Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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IL feocioty Heals from It ? Season's Bound of
\ Pleasure.
I'ooplo Are doing forTlirlr Health
Motfltncnt * of Sxrull I nvnrltrs Mar
ring" ° r Hollar nnil licnlon
mi TlniMcIiiy.
How 1ms society been disporting ItsoH In
tbo sunshlno of gnlotv dunnc the past few
days I With decorum thnt would bficomo
1'atlonco , whotlior located on n monument or
holding any other public position of trust and
honor. To tall tbo truth the luminous ele
ment In question tins not boon liiiz/.lingly
brilliant , and society has been do
ing just nothing at nil , except
XVlng wedded occasionally , chattering
Nodding posslp llko blue birds , recounting
the conquests of the Juno loses. The petals
of tbo roses do not fall faster nor the "dog
days" moro relentlessly than hearts before
that nrovcrblal Instrument of warfare of ti
certain sly llttlo cod whoso numo Is fust be
coming a household word In polite circles.
Cupid has been the rulgnlng sovereign of tbo
hour and youths and maluons luivo c-
cordoa him nil honor as youths and
maidens will. Diamond pendants , "tho
gift of the groom1 iiru becoming us plenty us
rain drops , nnd "Lohengrin" Is having n fair
opportunity to voice that swcotesl melody
I inut over lost Its way and strayed to this
. ' world of .
v.'ork-a-day ours.
Out even Cupid cannot reign forever , nnd
4nlieady the tide of social interest Is swooping -
' ing in another direction. Teas have gone
whore good teas go ; dinners have mot with
, u line falo ; cards have been neglected
to tbo ithnlf and balls nro things of the long
ago. But there yet remains onu piousuro In
store for tbo faithful devotee of sosioty loft
nt homo the coaching party looms up Invit
ingly on tbo horizon. The nights of the
past wool : have been lllled with the "horns
of cltlaud faintly blowing , " whllo strange
noises have disturbed the oosertod
Btroets , which sounded very much lilio
cheers and collou'o yells with the feminine
, /voices intermixed to glvo the strange sounds
' color. Nightly the tally-ho coaches have
liecn In use and Jolly parties of men nnd
maids have scon moro of Omaha and lu on-
vlrons than over boforo. The moon has
been gloriously full the whole weoit , and
tbut Is not to bo construed as n rellootlon
upon her majesty , and tbo night lamps
Vilazcd without cessation ; rare nights Indeed ,
ana they have boon uuen advantage of by
tbo stay at-homes.
A London journal udvlscs a cortoipondent
who asks for information concerning an out-
lltfor America , that "old-fashioned dresses
nro not to bo thought of In America , where
ladies study dress to excess and kuow how
to turn themselves out well. " Washing of
Jlnon , it Is warned , is "very dear. " Also ,
"American trunks uro best , " and *
"everything Is most perfectly arranged for
convenience of triirolln ? . " It is always in
teresting to sue ourselves as others sco us.
One sometimes wonders If people ere like
cats and develop an inherent love for nlncos
Vo which they rut urn again and again. That ,
would explain why so many Omaha people
tlo tbosame thing over mid over again anil
po nnd go nnln and Uccp on going to the
, nmo snots. There may not bo n speck of
luwxuty and It may bo ns hot as a crematory ,
win if Onmlmns go , there that sullies it.
Other gunerations of Oinahans will keep on
fjolng and call It blessed , and woo bo to him
her who siiys it isn't. But tlicro must bo
Vouui other , reason , lor the fashionable colorlo ,
'csections of It , do sometimes transfer thnlr
voyul favor from 0110 nlaco 10 another , nnd It
that reason is not that people nro moro
sought than places It Is bard to tell what It
is. They do say that If certain people go
pnywhero in tbo summtr , ns inativ Omaha
Jiuople as can got away will go theru and
crowd nnil push because it's the proper thing ,
but even then it often happens that the
nforcsnid curtain people , after they have
posed 11 llttlo before the aumlring multitude ,
rush off somewhere clso and don't como bacli
Bgaln. Possibly , after all , there is some
thing In thu'l theory of mi old guntloiuau. n
member of the Omaha club , who remarked
on this subject that , "Omniums willgo wheio
Ihoy are the best fed. "
Tim llclli'r-llitntim Nuptlulx.
Tbo murriupo of Miss Ulancho Ucnton ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. MoAlvIti ,
mid Mr. ' .VillUm S. Heller , Thursday at1
o'clock , was n particularly pretty ceremony ,
although there was little show and pomp
attendant upon the occasion , the design ol
those most Interested being to inako it a
. X'oal homo wedding , ana not a display ol
Ravish appointments , Mr , and Mrs. Me-
Vlvin have u cosy homo ut " 101 Wlrt street ,
Kountzo pluco , and this was quietly , though
vary effectively decorated with llowors and
jmlms , in honor of the nuptials. The friends
who were present wore moro than moro
acquaintances , which also ndcioJ to the
charm of the afternoon. AtI o'clock the
bridal proco ion entered tbo drawing room ,
TMlss Miunlo Collutt playing iho wedding
inarch as n procosslonul hymn. First cumc
two young Indies , iho ribbon bearers , Miss
Alda Mills nnd Miss Birdie lirunch , who
Jormod an ulslo through the parlors bv moans
pf broad white ribbons. They were followed
t > y the nmltl of honor , Miss Turner of Ivan-
pas City , then came the best man aua tbo
bridesmaid , Mr. John V-'iUon JJatllii and
illss Younir , and lastly the bTldo and groom.
] { ov. J. I. . U. Llwyd of the Church of the
liood Shepherd , read the marriage
Service , Miss Collett playing throughout
Iho ceremony. The bride is a bountiful girl
With hair that in the sunlight has nil the up-
lioarunco of burnished gold , tall nnd ut-
Irucllvo looking , nnd wuro a handsome gown
bf wblto tiillc orope trimmed with duchesso
) ace , u simple gown that became her well ,
Jwr only ornaments being n gold ncculnco
"tvllh diamond setting , tbo gift of the groom ,
nnd she carried u magniUcent bouijuet of
bride roses , which when leaving she throw
from an upper landing , to tbo deilght of
bliss Alda Mills. who became
Us possessor. Alls * Young , the
bridesmaid , were n prelty white silk mullo
costume trimmed with lace anil she nlso car-
fled bride roses. Miss Turner of Kansas
City , the maid of honor , n potlto blonde , vl-
rVaclous and very Interesting , , voro an
embroidered cream mohair with green silk Miss Mills , u sweet , pretty girl
with n comploxlon that Mmo. Uecomlor
would have longed to possess , appeared In a
\vlilto India silk trimmed with chiffon , white
pinks. Miss Branch were while challlo with
fcroon garniture and carried wtilto pinks.
