* ' " ( A < THE OMAHA. DAILY , BEE : TUESDAY"'JULY 5 , 1892 TV\TELYE PAGES. NOTICES. ninl until a.aop * ' ° ndvertlnemonln \ In thee column * \4 \ centii rd for tlr.t Insertion nn.l I cent n word for each iVqicnl insertion or II to per line per month ; a adv. rtt'cment taken for les * limn 2. > cent * for tiAlr t Insertion 1 erms cash In advance , Initials , t tlBU ? . symbol * . etc. , ouch count nn n word All 'niivertlsementstnust run consecutively , Arlver- tlsnrs , tir requesting n numbered check , can hnvo 1 tlm lclt r addressed to n numbered Irltir In cnro of HIE lln- Answers K > addressed will bo delivered on presentation of the chock SITUATIONS WANTBD. WANTED , SITUATION HY A VOUNH MAN A M bookkeeper or salesman In n bu lnes house , I cltbf rdoiible or slnulo entry Can itlvc good refer- ' pncos and speak ( icrinnn nnn EnKllsh Adilros * H. ; K. , box 182 , Kcrlbnor. Neb M2h3 JJ WANTED-MALE HELP. 1 > - AHKNTS WANTED1 > i I'.VKuV 1 OWN A N I ) J > clty In the wc tun extra liberal torin * to sell the popular ten year policy or the Mutunl He rve 1 und LlfooMclnttoni also the now SIOIW ) -omhlnnllon policy of lh Preferred Mutunl Acci dent ansoclMlun of .Now Xork cost only * IO per ycr fur preferred rl k PIVU tuono ) by liuurluj , nmkc money by reprosontlne tie ! o wideawake nles ! tlrcaiiont * can double llielr Income for circulars nnd term * to II 11. Hobl on , icneral Manager , Umalia , Neb * ' R-MAN WITH 1'USII WANTED IN EACH riTvi JJluwn nnd hnmletto Introducn the fa lo t nolllnij iotisolmld urtlcleon record morn mlillnn sold In Philadelphia Will par competent person $1 per day Adilros with stamp W II Wllllnm on 4IN. 4th street. Philadelphia Pa MI2I J)30' 1WE PAY SALATlY WEEKLY TO HOOD JJaitcnU former exporlonco unnecessary , salary paid weekly , Sinner ulllcc , ,5lli Douglas Uyl9 n-BOLKnoits WITH nobi ) REFERENCE AT J > Amerlcan Wringer Co . 1WI Howard MSJjJyii' nee ro IMOUO CAN HE MADE MONTHLY JJworkln * for 11. F Johnson A Co . * 0'J 4 0-3 Jlaln street , Richmond , Va M 1000Jy2i- D--WANTKD. AN KXPERIENCED SALESMAN 1 J > to travel In Nebraska by laruo shoo manufac turing ! and lobblnx huuB In thn west. Nona but ? uo ! tuon uf experience In thin line with n built up trade will be considered. Addrcs * C 43 , this office. ntntlnn particulars M2nio IJ-WANTED , MAN WITH fcMALL CAPITAL TO J Jtnko Interest In a Bond business G02 N Y l.tfo 31269 1-WANTED. CANVASSERS , C02N Y Life n-AC.KNTq WONDKHrUL ADVERTIMNO DE- JL > vlco Patented , itvery merchant buy * lllic pay. Knclosc stump. ArcJ Mfg Co , Haclno _ Wls. "I- WASTED , SALFSMUN ON OALAHY OH COM Jjtiilpsloii to hnndlu the new pntont chemical Ink rasing pencil ll.e urcntest colling novelty ever ruduccd. crnsfs Ink thnruuchly In IVTO seconds ; jo abrasion of ( nper , HJU to Mm per cent profit ono ittcnfs sales nmOuntid to 11.20 In fix clnjs another IJ2 In two hours no want one enerirctlc ironoral Kent in each stntu nnd territory rur terms nnd particulars address Mouroo Eraser Mf Co La Crusse WIs. M261 . HALF.SMAN TIIAVHL1NO THIS 'ntnto to cnrry h stnplo speclnlty on rouimlsslon , nov ? Imvlm ; n lnre limnnd eH t Adrtrojs C II. tenscinun , IS ) Walnut street , ridlndclphlnM314 M314 7 * - WA.VI FII. A ( UKI ) WHITK IIAHIIF.ll , OOOI1 waiicH nnd no Similar work Address Cnrl Iltio , West 1'olnt , Neb. MJC7 7' Y > HALK8MAN WA.NTK1) . AHTICLK bl'ANI ) 4)nrd no samplen required , sldo lino. Address ET. 1) ) U , Co , Drawer B37 , Knlnmnioo , .Mich.M370 M370 14 T ) WASTKD. TKAMSTKUS SllOYFLIIHS ANO J'rockuien for Wyomliu : nnd hoiith Dnkotn , need wnues ami Htendj nork free fare. Albrluht I.nhor Agency H2U ( nrnnni street 37U n2 7 > WANTIJD. Kllffv"LAIIOHKIl * AVI ) TUAM J'stern on new cmdo for C i N W II It . sternly work WIIKCS n per dny. free fare Kramer A irilenrn I abor Apuncy , JOIS llth strict M4100 * TTS ANTKI ) , A MKAT Crr-TJlt OK JiWii.EU I'tn ncu'i't ' ctcidy poi > ltu > .is unit pin ) tubn or Llnlronet In thu htcrllna Hussnr bund Address 1 r nk Itothcll , lUudacss Mnnugcr , btcrlliiK Nib WANTED-FEMAL 1IELP. C-WANTED , A LVC'N'DREtS Al'l'LV W U Mlllnrd , Omaha Nnt bank 505 -1 W.VNTKIt , A nidi , t\H HOUfiLWORK. Mustbo icoudcuok and laundress lJDo ! 29th : roet M74J FlANlED , URST CLASS COOK AT THE . . Hampton 2ltb find Uouillas 843 -WANTED. WKT NURSE OF 8 MONTHS , IM ruodlitoly Apply Jill North 30th 145 p WANTED. A YOUNO OIHL toll LIGHT v hoUHOwork n w cor 15th and Harnoy , 3rd floor , untranco on Hnrney. M27J 5 - WANTED AT ONCK , FIllsF CLASS LADY rotnuclicr Hart's stLdlo , lllalr. Neb M2to C' ( DHL UtOll It ! 1O 16 YEARS OF ACETO help tnko caru of baby , reference required 211C ChlcnKU street. M50I 7 * ( \ W A N1 ED OIHL fOH GESEH HOUSE- v wurk uod wnircs. Must have guod references. 81''Miilli ISthstteet , r\ WANTED A FEW LADIES CAN SKCURI3 V linndptomo nilary for homo wnrlt permit Huff uthcr duties W sprliixsteoii , Uox 2U , ci.cinKo , 111 .M55.'JyH' COMPETENT OIRL AS IAt N'DRKsS AM ) v chanihermntd Mrs. W J Cunnell , & 1 corner Ilth and M Mary avenue Mi23 WANTED t LADIES TO HFP11E-ENT THE American Housowlfo In Oiunliu and Council lllulTit , 1U per vreok guaranteed Address C A. .a . , 518 Chamber uf Cumuicrce , Chicago MM 5 * \VANTED. A C.OOI ) NURSE GIHL CAI'AHLE nf Inklnu care uf n baby Enquire at residence Of I rederlc k Knitf , ills So 20th nt JM 4 /-1-G1RL FOH OENERAL HOI SKNOHK , FAMI- V > ly of twro , S720 Howard street 4CB5 * -WANTED , A FIRST CLA S FEMALE TOOK nboutJO Apply prlvatecar ladles base ball ae- tcregallon at "nlunPacI Ify today. M4I4S- C-WANTED , A COMl'BTENT GIHL I OR GEN eral housework , family of two Mrs NcntonE IJarknlow 404 North Lowe avenue Jlll'j 0 FOR RENT HOUSES. CLASS llKlIDENti : 1-LATS 3 OH 4 ncn block Huom A , till ! b V.'cl 22U | - \ - HO ES , ALL I'AHT * 'IUL t IT\ PRINTED J-'llsU deurKOJ 1'nul , lXj ) 1 iirnum street T\ FOR RUNT , TWO ( ! OOD U ROOM HOUSES , J'iAJOil , wltbln 15 minutes walk of cuurt huusu , IhoO F Davis Co 1505 Farnam struct M'i B-3 ROOMON 2ISrsTTlALF ] HLOCK NORTH ofrace ! , f7QO city water Alsu otliur rooms > ml housoa at luwesi prices. G F llults , room 4 , llco bulldlnx 3J7 jy4 | -\-COATES. RENTAL AGENCV , 11)14 ) FARNAM. - T1-FtR HINT. DESIRARLE HOUSES AND * * X/rcsldcnce flats , cheap House * for sale un iioulhly payments J W. bqntre 1st Nat bank M431Jy7 \ run iirwr , A i-iicxjji DKTACHKD HOUSE , J\ lawn , Khndo trees , bath , laundry , etc. . 3 locks from -ourt huusu ; reference required. David Jaml sun,51Sti.2Utb st. OJJ D-FOH RENT FOH THE SUMMER FURNISHED 7-room hoiisa , All convenlcncei ) Enqulro 015 I'ark avenue. .MliajyS DOR RENT. TWO HOUbES , 113 AND 115 S. Kill street. Vt > ry handy to business Modern fin vunlences. I ) . T. Moniil , 213 . lltli it luS finSFOR RBVT. 7-HOOM CorTAOB. 25TH AND S-FOR sts H , T. Clarke , Mtb anil Cuss , or 119 tail t ' 1 radc. 703 P-FOR RENT. 7.ROOH HOUSE COIt 80TH AND Wuolworth , facing llnnxiom park All modern Imp , J I. Mi'bol , 1-th and l.e Triiwortli M325 11 * BFOR RENT. A NICK 8 ROOM COTTAUB , 25IJ Cn > M P. O'.Malley JI301 B > T\-TO RENT FOH SUMMER MONTHS. COT- J 'IHKO at Colluian. 12 mil' * from city , nn tbo C. , bt. ' 1' . , M. A O. H , W , uiornlur , noon and evening , trains buth ways , house In guud condition , 3 acres nf ground , fruit trrr * and tlrm class boating and liathlng faillltlpsi rout JJOU for term Apply to S. it lluih.'J.'JN V , Life bulldlnjr , M 25. k-7 ROOM r LAT , MODERN' CON'YENIBNCES WrlKht.V I.n bury , < .ofiior Ktli and Huwardttt. Jl 351 0. RENT- TWO MCE icK HOUSES . 