THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * MONDAY. JULY 4 , 1802. "intercrt Centered on the Doming Mining Congress at Helena. TRIAL OF WYOMING'S ' CELEBRATED CASE i > OTrl'iinpnt [ of Mineral lnlcre t In All Directions Dctnlun of a llctlrod Ie- trojinc Ancnl Suinmnry of Northwest Xovr , The tcml-nnnual session of the western mining congress convened tt Helena , Mont. , on tbo ISJth lust. A variety of clr- cumstnncc * tend to muko tbo comlug aaislon the largest and * moil Influential yet held. Delegations will bo present ( rain all mlnttic talcs , and united action will bo bad on ques tion * bearing on the mining industry. Tbo lump tn tbo price of silver bullion has de moralized ninny hitherto urofUablo mining districts. A great number of mines yielding low ( , raila ore , which , , with average prices , would yield n fnlr return on tbo Investment , bavo Been forced to suspend or curtail ox- pomes to a minimum. Silver clubs arc multlnlvlng throughout the mining states. Where formerly political clubs flourished , they uio now organized for tbo single pur pose of looMing silver. Colorado has over Jllty MioU clubs , Idaho has twenty-four and .Nevada nn equal nuinbor. Silver clubs flourish in the mining ciunpa of Utah , Mon tana , Wyoming and California. Tbo senti ment In "lavor of free coinage Is so great in the minlnc district * that parly lines are van ishing ooforo the one object national legis lation to uuvatico thu jirico of the while ructul. Tbcsu organizations will invade Hel ena in great numbers. Preparations for their retention are going for ward on a sunlit dint nclcruilc of Helena hospitality. Ui-duccd railroad rates buvo been oolalucd. AMtlu from I ho busi ness of thorongrcss , the delegates \\illboon- tortalnod with excursions to uolsrt minus in the vicinity , to various local resorts , con cluding ultli au excursion lo Vcllowslono Kntiouul park. Interest in the congress Is enhanced by reason of the lart thin It8 deliberations will have an important bearing ou thu electoral Votes of the states interested. Uflinliu of ii Dimity I.cmler. Information reached Salt Lake last weak Of the death In Arizona of Bishop Lot Smith , one of the Mormon Danltes , or Destroying Angels , nn organization that flourished in Utah when Ilrighnm Yonng thought himself a bigger man than Undo Sam. Smith ac- coinpnnled the Mormons in tbolr exodus from Xauvoo , and was always an onlnuslas- tlo admirer of the prophet , Brigham Young , one of wuoso destroying angels ho was re- puled to be. There \vero four companies of tbeso destroying aneuls , each of whom worked tn ignorance of the duties of the others , and their duties varied with the character of the men. The loaders of these four g.ings were Porter Hucuwcll , Bill Hiek- muu. Lot Hunllngton and Lot Smith. Tbo wont of the two former was usually from ambush , but Lot Smith's was done openly and with a daali that won him au.utrers even among bis opponent : ) , and bed his efforts boon directed in a worthy cause might have tnado him lauious. Smith's chi ) f notoriety was achieved dur- Inir Iho Mormon war in ! & . " > " , when the Uni ted States forces , 3,000 .strong , wore march ing to Utah. Lot Smith , with his pane , was detailed lo annoy and rob the army on Its march. He had a thorough Knowledge of the Country which gave him a great njrnn- tago over the troops and with bit handful of tiien was enabled to harass the soldiers at every turn. On the 4th of October of the year mentioned Lot Smith and bis parly sud denly appeared at Simpson's Hollow , near Green river , where n government supply train was corruled , dashed inlo Iho camp , teen possession of it , and Hrcd every wagon before the troops realized his presence. Aflerwards ho burned two trains ou the Swcetwator in Iho same trar.nor , destroying sovoi'ty-tlvo loaded wagons with their loa-is of provisions , tents , looU and clothing. Large numbers of horses , mules and cattle \vero ulso run off by this cang , noricof which were over recororod nnd most of which be came church property. Smith's