THE OMAITA DAILY MOxNDAY. JULY 18 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Trading on 'Ohangj Was Unusually Light Yesterday. WAS QUIET AND VERY WEAK Rxtrcino DiillnrM nitil floncrnl % V > ro the IVaturm of llio Trailing Jloff Products \Vcro p Stocks mill llomls , CniCAno , III. , July 10. Trading on chanse THIS very llclit toduy , ns Is usual on Saturday when there Is u half holiday , Tlicro was very little In tliu wuy at MOWS tlmt wus calculated to stimulate trndu nr to Incrcaso values. The ruHint was oxtrunio dullnois unJ Koneral weakness. I'ardrldKO Was thought to bo sell- lnK seine Keptuinbor but hU operations wcro not on 11 very largo scalo. feplombor opened unchanged ut 77'ic. ' ( Iriuuil lip to 77 > iu on light olTcrliiKs. tliL'tt o.iscd oT ! Kradually to 7B " . < ! , remained quiet and steady and so closed ut T8So. Corn was quiet nnd weak on reports of good Tains In the southwest , diillniHi and lympalhy with the wuakniM * In oihor ur.ilni , md provision * . ThoopiMiur ; win steady with advance of V' , flrinod up to Ih'.ic. ' thou weakened with wheat , nulling i T to I'iiC and closed sroady at 4i * > < > . Outs wutodull and weak , ( uptember opened iinchuii.fcd ) at iw e. held at that priuu for a tlniu , weakened tu2ii' o uncl cloicd steady at Mo. Mo.llox products were neglected , dull and feat ureless , Iliic'luatlons were conllned to a nar row ranxe and the close shows Insr.'iilllcaiit chunKcs coniparnd yesterday's prices , ICstlmaleil recu pis fur .Monday : Wheat 'IXl cars. coru4ir > cars , oats ' . ' . 'lO cars , lion's M.UUO liead , The loadlirr future1 ! ranged as follows : uiiiii. i.o\v. ri.osn. WllliAT No. t July 77' J7W Annual 77'w * fc'opti'inbor. . w 70Jfi CiHIN No. 2- July t * < is' Anvil * ! Ml ( 4Ss ) Kepleiuber. . 4TJfi CAIM No. J July sen Hoiiti'tnlK'r . . 30 ! ( oUM , SILi < s I'ollK- Jnlr II 72 n n II 72WJ r-oplemlcr. . II SJ 11 S7M , LAUD July 7 Ifi 7 1.1 707 ! $ t-uplcintcr. . 7 17 ! * HIOHT III Its- July 7 52'-t ' 7 4. ' . 7 50 hei'tiMiilK'r . 7 t.'i Cnsh limitation ! ) were as follows : Fl.lHIU Dllll.llllullllMKI'll. WHEAT No. 2 siirln ; : , 77it7S'io ; No. 3aprlns , 72 c ; No. 2 red. ThVJo. Cons-No. 2,4S\e ; No. a cish. : 4ie ( ; No. 4,42 © I3c. OATS-ISO , a. ajjc ? : No. 2 while , a24ei ! No. a whltu. .TJi&rJUc. KVE No. 2 , tr.c. HAUI.EV No. 2 , ( Tic ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , IlSc ; No. 4 , f. o. u. . 40ffllCe. KI.AXHKIEII No. 1,81.03. TlMOTIIVSUKI ) 1'rllI.C , $ I'OIIK Mess , per hbl. . tll.0ll. ? . > : lard , per KO Ihs. . t7.l.17.l71j ; short rlhs sides ( Innsoi , 17.50 ; dry H.illeil shoulders ( hexed ) , 87.2Mi7.2i ; fihort eleur sides ihovod ) , jT.s-0. WIIISKV Distillers' llulshod gooJs , per sul. . 11.15. SroAits Unchiinscdi cut loaf , 5Rr > ? io ; gran- ulnied. I'ioi hland-ir > l "A , " 4J e. Ho.'olptH ami anipiueiits today were us fol lows ; On the Produce exchairio to lay the hnttur market wan unchanged : fancy eniuinery , I'.lii 2-C ; flnu western. 17i5l8c ( ; ordlnury , I4iilic ( ; line dairy , 1017e. ii : > 4l4c. Niiu * Yurie MiirUt-t * . NBW.YOIIK , July Ifi. I'r.orit Ileeolpts. 21.417 pkus. ; exports. 4iil.'i bbs. ! . 10,041 sacks ; market quiet and steady : sales. IS.ttfi ; low ex tras. 8l..ri' : ; winter wheat , low grades . ' .I MM. 13 ; fair lo fancy , * : U.V3il.4J : palonts. ti.S.iil4.03 : ( ; Minnesota elear , * : untight ! ) . ; p-itenls. } : i83 < i ! > i.73 ; ryu mixtures , ! j..1046i.B'ij : snperllnc , tl.T3U-.Ki ; lino. JI.IJ3Q2.10. COIINMIAI : , Steady and qulotj yellow west ern. Ji5.vr&uo. : WHEAT Itecolpts. 101.830 bu. : exports , 24RiI4 : bu. : stiles. 40.VOO Mil. of futures , SH.iOo bu. of f pot. fpot market dull and weaker ; No. 2 red , M'4C In store and elevator : u lion t ; W4 fit hSo f. o. b. ; No. .ired , Sl'ie ; unuraded led. 7s't B'.nlUe ' : No. 1 northern. MsilS7' ) c ; No. 1 Hard , D JiS'Jl'1 : No. 2 iiortliorn , 71141' ; No. 2 Uhlcimo , B.Vj 'i'.te : No. 2 Milwaukee. 82 < i482'.lc : No. ; i RlirliiK. TilUc' . Options were Kenerullv dull ull duy and had omy manlpu'atlon. The open- Ins wns um-hniiKed lo Ho lower , fo lono.1 by a ileellnoof ' , e and a reaction of 'iGJV. c osing duil ul > n'up to'gcitown ; No. 2 red. J.ulv. Hl'ie ; Ausust , H4'iiHlaae ( , closlm ; at .si'ic ; Hepleni- ber , Sl'.ftsl'ie , eloslni ; utS4ic ! ; October , BSiic : December , W7Mi'iiH77ic ( ' , cloln atb734C ; .May , tlHiHre , closliiK utl2o. ! KVE Ilu I ; woslern , 7-l < 8i7 ! < c. HAIILEV MAI.T ( Julet : Canada. 9"cGl.05. UoliNlietelplsil.85 ; ; bu : exporls. ii.30l : bu. : suloi , 2lu.oj0bii. of futiircH. III.UOO bu. of hpot ; spot dull nirl weakar ; No. 2 , file In ele vator ; ft'c alloat ; mm-led ( mlxu I , ri.&lilc. Options declined 'lO'ue and elosud dull , through heller crop wo.uher : , luly. S.l'ic : Au- Ciisl , .M tt" ' . ! ' , eloslir. al 'i.'l'iu ; teptombur , IkP + WMiV. eloslni ; ut .VI iao ; Octobnr , f.i14(53ie : ( ! , closing ut.VP.te ; Di'ei'mber , , Vlc ; .MayMe. OATfl-Kc-coipis/ ( ) bu.J oxpoiU , ll.VOOO bu. : sales , futures none : 72 , JOU bu. npot. Spot , dull and weaker , option sales nominally lower ; July , 'Me ; August , .t.V'e , ; September , Ill'ic ; No. 2 spot , white , : .H > | Ti { : > e : mt\od- weHtern , MI'iiMi'ic : white , I-'h'i'iille ' : No. 2 Chicago cage , ; i7.7'4e. en - > tan HAV Quiet and sto idy ; shlppln : , 03c ; good to-choice. ' .iriUJc. llors Dill ! hut steady : state , common to Choice , IKcUVs I'acllle coast. Itf&Uc. HUOAUHaw , dull but linn : fair rellnln/ , t4c ; : eentrlfuualii 1W test , 31-lGoi rellued , quiet but steady. MtiiiAhSBs l-'orulcn , iilull ; Mtesi , lOe : Now Orleans , quiet and steady ; co-union to fancy , HlCE Kulr demand , firm : domestic , fair lo extra , 41t@U'tc : Japan , ri' is.Vii-- Knas Quluti wosiorii. iirlrne , IG'4 < aii4'c ( ? ; wi'storn. poor , per case. liSudKlS ) . PDIIK Kahlur ; old mess , $ ll.r > 0(212.73 ( ; extra prime , $12.50. C'u-r MIAT. : < Tnnctlvoi pickled bolllo" . PU JUe ; iilokled shoulders , T u : pleklo I lianiu , 12 foi-'ic ' ; mlddlen , dull , unsv ; shorl clear. (8.110. LAIUI Wuak ; western slu.uu closed at t".45 | lales , VJ ) t'orct's ' ; option sales. 1.000 tlorceti AIIUIIRI , { 7,111 ; SeutumLur , K,43tl7.IO , closing , I7.4"it.7.47 ( , llUTTKii l-'lrin : fair domnnd : western dairy. ! 