- inp ut the first opportunity. Miuielcil lij tlu'Cnrs. Ct.xtikt. Neb , July IS - [ Special Tolo- prum to Tut. But : . ] An unknown man np- pnrcntlv ubout ll."i your * old , dark hair uud mustache uud xvcnring xvorklng clothes , xvns found on the Union Pacific track live mile ? xvest of toxvn louipht. minified by the cars bevono recognition He xvas npnutently n tramp stealing u ride. An inquest xvill beheld held iu the morning ut this place. lliillillup IVrtnlts. The foUoxvins building permits xvere is sued by the supuriuleudeut of buildings yosterdnv : P. 1) Noniluli. one und one-half storv frame ( mulling , rorty-se-ioud und Mluinl tttrouts 51,000 I'V. . Leu. ttto-Ktury uddlllon titlttull- Ini ; , liH Miuth Tnuiity-elKhih struot . ] , t)0l ) 1'uur inliiut puiiulth fi"i Total f..fiTS DeU ill's Sarsananua ciennsos the blood. Thrj arc blind x\ho xvul J not trj a box cf j BEEOHAM'Si ' PILLS : - lor the disorder i which * prow out ol Impaired * III C r 1 I < > u Frir n $ 'a , Con. * iulrrcdS _ I.IT.T. Mill Head- * ! ) iit-hr , or tins * HlllnuB * { nnd Vrrvnnn nllmriitK. lhey take the S H place of an entire medicine chest. i J COVERED WITH A TASTELESS AND J SOLUBLE COATIND. J Of all drupeiitB Price ZS cent * a box. J New Vork Depot 16 , C anai St ARE YOU SUFFERING ? fZ3 * Female ritoxj Weakness , Catarrli or llliciiinalism , Chronic , Kervous or Private Discisss. IP SO , CALL ON Dr. Searies ยง SearEes Consultation Free. Ai-Kiiowlcdcetl to Jm the most successful clulislR iu all 1'nix * TI , , BI.OOP , MIIXMU- , ANDl'HINAUX DlStAhKS. Ciiiiifiriliiin n f r i n .1 to G davs cvphills euii'd without Xli-rcury All st IKO" for life ICTl UP iipriniinont'y cun n nuii'\.il ' eiilll- w Ittiunt cutttTm uuu-.tu or < hlntitkun : ( uro unui-tct ! at lininc In [ mtlriu without n muiuent s nnln or iiiiniMm ( < * I'llKITl H AM > ltr"T/ . fl"il5 ! curad w .thi'Ut imln ui ( It-Tcntiun truai | IH-IIIL-HX HYUltol l'\A. AM > X Altic IK'III.I : > prmini"iitlT nnd hUtrcv fuUT cured Mcthoil n * M ituu imliitlln WEAK MSN rVHAMTX. XVnAKl , Mlil-Kn hy Icio clo i ni't'll cntion tn liimlni'KR or ntuclr si-vurc iiipnu ! ntraln or crlnl shM AI. Kiss < | - . in mlildlu lllu , or Iriiiu the cflvctot > oulhfiil fiilhot XVl'.AK MtN AHn X-ICTltlg TO NUKVOUS DD- lill.lTurKMlAI -Tl IN , XX A-T1M. WUAKXli ! iNXllU N'JAIIX l.u-Si : with P.AItl.'i DBCAi 111 UH'.VT nail Mllitil.C A.I.I > Inilt of vlia Mciir nun ptroiiu'ta wltli c\uiil < ir-ans liupalr-d aiu wi nkcnciifil | iri'iiintiiri < y Iu iii'prci iclim. old : u AI rich' r , athlr Ii ( Mir n troatiacnl lor ! o ( if vlt..l IIOVIT ( all a ci- ul < lr > ,4 nlttJ nl.uap Inr ( Irtiilar 1p ? lunik anil rt hr A VM ' ! K -"uth i" > tt 'trout Ul. o i u. .Jtu-ILb , ( IMAUNI.U l \t t" I'o'-t dnici MANHOOD RESTORED. "EANA7IVC. " the Wonderful hpnalih h Ir i-uli ! r illi a Written Cuaronttio u.rurc ull Nciious Hif- t-fl euth as XVfnk , lauri , I ef > tit Iliulo ] un i r , Ilcuduchc , xx ul'tilii' - 1 owtilan lined