Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1892, Page 15, Image 15

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How the Handling of Money Conduces to
ofVomcn In Various TluliU ol
Industry A 1'rospectUt ) Hrlilu'n l.osii
anil ( lulu A U'mtcrn Ilmtler-
rss i'nshloii's Dictum * .
Jcntiness Miller writes on a topic that tvlll
find ready approval In the fcminlno pot lion
of every household. " 1 wish nil husbands
and fathers , " oho nays , "would make their
xvives and daughters idlounnces of money
each week or month so that , in n measure ,
they would bo Indcixindent and net fool
hesitancy In making their own purchases as
they ploase. It docs not follow that the
amount roust bo largo. But the mere hand
ling of tbo money makes ono ftul moro inde
pendent. It i not a pleasant thins -for
\vctnen to hnvo to nslt ihfir husbands
lor ovcry dollar they spend. It makes
them feel cheap , unfl very otcn the
money is KIVCII grudginply. Wives should
be Independent in money mutters. If limy
bavn not beou brought un with a thorough
understanding as 'o how to spend monoyuud
how to .savo it , their husbands can do no bat
ter work than to teach them the value of n
dollar. I would urco upon fathers nnd
mothers the necessity for educating their
daughters in the full knowloduo of money
values , and after they have become thor
oughly familiar with tno in alter they should
be allowed to exercise their own discretion
in their allowances "
To women of Anplo-baxon lineage , the fan
lias never meant oil that It does to their bis
ters of thu Latin racei ) , writes Frances M.
Smith. In her much talked of tmiclo in tbo
July Peterson on the ' 'Proso nud Poetry of
the Fan.Vo have never learned perfectly
to handle It , but wo are learning ; ana , with
tbo revival of the pompadour fashions , tno
fan has recovered Its former Importance , ando
\o must know bow to twirl it , to close it , to
spread it , to let it rise or fall , to suv with It :
"Come hero , go. I nm charmed , you ( latter
me , I nm bored , you shock me , you uro rude. "
To curry on a conversation witn ono adorer
\vbilo the fun Is holding piquant talk with
another to tnnKo it express- every thought ,
every rlpolo of feeling , to ue ull things to all
men , and something else to everv XNoman
this is the newly revived function of the fan ,
in which wo urobeflni.ingto study sorao very
old lessons.
* *
Jvlra. Clara McAdow n few years ago. whoa
the Northern Pacific road was building ,
found herself with $500 and no means of sup
port. After taking stock of horsoll t > ho con-
cludt-d to go to Montana. As soon ussho baa
saved money enough sbo bought a town lot
in Hillings , nnd a few weeks after sold it for
double the money. As there was no bank in
the town she used to do u banking business
on the street by cashing chocks. Then she
wont into real estate , and when she broke
her leg she had a map of the town hung in
front of her bed , and rarriod on business on
her back. She was , not tboti Mrs. McAdnw.
Mr. McAdow WAS a storekeeper who bua
tukon Spotted Horse mine for dabt. Ouo day
she sent for him and offered him $11,000 for
it. Ho was touched by her lack of business
sagacity and chivalrously told her it wasn't
worth it. She persisted in buving it , and In
.six months she took out ol it f'.U.UOO ' in fold.
Mr. McAdow subsequently married her. Sbo
Is now the treasurer of tbo Billings Board of
Trndo nnd is j\ortb several millions.
The hammer with whicii Mrs. Potter Pal
mer will drive the last nail In the women's
building at the World's fair will bo furnished
by the women of Nebraska. The design for
Jj bus Just been determined upon. It will bo
atypical claw hummer , with the national
flag drapt-d in folds about it. This will bo
wrought In cold. The staff , of pearl , will bo
surmounted by the bird of liberty ; the stars
ro to be sot with diamonds and tbo beau of
Vbo hammer is to bo silver , on the face of
Which will appear in gold loaf the seal of
Nebraska- The bandlo will bo composed of
various woods of the state , alternating light
nnd dark , on which will appear , wrought in
high relief , mintaturo designs of the state. A
broad band of gold will encircle the bundle ,
on ono side of which this inscription will bo
engraved : "Tho Women of Nebraska. "
On Juno 14 the pretty village of Uyo-on-
the-Sound , Long Island , echoed with wej-
diiig chimes rung for iho marriage of Miss
ISmllv Klrby , second daughter of Arcndaucon
Kirby , to the Rev. Franklin d. Moore of
KocU Springs.Vvo. . The ceremony took
place In the picturesque chuich ol whicb the
bndo's father Is rector.
It was essentially an ecclesiastical occasion ,
inasmuch as the ushers were all young
clergymen of tbo Episcopal church , and the
best man , the Rov. Jartic's U. Mitchell , was
also a clergyman. The bride were white
brocade , pearls and oraaco llowors. Her sister -
tor was inuid of honor. In pale pink and roses.
Too bridesmaids were in wnlte , with wide
hats trimmed witn white ostrich plumes ,
nud carried bouquets of pink roses. About
41)0 ) guests \vuro bidden to the reception which
followed the ceremony at the rectory. A
enporb clock , tbo gift of Mrs. Whitoluw
Kcid , was conspicuous among the wedding
presents. Uev. and Mrs. Moore loft for Hock
Springs , Wyo. , where Mr. Moore is rooter of
tbo Church of tbo Holv Communion.
A woman has just received a patent
on a fluid which Is to bo used in bringing
about the destruction of black beetles , cock
roaches and other insects. It will soon bo
introduced upon the market , and women in
the city and country will hall Its advent
with delight. To another woman wo nro iu-
dnbtcd for the invention of an improved mat
tress for the use of invalids. To the woman
who offer * an improvement upon the arti
cles used in promoting the comfort of Inva
lids every sufferer will return thanks , not to
mention the multitudes of women who have
invalids under their euro and who fool most
grateful to tbi person who has the comfort
of unfortunate people at heart , acd who con
' siders hours spent in that alrectiob as well
Of' employed.
There appears to bo n run on ornamental
lublo spoons us wedding presents this season ,
judging br the number many u brldo nnd
bridegroom receive. Scent bottles with
plain gold tops follow , but , instead of being
the largo size they were , they lire becoming
small enough to carry easily In the hand for
church. Many huvo the tops about the nlzo
of a quarter of a dollar , and sometimes n
Jpwoled lottw , or one Mnriu surrounded by u
ring of smaller otic * , covers them. A set of
guarded pins , one in diamond ) , and tbc ether
two in emeralds nud rubles , is nnolbor
fiuhlonablo offering , nud t > o is u miniuturo
carriage clock. A hot of bridomaids received
recently a cold guarded pin each , with a
pearl dropping from it , suspended by a lltllo
chain. A zigzag of diamonds is u now do-
clgn for u bangla. Uuu maul watches with
n large diamond letter on tbom uro novel.
The daughter of Mrs S. H. ttliss of Wor.
center. Mass. , has fallen heir to a fortune of
K.OOO.IXXI. M | s Hliss recently nmdo u visit
< o New ork , u bore sbo mot a wealth v Kng-
Jihunmn , William Herf.volt. Tuo two'foll In
lovn and bocatuu engaged , The Englishman
died In four necks und bequeathed his entire -
tire fortuuo of 7OOU,000 to his tianeeo. Miss
Bliss is fond of books and vary fond of music
and so far as she had anticipated her wedded
llfo had longed for tbo opportunities it wuuld
Hive her to travel auu htudy music , both
vpcul und Instrumental , Sbo is quilo young.
