Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 f
thlr" wild tlioolTorti of organ Irod working-
iiien toMioitcn tlio hours or labor , iiml do-
nintiil u rigid enforeuniont of the exiting
olcht-honr law on government work , mm nsk
that 11 penalty clause bo added to tlio said
law.Mxlli Kesolvpd , Thnt wi > regard tlio main-
tewiiir-t of u largo stiimllnx nrrny of mercon-
iirlfs. kmmii as tliu I'liucttnn ayjtoni. us a
mcmic.0 to our liberties nml wo ilpiimnd Its
abolition ; und wo condemn tlio rcci'tit Invn-
Hloii ut tlio territory of Wyouiliu liy HID lured
IIIISSIIIM of plutocracy. ussistoJ uy fodurul
ftuvontn Hesolved , That wo commend to Ilio
favorable consideration of tlio pcoulo mid tlio
rcfurin press Ilio lex slativo system known ns
tin ) Initiative nm ! reffiendntii.
l.lKlilli Uuiolvod , Tlmtwnravor neonstllu-
tliinnl provision lliiilllnir the otllro of presl-
iicnt ninl vk'o president to ono term , nnd nro-
vmlnit for tlio election of si'imtors of the
United Hlutes by : i diiedotu of tliu people
Ninth KL-SOIMMI. That wo upio | > u nny sub-
fitly or national aid to any private lOrl'orii-
tinn fornnypurpiw.
When the llrst pirnsrapn , that relating to
tno force bill nnd tlio Australian ballot sys-
tuin , was rouil , u delegate inovou to Iny it en
tlio table. They ulrcuay hnd tlio St. Louis
plnlfoim , tie said.
HU motion got a second , but wns bcntuti
most decisively on u vote , nearly tbo wnolo
convention voting no.
Tnc immigration iilunk and tbu mitl-Piuk-
citon plunk worn loudly applauded ,
As noon it * tlio readme wiis finished
Branch moved Its adoption. Tlio motion
was promptly seconded and It was udoptou
before the uonloitanta could got u hearing.
They protested against any "gag" law and
moved u reconsideration , but on Its being put
to a vote It wns defeated by a viva voce vote ,
though ill-legates fiom Ohio und Missouri
protested ngulnst this method of counting
und demanded calls of stales on voles.
Iti-Miliitlims < il tyinpntliy.
Air. Brunch then lntroduiod : Hugh.
Cavuniiugh of Ohio , secretary of the rusoiu-
tiois committee , wborortdtho following roso-
tlon uiiatnlraously adopted by the committees
Ui'solved. this eiiiiMmlloiiBVin path I/PS
wild tlio Knkhtsof kabor In their righteous
contimt with tin" tyi.imilonl vombliiuuf cloth-
Inu mnmifiieluruMof llochi'sttir and duelnrcs
It to iiu ilio dntv of all wh-j Inito tyranny und
oppression l'i refusu to piiruhusu ilio goods
na..u by said m.uiiifaclnicri or to piitronl/o
nny inutchiiiibi who soli stu'h good * .
Pelers of Tax its moved to inblo the resolu
tion and Doan of Nuw Yoik to divide li.
The Ill-it part expressing sympathy ho
wanted to vbto for , but not for the boycott.
This IH a political convention , snut ho , it Is
not a business eonventioq , mid the latlur
part of tlio resolution is out of order.
In Vfliomc-nt language- General Socrctarv
Haves ot tl.o Knights of Labor declared that
juiipslby was not what wns wanted. ThoU
U eights of L'ibor demanded lUat Iho bovcott
bis extended to the liruis inentioned. and no
organisation on the face of God's earth wns
bettor entitled to what it asked in u meeting
of this limit than tlio Knights of Labor.
[ Loud cheers. |
'Moses an mi i\nmple. :
Uolocuto Thomas B. Cater of California
curliestly supported the resolution us pio-
senlod. The speaker onlurcil upon what bo
described ns the seientllic basu of boycott ,
and pointed to tbo action ol iMosos when the
children of Iiraol weru oppressed , to show
its ancient character. "Boycotting is not
human but divine , " lie further wont on ,
nnd wound up amidst enthusiastic cheers
that capital is thi > oppressor an J had to bo
fought with its own weapons.
J ho mulumca showed many indications of
weariness by a departure fiom the regular
work of tbc convention and afforded but
bcant courtesy to the Tennessee delecuto
who followed ! The speaker asuuil the us-
Bi'inblv , amid consldurablo eonfuiion , not to
tntto upon Itself quesUotib with which it bud
nothing to do.
"Cyi-lono" Unvls of Texas wns for the boy
cott ll believed in that principle of nature
which btnus every living being lo Its friund ,
and tt.o enemies of labor are not our friends ,
llo stood by the record and the truth.
There is no such thing na ooycott. It only
consists in lolling your enemies alone and
staylnir with jour friends. lie would lot
his enemies supromclv nlono. You might
call that , a bovcott if you choose ,
but ho wan'ed to Ucop up the system.
Ho wnntet to boycott the system of
plutocracy In the country and in the gilded
palace ? ol out-congressional ha'lls. llo wanted
lo boycott the plutocratic senators who
spent about W.UUO a year of the people's
nionoy for u b.irbor shop , pomade , lavender
anu rbsowaler. He wanted this boycott kept
up till every vestleo of this is gone and the
pconlo iignln have their rights.
The debute was laken up by other speak
ers. A Texas dologalo declared that boy-
colling wns alienaling Irom llic ICnighls of
Labor , of which ho ( the delegate ) wns a
member , the sympathy of the merchants who
s.vinpntbi7cd with ninny of the progressive
views of the independent party. Ho ven
tured lo predict Unit there was ono business
that would ncvor bo boycotted tbo liquor
truftlu. IC'hcors. |
Another speaker echoed the sentiments of
the last delegate , while a third expressed his
opinion that the csolullon deserved lo bo car-
iKimlllM Donnelly I'mori * licollln > ; .
Then came Iho Important speech of Ibo
nlghl on the question , ono by Ignatius Don
nelly. The rusolulloii , he declared , was in
keeping with tlio spirit of the prnumblo to
tbo platform adopted with so much unanim
ity earlier in the day. "Tho Hocliostrtr
clothini ; manufacturers have .said lo 10,000 of
their workmen nnd workwomen that they
could not gain a moans of livelihood without
yielding Ihoirrlghls as American citizens , "
Mr. Donnelly said.'On this Ihero can oo
no compromise. "
At this declaration the hall ranir with
cheors.rcnowcd again und again , the voice of
( ienenil Master Workman 1'owderly of the
Knights of Labor making itself itNUnctabovo
the ceneral din.
"This vast and gigantic movement should
extend its powerful arm to tlio uld of Ibo op
pressed and downtrodden. If tlio resolution
wore simply to oxpi-0-.b the projucilcn of a
ciasn I should not support it. But It is a
movement to declare that the American olti-
ten. however immbtu , rxintns nil ilia ilgliis
of an Ann-Heap citi/.en. It is n declaration
that freemen will not clothe their Mines in
tbo u-ooiU ol the mnnufaclurcrs of this slave
r.iiiUIng oligarchy. [ Loud checr.s.j The ai-
licultunillsls of tills country must stand by
their brethren nnd wo will crush all men who
keel : to oppress their follow men. Here there
can bo no nu itUion ! and no compromise. It
U war 10 ibo knife and Iho knlfo to the hilt.
| Louu cheers. ] l trust that those who nuvu
ktapcered away from this resolution because
of the opprobrium that a hireling press has
applied lo Iho word boycott will w I tint raw
ttielr opposition nnd that the resolution may
be adopted by u rising vote. " [ Tremendous
At the conclusion of Donnelly's address
Mr I'nwdorly , iMr. Hayes und a number of
at in rs rose and grasped him wariMy by the
Oilli'il tin- tiltI'nivliuis Oncflinn ,
A Kansas delegate moved tbo previous
question , but the chairman stated that u
"colured brother" desired to say a fnw
words. "I won't ' yield to any brother. "
raid the ICansnn. uua on u rising vote the
motion losiriuo out ihu boycott clause was
overvMiblinlngly defeated. Tbo resolution
wa then adopted by acclamation.
