Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY . . . . . _ BEE ; i- Hf - KPN . . . ESI ) AY. JULY 6 , 1802.
Cnrrlcr to ctiy ptnlof Uio City
n i ri'tir\r .J Hiifc'no" Office
DIM 1ICM > { jlilll ; idiior ; . No 2:1 :
MlAUIt MliXtlUS ,
y Y. Pluniblnp Co.
IJostou store for ury cood1 ? .
( ouiu-ll IJltirr.H LumburCo. ,
A lire caused by u llro timelier cnusoil con-
sldcrablo dmnimo to Miss Hiigsdalo'a llillll-
iiory slufo Monday.
A iiutltlonVIIM Illuil In the district court
yostt-niay by Mrs. N. M. Crawford nslcliiB
tor n dlvorco from her husband ,
Thu regular council ttiootltiR of Potta-
wntiutiilo tnoo No. I , Imfrovcd Order of
Huil Men , will bo hulil this ovonliiK In Itioli1
WlKwatn , corner of Drondwav and Mmti
Rttuuls , at thu eighth ruu. Visiting ctilofs
nro wclcotno.
A iioiitlon benrlnc tbo slt-iiiit'.ires of sixt.v
of llto residents of the \vi lcrn part of the
cliy , was presuntod to the i-lly clorlc yester-
dnv afternoon. The palltloncrs want to ex
press thiur hot liullKiintlnii ut the Inllmatlotl
cf the police authorities thatthoy bnvo uniplo
liolleo protection for that p.irt of town , mid
to ilciiuinil thu addition ol a policeman or
two.A borio belonKlns to I'o'er Hanson , who
Joein a Miloon , while beltiK rlddon by a sou
of Hansen near the corner of liroadway iitttl
Twoiity-llr-tt street Monday callopctl into a
runaway team ami was impaled oti the
longuo of the waROti to which they were
nttnched , The cti'l of the tonsuo penetrated
nearly two feet into the horso's breast , kill-
in ) , ' It In.slnntl.v.
A half nnd half dynatnlto and powder cnn-
non llrccraclfor weiKhlni ? a pound or two ,
was Ill-oil In otto of the Pierce strcot bouses
of prostitution Monday night as the crowtt-
Inir effort to properly celebrate the Fourth.
All the furniture In the room was demol
ished and thu building wrecked. The In
mates were shaKou up , but notio of. thorn
severely injured.
The Missouri Valley drum corps wns Intho
city Monday and treated Tin : Uii : : oflk-e to a
serenade , which was highly appreciated.
The organization Is composed of the follow-
liiK Kenllemon : J. 1C. Joner , , Leo Joiics , W.
A. Jones , O. Doty , U. 11. tJllkoy , P. 1"lonei ) ,
T. C. Case , A. J. , J. II. Shecley , J.
IJyprs , H. I. Wlsler , T. L. Tracy , C. W.
Kcollelil , O Goltrv , O. E. Fowler , \V. L.
Wlsler , W. A. Stuart and G. Forman. F. J.
Potter is manager.
C. M. Hurl was Btiiiitnoned In great h.isto
yeslordny from Iho Chautauqiia Bfountls ,
\\here ho was campinc with his family , by a
telephone mcssiiRO from one of hlsnolchbors ,
him that onu ot hl windows was
open and it was supposed that burglars woto
roosting InMiIc. He rushed into town and ,
uniting himself with aUatllnir uun , prepared
to recover his castle from the possession of
III : ; enemy , when ho learned that the hired
girl bnil returned from the country , whcro
Bho hail been spending a few days , nooner
than she had expected , and , llnnlnt ; the door
locked , climbed in at the window , The
( .Jailing gun was not used.
A man called at the rcstdonco of Mrs. L.
JJicdermati yestcrJny afternoon nnd stated
tht > l hu had been recommondeU to ire to her
for money cnoiifh to take him to Sioux City.
Mr. nicderinnn replicil that she was not run
ning a frro transportation bureau , where
upon the inunctulined tohearelativoof tier's.
After he hail argueu with hc-r for nome tlmo
nnd failed to indut-p her to assist him ho DC-
canio abusive , nnd frightened her badly. Mrs.
IJIedeniinn reiiortcu the alT.ui to the polic > ,
nnd a short llmo rflerwards ho was. nrruaicd
by Chief Scanliin. Ho gave his iiaino as
Jacob Uothschlld , and will answer to the
ji.dgo of polii'o court this morning.
Iloiv to Ili-ncli Climluuiia. ; : |
All the nidtor lines connect with the
Roi'k lalnnil trains , which run direct
from Omivltn , ami from the Mttln street
depot in Council l3lufTs , direct to the
( . 'lnuitaurtm | grounds. The service this
year is bo completes thiit the puhllu
hhould sho\v Us iippi-ccintion hy availing
themselves of the opportunity to rctieli
C'hiiutiUtui. ! [ From the depot ut Clitui-
ttuujuit to the amphitheater there is a
piuooth , nlnulc walk all the way , thus
inakino' the Kock Island train thu clean
i/M , quickest , easiest and cheapest wiy
to reach Chuutn'iqtiH. The tlmo tables
nro puhlishcd clhowlio.-o. Nine trains n
day each way. _ _
International Cure nssocialion rooms
nre in annex to Crtnd ! hotel , 520 First
avenue , Council liiulTs , I't. ' For euro of
alcohol and opium disease.
J , S. Johnson ot Dragoon , Ariz. , Is visit
III ) : with his nephew , J. K. Carrot her.- ) .
Ralph Williams nnd wife hnvo gene to
Denver for a visit of a couple of wcoks.
Mrs. C. II. ( illmoro starts today for Den
ver to visit her sister , Mrs. J , 1J. Norllng.
Miss A. C. Sparks ol Cincinnati , O. , Is In
Iho city the guest of Mr. anu Mrs. J. li.
I . .Oil JT.
Hov. D. H. Cooley of Chicago Is expected
to urrlvu In the city totlay for a snort viilt
with relative. * ) .
Major H. V , King leaves soon for Wash
ington , D. U. , whcro.u ! has scenro.l a peal
linn In one of the government ofllcos.
Mrs. George II , Moschomlorf an.i daugtoi
Kva luft vesterday via Iho U'abash for u i
weeks' visit In Now YorK and the east.
Mrs. C. II. Clnrlc of Chicago Is vialtliijMii > r
mother , Mrs. William linrkcr , 101'J Seventh
avenue , and will spund the summer ho re.
Marshal Plainer , who lived In Coutn-ll
HlutTs thirty years ago , but is now n res
ident of Montana , Is visiting In thu clt.v.
Ho is a son of tt.o late Ir.i I'latnur.
Mrs. Mamlo Huulnsoii , who has been visit
ing relallvcs In Council HlulTii , returned
Mondny night to her homo in Lincoln , Nub. ,
accompanied by .Mrs. U. D. ItandloU of
Concord , N. 11. , who will vUIt her for u
lr. G. M. Parks , n prominent real estate
man of Washington , Kan. , was nt , Chau-
tauqua Monday and theru eamo across his
old comrndo In Iho war , Dr. John Green.
They had not mol before slnco the close of
iho robclllon.
Hot weather prices in piutnro framus
ixt Riley & Shornuluii'H urt sloro.
Trniiifl lonvo Manawa dully at 8 iiiul 10
ii.iu. , 11 ! m. , uml \Jt2''M \ , a , ! ! : :10 : , 4 ,
' ' "
9m' : ; ( : ! ! ( . ll'ami 11:35 : p.'m. " Thu
] l:5f : > train will nmUo uotinoolioii with
thu last electric inutor ot.t- fur Oaiiiha.
AVIII liny tin-1,111.
The school boarl Is lo hold u mcciln ? this
evening for the purpose of coinpletini , ' the
purchase of the piece of properly which was
picked out some time ago at thu corner of
Madison strcol and Kappjl avontto for n
B -hoot houso. After the hoard decided lo
purchase It It wu luarneil that tlio lot was
oncumbcrod by a number of unsatisfied
judgments which hud to bo gotten out of the
way loforo n good title could bo passocl. The
] udgniunts have been p.ild off and now noth-
Inir romaiiis but lo complete the purchase.
