Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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The Volume of Business in a Jobbing
Way Largo.
Tlio t.oril Hotult Trido Not n * Oooil tin
Alurch nit ! Wiinlil MUo to See It
An Aihiincu In Ccml
The Intervention of a holiday , \vhlch was
tirotly generally observoJ , Interfered to some
extent with tr.ido during the nast wook.
Some lines of business oxporlencpd a shrink
age greater than others. Such bouses as
carry Roods that are In special demand on
sucli holiday enjoyed a Rood trade , and
there was no fnllliiff olT In tlio buslnois done
Ijy these who deal In catublpsatid drinkables.
As n Rcnoral thing local Joboer * report a
wast satisfactory trade. The tnovomont of
poods has horn unuiunlly Urge for the past
few wcoks and stlli Keeps up A peed ninny
explanations havu been given for the prasont
nctlvo condition of the wholesale trado. It
that the outlook for
has been nreued poor
crops carlv In the season delayed trade , then
came the Rood weather nnd o\rory or.o
was too busy to trade Thus the sprl'ip's
trndo was dpi lyod until about Juno 1.
It lomalns for n grocery jobber to ofTor
additional reasons for the eood trade In Ills
line. According to his theory garden vosotn-
bles are t.otory thrifty In the west nnd are
\crvbaoicwaru at the liost , and oarlv fruits
of all kinds scnrco. Hence people are unable
to secure as lutgo n proportion of their HvliiK
from the garden as has boon the o.iso In
former j ears. This \\ould mturally create
n Iqrgor doiuand for citnnou fruits and
vpcctnbles , dried fruits , cereal Roods , otc.
As monov is plenty In thu rountry the people
nro IndulKing their nppotltus loan extent
that Is very gr-itlfyiug to tno dealer in
pioccrlos. .
Weather conditions nro likely to pliy
n vorv IniDortiint part In determining
the length of tlmo that the present
heavy trade v.iil Hoop up. 1-avoroblo
we.ithrr for wntcrlnir the corn crop
, will tend to sustain the coiillilenco of
/J the people , mid so long ns there Is no doubt
nbout the future , trade must bo fair ut least ,
The Krtiill Tr.idP.
There Is no use in tiylng to deny the fact
thutthe retail trade of Omaha Is not ull that
could bo desired Thproarc.asamatterof fact ,
tome exceptions to the geneial rule that this
branth of business Is iiulet. Some houses ,
for reasons that can bo readily discovered ,
hnvo enjovcd n fair trade , but tnko the ro-
tnll ostubllshma.ts ns thev como , largo nud
Binall. all over tlio city , and the general ver-
dlot will he , "trade U dull. "
Money In Konernl circulation Is not sum
elcntly plenty in Omaha to create an nctivo
retail tnnrkdt In nnv line. The money is
boarded In the banks wheio It does not
beni'Ilt the goncrjl nubile.
Thcro mo too many mon out of work nnd
new enterprises are not being gotten under
way fast enough to crcnto tin active demand
lor labor. If there was plentv of work In
the city , and every one wanting employment ,
could find It , the surplus money in the banUa
would soon bo pilu out In waires nnd would
llnd its way into all the clmnuc's of trado.
Tin' C < ml MnrKct.
There Is no doubt that the advance In thor
r holosnlo pikes , which uns mudo by
\tio custorn sales agent ! , n fuw din s ago , was
thn most Important in ttio history of the
tratlo for a decade. Although no changes
"n the rot all rate * dcmmded of consumers
Is made ns jot , the crent IIIIISTI of the people
fiill feel the effect In n short timo.
Tnoro Is every reason to bollsvo that
tigher prices in the retail trade will
bo inaugurated in the comlnir month of
August. Mon who are well posted In the
business dni'lnrc that prices will rule higher
mid higher for a long stiolch in the future.
Inn lovlowof the trade for the past ten
years an authority BIIJS : "At no time during
the period has there bpon ns mirkodaud
rapid nn advance from January to July ns In
the current jear. Ksprclally slnco IbbS
tlicro has oeen'n uniform advance , bcplnnlue
EOOII after the lirst of tha year , but in most
1 , , stances the top figures were not readiea
until late In the fall or oarlv In the winter. "
Ainons thu Hanks.
Monov continues very easy in Omaha nnd
all the banks have more than they know how
to dispose of. For months pist money has
boon a drug In every ttaanclal center In the
civilized world. Not only do the bankers of
Umahn complain that the demand U not
lufllcicntto keep down the supply , but the
Tales nt which monov Is quoted in I\ow York ,
Boston. Philadelphia , Chicago , San Fran
cisco , Now Orleans mid other centers of
trade show that bankers llnd It impossible to
pet a remunerative lisa for their accummuln-
tlons of wealth. The reports of the holdings
ol the Bank of Kngl.iml , the Hank of France ,
the Imperial Hank of Germany , thn Bank of
Hcluium and other larcc banking Institutions
ubioad show thul they are now even fur
bolter proxidod with funds than they wcro u
year ace , when , as ji ru ult of Jlnnnrinl dis-
nsters , they mndo such strenuoub cllorts to
hnvo tholr cotfers oveillov\ing.
In view of these facts there doe ? not np-
pcirto bo much rnuKOti for anticipating n
liuhtcning monov inniket this full. To be
Euro there nro apt to bo hoavv crops this fall
nnd It will require vast sums of monov to
IHOXO them , but bunkers nil uprco that there
Is monov in plenlv to provide for these
necessities. Nuy. they will oven welcome
the chance to profitably use their deposits.
As an instance of the cnso which prevails
now and which is likely to continue It maybe
bo noted that Just buforo the lirst of the
month , when luipo amounts werotledupto
provide for Interest payments duo July 1 ,
monov on Ihreo months' time was offorLd at
i ! per cent In New York. And It wc-nt bog-
pine nt that 1
The clearings during the past week show a
smaller total cmiue to the fact that Monday
was n holiday. It will bo noted , however ,
that for the remaining du > s of the week the
avoriigt ) was very good.
The following shows the clearings on each
davof the past wnok :
Monday , holiday
Tiipsday JUHUlVUi
\\Ydnusdny l.3IU.U7.b'l '
Thursday 1.077.HIH.1K ,
I'rlduy 1.VA4.T..H
fc.iturday I.O.Wl ! ffli
1 Total
Coinpiirlni ; the clearinKs of the past week
with the cortcspondliiK week last year a
troiiiciiilous ( , 'ttln will bo noted , nmounllnf-
bl ( (1 ( per cent.
The total clcailni ; for Juno wcro the larg
est of any month so far this year ,
Thu Kciil INtutii
The m&rkot is In nbout the same condition
Ba noted n week nio. ; There IH conMdoiahlo
Inquiry for property , but II U limited for the
most purt to piopcrty lhat IB wantut
for Improvoinout or ocrufiancy. There
Is verv llttlo doing In u bpcculutivo
way. This bolnc the case the sales nro
ino'itly smnil , the majority of them hiirdly
HOI thy of a special mention.
For the week cloilnirestcrdny mornlnp
the total trauafers woie MU'/30.01. For the
corresponding ilu n tu Juno the total trans-
fcrs amounted to only f SI.SUlUU.
The total trausfurs for tbo month of Juno
\vcro f 1 , 171 , 115 il" , a slight fnlliti ) , ' olT an com-
nil red with May , but a-lilo finm that the
kt of uny month niiico Jnnuar.y.
Wlmt the HYuti-rn I'purl lliittoii Factor )
U Iloloi ; ,
A few weeks ago visitors at the manufac
turers exposition were greatly luioroktt'd In
tno pearl button factory operated tlieio.
'j"hn of an Inquiilng mind were able to
aiccrtuln thut the factory operated bv the
Wcstcin 1'oiirl Button company was located
In Omaha ; that It gave employment to
tw cnl-Iho button muUci-n , besides twelve
omeii and girls employed In sorting , now Ing
onto euros , etc. They could also have learned
fcy inquiry thut there U another factory In
Omulm turning out the same kind of goods
and that the two factories give employment
to over fifty iicoplc.
It was possible lo obtain the still further
Information Ihut Omaha Is ono of the few
cities In the United Slates In which pearl
button factories are operated. Omaha's
-oiupotitor * In tun brunch of manufacture
nro Now York city , Newark , Philadelphia
and Detroit.
Whllo the cltl-otVs of Omfthn were learn-
Inc nil nbout the manufacture of pearl but
tons , M shown at the cxposlttoh , they wcro
not aware that events were then transpir
ing that would threaten the existence of tbo
ncnrl button factories , not only of Omaha ,
but of nvery other pearl button city in the
The Austrian llutton- .
To fullv understand the danger which
tbroaton'i Omaha's now Industry It will bo
necessary to brlolly consider the history of
this branch of manufacture In America.
Tor many years Austria was tbo great
pearl button ininufaeturlnc country , and
thousand * of men and millions of capital
uciocmplojed in Hits Industry. Some lo
calities especially In Hohomln , dopondca al
most entirely upon pearl button manufactur
ing for a support.
The output of these Austrian factories wxs
exported to all the I'uroponn countries , and
very largely to the United Stntcj.
Attempts were made to manufacture the
buttons in this country , but Amorlcan mm-
ufuuturon could not pay American wapos
anil compote with the work turned out by
the cheap Austrian labor.
Some Idea may bo guttiod of the dlfferonco
in waeos between the American and Austrian
button makers by Interviowlne some of the
workmen In Or.aha.
U'agp.9 tu Onvihi nnd AtlUrlii.
