Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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tj Cntrlrrtonny pnttof the City
11. W. Tll/TON , - MANAOEK.
. I Hits nc Oftlce No 41
- t-i
Ji 1.1 I 1 "VRlit Kdltor No 23
N Y. numbing Co.
Boston store for dry goods.
Council HlufTs Lumber Co. ,
The trnnsfer force worltou oil dny yoster-
dny so as to have todny In which to celo-
A mi-cling of the council is ndvcrtlscd for
this evening , but us It is n nntlonnl holldny
nn adjournment will probably bo tnUoti until
tomorrow night.
Mrs. Way , nlndy over 7d vcnrs of nee ,
formerly .ucsldont of Missouri Valley , dis
tinguished herself yesterday by giving birth
tu n line , houlthy Klrl baby.
A trolley whcol on ono of the olectrio
motors boc.itno dctnetied from tbo trolley
Saturday night nnd fell from tbo wire alotip
which It wns running , striking Cniof .Scan-
r lun , who happened to ho standing on the rear
platform of the cnr. Tlio iron indicted n
serious cut on the back of his head whlcti
bled profusely.
lloiv t Ili-iioli Cliiiutiuiiim. |
All the motor lines connect with tlio
Hock Ibhind trains' , which run direct
ft din Omaha , and from the Main street
depot in Council niulTs , direct to the
Cliaiitauqiia grounds. Tlio soi-vico this
year is so complete ) that the public
hliould show its appreciation hy availing
thciii-olvos of the opportunity to roach
( "nautatiqua. I'Yom iho depot at C'liau-
tauqiw to Iho amphitheater thot-o is a
Bniootli , plank walk all the way , thus
making the Uuck Inland train the clean
est , quickest , easiest and cheapest way
to reach Ch'iiitti'jquii. Tlio tlmo tabled
nro published olsownoro. Nine trains a
dny each way.
George II. Mesclicndorf's retail sales
Saturday exceeded $ l200 ! , the ho'ivlost '
dav'n trade ho has over had sincoho has
boon in business in Council UlulTs. Tills
must bo taken as an indlcatton of the
gotioral public belief that tlio attempts
10 down the popular butcjior by the pub
lication of libolotis articles in dis
reputable sheets is a sad sailurc.
Trains leave Manawa dally at 8 and 10
t. m. , 12 in. , and 1 , L' , itO ! : : , U , ! 5iO1 : : ,
4iO : ; , 5 , Gw : ; , ( i , ( ii : : ( ) . " , 7HO : , 8 , 8iO : : , 0 ,
OrliO , 10 , 10iO : ; , 11 mid 11 : oo p. in. The
11:55 : train will make connection with
the last olectrio inotoi cw * for Omaha.
I'lMSUXAl , 1'Alt.iailAl'IUI.
Mrr , . Gcorgo Uudlo Is visiting friends Ii
Iho onst.
Mrs. F. T. True is visiting friends In Ash
land , Nob.
Deportment Quartermaster Cbnso of Do
Holnos is nt tbo Irand. !
C. IJosoi. roturnotl Snturdny from a busi
VMS trip to Albany , Mo.
D. L. Koss , Cam Pnttorson nnd Bert Bolt
1 AVO gene to Spirit Laice.
Mnric Bunker is ill with scarlet fever nt
. " icr homo on Blulf street.
J. M. Uulvln iroes to Ncoln todny to deliver
the Fourth of .luly oration.
Chnplnln C. C. Cole of the Iowa CJrand
Army of tlio Hopubllo Is nt thu Oxilon.
Cnnutn Doyle tins boon appointed to nn
editorial position on thu South Omuhn Citi-
Miss Vinnto bherrnden has t-ono to Cen
tral City , Neb. , to visit relatives tor sovorul
Captain M. L. Leonnrd , assistant ndjntnnt
pcncral of the Grand army , Is ronisturod ut
Iho Urnnd hotel.
H. M. Ivuox of Iloopstown. 111. , Is visiting
ftis brotbor , Ohio ICnox , ! WS Avcnuo G , dur-
Xvg Clmutnuiiun.
Department CommandorStendinnn nrriva
T Dmo last evening and will bo the prosldinc
i'JIcor nt tlin Grand Army of tbo Hepubliu
reunion todny.
Captain M. 12. Krwin of Dubmiuo , chief of
Etnff. department of Iowa , CirnnU Army of
tbo Honublie , is in the city , n guest of Colonel
3. J. Stotidnmu.
Miss Mnry MIcMillcn , one ot the teachers
In the city schools , leaves this morning for
3'crry , In. , wnero aho will hpeud her vacation
Tisitlnir friends.
The Unuglitors of Vetornns Drum corps of
DuUlaml is nttenuing the Chautauqua as-
tmbly and will remain during the entire
leason. It is composed of Misses Lottie Cnld-
nu'll , Hello Lvtimi ] , Myrtle I'Vttor , Nlnn
tVillinms , Uracti llr.rlati , Nellie Harbor nnd
ilnbel Thompson. Mr . J. S. Williams of
Oakland acts as cliapcronu.
Messrs. McG * o ana Trovnorhavo received
r. tulegrnm from General It A. Alger stating
Hint ho Is not yet over the cITcoU of the
railroad nccldunt in which no hnd n liinb
broKen some tlmo ngo , nnd that the physi
cians have Just put a brand no\v plaster of
Pnris cnst on the nnfortunnto member , nnd
this will bu a part of his costume when ho
ipponrs ut the Ctmutuuqua.
The Cliaiitauqua drujrgist , Gco. S.
Shivto. _
ItlK Tlmu
At Manhtittnn beach , Lake Manawa ,
6n the Fourth. .Swimming races , tub
rut'RB uml all sorts of water ( jamod. Ux-
toiibive llronorkH in the ovonipy.
Oliaiitniiiiiii | Trillin.
Leave Council Ulullti from Rock
luliuul depot at 0:10 : a. in. , 8:00 : a. in. ,
) : ; ! ( . m , , lUU7a. : m. , 1:00 : p. in. , 1:50 : p.
in. , 5:20 : p. in. , 7:00 p. m. , 7-'iO : p. m.
Struelc l > y nil Hnglne.
