THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUN DA * ? JULY 10 , 1892-SIXTEEN VAGES. 13 WAS MOTHER EVE A BLONDE ? The Charms of QoHon Hair Briefly Con sidered , GLEANINGS FOR THE FAIR SEX rim ( Irogntpliynml l.i-gnl Aspect of u The U'urk of Womi'ti In Vnrlout t'loliln Tlio I.iitPtt ri I'crsiiiiiilltlon. These who nftoct ulondo hair may rejoice- that they nro not only in the fashion , hut are followers of color ns old as the raca mid up hold by a Ion ; line of royal and noted mem bers of thu sax , MM. Million , a writer In LndlcV Homo Journal , revives the story that J5vovai a blonde , whllo the hair of Venus was , 10 it is told , a perfect golden. Lucrotla Borgln , Lady Macbeth , Queen Elizabeth. Anne of Austria , Marie Antoinette , were all light hnircd. However , this docs not rnako loss marvelous tlio beauty of black liulr. Which from the Jol black , which shines llko ebony , to the dark brown , with its glints of Cold'cannot bo surpassed. The explanation ns to the difference In the hair is told very funnily in an old book. H is said : "That hewn sent upon uarth many women with coldcn hair so that they might charm the other half of humanity. Seeing this the dovll. who hates men , sent cooks. Tnoso , with their sauces and ruirouts , disordered the human liver nnd produced the desired result dark skin nnd hair. " However , the color most oslecmcd Just now Is an ashy blonde , n shade that no dye will produce , and which , as It must have a clear whlto complexion no- companvlng it , ns well as black brows and lushes , ( s counted by nrtws nt once the most peculiar and artistic contrast. A married man offered to give his wife SI for every kiss she iravo him. This fulfil ment of'thelr bargain she exacted to the ut termost farthing. Years after the man failed in business , utterly , irrotrlnvably. Whereupon his wlfo naid : "Choor up. 1 hnva another fortune for you , " and brought , to him the proceeds of nor kisses , dollar for dollar , that she hadJiiwod. U li tho'legal aspects of this case that nro Interesting r < ml important. The point is , could his creditors claim this money In pavmunt of their dues ? Different states Uiko dilTorent views of such transfers of tnoiioy. In thH case the cred itors dnimcd that'll was illegal , the woman having given no consideration In return. For , argue the lawyers for the complain ants , n kiss is no consideration , a married woman is bound to kiss hnr husband , that brlngonaof his rights , the precedent for this view being found in 112 Pennsylvania. This case , it appears , l that of a married man who transferred certain properties to Ills wife on her agreeing to perform certain nets which her Husband Uoilrcd. Attor his failure thu creditors brought , suit to recover this property. This suit they gained , the Judga deciding that the hus band's rcqurst was within his rights , and nli desire to peaceably settle them by the payment of money gavq the transaction no Rtundtng In court , The ofTnnso was , more over , aggravated by the tact that ho was in debt at tno lime , in the llrst case it was pleaded that the dollars for the klssos being extended over a long period of time the question of indebtedness to creditors at the time of payment coiild not hold. This was granted , but did not overrule iho previous decision that the woman , under the law , had given no consideration , therefore the trans fer of moneys was illegal and could bo claimed by creditors. * Ho took off his ccatin the hall , hung up Ills hat on the rack , and raado a turn toward the dining-room , says the Now York Ho- cordor. It was stone cold. "Mary , " ho salu nolcmnly , as ho found her in the library , 'whutdoos this mean , ohl" "Sit down , " pho mid sweetly , "I bavo boon waiting for you. " "You have , on ! " ho said , glaring fthout. "Do you Know , Mary , what the hour JsP ' ! do , Harry.1' "And do you know that 1 got up this morning atOo'clocn , breakfasted off the steve hearth , and then bustled downtown , where I have been work ing llko n horse for fourteen hours I" -'Is Js it possible. Hurry dear ! " she suid In plrupy tones. "It is , madam , nnd what's jnoro , ' I nm ns hungry as a bear ; 1 want my cupper. I urn sick nnd tired of this uort of thing. You do nothing but run about all day and leave things go to smash 1" "Havo B cnro. Harry Armllasrol" she said with a pout. "I know what I nm talking noout. I pupposo now you want mo to do the usual Juvorsl" "II you please. Harry , dear , you Itnow ; Just dross llttlo Tommy for dinner , heel the potatoes , build tno kitchen lire , and " feoni but cellar ohl" " 1 foi"tii ifp > of tlio , } . . , , . . . . ) , tlititf tnniliiTM nml what's b..ttl . . . . do no such thine , madam , tnoro , tomorrow I will apply for a divorce. You uro the laziest , most shiftless womun In Jtfow York I" "Harry , " said the woman lowly , reining ever mid putting her nvnis oround