Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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r. r.wirn.
Ilidly 1co ! ( without Suwlnyt Ono Vcnr. . . . . . . . . I J 00
DMIrnml "iimlny Ono Year low
fill Monlln J yJJ
Ihrro MonllK J
humlnf HPP < ln Vnr fff
Hnlnrdnr Hvo , Ono V nr ! Jj *
\\eukl ) lift- ono Vonr i w
Dr/inltn , The \\pp \ Iliillillns
( until Oinnlin corner .N nnil Z'.th ' Strndj ,
roiinell Illiillii 12 I'rnrl strum.
( lildienOtllci' HIT C'rinmlier of Commorcp.
Now \otk , Itoomilf , II niiil IS. Trillium lliilldlnjc
Wfi lilnntoii 61J ronrti-unlli stroct
All onnnnnnlfnlloin rolntlnit to news nnil
tilltnrlnl intittor nlionlil l > nildrooeil to tlio KU-
iKirinl l > uinrtiiiunt |
All bmlnoM letters nnil romlttnneas should ho
iiliUuineil toTlip lleo I'lililMitiiKConiiinnr. Omnrm
brnflft elippkn ntiil pustolllco onion to bo mnuo
pnynblo to the onler or tlio eompiiny.
Btntoof Scbrnskn , (
Ciiuntr ofDiiiiKln * ( .
( li-orini II. Tclnitk , nccrctnry of Tiir IIKI I'nb
lldliliiu poiupiiny. ilopssolcmnlnr tlml HIP net
tint ( Irrtilntlnn or 'Int. 1)111.1 lln. for tlio wock
tmlliiif .liilys , IBitt , nnsns follow >
Minrinr JiineZH . MOls
.Miirnln ) .1 ho 27 . ; -i.2S ,
Titixdni .MimilH
Ai-iliipnilny. Jlinoyj
Krl.lny . July I .
Hntnrrti : ) , lulyZ
Avriiigp. SI.IM
: it. T/.bcimcK.
Swum Iv lipfnrn mo mid u rllipd In my pros
cniotlili Vd ilii ) ofJnl ) , IS'JZ N I' I Ml. .
Notnr ) I'nbllo.
AtrniKn C lirnliitliin for Mny , ! ! l'IHl
* . : iA'si'AiT.its , when snoiiltlnff of the
'Iniv.l " will bo -
party , plouso inoro ox-
plirit. Tlioro iiro two "third parties"
Wi : IIOI'K the people's party will not
"olobrato the glorious Fourth by getting
nto iin inylorlous row ever the noinlna-
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tun dolotriiius mid visitors are nil
) lei ! > -cil with tlioir recaption , which is
Dmiihn's usual way of treating its
: uosts.
Titi , history of political cuinimlgns
Droves thiit there is no necessary con-
KM lion between uu enthusiu&tlc canvass
mil a winninfr ono.
PASTI.I it is suiil to bo outraged on n ,
"Uro for opllopsy. If ho succeeds , the
unly way a man can got lits will bo from
his abusive neighbor.
Tin : California delegation st-oins to bo
unpro\idcd with u carload of wine.
I'lioir crodontlals should bo examined
at oiH-o for they must , oo spurious.
No UMM has fallen in a certain sec
tion of Texas for throe years. Hero at
Inst is the place in America whore Kng-
iish nin\spapor jokes would bo popular.
SKN'ATOK HIM. did not dodge the vote
INI the silver question this time. The
necessity for double playing on that bub-
( iot ! had passed and ho voted for the
YAI.K de'eatod Harvard in a base ball
match and n rowing race last weoK. It
ivus a great year for the Now Haven
boy * . They hnvo no reason to faol blue
tn spite of their colors.
Tun democratic female with the un-
orringaiin who btruck Oladstouo in the
face with a hunk of gingerbread hub
irrivcd at Berlin and proceeded to servo
nisiimrt'lc in the same loving way with a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IT is authoritatively stated that Will-
lam C. Whitney will not accept the
chairmanship of the democratic national
uominiftoo. Wattorson would bo a good
man for the place. IIo knows whore the
ilaughtorhouso and the open grave are
Tins American collages distribute
honorary degrees with abundance and
nromitiouity , but it must not bo inferred
that there is any connection between the
fact that one man received an honorary
degree from Yale last week and died on
the saino day.
LAUOIUIKUU of London ' /ViiiVt and
tfovcrnl eminent ministers of Now York ,
including Dr. Lynmn Abbott , Dr.
13 iggs and Dr. Parkhurst , hove joined
the Salvation army. Tlioy are to bo only
honorary meinbord and will not pound
Pitor. Tuojii'hox , who was expelled
from the faculty of the University of
Pennsylvania by the trustees. , will test
the case In the courts. No ono seems
to know the reason for the expulsion
and , therefore , wo commend Mr.
Thompson's pluck.
Ir THIS laws of supply and demand
govern in matters political as they do
In matters economic there is n tromond-
niH decline in the price of platform lim
ber in tlio Omaha market. Kvory delegate -
gate carries a plank of his own and
301110 delegates are weighted down with
11 whole platform.
