8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JlrLY 3 , 1S02SIXTEEN PAGES. N , B , FAl Will Be Closed All Day on the Fourth , But Open Again Tuesday WITH ANOTHER CUT ON PRICES millions Will Ho ICnllpil-l ! ) 1-30 nnil Itllilinn ( ; ut to fir "Or , ! ii > r nnil Ilfi million Out l X t-'lc , I'-J 1-Bo nnil ir c. Wo have the finest stock of goods wo have over carried. This cut on prices is rapidly reducing Wo want all our friends to take ad vantage of this salo. Note carefully the following cuts. CHINA SILKS , c. Plain colored China silks and black and white check grenadine goods that have been selling at 50c , Tuesday , 2Se. i 10 pieces of assorted silks that have been soiling up to 81.00 , cut to 18o Tues- * 20 pieces Cheney Brothers' celebrated Indian silks , valued at $1.00 , cut to Too. KIBBO17S AT 5C. , Ribbons wo wish to make a special feature of and will make extraordinary cuts on them. RIBBONS AT SIC. 500 pieces of assorted ribbon , all colors , wortli up to 25o , cut to SJe Tues day. RIBBONS AT loc. In this lot will bo found ribbons worth up to ! < ) < ! . LINEN DEPARTMENT. BUGGY ROBES. Now is your time to buy your buggy robes.Vo have the _ largest assortment and you will surely find our prices the lowest. Wo start them at It"jc , 50c , 05c , f)5c ) , 81.25 , $1.50 , SI.75 , $2.00 , $2.2-3 , $2.60. See our line of Mexican grass nam- mocksat $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.35 , up to $2.75 each. Stretchers at 20c pair. Rones at 20c pair. Pillows nl 25c each. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. ] 2Jc India linen cut to 8jc. 15c India linen cut to lOc. 203 India linen cut to 15c. Big reductions on plaid , and striped nainsooks , see what wo aio ottering at 12jc.SILK SILK WARP HENRIETTAS C9C. 10 pieces black silk warp Henrietta , warranted for wear , color , otc. This cloth wo have sold all season for $1.25 ; will bo cut to C9c. Black brilllantino , a genuine bargain at SOc per yard , will bo cut to 3Cc. All of our $1.25 Priostloys novelties will bo cul to SSc. Cream mohair , actual value 75c ; got a pattern of tills cloth while it lasts at 30c. 12-inch black English honriotta , which Is excellent value for 60c , will bo cut to 27c. 27c.Positively Positively no goods sold to the trade at these prices. WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT. 50 pieces fancy stipe madras at 5o , worth lOc. This style of goods is now in great de mand for ladies waists and gent's shirts. 25 pieces fancy btripo and figured French sateen at the extraordinary low prfeo of 15c ; regular Hoe and 40c. ( See window. ) 50 pieces French batiste at 19c ; regu lar 30c grade. HO pieces Pacific lawns at 5c , worth 7jc. 15 pieces India organdies at lOc , worth 15c. 20 pieces India crepe cloth at lOc , worth 15e. See windows. N. B. FALCONER. lli'V. I > r. Thomas Today. At Twin City Chautnuqua Rov. Dr. Thomas preaches , it 2W : ] > . in. Imperial quartet sings. Throuirh trains from Omaha. Samuel Burns says , in consequence of the unfavorable poasou ho will close out his Jewell refrigoralors al 10 per cenl from faclory prices. Call or send for price list. The lllark IIIIU. Deadwood the mining center. Hot Springs the famous sanitarium. Holh reached by iho F. K. & M. V. R. R. , Iho pioneer railroad lo tlio Hills. Palace sleepers and chair cars now run ning on ihrough tn.iiiH , and commenc ing .Inly 9 Ihn Itirough Omaha-IIol Springs sleeper will bo pul on and run daily ihoreafior. Tickel olllco M01 Farimm street. Depot 15th and Webster strcols. .1. R. HUCHANA.V , General Pabscngor Agent. Ladies' ball game al Ilaskoll's park , July , y.'IH ) p , m. Ilayden Uros. 3-strinjr cabinet grand upright piano , new scale , $187.50. Hamilton Warren , M. D. , ocloetlo and magnollc physician and surgeon. Spo- chilly , diseases of wo'noa ' nnd children , ll'JN. lUlhstroat Telephone 143i A cordial Invitation is extended to all delegates and visitors by Paxton & Gal lagher to call and see their tea plant. This is quite a curiosity , as it Is Iho flrsl opportunity afforded iho people of iho United St'ilos lo see lea growing i n their own country. W. J. Shrador tolls Union soap , " Notlci ) Tlu'Ho Castcrn iciuxloimia : "The ! Norlli\n'Hti > m IIIID , " On July , 5 and ( ! . tourisls lickols will bo on sale lo Now York City and return al less than half fare , goo'd reluming until August 15 , with choice of routes east of Chicago. From July 1 to 10 , Inclusive , tlckols on Mile al half rales lo Saratoga , N. Y. , und return with reduced rates from there to all Now York and Now Eng land points. For full Information , through sleeping car reservations , otc , call at oily ticket olllco , 1101 Farnam street , Omaha. G. F. WKST , R. R. RITOIIU ; , C. P. & T. A. General Agent I'lriiHorKa , Don't pay throe prices at small stands , bul go to headquarters. lUloJ Farnam , nnd got a dollar's worlh for 100 cents. The W. A. Page Soap company are mibllHhlni : each week a different list of ( en merchants who neil Union Soap \Valch for your grocer's name. ( 'allloriini i\iiiirHlonii : , You have oen California frequently mentioned in newspapers and magazines Purhajm a friend has been there anil Avritod otithuxluBliu loiters baclc home ikboul Iho climate and the fruits. It makes you anxious to bee the country lor yourself. Tno way to go lu via the Santa Fo route , on ono of that lino's popular , per- Kiiiitlly conducted parties , leaving ChU tiiL'o every Saturday evening , and leav ing KUMHII'H City every Hun-Jay morning. Hpcclal iijentH and portent in attend- mice , Pullman tourist .sloopem are HMid , fiirnlnhod with bedding , mat- tn > N > , tollel artloloD , etc. Swond fla H tlckotM honored. Write to M L. I'ulmor , piiHMjiiir | { ( ngenl Santa Fo route , IUHI Farniim utrcul , Omaha , Neb. BENNETT HAS A WORD TO SAY Not About Any Firn Sale , Foro3d Sale or Bankrupt Stock , NOR ANYTHING OF THAT KIND \V Don't liny trcnml Iliinil tlonili OHM Arc All XPM , I'rixli Oniuli Direct from till ) rurtorlMi fnini 1'lrnt Iliinil * . They nro sold as cheap or cheaper mid give better sntiafuctlun than any Ire or bankrupt goods can. Why ilo llrms boi'omo bankrupt ? Nine times' out of ton because their goods won't soil. They nro carried ever from month , to month and become shop worn and out of date ; wo don't euro to offer , o the public any such ( roods. In our furniture department you will llml now , fresh , llrst hand goods at very .ow prices. Wo want to reduce this line some and will nmku outs all along the Ino. Hods , chamber suits , chairs , center .ablcs , otc. Wo have a few center tables , oft nl Uoo each ; you should have one. Wo are also prepared to repair furni ture lu first class mannar and wo do not illow any of our goods to go out unless in first class condition. Satisfaction guaranteed or cash mono ) ' refunded. In drugs wo are doing the business. Our system of labels and bottles makes uistakcs imuoasiblo ; inspect this do- > : irttnont , in oOe s-.ved on a proscription s bettor than 50o earned , bee.iuso it Is easier done. Dollar articles In patents sold for 75c. Bennetts' exclusive patents are taking the load of all , larger bottles and guar- intocd to do the work and sold at 05c. We have qtillo a line of patents at just iinlf price. In our butter department wo are sup lying the trade. The market is ad- r'ancingsomeoururiees ; remain the same. tfow is the time to lay In a supply. You will bo sure to get the genuine article at our counter. Wo don't handle oleo. Ask your merchant If ho has a jovornmenl license , you will bo sur mised at the great number who will an swer yes. All our eggs are carefully candled and guaranteed to please. In moats wo can do you goou. Wo won't sell you a shoulder or picnic for a No. 1 ham. They very much ro- scinblo ahum but are not. Wo will cut any kind of meat you want , also chip beef for you in any quan tity and give you fuH'weight EV13KY TIME. Wo have a large ami elegant stock in our exclusive tea , coITeo and spice de partment. Wo can save you money and jivoyou better values iintl weights than any one in the city. "Visit this depart ment and get a glass of delicious ice Lea , made to sample our grades. 2ome and see us. wo can benefit you nero ways than one. Weigh , count ind measure everything1 you buy. Ex amine and compare qualities , you will ilways find our prices as low and In many cases lower than other dealers. W. It BENNETT CO. , 1502. 1504 , 160(5 ( , 1508 , lolO , 1512 Capitol avenue. Jtcv. Dr. Tlioiiiim Tmliiy. At Twin City Chautauqua Hov. Dr. Thomas preaches at 2'iO : p , in. Imperial quartet sings. Through trains from Omaha. Curtice Bros. ' canned fruit and vege tables are sold by all first class grocers. Meyer & Raupko , wholos.ilo western agents. hplnt I.iiki * . The nearest nice summer resort for Omaha people. Daily trains with Pull man sleepers leave Webster street depot at 5 : 15 p. m , arrive at Spirit Lake at 7 a. in. Returning , leave Spirit Lake at 10UO : p. in. , arrive at Omaha at 9:2-5 : a. in. Tourist rate tickets on sale at 1 101 ITnrnnm fat reel. .T. R. BUCHANAN' , General Passenger Agent. The Mercer hotel , 12th and Howard. 150 elegant rooms $2 to $5 per a ay. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Church of the Good tfhophord will give a lawn sociable next Wednesday night , the Oth of July , on the grounds of Mr. .1. G. Willie , 1017 North Twenty-second street. The Mandolin club will furnish music. All are invited. Samuel Burns says that ft largo per centage of sickness is caused by drink ing impure water , and advises the use of the celebrated Gate City Filter , which ho is ottering at 50.00. Call or send for price list. 7 O'clock In tliu Kvrnlnt ; IB the time the fast Omaha-Chicago train via. "tho Northwestern lino' ' loaves the Union Pacific depot. Omaha , arriving at Chicago at 9:30 : o'clock next morning. V < stlbulcd sleepers and free parlor cars. City ticket office , 1401 Fanwtn. Try Lyon's creamery butter , Courtney & Co. Tel. 057. 25th and Davenport. P. M. Back sells Union soap. Kiutitrn Cltlrs iiiul rio'ixnro Itcxort Are best reached by the Burlington Route and its connections. Forty hours' ride from Omaha lands the travelers in Now York or Philadel phia , within sight and fiound of the broad Atlantic. It's getting warm now , and life In Ne braska IH not so pleasant as in Septem ber or October. Take a holiday , buy your ticket at 1223 Fiirnam street , and go east by ono or the other of the Burlington'ri three daily express trains. They leave at 9:50 : a. in.1:15 : p. m. and 11:50 : p. m. N. P. Sabs Bolln Union soap. Now , and rare drugs. Shormun & Me Council 15115 Dodge , Ud door west P. O. on Opportiuiltli1 * Via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Hy. , with choice of routes east of Chi cago. Now York and return , rate $2.00 less than regular ono way rates , on Halo .July HhtoOlh , good returning July 10th to 17th , subject to extension for return un til August 15th. Saratoga Springs , N. Y. , and return , ono fare for the round trip , plus $2.00 , on sale July 4th to 10th , good roturninu July 15th to 20th , subject to extension for return until Sept. 1st. Washington , D. C. , and return , ono faro for the round trip , on mile Sept. 13th to 20th , good returning until Oct. 10th. 10th.Cincinnati Cincinnati , O , , and return , ono faro for the round trip , on sale Juno 27th and 28th , good returning until July ( ith. Detroit , Mich. , and leturn , ono faro for the round trip , on sale July 12th and Kith , good roturnlng until Julv 19th. To any local point on C. M. & St. P. Hy. , one and one-third faro , except North and South Dakota , for round trip , on sale July 2d , 3d rtnd 4th , good re turning until July 5th. Call at ollleo , 1501 Farnam utroot , Omaha , or telephone 2K4 for additional information , C. S.L'Aiiiiir.H , F. A. NASH , Ticket uguil. General agent For the Spsoial Benefit of Delegates , Strang ers anil Visitors July 4 , GIVING THEM A GRAND OPPORTUNITY To Axnll ThnmiolMM of tlin Tromnmloin nliM In the On-it Miiiiclilll llnnk- rupt Dry ( liiniU Stuck mill Omulm Shoo Snlo. THE BOSTON STORE. The most conspicuous dry goods store In Omaha. That you hour so much about hero , there and everywhere. On the northwest corner of 10th and Douglas street. There are opportunities In life which must be taken when ottered or are lost forever. For every stranger In town lomo'Tow ' wo offer an opportunity that Is never liable to occur again. From 8 in the morning until noon tomorrow wo place the whole etiro joint establishments THE BOSTON STORE ANDSTONEHILL'S OLD STORE At their pleasure. Every wonderful bargain that has ever boon advertised by us nt the oom- inoncomcnl of this sale Is repeated and doubled In value for tomorrow. Bo prepared for the biggest bargains you can imagine in silks and dross goods. Prepare youraclf for greatest bargains in men's and ladies' underwear and hos iery. Prepare yourself for the moH tre mendous bargains in shoos for men , ladies or children. Prepare yourself , in fact , for the greatest smash in prices that you can imn.nlno. Prepare your self for all these , and when you eomo you will find that you have not prepared yourself half enough for the big bar gains that will meet you on every hand. lUIHi : ATTll.YCTlOX At llulT.ilo Show , July I. Wild west ill earnest. Attempts will bo uiado to rope "Wild Jehu. " $10.00 to any cowboy who will accomplish it. OITor open to the world. All attempts to bo made on horseback. Buffalo Jones will Attempt to drive to a cart "Dick" the man-killer ana "Sulli van' " the lighter. Nothing like It over seen. There Is no fake about it. These attempts will bo made in earnest and accomplished , if possible , and you may expect some exciting scenes and a lot of fun. Performances a.t 2 , 4 and 0 p. m. See the cowboys try to rope "Wild Jctiu. " See Buffalo Jones try to drive the buffalo bulls. Girls \ K. lloj'K. The