l erxnusiif s IAS- s n uili all aialui mid Before & . Afror Use. IMS of piintr tif the cil Irom life. ( piicrutlM. OiqaiiH In i-ltlicr nrauio ry un fx. nii nut ) In' liidiwnilmii , HI UK unrMlt * itol o , in ' HIM HI nn muni- I. iui aiu . ti-l ) IP.1U | i I .11 III > ' ( IIIKIIIIII Illl "l"l lll-lllllt } I'll ! IIP Hi i il ci Iflll I II I iurr > M tin MM | ruct | i u pin tuci ii iloij > XVitl.M ' nnln > M ci'fn \vritte-n Biinrnntee to cure or refund the nione } . --ai H uiul t < inn uiHIress < lunlui tree 111 I'Uui cnveMilK Mfllllun IliiinM'i | | Au.'rfBS , MAC.1ID LHtMIBW. CO Urania ( in foEA SWlKlulinniMr t CIIK Add IM FOU EAI.E IN OX' AHA. KF.B , , BV Ruhr * Cii f c.r 13tn & 'I'MipIai fits " A I'lllliT t ( r > f'nr llth 4 InuBib SU. Jill 1' C XVE-Ts KKIIVI. ANIi IWAI.NTUISAT 51i.N'l u | iouinc lor llmturiik ln < zinu9i hit , NUJ rnlKlft Iliudacliu .NITHIUS I'nmtrutoii cau n4 h/ nliuuu or lutincco \ \ ukufulucsti Mutual I > t iiru blun suliauBxif ttio llruiu cniuiat , lUKuntty niiH'jrf ducu } ( loath I'rumntiire Old Ace lliirrunu t lui < uf I'l'ivxr In cltliur box In.pnUMicv l.uu'urrliu.t ( mil nil I uniuli'ujknunHui Invuiuntarr l i'i'i Mmr niiiturrlicu cauii.U by oiur-i-xttrtlnn ot tin iiriitn httlf uliUHtovur uulalL'fiiiu A uioatli i trdiitiumil f 1.1. Jor f.'i Ii ) mill WvcimrniiluoHlx tiuzu < tu carj l.iuli ordur lur i > uuxc * with fi will nond urlttun pauriinltM'to rufuud If nut carBd Uuuruutco INHUU ! unl > t > ) nhioitiiru V Luwli. driiKulHi hole nirt'iil. KuuthJimt lurnur Uitli nud I nrauui > tb Ciiuuha I'ropiKi'ls lor I'mlnc liittirHi-ctlonii. healed propi sals will IK reuulveo by the un- ( ler icntid until l.Hi ! o ulouk p in . .July'Iril. . ' , fur Uoluriulci sandstone , mu.I'uIs criiulle und VSoodriill Kunmis stone uccordinc to spt'Cillcatin'is for 1WM , tor jiuvinc the purl of lntei > uciion on the west of sixteenth street unulliianis street. I".a"li bid to specify u price pur square yard for Iho piivins ciinipiete on iho inturMictlon XAorU to bedonu In Hccordance nith plniib und siKH'llleatHins of 1KU. on Hie In the ollict of the Ilnard of I'liblionrks. . I'.nch prono-'ul to bv made on printed blanks furnished by tne hoard , und to he uccdiupa- nled by u certllled che.-k In the HIIIII of tiUU. pnyable to tin city of Omaha , ufc un ex idenee of coofl f tilth Thobciird ruserves tlie rlzht 10 reject uny or utl bidk und lo waive defi-cts r w imtKiiArt-ru. C'liiilnnan Hoard of Public Work * . Omaha , .lu.i IU IbLC July JO , It , IU Mr .T r , Tmi < < , of 1 , i1ton. Ark..vis. s-0 of I "About ten scars nco 1 r in-1 trnrtcd ft t > ex ere ca o of Mood | io ! son IXMiiinc ; phxKiii.ins proscribed incillilno after medl' Inr. xi hli b I , xi I'lumt r. x relief 1 nlso trli-il mcrriirl.,1 nnd imtnMi ntncuk-s , xrith nnsurccs fu ) results Imtxvl.lrli bronchi on nn nttnch of tncrcurlnt rliciunatlsm that in.idc life tnx * , nrM | ' 'f 1 ' one of n.wx After Ruflcrmc four xcars 1 paxr up all rpinrdlri am ) licpan lisln ; S S S Aft r tal.ltic H'xrrul linttlos 1 Was cntliclx riirorl nnd nl > K t > ipstimc xinrK 1 'lu pnnli * > t nic.lti me for bb.od * ) nl ouliij ; tiv-dax on the market " Trcalisoon lllnod ntul siin Di ca ps tnnllpd freo. bxx-ifr Si-Leu n C o. . Atlanta , C.a CURB OllDIXANCC NO. 811W. An ordinance orJarlti : the criuline of lluiiill- ton street from the viaduct CMT the Huiuha } telt Kiillu.ix to-Cith street. and dlreelln-- board of public noilcs to like the iitusiiiy ! : st"ps to cuusp 4ald woi'l > to be tlonu. Axiieroas. three dlslnteru-ti-d IreeholtU'ru linve been appointed by the mayor unit eon- Iliiued bv the elt\ council to ulipt Use the Uiiiiiupt'n ailsing Ji.v reasnu uf said grndln ; ; am ) , Whoreus saltl appraiser ? utter duly qunilfy- Inc ai't'ordluc to lu nnd euiitinii : the prop- ertv uUectml have m.iile thelt icpoi't und the cits coum-il hi.tupptoxod thi'itimc : tbiTofore , 1UIt nrduinuit hi tht > city council of the ulty of Oinuliii : -I'l-tion 1 That It t ( leoinvd nuo ssnry. niul It Is luiH'bv declared nei-essury thut Hamilton street from the x hi lut't nvoi the Omaha Holt Itullwuj to IMh sti-et. bo cni.ed totho pres ent ustulilHit-il Kiade , und the same Is heieby oidered ( lone Section- Thai the board of public xtorks I * , hereby dln-eu-d to mkc the uocessai v sti'ns toeiiuse s.ildxor , % to lie done. r-oclion : > This oi.lliiiiut'ii Mball tul.o rfcct ) and bu In foice from und after Its jiuss- " ' "T-'usscd. July nil , . > aJons Jens GROVrA flty Clet U. K P. DAV1- . 1'iesldeiit City Council Aprnved , July llth. isir.1. uno. P. HKMIS Mt.yor ORDINANUE NO. : ! 12S An ordinance Uoclarlnc thoneccssltv of grad ing Murthu street from -"ith sirm't to " 4th street , and iippolntlns throu dlsliiteri"-ted appraisers lo assess und dotunnlne the dam- aces If tini to the properly owners , \\hlch 111113 be citiiseu h > such crudln ? . \ \ hereas. | irun.rtvoxMi ! < ) rB representing more than three-lltthsof th ; foot froiitaco on bald part of Martha b reet liutipetUlone - tun city-council to have said piudlnc done tindri the tliri-e-lifths eliinse s jirovliled for In sec tion fill of the city ehuitei und tliueost theleof to I o mad i payable In ten equal installments , therefore. licit ordained by the city council of thu city of Omuhu. bection 1. That It IB proper und iipcessurj. nnu It Is lit rebv dualare I proptt ami noce-si- rv. to grudi Mariliu stieet to Its piesent cstublished pruue. ineludlns neeesmiry p- prouehes thereto , from IVth btnot tolib strutit suction 2. That I ho mayor , with the upprot- ul of the city couiicll. appnlnt tlirer ( INlntur ented Hpprulsors to appial-ie. assosb und deter- nilno the datnugi * to property owners which limy bconuMo'l oy sti'li irndltn. itiUlne into consldoiutlon In muklnc hncli appr ilsniiint the special benefits , if any , to Mien ptopuny , by reason of such cnidin : . Auction .L 'J'luit thl- ordinance ( .bill tuKo ulTutit und bu In force from and