IT UAINKI ) in Yotk the other day ,
and the downpour is attributed to the
allorts of U'limniUor Melbourne , who is
at work about seventy-live miles west of
that place. It is hard on the professor
lo have his uhoworx , which are specially
made to order at so much per shower ,
go olT to some distant part of the county -
t-y to deposit themselves upon the earth.
ANOTHKU unfortunate was added to
the list of the motor railway's victims
yuttoriluy. Those ncoldonis are often
e.iuscd , as was this , by the victims be
ing caught bolwojn tlio card while puss-
ing. It is a wonder that inoro such no-
cldonts do not occur so long us our curs
remain unprovided with safoguirds and
conductors permit passengers to got otT
on the wrong flue of the track.
TtlH report that nn American cruiser
hui uuUod a Can'tdlan seller In Horliiir
tie i and taken the crow prisoners is in
teresting. Tlio vessel captured Is said
to Irive had on board $100,000 worth of
HO il dklns , which have now passed into
the possession of the United States
authorities , together with the vessel
Osiutu 'od , Further particulars will bo
avalt-jd with lively Interest by both
cjiicurnod In the sealing contro-
v wy.
The most expressive motto coined for
the farmers alliance is : "Keep in the
middle of the road. ' ' The wayfaring
man on the political highway Is thus nd-
monhhcd neither to turn to the right
nor to the loft , but drtvo straight ahead
until the objective point lor which ho
has sot out is reached. In other words ,
ho must taken broad-giugo view of the
political field and endeavor with a sin
gleness of purpose and without diver
sion by side issues to right the wrongs
of our political system , and achieve the
reforms for which the embattled pro
ducers arc striving. Wo shall presently
see whether the conglomeration of dis
content which is about to bo launched
into the national campaign ns a now
political party can bo steered so ns to
keep in the middle of the road.
Is the leadership of the people's party
capable of formulating a broad platform
upon which the people , that is the
farmer , artisan , laborer , merchant and
professional man , can stand ?
Can they harmonixo the conflicting
elements that have como to Omaha to
inaugurate the political millennium
which will make all the people prosper
ous , happy and contented ; which will do
away with poverty and wealth , cancel
the mortgages on every farm , raise the
price of all tarm proJucts without rais
ing the cost of living to their chief con
sumers , the workinginen , cheapen farm
implements , furniture , clothing and
o\ery article the farmer has to buy with
out cutting down the wages of the me
chanic and laborer who is engaged in
producing these commodities1
Will they rise \p \ the magnitude of the
task which Henry George and Edward
Bellamy have laid out for thorn of
running the government without money ,
abolishing land ownership , making all
our farmers tenants and supplying all
our wants in the cheapest markets
of Kuropo and Asia whore wages
range froti 3 to 40 cents a aay , oven it
wo have to cloo every factory and
work shop , depopulate our cities and
force their surplus population to
migrate to other lands.
Will they keep in the middle of the
road so as to prevent a violent and dis
astrous financial disturbance that would
paraiyxo commerce by the unsettling of
values and prices , or will they seek to
'oist upon the country visionary schemes
) f bottomless financiering which would
loprecinto the purchasing power of our
, 'uiToticy , rob the wage-worker of his
scanty savings and Hood the country
with land currency which banuruptcd
the Argentine Republic ?
Will they keep in the middle of the
oad by demanding that congress and
; ho states shall regulate and control pub
ic carriers , or will they saddle the now
[ > arty with the contract to buy out all the
ailroads and increase the army of federal -
oral employes by 000,000 or 700,000 mon ?
Will they keep in the middle of the
road on class legislation or will they in
sist that the land owning clns303 shall
be given the privilege of 2 par cent a
year loans , while the landless class of
aborors which constitutes more than
inlf the population of the United States
ire remanded to the tender mercies of
the pawnbrokers at 3 per cent a month ?
Will they keep in the middle of the
road by knocking out the isms advo
cated by wild-eyed cranks , who want to
create national whisky shops and
olllcial bar tenders and bar maids , na
tional coal yards and other paternal
concerns under which the American
citi/on is to become an alinner at the
federal crib ?
Will they icoop in the middle of the
oad in troatin'g two-thirds of tlio people
of the United States who are ulllliatod
with the old political parties with com
mon decency or will they class every
body that does not profess their creed
as a minion of Wall street , a tool of
monopoly , a scoundrel or an idiot ?
At the recent mooting of the Conference -
once of Charities at Denver the subject
of a general law regulating interstate
migration was discussed , A number of
instances were cited by members of the
conference of the immigration into
tlioir states of pauporo and others re
quiring public care , and- the general
opinion was that there ought to bo
action by the federal government regu
lating tlio migration of persons in a con
dition to become a public charge.
It is undoubtedly a fact thnt many of
the Elates , and especially these of the
central west , suitor materially from hav
ing to take care of largo numbers of
these classes of people coming from
other states , principally , of course , from
the oast. This has boon the experience
of Minnesota , a delegate from which
cited a number of cases to show that the
experience of the slate had boon a hard
ono In taking care of the indigent and
insane who had como from other stales.
