Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Q. L. Kitor Shot Dead by Alfred Calkins
at Alma , Neb.
When tlio Itcrolvor Win Drawn mid 1'rc.
( anted , the Slayer Assert * That 1I
Did nut Think It U'ai
ALMA , Neb. , July 4. [ Special Telegram
loTun UIK. : | G. L. Klsor was shot and
Instantly killed hero this evening at 0 o'clock
by Alfred Calkins , tto ball , n 33-calibro
fctmth ft Wesson , entering about on inch
below , the left cyo.
Doth parties were In the employ of Taylor's
Circus , Culklns bolnc n cnok and bis victim
workmu' on the canvas. They had been with
this company about ween. Cnlklns claims
that ho lives at LttiC"it ! , Klscr's homo
being nt San Antonio , Tux.
A coroner sjurv win immediately summoned
nnd thu oviuunco disclosed that the deceased
nnd bis slayer wcro companions ; that there
existed no 111 will or hard feelings whatever
between them ; that they had Joined this do-
tmrtmont about a week ngo. The doco-xsed
iiiiil Just hern promoted and llnlshltitr his sup
per , said In a Jesting way that this was .his
lust supper In this tent , nnd Culklns told him
lo cot out , ntthesomo time drawing the re
volver which ho rind a moment before taken
Rwny from n. companion. Pointing It at
Klscrha nulled thu trlKcer. As.soon as Calkins
taw A'hat ho had done lie said to tbo com
panion from whom he had tait'jn the weapon ,
"My God , why did not you tell mo It was
loaded ? ' '
The Jury returned a verdict that the de
ceased eaiiio to his death from n gun nhot
wound from a revolver in tao hands of
Alfred Cnlklns , nnd further tlnd said Alfred
L'olliltis ( juilty of criminal carelessness.
Cnlkms Immediately gave himself up nnd
Is now In the hands of tno sherllT. Ills pre
liminary bearing will bo held tomorrow
Washington C'onnty'H Ituiiiilon.
Irr.UMAN , Nob. , July 4. | Special to Tun
JJt.i.J The energies of thu pcoplo hero are
concentrated in having the county veterans'
reunion a grand red letter occasion. This
event lakes claco August 10 nnd II. It is
( .bought Hon. Themes Majors will bo hero to
tnlK to the old soldiers. The ulffcront com-
initlccs are hard r.t work , and In n few days
the reception committee will send out circu
lar letters to the press and prominent citizens
over the stnto.
NKW.MAN Oitovn , Neb. , July 4. [ Special to
Tin : HIM : . ] The second day ol the reunion
was opened with an eloquent address by
Kev. Mary S. Andrews of Omaha at the pa
vilion. At,8 p. m. the Grand Army oration
wns delivered by lice. M. V. Alllon of
Madison , the exercises closing with a camp
She rulntuitat tlio Altar.
Pi.ATTSMOimi , Nob. , July 4. [ Special to
TUB HUE. 1 John C. Sochrlst , of Fremont
county , la. , and Miss Ada E. Liggett of
Wills county , called on Judge Kamsoy and
ecurcd a liemiuo to mnrry. While the Judiro
was performing the ceremony of making
thorn husband and wife tholauy fainted. Two
Indies , who wcro present , rendered prompt
assistance and the would-bo brldo revived
omowhat. She said RUO was subject to such
attacks , but would recover In a short tlmu.
Mr. Scchnst , with his soon-to-be bride , loft
the court house and said ho would return at
another time to Mulsh tno contract of petting
Work oT NorlolU ( 'apllallstf ! .
Nop.roi.K , Nob. , July 4. [ Special to Tun
13i.u. 1 Today a party of Norfolk capitalists ,
consisting of T. B. Kail , Hon. J. B. Barnes
nnd K. P. Wcathcrby , together with the
Jinn of Smith it Jcssen of Falls City started
for the Alcova hot springs to look after their
Interests In that resort. Isaac Vanllorn has
resigned his position ns general manager and
will bo succeeded by Mr. Smith. Mr. Van
llorn will superintend the erection of the
B"'JOCOO ' hotel which Is being erected at iho
eprings ,
At tlio llratrif.'u Cliiintniiiinn.
HEATP.ICI : , Nob. , July 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim DUE. ] A great throng was as-
icmblcd at the Chnutauqua grounds today to
hear liobort Nourso nnd Chaplain McCaho
ipoak at the tabernacle. Thcro wcro not
less than 8,000 pcoplo on the grounds during
the afternoon , over half of whom were
gathered in the tahrrnaclo when McCabe
poko. Tomorrow will bo woman's suffrage
clay. Susan B. Anthony Is In the city and
will spcait at tlio tabcrnaclo tomorrow nftcr-
Xi'brusliii Mortgage Inilrbtrdnrss.
FAiiinrur , Noli. , July 4. [ Special to Tun
Her . ] The statement of mortgages tiled and
released in Juno for Jefferson county Is as
follows : Form mortgages. Hied , tlfty-two ,
t .V71.60 ; released , tlf'.y , 4l.7ii.4 : ; city ,
Jilcd , six , ? 0iiUO ; released , seven , (2,120 ;
cliaitol. Illcd , cignty-ouc , { 20,43:1 : ; released ,
163 , -I',471.70.
itKci-.titisn roit 11:111.
IVillillhth Olllcliim Ulvo Notice That Thry
AV1I1 Cut ItatcH ICiiHt.
CHICAGO , III. , July 4. The light over east
bound passenger on account of the
conventions of the National Educational as-
eolation and Society of Christian Endeavor
lias already begun to snroud. Tbo Vi'abnsh
gave notice yesterday that , taklug effect
next Tuesday , it would make arataoffl'J
from Chicago to Boston and return , and will
keep that rate in force as long as the ox-
curslon tickets for the above conventions
uro in demand.
The oftlcors of the Wabasu seek to Justify
Uicir action by explaining that tbo Chicago
& Erlo btolo a march on them by contracting
for a party of delegates to the annual moot
ing of the Pharmaceutical association nt Bos
ton , leaving hero July 8 , at fl'J for the round
trip. In meeting this competition the Wabash -
bash makes the same rale for everybody ,
with stopover privileges and extension of
limited tlckois to September ID to return , to
gether with such ether concessions as have
been made for tbo New York meetings.
