Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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PropariUiom for the Opening of the Obau-
taitqua Awmbly OompletJ.
( IntM-nnr Helm Will Orllvrr nn Addrrm A
I.lnt ol Tliini ! Who llnvo Tonti or
'f nn tlio ( Irnmidn
Noun Note- ,
The Cltautnuqtia Msombly will open today
nnd all Indications point to n much larger
n'.tomlanco , mid In every way n moro suc
cessful icason than any of those preceding.
For several days ptst tlio work of putlliiK
nn touts lim boon oing on rapidly , nnd n
much Ini'Kor number of touts have been bar
gained for in advanca by protective camp
ers tlmn at lhi > stuffj of the proceedings lust
car. Atnoiu those who will bo found a
dweller * In loins or cottages nro tlio follow
ing :
Mrs. George Koelitio , Alrn. O.V. . Hulls ,
Miss Pile , U. A. ilonulm , Mr It tiloy ,
W. A. Whl to , R Wlos , II. f. ( jury , . I.
N lluldwln , Mln Uras * , .1. II. I'nco.
J ) , Mncrno , W. F. Sunp. Charles T.
Oniccr , .1. H. Hlalno , Mrs. 13 , H. Wood-
riilT , CJ. H. Towsloo , Ci. M. Gould ,
Charles llarlo , IJr. Harslow , MM. Hunt , U.
S. Lawson , Mrs. L. 8. llowo , Miss Partis-
worth , Mm , h. A. Corwlth. MM. George
PholtiB , Dr. Thoiimv Mrs. 1'attorson , .1. I' .
HOBS , \ ' \ II. Hill , R P. I.ench , T. Sniindors ,
Ma Wiillftco , Miss Ogdon.Jl. W. Ilazlolon ,
A. II. llullor , Kov. .1. O. Lotnon , Lizzie
( inadclnld , Hnv. Dr. I'lialps , Jacob Sims , II.
W. Tlllon , P. U. DuVol , Mabel Houquot , ( J.
H Judson , W. S. Uoopor , Or. Klliott , Hoth-
nny Haptlit church. OotiKiosjallonal church ,
] .utli < jfiui church , Odd Fellows of thu city ,
Mrs. F Offden , Mlsn Ola Ogden , Mrs. Fred
Nve of Froniont , Uov. C. 11. IJonu and wife
of IlootiL1 , P. M. 1'rvor , .1. U. Itoso , .1. 10.
llnrlcnus.s , I ) , ,1. Rockwell , Or. Hanchclt , Dr.
I'lmioy. I. M. Trovnor , .loioph Arthur ,
Judge Mcuc ! , Miss Willie White. Miss Mnr-
Biirnt Llbjclo , W. .S. Marshall , .1. 0. Altlen
of Omtiha , Miss M. Huttcrlleld , Miss Tiiulo
Hnowdcn. W. A. Hiis'hsmith of Council
lllufTs , Mlns White , Vv. II. M. Pusoy , Miss
Hlood , V. A. Hurt of Missouri Vulloy , A. II.
IVrrlno ot Oiniihn , W. 10. Wood. Miss Annlo
JOlllott , L , . A. Turner , Mrs Aboolt.
Nearly all of these will bo on iho pround
today , and there will bo many morn during
thu lr ) l feucluys of the session , BO that
Messrs. Troynor & McJou ( nro hlKbly elated
over the prospects of success. The assembly
will open this afternoon with a mu.slualo by
the Assembly band under the leadership of
Prof. Sobonok of Omuha. An address of
welcome will bo made by Hon. James
McCubo of this city , after which Governor
Holes will deliver nil dress upon the "His
tory and Progrois of lown. "
A telegram was received by ttio manage
ment yesterday from the ( jovornor stating
tUtit ho woull bo on hant : without full , arriv
ing this morning ever the flock Island.
The evening session will open at 8 o'clock ,
nnd the program will consist of musical
selections by the Imperial quartette of
Chicago , Mrs. Nolho JiaiiRs-Skolton of
Chicago , nnd the Assembly band , together
with recitations by Prof. W. W. Uarncs.
Tml } ' tlio I.IIHL Day of the iilrnill Jiintt
At tlio UoBton utore , Council
Hco our line of wash goods , wo show
ho Iiirgest to bo found an.vwhuro.
Our _ } line ofvimh goods consists of
wiiHh nillcH , Kungal tifsuos , croponcs ,
I'hilinn i-lotlis , pinoiipplo tissues , Hlinn-
long pongoa , cortluu talTotn , lioclford
L'ortls , etc. , etc. , making the bout
assorted anil most complete line in .the
west , all wiirnintoil fast colors.
At ( io wo show a beautiful cloth
called "Cosmos , " a nice light 'fabric in
BtripOB , plaids nnd polkodots.
fill do/.on ladies' vests ntic each.
Ladies' waiwts in blaelc , white and
fancy , see our line of white waists from
f So up ; see our line of black sateen waists
from 7fic up , any size.
Parasol and sun umbrella sale today ,
fill in at rest prlco for today.
FOTltliltlNOII AM , WlllTKI.A W ft CO. ,
Council UlnlTs , la.
Don't forgot vho big celebration at
Kilvor Olty , July and fi. Uncos both
days. Special train onVabash leaving
Council IJlulIs ut ! ) : ; i ( ) a. in.
Trains leave Manawa dally at 8 and 10
a.m. , 12m. , and 1 , 2 , UiO : ; , : i , : < : . ' { ( ) , .I ,
4 : . ' ) . fi , 5i : ! ( ) , 0 , tl0. : ! ! 7 , " : ! ! ( ) , 8 , 80 : : ! , ! ) ,
Di : ; ( ) , 10 , ( ) : ; ; , 11 and 11 : < j.ri p. in. The
llt.W train will make connection with
the last electric motor cur for Omaha.
VotlTllMh' Itl'lllllllll.
The fifth annual rounlon of the WoHtorn
Jowa Vutorutm nssoclution will bo held in
this city on the 7th and 8th of next Septem
ber. This association Inolmlcs the counties
of Pottawattamio , hl.i , Mononu , Crawford ,
Jlarrlson nnd Shelby , and the old soldiers
mid their fanilliott from nil parts of this dU-
trict will Hock in at this llmo. The reunion
will bo held In Falrmount park , whicn the
park commissioners l.uvo offered for the oc-
raslun. ' 1'ho ' memburs of the Twenty-ninth
Iowa infantry will hold their minimi faunlon
nt thu same tlmo and nlnco. and a circular
lina boon United Inviting all the Women's
Keller corps. Undies' auxiliaries to the Union
Veteran legion , und Sons and Daughters of
Veterans to loin in the celebration. Tenting
accommodations will bo furnished nil who
attend ,
I'lirimolH anil Sun ( hnbrclliin All lit font
I'rli'n Toiltiy.
At the Hoston Store , Council HlufJfc ,
la. Now is the time to procure a sun
umbrella at a nominal cost.
Council MlulTs , In ,
Prof. Xorlcowslcy will accept a fo\v
moro auholars on the violin or violin-
cello. Addro > s : ! 05 X. 7th.
I'mirth or July.
Monday , . .Inly , the Boston store will
lw elosoil all iHy.
K < ) Tiiiiti.NiiiAM : ( , Wiurr.LAW & Co.