Instructions were to shed no Wood except in the ex tremity of self defense , but to waste away the army by robbery , by cutting on" their supplies and by tmrning the country around them , and IDCSO Instructions ho obeyed in a manner cnaraclerislic of Iho man. Wbolnur Lo was ever engaged in ' 'privnlo enterprises" Li not known , lie was nelllcd for many years n few miles north of Salt Lake Clly , wbero he had a large farm , but when Gen tile domination became too great for his comfort no removed lo Arizona. Bi bop Smith died with bis boots on. Ho got into a diniculty with Navajo Indians re garding water rights , and pulled his gun on them , but before be could use It the Indians filled him with lead. V A CVlrliniU'd Cute. Tbo Irial of Iho captured cattlemen who \vcro rescued by the military from the rustlers of Johnson county will cxclto widespread - spread Interest not only throughout Wjom- Ing but the entire west. It is generally be lieved the trial will take place In Lararoio , a city which has not been offensively partisan during the conliovcrsy. The arraignment of the pribonets will taKu place about themiddlo Df July and tbo trial will soon follow. Itoth parlies are anxious for an early trial and buvo agreed to waive tlmo consuming pre- Tlin charge < against Iho prisoners now conlii.ed la the barracks nl Fort McICinuey are tarciliur to readers of TUB Bun. The prisoner : , were employed by the Dig stocrf companies to invade Johnson county and buninilaio ullegod cattle lustlers. The im mediate can so of tno invasion ho-called was tbo refusal of Johnson county lo obey iho law routing to round-ups. A state statute confers tbo power of lixing tune and place of round-ups on Ibo slalo sloclc commission. Befcro iho lalter designated tlmo and puico , John.son county people announced n round-up without authority. This action was antici pated by backers of the stock commission nnd steps were Immediately taken to head off the Johnson county ruund-up and punish those participating. A largo number of armed men were secretly burned into thu county nnd the war Oogan. For a few days the invaders swept everything before them. Ilfo and property were destroyed. Tno residents rallied in force , surrounded Ibo Invaders at the T. M. ranch nnd would have annihilated them had not the federal troops opportunely interfered. Thu invaders sur rendered to tba military and were timen to Cboyenuo. wbcro they have slnco boon hold in tbo custody of the military authorities. A Tiiiicli Tim n. Hallo , Mont. , is overrun with thugs of every grnuo , and u carnival of crime pre vails , The murder of Editor I'onrosu a year ago and the escape of Iho assasulus appears to have been thu signal for a series of crimes which culmlmitad in the murder of n police- inan on thu Wtb ult , A reward of J.'i.OOi ) Is offer-u by thu city for tno capture of thu peipoiruiors of a cowardly and unprovoked crlni'.1. The penitentiary nntl jails nro tilled with criminals , but bllll tno cllv is In Iho clutch of an orgamrcd band. During tbo month uventv-suvcn convicts have boon lib erated from Ibo julU. ' 1 ho city Is all oxclle- ment , and citizens have organized vigllanca committees and Intend to exterminate or drive cut tbo gang. Udiuu 11 u in t > in l > li' . Hed Cloud's son , Big Cloud , a young man of 31 year.- , recently returned to his homo to die. Ho became n hopeless consumptive during his stay at tbo Hampton Indian lobcol , and as the rules of Hint mitllutiuu foroldany moribund uludent to rumuln there , Iho licit brave was despatched without core- moiiv i ? Duitota , Curiously enough bis V rompaiilua * mill attendants on thu trip wuro njounir uiiUttl couple , Lltllo Bear and Vcl- low Minnie , who were made one by lLo chaplain o ( Iho school u few weeks npo. The party WITH ull in dire llnuncial straim , end Eympuluotlo passengers on iho iralu raited a nurse lo lengthen the honeymoon Joys of tbo lover * and to provide a few Just luxuries for the d > iup wan. A Ut'Uil I.obtijlat. Tba death ot George Taylor la San Fran- els .u removes * noted