Tweed nnd diagonal are the materials
chosen for the summer riding habit ; blues ,
croon , or brown in dark shades , and black
are tbo favorite colors. Throe styles pre
vail lu thu cut of the bodice , t-avs the New
York Sun , ttio round coats , which are of
oven length all around und doublo-bruasted ;
tbo well-worn postilion , which muy bo either
Itirflo or double breasted , utid the cutaway
coat , closed with one or two buttons and
worn ever u separate waistcoat , like that
worn by men. Equestrian tights are moro
-used than troutor * beneath the riding habit ,
and are accompanied bv top boots , inoos or
gattncs. A pretty conceit of tbo girl oqtes-
trlan U that of wearing a Muclo rod roio oa
front ot her bodtro , or u boutonnalro la tae
lapel of her coat , nnd the moil striking thine
Dboul her U luu tit of her habit , which Is at
iruoolh a tut pjrfoot a if it bad beou put oa
Cor hot.
The I itunt III runhloni.
1'lRld surah and tartan molro , the latter
toaiulnea witb velvet pluxied in tartan
colors , are offered for waistcoats , or for
whole gowns , it anyone chooio to wear
Ono of the most expensive corsets over
mndo appeared in Paris this reason. It was
of mode undressed kid , trimmed at the too
with real rose point , und having topazes set
botwpen the lace aod the stays.
lilacK .stockings with nolkn dots of white or
mcdo upon them are noticed , nnd so are the
black stockings with long hair lines of
white. However , womankind in general ro-
mnlns 'faithful to tto plain black or done
Plain India muslins have reappeared with
embroidered borders in colors ; and lighter
than tbo popular wool crepons uro the creped
ludin silks and vaporous creped tllk muslins
that are used both for afternoon aud evening
Sashes just now are two styles , either
very narrow , onlv n ribbon folded round the
bottom of the basque nnd tied at the back ,
or of soft silk folded very widely round iho
waist und fastened witn an enormous losollo
ut thp lott.sldo.
Almost all the new silk blouses have
rather wide turned-over collars milled nil
around with n narrow frill of the same , and
the cuffs to co-resoond. Both collars and
cuffs are turned back on the outside over tbo
blazer or jacket ,
Hosas are the most popular flower of tbo
season In millinery. The strings of now
bonnets nro formed entirely of tiny rose
buds , wbilo the bminots themselves and
larpo hats are covered with buds nnd blos
soms of larger growth.
The effect of the now sunshades is sug-
po tlvo of a perambulating lamp shade
mounted on a stick , with a Dresden china
knife handle for a knot. Iho odd thing
about it is that in strong sunlight It is
tirally useless a ; a means for protection or
A Brooklyn bousewifo took her cook to
task the other dav for carelessness nnd for-
petfulncss. "Why is it , Magcie , " said sho.
"thut vou keep on making the same mis-
takm over und over again ! Why do you not
try and remember what I toll youl "Suro
mum , " wns the frank reply , "I can't bo after
nggramtiu' mo moind this but weather. "
Palo green hni been added to the list of
colors in ultra-fashionable stationery. The
lettering ot tbe address is in a darker shnda
of green , the sealing wax nlsoin the same tint.
With the paper the script must bo written in
with blackest ink , llowing freely from n quill
pen , aud the result , if absolutely illegible , is
certainly stylish.
Fine lipht wool costumes for summer Jour
neys are mndo with bell skirts , and low peas
ant waist of the goods , plain striped or
checked , that reaches just under the arms.
Above this is n waist of wash silk which Is
always cool and comfortable. The capo en
suite Is to be put on over tbo low waist when
moro protection is needed.
"I ho fashions of tbo present are severe on
short women rapes , flounces , puffed sleeves ,
elaborately trimmed corsages , bortbas , ilchus ,
belto'ivaists , girdles , peasant bodices , and
sheath-like outlining skirts that reveal tbo
too solid figure. The choice appears to lie
between these nttao moment.
Open jackets , Russian , Eton , Spanish and
Zouave : easy blouse waists , protective cloves
ot chamois or wash leather , witb sailor or
Happing legborn bats whoso graceful brims
bow nnd bend in the breeze , form the details
of u charming neglige style of dress now
widely papularby mountain , stream and
sea "
Pink and blue and mauve linen collars ,
with a straight , white band sowed o'n tbo
edge , or new turned-down collars nro pcr-
bups most worn. H is u matter o : tasto. To
many faces the high collar Is moro becom
ing. This being tbo case there is little difii-
cultv in finding something new , as there are
u uumoor of fresh models in standing co lars.
Many slonder-facod women , matrons In
cluded , bnvo this season dared to elect for
the sailor hat who never wore it before. It
is a model that increases in popularity every
year. There is nothing artually jaunty
about tbe hat ex co i ) t its name , which has
frightened many a woman into the purchase
of a loss becoming style on this very ao-
lied is a oicturosquo feature of mountain
toilets nnd country costumes. Red cloth
jackals und caoos appear on the conch und
in the carnage ; red ulsters of rough tlnisbed
twilled cloth form part of the luggage with
which the good naturcd summer young man
Is encumbered on the sailing or boating ex
pcditlon , and red sack-back coats , with enor
mous white buttons , are mod foronving and
morning wear.
Black gronadijes made ever colored silk
foundation nro very popular , for summer
eronadino is well known for its wearing qual
ities , and the now patterns are richly bro-
raded or striped and make up with bnndsomo
effect. Black guipure is used for trimming
them , nnd a pretty way of arranging the lace
Is to tie it in a fichu in front aud let it bang
from the shoulders in the back like a capo.
Traveling dresses are made up in sort woolens -
ons , the skirts being fully gored , lined with
satinet nnd finished with a niching on the
inside. Tbo corsascs are pointed in front ,
have dress cout tails and largo rovers with a
turn down vslvet collar. Small , Haring vel
vet cuffs add a finish to the lee o' mutton
sleeves. The vest Is separata , or may bo Dut-
toned to the lining of tbo corsage. The skirt
is gathered at the back.
A hat worn to a recent church wedding
was nn illustration of the fact that "every
thing goes" this summer. It hod n straw
brim , but the crown was of white Irish lace ,
stretched over wires. This crown , whicb
was a high stovepipe , hud boon bent down
on ono side , as an additional and intentional
touch of piquancy. It convoyed a comical
suggHstion of betraying its fair wearer. It
seemed to be assuring all beholders that it
would be all right presently if nothing was
said about it ,
A dainty little bat for a tiny maid is made
of Swiss grass in a pale shade of green ,
braided in an open pattern and trimmed with
a scarf of soft silk i'n wnlto. This little dress ,
which may bo worn withtho , bat , is of white
or almond colored crop'on , edged with two
bands of green velvet. A double girdle und
brotolles of the velvet ornatneut tbo low
boalco , which is worn over a deeo squnre of
rich Inco , lined with silk , and puffed sleeves
of Iho cropon , having * binds and bows of
velvet with deen luco cults.
Wlmt Women Arc Doing.
The person in tbo government sorvlco who
can handle monov with the greatest rapidity
In a woman. Many husbands will readily
bolicvo this.
Mrs. Jonn Drew , who has recently retired
from the management of the Arch Street
tht-ator , Philadelphia , has boon manageress
tbero for thirty yoaM.
A western musical critic recently remarked
that "when It comes to gartrliug'her notes ,
Miss Mattie Smith of luu Baptist church
choir is In it with anyone in the state. "
A daughter of Director General Davis of
the World's fair took tbo prize for bread-
making a few days ago ut La Sallo seminiirv.
She scbiiu to have a proforouco for studying
homo kneads.
Tbo only woman who owns and conducts a
printing oftica in Boston is A. FJpronoo
Grant , pjblishor of Woman's Voice , which
Is tMlitoa , managed und printed by wntnen.