4i lGc ; wi ) ti > rii I'reamery , lOS.'llie ; weslern fuetory. lillic ( : Elain , 2Ilie. CIIEKSK Modelalo demand , Hrin ; skims , Pin IIION Qulut : $ K.r ) > 0@l3.00. Ooi'i'Bli Hleady. lake , fll.'JVtMI.U.V. ! LKAD-Diill ; domestic , , . TIN I'lriu : Btr.iUhts , J2l.0-W2i.IO , O.UAIIA LIVi : STOCK .M.VHICIjr. Iliivuiiient of Cuttle mill UU H for the Week Sllchtly DrerriiHiMl. OMAHA. July 10. HeeuluU for the week foot op 11.1)45 ) entile , 35,678 , hos < and LM''fl sheep , tKitlllst 12.171 cuttle , 4 ( .8.0 ho ; * und 1.2GI sheep thu week prorlouti and t > , Hl ! cattle , 27,571 lioim Mid 771 blioep the corrc-ipondlii ) ; wuok lust your , in ether words , compared with last week there has been n dccruasn of 2,000 cattlu , S.OOO liii''s und mi fncreusuof ubout UOO sheup , while comp irod with the uoc-ond week of July , I bill , reeoluts show an Increase of 2,000 cuttle. ! .90i IOB and 1,603 shot-p. In the mutter of receipts Soulh Omaha Is making n , far better ihowlnij than either Chicago or Kansas ( ! lty , Khllo Ht. Louis bus been out of the contest fur > ver three years. There has been little noteworthy chuiiKO In the ccneral enti u market thu past week , As wus Konornlly expected und urodlcicn the icarcltyot rlpo eornfed has hud thu oircct of itroiutlionliiit viiluca on unythlnn corn ( ml ind In teed llutli while the free murkotliu of ( rusn niul warmed-up eattlo bus imturnlly renullcd In u weakened fuolliiR In thes.0 trillion. 11'rlccn have been vary uuoven us oilcht huvo been expected whi o the market IH lu process of tutlllui : donu itfter thu recent tlinoit panicky advance und decline. Knit urn ihlpuorx und exporters contlnuo to absorb u rory liberal 8buro of the receipts , whllu the in Ok t active local Inquiry U also for the good iryfud cuttle. This olius of stock U bound to it'll hlvher xlillo thucoulldonlly nullclpatudll- Deralrunof western Krahtuuttluiorveii to keep t/aluus of common nature cuttle down around low \iulornmrk. Tlic.ii ruinnrkalaUo upply wllh I'ljunl force to bulcherk' nnJ unimcrs' itock There has been no uhuniio In ihu iltuatlou wllh reKnrd to feeders. Old corn u Ice dear lo feed und nnothvr good or even fair crop Is by no inuunn usuirud , I ( ir this ruuhou i-iuinlry buyer * foiitlnue tu lie d oir und thu trade lair.-uialiwi Kven thv rc.cunl unit app.irontly mibat intlal nil VUIK.-O In fat oittlo values linn falleil to huvo any peicoutlbly Httiuuialliii ; Inlluonce. Uood feuders run now bo bought ut from * 2.if > to f.U'J ' , with fat ulcers brluulirj $1.75 tn V.3 A month UKO It took M.2.'i loJI.W to buy iiood foedern , while ( at uuttlu were kullliitf for cJ.75 llov'H IIUTO uliowii contilderuulo lluclualion the pant week , but lu the uiuln the 'uuiuuU huii bccu fulleyuul to tbo supply , Durlne the first half of the month of July the receipts hnvo been 82,8i > 8 shipments 42.7j ' or somewhat over M per cent. This unprecedented shlpplnKdemanil together with thu f Act that the Hammond company ha ; been practically out of the market for the pist three months will explain why Omaha s Ineronso In packing so far this year compared with last hns been on'y IO.UUJ hogs while the Ir.cicaso In receipts has been considerably over lOO.Ooo. I'rom this week on there will bo tchungo In thl.-t respect , llnin- mend expects to open the oiognnl now nix-story house for killing some tune about the 2'tlt Their capieliy will bo up- wnnl ol 2.000 hozs dally. This will m-itcrlnlly Improve Omaha's p-ick'UK llsuru.s for I81M. Hurliii thuoarly p.irtof the week prices ad vanced , nnd Wednesduy wis : hlfth day for Iho year. Later on bearish oastcrn advices , weak provshins , and a tustrlctn I shipping demand there was u reaction and the week closes with prices about I5e lower than Wednesday , al though still ino to I5e hlither tlrin it week US' ) . UATTI.r. OUVrinzs were ijulto liberal for n Saturday and Included the largest proportion of Kood caltlo seen bora In moons. Shippers nnd exporters. In fact do.tloia nen- or.dly , have lotsof confidence In the strength ot thn inarket for Rood , ripe , eornfed steers , and there WHS no lack of buyer * . Lnstcrn buyers p.ild from $5.00 to tVI" > for pee I to eholeo lW3 to l.4.V-lb beeves and local ilressoil beef houses wcro not lar hehinJ thuin. I'air to iruntl l.'O ) to 1.4 0-lb ulcers went at from S4.40 to $1.00 , nnd $ , K > to $1 , bought eomiuou to very fair slock. There wns no iiiotablo | ndvaiicc , on tl.u contrary the market was. If auythltu ; . : t shndu easier than 1'riday. Ibis weaker fooling belli , : due luoro to the liberal ity ot the olToilngs than lo any subst ititlal ' re'iison. In butcheta' ami dinners' Block the trade wns about like rlday : In fact , there has been comparatively little eh mio In this brunch ut the tmsliiou all week. Poor to pi line cows nnd heifers inovod freely at fiom II.10 to Jl.on. Sales ut these extreme ( iiintittioiis were rarn , S'.G5 lo t..40 buying tlio bltr bulk of tlio oIl'erliKS. Calves were steady at from $2.Ui to Ul.on. Hulls and stats were perhaps a trlllii llrmer ul from Jl.lO to f l.3. There wus little show of life In the stocker and feeder trade. A few odd bunches went to the country nt tnni..55to 411.1)3 and a yai-J tr.uleriiahl K'.75 for some rouxh I,2r2-lb. west- erps , The fnellnn Is very WUIIK and prices low with noslnsof any Immediate Improvu- ment , Heprcscnt.itivo sales : 25 calves. . . . a oo COI.OIIADO CATTLE. UTOiittlo Co. C2 feeder' . . . ! ' .1 2 75 IIixi.s The drop In prices since Wednesday ro-iiilled In reduce I supplies I for the latter part of Iho'weoU. There wcro only 71 ears on sale , or seairely half the niimher received last Katurdny , nnd rjunlltyof the re- celjits was Indifferent , to s.iy the least As on I'r day , hns'ne s opened out. all rljht on Kood shlPillnv ho s. Shippers p.ild from } " ) . ( ij lo f. " > . iD for uo ; > d to eholeo 2UI to av.-lh. h js. nr steady to a nlehol hltlher th.m Krldny. With a sllKhtly I educed shipping demand nnl : nn amp o supply In slit. ) ) paekers were bearish and took the common to f.ilr ll.'ht. and ml.xed lio--s tit from $ > .45 to ! > . .V or ut barely steady prices , The ho.ivy ends of speculators sorts sold us low us i' > .40. Tradli.c rutlicrtlrifiKod nit day. woxkonlu ? towarJ the elose , although the pens wore finally about cleared. Hales were lurguly ut M..VJ till i.Wi. the same ns Krl- day. The ifcnernl average of prlee.s paid was JV'il s uu'iiliibt t.'i.JJ Krlday and iJ.I'a lust Saturday , IIIPIIISCNTATIVI : : SALES. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. I'r. ' 3.11 I" ) 31) ) PI 2.12 . 1 GO $5 55 4' ! ! j , j-T Jj ; ; Q 70 24.1 20J 55 ; ; ii. ; : . 84'l 183) 5.40 10'J. ' .188 52J 55 81. . . ,201 II.'O 5 45 80 8117 2SO 5 55 45 . . 20J 5 45 74. , .8118 241 5 55 . . .177 8' ) 5 45 . .810 210 fi 55 .211 801 S 45 ( il .811 ITO S Si 25. . . . .275 40 ri 45 Ml. 24) ) 5 55 80 . . .201 120 fi 45 HJ. .21(1 ( I2J 555 OS. . . . .lit ) 1110 fil Ki'J 40 5 55 70. . . . . ' 'III 1110M ) 5 47i ! 70 231 1C , ) ; > 5' . Ill . . . .HII : 2JO fi 47 ! , 01 232 12) ) fi 55 si. : . . . .10.1 12) b M 43 172 fi 55 41. . . . .131 ! i VJ 47 ISO 120 S . " > 81. . . . .ny ItW 5 M 7'J ' VlJ ,1:0 4 5714 r,4 . , .8Jl 120 5 Till 72 210 2)0 5 57' ' 4 711 100 5 r.fl 7d 2,11 200 557'i 8:1. : . 120 r. ro 74 220 41 50J 8'J. ' . .215 3.0 fi 5) 21 1K ( ) 50'J 81. . 2 ' 7 III ) fi 50 71 . . .217 80 fi 03 7J . 2,0 100 fi M 7J. . . . .212 fi 00 01. . 20J fi 50 77. . . . .201 200 fi 03 ca . 83 fi Ml CO . 240 5II ) flit . 32) ) 5 : > ) Ill . ' 5 GO 80 r > r > o 71. . 43 fi 01 r.M 5 50 75. : 83 f. U ) 511 . . .210 5 50 ICO 50) ) 70 \ . .20) 210 fi 50 ( ill 211 KM 50) 73. . . 207 ll'.M fi 5J 07 221 83 fiOJ 75 . . 220 4' ' ) 5 50 C5 233 I''O 5U ) C'J. ' . . .101 203 fi 52 if 75 . 203 fi r-i 05 . . S fi j 111 . 200 fi 05 75. . . ! 5 I 200 5 55 W 20 ! ICO 5 05 71. . . , .via 260 fi 55 71 21 ! 8) ) 5G5 C4 . . .830 200 fi 55 70 2.13 12) ) fi 115 82. . . .1111 800 5 55 118 272 KM fi (15 ( KMbJ 7S . . . .830 210 5 55 77 210 bJ fi 05 74. . . , 821 20) 5 55 liJ . . . .111 71 . . .28.1 01 . 220 18) filfo 110. .23. ' 803 03 3J2 573 1'IGS AN ! ) HOUUII. 1 410 3 03 1 . . . .11)0 503 5 108 453 U 13 ( ! 43 503 1 250 * - 500 SIIIKI : > The fresh supply consisted of a nluKludock of very common mixed natives tliat the killers did not want. Prices huvo broken badly the past week and while receipts have been too meaner to loll much about Iho market , prl.'os are nominally prolty eloiu to a iliinrter lower limn u week a.o. Ktilr to irooil natives Ji.75 toll.50. fair to k'ooil weslern J.I.'O tol.-'i , common and stock bhuuii J2.5I to 11.50 , good to choice I ) loOl-lb. lambs si.51 to } J.J. Itrciilptu niul IHKMitlon | of Stock. Ofllelul reculil4 | and illspo < lllon of stock as nownbv the books of this Union Slouk Vards company for thu twenty-four hours , ending ut 5o'ulo.-k p. in. , July 10 , ibj. : UK UK l PI'S. DISPOSITION. Omnliu I'riidiieo .tl Koaa-KOr.'Ue. UilKiiiiiK Oallfornla. JJ.OOO2.25. PEACHES Uullfoinlu. fl.7.\ ToMATous-Southern , * 1.50 per case of 4 bnskulu , AriilcoTS California , ll.73ai.oa LKUONH Onoleo. * J.ioiau.50j fuiiuy , 17.00. OuANOis--Cilifornla : , Jl.60441.75. Hl.ACKUKIIIIIUH U.10. ItAgi-iiEiiiiiKH-Hlack , 1.1.93j rod , ijuurts , tt.55 ft-VUi roil , plnlH , t..U. PI.UMS d.illfornln , li/iva..SJ. I'KAiiri Ilitlf boxes , JI.7J. HA.VANAS ( JO'ireo , llliiKH AND'I ALLOW Na I croon lildos , Set No. 1 iiroun balled hldoa , 4oi No. 2 k'reun sailed hidot , aoi No , i irreon lultod' lildoi.U ! to 40 Ib * . 4ci No. 2 Kreoii nulled hides , 2J lo 40 Ibs , , ! lo : .No. 1 veal calf , 8 lo 15 Ibs. , Sc ; No. 2 voul cnlf. 8 loir. IUH. . aijcj No. liliy Hint hldet , 7ci No. 2 dry Hint hided. 3ci No. 1 dry Halted hides , AitSo. Kheup DolU Oreen milled , uneh , Mt-4c Jlv. ) | vrcen sailed Hlirnrllnua ( short woolcd early Hkliu ) , each , 15ti Joj ury HhoarllnKs ( short wonted unrlv skliu ) . No. 1 , ouch. 6IOo ; drx shoarllnxB ( short woolud oar'.y ikliul. No. 2 , each , 5oi dry Hint Kaunas nnd Nebraska butcher wool u.vts , porlb. . uetuul neisht , 10 ® llo ! : dry Hint ICniutav und Nebraska muiraln wool pclti , uur 11) ) . , aetuul violuht , bifU'a Tallow and prea < o Tallow , f o. 1 , 3'ic ! tallow , No. 2. r.ia.'lUc ! Rrenso , wlilto A , 3'40i urease , whlto II. IlUo ! 8roao , yellow , ao : Kreasp , dark , x"4''i o'-'l butter. ! c ! beeswax , prime. ICitSJC ! rou h ttilloivVKc. \ \ . I'otATOKS Now , scarce ; southern stock. 2o per Ib. UAiinAon Homo grown. flOc pordoi ; . Mni.ONS Watermelons , per 100. J.3.00 ! can- tcloup."i. J..OO per doz. Nnw Ai'ri.K < Per one-third bu. box , 7Jo. WAXMlANs-llalf-bu. ; bu-iket , 41.23. Nr.wr TUHSii'S I'oc bu. , 3Je. HERTS Doz. btiuthes. 25c. HUTTRii-l'ncklii stocK. ll'iftlio ; small lots select ilulrv. l.'KMlc , 1'iiui.Tiiv Old hens. M ? ! } CJ roosters ri3c : spring CMC Kens. jl.uo l.vU. Outli-u .Market. NRW VOHK , July in Options dull nml un- chnnicd lo 5 points up ; no sales. Spot Klo , quiet , ( Inn ! No. 7 , J1XOO. A MIGHTY DOOM IX A DAKOTA TOWN , Xtw Ymlt Ilecnrtltr. "It bad " said the WAS enough , judge , lasting his gill of outside soJn , "to htivo lived in Absolom , South Iikotn ; , but if any inim hail told mo at the time I firs' , saw it tlmt its regeneration wiuiii human possibility I should have considered him lit for a pool's gr.tvo. Absalom , sir , would have miido : t Tonncssoo convict town blush in a total ocllpsu. I waste no worJson It. It 1 hadn't trono there for my health and , spjaldng franlcly , If I hadn't enjoyed the fun I should h.vvo quit in twelve hours nftor setting foot in It. But lot mo t-jH you a plain story : "Tho one tolerable character in the town at the time I arrived there and nobody counted him 11 citizen , as you might say , for it was obvious ho had only n liUlo while to stay anyhow was the editor of the opposition newspaper , called so because the second established. "lie was n young tenderfoot from the enst , dying easily , but fait , of consump tion , and ran the uaper merely to lighten his last moments and keep his hand in. Ho had baon an art critic and foreign editor on ti Ujston newspaper , and said it was a now sensation to write for the average Absolom reader said that Ills only regret was for the time ho had wasted on a cultivated mugwump audi ence when ho could have boon working osijcowboys and minors. His paper , the Tonic , had a great pull over its rival , the Empyrean , in itscable dispatches , which poor'yoiiiig Kay used to write himself. Good paper , the Absolom Tonic , but I thought it interviewed Li Hung Chang too often on the Chinese question. "Kay was the best man in town. The worst man in town was plentiful. There were many claimants for the distinction. They wore thinned out by the lead in jection process from time to time , but fresh candidates continually appeared and wasted money and ammunition in the futile endeavor