after Iu pas-- aie. 1'usscd July Oth , 1K , JOHN CUOVE5. City Oli-rk r. I1. DA VI- . T'rosldunt City Oouncll Appioved July llth , IMi'J CJUO. 1' . HCM1 = . iMsuor ORDINANCE NO. 31II2. An ordinance oruerlnc the crudlne of IDth street fiom Mason struct to Fierce street und ( llroctinp the bourd of | iiiblie uorks ty take the neeehsary steps to cuiisc suldorlv to by done. He It otaalncd bv the city council of the city of Omuhu. f-uctlon \VberouK. . periniinent prudes liux-e been eslablUhud upon , und uppritlHiTti IIIIMI beendul.t uppiilntod b > ln . to uppr.iise tin dumusub eunsej bv the iriuln' ' of IIUli htreet from Mason hfeut to Tierce street , and mad ( their repoit to the cltv council , which has foimully u lopted l'ie tame : and. whereas. propcrlx o\vneiK rt'presenlLiu moio thin ihroc-lifths of the | Uupeit > aliiittliic on su d port ! tils of the hticet uhox'e spccllled , Inixi- jielltloiMiu the eitj council to have said slteet Graded tv > the pic-ent estiiblished grade with out chaise HI theeitv. and that thccont be mude piyublc In ttm etiual InstulliiM'iits , therefore IHth streuu from Monn t-ttcui to I'leiuc street , tie und hercbj Isorduied pr'idcd to the established crudi. Scullon - . Thut the tio.ird of nubile \voik-t be und hert'tiy Is dim -tt" ! to t.iUe the noeessniy steps to cause su d work to bodonc elJtllll II. Th b ordiirincp sli ill take ellcct un < l be In force from and ufler its pantrnge. I'libaud Jul > 'ilh , 1U- JOHN GROVK. Oltv 'iurt ! H ] ' . DAVifc. I'n'sldeut Ulty ( Jounoll Approved , Ily tlth , l Mn for ORDINANCE NO. ai.'JU. An ordinance declaring the iiociHSlty of In.JTith ; axuniic fiom I.eaviinworLh Ktrect to sou Hi line of HI Is I'lucu , und iippointlnc three ( llslnti'ii'stt'd appraisers to uswss and determine the damages. If uny. lo the pion- eity oivnei.s , xthluh may be eaii.sed bx sneh mutllii ; . He it oidalned bv me olty councilor the city of ( 'malm. S"clion 1 That It Is proper mid necesH irv und It IN hcrubj uueiarud piopur unU neees-arv to uruuc .lith iiMinuf to 1th ptusunt olib - lishi'd giadL , In.'lnd.iiL' nceessaiy appmai he- thereto from l.eaicuwo ! th street tosunth lini of Hills I'lucc " . Thut the xith the Section" miiyor , x\ npprot - ul of the city council , uppolnt tin LID disinter ested uppralHt'rs toupprulne. assess und ( lete > - mine thu ( liimape to pinpurty onnuis which may be caused by sneh pi idinx. tukliu Into uonsidcr.Ltlon In miklni ; such appraisement , the Kieciul | lienelits. If uny , 10 such pi.iperty by reason of such jjradln ; : . Mictlon 'I. That this ordinance shall tul.o clluui und be in force from und .if fur lib J'a'hsud , Jul ) fith , ItU * JOHN or.ovns. I'ltj O.url , n I' . DA Vis I'riisiduntUlty Council , Approved. July llth , Ib'C' ' . GCO. } ' . II n MIF. MIF.Mnror. Mnror. TO PROPDIITV OWNERS on alley Imlwocn uud C.istollurstro e from went line Iiuponl ulaue lo Twunt y ninth blrtiet. Um.ilri. Nob. ' Vou iti heniby notlfiud thut