THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , JULY 3 , 1892-StXTEEN PAGES. SPEGIRL NOTICES , " < HU TIIKSK COLUMNS will lie tnkcn until 12 " > 0n m for the cvonlni : nnd until 8 Mp m for the morning or Humlnreill All nrtvertlsomi ntii In thcso columns m cent ft won ! for tlt t Intortllm nml I rent n word for e-neh nutfcqiiont Intortlnn or tl ! a t'Pf ' linn | > or month No niUcTtlPcmcnt tnkcn for ICIK thnn K contji for thonrrt Insertion Terms cn h In nilvnnco Inltlnlj , neuron , sriiitioK tic pnchcountns a word All mlvortlsciientnmtidt run c-onufcutlvclr Ailvcr- tlipto , by rcquontliiKft iiumbcrort CMOCK cnn nnvo the letters nrtclreffcil ton niimbcriil IctU-r In cnro of 'MU lilt Ainwers KI aililrontcd will uo Ocllrcrctl on prciontitlon of tlio check SITUATIONS WANTED. _ A-\VAN1KTrVni AT10N MY A YOl SO MAN n lionlikc-pper nr enloinmn In n l > ti lnps homo , either ilonlilc nr xlnrflo entry Tnn Klvo need refer- rnci nnd npc.ik t.primui nna Kmll ; h Aildrf j II IS , Lox loJcrlbncr , .Ntb MAS U * _ WA VrKllTosTTloN AHOOKKKKl'KH. . CAN nctns tt.not.rai hi r -WAMIHl COMI'BIKNTMAN lioflence rllimtlnn In tni liie ii otllcc ' eM-rnl jpirn nrnolilpr nml mi expert In tltfctlne loiinter- Iclt money Good rcfurcncci AUiltoss L h. llpe - * WANTED-MALE IIELV. - . . . I'.VKIIV ' 1O\SNANJ B-AdH.STSWA.NTIIDl.N city In tliii wi-nt on evtrn llhprnl tprins to sell IhninipiilnrtiMi } i-nr pdlky of the Miitunl Hu Krvp Tumi l.liM' ( Micl llon nlno tlio in w IIOUUU runitiliintlnn policy of the Preferred Miitunl Accl- Oeiitn > i.ucHtionof .Ni-w lurk tout only fill per ycir forprpfiirr il rl 1 < * civo money hy Ininrliu , miiko money li ) riprt'iuiitlnK thc " wlilonnnko rompniiUt , tire IIKPIIIH cnii iloublu their Income \\rltu for clruilnri ! rind terun to II II lloblum , ( jpiiprnl Mniinn r ( Jiiinlm , el ) _ 2I _ ' TJ MAN'wTTll 1M "II \ \ AVI ! ! ! > IN IIACIl TITV , JOtov n nnd hnmlpt to Introduce the fnttP't / ollliiir lioiinohold nrtlclpiui ricnrd incru mlllUm xuM In 1'lillndPlphl i Will p iy miniioti'til pprion $1 per rtny Acldrim nlth flump \ \ II \ \ llllnin on 41 .V. UliMrpct I lillndPlpliln I'n M12I i ) U * TJ-wi : I'A sAi.TtwnilFrv : To ( .0011 Jlnmiili' Jiunior i xpprlinci' milieu - r > unlnry tmldnickl ) > -liiiir ollko .510 DoimliB _ T-IIIIKM > WAM-UI A 1' ! , tl MAIN ST , > Counell Illtiirn WI.K ) IIOIIH Wll It ( .ODD ltiH.ltl'VI : B Amorlean WrliiBirCo liWHcnvar 1 } l7'KTi:7r ( : $ lXl"'A.N ( 111 ! MAIli : MONTII'iV Jlworklnc fnr II. 1" Jnlmnon A Co , 'Ji.lKli4ii3 llnln strut , Ulchmonil , \ M > C.OOD HI 1,1 Mil.i 1IIIKAD