Tlio colored delegate now protested against
the uoilon of tbo convention in ordering tbu
| > rpvioiiR question. "I don't think II U right , "
mid ho , "that after you buvn all .ipolion ,
you Hf.oula call for the provloui quo > tlon.
[ Laughter. I You expect , us to help you out
with our votes. " [ Applause. ]
Drill li iiftlui ( iioitliiini 'Movi'lil.Mll.
Piirlng the Knights of Lnoor JUciusion
the Uroiham movement received Us coup
do'irriicu by ibo lollowlug dUp.Ueh from
Judge lirosham himself :
I'liii-Aili ) . 111. , .trlly I , l ilj To.I , II. Weaver ,
K'niilti.M Donneliy. Hun Trrrull , John W.
lla > U41 1 niivnjiiHl rot in mid itnd Iiml vourills-
Udell or , tbo 1st. I miiHt Hland by my ills-
pitch to Mr Orrnf ACCUIII uiy grate-
fill nt-knowlud emenis.V. . L > . ilnia\i\\t \
I in mediately upon receipt of this the
tiraxliam boo'mors niveptcd the inovltabto.
"That HiHtltis It" Kiilil Ignatliu Donnelly ,
" ( iroihnm will not aocBpt. "
t'owdorly , llayo , 'I'miell and others o-
prusicd thu game opinion und Mr , Ha > ot
Itutoil tbat bo bnllovc'l WiMivcr's Humilia
tion wan now assured ,
A resolution dci-lurlng -niiiit the presence -
enco of publicuftlceri at conventions pro-
Dured by Thoma. Y. Uutorof Calllnrnla was
iben tepgriuil fro an he ivsoluttonn committee.
It roudi :
"Tim ptfuplo'b purtydi > irns ) at thu outlet tu
louuiiipurniiinuiit control of ihu pi.-ty iirjcan *
uallim to Ihu people imalTeuted by ibo Inlnr-
r iHif ( tbo u In pnbi'e s.-rvd-o. iloc huroby In
nutlonul i-iiiivenlUm a : < n < bU'd nn thU.ihu lib
duy tit July , ! % . hoioliy e.t.-iDIMi tn H or < ll-
ii.uico nit fnii'i i ueiiial luw of party organt/n-
'tlon. No tu'r.t'ii ImHlliu any iitllt-c or imsltlun
of prol l , trn t or i-iiuiliiiiiiiiit under Ilio tud- .
( or nny ntutu or municipal uuveritineM I
( InuluiUnj ; siiiiHtcrs. eoniiroajniun uinl moiii-l
f iislugiiiuiuren. utu uucl uatieual , )
shall bo eligible to nit or vote In any conven
tion of tl.ln party , nnd n copy of thlionll-
niiK'oshAll bo anncvoil to every oatl for oiiy
futiiro convention of the party. "
Tlio resolution wont through with a whoop
and without discussion.
U't-ninr I'lniTil In Xiiiiilimtliin.
At last tbo moment had arrived when nil
wns ready and the roll ot stales was celled
for Iho presentation of candidates for the
presidency. Tbo strtto , "Alabama , " was
scarcely shouted by the sccretarr when J , C.
Manning of Alabama arosa and promptly
placed In nomination u man , "tbo mention of
whoso numo creates such enthusiasm as was
never beard In our stuto. It has boon said
ho was an old war horse , but I say ho Is good
for n , thousand compaigns yet to come. "
"Who Is hi'l" shouted n voice.
"General James B. Weaver of Iowa. "
fi'rolongcd cheers. I
California was the next stale to respond
nnJ an enthusiastic dalcgaio 'from that stuto
said bis slain win divided on the presidency ,
but that bo would vote for \ \Vcavm- no other
man from that state did. [ Applause. ]
Huliutdr Kj In I'nt In tint Itiicn.
The place of Colorado was yielded to
Colonel S. F. Norton of Illinois , who placed
.Senator Kylu ot South Dakota in nomina
tion. Joloncl Norton began by calling atten
tion to Postmaster General Wanamakor's
refusal to permit transmission through thu
malls to one of the now reform books. His
blood could not have been more completely
frozen if bo hnd seen thrust Into every win
dow ot the building a , loaded cannon with a
uniformed government minion behind it. If
that little book could not go through the
malls there are n thousand reform papers
that could not go through the malls and
tnoir platform could not co through. The
man ho should name hud already won bis
spurs in the brainiest und shrewdest as
sembly In thu United States. The
man bo should name stood there
as a giant. Ono part of his
strong ih consisted in the fact tbat bo is a
member of no faction. In the llftecn or
twenty years' light they had boon engaged In
many wounds had boon received , and unfor
tunately soma of these scars had bean In-
lllclsd by their comrades , but there wns no
man his candidate had woundod. It would
give him greater personal pleasure to present
the name of some member of the old guard ,
but he said "Let the old guard hold tno fort
ami lot the now cuard carry tbo banner. "
His candidate's brain was not measured by
the girth of hi.s waist. [ Laughter. ) Ho was
n man so great that no jig wblto hat of nn
ancestor could Illdo him from the puhllo
guzo. Ho pledged support to whoever
Iho candidate might be , for no man
could bo so great as the platform of princi
ples of the party. HU candidate was a
broad and liberal 'minded man who gave to
every ono tbo right to speak and write for
himself and follow the dictates of his own
conscience In all things. Thu now par.y
should take up the Calllornia pioneer Hag ,
with the rattlesnake and the motto , "Don't
Tread on Me , " und nny to I'inkorton detect
ives and sill : .stockinged militia , to caltlo
kings , to corporations "Don't tread on mo. "
It was not impossible or Improbable that
they might place the man no would name In
the whlto bouse that grand , mugnillcont
man , Jamus H. Kyle of South Dakota.
{ Much cheering. ]
( ienenll J.lines Fluid of Virginia.
A Connecticut delegate , who said his state
had intended to support the peerless Polk ,
iho great ex-loader of the farmers nllianco ,
now dead , declared that In pursuance of that
spirit ho would present ono who came from
tno stale winch gave us a Washington ana u
Jefferson General James L'lold of Virginia.
[ Applause. ]
A Florida delegate seconded the nomina
tion of Gtmonii Woavur und said : "If you
will give him to us , wo will carry the state
ot Florida for the people's partj. " [ Ap
plause. ]
Mr. I1' . W. Wlmborly of the Georgia dolo-
cation seconded the nomination of Senator
K > lo. "Wo bog you , " said ht > , "to take this
mini , .imtiu ution > ! utiibtred with ought but
respoctuDility and honor , a patriot and a
leader Stmuior Kyle of Dakota.Loud [
Applause. |
Ivv-Nenator Van Wye Is Named.
Stephen H. Basher of , Illinois , pastor of
the Progressive church , said thai as armies
follow intrepid leaders lo conquest nnd vic
tory , so should political parties crown with
honor the genius nnd leadership which gave
It birth. The people's party was founded on
principles not men , and It demanded as its
loader its biggest , brainiest and squares !
man In the party fold. The party should
Kbop in the middle of the road and cliooao a
man who was old enough in the party to
know where the middle of the road is. That
man was Senator Van Wyck of Nobrasifii.