A representative from Ivans is siid that
Htato had felt the importation of foreign
children , homeless and orphaned , from
beyond the seas , and it id something of
a burden totako care of thorn , in view of
the fact that the state has about all it
can do to take care of its own needy
Other slitos reported moro or loss
trouble and expense arising from the
immigration of paupers and others who
have to bo cared for by the public. A
great many of these cases are from
states that do not make adequate pro
vision for their earo , ilndlng it cheaper
to send them adrift to prey upon the
public of Homo ether state. Ono of the
reports submitted to the conference said
that the extradition of paupers , idiots
and insane persons between different
plates has led to many serious abuses
and much needless exoonse. lOich
county , oily and town which is pre
vented by law from shifting the care ol
Its own poor upon any other locality in
the same slate is strongly tempted to
shift their cure upin the people of
neighboring states. The great cities
especially stiller from this cause , for the
reason that naupora are more apt to be
.sont to some great city , and the local
authorities are very willing to complj
in order to get rid of the expense o
caring for them. The fact that the in
terior slates have been Imposing pen
alties for bringing non-reslUont paupers
into the Htato is evidence that this practice
tico prevails.
This mutter unquoatlonublyprosontu i
problem of no small Importance rvnd in
terest It appears that for a quarter of
a century Massachusetts has boon seek
ing to bring about concurrent state legis
lation on the subject , and while it has
boon successful in establishing an under
standing among Homo of the Now Eng
land states , very little has boon accom
plished toward attaining what Is to bo
desired. Hence the preponderance of
opinion among these who hnvo given
this matter careful consideration is in
favor of action by congress , the idea
being a law creating an Interstate mi
gration commission , which would bo a
tribunal which the authorities of
different states , and the poor persons
themselves who are so frequently the
subjects of arbitrary removal , may pre
sent the facts of all deputed cases , while
such a commission might also exert a
great influence In the several states to
wards unifying the laws relative lo the
confinement of the insane and other
matters properly coming within Us pur-
Several bills for establishing postal
savings banks have boon presented in
the senate during the Fifty-first and
the present congress , all of which have
boon considered by the committee on
postotllces and post raids. Owing , it is
presumed , chiefly to the dlilloulty in
arriving at a conclusion as to the de
tails of a system , no report on this sub
ject has boon inado to the senate , and
it is hardly probable that ono will bo
made at the present session. Yet sen
ators must know , as was slated by
Senator Mitchell of Oregon in a speech
In the sonata a few days ago , that * if
there is any ono subject on which there
is moro favorable unanimity of opinion
among the great masses of the tolling
millions of the land , especially these
residing in the rural districts in the
.mall . cities , towns and hamlets it is
.hat . of postal savings banks , l-'or
ears congress has boon asked by this
lass of the people to establish savings
lopositorics in connection with the
lostolllcos , and it is a matter of surprise
lint such a popular demand should
lave boon so long disregarded.
The question of oat ibllshing postal
avings banks was first presented by
'ostmastcr General Crosswoll during
ho first ndministralion of President
jrant. Since then nearly every post-
mister general has earnestly urged the
propriety of creating such depositories ,
xnd none moro ably and forcibly than
ho present ho id of the postolllco do-
lartmont. In liis three annual ronorts
'ostmnstor ' General Wanamiker has
idvocated postal savings b inks with a
nest convincing array of facts , figures
ind arguments. But those earnest
recommendations , supported by the suc-
lossful oxnorionco with such banks in
jtroat Britain and other countries of
Europe , have apparently failed to im-
iross congress with the importance of
his subject , or if its importance is roal-
/.ed it must bo assumed that there are
ory potent influences at work in op-
jositlon to it. There can bo no reason-
iblo question regarding the practieabil-
ty of the plan , and as to the ullegod
ack of constitutional power that objoc-
ion lias few defenders whoso opinions
are worthy of serious consideration.
The establishment of postal savings
lanksln European countries has boon
Utendod with remarkable success. The
system was inaugurated first in Great
Jritnin thirty-one years ago. and it has
since boon adopted in ono form or an
other in Franco , Austria , Italy , Bol-
luin , Russia , Swouon , Hungary , the
Netherlands , Canada , and oven Japan
.t has had a remarkable development in
.he . United Kingdom. According to olll-
sial figures there were from the year
ISlil , when the system was established ,
to the end of the year 1890 , 113,000,000
deposits , amounting to $187,050,000 ! ,
the withdrawals during that period
boiog loss by $238,000,000 than the de
posits. At the close of the lust year
, here were in the United Kingdom of
jrcat Britain 10,000 separate postotllces
laving postal savings banks , and during
the year 1890 ever one-eighth of the
whole population of that kingdom had
accounts with these banks. Note
worthy progress has been made in al
other countries having the system , giv
ing irrefutable proof of tlio merits of
this plan for encouraging thrift among
the people.
The class of people who would derive
the greatest benefit from the establish
ment of postal savings banks are Ihoso
living in rural communities and the
small towns whore there are no private
banlcs , though a great many in the
larger towns and cities would doubtless
avail themselves of the postal deposit
ories from u fooling of greater security.
As wo have already observed , there is
small probability of any action on this
subject by congress at the present ses
sion , but there can bo no doubt of tlio
ultimate establishment of postal savings
banks in the United States.
When Henry M. Sl'i.iloy abandoned
African exploration to enter English
politics ho probably did not apprehend
that the latter would involve us much
sacrifice of personal comfort as the
former , but ho is facing mobs in North
Lambeth , whore ho is conducting n cam
paign for parliamentary lionow , which
seem to bo hardly loss savage than the
wild mon of the dark continent.