AM ) CAKU Jbakcrs ! > .l * II III Atl.Vi . ! I ) WANTI I ) AN P\PPIlliS ( KD 1AL1ISMAN J'to Irivel In Vebrsska b ) larue shoo mamifai- tnrlUK nnil jnliblnit liou-o In Ihu wel None bill ( nil smell of uorlinco | In till" Hue with n hull t up Iradc will be considered Acldnss C 4J , lids olllco. Blnllnir. parllcitlars M i-oil 13 WANTrl ) MAN WITH ' MALL f U'll'AL'lO like , Inleiml In u KOOC ! business ( at N. Y I He -Mil ! ) J WA.VIKD , CANVASbLll1112S' ; , t. Life 5 M5b9 B1ALKSMAN WA.NTii : ) SHOB 9AI.TSMBN CAN make iiillu | nliiindxiinunddlllnii to their milnry lijr carrying n line of Mimpli s on commission Apply at oncu to bnxo A ( o , 10J l-idural st , lloslon , Muss -AOIIVIS \\OMl'.ltl-UL AD vice I'nUntid. r.\cr > merchant bu > s III ) ; pay Knclone ttnmp Arcj .MfK. Co , Kaclne , \ \ Is. 278 'J' i > WANT "ii coMi'inisT : MAC HIM : AND JJbLiich hands at bl Louis , Mo ( Jo oil wages und to ul ) nork Duros * A Olcott l-nlliiiiiiii A Miller I'll ) btrl A lolinnnlnB Manufaclurlnu Co. 1 ihllianimc r A bchiiufir Ilcnr ) ( , nii .V.-cins llntllK ' ash and Door Co Hntnor Lotliiunii Mnmifncturlnff Co. I'hoenlx I'lanlnt ; II I Co Mississippi Plan nu M Co Lohi > o I'atiMil lloor C ) l.n at Wentern I'lanlnf M II Co. Muh III ! ILH I'lanlnt" Mill Co ( ro'rcnt I'lnnlim Mill Co ( enlral I'lanlnc Mill Co Mullniiph ) Maiiufaclurliit ; Co. Lnnrlt7 I'ctersoii A KueiucJ _ M29T 3 V ) V > Ai 'l 111) ) bALI,8MI N ON ' ALAttY Oil < OM -Dmlthlon to linndle the new pnlint clienilenl Ink tratlni ! | null 'IlieMiatiht ullliiK no\elt > eter licdiiccd irnecslnk lliotouithly In luo i < ctond , nn abrasion of | ape r , IWt In HW per cenl protlt , ono ni.ciit s mh s iiniounuil lo S ( * 0 In lx daH another l ln tno linnrH , nu anl onu enercelle general nKcnlin crcli ntnte nnd tc rrltory 1 or lerniH and imrtUulnrs nddriss Monroe Lrascr Ml Co Lu trossels M2'i | "IJ AdKN'lM WA.NTliD UMIsI" ! HIM , IN ' 1 Hi : J'tleld territory In Oinalin or elsc'n here Call ul 2V09 Howard slreel , 1 lo J p m or 7 lo 8 p m mMIM5 4 * - WAVI Bit. bAl.P'-MAN TIIAVKUNG 1 HIS state to cam h staple spu tally on commission , now linvlnt ; n Itirve dc.mnid msl Address C D tieuseman , JjO Walnut utrccl , I'lilladclphli M314 7 * _ -no A MONTH ANDTHAVILI.N : ( ! EAPB.NMS : to conipelent ladles and Kentlemen no can vniiBlni ! lull ( j.'j 1 lr t avenue , Council lllnlN. M a in. lo 4 p m Mi ) * ! 