Later refreshments were served and at r
p'clock tin ) bride loft the parlor to prepare
, for Imr wuddlng tour , her goaway gown be
ing n mode diagonal with hut nni
cloves to match , At 5 ; U amid i
kbowor of rlco nnd old MJOOS
JUr. mi'l Mrs. Holler loft for the mko country
< pf tbo north , from there they will take the
Piovthorn I'ucilio for California , and bofop
turnlni : their faces eastward will huvo scon
Iho birth of an Iceberg In iho fro/on seas of
Alaska , They will bo ut homo after August
* ) out UKVlrtstroot. ) : .
Airuiig those present ut the wedding were
\\v , and Mrs. Samuel Jacobs , Mr. and Sirs ,
Jlinrlcs H , Howes , Mr. and .Mrs. Jnmes F.
Tilly , MU * Tilly. Mr. and Mrs , n. A. MeAl
later , Mr , and Mrs. Frmiu M. Marsh , Mrs ,
J. A. Kutcilffo , Miss Uatelllto , Mr. und Mm.
) . I > . linncdk'l , Mr. and Mrs. Joint A. I'at-
orson. Miss Swift of I'hlludeltihiu , Hun. und
sirs. Frunlc Irvlno. Mr. mulMr . O. ! ' . Good-
noti , Mr. iu.d Mrs. S. ( J. Chute , Mlf > s Chase ,
lr. and MrV. . A. Musslok , Mr. and Mrs.
5. W. Staddcn , Mr. and Mrs. O. Lar on ,
\\r. and Mr . C. L Shook. Mr. und Mrs. U.
.ft' . Welter , Mr. und Mrs. llowurd Kennedy ,
'Miss hlhctlwynr.o Kennndv , Howurd Ken-
c | y ( Jr. , Mr. nuu Mrs. ICnov lloudo , Mr.
Jind Mm. O. H , Pratt , Mr. A _ O. VanSunt ,
- Mr. Jonathan Mollun. Mr. A , M. Hopkins ,
Jllrdlo Ilrunch. Mr. and Mrs. KrastUH Young
Miss Atmlu Young , Mr. Thomas P , Wilson ,
Ml sflii WlUon , Mr. mid Mr . Frank W ,
% lbor ) , Osruv 1' . ( loodmun , Mr. John M , Me
JMation. Mr. and Mr * . MuNuIr , Mrs. l cuen
wnNdi , Jud. , Mr. V.V. . Houdort.on , Mr
Ualph Lowls , Mo Uo , I'a. , MU Carrlo Pratt
Mil * Minnie Collott , Mlsj Nellln Uosewalvr
lulit lUrrU , Mm Humllu , Mil * Mucltoy
Olbbs , Miss \ \ oed , Miss Jacobs , Miss
. . .Hr > cr , Miss Swnrt7.landor , Miss Van Stint ,
Miss Klttlo M , Ilnusmann , Frontenac , Minn ,
Tim ( l.trrUoiilii Dug l.iy < .
Thursday night being Captain nnd Mrs.
Snrson's flltocnth anniversary , they gave n
delightful lawn party to the garrison. Tholr
quarters nnd lnwn were aocorated with
pretty Chlnoo lanterns , nd the strains of
the Second Infantry band pleased the oar of
many friends In a delightful serenade. At 10
refreshments were HOI veil by the captain
nnd his charming wife , and the evening
closed pleasantly by Captain ICtnlzlo singing
"Dear Heart" and "Palms. " Thoio present
were : Mr. and Mrs. Van Llow. Mr. and
Mrs. Pickering , Contain nml Mr * . Waring ,
Captain und Mrs. Keller , Mr. and Mrs.
Piper , Dr. nnd Mrs. Spencer , Captain and
Airs. Uompiov , Major nnd Mrs. Worth , Colonel
nel and Mrs. PnrK , Captain and Mrs. Turner ,
Miss McClelland , Mtss Cozzons , MM. Me-
Croluv , Mrs. ParkAllsi Nighlngalo , Mr.
and MM. Mulr , Mr. nnd Mrs , \Vright , Cup-
tain Clark , Miss Annie Clark , Mr.
Powell , Captain Lawrence , Mls
Koublns , Mr. Wllltlns , Mr. Wilson ,
Mr. Hoobltis , Mr. McCabe , Mr. und Mrs.
Pickering , Contain Ullo , Mr. lllnos , Mss |
Nightingale , Contain Klnzto , Mr. Powell ,
Mr. Marquart , Mr. Whitman , Mr. David
Park. Mrs. Uorrard.
Lieutenant Powell has ODonod o recruiting
rendezvous In Omaha and is fast tilling up
the Second Infantry.
Miss Waring , who Is visiting Captain nnd
Mrs. Lacey , writes that she Is having n do-
llghtfui time at Fort Loavonworth , her re
turn homo bolng Indollnilo.
Mrs. Abercromblc expects n visit from
nor charming sister , Miss Kimuall , otLouU-
villo , ICy. , the J th.
Captain Turner , Lloutonnnts lllnos nnd
Marquart returned from Hollovuo rillo rangoon
on Thursday , where they had boon on duty
with company I , Second Infantry , during
their target practlco.
Tuesday evening Mr. Algernon Patrick
took a conch load'of Fort Omaha people to
Council Bluffs. On returning a vor.v dainty
llttlo supper was served by Major nod Mrs.
Worth. These present were Mrs. Dempsey ,
Major and Mrs. Worth. Miss Nightingale ,
Mrs. Spencur.MH. V an Llow , Captain Day ,
Mr. Low Hill.
A 1'ori'li 1'iirty.
Tuesday evening the porches of the Mor-
rlam were crowded with young men and
maids brought tocotber bv Master line Hob
ble , who , previous to the family's depart tire
for their summer homo on Lake Michigan ,
gave his younrf friends a thoroughly delight
ful evening. The porches were hung with
Chinese and Japanese lanterns , wltb myri
ads of Hags to remind ono that the uftor-
math of the glorious Fourth was pregnant
with moaning. There was music , and the
young people danced until chaperons grow
alarmed at the lateness of the hour , and hur
ried their charges into carriages Do I ere the
night damps mudo their inroads upon youth
ful eyes and cheeks.