'nti r Hanscum pnrk , Nns II4J and 1114 t-outh lid strpet. Ju t south of Puppleton uv enue These jiousos havu clulit runm * each with bath , furnace , > lt > ndld brick culluri , etc. , are on tbo Hanscom nrk urn ! Pnrlnc Mreot motor line ( iood neigh- tKirhuodi plvuiaut and healthy location Will rent forltioBcli Keys at my office George N Hloki , \.LIfu building. MIW 5 . . HOUSF , JlOWi IQ-IIOOM.11900. -'Apply M23 Pierce ttreet M3U07- FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. V HHlMbllKH RUOMd TO RENT WITH ALL I'oiiMlvru convenience * . 812 Duuglat itreeL itreeLwai rp-I.AIIlK ( DESIHAIII.E ROOM FOR KENT , J tultablu for two. IVIH Doduo il UN * * - * biu I * ri-NICKLY FURN18HKD ROOMS AT JIOa DOUO J Jlai atreul H'JOO < Kjoln'tMiii)1"5" ' Klto NT ltl ) ° M wriiTALcovB. If,0 7 ! ! " 11 81 1711 1 Ftlll RENT. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ; Joiodern Improvements j reasonable prlcM. pleu utlucatlOD , No.riMIIarovrnrvft MM7ft > - fURNlMIL-D HOOiia. ALL MODKHN ooT . l o troovi furuUbod compleui for 4 S Utli tUMl , l t C. SlWl 4 TOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. Cimtimicd. 1-IESIHAIILE rUHNISHEl ) EAST HIO.NT l-Jroom tuttablo for two ecntlcmcn , US N , 2.1rd trect. M 3V 9- E DK IUAIII K SUITH COOL SOUTH ROOMS with bonrd , ISH Chlcauo slroet. M3J5-5 * ENICllA' K L'H.lSIl Kcol. tO < ) MS. U lloonrd street , norllicnst corner ICth Lawn around bulldlnic MJOI-5" | 3 NICKLY FliRNtaHEI ) ROOMS SU hOUTH Jj20th street MtOU 5' -FORHENT , 3 HJIIMSIIKI ) ROOMS TO MAN and wife , no children , root taken In board 319 North 17th st , M1G.I FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 17-NICEROOMAN'lndAHIFoil.TWOOKNTLE 1 men , ono hnlf block troai inotori good nlco home 319 < o . ' ' .th st l 1 ; HACK PARLOR OH LAROE FRONT ROOM with bay window and board lor two f ISO ] per month -.mailer room for two wlih board , NOOJ per month ! modern convenience * , elegantly fur nlslicd private fa nlly 515 North 211 st. 627 7.I'-DEslRAiiTE FIR'r AVI ) "I.CO.VD I-LOO 11 1 south rouuisnt 'Iho I renter , Hi ) N J5tli streoU MIM',1 * ji-H UNIFIED ROOM ! * AT THE HAMITON X HrstcI'SJ bunrd , references required 2JI S Ith 7H1 IfREST EAST 1 RONT ROOJ1 IN CITV 210 L south 25th street , MI7I If- FOR IlllNI'i rURSHHED ROOMS WITH I llr tclasbuard , at the Utopia , 17J1 Davenport utrect IK I' IP-I URNISHED ROOM WITH HOARD IVfl St , .Mary save M 5i " 17-NICBLY FUHNISHKD ROOMS. WITH Oil L without board , terms reasonable 007 N Sith st 3.17 ! ' FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. G-IOH RENT , I UNFURNHIiai ) ROOMb SL'If able for huusokceplnir 1702 Webster street G-rOR RENT. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS fur llifht housekeeping , nas nnd bath 2513 Douu Ins street M3sii C -THItKM UNFOUNiaUHl ) UOOJ18 1O ItK.ST G ItiH DodBOst , 810 i' BOAHDINQ. H-PULLMAN HOUdB. 1JIO I > OI ) ( U FOH HOOD board nlco rooms , convonloncai , rntd nnd loca- tlon It cannot bo uxc.jlloJ. Mrs Horn , prop FOR KENT-STORES AND OfFICES. 1-KIt UF.N1 , 'I I1K Ib'lOllV IllllfK lltll.Dl.SU 'ild l-nrnnm t 'llm iMillilInx has a tlropronf cement mont lin'i'iiiunt. cuinplflu ateumlieatlnK llttures ; watcron nil tlio tloors K is , etc. Apply ut the onico of I he Ilco Uld I toil UII.NT , STOIlBK\ii ! } . 1113 JACKsO.S. I 253 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. I-TIIK "LirFLK CtKM STAlll.KS' AT 1713 " Cuss street Is now open ind solicits the bonrd nnd cnro of Kentloiunn's rondslers nnd family horses Customers pntronlilnx this stable niny rely upon prompt utttMitlon nnd seciirlnK for their horses nnd currlatica thu very highest class of euro and trontmint M IJj WANTED-TO RENT. KlOint'NFUUMSHKDItOOMb.SUlTAllLUFOH IlKht hoiiHcki-eplnit , would prefer bedroom furnished ( ientlcuinn and wife. Address Col Hue. - WITH WIFK AM ) TWO K-OKNTLKMAN children desire to rent for permanent ocou pnncj throoor four rooms not nbovo second tloor , or n smnll cottnKO furnished sultnblo for house keeping , must bo dcslrnblo nulRliborhood. not morethnn nvoinlnutos wnlk from cnr line nnd moderate rent Addrcsj with particulars nnd stnto location to 112 , Uco M4II5' STORAGE. cTiiiArr T AND IH-.ST STOHAOK ] \r \ house In the city \\llllam3i Cross , I21lllarney WANTED--TO BUY. T-VUIIMTIKH ) HDUGHT , SOLO , bTOUKD Wells , 1111 Farns.ni at. KS XT CLAIMS FOH SALAIHES , SUHV1CE3 AND I' HOUCS nuulnstclty. county , corporation , Indl vldunls bouRht or advanced on. W It. Davis. It 20 , Continental lllock M740 NT DON'T Sr.LL FUllNITUUE UNTIL YOU MSB -I' Omahn berond Haud Furnlturo Co. Highest prcca paid 001 N lt > tU. M7I4 Jyl7 * \T-CASH 1'All ) FOR FIH3T-CLAS3 ( iHOCEHY Xi stocks , largo or small. All communications strictly confidential. C O 1) Ilrojvn , Omaha , south Oinnha nnd Council 111 nils b&J AT-THK OMAHA LOAN & THUST COMPANY -I'Snvlnus Dank pny the htahost price for both county and city warrants. Drown block , liHh nnd Douglas. 51113 9 OH TKN ACHES WITH HOUSE AND Improvements , wltbln IIvo mlles of tbo post- onico Address U 1 , Uee M31j b * - \ -WANTED , TO I'UHCHASE A SECONDHAND -Is cylinder press at once 1' . J , rctloy , room 48 Arcade hotel. .M405 d- FOR SALE-FURNITURE. 0-FOH HAI.K , A LOT OF Nl'.W IJOAHI'IXO house furulturo , used only u few months , very cheap Inqulro Hooin Ul Huurd Trade S37 0-tOH SALE CHISAr. Fl'HMTUHK OF A COM plcto 10 room furnNhcd house must bo sold nt once Omaha Mortvatie Lonn Co . Hooni 11 , Crelgh ton block liili street , noiuli of postollicu. M 2iJ 0FOR bALE , ICE DOX , 4'J24 N. 30TH &T FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. lorl-tSOO H E Cole , Continental block. 239 - HNE STYLISH YOUNO DHIYINO 13-VEHY horse , must bu sold at once ; weight about 1.160 bs 'Ihos F HnllW7PBXton block U7J FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. oitSALK. ONE iijlAHD AM ) OSKVQOI , table , Ilrunswlck Ilnlko mnke. almost new In quire of Grand hotel , Council lllui : 227 -SECOND HAND RICYCLE FOR SALE CHEAP Q Requlck. Address C4I lice 2U35 * Q-KJll SALE , A UlEsll COW AND CALF IN- ijulru ut 'UH Charles st , 340 4 * - SALE. FRESH J15HSKV COW , 2521 HAK- Q , iey , street M 371 S * Q-CHEAP , H YEAH OLD AND 1 VEAHLINO Jersey Address or call 1U1 Vlnton. .MJoJ I ) ' CLAIRVOYANTS. S-MHS NANNIE Y WARREN , CLA1RVOVANT , reliable business medium , tilth tear at 11U N ICth S23 S-MADA.MB FRI'IY , S3 CUMlNIr bTREEP , clairvoyant and trunco mudluia ; Independent voices , tclli past nnd future. MbUI JU > S AHH1YAL B.\rilAORlINARY. WONDERFUL rerolallons ChnllunKes the world. Mrs Dr M LcuraTo , dead trance clairvoyant , astroloelst , ralmlst nnd llfo rcndor : tells > our life from tha cradle to Krnvui unites the separated : causes luar- rlnitu with the ono you love , tells where you will ucceed.and tu what buslnena bott adapted for. bu thu celebrated Fuyptlan brenitplntu for luck , and to deitrjr bad Intluences , cnrin tits. Intemperance- nrd all prlvato complulntn with massage , bath unit alcohol treatment , bond JJ.UJ , lock uf hair , name and date of birth and recolro accurate llfo chart , 2cents In stamps fur circular ! clve Initials of one you will ruar-j , also photos of same. Office 417 . * outli llth street , upstairs , hours. Va. in toV p ra Cumo onecome all , and b convinced of this wonderful oracle M 415V M ASS AOB. D AT H3 , ETC. * " -M ASS AU i : 1 RK ATM B NT ELECTRO THE H- mal baths , scalp nnd hair treatment , manicure nd chiropodist. Mrs Post , 419 > { ti 15tbWltlinoll blk. 223 rp-MADAMB 8MITII 1131 DOUGLAS BTHKET , -L room7 , Jddoor Alcohol , sulpuur and sea batb > MU1 8 * rp-TUHKIMl AND RUSSIAN 1IATHS ! LADIE3 J davs Tuusdnjri and irldars , B lo 1 ; under far- nnm street thcator 'P-MADAMB LA HUB , MASSAUE , 410 HCIUTII IMh street , flat 4 , 3d tloor. IIAll 5 * 'P-HADAM bl'OWE , MASSEUSE ELECTRICIAN" . Lyra Pratt street MW3 s > MU8IO , ART AND LANOUAQE. \T n F. GEILENIIECIC. HANJO TJ5ACHER , ' will Hospo , or 618 N 18tli st. i : W-HKFORF. RUYINO A PIANO EXAMINE THE i new scale Klmball piano. A , floipe , 151 j Douglas. 