THE OMAHA BAILS * BEE : VV-EDN'ESIUY , JULY 0 , 1802. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat Dull with Fluctuations ConGned to Narrow Limits. CORN WAS DUIL AND LOWER FARLY HOB I'rnilurU Opnud Higher on tlio Sin ill llcLclpts mid mi Ailxiimo rfii tlio 1'rlco of Mm Hogs 'it ' tlio CHICAGO III. . July -Whcit xvas dull today nth llni'ln ilioni to'iflncd to aimtioix riiiKO iinil the c os nt unclmnjcil for ccitaln com- jiirUJiisxxlth ' iturd ly's last flguuH , but 'to liUlior for Julv. The opening for July xxnsal 78\o aRalnst 7 'Je ' .it the close of Saturday nnil H-iiteiiibiT 78o to 7J < o against 7-8e. * Cables \voro not \ory Inllucnll il and showed lltUoi'liniiL'o to Kiullsh markets lliou-'h Her- lln received n f ilr adiunc. . The aino Hit on. ore in tiisa i o shotted a doureaso of . ' ,07VI"0 for the xxeok. but this wns no irly olivet by tlio line wo ithor , which was goo'l exoiyxxlieie , und fi\orihlo crop reports nhloh xxero re- Iiorttd. Trido xxas excessively dull and narrow and the foirof the Hutch bill continued tooxert u iloirc | sltu Inlluciico on speculation and l > o t the bulls In tie ! bicKKrouml , although the nrlcr wns RUIK rallv lo aided is too low to win rant much h immciln. ! br the bo Hi. .Inly na-'ccd oir to T8'6c and 'opt < nibi'r to 'if. In- tllan shlunieiits lust XMokvcio rt pot toil ut j.riuu ( ) > ( in , xxiilch was iidiuliti d to bo pu-tty fnlr. LOUS ! ici ilia the f ict Unit .i ill llcli in x of 7(1 ( OJUOU bu. tlicio had been to iccoiitly ic- tlllltlll Iliu strength In prox slons unil the sharp upturn In lorn iftoi the opoiiin , ? tin illy KHX o him o stun. th to xUic it and tl oin was i tally of ill-ally 'ic. tlio ( U-cio iso In the \ Is lilo sup- jny iinllii. somewhat and tindiiu to help tliu inirlut Tinniiiiktl \v isquli-t and c is > dur- Ini ; the last hour , \\ltb an upturn no n th" Liid , closliu at tl c top. ( orns is dull nnd lower cirly , Inllnpii'ol liy line utatlur nnd the \\oiKiu-ss In who it v Hi tlio nhsinco of trulo , and iitlysiks vrt ro tiinilu at adoetlno of inirly 'jo fioni b.itnidaj'H i-lo o Hut tindl < p itches anil Kttiis liejaii to nrilxtriportln irop picis- Iii-cts as qnlto unfmoi ib o and the mitkit paliiul strength The bn\liunas shaip. led uj bob \tiii IDII pee , and lliuo bo 111 ; bnlllttlo for H ili\ .in nih iiicuof \\usquitkly toiod , und most of It \\iis held for a consider iblo tlmo. Thou the m irl.ot s i cd olt on free fiolilnfi ouln f to the Intro iso In the \lslbUi biloplv , but rallloil a alii neai the mil and piosfilat tlio top \\ltb an advance of Uu 10111- 1 > led with iMttuidav. Oils syinpatlil/ul with corn , closing with an bdxnni.ii of ibout ' < c. llo products opened hlnhi r on tlio sinill re ceipts mil an adxiiiKoof from 1 > c to . ( Icon the of llxo horfh .it tbo y n ids ? hoils toxprcd rrulj t-arl > , but thcro was. frtc re ill/ln latei , cd liyV light , and tliu niaiKot leiictcd. Ni-ar the close , howoxi-r , aloni : xvlth oxotx tiling else. provisions adx.uiLcd to outsldo llgures and clnsLil linn to stroiu . Hstlin itcd roi elpts for tomorrow : Whcit , nm cars ; coin , U cats ; oats , 77U catdi ho s , 7.000 hold. Tno loadlnz futures riinzod as follows : No 2 Jtil ) * 7Sti ) 7SH 78' < " - "I i inbc-r 76H07bl 7S COIIN No 2 78'M'l .luh /Mltllst M'l ' , hi ptci ibi r 6J > S OATH No i July Hi pti-iulicr ItlsH I OIIK .liil > n r , II 8'i 11 70 11 SO * -i ptLinlir 11 'KJ u uu 11 b5 uou Ji'lin Jill ) 20 7 10 7 ! 0 * 1 It in lit r ; , ) . < ; 7 o5 7 15 Bin-iir IIIIIH- July in 7 10 7 M .V ) Cash iiiotatloii9 | xxcro as follows' I'lot'ii Numliuillv nntlriiuud : winter jut- Mits. ( I ' 'OU4 4i : xvlntLi stnlts , tlTi/TOMD , frpiliiKpiitentt. . \ \ l rci rospilu ; htialls , tl ; i © i 10 : biKois1. J.I OL J.I.7' , \\lliCAT-No 2 snrlii ) ; , TS'oC ! No J sptlnu , 74ft.7tc' ; No 'J red. Klc. I'OIIN MUber ; No . ' .r > l'cNo ! .1 yellow , Me ; Ko. 4 , .ISii ! 0c. OATS No J , JtyejNo. ixxlille.ayjICc ; No 3 Tthltu , .IIHtic. lUi No . ' , 7"ic. HAIIIM No 2 , ( Me : No 4 , f o. b , 34OJ\c. ) l'i.Asi rii No l.Sloi'j. TIMOTIM si I'll 1'rln i' , * ! C701 11 I'IIHK Mess , pti bbl.ll 77'sltll snj lard , per IfO Ibs. JT.yi . - 'i ; short I Ins Hides ( loose1 , 17 VJ'ifliT.'iV div s ilttd shoilldeis ( I o\c < l ) , tiill < iM.5. ! ? > ; hliott cloiii hldis ibo\od ) , $ " . ' < . \ \ int-K Distillers' llnlsliLil ioo ; la , per ual. . fl r > builAiis I'licbanpcd : cut loaf , 4'8 < 2"i'1ac ; gr inuliitod , 4Vto , stand ir 1 "A , " J cIte Ito olptH inu sliipmcnts today uoro as fol lows : On thu Produce etch uuo to.l.iy tliu butter > niiil < ot xxns iincban cd : eniinoiy , I'.ifl'Ui ; ; d.urlcs , Nnxv in It Nr.xx Yoitic , .lulv > 1'iouit lioc-olpts , : iOI7 jKts j cxuoits , U''i ' > il bbs ! , ' . ' 0,111 sacks ; dull. lie vv : M iles , isiu ) , bids. \ \ HI.XIItccolnts , .rfil.IOJ bu ; i-\poits , U4.7r > bu ; htilis S.D.i'uu ' uu of futures , lllj.tOU bu of spot put dull , lliniLi , N'o. " red. l > "c In oloxator. b7'ki ; ulloxt. ' ' , o f. o. h ; No. " rid , bb'ic ; initialled red , 7ii1iriil-"ic | ; No I' noilluin hi'iifessi. ' , No I nnil. ui'iC'ltiu ' ; No V not them , wWiklv No JChlc.iKO , N'l'ifif.'sl cj No. J MllxxanKee , sui , jsiej | No ,1 spiln , ; , r-P'.o ' ( ( pilous doilluid J0o on account of an liu