The mention of Van Wyck's numo aroused
some of Iho liveliest cheering of tbo conven
John H. Borgorman of Indiana , n one-
legged soldier , seconded the nomination c/f
General Jamas B. Weaver.
Prof. C. Vincent of tbc Nonconformist of
Indiana said that although Indiana was
divided now , she would not bo In November.
Ho had nothing to say against Weaver , but
it seemed to him that they must not now
blood Into the movement at Iho head of the
ticket anu talco a man loss identitled with
the curses showered on the old guard. Ho
seconded Kyle's nomination , and another In
diana delegate jumped to nls foot , and said
one-half the delegation was for Van Wyck.'M Talk lor UYuvur.
Tbo principal speech for General Weaver
was made by Morris L. Wheat of Town ,
Weaver's own state. Mr. Wheat , said :
Mr. Chairman : No greater responsibility
or higher duty over rested upon n human
assembly than upon tbo ouu here convened.
Wo are lo nominate men who will ooar our
banner in this lirst organized lUht against
the unscrupulous out thoroughly disciplined
hosts of monopoly.
Htnifglos for equal rights and opportuni
ties are as old as Humanity and dot tbo pages
of hlstoiy with alternate success und failure ,
but among them alt none call for meru cour-
uu'n , dovoled patriotism und skillful leader
ship than tlio ono about , to commence be
tween the conscienceless hordesof plutocracy
cud the army of vutors who will taithfully
tollow the banner of tlio pcoptu's party to
the ballot-box nsxt Novo'mbcr. Tlio com
mon people of this country huvo nt lost re
solved to take the reins of iho irovornmoni
which their forefathers created mid which
they huvo maintained Into their own hands.
Wo nro to place In nomination a candidate
for the presidency , not 11 pliant hireling
of Wall street , but ono who
springs from the croat plain people of ibo
country ; one In thorough sympathy with
their wants ; ono who touches elbows with
the teller of tbo shop and the tiller of Urn
Hold. The loaders of Iho old party combine-
lions take tbnlr coriltlcaloi of leadership
from u plutocracy mightier than that which
sent Homo lo her grave and holds Europe lu
Its urasp todav , a plutocracy moro tlomlish
than ever uflllctcd a nation. It touched
tbo brain of tbo Minneapolis and Chicago
cage conventions. The result everybody
knows , or ought to know , Is the choice ol
men who had been previously clio-en bv the
money power of thn country. Thev stand
upon platforms that promise nothing to the
grout army of wealth producers. Ho who
votes for either throws his vole away and
tiacrilicos upon Ibe buso altar of prejudice
the dearest rights of liberty , equality and
It Is not so hero. This movement oriel-
ntlcu with the common people ; with
thorn It must remain It wo would preserve -
servo pure and inviolate our rights ,
the bullot-bo < c und legislation. Now ,
und hero , lu ibU great conflict with
plutocracy , are wo to cheese u loader. Ho
must bo a man who will guide us "in the mid
dle of tbo road , " one who will carry our
banner boldly and skillfully in tho' fore
front of buttle , ono who has taught , and
will teach , that "Kqual rights to Ml and
spoi'lul privileges lo none , " and that "an
injury to ono U ihu concern of all'1 Is ibo only
enduring republican form of government.
Wo must trot choojo one who ucrees with us
only In part , neither must HO bnw down to
tLo old party theory ol nominating auv 0:10 :
who wo think will command Iho most voles
regardless of whether bo Is in hearty accord
with our onllro platform.
It would bo a criminal bluudor tbat might
glvo us a temporary gain , but In thu end rum
and illsusior. Wo want a man whu.U em
phatically la favor of the free and unllmltod
coinage of silver , and , also , of tbo Isnuo by
the government of full legul lender paper
to mala1 , altogether , fU per capita In
circulation. But no mutt not stop
there. Ho must bo In favor of government
control of tctogrupb and railroad lines und
ol the extinguishment of laud monopoly.
\\'o \ have n man who pre-eminently lilts'tbo
requirement * , wbo has taught moro bailies
for ilio tolling miiisos than any other In this
country. In tbo L-loom of bygone years ,
when It was worth nlmoil a man's Illo'to 01-
notiso the cause wo hold ueur today , bo stood
fearlessly and pleaded In cotiirrevi too canty
of the proplu. Tbou blngle-handou and alouo
ba'compulicu tbo Itlrellngr or monopoly to
call a halt. 'His record there Is like an oasis
ID the desert of Iniquitous botnival of pub'.lc
trust. No hrlbo over stained his character ,
no act of dishonor over sullied the Integrity
of bis heart. Through tbo dark night of
party prejudice has boon heard his clarion
"call ot action. " Serene In defeat , always
confidant of final success while others wore
disheartened and doubtful of victory ,
wise , skillful nnd full of wonderful
energy In battle , when success has crowned
his efforts ho never forgot tbo nluln , common
people who so largely supported him ,
Moro than ono of the mighty champions ot
plutocracy bnvo boon put to Might by bis men
tal prowess and unanswornblo argument } .
The subsidized blackguardism incarnate In
partisan nowsuapor onices has hurled at him
its poUanod darts ot slander nnd rldlculo only
lo eo them tall harmless as they struck hM
Flittering armor of truth nnd Justice. Others
have been great , in noble sclfiacrlllcc , but
there does not live today n grander advocate
of the common people than this bravo
veteran of the western prairie.
In nominating him wo shall mnko no mis
take. As wo outer Into our llrst battle I am
proua of tbo honor to nominate as our candi
date for the presidency ono who "stands
four square" to all ttio winds that blow ,
the Intrepid advocate of the common people ,
tbo splendid captain of the "Old Guard"
General James B. Weaver.
Ml * . I.eoso Second * \\Yil\cr.
Mrs. Locso of Kansas caused the greatest
enthusiasm thus fur In tbu evening bv her
speech seconding Weaver's nouilnallon. She
nald : "Lot mo select a man from the ranks
of tbo peoples party who Is true and tried to
reform principles , and will lend us
on to victory , full nna complete.
In behalf of the woman of tliu
nation who have by word und work oldod
you so uobly In your grand struggle for
liberty , In behalf of the sunflower stnto I
desire lo second Iho nomination of that true
and tried friend of the people ; that grand
champion ot human liberty ; tbat Imro of a
hundred battles bravo , bold James B.
Weaver. | Applause.J Glvo us General Weaver
nnd not only the mothers but the very
children will battle for him. Glvo him to us
nnd wo will drlvo from American shores the
English Arabs with their stolen gold , nna wo
will make plutocrats ana monopolists crlngo
nnd tremble. No need to ask If ho Is truo.
Glvo us Weaver nnd no earthly power can
keep us from sweeping on to victory In No-
vombnr. "
A Kentucky delegate seconded tbo nomina
tion \Vouvor. .
Major Henry Webb of Massachusetts , cf.n-
dldaio for governor of his state on the pee
ple's party ticket , seconded the nomination
of Senator Kylo.
\\iiiited to Limit Speech Milking.
The speeches were cottlng wearljomo to
the hot , tired delegates and bosldos , for sen
timental reasons , it was desired to make tbo
nomination before the Fourth had oxpirod. It
was moveu to limit speeches to three minutes
und this stirred up Mr. Bird , n ujgro
delegate from Chicago , who protested against
giving one side n fair show nnd than giving
the other side the buck and gag law. Ho
wanted to speak. A compromise was fixed
up providing that no speeches with reference
to old candidates should bo made , but that
nominating and seconding addresses for now
candidates would bo permitted and In tbls
form tlio motion to limit dobalo was declared
1'alco nt Vlrglnln.
