Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Louis Starman's Fourth of July Celebra
tion Snddcaly Ctti'jluded.
After r.nciiRl'iK ' l i Jitnrril t a Dance In
ttip lliiltom * Ho Is AainiiUril mill
erousljr Itijllrrcl Capi
tal City Uimlp.
Ltxcot.v , Nob. , July 5. ( Special to TUB
DEE. ] Louis Starman , on Aus. j , and a
butcher by trades , Is lying tit the pJlleo sta
tion with Injuries of a character that would
bo considered serious by a man of a loss
rolmst stature and constitution. He wus
found near ttio Hock Island depot at mid
night last night , unconscious In a.pool of
blood. Alter being removed to the station
hls Ir Junes were examined and pronounced
severe , though not necessarily fatal , Hli
bead and face had boon beaten or stamped
into almost unrecognizable proportions and
his arms and hands badly slashed , one ringer
Coins nearly sovored. hiarnun i still too
fcnblu to give a detailed statement , put
enough can ba gathered to learn that ho was
prosonl at a dancu on the bottoms near West
Lincoln inst night and while theru became
involved In quaricl with uuothor man. Ho
cannot account for the time thai elopicd be
tween tlio qu.irrul and his discovery by the
l > olku ueur tbo Kock Island depot.
IIIM itmmit Company tued.
II. A. Gibson of this city today com-
mcncc'd suit acainst the Clark & Leonard
Iiivestmunt company for ? 1J 5. Ulbson was
at the liisl term of court plaintiff In a fore
closure suit against U. M. Chase , . .1V. .
Khcruood and others. The Investment com
pany hull claims against thi- property sought
to bo foreclosed upon amounting to about
f H.UOO. Gib&ou claims IHat bberwood paid
SI75 on tho-.o claim * , but an agree
ment \vltli C'ark ' ft Leonard by which the
latter helu partial payments until attur ttio
property had boon sold at sheriff's sale. U
was then returned to Sherwood. As the
prnpony fulled to satlsly Gibson's claim ho
now allege * that Sherwood and Clark A :
Lconam entered into a conspiracy todofraud
him. Ho tboieforo prays judgment against
the investment company for $1,275.
1 Irani nil Injunction 4 , < < .
Judge Tibbotts today listened to the argil-
month on the application of J H. McMurtrr
for a tetnnorary Injunction rostralnlngSherlff
MtCluy trom selling curtain ptopcrty lu Uni
versity 1'laec , owned by .luromo McLain ,
under an order of sale issued in favor ofV. .
B.Volcott. . In his npiilication MuMurtry al
leges that ho has a lii-n of il.-OJ oil the prop-
ortv. out tiy reason of an understandinR with
fcovural otnor credltera Uo had never placed
the papers on record. The propertv is insufh-
clcnt to puy oil the cliims ana ho wants the
tale postponed until ho can establish his own
claims in court. The application was granted.
Unrolii lu Itrl.-r.
Tbo lire uopartmcnt was railed to 1020 O
tttx'ci at : j o'clock this nftetnoou by au incip
ient Dltue , which \\as qulcklv extinguished.
Alexander St Julian , proprietor of the rit.
Julian hotel , in this city , was arrested this
fifiernoon on complaint of H. M. Leavltt ,
who charges him with having obtained f.W
worth of coal under false protrnscs. The
case will ba heard before Justice Brown
Thursday afternoon.
A joung man giving his narao as Harry
ChalTee was urresiod by Chief Oito this after
noon and taken to Omaha.
Nearly seventy-live delegates loft Lincoln
last nlL'ht to attend the national convention
of the Young People's Socisty of Christian
Endeavor at New York.
I'utnrcd tliu l.nclc Nliind.
At 'ho meotlnp of the city council tonight
the special committee to which was rj-
ferred the ordinance p'rmittlnc the Kock
Island to cross O street at grade made a report -
port which might bo construed favorably to
that roact. It recited the bcncllts to accrue
to the city from the proposed Improvement * !
of the Hock Island and added one or two
suggestions. ; Tha report was accom
panied bv an ordinance which was
offered as a substitute tor the
original ordinance providing that the liock
Island snail construct a viaduct over O
stroat whcnover it imy bo considered neces
sary for tno public uelfaro. Contrary to
cencrnl expectation no action In the prom
ises was taken by the council tomeht. The
original ordinance was read a second time
and passed to a third reading. It was an
nounced b/a mem Dor of the council that
when the ordinance c.tme uu on final passage
the liock Island people would make con
cessions that would satisfy tuoso who object
to the crossing of O street at grade.
IS'CH mnn CroWHS in tinrriicuinlun ulth
nil liilxrmtlni ; 1'riiRruin ,
NEW MAX GiioVE , Neb. , July 5. [ Special to
TIIK BLIThe | sun never rose upon a more
glorious fourth than yesterday , The salute
at sunrise Awakened a people full of patriot
ism and energy. Spoclal trains were bring
ing in car loads of people from all directions
until tnere were lully 5OiW peoplo. They
were welcomed by delicious music rendered
by able musicians.
