Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1892, Image 1

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Iowa's Champion Ohoaon to Load the
Independent Party's Forces !
Success of tha Er-Congressman Easily
Atlainod on a Clear Track.
Independent ) Day Had Faded Into History
When the Result Came.
Every Stone Movable Turned to Defeat tlio
Man Who Won.
Ex-Confederate General Swept in on a Wave
of Terrell Opposition.
Charged with Being a Secret Agent of the
Great Twine Trust.
Adjournment Taken at Throe O'clock ' with
Everything Wound Up.
Supporters of Knch Held On Until the I.itst
. Moment Ilefore ( iUliiR Up ViTRi'd on
Tumult Soil-nil Times Piirtoil
"Your success seems assured. "
That was the Inspiring message sent to
encli of the tbrco loading candidates by tholr
supporters lu the people's party national con
vention just before the hour set for the battle -
tlo to oogfn In earnest. Gresham's friends
teemed Increasingly tenacious and enthusi
astic. General Secretary John W. Hayes of
the Knights of Labor said the knights wcro
determined to stand by Gresbntn , and that
the latter's friends bullevcd him to bo the
nominee. George Washburno of Massachu
setts , the manager of Senator Kylo's forces ,
was unquallllodly claiming a nomination for
the South Dakota man on the first , ballot.
To make the situation still moro interesting ,
General Weaver's disciplined corpi was en
tirely undismayed , and his brainy lieuten
ant , Uon Torroll of Texas , answered all in
quiries : "Weaver is sollu as n roclc. "
At 8 o'clock , the cagle-arlslng hour sot for
the opening of the convention , only about
three-scare of delegates were scattered
around among the scuts within the railed In-
closure and as many spectators were in the
QUdionco scats. Temporary Chairman Elling
ton , however , pursued directness to the let
ter ana sharply on the minute called the con
vention to order aim Introduc3d Hov.
William McCready of Buffalo Gap , S. D. ,
who offered orayer. A glee club rendered
some music and then the convention waited
whllo the belated delegates began to arrlvo
and assemble , the glee club meanwhile singIng -
Ing moro selections , while the booming of
cannon outsldo the Dig Coliseum told the
Uelogntcs every few minutes that It was the
national holiday.
.They Wouldn't Ho SUM.
At. S : I"o'clock enojgh delegates had arrived
to warrant u call of the roll to ascertain
whether or not a quorum was present. There
was found to bo a majority of the states
proscut , but tharo was too much confusion
to transact business ana amid n storm ol
ares n motion was carried at U o'clock that
each state appoint a sorgeant-at-arms to kcop
quiet In Us own stato. There were loud
calls tor the chairman of tbo credentials
committee , but ho was not present and It
was some tlmo bcforo bo could bo found , the
newly appointed sorgeants-at-arms moan-
wbllo succeeding in preserving order by
clearing the aisles nnd pulling down ovor-
enlliUbtastla delegates into tholr seats.
Yt hen the chairman of the credentials com-
mittco llniilly arrived ho reported that the
committee Had 'found no contests. I'llo re
port was received and it was decided that
tlio persons whoso names wcro on the rolls
should tie declared entitled to scats.
Post of Georgia announced the arrival this
morning of two sidetracked delegates from
his state , making the delegation complete.
I.niiuliK lor reuimiicnt Cluilriiiiin ,
Tlio committee on permanent organization
now announced Its readiness to report , and
lifter a now hubbub bad been silenced sub
mlttca the following :
Vour cominlttoo on pormiinont organization
bog lua > o l > > Kiitnnlt thu following report :
1'or permanent chairman U II.ouaks
Ronth DaUnta. | l'rnonud | applause. ] Kur
puriiiununi fli'crotury , J.V. . ll.iycs. Now .lur
toy. lAppluiiHO , ] i'or assistant uucrctarlcs
K H. King of Kansas Cioor o Wilson , Mlehl-
Kan ; (1 , W. Denmark , South Uarallnu ; 1)V
Following this was also a long list of vlco
chalrtnoii , each state bolng roprosontud It
the distribution of his honor. The roper
was unanimously adopted amid applause am
Temporary Chairman Ellington at once in
troduced his Buccesior.
Clialrnitin I.inch's Addrctii.
It was a ploturesquo'spactaola when Per
manent Chairman Uoucks stiuidlng tirmlv on
his ono leg and.swinging u cruti-n. utariu's
longtti waved the great assemblage to order.
His speech as it progressed was a surprUo
and a dlsagrueahlo ono to porliaps a majority
of the couvoutlon but its Impo'uoilty and
llro If not Its hits for nnd against candidates
elicited cheers at every lew words. Mr.
Lntirks mild ;
' Gentlemen o ( tlio Convention The tlmo
has arrived when wo must begin tbo serious
business of this convention , I believe that
wo hove hod u sufllcicnt amount of oratory us
k preliminary to our work aim wo can dU-
ponso with It until wo llnisii our business
Tboiofwo. I have no speech to make 10 you
this mornlnp , but I would bo less than human
If I did not nxtcmd tn you my slncoro thanks
Tor the uonor conferred upon mo of prosldluu
overthU , the grandest aim largest conven
tion that ha * over bocu hold In the United
States of America , or 1 l > clove | anywhere it
iLu elvllUcd world , ( Applause.J 1 cacuo
ciist the temptation of saying a vurv few
vords to concrutulato you on the success of
his magnificent convention. U is n grand
trlbuto to the civilization of the present ecu-
ury. In the past ages when great revolu
tions were In progress they bovo been
irought about as n rule by the sword , by the
jullot. This , the groatou of nil revolutions ,
s being propolted by that silent power of
education , the ballot. ( Applause. J It is n
grand trlbuto to the present clvllirntlon ; and
hough many of our friends think the ropub-
io U in danger 1 am ono of those who believe
hut when the peopln of this nation , the
; teat masK of wealth producers , liuvo
: omo up to that high standard of
changing this system of government by
the ballot , that this nation Is tnon saved or
will bo saved by this means , and wo can cor
tuinly congratulate ourselves on that. [ Ap-
ilauso. | Wo can congratulate ouraolvos
.hat wo nro progressing all along the line
Why , 1 have not hoard of u single saloon in.
Omaha having to doublu its capacity to
accommodate this vast crowd. [ Loud ap
plause. ] That 1 think was not true of j some
other convention cities or some ether con
ventions in the past. Wo can congratulate
ourselves o-i that.
All t Sou and Clint ol It.
"I want to congratulate you on the harmony
that tins pravailod all through. Thcro are u
ercat many delegates hero from all parts of
Lho country nnd they did not know who
Lhoir candidate was to bo. States have not
been llxod up bv this convention and wo nro
all at so.i , but the roiult tindotiotodly wU ba
that ttio oholeo of the people will bo nomina
ted by this convention [ applause ] and not
the choice of machine elements of the nation
You hoar talk in the othin * conventions about
nominating certain mon because ttioy can
carry certain states. Wo do not hour of that
in this convention , by thu delegate * at least.