Delegate tigorv Brown of Massachusetts
nominated Mr. Munn Paigoof Virginia , who ,
besnld , was president of n state nllianco and
was , therefore , capable of tilling the position
of the presiuent of the United States.
If thi ) honso of representatives
should bo called upon to elect n president ,
the local pride of the south would bo a very
great factor in shuttering the democratic
column that otherwise will elect the man
named by ono of the old parties. No man
would uotter represent tbo south than Mann
Dolocato Hsu of Minnesota rose to pay a
tribute to Ignatius Donnelly and to toll of bis
unscltishnoss in refusing the offer of the
stale by which bo was loved , to put him tn
nomination. "His fama as aq orator , as a
statesman , as a lover of humanity is known
from end lo cud of the land. I merely appear
before you to boar testimony to the love in
which Minnesota holds her most honored
son , Ignatius Donnelly. " [ Long continued
applause. ]
Interrupted by tin Iiinnno Mini.
A man out of hl.s mind created a sccno uy
going on the platform and interrupting the
proceedings. There were shouts to take him
dowa and iomo of the ofllcort attempted to
remove him , but Senator Van Wyck called
out not to make a scono.
Mr. Powdorly provontou what threatened
to prove an ugly episode by taking the gavel
In the emergency , bringing tbo convention tea
a bush , and after giving iho unfortunate an
opportunity to say a few Incoherent sentences -
tonces , persuaded him to qulotly leave the
Notwithstanding tbo rule adopted against
seconding speeches for candidates who bad
already been named and seconded , the flood
could not bo shut off. A withdrawal of ono
candidate , Van Wyck of Nebraska , varied
the proceedings.
Vandurvoort Withdraw * V n Wjrak.
Mr. Paul Vunrtorvoort , In a forcible nnd
eloquent speech , staled tbat Nebraska had
no candidate to offordetormlnlnir to glvo her
votes In November to the man chosen by tbo
convention. Incidentally ho alluded
to Van Wyck and asserted that Nebraska
would have given him Its hor.rty support had
ho allowed his name to go Before the conven
tion. Slnco bo would not consent , the people
of Nebraska would sea that ho was selected
for governor nt tbo next state olertlon.
At midnight tbo roll of stales for nominat
ing and seconding speeches was still In pro
gress , with Tennessee Iho lalest state callou.
Joseph Wali-op , Portland , Oro. , seconded
the nomination of Weaver.
At this Juncture Indiana , which bad asked
to be passed on the first call , mudo a request
to bo heard by thu chairman of her delega
tion. Ho staled that Indiana had listened to
nil that had boon said by her sister stales In
order to ascertain the choice of all the great
states ot the Union. Tbls sbolco bad seemed
to bo for General Weaver of Iowa , and In
diana announced that the solid vole of the
Hooslur stuio would bo cast for the Iowa
candidate. [ Prolonged appuuso. ]
The Virginia delegation also withdraw the
names of its sons and declared unanimously
In favor of General Weaver.
the two old parties named their president
through the aid of English capital , supported
tbo name of Weaver as a lilting ropiesanta-
tivo of the people's party.
West Virginia announced It would cast a
solid vole for Weaver , believing him to bo
tbo choice of the convontlon.
Took Tliolr CUD from Indiana.
The announcement from Indiana was the
euo for other states und there was quicidy a
landslide and a rush to got into tbo Weaver
band wagon.
New York bad boon passed and Farmer
Daan now appeared on the stage ana said
that the Now York delegates agreed with
New England to remain neutral and allow
tbo south and vest lo select the candidate
und they would vote for the man selected.
Now York had Raid If you want that Judge
of such renown ( Urosbam ) and ho will stona
on tbo platform It would vote for him. Now
Now York hoped Weaver's nomination
would bo made unanlmoui. It would vote
solid for Weaver.
Mississippi swung solid Into the Weaver
line , through an announcement from ono of
her delegates. All bar raon were on their
fcot to make similar announcement , but
were cut short by u protest from Schilling
that It was not fair to permit these announce
ments nnd by allowing states to bo called
after ihuy bad boon recognized , to stnmpada
thu convention.
U. C. Post , chairman of the Georgia dele
gation , got nn opportunity , however , to snv
that Georgia , which bad been ono of the
strongest , states opposed to Weaver , would
withdraw her support of Kyle , and with the
consent of iho convention make Weaver's
nomination unanimous.
Schilling Trlu * < > * > t y tlio Tide.
Tbo Kyle men , under tbu management of
Wasbburn of Massachusetts , decided to
make one last Uosoernto stand against the
Woavoronset , Wash burn and Schilling hold
u busty uonforonco and when Wisconsin ,
nearly the last otato on the roll , was called ,
Schilling took tbo atand and made ono of tbo
mojt notublo nnd powerful speeches of the
convention , declaring bis intention to talk
of practical polltioM and bis want of faith in
sentiment. Schilling sold bo hail boon a
member of tbo committee wblcb bad
elected Peter Cooper und ho was n member
of tbu old guard , The men of tbo old guard
are tba reformers wbo load this movement.
When It comas Into power will they bo
thrown Into the lumbar room ) [ Cries of
"No , no , " and "Yoi , yes."J
"Instuail of taking men from your own
ranks you have gone to a man who never as
sociated with you ( vnjlA'pu were deservedly
left In the lurch. 'Hart Judge CJroshnm anld
ho would slnml tin ( bur platform ho could
have boon nominated bore tonight for presi
dent , [ Shouts of "NbTTo ; , " nnd "Yes , yes. " I
I say he WiMllil , and I should
have voted forul him mvsolf nnd
am not nsbnmcd to acknowledge It ,
and tbo reason Is this : I hnvo struggled In
poverty for twenty'Jilve years to nld In the
putldlng up of this ( movement. It hns .tout
my nose to the grind-stone ; it bus made mo
ft bankrupt , nnd I do not , fool sorry for It.
There Is no mun for tthom I would vote
sooner than for pur grand old standard
bearer , General Weaver. But wo
want the vote ? ) , , of others hnsldes
our own pep.nloand [ that is
ttio reason whv wo'qb not want lo adopt the
name of any member 6f tno old guard. I do
not dare to run for ofllee In my own stnlo because -
cause our onomles will say ihnt m\n Is n
greenback crank , mi nnaroblst , a socialist.
Is It not bottoms a matter of practical poll-
tics to select some man who hns not tn.ido
himself obnoxious to ibo men in our ranks !
[ Crips of "Yes" and "No."J 1 propose to
second the nomination of Senator Kyle of
South Dakota. "
The speaker concluded by statlnc that the
stnto had agreed by n vote of 47 to 1 to sup
port Senator Kyle nnd declared that every
campaign speech bo mudo would bo mndo In
favor of the nomlnoo of tbo convontlon.
[ Grout applause. ]
Ward Uepllos In Schilling.
George E.Vard of Pennsylvania made n
brief response to Mr. Schilling's ' remarks.