ro M ) In the I imllsh hiiplv | xxtth lurxo 1m- poits Into tlio I nltuil Ixliudom , Iliero u so fixonblo crop inports rrom this pruo idxiinccd ti'so on a decri aso In the xlslblo supply , a diuuMso In amount ( n nassn.cUiilo private c.ibiiis xu-ro honor 'Jhoiln'O xumMiMily uid tin hinged to 'jO ' up. No 'J.Iuly , M closln.'atbd'uC" August , Ki iNliCftdl-K.1. oiiHliuut Ni'nc : boptuiubcr. Hi 11 lliC'bl l-Ho , closing at bb'.o ' ; Oetobor , b7d > b7 * e , olosliu at b7' c , Dctombci , b'l ' ® O'uc ' , eliihlnp nt b'Hic ; Maj.dsj'i ) 01 Vii - . i : Qiilut , inoxnlarxustern ; , S ptool.H of KI iln In stout .mil ulloit Jul } J \xleit. I.II.IIO liu : corn. 517,070 hu suits , ' . ' ) ' ' . . ' bu . J7.i'J bu. i''H.iN'n : tyo , .8,4.'J ; b.irloy , , ) ; in ill , . ' 1,141 liu ; piIH , il , ill ) 1m. MAI.T Qnlot. Coits-IEoculpls , 07.410 bu , ; exports. 39,0'8 bn , : sales. li7UdO bu of fuluics anil U'l.uOO ' bu of spot Mint flimcr. itilot | ; No. „ ' , fiU's 'iUc ' In oluxator , Mi'.dtl.lo ' . alloat ; ungraded mlved , 6Yillt ( > , Options docllned on e iHlor eahles , iidxance-d 5 ullio and closed linn at 'u'/il'io up on xxcl xxc-.ithor In the northxxest : July , f.7aett 7''ic , ulnslni ; at We ; Aucust , 'i'i'iii ' Vi c- , closing at .V\u. simtemlmr ril O O'ic ' , clualn,1 ut filP.c i Outiriu-r. ftV4WVi'4B ulolhu'iii ftV OATHIlecolpts , .17 , Ml I bu ; oxpoils , 1,101 llll ! SlIc-R , 4III.UUO llll Of flltlllC'S lllll lUllOODll. til spot. hnotatroiiKor , ( in el. Opt out moilpr- nteiy acllvo. lirmii ! .fiily , , lsJ4c- . closing at lbJo ! : Aiuilhl , .W'sCi-IH'iC , c-losliu ut , lso ; r-up- teniber. M'lQ.rTo , closliij ! at . 'J.'it1 : So ' . ' vxhltc , 81101,401,0410 : mUcd xxehtern , .17 ® tl'ie ' ; uiilm western. Jli44"iJici No 'J Unlougu. .Ci'iC. llAOiilct. . lloi'H liiiil and steady ; state , common to choice , Ilfc-'Je : l nolllc blopo. H-Jo "w. blHiAii U in btt-ady and iinlet ; n lies tu I'lilliululpbla of > lil tons of iniiscoxMilo , Ul test , at J 1-Kio ; WU tons of ecntr fn.'iils , IK ] test , ut .I'ao ' ; lellncd sleidv but qnlia : No . ,1 ] A-IUo ; No. 7 , il'io : No I. ' , , lli-lwa.l ll-lloi No J.i.JA-1 ftiT-ICoi oil "A. " 4' ei mould 'A , " < 'iu ; st indiiid "A , " 49i@Hiu ; tonfeutlonerii' "AV , " 4'4c ; Rruniilntud , 4J , < ai , c ; mbos , 4JS s TonilKii iinlet atlO'iuj ' N'ow Or- H , dull and htuud . Uiui. I'alrly actlxo and firm. IM riioi.i DM btuudy. United closed 5Jo for All.llht. . HorniNSi ruOii , Qu'et nnd htoidy ; ciudo , C i- : jul o\x..Mii.l.'c. \ TAI i o\x Dull ; ulty if,1 forpk.'s ) 4\c. KHUN Qule-t a mi stonily. 'limirM-iMs Siund ) iii.VVttl } 4. Ldllri I alily active : cliolio Him ; western , jiooi to prime. ItUlbc ; rocolpts , il , ; BIII.KD. llinih-lhillbutiiti-iKly , \\ooi.-Htuud > i doinesllu Ileeco , K SJ.M'iO ' , jnillid.iUjS : 'ovl'o\iis. ; 17 . " .V. 1 * UK IllKhor , iinlut : old IIII-SB. ili.ftjOr..M , cxti'i lirlmiK'll dM..M ( . \UAi8-\\i.nteil : hlKhprpickled ; bullion. PCS hams , UMQI.'o : middles , hlche-r : bhoit id ur. llunrit- Quiet , infsott'od : xxesiern dalr > . dMU'i xvi-Htirn cio i m tu y , loui' c ; x\e-bturu fuetory. 1 muo ; 1.1.In , 'Uif. ( 'lifi t - ( > ulot , omy ; p irtBklms. ' . " ,7Jflo. I'm Inns -Qirot , mo idvi , jlU.'i Coi'i-fii-Diill : Ixke , ill 4i < i4ll.W. LUAii-I'lim ; domostle. * 1 li 'icl i > . TlN btu..dyintril > hti'.KI.llKij.-j.5J. N xt York l > rj tiiitiiUMiirliit. . Ni : > x VOIIK , July ft. Iho drxpoods mnrUot rcoiu-iiud xvlthout mneli huniu fium liibt x ; nol/8 floii' . but linpinvcd during the day. ( iiiodu.iio pom-rally xxi-ll noli ) up , Incliidlui ; prints , of whkh tbe-ro are ( ir.ictlually no b'.O.'kB. _ \\onl Market. Mail. , July 6. JJeutand ttoudy nU tnirk tnrtuj Ohio X sells qnlto fruol.v nts'os XX nnd iibmc. S JDc : territory xxoc > ls In de mand ut VnlU o , tlcan for line und line mv dliinu. 6Q'i t for medium , Totas xvools sell ing wc-il and pulled \xools In fulr rcnuv t nt prnX'lotH prices. Australian xvools linn and In Kood demand , xvools iti | ot , Oiniiliit I'rodnii ) Mnrlii't. ItiTTTRit-IMcklint sioe-lf. If peed , Il'f7,1e : small lots of p\tri cholco stock to retail trade , lS < an . Uin itlltl1- ! California , J5OVM.23 ! liomo groxn , st'areo alf. W pcrdriwor. I'i At IIK C illfornbi , $1 7' ' TOXUTOIitouiliorn , $1 " > > 3I 7 > per case of 4 linfiKi-ls Al'lltrorR Cillfornln. ? l 7"iJOa l.l xi ixs ( holer , i . ' Q&n ft i ; fancy , Ji.OO O \NOI. < c'allfornl i , fl "O8I 7 * > . Ill AC.KIICItIllr.1 ? ) li. UASi-iiUtnim lllae-Ic , $110 ; red , quarts , fl 60 O'lO1 ! : rod.'plots { . ' J I'l.tMH-Callfornla. ? . ' 2r.2 30. I'i Alls-Half boxes , Jl 73. lUNANAs Sl-arcP. , 1'orATOts New , suarco : southern slock , 22i 2'io ' peril ) . ( AiiliAur Home prown , Olc per do- I'iUlTiltiood old hcn . 7nt7'40 ! roosters , ftcs elilil.i'ii' . \\eiKi I , tJ M'iJ.1 W MHONS-Wntoiinolons tier 100 , $ r > OD ; toloupis { 'no nurdoz 1 ( insHie marUi t x > as voiy llirhtly sup piled uixliu to the suspension of sliipmcnts on Jil > 4 un this account tlio market took xxhat Is lll > i'l > to liconly a tenipor.iry spurt and snld up to 1 "t3.1 lo. llltn.s , UTI No 1 urco'i hides. He' : No. 1 Krion s-ilte I lildos. l e : Noi \ ureen s ilted hides Ui4iNo I rrceu hilled hUlo . ! i > to 10 Ibs , fc , No Jiirei'lisilti-d Hides. Ji to 40 Ibs , S"icNo : I xoil cilf , bto I" ) Ibs.ui : : NoSxi-il cilf. K to rlln 4e : Noldrj Hint hides. 