his nock , "you do not understand. I maid 1 was waiting for you , uud I have too. I hnvo n little surprlso for you , dearest. Guess what It Is ? " "Bah on guessing ! I vrnnt my support" " 1 will tell you la splto of nil. Idon'tcnroif vou get mnd or not. It is this " "Stopl" "I have just Ilii- Jihed embroidering your now nightshirts % vith red stars ull around the collar I" AhysMnin Is n country where , if marriage Is n failure , It can DO easily dissolved , writes Vroderio Villiors in July Century. There n fcbsolutcly no legal or holv tia When n man Is desirous of marrying n girl ho directly ap plies to her parents. The maidens , lilio these in many European countries , nro seldom con- eultod on tlio question ; the lever urrnnging with the father or male rolatlvos regarding Jior do.vor , which generally moans n few beeves , sheep , or pieces of cloth , nnd some times gold. O'i 'ho marriage day the bridegroom pro- ents himself wilhhU hoit man at , the house of his future fatner-in-luw. Much feasting pees on till the bride U carried oil by her liuBU.iml , generally on his shoulders , whllo the mule relatives closely follow , snaking a cnnopy of their togus. to keep ott the rays of the nun , or pornnps the offocls of Iho evil oyo. Behinil come n crowd or young pirls nnd boyn. methodically lifting their nrins nbovo their heads , und clapping their bands to thu measured beating of tom-toms cnrricd by men running along the Hunks of the proeosMon , who nlso blow long trumpoU. The happy counlo that 1 saw marrleu out- trippud their followers , with the exception of their beat man , nnd ut last reached tno town green , where the groomsmen formed n ( croon with their clonus round the hnppy pair. hon the deferred rourtshlp bognn. H H a custom for the supporters of the room , Bonurnlly six In number , to bo pros- cut en tills occasionnnd lor manvdays nttor- Minl in go round visiting the houses of the tnutuiil friends ut the married pulr , extolling the beauties of the brIUo nt.d tbo accomplish ments of thu groom , generally Mulshing up with a grotesque dunce , which is much enjoyed - joyed hv the unthusla > itlu neighbors , crowd ing round the open doorway. ' 1 hn following IntorosTlng table of statistics is holiuvoil to possess n true sclontlllo nccur- ncv. U uppours to bo the record of a drum mer , SU.VH t ho Now York Kvoninir Sun , und may bo'I'onitidurcit nn uutliontiu record of \vhut u.ich gill said : Boston girl. Air. Hunliorill , your conduct chocks mo beyond uttorunco. No v York girl : Thunltsnwfully , doa'tyou know. I'ruvidoncoglrl : Oh , inamninl Plillailulpbln plrl : Are you sure nobody paw us ) Bulllmoro girl. Dear Uoorgo ! \Yustnnvtnii girl : YV.oll , 1 nippoio I'll Lnvo in piinion you. I'itlsburg girl : Oh , I lurry I Cincinnati girl : What bad form ! Indianapolis girl i Ah , there 1 I'hlfiiL'o girl : Moro I Morel lt'tn > it ciih Well , 1 dcclnrol LouUvllleuirl : Yum , yum. St. Lonlti girl : How shocklngl Nushvilloglrl : OolOol Atlanta girl : ( lolly 1 New Orlouns girl : Oil , niy I Kan n City plrl : Break uwny , theul Umntm ulrli Oh , Chollv. gliutud uiorol Denver girl ; ( JoshI Sun 1-Vuncljoogirli Ualsl 'JVXUS elrlJ Whoop lu | Kvury plrlOh , don't. * Miss Madge Wllllunu who christened the lialiloshlp 'loxns , it a granddaughter of Gen eral Bum Houston , tirst president of thu re public ufToxus. Her mother , MM. Marga ret La Houston Williams , n highly cultured lady , is the third child ot tlu < 'Hero of tSuu Uuclnto. " Of her , bor mothor. Mrv , M. M. lloustou , in | > oew outillod "Our ' tcra , " published In 1S.V5 In the Mother's Journal , Philadelphia , : The second April cntno with shower' The buds toopu nnd Tlnus to wro.ttho , And loft the sweetest of Us ( lowers Upon my joyous heart to bronllio. Her father , W. L. Williams , who dlod in 1SUU , was a well-to-do planter , and n high- minded , honorable tnan , well thouchl of by all of bis acquaintances. . Miss Mnauo Williams , tlio second child of this union , was born July 10 , 187:3 : , nt thn Sam Houston homestead tn the little village of Independence , Washington county , Toxus. Indnpondonco is still the home of herself and mother nnd her two brothers , Houston and Frank. Miss Mndgo was oducntcd nt Baylor Fe in ale col logo. In Jndopondcnco.nnd graduated with honors In IS'.U nt IJaylor-Wuco univer sity at Waco , Tox. Sno lias marked literary tastes , Is n good conversationalist , and whllo talking there is n pleasing vivacity of manner which com pletely captivates the listener. Minnesota rcjolcos'ln the possession of a unlquo character. Sara Pollard , Who Is ono of the most successful farmers in Polk county whcro she owns a half section of land which .sho works herself with no help from mon except In the hnrvoat season , Mtss I'ol- lar l la n young * woman of grace , beauty nnd many nccompHsumonto , who has loft n picas- ant eastern liomo for the life of n