Those who enjoyed the evening wcro :
Ilolon Hoacland , Kmmn Crandull , Emma
Sherwood , Florence Morse , Lnulso Squires ,
Mabel IJrown. Mabel Taylor , Sue Colpolzor ,
Hatllo Cudy , Joulio Yat'os , May Hamilton ,
Uertha Sloan , Alice Andrescn. .losalo Dick-
enson , Llela Carter , May Mount , Kdna
Cowin , Grace Allen , Fannie Durvoa , liossio
Kaymond , Maud Durfro , Kmma Moore ,
Birdie Balbacb , Nnlllo Durchard , Ethel
Morse , Bessie Towlo , Alice Drdlto ,
George Purvis , Bert Moro. Sam Morse ,
Henry Clark , Gordon Clark , Frank McCune ,
Frank Haskoll , Lin Shorwood. Buzz Ccl-
poizor , Jim Wallncu , Ilnlph Connell , Karl
Council , Joe Burknr , Uussell Wilbur , Will
Hughes , Fred Lake , Arthur Carter , Jay
Boya , J > nul Hoagland , Bob Lowe , Charlie
Pratt , Louis Pratt , Sam Burns , Archlo
Pratt , Bert Kaymond , Ross Towlo.
Ilrii7li' mill Humlll ,
On the Mill ult. , Mr. John F. Honzio whs
marrioa to Mrs. Lillian L. Humill at the
rosldonco of Mr. John W. Nichols , 2S30
Charles street , Uov. C. W. SaviUgo pcrform-
hm the ceremony. Thn room was decorated
with tastefully arrancod flowers of various
kinds , the arch bcinc decoratoJ with beauti
ful cut llowors. Miss Fannie Hoston acted
as bridesmaid ana Mr. Hobert Barr was best
man. There was quito a number of costly
and useful gifts presented to tbo newly
married couple , who will go Into housekeep
ing right away nt 11U2 North Twonty-lirst
Among thee present were : Mr. and Mrs.
Gaorgo Klmmel , Mr. and Mrs. Kobort Barr ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Warren , Mr. and Mrs. Schnchengoah , Mr.
and Mrs. Alton , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cane ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. E. McKay , Mr. unit Mrs.
Martin Haley , Mr. and Mrs. George Hull ,
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Edholtn.Mr. and Mrs.
Hcdding , Mr. und Mrs. James White ,
Mr. John Evans nnd daughter , Mr. Silas
Wright , Mr. C. D. Honzio , Mr. C. E. Dcch-
told , Mr. Charles Hoston , Mr. Will Cuno ,
Mr. Bert Nichols , Mrs. Hotton nta daugh
ters , Mrs. M. E. Burcett , Miss Fannlo
Heston , Miss Mmnlo Hoston , Miss Cinrtlo
Moore , Mrs. Shill and daughter , Miss
A lllrtluliiy 1'nrly.
A number .of llttlo mlssos , ranging in ago
from 4 to 10 years , gathered at the residence
of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. B. Dako on the afternoon
of JunoL ! to colobruto the Oth anniversary of
llttlo Miss Gertie's birthday. The following
wcro present : Greta Housor , Etta Hen-
uings , Agnes Hendrickson , Margaret Caldwell -
well , Florence Cnldwoll , Allyn Bechtel ,
Glauys Bcuhtel , Dolllo Turner , Pearl Lester ,
Ednn Mills , Allco Mills. Lillian \Vyatt ,
Ethel Crisman , Marie Uako. The llttlo lady
received n number of handsome souvenirs ,
useful nnd ornamental , in remembrance of
the occasion. The llttlo folks , nftor indulg
ing In a number of games incident to chil
dren , sat uown to n supper table bountifully
spread with coed things , uftor which they
doparlod to their several homes wishing
their charming llttlo hostess many happy re
turns of tbo day.
In Honor ol a Slitiu-y Girl.
Ono of the most onjoynblo coaching parties
of the season was given Thursday evening
by Miss Webster In honor of her guest , Miss
Blancbnrd of Sidney , Nob. After driving to
the fort and back the party returned to the
homo of Mr. WubUor , where a delicious
supper was served , Dnnolncr and toto-a-totos
tilled the rest of the evening , The guests
were : Miss Blunchard. Miss Clnrkunn , Miss
Colpotzor , Miss Allen , MHs Aiidrcoson , Miss
yates ; Mr. Uache , Mr. Christian , Mr. Cowin ,
Mr. Klchnrdson , Mr. Morsman , MiVolbur ,
Mr. Akin , Mr. Ludlncton , Mr. Donlso. Mrs.
Uutidy uud Mrs. Webster chaperoned the
party. _
Vint ami Iliirttiill ,
On Monday nt the rcsltionco of Mrs. Evn
Burstall , SJ5 South Twonty-llftb nvonuo , a
very pretty homo wedding was solemnized ,
Dean Gardner onicintiug. Mm ( Jnoonlo ,
daughter of the late Timothy Burstull , Uook-
mount , Carrlek on Snlr , Ireland , with Mr.
Kobert Vint of Salt Lake City being tbo center
of attraction , Miss Theodora Burstall acted
as maid of honor and Mr. F. G. Houiion ns
best man. After uu eliUwruto lunchenn Mr.
and Mrs , Vint left fur thuir future homo In
A I. \ IMC Tally Ho.
A party of young ladies gave n loup year
tally tie last evening. Alter nil the guests
were piosont , the party started on the line
of march , It Doing around town , thence to the
fort uud thoticu baoit to Hanscom park , Horn
refreshments wcro bcrvud In thu pavilion ,
Thosu prutcnt were : Misses Hei.'lun , Hold ,
Crawford , Lnimhan , ( 'nrnell , Colbert und
Ollle , Huoil , Lamb , Lloyd , Jonci ; Moisn
Soucrost , Oiborne , Hnydoa , Catlin , Craw
ford , Hopper , Kamgo , Dr. Kelm , Mr , Moim-
han , Mr. Glenn , Mr. Mor.ui.
A .AloiinllKht I'lniln.