Tbo question Is , who represents our princi
ples ) Moro tlmn that , there is a spirit abroad
Hero mat the man who is nominated
by this convention must not only stand
llrmly and squarely upon our platform of
principles but be must have burned the
bridges behind him. | Applause | Wo are
at n critical period and wo can't afford to
take any chances. Wo want no doubtful
men to lead this movement. Wo don't want
to have to inquire how any man stands on
our platform of principles. Wo must know
that ho has hoan with us long enough to
tiuvo baon found true or ho will liud no place
"I have heard ono thing that has discour
aged mo a little that ; \vo must not nommato
ono of the old guard who have boon In the
front of this movement all the time. Did
you over hear in n democratic convention erin
in a republican convention the statement
made thiit bucuno a mm was nctivo in prop
agating republican doctrine or domauratlc
doctrine that ho must bo Knocked tn the
head nnd sent to the roarl [ Criai of "novcr ,
nover. " )
( reeiilmclicrs In tlio lYonl It.inhs.
"WhyI have been told here that It will not
bo safe"to nominate a lima who has been a
crccnbackcr. You have uol to uomimuo n
man who has boon either a greonbackor or a
gold bug and take your ctiotco. A green-
UacKor why.bless your soul , this movement
was begun by greoubarkers. Although I
take credit for being the father of thU move
ment In its present form , the seed sown by
tbo old greenOackora is whit has uroasut
forth tills movement. Ah , but somebody
says take up a now man who , though ho may
ugreo with the greonbaclc movement , has
not bo3ii ideiititlcu with it In the past. The
first issue of grconoacks was the
greenbacks which remained at par all during
the war. Hut there was u now
issue of greenbacks that had that
exception clause In it. It in on the principle
of the original crccnbackers that this move
ment Is founded. I believe In your selecting
a man for the hour a man who will moot the
approval of the people inside the party. Do
not bo afraid ol what the opposition may
nay. You bring up a man hero and say ho
has not made cnomics in thU movement and
I say ho U not , worth that ( with a snap of the
lingers ) tn this movement. Wo want a man
who has made enemies for this cause and
will go forward and make moro enemies In
the future. Such a man 1 am satisfied you
will nominate today.
"All over the United States nro thousands
who are waiting. Thov uro waiting until
the tolcgraph ticks tno now. * of the nominee
of this convention. I do not want to disap
point our friends nil over this nation. 1
know you do not want to , so Ictus proceed
to business nnd ns soon as possible send out
over the wires the naino of tno man who wo
hope will occupy the white house for the
next four years. " ( Cheers.J
Undo f'reem ill's Huino 3I.ulo Gavol.
A. now gavel announced a coming by per
mission of tlio owner from limber on the llrst
homestead entry in the United States was nt
this moment presented to the chairman. Ho
rapped It vigorously on the desk amid
laughter caused by the declurallon that ibis
gavel , unllko the ono used at a
recent national convention , had not been
stolen and that the independent parly did
not require to steal either Us thunder or Its
iio : < | iiencc on tilt ) Side.
General William Jackson Armstrong , who
was inspector general of consuls under
Grant's administration , was given tha lloor
at the request nf Mr. Taubeneck , pending re
ports from committees. There was consid
erable dissent to anything but strict busi
ness but General Armstrong was llnally al
lowed to proceed with an oration.
Chairman Tauboncok roprosnntlng the ex
ecutive committee stated that General Arm
strong had been Invited by the oxocutlvo
committee fb deliver a twenty-minute speech
Saturday afternoon , but had boon over
looked , flo wanted tbo privilege accorded
at tills tlmo and amid expressions of dissatis
faction it was so ordoiod.
General Armstrong said : "On this sacred
day wo are mot hero at the core of the nation
to organize civilisation for the last fight for
Justice. There U not n s.otil hero so sorvllo
that it docs not revolt at Injustice. Amid
the palaces of the rich are hoard tha groans
of the starving poor. Dives , like Cain of old
says. 'I am not my brother's keeper.1 Ono
million llvahundred thousand mon tramp tlio
streets of the country begging for the r.rivi-
logo of earning tbclr bread , nnd lO.OJJ mil
lionaires arc eatlni : the bread they do not
The riirinrriu u.Scrf ,
"No dead American has a right tn ho under
n gravestone costing f lriUU03 whllo a live
American woman is starving in n garret.
The American farmer becomes a serf and a
tenant on the soil where once no was lord.
Wo pay to the best talent of this country for
supreme Judge , $10,000 a year , and to a Wall
street manipulator J 1.000.000 a year for sys
tematically swindling and robbing tbo pco <
plu. It has come to such a pass that it can
bo said that the price of a cabinet portfolio
under a icpublluan administration Isfl&O.OOO.
Wo have mot to protest against special privl-
egos to any cla i of citizens on the platform
of equal rights. Wo have mot to afllrm that
the oulv sacred thing In tali world is
humanity ; that tbo only thing having n right
In this world is man. Wo have mot to afllrm
that the sorrows of this world should bo at
tended to hero mid not wait for the myster
ious Judgments of tbo future state. "
Mr. Dean of Now York called the speaker
to ilmo. stating that tbo limit had oxoircd ,
and in too interest ot tbo Now Yorlc delega
tion ho demanded that the business of the
convention proceed. Dean's remarks wore
loudly applauded , anil In deference to the un
mistakable wish of the convention General
Armstrong made his little bow und rotirod.
A California delegate arose ana demanded
in the name of his delegation to know who
General Armstrong was. It had boon staled
that ho was well known alt over tbo country
nnd the ( 'rtllfornlunsould like a llttlo in
formation. It was not given.
Sjolio to nn Impatient Audience ,
Mrs. Kniery of Michigan was Introduced
for a speech nnd fared better than
General . Armstrong , but the con
vention was visibly impatient to got
to business. An Oregon delegate claimed
attention for a moment to present another
gavel lu honor of the people's party achieve-
nioiits in the Oregon stivto election. The
chairman returned brio ! Ihanki and amid
cheering from all tides the couimlttc-o reports
\\crd announced as ready.
Alter ( ho Kullroaili.
The roll of states wua then called and each
tiatit sent up the name of IU member of the
uatlojiul committee.
