THE OMAHA DATLY BEE : TU DAY , JULY f , 1892--TWELVE PAGES. TJ-1E OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE : - NO. 12 PKARL STREET. rclhttrd ty Carrier totnny part of the City H.V. ' . T1ITON. - MANAOEK. . No 41 > iKni'iio : : rfcj Mgnt i ; ditor . No'-'J i . lW.\ . N Y. Plumbing Co. Uoston store for dry goods. ( 'ouncll 13 hi OH Lumber Co. , William Waozel was brought to the county lall vcstcruay afternoon on n warrant charg ing him with resisting an oftlcor. The offense took place In Lnwis township nnd Iho trouolu craw out of the wild cat chase which ended so disastrously for cloven of Council HlunV blooming sports. Ho will have u bearing before Justice Hussy at Munawu. The icport of City Physician Jennlnps for the month of Juno shows that there were lavnntcun deaths during the month , of which cloven were tunics mid six families. Ono of Iho fatal cases wns diphtheria and ono whooping cough. There were eight ea oi of contagious dUcases reported to the cuy clerk , of which two woio whooping cough , two meailes and four diphtheria. John nnd Dick Wotstcr and Bert Scott , three characters who are well known In po lice circles , got Into u light jesterdny in the tiouso at 11 ! ) Pierce street and Dick \\eb- itcr's face was piotty badly pounded up. Ho was put so thoroughly out of repair that ho had to bo taken in hand by his friends and moved lo a pluco where ho could bo given the right kind of attention. Tnoro were no arrests. A fellow giving his name as W. M. Hockn- feller , but showing no outward signs of beIng - Ing a millionaire , wan in-rented yesterday at , tbo transfer with nlno bottles o ! wlilslty in n box ho was carrying. The other three that would liuvo Illlod out tbo dozen ho had evi dently put inside of him , ns was Indicated by the massive proportions of Iho Jag under which bo was laboring. Ho was charged with urunkcnncsi , but as ho is supposed to hnvo been on bis way to the Silver City cele bration , n charge of bootlegging will proba bly bo made against him us soon as tbo case liftho police court is disposed of. Some of the railroads did a big business yesterday. A special train arrived in the morning from Shonamlo.ih with 004 passen gers on board destined lor the convention at Umahn , the Chnutiiuqurt and other places where there were Fourth of July nttrar'tions. A speciul twin .vent to Silver City over the bnmo road with over 100 passengers on board. Over the Burlington thcic- was a ipcclnl truin from ( Jlenwood with 113 sengcrs. The Koch Island officials state that they have sold In the llrst throe days of the assembly inoro tickols than they did In their tntlro half of the assembly season last year. Countv Treasurer Keod has bcsun opora- Uons for collecting the back taxes which uro tluo on the per onnl property of the Union Elevator company. No personal property taxes have been paid by tbo company for " rtbout six years , and the umoant now duo U something over SP2.COO. The treasurer made 11 tbo arrangements yesterday for seizing Iho property to satisfy the claim , but the eftlcors of tbo company refused to allow his men to enter the place. Kced thereupon commenced a suit in tliu district court for an injunction restraining the Union Elevator company und Its employes , together with nil the railroad communes now In possession ot it , from Interfering with his levying execu tion , The case will bo aired in court prob- bly next Thursday. llo\r tii Itcurli Clr.iutamiun. All the motor lines connect with the Rock Island trains , which run direct Irom Omaha , und from the Main street depot in Council Mlulla , direct to the Clmutaiiqun grounds. The st- Vice this year is so complete that the puhlic Should allow its appreciation by availing themselves of the opportunity to roach I'hautnuqua. From the donot at C'hau- / muquit lo the amphitheater there is a fimoolh , nlank walk all the way , thus making tnc Koek Island train the clean est , quickest , easiest and chcuuost way to roach Chiutnuqua. Tlio time tables nro published olbowliero. Kino trains si day each way. George II. Mcsohondorf's retail sales Batuidav exceeded $1UOO , tlio heaviest day'H Irado ho has over had since ho has been in business in Council BlulTs. This must bo taken as an indication of tlio ponoral public belief that the attempts to down the populnr butohor by the pub lication of librloua articlein dis- roputublo sheets is u bad aailure. .r/i'/ I'.in.tcit.ti'iia. Mrs. Dan forth loft yesterday for New York. Kov. I ) . C. Franklin of Atlantic was in the rity ycstcrdav. James Y. Miller of Sue City wus in the Bluffs yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. L W. Wbito of Woodbine hfcro in tbo city yesterday. Mrs. W. O. Wtrt nnd daughter Ella loft restcrdny for Dululh , Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ituvs started ycstcr- 0ay for n visit to Saratoga , N. Y. Miss Floroncr. Gantz. of Dixon , III. , Is tbo cuost of her aunt , Mrs. Lucius Walls. Pert Evans and Oscar ICcclmo went to Bllver City yestordny to attend the race * . D. VV. Bushnell , F. M. Onult and W. W. Huntborno leave today for a visit at Spirit Lake. Mr. Will Homer of Mt. Vernon. O. . U visiting bis uncle , W. O. Wlrt , on Willow axonuo. B. B. Foster , formerly of this city but now practicing law in Onawu , wnsulllulls visitor yesterday. D. H. Dries bach of Leaven worth , Kan. , Is In the city visiting his brother , J , B. Drlos- bncb. Ho Is a dclcgnto to Iho convention in Umaha. 'Mr. nnd Mrs. George S. Damon have re turned from their bridal trip to St. Joseph , Mo. , and are living at their home on Bluff itrcct. Mlsj Emma Morohouse leftlastevcningfor a visit In Now Ycrk. She will attend the national convention of tlio Young People's Bocloly of Christian ICndcuvor. Herman Anderson of the transfer force leaves today for Denmark , whcio ho will ipond the summer visiting his parents. Ho ivlll return to this city In the fall. Ml s Bliinchn Archer has returned from tbo cast , where she ban been attending ichool , and will upend tbo sumnior visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Archer. Herman rioblo , C. D. Booth. J. A. Watson nnd C. Ithlnswich of Hunan , and N. L. Mulonev , William Buck , Mr. and Mrs , Bon Davis and Miss ICiiL-lu of Essox , were at the Uruncl lintel veslcrduy. Mrs. M. F , Kobe and Mrs. D. F. Strldcr of Chicago are In tbo city visiting their father , Kov. K , M , H. Fleming , und family. They ivlll bo remembered by their friends hero us the Mlsics Manila and Daisy Fleming. 