A otnioiucnt issued by the Hock Island
yesterday estimates the gross earnings for
iho entire system for the month of Juno at
FI,470,90U , an increase , as compared with thu
estimated earnings during Iho corresponding
mouth last year ,
7J/M.VK .1 U/.I/M OJHtSK AXU 1 > IKI > .
tlyutorloiiH Drutli nl'i Pretty Servant ( ilrl
Attrllint d to
STANTON , Mich. , July 4. Ida M. Urconhoo ,
k prolty domestic employed in the Davis
house at Sheridan , Das died under suspicious
circumstance * . The girl slated that a young
man named I'nrlis had given her n glass of
wlno which she bchovea had been diugiicd ,
tur after drinking it she was seized wllti ex
cruciating putns. These pains gradually ho-
came wort > o until her writhlngs and contortions
tions were pitiful to see , when dcalh re
lieved her suffering. Everything known to
medical Rclanra was done for her , but with
out avail. In an Inlcrvtow 1'urUs. deniedevor
Imvlng given her anything to drink. Dr.
( iatnhcr of tins rlty performed nn autopsy on
lliu Louy after death , and hits tent the roil-
lenls of her stomach to Ann Harbor for mini.
VMS IIH ho could dUcover no signs of violence
bn her person ,
Indian ( NillitillrM In C-'onfuri'iioc.
CIIIIVKNM : Hiviit : Aonsi.-v. B. 1) . , July 4.
KU hundred Sioux Indmna uro horn to taico
part iu the Sioux Catholic Indian confer
ence. The c-xerclsrs yesterday were of n
purely religious nature. The cougrcss
Proper begun this morning.
Culli Di'clliifH Ilii' Honor.
HI. , July 4-Hev. WlllJon
j'f , Culn announced tn his congregation yes
tcrduy that ho had decided not to uccont , the
jiu'siUonay of the Wuuash collcuo at Craw
foidsvllli'I Ind. _
SoruppliiKK In Iritliind.
1) niu.v.Jiily 4. Timothy Hcaly uddrossod a
meeting In oiuidalk yosiordaya * candidate for
North Louth. Sovonil lights took place be
iwcou lloaly's supporters and I'aruollltes
Many percent luurcd. )
S The rlotlug tu UuiorlcU Saturday nigh
where William O'BrUn ' was addressing nn
nntl Parnell meeting , continued until mid'
night. Many were Injured ou both lde * . the
McCnrthyltes being finally routed.
Mr. Johnson , n Parae lite , addressed n
meotlne at Nowry yo'itctd.iy. A crowd of Me-
Carthyltcs Interfered and ( here wns u llorco
fight , several persons being badly wounded.
UKii.iti vttKin' ! > iitito Di.ii > .
.Major ItlrlniKl ,1. r.ill , Who tlio
raiiioui Chiirgc , I'IIUM'H A < viy. :
SAN' Finxctsco , Cal. , July 4. Major Hlch-
ord J. Falls , a veteran of the war with
Mexico nnd of the war of tbo rebellion , und
leader of the famous charge at Codnr Creek ,
died last night of general debility at his
lomo In this city.
Miijnr 1'nlls was born In llerklmor county.
New Vork. When the war with Mexico broke
out he unlisted In tbu cavalry , engaged In ImtttcH und In everv Instance dlstln-
; nhlied himself. Several years after the war
too iinc in California and i-iuiipcd In fnriii-
\\t \ \ , mil when the war of tierenelllon broke
out he again olferud his services to Iho conn-
ry , He ! ulncd the fueoml t'allfornlu cavalry
and was sent oa t. lie then boeiimt' connected
vlth thi ? Klrnt I'linnsyivanla eavaly nn I bo-
eiinic m-ijorof u battalion , At the buttle of
'o lar ( . 'rcok hr was under ( Ipnural ( leorito I' .
lavard and there led the cavalry charge on
he confederate ranlis , which for daring and
loldnoss or o\ecntlon had but few ctimls | dur-
iiK the war. After he WHH mustered out ho
returned to Htn Kraiii'lsi-o nnd on Miiroh 1.7 ,
ST\ was nppoln ed a munihur of the pollco
oree. In a short time ho wi.s promoted to
ur .leant and In ISMHvu.s let I red on halt-pay ,
AO .iio.vKii'/.v ii'ini roir.\A//7.s.
) llahonia I'ooplo I'riiiioHO to Tench Limit
Sharks u I.rsson.
Ei , Ilc.vo , Okl. , July 4. The scene of the
ownslto wars has changed to Ouiicnn , 0110
of iho new towns on the Uock Island south
of here. The town was laid out , lots sold
under u quit claim deed , nnd n railroad
witch built , but when the property had
been all disposed of a now site was oui'ned
up a mile further away. This enraged the
first purchasers nnd they toro up the switch
and jumped the now silo nnd gave the leud-
ers to understand that blood would How If
hey continued such tactics. Mr. Dunsmoro
of the townsllo company was In El Iluno
osterday and says the settlers will not por-
nit eovcrnment oil the part of the company.
i'bov ' nro desperatu people and vuluo lifo
Spanish Tiix-KloU'M Victorious.
MADIIID , July 4. In the rioting hero
Saturday three policemen were killed nnd
ovoral olllccrs , including the commander ,
ovontccn privates nnd twenty policemen
njurcd. Tho' civil governor war badly
iruiscd. Very few women and about a
dozen mnlo roughs were hurt. The rioters
vcro victorious and the objectionable tuxes
are likely to bo abolished.
One Horn livery Mlmrtc.
iNiiiAXAroLis , Iiid. , July 3. A Ilockvlllc ,
nd. , special says : O. P. Brown , the wealth-
est farmer In Parko county , was yesterday
robbed of $0,000 by sharpers. Ho came hero
vlth a s Iran ire r ana gave a nolo at the Parko
: ank for thirty days und took tbo cash with
him. It is said that the gold brick swindle
vus attempted by the swindlers.
Itcrlln'H Sunday Host Law.
BP.IILIN , July 4. The Sunday rest law
vent into operation yesterday without caus-
ng a hitch. Shonkcopers were doubly busy
vlthln the legal hours of business.
The .Miiriliy-llroil | I'ropnganibi Across tlio
Will IT.
Among the first discoveries of the
" "ilfjrims nt Plymouth , snya Htirpor's
AVcokly , was mai/.c , or , as they culled
t , Indian corn , nnd the virtues of corn
nonl lor miin tind lioa&t familial1.