2JO MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \\r-REAL ESTATE LOANS , II TO 7 PKH CKNT * i uoaddllloual oharitos for commission or attor * noy'f fuos. W. H. Meltle , Flr t Nslluuol lltnk bMv. Sll \\r- MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY pruporly.lowrato. A O Frost-Do uslai'blk. . . * n \V-CKNTR.\L i o.v.vA Titusrco , IICK ULDO. 2J3 " Ay-iF ( HAItlltnO.V.aiJ N Y LIFE t3l _ \\V-Mtl.VKV T I I.\N ' O TMS'TlVBD Oil UN- < > Improvi t i in i M * > > 'on rates on kUuit' " i u > ' Irustcom. pan > i i ri5 \ V"M * ' l I''IS.fi II | S. < MAKES To AN 8 < > onro l utuiu at luwust luariot rates. Ixiana luadu In iraull ur Urxe sums and fur short or loinr time. No comniliilou Uctiarnixl , aa4 the loans uru uot sold la theeasutiutcao always bo found at the bank on tbocornerof I Jlh and Donglai iireeta. _ WIX > ANd. a O. WALLAUS , JIJ DUOWN I1LK. Ill BIONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. Or > ntn fl. MONKY-NKT TO BORROW- " era on Omaha city property No extra charges of nny kindliy pay liUh rates ? Money lchc"ip You can ert full benefit uf low rates from Glubo Loan accl Trust Co 10th anil llodgo 2J3 \\T A.STIIONTLOAN" s D TRUST eo.sis s v ' Llfo lends at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property \\r-LOAN3 ON IMPROVED AND U.NIMI'KOVKli city property , rs.OOO nnd uprard.0 to 8 percent. Nndelnys W I-arnaui Smith SCO iSthandllarnoy \\r-PRlVATE MONEY. ISTAND2D MOR'KiAOE M loan * , low rates Alex Moore , 401 Hoe building 341 \V-DONT FORGET THAT WB ARK MAKING low rate * on Improved and unimproved loans on * nmha property. Nu delay snd nil biilno * * trnnnctod at thl * office. Hdollty Trust Company , 1011 I nrnnm street 2l.i \\r\VANTFD AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS toil v loan * of II 00)and upward on bt'lnei * . rod dencuor fnrm propertlei. G J Paul , loJl Fnrnivn \V-wutTBTin : ictntiTY : AHSTRVCT AND ' Investment Co of Broken Row Neb , regard Ing their nuvul plan of farm Investment. * OI9J'JM' . _ _ \\f-tl W P COATE * . C1TVAFARMS , liill FMl MONEY TO LOAM-CHA.TT .L3. _ Xll1OU WAST MIN'i\ : ON FUitNnim. IlOItKSA ONS , rAUHi.\ii ( : . ITC , CAUi AT Till : OKF1CK OF OMAHA MOIIICIAIU : LOAN CO. AND OET TEUMS I1H1-OHK I.onns innclo In amounts from ill ) to f 10 OOU at the lowest rntpa on rery short notice nlthout puhllcl ty. ami with the privilege of kooplns yourtooils In > our own possession. Vou run | ny the niomiy hnok In nny nmounts you wish anil nt nny time , nnd each payment tie Hindu nlilriMlucp the cost of the lonn In pronorllon Thuro nlll bu no oxpcnso or churno kept out of thu MHO lint wanted , hut you will rocvlvc the full amount uf the lonn OMAHA MoiniiAm : LOAN co , Itouni U Crulshton Illuck , l.Mli M , South of 1'ostonico. The only Incorporated lonn couipnnjr In Oninhn X -MONUY TO LOAN. FIDELITY IXAN ( IUAHANTCK CO. On household coeds , pianos , oranns , horses , muli" < , VT-UOIIS etc nt the lo'wot possible rates without publicity , removal of property or chnnirc of pnshcsslon. I'ljinuntnof nny amount can bo nmilo nt any time , reducing both prlnclpnl nml Interest , thus clTlnu patrons nil the beaellli of tbo pnrtlil pay luent plnn Money nlwnr-on hind , no delijs : no publicity : lowest raf's. business contldontlal l.LIT LOAN ( , UAKANTKiCO. It 4 \ \ Ithnoll hlk . 15th and Hnrney 245 V-W1LL LOAN MO.VF.Y OS' ANY KIND OK -'V security , strictly conlldcntlnl A E. IIAUH1 * . room 1 , Coutlnentnl block ' - ! ' > V l'KITCHAHD,51 DOUGLAS HLK. 11 ! i I10DC.K A 247 X - \OUWANTACIIATTKL LOAN hKK W II Dnvls , room 20 Continental block 243 KIj LOANS MADE ON UTIINITI HE. -Vpianoa livestock etc without publicity or re moval property nt lliu Ion ent rates und the onMcal payments. DuUUruon , rooms 8 and SI Darker Mock -110 , f J5 , JjO , J100. ANY SUM TO LOAN ON Ftlll nlture horses or nny KOOI ! security , lowest rates Nebraska Lonn Co , Hll > Doitirlns lit 2SU BUSINESS'CHA'NOES. -I Oil iVALU , f OMi'LISTK I d CIIAHl shop will sell the whole or In sets , 203 Mn street ut clsnr store lii"-4' V 1-OH SALE Oil THADi : ONC OF Till ! 1IKST 1nnd cleanest nenerul stucks of nidse In Nc brnskn W 111 take one hnlf In clenr Nebraska Innrts , bnlnncocii-ilior kilt cdKO notes 11 Chnmberlln , Kearney .Neb K7J7 V 1)111 O S'lOltH IN A GOOU LOCATION I N J- the city , with nell eetabllihed business Ad dre s C 1-1 , lice office it .9 8 * _ FOR EXCNAJQE. y CLKAN > > TOCICOFOKMKAL M D.SK WILL AJtaKorcal estate money Hoc2Jj , Frunkfort , Ind y-A VALUAULK COHNKli LOT ON S 1ITH ST * -ltar suburban property A valuable equity In lot for Rood lior-o. lialnnco very easr terms Fidelity 'trust Co. , loll Farnira 203 FOH SALE OH KXCHAMJU-l'LANING mill , 18tb nnd Mnson streets , Omahn lohn JL fcheelo ) , Ibth und .Mnson street * MS3I jy 11 * y AN ELUOANT HO.MB IN HASTINGS , IXT 13 x13 , on HabtlnRS Avenue , for Omntin prop crty ; n snnp for a Hastings man. Fidelity Trust Co , 1614 Farnnm M''Jl ' Jy7 Z toll i\CHANRK. : 11KAUT1FUL .MODKHN residence , two lots , nice barn , on motor line , tor business renldenco property What havojou' 1' O Uox 71 * > , Omaha. 172 4 y FOH SALE OH EXCHANGE tOK A blOCK * J of poneral merchnndlso , town lots In IVnder , Neb. the boomtnK county mil of IhurstnnCo Address 1 I' , lllnck. Orerton , Neb 2-JT 5 y WANTED , 0 OH 7 KOOM HOUK INllDK Ot Altwo mlle line In oxchanKO for 1 1-1 acre l t near Institute , with tine Improvements \\lli double In value Inside of a years Udollty Trust Co I ! > 14 turnnnt Mivl ! J7 Z I OH KX CHANGE , A FINIS 320 ACHK FAitM IN Multh county. Kansns. clenr. well Improved * nnd occupied by n KOOd tenant at a cash rcnlnlM1I tuku Oiimhn , boillli Omabu or Council Illutls prop crty Submit offers , Fidelity ' 1 rust Co , Act . 1bl4 Farnnm . -M3J1 7 y-lllJSINKsS I'KOPKIITY HKNTINO FOH 540 00 * 'per raontli for desirable Omaha ro ldcnio prop ert ) Ames , 1507 Farnnm street. .MW ) 6 * y - 2C > 00 bTOCK OF GKNEHALMKHCHANDIhi : 'J exchange for cash and land Iloxd5 Illue Neb .M3M ) 7 < 'Jy y FOH KXCHANCK , A SI'LENDH ) FLOUHING ' -iuMl well located In eastern Nebriskn for treed land In N'rbrnska or California property Ames Iteal hstato Aucncy 1M > 7 harnnm .MJW 5 y-OWNEH WILL i\CHANIJKCOItNiilllltlN : : ( , ' 'Im ; good rental and within four blooks of har nam und 20th , nnd cash , lor clean clock of clothlm ; ordry itoods of 115 ouuto : JS5 UW Owncrn only no UKcnts need correspond C C3 , care lieu oilier M IA ) 4 rtOH KXCHANOK. f2,0J.OJO ! WOHTH OF AJOuiaha improved nod uulmproved property rancliiK from fl.UOJ to tJUU.OOJ for land K F ItliiKiT , lil'J Farnnm .MJ'fi 8' FOB 3ALE--RgAX , ESTATE II ICKS , HEAL , ESTATE IIAHUA1NB Ml00 ] near Hanscom pnrk { 300000 IdlxlUJcornorSlstnnd Pneltlc T.iOOOO Wxl45iorner30th nnd Paclllc 1U.OJOW [ HiIVS , l.uwci avenue and Jackson 5.5UOOO WxlUO , Pacltlc near Slst 4,1)0000 ) 8 room lioiisoncar Hanicom pnrk C.BOOOO y-rooin benne eleKnntty finished , 3210 Pup- ploton avenue . . . . . 