There are now working In Omaha for the
Western I'oarl Button company mon whore-
cpntlv came from the Austrian factories , nnd
who are making $2 par dav. These same-
men state that they worked for from75 cents
to S3 cents per duv In Austria , and that the
duv was tw Ivo hours long. It uas im
possible for American manufacturers to com
pete with nueli cheap labor , nnd Austrii con
tinued to supply this country with buttons
until the so called McKinley bill went Into
effect. The laritt Imposed on peatl bultons
bv this net was sufllclent to overcome the
diftcreuco In wages , and American capital
was not lonp in llndlnglls way Into the now
The manufacture of pearl buttons was
commented In Omatm last fall , and thoUKli
the b'KinnluK was smnll the business has
crown until , n noted above , some ilfty people
ple are no-.v employed ut good wairos.
\\lthtliogrowlh of the luslnuss In the
Unltpu Stales ihoro has boon a correspond
ing decrease tu lOuropo , and Iho question
with foreign manufacturers has bpun , "How
shall wo overcome thn American tariff ! "
.Sonrco ol Danger.
The latest move on the part of foreign
manufacturers bus been to shio Into the
United States' what arc Known as pearl
blanks , that ts pearl cut and finished ( n the
foi in of buttons and only lacking the eyes or
shiinlc for the thread.
The board of appraisers classed these
blanks as buttons , but the Importer carried
the mutter Into court and secured a reversal
of their decision. Judge Lacombe of Now
York ti < ild that although ttieio blanks miy
have reached such a stigo of manufacture ns
to bo unsuitable for any other purpov ; , s > tlll
that they are not buttons within the Ian-
gunge of the larlfT act.
Under this decision European manufac
turers can turn out all kinds of pearl
button , iliiisncd with the exception of botlng
the eyes , which can bo done In this country ,
and thus oscapa Iholartff.
The Amorlcan button manufacturers are
vcrv much alarmed und nro taking action
looking toward carri ing the question up to
the Unlteil States circuit couit of appeals.
Frank ( Caspar , in m.igor of the Western
Pcail Bt lion company of Omaha , snvs that
if the laillT can bo goltcn around m this wav
tlio pearl button business in America will bo
ruined In ull Us branches. It is u case of
life orduith to every penrl tiutton manu-
faciuierin the country. Mr. ICiispar fur
ther romaikod that it would bo too bad to
hnvu n business which , though onlr n low
months old , nlroidy employs llftv puonlo In
Oimilu , destrojed bv n legal technicality.
If the tariff question was settled and manu
facturers weru ccrliiln of being protected
nguinst the cheap Euiopcan labor , Omaha
would not bo many weeks In doubling the
number of omplovch in bur button factories.
As Dun x P It.
VV. H. Hooorson , manager of the mercan
tile of U. O. Uun & Co , reviewing
the local irada conditions for the past wool ; ,
says :
Jobbers continue to report excellent trade
In nearly all lines , with collections bettor
than usual. Almost without exception Iho
llrsl week of July , IS'Ji ' , U fur ahead of Iho
same period last year.
Ttio liquor dealOM and brewers are not so
complacent. The continued cooler weather
is matoiially decreasing consumption and
trndo tn tuoir line Is very dull.
Bunkers continue to report larpo deposits
and llttlo demand for loans on good security.
Onu of the luigor binlts is umleistood lo
have shipped J.IGO.OOJ lo Now Yurie within
the week , n most unusual occurrence. How
ever , n moro nctlvo monov market is fotu-
shadovicd and the ballof Is becoming general
thut the stugnatlon will cnu with the begin
ning of the spring w boat harvest.
The sales of tiioworks nro reported 100 per
com above a year ago.
Kolail Irado has not materially improved.
Tnc prenencoof convention and Independence
day visitors was not as Btlmulaliug us had
been anticipated.
There Is u slightly Improved condition In
the rail estate mm but , but nothing Is ro-
pirted of tiny spuclulslgnillcanccoxcspt It bo
ttio talk of u chungu of tbo site of Iho pro
posed union depot from Tenth und Muson
sticots to the fool of Farnuui.
At Soulh Omaha inn week has been somo-
whiit sensational. Hogs nnd cattle have ocou
steadily advancing , until Wednesday the
highest point in three years was reached ,
when top hogx htought $5 bt ) und prime
beeves j.1.50. On Fiidav theio was n very
sharp decline , thu result of the anxiety of
growcis nnd dciiluts to tuko advantage of the
high murkol. Tlio recoipls for Iho week
\\ero very largo and ouch day witnessed
nctlvo trailing and some fovorlshnoss among
{ peculators.
liny Was Itrnl Kiisy ricking.
Hay tiamilton was m Oiunha July 4 and
persuaded n dcnUcn of n Ninth street resort
lo foi'salio the ilen and go to Beatrice One
of the conditions was that li'iy should scttlu
the debts of the young lady/ amounting to
? 4i. Tnis was done and tno two took Iho
train , buying checked Ihe trunk of the frail
deceiver to Beatrice.
When Iho train started Hav was alone ;
the young lady had disappeared. At Beatrice
the trunk was opened und nothing found ex
cept nn old comforter. Now the policj uro
asked to interim o uuu recover thut Mnnd
Chief Sunvoy has noted on the loiter ,
1 Servos jou nghl. "
Dougluii County ICrpilltllcniiH.
The Douglas County Hnrrl-on republican
club made up of a memberihlp ( ram the
thirteen county precincts moeU today nt
U lilt ) p. in. at the MoArdlo ecaoolhou-o , Me-
Aidlo precinct.
UoWltt's Sursaparilln cleanses the bloo.l.
TIII : KIAI/IV : .M.\iticir. :
INSTRt'SinNTS placed on recorJ July 0 ,
A * V
II K lenn hon and wlfu to T I ) Wilson.
lot 4. Wiuuh \ llalliird's siibdlv . . . $ 400
I'r. ml. Spinlii and w Ifu to John Kneel , jot
] ( < . iniiek.l. Jultur'K add . COO
John Knncl und wlfu to ICaterln.i tomln.
siui.o r . . . . . COO
Prank Si'inln and wlfu to John Kuncl.
n 't ' of u ! J lot il , block 0 , Kotiiil/u ad
add . . . . . . I.OCO
John Kuncl and wlfu to Kutcrlnu humlii ,
H Mill ! . . . 1,030
Sniniiul Morlonhin to. Muds IIiiu-.un , lots
I'Oto ' .1. block 4 , l.ohuuk'Nsubdlv . . 8)0 )
JaniCN Il.'iin nnd wlfu to Iknry Hohlff ,
lot F. block 4 , Dil 1'onl plueu . 1,100
John Mui' luy nnd wlfu lo I'r ink and
Ilittlu Itnilil , lot 8. block di ! , Huuford
W'neo V . . . 1,250
I'liiiiauan and w Ifu to Trunk Kudd ,
lot U. Mnhonuv'H mid . MQ
I ) A ( Jutes und hiihlmnd lo A r Jonuu ,
lots 1 and 2 , block il. r-nmmll nliico . . 1.1,000
W II Mlllard nnd wlfu toTliomus Wolfe ,
uy.Mlfoul lol II , t'li'sei'nl p.irk . S.BOO
1) It Thomas and w Ifu lo U II Ithodi-s. t > 3
a ofu.ll n of SW24-IU-12 . 550
N J sUoro to J J Tarpluy. lot ' . " . ' , K-iBjiar'ii
add . 6)0 )
C M t'riim und husband tu h A bhcolcr ,
p.irl tax lot IJ In 10-I.Vl'l . aDOO
Join , und wife to I1 A lieu-
loy , nn irrcs tract In KW no .l-H-l I . . . 1
H T Uuddiind liustMiid to John Muckoy ,
lot 7 and u I * fuut lot H , block J , S.iiin-
Ueri.V ll'a add \Viiliint Hill . U.5W
lit mis ,
J C Drove ) , t-peolal muster , to II HVln -
Uu man. lots 7 , H iindO. Kliu's mill . , 1,200
I NViit oniimo. ti ) Mutual Iinnitmunt
company , lol ft , block It ) , Highland
1'luco . , . . , l.BOO
Total amount ot tranifer * . , . t M.UJ1
Bulge in Provisions Was the Feature of the
At the Close Thcro Win a Iltish for All
1'rodiiPts lit Once It Took Itlililing
nt High 1'rlrrs to Uct
All ) thins.
CIIICAOO 111 . .Inly O.-A tirtltni1y ; sudden
bulge In provisions wis tlio foituro toliy In
the lln.tnl of rratio. Tor two or three days
the t-illc li'id DoQii Oud ihy uti'l other
bUopontors wore selling out. The m irkot
has gons tlown mi lor It with the who'o so ilp-
liu trulo l.UIIni on ( or stilt fnrlhor decline In
p-lcas. Thound of the dootlno was ro ichcd
tuts inornliu. 1'ork for Soiitoinbar was oil to
JIM" , from tlio JI200 mirk September lurd
was ut * 7 07' $ and rlb < sit17. 1"'j. '
Tlio trulo uluyo I for auothnr downturn
with grain to 1 ty. lint Iho lio.ivy sutlliu In-
tcu-als of yosloril iy iiilalc | y turned In the
lust hilf licur to thu hiiylni hlilo This
startle I thu tndo and tint the s'nirU In a
pine. Thorp was a rush for nil proluels at
once. It took bidding ut hlcher urlcos to uat
nnytliltu. 1'orlc jittnpail 'l o t < } 111 S0 nnd
closed at til 7-"i , about 22'o ' brsltur for the
d.iv ltlbs robound-d 2J'Ju to J7.ll for ' 'cp-
tumfoT. chuliu I"'C liluh.'r .it t"i \ lYinl
was mi 1241 ; from last infill at J7JO for bop-
This sharp turn In Iho doillnss C'liisoJ a
mini ro lel'on ' but ut , x dec Ino of ' { o for Inly
tinilefnr S'ptonibor' oinp iri'd with ypstor-
d iv s ro-.titu prices Nothing could lift who it
from the double deptess on of the \beutod
government lupnrt uird tlio lln nnd
commercial lo'lslutlon at the fccioral cupltiil
f-i-ptomlur wheat oloso 1 ut " ( I'ic ' iijnlnst from
"li'io ' to 7b1iC vuslerd-iy. It was psilnmto I
that thcio would bo on v a small deeio isu , If
anv. In the v nlluc supply of wheat Olio cr.i
talk undo thn duo Inn in ( Itcut Itrltaln.