A very ploainnt moonllgnt plotilc was
given Thursday evening nt Hnnscom park In
honor of MUos Erwln of Dlulr , Nob. , und
KobnrU of Arapahou , Col , The participants
were : MUses Ll//y Kollog ? , Hose I'utorbon ,
O.audy KatulIlT , Nora Lurkln , Mi-ssrs. Hurry
Knllogg. Alfred Olson , Cluud Stouklu , Guy
Oweu , Hurry H. ICIrby , Jr. , Frank Potoraon.
On l'lini urn Hunt.
, Miss Emlley Wukoloy went to Doiiyor
Thursday night.
.Mrs. W. 1. Hawlu left Monday for Boiton
nnd the east.
Miss McAra of the Webster school loft
WoJncsiluy for the oast.
MU U. H , Torrlll left Thursday ovcnlug
for Now York , to bo absent until Seotom-
Mrs. E. P. Peck nnd family bavo pone to
Bayllola for the summer.
Mrs. C. O. Spraguu loft this week for Salt
Lake to remain n month.
Mr and MM. Bernard Cohn nro taking in
eastern watering places ,
Dr. Isadoro Gluck nt.d wife Icavo this
evening for the mountains. .
Mrs. Albyn Frank , daughter and son have
gene to tbo lanes for the summer.
Mr. William Preston nnd family have gene
to Lake Okobojl for the tumtnor.
Mrs. McKcoof Columbus , O. , Is the guest
of her brother , Mr. A. B. Hudson.
Mr. A. Martin loft Wednesday on n pleas
ure trip to Now Vork aud Boston.
Mrs. J. U , Nichols loft last wock for
Mountain liouso , Cresson Springs , Pn.
Miss McKonnu loft Wednesday for Stolen
Island , where she will spend tho'summer
Hit-hard Wlthnoll nnd fomllv nnd Miss
Libblo Wlthnoll loft yesterday for Sarntogu ,
Miss Margaret Couk ontorulnort n number
of her young frlonds at o'clock tea Friday
Mrs. A. U. McCormlck loft yesterday for
Glenn's Ferry , Idaho , where she will spend
the summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Adolph Meyer nnd tholr son ,
"Art , " huvo gene for n short sojourn ut Hot
Springs , S. U.
Miss Blanche Ilollmnn loft this week for
flonoii , Philadelphia. New York nnd vari
ous seaside roaorU.
Miss Loulso Perfect of Annmosn , In. , Is
visltlnc the fumllyof Mr. mid Mrs. E. U.
Perfect , Walnut Hill.
Mr. G. C. Houblo nnd family loft Wednes
day for A very Bench , South Haven , Mich , ,
where they will spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Boggs and Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Kendall loft for Portland nnd
California yesterday to bo gene throe or four
Miss Nolllo Grinith nnd Miss Frances Lee
of Kansas City , who have boon visiting Mrs.
J. W. Grinilh , 120 South Twonty-Hfth
street , for n woolt past , returned to their
Miss Grace Godso loft Monday for n sunn
mar's outing with friends on Luke George ,
Lake Champlaln and among the Adirondack
resorts. She will visit Saratoga and Chicago ,
returning the 1st of Soptombtir.
Cablegrams announce ) the safe arrival of
the City of Paris July 0 nt Liverpool , havlnc
on board Mrs. J. W. Cotton and Miss Amy
Barker , and the steamship Lake Ontario
Julys , with MUs Pitman nnd Miss Huiull-
Yestordny Mr. AI Patrick , with n small
pauy of friends , drove out to the Patrick
fur in. Tboso In the coach were General und
Mrs. Brooke , Miss Ogden , Miss Answell ,
Miss Boyd , Nnlo Crary , whllo Mr. Patrick
occupied the driver's scut.
Mr. C. E. Yost ontortuinod the "Dlsconso-
lalos" nt dinner on Thursaay availing. A
disconsolate Is n man whose family is out of
town for tbo summer. These present were :
E. M. Monman , L. M. Bennett , S. D. Bark-
alow. W. W. Morsman nnd E. P. Pock. Tbo
chaporouo on this occasion was Joaoph Mors
Among plcnio pirtloi on the glorious
Fourth was ono that wont out to "Morris
Inko , " northwest of the city , composed of
Miss Doano , Mr. Fnlrllold , Miss Emily
Waltoloy , Mr. How , Miss Hughes , Mr.
Guiou , Miss Hlinolmugh , Mr. CUrk Uodlck ,
Miss Curtis , Mr. Will Doano , Mr. aud Mrs.
D. H. Wheeler , jr.
In honor of Miss Ogden nnd her friend ,
Miss Answell , Mr. Algernon Patnclc gave n
conchijg party Wednesday avcning , tno
cuests boinc Miss Boyd , Mr. and Mrs.
Muentcforing , Air. Leuiz , Miss Iloapland ,
Mr. Nalo Crnry , Dr. Summers. It was u
pleasantly sociable party nnd the drive to
Council Bluffs nnd return was thoroughly
Mr. Howard Kennedy , Jr. , has boon enjoy
ing n very pleasant rounlon with his class
mates of Williams college , twenty-six in
number , nt Willlumslown the past week ,
bolng the thin ! annual reunion of the clas * .
From ho goes to Troy , Hartford , Englewood -
glowood and other ponjts to visit relatives
and classmates , llnlshtng wltb attendance
upon the convention of the Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor in Now York.
Mr. LowMnyonoof America's boU known
fish commissioner' , ontortalnod Governor
Royd and party at dinner on Tuesday nt tbo
llsh hatcheries at South Bond. Besides a
beautifully cooked dinner tbo superintendent ,
of the hatchorics had provided sulllcicnt buit
for the party and a Jolly tlmo was the result.
Mr. und Mrs. May are ideal entertainers
and Iho hatcheries In Juno nnd July are well
worth a visit. These present nt tun dinner
were : Mrs. Blerbowor , Mrs. J. E. Bovd ,
Mlsb Boyd , Miss Corby , besides the governor.
The Crystal Loaeuo of North Omaha cele-
bralod the "Glorious Fourth1' by giving n
tnlly-ho picnic ut Bellevue , Nob. Tbo fol
lowing young ladies and gentlemen partlci-
in the nloasuro of the day , chaperoned
y Mr. M. Chnnco. Misses Jcauotto Aucb
.Majdy , Joslo Coles , Lu Glinos , Inez Mor-
rium , Kutb PhllUppi , Nellie Sticknoy , Hutu
Spragtle , Lauru Winters , Ida Hammond ,
Cora Eicker , Anna HarRravo. Messrs. C.