Ladies' Base Ball ago rogation of Denver will plav the Mort-es at lias- kell's park at 3:30 : p. ra. July 4. Itov. Dr. TlioiiuiH Today. At Twin City Chautauqua Rev. Dr. Thomas preaches at 2:30 : p. m. Imperial quarlot , sings. Through trains from Omaha. Great slaughter of millinery goods. From now on until the rloso of the sea son we will sell our millinery at what ever price it will bring. Not at coat or below cost , but whatever you can pay for it. Ills not a question of what it is worth , but what It will bring. Wo keep no shoddy goods , so don't expect to find it. The ladies of Omaha know what class of goods wo keep ; so before buying elsewhere come to us and see how far your dollar will go. Remember the place. F. M. SCHADELL & CO. 1522 Douglas. Sight is priceless. Half the fatigue and headaches occasioned , by the sun and dust may bo avoided by wearing London Smoke or Blue Lenses of the proper tint. Eye glasses with cork noses and silk guards , nil shades , only 50c this week. Ttider Optical Co's. , corner Farnam and Fourteenth streets. Eye and oar surgeon , Grant Culli- inoro , room 221 , Boo building. Clirnp Kxciirslon Kiitex Kust. The great Rock Island route will soil tickets July 4th , 5th and Oth to Now York and return at loss than half faro for the round trip with return limit , good until September 15th , with other privileges cast of Chicago. For full particulars call at ticket office , 1002 Farnam street. ClIAS. KUNNUDY , Gen'l N. W. Passenger Agent. < ilrlH , I'liiy It.ill. The Morses will play a match game of ball with the .ladies' base ball ag gregation of Denver at Ilaskol's park , Fifteenth and Vlnton , 3:30 : p. m. , July 4. A. Weber , jr. , piano tuner , 113 N. 15. The children ol St. James orphanage will have their picnic on July 0. Their many kind friends who have done 40 much to make them happy in the past are most cordially invited. Any person desirous of contributing toward their refreshments will kindly send them to St. Catherine's academy , Cass and 18th streets , Convent of Morey , 1421 Castellar street , or the Derail house , 422 South 18th PlreoU SIBTIHS : or Mnitcv. Tint Hutu to \i-\r York For the annual convention , Societies of Christian Endeavor , will ho only ono faro for the round trip , and tickets at that rate may bo obtained on July 4th. 5th and Oth , at the city tlukot olllco of the Burlington route , 1223 Fnrnnm street. Through train , Omaha td New York , leaves hero at 11:10 : p. m. Monday , July 4th. 4th.No No transfer or change of nny kind. A atop of live hours will be imido at Niagara Falls. ' ' The 00-cont store open every evening this week until 8 o'clock. Buy your fire works now and avoid the rush. Latent Shoot Mimic. Received dailyA. jloapo , music rooms. C'lilna Di'uor.ilivu .M'ltcirluU. Novelties , groit variety. Hoapo's The finest fireworks at the only ex clusive fireworks IIOUBO in the city , 1015 } Farnam. J. E. Nelson & Co. boll Union soap. KxoiiMloii to Jsmv York. The Christian Endeavor Society of Nobrabka has arranged with ' 'Tho lino" solid train North-WoBlorn to run a of sleepers and free chair cars from Omaha to Now York City , leaving Omaha July 4 at 7 p. in. Ifciilroad rates for thla occasion will bo one-half faro for the round trip. For full Information apply at Y. M. C. A. rooms or city ticket otllco of "The North-Western line , " 1401 Farnam St. G. F. WKST , R R KITOIIIH , C. P. & T. A. General Agent. roimir.xcLUsioxs HAST. VinttIIP Wiilmh I.IMP. July 13d3d , and 4th The WnlMuih will sell tickets at half faro to all stations on the line good re turning July 5. Loss than half fare. For the Young People's Society of Christian Eiidoavor convention the Wabash wllL-soll round trip tl-skots at above riitcsion Juno 4 , 5 and 0 with choice of routes'via St. Louis or Chicago. 3d Saratoga ! and return $30.55. For the National Eluc.itlonal u oela- lion thoWubish will sell round trip tickets at above rate July 4 to 10 , with choice of routes via St. Louis or Chicago. 