'I'll'in was free soiling ot eorn oarlv In the
hniioof dls'oili-liii tlio l 'opihl Illooni hold
ings , I ut the riililuiwoiu ills ippnlnti'd.
Oats openud sfulv. declined ' 8V. and re-
ailcd ' ( . . follow In. : corn chisel v. A good do il
of.Inly wim eh uue 1 to i-uptoniber. tin I .1 good
do il of M > ptoinhor w is old liy the olo\.ilor
people. At tlio opoiilni ; .hny and beploinbor
were 'Su ' ap irU They I lion came together and
sold at the Mime price , butuloiod .ibout from
' e to ' 10 up.ut
The uitlinitoil rocolpts for Monlay arc :
\\hoit.l4leui ; corn. 2 .l oars ! oats , 1'lcirsj
lnvs. ilJ.OiM ) hc.ul Tlio total icci-lpls of luus
for nevt week are ostlia itod at from 12. * > ,000 to
1 U.OOO.
There was a bettor Inquiry for vessel room ,
but ollerltus were snrilf. Kites hold steady
at-'o for and l o for coin to Hull ilo.
Tlio loulliu futures r.inud as follows : Illon Iiu u o F
July . . . . 77 $ 77
AllKUlt . . . . 71,1 , 77i i
t-pptpinbor . 7l , d 7014
Cons No 2
AllL'llft . . .
pitpinbur | K'i '
Jul ) II ( : u
Annum . . . .
Miteinl'cr 31 OH
.Mh S 1'Olllv
July . . . n it ( > > II 3U
t < citiMiib | r 11 II HJ 11 49
II > HI >
July 7 oo 7 15 f t > 7 >
' L-iitpinber . 7 ID 7 25 7 U7H
July 7 4714 7 17'd 35
September 7 I" , 7 20
Pmh ( jiiot it Ions were as follows :
KI.OUH Qnlct and uiR-hinccil :
iits. Jt.'UiiM : winter straits :
sprliu P ttents. } l , I0t fiOj Bjirlu straits , $1 JJ ®
4.10 : bikers' . Ji.OOft.1.71.
\Vnivr : No ' 'snrinp , 77'Je ; No 3 spring ,
71'je ; No S red. 7o
Lower ; No. 2 , 41' ' Jc : No. 'J vollow , 4SS
4S > 1c. No .le.ish. 4i'o ( : No. 4 , a-iiillc.
UATSso. . : . ' . .us , ® Iiir : No. 'J white , a.ia
J-l'tL1 ; No .1 wliltu. .li'sai.'Uo.
IIVK NO - ' . alU.
ItAiti.i.v Jo L' , 03e ; No. 3 , no s.ilos ; No , 1 , no
TlMUrm .Stiii I'rhi u.fl.S I 31.
I'OIIK Muss , pel lbl. . ill dOSill ii.4 : lird , per
10 His. Jr.l'- " , 0.7.11 ; short ribs sides loose ) ,
J7 4."t6 7 7"i ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , 87.UO ;
hhiirt clciir skkb ilioxnd ) , lf.GJ <'i
Wnibici Distillers' lln'hhod soola , per Ral. ,
btitiAits Cut loaf , , V3V'o ; Brannlatol , 4JJo ;
stand irJ "A , " 4\e.
lie olptb .um smpmonts today were as fol
lows :
On the Produce pxch injo to lay the butter
market was e-islnr : fancvcronmory. I'JiJIO'iu ' ;
line wpstirn. 17 ® fees ordlnirv i.rilile ; line
iltilrle , , Kai7o. Kfstt. weak at U'4l4c. '
Nun York MuikotH.
Nuw YOIIK. JulvO PLOUII llccotpls , 1475
pkirs ; exuorlM , i5.7u ! bills. , 12M5 sicivs : dull ,
hoivyii : eiT.lOlbbls. . ; lowuUrm. $ J 20&.I II ;
city mills.4.25U4'M ; city mill pitents. ifl.41 ®
4.7 > . winter wheat , low ei.ulus. * J 'flit .li : fair
to fancy , il.2l4 4t ; patents tlKitfrl * " > ! Mlnne-
hot i e.oar. K I'lJi. I ti i ; stl.lljhti. 11 liyi 51) ) ;
patentH , MS7ii4 75 : r u inlxtnrp1. JH.lO'fril.Oj ;
KOiioi Iliu. f I. > i.J ( ( I ; line , fi 4 ( ( (275.
I'oiiNMUAi , Dull ; yu low westurn. J--SlSI 15.
\Vllitr-IJccolpts : , 51,75) bu ; uxpoils , ' (1,70
bn ; Miles l.MV'Ut ' ) uu. of fnliirLs. Wi , 00 bu.
of spot. pot market dull , Irip.'iilar. closing
eiisy ; No. 2 red. M'ii',7e , In store and oluvu-
lor : hi iassc iitloat ; > 7i5s7i40 f. o b. ; No. J red ,
Mdiii ij ; ungraded , 7J'l'i' ! > ! ) We ! No. 1 northern.
S'i'iiifNi'.c ; No. I tin I.SJo : No 2 iiorthcin , 7s'i
© 7'ic ' , No 2 Chic KO , S4'c ; No 2 Mllwiuiuee ,
Nl'i&SJ c ; No 2 sprln. . 77ff677'ti' ' . Options
oponu I htuuly and iinch nixed from which
tliero WIIH .Kiecllnoof 'ili'je , ilosliu sto.idy
at'iC oir , very dull , aw ittln thu ovurninent
report , which Isoxpetted to bu whllu
tluiciibies iru weaker No J toil July.MGSl'ie ,
closing at Hlo ; Aiu'ii-t , M CtSl .l-IOir. clo.-ln at
hljac ; September , hl'sCiSI'iC. closing atbl'at- !
Oi'tobur. MilQK'i'iCi closln ; : nt Me ; Deeombur ,
t < 7 l-lliils70-lijc ( , cio-hii nt b7'0cj May (1SJJ ( ) ,
01 . .lKii'M'.tclosing al Ol'4i' ,
Hr. Dull , heavy ; western , SdfliSle.
lUili.m MAI.T ( julcf. C'.inadu , OleSM.O"
UoilN-Uceelpls , K2'i ) bu ; uxpotts , 8.1)0
bu. : s-iles 477.0W Uu. of futures and 7,0)0 ) bu of
Hpnl > | iot mnrkeldiill und wuakor ; No. 2 ,
M'tS-'iTc In uloiatoi , 57'i'iCV-o ( ; un-
Kradud mixed. 5lii5'4u. ' Options , 'ia'c ( lownr
and wu ik , with local lon.'h sulllm ; and western
1 iiililatln ) ; July , 55'iltwe ' , uloslni ; at fi'i'ic ;
Aiu'iiht , Mil-1 Inclosing at Til c ; bupluinbi-r.
5l'i < ii"i41.iP. closlm ; at 5l'ju ; Ottober , 5J'ji
5le , closliuat.'ilc. .
OArs-ltecolpIs , in 178 bu. ; ovporls , 2 , n ! bu ;
sales , IM.OK ) ) bu , of futures anil .li.nut ) uu , of
spot. Spot m.irkut dull and wuakur. Options
< iupt | and wpukur : July , .i5J4 < i | li.closliu at
, t ) ' i" No. 2 white , Aiunht , .I7'io ' : No. 2 hpol ,
wh te , JSi1 ; mlxol wesiLrn , J.lljdi.l.-oj white
wpstein. : ; siiji | ( | . No 2C'hlciL-o 47o.
UAI Quiet and nto , dy ; shipments , 70 ; Rood
til UIMMUI : . , ' \u 'JV.
llorsttp.idy ; state , common to choice , 18
< 2. ' . ' > iI'uelllc ; const. lb'le.
bllOAIl It in , quiet and onsy ; fair relltiln ? ,
' . "its ; cutrifuualh test , .l'c ' ; sales. UJ ) hhds
of MuseovaiU ) and K inu liurn contrlfiu-als nnd
moliihsus hiiBar nt previous Drives ; ipllned.
dull but bteiuly : No ( I , Jif4c ( ; No 7 , ' . © ;
No. n..ii-llrti.ll-i.e. : |
MiiljishKi 1'orelKn. nonilnnl nt ll'io forM
test , Nun Orleans , dull but btoady ; common
to lane"V31V. .