The city council la about to make war upon
kll sorts of faUira In the same war us upon
Hin fruit puddlura the other night. There hu
been considerable compuiint by rcuson of thu
huloMiiltenosu of the ordinances winch gov
ern tha griintlni ; of licensor to thuiu people ,
lo thnttho council has authorized the city at
torney and thu Judiclury conimlttco to revise
Iho iiriliiiiiiH'oi iiiul put thoni In bitch shape
that they din lm eti forceil to tlio letter.Vhllo
tlio oommltteo Is about It thu amounts to Do
dnirpcd for thu v.irlous sorts of licenses will
tin inrrcu rd conddorably abovj what tliov
KIUIIOIV , mid there is but. little doubt tint I
tlio otiltuanuo , u-f amended , will puss tlio
rouncil when It coiuoi up next week 1'orcou-
Don't foiyotl1 ! ! closing out bargains.
MlUtnury goods will bo nlmobt jjlvon
away , Mrs. PIui'Tor.
Don't forgot Iho great bargain sale for
Iho next two woolcs at Mr * . PfollTor'a. Uotwoon Uroadway and Mor-
i-iam hloclc , f'Jo.Oi ) in hills. Huwartl to
llndur if rotuniod to IIH ! : olllco.
Intoruntional Ctiro associiitlon rooms
juoinanno.N to Grand hntol , 620 First
nvontio , Counoll liluird , I'i. For euro of
ulcohol atul opium dl oise. :
HheilfT Huron loft .yesterday ir.orning for
MUcbellville with Hluncbo Mulvacoy , the
girl whom Judge McUeo o rue red tout to tbo
reform school. Iteloro sbo left tbo iilrl tola
ome abocltlog ctorlcs of tbo troatuieut sue
hnd rccelvnd from her father , laving that ho
was tbo causa of her downfall when she was
only li ! years of nge. Muivnney was arrested
nnd tried on thU chnrgo something over a
year npo , but wa.s acquitted on account of
the elrl's refusal to testily against him ,
Yesterday Mulvauoy appeared at tha sher
iff's ofllcuMtb n Inrco halo of righteous In
dignation on his head , nnd made some very
wild throat * against tha sheriff nnd all bis
deputies , promising to pot out warrants for
their arrest on the charge of abduction. The
girl was a minor and ho was her guardian ,
nnd as bo didn't want her taken awny ho
claimed tbo Judge hnd no right to order 'joe '
lent to tha reform school. Ho nUo thivftU
oncd to got out a writ of habeas corpus for
her and hnvo her brought back from Mitch-
cllvlllo. Up to last evening , however , ho
had bean unnblo to Una nn attorney who
would utidcr'ako to prosecute the cnsc.
( lovrrnor llnlrs Toiluy.
The Chaulauqun assembly opens this
afternoon. The following la the pro
gram :
2:111 : p. m. Music . Assomb'y Hind
I'rayor . Kov UcorRe W. Crofts
Address of Welcome . lion , .lames McCabe
Inlrodiirtnry Address . Ur. ( leiirva Klliott
Music . Assembly Hand
Addriiss-lllstory nnd I'rcuressof Iowa
. ( luverdor llorucu Holes
Mnslo . Asscmblv Hand
This evening at So'olock there will ho
a musical and Hternry ontortaininont.
The wotuln.-fiil . Impo'lal ttiartot | of Chicago
cage will form llii lo itlitii : attraction ,
with M'-s Nc'llli nmjM-.Skolton as ji- )
anlst , Tlio tishombly hand will also tulco
part. Prof. W. W. Carnos will give
eoiiio of his Inimitable recitations.
All these Interested in disposing of
the cow for the botioltt of Mrs. Carroll
will please cotno or sent to St. Joseph's
hall by 8 o'clock Saturday evening1 , at
which tiino llio cow will bo disposed of.
If your old furnace nocds ovorlia iling ,
or if you contemplate putting in'a new
ono , you should o.xanilno the lioynton
Gaslight. Mr. I.antjrwassor , with
Shugart Son , is a practical furnace
man , and will ho glad to ulvo yon his
experience in mieli mutters if you
choose to consult him. Don't wait
until fall.
150 people in this city use gaa stoves.
'iho Gas Co. puts 'cm in til cost.
Tr. > lni ? to IZftrupc.
( } eorKO Molady , alias Snudy Mnlvern , and
10. W. Furroll , the two con icon who trloJ to
"do" a Dakota farnor the other day , and
were arrested Thursday , decided to make n
break for liberty yesterday afternoon. With
this end in view thov secured the services of
lOmmoi Tlnloy as attorney nnd filed a pott-
lion In the district court alleging that they
wcra hold Illegally in the city Jail without
nny Information having boon Hied , nny war-
r.tnt having been Issued , or any charge bav-
liiK been made on tbo books nt the city mar
shal's ' olllco. They accordingly dumnnded a
writ of habeas corpus. Judca Doemor Issued
an order that tbo two men bo brought before
him at 7W ; o'clock In tlio evening for a noar-
ln ? .
No Information had boon filed up to the
hour when Iho petition for Iho writ of bnbcns
corpus wna Hied , lint nj soon ns the city
odlclals found out what move was bolni ; made
they lost no time in lllinfr nn information
chnrplnjf the two mon with vagrnnor , In default -
fault of anythiti ! ? moro serious. Wbon 7:30 :
o'clock arrived both parties were willing to
post pone Iho Irlul , and n continuance wns
Bruniea until this inorninir. The vagrancy
case will 03 tried in police court at S o'clock.
Tlio city authorities fear that no chnrpo moro
serious thun thtu of vagrancy can be mndo lo
slick nfrumst Molnuv nnd Fnrrell , ns the man
whom they attempted lo work lias disap
peared and will probably not bo on band lo
The Clnuitanqna druggist , Gco. Davis ,
opposite Ogden.
Tin * Ogilm lloimr Sold *
The sale of the Ogdati homo wai effected
yesterday through Iho real estate agency of
E. H. Shuafo & Co. , and last evening the
now proprietors , Messrs. Simons Croi.
took possession. Tbo Simons Bros , nro wall
known throughout the west , and particularly
lu Council Bluffs. Dr. Simons is at present ,
and bus boon for several years past , United
States consul nt HOUR Kontr , Chlnn , nnd is
ason-in-lnw of .1. Mueller , tbo wall known
music nmn. The hotel will bo under the lin-
medialit charge of Mr. Washington Simons ,
who comes hero from Moborly , Mo. They
will make the house moro ttiun ever u family
hotel nnd n straight $2 u day rate for tratn-
slonls. Mr. , who has hnd chnrgo of
iho big oMiiiilislimont for tbo owners , John
Dan forth und F. T. True , will remain ns a
guest of the hotel during the summer.
Dining hall tickets will bo sold for
Sd.OO , good for 121 moalb.
Coif ax giniror ale and mineral water
sold at wholesale by Duqtietlo & Co. .
manufacturing confectioners.
. Minor Alcntloii.
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Hoston sloro for dry goods.
Council Ulufts Lumber Co. ,
Throe it run Its were lined iu nolico court
Governor Boles will speak at 2:80 : this
afternoon lit Chuulauqua.