[ Jut the nutritious grain lias not deiior-
illy ponotiTitcd Muropo , and an Indian
corn propaganda has been recently
started in Germany , with very proinia-
ng results. Thirteen mills hayo been
nit in operation for grinding corn , and
some ol thorn have been working night
md day , and have boon unulle to fill
their orders. Sovonil ether mills in
various parts of Germany will soon ho
erected , the demand for corn is BO great ,
[ n Dresden , where two corn mills are in
operation , more than half the bakers
ire fcolling mai/o-ryo broad , composed
of ono part imiixo and two parts rye , in
which the taste of the maize is not per
ceived. Even the two mills in tlio lat-
, cr city , ono of. thorn T. Bienort's , the
argest rye mill in Germany , are baking
and soiling largo quantities of this
jroad , and the old government garrison
bakery is turning out thousands of
loaves daily.
The United States consul at Kotter-
dam mentions the great increase in the
importation of Indian corn. The Gor
man Millers association has taken the
alarm , and corn has been assailed as an
article of human food with an energy at
which the Yankee must smile , seeing
wliut a pcoplo has been bred upon it.
A woll-informcU correspondent in Uerlin
writes : "My firm opinion is that when
tno German people know tlio full value
of Indian corn as human food , they will
consume as much ns wo do in proportion
to tlio number of inhabitants. The gov
ernment is now putting a corn-milling
plant in their largo mill at Magdeburg ,
and the government report on the value
of corn as food will soon be published ,
which is the result of a thorough in
vestigation and practical testing of
bread-making nt the garrison bakery in
this city , and which , I am informed by
the commission , will bo highly favor
able. "
Probably without knowledge of these
facts , a correspondent pleads for mal/.o ,
or Indian corn , as ttio most fitting na
tional llowor , as a nati vo of the continent ,
while the golden-rod has a European
variety. "What could compare with it
in sculpture or in harmony of lint for
the artist , whether wo choose the lender
tussolled blossom crowning the tall stem ,
the long leaf waving in the wind , or the
golden our in its brown sheath'It may
bo urged that the llowor is not the
striking feature of this plant , but
when wo tauo the tout cssomblc , there
is nothing liner in tlio botanical
world. The shamrock of Ireland is
generally represented by its loaf , not
the blossom , therefore wo might reason
ably tnko the fruit of tbo maize as our
emblem ; for docs it not typify peace ,
prosperity , labor , sustenance'/ Neither
the golden-rod nor the pansy has any
prominent traits ; the abundance of the
ono , the lowliness of the ether , can
only bo claimed for them. " O\ir corre
spondent Kindly reminds us of a fact with
which wo were not altogether unfamiliar ,
that Lowell's homage to the "dusty
gold" occurs in his poem to n dandelion.
Hut there can ho no question that IJar-
low's "Hasty 1'nddlng , " ono of the ear
liest of American poems , dealt wholly
with American Indian corn.
IVtrllli'd Wood In ( iollmin.
The workmen who are digging the
hole on I'ark row In front of the post-
olllco for thu machinery at the lower
end of the Third avenue cable road ,
says the Now York Commercial , struck
some hard substance thirly-llvo feet be
low Jho surface the ether day.
They at llrbt supposed it to bo a largo
piece of iron , but after digging around
It for Home tlmo found that it was u log
about eighteen to twenty Inches
through. The log was so hard that no
dent could bo made upon tlio surface
with a pickaxe , so u saw was procured ,
and to the surprise of the workmen they
coul'l not saw It ,
Tlio removal of the log , which was
twenty foot long and lay into either wall
of the excavation , delayed work for over
a dny.
Chisels nnd 'other sharp Instruments
were used on the petrified wood after Its
removal to the oimn air , but without
3olobratnl ( tha Fouttli Throughout the
State iu' Becoming Style ,
Slilnry'i I'linulo Wns nn liitrrrntliii ; I-Vn-
turo of tlin Ocrimlon In tlnit I'ortlou
of thu Mutts Nntot of
the Day.
Smjtr.r , Nob. , July 4. [ Special Telegram
oTtii : Iluc.l It was Indeed u plo.isuro to
sea the immense crowd out today \vllno3S
ho celebration , As early as U o'clock this
nornlng the farmers came to town with their
amlllds nnd when the procession formed nt
) : ; | J the streets were literally alive with pco
Charles Trognltr. acted as marshal of the
lay. First In line wu the Sidney brass
/and , followed by the Grand Army of the
Republic , mounted , school children In double
chariot representing tha states of the union ;
orty lloats representing the business men of
Sidney , a bjiul of Indians from Pine Utdgo
ugency , the porformlug bours , elk ) , coyotes
and mountain lions.
At the skailn ? rink the Indoor exorcises oc
curred. lion , Geor oV. . tloist delivered an
excellent oration and the- glee club furnished
the music. In the afternoon outdoor sports ,
consisting of sack race , running foot nice ,
base ball gumu , shooting of blue rock pig
eons and liorsu racing occurred , A mam-
nolh dance was In progress all night. There
was a magnlllcent pyrotechnic -display at
ho garrison , The people generally observed
the day , owing to unprecedented crops
throughout iho country and elegant cool
weather that prevailed ,
KiivcnimN Creiit Iiy. ;
, Nob. , July 4. [ Special Tele
gram 10 Tut : Ili'i : . | Hnvciiiui held tha
ulggcst celebration In her hUtory to
day. Thousands of pcoplo wcro hero
'rotn nil parts of the country.
Jruilons wcro delivered by Hon.V. . S.
ilamllton , grand chancellor of the Knights
of Pythias of Nebraska , nnd by Hon. John
; { oiicky of Omaha , editor of" the Pokrok
/apadu , tha lut.- . address being In Doncin-
iiui.An unfortunate nccldcnt occurred this
morning when the procession was forming.
A largo float occupied by young ladles repre-
sontlng Iho states of the union and the god
dess of liberty suddenly collapsed , pre-
: lpltutlng the occupants to the ground. A
lltlo miss named Kobcrls had her hip dls-
ocalcd , but no other sorlous Injuries uro re-
lortcd. Thn celebration was hold under the
msplcos of tbo Princess of the Orient of
Thousands nt Colninhns.
COI.UMIIUS , Nob. , July 4. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE ) The celebration hero to-
lay was attended by a very large crowd.
our hundred people came from Omaha on
the Nebraska Independent Htllcs' excursion
and thousands poured in from the surroun-
ng country. The speakers were Judge C.
; { . Scott of Omaha and George 11. Gable of
Council HlulTs. A match game of base ball
jetwocn the Morse Ury Goods company's '
.cam from Omaha and a picked nine from
lore was won by the Omaha club , the score
being 5 to 4. It was iho prettiest game over
Hayed hero. The Omaha Athletic club
jeld n contest with this result : 1UU-
, 'ard dash , wou by A. Droxel.
