Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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    I' ! Tl.
Ohroniclo of a Dull Week in Small
ftlio A'lMinj ; 1'foplr , rrosli from Collogu
Hull niul fcrmlimry , < lno thu Only
I.lie Notln iibln to tlio
tiny World.
The National Fcnclblos of Washington ,
notwithstanding thnt some Injudicious people
plo bavo gone o far as to cast rellectlotis
upon tbo personnel of the company , nnd have
wondered nt tbo social stan-llng accorded the
members of the emeu military company by
tbo Indies of Omaha , received n royal wel
come lo Indianapolis , us tbo following from
the liullnnnnolls Journal will testify i
The Washington yonciblcs , winners of the
chutrimonshlDpiUont Omaha for Infantrv
iroops , says the Journal , nnived in the city
-/rum Chicago , jcsttmlay , over the Monon ,
occupying a special car. Their stay will ex
tend to Friday , to renew old acquaintances ,
tinting fiomriiolr visit to Indianapolis one
. will bo iiuuitorcdI at the
\ei.r ago. They
bcnnlson bouso. As tholr train pulled Into
the station at I p. in. , two companies , captain -
tain Curtis and Cuptnin Hess coniinanultiir ,
lortneO line nnd saluu-d thn vlsiling victors
tis they passed. The latter then halted while
the locul troops , bended bv n bund , led the
wuv up Illinois street to Wnshlninon , tbojice
to i'oniisylvanla , where a turn wus made , I ho
lirocosslon then headed for the Hoard of
Trade ball , The visitors were frequently
in fatigue uniforms
rhoorcd as thov passed along
forms , with guns In canvas cases and wear
ing Itnapsacltt and blanltots. They stood the
w-ji'-'iisc heal remarkably woll.
Arrived nt the Board of Trade , the as-
ecmblcd guests greeted tbo ITenclbles with
loud applause as tboy entered. Colonel
.lames A , AVildman was master of cere
monies , and tmido a graceful speecu of wel
come , und recalling the pleasant memories
of the former visit of the troop to this'city.
flo adverted to the constant intciost sineo
maintained In thu company by the people of
Indianapolis , on the part of whom , as well as
ho , extended n hearty welcome. The honors
won at Omaha , ho said , were such na en
titled thonf to bo proud. As cheers greeted
the close ol his lomurKs , ho Introtluood Mr.
ner. chairman of the committee on ar-
-Sungemcnu. Mr. Tanner gracefully wel
comed the visitors on behalf of the Board or
Trade. A. J. iJovorldgo was then presented
to extend tbo welcome of IhO city at largo.
Ilosald' : , .
"Gentlemen of the Washington tend-
blcs When ono year ago you were in our
midst and won the swift descending crown
of laurels , you became the heroes of our
prophecy. Indianapolis then learned to nd-
mlro you has watched yo-ir course with
great interest. This is n city of soldiers.
The martial spirit has not waned smco the
noDlcst of its sons wont forth to batllo in a
contest whose prio wns the llfo or the na
tion. You may have evidence of our spirit
in the prldo shown in the accomplishments
of our light artillery [ cheers ] , led bv the
gallant Curtis. [ Cheers. 1 yon lirst
inarched our streets wo hnvo hnd our
eyoson you. There was something in your
bearing and spirit thnt told us yuu wcro the
Chov.iller llaynrds of oui encampment. Wo
nutnlrod you as soldiers , welcomed you as
gentlemen nnd were proud of you ns homes.
Welcome , thtiofore , ngnin wo give you , botli
for yourselves and what , you tcprosont.
I'eitco Is tbc precious llo\ver which you do-
fcmlilbbvotiia. . It Is with thn favors of
wars t hat our Hag is woven. When Ameri-
tfcnti rights nro nssalled , then it is to jou wo
7oolf. btill the motto Is peace , if possible , but
only peace with honor. Wo now pledge our
selves to you In the martial brotherhood
formed between us. "
v\\\ \ \ contrast ! to the nttaclc tnndo upon the
/ ' cneflilbs by a locnl paper the following nt-
, , > toranoes by "Captain Uomer on his ariivnl in
"Washington shows what his Impressions of
Omaha people nro. To a Washington I'oat
reporter ho said : "It is truu that wo have
received but S-.fiOO on the 5.,000 prize , but
the remainder will surely Do paid. Thosub-
scrlptlons tn the urill in Omaha covered the
amount offered In pn/es , but only half of
them were collected. The committee depended -
ponded partly upon the gulo receipts to cover
expenses , nnd the attendance was not what
und been expected. Twonty-llvo thousand
people saw Iho sham battle. It was not ex
actly what they expected , and the disap
pointment affected the following exhibitions.
"The committee Is comnoscd of tbo most
RUbstuntirU men in Omaha , nnd 1 bad the
positive assurance of tbo chairman before
1 loft that the entire prize money would bo
paid. A conference of captains was held
after the drill to consider the matter , mid
wo concluded to accept the proposition of
Mio committee to pay half down and the
balance later. "
.liiim Wedding.
A Pretty . .
On Wednesday last at 4 p. m. ono of the
proUiost homo weddings imaginable was
olemnlzod nt the resldonco of E. A. Leaven-
worhl"0 ( South Twenty-sixth street. 'J ho
contracting parties were the well known
builder , Charles W. Partridco , and Miss
Olive Hubbard. ono of tbo most succossfu
iitul popular ioaehors In tbo city schools anc
Elstor of Mrs. Loavonworth.
The parlor floor was profusely decoratet
wltn , palms , callas and tuberoses , thu chande
liers were buns with smllnx and the mantels
punned with cut flowers. The chief orna
ment of thu dining table wa * n cut glass
bowl Illlcd with bridal ro c . The corcmonj
was performed bv Hev. Newton Mann In the
presence of the family relatives and a few
intimate friends.
The brldo , n tall and stately blonde with
golden hair and unrlvidled complexion , wa ;
beautifully gowned in a French costume 01
white silk ontralne , tbo eor.sago tastefully
decorated In rare laeo. Shu were a Mimic
otnarocnt , a diamond brooch , tbo trroom's
( jilt , and carried n boquot of bridal roses.
Miss iCthol Partridge , a fair young girl in
bluo. wan maid of honor and carried a satin
cushion on which wcro tto two wedding
i Refreshments were served nt small tables
in keeping with the occasion and Mrs. Leaven
on worth's tact as hostess , The presents
wore both numerous nnd cosily , the silver
ware buing especially noticeable. The bride's
go-away ROWH was a complete symphony in
mode. Miss Helen Head was the fortunate
ono who caught the brmal boquet.
Tbo buppy couple loft immediately for a
tour of thu great lakes , stopping a few days
t thu Auditorium In Chleairo and bponainu
tioma tliiiout Mackinaw. They ere followoc
thu best wishes of hosts of friends.
1'ltriu.iiirlrii mid llruily.
The marrmgo of Miss Manila Brady
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Brady
and Mr. J , T. Kltzmauru-u ut Holy I amli )
church Wednesday evening brought a largo
number of Irlonds and acquaintances to tbi
church. The day was dellgutful ; cloudless
uklcs , bulmy bruc/os and a * bright u sun a
ever beamed on a Juno brldo.