There will bo a line display of Oroworks nt
Fiiirmount park Monday evening.
The cnso of M. F. Hohror ncalnst the city
occupied thu day In Iho dlslrict court.
Yesterday's showers did not prevent many
pitching their tents on Chautauqun. There
will bo moro people on the grounds this sea
son than over heretofore.
The ladies of the Union Veteran longuo
who ara going to the Chnutniiuun will moot
at Iho HOCK Island uopot nt h"o'clock Mon
day morning. The hoauqunrlurii will bo
near Iho auditorium.
A number of friends of Mrs. J. G. Loinau
gave her n surnriso lust evening lu honor of
her birthday. They nil brought provisions.
and after a hcnrtv supper 11 ploasaul evening
wns spent In the Home.
A marriage license has been issued to
Louis A. Martin and Kosa Hello Prlco , both
of Council Bluffs. They wore married by
Kov. 1C. J. Bnbcock at the residence ot the
bride's unrents on Grace street ,
Marshal Tcmploton yesterday received n
line photograph of the Thomas Bowman
juvenile hose team of Atlantic. The team
is composed ol twenty boys bolwoeu tbo
ages of S and 1'J years and makes a Una tip-
poarauco on ( taper.
The regular meeting of Ktcholah council
No. ! l Degree of Pocationtas , will bo hold
this evening In Iho wigwam of Iho tied Men ,
corner of Broadway and Main slroot , nt Iho
eighth run , tor the purpose of raising up
their newly elected chiefs ,
The Woman's Kollof Corps , No. ISO , will
hold n pienlu at the Chautauqua grotinda on
the Fourth. All Sons of Veterans , Djugh-
ler.s of Veteran * , old soldiers nnd their
wives , children and sweethearts are Invltetl
lo bring Ihclr dinner * uu1 enjoy the day.
The Commercial Pllprlms of America will
have a picnic today nt ( irootulalo. The mem
bers of the order In this clij'atid Omaha , to-
irotUcr with Iholr famllloi , will leave for iho
grounds this morning at I * : . ) ) . Ono of the
features of the day's sport will bo r match
game of hasp ball between picked nines from
Couucll Bluffs and Omaha.
UlK Tlmo
At Manhattan beach , Lake Manawa ,
on the Fourth. Swimming races , tub
races and all Korts ot water games , J2.\-
tensive II reworks in the evening.
diililliuiiik : | : Truliu.
l eave Council Hlulfs from Hock
Islntnl donot at (1:10 : a. m. , 8:31) : ) a. m. ,
: : > ( u m. , 10:27 : a. m. , 1:00 : p. m. , 1:50 : p.
m. , 5:50 : p. m. , 7:00 p. m. , : 'M \ \ m.
Hot weather prices in picture frames
nt Kllov & Shurradon'a art store.
MuPhail pianoti , 110 Stutsman street.
Head page U , Chautauquu program ,
Hun. John \ \ , Ki'DKh'n > ll il ii to the Al-
llunru Coiu
Hon. John W. Keogn of Now York U In
tbo city for the purpoio of urglnir tbo poo-
pic's pnrtv conventloi to endorse the inens-
uro noxv before congron ntitbtirlzing n cox-
ornmont nnproprintio.i ot W.OOJ.OJJ lo Insure
the success of the World's fair.
Mr. ICeogb U chairman of Iho American
Industrial Loasiuo of Now York which is
urging this mea ure. It Is proposed to Issue
the f.\OOJOOJ In sliver souvenir half dollars ,
good for their face In currency ntut valuable
ns ( i souvvnlr of ihe great fair. Utider the
terms of tha inoaiuro ihe tnsnoy will bo re
funded to the government 1- case the f. lr
proves n financial suecon. The measure
hns bcn endorsed by both the republican
nnd UotnocnUtc rjallnrmi co'ivcntlons ' ,
\Vlmt It llil nt It Mooting Yo tprdiy
Aftrrnonii ,
Tha nutlonal central commlttoo of the pee
ple's ' Dirty mot yesterday cflornooa and so-
leclod Hon. C. H. Ellington ot ( Jsor la a
the temporary chairman of tha convention
nnd John W. Hayes , general socrolary
of the ICnlghti ot LVbor , as socrotiry. It
also decided that Uon. Benjamin Torroll of
Texas should , on behalf of tbo convention ,
make the response to the nddress of walcomo
of the ranyor of Omaha.
The executive commlttoo directed to
prepare a list of speakers who should rcgnlo
the convontiou during Iho interval between
Iho of the committee on cre
dentials and the report of that organization.
Cn iirman T.iub3neck reported that ha had
received numerous toilers suggesting the
propriety of setting apart nn hour In the
afternoon to bo devoted to memorial ad
dresses In memory of President L. L. Polk
of the Fur mon Alllnneo nnd Industrial
Union , who dlod n few days ago at Washing
ton. H was decided thilt sucn addresses
should bo delivered , but considerable dispute
nrose ns to Iho hour when Iho convention
should direct llsolf lo these memorial exor
"I suggest that It should bo some hour on
tbo Sabbalh. " said General Weaver of Iowa.
"Not I nm opposed lo that , " said Mr. Tor-
roll of Toxns. " 1 think that this partv ewes
it to the memory of President Polk to sot nn
hour for these memorial exorcises wbon the
convention shall bo in regular session and
whan all delegates shall bo present. 1 think
wo should devote our most valuable tlmo to
this matter. President Polk was always
conscientious in his work and always
did what ho bcllovcd to bo rlgbt ; nnd wo
hnvo lost in him ono of our most valuable
loaders. Lot us glvo these memorial oxor-
clsos as prominent a plnco in this convention
as it is possible to do. "
( icnornl Weaver and others persisted that
the Sabbath day was most appropriate for memorial exorcises , and Mr. Terrell
tinully acceding , ! 1 o'clock Sunday was solas
tbo hour for Iho memorial addtcssos iu ro-
snect " to the doconsoJ president.
"Some ono suggested that other prominent
deceased reformers should bo included In
these memorial exorcises , and it wns particu
larly suggested that Mr. btackhouso was ouo
whoso memory should bo appropriately
"I am not m favor of that , " said Mr. Uob-
nrt Schilling of Wisconsin. "I do not llko to
rlso to n question of order against a member ,
but I desire to say that I do not bcllovo wo
should devote tboso cxorolsos to any ono not
a moD\bor \ of our party. Mr. Stockbouso was
a good nlllnnco man , but bo Invariably yo\5d
with the democrats. " [ Laughter and ap-
pltmso.j This objection was accoplod as
sufficient , ana the character of Mr. Stack-
bouse will uot como In for eulogy In Sun
day's proceedings' ,
The question of tbo distribullon of tbo
tickets wns taken up nnd settled by its
reference to n spoclnl committee. The only
dispute nrose over the Deposition of n mem
ber to ndmit indiscriminately nil the ox-
volorans of iho union and confodoralu
armies. This suggestion wns met with
prompt opposition from an ex-soldier , who
declared Hint tbo veterans were willing to
taKe Iheir chnnces with nil others , mid that
if the doors were thrown open ns proposed ,
the ox-soldlorj of the slalo of Nebraska
would till the convention hall and leave no
place for the delegate * . This sentiment
from nn ex-soldier was loudly applauded , and
It was decided that no ntlompt should bo
made lo mnko political capital out of tbo ex-
Whrrn the ! > HuiutcH Are r.ociltoll.