To people accustomed to the orderly
political gatherings of this country it
will sooni incredible that such a man as
Mr. Stanley and sucli a woman as his
wlfo , who accompanies him in his cam
paign work , should have boon subjected
to tlie abuse and even personal vlolonco
which they encountered the other day
at a mooting in Lambeth. After Mr.
Stanley had boon compelled to abandon
his olTort to speak to the mob his wife
took the platform , but the crowd jeered
at her until she also retired in dismay.
Then a fight was started near the
platform and another at the roar of the
hall , and the candidate and hid wife
started for the door , their tnipportors
fighting for a passage for them. The
mob then rushed out and swooped dowi
upon Mr. Stanley's carriage. The ladj
was hurriedly put Inside , but before her
husband could follow her the mobsol/ed
him , and It was with great difficulty
that ho toro himself away and got into
the can-luge. Ono of the doors was thoi
wrou-jhed oil , but the driver succeeded
n urging the horses into a gallop tn
spite of the infur.lntgd mon who were
trying to hold thubSiioads , while o her
wore endeavoring to got at the occur , ants
of the carriage. .Mr ! . Stanley became
lystorical and screaked repeatedly and
.he . scone was In bvory respect an oxolt-
ng ono. It nppomra that there were
ifty constables pr pnt , but they either
could not or wouUi not protect the ob-
eels of the mob's fury.
Ono of the cries that wont up from
.his crowd of Engllsh.oleolors was , "Go
back to America i" J'orhaps the enndl-
lato's American antorodonts may have
something to do with1 } the ugly feeling
against him , bufhls wlfo is an English-
voman and this fact alone , oven If Eng-
Ish political assemblies have no re
spect either for nvuihood or woman-
lood , ought to have stood between her
and the vlolonco of the mob/
It Is impossible to Imagine a body of
Vniorlean clti/.ons committing such an
outrage as this. In Ihls country there
s freedom of speech , tolerance of opin-
on and absolute protection of woman-
lood under all conditions. But the
English people do not cultivate the
unonltlos which prevail in America.
The refining and humanizing Influences
of our bettor civilization hnvo wrought
i public sentiment which renders such
cowardly and brutal exhibitions as that
it Lambeth impossible hero.
i soumi ; ur z'/y
Landscape Architect Cleveland of
Minneapolis , who has been employed by
.ho park commissioners to prepare plans
or Omaha's park- and boulevard system ,
says that the paoplo of Minneapolis
iavo found that parks and boulevards
greatly increase the value of adjacent
iroporty. The parlc commissioners
.here were Hooded with petitions asking
horn to accept lands as free gifts for
Mirk and boulevard purposes. In ono
case a boulevard three miles long was
donated and the property adjacent wa4
axed oy request of the owners them
selves for its improvement.
It has been the experience of every
city whore public parks and boulevards
iavo been established that they are of
great benefit In adding to tnoattractive-
loss , and thorQforo to the value of lands
ylng no'ar them or near to their ap-
iroachos. Whatever adds to the beauty
of the city Increases the market value
of property , and thus contributes to the
vo.ilthof the community. The im-
irovomont of all public grounds , and in
> articular the school ground" , may bo
nado a dirjct source of ad-
vanlagoto the people , to say nothing of
the educating and refining inlluoncos
exerted. It is a matter for congratula-
ion that the park and boulevard work
s under way , and that something is tex
x > done at once tbward improving the
unattractive school grounds of the city.
ANOTIUR of th'o sdries of interesting
: ind instructive I'pUpj's which have re
cently appearedjin this paper concern
ing the rcsourcosand. natural growth of
Nebraska will be- found in this issue.
This number isi devoted to Buffalo
county and Kearney , its commercial
metropolis. Not many years ago Buffalo
county was , as its liamo implies , tlio
stamping ground of "tho bison and the
limiting ground of the Indian. Today
: t is one of the most fertile , densely set
tled counties in the slalc , with a pro
ductive capacity that can be only appre
ciated by a careful worusal of the facts
mid figures embodied in the description
mid the interview : ) with leading farmers
of that county , whoso standing gives
character to the information gathered.
[ t is gratifying to note that the people
of central and western Nebraska look
forward to the coining harvest with sat
isfaction and hopefulness.
NEIIKASKA is a sugar boot producing
state. If wo develop this industry so ns
to encourage capitalists to establish
moro sugar factories In this state such
as wo now have , as can readily bo done
within the next few years , wo ns a state
would entirely do away with the neces
sity of a sugar trust , as every pound of
relined sugar manufactured by the
Grand Islaild and Norfolk factories
moans that much loss sugar on which
the trust can levy a tax on the
people in the way of excessive prices.
From recent events wo notice that the
sugar trust is beginning to realize the
growth of a powerful competitor.