CtUlfornU lobbyist f U ' .1 i I i . * i 1. V 1L jel . tf rr .ift rit > It I WINDING UP the STOCK In just thirty days from now Hell man's administrator will be out of a job , as far as disposing ol the Hellman Clothing stock is concerned , as it is now definitely settled that the Columbia Clothing Company , Of St. Louis , take possession of the stock , store and fixtures , In the meantime greater cuts than ever will be made in all departmens. The time is limited and time the now your to secure greatest bargains you ever heard tell of is now at hand. Suits that were $ S , $9 , $10.50 , $ ii and $13 are now $5. All the $16 , $18 , $20 and $22 suits are now cut toio. Styles are cacks , frocks , cutaways and prince alberts , in all kinds of fabrics , silk mixed sassimeres , corkscrews , clay worsteds , cheviots , crepe cloth and the finest im ported fabrics ; bound and unbound edges ; at any rate you are bound to buy. They will please you , for we can fit anybody , be they slender and tall , fat and short , let the weight be TOO or 600 pounds. Sizes range 'from 33 to 50. As to summer clothes , coats , vests , etc. , in alapacas , lustres , flannels , serges , drap d'ete , pongee silks , in fact any kind of summer fabiic , in short and extra long sizes , 32 to 50 : you can have them as long as they last at any price most to take thqm away. A lot of 35c neckties go at i5c. Those genuine all silk out ing shirts , fancy colors , with black grounds , plaids , stripes , etc. , now go for $1.50. Hellman got $4 for them. We did sell them for $2. All sizes. All over the store everything is cut to the core and your chance of a life time has now come. THIRTY DA.YS MOREX. HELLMAN'S ADMINISTRATOR'S CLOSING SALE. WINDING UP THE STOCK OOR. 13th A.KD RAJRNAM STS. who gamed notoriety last year by a suit which ha brought against certain members or tbo legislature to recover $0,000 as his share of plunder. In bis testimony ho declared that ho had a combination with certain legis lators to pas * bills that had money In them for the lobov. Ouo result of this suit was the impanelling by Judge Wallace of a.grand lurv which was afterward declared illegal. During its short life , however , the jury caused a great sensation oy gathering lean- rnonv against prominent politicians. But its sources of information wore bad , nnd itss at tacks lost their force because tbo wbolo schorao was thought to be a design of Judge Wallace to boom himself. Mineral DeniHojiinmit In IVyomlng. Cheyenne will todaycelebrato an Important event In her Industrial career. The Fourth has boon chosen as a most appropriate day to lay the coracr-stona of the new smelting plant. The exercises will bo under the auspices of the Board of Trade , and will in clude a procession , speeches and fireworks. The new smelter will bo a monument to the enterprise of the city. A bonus of $200,000 m lands and cash was given to secure the plant. Tbo projectors are under contract to operate the mill for five years and employ not loss than 200 workmen Lander is In the vortex of a mining oxclto- niont , The richest slnko over known in Wyoming is reporlcd in thu Lowlston dis trict. A tenderfoot who had hired two mou to dig for him his a vein ot ore that runs on assay from S4U.OOU to $17,000 a ton. There is great excitement. Men ara hastily leaving Lander , South 1'ass and Atlantic for Lewiston - ton . Hlght in the Htreels of Lander gold is being pounded out of specimens from the now discovery. William Sturgls , jr , has returned to Cheyenne - onno from Denver , wboro ho has been wit nessing the assay of ores from Wyoming mines in which ho is intereslod. Specimens from Lowlslon gave good rolurns for gold. The figures wore f30 lo flO a ion on surface rock. K. C. Barllott has reached the Lewiston - ton district with a diamond drill and is nlreadv down eighty feet. None of the core bus y'ot been tested. The top mluoral U easy of treatment , but with depth comes a richer ere that Is refractory. It is believed that it will bo necessary to concentrate. Tbo Sturgls-Bartletl