A special train came in last evening
ever tbo Burlington from Chicago ,
with Iho Massaohusolts delegation , the
remainder of the Indiana and Michigan
nnd a few of the Ohio dologalos.
With tlio Indiana delegation were Prof. C.
Vincout and Lee Vincent of the Indianapolis
Nonconformist. The train was in charge of
H. McC. Smith of the Burlington.
Barring unexpected delays the last of the
dolcgalos will arrive Ibis morning. The
delogullons already bore nro loonlod aa fol
lows :
Aruansns Dcllono.
Alabama Mlllard.
Connecticut Mercer hotel.
California Globe hotel.
Colorado Windsor.
NorlU Carolina 1823 Farnaro.
North Dakola Millard
Soulb Dakota 11.1 Norlh Fifteenth stroot.
Georgia A rcndo .
lown Ksmond.
Indiana Arcauo.
Idaho Arcade.
Illinois Grand Central.
Kentucky Mhrray.
Kansas 1S21 Blnnoy.
Louisiana Exposition building.
Massachusotls Windsor.
Maine Windsor.
Michigan Grand Central.
Missouri Union hotel.
New York DM South Twenty-sixth.
Now J-jwoj 1722 Capitol avenue.
Nebrasita Dollono.
Oregon 'J < > 24 Caldwoll.
Oltlahom.i Knropunn.
Ohio Jennings.
Pennsylvania Grand hotel.
Tennessee Globo.
Texas Knox hotel.
Wesl A'irglniaExposition building.
Washington Pullman hotel.
Wisconsin Esmond.
Wyoming BrooKlyti hotel.
District of Columbia Deilono.
They Prc > | ioHi ! In I'orci' u Vntii In tlio HOIIHU
Iti-lurn Ailjiiiiriiiiinnt.
WASIIINOIOV , D. C. , July 1. Tonight
Morgan , Alabama's senator , spout an hour
among his friends. Months ago Morgan un
dertook the tusk of "smoking out" souatorj
who bung doubtfully nloof from nny vote
thnt would commit them on Iho silver ques
tion. Ho succeeded nnd overthrow moro than
his enemies , fcr ho obliged n reluctant
Bcnnto to uass a bill ns radical In Its
absolute frao allvor coinage requirements qs
Iho most uovouul friend * of iho metal could
desire. Thu bill now goes to the house and
that body which burled the question , as was
supposed , for the present soislon at loust ,
will again bo ooligod to face the issue.
\VllVII II ItKIIUllCH Illl ) IlllllStl ,
The bill will turn up In the house tomor
row und If the usual course of legislation U
followed it will bo referred to Iho colnago
committee. A pro mi ) t report Is expected on
Iho bill from Ibo committee , and It will take
its place on the calendar , following hundreds
of other bills , and witli about UK
much chance of belli. reached in Iho
ordinary course of business as a bill to
bridpo the Atlantic , but friends of the bill ,
stimulated by iho ncilon of iho sonuio , will
demand early action. They hoiu that It
would bo bad politics to allow u silver bill
pus led by n republican sonnto to fall Inn
democratic house. Besides they arosorotrom
tbolr last failure , when they attomptoa to
got the cloluro rule to force a vote on iho
bouso silver bill. So tbov uro going to InsUl
on a special order from tlio rules comnutioo
that will give the house a cbanoo to vote
squarely on iho free silver colnago propos
ition , nnd so'uo southern mombun tonight
nisorl that not a wheel shall turn , uot nn
appropriation bill pass , und not oven the
further extension of appropriations shall bo
mudo until they got that ipocial order.
Will .Mi'ot OMisllli | | > n.
On the other hand the little phalanx of
democrats under the load of Tracoy nnd
Williams , who so successfully resisted the
silver men before now , uro full of confidence.
They feel they can now have the uctlvo sup
port of the republican member * who do not
with to forca iho president to puss upon the
bill before election day , und they are already
Preparing for n test of endurance ,
'bat li what it will amount
to from the pro ) cut Indications ,
ami tbo question narrows down to one
point , uud tuut U the ttollliy of tue silver
men to secure n quorum In tbo house. An
United democracy has not been nblo to mini-
lain n quorum'for ' nn hour during Iho last lx
wuaks nnd It UTlOWnsy to see how n portion
of the democracy can do mora. They think
they can nnd thb ohcr ! sldo Is sure thev can
not , nnd this U Ihoisltuatlon tonight.
It Is enrly yet to tnlk nbout the prospects
of n vote , but the ono argument the silver
men uro making to moot thnt point is that
sot out by MrilMnrgan yesterday , when bo
sild the president was too hlgh-mlndod to ra-
sis' ' 'lie will of Iho" people in so Important a
matter. : Attorn mi : WIMI.SO.V.
Ynln'A'Vnrsltynml Fronliiiicii riRliti Utslly
Detent the IIiir\nr < l .
NEW Loxnox , cjonn. , July 1 , This has
been n Yale 'w'e6k ' , with a Ynlo iliilsh.
Tuesday came 'tho ' biso ball victory ever
Harvard ; this 'morning the Yale fresh
men's conquest of Harvard ' 05 In the an
nual two-mllo row on Ibo Thames put a
glossy llnlsh on tbo whole season's
lion of Yale's achievements , the recora of
tbo Ynlo 'varsity eight in turning the
tables nn Iho Harvard crow this afternoon
leaving them oven farther behind than Ynlo
was loft last year , nnd that U saying a grcnt
The Harvard mon hnvo fallen nwny from
Iholr Interpretation of tin ) Cook strolto
whloti won for Ihom Inst year , nnd have sub
stituted a faster , but much less effective
method. Yale wns ngaln tbo worthy expo
nent of the docgod , rugged , deliberate slroko
which has pulled Its roprescnlnllvos' shell
ncross iho line ahead so many times in so
many ycnrs.
The water was perfectly sraoHu , the nlr
clear nnd iho lido was at full ebb. A strong
brcczo was blowing from tbo north nt the
backs of the crows ns iboy rowoa down
stream wilh the tide. All Iho elrcuit'Hlniifos
were highly favorable lo Iho lighter uud
H viler crow of Yule nnd ndvorso to Harvard's
beollor und stronger oarsmen.
The start was made nt 5:17. : Harvard teen
tbo lend. For the llrst 101) ) y tints they liept
it , pulling n thlny-iilno-stroke , while Yale's
was nbout Ihlriy-oiuht. Yale splashed
badly nnd tbo boat rolled n little , while Har
vard got off comparatively smoothly. At 101) )
yards from the start , the Yale nrow bnd shot
pnst the Hnrvards. Ynlo hid found Its form
nnd from that time on was never hcndod.
Harvard made n dospornto ilpht before re
linquishing the lead. In BO doing she
dropped into bnd form , causing the bout to
roll und progress by Dorcop'.ible jerks.
At tbo'llrst half mlle Yule was rowing half
n length in the lead , with both crows exhibitIng -
Ing the llrsl burst of spued witnessed during
the entire race. Yale continued its effective
spurt during tbo second half mile , whllo
Harvard fell back llttlo by little. When the
Yale shell passed tbo llrst mile post it was
three lenglbs nhoad and four lengths ahead
nt the two mlle post , which marked tbo con
clusion of half tlio race. At the two mlle and
a half mlle post Yale was olght lengths ahead.