A utorm was precipitated by Chairman
Branch of the resolutions committee by call
ing attention tn the fact "that probably
through some oversight" the ticuol agent In
Washington nnd la ether sUtos on the line
of the Union Pacific railway did not receive-
instructions to allow the delegate. * to the
convention the usual reductions in fares and
appointing n committee of three to communi
cate with the railroad oftlctals to have "tho
mistake rectified. " A delegation moved that
.ho Northern Pacific nnd Great. Northern ho
ncludcd in tbo resolution , Instantly Marlon
Jannon of California nroso to protest against
thu resolution ns exhibiting u want of Inde
pendent spirit t.i the convention. Ills vohc-
nout denunciation of the roads brought thu
audience to It9 feet several tunes and led to
the liveliest scons of thu d iy.
Count Delegate * Wcro Insulted.
"I want this convention to understand. "
ho said , " that it Is not by nn oversight the
Pacific coast delegates have boon overlooked.
Our request for customary courtesy was ao-
iiiad doliboiMtely and with Insolciu-u. I do not
want this convention , so far as California Is
concerned and so fur as I am concerned , to
go buck to that railroad , cap in hand , nnd
nsit for any privileges whatever. [ Tumultu
ous cheors. ] The democrats und republicans
secured half faro , but wo , not cnnncctoil
with rnlltoads , but the producer. * of the
earth , have been refused equal torins. Wo
can stand the refusal. " [ Cheer * . |
Up to this time Mr. Cannon showed evi
dence of his feeling by the Increasing tromu-
lousncss of his tones. Now ho grow livid
with passion ns ho swung his hut In the air
and declared In tones that rang from und to
end of the hall "Wo can lull those rail
way compinlcs that the people will own und
oporalo those roads vot. "
Hero the enthusiasm nnd passion ot the
speaker extended to the audience Every
member rose , cheers rent the air , handker
chiefs 'wore waved , and It was several mo
ments before the speaker could conclude.
The Montana delegation endorsed the sen
timents of Mr. Cannon ; so did the Oregon
Branch of Georgia , chairman of the rosolu
ttons committee , said the centlcmun from
California , Oregon nnd ether western status
bad asked the commitlco to bring in this
resolution but in vlow of the sentiments ex
pressed ho would withdraw it.
Culm ; to I.nw About It.
Dean of Now York then grasped the matter -
tor to make politics out of it. There was an
interstate ) commerce committee and ho moved
that it bo brought before that organization to
sec whether the law permitted railroads to
discriminate In favor of onu national conven
tion against another. "Lot us use It for the
mirpos.o of n political campaign , " bo said.
Tbo motion to make complaint to the com
mission was carried.
Tbo committee 0:1 : resolutions was still
wrestling with the platform and on n state
ment that It would bo two hour i before it
could report a recess was taken until 'J
ArrniiNooN SKSMOX.
Wlmt the 1'coplo'g I'nrty Did nt the Coirxciu
tton Yehter.l.iy.
"Tlio robber of old was simple and bold ,
And rarely put on any frills
But the robber today Iris a different way ,
And the tuxpaycis foot up the bills. "
That was the song , to the tune of Kobln
Hood , which greeted the delegates nnd spec
tators who filed -into the big Coliseum for
yost&rday afternoon's session. "Get OlT ,
Got Oil the Earth , Wo Can't Have Rest
Upon It" was tbo successor to "Tho Tax
payers Foot Up the Bills. " They were sung
from the stage with spirit by u
phenomenal glee club and wcro re
ceived with enthusiasm. A half
dozen others followed , being accompanied by
n Kicking sbulllo of the foot ns if tbo bassos
saw with n prophetic vision tbo centlo pro
pulsion of an Invisible nrmv of olllceliolders
of the old parties making tin Involuntary exo
Tboso sonesserved the double purpose of
keeping the audianco In gooa humor und in a
semblance of order. It was 2:07 : o'clock when
Chairman Loucks called the convention to
order , but It , vas after II before all the delegates -
gates and visitors hod secured seats and the
raps of tbo chairman had resulted In even a
beginning of business. The tickets which
had been withhold early In the day had evi
dently got into the bunds tbat would use
them , for the Immense ball wui almost com
pletely filled. It was very sultry and fully u
third of the delegates were in shirt sleeves.
KIIIISU * ( JIM'S Cuiiio lor KntliiislaKin.
A telegram was road announcing that the
republican delegation from Wellington
county , Kansas , had gone to the congres
sional convention with a certain candidate
who was defeated , and that on their return
the delegation put on badges of the people's
party candidate. The announcement was
creeled wi h loud cheers.
A motion was carried that the resolutions
committee report such parts of the platform
ns were ready nnd that these bo considered
by the convention whllo the ether parts nf
the platform were bolug considered by the
committee. This was apparently the llrst
move on the part of the Weaver men to
hasten n ballot. A suspicion had gained cur
rency that tbo committee on resolutions was
not anxious to mono very speedy progress ,
for the reason that It as u whole preferred
Juduo Groslnm for the cindldalo snd
wanted time to got an agreement from him
tbat ho would lot the convention nominate
him , The motion was carried , but the com
mittee reported that it was not propurod Just
yet to make a partial report.
Waiting on ( irmlmin.
George C. Ward of Missouri got recogni
tion nt once on this announcement and
moved to suspend tbo rules nnd proceed to
ballot for nomination of candidates. This
was seconded , but there was no Intention on
the part of the ardent Gresham men to give
up until the last straw on which they loaned
was broken , and an Illinois delegate tnado
ttc point of order that the motion was con
trary to the rules llxing nn order of busi
ness.Tho chairman overruled the point on the
ground that the convention could do as it
Islington of Georgia made a counter move
on the chess board to tins ruling by moving
tbo tabling ot tlio motion and carried his
point by a very largo majority.
The Weaver mun know they were strong
in view of tno Kyle telegrams and laughed
at assurances from Greshain men that he
would accept , and they wanted moro speed
put ) on tbo wheels of the convention.
Lamb of Texas , a Weaver man , nnd also
working for Terrell for vice presidentmoved
to adopt the cntiro St. Louis platform as the
partv platform. This motion was irrootod
with mingled cries ot approval and disap
Drown oT Miiflfiucliiiiiutti.
Brown of Massachusetts made a speech on
the subject declaring , amid applause , thai
the St. Louis platform was the ono upon
which the organizations of united labor
stood , They did not intend that anything
should bo taken from or added to. "Tho
compact of St. Louis If , " ho continued"thoy
desire nome additional resolutions as the
sense of this body they can move
them when they return. [ Cheers. ]
But I see no reason why wo
should sit hero and bo kept hero while all
those who have crude theories appear before
the committee on resolutions and air their
superior knowledge of what the country
needs nt this tlmo [ chcorsl , therefore let us
adopt the St. Louis platform and proceed
with tbo nomination of the pooplo'n leader
upon the principles \\hlcu are to smash
plutocracy. Lot the nominating speeches bo
wade on Fourth of July , tbo natal day of
tbo country's Indopoudonro. "
iJologato McDowell of Tennessee objected
to the attempt to depart from precedent ad
vocated by the last speaker , nnd Delegate
Manning , tbo boy orator of Alabama , added
his quota to the debate. His views , how
ever , did not receive vufllplont attention to
enable the mooting to judge whether they
favored tha proposal of Mr , Brown or op
posed It , '
Adopted Amid 'I'lliiHillllOils Anjtluiiso.