The lot Is n purl of the J. M. Palmer csiaiu
nnd iho prlco to bu paid for It Is f.'JJO. It
fronts -MU tout on Kuppul uvcnuu and about
ninoly on Madison.
Cliiiiitiiuiiia | Triilnx.
Lonvo C'ouniiil HlutTs from Rock
iHluiiil ilopot ut 11:10 : a. in. , Hu : ; ) a. in. ,
li0n. : ; in. , 10 : 7 a. in. , 1:00 : p , m. , 1:60 : p.
in. , TiioO p , in , , 700 ; p. in. , 7i'J : ; p. in.
The Huston Store carries tlio largest
nail nifHt ciini > lute btook of dry ( , 'oodti in
CiniiiLMl lIlulVs , la. Tholt1 prie-os are a
gunontl hoimohulil wordknown thi-oiiuh-
out tlio htatos of Iowa anil Nobraska.
Their line ol watth yooilti Biirpassos any-
1111111 ; horoloforo hhown in Council
UlnlTs , la. It payB to trade at thom
m > ! > loii Store.
Mt U.
Dining hall tickets will bo sold ( or
55.00 , good for 121 ueulb.
Yesterday Wns Travalhg Men's ' Day at tbo
Gliautanqua GronndJ.
Mr. IMvviird ItiMcwatiir T.ilU * In tlicAMom-
lihiljo lii.n.valile : | Ce.itliro To-
( liiy's Program Ceiier.ilViuver Will
Deliver n Speech Next Tlmriday ,
The mnnaccment his shown
Its uiunl enterprise m nddliiR to Us 1IU of at
tractions the nauto of J. 11. Weaver , thn
newly nominated candidate on the pooplo's
party ticket for the ofllco of president of the
United Status. Ho will nppuiir on Thursday
afternoon. Ho Is acknowledged to be ono of
the leading orators of the country , and ho
will , without doubt , a raw n lurgo crowd on
account of the new honor ho has re
ceived , us well us by reason of his past
Trawling Men > Day.
Yesterday war , Traveling Men's ' day at the
assembly grounds , ami althoupti thera wcro
coinparatlvoly few traveling man who took
advantage ol the opportunity afforded them
of gulling to the front , tno exorcises were
not the less interesting on lhatuccoutit. Mr.
Leon H. Vincent lectured on the subject of
"Bngllsh Satlru" In the morning. To thosu
who have over heard him lecture It , Will ho
unnecessary lo say that ; the lecture was n
brilliant effort , sparkling with wit and
showing a Ueop Insight Into the subject
ho wns handling. Dean Ovvlft was
tnlton by the speaker as the partic
ular exponent ol lingllsh satlro generally.
In the afternoon thcro was a muslcalo , at
which Mrs. Nellie Uungs-SUulton , the assem
bly band anil the Imperial quartette ap
peared. H wu * the last timu thu audience
would have Iho chance ot hearing this quur-
tolto , which has made a hit , and the audience
therefore determined to gut all It could ,
Kverv selection was encored thrco or four
tinios , and in cverv instance thu applause
had to bo stopped by the superintendent In
order that tbo program might proceed. Ono
ol the pieces that took the fancy of tha aud
ience especially well was n beautifully har-
monUcu arrangement ot "Llttlo Anulo
Hoonoy , " but llttlo Annlo Hoonoy's natno
was replaced by a long pause , so that thu
qtiartotto escaped the vengeance which
might otherwise have been visited upon their
Kduiird KoBUXViitor Talk * .
At the close of the concert Mr. Edward
Kosewntor , the editor of TitK OMIHV Uti : ,
was introduced as the speaker of the after-
noon. Ho baa had no opportunity ot prepar
ing a sat speech , but although Iho nualencu
had already boon in thu amphitheater an
hour and u halt ho had no trouble in Keep
ing It Interested for another half nn hour.
Ho rofoi-rod to the immense growth the
traveling men's fraternity lias made in the
past few years , saying that It was tills
branch pi Inuustry which , among other ac
complishments , had mndu the grout hotel
sybtom now In vogue in this country n possi
bility. He then proceeded to give a graphic ac
count of his travels In Kuropa , carrying the
audience-with him from London to Amster-
ciam , Paris. Berlin and other place * of Eu
rope , a n a dwelling soiuowhitt on the oddities
of each ono.
The recitations bv Prof.V. . W. Cantos
and his uuuiruU'r. Portia , woru highly en-
Joyed. Thu latter was particularly nopular
with tbo audience , her exlrotno youth and
the ease nnd gr.ico which she exhibited on
the platform beluga combination us uncom
mon as > it was pleasing.
The classes were all organized yesterday ,
and the students wont to work with a will.
All the clasho ? wcro well attended , and the
teachers hops for a successful course of
Kindergarten Methods.
The kindergarten department , under the
direction of .Mrs. llurdman , Is n fuituro of
the assembly that deserves much cordial sun-
port from 'thoso who are In attendance.
Patents can got many helpful points with
reference to Iho use of kindergarten
methods In the home , in addi
tion to this bencllt the children
are given a p'.nco whcro they can play in the
irflcrnoon. If the mothers would accept all
the benelit-s placed within their reach by the
management , the intolerable nuisance would
bo done away with of having scores of 111-
controlled children running about the am
phitheater , preventing these who have paid
the admission fee from enjoying the enter
tainment , while the parent ! sit by looking at
their tinmiinagcablo olTspring , unwilling or
unable to put a stop to the nuiauncu.
l.iiHt ICvt-iiliig'ii Session.
Last evening's program contained a great
attraction In the shape of an Illustrated lecture
turo by Prof. C. V. Clendonuiu of Chicago.
Prof. Clendonniu Is ono of the low men who
hits madu a special study of South American
history and topography , and wlton tbo public
heard that ho would deliver a lecture on the
subject of "A South American Vuc.ition" it
responded lo the Invitation to bo there , and
lhe result was a lurgp evening attendance.
Thu lecture was a mo-it Interesting ono , nna
wt'h the dissolving views thrown on the big
canvas bv the aid of a calcium light , made an
Impression that will not soon wear away.
Prof. Clomlcunlii Is booked for two moro
lectures ut Uiu Twin City Chatitauqua , ami
ho has refused to make ong.igo.nents to
speak at moro than three assemblies during
the summer.
The lied Mon , Pocohonlas degree , Iho
Modem Woodmen , the Uoyal Nolghuord , the
Commercial Pilrrims , and the Or.ind Army
hnvo a headquarters at the .south end of the
dining hull , on De Motto uvouuo , whcro all
vislllni : members of these order.i will bo made
Toiliy'K : I'rosniin.
The program today will contain thn usual
number of guod things , nnu some extra. In
I'otull ' it is as follows :
Ul : ! ) ) a. m. Morning Prayers.
11:00 : n. m. Lecture Mr. Leon II. Vincent.
Subject : "Hums. "
JUt : ) p. m. Muslo Assembly Dunil , Piano
Solo Airs , Nelllo Hungs-Skelton.
! i:80p. : m. Lecture Mr. George 15. Llttlo.
Subject : "forms and Paces lu Chalk and
Crayon. "
"sou p. in. Assembly Chorus Hshearsal ,
b:00 : p. m. Miiblo Assembly Hand. Lec
ture Prof. C. R Clondunnlr . Subject : "Tho
Chili of History. " ( Illustrated with Storeop-
.tlcon. ) _
AVInd ( JUIH Inn Ooutr.lut.
The city council got n move on Itself lust
evening nml before the evening was over
succeeded In cKutlng two moro ofllcers , A.
K. Avery waa re-elected to the otllce of
Htreut supervisor and A , J. McCUrcn poll-
tax collecior.
The committee on furnlturo for the now
city hull roporU-d that two bids bud boon 10-
reived for furnishing tno desks , counters ,
olo. , for the hall , Ihut of P. Wind for $121 ,
and U. W. Graham for $ T > ; ll. The contract
was lot to Wind nnd the commll'.oo was in
structed lo have Hi o rest of iho furnlturo in
Inside of thirty days , and ate to procuru
suitable chandeliers.