7,20000 5-room modern liorm > , 410 * Puppletuii avenue - nuo . . . 7,00000 C room brick cottuKC. near Hluh school . . . ! IVdOU ) 8 room cottuKC , licorvla avenue near park 4.5UO 00 6 acres olonn to bolt railway 5.1.0000 10 acres with cottaKo , near city fi&OUOO 10 at res , will plat Into 4S lots 0.00000 iU acres 4lt miles from court house 7.0HUOO IQucros , Hut-it tract aruuud oily I8.UUOOO W ) acres & tulles from postofficu 2u.l > XUO ) Trnckaso property. I.WO feet by ! 80 12,00000 Trackage lot , CflxllO.lJtU street ittUXJOO Ilkks , W)5N. ) Y l.te. 3111 4 liAHOAlNS IN llUAUriFUL HOMES- NO 3208 POPPLETON AVK. ' New and modern built houso. Just completed , all ready for occupancy. Splendidly furnished throughout. All latest conveniences : electric bolls , speaking tubes. Kletant tnth , itatlonarr marble wash stands , turnace , brick cellar , etc , Call and obtain price. NO SJIO ! > OI'PLKaoN AVK. New modern ulght-room house. Bubstantlallr built by diir labur IhroiiKlioiit All cunvenloncps , splendid nelvhborhnnd Closuto motor llnu with paved streets , eta. Call und obtain price. NO. .nil ) POl'PLK'lON AYE. Elegant rotlmia with south front lot All modern Improvements , Including bath , bat and cold water , stationary umrbla wash stand ! Furnace , brick cellar , etc. Call and obtulu price. NICE LITTLE COTTAliB AND LOT Oalr four hlocki west of blch school. Wltblu ciiuvrnlent walking distance of lluilness portion of cllr , t-l.&OO. Oeo N. Hicks. 305 N , V. Llfo. M (0.1-5 r AFAYErrE PLACE YOU MUST SEE THIS Ljproporty to appreciate It ; two homos for tale at bargain Call for tornm , eta , Hdelltjr Truil Com pauy , ICK 1'aruam struct. 255 All A11 ( ) A IN. HAVE A ROOD SIZED LOT AIIOUT W feet from tiliormnn uve. . < 10 minutes' valk from iHj.tonUie splendid nuJgbborhoiul. will build to suit customer on tasr terms. It will par rou to Investlyate this otfer. A C. Fro it , room t ) , l > uuglas block , lull nd Dodge ill. 757 17011 ALE , NOS. 4I AND 4104 LAFAYET1E -t-avo In Lafayette Place , uaw H-rooin irwulllnRa , with butb.icas , etc , oleclrlo vaillghtlnK and every other mudern Impruvutavnt , Uno lawn , trevi and surroundings ono block from electric car * . These t o liouivs will be sold at a big turgatui will take lot as part payment ; let us how jrim the p > uierty | , UdelHy Trust cumpaiiy , loll rarnam tt. 255 OH RALE AT A II Aim AIV , LOT 15. HLOCK 3 , W U Selbr First addition to South Omaha , mall payment clown balance monthly If dcatrud. lutjulroU. 11. Tiacbuck Oma'ia ' Ilu. 3E4 1)10 HAIU1/MN. FULL LOTU.V 31NI ) AVKNUB J bolwut'o Iodau ul lUvanport alreeU , In the Iinmtdlato vUlnlty of thrnno t rsldeociM > of Itao ell v f or oolr U 20U. wurtU f 1,509 1 Idellt/ Trust Co. 1014 Farnam stretU g | | g ll . r FOR SALE-REAL EBTATE. 17011 SALK-1IUMKS. ANY PRIW.I7W. II.JW UPi 1. oa r terms take clear proiwittji ni nmt payment. 1) ) ( \\allncc , llrown block , Ij-tljkjid DouKlas 17011 S\Li : 1110 1IAHIA1NINXHCH.UIDHILL | I lot , will tnkpRood horse til Urst payment , bal nnci monthly payments. ' \\onlll ( . | | you n lot dQrtDMiip and furnish money tn build you a homo on uldlithly payments ; n-vrnl locations , \\o nlll build you n fiitlinre.lo .suit on monthly pnynicnts , ttnall pajrmcnt dorth. ° " Two now 5 room culture * liUCimwood. ono block from car line , choip 01. monthly jiayment * llarcaln In clear lot In Walnitt Ulll. only % 1 , 100 00 Raritalii In clear lol Hi OrchAril Ulll. only ITUO 00 llnrinln In clear lot In Creluhlon HclahtsOJOO Rarnln In a beautiful home Irr.J.nfnri'tto Place , the Ilne t re ldenco terrace In Omaha everyone ad mlt < lt Let m show U you " For teriiii , price * , etc cill on Fidelity Trust Co . 1(114 ( tnlnam otreet 2.1 T ACF.Y1ADDIIIONHNr. . LulS .Nn.Mt viiuoTt Inline , fJO ) earl ! ij caiti. hal , S , I il vcr.M , 7 per rent llcslileiico lots within 21 ( mllesof pottolllcti tttocnih. , I hlcash , bal Ions time nt 7 percent. Uno lot with sit room coltiM at AHIi nnd Hurt Mreoli Price. fisO ) SiTJcish bal easy Potter A. o , .1.V tor IClli and Farnam M.tJTJyl "T'TiNiT 14".vc'ti : ixn1 IN HKNSON ADD , axm : to motor , only $ ( ft ) , easy payments Udollty 'lru tCo lull rurnini Mild Jvi I/INELYM'HOYED FARMS MII JL' will BCII 80 or KM acres very low Lnsbiiry II Hi and Howard T > AHO\INS IN ACRE PROPF.HTY 1 > Sncrcs close lu belt line. JITOJ. 10 ire , oiithne < t of city f.S.500 10 acres cln e to Hell railway.e t Oninhn. will pint tnloSOnlcc lots , onner "III take small cottaeo or vacpnt residence or farm as part payment , prlco r i'IUO 20 acres cloto to city fll.OOJ. 40uireiiloa to Hull line , will plat Into ! 03 colco lots , ffitiOII | 10 acres close to Holt rnllwar. t'i 50 } 01 acres West Oliinha enl ) $ -2,700 41 acre * near new fiilr grounds and only 4H miles from po totllce , t.'l ( KM 40 acre * WoslOniilia only flOOOO A choice tractor 61) acre * at Oinnha. N oh , le * than live mile * fruin the potntllce nnd business pjrtlun of thuclt ) , price 113,000 00 , one fourth cash , bnlanco to suit , ur will tnko one third or poslbty one half In Improved property , Thl * Id ono of thu finest traclii of acrnprupert ) nroumlUmuliaslUmU > it unabcniitlful elevation , coniiiiiindliiKaiunKiiltlcciit view of the city , and located cllreub In tlm way of thofuturoKroutliufOninlia.lt Is ubnuttitely cer tain tn enhance very rapidly In value wltbln the next few jenr * Has been In the hands nf the pros cut en HIT * for over Hveaty > ciirs 'llioy nro not nlilu to cnrr > It In Its present unproductive shape nny longer and will ellor conlderiin oxchiiiiuo for Improved Income bearlnu properly. Addrcsn < > c > oriiuN Hicks , 105 N \ Llfu RulldlnK , Omahi , Neb M401 5 ] /OH lAI.i ; r.LKliAM' NKW HOINU .UlaT Jbeliid completed In Han com Phuc nil modern Improrcmont * Cull and cct price and term * lllcks , , ijN ( ) Y l.llobulhlliik- M40J ft 1OH SAI.i : 10) ) NtillllASKA. kASS\b AND "outh Dnkot i farm * for * aloor exchanfo from 1HIiiKcT , 151-1 I nriiiim MIWh $10 W ) ) sTOi K MD--1 : , SPLENDID . iod tovui half cash , bal itoud hind ur hn proved prupert > S < i Ml block hardware for Improved farm and c nil llrk'U buslm'8 * blk In Rood town , fJlW ( morts , S7 , , " > UO ri'iitHjiuJO , for moJern resld nee w or 6 w p.irt of city 1JU ncns In 1 lorMn.M acres planted to orniiKe nnd lemon trees , farm Implements , etc. . prlco , J" VW clenr * will trade forOmuhu or any good town proper ! ) 'I his IM worth InvcMlttntlng 470 acres In .Ion D ivl * Co . Ill , lilulily Improved , clenr price ? iX)0 ) ! ) per acre , for Omnhi business or roldenco property 4su ncni ittocic farm near rranklln , Neh.welllm proved , KM cattle 40 horses farm Implements , for ntoikimlhc E h RlnKer , 151'J Farnam M en 8 * UY ACHK PROPKR1WKaT OF ' 1HE C11Y Now Is the time to lnvet' Iho bulldlui- the Nebraska Central railroad the new park * and boulevard1 makcoutlde uoro * ver ) rnluable 1 tan oiler a fort ) ncro tract at ? < VX ) per aero that with the rapid growth of Omtiliu , can bu platted Into 200 nro lots nnd sold/it Iroui flja to W per lot wllhln the next few yenr * Hxuro out the prollt on nn Investment uf this kliiM. thu safest und aurct on thu mnrLet todii ) IJ1 Hero are n fe r linr nlus Inf nntli Uuuha. 