to keep themselves before the public. Major Anderson Teaklo had probably the longest and most villainous record among all the claimants , and , what was certainly in his favor , ho had arrived at the point when ho could travel on his reputation with out unnecessary display. As ho was naturally a reserved and fastidious man , this suited hi' , own disposition , and so few incidents now marked his career that ho frequently spoke of the serenity in which his later years was being leu. Ho enjoyed In. prominence in the com munity. "It was a thorough surprise to both of us when "no and I became involved in a norsonal dilTerence. It was so totally unexpected. This affair arose out of a little transaction in mining stoclc. and though each of us acted as the other would have done had our positions been reversed our interests were diametri cally opposite ami trouble was bound to follow. It was one of those occasions when circumstances were entirely to blame. . "I must say I regretted the occur rence. Of course 1 was obliged to take some action , but the outlook was not satisfactory to me. Settling my score with the major was all w4oll onouirh , but the matter could not bo expected to end there on account of the standing of the parties and my business interests , which were important , might suffer. I discussed the matter with Ray , who , from his conservative eastern training , naturally inclined to the same view , lie admitted the unfortunate elements in .tlio situation , but he ollored n sugges tion. " 'Is thnro any reason for immediate steps ? ' ho asked. " 'No , ' said I , 'iho matter might hang on for a , little while unless the major takes the initiative. ' ' " \Voll , then , " said ho , 'supuoso you wait a few days and I will overhaul the major's record and work up public sen timent against him. Then you can" make it more or loss of a public matter. ' " "J'nat is very obliging of you , Hay , ' I said , 'but you don't reckon on one thing. ' " 'And what is that' ; " " Your position in this town , ' said I , 'is unique. Your health preclude ? the possibility of any one's taking personal umbrage at the utterances of the Tonic , and your popularity further increases the freedom which you enjoy. Now , the result-Is that while your estimated of well known individuals tire eagerly perused there is a certain Irresponsi bility attu'ching to them , I have known you to tear out lifty men right in this town without inlluencing public estima tion of them one particle. ' ' "I am afraid that IB true , ' said ho. " 'A crusade against Major Toaklo would attract considerable entertain ment. But , if you will pardon mo for saying so , it would not be accepted seriously , coining from you. ' " 'There's no use going to the Empy rean , ' said Ray. 'That paper has no white corpuscles in its blood. See horol' ho suddenly exclaimed , 'what's the matter with booming you instead ? ' " 'Tlio very tliingl'I cried. And little did I think that that proposition and itu acceptance were fraught with the des tiny of Absolom. I confess I had only Major Toaklo in mind. "Hay went to work at once. The local editor prepared a three-column interview witn me , including a review of the service I had rendered Absolom , and a description of my now residence on State street , which was photo graphed from three dilToront points. While this was in hand Hay prepared the way by complimentary allusions in the personal column. For instance : * * There U a Konorul expectation at Washington that when the buttlo fbt Ktutohood miens the arguments of Juduo An- pk-dlcU will carry Irresistible weight with our national legislators. * * * Besides possessing tbo finest pair of Mlvor-mounted pistols lu Absolom , Jud e ApplcdlcK Is a close-and Rnthuttaslto student of Indian antiquities. "And HO on. Tlio article created something of a sensation on its appear ance , and I was pleased to notn as an index of the pulse of the town that Inside of twelve hours I was invited to become adiruetor in three new mining compa nies , with ground lloor privileges. "When I reported this to Hay ho was considerably tickled. " 'Look at that for a beginning , ' said ho. 'Say , are you prepared to give $60 to a deserving charity ? ' "I told him I was. " 'All right , ' said ho. 'We'll present a brand-new gilt sign , four feet high , to the railroad station and wake the com pany up. ' "Tho next morning ho had a long ar ticle about this public-spirited gift , and the mayor wrote 1110 u letter of tliunlcB. I took it to Hny'A'nd said I judged I could safely go a&c.i'il now. " 'Why , man alive , ' ho replica. 'I've only just begun ttytlp the cart. ' ' "Don't keep jnb waiting too long , ' said 1 , 'for I'm spoiling to got at that rascal. ' > ' " "Next day soinqtJiing happened. The Tonic , I need not say , kept right up to the mark , but to'iny consternation the Empyrean prlnttfd'an ' article with the following hondllmU : TCAKLE'S SPLENDID OFFER. ' ' OUK MJADINO S'llmUN'S SPLENDID UEHKHCWITY. MAJOIl TE.VKUS'S GIFT TO TUB CITY OF l-'OUIt TOWN' LOTS KOK A COUUT iiousu--im WIM. ritKSR T AltSOLOMVITIt Tiir.M. "The article may bo imagined. When Ray saw it ho simply remarked : 'What sickening headlines that blacksmith can write when ho tries. ' " 'Young man'said I , 'you are re sponsible for this. You refused to lot mo go ahead when I wanted to , and now Teaklo has coppered mo. Would you object to tolling mo what you propose to do about it' ? ' ' 'Do about , ' says ho. 'Do about it ? Judge , is it conceivable that you don't see the possibilities in this thing ? ' ' "Possibilities ba darned , ' said I , for I was rattled. " 'Come along , if you like if you don't , stay hero. I'm going to lind Tenklo. ' "lie jumped up , with his nalo cheeks breaking out red like a fever. 