Tin : full nnd accurate reports of the
people's ' party convention which have
appeared in this paper exclusively are
supplemented in this issue by the
sketches of the prominent leaders of the
now narty , together with a conclso his
tory of the movement that has culmi
nated in the convention now being
held in this city. Incidentally it might
not bo amiss to remark that Tins Bun's
domestic and foreign news service is not
excelled by any paper in this country
cast or wohU
Tun relative prosperity of Omaha is
clearly shown by the bank clearances of
the past week' , which give Omaha an in-
cronso of 18.8 per cent ever last year at
the same timo. This is the second
largest increase on the list , the general
average of increase being only 3.2 per
cent. Omaha Igads , the entire north ,
Memphis only in the whole country
leading us. *
Tlin S ! iiin iif riilloHciphy.
KHi&ilf < } ltu Stir ,
II bus been olMuri-otTttmt summer schools
of philosophy begin nth tlmo when philoso
phy U most uuoJo'd'b'y ' people who oou't lllto
Uot woutuor.a" ' "
i KvlU ,
Km * .
The familiar foUiro.i | of ttiu democrat wbo
pratiluta ihat his pHrljj will carry Now Kug.
latid nnd tlio smlliptr pountoiiunuo of the republican -
publican who ass cm that hla party will can-
tare the holla aoutn ucb again ailructlug pub
lic uttoutlon. , ' , " ' ; _
Tlio Waterloo < > f Honied.
St. Vaul 1'toncer 1'iea.
When ttio tnuoy of Bolus lightly turns to
thoughts of Waterloo , it In not ttio Iowa town
of that nnmo that llaahos before hla vision ,
nor la it the gory Uattlollolu In Holglum. It
U the architecturally liorrlblo and villain
ously molat wigwam at Chicago Unit ho ROCS ,
llrltulii'H lliutlliiK ( 'lunpulgri.
At Sheffield , on Monday , A. J. BnHour.
Ulrst lord of tha treasury , was howluu
uown by a mob ho attempted to aildrass , and
within a few duyg before that Glaustotio and
Joseph Chamberlain wcro assaulted , nuit
Luuy Somerset was threatened ulth a uycli-
Ing , not to mention tbo ozceoulagly arislc
union it lot that are uopt up between the 1'nr-
nolhtos ana the auti-l'arnolUte * and the heat
that Ulster Is cnuslng. Our cstocmoil Eng
lish contomporlo * useil to Imvo n gront deal
to snv nbout Anibrlcnn cntnpalRii hoodlumIsm -
Ism , but times hnvn chnngod In thnt rospcct.
While nunivrous American flunkies nro
dying for sonin manner of recognition front
Hrltlsh royalty , Uuffnto Hill U tout for by
the quooti , nmi even followed to the depot by
the queen's niossohper that ho might bo
nRnlii insured of the ploniuro ho had given
tier. Koynlty In common with other ills-
Ungiilsbcil parsonages is always starving fern
n touch of something imturnt.
Itmt ll.iy tor Drniooriiry.
iVcio 1'mfc Ailetitlirr , Wtli ,
Yesterday was not exactly n reit-lottor day
for the dainncriioy of Now Jersey. Twont > -
otio of the mon nctlvo , nblo and Intluontlnl
democrats wuro seat to the ponltoiiUary to
serve out terms for ballot-box sinning.
Twonty-ono U n largo number to bo
snntoboa bald-hondcd , ivi It were , from the
demociauy of Hudson county m a single day ,
and Its ctTcct will undoubtedly bo felt In the
coming election.
Out Cur lU'M'tmn Only.
AVir I'mfc T tnmiwhtl ( did. )
The same old pi rates have found a vlrtuo
In Slovonsoii that the head of tbo tlnkot has
not. They halo Urovor Ctuvoltmd for the ro-
imbllcnns hn leant In ofllco. but Stovonsoti
tienr what their old. whig loiuior has to say of
him ;
"Tlioy love him for the vacancies ho has
nuido. "
YOB , verily. The democrats of today nro
democrats for rovonua only la their platform
itid for ofllco only In tholr practice. They
: eve the man who mnitos vacancies. And
they sny so without a blush.
Till' ! I'llltolt .l.V/J Till : 1'KOl'ltK.
Washington Post ( rop. ) : Judeo Groshnm
Is not In it this time , for ho himself hath snlu
It. Hut thuro will bo no lack of presidential
material nt Omaha , such us It Is.
Uoston Journal ( rop. ) : Judge Oroshnm's
denial of the persistent rooorts that ho waste
to bo the alliance candidate will allay tha
Uouots of his sanity which were beginning
to bo entertained in the oust.
Now York Advertiser ( Ind. ) : The dele
gates to the third party convention In Om.tha
will bo bolter tro.Uod by the Ouiahogs than
Lho democrats were In Chicago. Anyhow ,
they could not bo worse treated.
Kansas Ultv Times ( dom. ) : btowart of
Nevada should bo nominated at Omaha oy
nil means. Ho can retain his scat in the
senate because ho owns most of thnt mining
camp culled Nevada. Jr the populists got
nothing else they can claim ono morn sena-
Philadelphia Hocord ( dom ) : Judge
Gircshum In refusing lo make the ruco for
the peonlo's party ns tholr presulonlinl can
didate did not hesitate to give them the bcne
lit of u little favoring opinion. It is qultu
evident that ho Is not indisposed to assist
quietly In the vnrlog.Ulon of federal politics
this year if it may bo done without personal
Yankton Press and D.ikotnn ( rop. ) : A
great deal of Into : est centers in tlio people's
party convention which will assemble at
Omaha Saturday. Unless n great many of
thn .signs fall there will bo considerable cllfli-
culty in harroonl/.lng the vntious ulomonts
that will rmiko up the ronrosontntlvo body.