"I como from the stale of Pennsylvania , "
said bo , "whole a Scotch lord , living In u
Scotch castle , bus uullt astockudo to prevent
the working people from getting the
wnpes they earn. [ Cries of "Carnegie , Car
negie. " ] It Is said iho capacity of a mau Is
his capacity for prntltudo. If that ho true ,
the capacity of n party must be Its capacity
for grulltudo. Then lot us remember tbo
old guard , these who led our movement In Its
darkest days and vote for James Woavor. "
[ Cheers. I
An Oklahoma delegate seconded Wouvor's
nomination und eulogized his efforts In securing -
curing tbo oponlug ot Oklahoma to settle
Just before the call of the states "Cyclone"
Davis of Texas endeavored to scouro n sus
pension of the rules to make Weaver's nom
ination unanimous , but there was such oppo
sition that ho withdraw the proposition.
Weaver Wins nn Iho 1'lrnt Itallot.
From the very boginnmg of the roll call
Weaver led all his competitors and so over
whelming was the vote cast for him that hl.s
Domination was practically assured before
the ballot wns half completed. The Weaver
infection seemed to spread und nsstale after
stale cast its vote almost unanimously for
the Iowa man the Weaver pnoplo grow
wildly enthusiastic , the culmination coming
when Iho result wns nnnounco'J , the ohoor-
Ing being loud and long continued.
Tbo llrst ballot for president resulted ns
follows , only ono ballot necessary , Weaver
being successful beyond n cavil :
Norton , I ; 1'nlKo , 1.
Maiyland. Now Hampshire , Hbode Island ,
South Carolina , Vermont , Alaska , Arizona ,
Indian Territory , Now Mexico nnd Utah nro
Norton of Illinois moved to make the nom
ination unanimous , and Schilling of Wiscon
sin , Wasbburn of Massachusetts anu tbo
dnlogates from South Dakota , Montana and
Massachusetts seconded the nomination. It
was carried with a hurrah and loud encor
ing , ending with calls for "Weaver. "
The gonornl was not present and n committee -
too was nppolntod to escort him to the bull.
It wns now after 1 a. in.
Vivo rre ! ilL-ntliil Nominations.
With llttlo delay a roll call o'f states for
nominations for vice president was begun.
George F. Guitbor of Alabama presented
the name of Mr. Bon Terrell of Texas for tbo
Delocnto Beverly of Arkansas nominated
ox-Con federate General James G. Field of
Virginia , who previously received ono vo eon
on iho presidential ballot. A delegate from
Colorado seconded tbo nomination , as did
A Florida delegate named Bon Terrell of
At once a delegate of North Carolina
sprung to bis feet and nt the top of bis voice
asked If a man could bo eligible for the vice
presidency who bad boon on trial before the
lurmers alliance. A number of the boulherii
delegates attempted to make themselves
liounJ , and gave rlso to u sccno ol confusion.
Delegate Branch jumped on the stage and
yelled for order.
Secretary Turner of tbo national nllianco
took advantage of a lull to support the nomi
nation of General Field , wbo was cbani-
pionod by various other delegations.
Turrit. I Spunks lor Illmnelf.
Bon Terrell himself now mounted the plat
form. "Any assertion , " bo said , passion
ately , "that I am or hnvo boon connected
with any trust or bavo over boon in any
sensa embroiled with the government Is
an Infamous falsehood. It is an
attempt to prejudice mo xvlth my friends ,
and I defy tbo mon wbo made the obnrgo to
produce the proof. I bavo heard ibis thing
before ; 1 have hoard It around different
delegations , aud it has como to mn several
ways. 1 seek no position in this convontlon.
If this convention does not bollevo tbat I am
the best man , that I cun ao tbo croatost
good for tbls cause , then chooio General
Field and I will support him llko n man. I
burl the charges back In tbo face of those
people who circulator fv and I defy him to
como forward who'iras * spoken and face mo
on the lloor to muktgtod / / his accusations. "
[ Applause. ] AOIOI
Baldwin of Illln'oWnttomptod to Interro
gate Terroll , but hW' question could not bo
board , and Terrell Uiirfioil bis back on him
and walked off the stage with tbo Invitation
to his- opponents ( O1 brine on tbolr man to
loco him. 'If uy
Harvey of Florida We w excl ted In defend
ing Terrell , uonoiiri\s&d , t1io chnrgo ns an In
famous llo , and averted tbat It came from
tbo machine whlcV bontrollod tbo cordage
business of tbo courHr'yi
l'ruvi > ujjuiu ! Sronu.
Tbo remarks stlrrbd up Samuel Loavltt of
Joliet , III. , wbo sboutcd that ho bad ihu
proofs , Moaiiwhllu > l'urroll had watched the
proceedings and qulotly walked tbo aUlo
towards Lcavltt. to ! A' ( personal encounter
scorned linmlnontoliutun few ot Terrell's
friends divined hlsic | > arposo and surrounded
him , keeping him from creating a acono.
Nearly all lha auojeijneut speeches had
some relation to the churges aud most of the
speakers , wbllo coming out for Field , were
careful to say that it was not bcauio of this
Cordage trust matter.
The ballot for .vioo president resulted ;
Fields , TM ; Terrell , f > 5 ( .
Genertl Weaver uud General Field , tbo
newly made nominees , were brourht upon
tbo stage aud glren un ovation , liich rnudo
n spirited address and at 9 a. in. the conven
tion adjourned sine die.
HULKS roil
Jtojiort of thu Comiiilttun on Manner of
lining tlio C'onvenllcm'fl lluiliiuitf.
Tbo committee on rules submitted ibo fol
lowing report :
Ciiihiiiuii'4 manual ihall bo-oligsou tu rogu-
lutu tbu proccedlnis of this convention.
For tbo pmaeutalbiu of cauillJaUufor pres
ident uuU vivo president tba rolfof itate *
shall bo cnllod alphabetical- ! . Nominating
spuochcs shall be ilmitiMl ID fiftaon minute :
nnd remarks on nil iiuusllons In debate slial
1)0 limited lo live minutes.
In b.illotliu the suerctiiry shall call tbo rot
of stairs and Iho chairman of oacli stnlo shall
iinnounce the vote ( if his stnlo as t-allod
I.nrhtlalo dolciiition sh-ill appoint Its owi
tellers , co loci and count Us own ballots am
the clrilrman shall nnnonnco thu result to
tlio convention.
In uaso no nominee shnll receive n majority
on the lltst ballot a second ballot shall at
unco bo taken wlicio eacli delegate must \rrlti
on his ballot thn n.imu of his llrst choice and
bis second uboleu , pi iclim tbu names In the
onli-rof his choice , ( list clioloo llrst , second
choice second , it llrst choice being countu.l : is
one void and a suoond choice as half u vutn.
Tbo two receiving ihu 1 ar.- < Unumber uf votes
shall bo vntud for on the third liallot , voles
for the other persons not hulng counted.
All resolutions Diluted boforu this convon
tlon shall bo road und referred to the commit
tee on resolutions without do bate.
Knob stnto and territory shall be allowed n
number of voli-s equal to Ihu number of dolu-
uiitus reported by the committee on creden
The following shall be the orderof business
Tim niinouncoiiient of Iho names of thu na
tional committee.
Report of iho committee on platform nnil
rciolittloiiM ,
Nomination of candidate * for president.
Itiillollng for candidates for president.
Nomination of candidates for vice president
Balloting for candidates for vice president.
Don't I.lkn Iho New Iliillnt 1'liui.
Vociferous signs of disapproval gruotod
tbo reading ot the paragraph governing the
proposed now system of uallotlng.
It wns moved that Iho report bo received
and tbat Its recommendations bo adopted.
" 1 object to that , " said Mr. Snmuol Will-
lams of Indiana , "and move to strike out of
tbu report that part which rolutos to the second
end cbolco tor president. "
"As I understand that recommendation , "
said Mi- . Brown of Massachusetts , "you will
limit this nomination ultimately to two candi
dates nnd put yourselves In n position whore
nt no subsequent ttmo you" are at liberty to
retire both of thorn in lav or of some now
candidate. "
"Wo understand that , " rhoulod several
"Vory well , " sold Mr. Browji.