7e : NoJdrj Hint hideV , N'o 1 dry salted lililcs , 'ifS'le. ' rihecp oMts Ulcon silted o ich. .I"'C@ II.S'i ; Kli-cn salted sbonil IIRS ( short xvooled ouiv skins ) , uaeli. 1 Q.-'V. dry si oiilin s ( hort xroo o i eaily sk nsi. No I. o ich , iO10c ! ( liyvhi'iiilliijs'fshoit woolcd call } aklns ) No ' . ' , oaili , fies div Hint Kuiisis and Nouriski butcher \xnol uoltt , | > ( * r Ib , ti titllwol'ht I "i 14'-i ' ; div Mint Ixnns , is and NohrasKa mini iln xxoul pi > ts HIM Hi , iietu il xvo Rbt. biJI.'o- diy Mint Co 01 ido butcher \xnol pelts , peril ) , , 1 ® l"iC. drx Hint Colorado iiiuir tin xxool pelts , pe-t Ib , actil il xxol ht , Mi lOo , dix pli-tes and Inu-Us aetual xxeUht. 75i 10 Tiillnxx und Ore ISQ Tallow , No 1 , ( ® : tilloxx , No i' . © . .l'4iL're ' i-o , xvhlto A , .l'4o ere i bex > h'to ' II , PIC ; cto ise- . yellow , .10 ; iii-asc. dark Jc , old bnttei , J' e : bcusxxax [ irlnio. lon.'jc , loiiKh ttllovv , I'/ii-'o ' St. l.ouU Marki-ts , ST Louis Mo , July 3 Pt.ouu Dull anil nncli HiL'i il , UllKVT-dpinid he loxxot. then r illledc , then iloi Hi oil later mil sold ' 8o to'4o nboxo ' itiirdnv ; c-ish. 17V- : July CIOMII .it'T'.fii Ti gi'i Aiiirust , Tb'vi ' ; fceptcinbei , 77e , October , 741,1- . OOIIN Sold off ' 4c to IBC . then reacted and c-.osed 7iC to le ttboxu b mild ij ; ciiHlf , Hie ; lull closed ut 4lp'ac ' : bnututnbct , 4llli4l4t.J c. Oils i'isi. ) loxvi r it , ' - , options hlsrhor : Julj. 11'nC , August and fct-ptember , .U'jC. lilt x.vI'lrnicr ut bKiiOl'sc- . MAX l > uilj prilrle , tr.5)000 ) ; timothy , $ I0011J U' ' . 1,1 ui-riim : $ lo\ llt'iiLit-cjulct : ere.imcry.l032Gc ; dairy , 12 ® Hie. Hie.Tdds Hotter at 1 Ifll l'ic ' ( OKNXi'Ai.-bti idy nt * , ' 10(323' ( ) . \ \ nisicx steady at $1.15. I'nox i IONS 1 Inn , Po K l.'oo foi ne\x , $11 10 for o'.d. lAiiii-llUhernt $ ( .110 Duv bAt.r Jli ATS 1,00 = 0 shoulder1 : . JflSO : loius and ribs , i77 > . Bborls. $7.b7'i ; boxed lots ilomoro : bacon shoulders. WS7' : loncs and illis. JJ Mj shorts , { S7" > ! su iii cured h.ims , ill WSI.'OI. KlCKll'TR-l'loiir. 0.000 Ibs. , , r',003 Iin.i corn , 71 000 bu. ; o its , 51,000 bu : lye , 1,000 ! > n : barley none , Siin-xiLNis riour , UOOO 111xxheat , 11 000 un corn 4siLO bu ; o its , 10,000 bu. , lyu and liarluy none KUIISIS rilj MuiUits. KlNiAsCtTx. Mo. Julv " > Wnr T Active and xveaK : No 2 h ( ; N'oTo I , Wi' . t'oiiN Dull but HrniiM , No. 2 xvhlte , 4'J'iS ' ' fir Mo , No 'J mixed. 4.ffl4 'sc. txr > \ ery dull but steady ; : N'o. 2 mixed , .bto-'b'je. No \\hlto 1'c- y steady , N'o , 2 , G" > e. 1 i\\sn n | i-o nn the b isls of pure. IIIIAN > ickcd , Ml lUxciU : timothy. $ dtOtt' > 00 : prilrle , $110(37(1' ( ' . I ds-Mo ( idy at 10'Sc He i ti it Act h o.ind lllrmioioamerv , llnc ! d-iirj. IlCii'ii- Ut 11 n i \ \ heat. 4J.C03 bu ; coi n , 1',100 Uu. : O its. S ODD 1)11 ) , siiii'xn NI > Whc.t. 0 OA ) bu , ; corn , 4.8J ) bu i o if. none I.lxi-rponl Mnrki'H. Li\rnrooi , Julyl WitiT fate idy. but do- iniind jioor mid holders oiler moder.itely Ue- celpts of xxhcitfoi the p ist thri o d.ixs xxcio .Hid ( Hnntals , Inoliidliu IhOil)0 ) Amcrkan. CHUN Dull and lowoi. Kecolpts of Aincrl- cin corn foi the past , thrco days x.oro Jl , 100 centals 1'hAs- ui.idian , 5s Cd per cental. lUeoN-l.oiu and shoit e-lc-ai. > "i Ihs , i7s CJ lie rout. . lon cliu. . ft His. ISsdd. L.AUU I'rlmo x ustein. .U-j'J 1 per cxvt , "Mllminlii'ii Cinin Dlnrki-t. MII.IXAUKIEls. . July 5 Win.M Dull ; fci-pteiiibor , mil No ' 'sprin. , 7bc C'OIIN r tiner : No .1. 47'iffSl'5c. ( UVTS HUhui ; No a white , Joli'tJ xx bite , 'I'lCfit. " ' ItAltiM ( jtilot ; No 2. 5 e. U\h btoudy : No 1 , 7r(377'ic. ( Culli-i ) tl u-l.i't. M xx VOIIK , July 5 Options opened sfo idy and iinchin cd to 10 points up closing sioady at 10 to I > pomtrt up , sale- , S.'i.u h IKK , Incliidlni ; July , Sll'i.Wll 'ii. Atu-uht. Jll 0" > : boptombor. * ll."i ; Oclobet. $11 b > . December , ill UJ. boot UIo , quiet ami llrm ; No 7 Sl'.UO. Cotton Market. Nr > \ Out TANS , Li. July .1 Dull ; mld- dtlnr' , 7e loix middling , uu , oullnirx' , lie : net iccc pts , 1UJ bu ts crosrccclpih. . d'Ji b.i'eb ' , salcij , l.SJO b lies , stosK , 10.JI5 b lies Tiniluri * 'lul't. CuicAnn , III. , Julx 5 Connseln.iin .x , Div tiiCouUic-11 llios Corn contlnu-s to hold thoU U .id In spcculiillxo liuercst , Operators ro- ttuned fioni theli holld ix outing feeling bu u- Isb on hay and xxheat mil bullish on torn and o'o iecelits ] tended to open the m ir- li t loxvei , but coed all mound Imyln.of corn e itibt-ii : a steady uptnin of le , to xxlilch au- ether ltc xxa .uldod ami a slight halt on tlio putliM ° f the x.sll.iu supply lUurcs. Oils icsiioiidod rondilv to tlio mix inco In corn , on purchiBps bj lecolxcrs , shippers and the spce-ul.ilixo tride. \ \ bout has become innnimllledhilo axx.iltlu the doti-riiiltiatlon of iimuicss on the anti-options 0111. and shots u disposition to ic-xlxo xxhllo that iiuc-tloii Is pundliiR Pinv sinus xxcio Ino iilnr and on the xxholo Mioxxod liidkatlons the bull tiovvd In libxvlio hixu alKii been short on pork and laid , x\cro uloslnt ; thcli bpn-ads Wo look foi tlio dllleieiuo betveuu buptiMiibcr pink and boptcmlior libs to n.triovx still fur- tin-r. C'lUCAno.lll , Julv " > R fl. 1.03,111 & Oo to Dune in , Ilo linger .V I'o : The biisluosii ( loliic in wheat today vxiii ll.