1) . C. Ctimwnin , formerly conoral score- lar/of tbo Young Mon's Christian useocia- tlon of tills city , now of Corning. Is In the city. Ho expects to leave soon for Now York , where no has i > L-ciirod u position in the issoclatlon work. t C.V. . Schwaru , formerly assistant secre tV tary of the Council BiulTs Young Man's Christian association , was married last even ing to Miss Lilian MrKiini- tlio residence of the bildo's parents In Corning , la. A ipculul train containing ovt-r 100 friends ol the groom loft his home , Ottutnwn , for tbe iccno of tbo festivities. Trains leave Manawiv dallv at 8 and 10 a.m. , 115m. , nnd 1 , U , U'i : ( ) , ! ) , iC.'il-I ) , 4'M : , 6.Will / , o , 010. : ! 7. 7to : : , 8 , 8to : ; , D , Di.'iO , 10 , lOiIJO. 11 mull 1 : . / > j > . m. The 11:55 : train will make connection witli Iho liiBtolcutrio motor cur for Omahtt The Huston Store earrloa the largenl nnd incut t-omplotu htook of dry goodu in Council HluIVs , In. Their prices are a gonornl hougohold wordknown through out the BlatoB o ( lowiv and Nobnibkn. Their line of wash goods surpasses any thing liorotoforo shown in Council UlulTs , lit. _ It p. y8 to trade at the Uoston Storo. MoPhntl pianos. 11(1 ( Stutsman Btrcot. Head putfo 0 , Chautuuqua vE\VS \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Slow the Fourth Wn3 Obiarvetl at the Ohautf.uqiu Grounds. UNION VETERANS WERE OUT IN FORCE ( Inn-nil Algcr Could Not Itc I'rcKvnt , Hut Unud Or.ttors Uoro I'lrntltiil-Clmrlcn Adams TreiiU-d to tin Arllstlu Koasl. Thcio uro plenty of patriotic Americans. They poured out in nu almost endless stream yosU-rduy unU Illitd thy Cbuutuutiuu grounds with thu Intgojt uuaicnco , with perhaps ono exception , th-H lias gathered ° " lll ° grounds tun lirat opening of the assembly grounds. It was fittingly sot npnrl by the Uliautjuqua inanugor * as Grand Army Uuy , und tao Iowa and Nebraska veterans canio fiomnll purls to meet in reunion. Of course , the chief attraction lor tbo Grand Army boyn \viis tun hope ot seeing Ocueral Algor , unit tliousunils of other people who revere but Uo not wuur the blue tult the sumo attracting inlhicnco. It wns not known until ticurly ; i o'clock Lhut tlicy wcru to bo disappointed in this ono tiope , mid tlioti thu Information cnmo in tbu shape of a length } telegram Irotn the genotal announcing that uwln * to the suvoru acci dent which happened to him a few days ugo Ins physicians would not permit him to inuUo the journey from Detroit. The accident con sisted of an injury to the Unco caused by n railway wicclt , necessitating putting tbo lnurcd ] limb in a planter cast. AVlll lit ; I'HMCilt Next Time. The tcleijiam received prior to the last convoyed the assurance that ho would bo on hand If ho had to have both legs done tip in piaster , and that no'hlng that ho could pre vent would permit him to disappoint Ills comrades and tun public. It was something of a disappointment of course , but the mag nificent program provided so entirely Illlcd the desires of the audience that tbero wns not a word of complaint , und n lurcor , bcttor- nuturcd Fourth ol July audieiico never gutti- erod in tills pait of the stato. There were several thousand people pres ent to tiiov ! ] tbo morning services , and Inn glories , ol a perfect dnv i'l the woods. ( Jimp- lulu Colo's oration was a pleasant , patriotic bpeccb , scholnily , polishe.l und brilliant , and when it and tlio special musical exorcises that inado up the morning program weio finished the people scattered out and ate their dinners or went up and looked at the Immense rousting ox that was tilling the groves with its savory fragrance. Old Soldiers : ind Hunting ; . When the afternoon program was taken up ut 2 o'clock there were vary few vacant seats In the Immense ompltbeator. Tno stage was decorated with minting and old soldiers , plenty of them. It wus their day , and they swarmed everywhere. They sat around the cage of the stairo facing the nudl- once and kicked their heoU against the sides. Department Commander ,1. .1. Steadman presided , lie was in excellent voice and bubbling over with good humor and en thusiasm and his introductory speech wus delivered In tones that reached almost to the point where the ox was being roasted. Dr. F. S. Thomas delivered the address of wel come In n li\o minute speech. It was polished and scholarly. Colonel L. A. Con- Mgncy , pist department commander , responded. He SPOKO in a voice omowhiit low , but linallv reached a pot foil of his sub ject that brought out his voice and attracted inoro attention than perhaps any other talk of thu day hare or olsowherj. He introduced it by announcing that ho had just roan in the current issue of the Forum an article by Charles Francis Adams in which the dis tinguished soioi" of a presidential line con fessed to a fculmi ! of shame und degradation when he contemplates the American uniform turned into u mendicant's garb and that ho had "lived to see every deadoeat und maligner , ovrry bounty jumper , every bummer and suspjctod deserter rush to the front as the greedy claimant of public bounty. " Tuo ho read this resolution and asked" the audience to adopt , the soldiers n'.cl all : Itesolvcd , Hy the members oftho Iowa Grand Army , In lonnlon assembled on the grounds of thu Twin City C'liaiituiuiun , Unit we condemn the nmliuhms epithets alined at our or anva- tlm ( by I'liiirlos I'ranuls Ad mis of Massachu- setls , mid that wo pronounce such laiiffiiuKO on the pat I of anyone lib unpatriotic und mls- loudlai : . Ici'iilcl thu VL-tcruiis. Then followed a rinclng dotenso of the soldier uoys by an approval vote of b.OJU people. The incident nerved Colonel Conslg- iioy and inspired n stioag speech. When ho concluded Chairman Stoadman introduced Major Claikson of Omahit. It was the llrat time the mutter had been culled to his atten tion and ho was boiling over with indigna tion , and for the next twenty minutes if the Massachusetts statesman bad bad hair enough to mtilto n scalp It would havn been dnncllng at the major's bolt. It was a tlcrcely eloquent denunciation of the blue-blooded aristocrat , and the mujor hissed the words "llo" and "liar" sn savairely that the air smoked , ar.d ho hoped the newspapers and overv other agency for the Hashing of public opinion wou d carry back to the millionaire slanderer the execration and hate that tbo soldiers of Iowa and Nebraska ( oil for him. Mi : Tliiimtim'i * Klloi-t. Hon. J. M. Thurston was among the mul titude on thi > stage and was tnonoxtspeuker. Thu eloquence that had proceeded him nad set his blood tingling , and with a face alter