Of course , no man could control a woman's
Miss Emma Bradley of Chicago has estab
lished , at her own charges , u misxion school
In one of iho worst quarsors. of the city , faho
lives in tbo rear of tbo schoolroom ana
shares her food with a number of pensioners
who corao to bur table every day.
Eliza ( Jordon Browning has boon elected
librarian of iho largo circulating llbrurv of
Indlanapollt , with a full cor us of assistants
as her jubordlnates. Miss Browning has
mastered all tbo departments of tbo work ,
which is ono particularly appropriate and
congenial for women und lu which women
are making rapid progress.
Cincinnati has an Insti utlon , founded by
women for women , which rejoices in iho
double distinction of buluir the only Prosby-
torlun hospital , women' * medical college and
free dUpeiuury combined , aud tbo only ono
in the United Stutei founded , managed and
controlloJ by women. Special provision Is
nmuo for preparing young wouiun for work
in medical musloni ,
Miss Kulh Kluiball has tbo honor of being
tbo first woman who bat won outrance to ihu
press gallery of tbe senate. There was a
little opposition to her admission , bat she
bus gained only gopd opinions muco ho took
her seat among ether roporlori. She Is the
Washington correspondent of the St. Paul
A mysterious linger among tbo nuns ot a
church In Itotno has been attracting crowds
of people to the services by tbe wonderful
beauty of tier voice. Oa a recent occasion 10
gicat was the outhuiiosm of tbe audlonco
thut , forcotUuir tbe acrt > aoo sot tuoservico ,
tboy ihouted 'Viva1 ! until lha polloo bad to
interfere aud dUptna iho crowd. It i * ru-
tuorod that Ibo singer is Iho celebrated
toprano , Bianca Donadio , who has retired tea
a convent.
Do Witt's Sanaparllln cleanses the blood.
COXA HltlAlniK ! > .
A larRO wedding in Boston on Wednesday
was that of Miss Allco Vivian Amos nud Mr.
T. Gerald Winter.
Juno U esscnllally the bride's own month ,
and quit-on ist of charming maidens joined
the young married majority during the past
An Interesting wedding was recently cele
brated in Llnlithgow , Scotland. H was of a
couple nearly 70 years of age , who bad been
lovers in their youth.
Tbo marriage of Miss Scgar. ono of the
prettiest of the Philadelphia society girls ,
.and Mr. Thomas Drudleo of Boston , Is soon
to bo celebrated in London.
Mr * . Elalno Uoodalo Eastman , the Now
England poetess who married n full blooded
Indian lu the west , Is now glorying in the
possession of a little papooso.
"I sent her A letter that broalhod my burnIng -
Ing love , " sala ono voung man to another.
"You bhotildu't huvo done It , " was the an
swer. "Not this kind ot woatbor. "
There's nothing half so sweet in llfo as
love's youug dream , says a o.vnlcalold bach
elor , unless It bo love's young dream
dreamed over again a second tiino.
When u young roan is making up his mind
whether or uot bo wants to nsK for n young
woman's hand ho ought never to notice
whether or not there is a diamond ring on It ,
Hnv. Dr. Robert Lowry , of Now York , who
Wrote "Shall Wo Gather at the River ! " was
married Monday uftcrnoon to Miss Mary L.
Runyon , oldest daughter of Juogo Enos W.
Runyon of Plainllold , N. J.
The wedding of Miss Sallto Floyd-Jones ,
daughtsr of tbo loto David R. Floyd-Jones
of Now York , with Captain Barnardiston of
the English array took place Tuesday at
Mossupequu , L. 1. , whore the Flovd-Jonoses
From over the sea comes news of a wed
ding which has excited much pleasurable
interest in the American colony at Paris. It
is that of Miss Bertha Hurjes , daughter of
Mr. John Ilorjos of Drexel , Hurjes & Co. , to
Mr. Cburlos Waddington.
It might bo a good thing for sorao houso-
bolds if it wore the custom to take down In
shorthand everything that tbc bride and
groom promise on Iho wedding dav and have
it written out on the typewriter und framed
to bane on the parlor wall.
Uuesls and minister usiembled in a Chicago
cage church last weeK to witness iho mar
riage of Miss Greco Schoolcraft and William
G. Latnrey. They waited in vaij. At the
last moment the pros oeotive bride or groom
repented of the bargain undsoparatod.
Bashful Lover "Sav , Tom , this proposinp
Is a fearful business , isn't ill A fellow
never knoxvs how to go at it i.i the most
graceful wnv. Como now , what did you say
to Mrs. Greenwalter wbeu you asitod' her to
bo your wife ! " Reminiscent Husband
"Great Scott ! what didn't I say to her ! "
An army wedding celebrated in Brooklyn
wns that of tbo widow or Joseph W. Bono
of Now York nod First Lieutenant William
Keovu Hamilton of the Fifth United Stutus
artillery. Tbo bridegroom is u son of the
late General W. R. Hamilton , at ono time
superintendent of iba military academy at
AVust Point.
It is likely that the wedding of Miss Bessis
French and Colonel Eaton on July M will be
about the most brilliant Anglo-American
event of the kind that has yet taken place iu
London. In the first place , tbcro is lots of
money on both sides , and Colonel Eaton's
position in the guards Insures a largo attend
ance of showy military friends.
The strangest aud most unique marriage
ever performed in Baltimore took place on
tbo 14th within the boundaries of Groon-
mount cemetery over the graves of the par
ents of tbo bride. Additional importance
attached to the event , owing to the promi
nence of the contracting parties. The groom
was Colonel Henry von Stamp , ex-minister
of Denmark to tbo United States , a knight
of the order of Dannobrog , and tbo briao
was Miss Milorod Hammond of Baltimore ,
daughter of the late General Hammond.
Disease nevo.r successfully atlucks a sys-
lem with pure olood. DovVitt's Sarsaparilla
manes pura , no-vbloalv.idaarluaaj tbo oil.
Tbo Northwestern university has made
Judge Grosbam a doctor of laws.
Tbo female students at the Universities of
Sydney and Adelaide will soon outnumber
tbo maio. At present they number 108. viz. :
boventy-eight in Svdnoy and thirty In
Amnerat college conferred tbo degree of
arts upon seventy-live graduates and that of
bachelor of arts upon five. J. K. ICellock efFort
Fort Wayne , Ind. , took the Hyde nrlze of
$100 for senior oratory.
In the financial statement of tbo Yale foot
ball team much encourage31 ont is given to
educational efforts in this country" It ap
pears from the published report that la
team hus a handsome surplus of $17,513 as
result of'lhe year's work
The trustees of Johns Hopkins university
bavo appointed Rev. Dr. W. R. Huntington -
ton , rector of Gruco church in Now York
city , as the Levering lecturer on Christianity
for 1893. His subject will bo the "Four
Monosyllables of Religion ; " aud the dates
will bo January 30 and 31 ana February 0
and 7.
Prof. Theodore W. Dwight of Columbia
cell go , who died suddenly last week at the
ago of 70 , was a great lawyer , und educator.
When 24 years of ago bo was elected Mav-
iiard professor of law and civil polity of
Hamilton college , lie took charge of tbo'law
department of Columbia m 1S5S , a position
bo held at the date of death. He was a na
tive of New York state.
Commencement day at Harvard was fair ,
breezy and cool. The time honored obser
vances of the day were carried out , Presi-
donl Eliot prosonled diplomas us follows :
Bachelor of aria , 271 ; bachelor of science , 'J ;
bachelor of ngncuiliiral bcionco , 1 ; doctor of
veterinary medicines , 3 ; doctor of dental
medicine , 14 ; doctor of mcdlumo. So ; doctor
of medicine and master of urts , 9 ; bachelor
of laws , 4i ( ; bachelor of law and master of
urts , 5 ; bachelor of tneologv , 5 ; bachelor of
theology nnd master of arts , 3 ; master of
arts , 77 ; doctor of science , 1 ; aootor of
physiology and master of arts , 5.