A vote was than taken on the adoption ol
tbo recommendation nnd It was declared
carried by acclamation dcsplto the protest ol
Messrs.Vllson and Brown. Mr. Dee of
Oregon desired to limit the nomination
speeches to llvo minutes Instead of llftecn ,
but the convontlon just nt the moment was
moro vitally Interested tn the serious ques
tion of bow to conduct the balloting.
rilmlly CliaiiKud thn Program.
Al this Juncture the question of amending
the rules commlttoo's report so ns to strike
out the provision rogardingsccona choice was
sprung in another torm.
Vaudcrvoorl of Nebraska opposed the pro
vision for tbo retirement of candidates with
only u small following. "Wo believe , " salil
ho , "that any man that has a eliolco should
bo permitted to exorcise thnr choice without
being muz7lod and that a man can stay In
aud bo voted on even if ho has only ono vote
until the crack of doom. ' Ho proposed nn
amendment striking out the clause of the
rules providing that after iho second ballot
nil candidates except the two leaders shall
bo retired and inserting a provision that
when balloting begins candidates shall bo
voted for until there Is n choice. This
amendment prevailed by a largo majority so
that tbo rules ns to balloting are in accord-
nnco with the customary rules In national
conventions on this matter.
The rule ns 11 n ally adopted is as follows :
In balloting for candidates the following or
der fchall bo observed Iho secretary shall
call the roll of iho states nnd the chairman
shall announce the vote as cast. Each state
shall appoint its own tellers , collect and
count its own ballots und its chairman shnll
announce the result. When wo commence
balloting for candidates wo shall continue
until some candidate- receive a majority of
nil tuo voles cast.
Adjourned to PO the Parade.
Tnubonock of Illinois wns recognized nnd
said that ut 1UU : ! ) the Omaha Fourth of July
parade would bo passing the convention hull
und bo was about to propose a recess whan a
delegate interrupted with the statement that
they should keep on with tnoir business.
Taubencek nevertheless moved a recess for
twenty minutes for the parade and Colonel
Norton makine n spoccb that it was a cour
tesy duo to the citizens ol Omaha it was car
ried by a decided majority.
Alter the Iti-ooss.
There was a great deal of disorder In tbo
reassembling ot the convontlon after the
Fourth of July parade intermission and tbo
twenty minutes' recess proved nearly an
hour long , at part of the time being taken up
witb ono of the numerous songs born of the
growth of the now party.
The chairman's gavel from Oregon was
missing and ho said ho wns satisfied some re
publican wbo had got used to stealing gavels
bad taken it , but there was n general laugh
when the gavel was ut once put in his hands.
There were a largo number of vacant seats
In the hall , roused by some delegates from
far-off slales having no use for llieir quoia ,
wbllo olbors were hold by the citizens' com
mittee , which was endeavoring to bell them.
Paul Vundcrvoort of Nouraska moved to nd-
milall old soldiers of thobluooribogrny wilb
out ticketsand one delegate moved an a'mand-
niont lo admit promiscuously all applicants
until tbo hall was tilled , but withdraw it
when another delegate spoke In favor of
standing by the contract between iho
national committee and thu citizens' commit
tee. Vandorvoort's amendment mot with
objection , and finally , aftar some aiscuislou ,
tbo wbolo matter was tabled.
National Ciniimlltcumon Appointed to Con
duct the Ciimliiu : Camp.UK" .
The following U the national commlttco ns
reported to Iho convontlon :
Alabama J. B. Ware , O. II. Manning nnd
George F. Galtbor.
Arkansas J. W. Dolllson , J. M. Pittmun ,
E. U. Dav.
California-.losso Poundstopo , George B.
Johnson , 1C. M. Hamilton.
Colorado I. U. Berry , .1. A. Wnyland , A.
Connecticut Robert Pyno , A. S. Houghton -
ton , Henry C. Baldwin.
Florida S. S. Hnrvoy , P. L. Jenkins , F.
H. Lytlo.
Georgia J , II. Turner , J. P. Brown , C.
H. Islington.
Idaho A. T. Lane , J. H. Anderson , D. H.
Illinois il. 1C. Taubonock , Cugcno Smith ,
W. H. Hoss.
Indiana .M. C. Kankin , C. A. Hobinsou ,
Frascr Thomas.
lowa-W. D. Calhoun , W. S. Scott , A. J.
Kansas S. H. Snyder , W. D. Vincent , J.
W. Lay bourn.
Kentucky A. F. Cardon , J. G. Blair. W.
J. Scott.
Louisiana G , W. Bruco. B. F. Hardosty ,
J. W. Burl.
Mnino II. S. Hobbs , Henry Betts , E. W.
Massachusetts E. G. Brown , George F.
Washtmrno , J. Peter Gardner.
Michigan-John O. Xabot , H. I. Alien , Kd
S. Greece.
Minnesota- Ignatius Donnelly , K. Halvor-
son , H. B. Martin.
MIssUslppl-D. S. Dwyer , I. S. Mlllraps ,
N. W. Bradford.
Missouri M. V. Carroll , A. Itosollo , G. M.
Montana Charles Hanscom , J. W. Allan ,
J. H. Baahor.
Now Hampshire I * B. Portor.
Now Jersey H. D. Opdiko , John Wlloox ,
Joseph U. Buchanan. -
New York L , J. MeLartln , Henry A.
HlekH , L. C. Roberts.
North Carolina W. H. Lindsay , Thomas
B. Long , S. O. Wilson.
North Dakota Walter Mulr , W. T. Mo-
Cullocb , Herman Micbuclson.
Ohio Hugo Pryor. C. II. Cobb. M. W.
Oregon Joseph Wuldrop , J. W. Marks-
berry , Charles F. Fitch.
Pennsylvania V , A. Loter , J. E. Leslie ,
J. B , Akin.
South Dakota A. Wardell , A. M. Allan , F.
Tennessee W. H. Gynno , L. II. Taylor ,
W. K. Wllulus.
Texas Thomas Galnos , H. W. Colomun ,
J. H. DAV ) .
Virginia I , II. Hod on , Marlon Page , Samuel -
uol I. , , Nowborrv.
Washington D. B. Hannah , M. F. Knox ,
C. W. Young.
Won Virginia S. H. Pelrsol , John E.
Ktntoy , N. W. 1'ltzirorald. '
WUconsIu-HoUort Schilling , C. M. Butt.
Henry O'Brien ,
District of Columbia Lee Crandall , Annie
L. Dlggs und G. A. Bland.
Oklahoma-P. O. Caasldy , S. U. Docker.
The Htates and territorial of Delaware , >
Maryland , Nebraska , wovuda , Itbude Islam ! , I
South Carolina , Vermont , Wyomlug , AlniVdL )
ArlioDB , Indian Territory , Now Mojtico cad
Utah have not yet selected tbolr committee-
M iNTiitvn\vii : : : > .
Ills l > iimeli | ( of l.nst Saturday Kxprcssrs
Ills Soiintiiruts ,
Cilir-iao. 111. , July . This evening n rep
resentative of the Associated Press tailed on
Judge Orcsham nnd showed htm tbo follow
ing :
"OMAHA , July ! . This tele cram was re-
cclvi-d from J. A. Mauser nf Indiana , candi
date for lieutenant governor of thu poop'.u's
Parly ticketI : have just HOUII Qreshnnii If
unanimous ho will not rofiuo.