Harry Hattcnlmuur and Harry Lindsay ,
two well known young men of this city , mot
will an exciting experience yesterday after
noon white walking along the npprouch to
the Union I'acillu bridge. Two trains were
running along the npproach In opposite direc
tions , but they fulled to notice tbo train be-
Ill nil them , the whistle bolni ; drowned by the of tlio ono in front , Hotli of the voung
men went caught by the onglnu and thrown
down the embniiKinont , n distance
ot about twenty feet , Lindsay
escaped with a few bruises , but
llaiti'nuaucr was less fortunate , lie was
picked up unconscious and taken to Dr. Pin-
uoy's oflice , where it was found thnt his loft.
arm hnd been badly broken half way be
tween the elbow and sliouldor , the broken
mils of thu IOIIOD protruding through the He wns badly braised nbout the hips
und the blood tvns ( lowing from u wound nn
the scalp. None of the injuries Are thought
to bo serious , but they will keep Hutten-
liauer In the house far homo tlmo to come.
lioth of the victims of the niTutr pro thankful
to have escaped witli their lives.
Don't forgot our cloolii } , ' out bat-pains ,
Mllllnury ( , 'oodrf will bo almost given
away. Mrs. I'fuiiTor.
Don't forgot tlio bit ; colobratlon at
Silver Ulty , July 4 and f > . Itacus both
dayH. Special train on U abash lotivlnj , '
Council Ulutrs at DtU ; : a. in.
I'll 1 1 ol Kportn.
An attempt wiu mad'i yesterday to hnvo
the light between Frank Carroll's wild cat
BUI ! Andv Taylor's bull dog nt Miiuuwa ns
liuil been advertised , but the marshal put
( top to lUu fun us BOOH ns the sporu landed
on the south stdo ol the lake nnd commenced
operation * . Thu sports puralstod In their
OVtovminatioa to see a pitened buttle , how
ever. und went over on the Island , whore
Ihey were not mo.ested by tbo ollluori. Ii
Die buttle the dog came out victorious , the
< at being wiped out of existence after she
budthuin ur > nt deal of her antagonist
pore. A loun us thu follows arrived at the
doi'k nn the north blue ot the hike cloven o
them were urrostuil ana locked up lu the
Manawa jail. They will have u hearing thU
morniiif. _
1'rof. ZorkowsUy will accept a fuw
more Bcholaru on the vlollu or violin-
cullu. Addrobs 305 N. 7th.
Interesting Sunday Meeting at the Ohau-
taurjua Groundi ,
Tlio n In Attciiiliincn Tri-ntrd to Some I'.v
cctlcnt Speeches Wlmt tin-Assembly
I'roiuUes 1'roipucts lit juuccjn
. Other Nona Note * .
The campers were expected , according to
ho announcement of the superintendent , to
iittond prnyor nt sunrise , but there were not
many to rise except the sun nnd ho hid him-
f bohiud n cloud. The day opened , though ,
ivlth a resncotful sort of qulotudo through-
tut the city of tonts. There could oeoa-
.lounlly . bo hoard the mullled thump of n
tnko driving bled o , where the pitching of a
out was ii Sunday nocosslty , and tlioro was
rattling of tin dishes and some llttlo hustle
about tlio cook tonts. Tuoro WAS enough of
i hush , however , and n cessation of letnonndo
, ml peanut commcrco to murk the dny ns
oinowhat dlilureut from the common week
Very fuw transients carao upnn the
; rounds In the foronoon. Tnu crowd waited
o coinn out uftur dinner. Sdvcral hundred
; athored in the uinpliltlicatrr at 11 O'CIOOK to
ittund the Sunilav school session. No at-
lompt was nmdo to organUo In regular class
form , ns there was a ucarln of los-on lenfo ,
la 'iiiR boolts and other necessary uauoiii-
anlments. Kov. Dr. Killott took the leader
ship nnd pivo a running talk on the lesson of
the day , picking up ono passage after an
other , "und commenting Informally upon
them. Ur. Killott is bright nnd sparUly in
hla btvlo of putting old truths , und ho was
ctR-ered on his way by frequent "unions"
from two or three oiithusiastlo brethren on
'he front seats. The rest of the long Sun
day school class were doubtless Just as won
pleased , but were less douionstuitlvo. The
promise H nmdo that next Sunday's school
will bo duly organized , wituclassos euenors ,
etc. a model school.
An Iiiturt'Mtlnn : IViiturc.
llio event of the day was the afternoon
sei men by Rev Dr. Tnomus of Chicago. It
was u singular reproduction of the sorvlco
held in Ilooley'a mentor for three years ,
which mndo the People's church so popular.
1'ho aamo preacher , the same singuis ( the
Imperial quartet ) and the same organist
( Mrs. Suclton ) nppoared together yesterday
afternoon , making n nolanln continuation ,
transplanted from 1.000 miles eastward.
Kov. Dr. Thomas was greeted by n larger
congregation than over marked the first
Sundav of any previous assembly. Ho ohosa
his text John xvll , : l : "And this is lifo eter
nal , that they might know Theo. the only
true God , und Jesus Christ whom Thou hast
sent , "
In his characteristic , rather drawling nnd
light-voiced manner ho presented thought
after thought , Rvinclng no drawling of Intel
lect or light-voiced reasoning. Picturing-
clenrlv the sclcntillu theory of continuity , he
carried his hearers into the region s.o admir
ably pointed out by Prol. Drummond. Ho
illustrated how lito consisted in adapting
DI.O'S correspondence to one's environments ,
und mat the opposite was death.
HI * Vli > of tlio rrohlom.
Ho then enlarged upon the theory that tno
more complex the organism the larger Its ca
pacity for living , and lollowed up with the
conclusion that with perfect and continued
correspondence to environment tUerc must
rest It eternal life.
"To die is to live , tolivo Is to live forever. '
Such was the closing sentence of an hour's
stcadv ( low of close reasoning , clothed in
eloirant diction. It was not a sermon wlncl :
would ii'iturally eaten a crowd. It took
clo'so following of thought , and the gifted
preacher did not allow any link of logic to bo
lessened by more emotion.
When in closing ho incidentally touched
upon tlio doctrine of the atonement his
words were eagerly caught and closely consid
ered by the clericals , who had a shivering
curiosity to see how ncur the edge the lib
eral divine would dare to load his hearers.
Ho Inla a foundation thought that to Know
Is to DO. One coulu not unoiv n board or n
horse , but ho could not bo u board or n horso.
He coulu know a man because he was a man.
Ono could clone know Justice Dy being Justice
coulu Know love by loving , righteousness
bv being right. Ono who thus know Huhl
and love ana beauty would know God.
Last evening Chaplnlu Cole pi cached n
sermon nnd the same quartet who appeared
in the afternoon I'l'rmshcu the musia
Tim Clmiitumiua UitrliL'filc.