Yale conferred the following honorary de
grees : M. A. Hon. John P. ilklns , ex-stato
senator , Indiana ; D.D. Rov. Samuel A.
Martin , ' 77 , professor of pastoral theology
and sacred rhotorio in Lincoln university.
Oxford , Pa. ; D.D. Rov. Prof. Charles
M Tyler , ( class of lg.Vi ) of Cornell uni
versity ; L.L.D. Professor Tboodoro
W. Dwight. late nf Columbia
college law school , who died Juno 23 ; Sir
Donald A. Smith , chancellor of McGIll uni
versity , Montreal ; M. A Joseph Jefferson ,
Tyrou H. Edwards , Harrlsburp , Pa. ; Rev ,
EdwarJ S. Hume , Bombay , India. This has
boon the most prosperous year of the uni-
verbilv. The endowmenl fund has been
increased , to IJ,000,000 , with a promise
of another $1,000,000 available In afowyeors.
Tbo following were elected trustees of the
collage : James Gaynoy , ' 70 , manager
Carnoglo furnaces. Brnddock , Pa. ; Robert
Snodgrass , ' 57 , HarrUourg , Pi. ; Kov.
Davis A. Walter , jr. , ' 70 , state suporintond-
out public instruction , Blooinsbarg- .
De Witt's Sarsaparilla is reliable.
"Cod bless the Houston Cure
Institute"has been the honoat prayer
ot many R wlfo nnd mother , who has
boon saved from a life ofvant und rnis-
ory bocimso the husband had talcon
treatment for Iho liquor dlscaso at the
Wo want everybody to corao who is
anxious to bo cured of liquor dleonbo , or
the opium or tobacco habits , and luvos-
tigrato our plans and methods ol treat
There is sunshine and gladness in
Btore for those who tulco the Houston
Cure treatment.
For particulars in regard to terms
and testimonial ? , call or write to
The Houston Cure Institute ,
t'orucr loth nml Howard bts. , Omnlirt ,
Thousands who have
suffered , and have
been cured , gratefully
testify to the remark
able success attained
The Specialist
who , for more than 17
years , has devoted his
time to the treatment of
Private Diseases. And
surely no physician
in this broad land is
entitled to so much
praise for the wonder
ful good he lias accom
plished. He substan
tiates every statement ;
he fulfills every prom
Reliable , Skillful ,
Reasonable and Fair ,
are the universal en
dorsements given Dr.
J. E. McGrew , of this
city , Heislpne oif the
most successful spe
cialists throughout the
west , in the" treatment
of Private Diseases and
all diseases of Youth
and IVflanhood. Those
who place themselves
in his care can safely
rely upon him , as every
case is regarded in the
strictest confidence
and treated in the most
skillful manner.
Among the most successful medical exports
mid specialists In the west Is Dr. J. E. McGrew
of this city. He Is thoroughly road und con
scientious. " [ The Omaha Hoe , Jan. 1st. , JS02.
"Dr.J. E. McQrew has devoted his llfo to the
study and troutmcnt of private discuses. The
Doctor Is painstaking and conscientious. "
[ The World-Herald. Omaha. Sept 4th , JbUI.
"Dr. McGrow IB n doctor on whom you can
depend , nnd that Is the reason why ho Is so
neil known and praised among the Swedes of
Omaha and all over the country. " [ The Swed
ish Tribune , Omaha , Sept. 4th , 1801.
"There Is no specialist who stands hl-hor In
the estimation' t the people of Omaha and
throughout tlio ° st than Dr.MeGrew , as his
eminent ability add success In the practice
of his profession will testify. Ho Is known
throughout the entire west us a master of his
profession. His untiring oirorts In behalf
of young men , uro too well known to require
mention. " [ The Omaha Commercial , Octo
ber , 1691
"Vi'o do not hesitate to single out Dr. J. E ,
McGrow , of Omaha , ag a specialist worthy of
the highest praUo. Ho Is a thorouirhly-
tralned physician , a scientist of no uncertain
standing , a deep thinker , u keen roasouer. a
persistent roaclor of the literature of his pro
fession and liouco u * ldu awake and Intelli
gent specialist. During ourl'i ) yours us nous-
[ lapur correspondent wo have never had occa
sion to comment on a business conducted
more In keeping with the principles of fair
dealing and honor.-IThtfCnlcagoTrade He.
view. November. 1891. , " , ' ; , "
The doctor's suecesV"ijhico 1 utlng in
Omaha ha boon a moniflatterliig ono both
professionally and fln'a'ilolally. and ho fully
appreciates the patronage which has boon
: lven ulrn In Omaha/mud throughout the
surrounding states , as well us the won and
northwest. One of JiNpijJ r desires ls , that ho
may over continue t < j detcrvo this recognition
of his professional sklll a specialist.
* Of
-MMM . 'Vll" tt" disorder *
and debilities or youtlujiW manuoocl. 17yoar '
experience. Ills nnd
rosounws faollltluH iiro
practically unlimited. 'jfW5 | Uoolor U roeoi
jiiendod uy thu l > re-uMuiU endorsed In tiiu
strongest terms by tbo peoulo for fulr truut-
mcnt und lionoet professional udvloo. The
most powerful remedies known to modern
science for the sueccBsrul treatment of the
following dUeagos :
QONORUHOEA-ImmealBte relief. A com-
iloto euru without the loss of uu Hour's time
: rom buuluess.
GLEET Onu of tlio most complete and suc
cessful treatments fur Elect und nil annoying
ulscliur/esyel. lnown to tbo mcJIoal urufoi-
klon. The results uro truly wonderful ,
STIlICTirna-Oreatest known remedy for
; liu treatment of btrlotnru , without [ lain , cut-
Im..ordiliitlni : . A inontri'iiiarktiulu roinedv.
JYPIIILIS-No treatment for this terrible
jlood disease has over boon more successful ,
nor bud urouRor endorsements , In the Unlit
of modern science this disease Is positively
cur.iblound wvery trace of the poUon entirely
removed from the blooJ.
X.OBT MANHOOD , und ambklou , nerrous-
ios > , timidity , despondency und all woaknosi
and dl.orders of youth or mantioud. Uollof
obtalurd at once.
SKIN DISEASES , and alt diseases of tliB
btotnacn , blood , liver , kidneys and bladder
are treated u ocvssfully with thu icreutei
kniiwn romodlcs for tbo divj n n.
Write foruircuUri andaueitlon 1UU froa.
Utli inut 7 tirnini otx , ii > n < iln4.\v5 ,
onico of the County C'ork ! of Douqla County
.Ncbrusk > : Omaha , . .lunond ! , 1/J.