the under- slcned. three ( l.Klnturested fruuhuldurs of Hit- eltj of Uniuhn. huvu buen duly iippolntud b > the 11111)01. with tin apprinul of the city coun cil of mild c.l ) . to uhnchs the di.iiuuu to the owners respectvolj ! of the property atlcctoJ In cradln ? < m said allej , deilared ncc'exsurj bv oruiniincc No .ilUa pussud , i line 14th , IBU. ' , upiirox ud J line 1 ith , In''j. ' \ ( in are further notlfiud. thut hating uc ccpicd salu appolniiucnt , and duly iinullllud us rcnulrod bv luw , we will , un the tMd duy of Jul.x. A I ) . 1NU. ul the hour of in o'clock In the forenoon , ut Iliu olllcu of lieorje J Tan ll > 5 I urniiin httuut , within the eorpjrat limits of said city , meet for Die iiiirnoxc of eon bldurlni : und maklni : as es munt of iliinuiKC t the onnurs reHpuetivuly of Mild piopoMv. allecteil by mill grndlni ; , taking Into uonbld- ( iiatlon special henellib. If uny on an notlllud to bu prusunt ut Hie time und place aforesaid , und make unv objuotlonB to or statement * eoneernlnir said nsHii , ment of duiuauek as ion mil ) conhldiT propiu ( ilOIlt.1 : J I'AI'L CIIAC 1 , TIUMIAK SAVl L1.MUUTI N'-i N. Omaha .li.'vlith IMI. , liiami : ABSOLUTELY PORE - JILSTTRYT. ! SPECIAL NOTCOES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IpOH ttrXT ThodwBllltiB on I'trst uvptiun iiiu ) T'elnh ' strent formuriy occupied br M 1 ' in Ith , II rooms , S huMi rooms und ull modern liiiprmumpntR. coid stnblc und out buiulinp , rent f > o pnr month _ K 11 S-lm.ifo. XI ot hnxi iiuytlilnc for slip or Irailp spa _ I II MIC ifn. llroadwny mid SlKtn itrpnt K'i'lf Itl.x I l ) r iln'it | in u , p.rts of ilia - - clix I. II Hmiifp. Ilru.iilwny unu Mum \\T AM 1 tKu ti > rii Npbrnsk.i lands n ex- ' cluiiiet for Oounoll Il'uff * p'oporly I > IL -In nf H"o , IWHV und M iln siropt rnTr iiuon-sT idpn-c lot. No lli ! 'outh TiMt str-iil. ht ) Ji-tt friiut. best ! < ) C'illon nnrt host bir.-aln In tin cltx If lakou Hi ouco. Hay \ lless JJ 1 I'Kt sirucl nnd city loins ixt lowoit r.Uc * -i- lii-al I'siHtp for sulo I'wcinn ; unt business ronluls. Monc.x loaned for loaul investors . Louvrec JL Towls. jr. I'ciirl strent. _ _ 1ptl ! } > ALn .IrVHtor with porn uliulipr. 4ii'PI > u d iliy ; corn cr tidi < r H" tin iin ho ir. s i mm iitliotiinunl. 40 II P uniun ; ( lulu n co.i I bus miss ; Ui-utud t outu'll HlulTH r. 11 Shontu. FOU sALC OnsniR'l pnynipnts. fruit und c.irdcn lun I 110.1 r Council 111 nils U 11. Shc-.ife llnmiln ly und MHII ! slicct I Uill . , \li : _ Itupd lathe , foot or pnttci f l.t -L ions. U' lnche wldu. buck euureU an I.cnnr I riittin : . ultli co npluto chuiiKu o cuirsnj 3 ( bucks , ono C-lnch , onu 4nch mill 1 dr U chuel. . imnts metal turnlu : ton.s ot nls. ( itu-.i-ho c pn\M < roll onclni ! . lt'i shifiluc , pulleys bcltlnc. etj All In ROI I ornor unii xx II I he suld chu.iii fur cash or un time to rijht Iiuri3'd _ Ircss llox 4X Ulllott Ii _ _ " ) ! 