Vostorday afternoon the gigantic ox
donated for the Chauluuqun barbecue touay
was naiilod tnrough the streets in a tri
umphant procession nnd falcon to the Chun-
tauqua grounds nt-l o'clock. It was donated
by the Swift packing company of South
Omaha nnd was tno largest and the best
animal that has reacheu I'JQ stoeli ynrds for
u month , weighing an ovnn ton , nnd valued
when dellveicd ut the urouniU ntI'JJ. . Mr.
Foster , the local manager of the
Swift company , personally superln-
tended the slaughter and transfer of the
mammoth ox. When It reached the Bin Its the
Kwilt wagon was met by George II. Mos-
chondorf's force nnit was escorted to tne
Chautnuqua grounds , where Mr. Meschen-
dorf had all arrangements completed for the
mustier nrocoss. which commenced nt 0
o'clock last night und will bo completed ut ' . )
this morning. A brick oven siv feet high
has been built bv Meschondorf , who person
ally superintends llio work of roasting the
big beef and will serve It to the multitude
today. The Chautuuqun m-uplu have pro
vided 5,000 loaves of bread , and all who visit
thoChautnuqua grounds today will have a
royal feast provided without money nnd
without price. _
Tlio I'mirtli lit Clmiitnmiim.
General R. A. Algor will deliver an
address at tlio ( Jlmutauquu on the
Fourth. Hands from dilloront towns
will compote for the nri/.es. Grand
barbecue which will bo free to all who
aiuiiui Ti-lcplinnn Ititc : .
Chnutnuquii to Council I31ulls , lOc.
Uhautauqua to Omaha , l0c. !
Omaha to Chatitauqua , "Oc ,
Council Hlnlls to ( Jhautauqua , lOc.
To and from all other stations add lOc
to the rojrular turlll rates.
U. A. Atldns , Manager.
Clirntnit it llttckiimii.
John \Velsh , the well known tmch line
proprietor , has Lean looking for snveral
hours past for n gentleman who made him
the victim yesterday ufiernooji of a con-
lldenco game that did not require very much
urulns , but inurued its perpetrator as the
owner of a monumental amount of i.erve.
Welsh hauled a load of twelve persons out
to Cuuulnuquu , und when he rnachcd the
Inside of the assembly ground * wont around
in thu usual way to collect the fares from
Ins paisongom. With one accord they nil
replied that thov hud paid their tare to the
conductor. U'olth was soinewuut non
plussed at this , but upon asking u fuw ques
tions , l.o found that a man had really made
the round of thu passenger ) nllttle way out
the road , and after collecting u quarter from
varti one , had quietly dropped out of the
wagon und gone on his way richer by $ ' ! .
Welsh did not express audibly bis opinion of
the man who hauvorkcd him , but tils in-
tlniuto friends say that his feelings were
verv mil oh out of uuepliitf with the holy
Sabbath day.
Cli.killiliiilim M cinU ,
Dinliitf hall tickets will bo sold for
$5.00 , ( , 'ood for 21 moalb.
Colfax ( 'Iinror ale and mineral water
sold tit wlio.esn.o by Uuquotlo ft Co. .
nmnufaulurini ; confectioners.
( llrU riii > iil Hull.
Nearly a thousand people gathered at the
driving ; i.irk yemerdiiy afternoon , attracted
by the announcement that there would bo u
game of ball between the W. II. Foster club
of tbU city uod the Female "Aggravation"
of bane balllsts from Denver that has been
Knocking thu spate one by ouu from the
rural ball clubs lu Nebraska ThegirU were
guilty of considerable eccentricity In the
matter of ruuuluir , aad tuo way they got
around the bases would romlnil ono sorao-
what of iicow ch.ttlMft butterflies , but the
crowd was satUlled ; they were seeing n
female club play bill , nnd they cheered and
hooted In nn nmvlng way , regardless of
error * or bnso hits. The pitcher of the ag
gravation was the best of the lot. uml ber
work comnnrod very fnvor.ibiy with that of
some ol her mnlo rivals. On the whole ,
however , the g.imo was more oX n curiosity
: lmn n piece of nrtlstio bnso ball work , nnd
vilt live as such in the memories of the
iuu > nci ) . The Fosters won the game by a
.core . of 3 to I.
As soon ns the final decision of the ummro
, vas mndo , awarding the gnmo to the hnmo
: enm , there was n break nnd n scramble , and
; he male part of the audience loft the grand
stand and made n rush for the visitors , eager
: o see what sort of nJomalo ball cMb it was
.hat had the rashness to meet n masculine
: ompotltor on the Hold. Any who hoped to
sco n galaxy of loveliness , however , were
probioly disappointed.
The fourth ut Ulmiitntiqim.
This is G. A. H. day at Chautaitqua.
General Aljinr is ono of the orators of
ho day and this should c.tu5o n crowd
f there was no other attraction. Uut
nro others many.
Tlio tl-iy opuns at ( ! : 'tt ) n. in. with
tnorninp prayers.
At 10 o'clock Chaplain Cole of tlio Do-
lartment of Iowa will deliver an orn-
At 11 o'clocic there will bo u brass
mind carnival , in which a number of
bauds from dllToront p.irts of the west
ivlll contend for prices , the bast bind to
Lake $101) ) , the second WO. tlio third 82" ) .
At U o'clock in the afternoon there
will bo a tfr.iml rally in tlio amphithoa-
, er with tlio following program :
Music Assembly band.
Address of welcome to Grand Army
of the Rjpublie Posts Department
"oininamlor .1. J. Steadman.
Hesnonso Cjlonel K A. Consijjtioy ,
P. D. C.
Vocal Selections Imperial quartet
of Chicago.
Address General II. A. Alpror.
Piano Solo M . Nellie J3aiijs-Sjol- { !
Address Major T. S Clark-sou.
Vocal Selections Imperial qtutrtat.
Music Assembly band.
At 5 o'clock there will bo a birboouo : ,
nt which will bo roasted nnd served a
! 2.UOU-pouncl ox , donated by Swift & Co.
of South Omaha. Everyone will bo
.von free a portion of tlio feast with
needful accompaniments.
In the ovcnintr another clioico pro-
.uu is ) ) reparod , consisting of muslo
by the Assembly band and the Imperial
quartette , patriotic recitations by Prof.
Cnrnos and Mrs. Carnes , a. grand war
song concert with full orchestra , under
the direction of Mr. L. A. Torrons of
Omaha , and camp liros on the grounds ,
with good cheer , fireworks , ote , . In
fact , such u Fourth is planned as has
never boon ao celebrated in this part of
the west _
After tlio Lightning KxpiTia.