nately paling and Hushing ho delivered ono of the most eloquent speeches of his life. The old soldiers crowded to the front of the stage as he talked , n-.d the fringa around the edge thickened , and the scores of heels topped the boards beneath with vigor. It was u speech born on the occasion , and if there wore any who foil disappointed.bdcauso Al- gcr could not ret there they forgot it. It wus a speech characteristic ; of the day and the man who spoke It. When ho closed it with a mncnlllcont peroration thai crystal- izod into an exquisite tribute to the American flag the audlonco re sponded with the Chautuuqua salute to tbo Hag. Tno sea of animated faces , the clouds of fluttering white handkerchiefs inndo a scene that wus beautifully impressive while the roar of solml ) following sounded llko a peal of thunder. At tbo conclusion of the services the veterans marched in double fllo and led the multitude- the point wucro tbo barbecued ox was served up. Tlilx 11 * Tramline 'Men's Day. Today U Traveling Men's day and a pro gram is to bo presented that will interest everybody , nlthough the traveling men are ones' WDOIII it has bean especially aimed to please. The following is the program : d''Mn HI , Morning prayer. 11:00 : a. in. tute. Mr I.eon 11 Vincent , subject. "English t-atllt ) lluuii Swift. " y-Vti p. m. Miikle , ; As. sumhiy oreliuitra. i' : ; p. in , ci uoort , linpo- rlnl iii ) irtuttu and Mrs. Nellie lluii. : > -Slui- ton ; luultatlon. 1'rof. W. W. O.irnes. 7:00 : p. m , Afcsoinlily ulmriis ii-liitaraal. SOJ : p m. Mumo. Afcsuiulily orchesti.i : lin-iuro. Prof. C. I1. Cleinlennlii ! hiibjrot. "A South American Vacation , " Illustrated with btereopllcon. 'J'lils moinlng will also marlt the bogln- niiig of thu regular class room. At bUU : o'clock the senior normal class will bn organ ized by MM. Mattlo M. Bailey of Shonau- doah , and at lli.'IU the junior normul by Kov. Stephen 1'holps of this city. At 4 o'clock Dr. Klliott will have the class in now tostn- inont Ureolc ami at 5 o'cldtk there will bo a Cnautuuquu round table , under the leadership - ship of Hov. J.V. . Ueigor of Marlon. Inteniiitioiuil Cure association rooms nro in iinnox to tirand hotul , 6iM First avenue , Council Hlulls , I > t. For euro of alcohol anil opium dibcaso. Hot wontlior price * , in picture frames at Hiloy & Shot-radon's art btoro. Knoi'ki-il Irinii u .Motor. Albert McCluskoy , a young farmer living ncullintoi. . station , mot with a serious raft- bap yesterday loreuoon while riding on au Omaha bound j'.otor at tbo corner of Broad way ana Seventh stroot. Tha car was well loaded and ho stood for some time on the sldo platform , until the youug lady no waa will ) Insisted on his getting liuldo the car. Just after Uo bad compiled with her coin * maud tie ( ell from the car , end although ho never will ba able to tell how It tmppsned , tbcro will never bo uny doubt In his mind that It did Iuppen In spltd of MeCluskev's denial his friends claim that ho put 1m head out of the par Just as another train passed , going In the opposite direction. Both c.iri were goiut ! at n high rate of speed , and the cast bound train caught MeUlusKey's bead with such force as to Knock him out of the car onto the pavement. There he lay until ho was picked Up and carried to u neighboring drug store , where ho was kept until the patrol wagon was summoned and he was taken to the Women's Christian Association hospital. Ills injuries weio foiind to bo cblellv about the head and face. TUP blow from the car had cut a gash four Inches long In the top of the scalp , there was a amallnr cut on tbo forehead , his lower lip was cut clear through and two of his front troth were broken off. Ho ro- luscd to take any nntunhotlc while Ills cuts wera being sewed up nnd insisted that ho was not nearly so ondiy off as nU physician thought. Ha'hud a Inuli fever and n chill during the dav and ho [ Hit In a good deal of his lime sleeping , all of which are considered bad symptoms by Ills physician. It is feared that ho may bo suffering"fiom concussion of the brain and that his Injuries , apparently so trilling , may yet turn out to bo latal. If i e is In such a condition that ho can bo moved ho will bo taken to his homo this morning. Recollect that the midsummer clour- nncc sulo of the Council BlulTs Cnrpot company only Insls until the loth of July. Until than the biggust bargains in cor nets , curtiiins , etc. , over ollorcil in the city will bo given nil customers. Out of town mail orders are solicited und will receive prompt tuul stitlsfiictory lit- tontion. _ Clmiitiuiciri | Ale Us. Dining1 Imll tickets will bo sold for $5.00 , good for 21 mcalb. Look Out lor llnrglnrs. Appearances indlc.i'o that the band of buiglars who infoatod the city until a short time ago U about to coin- incnco operations once more. The burglars ovldentlv rcatl the papers In which u list of thJ persons was given who nro camping About o'clock Sunday morning W. II. M. ljusoy was awakened by n rapping at his front door. Ho answered , mid found a messenger boy with n note for a man named McMlller. . whom ho said ho had bncn directed to Hml at that place. Of course thcro was no ono of that name there , and the messenger boy , on being so Informed , went away. An investi gation showed that the call for tbo boy had been signed by "Sim Jones , " but , where it had been sent from the American District Telegraph ofllclals refused to dlvuluo. It is supposed , however , that the man "Jotios" was making the messenger ooy a part of his burgling utensils , for the purpose or finding out If the man of the house wat at bora ? . If no answer had been made to the ringing of the boy Mr. Pusoy Is of the firm belief that bo would have had a burglar on his hands before morning. Some color Is given the theory by the fact that the police had soy- oral llvelv chases after ttnovos Saturday night , and although they could hoar their signals in all directions , tuoy could not catch them. Colfiix ginsror nlo ttiul mineral water Bold ut wholesale by Duquotto & Co. . muniifnclurinff confectioners. Cliaiil.iuiiim Trains. Leave Council BlulTs from Rock Island depot at 0:10 : a. in. , 8UO : a. in. , 9 : 0 a. m.'lO:27a. : m. , 1:00 : p. in. , 1:30 : p. m. , 5:50 : p. in. , 7:00 : p. m. , 7UO : p. in. Chantauciua drugrgibt , Geo. S. Davi" . It Is Not X'tlleil Vt'ti George Kudio undertook to scttlo an old score with unicor Cluar of the police force about 3 o'clocK yesterday mosning , but was ordered to Iruvn the s > treot or else submit to being arrested. Ho followed the ofllcor to the police station , whcro ho ventilated his views on the subject of policemen in general and Claar In particular. 