farmer. She tloos her own plowhlng , seeding and harrowing , operates her lar o farm with no other counsel than her own good judgment , nnd has mldod n quarter section of land to her domain with tbo proceeds of n few yours' Industry. She wears when engaged in out door work a short skirt which falls Just below - low the tincb and has knno breeches to match it. W f There lives In OaK Hill , Tox. , a blind girl who has from a few acres of land cultivated by horaolf cleared about SJUO each season for several years by the growing nnd sale of vegetables , She begun wltlM.o capital and the unfonccd plcco of uncultivated land. Tlioro Is now n neat fence about her domain , n well and pump In the center , and she his in addition to purchasing tliuso paid for a piano uud u h.iclc to tnko bur vegetables to iho market which Is twenty miles from her home. Kvery ovonlng during the dry season she wuturs a certain number of plants , until she has L'ono ever the entire pluco , when she begins again and gos over It in the same wuy. Insect life nhe delects from her ncuto sunso of hearing , and grass und weeds are easily distinguished from plants by the bonsltlvo lingers of the blind gardonor. # The Association of Visiting Nurses In Chicago cage Is supported by the society girls of the city , who orgnnlzo sowing classes and nr- range amateur entertainments , nnd by pro fessional mon and women , who contribute funds for the expenses of the work. Seven trained nurses are employed , nnd wear n uniform or blue and whllo with whlto col lars and culf.s , und n whlto cross on the loft , arm. Kach nurse has n district in which she goes from house to tiojso among the poor , attending to their sick , and reporting cases of ulstross to the proper .societies for relief , The society has no fund , but is supported by voluntary offerings. For many years Ida Lewis , the keeper of the Lima Koclc Light , has stood ns tbo peer less harolnu of her sox , the only woman honored by receiving the gold mcdul for bravery in rescuing life. Now she shares tlio distinction with two other woman. Bottle - tlo Hurr , a student of La Sallo seminary tn Auburndaio , Mass. , who rescued two of her schoolmates from drowning , nnd Mnrtlin White , who saved three soilora from drawn- ing in thu surf oft Iho coast of Uray Harbor , Washington , during a terrible storm. Two soutborn women , who nro the editors of the Arkansas Women's Chronicle , have recently achieved a remarkable- in local politics. At the -school election In Little llock tharo were two tlckots in the Mold. The Women's Chronicle split the tickets , taking the best man from each sido. Although It poured nil day long moro than : t,000 votes were cast ns ncalnst 800 nt the last election , and the split ticket was elected by an emphatic majority. The bravery of this action cnn tbu bettor bo appreciated wlion it is added that both women were schoolteachers and by pursuing the course they did they Jcopardizod their positions in tbo avont of de feat. A Mrs. Tngalls has petitioned the United States scnato to abolish the deadly cigarette. The lody hails from St. LouU , where she bus wldo opportunities for observing the per nicious influence ) of Imbecility's cigars , but this is nn valid reason for bor action. No woman has any richt to stop In nnd interfere with the moans by which Divine Providence is ( iiilotly thinning out the superabundance or the fool population. ° Mttlo raslilim Niitus. Batiste and organdie are made in protticr styles than ever this season. Shot-silk blouses nro in great favor for wearing with English serge skirts. ChlfTou ever China silk or crepe do cnlno mokes an ideal gowii for sultry summer oven ings. The sailor bat seems to have como to ? tay nnd is worn moro thnn over. Even on drojs occasions a whita Bailer hat with n whlto rib bon is permissible. The square-fronted Kusslan Jacket Is a marked fonturo of now waists that open over shirred , pleated or folded vests , the fronts very full and glrdlod. Narrow black velvet ribbon is being used as a trimming on cotton gowns , and is capable of such varied dispositions that it does not grow monotonous. The bolted waist has cccomo n decided favorite for summer dresses , especially for Parislana who have rung nil the changes poisrblo on coats and have urowu tired of them. There nro now nightgowns atTcctod bv the swagger elrl , of llnost whlto linen , fulling straight nnd tucklosj Irom the nock , fastened up iu front In severe shlrtliko style , nnd Und nbout the nock with lour-ln-hands of soft silk. silk.Ono Ono of the preferred garnitures for rich dresses for next season will bo the now du rnblolacoi In raised patterns , sunn as Hlcho- lieu , English silk gulpuro , and ulso heavier patterns of point du Oouo and Uussian ara besque. Tim summer sleeves nro still full nnd the balloon sleeves reaching to the elbow , where they end In deep frills of Inco or n