80x1 W corner 24th nnd C W 11W i xl 0 near 'Uh nnd D ( J.UUO OUxl'iO , corner 2.1th and II , S5.1001 HOU-KS AND LOlV FOR ALn In all part * of Iho clt ) Elegant new modern- hunt residences n nr IIunt4ot.i pnrk Also otTer blK burt-aliis In West Knd and West Omaha mlJl lions. , FOR RENT. ' , beveral nice liousi's In ll.ui c.qm Plnce ' IS1 J N HICKS. 305 Nu V fX Llfo lllllldlllB M40) 5 _ _ _ MONTHLY PAYMBMX 0 UOFMIS IN POHT- laud Place 5 > OJ under prlcCM > "n them , also 50 s lots II F. Hinder , 1613 rnrnuui ' t M3'.i 6' rpo HEAL KST\ I'B OWNEJt3"lK YOU .JIAYE Xrcsldenee , lu lnes or rorci property to otTurut bargalnn list with K. F. ltliiKor , 51'J Farnam. I ORS.VLE , ( HOIChACRE PROPERTY CHAS -L M. 1'ovTcr , ruum 550 , Chamber of Commerce MJil ! l * _ 11EAUTIFUL ( , LEN\\OOD HElCIira Is Till : " 't htlcst property In Omahn On motor line surrounded by elegant homes , cued school * and chiirche * Lot * iuxl IJ Het from f40J U ) to J'OO OJ M light & Lusbur ) , Kill and Howard utrects M392 $ IOtOIli-ISKs ) lilcK | 11LOCIC INSIDE : WILL icIUo rontnl nets ID per rent If clonu at once. Clear Take part trade A. K Illle ) , room 4U , llurker block MJ j5' 1/OH SALE. IN KANSAS , 2v ACRES OF1 IRSl' i cla tt liirm I mil on very easy terms 4't ) acres under cultivation with food | ) IIIIIL' | | . 1/4 mlle * troni railroad ttatlon. 1 lUworth county A D Morse , lull mid 1 uriiaiii xlioe titure 40S b 17OH SALE 10) ACRES. SEC. J3. TOWNSHIP 16 , t runKoll , unlmpruvod , ulth living water , H mlle o.iHt uf A J Puppletcn n farm , 2 lulled from rikborn station It E. II Kennedy , N. Y I Ifo Ilulldlug , uiiialin M4U FOR KENT-.PAST.UItE3. HJRlEh AND CATTLE PAVI IIRED AT STOCK farm llollevuu. H T Clarke , 21'J Iluurd of Trade Omuha 257 CATTLE A HORSES. T. MURRAY 203 \v rANTHD-HORsES TO I > Y rUttt. ! CALLED for and dollvoreJ U. A. I.Injjuuat 310 S. I5th PASTURAGE FOR itoiiiEs COLTS. CXTTLE J 200 ncras pasture , barn room cjso of ntorni My farm ranch Is oua mlle from Jltli ulretit motor car soulhon dllmore roaj. 1 cill nnd deliver. Address me , J H HriiiU , P O. bar Ul nutli Oiunliu. Muul jylt * P XbTtmui-OllCATTLE4 HOHSEs T.MURRAY U70 LOST. LOS'1-ON PARK A\BNUiOR ( .EORGIA AM : nue near Mnton btrett n Indies'gold vtntcu and fob clmln with Mild dollivr onoiid tinder n 111 please rut urn HIIIIIO to R tlcL'lelluud & Co n office lieu biilldlnu and roielvo renuid 4UC CTHAVF.D OH STOLEN FROM 4521 .VELSON O trcU norrol ninre , wlilto fnce , wcljjlit about 1000 , reasonable rewnnl for return M4H-7 TAKEN UP. UP-LAIK5E RAY MARE STAR IN furehead , at Cut on Island Sill nnd Locust , parly owning saiuu can Lave by paying charges Officer Crofts Jy 4 II 16-2S Al EMPLOYMBNT AQENCY. r 1A N Al ) i A N KI il PLOi"M STfoFI 'I C E , 1591 FA 1 IN AM Vvupstnlrs , maloand fumilo lilp lei. HI 1-51 PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Souled iirnposals will bo roculvod hy tlio uri- uorslKiieil nnlll l:3j : o'clock p. in. , July 15ili , Is1 1. , fur tlio following kinds uf paving mater ial. vlr : Sheet usplialtuin. " Sioux I'allaor oUn > r ran , Hv , Cnlorailnb.indstonc WoodruIT. Kansas , Htoae.1 " J Ana vltrillocl brtclc , ill ) liucordlng to specifi cations Tor imvliu and rcpavlrr rart of the follow- In alloy anil street In tlio city of Omulin , comprised In street linprpvomont districts No * . 47J nnd 174. ordered .lidefivod by ordi nances Nos. 3m and aijo Wlpootlvoly , and more particularly doscrlllcii l fullown. viz : No. 47J Alley from Hth ttnUh moots , between - tween Jackson Htrent nndllef lea street. No. 471. ITtli street ; froftM'nftiiiiiii slroot to Harnoy strict , i.ich : bid Whpoclfy n prrcrjifor Bijnaro yard for Iho pavhu and ropavlna fliinpleta on the alley anil atrecl. \\urUto bo ilono and 1)1 JJ to bo made In accordance withplan4 1/id BpuclIIoallnns adontod In Juno. 1SU. . anifiielllu In tlio olllco of the Hoard of 1'nbllo WouVrJ. Kucti proposal to bu in a da mi printed blanlia fiirnlslicd bv thu board , ' and to bo accom panied by u ccrtllloQ check Ilk tbo sum of > 90 , P i ) ublo to tlio city at Om.ilii. lib an evidence of u'ood faith. ' ' Tbo board reserves tlio rlflbt to awaid the contract on thefialn districts to.-ethcr. or on oaoh dlbtrlct sop'iratoly ' , for tlio different kinds of material , uubjeut to Iho selection of thu material by thu property ownori. or the nriyor mid oltv counclL to reject any or all bids , and ( o w.ilvo dofucts. I1. W. llIltKIIAUBKIt. Chairman JloarU uf 1'ubllo Works. Onmliii .Noli , Juno ' 'btli , IBJi JJS-"JJy3-fl. " priopos A LS ro n GR DING ; Soiilcil propo u'.a will IHJ rooiilvjid by the un ( loralxneU until 1 : 1 o'clock ) ) in. . July 15th Ih'r. , flr ) grading 17th ntrout from Vlntin btreul to H Direct , In tha pity of Omaha. In ne- cordiinco with plans and pecltlunilnn * on II lo In this oftlru of the Hoard of 1'ubllo Worws 1 1 111 x will bo made on prlntud blanks f u r- nUhud by the board nud to bo uucnmpui- ied liy iicortlllod cliook In the um of J-VJi.U ) puyablu to the city of OmaUa. as an ovldouco of ifootl faith. Iliubouru roietvus tUn rlabtto reject anv orull bids and wulvudufoct * . I' . W. HIItKlUUBKIL. Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. Omaha , JuuoSdtb , IbOi J MANHOOD RESTORED. " 8ANATIVO , " th Wonderful Ppunlsii Remedy , U fold with a Written Guornntoo to cure all Ncivou * IMS * -a * . such uVtnk Memory , low of Hr ln Power , lletdachr , Wnkof nlnc s , Lost Man hood , N'f rvou'neM , I-al titude , alt drains and lo * * of power of the Generative Orcan * in . . . . _ - cither f . cnu ed by eirrtlou , youthful Indiscretion * , or the PICC > * * | V < ao of tolnccn , opium , or * tlmulfviit * . which uUhnntely li-mlln Inllriiiltv , CiiiKuiuptliiii mul lii'iultv Put up Inrnnmiletil form tn cnrrv hi thrVMt poikit , I'ilc flapnckngp or 6 for W.v llh every t ) order we Rive a wrltton Riinrnnteo to euro or roluml the money , : * eiit by mnll to nnv nddrrs * . l Ircnlar free In | lain envelope Mention this piper AdJre * , MAD.lID CHEMICAL CO Ilrnnch Office hi t 3. A. 5M Dc-nit rn Slr t , CIHCnO , ILU FOH SAI.K IN OVAIIA. KED. , BY Kiltie A Co , Co r 15th * Dougltui St * . < A I ullcr & Co. Cor 14lb . Itouclu Sts. YOU NEED NOT FEAlt tluit people Milt liiinrr jour Inilr I * il.vrcl It jciu ii-o thut perfect Imitation of imttiic , B uii o mm yjiu > V Imp irtn Kl > * \ nloriinil frr ti lift ! lo tlio Vr. 1'ilcc , Si. Utlkf , ill ) I'llik Pluto , ; * . Y. Ano * and Complcto Trcotmont , contlstlnf oj BupposltorKs. Ointment In I'jipouloi. alio In Uox nd I'llli. n Po < KlTO Cure for Ksternnl , InUirnal llliidorUlefldlnitlto'ilnii i.hronlc , Ucoontor llcredl tnrr IMIos Tnli HomoJr hat nuvor bon known to full Slporhoi rtforjj.nentby mall Why suiter from thli Ivrrlblti dlon > t < when n written xuarnntee Is posltlToly Rl'nn with A t > oxo < or rot im.l tha monor If not cured Mind stamp for frea Simple ( lunratttae Issued br Ivuhn A Co , DrncgUtJ , Sold Agents , coma' U nJDo = sins slro li. Onmhi Vnt > . "WOODEN SIDKVVALK UKSOLUTION CONSTHUCTION. Council rhnmbcr. Oiuthn.Nub . .Inuo It , 191 Holt resolved by the c'ty council of the city of Oiiiiha , the mavorconcutrlnt : : Thai wooden sldovvalks bo constrniMed In Iho city of Om ilia as dcslmiitcd below.v Itliln the days after Iho public it ion of this rc-olu- t'on , or the person il service Unroof , us by ordln nice is ii\illiorled and reiiulreil ; SIIIMI side walks I oho I ild tothopros"iit radooti the btroetssneelllcd herein , and to be constructed of Dlno plnnU of such width and thickness and bu 1 ild upon joists of such dimensions and In such manner us Is piesi-rlLod by Iho suei'lll- catiouson tile In the otlli'o of the Hoaid of 1'ubllo Works and under Its sitpot vision , to- \vll : K ist sldo of 27th sireet. N 1 ft of lot S block in. Silmi's addition , fret w Ido. North sldo of i-c\v ird street. K 43 ft of lot 2 block- . Shin n's addition. ! ) feet wide Easl sldo of .mil street , lot 7 blocli 1 , Pat rick's addition , 0 feet wide boulhsldoof Martha stront. lot I nudVJ1 ft lot 2 block li , I'ruy n's addition , 0 feet wide. South slilo of Maltha street , lots I and 2 block J. Improvement Association addition , 0 fret wide. \ \ cst side of I0th street lots I. "i. 0 , 7 , 8. 