On the 14th day of May. A. I > . 1MJ , the fol
lowlnc proposition was by HIP order of thi
Hoard of I'ounty Coniinlsvlonfrs of Doiulni
county , submitted to n vote of the iiu.illUct
electors of s.ild county , ut spoclal eloctloi
to bo hold on HIP ICth day of June. A. H. 1 ! G
for ndoptlon or rejection utirsuant to tin
Drov slony of tlio statutes In ucli oi o madi
and provided , winch proposition is as follows
to-wlt :
Thu .M'or.itka < uturui K-ili ly compan.T
lias made- the follow hm promotion to tin
county of ; , Nebraska , to w t :
To the Honorable HourJ of I'oiinU I'oininls-
sloners Douilai County , Nebraska :
OotitlciniMi : 'Iho undersigned , ilm Nebras
ka Central Haliwav oompany , a corporation
dnlv orcanlted and oxl t n under and bv vir
tue ol the laws of the state o ! NeUii Ua. pro
poses to build H double traokMvol railway
bridge iictos * the Missouri rl\or. at the loca
tion shown itpou the plans for .s.ild bildsro ,
nhlcli has been approved bv the llonotubUv
the Secretary of Wnr of the Lulled St.itc < , nnd
al ° o a double track rallro d from the west approach
preach of said bridle through the city ol
umali i to a connection with the tracks of the
Union Stock Ynrds nnd Knllway t-onipatiy ut
South Omaha , and ulso to project a Unco !
railway from the ncal approai-h of the nfuro-
xald brldue Into the Interior of the state ol
NebraitkB , and to construct that portion
thereof oxtcmlltie ( aa nearly as practlrubo ! > In
n westerly alrcctloii from : i piilnt.on iht main
line of nald rallrond north of .Mount 1'Icisanl
or I'aclllo street In the cltT of Omaha. Nebras
ka , to a point on the Little Pnpllllon
Croelc in section twenty-five (2j ( ) township
fifteen i 9) ) north of rauce twelve (12) ( ) . east of
tlio sixth prlnc nu'rldlan. and also to con-
stiuct H line of r.tlhvay from n Junction wuh
the main line of said railroad near tin'Inter
section of 1 ourteent h street and I/ard Mrcet.
iicttherlv toOraco street lu said city. Loth of
said lines or portions of railroad to bo con
structed und loinplctcd simultaneously with
thp construct on and completion of the afore
said hrldao and tracks to the trncU of the
I nlon ytock Yards and Kullwi y company- i t
South Omah.ii provided the county of DOUR *
las will donate to the Nebraska Ci-iitral ruli-
way company fire hundred thousand ifMW.000
dollars of Its four and one-half ( I'll percent
coupoii bonds diitod July 1.1V.C , din' and pay-
nblj t only years from January 1. Ib'Jl. with
Interest parable setnl-annually , from Janu
ary 1 , IMII , on the 1st day of January and the
1st day of July In each joar. principal and In
terest payable at the Usonl iiqency of the stuto
of Nebraska In tlio city of New York , said
bonds to ho of the denomination of ono thou
sand ( } I , 00 > dollars each , and each thereof to
recite at. follows : "This bond Is ono of u series
of five hundred bonds of HUe amount and
tenor which are Issued bv the county of UOUK-
las. In the state of Nebraska , to the Nebraska
Central Hallway company , to aid It In thocon-
strutlon ; of a railway brldco across the Mis
souri river at Omaha , Nebraska , and a dounle
track railway from the west uppioach of Nald
brldpo through the city of Omaha to a connec
tion with the tracks of the Union btock Yards
ana Hallway conipany.atsouthOmaha.and Its
side tracks , turnouts , switches nnd ether rail
way Improvements therewith connected" : all
or said bonds. In o.iso the Issuance of said
bonds be authorized tiy vote of the electors of
UouclHg county , to bo executed and roolstcrcd
on the 1st day of July. A. I ) lS9i and to bo Im
mediately after roplstrmlon delivered to the
h Irst National Hank of Omuhn.N'ebi ho
hold In trust for delivery to the ald Ne-
brnslcu Central Hnilway company. Its successor
ser ; , or iibsicns. in Installments as follows :
One-half u lion said brldno ami Its approach
es HIP completed , und rcmalnini : one-half
on the completion of said mil way Uncs ; nil
matured coupons to be removed from said
bonds before delivery by the s-ild trustee , who
BI ) ill dolUcr the said bonus to the Nebraska
t'ontial Hallway company or Its older after
the board of county cummlss oner . or l s suc
cessors , shall by resolution ordoi uid trustees
to make delivery thoivof , which resolution
sha'l ' be adopted when said bonds ha\o been
oHrnod by said rnilnny company as herein
contemplated , but not befoio The Improve
ments herein conti mplateu shail be bouun
Ithln ono year from the first day of Mav , A.
I' . . IS1) . ' , and be pushed to completion without
unnecessary delay , and not less than IHchun-
drod thousand ( } 5WMi ) ( ) dollars shall bo ex
pended In actual construction of sild brlupo
and railroad within a per.od of nine mouths
from the commencement of said work ( said
sum to Include thecc-a ot materials pain fo--
and delivered upon the cround. but not to In
clude the cost of rljht-of-way or real estate ) ,
proof of said expenditures to bo tiled with the
Hoard of Countv Commissioners In the form
of a sworn statement by the president and
treasurer of Mild Nebraska Central Killway
company ; work on said proposed Improvo-
n cuts not to pease for u period exccedluc
ninety consecutive days before the oxpcndl-
turoof a sum not less than two million ( J-.UOO-
001) ) ) dollars has ucon made thereon , and ill of
said work shall be completed aud In operation
within three years from nnd after the 1st day
of July. 1S9V ,
In e se any of the terms , limitations , condi
tions or provisions proposed herein relating to
the bcRlnnlu ; , progress and completion of
said Improi emonts uro not complied w 1th ( un
less cloluy Is directly und necessarily caused
by Injunction or other judicial proceeding , or
by unavoidable accident or act of providence )
the said oompany shall not De entitled to re
ceive said bonds or unv thereof , even though
the electors of said county of Uouclas shall
have by their vote uuthorired the Issuance of
said bonds : but all rights to said bonds
shall by such default without any
judicial determination become forfeited ;
provided , however , that If the beslnnlnz.
progress , or completion of said Improvements
shall bo delayed or obstructed by any of the
uforesald causes , the times heri'ln allowed for
the progress und completion of said Improve
ments shall bo extended to the extent of such
delay or obstruction , and should a dispute
nrlw ) betwcou the said county of Douglas una
the said Nebraska. Centiul Itallwuy company
with lospect to the cause or extent of any
such delay , the Hiimo at the election of said
Nobraslia Oential Hallway company shall be
referred for determination to u board of
arbitrators , to be UDUoInted as hereinafter
The charter granted by the congress of the
United States , under whlen this bridge wil
be constructed , provides that the bridge and
Its approaches shall bo open to the use of all
rullnay companies do'tring tbo same upon
equal terms : the charnos for the use of said
bridge aud the rules for the operation of the
Barne , In cuso the railway companies cannot
a ree , to bo fixed by the houorau.o tbo secre
tary of w ar.
In consideration of receiving the proposed
subsidies. The Nebraska Central railroad
company agrees to allow all railway compan
ies the right to run their locomotives , pusseu-
gerund freight trains over said brldgoand approaches
preaches thereof , and ovorMie main and passIng -
Ing tracks of the said railway lines between
the following points , viz : Between the west
approach of said bridge , and the junction of
suld railroad with the tracks of the Union
fatook yards nnd railway company at South
Omaha ; also between n point on the main linv
of suld railway north of I'uclllo or Alooni
Pleasant street. In the city of Omaha. Neb .
and u point on the Little 1'iipllllon crook In
section twenty-live TO ) , township flftoon diU ,
north of range twelve (12) ( ) , oust of the sixth
principal meridian : und also hetwoon a point
on the nmln line of said railroad near the In
tersection of Fourteenth und Izard streets.
and northerly to Oraeu street , In the city of
( Jinaha : und It also agrees to allow ouch nnd
every railroad desiring to enter tbo cltv of
Omahu ever Its tracks , the right to use such
oortloiib of its terminal grounas , depots nnd
facilities us may bo nosossary and piopurfui
the conducting of the bunluews of said loads ,
and It agrees also to switch and deliver upon
all of Its switch tracks the cars of any und ull
rallwuy couipunles. and also tint ull rallwux
compHiilys shall have the right to connect
their nillwuy lines at uny point within 100
mllu. of the city of Omaha with nny line of
railway which the s.Ud Nebraska Centra
Itallway company or its successors or assign *
muy hereafter construct or 0.1 u BO to be con
structed east of tbe Missouri river , whether
by Itself or through the agency of nny other
corporation or puny , und to run their loco
motives , passenger und fielght trains over thf
main and passing tracks of said rullwny Into
the cltv of Omuhn , and also thut It will allow
ill railway comimnlos to connect with nuv of
IP rullwny lines hereafter constructed
within the county of Douglxs , und within
one hundred mlles of the city of Omahu ut
any point , either eaat ot west of thu Missouri
river , and to cross the same , und thu rlght-of
way thereof , for the purpose of entrance to
and egress from the city of Omaha ; 1'ro-
vldod , Thut tbe use and enjoyment of eucb
arid allot suld rl ht by ether railroad com-
mules bbull bo upon Just und equal terms ,
and tbe payment of just and fair compensa
tion to the Nebraska Central railway com
pany , lu successor * or usslijim , nnd subject to
iuch opurutlng rules and regulations of the
Nebraska Central railway company , IU suc
cessors or asjlgris , as shall bo uecetuary and
iropor , just and reasonable.