'Among other things , it Is alleged that ho offered In a casual way to give the warm July atmosphere a chance to llltcr through Claar's inslites , or those of any other ofllcor who tried to arrest him. He was promptly thrown In the hole and the charges of drunkcjincss , carrj'ing a concealed revolver and threatening to kill wore entered on top books. He gave bonds for his nppear- anco in police court this morning. 150 people in thi& city use gas stoves. The Gas Co. puts 'em in at cost. Prof , y.erkowsky will accept a few more scholars on the violin or violin- cello. Address 805 N. 7th. Mangled liy u Dug. A U months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown , who llvo at the corner of Fifteenth avenue and Fourteenth street ventured within reach of a ferocious bull dog that was kept chained in tbo buck yard for tbo puiposo of protection. The mother of the child was attracted by the child's scicams and when she arrived at the scene she found the dog llorcely tearing the child's fnco with his tooth. The animal wus beaten off , but not until wounds had been inflicted on tbo child whlcn will disliguro it for life , and It is by no means certain that the in juries will not prove fatal. The dog was killed. _ The Jewel gasoline steve is the best in the world /or safety , durability and economy , and the new .fewol is its equal. See thorn at Charles Swaino's , 737 Broad way. KMHS.fVi : It.lY . .IC't'T.S. . ratal Trrmliiiitliin ( if a Colnlirntlun. CmtHOo , 111. , July 4.The magnificent display of fireworks clvon by tbo Kvanston boat club ended in a premature explosion to night. A young man was Instantly killed two were Hlightly injured and hundreds were frightened into'a panic. The dead boy is Tunis Uboator. Jr. , whoso breast was pierced by an exploding sky-rocket. Those injured are David Noyes , member of the bout club , foot badly injured ; Joseph Darry el luo Consolidated Fireworks com pany ) injured from being nearly drowned , he having jumped into the lakoto escape injury , lie. had u narrow escape. The unfortunate ending of what was to have been the bril- linnt close of the day's exercises was duo to an accident that only the timely warning of Mr. Durry is probably all that saved others from severe Injuries or loss of life. A nriltli-Dcilllnj , " ItiijH1 Ciinnoii. CiiifAoo , 111. , July 4 Six-year-old Anulo Wollor was instantly killed yostorda y by bullet from a cannon which was discharged by boys In the rear of No. 15 Noble ovonuo. The boys were celebrating the advent of In dependence day und loaded the cannon with pobhlcsand nails , leaden bullets , etc. Charles Koeppncr , who fired the cannon , is In jail , OIMI Killed mill Two .Mm hilly U'ounilcd. AMITI : , La. , July 4. At u picnic today at Addison's bridge n desperate shooting affray occured botwecn Thomas and Jess Bond on ono side and ICdward Kicks and son on the other. Kdwurd Kicks wns killed outright. The Bonds nro both mortally wounded and young Kicks Is painfully wounded. The shooting was the outmowtli of a family feud. ritli-il lluTiicuVilh I'onilwr. This morning James Craig , son of Superin tendent Craig of the Forest Lawn Cemetery association , mot with a very serious accident , The premature discharge of an Inch-bora Btoul cannon tilled his fuco with blasting powdnr. The wound Is a painful ono and it will bo several weeks before bo will fully re- cover. Illiiuiiiliictiiii ( iirl Injiinid , Ui.ooMi.M.rox , Nob. . July 4. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEI : , ] The accidental dis charge of a pistol In thu hands of Miss Koso Owens of this place injured the thigh of Miss Fanny Smith , otherwise the day passed hero without accidents. round \Vut < Ty irii > ii. MKAIWM.I : , I'a. , July 4. Arthur llnzlcton ana wlfo and llttln girl were drowned this afternoon by tbo capsizing of a skiff in French creek. Agnes Huntlogton U visiting a sUtor In Chicago , but will sail for Kuropo this week. She has uo plans matured lor next Buasoo , RAPID Sl'RIMp./JF ' . / CHOLERA Europoin Russia InVntltjd iu the Onward March of tha < Droail ( NOTHING DONE TO ; STOP ITS PROGRESS Inhabitants ( if lliiku I'linlo-Slrlcltcn und I'ooplo AlloMPil" th Dlu un tlio Strt-ots Tri-sli ( 'iisfs anil si > % oi-nt rjilnlltUM Ht AHtraklKin , Lovnos , July 4. The Chronicle's Vienna correspondent says : Tndjllru fatal case of cholor.i at B.iku occurradVat the railway sta tion. The authorities there are dolnp nothing to prevent the sprcnd of the disease. No special has oeon opened , I'.i luntt are taken to the In public vehicles. M.iuy corpses nro loft un- burled for davs. Ot'o body was found inn public b.ilh In a deco npojuu stale. Doctors , municipal authorities and inhabitants gen- orallj are llo.-lng from the town. No disin fectant's ' nro obtainable. General confusion prevails. The sanitary condition of Astra khan Is tcrilbly dofcctive. Tlo Times' St. Petersburg correspondent says : The official ( ! arotto announces that there were right cacs of cholera and three deaths in Astrakhan on Juno 111) ) , and four cases and ono death on Julv 1 , The epidemic has , therefore , cnteivd Huropean KusiU atone ono of the most unhealthy and unsanitary points. The latest ofllcint accounts from B.IIEU say that on Juno'J and 'M there were eighteen deaths and 100 fresh cases , nnd that twenty wore cured nnd 144 were in tho' hospital. At Tlllis , in tbo three days ending -Inly ) , there wore nine cases and four deaths , Many cases and' deaths are reported In Potrofslt , Shusha , A Kubad and Uzunada , Thoeplclomlo has , therefore , traveled fast. All steamer traffic on the Caspian sea und Volga rlvor has been stopped , The Times' Vienna correspondent says : Dr. Drasctie , in a lecture , said experience showed that the cholera at B.iku and Tyrla IscsS \ virulent than the true Asiatic cholera , lie thought that the guivtty of tbo outbreak had been cxagKerutr > ithat ) the disease would soon bo checked by sanitary measures , so tbero was no need of alarm or apprehension of Its spread to Europe. II ; , : CTIONS. Itctnrns Coniincnelns t < > Pour In Some ol thu lEcsalts , LONDON' , July 4 , Eighteen members of the House of Commons were returned today without opposition. Thjs far nineteen con servatives , six liberal unionists and oluhl liberals have been elected , The polling pro ceeds quietly but vigorously , A unionist meeting which wus being hold at 1'ctorsborough today