The effect of the proceedings in the con
vention was to alarm the resolutions com
mittee. They bncauie stampeded , and soon
filed on tbo $ tago with a platform hastily
brought to a completion. Their appoaruuco
removed the cause for tbo tight on the lloor
and It was permitted to go by the board , and
the couveu'.ion Uicuuio illout whllo Thornus
V. Cntor ot California road the preamble ot
the unanimous report of tbo resolutions com
mittee on tlio platform adopted. Cater
moved the adoptlon'ot ' the preamble and It
was adopted by a unanimous uprising of
delegates and tumultuous npplauso.
Declaration nf
Assembled upon the ono hundred and six
teenth nnnlvcMnrv ol the declaration of
indopsnitonce , the People's party ot America ,
[ n their llrst national convention , mvoKlni ;
upon their action thu blosslcg of nlmlghtv
God , puts forth in tno nama and on behalf of
the people of this country , the following pre
amble and declaration of principles :
Thu conditions wlueli surround us best Jus
tify our coopur.itloii.Voincct In the inUlM
of it nation btotiKlit to tlio ver o of moral , nnd tiiutnlnl ruin. Corruption
dominates the ballot box , the legislatures ,
thu coiicrc , and touches oxen thu
criiitno of thu bunch. The people uro do-
mornllzcd. Most of the states lia\u boon com
pelled t o Isolate t ho voter * lit the polling pliu-iM
ininovent iniivorsV tiittintdit'lon or bribery.
Thu nuwcp.ipers uro Inr uly Milsldl/ud or
mti77.lud. public opinion sliencctl. business
pro-United , our homes envoioJ With mort-
JMUOS. 'nbor impoverished , anI the land eon-
ocntr.itlnir In the liitnds of the capitalists.
The urn in worinnon lira dimltid tha
rU'ht o ( or.animation for Holf pro
tection ; Imported pauperized labor
boats down tholr wuf 03 ; u lilrclln : stnii iln-j
tinny , unrecognized by our luwst. Is cstab-
llshi'd to shoot tlioni down , and they are tap-
lilly do'unuiitluz Into I' conditions.
The fruits of the toll 'uf mill ons uro boldly
atokn to build fortunes for u few ,
iinprucedciuu.l in the history of
klnd , and the .nossossois of thosi- ,
In turn , dcsplsd , the republic und
eiidani-jr llui-rty. Ironi tlio s.unu piolllio
uoint ) of coverntiicnlul Injustice wo breed the
twomuiit elns os fainus and millionaires.
The n itlonai pottur to I'ruito money Is au-
projirlated to onrlolibo-idholdurs. A vast pub
lic clota pnyiiblo In' tender currency has
buen tunJi'd Into u'olrt-ne trim ; bonds , thereby
adding millions to the burdens of thu people.
Tlie Old L'arllLM Arraigned.
Silver , which has boon accepted aseoln slnco
thu dawn of lilstor/ * bus been demonetized to
mid to tlio i.urcli.isUu' po er of gold by dc-
ci easing thu vuluu ofall , forms of property , us
well as hum in leer : , and the Hiipnly of cur
rency Is purposely abridged to fatten usurer * ,
binkrnptcitturprlsiiaml oinlave Industry. A
vnst cotiMprr.u'y aiulnst in inUtiid bus bucn or
ganized on two continents and Is rapidly InkIng -
Ing possession or I ho world. If not met and
overthrown nt once It foru odes ten Iblo soulal
convulsions , the destruction of elvlll/utlon.
or the estuhllshniuntof an absolute despotls-n ,
Wo liavu witnessed for morj than u century
the sttugRloof tbo tno pintle ;
forpowor mid plunder , wlillogrlovlons wrotus
have been Inllleted upon the sulVerlns people.
Wo'u that thu coniiolllng Influences
dominating both thusu putties have purmlttud
tlio existing dreadful con lltlons to dovolup
without serious elToit to prevent or restrain
them. Neither do they now promise us unv
substantial reform. They have a'-jreo.l to-
L'ether tn Inuoro In the coming campaign
every Ksno hut one , Thov propo'-o to drown
thu outcries of plumleicd people with thu
uproar of aslium uattlu ( nor tlio taillT , so
that capitalists , cnrn'gratlons national banks ,
rliiRs. trusts , wutorod stofl > , thu demount/ ! -
tlon of cilver , and thu oppressions of the
usurers inuv nil uo lojt slxht. of. Thov pro-
POPU to s.icrtlloo onr homes , lives and children
on tlio altar of Mammon ; to destroy the nitil-
tltudu In order to need re corruption funds
fiom the millionaires. .
Assembled on the anrtlversirv of tin birth
day of the imtlun , und filled With the sphitof
thn gran'l gononitluit who est ibllslu-d our In
dependence ; woseul , to restore the covcrn-
inuntof tlio republic to the hands of "thaplulu
pooplo" with whosu class It originated.
"The War Is Over. "
Wo assert our purposes to bo Identical with
thu purposes of the. national constant on
"To form n moro por.'oct union , establish jus
tice. Insure domestic tr.iiifinUlty. ptovldo for
thn common defense , promote the funeral
welfare and secure the blessings of liberty for
ourselves nnd our posterity. " We doslaro
that this ropnb.le c only endure nsafiuo
government whllu but.t ; upon the lovu of the
whole people for-eaMi other and for the
n.itlon ; that It cannolikc pinned toolher by
bayonets : tbat the t VL1 wnr Is qyyr.jipd.thut
ovury irisslon and runnftuiunl wlilch arew out
of it must die with It binJ that wo must hu In
fait , as uo uro In name , ono united brother
hood of freemen.
Onrconntry linds Itsnlf confronted by con
ditions for which there Is no precedent In the
hlstury of thu world our annum ucrluiiiturul
productions amount to billions of dollars In
value , which must within n few nooks or
months bo exchanged for billions of dollars
of commodities consumed In their production ;
the existing currency supply Is wholly limdu-
( iiiato to iiuiUo this oxclmiKo ; the results are
lulling prices , the formation of combines und
ring's and the impoverishment of the producing
elnss. Wo pled'-'O ourselves that If given
power wo will lubor to correct these evl s by
wlso mid reasonable legislation in accordance
with thu terms of ourplatform.
Wo bulluvothat the powers of covornmcnt
In other words , of thu people should ho ex
pandcd ( as In the CIEO of thu postal service )
as rnpldlyind | : is far ns thu Kood sense of un
Intul Igcnt people and the teachings of c.\poii-
enco shall justify , to the end oppression.