A runioiibirauco was Hied hy the property
owners on borne of Iho short streets umwuon
Sixth and Main streets against the paving
which was ordered In that vicinity u short
llmu ago.
A numbar uf small contracts were lot 'or
paviug and grading , aomo bills wuro allowed
and qultu u lurgo amount ot routine business
was transacted , after which Iho council
udjourntd until a week from next .Monday
Recollect that the midsummer clear
ance HIO : ! of tlio Council lilnll'ri Carpet
company only lusts until thu loth of July.
Until then the bluest barcaitiB in caV-
DOtH , curtaiiiH. otc. , ever ottered in the
cily will bu given all customers. Out
of town mail ordera ai-o eollcilcd and
will receive prompt and satibfactory at-
tiMitlon. _
Will Mulie uN'uiv Leather.
A gnntloman from one of the live llttlo
western Iowa towns has been In the city for
several days coiupletiug arrangements lo
atari a lunnery lu Council Ulufft , Ho lias
oulltlcd lorul capital to Ihu extent of f 10,000 ,
and thu prospects appear to be excellent for
thu citubllihaiouV of a bit ; plant. The lout bur
So propose * lo taauo Is produced by n now ,
simple and very uhonn process , ami is pro
nounced by local dealers to bosunerlor to any
other leather In the world for the purccsos
for Which It Is proposed tn bo used harness
work. All of the materials used in the pro
cess grows In the Held ) , nnd l.s chlelly our
common grains. The leather Is beautiful in
tex'ure , has greater strength and wolirhs less
than that produced by the old processes.
McPlmtl pianos. 110 Stutstnan street ,
Koid page 0 , Chautauqua program.
Clmntiuiqua druggist , Goo. S. Dnvls.
leO | ) oojlo in this city use stoves.
lhe Gas Co. puts 'em in at cost.
THAT ii.ivAT : ( n
Cuitnty Trc'iuiircr lloed Srlips the Union
for N'onp lynicnt nt Taxi'i.
The Union clovatrir Is dividing the time
with all other stirring happonincs In provld-
ine ulttMctloiis tor the public. As nnnojnoad
In Tun UK B yoUorJay , County Treasurer
oil took n hand in the trouble by attempting
ing o seize the e'lovator for the nonpayment
of about ? rOJO , of unpala tnxos , but his
ofHcera who attempted to make the levy
-.vero denied ndinlttanco. Yesterday the
treasurer slippaJ into Judge MeOea's court
and procured an Injunction restraining the
Hock Island , Burlington and Milwaukee
railroads and Sjcrotnry buy dor of the elevator
comp'tny , nnd nil others Interested from
Interfering with him or hU agents In the
effort to collect the taxes until the matter
could bu adjudicated In court. Arinod with
ihh injunction the for and Sheriff
Ilazpii went to the elevator. Munagor Cook ,
who has been In temporary chnrtro for the
antl-Pcnvy men , was absent nnti his employe ;
refused lo permit the county ofllcers to tnlto
possession or enter the building. A crowbar
In the hands of the lusty treasurer was moro
powerful than their verbal protests , nnd in
about u lolnuto uttd u half Uuud had
The Intervention of the county treasurer
puts a now phase upon thesituation. . The
subsequent moves nro looked for twlth some
Colfttx ginirer ale and mineral water
sold ul wliolesa'o by Duquotto & Co. .
manufacturing confectioners.
Tlio Jewel gasoline steve is the best
in the world for safety , durability and
economy , ami the new Jewel is its equal.
See thorn at Charles Swaino's , 737 Uroad-
The Old .Mini Kloiinunt Makes n Hinging
S | > cirli ! Alter Ills Nomination.
The enthusiasm of tbo convention reached
Its height when General Jamas U. Weaver ,
the candidate for the presidency , tn response
to loud c ills , addressed Iho convention Just
previous to adjournment. The hour was 3
o'clock in the morning , but the words of the
old warhorse o'.cctriflod ' the vast assemblage
into a frenzy of enthusiasm aud at the con
clusion of hi ) apsoch the delegate made ono
great rush oumaiso for the plattorm lo grasp
the hand of the chosen leader.
General Weaver's spoooh was as follows :
WIMVIT'H Acerptnnee.
"Vou cannot Imagine , " said the general ,
"tho foellng.s which iinimato mo ut this tttno ,
but I wish to congratulate tub convention
upon the splendid spirit which has cuaruc-
toruod its work from Iho begin
ning unt'l ' the piojcnt moment. It has
been a scenu of patriotic ; ocvolion to
duty. I have witnessed no bitterness , and if
there has been any il has been lct > s than I
over saw in a convention of this character
and magnitude. ( Applause. ! 1 wish to thanli
you In thu name of the peoploof this country
for your heroic work here , for tbo sacrifices
you have made and the labors you have en-
ditrod. I have seen a great many conventions
In this country , and I can say to you , this is
the greatest ot them all. ( Cheers. | When 1 looU
ever this magnificent [ tuthcring I rejolco in
my heart that the cause of the people , which
so many of you have bjen laboring for years
lo advance , now shows unmistakable evi
dence ol speedy triumph. [ AppUuso.J
"This is the grandest moment of our civil
ization. It is rallying the best hearts and
best heads of the nation around the tbrco
great contentions of modern times the iroat
land nroblcm , thu great , currency or llnanctnl
problem , aud the great and overshadowing
nroblcm of transportation. [ Applauso.J
Those are the conlcrj around whicli this grcLt
movement Is rallying.ou are right , and you
will bu triumphant as certain as wo arc
assembled In this hull. ( Prolonged applause. ]
your taith nnd your work will conquer.
This is no longer a country governed by the
people , and it is the great duty today de
volving upon lhe party which you represent
to rescue Iho government from the grasping
federated monopolies and restore it to
the grout common people to whom It belongs.
[ Applause. ]
" 1 wi-h to thank you for the
distinguished honor that you have
conferred upon mo , and to promise you that ,
in so far as It shall bo within my power ,
your standard &ludl not bo trailed in the
dust or lowered during this campaign.
[ Applause. ] And 1 wish to make you hero
and now u promise that if God spares mo
and gives mo strength I shall visit every
state in tlto union and cu-ry the banner of
thu people into llu enemy's camp [ applnuso.J
"And now , havintr placed a ticket in the
Hold , 1 humblv ask that you will stand by It
( "Wowlll. Wo will. " ] ; that you will stand
by the principles of your platform , thn great
est ever vlvon to the American or any other
people. [ Ai/nluuso. | At some future tlmu I
stall bo pleased to signify to you and the
American people In a proper and formal
manner my acceptance of distinguished
honor and 10 pivo the world a ro.ison for
"tho hope that l.s within us. "
Ton Anxious to Ili-lp UU Client.
CnnvcNN'i ! , Wyo , July 5. [ Special Tele
gram lo Tins Uii : : . 1 Frank D. Tagt'art , the
lawyer charged with furnishing his client ,
Klnch McKinney , with a revolver with
which ho terrorized Iho Jill forcU'ht hours ,
was todav adiiMttud to ball in the sum of
SI.OOU.licn released from jail ho looked as
though ho was Just recovering Irom u long
slcgc of sickness ,
IIroll 11 llnl ( ; n > ud'a Head.
Cmc.ino , HI. , July & , Hod Cloud , the old
Indian chief a.uploycd nt a dime museum
had aitm-cntion with In the
an n negro en
trance loathe museum this morning and was
struck on the head with a stick. An ugly
scalp wound was the result , and Hod Cloud
was lakcn to tha coui'ty hospital , where the
physicians attempted la dross the wound , but
ho became hostile and refused to receive med
ical attention.
Doiililo Murder mill Suicide.
DAI.MS , Tox. . .luly 5. A dbp.itch lo the
News from Pollsborosays ; M. M. Hyroshot
and killed his lured man Morgan Patch ycs-
lerday. Than , turning to his wlfo who hud
witnessed the deed ho cut her throu ; , afler
which hnsevored the arteries in his own nock ,
No cause Is assigned for the triple crime.