The marriage coroinony tool : place a * , 8:30 :
nd wan performed by Key. leather Keep
mans uud wus foltmvod by blch mass. The
junior choir of bt. I'ullomena'g cathedral , o
which thu brldo is a member , nsiUtcd at the
tbo irasH , under the direction of Miss Magu'io
Swift , orgauNl.
< U The brldo was attired In cropu silk con
"Cut entrain , with veil looped with brida
roses , ,1111(1 curried n bouquet of bridal rosnj
The bridesmaid was Mia * Uuso Brady , sister
of thu briuc , and Mr. J. ( ' . Swift actud us
beat mrin.
After ibo ceremonies the bridal pair ant
Immediate friends rupalrod to tba residence
cf tbo bride's parents , y5'3 Patrick avoinio
where an olcvuut wedding broukiust was
tervvd , Many elegant and u&oful wedding
Kilts wcro displayed , tusllmoiilals of estoon
irom trlcuds and ncqualutonccs.
lu the evening Itfr. and Mri. FHzumurlci
rnuairi'd to their home , Twcntr-socoud am
.Keuvoiiwortb Btraets , uucompanled by tbol
/immediate rotatlvus , and hold a roveptloi
lasting until ulatu hour.
[ / l tlinlllcli Schqul AtUliill |
-1'Uo Omaha High School Alumni aasocm
tlon had a very Interesting and enthusiastic
mooting lait V/cdnuiday evening. The ex
ucutlvo oommittvo mot llrjt Ihcloied scsilon
Then President Klgutlor called the nssocia
tlou to order. lie made a moil opproprlalo
m > eooh , welcoming the new members and
greeting the old. Mr. Klguttor especially
cautioned nil members agatiutluKowurmucjj
toitnf thut as i bo years roll ou with wel
Iroctod effort this association 1ms n future
loforo it , and should oeeomo n valuable aux-
Itarv In educational circles ,
iMlss Crowley then road the secretary's re-
lort , which was accepted , Owing to the
iccessnry absence of the treasurer , Mr. How
ard Houncdy , nt the triennial mooting of Ins
lass at nn eastern nlmn mater , his report
vas made and road by Mr. Wallace Hroatch.
Some discussion followed as to tbo pre
cedent established by this year's executive
committee , asking for a voluntary contribu-
Ion from each nlumtiut once a year , accord-
tig to their moans , Instead ot initiation fees
and assessments.
The election of ofilcors wns then taken up.
Mr. Broatch's name was proposed for presi
dent and on motion of Mr. Brndloy tbo nomi
nation was made unanimous.
Ida Uomlngton Nelson's name was pro-
> osod lor secretary , nnd on motion of Victor
Josownter tbo nomination was unanimous.
Thu secretary was Instructed to cast the
vote of the association for Mr. Howard Ken-
icdy as treasurer.
Mr. Biguttor and J. Scott Brown were
elretod ns members ot the executive com-
ulttcc , to servo with the ether olllccrs.
In Honor nl .Mlis l.atpv.
12d nnd D'.vlirht Swobo gave a beautiful
dinner party Tuesday evening for tholr
cousin , Miss Tot Latoy of St. Louis ,
at the Mlllard. Of course the
young people danced , for where arc yoilnc
> eonc ! those days who do uotl Games were
> lnynd and then the dinner , and the young
icoplo may well fcol proud of thu dinner ,
or it was perfect In ovorv respect.
These piosont wera : Misses Tot Lntoy ,
3uo Colnetzor , Alice Androoson , Loulso
squires , Mabol Brown , Emma Sherwood ,
'Otta Carter , Hattlo duly , .lussio Dickinson ,
lort Morse , Henry nnd Gordon Clark , .lauios
Wallace , Moshlor Colpctzor , Ralph Conuoll ,
Jo Barker , Charllo Pratt.
A July I'li-iilc.
On Friday ovoulng the employes of Thorn p
son , Bolden & Co. arranged to have an outIng -
Ing and picnic In Hanscom park , but on ac
count of the weather the park idea wai aban
doned. In tbo I'morgoncy Messrs. Thompson
& Boldcn kindly gave them the use of the
store nnd a collation was served on their
argo main dress goods counter which would
inve done credit to a Uelmonlco. After din
ner Mr. Ncgolo In u few well chosen words
.hartkcd the llrm for so materially contribut
ing to the happiness of its employes nnd ro-
Icrrcd to Its lumlnoss as being the true solu
tion of the capital nud labor question. After
an evening of thnrouuh cujoyment the com
pany returned to their homes.
A CollrlilllK 1'urt.v.
In honor of her nleco Miss Tot Ijatev of
St , Louis nnd Ed and Lhvlght Swobe , Mrs.
1' . J. Hogors gave u charming coaching party
Thursday evening. After riding aoout the
city the guests returned to Mrs. Hosor * '
residence on Park nvonuo where delicious
refreshments were served.
The guests were : Misses Tot Latoy ,
Alice Androosen , Gentlu Yutes , Grace Allen ,
Hue Coluotzor , HattioCady , Louisu Siiuiros ,
Emma Sherwood , Fannv Duryoa , Mabel
Brown , Georuo I'crvis , Jo Barker , Henry
nnd Gordon Clark , Bert AJordO , James
Wallace. Moshler Colpotzor , Ralph Council ,
Ed nnd Dwlght Swobo.
MotmniMits lluro nnd I'licrn *
The Metropolitan club will give n uioon-
licht picnic.
Mr. Morris Bealo ruturuod from Yale college -
lego yesteulav.
Mrs. John Boutko and children arrived in
town Wednesday.
Mrs. Morsman expects to leave next wool :
for Hot Springs , S. 1) .
Mrs. Cioorgo McAnulty is visiting her
aunt , Mrs. Miles Staudisu.
Mr and Mrs. Ilnnscom and Miss llanscom
lolt Friday for the oust.
Miss Maud Staloy Is tbo guest of Captain
and Mrs. Bishop of Salt Lako.
Mr. Herbert Rogers and Mr. William
Honors ara homo from Princeton.
Mrs. A. M. Clarke and family loft Tuesday
for Omaha Beach , Lake Okobojl.
Dr. C. H. Paul has boon entertaining Mr.
nnd Mr.s. C. C. Housel of Chicago.
Miss McClmtock loft Monday to spend her
vacation at her home , near Topoka.
Hov. T. J. Mackuy leu Tuesday for n two
months' stay at Atlantic coast resorts.
Mr. George A. Joslyn wns yesterday called
to Vermont by the de.Ub of bis mother.
Mr. A. B. Hudson Is entertaining his sis
ter , Mrs. ,1. S. McICno of Columbus , O.
Miss Goss loft Wednesday to spend the
vacation with her parents near Cleveland.
Mrs. L. M. Bennett nnd Mrs. Lovl Carter
loft \\ednesday for Wulldns Clou , N. Y.
The Misses Preston went to Spirit Lane
Monday , where they will spend the summer.
Mrs. T. A. Croigh and family loft Tuesday
for their summer cottuyo at Wequotonsing ,
Mrs. Flonion Drake loft Monday for Ln
Porto , lud. , where she will spend the month
01 July.
Miss Greenleaf , who has boon the cuest of
General and Mrs. Brooke , wont to St. Paul
Mrs. B. Silloway and Miss Sllloway loft
Sunday for u trip to Boston auu other east
ern points.
Mrs. Bonham , accompanied by her daugh
ter , who has boeu at school at Ullca , is ex
pect od homo today.