Injustice ami poverty shall eventually cease
In thu land. -
Threefold Declaration.
Whllo 'itir sympathies us a party of reform
uro naturally upon thu side of every proposi
tion which will tend to make men Intelligent ,
virtuous and temperate , wo nevertheless r -
garc ihesuiiiesthins. ] Important us they are ,
as Rocondur/ thugieut Issues now pruss-
\ux \ for solution , and upon which not-cniy our
Individual urospuilty hut the very oMstcned
of free Institutions depend ; anil we nsk all
men to first hull ) us t ( | determine whether no
are to have n republic toiulrnlnlstnr rofoio wo
nlirur as to thu conditions upon which It Ii , to
bo aJinlnlstore 1 , builevliu that the forces of
reform this day or tni/cd will never ceasu
to move forward until every wroiu Is rem
edied and Ciu. il r , Khts und equal privileges
seeuro'y established" for all the men and
women of the country.
Wo dceliirt' . tlieiotorc ,
Tlrst , That the union of tlio Inl'or forces of
the I'nltud btatcs , 'this day consummated ,
slmll liu permanent and purpotu il. May Its
spirit enter Into all l irts for the salvation uf
thu republic mid the uullf tins or maiiKlnd.
bucunil. Wealth belongs to him who creates
It , and every dollar taken from Industry with
out un equivalent U robbery. "If any will
not wori < , nultlicr shall hu oat. " The Interests
of rural und clvlo labor are the name ; tholr
onomles am Identical.
Third , Wo believe that the tlmo has como
wlieu the railroad corporations will either
own thu people or thu people must own
und should thu government enter
upon the work of owning and in in-
afln'- any or all railroads wu Kllmud
favor nn amendment to the constitution
by which all persons unzaKud In the govern
ment oorvlco shall lie placed under a evil
service regulation ( if tno most ilKld char
acter , so UK to prevent the Increase of the
power of the national ndmlnlbtratlon by thu
use of tin eh additional government employes ,
S riaUonn
ritst Wo demand a national currency , eafe ,
sound and lloxlble , i snetl by the general gov
ernment only , u full lo.-al tender forall debts- ,
puhlle and private ; und that without the use
of IrmkliiK corporations , a Just , o itutub.o and
ulllclent means of distribution direct to thu
people , nt a tax not uxQucdlng * pur cent , bo
provided , us but forth Imlliu Hubtrcasury plan
of the farmers alliance , or some hotter sys
tem ; also by imymcriU in ( llsch'ir o of Its ob
ligations for public Imilrovemenls.
( a ) \Vudnmaiid freo.nnd iinltinltcd coinage
of sllvur und Kold at tbo present legal jatloof
10 to 1. i
( b ) Wo demand that' tlm amount of circu
lating medium be spuodlly Incrcabtid tu not
loss than $ V > par capita. '
( c ) We demand a graduated Incoino tax.
( d ) Wo bellovo that the money of the coun
try should bo kept n * much us possible In thu
liandu of the people , and..henco wo demand
that all ktuto and national revenue Miull bo
limited to the necessary cxpon'cs of the gov
ernment economically and honestly ad
ministered. u
( c ) Wo demand thutJpojtal savings banks bo
ostibllHhod by tlio uovurumont for thu sufu de
posit ot the earnings of the people and to
facilitate uxohnngu ,
focond Transpoi tatlou belns a moans of
oxohungound u public necessity , thu govern
ment ihoiild own amlloper.ito the rullioada In
the Interest of the people.
( a ) Thu tuloxruph and te'oplione , lllo the
poslolllco SYbtem , belli : a nuocsslty for trans-
inlbslon of nowd , bhould IIUOH nud and opor-
atej by the government In the Interest of the
Third Tlio land , Including all the natural
resources of wo ilth. Is the lierltanu of all iho
people , and should not bo nionnpoll/ed for
spouulatlvo purposes , nnd alien ownership of
land Hhoulil bo pnditbltod. All land now hold
by railroads und ether corpor itloni In excess
of tholr actual noodi , und ul | Itindi now owned
by aliens should bo reclaimed by the govuru-
tncnt an \ held for nctuul hQUlors only ,
Hl ranch of Georgia road the platform proper.
The strong sentences picturing uraphlcally
tbo ruin of the country , unless there were a
reform , were well received and met approba
tion , but when the sentences relating to gov
ernment ownership of transportation in the
people's Interest was rQaphed there was a
demonstration which interrupted progrcst ,
ox-Senator Van Wyck In tbo front of the ball
leading tbo Nebraska delegation and tbo con
How I'opulur I'lankViTU Itcculved.
Tbo reading of ucar'.y ovury plank of the
platform proper was received with some ap
plause. The free silver plank was enthusi
astically greeted nttli cheers and waving of
bats , nnd the government ownership of the
railroads plank nsrnin got a tumultous erect
ing , tn which it was notlciublo that Nubrusu : ,
Gcorglii , Kansas and Texas led ,
Applnusu and cries of "amen" from all
parts ot the house was the recaption ac
corded tbo paragraph favoring government
control of the telephone and tciocrnph linos.
A regular Baptist campmcuilng chorus
greeted the laud plank.
The conclusion of the raadlng of the plat
form was warmly greeted. Its adoption was
instantly moved , and though an outsldo
dclegnto was striving for some unknown
purpose to got recognition , it was put
through by unanimous consent , the whole
convention rising In ndvanco of the. chair
and adopting the platform almost before lie
cquhl move Its adoption.
At once , on the adoption of the platform ,
the convention broxo over all restraint und
wont wild In n demonstration that had a
likeness todcscnptlons of enthusiastic baslilo
demonstrations in Franco. The whole con
vention , audience and delegates , rose to tholr
feet and the llrst platform of the people's
party was ushered Into the world with n
E.CCIIO of enthusiasm that In intensity and
earnestness , though not iu absolute length ,
ulmoit equalled the cyclonic ovation which
greeted the mention of the name of James G.
Blalno nt Minneapolis.
Went Wild with n.ithnilasm. .
That secno lasted thlrtv-ono mlnute.s , nnd
this scene between twenty nnd twenty-live
minutes. It began by tha convention rising to
their chairs , cheering , swinging colts ,
which had been been taken olT on account
of Iho heat , waving hats and fans ntitl throw
ing things into the nlr. All the delegate *
were on their feel and tbo stage was crowded
with members of Iho commlttoo on resolu
tions. Several delegates soUed Branch of
Gcotgla , the chairman , and trotted him up
and down Iho main aisle on their shoulders.