C. H. Hannnn is about to commence n war
on the motor line ns the result of n narrow
cscapo he hud yesterday while riding on
Willow avenue. Ho was crossing Pearl
street behind two motors that had Just
passed , nnd another car , coming from the
opposite direction , was bidilen from him
until ho had driven his horse upon the track.
It was then too late to pull back , ana givtug
his horse n cut with the whip lie euccoeded
in getting off the track Just ns the platform
of tl'o motor grazed the wheel of the buggy ,
whizzing by at such a rate that it waa Im
possible for the motornmn to stop.
Mr. Ilannan was somewhat w.-nlt from the
effects of his nairow escape , and ho sat
down to rest in Hayllss park soon after.
Whilothorohotooit the opportunity of tim
ing the single cars which run past the park.
II found that the regular tlmo In which
they made the IUO feet between First avouua
nnd Willow was twelve seconds , or nt the
rate ot about twenty-live miles per hour.
The city ordinance provides that the tralus
shall not run more than six miles In any
part of the city. Mr. Ilannan called on the
mayor and several of the councllmcn last
evening , and the matter will bo brought up
in the council mooting at the earliest oppor
tunity. Ho announces his intention of mnit-
ing the motor compiny conform to tbo
ordinance if it takes all summer. The aldermen -
mon were prcscn tea with little pasteboards
some time aero entitling them to free rides on
the motor line , and it , remains to bo seen
how many of the company's sins the paste
boards will cover. At nil events , an interest
ing light may be looked for.
The rourtli lit Cliiiiitniuiim.
General R. A. Algor will deliver nn
address at the Chautauqua on the
Fourth. Hands from dilloront towns
will competa for the pr-i/.os. Grand
barbecue winch will bo free to all who
attend _
Recollect that tlio midsummer clear
ance sale of the Gouneii UlutTs Carpet
company only lusts until the loth of July.
Until then the biggest bargains in cur-
nets , curtains , etc. , ever ollored in llio
city will bo given till customers. Out
of town mail orders are solicited und
will receive prompt and satisfactory at
I'mirth or.Inly.
Monday , . .luly1 , the Boston store will
bo closed all day.
150 people in this city use gas stoves.
rlho Gas Co. puts 'em in at cost.
International Cure association rooms
are in annex to Grand hotel. 520 First
avenue , Council 15lulTs , I > i. For euro of
alcohol and opium disease.
rnlorlaliicil tlin Tr.ixvlcrx.
George Uudlo , the popular salesman for
James S. Kirk .t C o. , entertained a number
of his friends In the Traveling Men's fra
ternity at his home on South First street
Saturday afternoon and evening. The tlmo
was spout in such c > njo"meiit * ns the pilgrims
like best , nnd the gathering broke up in tlmo
fur brun'xfnst In the morning , all the guests
voting their host n capital entertainer.
Among those present were the following :
Joe Johanims nnd George 1'rug of Paxton A :
Gallagher. Julius ICessler and Walter Schall
of Sloan & Johnson , Frank Kgslcston of
McCord , Hrady & Co. , W. F. Kellogg of D.
M. Steele & Co. , Will Stone of Meyer ,
RnapKo & Co. , Frank Murphy of Swift As
Co. , J. H. Mtlos of the Consolidated Collco
couipanv , I'M N. Urown and W. F. Itannctt ,
Jr. , of Omaha and Dr. Soybort , K. A. Wiek-
uiiui nnd Henry ColToan of Council UlufTa.
Hot weather prices in picture frames
at Riley & Sliorradon's art storo.
McPliail pianos , 110 Stutsman street.
Road page U , Ctiautauqua program.
The Hoston Store carries the largest
and most complete stock of dry goods in
Council HIull's , la. Their prices are a
gcnorul household wordknown through
out tlio status of Iowa mid Nebraska.
Tliolr line ol wasli goods surpasses any
thing heretofore shown in Council
Hlutls , la. It piys to trade at the
Boston Storo. _
Tlio Jewel ga olino steve Is llio best
in tlio world for safety , durability und
economy , and tlio now Jewel is its equal.
See thorn at Charles Swaino'd , 737 Broad
A Niitnliln rorfornmm'o.
Sr. Pit'i. , Minn. , July ! ) . A notable pro-
-ilucllon of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" wa given
tonight at the Grand opera house in this
city , Jiioob Mils'stock company making up
the cast , with LouU Jumu * us Undo Tom ,
Frank Lobca as LOTOO. Marion Klmoro as
Mopsx , Julia Arthur us KlUu utid George R.
ICdsou as Murks.
Nothing No" ' Iriini "Tort I'rli'K. "
PiTTsiiuito , Pa. . July U. The iron and stool
strike situation presented no now features
City ol L'lilriigu ItriMkliiK l'l ' > >
QuEHNbTow.v , July U. The Guion liner
Alasuo , hero from Now York ( or Liverpool ,
rcnortcd that ns she wns p slnp the stranded
City of Chlc.iro the latter'te.iptnln signalled
Ih it It wns unsafe for1 the crow to remain
longer nboard. The Innnms'havo ' dispatched
n boat to the rescue. '
THIS \riitc \ l
I.lvrly Sessions Anting tied In llniiso nnil
Senate I'orrnl ttf ViMinister.
WASUINHTOV , I ) . C. , Jiily 3. There U
lively work ahead tor 'congress this week.
Tho. routine that must bi disposed of is Im
portant and interesting tinougb In itself , but
Impending over all is tno shadow of that
liveliest of corpse. , the' silver bill , which
will not stay burled , but turns up In a new
guise nt this busy moment In congros.s to de
stroy the calculations of politlcil leaders
and disturb the p ace of mind of members
who felt sura that they had succeeded H
avoiding nn open expression of opinion ana
a direct veto on nn ombarratslng question.
In the senate the proceedings promise to bo
largely of a routine character and will con
cern the appropriation bills principally.
Onlv ono of these bills , the agricultural , has
llnallv passed both houses mid the others nro |
In conference. Ordinarily this would bo coni i
sldercd \orysatlsfaetory state of nfTilM. '
but lu the present case the dilteronuos bo-
twenn the two houses are extreme nnd tlio ,
spirit of obstinacy wnlon has bjon exhibited
on both bides threatens to defer .indollnltelv |
tlnul notion upon tho" remaining appropria
tion bills.
Probably the nloU of tun tlmo of tUp senate -
ate during the week will bo given up to the
consideration of conference reports , Inter
spersed with some calendar business , and
possibly notion on the silk culture bill , which
Is the subject of n special order.