was broken up by tno opponents of the party and a fight ensued duilng which the benches and chairs wore smashed and the hall in which the meeting was being held much damaged. A number of ladle ? who wore present sought refuge on the platform when the disturbance began nnd finally tied to the street. Several persons were more or less Injured. The unionist press continues to accuse the the liberal party nnd their candidates , os- peclallv In the metropolis , of keeping the homo rule question in tbo background , It is , however , compelled to aumit , though it does so reluctantly , that Mr. Gladstone has not adopted this course , and that on the con trary ho rather tacllitales the tusk of the unionists by stating all the dilllcullics which stand in the way of obtaining homo rule without giving his followers the slightest idea bow to meet them. liitluilil.ttlli ; Voters. ThuChroniclo echoes the News' panegyric upon Mr. Gladstone's speech at Glascow on Saturaav und accuses tbo landlords and employers of labor all over London of in- tlmidaling voters by ordering the removal of all radical election bills from the windows of their houses , and of supplying lists of their employes to election agants for the purpose of marking nnd thus inaKing known those who support the radical cause. Thp Dally Chronicle expresses regret at tno adoption of auch tactics , which , it says , throw discredit upon the conservative cause , anil informs those who adopt them that then- actions tire illegal ana render them liable to tbo intliction ot boavy penalties. Uev. Newman Half publishes In the Lon don Times todav records contained in his diary of two conferences which ho had with Mr. John Bright , In Mav , IbbT , in which Mr. Bright denounced Mr. Gladstone's espousal of homo rulo. Mr. Perrault , the delegate from the Mon treal Chamber of Commerce to the recent congress of chambers of commerce. In a letter printed today protests against the de scription of Quebec by a correspondent ol the Times as an "ignorant , prlest-iidden country , " and against other unfair state ments of the same character which , ho says , have been published with a view of inlluenc- ini ? the Protestant vo'n on the Irish question. Mr. Perrault says ho regrets that such a paltry object should sufilco to induce the maligning of a country which had twice pre served the Dominion to the British crown. I'u tirs ICutiill.itlon , Kt. Hon. Lord George Hamilton Francis ( conservative ) , fhst lord of the ad- mirality , who Is contesting tbo seat for the Haling division of Middle sex , which bo occupied in the last parliament against Mr. Stephen llolman ( liberal ) , in u strong fair traao address to tbo clectois today said that unlcssGroat Britiun was prepared to retaliate upon those nations having recourse to protection for the express purpose of shutting out English goods she would soon find herself Jeprlvoi of her foreign markets. "Who , " ho asked , "was tbo most likely to successfully conduct negotiations against hostile tariff Mr. Gladstone or Lord Salis bury { " Ho himself was a free trader so far as pcllovlng that tbo lewcrdutics put upon imports the bettor , but the government took the view that tbo condition of protection ought to bo on element for the statesman's consideration. The llrat return from a contested district comes from Boston and shown a liberal victory , W. J. Ingiam , liberal , receiving 1 , 't. " . " ) votes nnd Hon. J. D. Willoughbr , con servative , 1,21) ) ' ! , a liberal majority of OJ. The number of electors in the district is ; i,0."il. In IBs , " ) tbo liberal candidate bad n majority of Ltb. ! In IbM ) the seat was won by the con servatives by a majority of fifty votes by II. J. Atkinson , conservative. In IblK ! Lord F. Hcrvc.v. conservative , received 1,1U5 aud F. Goodwin , homo ruler , 800. \Vcnt fur tliu I.llieniln , The Hereford division has boon rodf" > mod by the liberals by a majority of 12T.V. . II. Grnnfcll , liberal , received 1,500 votes , and Sir. ! . K. Bailey , coniorvativo , 11SO. ! The number of registered electors Is : i'J07. In Ibbfi the liberal candidate had a majority of sixty-four. In Ibbtl the sent was won by the union coiisarvatlvn candidate by - ! . " ) votes. The poll in the latter election wus : Sir J. K. Bailey , conservative , U'tQl ; Joseph Pulley , homo ruler , 1ll0 ! , Tno Dover division fpmnlns a conservative stronghold. George \\ynilham , conservative , received S.'Sl votes , / and , Major Edwards , labor nnd socialist , U7i | ; 'cousorvutlvo major ity , 1'J.Vl.i 'i bo number ot , registered electors U5ir > l ) . Iu IWi the , conservative majority wus 045. In IbM ! the coiifvcrvutlvo candidate was returned without opposition , as wns also Mr. WyudUm in the by-election In July , IbO'.l. ' ' In Grccnock , one of'tbo ' Scotch boroughs , John Bruce , liberal , received D/jai , and Sutherland i,8W. ! Liberal majority , 44 , Number of registered./ electors D.O'.H , In 168. ) the liberals carried HBO h6at by ir > 0 votes. Iu ISM ) the seat was carried by D. C , Suther land , tbo unionist candidate , by ti'JT votes , the poll being : Sutherland , L',005 ; Harold Wright , homo ruler , B.viO'J. ' Winchester remains conservative bv a safe majority , the poll being : Mayors , conserva tive , lr.ll ! ; C. Matthews , liberal , 8.V.I ; con servative majority tV 4 , as ugilnst 171 In 1855. In ISt'iT the unionist candidate won by forty- three votes. In the bye election in IfcilT the llburuls won by 515 voles and In tbo second bye elections the liberal candidate was unop posed , In Durham the liberals score another gain , Mr. Fowler , liberal , received 1,075 and T. Milvaln , conservative , 1,000 , Tha division went conservative In IbbA oy 121 voted , and again , In IbVl , by ! ! 71 voles. Ttiu liberals redeem the Lincoln division bv li'JI votes , the [ )0ll bom ? : tV , Ciostield , llbcrul , a,41Uj Koruns , conservative , J.I 60. In 1SS5 the liberal majority wns 1,0-r. In l&Sll the scat was won uy the conservatives by tldS vote ? . Kcrana receiving 8,13'J ' and Crcsfleld 2,831 voles , Other returns ara ns followsPontofrJct Hon. K. Winn , conservative. IKM ; 11. S. L. Wilson , liberal , 1.07J ; conservative ma Jorlty. 