-Ht. Inly opono I nt ' - ' ' ) ( | up tu i 'sO and ctosod at 7S'jO Tim dicio iso In the xlslblo biipp yxas IlKlit , .Vi.UlO buslioh , xxbli-h xx is about 'Uj.uoa loss than was one-tally lUured on. Tblb e.niac-d tbodcc-1 no fiom iS o to 7H'4e ' roiel.n ad vices riport lar.o stot-ks In xxan-housa and alloit , unit this xxlth thu Inn vi-stiiu of the in ix eiop of xxintc-i xxlioat Is against any hlKhor D ricesltb tlio mo\cmoiitof tlio now crop . nd no export doin.ind foi It prices aio lluoly toioncli .1 louei loxel , 'Iho strength in corn has piexonti-d loxver pilccs todux , Corn oponc-d at 4Uu foi t < e > ] ituiiibni uu 1 kept Mu idlly aixiiiie-lin | ; until It ic.iclied 50J c. at xUiioh It closed. I'liu Ion grading has caused udocldoi ! fillII 11,1 otr In locolpts and our piomlnont re- eelxerssa > Itulll eoiitlnnu until the so ison Is fat enough udx.ineod to Improxo It so as It xxlll Inspect N'o . ' . All In Me itlons noxv point to ht.lfur urleos O its will keep bto idy until roielptbortho neiv crop bu.-lns to nrrixe. \\u ilti not look for much cliiuuo In x nines. On an ) bh uu bro iK It ulll piy to buy. Ilo , ; pin- iliit t has beouhlroiic from the nponln ; until the close. ' 1 he loe.U trudo looks for hlclior jirlcos , ( Jim vno. 111. Julv 5 Koniiott. Hopkins , x. C'o. to b. A. Mehoi lor : Wheat XXIIH fiutiuoless UK iln today. The xveathor tlio country Is tlnu today , and xxo bc-u nothing to udxnnco or dec Inu tlio miirkut at the prosi-nt time. There isappuontly u KOO I deal of manipulation In corn. Trillion lc.ui stion l > to ilui bull hldo uiid llio niiirkot adxiuie-cs uiiblly ' 1 horn lias In en un Incruaso In domustlc btoeka um ! llio amount on ocean p is4.iKu of oxuro..uo.uoo ' uu. lu thu past tlueo xvcoUs Out cxpoi IN uro fulling olT but bull unthiiuhism koups npxtioiiKlx' , Oats are llrm but not nulxo. 1'rox Islons btronx and autlvo. ' 1 bo I ratio ( 'ions broader and the fculln niiiro eonlUtent. Tlio ailvniico h IH been ho iood that ic.ictlons uro morn lll.olj from now an. hlOUKS AM ) IIONDS. Hoxv U'all Mri-i-t i'ui-ls Over tlio 1'rco CutnaKu Itlll. NEXV VOIIK , July 5 'Iho uassairo by the national sen ito of u trco lOlnn o bill last lild.iy xvas not well rvcolvcd In llnanclul circles on Wall atrout. and ux u couic- Fciuoiico thoru his been moio disposition to purl with securities than has boon seen In a loiu limn , und while the soiling inoxuinont xxas notof apouhilly lonD' duration , tlio losses fcuirorod nero not recovered and prices uro lower. There was no other uuw of Inioortiuao today , mid xxhllo opariitoi-s are loolclng for- xv.ird with interest tu thu puUllc.Ulon of the next oveniminl ! lonort , which Is duo next Monuay , with u hopeful ox-pout itlon , the ptu- poiulunco of thoKrun.'c'rs In the m.irkot of Into innlo tliuni tlio loudliu weak blocks In the lliiuldatlon of lliU forenoon , Tim ioil ; BtooLs , In vluwof the bull * against thu Uoiiillni ! coiublnoxoro dull und without f cut uro. thoiuli they were all neil supplied and failed to .vli-ld with the ' -idllnt uetho ihurct. Quo o ( tUo ( uaiur' < of thu tiny was tlio tretiKlh displayed In Ohlcisto On * In xvh'ch tlio liquid linn , liowovor , win iin loubt- i iliy eotup oted mid tlio ilenrtwl foi tno stocker ( or both slikM of tlio account was sulllcicut to max u It up 1's per CIMII In tlui face of tha toll ing of tlio niliro-xd list , xvhlin tlio other In dustrials sh ireil In tlio stubluirn rc-shl inco to thCRonpnil prisuio Tlio circct of the .Inly dlsbnrsmoiiH xx i * seen In the xxc"t ! In 11 aron- liu sc uolt > of iiiom-j , which rm the rate on cull up to f > per cent. Tlio boar * Rolled this oppotttinlty to rilil the maiUot ami furlhi-i Ii ) sp4 xxero siHtaliicd nil along tlio line Ilusliiois reached t ,2i.OOD. Ooxerninont bonds Into { boon dull nnil stonily. 'Iho 1'nst sixi : Tlio first result of Init I'rl- diiv' ' < remark iblo porforminic-o in tlio fedoril fonnto wus to brunt llio net Ixo boar piirly back Into the "lock market Since the Im- proxcmcnt In crop prospivts DUO uno Konor- ullv Unoxxn thu lenders of this uinllimont liuxo iioiio pr idle-ally nothing r\i-opt to ill niggle out of their position Thu xolo In thn son do for free coin uo altered the-Mtu- iitlon At the opcnlni ! this inornliu the tun- Kot xxas full of feullliu orders I.lttio support xxasorrurod ut the oarllor iiuotntlons. 1'rlcos In all ncllxc- Monies foil on in axc-r.iiti1 u full cent during the flrn hour , and xxlth EOIIIO In terrupt on the bro uc continued np to the close The following are the c'cnlng quotations for the londliu stocks on the N'oworU Stock toduv : The silos of stocks today xxero 2S3.713 shares , Includln.Atihlson : , 1 > ,10S : LhleaBO ( J is l'l.r ' > J : Tile , ! HocMin ; V.illov. . .l,10- i l.oulsxlllo Nashville , h.'ll ) . .MUsoiiri I'aillli ! , HI O ! NortluxLstern , .Mil ; Northern Pnclllc , piefeui-d , 14,441 : Nexv Kii'lnnil 7.117 : Ite.idlni ; . i OJdt. ; . I'.ur , J7.ii7'i : Union 1'uclllc , 4wu ! ; Western Union , ft.bOO T > -x\ York Alone ) Mnrkrt. NPXYOHK , Inly 5 MOM i ON CAII < Kasy it I'sftl ' uor cent ; lust loan , l'/3 per cent ; closed offoiod at 114 per coat 1'iiiMi MLIICAMIM I'APtit ISO per cent. ' - mii.iMi KVCIIAMIL Quiet hut sti-idy at SIW for Hl\ty-diy blllb ana il. 