'XCHr * of lund In southi-rn low a fur s il , at i ' pci urnOi : uctos fru t f n u in Ml , IB COUUM fors.ilc Johnston A. Vmi I'atio i l tilt * < AI.r : Alhlnn Itolitir mills on It lonn - * rlxi'i. .Nch . Hnusl Hulurpiiwci In the state. devclopln ; iv. % horsu pomir xv itur cut to X lur , ( lallj pip'icltv. IOU birrpls : nmh nrrt uml a | anrtcn Miees complete lne\cr > del ui Ocioil frame residence ; K ncrosot lun I Ul e ucrfti ; price. ffl'iMi ; will tal.p unl upnue i inisterii Milnusku lund. 11 11 Sliiinfo IiXiIl t-.VI.U On oiiiv p laments nxxiMlliiRg in nil pirtsof the ultv. E 11 Mipifo . .1 "At.r Stock of mnsc ami I rlcrf stnnj hnl din.Mill established tr.-idc > o .lion ni'iii Cm .h.i. I'rlcu. J..VI1. \\ill luUe grind furiii In ( ixchan.-e. 11 II. Shuafu I poll * -AI.l , Iowa fnrms In rottiiwiitliimlu und atljolniiiB counties 11 H ' nuufo \\TA\TI I ) A limit Aucust 1. In a prlVHto ' fiimhy , u oompuicni clil for enuritl honscnoik. must huxe refurcm.-c Apply oenings in 1.15 Willow ax mum C'liui-c 1 lllnlls. d iin.ll3 w 111 buy u Slurlln.pnciimulU 'lucx clr ; 'P.No ! condition. Ohurles A. Atkliis , I ounUl lllulls. FOU i-\1.I. Ilntols undrestiiunuits in I , > wu mid NvIiraHlvii. dolnR prolltubie huslncsi uml well loiMiuiU : xflll lukul ind In part trades write for iloiuUE ! _ II. Slicatu "ITtOU' ALK A nrnt class sto-k of - mui eh uul Iso with pee J will , price. fi.UJD ; will iiiku iiod lund inexuhun.-e I. 11 himfo. Full -A Lt i-iock of millinery und notions , with store und fixture * : price fI..IJJ , will rade for land. II II Sheafe. -"AbE H3 neros of RooJ Innd nnd now * - cotl.iiru with four acres Innd In Waruom- xlllc. Nub nil modurn iiiiiirn\enients will exchunjc for a pUnsatii coiti-re fro of In- cumliruneu In Council llhills or Ouiahn. n II huafe. FUI ! i-\Lr-Prush Jcriev co xxltli hefor calf. Inniilrc of Gourde Keoline 11- ) Cast I'lcrce Dtruel FOH S X.1..EOno of the hrl.'htr'st an 1 most desirable homes In the ciu on Jth uvo ; iniHlern in all rospurts Must sell , und will siiiTillci ! Adarus * L 10 , Hue ollle FOH SA | .n ISO-acre ranch In t'horrv i'o. , Neb Ciood hay lai.d. spiund u runso for cattle Mce COIIIIKU , Rlable and cui build- IIIKS In coed rupalr. plenty watur Ili-m land In tlit ciiiinix txlll bull cheap \Vr tc for de tails. L. II. Miuufe FOIi 5ALI. oil TRADE UvKl.iur.iut nnd salonn atliinuwu. . , Rood bn-1'ii s ut utl seasons pond buildln ; mill linpruvemuiils A Miup for nllxeiuuii E (1 ( Slu * ifo GOOD niHti wanted , Dune or Swede pro- fcircd. to take oure of horses und ( l ccu- ural x\ork Itefcicncni , rvqulrua ISo. 14 North Main struct..C. . Estop INSTITITTE. * ? Tr ; ; 54 . - > V | n n T .r jKsSeojiS i\Tn P. [ i'rtn ? ' ? lrf iix II0 \ ' AT lM \ P j * u\\j \ \ \ & Utll INFIRMARY KOH. TH.G1 TREATMENT OF ALL i nppar uus u mi He fornu fc < - rMfi trMimmt nf v - ? ofdlsoaso ronuirln n ( Ui j.l or sur Me il troiittin-nt . DISEASES OF WOMEN ft , , A\ 0fr \ \ ( iinen I HV.K.Ve havulululv a-l | J i ly.tij- Indup irtinunt fur uouiun during