Dr. and Mrs. Patten returned this weak
frou * their trip to Helena , whore they had u
most onjoviiulo time.
Mrs. Yost anu Miss Yost wont to Detroit
on Monday , where they will visit , prior to
going to Wutklns Glon.
r. B. P. Weaver , nftor nn absence of
three months , returned from Japan und
China on Sunday evening.
Mr.s. Frances Mumaugh loft Friday for
Frumont and Lonir Pine , whom sho" will
spend the summer months.
Mrs. T. C. Brunner and daughters ,
Georgia nnd Laura , lenvo next wosk for a
summorlng at Clear Luke , la.
Mrs. A. D. Brundols , who wont to Detroit
last weak to attend her brother's wedding ,
returned to thu city yoiterday.
Mr , and Mrs. Albert Kimball have re
turned from their wedding trip nud uro ut
homo nt Thirtieth and California.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Morrick of Washing
ton , D. C. , are the guests ot Mrs. A. B. Hud
son , 11:20 South Toiriy-flrst street.
Mr. and Mm. N. H. TunniclilT have re
turned from their wcddlni ; tour and are at
home at ft''O South Thirtieth slroot.
July 13 ! to Rui-of's park , arrangements
having been made for u special tram to leave
the Webster street depot , at 7 o'clock.
Mrs. Fred Gdssmnn and little son loft tno
first of the week for Sprmgllold , S. D. , to
spend u few weeks with her parents.
MM. Charles B. Cook of 710 South
Thirtieth street Is vUltlng her sister , Mn.
James R. Thuiston , ut Onnwa City , la.
Mr. and Mrs. Bon Wood , two children and
uurso , left Wednesday for Nnrragaiisott
Piur , whore they will soand the summer.
Charles and Irvlu Gardner , sons of Joan
Gardner , left Tuesday to join MM. Gardner
who has talcon a cottage ut Bayllold , WIs. '
Miss Aiuilo MeCultough of Oltumwa , la
Is upending n few davs with Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. McCullough , eighteenth and Grace
llumlln Gailand , author of "Main Tinvelcd
Roads , " and n delegate irom Massachusetts
to thu pccplo' * convention , U u guust ut the
Judge nnd Mrs. ICstolio , Mr. r.nd Mrs ,
Charles Van Camp and Miss Jennie Uotl-
llc.ld are lu camp ut , Pries luke for n week or
ton days.
Mr , nnd Mrs. N. M. Hubbard Imvo left for
an extended tour through Canada and New
Brunswick , and will return by water by , vuy
of Boston.
Misses Brownie and Sadlo Biuim have returned
turned Irom school ut Harrlsburg and will
pass tbo summer with their parents , Mr. and
Mrs. D , Baum.
MUs Cora Weaver left on Tuesday to bo
absent till after this dedication of the World's
fair buildings , Outobor 1' ' , vUittng Chicago
und Rockford , U1 ,
Married lu All Saints church Tuesday ,
June ' 'b , Mr. Arthur Slack nnd Miss Mary E.
Brown , both of Council Blulla , la. Rov.
T , J. Mackuy odlcliul tig.
Mr. and Mr * . R. V. Mulr of Browuvillo ,
Neb. , arj apondlng a fuw duyi with their
son , Mr. Frank Mulr. previous to an extended -
tended visit to Now Yorit.
Mr. ICminolC. Mustoy and Miss Cora B ,
Ball were married Tuesday afternoon. Juno
Vij , tbo ronidouco of the bride's father ,
Mr. I ) . B. Ball , UlIKI Harney.
Dr. George 11. Bruih of Ogdoiuburc , N ,
Y. , li visiting Mr. H. L. Crummor for n few
days before taklnc his appointment as n-
torno at the Methodist hospital. >
Mrs. Joseph C. GrlflKh has returned from
Guvopo , and will spend tbo summer with her
inrents , Mr. nnd Mrs. George E. Powell , 104U
I'nrk avenue.
Miss Mnmlo Smith , who has been attend
ing school nt St. Mary's , Knoxvlllo , III. , returned
turned last week nnd will spend her vacation
with her aunt , Mrs. S. S. Caldwoll.
Mrs. E. M. Keening mid Air. W. H. Koon-
Ine loft for the east on Thursdnv. Mrs.
Ivocning will visit friends nt St. Louis while
Mr. Koenlns ? will go on to Now York.
Miss Tntum leaves on Monday , accom
panied by her nopbow , Edwin Ravnolds , for
Fort Leavcnwortb , to bo the guest during
July ot Lieutenant Barnum and wifo.
Mrs. S. I ) . Barkaloxv , two children nnd
nurse , loft for Watltlns Glen , N. Y , , on
Wednesday , accompanied by Mr.s. D. V.
BarUalov , two children and uurso , of Den
Mrs. A. B. Smith has returned from Hot
Springs S. D. Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith nro now
occupying the former reoidouco of Llouton-
nnt and Mrs. Trultt on North Twenty-second
The engagement Is announced In Chlcat'o
of Ml s Elizabeth Amos , who Is well remembered -
momborod In town ns thu guest , of Mrs. L.
M. Bennett , to Mr. Charles Morse , the mar-
rutgo to take place in October ,
Mrs. Robert R. Rlngvvalt mid Miss Gor-
truduRingwnlt loll for Detroit on Wednes
day , whuro they will visit untllMulv 15 ,
after which date they will go to their cot-
taw on Grossoisle , Luke Erlo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Rurasoy entertained very In
formally , but none the loss dolluhtfully , on
Tuesday evening , when these bidden were :
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Ba.inett . , Mrs. Garnott , Mr. Diirllng.
Mrs. Newton B.irkalow loft Tuesday for
Denver , accompanied by Mr. Arthur Carter ,
who is taking his preliminary examination
for entrance to Harvard college. She was
also accompanied by her youngest brother ,
Harry Carter.
Miss Helen Hoyt of Davenport , In. , whoso
offertory solo at All Saints church last Sun
day was so highly appreciated , will sing nt
the Church of the Good Shepherd at this
morning's service and at Trinity Cathedral
in the evening.
Dr. W. H. Hanchett nnd family rotuin
from the east today ( Sunday ) , The doctor
has beou attending ( bo American Institute of
Homeopathy nt Washington , D. C. , and the
Intcinational llnhucmunlan association at
Nnrragunsett Pier.
Thursday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. Patrick
uavo n dr.ig lido out to Fort Omaha nnd
bnelc , followed by dinner nt Happy Hollow.
Tholr guests were : Miss Nash , Miss Mary
Nnsh , Miss Sherwood , Miss Yates , Miss
Burns , Miss Hughes.
Newton Barknlow loft for Denver Thurs
day afternoon , accompanied by Jessie Dickin
son , Leitn Carter and Mvrtlo Douol , daugh
ter of Superintendent Douol of the Union
Pacific. From Denver Mr. Bnrkalow and
Mrs. Barknlow. who loft for Denver on
Tuesday , will go south.
John N. Fronzor , the real estate agent , loft
for New YorK via Montreal nnd Boston ,
from whoueo ho will sail on the Umbrla
direct for Paris. Mr. Frenzer expects to bo
gone throe or four months nnd will visit at
Woisbndon , Strassburg , Berlin , Horaburc ,
through Italy and ether points of Interest In
Married At the residence of the briao's
parents , Clarence , In. , on Juno 2S A. A.