At i p. in. the grand parade occurred. It
cons.sted of bur , us , the Goddess of Liberty
with forty-four little girls robed la white
representing thostatos , Gratid Army of tha
Kupuolic jxjsts , Independent Order 'of Good
Templars mid other civic societies. Ilaso ball
carries , followed py tnoworks and dancing at
the ont'ra house closed thu most glorious
Fourth in .Newman Grove's history.
Nii.ii.ll , Nob. , Julv 5. ( Special to Tile
Un.J Most of the citizens ot Noligh spent
the 1-oiirth at tno reunion at Oakdalo.
Yo tcrday u small boy wiih maflius and
firecracker- , reduced IJ.wld Graybill's barn
to nb lies Insurance , * :250. 'Iho tire laadles
did coed \vorK.
Coz\i > , Nob. , July /i. ( Special to THE
Br.h. | The Fuurth of July celebration hero
was a great success. licineon 3.000 and
4.0UO people assembled to glvo expression to
their foullngs of patriotism. The weather
* -as lovely But ono accident occurred to
, nr the harinonv of iho dav. J. C. Quolo , a
.ariner living u few miles south of town , was
knocked senseless by a runnlnir horse bolting
the track. Ills oar was cut oil and ho was
otherulso very badly Injured. It is thought
bo uill recover. The celebration was pro
nounced a decided success.
ViMiniiiiiK , Nob. , July 5.- [ Special to Tun
BKK.J Tbo Fourth was celebrated in Vor-
dlpru in the usual patriotic style , uttoudod
by the largest crowd over assembled hero. A
ppocinl oxcuralou train uus run und about
luucillziins of Crolghton and a larvo number
from other towns celebrated hero. No acci
dents occutred and tbo affair was a great
> UCCfS.
UinnoN , Neb , , Julv 5 [ Special to TUB
IJti'.J The Sous of Veterans celebrated the
PourUi here. Tlio program consisted of a
parade and drill , followed by an interesting
program in tbo grove. It consisted of n.uslc
and orations and a picnic dinner. After the
pniKnun tbo Sharon and Gibbon uase oall
team * engaged In a game \\Lich resulted In u
victory for thn Gibbon club bv 14 lo 0. The
ovcnincvus made pleasant by a display of
fireworks and bull In the town hall.
HAbTisi.f , Neb. , July 5. ( Special toTllB
Uriil Hatting * belonged to the whcoluiciii
yaiterday , and they did with it about as
they pleased , In tbo parade In tbo morning
every varluiy of blcycio from the Iron-tired
wooden uhcel ulTmr of ItC.i lo the latent Im
proved liumbcr incorwus represented. In
addition to the races at Colo's partf , the
Silas Strickland Grand Army post held u
picnic , with dancing In the evening. The
vberlmon picseutero delighted with their
Hastings treatment , and all unite la pro
nouncing thu track hero iho best to the
At Trumbull , nine miles north of Hast
ings , about -,000 people gathered to cole-
lurnto. County Judge W. li. IJurUm da-
llvoird tbo oration ,
At KosoUnd the oxcrclsos worn verv
pleasantly conducted. 1'coplo from nil
all-actions cumo early in the morning to
Davit' grovo. where music of a high order
was rendered. Juojro J II. Cessna of Hast
ings dil'vcroU ' an oration on "Tho Prourest
of thee t , " which , at Us close , was clvou
Thi'cn hearty cheers.
July 5.-Spoclal | to TUG
-Tho Fourth passed off quietly , the
weather ( H'Inp tine. The oxercUes o ( the
juornlng rotulttvd of niuslo by the Norfolk
baud , speaking by Uev. W , L. Uowraati of
this place , followed by hone and foot racing
In the afternoon. About 3,000 people were In
FAIIIMONT , Neb . July 5. ( Special to TUB
Ben. ] Yesterday was n gala day for Fair
mont. At 4 o'clock the people were uwakancM
by tha ringing of bells and tbo iirlncr of
cannon. At T the teams began to arrlvo nnd
at 10 there was fully f > ,000 people In the city.
Tha industrial parade woa over a inllo in
length. At the park n program was ren
dered and sonic line speeches were made.
Everything passed off nlcelv but for the
burning of Mrs. Charles Trcadwell , which
was caused by firecrackers Shu is very
badly burnod. There is a chance for her re
covery ,
Pi.ArrsMOfTii , Nob. , July 5. [ Special to
Tim BEE. I The celebration of the nation's
Diitnl day was a colossal affair. Although
this city has bad some superb celebrations In
past years , yesterday's was the Quest. From
iho rising of the sun until late In tbo evening
the peopto poured Into the city from nil
directions. Tbo business and residence portions
tions ot the city were handsomely decorated
with flags and bunting. The only features
of tbo morning were the decision of the
Judges in regard to the .Too Klein prizes for
writing the most words on a postal card and
the oration. L. U. Sawyer of nuutb Bend
won llrst prlzo , writing " ,000 words. II. C.