Arri-'t ol'nn iinhit//l : < ir.
Cmr-tno , III , , July fi. Sumuol T. Duller , n
tax collector from Philadelphia , who was ar
rested In this city on a telegram , was or-
raigncd before Justlco Kyan todnv. Huller
ie charged with having embezzled ftl.UOJ from
the city-while employed as a tax collector.
MoHlnley Not L'omlnc U'ent.
Cini'.TE , Nob. . July 5. Special to Tin :
IlKE.JVorrt ha been received here from
the private secretary of Governor McKlnley
saying thai Iho announcement that ihu fe-ov-
ornor wu * to come west to speak was whollv
uuauthurlzed. So fur iio arruneomonls have
been made with him. In thn
Minn. , July -Figures
compiled by the Northwestern Miller oud
the Market Korord show the average north
western slock of wheat lo ho 1-1,1)10,8.7 ) }
bushels , a decrease of fi8-tl)9 ( ) bushoU lor
tbo week. A year agn thu loiul stock was
11M.'I,0X ( ) bushels.
CIIIOAOO , 111. . July 5 , The coming Chris-
tiun Kndcdvor convention iu Now York U
rosponslblo for un unusually largo passenger
business lo the cam Just now. The low rotes
of return tickets until the middle of Boptem-
bar allow portions wuo want to lake a vaca
tion almost nnywhcro Ih 'iho ' cast to do sent
nt a comparatively sma\l \ outlay for railroad
faro. , .
Fully 3. * > , UOO people passed through Chicago
todav onrouto cast , ono of the six
railroads run nine to Now York has all the
business It can handle nnd some of thorn
are hard pressed to gnt car ! enough.
/.v . s.u.uo.v
Some Tna ( Ivnllamvir Settled Their 1)11. )
Irronrrs'wltli 1'lstoU.
DAI.IA , Tox. , July fi. > A News special from
Clarendon , Tox. , says:1 : Constable J. F ,
Urecn , Urlghuin Grelisorp and Hob Hell were
killed hero In u saloon light this afternoon ,
Green , accompanied by Grclssom mid another
man , entered a saloon wlmre Hell and his
brother wore. A row immodlatoly began ,
the outcome of lotie existing bnd blood be
tween Green and the Hells. Firing com
menced , nnd whim the smoke cleared nwny
the three men above uienlloucd wore found
dead on thu floor.
ArriMtcil u Unit is
IC.ixsvs CITV , Mo. , July 5. The Tlmos1
Jefferson City , Mo. , spscml says : James
Luwsou , colored , wns arrested today for nt-
templing criminal assault upon Li/zio Uan- Wordsvllle , near here , last Sunday.
The people of Wordsvlllo arc greatly excited
over the crime and had organized n posseto
run I/iwson down , tiiwsnti was arrested as
ho was boarding a train for St. Loals.
lid Had Alienated llur All'ectlinin.
KvNs.vsCiTY , iMo. , JulvfV. . H. Utirton
of Chicago has brought suit In tha United
States court hero against A. L. Fant for Soi- )
000 damauos for alienating the affections of
his ( Burton's ) wife. Fant is u well known
and wealthv cattle mm , nnd owns un exten
sive ranch In Texas He claims that the suit
Is part of n blackmailing schomc.
IVri'ck ol n Si
POUT rowsscsi ) , Wash. , July n.-Au un
known sloop , bound to this port from Vic
toria , capilzed near the Haco rocki , A
barkcntlno which ob'orved the accident was
tillable to render assistance because of the
severe storm. ThiJ stoop Is thought to. bn a
niniicrk'ler Irom Chinese waters. It Is not
known how manv wore lost.
Itelimicd tlio-Stolc'il .Miinry.
I'lTTsiifito , Pa. , July 5. Or the,000
stolen from the United State ? express on
Juno 1 by J. K. Kyan the company today se
cured $1IS13 , Uyan having spent only 51S of
the stolen money Today Datecllvo Com-
mott took Uyan to the Safe Dwposlt company
bulldlnc. where ho turned the money over to
Agent Zimmerman.
Why tlio Wutrli of n Traveler ( ioliiR West
SCMHIM to I to Fast.
Turning1 upon its n.xis in the period
which wo divide into twenty-four hours ,
the sun appears to cross the meridian of
each place on the globe once in that in
terval. The moment at which it crosses
the meridian of any place is termed
"local apparent noon" at that place ,
says the San Francisco Examiner. This
would bo till very well if the earth
and sun remained fixed in their relative
position ; or if the earth , coinplotinfj as
it does , an annual revolution about the
sun , did so uniformly in ti perfect circle ,
and that circle word in the same piano
with iho motion of daily rotation. Then
the successive intervals between the
meridian tnssapcs of the sun at Green
wich would all bo equal and a perfect
chronomutor set at 1'J hours , 0 minutes ,
0 seconds , when the sun passes the
meridian today , would indicate prc-
cifcly the same instant for "apparent
noon''o very day.
But the earth's path around the sun
is not a perfect circle ; it is an ellipse ,
and the _ motion in one portion of iho
ellipse is moro rapid than in another ,
causing it slight variation in the inter
vals between the solar passages. A ain ,
the plane of the earth's path around the
sun or the elliptic , is inclined - - * ° to the
piano of the equator , in which the daily
rotation tales place , and consequently
twice ix year the intervals of "apparent
noon" are each about twenty Kcconds
greater and twice n year abotit twenty
seconds loss than twenty-four hours. To
explain just why this result would require
more of an investigation Into astronom
ical principles than is hero contemplated ,
but it is * o. nevortlioloss , and any text
book will elucidate the reasons. A com
bination of tlio twootl'ec'ts causes the sun
apparently to slow font-toon minutes in
November. But in the course of a year
the average is preserved , and therefore
n "mean solar day" of exactly , twenty-
four hours is adopted in lite almanacs
i'.nil is used for all purposes. This ac
counts for the difference between meantime
time and sun time. A regulator keeps
the former ; a sun dial Indicates the
A few years ago ovot-y largo city in
the United States had its own local
time , and this for each place tl o mean solar timu , obtained as above
indicated. Consequently , n man travel
ing wcstw.u-d from Washington would
Iltid his watch fast as follows : At Chi-
c-igo , forty-two minutes ; at Omaha , ono
hour and sixteen minutes ; at Denver ,
one hour and fifty-two minutes ; ut Salt
Lilco City , two hours and twenty min
utes ; and finally at San Francisco ,
tin-jo hours and two minutes. It will
readily bo recalled how much annoy
ance both to 'trainmen and traveler
was occasioned by nil thcso various cor
rections. With the lust decade n great
reform was Inaugurated. Today a
traveler going westward Hilda
his watch fast from time to time ,
but only the hour hand is in
error. Tlio hour in changed for each
fifteen degrees of longitude. Wash
ington time is live Hours slow of Green
wich ; Chicago , six hours ; Denver , seven
hours , and San Francisco , eight hours.
All the intermediate cities and towns
are run on ono system or the other , ac
cording to their location in latitude , the
standard being eastern , central , mount
ain and 1'acitie time. All Iho timepieces
on the coast are sot by 1'acillc slaiul'.ird
time , which is eight hours elowof Green
wich mean timo. Tlioroforo u watch
which is bol at San Francisco solar tlmo
by means of a corrected sun dial IH still
nmo minutes and. 'jforly-two seconds
lower than n Pacifli,8tnndard ( time because -
caus-o wo are tlmtpiueh , in longitude
west of the 1-Oth meridian , which forms
the eastern boundary of northern Cali
fornia , and on which only la "J'uoIJlc
lime" coincident with "local mean time. "
A Once Xoldl Politician In Iho llulo of
Itin lncu ,
Kx-Colleetor Toni'Murphy as a hotelkeeper -
keeper iu one of the kuost phases ot our
kaleidoscopic metropolitan life , writes
Colonel CocUorill fri the New York
Hecordor. A klrjO'or-honrlcd. moro
genial man than Tom Murphy
never lived. And -I doubt whether
thcro is on this continent to
dav a moro striking example- what
dabbling in politics may do for a man
who is not cut out for iv politician.