property is within a few feet of the 347,000 slnko roporled In Landor. Some Silver Crown ores were sub- mlttnd lo iho sampling works experls by Mr. Sturgls. Specimens were also shipped to Deadwood. There is any amount of mineral In tbo district adjacent , to , siya tbo bun , but the best process for Its reduction has not been determined. Now 1'liint unit Process. The Deadwood Pioneer reports that Messri. Shcpard and Morchouso , who leased the Bonlou mill some time ago for the purpose of experimenting on a now process for the re fractory silver ere * , have mot with such suc cess that u lease of the plant for a long term of years has been made. They have do- tormlccd lo build a now plant on the Buxton silo , and for that purpose bavo ordered 00- 000 feel ut lum > or. ( Jradlng for tbo plant has already commenced. Whatever of iho old machinery In Ibe Buxton mill that can do made of service will bo used in the new works. The prnccs * . which is a chemical one , Is Kept secret , The discoverer of It is Mr. Baron of the Omaha undUrant Smelting uorUs , and bo Is authority tor the stateroom that It is the moat economical yet Intro duced. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NuliruxUn. Eleven horses burned to death In Kvoy's livery slablo ut Kuarnoy. ,1 F. Bixby , formerly of Fullerton , has started the 1'eoplo's Hovlew at I'uwuou City. City.Hov. Hov.V. . O. Work bos assumed the pas torate of the Congregational cnurch at Har vard. Saundcrs county will vote. July 20 , on a proposition to issua bonds for (75,000 lo build a new court bouso. The now school building at Paollilon Is to cost $15,000 Instead of $ 1OM ) a announced la n special from that place. Two strangers visited the residence of Burl Hartnor , eight tullbufrom Syracuse , tbo ether dav and proceeded to negotiate for his farm. ' 1 buy claimed to bo residents of Omaha , thu ODJ a judge , the other n doctor. The doctor claimed lo want lo buy the farm lor a wealthy sister , who was a widow. After some talk they ltftpromUlng to return Iho next day. Tbo next day ho returnnd , Buying that they would dnvo around Ibo borders of Iho farm. Taking Mr. Harmer In the buggy he drove partly around tbo farm uutll they c uio to a ravluo in a somewhat secluded spot. Hero they were met by a tough lookIng - Ing individual carrying'a grip , who erected them and inquiring after a certain man whose wife ho said was his sister. Ho claimed that ho and his sister had fallen heir to a largo estate in Texas and that ho had been to Chicago with a train load of cattlo. Ho then went on to say that ho hod been relieved of a part of bis wealth while In a dance house gaming at cards , but that ho had learned the game , etc. In his grip was a largo sum of money. After some tali ; the doctor was induced to bet on a certain card and of course won. This was repeated several times and then Mr. Harmer was asked to Del. Ho firmly refused and de manded that they proceed to talk buslnsss or else he would ro'turn to the houso. After some fruitless coaxing the villains ioft. It is generally thought that bad it not boon for the decided course Mr. Harmer took the vil lains would have forcftl htm to give a checli for a largo amount. Wyoming. Douglas has organized a Clevo and Steve cluD. cluD.An An unknown tramp was dlsseotod by the cars at Laramie , Tramps are making life Interesting for railroad men all along the line. Construction work on the Burlington ex tension Is being pushed with tremendous energy. Maud , the 10-year-old daughter of Mrs. William Beaudolu , was drowned in the river near Laramie It Is a dull day in Suggs when the number of impromptu scraps and shooting matches fall below llvo. Kango owners with headquarters at Evanston - ton have posted a reward of,000 for the conviction of cattle tbiovos. Laramlo Is immensely tickled over the arrival in town of a gorgeously fashlonablo hearso. It is thu finest in the west so In viting in fact as lo rob grim death of much of its lerrorj. An exploring pirty is doing Iho new cave in Table mountain , twnnty-fivo miles