Smith of Platt.smouth second , 0,1)57 ) , nnd
Charles Klnuamon of Plnttsmouth third ,
dUCO. A great baskotdlnnor was held at tbo
grounds , after which sports and exorcises of
a llko character wcro Indulged in ,
Giuxii ISIA.MI , Neb. , July 5. jSpccial to
THE BCK. I The Sugar city spent the Fourth
quietly. Hon. S. N. Wulbach gave n free dis
play of fireworks in the evening that uns wit
nessed by 2,000 peoplo. The display lasted
from 8 till 10 p. in. and was the best over
scon hero.
Today' * Cli utiuifiiix' Sort lc < > .
Bm-rnicE , Neb. , July 5. [ Special to TUB
BiiK.l The weather still continues favorable
for tbo Beatrice Chautauquu and the attend
ance does not seem to diminish. The
splendid program accounts for this , livery
train brings additional arrivals and the
catrpers at the handsome grounds nro con
stantly increasing. Today being woman
suffrage day considerable Interest was
given the tabernacle meeting uy .in interest
ing and characteristic address by Susan B.
Anthony , Mrs. C B Colby and other Icaulna
apostles of kbo woman sutfrago movement.
1'oinorrow is alliance day and a slron ;
effort , with some prospect of success , will bo
made to secure General J. B. Weaver for a
brief address. A committee has been dis
patched to Umaha for that pjrposo.
Messrs. Isaac Albormarlo Coles and Abra
ham Lincoln Kcea , both of Omaha , spent the
Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Smith at
Generiil Field , candidate for vice prosllont
on tno people's ticket , has sent word that ho
will bo p'rcsent and nduress the Chautnu-
quans hero tomorrow. The independents are
maxtng big preparations for his reception.
Fu swnNT , Neb. , July o. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BBE.--Tomorrow ( will bo
Farmers day at the Chautauqua. Ignatius
Donnellv has boon secured to lecture at : i p.
m. upon ' -Farmers' Kights. " Tnero will bo
a grand concert in the evening bv the Apollo
club of Omaha. A special train will run to
Omaha at too close of the concert.
> rbri4Un lotlliri ! NntrH.
Nnunn , Neb , July 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BFK. I Many oldsettlers and alliance
men of republican proc'ivitlos ' expressed
their utter contempt for the people's party
nominations and swear tnoy will not assist a
rebel brieadier into the saddlo.
BCVTUICK , Neb.- July 5. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKK.J The republican county
central committee is called to ineot in this
city at a o'clock Thursday , to Bx the date
nnii place for the republican county conven
tion. This convention uill probably nom
inate a full county ticket to bo named this
fall. A county attorney , district clerk ,
three members of the legislature , a lloat
representative ana a state senator ate to bo
Hustings ruling ; lioiids.
H-.TJS09 , Nob. , July . " > . ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BKB. I Thu special election for
the purpose of voting the SM.OOJ in issuing
bonds for paving districts Nos. 2 ana 3 at
tracted but little attention today. Everyone
ono was certain that the bonds would carry
and less than 300 votes were polled. Fully
91 per cent of the voles cast were in favor of
tbo proposition.
Small I-'lrt : at ( ir.nul Isltnil.
Giuxu J-ii.vxn , Nob. , July 5 ( Special to
THE BEE. ] A small tire occuried last night
in an oil shed of the Union I'aeitio. The
rite department was holding a ball In the
city hall and were promptly on baud. The
damages were only nominal.
Sick headache yields to Beecham's Pills.
itUUTll OM lll.t.
llcguliir .Monthly Meeting of the City
The council mot last evening in regular
monthly session. An ordinance was passed
transferring moneys from the special fundfto
the general fund to bo used in paying the
registrars for the city special election.
The street committee was instructed to de
termine whether water na4 datnazed F. A.
Broadwell's ' propertv to the extent of S ( > 7.
The chief of tno lire department and street
commissioner were Instructed to see that
useless tire hydrants ute put in proper con
Benjamin Melqulst was awarded the con
tract to build the stone abutment at thu east
end of thu Q street viaduct. His bid was as
follows : For each cubic yard of concrolo ,
ft JO ; for each cubic yard of masonry , $7 'JO ;
for each cubic yard of earth excavated , y 5
cents : for each lineal foot twelvo-inch sewer
pipe , 'M cents.
Bills were allowed as follows : Sewer
Fund Joseph Suoooda , J t..VJ ; Hans Pest-
m&nn , SJI ; Honrv Pestmanu , $0.60.
Pavin ? District No 11 W P. Adklos ,
fIS : Charles Snivelv , 5'i i M. G. Corbe , K.