The glorious Fourth this voar fulls upon
suspension dny , but the committee on rules
will report a resolution naming Wednesdiy
or Thursday ns suspension day. Whether
this resolution will be ndoptcd is doubtful ,
it boli.g an open secret that the democrats
intend to piss the tin pinto nnd other .nrilT
bills under suspension , and the republicans
with their steadfast purpose to defeat
thoio measurers -will resort to Illlbuster-
Ing to dofnat the making of
such an order. If either sldo yields ,
the remainder of the week will bo consumed
in the consideration of conference ronorts ;
that Is , if no report is made by the coinage
committee on the senate free silver bill. It
that report U made the ruloa commutes will
bo requested to bring in n special order for
the immediate consideration of the bill and
will do so If a majority of the democratic
members sign the request. What will follow
is vcry.problomatical.
MMS j.v rut : events:1 * uvir.
Iliillitlngs Leveled mid fired ut llcthlcliein ,
I'll. ir ( ) , ( ) ( )0 ) Dnniiicu Done.
BiTin.r.iiKM : , Pa. , July 3. A terrific
cvclono struck this town this afternoon.
The main building of the Bethlehem Fair
and Driving Park mo jl ntloti was destroyed.
The loss is f50,000.
Lightning struck the cable tower of the
Pennsylvania Telephone company , nnd sot
the builulng in which it was situated on
The bottltne establishment of A. D. Saw-
tollo was destroyed. The loss is 10,000.
Other lesser damage was dona and the
aggregate loss is SIM.OOO.
Collar CIIH I.IK"tell ! Torch Chnns.
Bnvppocic , Pa. , July 'J. Al Kelly , nn
employe of the Frautz lintel , at midnight
carried u lightnd torch iuto the collar. The
cellfir wns full of gas nnd nn explosion oc
curred which wrecked the whole interior of
thu hotel. A panic among the cucsts en
sued and several were hurt. Kelly fatally ,
and tv > o barkeepers seriously , injured.
. < > /.v.svi7/o.v.s' .
Siiildeii IHsappcuriinci ! of u Y ini Itrldo
I'n//lcs the I'oMci' .
OTTUMWA , lu. , July 3. ( Special Telegram
to Tin : BUB. ] Mrs. John Owing's sudden
disappearance has caused a sensation hero
from the fact that she is a bride of 1(1. ( of
only two weeks , and has so completely cov
ered up nor flight that the ollleers hnvo
abandoned all hope of a clow. Pho married
n man considerably older than herself nnd It
Is intimated that a younger lover has caused
the disruption of the honeymoon.
Joel Buchman , u wealthy farmcrof Indiana
township , is missing. Ho started for Knoxville -
villo Friday , took supper with his daughter ,
Mr * . Charles SchlouUor. mid has not been
seen since. His note book nnd hat were
found on the roaiUido , whore tno grass and
leaves had boon torn up , signifying a
struggle. His family think Lu has been
foully dealt with.
Itiiiinil Oiur at lotv.'i Cltj- .
CHPUI Ku'iila. . , July . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BiiE.J Will Tracy , who was
arrested hero u few days ago and taken to
Iowa City , where ho was wanted on the
charge of adultery with Mrs. McNeil , has
been bound over to the grand Jury in Lands
//.I// ' . ! ItUKKX
CniKiolriK 1'iirty Cnnsl/eil on Ittt Way Hack
Irmn it I'lenlokliii ; I'mlille.
MoxTiinu. , Can. , July 3. Seventeen mem
bers of the Grand Trunk Heating club rowed
to St. Helen's island In a thirty-foot war
canoe , nnd while it was still light started to
row back. They had to make tholr way
against a strong current nnd thu canoe cap
sized. The upsetting of the boat wns wlt-
.icsscd bv several residents of bt. l ambcrt's ,
who went to their assistance , but only suc
ceeded In saving eleven of the crow. The
drowned are : Thomas O'Brien. Howard
Hansom , Krnost Leo , Edwin Stahl , J. Mul
ligan , nnd n young man whoso name is not
known. All' the drowned men lived with
their families nt Point St. Charles.
ItiisxI.i'K ( Jranil Diilto .Meets nltli nn Un-
lorlumiti ! Ai'dilciit.
St. PmT.usiifiio , July 3. When Grand
Uuko Vlndlmor , who is making a military
tour of inspection in Novgorod arrived nt
Tchorspovotz the door of the saion curriaso
in which ho was riding Haw open nnd Jho
grand duke , who was loaning against It , fall
heavily upon the llugslones of the station
platform. lie was rendered unconscious
ntid blood streamed ever his face. The
doctors who attended him found , besides his
won ndi uml contuilons of his Head , u dis
location of llio log ami arm.
flVK J'Ol'Xlt ItK.lTll ,
Aufiimmudiitloii Tr.l'riVrcckeil | by
Washed Out Culvert on tlio NVnliisli.
Loovsil'OHT , Ind. . JjU-ly ; ) . A mixed train
on the Wnbasb was wr'aclcoii last , midnight
ono mile from Kollorfo station. The killed
wore : Trainmaster C < UF. Wilcox , Suponn
washed out culvert Was the cause of the
CommnnchiR Mondrtyf. July 4 , at Won
derland the nittnor-Hayjpw double oompnnv
will Dop'in their summij cni'aieinQnt. This
first half of the weokjJ'Uoutih Ulamonds , "
last half of the wcokiJUa aewninlnir force ,
"Turn Him Out. " A'ljjy followliiK list c < f
piicea for the summer aeasnn will prevail ,
commonclni ; July -U ( Admission one dime ,
all seats down ntulrs 50 , POX seals Ific , H'.itnr-
dny children's day , niicj from 1 lo fi en Katur-
day afternoon llm'llttlo ono will bo admitted
to till doparlironts for only O conu. Uund
conccrtB bv the Musical Union band each
niuht wlll'druw many people to this popular
resort. ,
III llcl for KnimaK I'urinrrH.
IC sihCm , Mo. , July ! l.-Tho Atehison ,
Topokn & Huula Fo and the Chicago , Uucte
This is the only pure medicinal whls-
key in the market. For counteracting
the evil ell'octs of impure water , for
driving out Malu'ia : from the system' ,
for stron thonliig MKN and making
WOMKN brighter It has never been
equalled. A llttlo of it taken in water
will olToctlvoly kill all dNen > o germs.
See to it , howo.'or , that your druggist
or grocer gives you onlv DulTv's 1'nro
M ill , There is no other "just as good. " '
Send for pamphlet to
llociiKSTiu , N. Y.