The nflllotlon which overtook Harvard
oir.smcn : at this parlicular point of Ibo race
was splashing. For 100 j-nrds Ihoy pulled
llko fresh men In Ibis respect. Ynlo crept
steadily and smoothly abonu.
After the third mlle post It was n proces
sion , Ynlo working with mothodlcnl precis
ion Whllo Harvard way niirgcd. As the boats
passed between the of yachts which
enclosed the finish , a rousing salute was
given both crews , and the effect wns mag
ical. The stroke was quickened and
the oarsmanship of both crows decid
edly moro trim. At 5H7.-1S : the Ynlo boat ,
shot by Iho finish with Harvard flftocn or
sixteen lengths iu the rear. Harvard1 ! , hholl
crossed the line So' scconds later. Every
whlsllu In New London lot loose and the din
was distracting. Thousands of blue ( lags
floated aloft , while the crimson dropped or
kept , modestly out of sight , oniclal time
forfour miles : Yale , ! 20:4S : ; Harvard.
Enrly In Iho day Harvard men wanted odds
of ? 100 to7u. but the last bets were made at
$100 to ? " .
Nr.w LONDON , CJonn. , July 1. A "coekod
bat" boat race , two miles straight awny , be
tween the freshmen eights of Yale , Harvard
and Columbia was rowed hero touav at llooo
ttdo and with the current , starting
nt 11:15 : , The conditions of wind
and tide ware almost perfect , ttiougb
the rain came down qulto heavily
while the crow were on the w.iy to the siart-
ing point , and , iho breeze started up , making
the water somewhat , rough before tbo start.
Harvard won the toss and chose the iniddln
courso. Yale selected the west , nnd Colum
bia was given the cast. Bofora ttio word
wns given for the slart tlio ram began to
pour down and a strong northwest hoadwlnd
began to blow.
At the pistol shot Columbia caught the
water llrst. though Yule's powerful stroke
gave that craw the lead at once. All rowed
u fast Blrolto , ihlrty-nlno lo forly-one lo Ihe
ininulo for Iho llrst quarter of a inilo. At
tnat distance they were well bunched , with
Yale leading by a few yards , Columbia and
Harvard very close together. Yale dropped
her strolto lo ihirl.v-elght , with Harvard and
Columbia rowing forty. Nevertheless , Yale
ealnod at every stroke , and was two lengths
ahead nt Iho end of tbo throo-quorlors of a
At the end of the mlle , Ynlo qulolconod her
strolto lo forty ana Columbia began lo snow
Jerky worlc. At the bcginnlnt : of Ibo last
half the fast work began to toll on all tins
oarsmen. Columbia siccrod wildly , but in
spile of that maintained itio laud of Hnrvard.
Yale hold the lead to ttio finish rowing a
steady thirty-six to thirty-eight , and finished
olght'lengths ahead of Columbia , which was
two nnd a half loncths before Harvard.
Time : Yale , 12:03 : ; Columbia , 12H : ! ) ;
Harvard , llJi3. : !
IMruHiint Krroptiou TtmiluriMl ( iiHiurul Sor-
rotilry Olxir mid \Vllcmt tlm \ . M. C. A.
The most pleasant gathering ever hold in
the Young Men's Christian association rooms
was that assembled there last ovonitig In
honor of Gouoral Secretary Frank W. Obar
nnd wife at n roooption tendered them by
iho board of directors nnd monjbers.
The parlor * were profusely decorated with
bunting , palms , ferns nud ; > otiod nla'its.
The reception room presented n beautiful ap
pearance. The walls were covered with
draping and the small tables tilled with out
llowors , A , P. Tukey Introduced the guests
to Seerotn-v Ober mid wife , who stood bo-
noalh ovc. ringing palms in the imrlor.
W. H. Alexander made a brief address
which was both witty nnd eloquent , In con
clusion presenting Secretary Ober , on beHalf -
Half of tbo members , a magnificent light oak
comuinntlon bookcase nnd oscratolro , n beau
tiful specimen of Its itlnn. finished In old
gold nnd French pinto glass. After Mr.
Obor had responded refreshments were
served ,
Diifrutoil J'rolillillloti.
AimusTt , On. , July 1. Prohibition was de
feated hero today by 1,100 In n poll of 4,000.
2Vi < t Itifihrst place , among all
blood -medicines , belongs to Dr.
Pierre's Kloldcn Medical Discov
ery. PwJf you don't think so.
when' ' you consider how it's Bold
to you , * Jti's guaranteed and no
other inixlicinu of the kind is. If
it everfnib , * to benefit or cure , you
have your money buck. Wouldn't
every medicine nmku tbo smiie
tcrum If it , could do ns much good I
nutntbo " Discovery " art * dif
ferently , just ns It's kohl differ *
ently. ItV not like the sarsupn-
rillus , which claim to do good in
JIarciv April , nnd Way. All tbt
year round , with rquul l > enelU , It
cleanses , pfirllles and invluonitea
tbobple KVbU'iii , All Ulootl , Kkin
and ScaJu'DlstMiso * , from a com
mon Ijlotcb or eruption to tbo
woi-bt'fjcrofuln , nro cured by it.
For Salt-rbi'inn ' , Tetter , Ecn-nrn ,
Erysipchu , Dulls , Carbuncles , Sere
Eyes , Goiter or Thick Neck , and
Enlarged Olands , Tumors , and
Kuellingn , it's a remedy that noth
ing ran equal.
It's tbo rhtajtfst one. too. With
this , you i v only for the nooil you
get Hefuso nortblvta tuUtitutea.
Dog l'iniiiilUi < i > | irr'it Notlcr.
The following doK > Uavu been Impounded :
a buildups. " *
1 sheiiheul.
i Newfoundland.
1 pug do , ; .
4 black and tan.
Hskyo terrlvm ,
IfSmt'rpiU'amod within ) four dar the
do : | ll boUrowucU , J. t-TOr.UI ,
J'.MIt Do ; l'ouudkuver | )
Will cure You , Is n , true statement of the
action of AVER'S Satsnparllln , when
tnkcn for diseases originating In Impure
blood ; hut , while this assertion is true ol
AYKU'S Sarsnpnrlllu , as thousands can
attest , it cannot bo truthfully applied to
other preparations , which unprincipled
dealers will recommend , and Try to Im
pose upon you , ns "just ns good ns
Aycr's. " Take Aycr's Sarsaparillii nnd
Aycr's only , if you need a blood-purifier
nnd would be bqncllted permanently.
This medicine , for nearly fifty ycnrs ,
hns enjoyed a irputntlon , nnd mndo a
record for cm us , that has never been
equaled by other pioparntions. AYEH'S
Saisapaillla eradicates thu Inlnt of he
reditary sciofulu and other blood dis
eases from the system , and it has , deser
vedly , tlm confidence of iho people.