1'avlne District No. 5V. . P. Adtcins , $1J ;
M. G. Zoroe , & > ; M. L. King , Wj W. P.
Webster , is.
Grading District No. 0 Charles Snlvely ,
$4 ; M. G. 2erbo , W ; M. L , . King , * 1.
Grading District No. 12 W. P. Adkins ,
$1 ; W. P. U'oostor. fs , Charles Snlvoly , 8d :
M G. Zorbe , J4 ; M. L. King , $2.
General Fund J. P. Cook it Co. , * a.50.
A motion prevailed that the city papers
nnd documents bo kept in the vault in the
American District Telegraph ofiico at a ren
tal of i per month.
Tbo damage suit against tbo city , brought
by Mrs. John Hood , was brought to the at
tention of the members , and the council will
meet this evening to consider the case.
SelectiMt tlio Teucliers.
The Board of Education met last evening
and elected tbo following teachers for the
ensuing year :
W. J. Taylor , Helen Seolo.r , Hottlo Moore ,
Eugenie Gottnor , Persia Stewart , Agnes
Hoffman , Mama Soykora , Mabel Sllvor.Ellza
Gibbs , M . L. W. Hard , Allca Havens ,
Mulfen , Nottio Hunter , Alice Brlon , Mary
Kois , I' lorenca Mc.Mullon , Luella Erion ,
lOmina H. Wood was ulfctod teacher of siiii-
ing and Kute Gregory substitute ,
.Nut * . ' * ami I'l-ntuniiU.
A con has boon boru to Mr. and Mrs ,
John Crum.
Mrs. Kato Welch loft yesterday for an ex
tended visit at Boiton , Mass.
MUs Nottio Harrington loft yesterday for
Denver to visit with friends.
Mrs. Micbaol O'Hcarno has gene to North
Bounlngton , Vt. , on an extended visit ,
( Mlllam McGulrk succeeds Dan T. Mur
phy as wolf ; tier for Cudahys ut scale house
No. 2.
V Malzgor of Washington county visited
with bis daughter , Mrs , Dauna Alberry ,
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Priestly of Dodge
county xvuro vlsltlnc with friends In iho city
A rirl , 3 years of age , was rnportcd lost
yesteiday from tbo fajilly of Jobu 1'ipor ,
Thlrtioth nnd T strools.
A majority of the delegates to the people's
purtv convention visited South Omaha yester
day and were xbown through tno slock yards
and packing houses ,
L. T. Martin has resigned his position with
tbo Cudaby Packing company and has rene
to Kansas City , whore ho will engage iu thu
live stock commission buslueis. He it suc
ceeded by Dau T. Murphy.
Mayor Eeinia Names Members of Two Iin-
poitint Oity Bomb.
ilo MircrciU Colonel Kghi-rt on tlin Ilnaril
of rubllcV ( > rk.i-iniploc : of tlio City
Hall NHincd Want H Depot
Mayor Bemls last night sent to tbo council
n message naming L. S. Heed. Frank Holler
and W. V. Morse ns members of the Public
Library board.
Mr. Lowry moved that the appointment ot
Mr. Heed bo couflrcnod. The motion pre
vailed and all of the members voted "aye. "
| i Tbo other appointees weronotso fortunate.
Mr. Lowry said that they were both good
men , but that , ho thought that it was unwlso
to remove such & man as William Wallace ,
who wa one of the founders of tne library.
Ho said there wcro resignations to bo handed
In soon , and that ho know there wcro some
members who would resign rather than to
have Mr. Wallace out of the board.
The appointment of the two gentlemen
wont over until some subscquont meeting.
The mayor then named St. A. D. Balcombo
as a member of the Board of Public Works ,
vice A. G. Egbert , whoso term of ofiico has
The appointment went Into the hands of the
committee on public property and buildings ,
where It will remain until the next mooting.
Mmio City Hull Appointments.
Superintendent Mathlosou of the city ball
was on hand with some appointments. Ho
wanted Jud Gibson for elevator man. The
appointment was confirmed. W. B. Austin
was named for the position of engineer ot
the city hail. This wa continued.
George Cathroo was the man who was
named for fireman. President Davis said it
was voting away tno people's monov to have
an engineer and 11 re in an in the bulldlnir dur
ing iho summer. Tbo building was not
ready for these men and thera was no need
of then services until the building was ready
for occupancv. They would draw their
salaries from the date "of their appointment.
After a lengthy discussion of the question
Mr. Cathroa got loft , as he lacked the neces
sary two-thirds. Then Mr. Howell moved
the reconsideration of the vote by which Mr.
Austin was appointed to the portion of
engineer. Mr. Austin managed to hang on
lo bis appointment , as only seven inembtrs
voted to reconsider.