4th Detroit and return $20 50. For the B iptlst Young People's uiiioi the Wabash will soil round trip tickets at above rate , 'iily 12 and 13 For tickets , scoping car accommoda tion and a loldor giving lists of routes , side trip" , coat of same , with other valuable information , call al Wabash olllco , 1502 Farnam street , or write GioniiN' : ( : . CLAYTON , N. W. P. and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Nob. Ili'V. Dr. Thulium Toilny. At Twin City Chautauqua Rev. Dr. Thomas preaches at 2:30 : p. m. InTpcrial quartet sings. Through trains from Omaha. Our store will bo closed all day Mon day , July 4.Tin Tin : Moitsn DUY Goons Co. Jepson & Lund sail Union soap. ONE IlU.NimUIJ AND SIXTEEN YHIIS OI.I ) National Illrtlulny. Reduced Rates. The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific Railway will sell tickets at all points on their line July 2 , 3 and 4 good to return to the 6th. Apply to any ticket agent for full par ticulars. JNO. SiniAsriAN , G. T. & P. A. CIIA& . KKNNHDY , Gcn'l N. W. P. A. Omaha. II. W. Spauldlng sells Union soap. Ladies'ball garao at liaskoll's park , July 4 , 3:30 : p. ui. M. Roth sells Union soap. "Twin C'lty Cli.uitiiiuiiri. " Rock Island trains will leave Omaha for Chatauqua grounds at 8 a. m. , 10 iu m. , 12:30 : noon , 5:20 : p. in. , 0:35 : p. m. Additional trains leave Council BlulTs 0:10 : a. m. , 0:30 : a. m. , 1:50 : p. in. , 7:30 : p. m. Returning leave Chautauqua for Omaha via Council Blulfs 0:15 : n. in. , 8:13 : a. m. , 11 a. m.,4:30 : p. m. , 5:33 : p. m. , 10:15 : p. in. Round trip from Omaha , 50c. Tickets on sale at 1002 Farnam street or Union depot. A. Weber , jr. , formerly at Moinbcrg's , has opened a piano repair factory and deals in line now pianos. 113 N. 15tli st. Krakauor Dianos ; see them. 113 N. loth. KNICIITS or PYTHIAS. Visiting Knights. All visitors and members of the con vention , who are members of the Order of Knights of Pythias , are cordially in vited to drop in at Pythian headquar ters , Paxton block , 10th a/id Farnam Sts. , and make themselves at homo at any timo. By order of the committee on enter tainment of visitingJCnights. i 1 Golontilii'ft Cntil IlutrcatH. During the "tourist season , " from Juno until September , the Burlington route has on sale round trip tickets at very reduced rates to the principal resorts - sorts of Colorado. To Denvor.Colorado SpringsManitou , Pueblo and Estes Park ( the most attrac tive spot in the whole state ) , particu larly low rates nrc in force. July and August are the best months in which to visit Colorado's unrivalled resorts , to all of which the Burlington , with its connections , offers unequalled service. The city ticket agent at 1223 Farnam street will bo glad to give you any desired - sired information. Nuiv Friiino Mnnlilln ; ; * . Late dcsings. A. Hosnc , Douglas st Hot SprlngR , South Dnkiitil , Is a sanitarium of the highest clas , sit uated in the most picturesque portion of the Black Hills. Its climate is delightful , its bath houses luxurious ana the beneficial ef fects of its thermal waters truly astound ing.Tickets Tickets good for 90 days from date of purchase are now on sale at the Bur lington Route city ticket olllco , 122. ! Far nam street , at the very low rate of $25 00 , Omaha to Hot Springs and return. The 10:15 : a. m. train for this northern paradise offers uncqualcd service of through sleepers , and rcclining-chair cars. cars.W. W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages Half Fiirti to Nun * Vork. For the national convention , Y. P. S. C. E. , the Burlington route will on July 4 , 5 and 0 sell round trip tickets to Now York at half rates. The bulk of Christian Endoavorors live south of the Platte rlvor and will use the Burlington route to the conven tion. tion.Tho The benefit of the reduced rates re ferred to is open to the general public. Baggage checked direct from resi dence through to destination. For information regarding regular and special trains , through sleepers to Now York , fares , etc. , apply to W. F. Valll , city ticket agent , 122.J Farnam fitreot , Omaha. Spectacles adjusted for defective vision. Dr. Cullimoro , R. 221 , Bee bldg. Hound Trip TlulmtH. The only linoinuniiing through trains direct to Denver , Colorado Springs , Manitou and Diieblo. Low rates ( o all points in Colorado , Utah or Paclfii ' .oast points. FastUlian on elegant vostluulod trains , free reclining chair cars and the celebrated "Rock. Island dining cars. " Comfort , safotv und speed secured when ticketed via'tho 'Great Rock Island Route. " TickoVollico 1002 Farnam strcot. ClIAHl.KS K.UNNUOY , J. L. DI'.BEVOISH , G. N. W. P. A. CitylL'iolrot and Pass. Agt. JJ/.M77/.S. of fl ft. ilJmw < > r / < * wiiler tills /irocl. / flftu rri ( ; c.ir/i / < n/iHlf/m < il Hue ( cnmit * . IlOfiK ChiiiTm. buluvnil sun of Mr. unit Mr * . O , U. lioue , usoJ II yuan. . U mouths anil'Al iliiyx , July V , lb'12. ' ruiiuralSiuiiliiy iifiuriioon , Jufy II , ul 'In'olouk , from family rosldnncu , Twcnty-fniirlli mill Ilinnuy Btreuls , to I or- fst l.iiwn cumetory. Friend * of f.uully. Modern Wooiln.oii and liuyat Nul hbor.