Thcio aio ton many "inms" for ono oig.iui/.i-
tlon. Just nt present Governor Weaver of
Iowa stands llrst as the nrobablo candidate
for the presidency.
IJostou Advertiser ( rap. ) ; Wo hardly be-
llovo that Judge Groalmm bcriously thinks
of accepting the nllinnco nomination for
president , although ho subscribes to much ot
its platform against trusts and monopolies.
Ho has n strong dislike of President Harrison
risen , and received moro votes in the ( Jhicago
convention of ISss on the lirst ballot than did
the latter. Ho is n particularly sincere and
lionest man , whoso nomination would bo a
credit o any party , but wo have no Idea that
ho will bo a candidate. Wo sincerely hope
Minneapolis Tnbuno ( ron. ) : Hon. Jere
miah Simpson was sent to congress because
of his fidelity to the plebian c.vuso In refrain
ing from the luxury of hosioiy. A boom was
started at the Chicago convention for Gov
ernor Boies of Iowa on the strength of the
claim that ho was a long-haired coni-huskur
who ate with his knife. This should bo a
pijlnter to Ignatius Donnelly on his political
mission to Omaha. Let Ignatius advertise
himself as a savage who oats \vith his. hands ,
never used soap , and makes hlb wife work In
Iho Held to supply him with chouing to
bacco , and his calling at Omaha is sure.
Denver News ( Ind. ) : "On to Omaha' ! "
hould today bo the watchword ol every
friend of .silver who CJK possibly llnd the
time or moans to go. It is not that it Is nec
essary to bring any liilluenco to boar on the
people's party in favor of silver It Is a free
silver coinage organi/.ation ; has so declared
Itself and will declare itself again. There
will bo no ambiguity about tts silver plank.
It will suy what it moans and mean what it
says. But that the convention may bo as
sured of the rriondship of silver men , Colorado
rado should bo represented DV a largo nnd
iiilluot.tial delegation. It will inspire hope
and dlsplnv to other states and sections the
earnestness that exists among the people of
the mlnluir.states.
SprlngtloUl ( Mass. ) Republican ( ind. ) :
And now the people's party will claim public
attention "in convention assembled. " The
Massachusetts delegates to the national con
vention to open in Omaha Saturday leave
Iio.- > ton by special train. The cars will be
Inscribed after the fashion employed bv dele
gations belonging to the gicator parties and
the Bay state will bo represented in the con
vention by an elabor.Ve banner. This will
bu of blue and crav silK , emblematic of the
union of north and south , ami bears tlio in
scriptlon , "Massachusetts Delegation , Pee
ple's Party , Spirit of 177 < i. " This state cun
nave sixty votes ut Omaha four from each
congressional district and eight at larpa
but only about hall that number are uooUed
for the special train.
llluisrs J'llOM IM.U'.SOKA ,
Sham pleasures are the ones that cost the
The mon who can drink or lot it alone gen
erally does it.
It always docs a mean man good to swear
at a mule or kick a dog.
A woman with a wart on her nose always
hates a looking glass.
The man who owns the landscape Is sel
dom the ono who pays the tax on it.
A hypocrlto is a man who tries to fool
ovorybodVt but who only fools hlmsolf.
A good way to got rid of your own troubles
la to help get rid of these of somebody also.
The man who is quarreling with his lot in
life is helping the devil lo make bun miser-
The difference between a wise man and n
fool is that ihu fool's mistakes never loach
him anything
Tlioro nro so many people who want to
revolutionise the world , who never have time
to tlx up tholr own fences. AMUUW.I' * i-'ovitrn.
M , I'liclix Daiftnn.
\\'o nut him to hod In hlH little riMit-gown ,
Tlio worst battered younistor ; tlioio was In
the town.
Yet ho yello'l , ns ho oponnd hla only well ore ,
"Kali , ran , for thu Jolly old 1'ourth of July ! "
Two thumbs and oljfht llntrors with cloths
ucro tlud up.
On hlslioad Mutia bump like an upside down
And hu'srnllcd as ho host could with his 11030
"I've h id Ju'at the bossost Konrth of July. "
Wo were glad , for he had boon up with the
Ul'-'lil liito the midst of the powder and fun ,
Where thu boom of thu cannon sent HH biuuku
Young America HUe , was his I'onrth of July.
I said , wo wuro glad nil the plouos wore
Bo wo pliistorod and bound them with tender-
llntuut of'tho wreck cainu thu wordn with
"If tonior'ror was only the fourth of July ! "
Ho will grow a'to/other ' again , never tjiir.
And bo ready to culubrutu frcudom iiott
Ilut'lho' It U sollhh , we're thankful there
A oiuckorloss twelvemonth twin 1'ourth of
Wo lifssKd him good night on hla powder
HiHickod tuce ,
Wo litlil his brulBod hands softly down In thulr
nluco , . . . . .
And I HI murmured , ai Bleep closed his ono
onun eye ,
" 1 wish ut try day was the I'ourib of July. "
.tinr T no van T.I.