Twonty-Ilvo yoaiHiigo Tom Murphy WIIH
a succot-sful and highly respected mer
chant of this city , lie had como here
from Albany as u boy , had formed mer
cantile connections , and in course of
time had become- thorough-going man
of affairs , lie know Abraham Lin
coln through employing him as
attorney out in Illinois to look
after the collections for his
hotibo. Ono day , toward the close of
the war , whileIn Washington , ho was
introduced lo General Grant by Mr.
Lincoln. That was the beginning of
lilt ) friendship for the grout general.
Along in 1807 Mr. Murphy , who was at
that time interested somewhat in Iho
development of Long Brunch us u sum
mer resort , induced Grant to visit him
nt that point He had horses at that
time , nnd the general ivns fond of driv
ing thorn. When ( Jratit became pres
ident ho made Murphy collector of the
port of Xow York , and thnteby ruined
him. In return , the collector gave
Grunt u house utLong Itrunch , and this ,
In a inonsure , ctarlcd the boom
for that once famous resort , Mr.
Murphy had boon a senator in
the state legislature , and the collector-
ship threw him into relations with
nearly all Iho politicians of his > tinif.
Being liberal , they bled him. In at
tending to politics ho neglected his own
busiupss , and the result in tlmo was
llnrxni'ial embarrassment. Colonel
Murphy has never lost his true and
silicon ) friends. Of coin-so the people
who borrowed his money and lived upon
his generosity long ago faded out of
sight. Ho showed mo ono day a pocketbook -
book filled with notes , duo bills , dis
honored chocks , etc. , all momo.itoa of
kind favors rendered to supposed
friends , and altogether not today worth
2"j cents. Ho said Hint ho had not less
than $7o,000 worth of this sort of paper
and that some of the men whot.o names
could bo found therein wore slill enjoy
ing prosperity in N'ow York city after a
fashion. But Mr. Murphy has found a
trtio friend in Colonel George JUiss , who
has placed him in charge of the old
Ocean house at Long Hrunch.
Paris has "salonnlors" who make n
profession of tying gentlemen's era vats.
An export artist in Utis line can earn -10
francs ( $ s ) an evening. If ho tics "four-
in-hands" ho deserves his -10 francs.
I \vcnl to Exrrlflor Spring ? , Mo. , In
March , IhN'i , pullcrlng with n chronic cnpo
of dyepvpoln. I had lici-n trrnk-d liy011115
of thu be t physlriiuin In the roiintry ( ut
Knn ns City , i'lndnnntl nml llalllmori- ) ,
hut without relief. I \ \ \crynmch ilia-
couiagt'il but was Induced to try the Kx-
ccMor Springs Wnlrin. I oxprrliMircil
nlmnut ImnVoiato rrllrf nfli-r niniiiiriirlng
their use' , imil galni'il In the llrtt thirty ( bye
US pouml ! ) In wi'lfjlit , and from Hint tnnu to
tiniitvsunt. . w period of o\rr eight jcnrp. I
ha\ < ! hail no U'oro troulile from ilvsnoiisui.
My v.Tlphl when I ucnt to Uxn-Knr
Pprlnp * wns 110 pounds. 1 now weigh
about ItXt notiinlK.
I fully ht-lli'Ve lliefo miters properly
nsctllll care any case of dyspcpMii. This
pcthnpsa KWecping ttntcmi'tit , but they
curcil me nnd I know of scores of others
who hnvc licen permanently cured of the
same complaint by tlic life of these waters.
( Signed ) \V. K. Fowtcn ,
.Tmlqc of Probate Court.
Liberty , Mo. , Oct. 8 , 1S91.
The ttattrs are botlltd only by the Excel-
tlor Springs Coiaiianyal
Excelsior Springs
HlclwrdsonJJrn Co. , Agts. . Omaha.Nc b
Wondortul Sp.nl8ii
Itfiucdjr , la rnlil nltti a
Written Cuorantoo
lucurc ull NCIVOIM Dis-
ra fsi. frutli asVoak
Memory , I/n i of Drain
1'owor , llcailnclic ,
WnLt'Tulncts , Lost Mrtii
liooil , h'crrmisncsif , Ijn-
fltiiiK1 , nil drains nnJ
losi of iio'er of Hie
( ioncrathu Omans In
cither rt'X , cnu-e.l liy
o\er-cxi'rtlon , rontliful ItMll ciotltMis , or the uxrt slve
JHt'Of Inti.irco , o | > lutnol MlriiiiliuiH. uhlell llltltiuitcly
Ii-Hil In liitlinilly. ( , in'iiiiiillHi | nml liiMinllv. I'm up
lu convenient rmin to currv In the vi > vt pmkit. l-ike
| l apackasc , ortiforJS. Wllli c\eiy fjiiiilci we she a
wrlttoo Biiarnnteo to euro or refund the
monojr. > vnt bjr mall In miy mMiPM. I'lrcnlnr tttt
tiirlnlnciitelupc Mention thn jiaper. AnJif ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. . llraucli Office tot u. S. A
3M Denthnrn Slr.-Jt , CIIKIAOO , Il.U
Kr.hc A Co. . Co.r IStn & Douelas St .
4 A Fuller & Co. . Cor 14tli & DonzlasSts.
Extract ofBeef ,
Do you want a copy ol
DocfTe.iV See that it
is made from the Gen
uinu Incomparably
the best. I "tiro , pain-
lablorcfresliiii" ; . Dis-
Eoluds cloarly-
the Biron :
biir's slirnauro
in blue on cat
abul , thus.
MK.VT. a ipHolllo for llysl-irU. IMttlnoM , t'lti. Nail
rnlKU , iltt.i < laehu. Xerruui 1'roitnilon cnu aa tir
alcohui or iuti.icci > , Wakufulnuid , .Mtintfil IJduro
elou , hnitnosAuf the Urnui. o < iu lii ? laianltjr , mUery
dcciyit-Mi ; l'r.iii.ttnro OM Auo , llnrrt'nun. l , < jti
ot I'owir'.r. either oi. Impalonoy. l.uncuirtiun sru
nil I otuuloVu tkn. i * . lnvuluni < iry l.tjism , Mpnr
mmorrhna caused by ovor-uxuitloii of tiJ liruli :
Hulf-nbmuiivcr-liiilaU-aeu. A luontli'i trttutnu i
H. U for f" , tiy tu.ill , Wuttu.irfiiittidiilic buxu lo j'j,1 '
Kacli order lorn b Tt > i. n-itli } j will imd writ' *
uuarnnt slo rafuml If uotouru , ! . ( Jiianintoe i-n i
Dill ) by A. * cln 'iter. ' ilriiKKlu. MI ! " naont , soulli i :
coiuor lUth anil t'Hruaui li * . Oiniibi
A now anil Comptclo Troalmont , conilitlnf oj
Fiil'ixullurlo. Olnlniant la ( 'IIXIIH | | < , tilsu In llox
nil I'll- ! n I'ujlllru Cure Iir Kxt riinl , Intnrnnl
bllndnr Olaaillni : Itclilnit , I'liroiilc , ItcOJiitnr lieruill-
tarr I'llai. T il Itoiuuly In * never l > on kuunn to
full. II per bin ntotCt noutby \VlirsiuIorfruuj
Hits lurrlbla r.liuniM uhi-ii it willtou unnmntutj It
po'HUBlr Bl n with B tioxoi ur raruiiil the manor II
nol enroll MJnil utatnpfor ( ma bauiplu. ( ititiratlteo
bj Kiilm AC.'o. , Drui'Mi , Solu Auoaii , corns'
"ius ( luiNirueU , Onmhi. Vcb
OfCnuncll lllu'Ii
fcurplnsanU'routs NHU U
NotCiiitUl | an ! Hnrplm
Dlruetorii .1.1) . H 1 iui : It > 'l. ' ' . ' . \i. \ niiitir' , K' t
Cli-anon , B. M. Ilirl , I. , V. Mlllir. J. -liu'iuii
uriilChirlui II. llunnan. Transict luinlc-
In linuinuss. lir-'o-i' : anJ snrplm jf
any hank In z'oiithvruitorn lowi. ;
Sr Otf Tl-vlfi DaO3ITi
A Oilllllllllj tire In ihu state
fi-ilual fiinrtb. I'fiuiK : i , I and 5 ts
Iluiiru hlouk , Cunnull lllnlTs , la.