Rood , suporlntondont of public instruction ,
Gnw county , Nebraska , to Miss Mac Bowles.
The presents were costly and numerous , in
cluding a grand piano and silver tea service.
Mr. and Mrs. Rood left tbo same evening for
a tour in the oust.
The V/omon's auxilia-y of the Church of
the Good Shepherd announce n lawn social
for Wednesday night , the fith of July , on the
ground of Mr. J. G. Willis , 11117 North
Twenty-second street , 't'ho lawn is to bo
bo.iutifully iliuminnted for the occasion , and
the Sutorius Mandolin club will furnish the
music. All nro invited.
Judge and Mrs. Doane , General and Mrs.
Brooke , Mr. and Mis. Morsman , Judge and
Mrs. Waltoloy , Mr. nnd Mrs. Geor o
Pritchctt , General and Mrs. Cowin , Mr. and
Mrs. Yntes , Cnptain Ayres , Mrs. Yost nnd
Mr. Meday spoilt n very delightful evening
nt Happy Hollow , on Tuesday , ns the guests
or Mr. mid Mrs. J. H. N. Patrick.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garncau entertained
a few friends at cards last Filday evening In
honor of Mrs. Garnoau's cousin , Mrs. Lund-
rock. Among these present were Dr. and
Mrs. Gilford , Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock , Mr.
and .Mrs. J. K. Chambers , Mr. and Mrs.
Morris , Air. nnd Mrs. Rlngivalt , Mrs. Koan ,
Mr Cartan , Mr. Drake and ftlr. Plorro Gar-
The cadet teachers of Omaha hold a plcnlo
last Thuisday at Syndicate park which
proved to bo a pleasant social event : The
names of the future young tcaohors are :
Misses Lutio Raymond , Jane Goff , Rose
O'Connor , Stella Rice , Lulu Woarno , Winnie -
nio Wallace , Maud Krutli , Bessie L.ntoy ,
Mary Traoy , Minaret Lehraor , Mary
Walker , Minnie Oliver , Amanda Nielsen ,
Nelsio Hughes , Nettle Baker. Josephine
Byrne , Blanch Uohorty , Alice Fnwcott nnd
Mr. William Paruer.
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. S. E. Morse
of 1510 South Eleventh street entertained
the members of the Octagon High Five olub.
Those present wore. Mrs. Johnson , Mrs.
Hardonborg , Mrs. Kaufman , Mrs. Dennis ,
Mrs. Lewis , Mrs. Van Dyke and Mrs. Lloyd ,
Miss Gertrude McEathron being the invited
guost. The first pri/.o was won by Mrs.
Hardenborg , whlloJMrs. Dennis carried nway
the consolation prize , Delicious refresh
ments were served , after which it was de
cided to po3tpono further meetings uutil
cooler weather.
Dr. Doherty and family nnd Mrs. Windsor
of Brownoll hall will leave July for Asbury
park , where tholr address will bo Giosvonor
house , Asburv Park , N. J. Miss Gertrude
M. Young has gone to Arlington on the
Hudson , Miss Lymnn. MUs Wallace , Miss
Cora Clark and Miss Ethel Davenport , ac
companied by Miss Fulton of Nobrnskn City ,
n pupil , Imvo gone to the Now York Chau-
tauqnn. Miss L. C McGuo has pouo to Kan
sas City. Prof , Mueller will remain nt
Brownoll hall and take cbargo of Dr. Do-
herty's business during his nbsonco.
Gunoral nnd Mrs. Hnwloy , Miss Hnwloy ,
Miss Clara llawley and Miss Marv Hawley
loft Thursday on an idcnl summer trip in
their special car , Elkhcrn 10J. Tnoy wont
north to Minneapolis and from tuero to
SnultSto Marie , than over thu Canadian Pa
cific to Quebec , Montreal and Now Bruns
wick vlu the Bay of Fumly. From there
they will go to Albany , leaving the car at
the latter olty , nnd take n Hudson river boat
for Now York , returning In tbo same manner
to Albany , when' thov will attain resume
their railroad Journey via the Michigan Cen
tral for home.
Mr. and Mr.s. Buck uutorininod the voting
peopla nt their lovolv homo on North Twon-
ty-sccond street on Thursday evening when
d'nndng wus the order of the evening.
Tho'D present were : Miss Brown , Mlsi
Cook , Miss McIColl , Miss Ker.nodv , Miss
Sargont , Miss limner , Miss Squire , Miss
Allen , Miss Smith , Miss Gertrude Smith ,
MUs Lulu Smith , Mrs. Mathcsou , Miss
Llndsoy , MUs Swan , Miss Allen , Mr , Morse-
man , Mrs. McKiill , Mr. Edward Sorgont ,
Mr. Barnum , Mr , Fred Preston , Mr. Paul
Ludluuton , Mr. LarrlmoroDoniso , Mr.Allen ,
Mr. Wilbur Christian , Mr. Scott Brown , Mr.
Swan , Mr. Rollins Smith , Mr. Arthur
Cooley , Mr. Tom Crolgh , Mr. Harry Mlllor ,
Mr. Juinoi Hastings , Mr. Henry ( Murk , Mr.
Russell Wilbur , Mr. Herbert Coon , Mr.
Georiro MeCaituc , Mr. Brewer McCJsuo ,
Mr. Victor Rosewater , Mr. Cunrlos Rose-
water. v
The Owl Glee club closed n very success
ful season In n most enjoyable manner last
Monday evening. The nuwly elected otllcors
und their wives gnvo n reception to the
members and friends , The cozy Homo of the
president , Mr. Pritrhnrd , ilTOJ North Twen
ty-first street , wns thrown open and the club
entertained In n most bospllublo manner.
The entertainment of course took somewhat
of the nature of n muslculo , Mrs. Prltchard
giving a piano solo , Mr , U oilman and Mr ,
Conrad nt thu "T. K.s" singing solos and the
"Owls" rundored several iiumboM , Last ,
but b > no moans least , were the refresh ,
incuts. The ofllcurs who are to servo for the
next year are W. C. Prltchard , president ;
E. H. Wedge , vlco proHluunt ; It. B , ' Wal
lace , Rourotary ; R. A. Finloy , treasurer : A.
J. Conoycr , librarian. Prof. Kratz will of
course act as director.
Iliillillng rormlta.
The following permits were issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
1'ninU Hiirkloy. one-story brlol : stores.
Slxtuontti und lioavenworlh stnieia. , i 5,00'
Mary KroiiK r , one und u hulf story
friiiuo dwelling , 1131 North Twoutluth
BlrouU 14 1,300
Total , } G.00
- ortl .
1 jni
Dedication of the SpioionVInHitutioa by
Bishop Scannq/1. } /
4 Ji' f
Sir. tliilui A , Crplgliton's t'arl In tlio Krro-
tlonuf tlio Itiilldlni ; Kjo tlilug Con
venient I ArnuiK' ' ' ! ! | jlnotlllllir
of the hlstors'i iik.