The uproar continued tremendously. As if
by n Hash a number of dclogato seized the
uprights used to hold ptac.irJi designating
the place of state delegations in Iho hall and
ruuhed with them to the platform , forming a
cordon about the whole platform' . Bannbra
wcro also berne thero. The Now Yorkers
solved old man Lloyd of New York , whoso
beaming , ruddy face , long wblto locks nnd
beard gnvo him n Hip Van Winkle aspect ,
and bearing him on their shoulders placed
him in Iho very front of the phalanx on the
stage , where ho was handed a baton and
enthusiastically beat tlmo to the wild cheer
ing of the crowd. Thu outhuslasm continued
as great as over and each now banner was
warmly greeted.
I'rontlur Connty'H Hiiiincr.
Frontier countv , Nebraska , ooro n placard
inscribed , "What is homo without n mort
gage ! Don't all speak lit once. " A picture
of a settlor's cabin was a part of it , and on
thu ether side , on a big gold plcco , was In
scribed "Tventy toiler , 163i , " the portrait
device on the coin hcliiL' that of a money
lander , with long , avaraeious nose , und no
ticeable lacK of chin.
Tennessee's banner pledged 50,000 votes to
the now party. Ylnribia had George Wash
ington 1'or its exemplar.
Brown of Massachusetts soiled the bltto
silk banner of the Old Bay state , with its.
motto , 'The Spirit of 1770 , " nnd n coal black
negro delegate putting his silk beaver and nn
American Hag on his cane , the two sprang to
tbo siao of old man Lloyd , the tbrco formed
un apex ut the canter of tbo stage , around
which all hands gathered. The shouting had
lasted llftoou mluutcs , and it was hot and
these mo.
A new freak'at this moment seized the al
most delirious delegates and gave fresh vent
to.the feelings of thu excited , mammoth as
semblage. Tbo banners and placards wcro
rushca down from the stage and an Im
promptu procession , to which now ndh'cronts
were constantly received , was started around
the body .of the hall In which the delegates
sat , a band of drummers heading the march
Connecticut's Profanity.
Connecticut's banner said , "Congress , and
not the paople , bo damned. Shylock's twins ,
Grover nnd Bon. " The crowd broke forth
tlmo and tlmo azain iu applause ; the women
joined in thn movement and getting in line
matched with their mala associates , men
not In line shouting encouraging cries of
"UIgbt , sister I"
The enthusiasm showed itself in countless
eccentricities. Texas had a coffco can sun-
posed to represent a tin pall on the end of its
polo , and women's hats , a silk tile , and other
headcoar adorned others. The leaders lln-
ully concluded to stem the tide , and with
vigorous efforts endeavored for a long time ,
by pushing nnd hectoring their delegations ,
to secure order , but it tool ; some minutes to
accomplish this. The ramarkublo dcmonstra-
tlon.stlll continued and , forminir in the center
of the hall , the band played "Yankee Doodlo"
and "Dixie , " whllo the oltorvospenoo of
thn audience continued to expend itself iu
uolcunic cheering.
S. M. Scott , state lecturer of the Kansas
alliance , when bo got , an opportunity , aided
bv ether singers on thu stage , started up
"Good Uyo , Old I'nrty , Good I5vo , " the dele
gates Jilnine. lu the chorus. "My Country ,
'Tis of Thee , " played by a second band ,
closed tno extraordinary Fourth of July
colouration of the now party.
I.ouoli'ii Vain Attempt.
Now catno a marvelous climax. Tauco-
nock of Illinois , the chairman of the Na
tional committee , had during the latter part
of the scene following the adoption of the
platform been in despair , seeking to got an
opportunity to make himself hoard. Ha was
on his chair wildly waving a telegram Just
received. The surmisa that the dispatch
was from Gresham spread llko wlldllro , and
from all over tbo hall paople ran to get In
formation from TauoonccK , whtlo others be
came cxcltoJ and added to the confusion by
howling down their neighbors. The people
on the htngo were iho noisiest , and Ingorioll
of Kansas , tcgardloss of Iho rapping of the
chairman's gavel , excitedly rushed up and
vehemently warned them to keep quiet.
Chairman Lnucks , whoso speccu on first
tailing the gavel in the morning bad stamped
him an anll-Greshum man , sought now to
create a diversion ncalnst tha Imminent
stampede of convention to Greslmm. The
ch'ilrman began his maneuver by starting
out with a denunciation of iho alleged action
of the postmaster general , in excluding
from the mails , us anarchistic , certain of
the pcople'.s party literature. Continuing ho
said ; "Thero Is only ono question before old
politicians of today , that is iho presidency ;
the platform i'l ncvor discussed , At Min
neapolis the enthusiasm was after Iho man
who had thn patronage to dispose of had
been named. Here wo huvo our enthusiasm
on the platform on which this party Is going
bofora the people. Can there ba a greater
contrast in the character of the parties , and
who can doubt which party has tbo people's
Again Su Itched Oil'
Toubenock by this tlmo was on the plat
form and there was comparative utilot , but
attention was again taken from tno matter
of real Interest by the chair recognizing In
stead of Tp.uboncck n delegate named Wad-
worth of Indiana. "Glory bo to God , " boguii
Mr. Wudworth In solemn tones , ' -and peace
on earth , " and after this pious exclamation
ho went on with n inora or loss rambling ad
dress of considerable lonctb , ' 'Wo will
soon , " said Wuuworth , "naino tbo Moses
who will load us out of the wilderness. Wo
have met nt Omaha und we will go straight
to Washington. With the man whom you
will hoar named as our standard bearer our
party will bo llko the uvalancho which gath
ers strength as It rushes down tbo mountain
sldo , ar.d woo to those who itanu In Its
way. " c
At this point the Impatience of delegates
and spectators was approaching a dangerous
pitch , and the orator puddonly ttubjldoa ,
.Sir. Taubcnock , telegram in his hand , was
at last , amid renewed cheers and confusion ,
Accorded a bearing by the chair.
Grciliam' * Declaration of Acceptance.
"Ladles and gentlemen , " said Chairman
Taubcnock wbon alienee was restored , " 1
have Just received a telegram from Dr.
Hautor of Indiana. In order that you may
know what credit to place In It I will toll you
who he Is. Ho is the present candidate for
lieutenant governor on the peoples' parly
ticket , und the author of luo cclobratod work
Ii Marringo a Failure ! ' [ Laughtur.j ThU
is iho tologram. 'I huvo soon Groibum. If
unanimous ho will not decline.1
The olTocl of tbli telegram was electrical ,
Thouiuudi ot pouplo sprang lunautly to
\u \
Wtathtr for Om tit an J 17-
" A
Miff" . ' ' 4
I. I'nnpln'A t'liitCnnii VI r.l ,
U'e.nor and I'leld No tied.
S. lira/limn Krlirls Sneii ulgnln. .
II. Council IllnlN Neu * . , „ ,
Clinlrru Sprrndllig In ' -'lltt.