velvet cuff , are great favorites for sultry days. For sircot wear the gloves should roaou to the sleeve , completely covering the arm. A fashion that la obtaining in London just now , which bus had some favor shown it hero , consists in tno arranging of bows of braid , ribbon or galleon appllquod upon tlio material so that they sconi wnvon In. This is particularly lilted on drossy bouso drossos. The collars of dresses , almost without ox- coptlou , nrn made of bands of ribbon , velvet or luco , wldo enough to bo laid In n laid in the middle and fastened in the baoic with a small rosoltu. On many dresses are collars of bright colored ribbons to form a gay cos- tumo. Tlio favorite cut this summer for onting gowns Is Unit of the bodice. It Is worn with colored potralo shirts. It may t > n made wither or without Bhoulder sirups , nnd cut either princess fashion together with the skirt , or like a peasant's waist , soparnto from the skirt. Parisian women hnva n dainty fashion of catching up the conlir so.un of ihoir long skirts half a yard from the bom and securing It a few inches below thu waist with a fancy pin , thus reducing it to u very Honslblo walk ing skirt nnd showing u bit of laoo-JrllloJ pottlcout. besides. A now Idea for monograms on the bacic of unlr brushes Is to hnvo thorn In rblncstonos sol in silver. Ivory brushes , wlunh for n time were superseded by sliver , have again brconio fnshlnnnblo , and with their now and ( filtering ornamentation proson ; u very line appoarauco Indeed , Sleeves uro gathered nil around the armholes - holes to make inoinnppoar brood rather than hlL-h ou the shoultiur. Tbo two principal varieties are tbo straight sicovo gathered tea a close cull Just below the elbow , und the glove sicovo which is wrinkled from the wrist to the elbow. ICiiL-llsh women are rejoblnu' to boar that the American woman' * foot Is growing larger. They claim thut the expansion U duo to her taking moro of thu outdoor oxer- cUe for which the English woman has so long beou uotod , and that the time will como wlion tlio American fool Is no moroorua- mcntul than the English pedal extremity. Clrls have odd funuios In lingerie , ono of which is to have the ribbons of oaon sal sug gest the tttouot powder used In perfuming It. The runic * , too , uro whipped on the udgos wlih the sumo color , Palo green sou ro scouted with uow-mowu buy or clover , plnK ones with rose potnls , hcllotropo or vlolols with Iho sweet llocvors of Uio sama nnmo. The blnnk velvet dinner pawn appeur.s fro- quonUv now , ncrompnlilud by lit tr.iJltlonal decoration of pointer dnclicMso Inca and diamonds mends , This gown , too , is chosen by young nnii slight women rather than by the downgors , as in former years , nnd It lends to young nn'l pretty wo.irors n queenly chnrm , while emphasizing rather than ngolng youth ful beauty. A hnmlsomo dross foryouthful half-mourn ing is n black moire skirt with n Mat band ot xvhito gulpuro on the bottom nnd the tight- littliig corsage covered smoothly with the same Inoo so that the under corsage of Uio black silk was quite concealed except ns It showed through the lace. The sleeves of black have thu very deep cnpoa of whlto Inco which is fully plontod on the shoultfors and falls very low , making n polntod capo oftcot In the back. Among the startling etceteras of the swag ger eirl'.s wardrobe this season are roofers nnd box coats of whlto duck , with largo pearl buttons for fastenings , nnd white plquo braid for decorations. And nmon ? the plc- turesquo trlllos nro squares of Liberty llkln soft but distinct shndos of pink , yellow or blue , which nro to bo thrown korchlofwiso about the shoulders , nffordlnis slight protec tion and a pretty touch of color at the same timo. For wear ever the whlto cloth gown so well liked at the scastdo Is n reefer Jacket of whlto cloth lined throughout with primrose yellow nnd having collar nnd rovers of the same golden hue. Thu buttons used nro ox- trouibly largo , heavy , whlto pearl ones . With this should bo worn whlto gloves stitched In white , or else these matching iho yellow. The parasol can bo oituor of whlto or yellow silk. There Is a reaction- this summer In favor of whllo laces , and Iho prollv Vuniso , Mallnos , Irish guipure , point do G.MIO ana rose point designs uro largely employed for JauoU , In serted bands , yokes , frills , brctollos , berthas nnd sleeve caps of creator or luss depth. Their creamy softness blonds charmingly with the dolicata pink , innuvo. Nllo green golden yellow ribbons now used so prodigally ns loops , rosottcs , slroamors , belt bands and cirulos. \ VlmtVinnon urn Doing. The widows of General (5runt and JolTor- son Davis am slaying at iho same betel at Wesl Point. Mrs. Margaret E. Singstor , the editor of Harper's ' Buzir , has Just received n compli mentary degree Irom Iho University of Ne braska. This is a land In which equality