Island it Pacific railroads have made n rate
of 1 cent per mile rer passenger from nil
points in Oklahoma territory to all points In
ICansni , tooit from July "i to July II , for
parties of ten or more. 'It Is expected some
rate will also bo made tvt once from nil Mis-
sourl rl'-cr points , Omnhn to Kansas Cuy
Inclusive , to Itmisas points by nil linos. This
action or. the part of the roads is to nITord
fillet to the ? Kansas fat-mars , who are crentlv
in need of immediate help to harvest their
crops of wheat.
.SOI//H / > .iiior.i jv/Jirs. '
Veterans ol tlio lint Sprinc * Soldiers lloino
In I-olltles.
HOT Srittvos , S. D. , July 3. ( Special to
Tin : Bee , ] The soldiers' reunion coulj not
have been better favored with woathor. It
was delightful , nnd the next dnv after it
adjourned was the most windy nnd disagree
able period of the year.
The Seventh Day Adventists will com
mence Tuesday nnd hold camp mooting on
the Chautauqua grounds for n week. Tnoy
expect a great many of their belief from
Nebraska and the H.lls country.
Commander Lucns of thu Soldiers home
Is a candidate for congress upon the repub
lican ticket. The old veterans throughout
the state b-jom to have entered into the cnm-
paign with considerable earnestness for Ike
captain , and as they nro not very slow in
battling for tflnit thov want , it looks as
though they would succeed in doing some
thing for their candidate. Frank Washa-
buugh of Ueadwood IB also u candidate.
Aeeuxeil of Stvullng Cuttle.
HIM. CITV , S. D. , July 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bii.l : Two men , named Sopor
nnd I3avi , were arrested hero yesterday by
Sheriff Woods of Custer county , charged
with having stolen thirty-five head of cattle
in Cusler county. They were killing them
near hero and selling the carcases In A. 13.
Hill's mniltot. Hill was arrested for com
plicity. They were taken to' Custer today
or examination. Thirteen of the cnitlo
were recovered.
Onmlia Turner * U'liinlii ? t Sioux City.
SIOL-X Crrv , la. , July 3. [ Special to Tun
Bnr. ] The sinylo nthlntiu contests of the
Nebraska turnfest took place nt Evnn& pork
tcdny , nud In these , ns in nearly all other
events , the honors were close be
tween the members of tno Omaha
turnverelii nnd the Eicuo turners of
this city. There were several thousand
people at the park during the nlternoon to
see the exorcUos nud great Interest
was n.iinifosled. Thu Judges are
proparitig nn nwurd of prl/.os to
nicht , but will not' nnnounco it
until nfter midnight. Omaha athletes , how
ever , nro apt to carry oil the honors , 'iho
llelu exorcises are now ever with. Today a
grnml picino will be held nt IJivorsldo park.
Largo numbers of turners from the sur
rounding country nro nrnving in the city to
attend it , and it is thought that several
thousand people will bo present.
IlereM : i ( iiinitt for O
FIUNX-I--CO , Cul. , July 3. Johnny
Murphy of Boston tins issued a challenge 10
fl'jht GPOHTO Uixon before any club , olTermg
the largest purse for the bantam weight
championship of the world. lie posted $ U)0 )
forfeit here , and will loop the challenge open
two weeks
Sullt Caiinilliiii Ito.ul ICiicerx.
KIXOSTOV , Out. , July 3. The twcnty-llvo
mile race of the Canadian U heplmun's ns-
sociution ycUerdny resulted in Carman of
the Toronto Ulcyclo club winning in one
hour , ton minutes and six seconds. Tlio
Amorlcnn record is one hour , Hflo3n minutes
und forty-live seconds.
iKi > rituorii'i : r/iti : / . % .s./.v
Wliulo Strciets Iliirneil llnrr Tliriitni- null
Church Co tip To eltier.
Svx Josi : , Cal. , July ft. Fire broke out
lustovcntn ? in the of Kaubor's shooting
gallery. The flumcd < proad with wonderful
rapidity und soon the California theater on
Second street nnd the Lick house on First
street were burning. Before the
lire wns gotten under control West
Sun Francisco htreot had b'jon ' swept
clean from First to Third. It
also extended along tbo east Bide of First
street half u block and some distance on both
bides of Second and Third streets , burning
all business houses und residences , Including
the Lick hoimi , Calitornin theater and
South Motandixt church. The total loss
will reach ( JOO.uOO ; insurance probably two-
O.I.I.I.Y J'\lltllltJ'ilH ,
Ur. Ward , UI'Jl Wirt street , reported to
the police lust night that hu horse und
buggy , which wns left for n moment nt
Seventeenth and Farnam streets , Had been
stolon. Tao police nro looking for the missIng -
Ing rig.
The decorations in the court of Tut : Hen
buildim ; and upon thu outsldo walls at
tracted a great deal of attention yestordny
and were RU/.od m by hundreds of visitors.
Tonight the uullding will bo brilliantly il
Visiting newspaper mon uro appreciating
thn courtesy of theOmiiha Press club , wnich
extended them the UEO , through the kindness
of Mr. George N. Hicks , ot the lariro room
on the flrat lloor of the Now York Lifo
building. Editors and reporters Und ample
accommodations for wrlilni : and nro taking
advantage ol Iho excellent facilities olTcrcd.
Seven-year-old Clarence Hopewcll , on-
route with his parents from Denver to Chicago
cage , fell from a car window at the LTiuor.
dapot last evening und broua his right arm ,
besides badl.\ bruising his face. A physi
cian , who happened to be nt tbo depot , set
the arm and tno family continued their Jour
ney without delay.
The premature explosion of a sinull cannon
which was being llrod by several young men
ut Twentieth and Pierce streets ynuorday
was the causa of uu accident
which will probably cost John Berry
thn loss of tils uyesight. 1'ho
charge bluckoued Berry's fuce , burned his
hair und Injured his eyes. The physicians
uro unablu to stuto at present whclhor the
young mini's eyesight U permanently rulnod
or not.
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
House-Cleaning , .
"Would you know y/Vy / with pleasure
Our faces so beam ?
Ti er
grunille ,
Is tlje cause of our bliss ;
* For all of
TFor sorts clean
_ It neTer9coires | airjiss.
1816 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Instantly stops the most CNciueliitinc pitns : ; never falls to give ease to tliosnflercr ; a few
applications net like magic , causing the p iln to Instantly stop.
Internally taken In doses of from thirty to sixty drops In half a tumbler of water will i-nro In
a few minutes , - - . tour . ' , ' . .