'i for dc- ii ] nnd. ' 1 lie closing nnotiitlons on bonds : I i inclsco Milling Onol.Ulims. PAN ritANCisci ) . C i1. , Julv n The ofllclal ( 'losliif , ' quotations for in nln btockb today xvcro is folloxxs : Kuiika t on . .00 I nlon tonbolhl iteil 115 ( iinil I A ( urrj 7S I'tnh 10 Halo A .Norcross 115 \clloxrJaikct. . . . . 10 Mexlcnii ir > .N.OIXorK 'XI I nh.f , ' ( > n < > tiitlons. Nixx Voitk , Inly1) Tliu folloxvliiK nro the closin ' stock iiiot | itlons : London i In uu hit lluxli-xv , Ifoly'itnl ) ) / ! lfli i 1 1 no ( lor l > i ll > i-i " | I.OMION , .Inly T [ N'oxx VorU Her ild C.iblo Ppoclal to 'liu. Hirl 'Ihu stock miiKcts haxo bocn dull and Hat. llti'-lne s lias been on the sinal est po-.llilo fCilo in tlio absence ofhiinpo-t. 1 hi ro has been In oxcr il dlicc- t Ions lltllii bu i sollin. xxbllo It c innot bo de nied th it the iiieio shadoxx of the pro-ipoetof tbo success of tno ( iladstonl.uis ut tbo olc-ctlon Is has liu u b id c Ik-it l.'nm-o'.b h.ixo clxen xx.iy > j to I10 per cent mil I mil in rupee p ipei 't nor cent 1 oiel.-ii Koxe-rni iciit ' oeutltlcs closed hu.ix v on the xxbolc. though muio steMilliiess Is leporti-d on eonllnDiital buurht'- ' . Homo i.ilhrnys hixo t-luiun seine dc/rco of depression , duo to a foix siloj und Kincril alisone-o of biipport. London and Noitlnxcstorn n no f illim 34 per cent , ( .ro it \\istorn " pel cent , lirUliton deferred 's ' per c-cut and Hoxoral olhors ' 0 to > 4 per cent. iaihxasnfler be-liiK conip irat xoly Htiidy , beciuno xeiy Hat on receipt of Ixcw oik pilccs , .le-conip inled by hohln onlor-i from tb it conloi oxluc-ntly xxltb .ixiovxto fil.'htonliu lioldciH hero Although tbo tone has HlUhtly Impioxid In the Btree-t. no irly a + ; I'IIUIH | dicllno Is establlso'l , liiclnilin- , percent ce-nt In Noithein I'ae-lllc profcroiiL-o and Unl- c IKO & Milwaukee , < , per cent In 1/onisxlllo & Nasbx llio and 'a to 'u ' pel cent In iuo-,1 othc-r.- ) . C'linadlaii lines have boon almost iinllo noi- lected and c'oso practical ! v xxlthoiit alter i- tlon , ( Jrand ' 1 riink Issues haxiiu lost e.irly , roao ' 4 to "t pel eont , I In iiirnil .NiitiK , OMAHA , .luivn clearings , fi.aia.ioi. KANSAS Ciiv , Mo , July 5 Olearln s , Jl- NKXX' Vonic. lu'v 5 Clearings , JI01SOO"J ! biliincos , , isi llAi.Tixtoiti' . Mil , . Inly -Clearing. . $ . ' , MjO- 008 ; biiliinicb , $ IIJ.i8l , Kittu. fl porcont. Now ( JIU.UANlit. . . July n. UloirlnRi , Jl- 6l'i,7i" ' ( > . KichaiiKU on Now Voile unchaiued , I'liii.AiiKi.i-iiiA. I'a , .lnlv.5 , OloarliiKH , H.I. - U..TliU , bul.inees f..00'uTJ .Monuy , as , per cunt. I.oxn IN , Julv r. Amount ot bullion gene Into the b.uilc of KnKlanJ on bulaneo tiKlii ) , A'lHOOi. Mr.ui-iilf. Tcnn , Julv > Oli'tirliuv , ttt\Wi \ b.ilaiicod. f 101/Oj. uw Voi „ oxchuugu It. sell- liiK at ' UINUINNATI. O , July S Money : na.r > per cent. .Nuu VorK oxclnuiKca Jltf.'io inominm. ' br. I.ouis , Mo. July 5 Cloarlni ; , $ , l > 7)- ) iy ;'Oh. JM7/.M Minu < r , qulut al45U per ti-nt. Kxoluiii-'o on Novvuri , . Mf&r > c IIOSTIIX , MIIBS. .lull S , Oloiirlii s , tiefi7i.fiil ) ; ba ancos , J.MC'l.'JJii .Monty , 4t47 ( tur cent. Cull loano , - percent ; fclght loans , lii-'ipercent. Ux- cliaiunon Now Void , I' fi.Uediscount. . C'liiCAiu ) , III. , July ft. .Money , steady nt 4 pur cent , und ' " per eent on tlmo loani t'leur- IIIKS. * JI,0IISO. ( Now York oxuhuiiKQ llrni at 7uo proiinum Btorlliu oxchaiuo dull aUI 87U forslxty days und } l SSli foi-biK'lit clr.ilt , i.ivi : SIOCK . MAiticia.- , . Short Supply of Mull I'lniU Ituid ) bulu nt HiKliur 1'rli ! . OMAHA. Julr 5. Do iloia generally were not looUIiiK fora .x cry liuuxy run , but snpiillus of Hli Ulndu x\oio loiisldeiab y luhter th in 1111- tlulputiiU , 'Iliu samuBt.itu of nllulia exlslud ut other mnrUutuuntera , and uricon ad united on uvort tnliiK Tliuollorln sot oittlo wcro BomothIns over half as heavy us list I'liosdn ) . and Included a liberal sprinkling of x ory iluslrn- blo oornfod Mcors lIiiHlticbs opened Tout l..ut u ( GITSi-O , I COUNTIES , SCHOOL . _ ' DIOTRIOTG , ZWATEfJ COMPANIES , OT.R.n.COrVIPANIEO , lc. t'orn-Jiiciidtiicfl ullcitnl , H.W.HABniS &COHPANYBan'ers , I63UICS Doorborn Street , CHICAGO. iS Wall Street , NEW YOIW. . ? O blateOt. . UObfCN J out xvlth oxorythlng In the icltorV fax or. I'lil a&o waa rcprtrU'd oxt-ltod nnd lilehcr \iltli mi } i niodccitq nppl ) ons.ile Ka tcrn biitchors h.i 1 liberal < i > der hero and Iho ship ping and specillntlxu'liKiulrv xxas rather moio nrccnt than uiitili It sei-iiu-d to bo ti case of nt-ccsslty. boxxovl'r.iAxlth the local drctsod beef mm and they were bv Ion. ! oddi the most nctlx'o and llb'nl buyers I'noes xxeio anyxxhorB Irom lOc luS'io hltfhcr than Situr dnj , coed to choice 1,1' U to 1.410-11) ) t.t-er scll- Inis nt from $1 C5 to'i , fa r < n sooil 1 ( KM to r."i'-lb steers at from Jl 1 1 to Jl H" xxltli foxv Inferior urccn steurs at MV It did not take oxer two hours truluu to rlour the yirJsof nearly oxiri thliu at all deslr iblc In liuti her Murk hnd canncrs thoto wns n Rood dtil of aetlxity i nd prices ruled