40. The conservative majority In ISSo was : W , while In 1 0 U was 21W. Currlpil by u Sm.ill Majority. Kings Linn T. C. Bowles , conservative , 111U ! ; T K , Kemp , , 1,338. conserva tive majority , 11. In lb r > the conservative majority was 170 nnd In ISMi was 'JT7. Lincmouth K. S. Don km , coiuervatii'P , 3,1211 ; J. Annan , liberal , ' -,7s ) ; conservative majority , yt7 ; , us 70J in lbS > nnd f > 18 In IbM ) . Hastings Wilson Nollto , conservative. : t,077 : Sergeant Hemphlll , liberal , ' . ' ,0'J1 * , con servative majority , ! HI. In lbb.1 the liberals won by 1H'.1 majority , whlio in IbbO the con servatives Won bv K13. Nottltichiim ( West ) Colonel Scely , union 1st llboial , fi.tiiO ; Henry Broiulhurst , Glad- stonlan llbcrul , fiii , ; ! ! ; cohservativo majority , no : . The number of electors it 19,441 The Gludstonlr n carried this division by 'J 8TJ votes in lbS5 anil oy Mil In 1SSO. In the latter elections the poll was : Broadhurst , til5S ; Scelv , I.IW'.I. ' Nottingham ( East ) Arnold Morlov , lib eral , lMil ; H. Filth Halton , coiiEorvntlvo , I , ' 'Si ; liberal mnjorltv 57 * , us against 81 In " IbS'i und Kid in IbMl. Muidstonr o F. Cornwallls , conservative , 2,443 ; T. W. Ntuscv , liberal , l.lttTj conservative - sorvativo miijorlty Sid , as against ! H"i In IbS. ) , 314 In IbbO and IM In the bye election in December - comber , 18bS. West Bromich J , E. Spencer , conserva tive , 4,471 ; T. Leo Koberts. , liberal , a , 120 ; conservative majority , 1,015. In 18So thu liberals won by bl majority , while in IbbU the consoi vntlvoi won by 517. Wonestor Hon. G. H. Allsopp. conserva tive , 3a50 ; E. W. Howard , liberal , 3.203 ; Kushton , labor , 71) ) ; conservnlivo plurality , 83. In IbisS tno conservatives won by 84 ma jority nnd in ISbO by Nl majority. I.llll'llll CltlllS. Peterborough A. C. Morton , liberal , 2,037 ; K. Purvis , unionist liberal , 1,870 ; liberal ma jority , 15S. In IbS , " ) the liberal majority wns 25S. In 1SSO the union liberals won thu scat by 28 ! ) votes. In the by-election in October , IbSH , the liberals won bv .51 votes. . Hartolpold C. F. Smu , liberal. 4,840 ; T. Kichardson , unionist literal. 4,115. In 1SS > the liberals carried the district by 1,040. In IbSO the unionist liberals won hi1 ! I1J major ity. In the by-election In January , Ib'.ll , the liberals won by 2s. ! ) York ( two member ; ) J. G. Butcher. coutorviitivc , 5,07(1 ( : Lockwood , liberal , 5o0 , : ! ; A. E Pcaso , liberal , 4.S40. In ISbo the lib- ovals won by 485 majoiity and iii IbbO bv ( JTO majority. In the latter election the poll was A. E. Pease , , 4S4i ( ; Lockwood , libctul , 4,810 ; J. D. Logard , ronservinlve , 4,333 ; C. Dundos , union liberal , 4.2115. Coventry D. W. Balluntlno , liberal , 1,544 : C. J. Murray , conservative , 4,011 ; llboial majority 143. In 1SS5 the conservatives won by 238 und In 1SSO by 405 , whllo in the by- clectlon in July , IbS" . the liberals curried the division by sixteen votes. riviiHi'il AVI Hi till ) ( iitlllutino'N Work. LONDON' , July 4. The Paris correspondent of tbo Times says : A guillotine was 10- contly Imported Into Annum for the execu tion of criminals. A young Annomlto , who was condemned to death for tbo murder of the mistress of a European , was executed in public amid the delight of u mob of natives. The natives consider the horrors of death lessoned by the qulok work. It is feared ono result will bo au extension of piracy and brigandage. _ KndiMl Ills I.\iifr ! Life. I'AHIS , July I. At. Lowoy , u diamond mer chant of this city , has committed suicide. Ho Is suspected of having perpetrated frauds amounting to 3,000,000 francs. M. Lowey said to a friend ho intended to commit siii- cido and lidded : "Thoro will bo snarcblnes nnd ouestious " after my death , but nooody will "know anything positive. My life lias been ono of nothing but lies.1 Moru Outruns Against ItlH BritMN' , July I. The Cologne /oitung sa\s that the huir of the most devoted Blsuiarck- laos would stand on end if they were aware of the revelations the government could make. This paper accuses Prince Bismarck of having used the "reptile" funds to spread reports concerning the emperor's mental and physical state. _ Stiirtling ltcsilol AiiiirchlNtN. Pvuts , July 4. A meeting of anarchists In St. Denis yesterday adopted a resolution to blow up the MontBrisson prison ana rescue Kavachol. M.NT TO riiri : ox TIII : Wreck of the Ship IV tor stnnrt nnd Loss ol Fourteen 1'cnple. VAIIMOUTII , N. S. , July 4. Iron ship Peter Stuart , from St. Johns for Liverpool , with deals , went ashore off Choboygn Point Sun day evening. Tbo ship broke uu , and all the boats but the life boat were smashed. In cutting away the lifo boat she capsl/ed and the captain's wife and child were never seen acraln. The boat righted and eighteen out of the twonty-soven men aboard started olT in her. She again copst/ed and five moro were drowned. The total loss of life is fourteuii. Several were rescued badly bruised. Cln'j cnnr'ri Itoil Lett IT Day. NNii , Wyo. , July 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEK. ] The 110th birthday of the nation was right royally celebrated in Cheyenne today. An extensive ns well as expensive program had been prepared by the citizens en masse and was carried out to a dot. At ( i o'clock every whistle In the big machine shops and the trams in the yards began to blow and sound long aud vigor ously. The bells tolled and In fact there wns nothing to bo heard or seen but din and enthusiasm. At ! ) o'clock the corner stcno of the big smelter was formally lifted into position , and the Board of Trade nnd representatives from every civil and military oryuniz.Vion took part. Speeches wore made by Gov ernor Barber nnd M. Barber , Editor Slack and ; Attorney Estob. This over , fully 8,000 people repaired to u big urund stand on Cupitol uvenuo , where they witnessed athletic exercises of various sorts until 0 o'clock. The bicycle races were rare treats toovor.vono witnesslnc thorn. 