H. H. Morgan won the running high jump.
The broad jump was won by F. U. Smith.
A. D. Woodruff won the sack MCO. The
hitch and hign kick was won by Goodsell ,
and the polo vault by A. Uroxol. The city
was profusely decorated.
Kunnaril'H IntcrudlliiK Culuhrttloi. ;
, Neb. , July 4. | Special Telegram
to THE Bnu.J Fully 3,000 people parlict-
jatod In the Fourth of July colebra-
, lon bore touay. The Kciinurd" band ren
dered excellent music , nnd all the amuse-
nouts gave entire satisfaction. Mr. F. P.
Van Wyuklo covered himself with glory iu
us address of welcome. lion. L.V. . Usboru
dcllvorod an eloquent oration.
Giivo tlio .School ii 1'icnlc.
KEAIIXCV , Neb. , July 4. [ Special Tolcsrram
to THU BKE.J Superintendent Mallaliou
; ave the pupils , oRlcors and employes of the
jtato Indusirlul school a grand holiday plc-
nlo today. The 200 members of tnc school
spent the day In a grove in the Platte vulloy.
A dress parade of the military company ,
band concerts , a big basket dinner and sev
eral games of ball were tbo leading features.
The paradeof the entire school was spoken
of in the highest terms by the ruauy visitors.
Tbero were u numbur of private picnics n
the groves near town , und good many at-
Landed tbo celobrailons at Amherst & Cnl-
uway on the line ol the Kearney und Black
EIllls road. No accidents have been reported.
1'uero was a line display of fireworks this
Wiiyno In the I'rorcHslon.
WAYNE , Nob. , July 4. [ Special Telegram
to THE BII.J A inoro boauiltul morning
povor dawned m Wayne than this morning.
The citizens wcro aroused from slumber by
the roar of artillery at daybreak , and in a
very short tlmo tlio patriotic son and his
firecracker predominated. By 8 o'clock
almost every business house along main
street had boon gaily decorated with flags
and bunting , nnd lings wcro visible on nearly
every residence in the city.
At 10 o'clock the pnradu formed on First
street nnd proceeded to the opera house ,
where 1,5'JO people listened to an excellent
oration by Colonel E. J. Simpson of Nor
folk. In the afternoon thousands of
people , witnessed the races nnd otbor amu o-
incnti and the bowery dances afforded
amusement to many. Tonlgla the most
beautiful ilroworks over displayed In this
section of the state were witnessed by ! ) ,00 < )
pcoplo. Tno ovenlntr parade was a great
success , tha street being abluzc with beauti
ful lights.
NWWASKA CITY , Neb. , July 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tnu BEE.J Tno Fourth passed
very quietly la this city. There was no pub-
ho demonstration and beyond individual
bursts of enthusiasm the day was unob
served. No serious accidents have bcou re
It Wax Olixprvoil at llnitrlci ; ,
BKATJUCI : , Nob. , July 4. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BKK.J The glorious Fourth
was observed hero this morning by a parade
and Inspection of the lira department.
Major Phillips addressed tba boys In a com
plimentary speech. The afternoon was given
over to coluurutlng at the Chautnmjim
grounds. The day passed on without special
Incident or accident. Many of the business
houses and residences were handsomely de
corated with thu national colors.
Hi : KM AX , Neb , , July 4. [ Snec'al to Tun
BIH. : | Only n few days ago did the citizens
decide to celebrate the Fourth in this place ,
and it was a success. Many visitors from
the country c.uma Into town Sunday and re
mained over night. About 4 o'clock this
morning the very foundations of the town
were shaken by iho tiring of Iho early saluto.
At 5 o'clock evoryoody in Iho city was out of
bed and preparing for the day. Most of the
business hnutcs und some ot the residences
are elaborately decorated , The day was
taken up with parades , music and games.
HiirtliiKton'ii LYIHmillon ,
HAUTIXOTOX , Nob. , July 4. [ Special Tele ,
cram to Tun BEC.J Tlio glorious Fourth
wai celebrated In this city in good stylo. The
business men's parade was 0110 of thu llnost
over had in the town , lion , W. A , Poyutor
delivered an able oration , which was appre
ciated oy the Independents , us tie Is luoir
candidate ! for congress from this district ,
'Iho town was decorated with llagu and Dim.
ners. It Is estimated that about 1,500 out
siders celeurated at Harltngton today.
Allied Sport lit North lli'iid.
NniiTll HI'.NP , Nob. , July 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tin ; Dc .l A rousing fourth of
July celebration was held hero today ; all
kinds of sports were participated Iu , The
crowd was entertained by local speakers ,
Tlioro was a line display of flro works at
CAMIIIIIIKIK , Nob. . July 4. [ Special Tele-
grum la Tun UEK.J Cnmbrlugo celoQrnted
today under lha most auspicious circum
stances. Two thousand jlvo hundred puopla
thronged the streets. I'rof.V. . 10. AndrowB
of Hastings , candidate for congress on tlio
republican ticket , tVallvcrod on address of
moro than ordinary Interest. Tonight tbo
llrcwork display lighted too slues utlutur-
vnls and the b.imm ware nut In full forr.o
parading tlio main streets ot the city.
Antrlopu.4ouiil ; ) 'n Itriiiiliin.
O\iimti Neb. . July -Special [ Telegram -
gram to TUB Hnwj ' 1'ho Fourth of July
was op''i'cd oy h , , snluio of forty-four
guns. At ten there wa n street parade , con
sisting of the Gf-lud Army of the Republic ,
forty-four yoilng Indlo.3 on bacit ropre-
Denting the stutos' , headed by Iho Goddess of
Liberty on a rMscd platform , citizens nnd
callthumptans. At II n. m. there was nn
or.ulnn by ilon.'U. D. Molklrjohn. H was
Lho Inrgoit audience aver assembled in An-
iolopa county. Tbo' .peahor fully sustained
his reputation a an orator. All the
proceedings of trio day In the pavilion were
splcod by witticisms , recitations , and soncs
of Chaplain Lqxloh whoso volco could
bo heard forthoi * tbnn the cannon. A
grand display of flro. ' works closed tuo pro-
jriim this OVCIIIIIRI ' ,
Cortliind'H Crowd Kntcrliilnod.