L. Fritscher , jr. , G. W. Street. H. Wbipplo ,
H. Hopper , G. Gish , L. T. HofTman , F.
Bliss , E. L. Ferroll , F.V. . tiaywnrd.
Mr. and Mrs. John L.Vobstor and
daughter loft yesterday for Now York , nnd
on tbo Hth will sail by the Normanma for
Liverpool to spend the summer on the conti
nent. They will visit Germany , Switzer
land , Holland and England , and will ra-
tr.rn by way of the St. Lavvoronco and tbo
Thousuna islands. It was Mr. Web -
stcr's intention to have spent tbo
summer along the Mcdltoranoan , but
Mr. Charles OtTut , who was to
have been Air. Webster's companion en voy
age , could not uecornpany him , so that
fcaturo of the trip wus irlvon up.
Hurl ; In Hut Ult.v'x Din.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Preston Benedict nro homo
from their wedding trip.
AIw. E. S. Uovvloy and anughtor have 10-
lurnod from tholr trip to the White moun
Air. nnd MM. Newt. Barkalow nro homo
from n fortnight's visit to LJjnvor and the
Mrs. Jnmos G. Uuploand son nro visiting
Air. nnd Mrs. James T. Clark of 4US North
Twenty-third btreot.
Mrs. Al. B. Davenport returned Friday
from a month's visit with her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. Lott Scotleld at Newark , III ,
Air. and Mn. T. Kobortson of Jacksonville ,
Fin. , nro visiting Dr. nnd Mrs. Hoffman.
Mrs. HobertBon is n sister of Airs. Hoffman.
Airs. O. N. Davenport , who has boon vis
iting with tno family ot Alarsbul Brad
Slaughter at Fullerton , Neb , , returned last
evening. ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Haw have taken
possession of their now homo , llili South
.Tnlrtloth stioot , and will celebrate by a ro-
copllon noxi wook.
AIiss Bessie Crissmau , formerly of Omnhn ,
now of Lougmont , Col. , stopped on her way
homo from an eastern school for a visit with
friends and relative ? hero. She is ut pres
ent the guest ot Miss Kttiolwyno Kennedy.
Aliss Jonnin Mines and AIiss Tilllo Uhllngor
of Philadelphia nro visiting their sister In
this city. Airs. Thomas Godfrey. Air. nnd
MM. Godfruv oxpoui to , leave with thorn for
the Pacttlc , Portland and San Francisco.
MUH Untinker Is the daughter of the Jim in
ventor of the iron school desks , a gentleman
very nromluont In Philadelphia.
Out ill Tim n.
Miss Blnnrho Allan will apond tbo month
of July on the Pucillo crust.
Albs Fannie Buttorlleld loaves this even
ing lor Pusaaona , Cul. , where - > Uo will bo Iho
guest ot Airs. John Hugus .
Miss Nash of Toledo. O , , Is the guest of
MUs Breckenrldgo , 00.3 South Twenty-eighth
Mr. and MM. C. M. Miller of St. Joseph ,
Mo. , are visiting MM. Alattio D. Hardln ut
South Twenty-thirJ street.
Mrs. Alary M , Sain of St. Joicph Is vis
iting hornulcos , MM. Beanund AIM , Hurdln ,
M7 South Twenty-third street.
Mrs. Andrew Uo-tow-Uor and son loft
Thursday for Mnultou to spend the summer.
Tliov will bo ut the Cliff house.
Mrs. William F. Manning and MM , John
F , Boyd left iho city Thursday for a month's
sojourn at Manltou ana Colorado Springs.
Airs. F. M. Griuk's of Pacific Junction , la. ,
und Miss Met tie Stafford of Nobraskn Citv
were guests of Omaha friends oil Monday
and Tuesday ,
Dr. and MM. Cluck , Ml s Balbach uud
Carl Dal bach , leave today for an outing to
Utah , Iduho nnd Washington. They Iniond
to return uy the 1st ot Auguot.
Mr. uud Airs. J. H. Evans loft Woanosuay
for Washington nnd Nc\v < Ytfrk. The 14th
Inst. they sail on tbo stoario ? ' wormnndn for
Switzerland nnd ndjaocnt douUtrlcs ,
Airs. Charles Bates , 310 Jfyf'fb Nineteenth ,
leaves today for a short soTourn In eastern
Iowa. V
Drs. A. E. and U. M. GCnln have gene to
Now York. They will snHWlHo E'.rurm for
Eiirooo and will remain InMJnns and Vlonnii
for two vcnrs. On tbolr rOTftrV they will locate -
cato in Chicago. ' * el
Mrs. Uussoll Hnrriion Jorylio Hrst of the
week for Washington , froip .wtionco , after E.
stay of n day or two , she wont to Capo Alay
to take charge of the prosldrtiCs cottage dur
ing the summer. ' "
Miss Lillian Alackoy rcturhoji on Monday
fromChlcabo , where she hou bVon vlsltlni ; her
sisters , Aliss Maud AlaoKov'auOi AIM. F. G.
Woodund loft the followlnRdoyTorSan Fran
cisco , Cal. , with Airs. W. J. Oottoy nnd fam
ily , who have boon visiting In the city for n
short time. MUs Alackoy expects to romnlii
several months on the coast.
Talked Almut.
The timrrlngo of Air. A. A. Hood of Bcut
rlco. Nob. , and Aliss Mao Bowlos was
solemnized nt the rosldonco ot Mr. nnd Mrs.
L , R. Llelitcnborgor Tuosaay evening , Juno
23 , at Claronre , In. , Kov. W. N. Ctmffoo of
Dvsart , assisted by Prof. H. H. Freer of
Cornell college , performing the ceremony.
This Is grass widowers' time , They may
bo seen swarming nround the roUnurants
nnd clubs with a singularly contented smllo
n lone grin us It wero. That Is the humor
of It , that a condition that would make many
men wretchedly miserable if permanent ,
makes them happy whllo oiily temporary.
Sketches for the now Omaha club are ox-
poctpd to bo In the hands of the directory
not latnr than midnight of iho loth , although
why they should hnvo named a Sunday for
the .submission of the plnns'ls not apparent.
Alessrs. Bolndorff , Fisher & Linwrio are
among the best Known architects who will
submit suggestions for tbo now building.
Aliss Ilolon Hoyt of Davenport , la. , sang
nt the evening sorvlco nt Trinity cathedral
last Sunday. Her selection , Dana's "Holy
Savior , Full of Compassion , " was aptly
ohosan nnd beautifully sunc In a clonr , pure
soprano voice , without n trace of the embarrassment -
rassmont which it might bo expected u young
singer before a largo congregation of strang
ers micht feol.