To thu ovvnorx of all lots , piirtH of lots uml
rvulentute nliiutf Howard Mrunt from Twen-
ta'th htrcut ton iiolnf.'H ) fiiutvxl of ' ! ' \vun-
tii'th Btrcet mid ncvudsary aiinroiiIIUH. .
Von in o hurohy notlllud 111 it thu iindur-
Bliini'd. ihnii' d'.blntcresioil fruiiholiluraof the
i-ltv of Oniahii , have boon duly apimliiluil hy
the mayor , with the of ihu cliy
council of said oity , to imoss iho dniiriiio ID
the OWIIITH. roKpoellvoly. of iho prop-
i-rty ulTuuti'd ny crudlliK Howard slroot from
Twentieth Ntrout to a point 'M < fuot wuHtuf
Twnntlutli htr ot , iluuliinu ! noc'i'miry hy ordl-
niiiico No 'M' , passed Juno II , b'J' , npptovoil
Jiinu 15 , IM ) . ' .
Vou an > fiirtnur notlflod that having no-
cuptoil Raid appolntinont and ( Inly inmllllo I
UN rciiilri'd | hy Uw. wo will , on thu lltii day of
July. A. I ) . 1Wnt the lioiirof 1-io'ulock in thu
fortiiioon. tit the olllco of Hhrlvur .V O'Dunu-
hou , IJUi I'lirnani struol , within Iho corpurule
llinliHof huld i-liy , mout for Iho purpose , of
roim ( lorlnv Hiul lunUliiK thu lusunsimmt of
( liuniu'ii lo ihu ownvrn ro pucllvoly of Maid
nroporly , allccU'd by Hild uniillni. , talilns
Into i-oiiHlduratlon spi'olul bi'iiulllH , if nny.
Von are iiiitlflcil to ho prrxunt at the tlmo
and pliiuu aloroxiiUI and maku any objo'-'tknis '
In or htatoinenH coni-urnln : said asi > u4muiit
of ilumuirf ! > an yon inn v I'onhlilrr pronor ,
W. ( I HllltlVKU ,
UKO , J , I'AIM , .
Coniiuiuou uf AuuriiUuiH.
Omaha Juno''O , Ibiu. J-JUlut
11 HcfUcrliter ,
Slovens' I' o I n 1 1
WIs. , ( "iifforoil tot
C5 yearn of Nor-
\ons I'roptr.illon ,
imoro tliKti toimna
cnn ti > ll. riiyHcl-
( ins nviiUoil notli-
lap , ono lc-ttli ) > o. '
_ ,
brotiL-ht him rot , ( iri > | ) Mill made him fi < rl lllioa
newniftn. Dr. .lullan f. t"tnlor\vooil , Moin | > hl ,
Tcnn. , etiileii'il from periodical tu-nons nll.u'Uf ,
hut foiimi cfTivt iilti-r li'ltiK ono liottM ot Nrrtlue.
Trial liotthami i < | p niit book 1'KEK at
1'or stile by Ki.lm ACa. . I.Mli .t Pouclas Pt
" " "
Fine Ranch
of y o urs. Youli ave work J I
hard for it , haven't you ?
It wasn't worth a dollar an
acre when yon settled on it ,
and now yon wonU'nt take
fifty. How lonj ; ; do yon ex
pect to live on that place ?
Would yon bo surprise. ! if
some railroad land agent or
claim jumper shoiill come
along some dayand tellyon
to move on ? Unless you
liavc'a patent on recorl yon
arc not safe perhaps not
then. Why don't yon ask
The Bee Bureau of Claims to
look into your title and get
you a patent that will stick ?
- -
Bee Bureau of Claims
Room 22O ,
Bee Building , Omah.
To the owners of nil lots | rirt of lots and
Oul L'slutu iiloiu thu alloy fiom Mh street to
tlii'strtiOt botwuun I'lno and Hickory streets :
Von are hereby notlllcd that thu nndcr-
Hlmiod. tlirco ill-lnturostud frorliohlor-t of the
city of ( Jmahn. liuve been duly appointed ny
the mayor , with Iho approval of the city
council < > f sulil elty. to us'-O'-s thod.-imaso to
tin- owners respi-etlvi-ly of thu property af-
foL-tfil by Kradliu the alloy from Mh to 10th
Btreols between I'ino and Iliokory blieets , d -
elarod necessary by ordlniiiK'C'MJ ? . pas o.l
Juno U. Jh'J. ' , npprovud Juno IS , l"J- .
Von mo fuithur unfilled , tbnl bavins ae-
ccjiteil sulil aiipolntmoiu , : ind duly nualllioil
us ri'qulii'ii bv law , wo will , on thu 8th day of
.Inly , A. I ) . IWt. , ut tliu hour of iJo'elo In
the fotunoon. at Iho ollli-o nf T. U llrunnur ,
li'oom 1 W.ire block , within thu uorponto lim
its of salil olty. meet for the V"rposu of con-
SHlerlni ; the miikliii ? mill hsTCssim'iit of il.-uii-
IIBI" to thu owners rusmvtlvolv of s.ild prop
erty , ali'eultKl by sild : ratlin : : , taklu , ' Into
couslduriitlon snonlal boncllts. If : iny.
Von a ri ! notlllud to ho present ut the tlmo
anil plnco uforesilil. : and make any objections
to or stiitumunts coiu-urnhii ; said nst" < inoiit
of daniitgu as you may consliler prnpur.
'J' . l' . IIIIUNNIII. :
T. II .MCUl'i.Micil ,
W. II. ( iATKS ,
fomniltteo of Appraisers.
O.MAIIA.TllIi02. " , I ll , ' . .r..i.lli't '
Soali'il propjsuls will he rceolve.,1 hv the un-
derslKiied until lii : o'clock p. m. , .Inly Kith ,
IMU. for thu following kinds uf paving mator-
lai , vl/ :
Sheet iisphaltnm.
Cloo.x Falls or other . : rnn I to.
Color. ido sun Istonc.
WooilrnlV. liaiisiih , stonii.
Anil'd brick , all ucconllns toppc'cifl-
I'or niivln'4 and repavlni : part of the fullow-
InKulleyunil htreut In the city of Omiilm ,
coiiiprlsuil In hticcl Improvement districts
No1711 uiul IT4. orderuil liuproveil by ordl-
nanees Nos llll.'i an I III Hi luspoiMlvelv. an I
moro partlcnliirlv dterlbed as follows , vl/ :
Nu. 471Alloy f rum 1-ltli In 14th xlieets. bu-
twi-en , lii < ks 1:1 : street and .lours ilr"ul.
Nu. 171. ITIb sircnt , from stmol to
Iliirney street.
K'ifli li'il lo-peelfy u prlco per sijnarp yard
for the | ) ! ivni and rep.ivini ; uomplulo on the
alley an i street.
\\oi-klo bu done and hlils to bu ni.iilo In
aeeorilaniM' v-th plans and siieelliuiitluim
adopteil In Jiinn. | sl. : ' , and on Illu In the ollico
of tlic Ilo i\l of I'uMIc Works.
ICach proposal to bo mailu on print" ! ! blinks :
furnished hv the hiriril , and to be accnin-
panled by u tvitllluC check In till ) sum of Mil ) ,
p O alilo to the eliy of Umaha. : ir > un cvhlci.'jii
of irood faith.
Tin1 board reserves tlio right to award the
contract cm the siln : districts torelher. or on
oauh district sep'iriituly. for tlio ullVeront
kinds of Miiiterl-il. subject to the -uloutlou of
the niiiterlal bv thu property owneri1. or the
m lyor and elly coiini-11 , to loject any or nil
bids , anil to wulvu defiiclH.