-i are Invited. I'ltATT Ocnren M. , youngest son of AiiKiistn * and UrncuV. . I'ratt , Hucd b vctars , Hcrvlcus nta P.III . Knmluy. at rt'bl.lunue. | Su3 I'nrk nvonno. Jlnrliil private. SMI HI JnnuL'U at Uncu'n I'nrk fniiltnrliini , C'litcntn. III. , Molllu KlUilinlli , liuluvuil wlfo of II. Adalliort Smllli , UKi-iUI yuim. : I'tinum ! f rein linr lalo liomi' . fciM I'urfc uvuiuio. bun- ilnv. .Inly : i , at" p in. Intmmunl at 1'orcbl l.txwn comctory. UYAN John 1' . , aitcd 21 ycnrs. II months , at the roslduneuof liUklstcr. Ml * . UlmrluH Mu- Doimld , 4Ul.Muduu ucut. tn ; I'riduy iiiorn- Ina July 1. liK. at t.aj : oVInoK. 1'unur.il Korvli-ot St. 1'otor'ii cliurc'li.'TtteiiUi-ewlitli und Louvoiiniutli snoots. Hiiwliiy. tiU o'clock. Inturiiiciit Holy Kopulcliur i-emu- tt'ry. Muiulifri. of Y. M , J. , rulullvon utid filumla Imllfdf Tim KriniiiRtnn Typnwrilrr I'ntrnt * . The nress dispatches have recently re ' ferred'to the decision of the United States circuit court in the suit brought by the Remington Typewriter company against the agent of the Franklin Type writer company. The suit related to the use , In the tyyowrltor , of more than ono letter on a lypobar with a vibratory platen. In his decision Judge Lacombe said : "Tho validity of the second claim for the vibrating platen and mechanism to vibrato U , is not sulllclontly free from doubt to warrant a preliminary Injunc tion. Were the manufacturers defend ants In this ca o , it might be , In view of the short time that the patent Is to run , that a preliminary Injunction should bo refused upon giving proper security. " Ono essential fact in the whole con troversy should not bo overlooked and that Is that all claims to patents under this invention expire in November of the present year , and a representative of the Franklin company said : "I seems a little Into in the day for the patentees to seek the protection of the courts. It is evidently ono of those cases in which the public may bo congratulated that the law refuses to stlllo competition. " Now York Daily Tribune , Thursday , Juno 23 , 181)2. ) Dr. Gilford will Do out of town from July 8 to July 25. UprlghCpiano , $170 00 ; organ , $05.00. 113N. Ifilh st , National IMnr.itloiml As-uifi.ulon Kxciirilon July 4-10 , the Burlington route will sell round trip tickets to Saratoga , N. Y. , at one fair plus $2.00. Tickets are good to return until.September 1. Special Pullman sleepers will leave Omaha on July 9 and will run througn to Saratoga without change. The low rales of faro referred to above , the through car facilities at the dis posal of travelers by the Burlington route , and the delightful season of the your combine lo make this an une qualled opportunity ol visiting the cast. For furlhor information apply to W. F. Vaill , city ticket agent , 1223 Farnam street , Omaha. B. Rabinswitz sells Union soap. Now Scnlo Itnnlmll IMiino. Only at A. Hospo's music rooms. Visitors to Con\untlon. At the request of the ontortnlnmcnt committee people's party Exposition hall , corner 14th and Capitol avenue , has boon fitted up with cots for the ac commodation of visitors. Cots can be secured at 75c per night. The I'ourth lit CIiniitnii < | im. General R. A. Algor will make an address at the Chautauqua on the Fourth. Bands from different towns will compote for prizes. Grand barbecue free to all who attend. TliroiiBli Trains to Xo\v York. Carrying attendants at the annual convention , Societies of Christian En deavor , and their friends , will leave Omaha via the Burlington Route at 11:10 : p. in. Monday. July 4. an,111 run through to New York without transfer or change of any kind. Cars will bo lighted and ready for the reception of passengers at 9:30 : p.m. The rate is only ono faro for the round trip ; ticket ? may bo purchased at the city ticket office , 1223 Farnam st. O. J.'Wilde & Co. sell Union soap. Summer Tourist Tickets To 1,000 pleasant places east , north and west are now on sale at "tho North western lino" city ticUol ollico. 14th Farnam street. Litllo it Williams soil Union soap. Anti-medical practice removes disease. The I'onrth at Cliiintnniiiii. | General R. A. Algor will make an nsdrcss at the Chiuitai qua on the Fourlh. Bands from different towns will compote for prizes. Grand barbecue free to rtll who attend. O.H in.i. Stiirtline Development * In the \Vny City Ill-ally HUH Uri'll A * t < micili A mooting of the Honnl ut Trmtovni hold last cvunlng , ami It proved to bo one of the most Ititcrc'Uir.K sessions ovo.