, J
Mr. John A. Crelghton was ono of the
sappiest men In Omabn yosterday. Ills was
not that happiness which comes from the
tnowtodgo of croat financial gains or from
[ lolltical stircois. It was of a broader , deeper
and more abiding character than nil ordinary
sources of satisfaction. Ho was haupy because -
cause ho ronluod moro fully than ever bo-
toro that lu uxpondtug n portion of his nuiplo
fortune In the erection of the splendid new
St. Josoph's hospital building nt the corner
of Touth nnd Castollnr streets bo bad douo
that which will bo n blessing' to humanity
and nn honor to the Crofghtnn family long
nftor helms done with the cares of this llfo.
The spacious and substantial now building
was formally opanod and dedicated yester
day , Bishop Scannoll ofllciallng nt pontlUcat
High muss and In tbo coromonlns of blessing
the various wards , hnlls nnd rooms ot the
building In nrocossionnl services. The bishop
wns assisted by Fathers HoolTor atu Rlggb
and several other priests of tbo city. The
mass was hold ut 0 c.'ctock in tbo neat llttlo
chapel , on the second lloor of the hospital.
The altar was beautifully decorated with
flowers nnd the services wore Impressive In
the oxtromo.
Mr. Crolgiuon , the builder of the hospital ,
was present and received thocongratulallnns
of scores of people who called in carriages to
look through the splendid structure and bo
present at the dedication. Through the kindness -
ness of Mr. Croighlon mid Sister Superior
XavlorTjiKBin : reporter was shown through
the entire building from basement to turrot.
His beyond question ono of the most substan
tial , spacious and comploltily equipped hos
pitals In the country. Tho'structure forms
three sides ot a square nnd the side which
unites the two wings Is the front facing on
Tenth street. The building contains IT.'I
seuarato rooms nbovo the basement story
whom the kitchen , dining rooms for the
sisters and visitors nnd othnr apartments are
located. In addition to the 1711 separate
rooms the building has sixteen wards that
will furnish accommodations for about
twenty patients each.
All Conveniently Arranged.
Thon' there nro optiraung rooms , private
parlors for visitors nnd clergymen and an
olouaut suite of rooms tlttod up n peclnlly for
Mr. Crolirhton's use or the use of his friends.
Mr. Crelshlon has furnished these apart
ments at his own expense and has contrib
uted considerable money toward the furnish
ing of the entire bouso. The splendid build
ing , which cost , him In the neighborhood of
S' OO.OOi ) , ho has presented to the Sisters of
bt. Francis to bo known nnd occupied ns the
St. Joseph's hospital , Croightdn memorial.
The building Is furnlsheo : with every con
venience known to modern science nnd nd-
vnueomcnt lu the mnnncumtint of great hos
pitals. It is a model ofjshuitury neatness.
The facilities in the largo Kiteiieu nro supeib
nnd tt'o facilities for serving the patients
with meals ou every lloor nro n vast improve
ment over the old style of carrying the
victuals by hand un and dii\vnUnirs. All the
food is convoyed from tho'ltitcneu ' to various
floors in the building by means of an unclosed -
closed elevator or dumb waiter : On each lloor
there is a receiving room 'sdppliod with a
largo warming- oven whoritHa' food can bo
kept in palutablo couditioil until convoyed to
the patients. '
On every floor there is a wlflo ball run
ning through the main pn > jt of the building
nnd through both wings' Tno rooms nud
wards nro located on either side of this hall.
This arrangement gives flVorV room'in ' the
hospital outside nir and thoy-'n'H receive the
welcome light of the sun atsomo time in tbo
day. The building is supplied with n phar
macy which will bo under the care of an ex
perienced pharmacist. The sisters have boon
very busy for n couple of weeks getting the
new building ready nnd the patients re
moved to their fresh and Inviting quarters.
There are at present about eighty patients
In the hospital and most of thorn appeared to
bo considerably improved by the uplifting
affect of the .splendid now surroundings.
Testimony of u Tut lent.
"It's hard to bo sick , " said ono poor fellow
with n bandasro around his arm , "but It
scorns almost like n luxury to bo laid up in
sucb a place as this. I am glad that
Mr. Croighton ovur took a notion to build
this hospital , not on my own account , because -
cause I hope I will not have to stay hero
much longer , but because the kind sisters
dnsorvo to bo oncourugod in their good
work. They nil scorn so glad to-got in this
line now place , nnd It makes mo fool good to
see them pleased. "
The Sisters of St. Francis came to Omaha
twelve years ago to take the management , of
the old St. Josoph's hospital on Mason
street. They have boon wonderfully suc
cessful In taking care of the sicn nnd maimed
or every class and condition of humanity
needing hospital caro. During the twelve
years the sisters have taken care of 8,000
side and injured people nt the old hospital
on tlio hill south ol the Union Pacific tracks.
What n multitude to rise up , if thov could
rlso up , to toll of the tender vigils , the self-
saciillco and sleepless watching of these
quiet , gentle sisters , who have labored all
these years witti no remuneration but the
moro necessities of llfo and the benedictions
of the benevolent and thu suffering over
whom they have watched and waited with n
patience and grace that chaUonges the ad
miration of humanity.
In tno old hospital' the facilities required
the services of from fifteen to twenty sisters ,
but the enlarged facilities of the now build
ing will call lor fullv twice us many. Sister
Xavlor says she will need about forty sisters
uud some additional help has already ar
rived. Others will como soon from Lafay
ette , Ind , , where tbo mother homo of the
sisters in tills country is located.
Several of the rooms in the now building
have boon furnished by benevolently in
clined citizens of Omaha. Mrs. Gallagher ,
.Mr. Frank Haulou , Charles Kosters und
others have taken hold of this commendable
work and nro lending valuable assistance In
the direction of fitting up the now building.
Several non-residents have also signified
their intention of paying for the furnishing
of u room in this splendid hospital.
ItUluip Seiumell'H Aildrefi.
After the gospel , the bishop delivered n
short nddrcss , which wus substantially as
follows : n
"Whoutho moisengorsi ofaSt. John the
Baptist came to the SaviourSof the world
and asked him If ho were the ( Messiah they
received for reply , 'Go and. tell John what
you have soon. The blfoi < u co , the lame
walk , the lepers are oleaimud.'tao deaf hoar
nnd the poor have the gnspoi : preached to
thorn. ' IWHI
' Sineo tout day until noWrii Jnr nluoteen
conturtos , worits of moroy'HaVo bson nn Inseparable -
separable characteristic ofi tH Christian re
ligion. Works of moroy Spring from two
classes of motives , which 'dlffur widely from
each other. They may spHrtyi'from natural
motives , such as phllaiithtoil/YHondor-hoart-
odno-stho pleasure thut orid rpay find in doing
good to others , vain gloryf 'BO Jlovo of praise
nud the like. But these irijrtlvoj nro inter
mittent in their oporatluW'uncertaln ' und
often unsatisfactory in [ thflr roiults nud
bring no merit to those Mify'aro inlluonccd
by them , ( Supernatural tnWlvoi , on the
contrary , are bimoiiclal to Him who pot-
forms works of mercy and to him In whoso
favor they uro performed , God blcsso * such
works , for they spring from charity , which
is tbo love of God for his own sake und of
man for the sake ol Gou. 'The Christian ,
enlightened by faith and mil lined bv chailty ,
rocognlzQs la his fellow man the Imago of
God , rocogiilzes in bb suffering brother the
imago and HUonuss of Ms Savior who
suffered and died for lovu of him ,
nnd Impelled bv this divine love ho
hastens to the relief of thoio who are in
distress , knowing that , in sn doing , ho
manifests his lovu for his Saviour and his
God. I was hungry , and you gave mo to
oat ; J was thlisty , and you gu > o me to
drink ; I was a stranxur , and you took mo In ;
sick , nnd you visited mo : Ainoa ; 1 nay uuto
you , as long as you did it to one of those , my
least brethieu , you did It to me,1
of Motlvui.