Iu case that at the time tbo Nebraska Cen-
ral Hallway company shall otherwise be en
titled to receive the last Installment of bonds ,
as heroin provided , suld company shall huvo
oauscU to bo constructed through the agency
nf any other corporation or party any rail
way oust of tbo Missouri river , and within ono
uiudred miles thereof , or shall have deter-
niiied upon such construction through the
ugenov of such ether corporation or party ,
suld Nebraska Cent ral Hallway company shall
mt be entitled to recclvosald lat Installment
at bonds unless , or until It shall have caused
o bo executed , ucxnuwledjed nnd delivered
to tbo sountyof Douglas an Instrument In
writing of such other corporation or party
iludlnx it , or h'm ' , to ubldo by und perform
ho convonautu and agreement * of said Nu-
iraska Hallway company. In this proposition
jontalnud relating to such railway eufct of tbo
Mltsourl river.
Hut nothing heroin contained shall bo taken
K8 blndluE said company to construct
mid railway ID lowit us u condition prece
dent to tbo rlL-ht to receive suld bonds.
The k&ld Nebraska Central Hallway com-
> auy further axroes. tbnt ID the event of a
aisputa arising between the * ld oompany
aud any other rallwuy company with respwct
o the use und enjoyment of any rights uodor
this proposition or an to tbo terms , couipeu-
utlun or operating rules and regulations re-
atlnif thereto , such aliuutoi shall bo subinlt-
cd to and determined by a board of throu r-
tltrator * . to be rocde up of throe pursons who
nro judges of the state district court , or Its
uouetsors , of tbe district mubruoltu tbu
aounty of Douglas , to ba solectnd by & two-
birds vote of all persons the are judges ol
aid court. Provldud , thai any such railway
i otm ( Ibtu tnUi Nabruika Veotrsj
Hallway company , Its successors or ass ens
shall ha > e the olfCtion to utlrsuo nny otlioi
lumouy iittitriieii u itin
\\hpro\erarbltratlon U provided for bv
this proposition , the party doilrlne to submit
nnr matter to arbitration shall cause tc
bo sorvcd upon the other parly n written no-
tlco which shall ptout the mutter iu dispute
to bo submitted , and the time proposed fet
the hearing , which shall not ho less thati
thirty (3)i ( ) days after the time of service : am
thereupon the ndvcT--i parly shall , within
twenty ( it'days ) ' after such arvlro upon It ,
servo Its answer. If nnv It IIUM- . upon the
party domuiiding the arbitration.
The Hoard of Arbitrators , when organized ,
shall ha\e power to ttx the time ot hearing
and to adjourn the stmo from time to time ,
nnd to make all noccssary tulcs anil regulu-
t ons for tbe production of testimony In the
possession of either party , nnd otherwise to
compel a fair and speedy trial ; the decision ol
n majority of tbo board shall control ami lha
final ilotormlintton of the bonrd shall bo Dual
and conclusive upon the parties , of ull mat-
IL"- submitted nud decldud
Whene\er arbitration shall bo resorlod to
Ruch uibltratlonshall betho exclusive remedy
of the parlies ( except as herein elsewhere pro
vided ) us to the matters und things Involved
und decided therein.
Said Nebraska Central Rallwav compmy.
Its successors and assigns , ghVll transport
freight ( including tnunler of freight und ull
charges Incidental to such transportation )
o\or Its said bridge and uppro tones , as well
as oxer the railway tt sbnll construct within
UH miles of tbe Missouri river w Ithlii the stnto
of .Nebraska , for lust nnd reasonable rates or
harces. and In case of dlflcrences us to what
constitutes just nnd loisouable charges under
tb s paragraph , tbe board of county commis
sioners or said railway company muy submit
tbo sanio to arbitration In the manner und to
tbo urbltruUns above provided for , but this
paragraph respecting freight charges shall
not become opciatho or In force until five
years from the date of tnedellNorv of the lust
Installment of tbo bonds hereinbefore re
ferred to.
It Is further proposed that said bonds shall
bodolhttrod to the Nobrnska Central Hallway
company , us successors or assigns , on y upon
the oxecut on by tbo said Nobnulia Central
Hullv , Hi company , or Us successors , und do-
llvord to the lounty of Douglas of an under
taking In writing lo the ettoel that tbo princi
pal depot of s ltd railway company. Its general
unices and principal machine shops when
built shall bo located and mulntu tied within
the cotporato llmltsof tbo city of Omaha , und
that \lolution of the terms of saKl under
taking by thu said Nebraska Central Railway
company , or Its successors or usslgns , shMl
render tbo said Nebraska Central Hallway
company , or Its successors , Indebted to the
said couuty of Doiulus lu the full amount of
said bonds and Interest thereon.
Tnls pioposltlon shal , utter being duly ac
knowledged by the Nebraska Central Railway
company , bo recorded In thu oillco of the regis
ter of deeds of Douglas county. Nebraska , uud
for u period of twenty-i ears from uud aflor
this date , shall bo refoned to by giving tbe
book- und page wherein the same Is recorded
In nny moru.ige , deed of trust , deed of con
veyance , or lease of the said bridge and up *
proaehcs and suld railroad westof tbo Mis
souri river In Douglas countv , Nebraska , with
tbo statement that the --aid S'obruska Central
Hullwui company. Its sucuos'-ors und assigns ,
are bound by terms , limitations , proMsIons
and conditions of this proposition whioh are
hereby made Us covenants thut attach to tuid
run with the said properly Into whosoever
h&nds It may come.
If tbo said Nebraska Central railway
'iompauy. within forty-flvu days after
being not tiled In writing by the chair
man of the board of county com
missioners that the issuance of said bonds hus
been uuthoiizcd bvotoof tbo electors ot tnld
county , shall not fiio with tbo county clerk Its
wiitten ratillcitton ana acceptance thcicof
under Its corporate seal , which ratification
shull huvo neen ordered by Its board uf direc
tors , none of suld bonds shall be Issued , und
this proposition sball tu void.
Upon the voting of the subsidies herein de
scribed , the Nebraska Central Hallway com-
pan > will suriender the right to receive the
-uhsidyor uny part thereof voted bv tbo
county of Douglus on th ihird dny of Doiom-
uor. A. D.lhMi , und nothing lieroin contained
shall be taken us an acknowledgment tbatoald
loiupany has any existing right to snld last
montloneu subsidy.