Tndlnnapolls Journal : llttnsry Hlpelns
Whom you boon for do las' tree dnvsV Wonry
W.'Uklns m nti work-In' for do tlokol. Wat
ticket ? Meal ticket. Woody urd.
Washington Stars "I think t will hnvo
quite n lnnu output this so.ison , " romnrKod
thu hummock cornplarnntly.
Knto riultVi Washington ! Editor ( uicrllyli
ion'\o iiiuila u ruRUlrr pot-plo uf tuts edit
Compositor. pigeon KnylUn to start
Soniprvllto Journal : Suhonppointedfisiys ho
KUDUS n wnnmri nho Is so niiat that thi < urcnt-
oit tionblcMif her Ilfo h the kmnNlodgu thnt
n\\o \ \ Is made of dust.
I'lilladclphla Tltnos : The near coining of
the I'onrth sncgosts thnt pionatily thu llrst
skyiocKIt was thntof thu "lllish-r-by baby
on a tree top. "
Washington Sinn "I'll Rot u book nnd put
mind on II , " < rild Wllllo WtshliiKton
{ "flint might bn 11 good Idea. " rupllod MUs
I'npperton , "but I'd lit ) o ireful to put a paper
the combination. "
l.ltf ,
JusVu llttln dimple ,
.lust a llttln curl ,
Juit a smlli ) qiillo simple
That's wlmtmakus the girl.
Jn-it some due. its yellow ,
Just a few goo. I tiloihiM
That's \\lmt niiiUus thu fellow ,
Very body Knows.
JiHt thu luck to "got there , "
Just to plousu hot-dud.
Koundsl AnupUhot thuro.
That's what makes me man.
Plfllngs : It Is .is u.isy to toll a lie a It h to
lull thu truth , but It Is not half HO lonesome.
1'hll.idulphla Itccoid : A West I'hllndolphla
man wants to Hull his pnriot , vthloh ho ad
vertises as being "aultabln for a deaf family , "
I'lrnlrnUa/eUo ! JIUHOII nnys there aru four
Binders In oven- quartette oluilr who think thu
olhor Unco can't sing a little hit.
Somorvlllt' Journal : No mnn ever knows ns
ninuh ns ho thlniis ho deus , but as long an ho
thinks lie tlooH , lie douin'l know thu illllui-
Slftlngs : Pcaturosof spoiling life broken
Iloston Transcript ! Thu romon thnt politi
cal conventions nro so uaslly stampeded Is
Lecausu they always "view with iilium , "
Washington Star : "Porno to think uf It. "
said \Vllllc WKhlmttori , " 1 s.ivcd my fathuh a
g deal of money , "
"How ! "
"Ity not bulng twins. "
Atchlson Cilobc : If yon want to p'oaso a
man untuh him In , i croud and ask him some
question hu K smart about.
IIIK I'OKKU l'lAYiil. :
n.K'li summer ho lioodv. Inks tils \ > ife by
And lulls her \v ith cunnlni ; ulTrontury
IIi'S so vjiy anxious voncui nine her health ,
That she really must no to thu country.
I'nlon County Stniiilaril : A run on the
uank Is v.iusud by somebody walking on" nltli
the money.
Tin : MUI > IN : COOK.
M..iiHN llriititilic.
she moasnrnd out Ihu butter with a very
solemn air ;
Thu milk unit the sugar also ; and she took the
gro.ilost emu
To fount the uggs correctly anil to add a little
Of baking poudor. which , you know , bosln-
nuis oft omit ,
Tlic'ii she stirred It nil together and she baked
It full an hour.
Hut she never iiultn foig.ive herself for leav
ing out the Hour.
Washington Star : "I s.iy , my friend , " said
a traveler in Maine , "can yon lull mo whore
there's , u haunted house ? " "Vos , sir. " was thu
loply ; "come ulth mo and you'll Uml any kind
of spirits you want. "
I took the nlodiro the other day
Alas ! I kept It not.
'Twns thu p.iwnbrokur thut kept it ,
And still thu pledge hu's got.
Somervlllo Journal : If tlic tulcphoni- girl
lias u soft \oleu. It Is next to Impossible tor ihu
man at thu oilier end of Ihu n lie to bellmu
that bhe Isn't piotty.
Phlladulphli Kocoid : This Is the season
when thu low. Ireachoroiis churklo of thu poi-
Mm > Inu c.iu bu hu nd .is It souIhu clt. " pur-
son coming to wander In thu w ildwood.
Washington Ptar : "Is there a sawmill In
npuiutlon tonight ? " askuil the MIIIIIIIUI
"Nopi1. " ropllud thu natl\o. "i hem s inos-
nultocs. "
rhaimacentlcal Era : Mlnlstnr Don't yoi
know that blioiii ill Ink Is man's wois
unoniy }
I'ast Young Man Yes , but wu nro com
inandcd to love our unuiiilcs.
( litcau > ActCH'llrcnni.
"My Darling. Ownost Charlie etc.
"V'our loving Nuttlo. "
"Darling Onarlos etc.
"Vour alfootionato Buttle.
"My Dear Charles etc.
"Sincerely yours , Nettle.
"Dear Mr. Williams etc.