KIOK Active nnd firm
Kiiiirf ( Jnltit. but lltincr ; fancy western , lair
to prime , U'lOllic ' ; recnlpls , 4 , ' .Ml plB . *
IliDKR Dull ; wet silted .Now Orleans , 45 to
riiliK-Dnll firm : old mess , j.70QI | | 2
tra prime. ( i..iiOjsr.'iU. (
Cui .MtATB-Qiilet ; pleldcd bellies ,
ploUle I shoulders. 7c ; plcUled hams , l. '
iniddleH , ijiilot ; ulioi t clunr , J 'W '
IMIID Dm ) , tinner ; western htoam elosocl nt
} 7.i. : " > , hales iW ) tli-ri-es at } 7.1l ; option uulei ,
1.IWJ | Ivrcos ; July , } 7. II ; eptctniber. f'Klffi"M ,
eloslnir ut 47-15 bid ; Octouur , < 7.ilii7. : . J , closlui ;
ut 17. . o bid. : woslern dairy. 14iilOc ; west
ern creainury , H.Qj.'lu ; westein factory , liO (
IBoi r.Uln. ailiajlo.
CIIBFSE I.lht | ; domnnd ; part sKlnis , 2j ;
I'm luov Dull ; Amorlcan. J14 00j | 5.0Q.
( Jin-i-iit-iiHy : ; luko. ( II ' . ' .Mill. 1(1. (
J.BAD Dull ; dome-lie , 1 1. Vtiitl .W.
TI.N tteady ; btr.iUhts. f.Ubuif'JJ.UJ.
Kiina IH Ullv Miirkpt .
KANRAH OITV. JIo , July 0. WIIKAT Oulct ;
No. aiiard. d | < Bii.'e ; No. . ' n-d. O'QWo
CIIII.N l-'lrm ; No. V mixed , 4.'lifti33 ; No , S
< i Iio. '
W uki No. 8 mixed , lSaS34oi ! Na 2
wh to. 'JOc.
lt > u Almost iins.iionbloj No , S , Be.
I'liAXHKl'.D Lower Ht H'Sib'C.
llllAN btoinly ; melted , 5 dj-'klu ,
HAV Moiuly mid unchiiiiKod.
HiiTrtii ririii ; oruamery , ll'J'SIOoi ' dairy ,
r.nos-Yery llrm ut lliill'a
ItKt hilts Wheat , U.OU ) bu.i corn , 15,003
bu. ; o.itx. T.OjOhu.
b uriie.NTH Wheat , C9.00J bui corn , 2.0) . )
bu. ; out * . l.iKW bu ,
Oil .xiiirkct.
I'KTiini.viTM Iho murlot
opened stondy.nd-
vunvi'd nliihtly und uloxeiUtuady , I'ttnnsyl-
\iinlu oil , hKit | Bales , 1.1.0W ) UUlti.1 ,
f > HUi hUhubt , filHo ; lowest , SlUu ; closln.ut
AiiKiiit option Billon , IVOOj bblu , ; opened
ut 6.'Uu ; uUUcit , Wo ; lowuit , &JJtc ; oioilui ; ut
Mmi oil , no sites. ' Total V.os. 3\030
b'ls. '
UOTTOXJRGU Olfi-Quloti crude , 2Jc | ycl
low. ; i.v. : : city ( $ J tor.pkis. ) 44T14 5-lCc.
icn tN Quiet and steady : Ur.ilncd. common
to cood. tl. J'iai.7. ' '
Tout'KNUSK yulotnnd KKdy atI3U1J33tO. !
Omtlui I'roilnco Uirkat.
liUTrr.itHood p oKlns stock , 12c ; smill lots
select ilulry. HS&ne. , ,
I'oui.Titv Oood old hen' . TIi7'5o ; roosters ,
5o ; chicken1 ! , wcikcr , Hroai7 > 0.
( Jiu.iiMir.s-Uallfornla , OKiJ3.33j homegrown
grown , sc'iroo at fi'iO par dr ( Wor.
I'lUClllls C illforiiln , tl.TV.
TOM \TOBS Southern , 11 ,1)1 ) 75 per case of
4biisUet <
< T
Al'litcorOallfornla. . f I.T.ViW 00.
IihM INS Choice. * > . OU1M' fiincy , 17.00.
OIIANOKS C illfornH , tl . " > J3I 7,1.
. , $150 ; red , quarts. ( I Ml
t rod. pints JJ.M.
1'I.UMS-C illfnrnl i , M.avas.50.
I'F.Altsll.ilf boxes , $1 75.
II mi" , KTC. No. 1 croon hides , 3o ; No. t
Croon salto I hldot , Jl' o ; No 1 ! croen s-iltcd
htdos. 22c : No 1 Broon silted lit les. : . ' ) to 40
Ibs. , IlUe ; No. 3 srcon salto I lildes. ! ' > to 43 Iba ,
2'ioi No t voilcilf. 8 to li Ibs. c ; .No 'Jxoal
c ilf. S to min.4e : No I dry ( lint hides. 7e :
No 3 dry Hint hides. 5e ; No. t drv salted hi le ,
fi"ic. Sheep pjlls Oreon silled , oieh : ic56
II 2S : ttreen silted shoirlnKs ( short woulcil
oirlv skins ) , ea h , r < 4 > . ' * Hii dry sloirllnus
( short wiulo i early skinsi. No. I. each , VillOa ;
dry shnarlln s ( short woolcd early a > lns ) No - ' ,
o luh , fie ; dry Hint Kant is and Nenniokii
bull her wool polls , per Ib , a tu il wol : ht , 1 ij
14'ip ; diy Hint Kiinsis and Nohraska murrain
wool pelts per Ib , iictu il wo it lit , 8 $ .V : dry
Hint Co or ido butcher wool polls , peril ) . ,
acliml woUhr. IKaiS'ic ; drv Hint Colorado
inurriln wool polls , per Ib . actual \voicht , sl
iocs dry pieces nn 1 bucks actual weight. 7iJ (
He Tallow and tlio ISD Tallow , No. I , .lUQIvl
lillow , No 3 , 'HM'i'1 : crcii'o , whllo A. . ( ' ( o
Kre i o. white M , JU : ro ise , yelloiv , , lc ;
cri-ase , d irk , S'v : old butter. " 'So ; beeswax
prime. lOfiVIci ruiuli tillow. PiTt-'o
I'DTATOLS New. scarce : soulhorn stock , i ®
S'4e ' perlb.
I'Aiuii in Homo xrsnn GJC nor do/ .
M-II.ON * Witornip ojt cet 100 , JJ50) ) ;
toloupes. $ , ' .00 per dor
St. I. nils M irki-ts.
ST. Louis , Mo , July 0 TLOUII Dull nnd
iinch uuoil.
WiiR Advanced fie only , but declined.
liter and elmed Uc below yostordav : July
rinsed ntTMit' ! August , 74c ; beptombei. 74 e ;
Deeonibrr. 7s'jp.
noiiN Cash , llrm nt 4V.JC : onllons opened
lil-'hei , bill soon hut the uilvnnco und closed
' 8o under yester lay ; July closed at 45o ;
fcentcinbi'r. 4Vtc.
OATS I.o-.voi ; cash , SI { c ; July , 23iC ;
Aiuust , ' "le ; beptomber , Sliic.
Hins I'lrm ; CJcon-oist tr.u-lc.
HAY tju ct and unchanged ; prairie , $7..r ©
0.0) ) ; timothy , Vl\c.
IjKAii Illtfher and actlvo ; refined sola at
$1.10 for July and soft Missouri at JI.UT'l for
An not.
IIUTfKit Unchanged ; crei-nory. lDS20c ;
dairy , rjniflc.
s Unchnnsol at 12'n ' > 2.
\VitlrtKV-Moidy atJl.lV
luaoiso Unch mzed at ( I'
ComiNTiKs Unch inKca.
I'uovi IONS Port Hi in ; Jobbing. Sl..OO.
I/AH i Hold hk'her : Jr.tu askuil.
Duv SALT MGAIS Ilicon Urtn but sle-xdy and
iinch mired.
KFCfii'TS-rioiir. 4.0M Ibs : wheat. iWXM
bu. ; corn , 14,000 bu. : oats , 1U.OUO bu. ; rye and
barley , mine.
SIIIIMIKMS 1'lour , SOW lln. : who it , S.03D
bu. : corn. 15,000 bu. ; oils , 8,000 bu. ; rye and
barley nono. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Clllp ( 'llllllltloilK.
Wt iliNOTOV , D O , Inly 0 The July returns -
turns to the st itlstlcl in of Iho Hop irtinonl of
AKrlcnlliiio in ikes the following uxoraces of
condition : Corn , 81.1 ; winter when , 8 > .n ;
sprliie who it , fill ) : oats. 872 ; rye , O-'S ; birloy.
Ui u ; potatoes , W 0 : tubac.-o , II.1. " . Thu acre.iKU
of 001 n Is ropjrtml ut U3 U of the area of
last your. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. ' \llluauki-n ( Irnln Xlitrknt.
MlI.WAtlKKB. WIs. Jlllv Q WllBVT Dull :
Septumbor. 7l'4o : No 3 sprint , nominal.
Cons Qulot : No. A 47e
OATS Quiet : No a white , .USJS3le ; No. 3
white , d'i'i& ' '
K\r.-Xo l.7n" c.
UAH : LV Quiet : No 2.r > sS'Je.
Ciillt-o M irllut.
NBW YOIIK , July n Options opened dull ,
unch incod to 5 points down , closed steady ,
unchanged to5 points up ; s i es 7.110 b us. In-
clud.iu July , fll.81 : AiiBiist.SII.SJ : boptuinbor ,
III 8) : October , ; Milrch. JIl.'JJ. spot Uio ,
dull , nominal : No T. f U'.ST'iliU O.