The name of Scott McWilllams1 was pre
sented. The superintendent wanted him as
the second elevator man. Ho was con-
llrmed. Georco H. Hurd was also named as
one of the parties who could conduct a city
hall elevator. Hurd got the Job
On motion of Mr. Howell the vote by
which Cathroo's appointment was rejactod
was reconsidered. Then the appointment
was referred to the commit tee on rules. The
chairman , Mr. Lowry , reported IhatCathtoo
was a proper person to do tno firing. Aqatn
the council voted on tbo appointment and
ngain it was rejected by a vote of lo 9.
P.oniMl to Have u Depot.
An effort was made to revive the union
depot project. Mr. Prince of the committee
on viaducts and railways otTerod the follow
ing resolution , which was unanimously
adopted :
Whereas , There Is a sentiment nmone some
of our responsible cltl/ous the only Im
pediment In the way of the o.irly completion
of the union depot is a mere le al teclmicil-
ily : und
Whereas , It Is the provalllns sentiment
niiion nil cltUens thn pre unt wretched
facilities for liandlini ; piss < > iucr trafllc la
detrimental to the good iiamo and gfowlh of
the city of Omaha , and
Whnrens ; ' 1 bo belief prevails that a uieet-
Injofill partlns Interested would rc-ttlt In
the removing of all obstacles In Iho way of
btiilillns a depot wlilt-h shall bocoriimensur.ite
with the Importance and beauty of our city ;
tnerefore , bo It
Hesolved. By the city council that au .itl-
tournud meeting of the cltv council be he.d on
Thursday opening. July 7. .its o'eoouto dl -
ciisw lys and means of iircompll hliu the
above named ohjuct and that at such incot-
In. bis honor thu mayor , linn. John 1) . Ilowo.
Krne-t Muht , thooity attorney , the commit
tee of the Uuslnu-s Men's association , thn
rcire > untatUes ot the L nlon J'aiMflc anil H. .V
.M. r.tliroids and the Union Depot company bo
1m itcd to attend ana express their vle-vs
SOIIKI Trouble About This.
Tbo board of equalization that sat for the
purpose of correcting errors and equalizing
assessments mndo its report. That portion
referring to the proposed assessment to
cover the cost of changing the prado of
Hamilton from Twenty-fourth to Fortieth
stroat was rejected.
City Attoruey Council said that the matter
would have to go to tbo next hoard of equal
On the chaneo of prado of Douglas street
lots between Fourteenth and Fifteenth
streets were nssetsod benefits at the rate of
$1,000 per lot and between Fifteenth and Six
teenth streets at the rate of f 1,500 per lot.
The balance of the cost Is to bo assessed on
the propertv west of Sixteenth street in
accordance with the plans formerly sub
There was a lengthy discussion over the
adoption of the report. Oratory iu hugo
waves rolled about the room , each member
explaining his own particular position. Once
the report was rejected. Then the vote was
reconsidered and , with the exception of that
portion roforrlcg to Hamilton street , the re
port was adopted , Mr. Brunor protesting that
there was a Job lu many of thn proposed
assessments for damages and benefits ,
I'iiitni ; lor tliu War Department.
A number of the merchants of the city
petitioned the council to order the paving
of South Twouty-second street , from Loav-
onworth street to the government corral.
Colonel Burd , U. S. A. , stationed at the
quartermaster's depot , explained tha situa
tion. The depot at Cheyenne was brought lo
Omaha with the understanding that Twenty-
second street would bo paved. Efforts , bo
said , had been made to have th(3streot ( _ paved ,
but to no avail , The work of handling sup
plies at the dopol could not bo carried on if
the street was not paved. General
Grant , Colonel Burd , said , had remarked
that without something was done the
depot would have to bo removed to Rome
other point. Ilo did not make it us a throat ,
but as a fact. General Brooke , be said ,
thought that the government would bavo to
pay Its share of the cost of the paving ,
Mr. Howell stated that bo would lend bis
efforts to have the streets paved
Mr. Munrn moved that tbo prayer of the
petitioners b',1 granted and that the city en
gineer bn Instruotod to prepare the necessary
paving ordinance. Thu motion prevailed.
The mayor vetoed that portion of thonppro-
pnatlon sheet providing lor the payment of
of JO,509 to Contractor Cooti of the city ball.
Ho said tnat ho was not satisfied of the cor
rectness of the bill and that there
nothing to show that It had boon
curtitled to by the city engineer. Besides
this the bill was not prcjoutoj to the com-
mlltco until the day before the passage of tbo
ordinance. The veto was sustained , and tbo
item was referred lo the committee on public
property and buildings ,
Hoiitlnu Work.
The Board of Public Works and the city
onglnoor were given ofllclal uotlco that they
could move into their now ofHcos in the city
hall OP July ! . ' > , as the rooms would bo
ready for occupancy ou that dole.
Tbo clly will purchase a j975 burglar
proof safe for the city treasurers oftlco.
Mr. Audrocn , from whom the safe will ba
purchased , allows the city (100 for tbo old
safe in the clerk' ? cilice , and (40 for the
safe iu tbo treasurer's ofllco.