Moady tos'ioinr Verrnnmoit \ to MTV coed cows and bo for * old at fiom $1 75 to M " > lliilli , o\en und sties xxeiollrni lit from Jl 70 tel 01. CulxiMM > I o In men er supply in. d iiuolaolv nncli uijcd on tbo b isls of 3-.MO to J\tO for poor to pi line xcn s There xxas nnthliu dome In the stoo'tor and frc-dur line. I'ho trido was dead Prle-iSHro iiiotniily | ' 'i-loxxcr tlmii u xxcelc ao and the cUMimnd tiL-\t to not lilir/ Itocclpts luclndod sexoral lo ids of xxcstern c itllo mostly inoro or less hayfcd They ell readily , tliu beef steers at fiom f 15) tojlit ) . Quito a strltiS ofcoxxs sold arnniid f2 t > 0 and fcwliT % nt lilKh ns W r . Koprcscutiitlxu B lies ! niiF'ssr.ii iin K. No Av I'r. N'o AxI'r. . No Av I'r ( . ! I7 $ ,1 " 41"t \ \ Jl ia HI 1 III } ! If ) ' ! ) KIV.I 4 , C > M ) USj 4 ( M .M .1J.VI 4 'IS * U 111.1 440 ( .1 . .lIU'i 4o ( 110 11U5 5U'i h.iy foil lions 'Die supply xvns x cry modest and to juduo fioni appeirin es 111,11 Ki'taulu lie s are "sc nee , as the ulU'iln sxero about the poor- I'st of tlio so ison , ino-t'y ' culls and lon ll endsxxith no re illy cliokoslull. Conditions xvoio much tlio s uno as on Nituidiy and another biK 10o adxanco s > i-ored Ilotb local houses and shippers \xrnt ifter the lie s xMth a xxlll. pijliu JV > aml J')01 for the fair to Kood biitcbi-r and he.ixy loads Tlio coin- liion IlKht , ind tnl\od boss , howoxor. sho\xcl the most adx mice , scllnu at from i'i 40 to * " > 53 It xx as , i xery llxely inaiKot throughout , clos- IIIR up blroim at tlie.idxaiiLO with exeix'thlni ; out of llrst hands bv o o'elocU , tlio bulk tcll- Inc atJvV ) to $ > bJ iiBiilnat ? 3.40 to fi 43 Satur- d iv The cLiii'i ul \or.iRO of pi ILLS paid w. is JvWM iiKaliistS3 IP. .Saturday and $ n07nd last Tne d.iy , Hiiprcbuulath e s.ilts : I'lGS AM ) ROUGH. 1 1 0 200 1 SCO 330 Mil I p Txvo doiible--docUs of choice Wvoin- liU trass xvctbc-io constituted the supply. ' 1 bey ix craved 118 Ib- . and met xvltli a leailv fealoatSI { V. The demand Is coed and prices are ciiotably ] ste idy. I'alr to pooJ natlxe ; . , 43Q303 ; fair to peed xvcsterns SI.OJ tt4 30 ; common and stocK. sheep , SC.O400 . ; I'ood to choice 4J to UO-lb. lambs , HlOtibJO. Iteprcscntatlx o s lies : No AxTr. . 404 xxcstern xvethers 116 JIJo licrclpts and DIspDsllion of block. Official receipts und disposition of stock as ilioxxnbj tlio books of the Union block Vards coinpiiny foi the so\entx-t\xo hours , cndln ut So'clo.l. p in , July ft. IbJJ : ULCLIl'lS I list U c-clc'ft Pure Ii I Ohlcili ) II XL- Stock Marl it. Cmcxno , III.Tulj ! i [ Spccl il Tolosnm to Tiih Iln .1 'llioru xv is not .1 little \i-Itemcnt In the i.iltlo maiUcl toaiiy. The otioiliiKs of useful hblppin ? cridcKXXi-io noxxhcro oiiual to mo dcinand and tlio competition xuis bbiirp cnouub tocatry prlnstoliom t't " > u to 81 7U for choice to ext i i pr ides and tofioni ? ! 7.'i to S5 J" > foi f.ili to co id. In Kooil common and medium ir ides also thoio a Blunt uu and Iho adxanco In thoao descr ptlons xvas only u little less radlc il s.iluhxero on a basis of fiom tl.7" ) to $17) for poor to oxtni coxvs , holfc-rs and bulls , $ 'TO to il OJ for htoel.ois und fuoduis ? ! Tito il't foi common to fancy bti c-rs and * l,75 to f4 'T foi losah cat tie. There xxas an exc-ltid hos m irkot mid a m.i- tcrl illy higher ono Hiiyora treid on each other's coat tails In lliolr eariies < to hccnro thulr of the p Hiy l'i,0jj hois In tliopenu and piucs xxeto iiin | Uly inn up to fiom J > .7i to f.i , < .r for ( .ooa to choice grades , xx hleii Is an aiixanco oil lust butilldiil't , ijuotnt ons of fiom lOo to I'm liei 10J llis. H did not take xery pi line articles to br ii-11" . 7. and ilium xv is coinpar.itIxolv little ti.iillnx belon irilu I.xciyho x/is boiulit up by the mltld o of tlio forenoon aid the close from * " > " > 0 to J > > foreoinmon to extra medium and heuxy and ivt from JV.4U toT5Ki for IlKht wolnht. There XXUH a b.iloor two cf fancy medium xvolijlits at 5 ' ' " > . Tinhiiuill supply of bhoop and liimbs on sale was bought np o irly at stion ; : prices , tno lat- tei abowliiK an inlvnnco on last xxook'b quot i- tlons. Hicnp xxero naloublu at fiom iJ.W to f J.H foi uoor to u\lr.i and b lies of Is xvcru on a linbls of fiom $1 f''i to Hi.7. . . Itccelpts xxerot fOattio. IMUOs bon'S , 15.CO ) ; ihc-op. ' > , U1. LAtri F Kocolptst lO.rofl hoadj bhlpmonlp , 4,000 bo id ; market ltGUo hUbci ; eboito to ex- Rclicvcd me of , a severe Ulood trouble. It has also causul my hair to grow out again , as it had been falling out by the handful. After trying many physicians In vain , I am so happy to find a cure in S.S. S. 0. II. ELPLKT , Galveston , Tex. < JTi f I IOI3C liyforclnijoutponiuofillB. % 3 > viJiv.L-,0 catoand the poison aaxxcll. t t3It Is entirely and Iiannlccs. Treatise on lllood and hkln mailed frco. S Bwirr Srinnu Co. , Atlanta , Co. Or tlif liquor llulill I'lmllttrly Cmcil by mlmliiUlvrliiir Itr. lIulneM- Uulilrll Nlit-rlllr , Tt cftn ba glvea In u cup of aotleo or tea , or In food , without tbcknowlcdgoolllie patient. IlUabtolulely baitnlona , and will etTrol permanent And tpetay cure , wbelber tli pailout It u moderate drinker or n alVoliollo wreak. , II hi * Ixjon given lu Ilioucandi cl c 3v , and In ev iy ln l nc a perfect cure liai foi. lowed Ili.fvir ruli < - 'Ibe r > terioucelmprKiiaied wltb tba Cpcina. 