Cotton .xi.irkot.
NEW Oitr.r.ANS , Li. . July 0. Ptcady : mid- ,
dlliu , 7 I-KJC ; low iiilddltne. OUc : ordinary. Go :
net receipts , 1.117 bales : Kross rocolpts. 1.015
bales ; exports to the continent. IMW bales :
coistuisu , GG7 bales : sales , 80J bales ; slojk , 03-
310 bales. _
I'lilliiilclphl.i ( .lain .Miirkpt.
I'llIUDF.I.l'iHA. I'a. . July 0. WllBtT
Sto idy ; No. 2 ted July , KstiJi'c.
COII.N Options ( loll ; No. 2 mixed .Tulv , 52'J '
UACar lots , dull : No. 2 white July , 40c.
I.lM'rpoollarknts. .
Ltvr.iti ooi , . July P. WIITAT Quiet ; liold-
r nllor iiicwlnrilit v : Nn. 1 ( ) ilffornliv. 7s 2(1
per cpntiil ; red western spilu , ; , ta 7d ; No , 2
winter , Os u'JdSIs 7'zd.
UOII.N Qulot but hto idy.
CliiPlnn itl .tlurkntn.
CINCINNATI. O. , July 0. WHEAT rirm :
No. 2 ro I. 7'-c.
COU.N riris ; No 2 inlxcd. 4S'40c. '
( ) \is I'aslor ; No 2 mixed , Jl'j55c.
WlllSlvV-JI 15 _
MlnmapollsIVIuat Xlurkpt.
MI.N.NIAI'UIIS , M.nn. . Ju'y 0 WinIT Still
st tenant ; roi.olpls. . ' ) . ' c Us. Closed , July. 74c :
AiiL'u-sl , 71'iC. ' On lr ick. No. I hiir.l. 7-c ; .No. 1
iioilhi.iii , 7ti' c ; No 2 1131 thorn , ( < SIi7-'o.
Tolpil ( irilu Maiknt.
TOI.KDO , O.July 9. WiiB rDull , steady ;
No , ' cash. 8lc ,
UOUN Dull , bleady ; No Jcnsh , 5lo.
Quiet ; No 2i-.ish. .lie.
Traders' Trtlk.
CniCAno. III. , July ! l Coiiiisoln.nn .t Div
toCuekiull lima. Commission Co : '
Kols wcro all ( lull and the niitunl tcndunuy
downward , but speculators nusltiio to sell
w boat on account of the prices. Nevertheless
It K'r uliially drops uiulor future s i es of coni-
liu crops. Com steele artili ht and until thu
next crop fives butter promlso holders are
lirm and tlio market Is easily
bid up by the local bull crowd ,
Outs followed corn closely and oxhlbltu 1 a
tendency to r illy f linn thu breaks on account
of thu uncurtain piospect of Iho Krowlnr trop.
Provisions nro dull and oxiopt for muiiliiii a-
tlon would sell loHor , as stocics nro amplu for
Immediate consumption and tlio summer re
ceipt * of lio.-s nxceeil thu llbnral run of lust
soison.J iiihisu ciiiUcm In buying until
) ii Ices hnvo ruachu 1 a lowur love' ' .
CniuAdo , III , , July u I.ozan & Co to Dun-
cun. Ilulllii.'cr .x. Co. : The business In winit
today has been ll ht. Septemtiui opened ut
705ie. sold us low us "I'BO and closud at 70'iC '
bid , 'Ir.iilo h is been liitlil und thu bulk ot It
local , Our Koiuriiinant luuorl due to lay has
had rather u < li pre sui , , ' Inllneiiuu , Thuuun-
eral esllmatps am for an Iniprovumenl In the
condition of both winter nnd uiirn- , If It
COIIK-SHOWU cannot SLU unythliiK but u dull
anil dnijjtfliiB mirkct and lower prices. Wo
will hu > on la 1 0 surplus If both crops are su-
euiod and the absence of Hie foreign ili'inanil
u innot but caiiiiu weukne < H. Corn will do to
buy on ull dCLllnus of u cunt or BO ; thu crop
win bu a llKhl and lutuonu. In ontx not niueh
( loin.- . Provisions urufcloudy , some local uuy-
liU toward tin' close ORIIS.O I thu adv.inco.
cincAao , III. July lu-Konnotl , Hopkins A.
Co , to K A. MuWhoitcrI'lio bearish "Into tu-
port JHsuud iusturiluy jbu > h id a duprussliiB
effect im who it and thov suKKUStutt a hluhur
aiucl | Ibis morning. 'llJ ( prlco suoins HO low
traduis don't d are In' bu short , and thoru
coiihuiiuntly ( | hits 'been ' u full cti-n-
liu up of thu market. Hxports for
Iho week show n marked ftillln <
oir compaied with Ihc nrw\lous week , Corn
and oats wuro rathettouk , on the oxuectalloi !
of n most fuvorablo kn\ernment rupert anil
roall/liiB sales In consdliuni.o. ( { In pro\lslons
bull opur.itorsvho holrt-oltt on tlio lurxo ud-
M.IICO havu been taking buck t-onio of thulr
sinir toiluy. This .frightened bhoits nni
caused u sharp upluiiu < Jt Is ostlmnted thai
Iheiu will bu u ll.-lit run of ho.'s nuxt weeK
and It Is thought thuru.yill be u bolter murl'.e
TrudhiK In ItnrlliiKtVli unit I.oiiUtllln
thn Only I'liuinru I'ri-m-iiinil.
Niw YOIIK , July O.Tlio stock market was
UKuIn Inlitiivoly dull , and apart from the tnul
IIIB In HiirlliiBton und I.oulsvlllu. prusunted no
feature of any kind A Hrm lumper prevailed
The Improsslon rallied grounil that .Mr , Cum
mack wuscoverlnK hUsliorlsand thii'lo > ulop
orators of sinullor cullbor were anxloiu to fol
low , und Iho support thus Klvmi to the pi Ice
jireservod Its Hrmnuss until the close.
Thooxpoctutlon that fuithur unuuKcmunt
of cold would bo miidu liikt nl.-ht was dlsau
pointed and u rumor Unit the fiiithconiln
uovernniont crop report would bu tory fu > or
ab.o on corn woru Inlluontlul factors In ih
moxumant und despite the fnot that the bank
statement showed u material reduction In th
iiiiount of cash hold nh "ull us the kiirplus ro
sone , went for nothing In vlow of th
strong position of the uunks nt pri-b
out , London vm apparently u nolle
of LouliNlllo > A Naslnlllo and nt on
lime thul stock showed n loss of 1 poroun
from Its last pricoon I'r.iluy. but It romulnei
alone in wunkni'is , und othur fctockH muudll
upprucluted wliuu thuro was buslnebs unoiul
to UUUHO nuy ulmiiKe In iuotathii | at all. Th
murUut uu the whole was llriu fruu ouuulu-
close , while rot lining Its professloml char
Uovcrnmant bonds were noilccted.
Stale bonds ncBlected.
The Test s iys ; Th it Ioul < n Illo A. Nnshx 111 *
stocks hid settled down when Iho first nirrce-
able surprise over Iho smal ncs of ilivdcml
reduction was oxor.rnnnol bo sururl'lni ; . The
nnnn il statement of earnings shows a dollclt
for the year of $ ,8SAs the surplus for the
six months ondliu with December was $174Ml ,
the result of the h ilf > i" r' opcr.itlons , when
Iho dhldunl had been allowed for. musl
luivc n loss of $ 8MK aitallist n surplus of
IIIT.nnn u jeir aco. The decl.iratlon of
dlIduiuls under sui'lii'otulltlotis can bo justi
fied only by posltHo iissurantoof earnings In
the now Usual ye ir so Inr o us to more thnn
offset the vo irsdullcloiipy When there are
suru grounds for such i-xpoct illon It Is often
wiser lint to risk Injurliu the compiny's
credit throiiKh thu suspension ot dividends
and the rin < .ciiieiit | bro ik In prices for Us
stocks und bonds *
Thn following are the c'oslns nuottt'ons
for the loiidln. stocKs on the Now Voik Stock
cxehanze ted iv :
NPW York Miuicy Uuknt.
oHic. July 0-MosM-ov PAU.-r.isy
at " ® 2'4 nor cent ; lust loin , 'J per cent ;
closed oirptod ut - pnr cotit.
I'lttMB McitfA.NTii.i : I'Ai'Kit- | ' ) ' 3.11 per cent ,
STKIII.IMI lAuiiAMit-jiilet hut sti-idy at
SIM for sixty-day bills anU fl. 'i for do-
mil nd.
The closing nnotattons on bo-ids :
riimm-ml > ( itci.
OMAII\.IulyO Uio irlnis. Sl.o.'D.SOl.
1'Aitis , July 0. Three per cunt rentes Osf
KA.NSAS Ciry. Mo , July 0 Cloarlns , II.-
t' ' if | nl.
NEW OIII.BAN' , Li. , July 0. Clearings.
Nhw YOIIK. Jn'v ' 0 Clcarliu-s. ? lll.il7.S1l : :
liilnncus , Kopi.iih. ! Tor the weuk : Cloatuus ,
If 8S 1(5.I'U ( ; b ilaneos. * | i , , JI ,212
MKMPIII-I , Ten n , Ju'y ' II Now Yor't ox-
cliiur.'i' sullliu at Jl.TjJ. Cluailius , } , ! ll.ri7o ;
balances. Jl i.'iVi.