from Laramlo. The cave is a succession of immense - monso caverns and curiously 'armed cham bers , rnngini ; in size from an ordinary room to a largo amphitheater. > < intli Dakota. The semi-monthly clean-up of the Golden Reword mine amounted to $17,000. A smooth hurclar picked thu lock on Yank- ton's u.istllo and bid fare well to tbo town. Sixty thousand dollars was refused for the UangorgrouD of mines in the Koystouo dis trict. The Masonic order of Deadwood contem plates buildlnca teinplo that will cost them 175,000. It is to bo constructed of slono and iron and will ho u handsoioo cditlco , un honor lo Iho great society. [ Juitod States Commissioner Lyons sug gests to the council ol Sioux Falls , us a solu tion of prohibition , that tbo city ongngo In the saloon business and pocket the proceeds. Ho thinks tha city would not l5OiX ) a year. A committee is considering the mailer. Sales of school lands in Soulh Dauola to tbo amount of & 50.000 bavo boon madu during tba past eight months , or rather slnco Iho dale of assurance of last year's crop in the stale , which amounted In tbo aggregate to nearly $125,000,000. If crops of tbo piosont year should prove to bo cijjal to that of last year tbo late purchasers of land will nearly or quite pay for their lauds from the ISW crop. The stockholder" of tbo Ilarnoy Poult com pany , consisting of Lord Iburlow , chairman of the board of directors , London , England ; J , homas , the largest producer of tin In the world , Cornwall , England ; Henry Classen and J. A. Ehret , tnu wealthy brewers of Now York ; Dn. C. Bruce , Veordln Poadl , M. Bierruesor. Lewis Clay , M. Wildln and C. Tburlow , have arrived in the Hills for the purpose of maulug an examination of the cotupauy's property. Montana. The Stella inlno at Centorvillols said to bo yielding 11,000 per day. Urukoman Brown and fourteen horses were killed m a wreck on tbo Montana Union near Butto. A rich body of ere assaying ICO ounces of silver to the ton was siruck in iho BImeiaillo mlno at Pblllipiburff. John K , Plummor , foreman of the Granite MouuUln Mining company , secured a verdict for ? 30UOO against tha company In the Helena courts. Tbo placer mlninc districts of Montana , ami especially thanof Deer Lodge county , buvo not In the ] cit decade been more pro mising of production than at tba present tlino , and almost all tbo old diggings that have bean abandoned for years are again being - ing operated upon. ' The returns from 'the recent shipment made by the Benton group , of Neihart for seventeen tons of first class and twenty and one-half tons ol socond-class ere reached the high figures of $24.150. Tbo committee having in charge tbo arrangements for the rock-drilling tourna ment to bo held during the session of the mining congress at Helena this month bavo decided to make it a "go as you please , " and have also done away with tbo entrance fee for con testants. Tbo prizes offered are asfolloxvs : For doublo-handod drilling First prize $700 , second prize flOO , third prize WOO. fourth prize $200. For single-handed drilling- First prize $350 , second prize $200 , third prUo $150 , fourth prize flOO. J. B. Haggin , the head center of the Ana conda company , states that tbo copper pro ducers of tbo'Uniled States have ngrced lo reduce their product , and that the Anacondu company , on Its part , will lower its product nearly 50 par cent , beginning with the first of Julv. After that date the product of the Anaconda mines will be reduced to bars , or some other merchantable form. The largo amount of silver and gold obtained in Ana conda copper renders it Imperative to refine tbo latter by electricity , whereby all the sil ver ana gold is saved and the result Is per fectly pure copper. Alone the Const. Walla Walla bos G.700 inhabitants. Faith curists precipitated two funerals In Oakland , Cal. Boise City Is beginning to take na Interest in Idaho's World's fair exhibit. Some genius has invented a successful process for saving the Snake river flour gold. Mr. Cassldy , Nevada's silver orator , rup