'I ho first race was a mlle spurt and was won by Paul Bailey in 2:5tr : % minutes. The next was a a live mlle contest , captured by Captain Will D. Klsbel , of the Cheyenne Blryclo club. KUbcl did not train for the race aud was consequently n dark horsa and bad faw backers. Few accidents happened und tbo day was a red latter ono In Cheyenne und enjoyed by everybody. WKA 'i n Kit Ornci : oi' WKATIIEH BUHKAU , I OMAHA , July 4 , J The Fourth of July was characterized by fair woatnor throughout tbo country. I'ho area of hign barometer which has furnished this favorable condition still covers the cen tral valleys. The winds west of the Missis sippi nro now generally southeasterly , una a low barometer is approaching from tbo extreme - tromo northwest. Kain bus set In In Mon tana ; elsewhere generully cloudless tides prevail. l.ocul roriM'iiHt 1'nr ii : ( rn JVi'liri ; ki ! , Oiiiulni unil Vlrlnlly U'lirmur , continued ( air wrntluir during Tiiuxday. WAHiiiNoroN , D. C , , July 4 , For Ne braska Fair , generally warmer ; cast , alii fl ing-to south winds , For Iowa Fair , warmer ; south , shifting to west winds. o I Irti llt'conl. MOSTCOMKUV , Ala. , July 4. FIre In the wholesale drygoods department of George , Ettor , Well & Co. destroyed a throe-story brick building in tbo roar of their retail de partment. The wholesale stock Is a total loss , amounting In vuluo , according to the firm's estimate , to between f OU.OOO utj.l { . ' 100.000 ; Insurance , (175,000 , fully covering loss. I'Hoviur.N'CK , K. I. , Julv 4.1 The store bouse of B. 1) ) . .V K. K. Knight ut Klvor Point , with GOO Dales of cotton and 1,000 plccosof clothburned at alato hour Saturday night. Loss , about fWO,000 , DAI.TIMOHE , Md. , July 4. The large furni ture manufacturing cstablisuiont of the P , Hanson-HUs Manufacturing company has boon complntoly gutted. Loss on stock o tl- muted ut $150,009 , with lusuraaco uCout f 100- CITY STEA.M DYE WORKS , G. A Soho-tlxu'k. 1'iopriotnr. OIHoos fl'Jl Hro.idwnv. C'tuiniil Hhills and 152 Ftii'ii'itn St , Omaha. Dye , clean and yoods of every de-t-riptton Pack cuct received at uithor ollloo or at Iho Works , Cor. Avo. A tind With St. , Counct UlulTf. Send for prli-o list , MorohantH who have shop worn or soiled fabrics of any character' can have thorn rcdvcd ' nnd finished equal to now. BEn'FKATIlEHS 1UCNOVATH1) AND CLKANKH MY STHAM , with tha most tiUvroved ] ) machinery , at less cost than you over paid before IHSTITUTB. INFIRMARY b U-&S&1 , „ , , , - rum & ; TREATMENT OP ALL c . M M 311 } l'j-l 11 oll'li's ' , ( - iipnaiauiH u ml Uu no lui furbiicio < < fii trj ilmlit nf 'Viii'/f ) . , , of disease roqiilriu or ' Mirrlu il tro itinunr , M beds for patients ho ird mil uttonil.uus. llustaei'omolations In tlm west. Write for clrcntars on doformltim an 1 braeos , trusses club fec-t , otirv ittinn of snliu , piles , tumors e incur , o.itirrh. broncliltu , in- lialnilon.o'octrlclly ' , p ir.ilysls , cuilensy , klil- nov. b a Idur. uyo. oar.Uln an I bloo 1 an 1 all Rur lual iiiior > .i < iiis. TlNPA Py OP Wf1\TPM A UlotiAubO Ut lYUititm n. Woniun I'RKi : . Wo havolately ad led i lyliK- Indcp irtmunt for women ilurlnz eoiilliiunionc. Btrletly pr.v.tto. ) Only Rollahlo Medical In- EtltutomaktiiRa Pno-l iltvo. iMtlVAVK UfSK VSKS All H oed DKo iscs siieco4sfiilly troital. rynhllltlo 1'olson tomoved fio.u tno hyituni without miirenry New itostor.itlvo inont for hem \'ITAIj I'OWIiR. l'ur-.oiis uii- able to vis , t us may ho truito.l ut homo by i'orro i > oiijnnco. All coiiiiiiunieatlon-i uiintl * ilcnllal Mo I clues or Inslin ni'iit. suit by ma 1 orovpross , bocuruiy p.ioUotl , no m irci to 1ml ciUocontcntsor 8in.lor. OIIH in'i onal in- lory PW jiri-forro I. Call and con-mil , nor son 1 history of your ease , and wo will send In pint i wr. inner , our Rnntf TD MFN ' 'Jinn : tJ < m i-rivin , auun. iu MC.IV , .spuoial ( ) r NurvoH , D , , . cases , Iinpotoncy. Sypli. Us , Oloubaiil Vailuo- cp.e , witliqiiu l on Hit. Itr ires , Apiill'inui s for Oeformltlpi Ac Trusjj Only nriniif.ictonr Intliu WostoC / > / ; / ' ( > / { ,1. 1'1'i Afl'l.l lAC'/iS , 1'ttUatlls , .1. % it Ji KI.I a. Omaha Medical anil Insliliilj , 26th and Broadway , Oo moll Bluff i Ton mlnntoj' il lo from cantor of Om ih i on Oiniilui un 1 O.inijll lllciiTi ulu.'lrlo nmloiUna 000 , The buildlnor. which is b idly dan aped , is valued at ? r 00OJO. C " rjCKl\i l-'l..l\\'S \ \ IX IT. llliinil rinds Olijoctlons 111 the Slcuurt Sll- MIHill. . WASIIIXOTON , D. C. , July I. Illnud is heio ready to tnlto hold of the bit ; end of the sil ver light. Ho believes that the Stewart bill will have to bo utnondeJ in order to prevent its Doing a practical repudiation of the silver ccrtillcutcs now outstanding. A mcctlnp ot tbo committee on coinage , weights nnd measures will bo cnllod for Wednesday to confer on the silver bill and a speedy rouort is expected. To u Star reporter today Mr. Bland said that nlthough ho had not talked v. 1th the nienibnrs of the committee or senators inter ested in silver , nor hud yet investigated the buhjcrl , but on looking the bill over ho feared that it would huvo to bu amended , as Mt appeared to him that by repealing the net of 1M > 0 the bill deprived eighty odd million silver ctrtillcatcs of their legal tender quality. This , ho Hald , would I admit of n veto by the president without rofeionco to the question of silver coinage. Of course thcro is no intention on the part of the ponlloinau proposing the bill to destroy the legal tender character of the certificates. So far as the passage of the bill is con cerned , lilnnu Is sure il could by accom plished If brought to n voto. If it proves necessary to amend it it will be done nnd sent back to the senate for its artion. If it needs no amendment the matter will bo very simple. .I.iinrs < > . Itltiinn In I'ri'hldt.ut lltirrlfoii * WASIIIXOTOX , U. C. , .luly ! . Ex-Secretary nialnc has sent the president a cordial ac knowledgement of bis telegram of his sym pathy and condolence nt the tune of the death of his son , nmmons. The president's telegram was sent thu day young Air. Blalno died , but it was not , received by Mr. liluina until ho roturncd to Oar Harbor after the funeral in Chicago. Trimble on ilm Illn ( irniul < > . WASHINGTON , D. C. , July-I. The secretary of state has received advices from United States consular ofllccs In Mexico continuing dispatched concerning troubles bloiiK thoHio Cirunda near Kan Aotonlo. Tbo troubles In volve uo political feature. IX , S/.S.S/O.V. Tliry .Mr i' I lit Cincinnati anil DIKCIIHH .Miit- KTH nl Intcrcit to Tlirlr ICnvi * . CINCINNATI , O. , July I , A convention of colored men to consider mutters of interest to Iho race convened hero today , Daniel A. Uudd of tins city , who m a loader in the mutter , made u plowing upoecb , eulogizing the patriotism of his race. Uu counselled modi'ratlon und culture , to the end that tbo rnco might command lespect , and tallied on its 111 treat ment of the colored inon. A number of other speeches wera made , recitini. southern outrages , etc. J. U. Uobln- sou of Kentucky referred mildly to the poor comfort given to tbo colored people by Presi dent Harrison. Resolutions were adopted appealing to the American people for justice ; against murder und violence , robbery and extortion , busty Mid cruel Judgment und uiruhist llerco mobs ; nppoaling to the coloicd people to bear in mind that their pros perity