4 T ) WANTKI ) AT OSt'B , A 1'A.VIS AND VI > T J'lallor , stcidy notk John Wolfakcll David fit } , Neb Jil l 4 * 1)WAN'IIII ) , I HIST CLASS SALKSMAN , MINT JJbe n huntknvlm knows nil Missouri rl\er whole pnluKroiers , upctlnlty man prelernd' stcidy Job nnilKOOd snlnrj uhniifi' reftrences , etc , tfho jou ua\u norked for Address LO. , Ileootlku M.I10 3 T > WAN1KI > ' WAN1KI1IIAVBMNCJ SALl'SMlIN ON J'nen spcdnlty for i-roccry and i.i'neriil stores Worth IUI per week tci KOOd men Alllsun. 177 Monroe street 4 hlcntio .lu'i < 1) WA.N'II'I ) , A C.OODOIlHIt IIAUIIlIll CAN J 'obtain Ktemly iniploynic nt , on olthi > r percentage or milnr ) of 11400 per ecli , by nddrtsslnu' 11 B IIde , 1 \liihtun , Neb T ) WAN I I'D , A ( . ( ion Will IB HAIlliril , ( .001) J'nat'i'S nnd no Minila ) nork Aildnas Carl 'JltroeM I'olnl , .Neb. MWiT 7 " SALHMIAN WA.N'Il\l)1 AltlllLi ; bl'AMI aril no samples niiil'ed | sideline Address T. II C. Co , Drawer 8.17 , Kiilamiuoo , Mich .M 170 14' _ _ _ _ _ I-WAN'IID : ! PAIIM HAND. iN(7ii ( : MAN , -I'wiiciBf.'l' ( HI month ' - per and board Applj 'I ues- daj IUOII1IIIK70I N iTIli ktruut Mnrtln M ! 7i 4 T > -WAN"1 IID-A nils 1 CLASS WOOD 'I I UN'hTil JJ Kood tt.ic-es nnd clcnd ) pOHlllon for thu rlUit kind of a man Aildrcsa Williams A. Hunting Co Cular llaplgs. In _ j-j j 11 wi : omit : AMICNIS inc. MONISY IN KV- -IJclushe territory Our new patent sifes fe1lnt iKhl In Ul } orcountr ) J ew IIKPIIU llrsl In Held ncliinlly K llliiit rich Ono aujiit In one day cIcnrulM M > inn > on Ciitalouuo fica Alpine bttfnCo.No JM.ffl.t.lirkiil , Cincinnati O IIUJ' BWA.NTii-SALHi : MKN' , yALAUY OU COM mission , to hanillu ( jri'at' t novelty pitniitud KxclHBhu ttrrltor > bells al Mitht I'arllcularii free -ample Mlc Unity 1) C. Co , 1 epL W . 1'nlty uldK , Chlciuo jj ; j < Tl-WAVIBD-MAN ' ! ( ) TAKK 'IHB MANAI1K- -I'liicnl of permnnent for cMnhllslic d Chi cai-o house , will pay nil expeim' * and JI2 per imintli tnln-7. "Ito purcc. ntnie on nil business doiie : Diusl liiMM II UX'ln block ol Kooda to bo rnrrled mid must tjUoontlronlit'iillon to busliuss Hoiaco Kmmon , M)5 ) Homo Iiibiirunco llulldlnir , Lhlcauo III ; ai4 a * n-WANTKI ) AT O.NCK. A KlllbT CLASS HOY J'ln ilUtrlbiilo tjpe 111 it Job olllco , mimt ha > u ex pcrluiau. Apply ut room C , N \ l.llu llldir.MJiS MJiS . ! 1WAMIC1) , THAMSI'IIIIS , 8IIOVKLiilH : AM ) 'rockmon \Vuiiilnicnnd bouth Dukotn ; L-ortd WBKOS and steady work ; freu fnru. Albrltdit l.nbor Ak'cnoy , ll.t ) hiirniiiii streel , 3711 n > 1VAM'hl > . AMKAT CUTl'KH OU JBWKLl.U JJlo accepl ilenil ) ponlllons nnd pluy lubn hr clnlronrt lu Iho hlorllim llus > ar band Achlruis Irtiiik Itolhcll , lliNlncs5 Manager , blcrlliiK. .Ni b WAN1ED--FEMALE HELP. CVVAN'IKl ) . LADIDS OH MIIINC MKS' ' 