Strangers Aiming U .
Airs. Lowls of AIodaPn. ! < is visiting her
father and mother , Air. and AM. Isaac Bat-
Miss Kirby mid AIiss Pickens of Hastings
will bo tno guests this week of AIiss Aldn
Aliss Leland of Hastings was the guest
last week of Aliss Alva AIllls , Thiity-ntnlh
and Dodge streets.
When you go to Denver stbp at the Ameri
can houso. Kates.1t ! ) to W.oO. Komouolod
How ItlnclliiR lirotlii-ri' Orcnt Circus Hits
< irou'n Inlci i'roiiiiiicnco.
Omaha is to make tbo acquaintance tuts
season of n big show that ana leaped Into
prominence during the past two or tbrco
years , with n rapidity that has surprised the
old-school showtnnn. This great amusement
enterprise is the Hlngllng Brother. " ' World'i
Greatest shows , and the date of the exhibi
tion in this city has boon definitely fixed for
Alonday , August 1. While.- the uamo of
Kingliug is ono of the > most familiar of
show names in many sections bf tbo country ,
it is comparalivolv unknown in Omulm , so
that the vustnoss of /ychibitlon will bo
something of a surprise ( tp la'any who bavo
nlways been led to bollovpj tbvt "thero worn
only two or three really .bigTSUO'.VS lu the
Unitcu States. I „ ;
The development of the IjUngjingsbow from
a small and Inslpnillcaijv wwon caravan ,
traveling across the countrj'unii showing
only In very small towns , lp.lpu colossal in
stitution employing hunUrfip.s.oC men.women
nnd children uud requiring three lung trains
of cars to transport it from/j city , roads
like a romance ; and ypt'.ltjs only ono of
many instances made p oss.lbio under Ameri
can Institutions , in which'pluck , energy aud
determination have broupjii heir possessors
to the front. , -r
Seven years ago the Hlncllng show would
not have brought $10,000 at forced sale ; today
the circus property alone , exclusive of good
willrepresents an outliy of nearly ? 1,000,000.
And the origin of this wonderful institution
was u little round-top tent , capable of seatIng -
Ing loss than SOU people , and a collection of
iwcnty-ono horses , nineteen of which were
The Klngling show has boon exhibiting In
all tbo largo cities this season and Us success
has been phenomenal. Probably no other
big show has over had so many gratuitous
.rood words said for it. Whllo the other big
shows have sacrillcod tholr circus perform
ance for a spectacle thnt looks pretty enough
on paper but which falls to prove satisfac
tory to tha audlonro , the Ulngllngs bare con
centrated their energies In putting together
a strong , legitimate circus performance.
Thuro is a spectacle , to bo sure , but it Is con
fined principally to a grand entry and is not
permitted in any way to lutorferj with the
circus program. As a consequence tbo
Kinglings are justified In claiming that they
have the biggest legitimate circus that has
over been given under canvas. Among Iho
strong features of this year's program are
Charles W. Fish , tun popular old time rulor.
whoso skill has never been approached by
the younger school ol equestrians ; the Koud
sisters , wonderfully graceful European rid
ers ; the Brothers Vernon , exceptionally
clover lurlallsts ; u troupe of twelve Japancso
equilibrists , and nearly 100 other nets , em
bracing riders , ucrobats , gymnasts and other
genuine circus performers. A new feature
Hint all will npprooluto Is the simultaneous
introduction of the sntno klnu ot act in each
of the several rings ; and ns'thoy nro so far
us possible ull of equal merit there is no pos
sibility of the visitor becoming confused.
Another show , billed to exhibit In Omaha
shortly , wilt not show hero until September ,
so that the Kitigllng circus will bo the only
big show oxulbltiug lu this olty during the
hot weather.
Items of Intorntt to the ( irrat Army of
The brick yard nt LVOMS , Nob. , turns out
1,000,000 brick during u season , all ot which
are sold within the state.
The Nebraska City Starch factory , which
was opeuca last wcok , is running seven duy.s
in the week and is behind xvltn Its orders.
The Nebraska City Cereal mill during tbo
past three months has increased Its capacity
from 2,500 to.ri,000 bushels of coin pur day.
Reapers and mowers to tire amount of
, ? l,000 ) have been sola by the implement
dealers of Bonkolmau already ttls season.
Thu Lyons creamery , established about n
year ago , is consuming over 7,000 pounds of
milk per day. It will bo operated 'the year
Huntcniann Jiros. ' planing mill at Colum
bus U running uu extra Urge force of men ,
inudu necessary by the tiutldiUL' activity ,
that prevudes Unit city , lulil tun iimuufuoluro
of an Improved refrigerator.
The Columbus wooden shoo factory Is
doing u larger business than ever beforo.
The factory receives lumber by the carload ,
sawed Into convenient wl/.o-s , fiud makes thU
wood Into shoos wnlch nro sold all ever tbo
Tuo Oxnard Beet Sugar company ox pools
a larger run of business phis year than In
olther of the two preceding seasons. There
Is not only an Increase of ucrouijo In boots ,
out the atuiid u denser * and of a better
The Fair bury creamery bas just opened
for business with a dally output nf IODD
pounds. Saturday they shipped u car load
of butter to New York cltv. They have
fourteun routes tor cream collectors o ua-
hsliod now und expect to Increase tlii'ir ten- !
lory tiiU muutb. '
The Columbus creamery U ono of the matt
suci-osiiui plants of the Kind In tbo vtuto ,
under the management of Frank Stovcnsun.
H employs u force of twonty-threo men nnd
turns out dally a very lar o projuct of ( bo
lluoit butter.Vodnesaay this manufactory
churucd UU07 pounds of the ijiit edged urtlclo ,
Summer , when the pores open Everything about the Cull-
freely , is the best time to perma cura Remedies invites confi
nently cure diseases of the Skin dence. They arc absolutely pure ,
and Scalp , with Loss of Hair. nnd agreeable to the most refined
More great cures arc daily made and sensitive. They arc adapted
by the Cuticura Remedies to all ages , and may be used on
than by all other skin and blood the youngest infant. They have
remedies combined. They afford Friends in every village , hamlet ,
immediate relief in the most tor and cross-roads in this country.
turing and disfiguring eruptions , People in every walk of life be.
humors , and diseases , and point licve in them , vse them , and
to a permanent and economical recommend them. In a word ,
( because most speedy ) curc\vhen they arc the greatest skin cures ,
the best physicians and all other blood purifiers , and humor reme
remedies fail. dies of modern times.