is not n moro boast. Mr. Chris Hooker of Hess county , O. , has sued bis wlfo for ulimony , aim the court has sustained his suil. Jcnnnotto Does Miss Board man got her lovely compk-xion from her father or her mother ? Gladys ( sweetly ) From her father. lie's in iho drug business. The census rolurns show mat In iho ontlro stnto of Virginia Iho surplus of women Is only Ihlrty-nlnu. Many a maiden will sigh for a residence Iu the old commonwealth. Miss Alice Harris , M. D. , of Iowa , is medi cal missionary nl Slorra Lcono , West Africa , under the auspices of the Wesleyan Meth odist church , and she lias for several mouths conducted the mission entirely ulono. Mrs. Nelllo Grant-Snrtons now lives In London nnd is a woman of wealth. Her father-in-law loft bis estate to her nnd her two children on tbo condition thut they would maKe their rosldonco in England. Hnilroad girls form nn essential part of the staff on every diuineroom car on Iho P ow 'i ork , Now Hnvon & Hartford road. Tbo girls are all Bostonlans and the demand for the positions is far in excess of the supply. They work as cashiers nnd ns kitchen girls , aud nro paid tbo aamo wugos. In Bullalo n woman runs the street clean ing bureau ; in Kansas a woman is in tbo fire department ; In Vuesar a young woman combs hair at25 cents a bead ; a Louisville lady makes special shopping trips to Paris ; another in No-.v York makes Hut furnishing a business ; still another in Now Hampshire is president of n street railway company , while Chicago has n woman embalraor. Among the best reports sent out from the Minneapolis convention by the picked nrmy of reporters there wore these written by Mrs. Margaret Sullivan. Whllo her associ ates hud comfortable quarters on the pla'- form , Mrs. Sullivan sat In ono of the far gal leries tnklng notes In her lap. bho Is ac knowledged the brightest newspaper woman of the west , and ono of Iho most unassuming and modest. A school of housewifery Is n new Institu tion across the water , in which English girls of ROntlo birth nrn taught cookery , house work , and the cnro of the dairy. Woman every where seems to bo putting the old occu pations aside , nnd mothers vologato now to professional exports many duties of Ufa which they learned1 from the womou who gave thorn birth. Uno wonders sometimes if it Is ail progress , aflor all. Lillian E. Smith , the champion girl rifle shot of Iho world , bus constructed with her own hands a sma'l ' lulo bout weighing loss lhan thirty pounds , In which she is rowing down Iho rough San Joachim rlvnr to Sao Fraucisco. Sbo will sloop Iu the boat ut night under a canvas awning , and row toward bor destination during the a ay. Miss Smith was presented to Queen Victoria dur ing her exhibition ol mnricsmansnip iu Lon don. don.M M mo. Emmn Nevada , the singer , has re cently been making a. tour of Spain , nnd ro- colvod great ovations in Granada nnu Muingn. An imposing dinner was given in her honor at Gibraltar by the odlcors of tbo King's Ho.vnl rlllcs. Her husband , Dr. Palmer , was the only civilian present among the gentlemen , and the lady guests of the oc casion were Iho wlvo * of the ofllcors. The table wus magnlllcently decorated with Ibo massive silverware belonging to the regi ment , ns well as with n profusion of flowers. Tnllt nbout foreign champagnes , try Cook's Extra Dry ; il is superior to two-thirds of tbo imparted wines. THEY TRIED IT ON THE CAT. A Ciiiinuutlcut I'liysiuluii CrnHly Dime J < 'or. Ill Brl'dgoport , Conn. , last weak there ouurrcd nn incident Unit convoys u losson. Dr. Drown , nyoung phyaiqlun ol that city , ' . iis uiillad to attend an old Ituly. In the sick room ho inut a group of ayin- pnthi/.lng contemporaries of the old lady , administering all sorts of Iradi- ' tional remedies , anu who eyed the young doctor somowhiit aslainco. Ho ituulo his examination of the patient und filled out the prescription. The old Indies were suspicious of that proscription. Il might euro , but it might kill. The doctor's youth was iigninst him. They determined to try it on the family cut. Now it is u singular fact that cats are more susceptible to strychnine than almost tiny other animal. What for a tinman being would bo an ordinary medicinal dose makes short work of Tibby's : nlno lives. This street cut was no exception. In a short time she was turning Hip-Hups , standing on her tail , chasing imaginary rats , and then , with a reproachful look nt tlio women who had eo cruelly brought her to an early grave , ptibS gave u plaintive wall'and uxpirod. Tlio old ladies were horrified wlion they rcnll/.ed that was what their sick friend might have done , nnd at once formed a vigilance commiitoa to bo ready for that "young doctor , " the next morning. Tlio sick old lady , who had buried nor cat , was in sncii a devout spirit of thankfulness at her escape from death that she also was up and ready for him. ' When ho got into thu house and lonrned the condition of alTairs ho tried to explain , but had to save hi insult bv ilight. _ I Know IU .Mont. Tbat U Why I Uecommond It. I have no hesitancy in recommending Chamberlain's Cnllo , Cholera aud Ulurrhnia remedy to the public n I do to my frlonits and patrons. 