CoiiTMN'it , Neb. , July 4. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin ; Br.i ; . ] Uortland celebrated the
nation's birthday in grand style todny. There
was fully 15,000 pcoplo In town , a great mnnv
coming 'from Lincoln und Beatrice. The
Forenoon was spent in the gen
eral Fourth ot July way. At
| ) . m. the crowd Bothered at the
elegant half mlle track of B. K. Demon , Just
outside thu vlllago limits , uud witnessed
some line racing. The hall mlle frco-for-all
trotting and pacing race was won by Bonnie
II , tha Cortla'id pacer , time , 1 :1T : ; King
Prime of Lincoln second. Novelty running
race , quarter and half , won by Gray Dan.
of Wlluor , tlmo. 'Jj.Vr > . Three quarter by
JcnnloC. of Lincoln , tlmo , 1:21. : Ttio : ii0 ! !
: ) ass , half mlle and repent , won by King
I'rino , tlmo , 'JVi. There was also two or
three oxhluitlon races among which was thn
lialf mile race of Iho celebrated croy hound
loam Spurt and Spokane ; drlvon by llttlo
Dot Sparks to u little sulky , against a race
liot. > o ,
In Old I'liHhliiiird Sty IP.
Citr.Ti : . Nob. . July 4. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bii.J : Today this city celebrated
the Fourth of July In the old fashioned man
ner for the first tfmo In nir.o years. The city
was ciowdcd witu people from all surround
ing country , nnd everybody enjoyed n good
Limo. No speeches were niado. In the morn
ing a trades procession und In the afternoon
foot races , base ball and horse races wns the
Aoout 11 In the morning the roof of the
Democrat ofllco took Uro nnd burned lively
for u short tlmo until put out by the firemen.
Positive nssuniiico has been received In
this cltytodny that Governor McKtnloy will
maKe no speeches this summon nt any of the
western cimutiiuquas , all anuoucomcnts to
the contrary notwithstanding. The gov
ernor's private socrogary says 1m may como
west later In the campaign if necessary.
At ( ic
GEHMAXTOW.V , Nob. , July 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; Bi'.n.l The anniversary of tbo
nation's independence wns celebrated In nn
appropriate manner by the city of Germantown -
town and vicinity. A ball loam iu the fore
noon between iho first nlno of Gcrmiintown
and Oak ( JreoK , resulted In n victory for the
Gcrmantown. 60 to 17 at 12:30p.m.Prof.Molrs :
introduced Hon. Koss Anderson of Sowurd
as the speaker of the day. Ho delivered an
eloquent address , after which Prof. Weiss
gave n short \orynpproprlato address.
Appropriate music was rendered by the Gor-
inantown band and glee olub , closing with
"America. " The evening was spent In danc
ing nnd a grand dlsplav of Ilroworks , which
was enjoyed by all.
Valentino's Success.
VALENTINE , Nob. , July 4. [ Spaclal Tolo-
uram to THE Bui : . ] At.4 o'clock this morii-
Ing Ibo town was aroused , by salutes from
tnliuita guns that echoed for miles around.
Soon thereafter teams began to arrive from
the surrounding country. A proces
sion was formed und paraded the
principal streets , headed by the
Uornot band nnd car of state to a bowery sit
uated in the north part of Iho town. Hero
the usual exercises" were hadr Judge Alfred
Barlow of Chadron delivered a masterly
oration. Tha afternoon was spent in a
variety of sports , the festivities concluding
this evening by pyrotechnic display. At least
" ,009 people participated.
St. I'Hiil Citizens * Work.
ST. PAUL , Neb. , July 4. ( Special Telegram
to THE BEB. I St. Paul citizens with 81,000
in hand arranged a model program for n
Fourth of July celebration. It was carried
out to purfectlon today. The streets were
shaded by willow trees planted for tbo purpose
and the effect was marvellous. Everybody
was surprised at the elaborate decorations
and mucn credit is duo the committee in
charge. Five thousand pcoplo witnessed the
Industrial parade , hoaacd by tha prize band.
Visitors pronounced it perfect. In the hose
contest a coed exhibition was given.
Crc.stun'fi .Many Vlsltom.
CIIESTON , la. , July 4. ( Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] Special trains have boon run
ning all day bringing paoplo to Crcston , and
there are not loss than S.OOO visitors in the
city. The day has boon one of pleasure and
amusement , such as has navcr bean known
hero on such nu occasion bcforo.
I'ollco 1'ri'vent the Hillilit All-
arulilftt from Holding it Meeting.
PiTrsnuiiG , Pa. , July 4. Ilorr John Most ,
tbo anarchist , was advertised to speak in
Schwabol's hall afternoon
, Allegheny , yesterday
noon , but the police refused to allow the
meeting to bo held. Tha proprietor of tba
hall was notified yesterday that Most would
not bo permitted to speak , but no attention
was paid to the order , and arrangements
wcro made to hold the mooting In defiance of
the authorities. Yesterday afternoon a do-
tall of police was sent to tho' hail before the
meeting opened , and the anarchists , fearing
arrest , kept on the outsido. Chief Murphy
says ho has Information that Most had been
working socrotlv in thU vicinity for the past
four weeks with the evident intention of In
citing tha workiirgmon. If bo is found In
Allegheny again , the chlot says ho will send
him to the workhouse.
Itlvor KUIng lit St. I.onlt.
ST. Louis , Mo. , July 4. The rlvor hero con
tinues to rlso moru rapidly , M the heavy fall
of ram Saturday and last night was gonural.
Additional rises are reported along the Mis
souri nnd upper Mississippi rivers , which
will cause it to continue tha next few days.
Tno water has nearly reached the thirty-
foot mark.
Mnrdprer U'llmm I'ncaiios.
PoitTLANi ) , Ore. , July 4 , Charles Wilson ,
> \ ho outraged and murdered u lil-yoar-old
girl , and who barely escaped lynching Fri
day night , whllo being conveyed to tbo peni
tentiary at Saloin , leaped from the carriage
and escaped In the darkness. A posse is
scouring ttio country for him.
Tronhlt ) In Triirklni ;
WAOON MOUND , N. M , , July 4. The posse
which loft hero In pursuit of Jose Cial-
logos , who killed Ji J. Schmidt , a store
keeper , has sent a messenger back fur aid.
They started outi.witli bloodhounds to track
$2.25 A'OUCONTH ( Jtf"
% ic Oxygen
' .produces . Naturally
Free Trial Inhalations.
Really Cures ; Catarrh , Bronchitis ,
AHllima , HIL.V Kovor , Coiisuiiiptlon ,
Iloiiduelio ( stole or norvouB ) , Dyspopsht ,
Nervous Prostration.