1) ) . 10 , II. ! _ ' , bloc ! ; II. Improvement Association ad dition. I ( Vet vvlJe. North sldo Mason street , lots 27 and IS block 8. Kountzo & . Ruth's addition. U fcct.wldc. orth sldo of Nelson street , lots 1C , 17 , 19 , ID. 20. block 21 , \ \ al nut Hill , o feet wide. Past side of 23n street. lot. ) block 131' J , city beliu from Nicholas street 17U feel north , feet wide And bo It further re'olvoa : That the lloini of I'ulillc Wet Us bo nnd hereby Is iiuthor7od ! and dlroi'ted to cause a uipy of th s iLsoiution to be published In the olnclal paper of the cMv foi one vveou. or be served on the OHIIOM of s ilil lots and unless such o\vner sh til within Iho dijs after tin publication 01 service of such copj construct said sidewalks as herein required , that the Hoard of Public \\oiKs e uiso the a uno to ne done. tliocoU of construcllii sild sidewalks rehpeetlvwy to bo nsess'jil luatnsl the real estate , lot or p irt of lol In front of and abut- thiRsuch sidewalks. IMssedJunell , lbj : I'resldentof thoCouncIL Attest : JOHN OKOVI. ? . Llty Clerk Anpiovod : Oio. : 1' ItC.Mlt , Major. NOTICI : TO coNSTiiucr siunwAi.icfc To the owners of the lots.pirts of lots and real csUitu described In lliu above resolu tion : You und each of you nro hereby notified to conslrutl wooden sidewalks aa reiiilied ) by u losolutlon of Iho city council and mayor of the elty of Omaha , of which the above ! > a copy. I' . \ \ . I1IKKIIAU-IK , Chairman Hoard of I'liblleorks Otjiaha , Neb . J uly 2 , IsJ- ' . jy2-S-j-7-b ( U-I1 D W G TOW For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I 'os. ' P. Megeath , Dealer , - - / < RRILWHYTIMEGRRD Leaves I'HICt'JO Ill'llbIS 5fJ < t \rrivj Omahn D.'iio' 1011 IT t vt v m Sti Om 111 4.4S p m . .ChlL'i-o Voitlbal > 8U ) n in. < . < M n m . . Chtcs70 Exproif . - ' H i in II M P inc . .Chicago Hrprosi . . , 4 J'i p m c > JJO p m . ( 'hlrnzo .V Iowa Local ( ill ) p m Leavoi IIIURLINIilON A MO HIVKH Arrlvui Omaha I Dupot 10th unit Mason Sts Omahi IU.I5v m . Denver Vestibule. i.lmltoJ l > j p m lO.li a ra Dondwood Expros 4 0 > p m 4 40 p m Denver Expran . . . . n T > a ra 4 40 p m Denver lixpasi * . . . , I 41 p m KM p m . . .Hastings Local . . . . ii 17 p m C IS n m Lincoln l.ocqIIKicontSiln > 11 U n ra I.oavef I K C.811 J , t C U Omahn. I Depot Utb 111 M vm Sti I OnvH ti&J n ml . Knnsai City Day Express I U.UO p in IM5 l ) in I K. C Mir'it UTU vli U I' . frvn : ! l < 41 n m Going I CHICACO R.I A \CIHr I I From Enst I Union Depot 10thc Marcy bin ' East 1UUO a m Atlantic Expros < C M p m 4.35 p m . . . . . . Vestlliulo Expiun I.I ! ) p in mm Nl.'ht hxprjn . . H 5) ) n m _ 2OJ _ n m . . . Fast Bxproi < 1 OJ n m Coin. (1IICAI10 , R I. A I'At 1KIC I rroin Weit Union Depot luth nn 1 Mnrey Ms I West. I'JUpraj . . . . iMnvsr Llmltul . 14 il p m 10) a in . . . . Fist Kxprois -'OJ n m U OJ a m lqnjin City ( Exoapt Sunday ) | iJO ! p m leaves UNION I'ACIHU I Arrlvei Oniahi Union Depot IQtli nil I Marcy St * . j Omihv 7.S a in Reatrlco Espress il.n p ra 9.'jD n m Denvar ExpraiK 405 n m 2 15 p m Overland HyH- . 70) p m 4 H p in u Evox ( Sun ) 1231 p ra 6 40 p in Pacific Eipruii . . . . . . 10 jit m 0 JO p ra , llenvdr Fost Mall . . .I 4 i ) p m leaves ICHICAUO. MIK \ al : PALiLIAnlte lOmaiial U P. depot nnd Marov at * I Oinalu 705 p mla Chlougo Bxpren 1 J It n m Up 11. U a ml Chlcano Express I4VO p m Ix'nrei I SIOUX ClfV A PAC1HC lArrlvei Ouiahil Depot. IQIli an I Marcy rfts 1 OmsJit : -J ) anil .Sioux Ctty I'asii'ru'K' 1102.1 p m 635 p mj . . . . . .bL Paul Hxpr s < 110 00 i m I-eares I SIOUX 1'ITV A PAClrlC. Omabal Dupot. 15th an 1 Wubtler sti St Paul Limited JJ .i H m Leaves O. , bT. P. M.O lArrivoi Omaha Depot. 1Mb and Webster Sts I Omaha Lcavc-s _ . . Arrlvji . Omaha depot. 10th and Marey 8ts | Oiiia > ia i p m | bl. l-ouls Cannon Hall. IJIVBI MISSOURI 1'ACIFla Omaha r.ei.ot I5tli anJ Webitnr Sti , HU Ixiuti Express . . , . .HL lxul > Express . leaves TinCAfH7t iTldTACTFUA Arrlvji Tranifir Union Depot.Councll HluBi. Transfvr 1U5 p ra Nlkht Exprett 8JJ a ra 10W a ra Atlantic Express. 5 } p m 4.55 p ra Vestibule UmtteJ IX5U u ra Leavei K. C. . ST. JOE A C. II Arrlvoi Transfer Union Depot. Council Illuffs. Trausfor lOCOau . . . .KansasCity Day Kxproii .I p m 1015 ptu . .KaaiasCllvNIxht Exprjii..1 au Iavoi lUHICAl.O. RUIII/N .V yillVOVl Arrlrii 'Uan ferl Union Depot. Cutincll illudi Ijranif i * VO ! am ,71 Chlcazo Expreti I 6 40 p fa JOUJ pml Chlcano Kxprai I : ui a ui TXI5 p mi Crutton l jtil I 7 Ii a ni blOUX CITY A PAC'lklC. lArrlvui Transfer ! Union Depot. Council Ulugi. ITranttef 7 la ml Hloux City Accommodatlun 'I HUU p m WO | i uj BtI'aul Htviut I 4J at TIIK IIKK'S WWS/.I.V 1.K1 TIMS. THK Bp.n will bopln the publication In July of n scrips oftrnvol letters from Kmsla by Mr. Trunk U. Carpotitor. Tho'o letters will glvo tlio best vlow ot Kussia anil Its institu tions thru hnvo .rot boon presented lo th people of tbo UtiltoJ Stntos. Mr. Carpenter has cnrrleil with him the best of letters of Introduction from the cabinet ministers nt Washington to the noted oftlclaU of Russia nnd from the heads of Iho secret service o the Treasury department to iho chlof * of police , and the probability Is tha everything In the country will bo thrown ooon to him. Armed with n camera bo will travel for thousands of mlles thtouRh some of the most intoro.ulii rations of the czar , will visit the fatnlno dHtrmls. sail down the Vol"rt and will probablj spend some tlmo nt Xllin KovRoroit where the famous Hus- slnn fnlr Is hold , and where SlOO.tXW.OOO chnn o hands every joar. St. I'otersburi ; nnd Moscow will bo visited and the Ufa of the poopla will bo described. Alter some months In Uussla Mr. O rpantor will vUl other p.irts of the continent , dovolln htmscU to the writing up of such subjects nna mou as are especially Intorostttis to Amoricnn readers nnd spiirmp nolthor time , money , labor nor inlluonco to ROt the best of fotolgn Infornmtlon for us. H is snfu to predict that this series of loiters will bo inturcslliic In the extreme nnd they will surpass If nnv- Ihlng Ihe writer's travc-I mailer In Iho past. It will bo remembered that ho has traveled moro widely perhaps and nioro successfully thiiu nny other corraspondont In the United States. Four years ago ho mndo a year's lour around the world , durlni ; which ho hna lone Interviews with the Hint , ' of IvToroa , Li flunc Chanp , the vlccrov of China , the klne of ( Jrooco , the khedlvoof Hypt , the sultan of Jnhoro , nnd other famed oriental poteoUtos , and last 'year ho spent the sprlnc In Mexico nnd hud a long Interview wlib President Diaz in the National palnco and cave an entirely nrxv vlow of the country nnd Us people. Mr. Carpenter's letlers are nrnc'.lcnl , coin mou sense letters. Ilu Lcliovos tn describing thlnt's as they nro nnd ho knows Just what the people want to read nnd