"Behold the motive that , for 1,800 yearn ,
has impelled couaileis uiuUltudu4 of n on
nnd women to sacrifice not only their
worldly goods , but thulr liberty and tholr
lives In the servlco of their fellow men Beheld -
hold the motive that has led to tno estab
lishment of this noble institution which to-
dav wo dedicate to the service ot the sick
nnd suffering. A Christian woman Is
about to die : she is ubout to no-
pear before the tribunal of eternal
Justice. She knows that there she will have
need of mercy. But she temembors the
words of Him who presides on that awful
Judemontsoat , 'Blessed are the merciful for
they shall obtain mercy , ' and encouraged by
that promise she directs that a largo sum of
money bo devoted to the establishment of
this institution , where inorcy may bo shown
to these who uro lu need of it. Her hus
band , who survives her , faithfully carries
out her wishes , enlarges the plan proposed
and out of bis own private fortune completes
the great undertaking.
"He , too , was inlluuncod by the same super
natural motlvo of ehiulty. Ho did not cbooso
to leave to othnrs to accomplish what ho
could accomplish himself. Ho thought It to
bo his duty to do all the good In his nowur
whllollfo remained , for faith nud mason
told him that 'Tlio night cometh when
no man can work ' You behold the result a
noble Institution I Hero shall bo received
the sick and the suffering without distinction
of race , or class , or condition ; the only cre
dentials required bolng the ovldeuco that
they nro In ucod of succor ,
iti-uttril of Clmrlly.
" \\ords of pralso from mo would bo n poor
reward for these who have performed such n
noble deed ot charity , and therefore 1 shall
not speak thorn. But I must pralso the deed
Itself , nud must commend the motive which
Inspired It. It Is un example which might
well bo imitated , and If It were Imitated
moro frequently the poorer classes would not
be. as they uro , alas , too often
sullen and disaffected nnd hostile
townrd tbo rich. There would bo union
und sympathy between tlio different
classes of society , and mankind would bo
hotter and happier.
"Is It not a pity that more of these to
whom God has given a superabundance of
the things of this world do not look about
thorn and note the poverty and suffering
which prevail among tholr fellow-men and
do not think It tholr duty to give at least n
portion of their superabundance for the "o-
lief ol suffering humanity ! Surely tbo God
of Justice , who Is also the father of the
poor , never Intended that any man should
lock , up in his colters that wealth which
neither ho nor those who dopoml on him can
over use , while aroucd him live , or try to
live , these who nro in want ol the bare
t.ecussarlcs of life. Many remedies have
been proposed for tbo curii.g of these
evils , but there Is only ono remedy which
is clllcacious and that Is the Christian
religion nnd the charity which it inspires.
Behold it in operation hero. May God have
mercy on the soul ol her who originated this
great work. May God bless nnd prosper thom
m n whose honrt was largo enough and gen
erous enough to carry It to n successful ter
mination. May Ho oioss the devoted sisters
who consecrated tholr lives hero to the ser
vice of the sick. May Ho guide the hands ,
and direct the skill , und second the efforts of
the physicians and surgeons who will devote
their time and talents gratuitously to the re-
llof of human suffering in this institution.
May God bless the institution itself , that it
may prove u real blessing to His people , and
' "
tha't It may promote His" own greater honor
and glory "
Smldoit Deulli ol lion. W. II. MiryoeK ol
Cuss County.
Hon. W , B. Shryock of Loulsvillo , Nob. ,
wns found dead in his bed at the Murray
hotel lust evening.
The deceased wns ono of the most prom
inent democrats of Cuss county , und was n
member of tbo last legislature. His death
Is supposed to have resulted from heart
Ho has been ailing for the past two years ,
and about a year ago received internal Injur
ies by being thrown from a liorso. Ho went
to his room nbout 10 o'clock Friday night
aud that was the last tlmo bo wns soon nlivo ,
Ho was . ' 17 years old and leaves a wife and
two children. Ho was very prominent in the
Masonlo order , the Odd Follows and the
Knights of Pythias.
Clmmberliilii'H Colic , illinium and Dlarrhivn
Can always bo depended upon , it is
pleasant to take nnd will euro cramp , cholera
roorbus. dysentery nnd diarrhraa In tholr
worst forms. Every family should bo pro
vided with it. -5 aud 51) ) cent bottles for sale
by druggists.
TO Tlt\ Till ;
I'rl.Honer.H ut 1'ort Kim-tell Will bit Taken to
I.aramlu Next Tuesday.
Cnr.vr.xsK , Wyo. , July 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin : . ] Arrangements have
been completed whereby the stock prlsonois
now conllnod at Fort Hussell will bo taiton
to Laramlo before Judge Blake on next Tues
day. They will then enter tholr plea to tbo
cbnrgo of murder nnd nrson which has
been preferred against them. A change of
venue from Johnson county will then bo
asked for and nrguoa. The prisoners would
proferto bo triad at either Rawlins or Chey
enne in preference to any ether place in the
state , and will make nn energetic attempt to
hnvo tbo trial at ono of tbo two points
named. After the prisoners leave Fort Uus-
sell they will bo in tbo custody ot the John
son county civil authorities , and a Johnson
countv deputy suorilT is now hero to tuko
them In chargo. The stockmen uro getting
exceed In fly tired of their confinement at tlio
fort. Lately tholr liberties have been
greatly curtnilod , partly duo to n stricter en
forcement of the rules and partly to the misconduct
conduct of tlio Toxans. Ma'jor Wolcutt nlono
is now paroled to go about thu garrison nt
will nnd attend to tbo commissary duties for
thu prisoner.- . . All of the prisoners look for
ward with satisfaction to .some dolinito dis
posal of their case in the courts.
Colonel E. 11. Kimball was tod.iy released
on uall from the county Jail. Ho was arrested
on the charge of criminal libel , proiorred by
ex Governor Baxter. Kimball wus nt once
rearrested on u cbargo ot libel preferred by
E. B. Clark , ono of the prisoners
now conlined at Fort Russell. The
ball was fixed at $500. The amount wa.s
provided In cash by J. J. Hurt of Casper.
John W. Grillln was secured on thn bond und
Kimbull released. It Is said that n score of
warrants are still ready for Kimball.
Devoured l > y Wolves.
KUVI.IXH , Wyo. , July2. [ SpecialTologrnui
to Tin : Bun. ] Paul St. Clalr was lost In a
snow storm near Lamarsh's ranch twenty
nillos south of this city u year ape last win
ter while on bis way with Lamnrsh's team
to tbo ranch , The hordes becoming stalled
In a snow drift , he unhitched thorn from the
wagon , turned them loom nnd started on
fool for the ranch. Thli was the last heard
of him until a few days ago when bis remains
were found near the ranch by n snoop herder ,
the skull , ono foot In n shoo , some lemnants
of clothing and. larger bones bolng nil that
were loft , wolves having eaten the balance.
St. Glair's relatives lived on Locust street ,
St. Louis , Ho was in the country but a
short tlmo before mooting with his sad fate.