. Tramps t-p-isms. Sionmeli. L'olle I'mlnlonce. lluartburii. Languor. F.ilnt-
Inz spells. OHOLEHAMORBU3 , DIAKKUOKA , DYSENTERY , Sick llfiiilticlic. Nnusen
% oinltinjj , Nui vniionuss , Seeplos ! no-.s. Mtihirl.i. nnd nil Internal p ilns arising from ehaiiRu uf
diet or water or other causus. 50 CENTS A BOTTLE. SOLD BY DKUOQISTS.
Bll.l.iiar-Bnrlow Company.
OtTHV.X < iltOl'L'- .
Tin : ui.nvnLAND I'AMII.V.
run tAVioru NATAI. DAY.
IOOOO Cmlos riom I.tnid and Sea UOOO )
I'ciform inoes--J.ll : , 4i : > . SiJ. : : ! ) : 'n.
1M Eye A
KOl-t T1-1Q
lie-it fncll ties , iipimintus n nn Uo ! , „ . , , ,
for s.ici'mifii trj itm * nt uf "vorvfiru
disease roniilrln .
of n.eillcal or
snr.-le U tioatinont.
M beds for patients , bo ml an I nttomlanas.
Host iiufciiiio lutions In the west. for i'lr--ul.iM on doforniit.iH mil
braces , trinsos. ulub foot , eurvjtnros of snliu.
piles. tuiniiM , u irih , bronchais , In-
halailon.o cctr.flty , piralysls , eullensy , Uld-
nov. b.iuldor. eye. ear. skin nn I blool miJ nil
KUritlcal OKT | itloiiM.
Women I'lllIIC. Wo linviilately nil lo.l t lyliu-
liulop irlint'iit fur wo-iien during eonlliioinont.
urtotly ur v ilo.i On v Koil.iiilo iledlo il In-
btitute inaKlni ? : i SpoI ilty o.
AM II encl DUo isjj suL'00-.sfiilly troitol.
HynhliHlo 1'olson lemoved fro u tlio Hyatem
without niiirciiry. New itestor.itlva 'I'
meiitfor Loss of v'lTAIj I'OWKIl. I'or-oi.s un
able to vls.t in mav bo troato 1 at homo by
mrroMion .enco. All conimiliiieatlons eoull-
donllul. Mololnos or inslrn nenu sent fy
mail oroxpress , sojim-ly pacliud , no m ires to
Ind ciUoeoutonthor xen < ler. Ono pet-oiml In-
terv e\v iirufeno I. Call an.l consult in or sonj
history of your cusc. nn 1 no will send In plain
phnt/'irn MPtJ . ntnru on rrivato ,
DUUn IU IIIC.IV , smii , , | , or Nervous ln-
onsos Inipotency. Syphilis , Oluut an.l Varied-
cole , with qiieit mi IUU
Hr.ii-i' . Applinnecs for Defiirniltlos A ; Triiioi
Only nriiiufnelory In the Weslof IHtttit it-
ITl"AI-l'tA I.X'Ksritirnil' ; ! , , VLtiUM'ttllJ
JIAiri-iitins A.n itILi > .
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
20th mid Broalway , Ooanoll Blu fi
Ton inlmttns' rl lo from center of Om ill i on
Illullt olujtnu inotxir lines.
B-v "SANATIVO , " Hit
Wonderful Hn.iil | li
Jloincily , i'j P 1Jvlili a
Written Cunrnntoo
liirnro nil Ncivoin Ills-
CO54S. euili as Wr.alc
Urincry , Ixin of Ilinlu
1'uwer , llcniliichc ,
\VukL'MliiciniI.i tMni ]
liooil , NtrvoumcM , Iju-
flliiOc , all ihulni uuil
Doforo& After Uso. Insi of | > n\rrr of Pie
I'hcU/RropUfil troin life , Ccncratlvo ( lu'ini In
cither ecu , rmncit by
ovu virillun , jdiilhfiil liicllsciftloii" , or llii- iiiinlya
as.jnflnl.mco , | > luuiui ( tlinulatiti , lil < li iilthnnlily
Idid In liiilrmliy , < -"II ' < UIMIMI | | niul ln'aiiilr I'm up
In toiitrnteiit form In rarr > In Iliciwl put kit. I'llie
II n rnckucr. or U fin SVlltlirri ) 1'ionlii i-Kltfa
vvrlttun fjimrnntoo to euro or refund tno
monor. Mill by iii'ill ' I" iinviulilrfsa. C rcnlnr free
lni > lnliicnrcli > | > c .Mi-ntlon Ihli | AiiJrrM ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. munch oir.ccfoi U.S.A.
355 JKniborn Hlr-rt. tlllCAdO , II.IH
Kuhc & fn. , Cn.r IMU & Duuirlui Ktfl.
i A Fuller ft Co. . Cor 14th & DouulinSU.
It U worlh lockup ; nt all ?
Then lock it with a "Yale" .
There are a hundred imita
tions. The word "Yale" ,
or this mark ( y&y ) tells
the genuine. *
lit eaty wlirn yen know.
Of Cnurull IIUlK
fcurplusniU I'rollts
NctUapItil nnl Surplus &vii > , UJJ
Director * -J. H > ' ) . -I' 4mir. . ' I
nii-nson , n. H. 11 irt , I. v. Uillir. J. V Ii man
ur.dUii irloi U llnnniti Tram tut 'uneral b in (
Inifbuiinoii. I.ir4oi' : uapltil mil surplu * jf
uny Limit In ioiUlnvoaU'rn lowu.
ON T .vlil DaPO3TJ [
mm ft Siiuiilpri ; ; " " " ' ' ' ' , ' " .w lfuo
Dim u oauiiutia . .
i\KU \ in thu Ntntu uu
fi-dunl coiiitx. IU on n : i. ! 4 , und a
llcuro bluck , Council lllulfi , ( u.
WANTii-food : ) girl for Konoral house-
work , ( iood wases. Mrs. ( iuurge Keellne.
HlM ast I'leii'f Mtruot. _ _ _
"I/'OIM iN'l' : TliDdwoillnit nn I'lrst iivenuo
-L1 und niL-litli street formerly oriMipled by
M. I'mith : II rooiiix. 2 b.iih looms and all
modern liiiprovemuiils ; coed stable and out
building ; runt * > n per month. K ll.hho.ifo.
"I ( ) | tS\M-I'loiirliiB and grist mill with n
X1 stoi-l. iniiriMiiinillsoniidihuillliK.
I'rloe f 1-J.AUil ; will tradi ) for oasliirn Nebraska
or Kiiiisjs Iniiil. R II. She-ifo.
\ \ ' ANTI-.D-Kxtmrlonc-ed eniivussors to soil
' the latest and vru.itnst novelty In fruit
In I'ottowiltoinlu und M I * eouiillus , lown.