is able to tall it In an interesting wav Ho bcllavos that the letters ho will send us from Uusslaill bo the best ho has cvot written nnd ho says ihnt bo has no doubt but that ho will bo ublo to get throuch some of the leust known jnrts of this most Inter ostlng land Ho is nt , this < Ariling In Hussia and Is probublv tnakini ; his wnv today among Iho starving peasiints of the Volga. Do Wilt's Sarsduarilu is reliable. nn. B.C. WESTS M'.UVI-AND MIHI.N MK.ST. oipooino for llyntorln. Dliitnoii , I'm , Nau ralgln , Ilaadixclio , Ncrraut I'ro3lratou csuxil br Hlcuboior tobacco , Wnkorulnoss. Mental Uooros elon , Sullnussof Hie Drain ctuilnz Intanltr , mliorr decay , d .t. I'rjainluro OM AKO. llirroaon. Ian ot I'OVTI--cither soi Impatuncjr l.oucorrhea an . nil I oiiuio Wa kna9s ° i Involuntirr I.OSHJJ , Spo inatorrlioi ciu l b/ over cxortlun or .53 brnl self abu uoror luUulKunca V. month troitni i H 0 for { ; > l > J-mnll UoKuarantcosli tiozat lo > Kncli order fore oufoi null it Mill BOIU ! writ xuarnnt o to refund If note iru4 Uuirantoa inlr br A "iclirot > r ilruMlst i > ole luuiit , suutb oruor loth nntl t'nrnnm u i > nvih& . Hvos tested free by an n\Pfi'lT ' OPTICIAN I'orfoCl adjtistmunt. btiporlor Icnso * . Naiv- oiislioailac'hc enroll by uslnj ; our Hnoel.icim .mil Kyo lusios 1'ileoi low for Ural el.is * Kooils. THE ALOE & PEHFOLO CO , , HIS. loth St. , Croichton Block. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Or DAM- AGCS FOR GRADING ALLEY FROM 8TII STRUCT TO 10TII STREET UCTWECN PINE AND HICKORY STREETS. To Iho owners of all lots p irt of lots nnd O.il uatato iloru tln > iilloy from 8th street tu thu street between 1'lnu mil IHckuiy slreuls. Yun aru horohy notlfloil that the timloi- slunud. three dlliilerustL'd f"-oeholclors of thu city of Om.ilm , li.ivo hcc'ii duly appointed i > y the major , with thu approvil of iho city voiinc'll 'if silil oil ) to assess thocl iin.i u to thuowners respectively of the propurtyif - fouU'il by Kr.ulliu the alloy from hth to 10th streuts between Pine and lllckoiy streets , du elirud ni'oess iry l > y ordinance , I,1U7 , paisod June1 II , IS ) . ' , approved Juno l" > , IS ) . ' . Yon nro further nntitled. thut havliiK ac- coitoil | said uppoliilnicnt , .mil duly uuulllled n required by lavv , vvu will , on Ihu hlh d.iy uf Inly. A. I ) . Ib' ' ) . ' , at the hour of Ii o'clo Kin the forenoon , at tlio oIllcoofT. U. llrnnnei , I loom I vV.iro block , within the corpor.itu ilw- Iti of s.ild olty , incol for tlm purpose of ton- ' -Ins the mulling nnd usiessiiii'iil of dnin- to the owner < rusooi'tlvidy of s ild prou- . . - . , uffeetoil by Hald ur ullnir. taking Into ennsliler.itionsneul.il bonollti. If .my Yon tire notlllcd to lo ) present ut tlio time anduliuo afores.ilil. and make nny objections to or statements conccrnlni : s ild ( assessment of d Jmancs as yon nuiy eonsliler progior. ' ! ' C. HllUVM'll , T It \ CCL'LUICII , W II. ( t\TM * . Coniinltteoof Aimt.users. OMAHA. Jntios\ ' ) . .12' . nut NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING. To the ownerof nil lots and iiirls of lots and ual uhtatu iilon. the alley iiiimliu e.iKt nnd wosi ndjoiiiiiis lots in , Ji , a-.1. : n ; , t , : i'i , M. ( ; . 'w. ,1'liinil 4J , In hloukl , C inipbollS atldltlon , fiom VUth Ntroot to.st street You lire hereinnntlllnd that tlio nndor- Rljiicd , three dlhlnlurostuil freeholilors of iho city of Omaha , h ivo boon duly iippnnitod hy iho mayor , with the approval of the elty council of said elty. to : is eis lliu d IIIMKII to the OWIIUM ruspcotlvoly of the property alTuctod hy sr.uiliu nlloy In bloelt 4 , l'imp- liull's .iddttlon. from Itb utioot to1st strout , ileelured nocosi.iry bv ordln inc-u .LU4 , passed Jnnu 14 , Iblf. . upprovcd Juno n , IHU , You nio f Hither notified , lhat liarln ; Hc'coptol sild innolntnioni , nnd ilul/ ( juiil * I Hod us rounirod bylaw , wo will , on the Tlh day of July , A. I ) . IS'J. ' . ut Iho hour of U o'olouk In the forenoon , at thu ofllcu of T. I ) . MuUullocli , room bl. ' . N. Y. Llfo building , vvllhln Iho corpor.ilo limits of said city , muut for the purpose of considering and niiifjns iho nsoiHn untnf damaso to the owners respect ively of Huld propurty. ullected by & ild rrail- \ny \ , t ikln Into coiHliiunil onspeoliil bonodtu. If unv Yon are notlllcd to ho present ut the tlmo and placu uforosuld , mm make any objoutloni to oral itumniilH concernliu a ild iissossment of diiniuL'es UB you may consider proper. T. II. .McUui.Locil , UIMIII.RA i * THOMAS , 0. M. IlKNBVVA. Omaha , Juno 23 , 1603 .TjjiUQt To the owners of lots aim p.irts of lots iinU roil ustale iilon.'iith street from Hues street to 1'uelllu street and raclllo atreut from -1th Htreet tt > 25th .ivonuo In the city of Omaha You mo horohy notitlod thut the under- slKiiud , thread hlntoreUeil freoholdorsof the clly of Omahi , Imvo boon duly nppnlntud by the mayor , with the apluoval nf the city council of N.ild city , to iisiusj iho claniaKu to the ownern rcspoclively of the propurty nf- ( cctod by Ihoulmnzo of crado ofJth street from Item street to I'uultlo street and I'aclllo HIruut front 'Ith Htruut to : : > th avenue , declared - clarod neoess.iry by ordinance JR4. pahiocl May SO , A. D. Irtij , approved May ! i < . A 1) lnu. ' . YOU aru further notltlud , that liavliiK au- coptud Hald appointment , and clnlv ciualltloil us reijulred bv lavv. wo will , on Iho llth nay of July. A. 1) ) . Ib)1. ) < il iho hour of 10 o'olock. In thu forenoon , at thu olllco of John P F.neU , room Ml , Ohiiiubur of iJiMinnoruo within the corporulo llmlt.s of ild city , moot for thu purpoiunf consiilcrlnirancl nmUliulho umeHi.- inunlof ( lamaKo to the owners respectively of said property , alfoutod hv said ohan.'o of Krado. tiiklnj Into connldoratiuu special buno- Ut8. if any. You iiru notified to bo present at the tlmo and ulnoo nforesalil and nmUa nny objection ! to nr Htalaineiila concurnlnK mid lucsun.mi'tH uf duiiui jos us you niiiy coiiblder prouur. JOHN if. I'LAOK. uio. : j. PAUL , ( IHAULL'S THOMAf. . i.'ommltteo of Appraisers . . . . Oimilm , . .Iuno'- , i oo , „ „ Eaelly , Quickly , Permanently l < tord. \ " 'un ' , N r oii nr. , Dcbllllj- . und all the train of cvlli rrcmi terlcrrorforlaltr excencs. tbo rnulu of orerwurk , Hcknin. wurrr. lc. Full etrcnitu , derulupuiont , mid Umo uetto ( e err onjau and port'-in ' o * llio bcxlr. Sliuple , natural welbixli. luiuulliUi luipniTViuent won. rillure loiuooibla IIUM nttrrtHxi. llvx.k. eiplaatUani Hiiproofi milledw IWirrco. Addrtu ! ? 1K MIOIOAt CO. , BUFFALO , N. K mm in Mr. Trunk O Carpenter , tlio celebrate. ! nowr paper corrcMiontlent , Know In Russia 011 tour ot the famlnotrlohen province * . nn 1 * umlor potntil < nlon to vvrlto an oxclnalT ropyrljsliteil * orlei of descriptive lottoM fo Tun llEK. Tlio flnt letter will nppoar carlj In July. Mr I'.irpenlor has prepared tin followlnc prospect us which forms ono of tin most vnliriblo mill nltr.ictlvo feature * ovoi presented toreadors of TIIK HKK : THR FAMINE IN IIUSSIA. How IW.fHyuvxjaroM.-vrvliiS'-Torrlliip.Heoiio * mul hcnrtriMiillnt : storii-i Tlio fani'iio ' rojiont. 7.