Cattlemen .May I'liiad ( inllly.
Wyo , , July 2. fSpo'clal Tele
gram to Tin : Bun , | -Rumor is rlfu today that
tbo Johnson county invudors , now under
military Hurvoillaucu at Fort Russell , will
t a no u chnngo of venue to this county , plead
guilty to manslaughter or minor crime and
take tholr ohanooi on securing u pardon
later. _
lyi"'lierH ut I'urtliiiid I'ulluil ,
PoiiTi.AND , Ore. , July U. Shortly baforo
midnight n mob of about 200 men arrived in
this city from Milwaukee , six mlloi distant ,
and proceeded to the county Jail , domnndlng
thtrt the sheriff surrender Guorgo Wilson ,
who Is confined for assaultiag and murder
ing Minnie WaUh , n lU-yoar-old girl at Mil
waukee u weak ago. About 2,000 people
were attracted to the scene mm the loaders
attempted to break in thu Jail , but thu police
force , which xvos on guard , drew their re
volver * and repulsed thu mob.
Aiitl-rurnelMtiu Want 1'undn.
New YOIIK , July U. The executive onicorn
of Ibo National Federation of America and
the Parliamentary Fund association mot last
night nnd issued an appeal fcr (150,000 tn
moot the oxpo'mos of tbo upprcacunu o ec-
lions In Ireland for members of PurlUruout.
Tao meetlui , ' win uiiU-Paruollltr.
The only really successful preventive ami cure i * OTICTRA ? o\r. A marvellous
bcaulilier cf uotld-w'ule iclcbtily , it is simply incomparable as rt skin-purifjlng sonp ,
unequalled fur the toilet , ar.ilithout nmal for the
fls * \ nursery. Absolutely pur - , delicately medicated , c\-
quisitcly perfiniicil , it produces the \\lntcsl , clearest
skin , and softist linmh , niul prevents inPammation
and clogging of the pores 'ho ' cause of pimples , blackheads -
heads , red and oily skin , dry , thin , mid falling liair.
Derives its remarkable medicinal properties from
CuriLUKA , the great skin cure , but so delicately nrc
they blended \Mth the purest of toilet nud nursery
soap stocks that the result is a mtthtatttl toild
incomparably superior to nil other skin and complexion soap ? , \\lnle trailing in
delicacy and sutpassing in purity the most expensive of toilet soaps.
11M < 5 ntl l it'P . w"1 ' itchinc , scaly , and Motihy sVin and cMpi1i r.i c * , arc speedily ,
OlYlll l VJI1 1 11 v.- , and . mud l 1 lUMKiiiks.
pctinincnll ) c > > y 1 TK i n \
1'rii.c : CiTiii'RA. the gtcit Mm Cure , * > . Ci TUI RV fcilp , aw. , Cirru i BV Ur-s > i\rNT , tin new
Itlood I'linficr , $ i < . 1'irri'fi PIIM AMI OIIEMH . CoRPOkAltON , lioston. CJ-"Aut. Aliour
Tim ULOUD , SKIN , bcAtr , A-.D UAIK , " muled lac.
Tins Deliglilliil Sinner Resort Open for the tan
Splendid Fishing ,
= Good Bathing , = = = = =
- = Dclightful Swimming
o o
Talco the Sliortniin Avenue motor and not transfer ticket on East Ointiha. motor at
Locust Struct. A tcsurt for ladies and children. No
JVUA.NK LiA.NLi , Manacjor.
dulllivu ( 'oiint.i , Nelirnxkii
Young Parrots from Cuba.
. to tnllc. ONLY 85-00 EACH-
bird sold with a nrilteii uiiranleo. liirdb sbippcd
wifolv by express.
4 = 06 Nortli ISth Street.
Siitiiriluy niul .Snmliiy , , lnlv 'i nnd II.
H. M. 8. "P1NRFORE. "
The I.Hxstlmt Lined u Suitor.
30-SWKKT blNCKUfe ' . ' 0.
Performance- 'M , 4.15 , 8 10 nnil .I . J [ i in.
WorkingWomen's Gala-Day.
Sunday , July 3,1892 , Exposition Hall ,
iio : : O'CLOCK r. .M.
For the Benefit of the Working Women's Home.
Kmlnont sponkpm will ndilrou HIM public ( ! on-
prnl .Maxtor Workmnn T. V I'uwilerl ) , .Mr. Wrlxlit.
Mrx. I.HU9U , Mrs. DlKX : ) , Mia * Jualo l.ucko und uthoni
nlll spunk.
Como ono nnil ull , nnd allow your Inlcrmt In thi-so
Krunt pwrsoni nnil tlio Kr.ind aubjecln iiiulur ilUuua-
Tin : iuiti KI/.S.S/.I.V iKifins ,
Tin : HIK : will bo iii the publication In July
of 11 serins oftravol letters from Kussl.x ny
Mr. Frank O. U.irpiwtcr. Thou IcttOM will
( ivo the best view of Kimin ami its institu
tion ! ) Unit have yet boon pro-united to tb
people of the UnitoJ Btntuj. Mr. Carpenter
has curried with him tbo best of ! cttur ol
intiotluctloii from Ibo cabinet nnnhturi at
Wellington to the noted otllcUls of Kuiila
nnd from the heads ot the secret burvluo o
the Treasury dopartinunt to tbo uliiuJs
of police , uiitl tbo prob.iollkj Is ttia
ovorytbint ; In ibo country will bo
thrown ODOII to him. Armed with u iMincra
ho will travel for thousands of miles through
aoino of the most intorojtiiiK roulons of the
c/.ar. will visit the fuiiiino districts , s.ul down
Urn Vol"a und will probably spend some tlmo
at Niliu Novgorod where the famous Rus
sian fair is bold , ana where flUO,001)OOU )
chnngo hands avery yoar. St. Potor.sburc
and Moscow will ho visited and tbo llfo of
the people wilt bo described. A ( tor some
months in Itussln Mr. Uirpantor will vlsl
other pant of tlio continent , dovolln , ; liiinsull
to tno writing up of such subjects ana man
as are especially intorostlni ; to American
readers and sparing neither time , money ,
labor nor influence to ut tbo best of foreign
Information for us. It U ufo to predict that
tlili series of loiters will .bo interesting in
the extreme und they will surpass if any
thing the writer's tnwc-1 matter in thu past.
It will bo remembered that bo bat traveled
moro widely porhaus and moro successfully
than any ether correspondent In tno United
Stales. Four yonr.i ago bo inudo a
yoar'H tour uround ilia world , durine
which ho had Inni ; interviews
with the Kin ; , ' of ICoroa , Li Hunt ! Chang , ibe
viceroy of China , thu Id MI : of Uroeco , iliu
lihedivu of Kgypt , tlio sultan of .lalinro , nnd
other fumed oriental potentates , and last
year bo spent tlio sprint : In Mexicoami , bud
n IOIIK Interview with President. IJl'ni in thn
National palnco and gnvo un oiitlruly now
view of the country nnd Its people , Mr
Carpenter's letters are nrac'.lcui , com
mon sense letters. 116 behoves In
describing tliintrs as tboy are and
ho knows Just what the poonlo want to road
and Is ablu to tell It In an Intorostinu' way.
lie bcllovos that the lattori ho will send in
from Uussla will bo thu best ho has ever
written und ho anys that bo has no doubt
hut that ho will bu ublo to iot { through xomo
of tbo least known parts of this most inter-
oiling laud. Ho is ut this writing in Kussla
ana Is probably making bis way today nmoiiK
thu starving peasants of thu Voli-.i.