. . . . i p
An * ! Inlr r\ / n /lift A / II't
Cull on or write without notloo ,
Sulto 610 Shcoly Hlic. , cor. 15th nnil
UowurdBts. , O.MAIIA , NEB.
Gnllopos down , nnil c.imo upon him Satur
day uttornonn. ! iu was with n party of
Mexicans wlio hnvo ROIIO to his rmistnnco ,
and nro In a slrotiRlv fortlrtod position , mid
It will take a Inrtto force of men to diModco
llitm. It Is snld Hint the Mexicans from tlio
surrounding country arc hurrying to ttio nlil
of tbolr countryman , and serious trouble Is
anticipated , ns tno Mexicans ilo not propose
to allow thu Americans to capture the mur
OHIO britUCK ill .1 CVVIMXK.
loio : In Niltnlicr ot
Toivm No l.lvos host.
FtNm.AY , O. , July 4. Tlio town of Carey ,
O. , southeast of Finality , wns almost de
stroyed by n cyclone shortly after midnight
Saturday. No lives were lost , hut ttio tlmn-
nco to property will rcncli $110.000 or SKI , 000.
The storm c\moup : nt midnight niul un
roofed and partially demolished the Park
hotel , Gnult house , Presbyterian church ,
lllph school tmlldltiK , ten business houses
and a score or inoro of dwellings , besides
destroying fences , shruubery and farm
The cliiniavo to the fnrminp Interests In the
counties near Cnrov will briiitf the total dam-
agu up to nearly $100,000.
LIMA , O. , July . The most severe storm
In years passed over north western Ohio last
nieht. The cyclone diet the greatest amount
of damacc cast of here , houses being blown
down at Hnrrod , Fornkor , Alccr arid other
points. A uumhor of persons wcro Injured.
UR | trees wcro twisted from tholr roots and
carried grout distances , nnd the building of
the Limn Drawing company was struck. On
tuo upper lloor wurosiorod several thousand
busnols of malt. Tho. HKhtnlnc entered n
window of this roam and tore out the lloor ,
letting the mail and debri.i down through
the two lower floors Into the basement , en
tirely ruinir.i ? that part of the building. Ttio
loss Is over $10,000.
Severe Stimn In Missouri.
ST. Lens , Mo. , July 4. Additional ac
counts of the tornado which passed over n
part of Adraln county , in this state , last Sat
urday night , show that it was very destruc
tive and that it also Injured n
number of people. The water works ,
situated about n mlle from Mexico.
the county scat , wcro badly wrecked
and residences In the vicinlly.owncd bv Kov.
James Urudloy , W. II. Turner , Jerome Dun
can and Mrs. H. C. Uraharn were ly
dntnaRod. Further out In the country the
farm house of Jacob Sellers was demolished
and Mrs. Sellers severely Itijuiod ; nil the
outbuildinpsof HoynlJesso weroblown down ,
the house of Alex Davis was torn tn pieces
and ftlrs. Davis and her son seriously hurt.
I.uiuloii I'ltmiu'liil Ucvlinv.
HO ! IJUJnni'.t flnrl > n lltiini" . }
I.n.siioN , July 4. [ Now York Herald Cublo
Spcolal to Tun HIIK. ] Thuro has been a
marked absence of business In the Htoik ov-
ohiingo today. The honsu ais presented
iiulto a deserted appearance. Thu Inactivity
l'i likely to continue until the excitement of
the ulcctlons Is over. Consols recovered to
within \ ( , to * i per cent of Saturday's prices ,
the full unlns duo to a few sales of money
stock. Afghanistan news has hud a slljrhtly
disturbing cited. Indian runco paper is
H l > or cent bettor. 1'orolnn government
securities Inivu been inoro or lc s depressed
all dny. Itusslan foitr.s have given way 1-'a
percent , UrueU U percent and several other
interii'illonal htoults H to ! i per cent , home
railways showing little weakness. The
weekly traltlo statements of the southern
lines was not so s.-.tlafuctory as expected ,
however the chances In prices art ) ciullo
unimportant. Midland belli * 'i per cent
lower , lirlghton deferred ? j per cent and
n few others 'i per cent. North llrltlsh
is a fraction bettor. The nrirket for Amcr-
iean railways lias been In very neglected eou-
( lltlotis. Denver preferred probably mot with
( lie n.ost . utcnUon. passing tbo dlvlilond on
Satniday and cautlnf selling orders to come
In from the provinces , resulting in a fall of
otncr descrlutlons. The cloau was dull
and mostly lower. lint In no in
stance to a greater extent than
from ! S to y nor cent. Quotations
in most rases wcro only oivlnn to the
abtoncc of prices from Now Vork with roianl
to Canadian lines which se.iivuly bavu been
dealt In. Grand Trim's ' issues leave oil'at a
decline of ' 4 to ? 4 per cent.
lirltlHh ( irinii Trade Ilpvluw.
LONDON.Inly 4. The .Mark I.ano Kvprcss
In Us review of the llrltlsli grain trade , s.iys , :
\Migll9h \ wheats have boun dull , and fiom fid
to Is lower. Porclgn wheats ducllnod Cd. It
It estimated ' . ' .IKiO.'ai quarters of foreign
wheat and l.OUD.OJ ! backs of Hour have been
placed In warehouses. Mal/.cs have been
weaker , owing to favorable American crop
prospects and expected heavy arrivals from
Argentine , ll.irlcy has been lower. In the
oat market thcro has been a decline of 'kl.
17s belns asked'.or white Amcrlean. Hyo has
been tinner. In today's market Kn llsli
wheat sold at declliilni ; prices , l-'orelirn
wheat was Inactive ami Cd lower. 1'lourwas
woalior : Knijllsli was In better demand than
foreign. There was a fair inquiry for maize ;
round fell ad ; other sorts were unchanged.
London Stocli .Marld-t.
Ijosnov , July 4. 1'ollowlng are tlio closing
quotations for todny :
JlONiiv ' nor uuiit.
HATH Discount In iho open nmrlfct for bolh
sliorl and tnroo inonllis bills 1 : i-Ji ( to 17S per
Overloaded nnd
disordered stoni-
nclis nnd bowels
don't need n clews
of pbjvsic. TUat ,
with its violence ,
only iipscts them
[ tlio inoro. They
need n dose or two
of Dr. IMorco's
Pleasant Pellets.
Thnt cleanses and
rcnulntfs them
mildly nnd gently ,
but thoroughly nnd effectively.