4t booomea an utter liopoaaibillty lor th9 llquok anpeilte to ezlat. ' ' ' iMnrlnnitU , O. tidl.lir.NM'fririO 1C. I'rop'rj. lU-l > 4 o book ol cartloularo lice , lo u > had of 1Cnhii .V. Co. , lithand DOUKI.II St . Ihth and ( . 'inn i n u' sis. xx , ho i-t Ue. ll'nUo , lliticu X Co. und lliuh jru ou JJru.Vu , Uuiaha , Neb , tra strors. WOSW70j filrio eool , fl wa4 Oij Tctmii.J.T > Mno ! cows , J7r.ii.l. ' > 0 lloifs-llccelpts , tV'iKi ' bo id slilpinciit' . B.OJO ht-tid : mi rket 9iQ\ic bltflie-ri rim h nnd common , f ) (3 ( > . ( ; ninod and patklni ; , $ 7i pr mo hcixy uid Lntibcrs' ' - bill ii'-'Uncplmi ft o'lO bond , shipments. 1 300 head marketitctixe , higher , bulls H lift $ ,130 , Mockers , J14) ) . loviitis $4 f,3JMfi.ltj ( mixed , imtlxcc , $4 JOttA 2,3s n others , $ l 'At&sOii ( Hubs. $ .1 2 { iC W. Nexx York I.Ixo Stock M irkpt. Nt.xv YOHK , Inlv -CATTLE Receipts 441 lie ill i all for e < \ purlers and slimehtorors ; no tradefeollnV ! llrms dii's d beef hUher at CWe per Ib t ( dillitiionts , ( yn tirmcs tumor * roxx l.ffil berx os and AM intni-tors of beef Cu.xi s Itecplpts , ( Vlieml ) ; marUel tei(1y ! \o ils ( l3ottliOS poi 100 Ibs ; buttermilk c ilxes fj. ! ) ® ! . ! ) Sm-ri' liri-olpto , 4,532 hotd ! mnrkct actlxe Hhicp , $4ir it,3W4j lambs , JVli773j dressed muttons sti-id ) nt l ) > titllo ( per Ib ; dressed Iamb llrm , * 1'i'il l. lions Uecelpls ,1 d3l hoail' consigned direct , iiainlnally drtn , J.3 4DW.UO porioo Ibs. St. I.uuU l.lxo stock Miukrt. ST , Loins , MoInly 3 CATTI K Hrcoltits , B.fiOO 1-t-iid ! sblpmonts , 427 beadi muKotxxas oxclted and-Jie hlKher. Tali to cho to mil Ixo steers , f 13034 so. mediumto ood'1'oxnsstcc-rs $ .11 ( WrflOj c tuners , J.'OiSiJlOl cilf hlL'hor. llods-HocolptB l,20Jlipnd : shipments , 4 10J bond , tiinrUit I0313c bibber ; t ilr In ebolce hoax y , $ . " fiXTi3 ( MS mixed , modlum to Eood , $3 40 © 373 ! light , fnlrto best , If. b 0,373. JMlhlJlUccclpts , ft"l li'-ad : Rblpnicnts , 30 headnmikot feteady : peed natlxcs , $4.7.3j23 Uiitisns Cltx l.lxn Stock Mnrlci-t. KANSAS ttrx. Mo. July 3. tITI.U Ho- colpt , ' . ' ,000s shipments , nonos tiiarUc-t ac-llxe , strong to lOo bluhers dressed bcof and Ebliiplus stoes , flbifttl s'i , cows and heifer" , f l.ft < & . ' 73 ; Tcxans mid Indians , $ .M35J4 n , slockersitul feeders , * ' 135 ? 143 lions Keeolpls , fipo : shipment' ! , none : mnrkot act Ixo to IPfM'ichlehui. cMtonio ran.o of prli i , J" IVj i d,3 ; InilK of sales , f.3 1X3310 S-ni l.i1 Ifi-coljits , 'io , shipments , none ! mar ket dull and prices iiomln illy sic idy. JOHN H. POWERS ROBBED. homo 'Iblel I'liinilirs tlio 1 > - I'n hlili ill's CiiHb. n\-Prcsldent .T. 11. Powers or the national nnn Noornaka nlltancoas tobbeil of $ , ! 0 In iiionoy and n * , U didft oatlv Tuesday morn- inp. 'Iho thief enturcd tbo loom ut the Hotel Klcuollcu on Noith Tnittceulh sticot sometime - time bctxxoon ,1 a. in. nnd inoriiinp nnd went thiouph the nllianco olUuial's ' pockets. Mr. Poxxcts1 - Tompklns of . sonltilaxxAlxu HaatitiBs , xx bo occupied the saino loom , xxaa aho lobbed. Mr. Thompson lost about $ . ! ( ) nnd a rotuin ticket. U O. Adams , county nltonier of llltohcock uountyvns an oci-tt- patit of the same room , but ho look tbo pic- cnutlon to place his pantaloons under his pillow , xxhllo the other gontlemou throxv thoits on the clialra. As the door xvas locked entrance into the room \xas prouibly ellectcd by using a skele ton Uoy. No clue to the thieves. "Lato i bed and carlv to nso xvill sho'tit the road tc jour homo in the sklos. " Bun cutlv to bed and "Littlo Uarly Htso- . " the Dill that maitos life longer and bolter and wiser. PROHIBS CONFER. Iti-port of the It-lt-atcs ) to the Cincinnati Coin out lo-i Itrx it-xx cd. The Omaha Wenaelt 1'blllips club met nt the rooms of Omaha Commercial college last eveiiincr. The program of the evenliitj xxns ttic reports of the dele-Rates xxho xxoio sent to the national prohibition contention at Cincinnati. 'Iho delegates \ \ ctoG. . H. llaker , J. 1' . Uoo , Jr. , Uev. O \ \ . Wooclbev nnd duties Watts. Ucv. Wooaboy , u i olored man , xsns the inincipjl speaker. Ho said that the convention x\a enthusiastic nnd Intercstinp. Itvm the platform and not the iniin that xvas ot the most Impotlaiice. If any ono of the lout candidates for meildont xxero notn- imiteu upon tUo prohibition plntfoiui they would bo acceptable c.indidatns. Mr. Bauer and Mr. Hoe hpolto briefly , after x\hich the club adjourned for tx\o xvecks. Disease noxor successfullv attae'-ts a sys tem xvlth pure blood" . DeU'itt's S ifiaparilla liiuKcs jiuro , now jlol i i.l3.iriuaai lUj oU. Charged xxith inilii'//lrment. : Upon the Information of Kastnus Nelson , filed in police court jestorday , P. O. Hanson , 1317 North Tnonly-fourth street , xxas nr- rssted and charged xxith embezzlement. Tno complaint alleges that Hutibon , xxlnlo troas- utot of Danish Brotherhood No. 1. misaupro ptiatcel nnd conxcrtcd to his oxvn use lodpo lunds nraountitiB to betx\icn $ . " > UO nnd $000. Hanson claims to be able to accouut for luo mooey. Do Witt's Sarsaparllla is reliablo. l norrit IlieOll Inspection. Oil Inspector Hoimrod entered complaints joateiday asaliiPt l ! . P. Schacffor of Arigo unit Hoxvcll N. Dickens of i'axxneo City for violating the oil Inspection laxv. It is as set ted that they xxoro purchasing oil from St. Joe and Kunsns City xvithout maitinf ; any effort to comply xxith the Nebraska laxx reKii- latiiij ( tbo tralllc. Their preliminary exam ination xvill occur Friday. DoWitt't. Sarsap-uilla cleanses the blood. n ervption , m.itlcr lioxv ns jou ( Hid every ono xxho M.