Tbe .Nebraska Central Hallway company
itirther agrees , upon un eluctlou being palled ,
to submit to tbo voters of Douglus county a
proposition to vote upon the uforesuid bonds
to pay Into tbu county treasury iu cash live
thousand ( ! ' > .0X ( dollars , to bo upp.led in the
payment of the expenses of said election , uud
ut the sumo time to deliver to thu suld county
of Douglas u bond with good uud sufficient
sureties In the sum of live thousand ifVOJO )
Hollars udillt onul to cover uny of the expen
ses of said election not covered by the utore-
said cash payment.
This proposition und the acceptance thereof
by the county of Douglas , and thu rutillcutloii
of this proposition by said Nebraska Ci-utial
Kail \ \ ay corn puny.or Us successors or ussUns ,
us heroin provided , shall bo consulted uud un
derstood to constitute u contract bolw ecu tbo
suld Nobruouu Contial Hallway company. Us
successors or usslgus , uud the uld county of
Douglus and nil of the terms , conditions ,
agreements.and pi o visions made on the part of
Nebraska Central Hallway company in this
proposition contained are hereby made tbe
covenants of the suld Nebraska Cen
tral Hullwy company. Us succes
sors and usslgns , which shall attach to und
run with nil of Its snld property lu Douglas
county. Including bald bridge und railway ,
and binding upon uny party Into wbosv bauds
it or uny of it may come.
In witness whereof thu said Nebraska Cen
tral Kuliwuy company bus caused thuse pros-
( nts to bo executed tblsiid duy of May A. D. .
COMl'ANY.By . H. DUMONT. Vlco I'resldent
LSoal.l JOHN L. MCCAQUE , secretary.
Attest : T. J. .MAIIONKV.
Statoof Nebraska , County of Douglats , ss.
On IhlsJd dny or Muy , A. D. IBs ) . ! , before me ,
u county clerk In und for said couuty , person
ally appeared tbe above nauioJ J. u. Dumont
.md John L. McCague , who uru to me person
ally known to be the Identical persons who
signed tbo foregoing Instrument as vlco presl-
< < unt and secretary of thu .Nebraska Central
Railway company ; they acknowledge tno exe
cution of thu bald jnsti ument to bo tbe volun
tary act and deed of the suld Nebraska Cen
tral Itallway company and tholr voluntary
act and deed us suub vlco president and secre
tary of said company.
witness my bund and oQJclal seal the date
lust aforesaid.
[ seal. ] KHED J. SAOKETT.
County Clerk.
Shall the above nnd foregoing propos
ition bo accepted und adopted : sball
suld bonds bo Issued , registered and delivered ,
and shall an annual tux , lu uddltlon to ] Ibo
usual uud all other taxes , be levied upon the
taxable property of Douglas county , Nebras
ka , sullluient to pay the interest on said bonds
us it becomes duo ; and at the time of
the annual county tux , commencing tbo tenth
year prior to the matin Ity of said bonds , shall
u tux , In addition to all other tuxes , bo levied
upon the taxable property of suld Douglas
lounty , und couiiuued annually there.ifter ,
fiom year to year until thereby a slnkln.
fund shall have beou oltalnoO sulllclentio
pay suld bonds ut tbc 'Maturity thereof ?
The ofllclal canvas of the votes cast at suoh
special election , bhows thut moro than two-
thirds of ull the votes oust ut said elec
tion , were cast in favor of tbo acceptance of
said proposition , the Issuance of the bonds ,
nnd the levy of the taxes therein specified ,
and notice is hereby clven that tbo above
proposition lias been duly and legally ac
cepted In the ulllrmutlvo by the lugully quali
fied oloctois of Douglas county , Nebraska , und
the same Is hereby duly declared carried und
accepted In the afIIrrnative.
In witness whereof I have hereunto sot un
hand this ir.'rid day of Juno A. 1) . IK.1. )
Act'nt ' ; Chairman of County Commissioner ! .
( SKA I , 1
Attest : FRED. J. SAOKETT , County Clerk.
Offlco of the County Olork of Douglus County ,
NobraskD. Omaha. J nnc-'nd. 1SW.
On the lUb day of May , A. D , Is ) . ' , thu fol
lowing proposition was ty the ardor of the
Hoard of County Commissioners of Douglas
county.submitted to a vote of thu qualified
oluctornof said count } ' , at it special election to
bu hold on the IGth duy of Juno , A. D. 18J.J , for
ndoptlon or rejection pursuant to the provi
sions of the Htatutcs in such cases mudo und
provided , which proposition U us follows , to-
Fhall the notion of the board of county com
missioner of the county of Douglas , lit the
state of Nebraska , hud by reason of uii elec
tion hold In suld county on thoSd day of No
vember , A. D. leSil , whereby said board of
county commissioners caused to bo surveyed
und lu'd otT Into lots , blocks , streets and
alloys , the following described real estate
then owned bv thu county of Douglas , and sit
uate In suld county of Douglas , to-wlt : He-
gliinlng ut tbo northeast corn r of section
iwuiity-nlnu fit" , In township fifteen (15) ( ) , north
of ranzu thirteen (13) ( ) . past of the sixth princi
pal meridian , running thence west twelve und
llfty one-hundrudllm ( I'J50-luO ) chains , the nco
south foity (10) ( ) eh H Ins , I hence east two ) vo and
llfty one-nuiidredths ( U'M-lOW chains , thonuo
north forty 0i chains to the place of begin ,
ulng being tint east llfty uorurfnf u tract o.
land theretofore known us 'Thu Douglnf
County 1'oor Farm , " und caused u plat tlieres
ofto beiocnrdcd In tno public records of mil a
county us Douglas uddltlon , and mild lutati
bu appraised by appraisers appointed for tba
purpose by tbo county judzu of said county
und after such appraisement to bo offered
for sule at uulnlo auction , and ill vent and vari
ous of raid lots sold by Iho us Id county of
Douglas , during the months of April and May.
1W7 ( , to various purchasers and deeds OXHCIIted
lonald purchaser * conveying thu title of thu
suld county of Douglas to suld purchasers ,
and mortgages taken from suld purchasers' to
secure tbu payment of purl of the purchase
price of said lots , be approved , legalized , con
tinued and rutiUcd by said county of Duuglau ,
und by tbo qualified elector * of said county ;
uud Blmlltue said boardof county commission
ers of said county of Doucla * . bo authorized ,
empowered nnd directed to pxovuto quitclaim
deeds of conveyance of thu said county of
Douglas , of all of Us rUbt , title and Intercvt
In or to any uf said lots so sold to tbo pur
chasers I hereof , or Uiu htilrt or assign * of suld
1'wvldpd. honovpr. That In nil cfcsrs whcr
the lots so sold have bpou fulty piitl for no
cording to the terms of such s tip , tlmt oanl
nullclalm deeds shall ho executed iimKlellr-
ert'd by tbo suld county pommlss. oners of ald
ppiintv. Immodlntpiy after tinnltipt on of
thlsnuestloii by the pain \olrrsofsald poun-
ty. nnd In nil eases were said lots nnd paroels
of land linve bppii tiaid fur In p irt by said
purt-hasprs. their heirs ( ir assigns , uml a p > r-
tlon of the purchase price still rt'infilnstluo
nml unpaid to the count ) of Dotiglns , th it
iilil ( jnltplnim dppds of eomevnti o ( ni
nriiUi and oellvprod by the safd cotnity i-om-
mlsslono's upon the paympiit by salJ pur-
ch'isprs , their hplrs or nsslgns of the full
amount now romnln ut duo mil unpaid of
ald purchase price , w < th Inlervst uecor Ing lethe
the terms of such sale and the notes and
mortgages ghon by such purchasers to Ui
county ?