( ii'iimut C'ri' | io DiiTi'iitt'il ,
NHW YOIIK , July 3. Minuter 1' of
Venezuela has received from Ins government
n o iblu inossuKO which declares that Oouorai
Crospo , luadnrof tlio revolutionist lorces , has
been defeated ,
Now Vork I'.uclminci' ' { imitations.
New YOIIK , July ii , [ .Special Telegram to
TJIU DUB. ] lOxchaiiKo wai ijuotoa in fol
lows : Chicago , OOo premium ; St. Louis , 7Su
M11U li b .A. L ) ISli.
.Mrs lir Vim Tn.o U thu only xclrnllllc mlml
ri'.iili'rlii tlio I nlted Milm : nuw lioCoru tinpuliUr
Hiu ftamli Isoluii-il anil nlona , Inlioi Inu In a lloM tlio
illvlni'urilliiaiicool i ruiilliin lian no wotl lltti'il luir
lur wu'illnit Hint prunliu Irom thu lurronx
Ploiik'htMl by lurrou. nut ! rate , thu tatc * and
ttiNtlca llto'H ilU.ippnliitiiii-nti havu so\rn
Mm iliic'i nut liiui-t ot hur alillltr to liulil
( on\ur."ii nllli ihu nhinlot of liyKonu MUCH
Him h only inortiil anil IIIOVOH In tlio plii > ru
of I'KOD.U NOW ON lIAIiril and .NOT
WITH TIID-iK WHO IIAVH III. I'l/'ltM : ! ) 'I O I ) ST ,
whom nplrlt * * ( an irrifiii ) < tLMl by HOIIIU ) rontlnuu to
iiilnKlu with UN. Tlili may bu truu In a tiontio , but
not In that liupllwl by SI'IIII'I'IIA I.I-.M Tlio coiint-
li-ss Milllliiiia that IriMiil tlill unrth lor rnlllluiM of
yuarHbuloiu in , rontlnmt thnlr mlalinira ntlll. nut
In ihu mythical lorin of ( ; llJ ( r ur HI'llllT. but In
uMTMhlim that llvna a-iil dies ; In Iho nlr , thuuatpr ,
niul In thu blnln niul llnhun Hint Inhabit thi'iii In
Ihu KraaaIhu trt w , plants anil HourrH tliiouuhout
thu Piitlru M.'i'l ilil ' kliu'iloin , anil In thu animal
kliuMloiu thai nul-Nli iipun It In ruillty , IN
i > will llvi > In tlin-c Hint follow tiftui im
rrhoiloHtln > of nuiiiklliil IK fore onlnlui'il to ho
worki'il o it IUMO o-i unrlh In Ciltl'iiUI.AI ) > rnllnir
tliiin sPIHITU.M , toriuu nru al iiy iiriwiimhlnit ,
Krniliuilly uvnlvliu luilll pri'iilunlly P will hnvu
ii'ai-IUMl Hi" hltflnot Ktnu-u posilblu to nttiiln Wu
inion thi'ilawn ol u nuw IIIH In tthluli \ > u uro ilu-
ti'lopliiK ni'i' lusllin t n nlvlh si'iiio , n > It uru.
Ihionuh hliih wu will bu itunbliMl to llanh our
Ihoiititfl luritaut inn , n , | > into pnrh others inlnil ,
plltiiliiiitlin : llui" , Hpar mil I atiuotphuiu anil uvuut-
nall > ihsc iritlni/ our piununt bupurti'rt lorin of
M'ii. ; ( II lor Ihls nun mi'lho ; ! of eouiiniiiilc-iilloii
TIIA.NMMISS.OS 01 TIIOI'UHT 'by abHorptlon
by Intuition , by un tHIIuil itu " 111 b u'lildid | j > ,
thoimh purhapH nut uuiluriiiniiil It li thl * nuw
Irnlt of liiiinan natiio that illmliunlshi'i Mr lr )
Vnn Truu Jioiu till olhurt In hur protusnlon , and
hholiknonn to POJ-JII * * It In u ri'iuarkahlpilutiruo
oriluMjIopiuiint , MI lunch HO that hu IIUPI ) IHHI.T
uik n Hluijlv iii | tlon ol hut patioim Mm tulH
iiMirythlim. I'\CT > ihlna. u\i > n nntlclputlhu thu
thoiikfhtM Unit i haiu uauli nth IT thioiuh ) oiii' lira In
Mio I u hiinrh of ni > rvi'i Irom Ihu Holdof hpr topt
to thu i rown ot hiMid nud MU npnsltlvo that thu nuint
Ipublu uunHntlun yo i fcol N rpcunluil nl OIIPU In hc > r
inlnil Mm tuku upon hrini.'ll ) iiur nypiiituiiiu ,
Bluhs wlii-n you Hlxh , anil WIM > P < whim yon wuop.
thrllliKl with the loiiuu uiu"tloiii that itKltatu you
nnil t'litom Into every llttln ili'lull of > our Illii.
'I lioiiHiiiulH ot poopphii\u | Loi'n biMit tltlrd hv hur
illvliiuly uiidoiM'il punur and they Mil ! i onllnuii to
nock her from f.iriui'l ' npiir In ilrliik fro u hur fiiiin-
tnln of wlsilom nnd t-liKi'r. him Klvm aihli-iioii all
innltu t of tutorial , I'hnnupi , triivulK Mckncni ,
death , iliiiniihlli' troiihl i , law sulu , illvorrus , illnnp-
poliitiuonti , iilxuut Irh'iuU. | M > i < iijatlun , pulltli'iil
iiHplratloiM , wh'i IH your Irlund , nnd who In not.
who U uloin und uhat U what I < oculo4
illnpiiHui. lihhliin iiilniirnl ilopoi < lt < i him tulln
wlnit Jim nhould Un to or forifollon trim
nnru9 , hM tor ntulun propi-rty nud
ImnnccTH.Iiil wliuru yon nhouln KD , and wliiini to
avoid. Miu luiltcH HID nnuiralpd In hiiriiionr nnd
lovo. Diin't full to HPO her for nlio l < pnnltlvuly thn
only Ionian In tlili country now bufuru ihu publhi
thrt p I'HuiiuH thin ruinurkuhhi rllt. tlio rumitlni
for u iihort tliuu only.
II > uu uru thlukbitfof ciillliiKon liiTlhun lioud li r
oloiiin wnrnlni ; .
Shun ilolny * . they hrrod ro iioriai
Tuk thy Hum wlillutliiiuli lout tliio ;
( * rui'plnj < Miitilhi h-ivo uunki'itl lonju
I li'u thi'lr fnult ICHU thouuli lopi'iit thuu.
( jood ItibOHl wlion NOiiiiPBt ttrouuht
l.limurltu Inborn coiuu to nnuiiht
CONat/l.TATIDN I HKK Open MiindnyB WJ .V.
l.illi hi. l.i-tturu with tl pioiiiptly uimwuruO
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalled in llavor. ;
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only lit 2 ! pound
Velvet Meal ,
For iiuilllnu niul
RINT"N n in1 A PINT .
Hold by nil Hmt-CliiHtt