'Judge , ' says he , you're a fool and you're a quitter. Why , man , this is the oppor tunity of your life. 1 tell you I failed to sixo it up myself till now. Sit down in that chair and lie yourself in , will you ? nnd for pity's sake don't interfere with mo when the Empyrean throws down the gauntlet. lloaVojis , sir , I am a Thoban eagle compared to that idiot , and never till now have I had a chance to prove it. And such a chancel.Slum bering Confucius , it's not only unique , but the soil , sir , is virgin ! Judge , ' said ho , solemnly , 'If you go back on mo now , I swear you'must settle with mo before you do with Toaklo , and by , I can slioot as straight as any man. ' "There , now , what do you think of that for a consumptive ? "I took him 'round the corner nnd gave him some whisky to stop a fit of coughing he'd got into , nnd then I sol emnly bound myself over to him body and soul .o do'what ho domed please with. "After that the ceremonies began in earnest. Both papers carefully stripped and went in , and there was no sparring for wind. It was beautiful fighting. Of course , against Ray's ro&ources thn Empyrean wouldn't have stood the ghost of a show , except that ToaUlo took charge of the light himself , and though ho wasn't a cultured man lie was an in fernally clever one. The Empyrean , as wo happened to know , was nrcp'irod for a campaign of abuse , but , as Kay predicted - dicted , they didn't dnre begin it. and wo never doviutod from our course an inch. Inside of a week , sir , there wasn'ta man in town that didn't take oil' his hat to me. and Teaklo was very nearly as highly esteemed. It was expensive ; in three weeks [ spent a matter of $1,500 or $12.000 to maintain my newly acquired reputation. I needn't tell you that it went in works of philanthropy , and the whole of it did too , for among other things Ray had lifted mo into the posi tion of a moduruto drinker and a high license advocate. Tbte was to round out the list of cardinal.'virtuos ' I possessed , and it was needful , for I don't believe Moses was a much more sublime and dignified character than 1 had become , and my devotion to the interests of Ab- solomand the northwest was something heroic. 'I didn't mind the expense. The town began to boom , nnd strangers wcro Hocking to sou the two remarkable men who wore making a terrestrial para dise out of a place Hue Abbolom. Nat urally I made money. The general im provement , material and social , was in credible. I started a bourse. Toaglo joined tlio church : I dined at 7 o'c'.ock , Teaglo sent to Minneapolis for a dress coat ; I olTuctcd a reorganization of the lire department , TeaUl > brought the movement for anew school house to a successful issue. A distinct era of culti vation sot in for Absolom ; it came rath er arduous on some of the boys , nut they stuck to it like little men , and you may believe mo or not , ns you like , but it's a fact that wo had an Ibsen society. It suseqttontly turned intoa Society for the Encouragement of California Wines , but its inception was perfectly sincere. "All this time Hay remained practic ally unknown to the majority of our in habitants. I grow to be fond of him , us if ho had been my brother ; ho was so damn plucky. liis sympathy for Abso lom seemed to bo sort of inherent , for he never wont about the town much ; used to lie abed of a morning , reading and fcmoking , and when ho got to his of- llco would hang about , there until , ' 5 or1 g. m. , working and cursing the Boston papers for not understanding the coun try. I had stopped talking to him about Toaklo ; I just lot him forgo ahead and come along in his wash , with the tow line caught around the thwart , fast ; till one day ho said : " 'Well , judge , nnd now how do you think wo stand ? ' "I told him the question was what ho thought. " 'I think we're out of sight , ' said he. 'And now's the time to clinch things. ' "Says I : 'As how ? ' " 'Got your fences out for the territor ial legislature , ' said ho. " 'The rails are cut , ' said I. "And so they wore , for 1 naturally looked some way ahead. " 'Then lot's got to work , ' says ho. "At it wo wont , that very day , and found that Teaklo had taken his MX down , too. But w0 were in the load , as usual. I toll youj bir , what had gone before wasn't a circumstance to what followed when ; wa were publicly an nounced as candidates. It was a wiro- wrappou republican district , and the contest was for tljbiointnationof , ( course. But the town would have nominated us both twice over if it could. If Moses and the prophet 1 Dad located in Abso- loin they would have considered it an honor to bo introduced to Toaklo and myself. As It * Vyas , our fame became national. Ruy gave mo an acquaint ance with prominent men all over the world tti/ft / was unapproach able. ITo would begin his Washing ton letter thus , for instance : "Tho ac tivity In building palatial residences continues unabated. It is a pleasure to rolinot that the nvin who made Wabh- inirlon what it is'Boss' Shepard , always acknowledges his indebtedness to Judge Applodlck for many suggestions which were embraced in his farsighted plans. ' Or ho would say in his London dis patches : 'Mr. Gladstone bus written an autograph letter thanking Judge Apple- die of Absolom , Dak , , for a valuable monograph on ghnHt dances , ' "He made mo draw up and obtain Big- natures to a petition to the c/.nr with t WANTED k ToUl l ui' of CIT ! e , . n COUNTIES , SCHOOL I * W DISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES , 8T.n.R.OOMPANIE8 , " . Correipondenro ioUcltt J. N.W.HAnRIS&COMPANY.eankers. I03-I08 Doorborn Street , CHICAGO. ! 6 Wall Street , NEW YORK. reference to nihilism , which was actu ally sent , and the receipt of which was acknowledged from St. Petersburg , and he announced that the sultan had wanted to decorate mo with the order of the Mojidioh , and that I had de clined , and the statement was copied into the eastern newspapers and wont the rounds. I see it still , occasionally. "Still , Teaklo made . \ good light , and the "Xcitomont wns Intense , Toaklo and I , as you may suppose , treated each otlxer with the utmost courtesy , and alluded to each other as 'my honored and distinguished friend. ' . But the game was still on , and a deep game it was. was."Well "Well , sir , it wanted a week of nomi nation. I reckoned on eighteen major ity , sure , first ballot , and maybe twenty- live. 1 took the calculation round in my pocket to Hay. lie was In the olllco. Ho was lying on the table , white as pasteboard. Ho had just had a hemor rhage. ' Wo took him homo. lie died the next morning holding my hand. 