"I cannot forbear to express my joy nt
the relief I have obtained from the nso
of AVER'S Sarsaparilla. .1 was nllllcted
with kidney troubles for about .six
months , suiTerinK greatly with pains in
tbo small of my bark. In addition to
this , my body was coveiod with pimply
eruptions. The remedies prescribed
failed to help mo. I then begun to take
AYEH'S Sarsaparilla , nnd , in a shoit
time , the pains ceased and the pimple *
disappeared. I advise-every young nmn
or woman , in case of sickness resultIng -
Ing from impure blood , no mutter bow
long .standing the- case may be , to take
AYKR'SSnrsnparilla. " lI.L.Jarmann ,
33 William St. , New Voile City.
Prepared by Dr. J. U. Aycr & . Co. , I.owcll , Maes-
and Neuralgia
These distressing
and annoying trou
Indian bles that are such
c o in in o n co m
Sagwa plaints , so fre
quently and easily
cured ; not requiring one-fourth of
a bottle of this simple remedy of
Nature to accomplish the purpose.
1 Puie Blood , Pcifect Health. "
" Mrs. M. FANNIE WEST , of Chester , H. H. ,
writes : 'I For years I had suffered from sick head
ache and neuralgia , and found no relief , I was
recommended to try Ktchapoo Indian Sagwa , I
did so , and my distressing trouble was cured Inane
week , I feel very grateful , and recommend It to
all sufferers , "
Why suffer from this malady when
Nature has provided a cure ?
$1.00 u bottle. All druggists. _
_ _ _ *
Kickapoo Indian Salve
licals all sklnCmWlCJ's. nt. rents.
triumph of Scientific Medicine.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with it as a criUTivE
used over 40 years , and always affords
relief and always gives satisfaction.
For Piles External or Internal , Dlind
or lilectling ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or
Bleeding of the Kectum. Thu relief is
immediate the cure certain.
For Durns , Scalds and Uiceration and
Contraction from Burn's The iclief is instanf
the healing wonderful and ttncrmaled.
For lioils , riot Tumors , Ulcers , Fistula' ,
Old Sores , Itching Ktuptions , Chafing or
Scald Head. It is Infallible.
For Inflamed or CaUcd Breasts and Sore
Nipples. It is invaluable.
Trice , 50 Cents. Trial sic. 3 $ Cents.
BolJJ PriiBKUIn , or Ifltl pnnt-piM on rvrrlj t of price.
in'nriiituH-miuo. , nu us Minion. M.MIOIIK. : .
A Tonic
A and Pleasure :
That's the happy
combination found in
You drink it for pleasure , and get
physical benefit. A whole
some , refreshing , appetizing1 ,
thirst quenching drink.
One package makes five gallons.
Don't le tlectlvf J If a i ! lf r , for the saVe
tit larger profit , tdl > you tome oilier Und
It "juit ai ooi { " 'tltfelic. Noimiudon
li a > good a > the genuine Hums' ,
All the latest styles in
Soft and Stiff Hats.
218 South 15th Street ,
Purs Stored and Repaired.
St .tornont of Mr. Edward Bugoo ,
General Agent for the McCormlck
Horvo ting MnobJno Company-
Catarrh nnd
Atnontr the many well known cltl/ons
of Omaha who have found relief and
euro for chronlo allinonlH at thu hands
of Dm L'orjoliuul and Shontml is Mr.
Kdward Mugee , who is { ; enoral a ont
for the McCortnluk Ilnrvestinp Mai-lilno
I'ontpany for the territory of the North
I'lntto , iNcbraska. Mr. 15ugoo resides at
12118 Hurdetto street , with Intslnoss
headquarters at 810 Ijuavonworlh. In a
ro.'cnt interview Mr. llugco inakos the
following i-oneiso and woll-aonsidorod
statoinonl :
"Tor a number of ypirs I was n victim of
rnttirrhiil tllsense , mainly ulToetlni my stom-
iii-li. Mv digestion was \ci-y Imperfect , c.uis-
lu ? me grout distress. Insiu.idof bo 111 ? proji-
ly Olgesteil my food would Ho In thu stomach
and ferment , flvlng rise to mu < h pas ami
bloatingMy stomach was filled with KH ; nil
the time both bcforo and tiftor eating ,
llek'hlu t anil uiieuilnesM were constant. I
also bilious and often \omltcd mucus nnd
"At night 1 s'l-pt very llttlo and obtained
no teal rest. I had turriblu pains lu my side
nnd back , especially during thu nlcht. On
iMnt ; I full Kielelied und tiled out.
"I hud p ild nut tniH'li nioiiev for medical
troiitment , nut wltli littio bencllt. llonovur ,
after u course of treatment by Drs. t'opuinn I
und Hhi'imrd 1 urn miiiih hotter. 1 eat well
ami my digestion Is Mcailllv imnrnvln . 1 : un
ualuhu In llesh , sleep xuuu Hy and feel lu
ovury wnv the res orlng olleets of thuir work.
I coinn end thorn us 111111041 und eompetent
lihyslelr.ns und ot tliolyorthv of the esteem
und conlldenco of thu public. "
H wLlt ID Jlmmio Grim r Suffered
nni Found Koli3f Somo'liing ilm"
Every Paronc Should Bond.
When fond and loving parents see a
little ono fading beneath the malign in-
lluonco of n danjrorous disease they suf
fer a tort uro compared to which the
physical torment of the child is as noth
ing. Their only desire is to secure some
relief for the louder little pain-racked
body and to conquer , if posbiblo. the
malady which hns has stolen the bloom
from its cheeks ami the llcsh from its
Children MtlTor and grow used to suf
fering. There is not the violent resist
ance to disease on their part is
shown by older and sltongur natures , so
that very oftou an illness" Conquers
them , llnding them utnosisting victims.
Jimmic Cramer , aged ( i , lives with his
parents at lf > M Ohio street. Ills father
is an employe of the Consolidated Tank
Line Company. His mother , Mrs. Anna
Cramer , was asked recently what she
thought of Drs , CoDohind anil Shepard's
system of treatment :
" .My llttlo boy. Jliiiinle , " unswored Mrs.
Clamor , "bus MilTercd fiom catarrh tor at
least one your and u h ilf. I cannot fully ( ic-
sci Iho his case , but ho w as In u condition.
Illshoau ached all the time and the
pain was terrible. His nose was stoppu.t up
MI no could not bre.ithe thuuiili It and his
Hi rout so.-i ( footed wo could hu idly millers tan
him when he talked.
.11.MM IK C'
"His niiputito wns jioor niul hH K
hoilth nnd sticnitli was bail. At iilislil ho M-ry lo-itlp-s niul mo.inoct an I tossed In
hlssli-ep. Wo sri'titly foaro.l the worst re
sults In his o iso.
"Nowui nrn tlail to S'tv tha1 .limmlc Is cn-
tlielv well. He li.itno headacbc. am ) i-at
anil sleep IIUo a l.i > nllli > chllu. Ho does not
take cold as he useil to. but runs uliimi t iiru-
foot with no bad results. This reiiiiirUaiilo
drill ! , ' " In tinlionlth of our boy Is wholly duo
Iho treatment of Drs. I'opi-hinil and hfi > : iril.
I oan earnestly adlo ail p.irc-nts who li.ivo
ehlKlren out of liosi'th ' to taUu llii-m to these
iihyalaluni and obtain relief und euro before
To the I'u bile : The HVS'IIIII of mall trout-
ineiilimisiied by Drs. t'opeland and Sliopard
iruatantecs the same i-lft-et ve results to those
who desluto suliiiilt tliolr through cor-
rcsiiondence as to those u ho como In person.