"J. A. Huwr.n. ' "
After reading this dispatch Judge
Gresham said that bo saw Mr. Hatisor when
be ( Mr. Gresbam ) left Indianapolis about 13
o'clock today , and that tbo doctor asked nlm
It' ho would accept the nomination of the
people's party nnd bo referred him lo his
dispatch ot last Saturday to Mr. Orr , which
the doctor said ho bad rend. The Judge also
said ho told tbo doctor ho had nothing lo add
to thatdlspncth und that he baa not changed
his mind slnco .sending it. Ho did not toll
the doctor that ho would accept under tiny
cttcu instances ,
Their Mission fruitless.
CIMCXOO , III. , .Tulv 4 , Tbo commlttco ap
pointed by the people's party ht Omaha id
Inlurviow Judge Grosbam nnd find out
whether ho would accept a nomination for
the presidency at the hundu of that party ,
regislorod nt the Sherman housu today.
John Devlin was assigned n room , but A. J.
Street and Judge Orr registered under as
sumed names und only remained nt the hotel
for dinner. The comnilttoo mot Judge
Grcslmni at nls homo on Pacific avcnuo nt 5
o'clock. The conference lasted two hours ,
and nt Its close , while the committee would
snv nothing , It was understood that their
mission had boon In vain ,
"Wo have decided , " said John Dovlln , "to
say nothing except to tbo convention In
Omaha , but 1 will con lido to you tbat Gen
eral Weaver will bo iho next candldato of
the people's party for the presidency. I cau
say no moro nt prosoui. "
U ixi'nis.sis
Ho Thinks Iho IMrt-llou Will lie Thrown
Into thu House.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , July-1. Senator Kyle
expressed an opinion this afternoon that ho
could carry ns many votes for the people's
ticket , with tbo possible exception of Senator
Stewart end Senator Teller , ns nny man In
tbo country , llo believes the people's party
will carry Kansas , Nebraska and South and
North Dakota , with n lighting cluinco for
Minnesota , Colorado , iNovaila , Idaho and
Montana in nny event enough to hold the
balance of powor. This , bo .said , undoubt
edly would throw the election into tbo heuso
and result In the election of n democratic
president unless the sliver men formed a
combination to elect , u president favorable to
free silver , which would glvo tbo people's
party candidate & ebanco.
Kyle added that bo opposed the force bill
and favored a low tariff. Ho considered the
international monetary conference n dilatory
measure , concerted by the gold men to qulot
the free silver agitation pending the coming
election. His sentiments on immigration
colt.cido with those of tbo Kuighta of Labor
In regard to restriction.
South Dakota's .Senator lEutnscs to Hnvo IIU
Xiimo I'roHonUMl for 1'ruslilunt.
Senator Kyle of South Dakota 1ms tele
graphed bis friends that his name must not
bo presented to thu convention as he Is not a
It is still insisted by TnuUoncok and ethers
that Kyle's nnmo will bo presented but they
acknowledge ) chances are now In favor of
With Kyle out of the race the work of last
ntcht has been undone in a measure and tbo
delegates are moro hopalessly nt sen than
over. Much now depends upon the report
from tbo delegation Umt wont to Chicago to
make nnothor appeal to Judge Gresham to
bead the reform ticket.
The delegates opposed to Weaver are cast
ing about for un available- candidate and will
endeavor to defer the nomination until they
can ugrao upon a candidate.
Dinner Cull4.
Manning of Alabama talked to tbo gal
leries , turning nis back to the platform nnd
leaving the delegates to Imagine what he
was saying.
Brown of Massachusetts , the leader of iho
Weaver forces , left his delegation and occu
pied n seat In the front row of the Kansas
delegation directly lu front of thu platform.
The tompornluro of the hall became un
comfortably warm before the convention got
down to business ut the afternoon session ,
nnd Kansas , North Carolina and Wisconsin
delegates set the example in a general shed
ding of : oats ,
Af lor being oncngcd for some time iu a
soomlnglv hopeless attempt , lo got the con
vontlon qulot enough to resume business.
Chairman Loucks said , "Gentlemen , nothing
further will bo dcno until order is restored ,
If wo have to wait hero a week. I'm In no
hurry. Wo are boiug entertained in llrst
class shape , and I'm willing to slay In Omaha
for soma timo. "
A Kansas delegate complained that some
of the seats aot apart for the Kansas delega
tion were occnmed by these who wore not
delegates , The chairmnn requested nil who
were not delegates to retire from the body
of thu hall , but no ono heeded It until it was
followed up by an order to show tickets.
Then the interlopers began to lldect about
uneasily , and when the chairmen of tha va
rious sinla delegations were directed to see
that none but delegates wuro seated in their
sections tlio cheeky Individuals qulotly slid
in iho rear and sought loss desirable coigns
of vantage ,
I'l-cnlc of ii Tliiinilnrliolt.
The nnmils of n French nciidoiny of
scionuu toll of a tailor'n ndvonturos with
u Uiumlorbolt. Ho lived in u homo pro
vided with two chimneys , ono for u llro-
place and tliu ether for a btovo , the lat
ter not in uso. During a thunderstorm
a tremendous report was hoard und
everybody thought Unit tlio liouso had
boon Htruclc by lightning' . Instantly a
blue lliuniiip ball dropped into the llro-
pluuo and rolled out into tlio room ,
Hcoinlnfjly about six inchest above the
[ loor. The excited tailor ran around
Lho room , tfio ball of flro playing about
Ills fuel. Suddenly it rose above his
tend and moved oil' toward tlio stove-
ilpo hole in the ceiling , which had a
: not'o of pnpor pasted over it. The ball
jiovcd straight through the paper and
up the chimnoy. When near the top it
exploded und tore the chimney into
.housiuida of fragments. The sight of
, lie debris loft by the explosion showed
the f.unily what would have boon the
consequence had it exploded while on
ts gyrating patsago through the room.
JtltJMK * 01' Till : 1IU1H > ,
' "I don't
Harper's Young People :
ilto this as much as I thought I would , "
bald Harry , looking up from bib algobra.
"It's stupid. There's too many rules to
earn. "
"Thlnga always sooin so until wo got
through some of the drudgnry , "
answered mamma , encouragingly.
Mammas are always ready to inculcate
moral lessons. "I I will bo moro Inter
esting after a while. Everything Is seat
at llrst. "
Harry looked solemn.
"I kn'ow ono thing that isn't stupid
from the beginning , " said ho , "you
lon't have to wait for it to bo interest-
"Well , whut Is it ? "
' Muting icecream. "
"My son , " sold Fido's mother , as she
saw him chasing his tail , "that's no way
to got to the front"
"I am not trying to got to the front ,
nothur , dear. 1 should bo only too glade
o make both ends mciut. "
"Wlllio , " said liis mother , "whon you
wont to bed lust night did you pray that
t would bo nice and olonr today V"
" ' ' ! "but I'vo bet
"Yop'ead-WHllo , my
iluckhandlcd. IcnUo jip/ninst Hobby Sta
iloford'u big Itlto thtttit'flgoln1 to rain. "
Brazilian Rebels Score Another Decisive
Victory with Little Loss.
of iho HrlgiutiU of Clilll
Sumo Ididleiil ( Jlinnir la ( lib
Urlniliml l.i\n ut riuil
Urpuhllr ,
J li-j ,1 -mi ( Jiinl ) > i Hs'i it" |
V.u.i-umi.0 , Chill ( via Galvostou , Tex. ) ,
July I. --By [ Mexloau Cnbio lo the Now
York Herald Special to Tin : Unn.l-Tlio
Herald correspondent at Buenos Ayres Imj
received tlio following additional dispatches
ftom the lobuliiotts slate of Klo Gr.uidu
no Sill , Brazil. They como from
revolutionary sources nt Porto Alogru.