tured a blood'vessel while addressing a con vention at Hone , and died in a few minutes. Colonel Will Vlsscher , the well known newspaper man , is being boomed for the congressional nomination by tbo democrats of Tncomn. The now Masonic tcmplo of Tacomo. dedi- calod last woelc , cost JOO.OOO , exclusive of grounds. Tbo building Is of brick , three stories high , covering an area 103x110 foot. A prospector Justin from the Death valley country reports that a party of nine , includ ing an analytical chcimit , has located ox- touslvo beds of nitre in tbo Amargosa valley , within six miles of Resting springs , The raisin growers und packers of Fresno county , Cal..will form a combine this ycarto control prices , Fresno can control half of all tbo raisins produced in this country , so that tbo combination will probably mono it- aclf felt. Representatives of a Now York electric company are at Sutro , Nev. , looking over tbo giouud and estimating tbo coil of conslruct- ing an electnc plant on the Carson river and running Ibo mill ut Sutro on era to be con veyed from tbo Comsidck mines through tbo Sutro tunnel. , Wool to the amount of 2,250,000 pounds will bo marketed at Heppnor , Oro. , this aoa- I Bon. Over 2.10,01)1) ) pounds of wool bavo al ready been marketed at Bauer City. The wool clip ot onstorii Oregon will bo an 1m- monse otic thu year. Tncoma is standing on tintoo on the edge of the Pacitio watching for the steamship Phra ZS'ong , tbo lirst of the Northern Pacific's now trauspacltlc line loaded with Asian silk &nd lea. There will bo twenty-tivo car loads of sllK , which is lo ho Immediately forwarded by special train to New York. One of the features of San Francisco's growth is the largo incrcaio in iho number of big privalo hotels. Suitor and Geary streets are lined with Ihoni , but as fan us a now ono is completed ills filled with boarders. Ground Is now being broken lor u now hotel of this kind on Sutler street , just cost of Jones. It will bavo 120 rooms , Oakland , Cal. , has formed a chamber of co mine foe , with tbo special purpose of sav ing tbo water front of tbo city and of en couraging computing railroads to enter tbo city. Oakland U growlna rapidly , and mnlnlv by reason of now cabla and electric roads thai bavo brought Its suburbs \\ilhlu easy roach of San Francisco business men , Briefly stated , the grain crop of Whitman county , Oregon , and all over tbo Palouie re gion , in tact , extending across tbo border into Idaho , gives bright promise of a grout crop. Unless unexpected troubles overtake tbo oDunlry within the next few weeks , such as uxtrnmo hot winds or tbo like , the country tiuy I'O relied upon to furnish tbo world' * maruoU her usual enormous sur plus. plus.A A yacht with the appropriate name ot Hayseed will tall from Sue Francisco In a few days for Cocos island In search of a treasure of $00,000,000 said to have been buried by pirates seventy years ago. The commander Is Captain August Gisler , who has already spent four years In the search. He is accompanied by a German named Virtonc , who ha > invented an indicator bv which boclalms ability to discover hidden treasure. WCCPIXO WATEU , Mon. . Oot 23 , ' 00. Dr. Moore : My Dear Sir I have Just bodght tha third bottle of your Tree of Lilfo. It is indeed a "Treo of Life. " Doctor , when you so kindly gave mo that first bottle my right side was so lame and sere and my liver en larged so much that 1 could not Ho upon my right side at all. There was a soreness over my kidneys all of the time , but now that trouble is all over. I sleep just ns well on ono side as on the other , and my . - > leop rests and refreshes mo , and I fool the best I've felt in fifteen yoarsund I know that it is all dus- to your Tree of Llfo. Yours very truly , D. , F. For sale by all druggists. SWIFT'S SI'UCiriC is totally unllkn any other blood medicine. Jtcuresillseasesof thoblood and skin by remin ing the poison , and at the Kaiuu time supplies good blood to ttio wasled parts. Don't bo imposed on by euhsti- lutes , ulilch are en id to bu