'Judge , ' ho said , 'you're elected nnd the town is made. ' Then ho gave a laugh and said in a quour Utnd of slow way , 'And eastern uulturo has done it , sure enough. Fide'iter dldiclsso' . That was tlio last thing ho said. "I wont to the shop and wrote a brief notice of his death , with a tribute to his character. I stated that I hail boughcouttho Tonic and would con tinue it In its well known line of devo tion to the interests of Absolom , and mentioned that I would take it as a jer- sonal honor if the citizens would attend Hay's funeral in a body. "Do you know what my idea was ? Sir , the old Adam no , sir , the old Cain in my nature up in blind madness. I had lost Ray , who was the substance of everything tlmt I had gathered about me. and as t recognized the fact I do- lormiiied to go back to whore I started from. It was simple. I would just got the drop on Toaklo and end it all. You know the old heathens used to kill a man's enemies at his grave. Well , I didn't feel just then that our civiliza tion had been worth working so hard for. "Thoro was an Immense concourse at the services over Raj' . Wo joined in a procession and inarched out to the ceme tery. As we fell in 1 saw Teaklo and a number of his leading supporters. I looked tit him. Ho lifted his hat ho had a black band on it and bowed gravely. "After the eoflln had lowered into the ground I raised my hand for silence. Then I made them an address. I told them about Ray about the future there had been for him at home , about his tal ent and his courage and his resources , and how his ambitions had been cut short by death but not , I said , his use fulness. 'For , ' said I , 'gentlemen , there lies the man who made Absolom what it is. Beside him Major Teaklo and I have boon hewers of wood and drawers of water. On the edifice that ho has reared wo have laid no so much as a brick , our hands have been hold oil its foundations , and he , not we , dropped tne plumb line over its courses. ' Sir , I told them that truth , and I made the truth as bitter to Major Toakle as I could. What I could toll , without descending into trivial details - tails unbulitting the occasion , that I did. I spake 1'or half an hour , and held the major's eye with mine until I closed. " 'Now , ' thinks I , 'lot him seek mo out when he chuo cs. ' " ' "Sir , it befell otherwise. "Toaklo stepped forward , amid a pilonco so profound that it overpassed the silence of death itself present among us , and stood opposite mo with bared head. " 'Gentlemen , ' ho said , 'citizens of Absolom , every word that Judge Applo- dick has spoken is simple fact , nnd I honor him for speaking it. I honor him for knowing what his loss is , for I have had a good reason myself to know what it incanp , and I honor him for bcintr stirred to the profoundcst depths of his being. Beside this grave and in the face of what Absolom is today there can bo no rivalry between Judge Applo- dick and myself. I lender him my hand , and claim a share in his sorrows. And I withdraw from the political con test in which wo are engaged and ask my supporters to accept him as the only candidate. ' "That Icaklo's . was Major speech. That is why I am hero a representative of my state in Washington today and why Toaklo will bo governor before long. I l.iy it all to Hay. " you Rot Dr. Picrco's medicines , you'ro Biiro ot two tuiiiKU tluit tlioy'r the cheujiext nnd the best. They're tbo ebon post no matter what tlio price , for you pay only for the ijootl yon get. They'ro yuunititccil. If they fuil to benefit or cure , in any , you luwo your money back. And you can bo sure that they're the best , for they're the only reme dies that ore , or can be , sold MX you won't got the f/rinline medicines , cr eep t through druggists rcgu- lariy nnthor- Izcd ns agents , and always at these long-established prices : Dr. Picrco's Golden Medical Discovery ( for the Liver , Dlood nnd Lungs ) , . . . $1.00. Dr. Picreo's Kuvorito Prescription ( for woman's weakness nnd ailments ) , . . $1.00. Dr. Plerco's Plcuiiuit Pellets ( for the Liver ) , 25 centa. Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy , . . fiO cents , liowaro of everything purporting to bo the genuine medicines , when olfercil. by unauth orized dealers , nt lower prices. 1 hey are gen erally dilutions , imitations or counterfeits. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stoclc Yards CompanX SOUTH OMAHA. est eattlo , lion ami sheep In tha wait COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & MAZIER LTVJ3 fciTOCIC COMMISSION. THE UADJIS. : : : Cl flMUMI Write to thl houi3 for cor- OJ. U.Ujllla | root M.trkdt Report ! . Wood Brothers , fc'outli Omaha Telephone 11)7. J. J ) . KADISMAN. I W. K. WOUI ) . f Market reports by mull an I wlro chocrfully furnUhed upon upplle.itlon. Campbell Commission Co. Chlcacn , KastKt. Louis , Kansas Olty. South Oinahu. sloux Oily , 1'ort Worth. A. D. Boycr & Company , Maud. ' ' ! ) Kxohuntro IlullilnBoutli ) Omahi _ Corri'iiionduiiroBOllcltOil nml promptly antoerjl. fcpvcmlattiiillontoorlir ( < fur > tockur > .VfueauM , l , Ib3) ) . - - - IneorporalJd , UJJ ( . iipllttl f ullr I'ul'l ' ' , tltWI- Waggoner Birncy Company , \Vrllu or wlru u > for prompt uud relloUla uiarkot , rt'purU. Perry Brothers & Compan y , Live Block Commission. Uoom 51 i.xchanxu Hnlldliu , bouth Omaha Toiuphonu I7i)7. M. U. Uegarty & Oo. , Uoom 31 i ; loan jo Jlulldlug. Boutb OuiuUu , - Neb OMAHA rs' and Jotters' ' Dii AHCIItTKCM'S AND nUILDKUS. 11. iiiinn7 ContrnctOM nnd tub contr.icton for nil Vliuli of biilhiliu | rlu * , pnlnllnj , olo. Allwlllrccelvo copy nt ( lU'im'aiirchUects'ani ) liulUtiTJ' illreclorj- free , by iciidlni ; tli"lr iinmp. l > u lnc * nnil locution to thn inibll lior. J. II ( l'.on-i , m S. IMIi Mrecl. A\VNINTGS AND OflialiaTcnliAttiiingCo Wolf Bros , 4 Co. Tents , nwnlius , tnrpnn- Pines , hammocks , oltniul lliu , oaverit of nil Miulu , rubber clothlnit. Send tlnK , Imnni'rit , etc. Srml forcat'iwe. 1113 Fnrnivlu for catitloKuc.'Oi ! . IHlli HAGS AND TWINK3. llcmlsOinahalUgCoi Bishop & Co . umiillln , cotton Importer * ninl iiirfu , Hour rope , hotiip , jiitp , col- Bticlu , biirlnp * , tnliio. Ion tKliuo.tarrtMl runt * nnf , vie. HI ! S. I2th-i.l. BICYCLES. | BOXES. II 0. Todd . , M. 0. Daxon , B'lceoMor M.l.J.Vllk - . . . . , , . . I'lixn. M'f'K cluiir , pitu > r Ilpyoto | pold on monthly i.iicxl.iiMi > uo < . Allimvol liaymonts. KM N. I6th-sl .ties la tnn ilno. I 1IIJ Donul.K t. BOOTS AND S1IOKS. Morsc-Coe Shoe Co. IIOJ llowuril Strc-pt. Knctorycornor lull nnil Dnititlnsstrsoli. \Vonro m iklnit do < t > prlrui in euli b'iyt r , nn t nro fOllhiK u chus or tiioilt which Is very sik : > utile with moichniitB. Steven Crccdon. Manufacturer's nKi'iit. Icansiipply jon with every thing hi sliot't num's. wo nun * nn.l chllitv ill lowest factory prlCMnml discounts. 