1 used it myself alter other well utiown remedies had fulled nrd it cured mo in a few minutes. I recommend It can- dully and cheerfully upon us merits , not from n llnaucml standpoint , because 1 Have others in stock on which I make a Urfrcr prollt , but bccuusoChamborlulu'g u iho best remedy for bowel complaints I know of. There is no doubt about it , u donj the uorit. Jame * Forgy , druggist , McVoytowu , 1'u. 1IUJT HAVE MORE FACTORIES How Omaha May - jtljin anil Retain a G.enter Commercial Standing. W FOUND WOOLEN AND COTTON FACTORIES o-/ Kci'p tlio TrulKlit Uulns of tlin ItiittroiuU mill thn 1'rollH of J pT KiiRlitml Mann- Iiicturom onV ) > * t rn I'rodiicln Might lloro at II oin p. t BBLLGFONTAINB , O. , July 0. To the Editor of TUB UKE : Tuc BBK ot Juno 23 says editorially : "Manufacturing luakos n cuy , and It looks as If Omaha were not ns nm- bltlotts for factories proportionately as some of the smaller Nebraska cltlos. Wo uccd and must hnva more factories. " Tint UEE has thus sounded a keynote which should bo kept sounding until Omaha stiall "havo rooro.factories. . . " 1 suont the month of May In Omaha and then wont with nn excursion to Uoadwood , South Dakota. As early ns 1809 I passed through Nobrasisa on Iho Union I'ncllla railway , and I ttilnlt 1 tinUorstand something ot the possibilities of Omaha , with Its wonderfully enterprising , proirrosslvo and Intelligent people , and the immense region of fertile country , and the vast minlnp roglon that is and may bo kept , In n great measure , tributniy to It. Omaha Is now n eroat commercial city , with some manufacturing Industries , but moro of them will increase iho coiniuorco the city now bos , and will help to keep It all. If factories uro extensively located within a radius of 200 tnlloj Irom Omaha , they will draw to thorn trndo and comtnorco which Omahn would othorwlso havo. Omaha has Innuendo slaughtering and moat packing es tablishments. In order to rotaln and onlareo them the young city must maintain Its pros- tlgo aud ascendency , and this can only bo donu by lidding factories , enlarging com merce and drawing to it Iho tralllo und re sources that llo around It , particularly and west , reaching out Into Iho mining reg- lutu in South Dakota , Wyoming , otc. Cincinnati was once called "I'orkonolis" because of its immense pork-padilng estab lishments , and "Cincinnati haras" were famous all over Iho world. That city has been nbloto keep and increase its factories , butit Is no nonger known -PorUopolIs ; " tbat business has departed. If Omaha will increase her factories they will almost in- uvltably become pcrmaiiout ; the capital once largely invested in manufacturing plants cannot bo removed , oven if meat-packing should do so. so.Vlmt \Vlmt Omaha Should Do. Omaha should ralso $100,000 and w.ith it erect woolen fuc\oriesandlhon raise another $11)0,000 ) uml invest , il m cotton factories. Of course , this can not be done by taxation , but itcnnbodouo by private subscription in vested in stock In manufacturing corpora tions. Muncie , a town of 12,000 people in In diana , recently raisud in this way and in vented in manufacturing corporations of various kinds 200,000 , and that enterprising city bus grown in dimensions and into an importance - portanco which hits more than renald the enterprising mon wiio made the investments. Why should Omaha establish itnmoasa woolen factories ) Theca Is no really great woolen factory west ot the Allegheny moun tains. Wool 1 * shipped from all the western states and territories -jo Philadelphia and the Now England slates , there to bo manu factured into goods , which are to a largo extent - tent shipped west and sold. A woolen fac tory at Oinuaa can borinudo moro profitable than in Now England , , It costs an average of moro than 3 cents par , pound to ship wool oast. Factories atOmaha could save this , and nave the cost of shipping tbo manufactured goods west. Those sav ings would of themselves bo a largo pro lit , Why should wool bo shipped east to bo manufactured ] Why not manufacture in the west ) If woolen factories bo established at Omaha , it will bo nu. inducement to every farmer in Nebraska with 100 acres , of laud to do what all should do , keep at least 100 sheep , which could , In part , Do kept on grass and winter feed , that would othorwlso bo lost or not produced at all. TUB valleys and other lands in South Dakota , Wyoming and other stales , 'uud of the territories , should bo cov ered over with Hocks of sheep and herds of cattle , the former producing wool for west- orii woolen factories and sbcop