I'IIIIAIIII.I'IHA. I'.u. July 0 Clparlnss , Jll.-
U1.JIT : inei-s. JI.7U4.slJ Tor tno week.
eluirliUH , ii.l.Ia7.ll ; ea , $ J,7niij ( ,
iMonoy. . ' per cunt.
llovrov , Muss , July 0. Clo irlnss , $ | 7SVI'I7. ;
bilances , Il.dVi.H.'T Monov , 4 per cent. Kx-
ch.iiiio on Now York. 17o discount. Tor tln >
week nuirlngn. KiU'V.'Vi ' : lialinui" . JI0.4IK-
ri4. I'or thu s line w > uk last : Cloirln-J ,
II (1,101M.1 ( ; bilam-us , JR'.OA'UI. '
CiiKAno. III. , luly fl ClearliiRs. fin.SJ-
03) . I'or thu weolt. $ ) . ' . ! I74.51I. ar.ilnst Jss-llss.
foi the coriespoiidlnu week last yoir Nuw
York uxchaiiKi' . Wic premium Money plenty ,
4 HIT cunt on call , f > pur cunt on tlmn. loiulun
cxohaiuo dull ; Mxiy-d.iy bills , ( I.b7'i ; dc-
m mil , { I b.S'i. '
ST. I.ouis. Mo. Ju'y 0 Cloiirln.js , fl.S8\-
0 > * i ; bilinecs , i TiLUil. Cloirln.'s this week ,
MI. < i.1O..VU. btlnnoes. * > , ( , ( ,1.7 .t Cli-ar n s last
wto'c , ( Jl.ViS.'Dl ; b.iluiuos. * l,27iltV ) > Cloir-
tn H for the eorrpspoinlln ; week last yuar.
f J I.178,47il ; I ) il.ineeb , * . ' . I Is..fi7. .Money , 4ft I per
cent. Lxch.nuo on Nuw Yor'c. I'Oc ' piumlnm.
iivi : STOCK MAitivirs. ;
( 'iittlo ValiiDS Deiiiiinili/nil mill ruiilrk }
lines Hack to Wn.-l'j Atiilii.
OMAHA , Julv 0 Heco pis for the 'week
foot up 1.MI7 culllo , 4U.SIO lies and 1,21.1
sheep. aiialiiHl ( - , " ! ! calllo , 4 * > ,4 ( I bo/s and ' . ' . ( ll'i
Oil sluop tlio sumo week 1 islycar.
It is no ( lorn c.itt o v.ilous lluclirito us
widely and as wildly as duiliu thu p ist wi'ok.
Tno r.ip'd ' advuncJ of lusl week W H tontin-
tied Tuusduy and Wi-dnesdoy of this weuk
On Thursday them was H ro.ictlon and on I'rl
duy and Saturday pilccs went Illurallv
to Kimifch. In oilier words thcio w Nin
ad\anuo of from .Uc to Mo Tiiesiluy and
Wo Inesday ; Thursd ly's market was himily
steady nnd on I'rld ly ami Saturday tlicro
was u drop of from .U'c ' to 70c Ilutcher Htnuk
values have In u muasuro advaiiued and do-
ollnud In sympathy with beef tuttle , lint
prices nro not moru tluui lUu to I'io lowur than
hint weuk on really duslrablustuir.
Thu lunsoii for Ihusu fliiuluallons HUH In the
uncurtnliity of thu siipp'y of uatllu List
weuk thu cultlu f illud to coinu forward , not
withstanding the sharp iidMinco In vulmn
This weiik'ssiinply at nil in irkuts has buui.
oxccssho and thu result has been a
bad biuuk , I'or the Iho miirkul
days this weuk ( oveins' vo of tlio ronrih
of July , there wure.i/ moro oattlo than for
the BIX days of Inht wcoi > unil o\urOHX ( ) moro
tluui for the H.IIIIU wuuk lusl yuar. No ono
IdiortH how many uuttlu theru uro In the coun
try anil H U this fact th it makes thu mat kut
so luady to respond to uny miirkut Inureuauor
dcoruutiu In siippllus.
Thu ubovu win ulho apply to hois , While
thu ho s wuro xoliiK up , which wiis for over i
month p i t , thu ( iilaiitlty unit quulltv of the
nirurhu-s nuilo U look us If tno country WIIH
pi oily bhart ot miirkutablo block. The
heavy runs this week lud to tlio oppos'lu
belief und u brcaU of "itwus the result. Local
hoiibus , howovur , are mainly ruaponslhlu for
thu pruvulllnir low prices , as thu bhlpplmr du-
manil has nuvur biun bettur or moru aetlvu
than ul prubiwt. Tor thu Hrst wuuk of July
bhlppurs took I4.1U7 IIO.TH , or 4(1 ( purcunlof thu
unniu rocelptn. There Is u coed iindurlonu to
thu tr.ido and this bruak Is not cenurady ru-
gunlcd us pi-rmuninl.
UATTI.K I'or u baturday the supply of oat-
tlu was fr.lrlv llberil. There wuro l..IW
moru cattle hero thnn lusl Hiitiiriluy
und thu supply was miidu up almost unllrulv
of natlvo cornfoil stui'U , Iliiicra said the
ijnullly was I m 11 trim nt , but thorn wuru plenty
ofery duslrablu beuf htuurs hum Tliomni-
kut w.i.s domoralUcd almost paruly/od. Tun
thousuid Iho hundred e.ittfo in four dnys
was moro than un ulru idy uxollod und
pinlcky market could bland nnd the deollnu
of 1'rliluy wus ropenieil with Interest. Milp-
purs wuruduuldudly buarUh on ucuiinntof thu
liberal rueulpls und vury unfiivoiablu
iMBtern u'Jvlces and wt-ro not Inclined
to Invest very huavily i.oc il houves
found u\orythIuK Loailuu thulr way uuu
tnido no effort to stop It They hail no
dllllcn ty In seciirln * all the pattlo thuv
watilo I nt prices rinsln * from I'e toii'o lowur
than 1'rlduy. Prices In cencrul wore anywhere -
where from .tie to 70i ? lower than \\odticsdiiv \ ,
the iloollno bolni hoivlnst on thn coiuiiionlsli
half fat and mven stock , nnd Ic ist on the well
mature 1 bcotstoprs. riicro Isn xery Renri il
itnpro'S on tint after the present oxoltQinont
his subsided peed conned o.ittln will sell
higher , crass cittlo still lowur and Hint the
spro'iil but u con them will bo oonslderibly
wider tlmn last yo ir. I'r.idlin : WIIH on the dull
nnd dr.iBgHg or lor throughout nnd qttlto a
few c.itlio will c thnr spend tiimlny In the
pens or enjoy a trip lo Chlouio Clood to
choice 1.2 0 to l.TiIb steers sold
nt from it 0) ) to ft > 5i fair to 1:001
UK ) to l..Ml-lb stcoiM at from J.I sO
to $1 SO , with common to fulr stuir from thut
on down lo f.lV > . S-ontiMOtv fair I'tah cnss
cattle wclshliu I'Til poun Is brought f I'.V
Thu liber il supply of cow and mixed sto 'k
nn 1 the depression In bpuf oattlo values
c iiisntl ndi'cidedly weak fee liu In the m ir-
kct for butchers'iiml c iiiiierV stock. Prices
nro 10 to' 0 lower than a week n.o I'oor
to prlmo POWS and helfurs so'd at
from il.iu to $11) ) : bulls woroxtuidyto wink
at fiom } 1 M to Ji'j * . Oihcswcro pracllc illy
uiiohan.'od at from t..W to f I 75. About o\prv-
th nt In this line wis picked up befiru Iho
Thu trade In stoeKprs nnd feeders w is do id.
IIP2iilur dotlers hi\o ( | iilln n few on hind
which they aio untiblo to dlspoi'of at any
thing like s-iu'sfaeto'v prlcus. coiiseiuently ]
they lot the fresh orTuilnxs severely atono.
I'rlcos nro iioinlniiily I to 20c lowur tliiui u
wuuk tuo , Kepresent ithu sales :
No. Av. I'r. No A v. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
22 VMJI53 Si ) 10M { I SJ II ) 1J'I403
15 UHl .1 ( A 17 II"425 0. 12.M 4111
2J SV ) ill , ' , 111 10II 4 - ' > 21 1IVI 4V ( )
1 lOJll .101 2J I0.7 1.1) ) ID 1211 470
IR 1117 il b5 21 1010 4 II 31 1 < 17 4 Ti
' )7 MS il M 21) l.'IO 450 S 1HI 4 M )
IH 7.11 il h ) 7 Kill 400 31 .11.11 4bO
1 . OJi ) U S )
8'ltl'I'IVI AVI ) CTt'OIIT.