\0 ) . < KW ItnMioU of wlioixt niH loil l ho Ainuriu HI Hour : iml corn ; where It 14 * .i > nl nnd how dlstrlbnted-Tho irnvurnniont mul the fuiulnoToiiny s'uip-houscs : > nJ the low a corn FAMINE REGIONS ON THE VOLGA. Scones nlnns one of the most wonderful rlvnri of the world The Yulju Is n.iMvr ililo for ovur ' . ' .COO miles mid thowotst fiinuno du trletsllo ntoiu ItIt KOCH thrninh MJnl- Novgorod w hero the wront fii r Is hind itiul vvhuio MO ) , QJJ.OH ) change * h.iiuH M Miry your. THE FAMINE AND FARMING. How the crop * nro liplnis put in Himluti Inntt nnd land tuxes-How tlm people live I In | i itantsaml their wane * I will cot to KIM * BII ut the time of iiliintlnj- when the fiiinlnt will bo til Us hlmiost COUNT LEO TOLSTOI. A ch'it with the iiutho-of the "Krciitrnr Son- nt i" nnd n spoelnl nrllolo nhout him A queer story nhout u queer man , THE RUSSIAN ARMY AND NAVY. Two million sohlli-n which cost JI.OOrt.ODn diy Hussl.i's hlgortsym < or soldlorsTlio Cossacks Uussl I'H Ul 1 Irimcl nl * THE CZAlToF RUSSIA. How this mil of rat looks , nets nnd llvrs Hit st iblos which cost * , I)0OW yeur-llls l.iuo liostlors nud his JltW.WW sot of Iniriuxa-IIU 1 > iliu os. his diiiiKers , ulo. Somallilng uhoi t BANKINU IN RUSSIA. Queer money s'lietui's The l.ind h inks for the liuu'liusn of hind liy puns ints itussmn p iwnbruklnit. interest nitus , etc Ululi mun In Knssui 1'ortuno nnd fotluuo ninkiiu ST. PETERSBURG AND IP3 PEOPLE. A look nt the cipltil of lon.OW.OOJ Its won derful ship e mul Its m irl.ots and Itsstoros. RUSSIA'S PRETTY GIRLS. All nboiit Itussliin uourtslilp mil mirrlnfie N > clil Imiiiornltty DID fouiullln asylum of i-i. relors'iurit and Mos ow and tliel thous mils of fiithiTli-ss h i lies \\omim' work nndnjns ( juour oiistoms , unl cm tumiii The ( icortflan HI\O ! ; ulrls und the I'ujl.isli in irliet for them , RAILROADS IN RUSSIA. Queer romls nnd how they nro ljuilt All ii I lout the tninsslhorlnn ro'id now liolti,1 con- strueted and Icon wo liil io u round the world by r.ill Hussl in HOI > | III | ; c ir > boiuo- thln uhout the trinsptsiliiti ; ] ro id anil how Americans hulltthu uroit line 'ruin MoiUow to St. 1'etursburg. CRIME AND THE RUSSIAN POLICE. Letters from the hn id ot the seerot xervleo n \\isliliutoii-liisiicctor llyrnos nnd the 1'iuliorlons will i\o mo i uh.iiu'o to KUO n line iitlelo on tliU hiibjoi't Tlio spy nyslnni of Hii-.sl.i- th it with the Iviisilan head of polko , NIHILISM AND THE NIHILISTS. Whit ilie re'-'U'lilul rjuihitloniMs urf In Kiu- sln to la > ( Jueerstorie- them ana thulr leaders. RUSSIA AND AMERICA. How the MusroIteiMiiplio haslieini our filend I'lio limdc story of 0111 latest purchase Russia ut the U01 Id's tilr. RUSSIAN SI PERI A. How the ivir Is Iiuhliu on L'lilu i-Slhi > ri u the I'ulted M iteltspold ; nnd loiiM , its prisons , olu. THE CZAR AND THE SULTAN. Queer stoilos from alou the Ilo phonia- Itussla und In Jl.i THE NOBILITY OF RUSSIA. How the 1.0'O.roa ' nobles of Kussln live und how tliov mil In wo.ilth whllo the poopla st irol..ulli > s who wear fliraeoslIns ? Vi'.UUl ' ) u set and fur hat bands thut cost fJJU ( aploco , etc. , etc OHDINANC'E NO. 3118. An ordinance oruorlnc the cnrhlnc ! of tin streets In slioet Inipnn emi'tit ilUlrlrls Nos 4'JI. 4. ' > . 4 l > . 4-'T , 4 N , | l. 4.C. , 411 , 4IJ. 411 mil 4H with Ciilor.iiio siiniUtoi o , and olrectltii : tha boird of public works to take the necobsnry stut)3 lei aii'eutd woilcto he dune Hr It old lined bvtliuclt > council of the cllj of Omaha beet Ion I. Th it that paof ( I.euM'tivvortb siri'et fiom the west line of 10th sticcttottK east lint ) of llth utieel In street Improvement district No l : That part of l.'lh street from the south llni of Jones street to tlio noilli line of I.oa\oi worth stieet In strcol Impro\emoiil dlstrlet No 4iV Tlmt purl of Spencer street from Sherninn nvonuo to-Mtli street In strui't Iiiiro\einoin | dlstiiet o. 4'i ( : That part , of hathrop street from blierman nxeuuoto Ibth stioet In htrcut Inipiosoiiioin district No 4J7 : H'l lint part of Hurt street from the west HIM of lith sticct to the IMS ! line of llith street In htreot lmpro\emi'iit district No. 4Jj ; That part of U..h3 street from ' . ' .nil struct to 21th si reel In street tmproxemcnt district Ho , 4.10 ; That part of I/ard strcut from l-lli strciit ti 14th strcot In street lmproeinent district Nu 41.1 ; Tint p irt of .nth street f mm I'arnam strool to the north lluoof I ) lU'imorislri-ut In struci Improvement ilMl let No 4i | ; 'lliatpirl of Dminliurt stieet from . 'Dill btruot to west line of 4Jth sueuL .n hlrtut 1m- pioxeinont district No 4IJ That part of Ijth stuel from the north lint of 1) ) ionport street to Ciiinliislreol In Hticot ImuroveniLiit d 1st i let . \'o 411 : und Thai jtarl of Madison avenue from 11th street 10 Hioiinan nvciine , In strict Improve ment district No 411. In the city of Omaha , lie nnd the h.inio are herubv oideieil curbed wltli Colorado sandstone , m-ccnnlliu to the Hpeei lleatlons on file In the ofllee of tliohoaulof public woiks .section. That the board of public works H heniby dlroi'led to I iko tlio necess try slops to canto sa d work to builoni ; ami the s mi hoard of ,3uhlo ! uor.s IH fiiilhui oideiud and ilirent- ed to notify nny contractor having 01 pro- tenillii' ' lo Ii IMI any contract with the city liiroloforn made for the ciiibliiK of aild btnols that said contracts am nnaiithorl/nd by rn.isnn of no aitlborlly existing for tin mnkliiuof th'-Himo nnd to atop the work ui cutblnt ! thereunder. Hi-itloii , L That this ordlnnncl ) tike ulTool und bo In forcu iioin nnd uf lor Its piiKsauo. 1'assud JunoL'jth , 1HJ. . JOHN aUOVKi . City Olork. K.P. OAVlh. I'rusidont City Council. Apnrovod JunoJUth , In'ii ' UKO , I' . IIKMIS. M lyor. NOTICi : OP ASSKSSMKNTOP DAMAGES - AGES FOtt GRADING IIOWAKIJ STIIKHT. To tlio owners of nil lots , parln of Ints unit real estate nloiu Howard oil cut from Twen tieth Bircol ton point'.8) feet west of Twon- tluth street , ind iiueossnry uptnonehuH You nro huroby nntlllod th it the unJur- alcnod , tlirendlsliiterusted fredlmliler.Hof thu cltv of Oiiiiilip , Imvo boon duly npnolnluJ by the ninyor. with tlai approval of the city council of H.-Ud oily , to nmum the d 1111 t''o to the owners , respectively , of tliu prop- nrtv iilfocled ny Krudltu llownrd Htieot from TwontlLth btreul to u point "s feet wont ol Twentieth street , diclnrnd nocoo-uiy by ordl nutico No .HU- , passed Juno II , 1'J' , approved Juno 15. isui Vou uri < further notlllo'l thut hnvJnx no copied ald npiiolntui'jiii and only nuillilul IIH reijulri'd by law. vvu will , on the llth day ul July A.I ) Ihu' . at thn hoinof lip'clofk in thq foriinonn , ut theolllco of .Shrlvnr A u'lioim. hoe. KUi rarniiin htreet , within the curporatl Ilinllu of sjlil elty , meet for the purpose ul fen * derln. and nuikuii ; iho IIH < < I ssmeiit ol dnmiiKu to the owners respectively of Hald property , nfTectod by sild uridlnu , t iklni Into eoiidldenitloM npeulal lienelltH , If nny Von nro notified Ui bo present nt the Mini mid plueo nforonald nnd nniko any object'oui tnorNtatoments concemlni nald a-nesmienl Of dmnuKLS ui you may couatdnr tiropor \V.j. bllUIVCit , nij. . I'Ai'u JAMKahTOUKDAI.K. Coinmtttouof AppraUen. Omaha Juno'JO. IbW. ! " " % VAOULES rT ui * * * | Qfflfc tli t < 'ui lili | w-ei ! UiotU. iiun j lie tert in wild in kuimu for tllluutS ( vest , coimtlikalluu. dj | Kp'iJ. lout jrfath , lit-AUtc tiv , Lr < * nliurii , l r * cf " .u , lucuUIdtiiMluu | , | * li fult o.l , plirplc * . Mllow p.mnlrt I I jpure tlcxH.o"fiijur bjr li > / b , llri-rur Ii 9 lerttoM lo | 'itoim " - lvr < iu * glr u.uino-1 l-i ) eli i ll. lire fc. upl . l- T ll'4. ! t UliCUlUAL , CO'lO Vpruc bt .New York f it' - - c f * - o\