and cattle both producing moat to bo shipped from Omahu all over the south , and cast also , Just us Armour & Co. of Chicago supply moat for many of our great cities. It Is a strange fact that many of the cltlos in tno southern stulos receive thuir supplies of f rosh beef , mutton , etc. , as well as salted beef uud pork from Chicago. The southern people would soon prefer that mutton should be tboir chief fresh moat if they had .somo great , slaughtering center from whloi they could receive it. Omaha should "tako time by Iho forelock" and erect wcolon factories , slaughter mutton sheep and "supply a loag felt want" in woolen poods , made in the west , and mutton from Omaha. Country Tributary to Omuhn. The Black Hills region of South Dakota aud Wyoming has immense minorai re sources in gold and tin , and gypsum and building stone and coal in abundance , sufll- ciont to supply several states line Nebraska. Railroads now r-in through the center and along both sldos and across the southern base of the B ack Hills , all reaching lute Omaha. An enterprising citizen of Omaha , Air. Francis C. Grahlo , has located and is ar ranging to lay out into lots n do/.on or moro town sites along the railroad which runs north und south through Iho center of tbo liluck Hills und along the railroad which skirts their western border. The enterprising mon who built those rail roads wisely looked forward to the great de velopment of the rich mines in the Blaci ; UillB und to Iho building of towns , or the roads would not have been made. Those now towns and cities can bo made tributary to Omaha and open line Holds for the Invest ment of capital. They wfll nialio a demand lor woolen goods und for merchandise to supply those engaged In mining , In agricul ture , in raising sheep and cattlo. And now is tbo time for the people of Omahu to make their city the great center of manufactures , trade and commerce for that rapid developing region. Ono advantage of wool manufacturing to a cly over most other kinds of factories is that mou of thu work can ho done by woman and children. In every large city there are mul titudes of those who are idle or without sulllciout employment. Woolen factories would bo nsolul to Omaha in this as in other respects. Ono of the great advantages of a protective tarilT is tbat it builds up factories in this country , and thus gives employment to not only women and 'children ' , but to men who would otherwise be idle. Carpenters and masons Had employment to erect new buildings for factories , 'and houses for per sons employed thoioln. Farmers llnd an Increased demand for their farm pioduct.8 , including 'wool ' , ana this demand extends to pardon vegetables , small fruits , orchard products ; poultry , etc. , which can not bo exported to foreign countries , aud for which there would bo no adequate do- muim 'without the stimulus which protection gives to American Industries , And In addition to all'thU ' , with our own ability under protection' ' 'to supply all 'tlio manufactured articles our people- need , wo can oulehralo the Fourth of July und fool that our own republicIvlndoea fron and In dependent. HospeoifiillJ' , YVfi.l'IAM IjA WHENCE. - - - - < \ + l- _ _ _ RACIAL SOAP K.rlhffiUX.Sl ai'.ualOHI'IIXIot. Tim rwfdlt of so yturi' uijiurluuc * la | UU , ur Milt by mull fur SU' * A A 1 iltof Hoip aucl US | i jro bonk nil llur. . 1 Cloud IllMAwii Al > IMiftttireiitrutt / Ilka mrthmirki , llnlni , Warn , liullii Ink mul ruwdur l rli , Hurl. I'll- tltticl , Kei1n ? * ur Note , Huwrlhlfilll | lUlr , llm | > le , Kiu'lili | v < lupuivut. lc. tva.utullu * frr l tBtr * * r bj Irllrr * JOHN H. WOOOBURY , D. I. , 125 W. 42d St , New York CH j. # w , We reach some of the people all the time , all of the people some of the time , as thousands of people can testify who have secured some of the many bargains now being dealt out at the great Hellman's Administrator's .Sale , which will contine until all the goods are disposed of. We are in the swim this week and pants arc displayed'in our east window , PANTS that sold for $2.00 hav.e been reduced to 85c ; these are dark worsted striped and light colored plaids. PANTS that sold for $3.50 have been reduced to $2,25. PANTS for fat men , no matter how large and how short , at $2.25 ; these are dark patterns and positively all wool goods. PANTS that sold for $5.00 now go at $3.25. PANTS that sold for $5.50 now go at $3.50. IN HOT WEATHER COATS AND VESTS we have the plaid flannels at $1.00.for coat and vest , MOHAIR COAT and VEST that sold at $3.50 now go at $2 , All Hot Weather Coats and Vests at slaughter prices. BLACK OR BROWN STRAW HATS QQ CENTS. FURNISHING GOODS AT HALF PRICE. HELLMAN'S Administrator's Closing Sale. Store closes at 6:30. : Saturday at 10. 