Dug and scratched for 38 years. Itching Bail humor since war ; 5,000 expended R\by very sick with eczema when three
ami burning intolerable. Suffered untold on doctors and medicine without avail ; gave months old. ] lad home doctors anil special
rgonicsj $ yx to anybody had they cured myself up to die ; good wife suggests Ctnt- ists. Got worse all the time. Whole body
me. Ctrricur.A UEMKDIKS cured me. God , ct'RA ; used them seven months ; entirely raw as beefsteak. Hair gone. Kxpcctcil
bless the inventor of Cuticura 1 cured. Call on me. C. I'EARSALU him to die. Tried CitriciMtAS. No faith ,
CHENEY UlUiEN , Cambridge , Mass. I Fulton Fish Market , New York. but in two months entirely cured. Not a
spot on him now and plenty of hair.
' MKS. 1-RANK HAUKETT , WinficldMich.
Had went lo the Soldiers' Home
Minister eczema ;
cured of an extremely itchy nnd
painful skin disease , with branlikc scales .
General health affected. Completely cured One set completely cured inc. Skin now ns While in Sheldon , Io a , I hail n patient
fair as a new-lxmi baby. Keel it duty to
by CUTICURA KIMKDIIS. : : Thinks them of my afllictcd witli a most obstinate case of psoriasis
write and the of remedies.
more value to the world than any other efficacy your sis which I put on CinieuiiA Rr.Mii : > li s.niul
medicines. Ktv. WM. CREELMAN , , cfTcctcd a permanent cure. We can't lccp
622 Pcnn Avc. , N. W. , Washington , D. C.
Worthington , Mass. house without them.
G L. GUUNliY , M. D. , Doon , Iowa.
Onesorc from my waist down with eczema.
My little boy was afflicted with eczema. Three of the best doctors did me no good.
Grew worse under three eminent physicians. Without doubt I owe my life to CUT ICUIIAS. My little son , eight years old , hail terrible
Think it would have covered his whole body Without them , I \ \ ould have been in my scalp anil skin disease ; tiicil the most emi
had I not tried ConcuuA RIMIDILS. : : Two grave. Your medicines alone cured me. nent doctors and almost all remedies. All
months' use completely cured him. Accept my thanks. W. 11. QUALLS , failed , pie wonderful QrilCUKAS per
T. WILLARD CASE , Paducah , Ky. formed a marvellous cure.
Shelter Island Heights , N. Y. KD. N. BUOWN ,
We desire those who have suffered long 720 N. Sixtccntir St. , Omaha , Neb.
nnd hopelessly , and \\lio have lost faith in
Relief , in the great majority of the severest
cases of torturing and disfiguring humors , doctors and medicine , to begin small , liny CUTTCURA Ur.Miniisare : : sold throughout
cake of CUTICURA .
eruptions and diseases , especially of infants n SOAV. If this proves the the world. Trice , CtrriCUUA , the great Skin
and children , is immediate , nnd a cure , most effective skin purifier you have ever Cure , 50 cents ; CuncuisA So.\r , 25 cents ;
speedy , permanent , and economical , even usetl you may then buy n box of CUTICUKA , CUTICUKA KI-SOI.VI.NT , thciicw Itlood 1'uri-
when the disease is complicated with scrofu the great skin cure. If it. should prove more fier.Sl.oo. Prepared by the I'OTTUlt DKUO
lous and hereditary taints. This is strong than satisfactory , you may venture to buy a AND ClILMICAI. COKPOKATION , Boston.
bottle of CUTICUUA RUSOI.VINT and thus
language but every word is true. : " All About the Skin , Scalp , and Hair , "
the . All ask is triaL
perfect cure. we a single
64 pages , 300 diseases , mailed free.
Hot Weather Blemishes Red , Rough Hands Pimples Blackheads
Red , rough and oily sUn , tan , freckles , and sunburn - Itching , burning , cracked ,
burn , summer rashes , bites and stints and bleeding juTmx , pain * Dry , lliiu and falling luir , and most baby Mem-
of in-.ccts , and every irritation of the fill finger-ends and sh.tpclcts " ishes , ntc prevented and curti ) by
f skin prevented and cured liy Cirri- naili , prevented and cured by , CUTICUKA SnAr , the only pmcnlive ,
cim\ SOAP , the mint effective skin CUTICUKA SOAP. Thcuhitc&t , ' anil hence tlic only cute of inflam
purifying and beautifying soap in the clearest sUn , the softest hands and shapely n.tils , mation ami Uogcing of the porcv ilic
world , as well as the puicst and sweet- as .11 as luxuriant hair and healthy scalp , are cause of minor nlTcclioni of the t > kin ,
csl of toilet and nursery soaps. produced by \vorM-rcnow ; cd soap. scalp and liair.
this being the largest oulnut of any ono day
slnco the Institution sUrtod.
The cigar factory ostublishu'l at Bonkol -
man ono month asa by Louis Uijf , formerly
of Crawford , Is prospering , and Air. Hiot has
rented moro commodious quarters which bo
will occupy the l.Mh of this month , llo will
increase his help with two moro cigar makers.
Ills venture is n success.
D. . ) . Myors & Co. , soap manufacturers ,
hnvo been lately established at Hastings.
As tholr soap bus bad hardly time enough
to mature , their goods have not beou so
extensively introduced ns will be dona in n
few months. They use the cold process
entirely , and cmoloy ton men.
The Hastings Specialty mill , Incalls &
Tar.nor , , Is filling n Inrgo order of brewers
grit for n prominent brewing association ,
besides making largo shipments of corn
meal to Memphis , Twin. The Hastings
Specialty mill is the second to bo established
In the state , having n capacity of 1'JOO
bushels n day.
.1. H. Hmioy & Co. , lurncssimkoM nt
Hastings , have already outgrown their now
§ 10,000 four-story brick block , and have been
using n two-story frumo building in Ihi roar
of their own. Their averaco working force
isuowllfty men , besides a number of boys. It
Is not generally understood tlmt there Is such
an Institution nt Hastings. Tnoy started in
business in n small way six years ugo , and
now their goods go nil over Nebrnbiia mid
into the adjoining states.