just as good , / / / ' / not true. No medicine > BI THC l&fnni ? | has performed us many BIB I lit * WlllnLEJ nouderful curesor rclio\ed so much tiuUcriiig. " My blood was badly poisoned last year , which got inv whole Hystcin out of order dis-cawl and a constant pourro of sulTcrlng , no appetite and nn enjoyment of life. T o bottles of t brought me right out. There Is no I better remedy for blood diseases. "JoiiN GAVIN , Dajton , Ohio. " Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. SWIFT Si IXTiriC CO. , Atlanta , Ga , IHESHORTESr LINE TO CHICASJ is via the Chicago , Milwaukee &St Paul R'y , as represented on this man. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. DB.K.C. WIWT'S NK11VKAMMWAIXT11KA.T. MK.vr.kipocllIofor Hyst'jrU. Dlizlnatt , Kilt , N u- ruUUi HcadacUe Herrout I'roitraton cauteU tif alcoboiur lotMUOD. Wakutulnuii , Mental Uaur i luii , auttncti ut the Uruin. cauiltu Iniaiiltr , mlterr ducirat. 1'ruuiitura Old Aia llarrauuii. 1,011 of I'owiy's elllnir 101 , Iraputuuor ktmcorrhot an 1 nit reuiiileVvaknotte > Involuntirr l < oi ai , Spur roulorrliHa cautoil ur OTor-oiortlon or tb * lirnln huir-abu.oovur-tnduU-onca. A montb'f truatsiou II. 0 fur K , by \vocuuranteoilx boxoi locur Knunordor forubuxoi , wllli Si wilt noud writ' ? Kuarantioto rotund If not ourul Uasnntua In tt only by A. ecbrutur ilruttzlit. eolo n onu < outti- > corner tub and Kurnam t Ouiabu NEBRASKA National Bank. U S. DEPOSITORY OMAHl , NEB Capital . $100,000 Surplus ? < ! 5,000 Oltltor * ami Dim ton llenrr W Vntoi , pronldent U. C. fuihluj , view prt ld nt , C S. MaurlcuV V Mornu. Jolin H , Collin * , J , N 11. 1'utrlfk , I-owls A Hood , Cuahlur. THIS IKON BANK.- JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE H08T PERFECT OF PEH8. ozs. FOR AB50LUTCLT PORE - & CO. KANSAS CITV.MO. TENNIS SHOES WHOLESALE- Mackintosh Clothing-Wholesale , Rubber Clothing-Y/holesaie / , GermanSox-Wholesale Fish and Shield Slickers-Wholesale , WESTERN AGENT FOR THE Grand Rapids Felt Boot Co. , Meyer Rubber Shoe Co. , New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co. NO GOODS AT BET AIL. Owing to greatly increased tusinoss I have boon forced to rent the pound floor , 44x160 feet , on corner of Howard and Twelfth Btroots , in addition to the buildmsr I now occupy nt 1111 Ha-noy Btroal , to hold the stock I am setting for fall and winter. . Send for 1 bta , discounts etc. . T. LINDSEY. Ull Harney Street , Omaha , Neb. Seminary for Higher and Liberal Education of Girls and Young Women. Specialty , Music , Art , Elocution. University Pliin. 33rd year openi Bert h Apply "irly Applicant ! rsjeclert taut ( tuilun fur want of room. Addms , Be. . T. Peyton Walton , A.D. , Pres'l , Lexington , Missouri. STEPHENS ul nt.isr for educating IUIIIIK luuici tgur cof riudj tliur. " " ' oubiluil . and Art departments liiglu.l unier li'iuheri u ( ilio l.mi American and eultum , large and Ueaiiuful srouud. , new buildlnKn. ro-nin well Teiitllated , lighted liy can ( in. Se | > tenilr Tth r"or catalogue arl.lren Urr T. W.UAIltliTTl'ir . COLUMIIIA , M , i run i Ltleiiry St lentlftc nd Ilutlnew. routes i-l Siudv , riepjrn In Col f ! jl e | lu nrtt. We. ! P JM 01 Aimipolu IMIturj H , bun I In Mo. . ilh I Ike l l ilitary orranmilMi Indntry .ml Anlllrty iMIl'aui ) AMuLl fiiViilr. . I ' lslen ! . rlmpruMWrnUno. l < rm { tddeit , | .f.rl > llUK all uiuclern ru-n n 'ce > ( rlic ll K "I ! ' HI * . . elf l.ipen.e. luwi r llunlbuh. of anr hdtool otrcriiiir the uitte Jllgilr ccJ Oulofut , i Miilor fS . . , LCXINCTOt. r Q. I BBERTY FEMALE PajJ TT t rrri ' " ' " r rn i t I--IJM in r floor Ugbted tlDC u4r cflilrt ttrio Jljliu. I r klh l.rrt f 4i ullUuifa abl Art 4titrtu bi Mfitu-Ur X. itlita. HcoJ fur t'jttuUtfue. Ad MJfjU'J : V , For Ihu lusher and l.ll-erul Kdinut'"n ' 'I r'rli and younK wronicn hiiiclultlm. iliuir. An. I. u > mmm cutlou , rbjikul Tralnini. . hteuu IM-SI , < old and licit water , liath r < Kimi. etc . on earn 11 'T 24lhrW inn ! becli.n l" | > l Mh , IWrt far ( ala1 > KU LEXINGTON. MISSOURI. rMiAUCUHIAI.OA.JONlJrr .i.