1 , IMltorlal nnd Comment.
llentli'n M nslilngton Letter.
r . Spurti of tlio I'oiirlli ,
U. Clrcin lluml Killed Uy the Coolc.
How NcbniKki ( 'rh'tinitpil.
8 Illitiuler oMheSIUrr.Mrn.
l'lr orl < s In Om.ilm.
U. Omaha's Independence Day.
All'iilri ut .smith Omulm.
10. All About St. Ive < .
Of Interest to 1'iirniorn.
11 , bummer I > : I'M In lltiKliind.
their foct nnd thousands of voices cheered
again and again forGroshatu. There seemed
no doubt that among those wildly diacritic
enthusiasts wcro a majority of the delegates ,
whether their enthusiasm was an ovldeacuot
tbclr fooling or not.
Immediately utter the reading of this dis
patch by Chairman Tnuboneck , Mr. Brown
of Massachusetts took the stago. "Equal
right to till , special privileges to nouo , " ho
snld. [ Loud cheers.I "Tho chairman has
made the announcement that Gresham will
accept if nominated unanimously , [ Cries of
"Tbat'a right" and moro chourlug , vUlbly to
the annoyance of the speaker. ! I hold in my
hand a letter from Mr. Mann 1'ago , chairman
of tbo Virginia state alliunco. In which bo
tells mo that bis naino mav go before tbo
convention for tno presidential nomination ,
and after a full , froa nnd fair oxprcsslon of
the will of the convention , ho Is prepared to
abide bv tbo result. [ Faint cheers nud
laughter ! ] That Is Just a llttlo bit bettor
than Mr. Gresham , who wants it unani
mous. "
Aroic und Chrorrd lur ( Ireshnm.
Here tbo audience nroso on masse , "Gros-
ham , Greslmm 1" "Thrco cheers for Ores-
ham ! " "Hurrah for Giwhain ! " rang through
the hall for several seconds , nnd the words
were accompanied by wilu manifestations of
"Keep cool , " shouted Chairman Loucks ,
"and lister to the speaker , every man will
have hi * turn. "
Brown resentfully yelled , "J do not pro-
pole to attempt io siampudo the convention
with the aid of the gallery. That is an old
party trick. "
A volley of hisses , loud and long continued ,
greeted this statement , and nguln the chair
man Interfered , shouting , "Tuts is n disgrace
to this convention. "
Instantly Robert Schilling of Wisconsin
sprang to "his foot. "No gentleman has a
right to Insult tha chairman of our national
committee and our convention , " ho said ,
amid ringing cheers. "No ono has a right to
GO insult us by making charges and fraudu
lent insinuations ripainst the party's chair
man. " . [ Wild cheers. ]
Tliero Was n Tumult.
Indescribable confusion followed , and
recriminations wcro hurled back and forth
by the two factions. When silence was
rcstorod Mr. Brown ot Massachusetts once
more demanded attention. "If in anything I
have .snld or done in the luntot tha moment , "
said he , "I have insulted our national com-
mlttco chairman , for whom I entertain a pro
found respect , I humbly apologize. [ Ap-
plauso.j And I apologize to this convention
that 1 should huvo been disorderly a short
11 mo ago. " | Uenowcd applauso. ]
At this moment Mrs , Lcoco. the imposing
looking female leolurnr of the alliance in
Kansas , wa ? seen elbowing her way throuuh
the crowd on the .staeo in order to reach the
front of the platform. The chairman imme
diately recognized her , nnd she , waving her
hand iinpeiiouslv to the convention , shouted
in her peculiarly stentorian voice : "I , too ,
have received a message. I am authorized to
say that If the nomination Is tendered unani
mously oven Benjamin Harrison will not
derline. " ( IX'rlsivo IJughtor and applause. ]
The Grosbnni people , bovruvor , were not
dismayed by those evidences of sharp oppo
sition to their candidate , and "Throo cheers
for Walter Q. Grcsbam" wcro called for nnd
given with a will.
Vmiilervoort'rt Dank Movement.
At Ibis point tbo opponents of Gresham
made a clover move to prevent his name
carrying the convention bv storm. I'uul
Vnndervoort of Nebraska , who for tbrco
days has been declaring vigorously against
the nomination of Greslmm , and who Is bit
terly opposed to him , having been removed
from ofllco by Gresham when the latter was
postmaster general , claimed recognition.
With remarkable dexterity ho shifted his
position nnd assumed tha role of a Greslmm
enthusiast , "If It is true , " snld ho , "that
\Valter Q. Gr.'shnm will nccopt on tuo
platform of the pooplu's party , I will support
him with nil my heart and second his nomi
nation In this convention. In iho Intciost of
harmony , in the interest of unanimous nomi
nation , in ttio Interest of victory by and for
the people's party , In tbo interest of our
grand principles , In the hope that wo can all
join here to sacrillca our personal fuollngs ,
trampling under foot solllsti purposes , rising
ubovo men nnd planting ourselves upon the
eternal truth , I move that this convention
adjourn after the nominating speeches are
made until 7 p. m. " [ Applause , followed by
Jeers. ]
Looked Upuu It ns n Scheme.
The Greshain neoplo , however , rocognlzod
this as a ruse to dofcat their candldalo , und
Mr. Vandorvoort's ollvo branch was re-
colvcd with but llttlo fnvor. Hccognlzlng
that his attempt was u failure , ho said :
"Now , Mr. Chuirman , I ask that thU con
vention proceed slowly. I trust that by 7
or S fc'clock we can hoar from that communi
cation which has been &ont to the grandest
man In this country. "
General Secretary John W. Hnyos of the
Knights of Labor , a strong Grushnm man ,
sprang to the front ot thu stage nnd do-
nounccd this as a bchomo ol delay unworthy
of the roprosontailvoj of the people's party.
"This motion to adjourn , " said bo , "Is made
for the purpose of preventing us reaching
Iho man bhould wo want to. After 8 o'clock
Ii will bo impossible to reach Judge Grashum
If it should bo necessary. ( Prolonged ap
plause. )
llronglil ( iood I eclliifrVlth Thorn.
At this moment J. V. I'owderly. RrnuO
master of the Knights of Labor , and General
Jttmos B , Weaver , who appeared to bo prac
tically assured of tbo presidential nomination
in iho event Greshain were not chosen ,
entered the hall Mdo by sldo. Their ap
pearance was thoslgnal for prolonged cheers ,
lusting several minutas , and ns they were
c.scortod lo the stage a brlaf era of coed I col-
ing was entered on. Hardly had General
Weaver stopped on the platform , however ,
before Mrs. Loose of Kansas rushed up to
him and said : "Do not desert us , general ,
you are the choice of the people , you are the
country's choico. "
Weaver shook her hand , smiled cordially ,
and replied that If aisurancos were received
from Grcshnm himself that ho was willing io
accept on the people's party platform ho was
fur Grosbam , uut ho ngrood with his friends
that it\vould , be wiser to uo authoritatively In
formed of tlio Judge's tntontion before
nominating him ai u people's party cnnuldnto
for the presidency.