The council adopted the plans for tbo pro-
nosed new viaduct along the line of South
Slxtoenlh street. The members of the coun
cil all voted to approve the plans and tbo
. ,
Tn r.iull at jear-)1 njxrioncu lo
tnalii ) ikln. >
cl.U , or nul tor mail f.r 5Ur.
I il.ottxtp ana H | . ijo IXK k n | > < r ,
> .
ilt .tr i J .nsklu v-ilp > pnpunnj
llluHln MKIUI Aim | ) l > flurm ol.
i ko C.rlhnnrtl , MM ! , . , Miitll. luJU
I k lua Titnlcr U.rVl ; fun. HI-
I n i. lladni i. nf NOM itiwrUnuui
Ililr Clmpl..rui | Ii l < pniti.l.rle.
CUM.I > IUIIU I , , , i * ni it li ; iriirr.
D.I. , t2S W. 4Zd SI , New York Cil ) .
Htv it'orney ' was InitrWffed to prepare the
i devilry ordinance audcrlng tlio cotntruo
uoi of the TlndtlcU Mr. ; wnntad to
knoxv what had tccoma of the Fifteenth
street vliduot. City Enslnoor Hosowntcr
slated that hu had two men worKlnc on the
pmn * ; nnd that thor < would bo oomplotod
\vilhin ton days Of two ) iccks. {
The curbing contrjct'wltb Huph Murpbr.
by which ho has agreed to curb certain
streets with rod Co I ova jo sandstone , wns
presented nnd approved The contract pro
viilo * for the curbing th soroo thirty or fortv
City Knglnoor Hosowavjr reported that bo
collected fllO on cas and \vater permits dur-
me the monlh of June-
The Board ot Education wrote that It con
curred in the action , af the city council
ordering' tblrty-olcht aadtllnnal election
booths and would stand its proportion of tbo
Hannah M , Baldwin served notice that on
June II she was seriously Injured by falling
on a defectiro walk at Eighteenth and Nich
olas street * ) , She stated that unlevi she was
piild $1,000 she would sue Iho city. The no *
tlco win referred.
An ordinance requiring the water woras
company to lay mains anu service pi pas on
all streets to be paved this season was Intro
duced and referred.
Ed Pholan's hond , by which ho agrees to
Krado Douglas street ana the intcrsectlnR
streets , together with the contract , were pre
sented and approved ,
ItpporK from tlio Dcp.irtiiu'nlal IK-aiU
lliiniltMl In.
Owlne1 to only three members tclnR pres
ent , the Board ot Health did not transact
any bushiest yesterday afternoon. Reports
trom the heads of departments were to-
coivod nnd fllcd.
There were sovonty-nlno deaths iu Omaha
last mouth , two from motor car Occidents
aim two suicides. To offset the death roll
there were 141 births. Contagious diseases
seem to bo decreasiug , only four deaths
occurring out of twenty-two cases.
Inspector Holmes looked alter sixty-two
dairies , and tested 100 samples of milk. Out
of the number tested twenty-one fell below
the standard , The inspector reported thtt ,
in his opinion , the cause of most ot the poor
null ; was the feeding of the catllo on grass
alone , or a mixture of malt nnd grass. In
and around Omaha there are 15. ! dairies , in
which 355 cows are kept. A decided Im
provement of the qualltv of milk Is noticed
since the department began testing samples.
Meat Inspector Ueson reported having
conliscatcd and doitroyed1,700 pouudi of
beef during Juno , besides 140 crates ot cnb-
bago , some berries , and small quantities
of other meats.
The board will try and hold another moot
ing at 3 p. m. today.
TIII : i'.mr.TS.
DUhnneit OftlcliiN ot tlio liull.ilo , N" . V * . ,
MnlliRS Hank C.UHIM ! Itnln.
BI-FFUO , N Y. , July 5. Startling figures
were brought out this morning concerning
the National Savings bank defalcation.
The wildcat guess Is outdone by the actual
faots. Only about halt of the oass books
have been examined nnd the defalcation
reaches the surprising total of $4'2GG.jtl ! . The
revelation was made this morning in the su
preme court when the deuutT attorney gen
eral applied for a temporary receiver for tbo
Afterwards Cblof Examiner Judson said
ho believed the totul amount of the defalca
tion would reach J5JO.OOO. The ofllclal
statement of the bank examiners shows total
liabilities of S1,20S45 41. assets 31,000,344.55
and deficits $ JsO,500 bli. Thus far there has
been turned In in money and property5i,000. !
The dellcicncv in the bank's funds is not as
large as the steal.
IIIs Fealty lEon-arilcd.
On Saturday nighf "when Julius U'ober ,
the oncmoer at Fred Brug Brewing
company's brewery , wont into the ofllce to
got his pav ho was handed n vorv fine cold
watch and chum and was informed tnat ten
years ngo on tbo 30th of Juno ha commenced
to work for the brewery and the present was
for his faithfulness during that timo.