Thoy'ro the orlciiwl little Liver Pills , these
tiny , sugar-coated nuti-bllloiis Krnnules the
Binnllcst nnd the casiebt to take. Ono little
Pellet for n laxative thrco for n cathartic.
Sick Headache , Hiliqus Headache , Constipa
tion , Indigestion , Ililious Attacks , and all
derangements of the llvor , stomach nnd
bowels nro prevented , relieved , nnd curcxl.
I'nt up In scaled vials a perfect vest-
pocket remedy , always convenient , fresh ,
and reliable.
Thoy'ro the cheapest pills you can buy , for
they're gunrtintecd to give witisfnction , or
your money is returned. You pay only for
the good you pet.
Can you ask more ?
Union Stock Yards Company
est cnttlo. hoi ; and snoop miirUiit In Iho west
Write to thla houS3 for cor-
Mirltot , Raporu.
Wood Brothers ,
South Omaha Telephone II i7. Chicago
J. 1) . HADI8MAN. I . , . . -
„ „ „ .
\V. K. WOOD. fMniinBOM.
MnrUot roportH liy mall and wlro uhourfully
fnrnUliod upon application.
- Tl-I IS -
Campbell Commission Co.
Ohlcaco. F.iistrit. l.onls , Kansas Olty. South
oniahu , MOII.X Oltyf Korl Worth.
A. D. Boyer &Company ,
MniulM KxoliaiiBi ) Ilullilliu.Bouth Omalru
Corrom > oailoiicoiiollcllul oaJ uroiuptly
riiforiitoliora.Vfooiliri. )
rJioi'mlnttuiilluiiloord ( ;
, IMI. IncorporiiUJ , 13J1
Cuiiltnl fullr l > l'l. ' 2J.WJ.
Waggoner Birney Company ,
Wrltoor wlrum for pronnil uaJ rulluiilu uiarkjt
Perry Brothers & Company ,
J.tvu Stdok CommUiiloii.
Koom 61 KxuhaiiKo IlulKllir. , bouth Omaha
Tuloplionu 17vl7. _
ui'ors' ' and mm
1 1:111 : 1
) .
ContrnctoM niul jmliroiilr.ictoM fof all klivli of
liiilMlnir. piiutoMiw. , . .ilnihuotp nil ) tpfclvc
copy or llliiiurK ari'Mlcct ! ' unit liic"r. ! illn'rUir n
frpp. ttjr vcitillnii tliplr > tnulnc" anil lop
tlon to tliittitilMi | r .I II ( iloiri. Ills nth S
ING COMPANY , Tpntu nwnlniti. tiirpnu-
n fn , li.immocks. ollnncl lln , cot cm of Ml Minis.
rulilior olothlnu. S < > ml tlncK , fodiinen , otc. S-rml
forctt'guo. 1118 Knrnnni | tur ootalu nu."Ui S lull
Blsal , manllK ,
Importer * nndmrfoUour rope , lipmp. Julo. colton -
nek * , burlapj , Itrlno. ton tivlno'.tnrrcd cord-
nt ? . t-le. ala ! - . Hit. . . . _
ll.n.TODD ,
BnoccMor tnJ.J. WIUi
. .
, cn oi. : M'fii dcnr. impor
Btoycteo lolil on monthly pncklniiliDSLM. All novel
payment ! . iso N , Itlh-st tlusln .HI i ilno.
1I1U Doimlai St.
11 U.I lion.ird HU 3l.
Fnltorr onrnor HIM nnd louulr ) strotti ,
W * uro inaklDZ olos prlooi to onh b irar . nnl arc
sclllua olai of nuud ) wtilob 1J vurr sala-
aDU if lib luarolmnli.
Jlnnufnoliirer's nccnt. Irini ui < | ilr ] > atinltlipvpry-
tlilnilti nbo.x. iu I'll' * . KIIIII niul rlilld'K nl Inn-
pM fnctory price.1 * and dlfrontit ! > . L.itujt st > lc. .
1401 Fnrnnin Mrtct. Hm ,11 I.X
Offlos , B. Dlh and Lcareo *
worlh 813. . Uiuaba.
Mnrhorar. AEt.
_ _
biillilprp. llojo
nnd pntrul mii ona u
IStli , opp Court House.
Clolblni ; . notion.furnluli ,
Inpn. ( ilvo U.H i trial Manufra and wbolceil *
Hninpk'3 prppnld by < > clothlurs. 1100 Ilaruur
press. 1113 llnrnuy. stroot.
/ LIME CO. , llfrs. unlvnnUcJ Iron
Hard and soft coal. 8 D. cornice , window caps ,
ocr. letli and Douglas- uiclallc bhylUbts , elu
IU. 1110 , 1I2 Uodue-st.
Contrnctor'nnil nb contrartnr for nil kind * of
tmllcHiikr. | iintcrliii ! . p.ilnthur ptr. will rpeclvo
copy of ( .Icnu' nrctiitcrtH and bill Id ? r4 ill rectory
frru , by Mundlnc tbclr nnnip. biiKlnoMi and loca
tion , to thu publisher. J. II. lilunn. 113 S. litb
Dptiolstered fiirnltnrc ! NITURE CO , ,
1SOM.W N'lcbolAi at I Oraoo and ThUMoath
\Vbolc9nloonly. I streets.
Old Soldiers in Poor-litre
-A.N D-
Pcnsioo kilts in Palaces
That is the sort of thing Tll3
Bee Bueail Of Claims was or
ganized to correct. The
Bureau believes in giving
the veterans the benefit of
the laws that were passed
to help them. It wages
war on the sharks consequently
quently the sharks don't like
it. But as long as the sol
diers ate grateful it is satis
fied. If you are a veteran ,
or the widow , child or de
pendant parent ol a veteran ,
write to Tte Be3 Bureau of
Claims and find out how
much the government is
willing to do for you.
Bee Bureau of Claims
Omaha. Neb.