7D HOME INDUSTRIES r Purchasing Goods Made at the Following' Nebraska Factories. If you cannot find what you want , communicate with the manufacturers as to what dealers handle their goods. AWNINGS. BASKETS OMAHA TKNT A'ND OMAHA GASKET AWNIXO Co. FACTO uv , OK * , h ninmockH , ollnnit Capacity 8.000 per dar rubberclotliliiR. tcnit for 1'ncklnir tioxo * to Orel or cntnlUKue. 11IJ Kurimm Olllcu BUI Cnp.Ar. Tol.177. BREWERS. FJIEDKUUO BllKW- OMAHA BHKWINO IN'd CO. ASSOCIATION , Our bottloil cnblnot boor Ounruntootl to equal out- delivered to any part rldo tiraniK Vienna of tlio city. Kxport buttled boor , IIKJ7 Jackson Stroot. dcllrorod to fumllloi. BOXES. JOHN L. WILKIK OMAHA Box FAC- TOIIV. Nnllod nnd dovctnlloil Manufacturer nf pnpnr boxua. ( 'iipnelty 6,00 buroa , 131 ! 21 tit. Mary's itny. KnHt Omnlia Tel iivcuuo. < U. I' o box 8.V > . BOILERS. CARRIAGES. WILSON & DUAKK. Til 1C OSTKUHOUin1. HprlnB Wiigon Mitt Co. , Tubular Hues , oil niul Incorporated. witior tanks , breocliln , Iti'palrlnti un nliort no- licet Iruu ffork. etc. lien. Cnrrlauo iinlntlnx. r.itli and I'lvrco. 9. Tol. 1C5I CIGARS. ARE YOU SUFFERING I'KOM Female Weakness , Catarrh or .Rheumatism , Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseiscs. IP SO , OALt ON Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. AcKiinwicdgod tn bo tbo most successful KIIO- clullsttilnnll I'IIIVATK. lli.ouu , Nuurourf , SKIN AND UlllJ AllV DlSKAHUi Qonorrliiii'i ' in from J to 0 days , byplillls cured without Muroury. All SUKUS for life. bTKICTUIIK | > niiiiiiunir | curud , romoviil coin- ulutu , without c u til UK , cnuitlu or illlututlun , Cure ntluclf J ut homo l > y imtlunl without a uiomuiit'n ' "i'ulKrtl'KlhTliliA ' AND IlKOTAI , UUJEIU curoa without | ialu or Outuntlon Irom tuilnu > . IIYDItUCKI.K AND VAUICOUKU ! tenuitnviitlr uml guccuiifullr cured , Muthotl uutr anil uurallluic. WEAK MEN ( VITAMTV WKAK ) , JI < Jo ot jrtoo clo 9 npill | cutlon to huilnoi or aluily ; > vuru inuiitnl train orKrlull HKXUAIi K.\KhHKS III mlilUlo IUu , or Irom the vHucUof jrouthtul lollloj. WKAK Mi.N : AUK VICTIMS TO NKItVOUS UK- IIIMTVorKXIIAUrtTiON , WAHTINCi WKAKKK < d iNVoi.u.s'i'Aitv ixjsaKa wiin KAIII.V DKCAV in VOU.S'fi unit MIDDI.K AIJICDi luck ( if vim , vluor anil tlrunnth , "llh nuunl orifnns ImpiUm ! uiij wfukenviifd iiri'iiinturvlr In n | > i > rouclihiK old HKO All rU < lil ruuilllr to our n w treatment for lee of yltnl newer Cull nu or iulilnu with utauij ) for rlrculari , ( r > hook unit ' ' Dr. Searles & Scarles , Nmt tol'ost Ollk'o. KST.llllMSMIKM > JNKN. Hprlnit Attncliniont - Nil llouu Jlollon Never 1'utuntuil , A. xT. SIMPSON J-IOH uml 1-tll Hotit/ltiH Ut. Manufacturer of HIGH GRADE CARRIAGES. To Oiit-oM ) ur Folk * Recreative Information 'Tls not the tire Unit initkos the bl- cycle , nor the Binldlo , nor the stool , nor tlo ) 8okoa | , nor the boiiriiiK'H , nor any olhorono rcgulbita 'tis the wliolo Coluinblus iiro baliumoil to the oquIpoUo of Hucuoartful nlcoty. All about Columbia ! , Illuntrnto't ' , In u book uhout Columbian fri'O on application to uny Coliunblu nKi'iit or hunt b > - mall tor two two-ovnt tam | > . I'opu Mf g Co , 'fit ColuiubiiH Avu. , lloiton , Dr , Bailey , $ r The Loading DentIso U 'ihlr.l Floor , I'.ixton JMo3'c. 'I clcpliuno loy'i. Kllli uiiil rurnnm Kts. A lull tutor tvuth on ruhber for H l'orfu < 't ot Tui'uh without | ilutu > ur rumovvublu brl'iuo ' work Jutt the IhlnK for ulngurt of iiubllutpuukur , noror drop Down. TEETH tXTRACTfcO WITHOUr PAH. All llllliu at rousoimblo rutc . All work wurrautou. Out thin out fur u guide. DR. C. GEE WO. The only \at\\\r \ \ \ gnluatJl Chlnnio ii'inlclai ICIk'ht yiiuM' niuilr Tui yiuri | > ruuliim u i r' . cinco with nil kno n illin i.iui. Tru'itt UQOi > iliillr , iiiilurfiilruniuillu < . uii'lrjujlva nu * haiullti un I a iuriiianiintuiirii wlutothur ilua.nri uinnu' ulrj , 1 < irl ) . HooU am ] l'l'inl nitiirii'u rjiuuillu * lilt iiicdlrliii ) ' Thu worM hl < ltno < i O.u thuuifU tchllinonlnU In thriiu yiurJ' lir.iotluj No Inlurloui ( Iuviiotluii , no imroiitlui , no puliu.i. lutljuil truutinunt un4 lurmununt euro. Following ranomuroixirully trJnt'jl nnl ouril , flviMi up hy nthor Ooclurm Tlioi Ceuulilln , 411. llarnny utraut. rhronlo rhuil- iiiiitlmnr your * , khliiny uml llvor troublui. Thou , OnlvurtHli \ unit K.triuui utrjuli. ciiniirjl ilnlillUy. Inilliiuiitloii. Ion or MrjiulH and vitality Took inuUluInu for yo.irx hut Kiit nu rolhif , .M. J * Anilurjoii. Mil Cnuil-u ntrjul , uHtluuu ana hrouchltU uf IIrtuj.i yu-ira t in tliu Hun formlu the fnllowliu prupiral ronmllm nl II.UJ uliottld. nix liuttloj forllU ) , for tbv euro ill Anthniit , Cntnrrh , rllok llujliolia , lii'lUJitlon ' , Illooil ruUdMlnn , Ktioniuilliiii. KiuulluVuiUnu , Klilnuy uml Ilv r Cumpluliit No uKuiitn. Holt uuly by Chlnotu Muaiclnu Uu , Capital , mj.UJ ) . Oliico , ICih. and Calironii Sd , Oniifn , Nel U Freqise1 ntly want a now IDEA IN ADVERTISING. AddriMtHuddonly , without notU'o , OIIIII/KI Ailrrrtlittni Jlin-i-inl , ! > ' . 1' . l.lfr.