If vou should see a short , thick-sot Gor
man walking up street with his thumbs In
tno arin-bolos ot bis vest and not noticing
anything below the cumloof the courthouse
or citv hull , tnat is Julius SVebor , the en
gineer at Urug's brewery.
llopartcd .Abduction.
P. C Cowan telephoned to tb.9 city jail
yesterday afternoon from Florence that two
12-year-old gills had been abducted. Ac
cording to Cowan's statement a man driving
a two-liorso rig and dacorated with a Grand
Army badge induced tte two children to take
n ride. Ho drove toward Omaha and up to U
o'clock had not returned. Tno police n'ro on
the lookout for the girls and tbo man.
Aniictctl 8 Yeais by Dreadful Skin autl
JJIooil Diseiiie , willi Intcusc Pain
anil Lixs of Hair.
All Other Itonicdirs Tail. Helloed In
stantly and Cure 1 in Tour Weeks
b ) tlio Ctitituira K"incdies.
1 have few \\ords to say regaraing tha CVTI-
ctriti KhMhiiiKo. Thov have cdred me In four
weeks' time from a Skm nud Illooct Disease
w nli h 1 tiave Imd for ox er three years. At cer-
tulti times , my szln Mould ue very seri > . mid ul-
wnyt kem cracklus ana peeling on In whits
scales , lu cold wuatuermy face wag one ma s
of ocalesV lien In ttio < old nlr the pain was In-
teuao ; it would aiuiojt Urlni ; tears to my eyes
and my blood ale belnr In a ooor condition
with a lessor : hair. I h.-no tried every known
remedy ttint recummendtul to imLut It
was of no us * , and gave ma very little benefit.
bo , htMi'lni ; of your ( 'L-niTiiv IU.MKIIII : * . I con-
clupedtOBlvethem a trial. The llr t applica
tion 'avt ultnost Instant rellet '
( ) In a few weeks'
time 1 found myself cuied , nnd I am thankful
for what they have done for mo. VourC'iTi-
< I.'MA KKMKiut.s ute a blessing to those who
nmy have tne opportunity to use them. I can
recommend thorn to an v one
ii.M17NI : ) IvEHAS ,
27Ws ( Union Ave , Chicago , 111 ,
Cuticura Remedies
Effect dally moro great cures of humora and
diseases of the atln , scalp , and blood than all
01 her remedies combined. C'uiiutnu , the great
Skin Cure , and CIITICUUA Souan exnulaltrt
Skin i'urltler and llejutlller , externally , and
UI'TICUIIV KKSOI.VK.NT. the new Wood 1'urltler
and Humor Uomodles , Internally , euro every
npaclej of Itchlug. burning , scaly , pimply ani
blotchy dlieaaes of the sun , scalp and blood ,
from Infancy to nee , from pimples lo scrofula
when the best physician 'and till other iciiio-
dies fall
Sola everywhere Price , OUTICUU.rac : SOAP ,
re : il. 1'ronared by the 1'ormt
1)111111 AMI r'llEUICAl , COKI-OIIATIIW. HoStOIl
5M'iid for "How to Cure Skin "Bl
pages , M Illustrations , 10) ) Testimonial.
MaiS. bl.ick.hcan > . red , rough , chapped
and oily Hln cured by UimcuuA SOAI' .
Full of coirifort for aU 1'alni , In-
18111111(111011 ( , and Weakness of the
. - Sfcced Is the urniunv A.NTI-I'.U.V
- . t'fc' " ' " ' ' " 'i the llrst and only pain-
tuilmc , strengthonlug plaster. New. instanta
neous , nnd infallible.
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalled in Flavor.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only hi 2 } pound imcliugoa.
Velvet Meal ,
For inulllns and gems ,
Till ? Dfiol lo UlfiAIIlM
Soli ! by all Tirsl-Chis Or COM.
Great Semi-Annual Sale of
Men's Pantaloons ,
Prices $1.50 to $3.75.
We begin our usual semi-annual sale of Men's Pantaloons on
Wednesday morning , and will continue the sale until Saturday evening.
The stock amounts to over 2,000 pairs , in cheviots , cassimcrcs and
worsteds , which will be offered to the public at prices averaging about
50 cents on the dollar. Over 500 pairs of extra pants from our fine
suit counters will be offered at nominal prices.
Nothing But Pantaloons.
Our show window will contain nothing but pantaloons dur
ing this sale. Don't fail to sec them.
Prices $1.50 to $3.75.