To thu owners of all loin and | iurln of lots
and real I'BlaUi uliiiiB Klphth slifut from I'luu
btroiit to TranuU blruut.ciii are
liuruliy mitlllcd tlml } li iiiidorslL-iiud ,
thri'o cllslnturunted fruuholclurH of tliu elly of
Umalm , have lieon duly nimulntuil liy llici
mayor , wllh tlio approval of iliii oily ccmnoll
of Mild ully. to iihsen-i the daiirinu Jo thn
ciwnuimuHuuotlviily of lliu propnrly alliielod
by uradliia H Blilli bln-ut from J'nio
Biri'ot to I'-riinelR utrr-ut. - declared
ni'oessary tiy ordinance illCI. JIUHHOI ] Jniiu : . ' ! ,
IMi. . aiijirovi'd.luiiu'.M. IbSU. Vou nro fiirihiT
notified , lluil huvliia nueciitcil | mill iiinilnl- | |
iiiniii. and duly ninililleil IIH r ; iHlrm | > hv liiw.
wci wfll. on Iho mil day of July. A. I ) . IMI. . nt
' the foriinoiiii. al lliii
thu hour of Jiici'otouU In
olllco of T. II. .Mcjl'ullocli. loom HI. . N. \ . l.lfo
liiilldliiK , wltlun the forponilu I'V'1 ' * . " ' H'1" !
clir. inuet for tlm jmrpo-uof cniihldiirliiK and
niiildiii ! Iho iibsi'usiiiiint of ( liunuu'u to tliu
( iwiiuriiVmicotlvuly of salil proiurty | , iiiri'otod
hy said Kradliu. t kiii'/ Into coiwldwriitloii
BUi'elal liiMiulliK , If any Vou aru notllluil lo ho
niuhontal the tlmu and plaeo uforuiuld niul
iiuilio any olijuetlonu 10 or blaloinunU con-
cernliiK * ald asKUhHiiiunl of ( liunii us as you
i. . yeo.ifcW rpi P r. .
| rJIiUcu ( (
W. O. Hlllll VKIt.
Omaha , July a. Ib'JS.
1MM305 Jon i loth nd Harner * tr tt *
Om h .
CO. , Hosiers'
Imrdtrara ail
Corner lOlh nd mechanics' looK
bltettm. 1UI DouKlns 8tr t-
tiiilltlprr HnM > vi > n > nnil
I I nntr.irtuM' fupillo |
& . ' ! Soul i mtli strooti
Hnntirnort lumber , woo-1
onriioti nnilr | : < iii l tmportot Amorlain I'or fr
lloorlni ; , Hn.l civn MI. MllwniUfti
lD"riulto ! cuinoiil nn > l
8th and ( Julncr whllo lima.
Liquor morclmnU , 1113
. Mfr Kail
llurnojr-Bt. .
Wlmlonln tlqimr do.ilort
. ' Bail'i India Ull .
1001 Knnmm-it.
Importers i
millinery. liolloni.MnLk
nriturs iiroiupt. vus-U i
Carry n jTull stock of
prlntlnfr. wrtippliiK und ItclliuM nnd hibrlc.itlni
paper , card iiu-
jior etc elli , ntU' o. oto
JIfrs of "K .V S" pant" . Mfra oclrbrntfd
Milrt * niul ( ivc-ralla.ctc skin" overalls , panii ,
CU-18S. llth-al. sli.'rls ' , ooati , otc. Uai *
Eitabllibed , 187i BRANCH &
00. ,
WHITNEY & CO. rroduco , fruits of all
kinds , orstou. 811 H ,
J.D. rlUSZi C3. MS. A. CLARK & CU. ,
Our npcclallloji MnUjr , lluttor , cbooio , fill ,
UotTurdilrool. 2K > and puultrr , Ull puultrr nndjamr.
917 Koutli 13tb tjtriin
( Kstnblhbod ISjj. )
Wuol.inlu butter A Iluttnr , rlioino , fill ,
veKUtnlilps. trullipuul
llurs nnd sells Jor
try und tfumo.
cash. 113 S. llth-st.
HIOTO repairs and waist
ntlnohmonts for any
Kind of elovo mail * .
IWi Dou lus.
ian Der
You'd better not waste any
more time if you expect to
get anything from tiic government
ernment- Unless you put
your claim on record before
March 3 , ' 18 ( > 1 you will
never have another chance-
It takes time to put an application -
plication in shape , and there
is not a bit of spere tiun
left. Whatever you have
lost by the Indians , under
the conditions described in
the law , can be recovered if
you go about it in the right
way. Tiis Bap Bureau of
Claims knows just how to
go to work. Wr'te and find
Bee Bureau of Claims
Omaha , Neb.
To lliii OWIIPI-I of nil lots. p.irl of lots unit
real Cftatii uluii-f lYunel * Hlr.'iu fruiii 'lliti
Hlierl to lliu wu l llnu of Wliiilbnr I'litco Kx-
You HID lii'rxhy nolilliMl lluil lliu iinilor-
Hlxni'il , llirctMllilnttiri'htuil fiooliiililniH ( if lliu
city of ( Jiiiuliii , IMVD lutuii ilnlv aiinliituil | | liy
lliu mayor , uiili tlm upurovul of lliu Cilv
I'OIIIK'II Of Hlllll City. Ill IIKMIhH lllll lllllllllKU l
tliDowiiursriixlieulivnly of I In | niiiily | ) uf-
furluil liy KrailliiK I''iaiii-l4 Htiui'l from aitli
ulri'ul to Iho wuhl llnu of Wliiilsur I l.ivn I'.x-
luiiuton , dci'iiiruil niiLTtthary by orilliinni'd No
Hill , p.-ihsoil .liiiiu'JlBl , IB. ) ; , njirjvuil Juno ' 'J ,
V\\i \ \ nro rmtlirr nolilliMl , llir.t liuvlnjt no-
ruutril hinil iiiioliiliiiuiit | ) , unit iliny iiuulllluil
iisrcijnlriiil liy mtv. wo will , on lliu IMh < luy of ,
Jiny. A. II Ih'.U. ul lliu liuiir of M o ttlouK In tliu *
( orciioiiii. ut tlio ollluoof T. U. llniiiiuir , room
1 , Warn liluoU , wlililn lliu eorpuritu llniiu of
Hil < l t'liy , iiiut-l for tlio | iiirMi | M of ciiiiHidurliiK
niul iniiKliu ti > u im ii iiiuntof ilainiivu to Urn
tiwnvrh ru iiuuilvuly of wuld iiropurly , nlliftj
Ijy iiulil itniilln-i tuKliu Into cunslilurulli'ii '
biii'uliil liunulliH , If nny.
Vou uio notlllu : ! to tin ] irchunt at tlm Unin
niul iilitfiiaforvialU , and inalaiolijrullonHloor
daniuiiea UK you tuuv voiinliler iiroimr.
T. O. IIUD.VM.'lt.
( JIIAKIiS : l > . TIIOMAH ,
OniuliR , JulyO , 16W. J&UIUt.