1/ltost styles , 1401 fiirinni flroot. Uoom IS. WholosnU' Mfrs. .Agents. Hoots , shoo * rubbers , lliiitun ItubliorSliooCi ) Cult i : i"s. llllj , Kill ) HO.-llol-llO-i llarncp-il BR13 W13HS. Jos. Sclililz Brewing Co Olllco . ' . 'Hi ' and l.i'uvcn- worth sti. . Oninlm. Job Mnrnovercunt. . W.Oruniinond&Co Cnrrlnt'o biilldrri. lloso nnd pnlrul nn ons n vpucliilty. CLOTHING. Blolcky & Co. Gilmore & Rnlil. ClollilnK.uotlon. furnish- Mniifri. nnd Wholu nli' IIIKS. ( itru UH it trlul. clolblcrs , IIO'J ' lluruuy Humph- * prepaid br express - street. press , IIIII Ilnrncy. COAL , COKK , | COHNICH. OinaliaCoal.Cokci'l-iiiiCc Ea"lc Cornice Works IInr , | nml soft con' ' . S. K.Mfrs. . Knlvnnlrcd Iron cornlrcvlndow , caps . cor. Him nnd IJu mctnllc ckylUlus. etc. streets , 11 111 , lll'J DodKO-st. CONTRACTORS. J , II. Glenn. Contrnctors nnd enb contrictors for nil klndi of bulldliiK , plaiterliiK. ii.ilnlliiB. i'lc . will receive n ropy ol ( iicnn's nrclillvcii'iinil builders'dlicclory frk-i > , by sending tbulr naa3 , business nnd loratlun lo th-j imldlshcr. J. II. ( ilcnu , IIHH. 1Mb mrrul. DUY GOODS. FURNITUUK. Oinalia Upliolsleiiug Co , Ilccbc ii Hiiiiyan Upbolslercd furniture , Furniture Co. , Ornco nnd IHi-J IIUI .Xlchdliia strout Uthslrect. Wliolusnlc only. NOTICH TO PROPERTY OWNERS. You are hereby notified that the following described premises to-wlt : The west li of lols 3 , .V.i , 40 and 49 Ilnrlmun's addition , The oust end of lot 21 llartman's addition. Lot 7 sub ( llv of block A , Koscrvolr addition. Lots 1,2,7,8. block : ili2 , , ilso alley adjoining said hlocK on thu west. IC-iht. > ' of lot 21. HiirrO.ik addition. West IU'5 feet of bloc 10 West Omaha addi tion , comprising lots 15 to 31 Inclusive , I.eav- cnworth Iliihlnoss Pnee , Lots 7 to 10 Incluslvo block 11 , Walnut Hill addlllon. Lot 3 block 0. Walnut III1I. Lot 4 block 2 , Shuli's addition. Lois 3. 4 , 5 , C , T , 8. liiiiU 10 biiuk 5 Shull's2nd addition. Lot 2 block 0 , PlinllN 'Jml nildlllon. Lots 4 i. 42 mil 13 Hickory Place. Lots Miami 31 lie llcl.VJnd addition. Loth block 4 Marsh'n addition. Lois 4. 5. 0 , 7 blocu 8 .Marsh's addlllon. Lots 02 .ind Ot Itccs Place. Lots 10 , 1' , n , 13 , II. 15 blo'k' ' Kced'sllrdadd. Lots II a'ld 12 ( irlllln and Smiths add , lion , Lot. ! nloek 12 , Mc-Joi mid ; ' . * , addition. Lot 5 block 8 , MrCormlck's addition. The southeast corner of Mercer Park at 35th and Cumin. streets. Lots * > , 0. 8 ll'iusel and Htobblns sub of lot II lln'-tlctt'h add tion. Also alley in said subdivision. Lots 2 , : t , 5 ulocx 7 Inipiovument Association addition. Lo'.s 5. 8. 9. 7 and 10 block 4 Improvement As sociation addition. Lots 5 , 0 , 7 und 8 block 0 Improvement Asso , elation addition. ' Lots 3 and 4 block 0 Improvement Associa tion addition. Alleys In blocks 7 ana 10 , Improvement As sociation addition. Lots' ) and ill Lels Place. Tax Inl3l aeo.'ll T 15 It 13. Lots 17 , IS ill. 20 , 21. 22 liloek I Deer Park. Lots 7 mid 8 block 28. Wlli-o\'s2inl addition. Kast > i of lots i ) ami 10 block 28. Wllco.\'s 2nd ud.illlon. North T.'i feet of tat lot 24 hoc 34 T 15 U 13. Unit ! } of tax lot 25 see 3 T Ifi It 13. Lots I' . ' , 13 , 14 , 15 , 10 , 17 , block 3. Hagcilom'tt addition. . . 18th street from a point 20 feet south of tlio north Ilno of tirand uveniiu to a point .15) ) feet north of Krund aveniio. jlt'K'iililiiR ' ilt-n point 10S feet west of the NL corner of lax lot 12 .ec ; ! T II K 1 1 , Ihence biilhV5H ( feel , thcneo went 2M feot. thcnco north 250 foot , Ihcnco east to pliicoof be tn- Th'i ! east 250 feet of west 403 feet of tax lot 2 see ( IT 15 1113. Hexinnlnj : at u point 150 feet oust of the S W corner of tnx lot 1 see ! i T 15 It 1U , thencu north 20J feet , thcnco east 3 0 feet , thoneo south 200 feet , tlienco west lo pluco of Uo.'ln- Lots 7 und I' : , Hawos' addlllon. Lot 15 Davenport' H sub. 20th street south of Map'o strost. LotH2 , 3 , 4. bloi-k 3. HhnliH addlllon. Lot 1 und oust > , , ' of lot 2 block 7 , Shull'K 2nd nddltlon hnvo been declitred by ordinance No. 3117 to bu nuisances by reason of the , oxluiunco of stagnant water upon thu uamu. Vou nro hereby directed to ubateu'ild nuls- unecH within thirty duyh from the iluto of this notice or Huld nuisances will buauiito.l by thu city iinthorllles and Iho exnenso ihor.-of lev ied us a special tax u aliiHt the piopurty on which said nulxaneefiixNt. The Hoard of Public Works will no In session on the V.HIi day of July , 1802 , between the hours of 1 and 3 , ut whlel' tlmo an opportunity will bo riven you to ho heard In regard to bnhl nuisances. Dated Chairman of the Hoird of Public Wur > sof thu Olty of Oiiiahit. JyIO-l8-l'J-2i-21 ) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GUA DING. To the owner * of ull lots , purls of lota and real ustato alontr William biiuut from lith streut to the west i'nu of Omuhu & bouthwcslern Uullioid rluht-of-wuy. Vou uru hereby notlllo : ! that the under- siKiied three dlblnteruiiled friieholdcM of thu city of Omaha have been duly appointed by Iho mayor , with Iho approval of the city council of iiald city , to iibsess the iluniuuuH to the owners respectively , of iho properly nlfcoicd by thu vrudlnt ; of William * Ntreiil from Olh Direct lo the west line ( if thu Omaha fi. Houlhwesturn lUliroud rl ht-of-wuy. de- elurcd neou sary by oidliiiuici ) iiumbur3il2. uuHHod June 21 MI , I approved Jiinu''ilid , Ik'J ! . Vou uro further notllled that h.ivme ue- repted mild iipuoiiilnionlund duly iuulflcu | | ua reiiulred by law. wo will on tliu Wr , I day of July , A. D. It-y. , at thu hour of ton o'clock In the forenoon , ut tlio olllco of Phrlvor fc O'Don- a It oo. 140.1 ( 'iiriiam atreut , within the corpor ate limits of mid-city , incut for thu purpose ot conalderlnu and making the uu > osiini-nt of duiuugev to tlio owuert roxyccllvuly of uald OROCERIIia | DRUGS , Etc. / D. M.StccICiU'0. lilalic , Bruce & Co , IZOI-r.-OStones Urcct. lOlh niut llnrney ttrceti , Omnlm. Omnlm. IIAIUMVA1U- : . llcclor & Wilhdnj Co. Lobcck & Linn. Corner loth niul Jnckion Healer * In Imrittrnro nnil true-It. inrclutnlr < V liiciln. HUI DOUGHS street. A. C. Itamcr. lliilldorj' hnrdnnru unit cnntrncturn' supplies. 624 Soiitli lull street , LUMBEU. . 11 LCC. llnnl.Toml lumber , wood Imporlnl.AmrrlrMi l'ort carpets nn.l p.