- hold by Hint organization. Not IOIIR slnco nt n < ocrot nicotine n com- mlttoo wus appointed to invostlpmo the assessment ni ruiurnod for 1M)1 ) by the asses sors in South O in nlm ro.Uty. Tlio commitlco miulo Its report , at lust nl lit's Hosilon of the lionrd nnil It was ot a most sonsallonln nniuro mul revealed tliu fuel Unit sonio one tins been ninnlnulutlui ; a'lTulrs to stilt them selves , and will prollt very Inrgcly In a pcctmhiryvay by ro.isun ot n Hgtit tux assessment , wlillo tno small property owner will bonr the burden. Tlio commltteo's report showed Hint assessor Knvon and his assistants Imvo ucn- lectcd to return assessments on a number of trnols und In other eases at a rodlciilously low IIeuro , as compared with tmrroimilliiK property. Ttio Soutti Omnlm Lnnd company , butler known as the Syndicate , U the prlncl- p.il prolltor by reason of the roturas made by tUo assessor. Tbo commlttoo'a report shows Hint syndi cate property lu the vicinity of NlnoloentH nnd 1 streets Is assessed at $ "i to $100 , and which cnntiot ue purchased for loss Iban fbUO to $ ' > HJ. ) Tlio property In Corrlijaii Place , 01111 and ouc-bilf miles west ot tlio postolllco , lins been r.ilsud In valuation ever 1MU nt least one-third. Ono tract of alxtv ncroi owned by the synlcato tins not been nisiHsud at nil , wlillo proncrty In Albright lias boon raised In value from one-third lo one half over Ib'JI. A truot of thirty tlireo ncrcs , owned by tlio Union Stock Vurds comiutiy , Is assessed nt $115 , nnJ tlio committee estimates that It Is worth $ IOUJ per acre , and on property la the riclnlty of Ku Johnston' * homo the valuation tins been reduced. [ Sprint ; Lnko park addition of olihty-ono acres , owned by the syndicate , Is tissosod nt $1,000 , and another tract of sixty-four acres , owned by the same company , Is not assessed nt ail. The O'Kcofo & McCvUVOck ndaltion Is raised in value nearly one-half ever 1VJ1. The South Omaha Ulectrlc Llcht company is assessed atS10. . The Union Stock yards , 21S acres , Jll.'i.OOO . ; Uudnhy Packing company , fourteen acres and houses , ! 0,000 ; personal , $11,150' total , $11,150. TUo assessment is the same us Ib'Jl. bwift & Co. , Ramo as Ihill. Eighteen acres and houses , $3JHOO ; personal , $12,01)0 , ) ; total , M 1,500. Hammond & .Co. , same as 1S01. Ftvo acres , $12,000 ; paroonal , $ ( ! , OiO ; total , $1,020. , Omaha Packing company , same as IS'Jl. Nine ncroa nnd bouses , $1,000 , ; pcriounl , $5,7115 : total , $ r'JM. The report also shows that llvo acres , owned by tlio syndicate , on Kntlroiui nvcnno has not been assessed at all. Also lots 1'J ' , 20 , 21 In section -1-11-1U ' . , - - - , were not nsM'.ssod. The report reveals tbo fact that in most cases tbo property of small owners has been raised , and tills iu especially true In tbc First ward. Messrs. Anderson , Lane , Levy , McMillan and O'Noil were appointed a committee to appear before the county commissioners and protest niir.Inst the assessment as returned and seek an equalisation of the same. Tuo question of the school levy of 12' < mills was also brought up and n committee consisting of Messrs. Anderson , O'Noil , Brccn , Levy and limit was appointed to tip- pour before tbo county commissioners nnd protest against the proposed lovy. lIilslllrsH Tronlili-H. Yesterday the Richardson Drug company of Omaha took possession of the stock of drues owned bv A. W. Saxo upon n chattel mortgage. Mr. Snxo estimates his llnbilitioa at $ . ' 1,500 and bis nssots will bo sufllciciit to pav alt of his indebtedness. The failure of Mr. Saxo caused consider able surprise nna is duo to slow collections. A cenlleman was looking ever the stock yes terday and will probably purchase It and reopen - open the drug storo. Note-land I'oi-HONaN. Mr. ana Mrs. Alex Schlcgcl went to Plattu- mouth yesterday. Kobert Loudon of the Daily Stockman loft yesterday for Hastings. Miss Grace Maxwell returned yesterday from a visit to Lonnke , Ark. Miss Maud Ash of Detroit , Mich. , Is the guest of her uncle , J. D. Hobinson. Mrs. Dr. ICirltnatriclc is enjoying a visit from Uor brother , Dr. C. D. Caluins of Uhl cago. Tlio concert nnd ball given last evening by tbo South Omaha band at Blum's hall was well , attended. Thursday evening the ladiqs of the First Methodist church will give u lawn social at tto homo of AIo < srs , Hlchnrdson ntul Icia * nloton , Twouty-lliInl ntul II streets , * Al. H. Hogarty , n well known commtsitbtr" mnn , wns Itadly injured Inslovonlni : by bclnp thrown frcm his bucBJ' . Ora Fnlsi , omplorod nt Swift .t Co.'s , yostordnv l& \ deep cut iiiiulo In hi * henu by being struc& > y n descending olovnior. The cnso of tbo Ntnto against Hov. AInrlou Boles , charged with artmlniil assault upoy Airs. KtinStowart , was continued In Polk * court yesterday until Wednesday mortiln JrU U o'clock. jr In ticrordnnco with Instructions fnk'i tli < city council Uluof DecKott yesiordny noil. i licit ttio Htnulnmotit 1'aving company to \ cease tlio work of repairing Ilio Twenty. . I fourlh street pavement and ttvo order was I Imiiioillnloly compiled with. ' ( 'Ilin fourth ut Clmiilatiiim. | General R A. Algor will make at\ addri" < s at the Chautau < iua on thw Fourth. Hands from dllloront lowns will compete for prlxeH. Grand barbecue , free lo all who attend. Tr.i\olliiK Mi-n Iti'liiriulirrcd , Ordinarily "tho man with the grip1 ns the traveling man is now do cribotl | pots the fatted calf and tlio parlor liod- room in all modern hotels , and ho is en * t titled to It , for the modern hotel has no * more faithful nor more easily pleased patron. Hut there are times \\hon hois forgotlcn in most houses and must tnKo his chances with Iho rest fora cot in the hall. Ono of those times Is a conven tion week , such as Omaha has no\v , when most landlords . say , "llrst como , llrsl fcorved. " A marked exception to this rule in Omaha this week was "Tho Mercer , " whoso manager , Don Porter , remembered the boys and sot aside > i rooms for their accommodation. They will remember the favor. NEBRASKA CENTKAL. H of tin' Coiiitiny | Illrrtnl lit the \u- nniil Mri'llott'st < < nlii > . J. H. Duinont Is now president uf the No * brnslta Central Kallwny coiupnny nnd hni iiHcrcstOl ( a number of cnpltnlUts ntul nctlvu business mo u of Oiunhn la the project iitul la now rcndy to cointaonco notlvo worlc on Uio lown part , of the enterprise in otico. Froil A. Nnsh , K'ucrnl ( nffotit of the C'hi- ' capo , MiUvmikoo \ . St. Paul , hns boon chotun ns second vlco president nnd gonornl mnn. ngor of the road , ntid will soon resign from ttio Milwaukee to devote tits outlro time to < * tlip Nebrnskn Centrnl. The annunlinoeiliii ; of Iho slockholdors of the company wns hold yosterdny anil tti followlncofllcors anil diructora chosen .1 H. Uumont , prosldent ; O. Al. Cnrier , llrst vlco president ; F. A. Nnsh , second vic president nnd general mnnngor ; A U.V > - ninn , treasurer ; John L. AleCtiKUO , secrc. lary ; James Vilos , Jr. , John A. Alcbliana C. S. Moutgomcry ntid A. L. . Itcoil. These nro nil well known , actlvo Oinnlia capitalists nnd business men. Mr. Carter is president of the American Loan nnd Truit company ; Air. Wymati Is prosldunt of tlio Omihn : Loan nnd Trust company ; Air Me- CnRtio Is president of tlio American Na tional bank ; Air. Vilei Is iiotieral mannger of the Omnhn I'neltinij company ; Mr Me- Shnno is n capitalist nnd nn ofllcer of the Stock nrds compnny ; Air. Mouteonicry IH vice president of thn Amuricnu Loan , V Trust company and Air. Hoed Is president of Ilia Myron Heed company , the oldest real estate linn in Omaha. The rtiroclnra oleetod Air. Francis \ \ Kimball - ball of Austin , Minn , chiut engineer of tha cotnpnny , nnd dlreclod the president to em ploy Iho necessary force to survey and loeato h tlio' Iowa brunch of the road ns rapidly aa DOSSlblo. " Air. Kimball Is n railroad eiiKineor of na tional reputation , having had twenty six vcar.s' cxpcrienco In railroad nnd li bulldint' . Ilo built Uio Missouri river I ) , for tlio Milwauiseo company nl ICnnsns t'iC > S and has had much worlc of a similar char octor. At prdscnt ho tias tlio continci lor tliu construction of forly llvcintlos of railway for the UurlliiBton , Coaar Hapids , t North rrn in Iowa nnd cannot devote his onllro time to the Nebraska Central until bis Iowa contract is completed. Ho will give tlio company nil of the time required In the pre liminary worlc and full time Inter on. Tinroiirtli lit Cliiiilniliiiii. ! | General U A. Alger will make nn address at the Chaulaun.ua on Hit ) Fourlh. Hands from ditloronl town willcompeteforpri7.es. Grand barbi-t 10 , free to all who attend. Extraordinary Value in Made-to- Order Clothes. In order to keep our full force of work people employed we will take n few thousand extra orders at cost of material and making. The prices- reductions and values we advcatise may be relied upon. Summer , Open Autumn Evenings and X During Winter the Goods Sale. in this Salo. Our $25 and $28 Suits reduced to $20 ; Pants $5. Our $30 and $35 Suits reduced to $25 ; Pants $6 and $7. Our $35 and $40 Suits reduced to $30 ; Pants $8. Our $ < jo and $45 Suits reduced to $35 ; Pants $9. The above reductions include every one of the two thousand fabrics in our store -none reserved - Still greater reductions arc made on Suit and Pant Lengths ancl rein- , nants * * We guarantee every garment we make to be eminently \ satisfactory of we exchange or refund the money. H 207 south i5th NI COLL , the Tailor , w south i5ti