10 /take Ilifht , pleasant work at Ihelr own homei , llUlto $ JOO per day cnn bo iiul > niy m v lu. work lent by mall ; no c ummlim For pnrllcular * ad ilrrtu ' l.lolin Mfu Co , llox &UI , Huston , Mali lnahllBhcd IBSO p-WANTIID. A LAU.NDUKbS. APPLY W H v/Mlllarcl , Omaha Nal. bunk P-WA.NTKI > , A IIIIL ; win iiousr.woitK V Mutlbu i > oed look , and laundrum IIJ I o 2vth tlri'i-l. _ M 7 4i p-WANTKD. UltSr 4'l.ASH COOK AT V > llampton , 24th nnd Douclni 81. WANTKIwiCTN intSKOK 8 MONTH " i T mediately. Apply Jill .North 33th /'t WANTKI ) . A VUir.NU ( illtl , toil MIJHT V. lioiinework n. w cor Itlli and Harney , aril floor , entrance on Harney M374 & WANTKD. A IHIII. Kill OBSKIIAL HOUci ; . wurk Mini l > uni , ud took , family of two. Appl ) ! (7JI Jnck > on ttrt'at. JUT4 I AT O.NOK , KIHSr CLAs-h LAI > \ Tefiuclur Hurl's iliullu , Illulr , Neb. H1OM Id ' 1O Id YKAItS ( IK AliKTO ClilltL euro of labyi reference nciulrud 2lltl k .ilcciio ulrvel JIJ01 7 * O W > MTl-JIIII. ( I Oil tiiNKUA : ! < HOL'tuT. urki n'luiiUIKI .MuslhavuKood rifiTonee'i , 15th itio.t. .MAtl fCilllL AIIOUl' 1U YBA1IH OK ACK Mill vyiuu | e ork I ; pir week , 1,0 wuililiu und Iron. lim tu . IMIi .1 JIU l * / - lC.OUI ) fALAUY ( HMUA.N-iliiil : TO I.ADIK8 v trllllnntoilo vrltliitf for muullhelr liomeii. Ad- dri iuu In own liuudwrllliu , wllh itninped < n- Tvlopu , Ml i I-dim li Biiijlbe. Uuulh Ilenil , lud. , of tbu famou * Ulurlk wattr fur ilia WANTED--FCMALE HELP. Omtlntiol rVCOMPKTKNT < ! 1HL AS LAUNDIlhSS AND V-/fhambermnld Mrs W J Conncll , S K illtli and tjt Mary's avenue -AVANrii-niiiL'ro : ASSIST INI atlW3 l-nrnami one thai ilecps nt home. p WA.STKIIA KKWLADIES CAN 8KCUUK v > hnndsomo salarj for homo work r omnium : oilier dnllcs W birliii8tien | ( , UoxiilJ , < liclaito. Ill M x > l Jy II' C-WAS Pill ) 2 LADIKS 1O HKPItr ; KNT 11111 American Housewife In Omaha nnd Coiinill lllullsi $10 per week ( 'itnrniilt'cd Address c A Lewis , 518 Chamber ot Commerce , Chicago ri-WANini ) . A MIDDLK AtlKO WOMAN1 toll V/lioiisemork In fnmlly of four 711 N. 41sl n venue OlO il /1-\\A.NThl > , A ( lOODNl'IP-i : Ullll. CAPAllLK V/of Inklm : nro of n bnbj Liiqulro nl residence of Irideilck Krug. 818 Bo 2Ulh ft _ _ _ _ _ _ t-A I KW LADIKS WANIIID 1 Oil KITHIIlt C /home" work or olllco po lllon Addnss In own liniidwiltlnii KncloseliiK slump. Housekeepers' \Vnkl ) , Philadelphia , Pa " " 3 f1 WAN'IKI ) ( UltL'IO ASMISl'lV HOUMiWOItK. : vyl'i-'l Inrnnm , ono that , sliepi al homo , white preferred .MT84-.1 * FOR RENT-HOUSES. i\-TniW"n ifi ! J'rooms , new block lloomi 810 S. 2d 2.0 n-HOU-'F' ) , ALLPAI11M IHUClFv. PllLNl'KO X/llsts ( .cortjuJ. Paul , l'jJ5 ' Inrnnui street. -I Oil HUNT , TWO ( JOOI ) I. IIOOM frtlOOi vilthln If , tulmiti'1 wdk of court liotno. 