I'V. . IIIltKIIAUSini.
Ohiilrninn Hour I of I'liblle Works.
Omaha Neb , Juno ' 'lith , is.r ' . JL'h-'J'.llyVil.
To tin ov. m IK of ell loth and parlsof lots nnd
pal chliitu i.loiiu the alley iiinnlir/ oust nml
wust ad.lolnln lots : n , 'li , .T.1. : it. : > l , ' > > . M. : i" . 'N.
.a and 4 ' , In block I , C.impboll's addition , fiom
ath ) s'.rcet to'J'st street.
Vou are herehv notlllud that the iiiiilor-
Hl.'iiuil. tbrcu d.t-lnturusiud freehulilurHOf the
city of Omaha , h.ivo heon duly appointed by
tliii mayor , with thu uppioval of thu city
council of said elty. loin-suss llio ilaniax'e to
the nwiii-M runouilvuly | of the property
nil eel nl by Kr.idln ; alloy In block I , I'amp-
holl'.s adilitlim. from -HIi Hlicet to ' 'li-t ' streot.
dceliired iioc-ossary hy oroin nice -1.1)1 , p-iu u I
Junu II , 1MU , iipnrovL'd Jnnu 15 , IH.i- ' .
Vou aiu furlhor iiotllleil , that bavin :
iiccepto I RII : | | uppolntmuiH , and dilliiml | -
lllud as rciiilrod | bylaw , wu will , on lint 7tb
dav of July , A. I ) . Ivi. ' . at the hour of I1) )
o'clock In the forenoon , ut the olllce of T. II.
McCnllocli , room HI' ' . N. V. Life hullillnu ,
within thu corporatu limits of said cliy , muut
for thu purpose of considering and nialclii thu
assovsn en ! of dainaRU to the owners rusjiect-
ivoly of said properly , affected by Hiild i/nul-
liiit.ikliiK Into t'oiHfdurat.oiisnoclalbcnoHts ,
If aiiv.
Vnu are nollflcil to be prCKcnt at the timu
and places aforusulil. an i make any oboclony | !
tool nt'ilcmiuitH ( 'onccriiln r said us'-essineiit
of diiiiii : e.-i ub you mav cimsldor prnpur.
T. II , M < cn.i.orii ,
U. H. IIINIWA. : :
Omaha , InnnS'l , IPICJ. .V.M.IIOt
To the owners of all lots , pum of lots nnd
loul eslito ; uluiu "D" I formerly Dominion ]
street from 0th at reel to Kith xtruul.
Vou nro hereby nollllud that thu undur-
Blunui ! , throu iliHlnluruHtuil fruuhohlurs of thu
elty of Omuli i , havu boon ilnlv uppolntu'l by
tbo niiiyor. with thuaiiuruval of Ihecity coun-
i'll of rialil e.ty. to ntess the dnmine to thn
owners riHunotlvuly of thu propiiny alluutoi )
l.y itradluK " ) ' ( foimurly Dominionl Htn-ot
from llth Htrnut t lUtlibtreul , duclaieil nuccs-
Hiry bv ordlnaiiL-u No. IHI'i. p.iasud Aiirll UJtli ,
It-.1 ' ) , approved May llril , IS'.ii.
Vouuru further notlflud. hill Irivlnu ue-
cepted xalil appointment , ami duly oiiatlfluil
ii reijulrud by law. wo will , on IhoMli day of
July. A. U , IMiJ , ut thu hour of ' . ' oYlock in
Ihu afternoon , at IbuolUcuiif W. II. ( ialeu , No.
C.'i , N. V. l/lfn bnl'dltiK. within thu corporatu
llmllh of Hulil cliy , muut for Ihu DIII pose of eon-
lildiirlni ; and miiulnu iiti u > i ment of iliimuKo la
the owners rCBpoctlvuly of said pronrlv | ,
u Heeled by tald Kniillntaklni ; lulu cunnld-
oral Inn Npuulal benullie , It any.
Vou nro notllled tu bo present at thu tlmo
nnd plnco uforcnilil ; , uml malic any objections
to or htatemunlH coiifernln'J KII | | asies-.ment
of duiniiKioi UN you may coiiHliler liropur.
' ' ' '
w. H''CJAT'K ! * !
Oniuhii , Junui , Ib'J. ,
\\r.\XTKD -Joml ( Rlrl for cpnornl lioimo-
t work. Umvl watas. Mr * ( loui o Koullno ,
ll.ii Last I'lorce street.
] | HH Kl-'Xr The ( lurulllni : nn Pli-sl nvoTilin
L HID ) IMelitli Mroot fiirinrrly occupied by
M. 1. Smith ; II rooms 'i IwUi rooms ami sill
inoiipM > Improvements ; eooil stnhlo mill out
inillilinej rout $ > u | ior inuntli. K II Slionfo.
l | \ . : - ; and crlit tndl wltli n
Jtnol ; of ieiienil : inim-liandlsc aiidduolllit. ; .
Irico f r.VnUi ; will tnidu for uiiii > ra Si" > ri3kv
or Kniis is Intnl. B , II. Shu.ifo.
ljHlt SA1.K On small piiyimuil , fruit anil
* Mirden iuti I mur Council 111 .its. li II.
Slirufe , Ilioadwny an. I Main street
LI' YOV h.ivo anyllilns for rilc or tr.ulo sud
_ _ I . I' ' . SluMfo , Urmilwnr anil MUI-I stroiil
nHUi IU\ ; I | TwollliiM : lu nil juris of thu
JL pity. I , II. She.tfu. llro.itlw.iy an i Main.
l 'li HI NT-KUIit-ruoiiiilwollitu Vnsh-
1 hutoN avi' . , iniiiluru tylo < uI I o mvon-
loiice-i. In pM'i-l.piil ropalr , . rout fit II. II.
Mieafo. llruidwur and Main .sis.
J l'U SAl.K-llotul mill I-IMI mi runt In n prm-
. perons Nebraska city , p 1x1114 buslnps * .
teed rc.isnm for solllni ? , price Ji.o.i It it a ,
snap. I' . II. "liP.i'i'J.lro.iilwjiy un I M iliKlri-nU
1UUAI.K 1'arm , ; a ! > norm , In 1kon 1 > on
JCo , low i..MO acres broliu , Inlnnoo feiu-u I
pasture tin.l inn.iilow. I'rk-ij * . ' . ' , in .UM-O. II II
8-hiMfi' , llMidWiiy i\n.l Mtiln street.
- < AU : Tlio st-impttu busline iitut : ir
niHvllcwor' ' * materials ; HIM tf. < l.u to livxvo
flty : uoi | Hume for a lady to i ; in 'i IS'IIO-H.
Mjs. II I'.Mks. 4U' llrotuhvii ) . ( , oi'cil Illun
\\rANTKD-l5intoni Nebraska l.iiuls u e\-
chanui' for I'oiimill H.nlVproperty Ii II ,
Hieafe. llroi.'w ' iv anil Main alroet.
JjniftM r Ian l.s. jjirdun Ian Is , f irms mill Mty
- | iniii | < rtv for salu or tr.ulo. l > , iy , v II > si , jj
IVnrl Mteei ,
l UI ! SAM : -Kluviitor wltli corn sheiler ,
J4.IK.U tin. il illy ; uorn-ur trier. un bit , nu
hdiir ; s.imill ultiplimnnt. : ID II I1 nu'.no ;
llollU 11 110,1 I bus MUM ! luciktUll MIIT I llllll'll
lUiur- . Will t ikOKoo.l l-ind In or
selH cheap fiireash. R U. Sheatn. _
iroliSAStock ! ] : of moivlian.lls. . m I iTinlil-
* I MJ : In need lo'.va town ; stoc . mvoleos
JI..MW.OII1 lias oolir.iiln ; InilliUn. . fl.Hi < ( ) 'iil '
Imixuln ; will talio ironil lo.v.i i.uul In ox-
olianip. ; R II. Sliuifo. _ _
rilllK MltiliEHl' UAUdAINUn.itno rosl
ilciii'O lot. No. i.'s olltll I'.rst stftit , S
foot front ; Imst location mill licit liar aln In
the elty If t.ikuu at OIIL-U. D.iy , t llusi. ,1J
_ _
IiHJUSAU- ' ilenil Intho , to ) t or n , > w r. Tifnut
lotisr. I'.1 incites wlilo , liack eeiiroil anil screw
onuiiii , with uo-nplutu ohatiKo u tfi'irni , 'l
pluti'ks , oni ) li-lneli , onu 4- . licit anil 1 drill
L'linek : : i sets muttil tiiriiln : tooK t ; nMu
ono : i-liorso power oil eir-lin' . wltit shifting ,
linllcys , lioltlni : . otj. All In k' urdoianil
will lie sold elionti for caHli or on timu to ruht
patty. Aillrms llu < Ti. Klllotl. la.