NO ,
The odlrlnl eanvns nf tlio Mites east at sunh
sppplnl olvetlon. slum * that more tl.tint.M-
thirds of all the u > tes cast ut snld elect ( Hi
worucR tln fav < ir of the aocpptaiipe of sntd
proposition , thp ratlUcatlon nnd approval of
thp nets of the board of couuty coni'Mlsslonors
tliptuln spo 'Ifled , nml mnlce Is hereby given
that thoabme propos'tlou has beet ) cluiv and
{ Ojnily ueeeptpd In the allltmatlto by the
legally nuutlllcd olcctors of Douulus county ,
Nebraska , and the smne Is hereby duly do-
clated parried nnd accepted In thu alllrmatlvo.
In witness whereof , 1 ha\o horeuuto set my
hand thlsS.'nd day of Juno , A. D. ivc
, . h. M. h. - ,
Aptlug Chairman of County CominlsslonoM.
[ si ; M.I
Attest : rilKI ) . J. SACKKTT. County Olork.
Onico of the County clerk of Douglas County ,
Nebraska. Uninhti. Juno SJuil. I8H.1.
On the 14th day of Mny. A. D tn the fol
lowing proposition WHS by the or ler of thu
board of ' ountv cot iiuisilonois of Douglas
con ply , submitted to a Mil a of thequnlllpd
electors ot Mild county , at u special election
to be held on the Kllh duy of June , A. D. ISlC ,
for adoption or rejection tmisiiant to the pro-
v s ous of the Minutes in such cases inside and
provided , which proposition is as follows to-
1IO.M13 Mill I'AM.VO Oil \HCAI > AMf/lNl 1111)11-
" 8hn.ll the county of Douglas. In the state
of Ndbrnsl.u , Issiiu and soil Its eoupun bonds
to aid In Hie puiinunonl Improvement by
pnv Ing or iiineadiiiulrliig toads und iiiLhways
01 the county of Douglas ontsldo of thu cor-
poruielimlls of the city of Oin iln , and out-
sldo of the corporate limits of the rlty of
South Omaha , In said county , no part of the
fund so raised , however , to bo expended In
grading any of said highways or In construct
ing or repairing bridges tiioioon , but to
used entirely for permanent surface improve
ments of said highways ; said bonds to amount
to the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand
collars In denominations 01 ono thousand
dollars n icli. auri each thereof to recltu as
"Tli's bond Is oneof a series of one hundred
und -Jfty bonds of lll.o amount and tenor
w hlcn are Is-uud by tlio county of Dmicliin. In
tnu stuto of Nulir iska. to aid the said county
of Douglas In the permanent improvement of
i he public roads and highwaysot said county ,
by Driving 01 macBduinlrlng said highway *
outsldo of the corpor ito limits of the cltios of
Omuhn and south Omaliu. "
Said bonds to bear date tbn 1st day of , lu y.
A. D IMI _ ' , und to become one and paxablo
twenty ye irs after said 1st day of Julv. A , D.
Is'innd ' to draw inteieit at the rate of f > > per
cunt pur annum , [ livable semi-innuaiiy , on
the 1st dnv of Julv and the Jst dav m ,1111111-
ury , of ouch year , belli Iniuiesl unit principal
payable at tbo tiseal iizi nev of tin s ate of
Nolit.iskaln the ntv of Now York , suld bonds
to bo sod by the said county of Di.u lus at ,
not le-s than thuli'pai value and uei rued In
tcrp > t to the Onto of delivery of the stud
londsund ; ull of the proeeeds uilsmg from
the sale of said bonds to ho cxpcndi-d liy the
pciunty eonimlssloiiers of said county in t > u
permanent Improvement of tbu uub/Ie ro.ds
and highways of si.l i county , outside of the
eorporalo limits of tbe jforesild ulties ot
Omuha uii'l South Omaha , In iho paving or
mucudumizlng the said roads or otherwise
pernuncntly Improving tbo surface of said
roads : but no part of tbo proceeds arising
fron tbo sale of sucli bonds shall bo expended
upon the grading uny of suld roads , or the
eonstuietion or repair of bridges thereon ,
And shall an annual tax In uddltlon to the
usual uml nil other tuxes bu levied upon the
tuxublo property of Douglas county , Nobrus-
ka. suillclunt to pay thu Interest on suld bonds
as It beco nes due and ut the time of levying
the unntinl county tax , eommpnclng tlie tunui
year prior to thu maturltv of suld bonds ,
sball u tux , In addition to ull ether taxes , bo
levied upon H.I Id taxable properly of said
county of D niglus. und contlniied'unnuullv
theinaftcr. from year to j oar , until therebv
u sinking fund shall bavo hecn olit lined Hilf-
uYlciit to pay said bonds ut maturity thereof ?
V P.S.
Tbo ofllclal car.vas of the votes cast nt suoh
special election shows that moro than two-
thirds of all the \otes east at suld election ,
vvoiocast in favor cf the iiocuptance of said
proposition , tbo sstiance of the bonds aud the
levy of the tuxes therein specified , und notice
Is hereby given thut the nbovo proposition
lias been duly and legally aeceotud in the
utllrmallvo by the legally nuul fled electors
of Douglus countv , Nourusku , and the sumo Is
borebv duly decluroJ carried and accepted In
In witness whereof. I hnx-o hereunto cet my
hand this --'ml day of June. A. D. Is'JJ.
: Chairman of County Commlss oners.
Attest : KK ED.J. SACKETT. County Clerk.
Tu J tt U.
Call on up AT ONCK and luivo tlii'ia exam
Inert ( KHK.i : OhCIlAlUiJi. ) br our Optician , Lnd ,
If iH'tC'BMirj , lltlod ttltli n pulruf our 1'KIIIKC
T1ON KVKJl.AS- > KborhriCT Libc fll
yilK.VrinCAl.M' nml crlml lonpcs to correct
nil tlio vnrlouH clclLctn of vision , MICII B
mi'KUMKTIlol'lA ( fur HlKlit ) , An OI'JA inear
night ) . rillcMIYOI'lA ( old Blehti.ASTUJMA'J'lHM
( Irri-Kiilnr ululit ) . AhTllKMIPlA ivrcnk tdcut )
mrixiriA ( doiipio Miriiti. AMSOMI.TIIUI'IA
luncijuiil plain ) , S1UA1I1SMUS ( nqulut or cron
cj ) , etc , etc.
EYEGLASSES from SIJ Upwards.
EYEGLASSES from $1 Upward.
the Eves from 50c Up.
Practical Opticians.
FAUN AM and 16th Sis. , OMAHA.
Established 1866.
We cend tin * marTfllon
llvmisly CALTHOS frco , and
local KiiurantoittuatC'ALiMOf will
KTOI'l > l fhnrcr .l rml lon ,
< TltK hjM.riniitorrtuii. Vnrifwelo
und Itl > TIUi : l.o t VICor.
I 'if 11 anil far tftatisffif.
tttrtn. VON MOHL CO. ,
Koli > Ann-Iran i | U , ( lurlDoitl , Okl * .
fildu SprlUB AttuUiruunt - No Homo Motion Not
t-jou unit i til / : < > iif > i < iH st.
Manufacturer ut
To miltUY and UVKIU'OOL
CAUIN , to * no. Auuoriiln to lcuiioi ;
anil location of Ht.itcroom.
IntorJ'iixlliito tine ] Munracu at low rutoi.
5.TATE (
Vln Londonderry , ctury Kortniulit
Ul/mii. . . . STATKOF NUllltAhKA 1PM.
ulrS th . .bTATK OP CAI.1KOHNIA' . M.
AUK lltli . BTATK Oh NI'.VAIM , . tiuoii
lubln , 140 , Hiuond I'ubln I.K ) , blttuinuu , ( U.
Apply to AIJ.AM \ CO. , Uilctiiu
U. U MUOUIS , 1511) ) Howard M , , Oiuatm