5 Off ) 3 .10 21 IXII il 0 00 UH7 4,11
1 ID ) J 50 C.l ItiU il Si 40 tl.l'i 45) )
4 100) ,15) 20 II7S 4 CO CO I2.V ) 41.0
20.0.1 il II ) 21 10II 4 OJ i2 ! II.0 4l.'i
10 115 U 75 21 017 405 110 U > 0 505
10 711 1 0) 2 . s. f. 1 S'i 1 070 2 50
20 775 IU 111 MO 1 IK ) 2 10.15 253
lOi 115 3 .1111 2 UJ 14 llll 250
l 7 I l * > 7 8.M 200 ! > IOIU 25) )
071 1 n 10 sill 0) ) 1 Kill 21)5 )
> ( 1 r. 2 8 IJ 2 00 3 10. ' I 2 70
SO 775 12. ) 7 . Ml 2 < > 0 4 111)7 ) 2 7" >
" . 810 1 2-1 5 8l"i 210 ill ( Us 2aJ
1 ( HJO 125 8 WiJ 2 I2' ' { 1 1170 2 8"i
2 Sil 1J , ( i Sl | S n 1 .11- ) 2 si
5 7IS 12.1 II ' .ICI 2 2" > II S57 2"i
2 . ill , ' ) 1 25 2. . SI"J -J- , I 1071 .10)
I ! WO 151 2 1I7J 225 1..1IS ) 310
I ! > ; i I M 1 SD 2 21 C . 8H .1 10
J llll * . 1 50 8 10SJ 2 4J 1. H7J .110
li ) 811 1 ( V > 2 10SI 25) b HI" ) 310
I Ml 175 17 10J5 250 1..111J J 10
0. . tOJ 1 8.-
21 TO ) 1 40 1 , C7J 2 . 0 2 0113 00
1 4'IJ HVJ 2. . 040 273 3. . OJ.1 300
7 . C.'l I 50
15 102 250 I 22) ) il M 1 . 151 4 ' 'I
11 211 3 2' > 2. . 1(0 ( 400' 3. 2Jfl 475
10 Ul J 50
2 130 150 3. 1VO ) . ' 00 1 1740 201
1 1 1,0 1 50 1 Ul ) 2 UO 1 1170 .10)
1 110) 1(1) ( ) I..14W 2 2"i a 17. I 310
1 1270 175 1 .1120 250 1 IsOJ il IS
1 HIJ 1 7"i 1. I Ull 250 1 1GGO .125
2 1000 1 73 1 ll-n ) 2 S3
1 , < 170 2 00 3 . OKI 2 C5 1. . 0 0 2 75
1 U.O 2 50
No. Av. I'r.
01 steers . I.T.I JI'J * .
lions Thu supply was thu he ivlustln oxor
n month and thu quality In rathur
lomnion Conditions weru much ihu b inio as
on lilday. Milpp us orders weio
Thov took oor 8.000 hois or more th in two-
thlids of thu enllru frcbli ruculpts. bhlppnrs
MirttU In piyhu * 34 * > t ) J > 0 fol ( toud niu-
dliini .ml hoixy weight ho s mil chok-o
lights I'ai-keis bid fi 13 to" > 40 on exurytlilnK.
boilers could h.irdlv see Ibeii w iv elo ir to , iu-
ceptlnn lOc lo 5'di-jllno and ihctridewm
\ pry dull. I'p to U o'clock los" than h ilf of
thu liOO hos on sale hud chancu I
h tntls. but thu Hun olosu to pio\lslqiH
anil the uirlv il of liber il fresh hliliu | | or
ders unlh une 1 thu ti ulo ( .onslilui.iblc , anil It
did not t iku loiu to up tlio enllrosnp
plv , tno nrirkut closing llrrn ut the doc-llnu
Onu prime ho ivy lo ul broiuht $5 ( > l and eom-
inon bluir sold as low as fto. . but tlio hU bu k
of the s lies wuto at friini t" > .40 to 3 > .4 > nc-ilnst
$ > 4" > to { 5 ( " > I'rld iv , thu iuiiui il iixorl''oof
prlc-us ] i ild buliiK t'i 4. " uu.iliibt $1 "il'j l'i Iduy
nnd j' > 4Ji last S.itnril.iy , Itupreaentalhu
H lies :
No. Av Sh. I'r. No. Av. Ph. I'r.
4 . 3.12 40 $5 25 TI . . . .211 2JOi4)
HI . 1SI 3J ( fi iW 7 * . . . 2IS ' . ' 0) 540
72 . . . .217 ill ) .1.1) hi . . .32J 410 540
"A . . . .OS M S . / ) 7S. . . I'K ' ) 210 540
87 . . .101 3. ) 1 30 T3 . . .2.8 1(0 ( .140
K ) . . .207 WO 515 M . . . .218 .Ul 544 ! '
hi . . .27 H ) fi 15 07 . . 211 2 0 54. $
80 . ,2il 200 .1.1.1 3' . . . ll 4) B421'
.11 220 240 .1.13 TI . .2111 210 fiVJ'J
TI . . .2.3 bl fi .13 hi . . . . SIS 2b > .14. ' ,
. " .II TO . 214 ICO fil.'i'
T ) . . . .SB 12i ) " ,
TO . llll 20 J .131 Ul . . .211 M 542i ,
( i1 . 2JO 2)0 ) .1.11 Gl . . . .241 10) 512'i '
' Cll . . . 2J40 . ' '
SI . .171 'Ul .l-il . - fi4.'J
71 .211 2)1) ) ) 531 M . . .214 K1J 541
7 ? . . ' 02 10) ) 3.15 70 . . .2li ) 100 ii 4 >
r.l'M LKn r , .15 TI . 2.M L'JO 541
5 10
.1 40
fi 40
fi 40
fi 4) )
fi 40
5 40
fi 40
.1 40
fi 40
fi 41
fi 4) )
4 40
fi 40
fi 40
fi 40
fi 40
fi 40
fi 40
.1 40
fi 40
fi 4)
fi 40
.1 40
. .270 01' 3 . . .ilS-'l 210 525
T.iurn WIIH conllnuod weakness In thu ninr-
kut for bu ny hoxx. Thu duiniind ran piln-
clp illy to lluhl woU'hlK i.nJ whllo ( ho latter
wuro sa'oihlu at steady prlcus Ihu foimer hud
to uo5u iiittur. Thu dumiind for coo I llt-lit
wulifhlx uxcepilod thu v ipply. Trading wild nt
from M 41 to V > 83 foi poor to prlmii liunv v nnd
iiiu.llum wulvhlu und from tl.40 to (1.0 J for
fnnuy llirht.
I'rfci s lomhoop and lambs were without Im-
lioit ml chniu'o ( Jooil stuir W H hvari-u mil
llrm and thu oir Kr.idim uuiu no lowur than
buforo , TlioriiiiH'o of iinot itlonn was friini
ll.oo lolO oo for common to uholcu kluup , unit
fro-n jl.21 to7.m for liin.ln. Unll fclieop hold
as low as from t.'O lo ttUU , and uull lambs at
from $ l.21loi.l.Tl.
UoculplH wuru : Catt'c , 5.00 r , ho B , 17,000 :
hill UP. ' . ' ,000.
Kiir.i.i' Oltorln-'H consisted of purl of u Imd
ofury common mUud n ithcs and homu hold-
uver < . Kvurylhlnx no d at price * hto. idy at
thu rccont duullnu , I , u. lOu to i : > c. lowur tlitin
hut wuuk. Kuir to i-'ool iininos 4 5)ft.1oo
fair lo a oed wcsloros , jl7' > fti V ) ; com mini anil
hlock bhuep. f'.Mjil.inj i-ood lo choice 40 lo
W-lb. lambs , tl WUU.0. HopiCiontutlvo
No Av Tr
1 buck . Ill ) tl CO
40 mixed iiuthos . 81 .100
6J mUuU natlvcB . t > 7 3 .5
ItoculpU unil DHpoilllou of Mock.
OHIclal rucolpU and dUposltlon of utook us
suowii by thu buukii < jf thu Union block Vurdv
cnmpiny for the twenty-four hours ending at
fto'olo-kp mInly n , IS.U :
llcnl Cnri llrm Cnr I llrnd.
ll.'l 3.M1I II.Ml 4(1 ( S M
Chip tgo l.ltn Stork Mnrknt.
rinc\no. Ill , July 0. ISimol'il TolojMii to
Tin : IIKKTho oittlo mirUoi was InictUo
ted n v nil i very weak. Thn fresh and tile ro-
relpHi'oinb'no I in uln n supply of I..OJ' , whllo
the doin in Id d notoall fern ilf th it nuinber.
Snips worn s'ow , iinovon nnd Konprilly a
llttlo lowrr. llnyurs nro nnllplp it ng lure
rt'i-plpts for Mundny. null they were liullflor-
ont iinoiit liivnsllnt ox-opl nt prlfps of tholr
o TII in iUi > Onotntlons r.itiKod from $1 M ) to
M.V > fill IMliulturi \ anil bulls , t.'Alto tA 8- >
for stooUers mil feeder * . $173 to tJ 7 for common -
mon ovti'i shipping mid drossol beef t or ,
and from * l 7" > to i.OO forTnxnns.
Tin I'.vi'iiln , ' lonrnal ropnrts !
t'liTi.h-ltoi'olits | , S.'Od houl ; Rhlptnonts ,
nouihiMd ; lower : iiHtlios M llit % ' I'ltMins ,
$ . ' . 01 sj ; stookors. . >'i ( : rows. $1 ( I ft7.X !
Ilo is-llei'olpls. 17.000 ho id , shipment' .
" ( mi houl : in irUol slnw , Mjl e louoi , ro'Uli
and ponimoii. J\u : > ! lt.\4n : mix oil an < pieKers.
fi 4Viuilj ( ( pritnn ho ivy nnd butchers' weights ,
SMIIKI' Ui'culms. ifljj hond ; shipments ,
l.noiheud : in iriiut Htroni ; lo blither , natUi i ,
JI'ilBI''li f j.'J.ViiVl.bO : grass weMortu ,
Jl 8s Iamb&lAii 7.IO.
St. l.nult I.Uo Stock Mtirlu't.