nnd advancomentK depend upon thorn- selves ; they must practice Industry , econ omy , sobriety , bo orderly , law abiding and honest that they may win reputation ! ) as good cltl/on > , The resolutions declare that the Interests of the colored peoolo require the C'stabtmli- mont of u literary iicadumy where colored youth may uciiulro a thorough , practical and engineering education , I'ri'jmrallmin , PoTTint , Nob. , July4. -Special ( Telegram to Tin : UKK. I The cltl/uus of I'otter col j- bratcd tbo Tourlb very appropriately today , They bad spared neither slill : nor labor in the construction of an artlllclal lake near n beautiful gave in thu Lodge Polo valley , which added much to the onjoymunt of tbu day. A KF-itid dinner was nerved free bv the cltlicns , and the afternoon wai devoiod lo horsa racing und various other amuse ments. There was it grand display of lire- works in the nvening , after wtucli the joung folki danced , thus ending tbo pleasures of thu duy , W. PAN8LB , M. D. Samaritan. 20 Years' Expcrieucc. or DisjAsr.s OF MKN WO.M1CN. ritOIMllBTOU Ol' THU \VOltl.I > ' 3 IIKKIIAL DlSl'KN- or .MIDICIM : : . /treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and Lungs : Dt * . CftBCsof the K > oand har Kttsnnd Ainplczy , Heiirt Disease , l.lver Complaint , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Dability , Montnl DopreB- sion , Loss of tVtnnhood , Somlnnl Weakness. DiabetesllriKbt s ni'Onfe.St Vitui1 Dance. Hhcmimtlsm , I'Rralssis , White Swelllnir. Scrofula , l'e\er Sores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the Unlfc or circwins n drop of blood. Woniiin with her dellcuto orxana re- Btored to health Dropsy cured without tapplutf. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of ail kinds. SOO to S5OO to felt fi r any Venereal Dis ease I connot cure without mercury. Tape Worms removal in two or three bourn , or no pay. II inorrhoitW < > r I'liw cured TIUHK WHO AKi : API MPTHn \\TilEa\o life and hundreds of dollars by calling on or lining DR. G. VV. PANGLE'S ' HERBfiL fAEDICINES. The only riiyslclnn wlio can ( ell lmt nlU a PUIMIIIil1ioulaHkiiiK a iiuuntluii. AllcorresjKinilencentrlotlvronndentlal. Medlelna Bent by express. Addre a atl letters to 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Icwa CITIZENS STATE BANK OfCmm.-ll IIUiTi Oapltilstco'c { > / . . , ' > > ( surplus iinll'roills , / > J NotOapItil an I Sur | > : ils $ 'iit , OlHt Dlructuri-I. I ) Kl nil i < H > i , A I , tiitr , f' > fili'inon , I ! 15 llirt , I V Mlllir , .1 V IKIIIIIII iir.ilClnirlji K lliinnui Tr.ins lut.'cmui il b ink- In hiismuis. eipltil uu I s.irului j any banlcln 'oiilinvulern lu.v.i. INTEREST O > T Tl-vld DBJO3tT3 ' SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUrFS. V\TANTii-d'ool : ) mil for uunor il house- T worlf. ( iiiod n.isLi. JlrUUDIKU Iveullno. IKll I'luieehfect. TpOlt KUN P Tliu iluullliu : on I'lrst uvoiino Junil ii : hth stn-ot fiirmeily ouciiplud by M. K Smith : 11 riioins. 'J lialh nionih und ull inodcin Improvements ; siahlo und out building ; tent fill per month. H. II Shoafu. - and urNt mill with i - Ktocl ; of inuii'li indlhuiiiiddwollliu. I'rleo tl'J.Mfl ; nllltradu for unitnin Nuhr.iska or KIIIIH IH land 1) ) . II. Shuifo. "Ij'OH SAhlC On si'iull puyiiiciiU. fruit and -L Kurd un Ian 1 ntur Connull Illuirs U H. fcho.ifc' . Itrondw.iy .in I Main Htreut. 11' YOU have anvtlilns for s-ilo or Ir.iilo KOB _ IJ. II. Hlio ifo , IJni ulwny anil Muln strflnt of Dm - eliy. II II Hl o.ifu. Hro.idwiiyjirid Muln _ FOR ItfCNT-nirflit-roo iMfwullliu' . Ill Wash ington live. ; nui.lcrn style and eonvun- Icnun-i , In uxuoliont rup.ilr , runt * - " ' ) . K. II. Hliuqfo , Hroulwu ) nn 1 Main His. FOR SA 1,11 llou l und luntaiiiant In .1 pros- punius Nohniska city , pivlnit biihlnoss , Bood reasons for sullliu , price $ IUJJ. It IH a Hinip.lX _ II. Micafu. llni ulwny un i Main HtrooU SAI.K I'lirin , , ! ' . ' ) acres , In DlekuiiHiiii Co , low i. 4U acres hroldt , liilaiieo fonuu I iiastnni and moiidiiw i'rle'i ( ' . ' . ' an uerti. 11. II bheiife. Urn id way an 1 Main utruot. II OR lAI/K I'hi ) sl'iinimi , ' biiilnuts and ar * ncuilliiHorn inalorlah ! am Kdliu to city ; KOOI | lilianuu for i lady lo KI > In bnilnusi. J\liH \ , il. I'.MIi-K 4U Iliiiadwuy , Coiinull llliili \\7ANTI30-Kiistcni Nnlirailca lanils In ox- ' ( 'liiiiiKii for Cdiineil llUilIn proiorty. | Ii H. Hhunfo. llniiiUvay und Main utruut , ITIRUI'I' lan'lH , u ir Ion IH , f ui/is / and city -L pniporl v for s-ilu or tr.ulu D.iy fi llosi , jJ 1'uuil Hlreul. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hAIjR Klov.itnr with corn Hhullor , 4uM hit. dtliy ; I'orn ur nilur , lui bu. uu hour ; HIIW mill uuiuiimuni , 4H II I' , ilulnx u ( S'ni I bun nns < ; lOMtud llliiirs , Will t.iiOKi > ( il Imid In iBx ; Mli. K II Hlni.itu. PORSA1.H Hide of morolMiid Invalid bullil- Ini ; In L'oa I Iowa iiiwn ; KIIIU < Involcu.s II..MW.UO ; IIIIH ooltr.idir , building , { l.'JUi D ) ; u barualni will t.iUo uon.l land in ex- Ii II Hlio for _ mill : flUKJKHr UUtUAIN-IXiiibfn rml -Lilaii"o lot. No. ! * -mull Tirxt strain , H funl front ! host loc.illon anil hunt bar.'iiln In Iho ully If Ulcou ut unco , Day .V Mum , ; u I'll'lll ' hllUI't. _ _ _ _ T71OI1 b\M-llcuii : lullio , foiitnr uownr. ft/not - loir. , i'l Inulies wliln , b.iek itoaiod iinil so row cnltlnvlth on nplutii I'hiinxu u KoariiiK , ' I'hnukH , nun li-lnuh , oii'j I'lnuh and Idilll ehiiuk , llhuts iiiutul tiirnln ; toolx , nla : nli'i ono.l-lioihu powiiroll eiulno. with Hlinfiln- , ' , pullnys , bultlntf , ut < Ali In gaitil order und will bu sold ohimn fur I'liKh ur on time to rUlit parly. Aildinss lln Ii , Klliott , la , Oil AORHrf of Innil In Bouthorn Iowa forsil * Mt 111 pur nciui W auios fiull farm In .Mils county forh.ilu. .lohnslon ft Van I'attnn. J J'OIC HAIJ1 , llolols mill rustuiininlH In Iowa und NubiusUu. lining iirollulili ) biislnom und wi-ll louuiiidi ' l t ikul indln ptrt : tradu ; wrllo for dutiillu , K II. Hho.ife. I'fO.iAIKA ( flint eliiKS Hto-k of L inniuh inilNu with t-ooil wlli ; prlt-o } 1WO ( ( will UiUu jiiid liinJ in oxuhuiuo. 1. , II Hiuufu , IJ UIt HA li : htool > of inlillnury and notions. J wllh Nloru und lUtnrcM ; prlco I'.IW'J ' ; will r.i do for hind. 11. II Khuufu. IjlOU HAl < K M IIUIONOf KOOll llllld unil HUH J cdltiiK" , with four at-ins land In Wuinoit * vllle , Nub. : all iiiudnrn Iniiirovdinonlh ; will nxrliuiuii fur a pldatiiiit eottuuo fron of In- iiilinljruiiru In ( 'ounull Illulfii or Uinulia. K. II , hlieiifc. " ltiNT--Tttoof : the I'ourth KiruuU