Toured Oil on tlio Tumbled Waters.
Tbo question now recurred on the motion
for a recess until 1-'M , but tt , was to
vehemently opposed by the ( Jroihatn people
that a call of HtatCH was dcinandyd , Tula
meant a half hour's delay , but there seemed
no way of avoiding It until Mr. S. F.
Norton of Illinois finally gained
tbo lloor and aikod permission lo make n
Blatnmcnt In the intorostof harmony. ' ' 1
want to know , " said ho , "If U U In order to
move to suspend the roll call ana inniio a mo
tion to adjourn until 8 o'clock and pull our
selves together for work , now wo need It , "
[ Great laughter und applause. ]
Mr. Norton's llttlo speech fcemod llko
pouring ell on the troubled water * , and by
unanimous consent the ruled were suspended
and the motion to adjourn until S p. m being
substituted for tbo ono pending , the motion
provailuJ ,
People's ' Party Delegates Tinnllj Formulatj
n Declaration of Principles.
Preamble nntl Platform Which Sot Forth
tho'Party's Excuse for Existsnco.
No Bread Save for These Who Work is Ono
of the First Planks.
Government Ownership Asked for and an
Oporiitinc1 Plan Prosoribad.
Subtreasury Scheme or "Something Bettor"
Endorsed Aloug with Free Silver.
Something iu the Document to Suit the
Varied Tastes of All.
Loucks of South Dakota Chosen for Perma
nent Presiding Officer.
Charges ol DHcrlinliiittlon rrelerred-Itnlcs
Adopted for tlio ( Jin crnlnt ; of tlm Con
vention Niimcd u National Com
mittee ' 1 ho Hpt'cclius.
Tbo old guard has won , nnd General Jamc3
U. Waavor of Iowa is the candidate of the
people's party for president of the United
States. For live days it has been manifest
that of nil the leaders of the now party ,
Weaver was the choice of the vast majority ,
but the peculiar uvailability of Judge
Grcshnm overshadowed his personality , and
It was not until iho distinguished jurist had
positively declined to bj n candidate that tbo
delegates turned to tholr own ranks , aud al
most with ono accord soiocted the veteran
greonbackor ns their standard-uoarcr.
Tharo worosotno who feared his grjoiibaek
predollctions might ntToct his availability ,
and It was these gentlemen tvho brought
Senator Kyle of South Dakota to the front ,
but the sentiment that ono of Iho old guard
should ba elected to l"ad iho old part ;
was overwhelming nud Weaver's triumph
was llnally most complete. Indeed ,
the failure , ot the uroiham move
ment reacted promptly nnd powcrfull
In Weaver' * fnvor. The irionds of the lowan
had nrirued for several days that those who
persisted in booming Groshnui after his prac
tical refusal to bo a candidate were actuated
solely by a desire to defeat Weaver , and
when tbo Grosbam movement llnally col
lapsed It lent tbo color of truth io ibis asser
tion nnd tr.ndo iho wnvorora lurn unanimously
to Weaver.
Only Mortllled III * Friends.
The candidacy of Kyle was effective only
Tn humiliating the South Dakota friends ot
the senator. JIls own stnlo delegation had
nlwnys Insisted that Kyle was not n candi
date and the senator hlnuclf today tola-
graphed that bo did not desire hi ? naino to bo
presented to the convention. Despite ibis ,
however , the mill-Weaver men , In tlm
Hush of their first cphomcial success ,
wired Kyle that ho was the con
vention's choice p.nd that harmony demanded
his nomination , and thus llnally succeeded
In getting a statement , from iho bonator that
if his nomination was demanded by iho con
vention in the interest of harmony , ho sup
posed ho could not decline. Upon this con *
ditlonnl assent the nntl-Weavor men placed
Kyle In nomination end made a stronuotii
attempt to carry thu convention , but even
the olorjucnco of popular Ilou Schilling was
Insufllclcnt lo stem the weather tldo which
had been swelled by a sudden reaction !
fuvorof tbo old guard.
.Indgn ( ircNlmm Sendx III * Coiiiplliiicnli
hnl Will .Not Ac < reit u Nomination.
The delegates were prompt In arriving foi
the night bobslou , and they wcro all norvoui
and expectant , owing to the lack of posltlva
nnd Until Information ns to the possibility ot
an acceptance of the nomination b.v .Itidgo
Grcshnm. The nudlonco was a largo ono.
There had been complaint during the after
noon of tbo presence among the delegates ol
persons not accredited to the convention , and
It was charged tbat some of thorn had even
exorcised the right to voto. To guard
against this complaint the roll of states was
called und each delegation was required to
answer that there were no unauthorized
persons In its chair * . This also had tha
affect of dolnymr business until the conven
tion could learn absolutely and definitely
exactly what it could rely on with roforonc <
to JudL'o Grosham. The actual business
was the reading by Chairman Branch of tha
reiolutlons committee of u supplement to the
platform as follows : .
.Supplement to the I'lntforni ,
Your committee- platfnrm and resolu
tions hoc lou\o unanlinoubly to report tin
following :
WheinaH other ( iiiostlniiH have been pio-
bontod foronr eoiislileiatlon , HO hereby Nub'
mil the following not as u pint of thn plat
form ol Ihu people's patty , but us resolution *
ttxprusblvuof the buiitlmunt uf thin cuuven.
tlon ,
I'llst ltcsolveil , That wndemand n free bal
lot and a fair count In nil oleetmnu and pi ml no
( inrnelveii tn Hiiciirn II lo every Icgul > oti'r
ulthout federal intervention throuu'li the
adoption by the state * nf tlio unpervurlud
Aubtiallan or uucrui Inllnt system
Second Iti-sohiiil , That the revenue ( lei I veil
fiom a graduated Income tax should heap-
piled to tlio reduction of thu burden * of taxa
tion now roslliiL' upon the duinvktlu mdiutrlui
of thU country.
Thlrd-ltosolvod , That wo pledge our sup
port to fair nnd liberal pensions tu ox-uoluii
ioldlcrsnnd alloru ,
fourth -Kosolvrd , Thut vro condemn thu
fallacy of protecting American labor under
the present byMom , uhlch opum. our port * tu
thu pauper and criminal uliih i-s of the wor'd ' ,
Hiid ciouds out our watto oamuiuj and wo da
noiincn thu prutcnt InulTectivo lawn ir.ruliut
contract labor , und dcMand thu further ro-
i > ! rlctlon of undent i'thli > limn Ignition
1'lUUllt > ulv dThut wo 'iuidlally 4/u > l > M