'JhoO I la\imo ) MJ fnrn im Btro-'l M-l -lUOOM'-O.N .1ST ST. HALF HI.OCK .NOIIIII ofdrnce J70J city wiler. Also otliur rocinn nnd lieu e Ht lovresi. | irloo3 O 1' . Hulls room 4 , I'ce LulldliiK - 7Jy4 ) ' COA'lUS HKM'Ah Al.UNCV , 1011 KA UN ' AM. - " \ DI'SIIIAIIM : 1IOLSKS AND D-IOItltl"M\ imldiner Hals eli'-nii llou o for mlo on inoiitlily pijmeiili JV. . > qulro 1st Nat liank _ _ M4 l Jy i 1 V-lOll 111 NT A 7HOOM Dl.TAl HIM ) HOUSB. lwltli liiwn Minile trce , bntli Iniindr ) , tie. I blocks Irom court hoiifo , refcrento reiiulrecl Dnvlcl JiniiliMili SIS'Itli . n-Klt HI'NT 10lt'lllibLMMiil : : 7 room houio. All conveulinci8 1 nnulro Ml Park iiveiiue M14U Jy S -ion iti.Nr TWO iiousns in AND m s ISthntriilcr > hnndv to business .Modern lonviidinccs I ) ' 1. Mount , 'lib 14lh si lid 1) I OH ItliNT A 1 Ult.MMini ) HOUSi : 'i block triini motor liWCorbyst. 20S . ) D-l-OIt HBVr , T IIOOM COITAdK. 25TII AND riiclatosts II. T Clarke , ft Hi. ind Cnsi , or I'J Ho anil o I 'Iracle 71 > l - on itnNr- IIOOM iiou-i : , MODKIIN IM D-i pro\ementj Corner loth and Iiocliio. Apply next door 01 I IIS fin num. bamiitl Hum * M. ' 7 a I'V-l'Oll HUNT 7 IIOOM lluUbi : COit fOrllAM ) l-\\ool ortli larlnir lliit'tcom park All modern Imp , J I. Mc.hol 3th and Lenvunnorlh l-k-2 NKAT COTTValC * . CITY WA'lIIll AND l-'lnwn , II4J No .7lh lluttlilnson Jt Wind l"U Doujjlus 44 3 D -1 Oil HKNT A MCi : IIOOM COT FAKB , 2'il2 l l > O.Millies. MJ04 tl 1 \ ' 1O UBNT KllU'MMBll MON'TH" , COT- I-'tnk'ont Collmnn 12 miles fromclt > , on the C . bt. I' , M A O 11 W , miirnliii/ . noon nnd evening Iralns bolh nays , house In coed londltlon , i acres of ground Irult tries and llrM class LoatliiK nnd bnthliiK facllllleH renl ( .1111 for term. Apli | > to b It Iliiili'JI'.i.N \ l.lfo linllilliiK- .M.J2.'i D IIOOM 1 LAT MODLIIN CONVKMK.NC1 > \\rlnlilA Liisbury , corner llth and Howard sis. M Tel li n-10ll ULNT 'I WO .NICK 1I11ICK IIOUbTS near Hnnsconi pirk , .Nos 1112 and 1144' oulh J.'ilKtnit Ju t soiilh of roppleton n\eniie 'Muse houses h uci i looms each with hnth fnrn ice , tplindldJirlck lull.ii.i ( U , nro on the Hanscom 1'nrk nml I'm Illc-tnet motor line ( iood neliili bcirliood , plcnsnnl und lienlthy locnllon Will rent fin f I'u h Ke > s nt my olllce Ciiortio N Hicks , room Oi.N \ Life bulldliiK , M4015 D-'OIl ' HUNT A SPLENDID VLA'l fi ItOOV. " . modern Imprmeiiicnts , 5 clothes cloi-cts nil In mod order , S.M DO per mo T C. llruner , room 1 , Uuru blocK ,15 ! I D-ONBfi IIOOM IIOUbB , $ IOOJ , 10-UOOM. $1800 Appl > .1)2 ) 1 1' erco stud Mil 0 7 * _ FOR RENT-FURNI3 JED ROOMS. 