* ) ! ' Al'UE nf In nil In southern Iowa for ill'
'at fl : per iicro : W ) acios frnll. farm In Millt
eon tity fors.ttu. .lohnston > t Van I'ation.
iri'It ' SALl' , llotols mill restaurants In lown
- * anil .Nebraska , diilni ; prolll'ililo linsliiust
mill well located ; will takul indln part tradu ;
wrlto for dotalU. K. II. Hlio.tfu.
IJ OU SAUC-A nrst class sto-U of ononil
1inotvli iiidlso with coo , I wllu prlpu * VKK ) ;
will take uood lanil ino.\uhano. ! ' . II. Slioafo.
" 171UU SAI.i : Stock of inlllliierv anil notion"
Jwi More tinil llxtnros ; prlco J , ilJU ; will
lo for Imnl. M II. Hhuafo.
ITlOlt HAI < K S ) nproft of Komi lund and now
-L cottaito. with four ncros land In Uarnor-
vlllu. Noli. ; till inodurn lintrovt ) > ! iu'til > < will
I'xchatui- a pleasant froiif In-
fiiniljranco In Oounull lllnll's or Umaliii.
K. II. Sliuiifi * .
lUl ! Itr.NT Two of the host Ca ; Hats on
1'ou rth streut.
OIt SA 1,1Albion : Holier mills on lloono
- river. Ni-b.j llnusl wtilur power In thustnlu ,
nrulopltiK l-'r > liorso power water entire VISIT ;
ilally eupacliy , too barrels ; ni.ieh IIPTV mid
iippniten inee.s complotuln every detail , ( iiiod
frame residence ; h acrosnf lairl. tit p nerfix'l :
price , $ .Ml " : will take nnlmprovo I uustuni
Nebiasliu lund. 1C. II. hhu.tfo.
OdiaMoilicilaBI&iri5il : ?
PcM frt-ll lies , apparatus n ml Ko nn 1101
forbiic ' . ' ifu trjitm tut uf ivjrvfirii
of dlsu.isu roiiulrlii n.odkvil or
siir.-lu il troitmuiit. :
60 beds for patients , bo ml mil atton-Lims.
llest , iiccoiuoJations Inlliuwusr.
\\t lu for clriMilurs on defonint us an 1
braces , trussus , club fuul , u'irv il.urj'i jf snliu ,
piles , tumors uincior.--it irrh. iiranuh t s. In-
haliuliin.o ectrielty , p irnlys.-j , op'loiuy ' , kid-
iiov.b n ulur. oyo. car , skin an I blool and .ill
Wonioii riCICIO. Wo Inivulalulv ml | nl i lyuii-
Innoii irtniuiit for woiiiun during eonflnoiiioiit *
ilrloily nr v.ito.i Onlv Uullahlo Slodloal lu-
btituloni.ildnKa Siio-l illy o.
1'HI VA'L'10 UlSl'lAHUd
A'l II oed Dlsu isoJ sni'ciHsfialy tro.ltoL
Synhliltli ) I'olson tomovt'il fi'i n thu uystoiu
without ini-roury. Now itt.'itor.ttlvu I'rjat-
tnunt for losi of'I i'AII'UNVKIt l'oroi. . < tin-
uliio to may ho troatud tit lioine by
i-oiTOiuuii HIIIC , All coininniiioiitlom vonli *
diMithil Moli-lni'H or inslrn , limit , sixit Uy
ma I firi\iros4. | nuuiiriily p.-u-Koil , no in ir.i-i 1..1
hut call1 ciintontsur HOII Jir. ono p. rsonu in-
turv PW prtiforro I. Call an I consult nor
history of your cuso , untl tvo will soml In
u rainier , nu r
VKKRutmn i-r
nnnif Tn MFN -
, spuoiul or Norvoiu DH-
cases Iiniioti-noy , Svphilla , Olout : in I Varluo-
role , withiiiiu-il'un INU
llr.u-i's Appllancm for Dcfonnltlm k Trmai.
Only iii'iinifaotiiry Wo-itof liKFOitil-
JTf , ll'l'tl I.1UK1 , J'ttl'.tuifi , H
. . H /.s a .v it n r.h TH.
Omaha Medical and Surglcil Instilals ,
20th and Broadway , Oo moll Blu'Ii '
Ton inlnnloV il lu from t'untor oC Dinah i on
m un 1 OMIIIU' ! ll'iilfi ' uio-trlu moMr Una
All k nHot Dyoiiu nnl ( 'Iniiiiln 'dono Intho
hi best blylu of the art. I < ' .td d an I Ntnlnuil
fabrics muilu to look us > oud as IIUIY. lluil
fuiitlieihoUi.ino.l by steam In llrtt-tl.m manner -
ner > Work promptly iiiinu an'l ilul verd.l lu-ill
pat is of ihu c-o.intry. Bun I for ilsu
u. A. MAOiiAN. - - rnui'Ki
: iliillroiilwiy. : No'ir North voilir.i
( JouxJtc , Hi , I/n't. In vx
To Ihu owners of lots uml pnrts of lots iinil
re il cxl.ilu alnir'ith strein fpim Itees struct
to Tactile Hired ami I'nolllo street from -Ith
ktrcut to"Hh .iveiinu In thu ulty of U n.ilia ,
Von are hereby notillol Unit thu iindor-
blKnuil , tlnve dlHlnturostuil freeholders of iho
city of Uniah i , bavo Ijoen duly appointed by
Ihu mayor , with thu approval of thu city
couni II of Kald ouy. to anseri-i thn dainiiiiu to
the owners respectively of the property nf-
fcclud by thoehun.'ii ( if irrulu uf I.til Ntruut
from Hees atruul lo 1'aclllu stieet anil 1'uulllu
Htrout front "lib Htreut toBtli a\uuiiu , du-
cl.'irud ni.'ceMsary b ) ordinance IS ) , passuil
.Mny SO , A. I ) . Is'.i. ' , npiiruved Mny 'J . A I ) . Ih'JV.
ton are Inrther notllleil , that liavliu' au-
t-niititU said iipnolnlmiint. and duiv ( iiiallllud
us rciiulred by law. wo will , on thu lltb ( lay of
July. A. l > . I Ml' , ntlbo hour of IU n'ulifk lu
the forein.iiii. ut the Mlllce of John F K uek.
room ful. Olrimbur of I'-inimorou within Ihu
corporalu limits uf Nutd elty , muut for Iho
purpose ( if oiiiislderln-'aml maktliulliu IIHSUHH-
niuiil of damatre to the owners le piHllvely ! uf
Hind properly. ull'oto : ! I by said ehau.'u ut
frade. tiikluj Into contililoratlon bimolal hone-
Ills. if Hiiy.
Vou uru nntlllud to bo present at Iho tlmo
and iiliicu nfiircsiitil and niiku : an obeot'om
tour HtiiUimuutH coiicurnln s uald
uf duinaKCi uu you may consider prouur.
JOII.N I' . l''I.Al'IC ,
( Jio : , j. PAP i/ .
Cnmuillluu of AliprnUer/i. /
Omaha , June 28 , UKi J.'JJlDt