ST.jl.oiMs , Mo.July 0. OATTI r Itecolnts.
I.OIJ 1'uid : shipments. 2noo hi > al ; market
sto id } i fair to coed natlvu steers , $1.5ittl,70 ;
Texas stci-rs , mo Hum toduslrablu , * 1'yitl SO ;
cannt > r < , i ! i'tbM.
Iloils-lt.H'clpls. 2.055 head : shtpnients , 2 , RO
IIP id , in.irkct bnruly stundy ; lair to ticst
hu IN v. ? * < liiit" > 7t ; niixnd. mo Hum to Kood , * > . .IO
( i/il ( h- > : light , fulr to ' cst , ( t 4 I5S5 b5.
Knur.lKiMplpts. . 2.07i ) hijad : RhlpiniMils , 503
ho ul. mostly Ummih Tox.ins ; market steady ;
good Tusans , M 7Ti5tl.75.
Kansas City l.lvii Stock Mnrliiit.
KVSSAS ctry. Mo. July 0 f\Trii lie-
pelpls , t0t ) ) ! shlpnicnls. , lIOJs steers woio
dull und lower at $15 < ul.85 ; cows stonily nt
JI 75BH.7" ) . feeders firm at M0ll.i"i ( ; Texas
sU'ors stuidylowuik to lOo lower uli8 > O
llO's-U-colpts , B-'HO : Hhlpniunts. 41))0 ) ) :
market was filrly actlvo an 1 st < > i ly to Ae
lower ; all gr ides , $ . > OJai.TiWj ; bulk , $15045 bO.
Slllll'l' Uocelpts , 1,0)0 ) ; alilpmi'iiH. 10) ) ;
thu market was nominally ito.uly , miiltoni ,
{ I.s5 ; lambs , ? 50J.
V.I fit.I .ft TICK * .
Trinity Cathedral , iizhtoontti street nnd
Capitol UACIIUO Very Hov. C. 11. Gardner ,
dean. Holy communion. 8 a. in , Similar
schoul , It. 15 u. in. : morning prayrr. lltnnv anil
sot mon , 11 u in. : ovculng prayer nnd ser
mon , 7.45 p in.
Cllltou Hill Haptlst MUsloi street
and Mililat v nvonuo. I'roachtni : sorvlco at
11 a. in. Prayer mooting Tuo < daovonlng
nt S p. m. Ko < idonu > of Clifton 11111 nnd all
strangpfs wolcomo.
( "ontinl Unltod 1'roibytorlan Church 113
North Seventeenth stroot. Kav. John Wil
liamson , D D , pastor. Services ut HI . .ID n.
in. and b i ) in Sibbuth school at 12 m.
Young people's mooting nt 7 p ill Subject
of moniltiif sermon : "Tho Soul's Feast , "
and of ovonlng , "Consecration. " bui'ramont
of the Lard's S.ippar at ctoso of inotning
sur vl co.
Firt Baptistchurch , corner Fifteenth nnd
Davenport --troets. Dr. Woodruff will oc
cupy thu pulpit morning and evening. Ser
vice ? at lu..tun in. nnd at 8 p. m. Sunday
school nt IU in. and ilf JO p. in The regular
pr.ior mouting of the churoli uvoryVoiino3 -
duv ovcnini ; nt 8 o'cUck. The youn pee
ple's prayer mooting every Friday oveuln g
nt 8 o'cloi'k.
\Vestmlnstor liobytorlanChurch -
ly-ninth and Mason stroots. Tno pustor ,
Hov. John Gordon , U.IX , will preach at 10:31) : )
il. m , on "Gou as a Thinner. " There will bane
no evening ervico. Sunday school at 13 m.
Meeting of Young People's Society of
Christian K.idenvor nt 7 p. in.
Immanuel IJ iptlst Church Norlh Twenty-
fourth tinu lliuncy streets KJV. F. W.
Foiler , pastor. Hugular services at 10i'J : ; '
a.m. and b p. m. Morning Ihoino : The
IHst of. "Four Sarmons on Social Problems
Solved by Christ's Psrablos" ( solllslrioss ) .
lOvoiung theme : "Tea Minutes With Solo
mon. " Curing July ana August tno ovonlng
services will bo but forte-live minuloi long ;
Iho popular ana instructive "ton-mhiutos
sermons'1 will Do preached as on othorsum-
mor evenings in Ibis church. Our room is
cool und fanb for Iho free use of our congre
gation will uo in oichcnair. faund.iy school
ut 1" m. Young people's meeting nt
7:15 : p. m.
Cyntha Christian church , -CHS Nicholas
8treot--Jo < .oi > h Shields , pastor. Servicoa nt
l)0 ( ) : ) a. m. and 8 p. m. Young 1'uople's So-
cletv ol t tiriitlnu Undoavorat 7:1. ) p. m.
Sund iv school nt 13 m. Morning suuject :
" 1'ho Coil For Which Wo Itvo. Evening
subject : "i'ho Huildora Kojeclud. " Buptlr-
ing after the evening sorvloo.
Unitarian church , Savuntoonth and Cuss
streets List service before varution.
( 'reaching in the inoinlng by the
minister , Kov IMowtnn M. Maun , Sun
day school at lli o.rlock.
People's church , on Kfghtaanth street bo-
twcen California mid Wobiler-Preaching
at IU : , ! ) .1. m. and 8 p.m. Pastot , Kov.
Charles W. Savldgp. Subject In the morn
ing : "Our Slus Affecting Others. " Subj.-cb
in thu ovonlng : "Ilypocrlloi " Soils frco.
Sunday school at " : ! ! U p. m.
Cllftou Jill Sundnv gt'hool corner
Clifton street nnd Military loud , evoty
S'i'iday nlH p in. Clisscs to suit all ages.
You 111 ; pioplo earnestly Invited to como.
Clifton Hill Presbyterian Church - Corner
ol Clilton street and Military road.
Services at I p. m. ftlr. Ccrniihin. graduatn
of Jiellovuo college , will conduct the services
on Sunday lint. Kvoiy ouu will bo gladly
At St. Mary's Avenue Congrozntlonal
Church Sermon by the pastor at 10 , ' ! ) a. m. ,
Ills concluding sermon preceding vacation
vlsil of the pastor to his former homo. Topic ,
"Seeing the Father. " Other service * as
First Presbyterian Church Seventeenth
and Dodue stroots. Koguliir Hcrvlcca at
( ) : ! ! a. tn. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
ui * iiuuii. luuii ) , i uuJtu a . wuiubjr Ul v ui la-
tlun Endeavor mooting ut 7 p. m. Pulpit
supply for July 10 , Itov. George ICuox of
Monticcllo. , lud. , who preached on last Sab-
Church of the Good Shepherd ( Episcopal ) ,
corner Twcnllulh und Ohio streets. J. P. IJ.
Llwyd , rector. Sunday school nt ! ) ; l5n. m.
Morning service , 11 n. m. Sermon to Die , "A.
Chilli ol Passion. " Evening sorvlce , b p. in.
Set mon topio , "Tho Expectant Creation , "
Seitl-s frco at nil.
Suwiird Save I Methodist Episcopal Church
Corner Suward und 'J'wenty-socoiid stroots.
Kov , I ) Clendonnlng , prLsfaliii ; uldor , will
preach lii Iho morning and lulmlnlstur the
Huciainont of the I-.oi-d's Supper. In the
evening the pastor , Kov. II. A Ciuno , A.M. ,
will pioncli on "What JokU < liuKun i'o Uo. "
Free billings. Evnrybody welcome ,
Trlnltv Methodist Episcapil Chinch Cor
ner Twonty-lirfit and Hliinoy ( Kounl/o
Pliico ) . Kuv. W , 1C. lioana , pastor. Preach
ing it 10iO : : n in. utid 8 p.m , bul/ect mornIng -
Ing , ' 'Prophecy ntrl llhtor > , Concri'l Conference -
foronco Echoes ; " nuujDot evonl.ig , "Uuy-
Hide l.ossoiib : A Trip to the Coast. " Sunday
school nt 1- in , , J T. KobliiHon , nupurln-
tondoiit. Junior longiio ! ! p in. E | > wortti
league 7IJ : ! p.m. All Keats free. All made
Flrii Methodist Episcopal Church--Twon-
tletli nnd Davonporl alrcotn. Kov. P. S.
Murrill , ID. , pustor. At 11 a.m. Kov.
George iillott , D. D. , of Wushinglon , U. C. ;
nt b p.m. Ur. iCIllott. Sabbath school at
JiUa.m. : :
St. Mark's hvangolical Lutheran Church-
Corner of Twonty-llrst nnd Hurdultuitroiits.
Kov. J S. Deiwullur , I.It. , pastor. Services
ut 1UU ; a.m. una U p.m. Morning bormon ,
"Abiding In Uovo. " Evonlni ; uur.non , "Uo-
coived by Appouruncei. "
Or.ico lOvuiigollcal Lutheran Church
Tw only-sixth slruol between I'opplolon ana
Woolwoith uvunuos , The pastor , Kor.
Luther M. Kuhn * . will proacli at 11 u. in.
on "Cure for Lonelinuii , " and ut 8 p. m. on
"Tho Preaching of the Cross , "
FiNt Univer.ialUt Church Corner Nine-
toiiiith umiLothropstrouts. Kuv , W. FranUlIn
bmlth , pastor , Sorvlcos nt0r \ ; \ < im. . and
7:15 : p. m. Sunduy school ut 1'J m. Young
People's Christian Union ut 7 o. iu. boat'
frco. All are wolcomo.