Tht-fr " ( inestlon blanl. . " If proueily Illliil out ,
will dlasnoso your ease In a thorough way.
and , ns medicines are ptomptly shipped , thusu
llvlns out of the city liavo the udvaii-
taKO ns those who come the olllce ,
Write for the treatment by mall , mpiliclm-s
fn-c. and rid vourself of the most painful and
iiiinuyliiR diso.isos In the eutaloRiio of human
The Offlco Hours M : > nday Will Bo
From 9 to 11 A. M. nnd 2
to 4 P. M.
To iii'oommoilnto vNltlne strinporn. ana the
many " 'ho are unable to visit tlm olllci-s of
lrs. ) Ooueliind mid Hioimrd on worMne dayh.
Iholr olllfi-s will ho Ui-pt opuu Monday. Iho
Tourth of July from U to 11 In thu inoriiln. ,
and from i to t In the afternoon.
It luis alwujb hi-LMi thu cuslom to maintain
ollleu hours on holidays for thu iieooiiiino la-
tlon of thu nubile' and thu nuiiieions piitlcnts
who uviill themsolM's of such a duy to vlsll
There will ho no ovonlns hours on thu
roitrth. Thodiiy will Rlvo an unusual oppor
tunity to iii'iiplo who ileHlro to c insult Drs.
fuiiuliiinl niul Shepard re ardlnK thuir Illness ,
and should he promptly accopti'ii.
KATi : ( l' ? > A MO.Vni-MKOIC'IMWl'im-
NISIIKD ruKB. KOIt Al < l < orilHH DIS-
rAKiS : Till"HATKS Wll.h III : LOW AND
oiNisHKQinitii : : ) _ .
( U1U IHliUlUd
HOO.MS ill ) AND JUvS ,
New York Life liuilding ,
W. II. C'Ol'KI.AND , M. D.
O. S. SMUl'AUli , M. IJ.
fonsiiltliu I'hyslulnns ,
, Sft7.lCatarrh. . Asthma , Ilronchl-
Itls , Nervous Dlhoasi-n , Illood Dlsi'ttsi-s , Ulii-u-
matlam. Coiifcuiiiutlon. and all c-hronlo affee-
tlotisFof thu , IJIIIIKH , Htomaoh , I.Ivor
" '
'oilicii hours ! fl lo II n in. . ' . ' to n p.m. , 7 to S
p. m. Kunilay. I' tolp.iii.
Catarrh troubles and klniln-il dn > onscn
treated stieces fuily by mall. Hiiiid 4o In
htampH for iU | ( > hllnn clruuiarH. Ad < lro a all
loiters to ' 'oiiulaml Medlual liulllnte , New
York Life llullillni : , Omaho , Null.
Ana * anil foinplvta Truatmtnl. contlitlnf o ;
Bui > po ltorl . Olnliutnt la < ' iiuloi. olia In lla <
rm I'llli : Tuilllre L'uro tor Kiteni l , Iqternal
blludor Ul dliigltolilnji.'iiruplr , Itoaontor llrrill-
Urr I'llei , Tnli Heuiedr hai niirur beau known to
fall , lli > erl)0i Dfurliiunbf ! mull Wliy luHer/rom
ttili terrlblu dliemu wlnii u itrllton na r nteo 1
iJU IUi lr ul'ou irllbOliooiorrofuiid tna muarlf
not cur ii HonJ itauipror frte Htuipli. llutr fll t
Inueil t > 7 Kulia 4Co. , Holy AgnnU.corow
lMiW t . Oiunht. WoU.
WAN'TKD Uootl girl for Keiiornl lmu u-
T work. Uood wazrs , Mrs. tleoriro Krollno ,
ll.'OKast I'lcrco ctroet.
TjUMUKNT The dwelling on Kfrst nvemm
-f and iiBhtli : Mrt-ot formerly occupied by
M. 1 : fmllli ! II roomo. 'i bath rooms ami nil
modern Improvements ; puod stable and out
building ; roul ? Wpor inonlh. K. H. Slionfe. _
"IJIOUSAI.K-rionrlnz nnd srlst mill with q j
JL1 Morlt nf L'cniiritl moreliandlso iinddwellliiK a
Prlco } I2.VX ) . will trade for a.ittorn Nebr.nk * '
or KMIS.IS tRiiil. 13. II. Shoafo.
\ 4ANTICD Kxiiorlrtii'i-d canvassers to soil
the latest and Kronlost novelty In fruit
In rottowattomlu and MM.s . oouiule' , lonn ,
Address A 2.\ Hoc , Council Illnlls.
TJ'OK SA1.K On smull payments , fruit and
-L garden land lunr Counell Hlatrs 15. ll <
Slii'.ife. Ilrondw.iy an t Main street
11' YOU have anything for silior tr.ida sou
_ _ ' _ ! L"-ii ! ? : 1'r.oitlw.iv aiidMnln _ stront
J/OU RUN f Dweilhus lii all ptrls of tha
city. 1C. II Micafo , llro.idw.vy and Muln
I710K ltiN : r-niBlit-roonuhNellnu' . il ! Wash'
- ' liijton live , moilcrn tylu unit uonvon-
Icnre-i , In oxeel'nnt rop.ilr , rent JJX IX II
Miunfc1 , II ro. id way and .Nluln sts.
fAI.K llnti'l and rostaurnnt In a prosperous -
porous Nobruska city , luvlni ; business ,
Hood riMhuns for sDlllnc , prloo Ji.oji. It Is : i
snap.r _ H. honfi'.Jtroidw.ijriuii ! Main street.
I71OI5 HAliK Standard bred mnro. TyoariJ
JL1 oM , sire I by Dr. Aruhltinlil , No. 2JIS ; llrst
dam liy li onwoo.l. reeor.l "s.'TU She Is u Hue
chestnut , bus shown I' spon.l. \ uuntlu un 1
well liriikon to drive sinulo or doiililo , wouht
nbout 1.0 1 1 Ibs May lie seen at burn of W. C
tHterbiioU. 'Hit West Hro-idwuy , C'oune.i
Hlii If * I'rlfo * . ' . ' > ' Jiu-obSlms.
"I71OK h-At , ! ; t'nrni , H2I nuros , in I ) ukuiisun
JL ( . 'o , low i , ' . ' 40 aeres broUo , bilauce fen ' I
pustiito uud inoidow I'rleo fU.'un aero , K II
She.ife. Uro uhvay nn.l Main street ,
T7WU CAI K The slampliK liuslnms and ar
JL . ncoillunor m.iterluls : ata golnr to lo.ivo
city ; good eh.ince for a ludv to go In liuslnos < < .
Mis. il. P. Mies. ! ( Itrondwu.v , I ouncll HliilT
\ \ rANTHIKastorn Nebraska lands In ox-
' ehnngii fat Council II. utl's properly , lull , i
, llro i.iwuv anil M.ilu streat.
I7IUUIT luu ts , len Inn Is , f mns and olty
J- property for silo or Ir.idj Day < fc lloss , .iJ
I'ouil Ktreet.