Colonel Amnro Is cam nod iicur Corroehato
with SOU mon from Yagunron. Viscount
Polotns Is onroulo lo join him. This Is ro-
ganied as ovldenco of weakness on his part.
General Tnvaros Is nlsd onrotilu to Cerro-
chato. Bago , It Is believed , will .soon sur
render to the revolutionists. This would
ndd greatly to their slroiiglb. Tbero Is i
large loivo nf rebels near Sanln Aim.
Later advices report tbo arrival nt Porto
Alogro of General Fernandez , after an en-
engemcnt with the force under command of
Viscount Pulatro. Fernandez's mon nro
from Gnwisby , Piratlon and Anguaron. Thu
rails near Biigo have been torn up
by order of the government to Im
pede the progress of the rovoltor * .
'Iho third battalion of tbo federal troons oc
cupy the railroad station , and nn mlvunixi
guard of GUI ) occupy Pasta Camloliu. Ol
these 100 mon were deployed ns skirmisher * .
'I boy had n sharp encounter with tbo troops
of the revolutionary parly.
Tbo latter were victorious. His said thnl
General Favaro's men nro beaten nnd are ro-
tirlng in disorder towards Condlca.
Auiurlciins Abroad Colt-brute.
The Fourth was celebrated by the Amcrl
can colony at Santiago. A ball was given al
which there was a largo attendance. Several >
oral prominent Chilians were present
Neither Minister Ecan nor Consul MoCrcorv
were invited. At Buenos Ayres the day wui
nlsocominomoralud by a great gathering on
board the United States war vessel Hoimlne-
ton. The Argonllno ofllcinls and United
States Minister Pitkln were present.
Tbo law suspending tbo extension of time
In the trial of criminals was signed by Presi
dent .Monti. Judges und police ofllclnls nro
ordered to proseeuto all offenders spoudiiy lu
order to put n slop to the robberies aud briit-
andago which of late have been of such
alarming frequency.
From Montevideo the Herald correspond
ent telegraphs that tbo Brazilian government
forces under Do Dasal and other cblofs have
arrived at San Farnando cnrouto to Bago in
Hlo Grande do Sul to assist General
Tuvares in quelling the rebellion. The
Argentina warships Brown nnd Twenty.
lifth of May mm the torpedo boat Esposa
will sail on Wednesday for tbo port of Palo * .
Spain , to toke part In the fetes In honol' Of
The radicals are collecting funds In the
Provinces to sustain the campaign inaugur
ated by their leader , Dr. Alom. '
Muny.Meii ol .Many MlmU on tbo Onestlon
or I'liiiiin.
Toi-BKV , Kan. , July 4.- The result of the
democratic county conventions bold through
out tbo stuto to elect delegates to the aomo-
cralic state convontlon , which moots hero
Wednesday , show that there Is n great di
versity of opinion. There nro three classes.
Onn favors tbo endorsement of the en tire
people's party stnto tlokot , another favors
the nomination of straight democrats only ,
and the third advocates the nomination ot
such of tbo people's party candiauiuj ns are
acceptable to democrats. Ono point , how
ever , the democrats are pretty well agreed
upon , nnd that is that tbo people's party
electoral tlckotshould receive the utiltod sup
port ot the democratic party ; that ICansaj
may bo taken out of tbo republican column
and the election of president thrown into the
There nro no avowed candidates for any of
the places on the democratic ticket outslda
of the nominees of tbo people's party. If the
antlfusionists should win. it Is probable that
David Ovormyor will bo nominated for con-
Moro Interest Is attached to Ibis conven
tion than to nny over held by the democrats
in Kansas , for on its action will depend lha
outcome of the campaign in this stato.
j-' A niy.xv UKHIIIT.
Fatal Kiiilliif ; of n H.illoim Aheennlon Irmu
BosTOKjMass. , July 4.A balloon ascension
from the Commons tbls nltcrnoon bad a sad
nndlng. The aeronaut , Prof. George Augus
tus Kogors of Maiden , Mo. , being almost in
stantly killed. His assistant , Thomas
Finnon dying shortly after , and another
occupant of the balloon , Reporter Goldsmith ,
filtnllv inltirnil. Whnn nhmit. lur ttnlne ilnwn
tbo harbor and off Thompson Island , Prof.
Hogors , who did not relish an ocean voyage ,
attempted to open tlio valve and make a laudIng -
Ing on iho Island. A rent was accident
ally made In tbo sldo of the balloon and tb
immotibo bag began to descend at a lorrlflo
rate , nnd us it struck thu wntor collapsed ,
Kogcrs sank at once and bis body bos nO'-i
been recovered. Finnon and lioldsniit'a ,
Ihough badly hurt and half asphyxiated by
the gas , succeeded in holding to tbu basket
unlit picked up by man who wont out from
the island in a boat. Kinnon died in a short
time und Goldsmith is very ill.
.Siittfin'ii Splimillil .SIMTOHI.
x , Nob. , July -I. [ Special Telegram
to Tim Bii.J : The celebration hero today
wns a splendid-success In ovary particular.
Twonty-llvu hundred people from the adjoin
ing country wore herd in attendance. The
oxerci&os tundor the elms in City
park consisted of music by tba
Geneva band , Rlnginc by the Young
Ladies glee club and a magnificent
oration by Hon. W. S. Summers , deputy attorney -
tornoy general , "Tho Philosophy of Kxper-
porlonces. " Il abounded with lofty senti
ments. Among many other things Mr.
Summer * said Hint mixed races bavo al
ways been the loader's In tbo mighty nrnphl-
thoulra of the worlds civilization. An exhibi
tion by the II ro department concluded ono
of tbo most successful celebrations over bald
in the city. _
TliriHi TlimiHiiml In At Inniliiiici- .
GoTiiKNiiuna , Nub. , July 4. [ Special
Telegram lo THIS BHK.J-Tno colo-
brntlon was a grand success. Three
thousand people were In attond-
nnco. Addresses were made by Hon. Norrla
Brown of Kcarnoy , D. K Cameron and / . L.
Hodjon of llus city. Tuoro was line muslo
by the silver cornet band.
Ilil ' Hull on Tolmefo ,
In tlio course of an interview in the
Chicago Tribune the ether day Colonel
Ingorboll said :
"I know of nothing that has glvon
moro comfort to the human race after
all than tobacco , it is a companion. I
do not see how anybody can wait for a
train without cigars. Tobacco is a great
consolation to uxllos , to prisoners , to
men who work in mines , to choppers In
thi ) forest , to sallori and to all people
who are alono. I know of nothing that
so consoles the mind of man IIH tobacuo.
Whenever wo go in barbarian countries
Central Africa or the far olT islands
of the 1'nclflu the natives immediately
got in love with tobacco. They will
work for it ; they will hunt elephants'
tusks if you will only pay thorn in to
bacco. So I have made up my mind
that there is something in the nature of
man that asks for this divine and con *
soling weed. "
Wliiliini ( JOIIIOH irltli ARC.
Columbian News : Mr. Wodnol , ( a
confirmed bachelor ) How time doeu
lly , Miss Tooluto. Its just ton years ago
since you refused mo on this very spot.
Miss Toolatohvho wishes she hadn't )
Yes , Mr. Wodnot , but I was very
young and foollah , then.
Mr , Wodnot Hut wo are both
and wlsor now ,