ointlnuineut. nrlctlv ! > * 'to ' un v Koilablo Mudlual lu- htiUite niaklnc u po it illy o. , J--HJVAJ.1S UISI , XSES AU II oiid Olsu.isoi HucciM-ifuiiy iroatoL syphilitic rnlsini nuuotcd [ run the by Mem v , Ithout inurciiry New UuimratiVB 1're.ii- incnt fir Loss of VITAL 1'OU't.K I'drnnns 1111- ubie to v Is/1 / in nmv bu tru ilud ul tuunu by ( orruniicni ( inue All cuiiiiiinn cutiuiii conh- deniiai Mo 1 cities or Insii 11 nc it hunt njr ina 1 oi iivpress , Buouro y p icliod. nu iu n H to Hid cult , cnutuntbur Bender UIID pcrsuii'il n- ti-rv * ' prtifurri ) I. Cull und consu't us in un3 hisiuri of your cauu. und we send in Ji.ulu wrupnor. our Rnhif TH MEN I'llCD : Dunn 1'r x-.ita. OUUK IU MCI * , bpuomi or NorVvlu , UH. iiiipes. linpotuiicy. fcyplulld , Oluut unJ Varluo- cuic. wiliiqtiust n list. Unices , Appliances fur Duforinlthid .v Prusoi. Only in luufuuUiry Itithe Wcstof ttHFUit il Al'l-l.l J.Nt KS. , . Omalia Mcdicil and Surgical 26th and Broadway , Oaanoll Blufl'i. Ton inliiutKs' rldn from utmtur of Uinaha. on fiuiihu und O.iutidU liluff. uiuilnu iiiutur mo. CITIZENS STATE BANK Cf Council Illu3 > apficot . . , fcurplubuuJ I'roflU . HHUUI an I Burplu ; > fttnOUl > Illrurlum I II KJnuua iJ f. L a.u tr. f' I Oh-niiiin K K II iri , I A Mill ir .1 V Imiun iiiidCiitrlui It Iliiuintn Tr.ins ml jonoral bink- Ini ; liukiniHik'ott uupllil uuJ surplus of uny LuuUlu touthwubturn lo j. INTEBESr ONT TIMS DE3O3ir3 NO'J'iCi : OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOU GRADING. To t lie owner , of all lots und parts of loin mid ruul csiatu iildni : the illcy ruiiiuni ; and west adjdln'.iii ) ou , u. Ill "J. ij. ,11 .Ifi. , ii. : iT. ih. ,11 und 4ii In block i , Cumphitl s uddlllon from -iilh street lo I'Ut street Vou Art litireby notlllcC thai thu undei- Hlpned three diHlntirut.luii f rmiholdurt. of the clt ) of Uniiiliu. huxii linen dnii appointed by the niiixor. wlih the apprdval of ihe city cimiiuil of ) to u t > s. thu dainu.iitu the owners renpeetlvulj of tin properly uf- feciuil oy crudliis : ulluy In bio -i. 4. C .miphuir . aUdillon , from vmh street u. i ; st street , ile- ciaied iH'cohnaiy by (11 Jinan 'e , i , lui , pu ecl Jill ) II. IhUJ approved July 1,1 lotrj mi un fiirlluir notlllud. that liuxjiic ui < - c < pled said appointment , and may ( luuillli'd ns ruiilr | d by law. wu will on the L'-ith day of Julv. A H . i u ; ui iliu hoi.rof lUoiio'k lit tni furuniioii , at the ortloe of T II Met uiiui h , r Kim W. Now Vorl. Lift ) bnlidlni : wiiluu llm cu-piiialu limltkoi Huld e tx. meet foi the pi r- pusu of eiMisKioiiii und mukltu the abnesn- inunl of daniufc to the ownnr. ru-ipei-t vely tit said propuriy. attvoted hy said Krutllii : . ' , luk- 1112 ; line couhiddrution Bpticlui hum Uu if uny 1 ou are notlliuU lo bo prumml ut the limo und place uforuxitld. anil inul.e uny olnui tour htaleinentt , conucniln. ! HUIU asst . of UuiuuKuk ukyou muy consldi-r propel 'I II McC'l lA , K II. CUMU > KTIIUMAH. b <