-irqujt IniKll'tMIRMIl MllnilUlu-a IIOiirliiK. hjclnuilc iHMiiuut unl Ptli unit Douglas. ( Jnliicy Hliltullnie. LIQUORS. Her & Co. Flick & Herbert. I.lquor mpri'IinnU. 1113 \Vluill > ' ) llqil'inloilor ' . . . llnriior " Mfm. Ken- ' . 1UOI I'lirmuu nt. ' licily'a Kusl liullix Hit ters. MILL1NKRY. J. Obcrl'chkr & Co. Importers niul lobbcra of mllluu-ry. notions. Mull onlora prompt. i'Ui-r.-outli lltli Bt. MUSICAL. A. Ilospc , Jr. The Mcinbcrg Co. Plnno , orunns , nrtlsta' 10'.1 X. HUh tit. I'lnno * , nnturlnlii , ctr. uni'l mnl musical In * 1MB Uouulas Blrunt. ntruim-nlBof nil klniK PAPER. Carpenter Paper Co. standard Oil Co. * Carry n full slock of prlnllm ; , wrapping nnd Hollnril nml lubricating wrlllim imper , card pa ulla , nxlu KrcnBC , etc. per. etc. "OVUUALLS , SHIRTS , UTO. Kini ; & Sincail. Robinson & Slokcs Co. Mtra. celi'brnti'rt "Huck- Mfrs of1C , t S" nnnt * skin" overalls , pant * , BblrlH nml ovcrnlla , etc. slilrts. cunts , etc. Him CU-18HonUi Ufa at. Uni'iha. PRODUCE COMMISSION. Kstnbllahcil 1878. Branch & Co. Whiincy & Co. Produce , fruits of all Iluttcr , i'Kgt nml poultry. kinds , oyutcrs. Bl'.i South 13th nt. J. II. Ilusc&Co. | Jas. A. Chirk & Co. Our Kperlnltlci : Iliittor , llullvr. ohccce , css , cwitiiul poultry. I iiiiiilirynniliiiiMio. Uta t. I al7oiitli ! Uth at W. ! : . Uiddcll. Hidden & Co. ( K'tnliltoheil ISS5. ) lliitter. c-ln'i"0. OKU' , voa > WholuMilo butti-r nnd c'tnbU's. fruits , poultry OKKI. lluys and sells lor c : > sb. IK1W. mint. STONMU KKPAIUS. 'ks ' SUivnrrimlrs nnd wntcr iittnchnitMils for nur kind ol stovu ai.ido. I''O ; Duuglus. SASH. TOYS. Jl.A.Disbrow&Co. II. Hardy & Co. Manufacturers of ash. Tnys. dolli , n Ik urns , doors , blinds und 's. Inline-fur- mouldings , llrnuch ( if- 10(1(14 , Cllll- lice , 1-tb nnd Iznrd sts. property -ilTecteil by said gradiue , tuttlnu Into coiislderutlon benellls , If ! iny. Yon nro notified to bn present at tbotlmn nnu place afoiosald and mtiko any objections to , or statements cniicornln ? s.ild assussntunt of dumusosusyou nuv uonildur priiuor. w ! iT.'lJATHS. ' ( JUO. J. P.\t'I < . Commllteo of Apprulscr.s. Omaha. Neb. , July lllh. isfl. ' . Jyl'ldl t urK HHSOLUTIOI ? CONSrUUCTlON. Council Chamber. Omaha. Neb. , July 5. ISO ? . Ho it resolved by the city council ot the cliy of Umahu , tliu mayor eoncni r ir. : That wooden sulewalKs ho eoiislrneted In the city of Oiiiahu as desUnaled below , with in live 1 1 ay. 4 after the puiiileatlon of this reso lution , or the personal bervlco thoivof. us by ordinance Is aiithoil/ud and ri > < ) inrcd ; such sidewalks to ho laid to the grade on the streets specified herein and lo be " ( instructed of pine plank of Mich width and thlokncjs and he laid upon joists of such dimensions and In such manner us Is pr bcilhed by tliu dwii'lllcal ons on Illo lu tluujllli-eof the Hoard of Public Works , and under Its supervision , to wit : 1-3 st sldo of 51st street , iicro-is M. P. or llelb I.nio It. K. rl 'lit-of-way. sec .10-15-13. West Side. pru-ciilurado. 4 feet wliio. Kast. sldnftlst streel , Ints7 lo 11 Inclusive , block 13 , Wast Sldo , prosunt tfr.ide , 4 feet wldo West Sldn of SUtstreiM , lot I , bock 2i ! , West ! Side , present irritilo , 4 foot wide , West side of 51st stroot. lots 1 and 20 block 29 , west Side , nres-Mit entile , I feet wide. West sldo of 51st street , lots 1 and 20. block 2J Wostfcjldc. present crude. I feet > , West Milo of 51st utruol. lots 1 and II , blocu 22. West Side , present itrado , I feet wldo. \Vost \ sldo 51st Etreet. b.o-jk 17 , West Slilu , present icru lo , 4 fuel wide. Ninth sldo of Hurt siieet. lot 121 Nclson'n addition , present Krade , 4 feet wide. North sldo of Hurt lintel , lot 110 Nolson'i addition , present urado. 4 feet wide. Kiist sldo of 27th street , smith 10 ft of lot ? block 15 , Shlnu's addition , prcsen * urado 0 feet wide , Wi'dlshlonf 12th strnut , lots I to 13 Inclusive , block I , M. Donovan's addition , cslulillHhou grade , fuel xvlde. West sldoofl2lh slroet , lots 8 to II In > luslro , Ifls Plaeo , oslahllshcd iirudn. 0 feet wide. sldu 12th Htri'ol. lots 5 Id 8 Ineluslvu block 1. gulnn's addition , e < uhll hul Brade. d fcut wldo. ( Cast sldo of 10th fitnnt , loliS an > l'.l hlonk 7 Van ( dump's addlllon , oslahllshed i ; rude , 0 feat wide. Kast sldo of inth street , east part of lot ' . ' ) block 1 Van Uump's addition , estab.Isheil prade. 0 feet wide. Kuutsldoof lOlhstrout , tax lot 10 sec 3I-I5-U established cr de. 0 feel wide. Kast sldo of 10th Blroet. lot 12 to M Inoliislvo. block ? . Murray's addlllon lo Ok.ihomu , e > - tuhlUhcair.ide , 0 feet wide IviKt sldo of lOlh street , lot fi block I Mur ray's addition to OUuhoiiia , oilnblUhuJ Krado , Ki'isl sldo of 10th street , lots I lo 10 Inclu sive , block I. Kndlluld'u addition , est tlilmliuil Itfide , 0 fuel wide. . , Katil hldo of 10th ctriiut , sub lots I to fi Inclu sive. of t.ix Jot3suoll-15-l3 : , elu illshod Krudo , Ivnstsido of 10th street , tux lot 0 , 8 , 0 nnd 11 sun 3I-I.VI3 eslabllshed u'radii. 0 feet wide. ICiiHt sldnot21llh sirnot , lots 3 Io7 Incluslvo , blook 1. HOKKH it Illil'tt bccond uildltion , PICB- ent Krado. II foot wido. Wehthldoof 27th uveniio. tax lot 18 tec 10-15- 13 , present urade , 0 feet wiJc , And lie It further rit olvods Tlmt tli n Hoard of Works be und here by In uiithorl/.ed and directed to o.iusu u cooy ni thU luiiolutlon to bu piibtiahed In tin * of ficial puuor of the city for ono week , or hit horvud on the owner * of ( Uhl lots , nnd iinlusu uiicliownur < ahull within flvn days nftor the publlcutlonoraorvlooiif such copy construct said sidewalk * UH huruln reiiulred , that the Hoard uf Publlu Wor.H O.IIIHU lliusamu lo bu ilunu , thoroatof eonulnicllir/ Hldawnlka rosueotlvoly to bo < tsHOSHUd u.'iilnnt the real cuale , lolor part of lot In front of unu abut ting such slduwalkK. I'rosUnnl of iho CounclU Attcat ! JOHN UKOVICH.H , ( . 'Ity ' ( Jlurk. Approved ! QKO. P. IIKMIS , Mayor. NOTIOK TO CON8THIJOT BIDKWAI-KH. To tliu owners of thu lots , parU of lottf and reuluslutu duaoilDutl In tliu ubovu roiolu , lion : Von nnd oaoh of you are hereby nollflod to. conatruct wooden ulduwalka HI reijulrad 'by A resolution of thu city council unu mayor ot the city of Omaha , of which thu nbovo U u , copy. 1' . W. IIIUKIIAIJSKK. Chalnnun Hoard of I'ublloYorki. . Omaha , N.U. , July ' . . .