1-1 1 LiiMbimi i iooMTo ti N i \n AIA Juiodci ii conveniences 'Jl. Douulustrtut. . MC21 E-LA11OK IIOIUAIII.i : ROOM I Oil KB.NT , sultublo lorlwo. I''IJ ' Loilgost Uh ) _ "i-i'OUiii.Nr,3KUUNibiiii : : ) IIOOMS10 MAN .IJancl wife , no children , ro it taken In board .11'J North 17th si Mlb.i _ E-MC11 IIOOM , CONVIE.N'CKS.KW UAVBNPOKT 810 4- _ _ _ E-NlCLLYtUIt.NlbllUDHOOSlSAT 2IOJ DOUG Ins street M'JOJ ( , ' 171IIOOMS riitMSIIBI > toil IIOt'BLKK-l'- 1 Jlnt , all conveniences , Kood locitlon , SI'ilKJ. Ad dressCS I. lice M 107 3 -I-LUNISHKD 1 IIO.NT IIOOM WIIH ALCOYK. 'U47 Dodce .Ul I- ! -01 ' 111 I IIO.NT l-L'lt.NIbIliD : IIOOMS Tl3 1-iDodKO slreot 1U 4 * -Fl HNIbllHD IIOOMS KOll L1OI11' 11OU"B keepliiK , b 2lat slreot Jil J * 1 TIIHPL I'LKC.ANT IIOOMS. > . ( ) in'IIKUN B\ I ipoHiiro , prUulu fnniil ) . d slralilo locillt ) with 01 without lioard Addiuss C M , Hie tl. > b MCI ! 1 UltNlbllKD UllOMb AT 221 .N I'llll St. Jid ! loll III .NT MCni.Y M'HMsllBD UOOM * . , modern Improvements reasonnbloprlccs , pleas nut loi.illon No Jl.'fs llnrnej ttrti't .M.WJ . , I ? ! UIIMSIIKD HOOMs , ALL MejDKllN CO.N- 1 Jv enlenies also , I rooms furnished complete for liounikeiplnc. 114 b lull slnel Hut U. MJ.'I S iji Di stitAHLi : i uiiNisuini iiAsr utovr Ijroom Eullablu for iwo tcutlumcn , . ' 18 N ' 'lid Btreit MJI7U * EDI'slUAIII i : bUITi : ( OOL SOUTH IIOOMS with board , ItUJ Uilcij.o flrict MIM-S * E-NICKLV 1 I H.NIbllHIl COOL IIOOMS , ISJj Howard slnil , norlhcusl lurner Iblh Lawn around bulldlni ; -MWI 5 * 17 NICKI.Y HjHNISHii : ) HOOMa 811OUI1I J : ( Jth Btriit. MIOO i' -1 I HNlblini ) HOOMb , DAY HOAllD. m i Capllul iivinuo -MlO.i 4' FirRNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. If MCB UOOM AMI HOAllD 1 . ) Il L men one * half block fro.n motor , food , nlio home , , ISMi .Mh ot 'ill 1llACK I'AlllOll Oil IiAUtlB FIIO.VT ItOOll 1 with bay win low and lioarl for tno , fl'iOOpir muiilh bmaller room for two with board , flouo per month ; modirn loiivenlincea , elegantly fur * nlsheil , private ) fn ulK 5li North ' 'Ult. . 827 --Dl > IllAIILi : llllsr AND SBLONI ) HOOIl . couth rooms at 'Ihu I runicr , " III ! N. 25lh street. MUi'J ? -l I UMS11KI ) IIOOMS AT 'Illl ! HAMP1O.V ; board , references niinlred 2JI S illh. 701 HBsr IASIHIO.NT : noon IN CITY. 210 JHIIltll 'itllMI-UJt , _ Ml.'l l -tOH 11LNI' . 