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tbt eminent specialist la nervous , chronic , private. blooS , Bkln and nnnarj tllsenioi A rosnlir And
ral3tere < l f mduate In medclne , us diplomas and certinontcs obow. Is still treating irltb the greatest aucicfls
catarrh , spermatorrhoea , lost manhood , seminal woakneJi. nluht losses Impotoacr , syphilis , stricture. KOn-
orrboea , fflect , vnrlcooole.ctc > 'o mercury used. Net ? treatment forlosi of tllal power , Parties uniblo to
visit me may be traatol at homo t > jr oorru'pomlence. Medicine or Instruments sent by mall orerprus ?
curelT packed , no marks to Indicate contents or sender. Ono personal Interview prerurrod. CunsuUauuo
freo. Coiroipondenru strictly private. Hook ( Mystorles of Ula ) sent free. Uffloe bours . m. to p. m ,
BuudOTS Urn. Send stamp ( or renlj.
' "THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and
A bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and
always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches
on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ,
Chtonic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite ,
Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash- ,
Painful Digestion , Pim- pies , Rush of Blood to
the Head , Sallow Corn- plexion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling ,
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom or dis- ease that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each
meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle
15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
fc/JV ' * 'Via'i < 6 < 'sJV < y < v ' ' | V V' < ( V'/'V ' 4 * '
Out Doors
If mon and women of all npoa know
how easy it ia to bicycle how sufo
healthful joyful economical all
the world would cvclo As cycling
leads bxorcUcs of all out-doors , so the
Columbia lends the cycles of the
Hook about Colunitilas froa nt C'ol-
utnblu oKunclus , or notit f ir two two-
contbtnnip * I'ope Mfrf. Co. , 'J.'l Col
umbus Ave. , Boston.
Dr , Bailay , $ r
The Loading
Dentist U
Thlri Floor , Paxton Bloa c.
'telephone 108) , Kith ami Fanntii Sh.
A full net of tcotu on rubber for IJ. 1'crfeci net
TocuU without ( ilutvi or remuveablu bridge work
Jim tlio tiling for ilUKur > of public upoukur , nuvur
All IIMii f nt raasonublu r.ttoi. All wort
warr uilud Cut this out lor u 'ulilo
A.M US LSM laiSi T3.
\\n.r ,
TSllt.rier-Barlow Company
10,000 Curios rroin I.uiid and bou 1U.OOO
I'arformancus 2:30 : ,
Unlike ilie Diiicii Process
No Allcnlics
Otlior Chemicals
are used In tlio
preparation of
1 fl jiuro anil tulublc ,
I II IthMmorethanthreetlmei
I i H iA > troiA ! of Cocoa inlxeil
xJJL * M % N"1' Htarcb , Anowroot or
i&iy Biicar , iiuil It rar were ec < > -
lCHl , imtlny leu than one cent a cup.
1C li tlcllcioui , nourishing , and KAHILT
DIQlWTtl ) . _
Sold by ( Jf or IT f ierywher .
W. BAKER & CO.iDorchester , Ma ,
Indian Doproiati
You'd better nnt waste any
more time if you expect to
get anything from the gov
ernment. Unless you put
your claim on record before
March 3 , 189-1 you will
never have another change.
It takes time to put an ap
plication in shape , and there
is not a bit of spere tinn
left. Whatever you have
lost by the Indians , under
the conditions described in
the law , can be recovered if
you go about it in the right
way. The Bee Bureau of
Claims knows just how to
go to work. Write and finl
Bee Bureau of Claims
Omaha , Neb.
7I0 ? AUK
J IMl J 111 1&C
'jo lo f ; .
Call on ! ! AT O\ni anil Imvo Ilicm cxnni
lncil < l-itl I. ot ( IIiUtl.Ki liy ( Mir and
irnert" ur > Illlpcl wllli u imlrof our I ] lltKl
TIO.N hM f.l ASHiorM'iT : : MBolit
MlhVllHl Al.M itml itrliul ICIIMH to currett
nil the % nrti U ! * dvfotla ofli > loii Miih im
IlVl'KllMKl IIOI'IA ifnr elrliti MtUI'IA ncur
klKllt ) I'ltl SllVOI'lA ( o'll fli.htl.Ah'1 II.MAI M
ilrrouulur flslili AbTIIKMJl'IA iwink ultlil
DII'l.Ul'IA { ilouili | > ll. llt ) , AMtO\HTHlMA (
inneiiiial plulili. alHAllla.MLb ( rqulutor cro
Del , i'to I'tc
EVEGLAStiliS from * 3 UpwarUu.
EYEGLASSES from $1 Upward.
the Eyes from 50c Up.
Practical Opticians.
1'AHXAM ' and 16lh Sis. , OMAHA.
Established 1866.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
&SL Paul R'y as represented
on this man.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed VestibuleJ trains leave
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:1.5 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent
National Bank.
Capital $100,000
Surp'.us $05,000
Onicuri ninl DlrccloriMontr W Vnloi , iireiUloiu
' . lil , f H MuiirliiiV V
II U I'lulilnt : Tliw | > ru iit
ilor.o. JoUn H Uolllru , J N M , 1'utrlck , L , l A.
Uuo'l. ' Cmhlor.