-C.S it Hint jour blocd isn't jmro. it jou'io xx iso , you'll heed thu win mm ; . You'll look nbout for iv icnu-dy. And Ihisisxvliat you'll find : plenty of incdiiirici ( i - iri/isc(7 to jnnify the blood , but just ono that's ( /mil anil fit and that is ir. 1'ierco's ( Joldcn Medical li-coxciy. Jt'b a incdicino that ilocv xxhat h protniscil for It that's tlio icason. It loiibc-s oxciy orRnn into healthy action , ntnilles nnil en riches the blood , and tluoinjh it rleniut.nnd rencxxH tlio entlio hjtleni. All lllood , Skin and Scnlp Diseases , Sroin n common eiuptloii Lf it doewi't biiictlt or cine , in ox-cry cnso , you hao j-oiir money back. You pay only for the Rood jou Rt-t. Kofuso bub-Jti/utes , oirerod at k-sa pricna. OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. est cattle , ho. ; and fcboop market In tbo xveit COMMISSION HOUSES. G 0. BURXS & FRAZIEU I IVC STOCK COMMISSION. Till ) LI.AIiit3. : , , Write to thU Uous3 for cor- " root Mirlcoc Wood Brothers , l-oulli Ouwliii Telephone 1117. J l > OAWSMAN I . , \ \ K WOOD ( Mmnusori Mnrkot roportn bv mall an 1 xvlru cheerfully furnl hcd upon .ippllo ulon Tl-LB Campbell Commission Co. Chicago , KubtSt. Iouln , KiinsnsClty , South Umalu , > loii\Uity , 1'orl Worth A. D. Boyer &Company , r.Snnd.VJ r.vub inuu lliillclliu.SoutliOinuliu Corrc"tioiHlunuixiillUtul | un.I nroinptly iiiuvrorjl Micclul iittciillon tourduM lor moikur' Xfuuilon UitablliUcd , 1IWI . . . Incori'oratJJ ' , 18J1 capital fully IIBW , IWWJ Waggoner liirney Company , \\tltuor ivlro ua for prouiiit uud rcllublo lujrao ; rciiort Perry Brothers tv Company , I/hufatcut Hoom 61 l.xcb.inxo Ilnlldiiu' , fcontli Omuba 'leiiephuno 17J7 , _ M. U. Hogarty & Oo , , Koom Ul I itun.u llulidln/ . South Omuh i , - Neb OMAHA rors' and RIODELL& CO. J. H. GLENN. ( KBtablHhoa 1835 ) , Contrnctor niul nub con trittort for nil ktndi of Wliolsalo butter A egi Duttar , chnpto , eiritt , bullillnir plnitcrliu pilntliu ole vlll rceilvoi llms nnd sulli for i TCKCtnbkg ( rulli.pout * cop ) of Clinn iirchlti-its and bnlliler ] illri.-i.tor ) try undiaicg cash 413 H llth it. fru' I Y fcnitliiKtlidr mime biiHlnisa anil Inn iHERE ARE in Poor-lIoosiB AND- Peosioo Agents in Palaces That is the sort of tiling Th ) Bea Bureau of Claims was or- oaiii/eil : to correct. The Hurcau believes in giving the veterans the benefit of the laws that were passed to help them. It waives war on the sharks conse-- quentlv the sliniks don't like it. But as lone ; as the sol diers aic gra'cfnl it is satis fied. If yon aie a veteran , or the widow , child or de pendant parent ol a veteran , wnte to Tl"8 833 Buraau of Claims ani lnid out how miicli the government is willing to do for yon. THE Bee Bureau of Claims Omaha. Neb. On ike the Diifcli Process No Alkalies on Otter Chemicals arc lifted in thn preparation of ff. Bator & which Li absolutely pure and soluble , It lias more than three times thettrength of Cocoa mixed with Stnroh , Arrowroot or Sugar , anil Is far more economical , toitiny leu than one eent n cup It , , und la ( li-lltlotn nourishing Sold by Grocers ovoryxAhoro , W. Baker & Co , , DsicliRlei , Mass , ! ! i § Original wl Oenuine Imriirts the moat deliclouu tattu atul zett EMT.ACT crnl.l ni'Itfrom Ij OKN- rna to hi * brother Dt V.OUCESTKK. May. 1651. "Tell LEA fc rEUHlNB' that their pauco IB liiklil ) cjtaamoil la Indln , i.nd la In my opinion , tbo most im'itnlilo , na ncl ] l 3 tlio most whole- i suuco that la iVc. Beware of Imitations ; aj.uTj.Mi .naii ii' ' * ir.iry\ . - ? t > -4 ceo that you got Lea & * fJ * C Ct& d t * * ? Bljrti turoon8xor > l.c.ttioof Orli-liu' li Ucnulna nVJiVAN'H ( ) > ! * , NI.WVOKKv 1512 Douglas Street , Omaha. Western AguutHHKbt & Dltson'j TENNIS GOODS. RUAC'H llASn I1AI.U CUJOD3. A full line of Konor U Athletic floods. GYMNASIUM GOODS Hammocks. DathliiK r-iilli , Kout llallh. Indian UliibN. Dumb llollH lloiU , Nets , fcolnos , 1'lnu KlahliiK 'lackle , otu. , etcv FLAGS and FIREWORKS ( Olio for ontaloRiio and prlc ( Hpoclal at tention Klvcn to mall onlorri. f PUIOICB Frank Cross Gun Co , , 1BI2 Douglas Sti-oo' . [ ) ( htrliMUr'a Diamond Unto. iilf < Jenulur. UruiiUt fur lAiihtitm trtalltk'la , mini Hrmnl lu lit d Lj ( .uU a < UI1I < \ bwlM vftl I wllli Uliiu fll > t < ou 1 H nuotlitr. Hifutt J < inr , * .u lutilu lpm < and lMllali.tifl ( Al | lu/ l li oriro44o * lo iuro | for parllcul.n Ipfllutoiilitli luil "Itrllcf r.r I n'lli-n. " Ii. . lifli" l > r rrlam Mull , 1O nuoiollmuUll Aun < Jar > r. rli lvi4 brullvul CJu.Vu < tl < > il V itKrc lUruxtfru l'tildii. . I'M. \ STEEL. PEIMS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS CXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PEI1FEOT OF PEN8. ntly wnnt n now IDEA. IN ADVERTISING. AddroHsuuddcnl ) , without uutlco , ii/id AiltrtWnil llureun , K , V. J.Vi