Truly yours , Joannctto lloyd. "
"Mr Williams-Sill ! i-tc.
"Kuspectfully yours , Joannotlu lloyd. "
Mr. Gladstone Is strcnglhonine himself for
a piospcctlvo return to Iho prime ministry
by Irving to prove. In the Nineteenth Cen
tury that Dante studied at Oxford.
ninnirTw.\i > irn.v ittv.ts.
( larrn Hrllmril In lie Thick on
tlin llonlor ol Alovlro.
Cuinizo , Tox. , July ' „ ' . A company of In
fnntry nrul n troop of cavalry , under command -
mand of Captain Whoolnr , were nt Unmlorno
ran oh scouilnc , advices having boon sent to
Post Ulnggold that some U.IMA mon were In
the vicinity. There scorns to bo n gimonA
understanding ttial there are n great many
revolutionists In Texas awaiting an oppor
tunity to do something , and they are encour
aged by n strong anli-DIn ? sentiment In
On the afternoon of. the 'Jlst ono Doles
Snnlo Mescal , n wlno vender , was killed by
Jesus Uncoi-lo at Ylllo do P.nas , In Mexico ,
Uobbory Is supposed to bo thu cause of th
killing and Iho murderer took the oastoM
way of BOttltu' out of Mexican Jurisdiction
by skipping to thU side of the Kio Grande.
Manuel Floras , n cttlon ot Mexico , nnd
Jose Nolvos Gar/a , n elll/on of the United
Status , urossod Iho Hlo Grande on Juno 3
\vlth smuggled goods , moving into Moxlco ,
nnd wcro mot at Paso del Hlo Salndo by cus
tom house gn.trds of Moxlco , nnil , resisting ,
both wcro killed by the Mexican forces.
M man or
.Sixty ratal CIKCK ut TIIIU In four Daji-
Thi ) I'liigno In Turin ,
LOVIION , July 'J. i'ho Odessa correspond
cut of the Dally News says : H is reported at
n foreign consulate- here that there have boon
six tv fatal cases of cholera nt Titils in fout
days. It Is feared the authorities ore sup
pressing tlio truth.
The Standard's Berlin correspondent anys :
Private telegrams from Constantinople rep
resent the whole of the Southern Caspian" ro-
glen as Infected with cholera ,
The Parts newspapers nnnouiica thnt the
number of cases of cholera in Iho outskirts of
that city Is Increasing The dlrootor of pub-
lie aid say.s the presence of the malady Is duo
to the people dilnldng water taken from the
sinkwlthout belling It llrst. Thu dflnktngof
this impure walor , Iho director adds , tins
caused lf > 5 deaths.
The Vienna correspondent of the Times
nays : Reports from the Uusslnn frontier in-
diciito a recurrence of Iho typhus fever In
Samaria. Tlioro were ; i , 000 cases iitNeuvcnsK
nt the beginning of Juno , fi5U of which \vcro
Honors tn Captain Smith.
Clitcnvo Tilltunc.
A Nebraska man named Smith proposes
that a memorial arch bo creeled in Chicago
next year in honor of Iho illustrious Captain
John Smith , nnd that the entire Smith fnmlly
In America boar Iho expenses of Iho same.
The managers of the World's fair nro waitIng -
Ing for a similar proposition from Iho Browns
in uohalf of John Brown.
Tuo Hull N'fiu NpupiM * MIMI *
CHICAGO , 111. , July 2. It has been learned
that Charles V. Whnloy , manager of the
Journal , and Fred S. Ashley have boon sys
tematically robbing the Journal for ton
years , covering their peculations by fnlso
ontilos. So far a dlscropanoy of $ ' 0,000 has
been discovered.
Knmlnlpll Cllllli Illll Itp-f-li-rtiMl.
T.iOXiON' ) , July ! ! , The llrst olootlon uiulor
the writs for a member of Queen Victoria's
thirteenth parliament was hold yesterday
at South I'uilihngton. Lord HanUolph
Churchill ( conservative ) , the former incum
bent of the seat , was returned without oppo
Yin It
This deshabille consists of n long rodln-
golo of vlolol faille , faced wllh imiuva
nnd embroidered with gold. It opens over
a chomisn of mauve tulle , with tulle sleeves
nnd an insertion of gold nr.d bead om-
& CD.
largest Manufacturers and rotnllori .
uf Clothing In thu World.
'Twas Loaded
But it isn't now , that is our $25 suit
counter. We had lots
of them but we've sold
all but parts of 7 lots ,
all sacks but 5 cutaways.
We cut the price down
to $15 for Tuesday only.
Got just about enough
to last one clay. Some
are imported checks , others small pin
checks , fine bedford cords , fine hocnum
cheviots , silk lined throughout , made up
to equal $50 tailor made garments. We'll
advertise ourselves with them at $15.
People know our $25 suits and more need
not be said except that there are nearly
all sizes. Our pant sale Wednesday will
be the greatest thing for pants wearers
ever heard of. Wait and watch for it ,
owning , King & Co
I'rom now till July . 4 . , our store will bo . open . 1C . IV ( 'fir . 1-illl Xt llnililllC < Ile
, , xory day till 8p. in. Haturduys till 1U p. m. P. Hi tUl. 10111 UUllgldb OlS
I gr