John and Waldo Lyon , or the Lyon Bros. ,
ns per linn numo , nro the loading'manufac
turers of Lyons. Their father was the
founder of tbo town. Air. Lyon early saw
tbo necessity of homo manufactories in the
state , and nearly twenty years ueo built a
flouring mill thoro. Tha mill is now ono of
the linost In tbo state , with n capacity of
seventy-five barrels per dny. The mill runs
day and night during ton months oarli year.
The quality of flour turned out is sula to bo
very superior. Tha fact that no other Hour
Is used in Lyons , und that nil tbo towns from
Blair to Wavno buy largo quantities of It ,
speaks well for it.
The Hddyvillo Cereal mill has boon run
ning to Its full capacltv during the past ton
days und gives employment to ton men. The
mill Is pronounced to ba ono of the linost of
its kind in tbo west and Is mnnuuod by A. U.
Alien. The water supplv is secured from
tha city water worKs. The manufactured
products nro pearl meal , line grits , hominy ,
chop feed. otc. Ono car of pearl moul was
shinned lo .l.unos M. Hontiam of Now Vork
city and two cars to McAfee & McCarthy ,
Little Uock , Ark. , lu t week. Corn is being
shlppod from nil points on the ICcnrnoy A :
Black Hills railroad to Kddyvillo.
A Nr\v Di-purturx in Dtntlntry.
After years devoted to experiment nnd in
vestigation in the olTort to devise n process
for the painless filling of tooth , the method
has recently boon discovered , and is now being -
ing glvon to Iho profession. Having secured
the solo right to use it in Omaha , and tested
It sufllciently long to know that It is nil that
is claimed of it , 1. o. perfectly painless , with
out any injury to tooth structure or the
patient. 1 Hhall bo glad to glvo ull of my old
patrons nnd others the benefit of puinloss
operations in the futuro. Dr. O. W. Wortz ,
1007 Uouglus street.
.Vo Chairman Kli-rtoil Vut Sniuu I'titltliuiK
Actnl On.
The members of the Board ot County Com
missioners hold a short session yesterday ,
nnd when tboy adjourned It was to meet next
Thursday afternoon.
Rumors lloaioa about thu room ttiatn chair ,
man would bo elected to till thu vacancy
caused by the dontti of Uoorgj 1C. Tlminc ,
but when tha board got atw i to bujlnofs
the election of a chairman was not touched.
The fond hopes of Ueorgo Kelley
lyoubcn Yocum wcro dasboa to the earth.
At u former meeting tlioso two men hud
applied fpr tbo position of cngmeur at thu
court houbo. Yostorduy tha petitiom , uid
the applications went to the lllev.
Ur. W. H. Lingdon inked for the potltlon
of county physician. Uho application was
C. A. Parkins applied for admission lo the
Soldlors homo ut ( Jr.iud Islumt. Ills ruijuest
wus granted.
Hugh U. Clark , president of the Uouclni
County Agricultural society. u kcu that the
commlssloncis appropriate IU1 ! . ! to uld the
society lu making nn oxtilbi. this full , jib
cited the fact that there was u state law pro
viding thnt agricultural soclotle * were en
titled to tbo sum ot II cents per capita on iho
population of the county. Mr , Clark's request -
quest was referred.
M.irrlii ; l.lrnimm ,
The following marriage licansoi were
issued by Juiltro Kllor yoUuriUy :
Name und Ad > lro < * . . \uo.
; lleniy I1. 1C ill ) . Otniili.i'A
I MUIIIIV hir.ul , ( Itn.ih t "i )
j NilVDbJii , ( Jin ill i , l"i
( Tuinun Jolin , Oinnha . . . ' 'I
I Miiiiiiuvllur , Umuha ) 'i
I louUi Waller * . Oni.ilia 41
I Hurry Kir < lnnil , Omnliu ' 't '
I Kvu llurrls. MnlbyvilU > , 111. . . . „ ' ;
I Martin Kr cker. Omaha . . . . . "I
i Uzzlo llr nurd , Oniahu Id
Stock must be sold regardless of price ,
as everything has to go as quicky as
possible to close it out.
At Fire Sale Prices.
Men's Suits $2.50 OUR ENTIRE LfXE OF
Men's Suits $3.OO $15 MEN'S SUITS
Men's Suits $4.00 CO AT
Children's Suits , ages from 4 to 13 , 60c.
Children's Suits , ages from 4 to 13 , 9Oc.
Privilege of any child's suit in the house at $1.SO
Boy's Knee Pants , lOx ? , 2Sc , SBc.
Usual price , 400 , 750 and $1.00.
Men's Fine Derby Hats , 5Oc , 78c and $1.
Usual price $1.25 , $1.75 and $2.50.
Men's Working Shoes , 59o , 79c and 99c.
Usual price $ i , $1.50 and $2 ,
Men's Kangaroo Low Shoes , $1.28 ; usual price $3.
Balance Fire Stock Furnishing Grooils
at One-Fourth Regular Prices ,
. Vlinoiiiic'iiiiiiiiit.
"Hlscn from the Asuoa1 the sensational
melodrama with the great tire scuim unit
cumblliiir pulaoo , thu I'aydro St. Dive , with
Its horde of unfortunates , thu cow boy Iraiul ,
Uic > 'Illusions , wnx uroupe , Cleveland fumlly
and dyitu : soldier , should pull Iinmonso
fi'o\vil5 to Wonderland. J'hu olec-lrlo funs ,
inducad prlcci and ail sorts of inducements
ofteruil to WonderlAud'ti patrons ,
A Nr Uiiul ul liumnnrii ,
For ii5 cents you can lusuro youwolf and
famllr ugulusi anv bud ruauiu from an at
tack of bowel complaint during llso t > um mur.
Ono or two doio of Chainburlam's Collu ,
Cholera und Dlurrhiu ) Itoiaody will euro
any ordinary uado. U never fmU , und l\
picoiiiiit und info lo tuko. No family can
utfurd to bo without it. For sale ni 'J5 U
W ceuts per boltlu by
Wool , of . 'uly ' ! H1i.
.SmiHUtlomi. Dininu :
' Risen From The Ashes. "
J'rlei" ! Cut in Two , Hourly Phd'.vs.
, ,
| | (11l ( |
A t'lciuiiitU i 'I i I. J'iriii'f i ' t JlltBc or
'v Wlllilil''llilit'-iolSt I. ' IK. A''ic-J
COL. WILLIU UflOWH. fiupoilntonJ iiU