"I71OU HAI.iKlovutor : lth corn slioller bu. U iliv ; e.irn ur niKir , 1(11 ( tin. ui
hour ; s.iw mill alticliment. 10 II P. ciu-ine.
lining u g < ; ) .l bus ness ; Icu'iited near ( 'outu'll
ItluirU'lll t iKu goo. ) liiml In excliuiMO or
t0llolloni ; _ | foronsli. II 11 Slmafo. _
17UUSAl.E-Sioc' ' ' of mereh imlls-and InilhN
-L Ing lu coed lo.ra toun ; sloe < lnvnlcu' <
Jl.f.Oa.oo ; tins : oo I tr.ulo ; building , tl.Oin DJj a
bnigaln ; will tiKe : uool ; loivu land In ex
change , 11 II Sheife ,
_ _
rnilK IIHiC.lvST liAlTtiAIN Dmihlo lesl
dcneo lot. No. ; ! ' . ' < -on Hi Knst streut. 8
fret front ; best locution und host bargain In
the city If t.iken tit once , Day .t Hess : il
I'o nl htiet't.
TIIU cointielent ladles and gentlemen K/l ( u
1 month and tr.ivollug e.\pon os Nn eiin-
vnsslnir. Cull O.'ft First uvenue , Council 111 ulT
0 u. m. to 4 p. m.
IpOU SAI.K Heed lathe , foht or power , ftfout
long. inches wide , buckguured und .screw
cuttlnz , with oo npleto t'hangu o gearmi ; , 'I
ehiieliN , one C-lncli , one -l-lnch and 1 drill
chuck ; 3 huts metal turnln : tools , etalso :
onei-horso ; power oil oniilno. with shaftln1 , ' ,
pulleys , bulling , et ? . All In good order und
will bo sold cheap for cush or on time to rlsht.
party. Addtess Ho\ 4Klliott , l.i.
\ATANTKD--Two girls , one to cook and tha
' ' oilier for chamber woik. can Und Mtuu-
tlons In a iirlvato family ut good mines by
tinplylnl to (5. ( ItlutiK , IDS .Malnst- Also 111:111 :
who understands the cure of and worn
about house ; Uorinnn profcriod. _
) \ ' ACHKS of land In southern Iowa fur s tl' f'l ' per acru : ( X ) iicios fruit , farm In Mils
county for sale. Johnston & Van I'atton
National Bank.
Capital $500,0 J
Surplus 100,00 J
UK UMAX KOUNT7.I5 , 1'roildJnt.
JOHN A. CHKiaitrO.V VIoi IVaillli
F. U. DAVIS. Cnihlor.
W. 11. Misoyuiuu , Aiititant Caililor.
11. i ; . CATKj. AnlJtaT. CM'.I i-
llv virtue of an oxeeiitlon Issued by I'raiiV.
B. Monres olerk of the District court of Domr-
laaeoiinly. Nobrahlin. upon a Judgment reml-
ored In nuld court In fuwir of thu 'iimnit'rcial
National IIink of Oiimhu , .Ncbiaskn. anil
imuin tc M. Sehnulder & Coniouny , anil 0.
M Schneider , I h ne lo\led upon lln1 follow
Ing'nods and chattel : ! us the properly of tlio
s.ild C M Schneider it Company , to-wll
The oiillte wholesale stoek of notions and
gents'fuinls'ulng goods , hoslerv und giovoi
.mil other niori'ii.imllse. tngotlier with ollh i >
and store ftiinltnio und llvtim > 3. and nil cmi
tallied In the basement and live at-.ry ti > r
linlldlnu' . N's. lliili' , and 1111 MotvaiJ Ntieri
In the city of Om ilia. Douglas C'liunty Ne
liraska ; and I will on tlm llth duy of .1'iiv A
I ) . . Ib' ' ) . ' . eoiiiineni'lii'4 .it I > o'clock a. m. of s ml
day. at NLS uwi'f und Illl llowatd streUt in
tlui City of Omah i. h.ild ciinnly und st tie "t'ii
h.ild goods mill rhatto's ' ut public auction tec
the hi host b.diior , or bidders for easii. 01 MI'I
much thereof usmay bo nece s iry to sat stv
su d ovoeutlon , the amount rluo tlioroon lciii- :
twenty thousand und lifty dollnri d.'i.trioii"
jnagmetii .aid nine und .1-lOj dollar.- * . ( J'.u.i ' ' :
costs , with Interest on said iimoiints nl tint
r.ite of 10 per cent per annnn. from the l"tti
duy of Juno , A , II , | s > Jan i IhoaeeruliiK costs.
Omaha , > ub , Juno aotli. IslCi
diOl : < Ui : A HRNNETT.
Sherlfl of Douirlus Count Neh.
J31iHStni& .
J. C. & .W. WOODWARD ,
COl'.Nt'lI , HMTI'S. IOWA.
m A Ear
II entf ncll ties , nppar.ittii a nn Itu-iio.nai
for h.ici-DSHfii trMtiii nit of ivorvfiru
of disease reiinlrln n.odle.i | or
HiirMuil trontmunt.
M boili f"r patients , ho .rd . an I niton , lams.
lli'hl aeconioJatlons In the went.
Write for clroul.iri on deform 't us ixnl
brauux triitsus , club fuel , ourv ituros of situ | ,
plies , tumors , u nicer , aafirrh. bronoh lis , Inhalation -
halation , o octrlelty. p iralysln , onllctisy , kid-
nev.b adder , oyo. oar. thin ant boo ! I anJ all
eurizlL-al onur.itlniiH.
P WnMPM A si-noiAi.Ti'
t WUlUQil
lluolcnn Dismal of
Womun KKKB. Wu havulatelv ail lud i lynu-
Inilop irtmunt for women ilurlns eontlnuiiiuaU
nrlelly nr v ite.i Unlv Itellublo In-
All H oed DNii.isaj hiieciHifuily truitoL
Hjuhliltlo 1'nlHon removed from the nynain
wllhoiit iiieruury , Now HuHlor.itlvo I'ruitt
mcnt for I'Osi of'l I'AI < I'OWKIt. I'orsoiis un
ulilu to VHI | Hi mar bo tru itud ut IIDIIID b >
( orruxion Mince. All coniiiiuiiieutloin eonll
dontlal Mod ulnuH or Inilni'iii-nti Hunt l-y
nm.l iiro\ire ] s. Ki-uiinily p.ieltuJ , no m irx > < ic
Ind catiioootunlHor nenijur. Unu pvr < onU ln <
tory i'W prufcrro I , Call and voiiHiilt us or neil J
hlKtory of your uiiou. anil wo will aend In ptalo
MEN ' ' RE .
Hic.ll , t-puoini or Nurvoiu Dn
eases. Inipotcncy , 8/plillU , QluoimU Varlou
ruio , with ijuest. on lUt. . -
Unices , Appliance * for DufonnUlos A : Triuo *
Only inanufautory Inthu Weatof ItKfilittl.
i'/'l' ' Jl/'I'M/IAUKl. ritUnatOi , Kl.KUl'HIU
it A i IM A f , n n in , i y.
Omaha Medical and Sur icil Institute ,
aath nnd Brotidway , Oounoll Blulfi
Tun mliuitnV ililo from uunujr of Uni4li4 oe
Council liluttj ulujtrlo uulor liu *