Addiess A il. Hoc. Council lllulls.
"Ij'OU SAI < K On siiiail payments , fruit and
-L garden land noir Council UlulTs K. II.
blnmfe. Itruadway an 1 Main street.
IK YOU linvo anything for s-ilo or trade sea
_ K. 11. Shoifo. Hmvlwnvmi-l ' Main strnnt.i
Ij-Olt KK.Vr Dwuillii.'slii of the
Jilty. . _ llll.hjhdafo.llroailw-iy anil .Main ,
l , V-'l ! Wash-
liuton nvi ! . . modern style and convon-
loni'ui. In ( ixuoliont repair , rent $ - " > . R U.
hoifo. : Uro idwny and Main sts.
T71OIJ SAljK llotol nnd restaurant In a pros-
JL 'pel oils NebrasUa city , piylng biislno s ,
rooil reasons for solllir , ' . nrlt'ii il.OJ ) . It U a
B"L'l'j _ ' ' " " " 'liuafc , Itro ulw.iy un'l Main Htreot.
131011 HA III' Standard broil mare. 7 your *
- olil , Hired by Dr. Aiehlh.ild. No. SlllS ; first
dam by Olonwooil , rccoril x'i.'TU. She Is a llnti
c-liestiiut , lets shown uooil spoud. Is iantlo nnd
well broken to drlvu single or double. , wolilH
nbout l.Oli lli Mar Iio HCOII at birn : of W , U.
Utterbiiok. ' ' 'S West llroidwny , Couiioll
IllnlTs l'rlcoir > ) .
"IjlOU SAliK Kami , .Tacres ! > , In Diekenson
JCo , low i.JIU acres brolio , balance fom-o.1
piistiiroiind ituiidow. I'rioy * 2in : aero. R II
bho.ifo , llro idway anil Main slr.'Ot.
LK Thostiimpiiu business and ar
needlework materials ; am golm to learo
city ; good ohancu for a hilly to go In business.
Ml * , ii. I'.MU'K. Jlfl llniiiilwiiy , I oniii-H lllnft
\ WANTHIKastorn ) Nnbrntldi IniiiU In ov-
> ' cliiir-o ! for Council II ulliroporty. . 1C. U.
Slieafo , llro 'i way nnd M illi struot
IjlllU IT InnilH , g ir.len Inn IK , f inns nnd city
Jpropprtv for sale or trada Day .t llojs , 30
I'Darl siiuel.
inou SAIi-Klnvator ulth coin sliullor.
JL4UiiU bn. ililiy ; corn cr mlor , 101 bu , nu
hour ; saw mill attachment , in II 1' . oiuluu ;
iloliu a KOU I bus ni'sx : lo-atcd near Council
Itlnirh Will tiku good liind In ( i\elianio or
sell eheup tor cnsli. II 11 Sim ifo.
171KSAlIC-Stock of moreli inills < jand bnllil-
Ling In L-ooil tonni stou < Involco *
JI.UJ.U ( ) ; mis ; oo J tr.ulu ; btilldliu. Jl.OOI.dJ ; a
bur/alii ; will tul < o uooil lund In ox-
eliinse. ; II ll Jihujfe , _ _ _ _ _
rnillv ItKiCKHT IIAUCAIN Double lent
JLilcii'-o ' Int. No. - " . ' < : ou th 1' slrant , H
feet fiont ; best loo.illon and best bargain In
I his city If taken at once. Day & Hesi , , '
I'u u I street. _ _
rPO con. potent Indlos nnd goiitlunieii K > 0 u
mouth ami trivotlng expenses No can-
bsln. . C.i 1 1 li.'J 1' avoniie , Council III ulfn
0 u. in. to I p. m.
TpDIt SAM ! Koei ) Intlio , foot or powur. ftfuot
-L loir. . 1- Inihosvlilo , hack soared nnd screw
cilttlnir , with oo nplolo cliunK" o KOIINIIK , : i
linulis. ono 0-Inch , ouu 4-lnuli nud 1 drill
chuck : .Ihuts inotnl tnrnlii : tool * , otu. ! nlso
Hiu.'l-horso power oil t'lizlnu , with hlinftlnir.
unileyN , holtlni : , oil. All In good order nnd
will bu sold olionp for cnHli or on tlmo to right
iinrty. Adilros ! , IIox l' > , Killott , l.i.
ANTI'.ll--Two slrls , ono to cook find tlio
othur foroliHinhor woik. enn Had Hltiia-
tlons In n private fninllv ut good vrnues by
uniiiyln- Ci. Illnnl ; . lilb .Main Ht. Also mini
who i.iutcrstundu the euro of liortoB HIII ! work
nlioiit honso ; ( loriiina proft'rri'il ,
r\t \ AUURd of In nil In Honllifin lown for ml *
Ail M porncrn ; M HCI04 flint fnrni In MlllJ
county forHiilu. Johmton .V Vnn I'atton.
l/Olt SAMv Hotels nnd restiinrnnts In lown
-1 nnd NubrnsUn. dolnx prolltnlilo biiHlni-sii
nnd i'l ! lounti-d ; will tul.o 1 mil In purt trndu ;
wrllu for ( lotalU. K II. Hhoiifo. _
lOIl HAM' A flrnt clims Hto-U of Konerul
Jincirli indlso with Kuod wlli ; prleo * . % ( W'J !
will tiiUoKood land inoxohiuuo , I , . U Hhtinfe.
IjlOK KAliK Sleek of inllllnerv nnd notions.
: with store and tUtiirnsi prluu t < , 'JW ; will
rndo for land. Ii II. tihoafu.
_ _ _ _
IilOlt HAM * H ) rxiruMnf wood In ml nnd new
IuuitiiKD. . with fourn-ros land In Wnrniirs-
\lllit , Noli. : all inodiirii liiinrovuiiKiiitHi will
iixchuiuo for a ploniiinl vottavio free of In-
I'liinlirani'u In Oounull lllnll'M or ( Jinuhiu
Illl. Shiinfi' .
F > K UIvNT Two of
I'ourtli Nlreiit.
All k < n uof DyojiiK mi 1 ( 'hi.inlii done In tlio
hll 'st tyloif tbu art. F.uloil an.l utilnud
fubili'S iniulu to look aood Hit nu > r. Hod
featlit'rkcliiaiio < l by Htuam In llr t-olu mail *
nur. Wurk promptly Uonoiind dullvurnd Inall
purtu of the I'uunlry. bvml for price IUU
O. A. JIAUIIAN. I'liuru
No'ir tiru