1 IIUMMIIII ) IIOOMS WI'IH 1 Ilrsl elass board , al Iho Ulopla , 17J1 Duxenporl ilreet 1W 4' TT'-HIltMKHBD UOOM WITH HOAllD 2HI bl. -t\Mar > Biive 2t > i 6t 1-1 I'llMbllKl ) HOOM8 AND DAI HOAltO 1717 Chlcauo Bt M. 1 | J < -TWO DKSIIIAIILB 1100Mb WII'H IIOAIID , -I 67u Harney su ail J 1 MCP.l.Y 1UHM8HKD IIOOMS. WITH OH vvltlioul board , Urius rensonablu 007 N . * 0th st M Ift- FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. G-Mllt UKNT , 4 UM'UUMSHKD HOOMS bUU' ublo for homekoeplnu I7J2 Webster iilruot. fit G-Hll HUNT , DM I IIN1SHKD APAHIMICN Ib forllKlit liousekecplnic Ka nnd bath V5I8 DOUK Ins street HUM G" -J-lllllKB UNhUUMbllKD IIOO.M8 'JO HUNT J IbU Uodcost. sioi * /-J-rilONTAM HACK IIOOMS , AL'O LIYKHY VJbarn Inlruhanto Inijulro U.'J gliorman n > e. MfM J BOAuDINQ. n-PULLMAN llODali : | ) | ) | ) O(1 ! KOll OOOI ) board nlci rooim , oo ivunlonoM , ) and looa tlon Itiaunut booxojllod Mr Horn , prop 478-Jy V FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. T H > U HUM' , r-iVllJ ( biOHY . J- -'JHI I artiain m. 'Iho bulldliiu has u tlruproof 10 munt buieuienl , lomplito Hi'iiiiihcailnt ; tlxturesi wni.irun nil Ihu lloors , isnt , etc. Apply ul the otllco of ' 1 ho lleo. _ vi8 1-tOll HUNT , B1'OUK''J.\W , 1118 JACKbON. 221 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. I-11IK "LiriLB 41BM hrAIILBS" AT 1718 Com > lnel Is now opt-n und ollcll llio board und euro of uenllemun' . tunililcrs and family Inn Kin. Cu.tumur * putronltlni : this stablct may rely upon prompt ttiumllon and leiurlnit for Ihelr IIUTKIO and cnrrlatfuj thu very hlt.livil ila of care uud Uualminl , M Uj WANTED..TO RENT. _ -A iSNTJ.BMAN WlVrr IHS Wim AND liter , well connected , dcilre to ipcuru it mltu of tbroe furnlilii'd or partly furnlilu-d rooiun and bum a lu vvvd ( ituiilr , AtldtiM Lock Hoi WANTED-TO RENT. K2OmUNHlIlMPHil : > UOOM , SUITAIIMKOH : llRhl housekeeplnir , would prefer bedroom furnished tlenllimnn nnd wife Address 001 lleo -Ol.DfST , CHBAPI'sT AND HBST S1OIIAOB M hou o Inlhocllyllllnms A. Cross , IZllllurnny -fU , _ _ WANTED-TO BUY. HI : iiotNiiir , sow ) , \\t-ll , 1111 l-nrnamst roil sl.UlIIM. SKHVIUKI AN ni.'i nunliist cltr count ) ' , cnrporntlon , Incll vlilnnls houitlit or nclvnncecl on. W Ik DiivK U 20 , Cimllncnlnl lllock MtM _ _ \r DO.N'l ' ftl.I. KUIINITUUK UN III. YOU 1KB 1 ' Onmlin ppond llnncl Kurnlturo Co HlKhest | irce | i ilcl Kit N loth M'tl JI7 * _ ATAsII I'AID IOII rillsr-CIjA'-S OKOCKHV .M Btockj lnr o or mnnll All coinimnilcntlons Ptrlctlrronllilcnllnl CO I ) llrown , Onmlin , fcoiith Omnhn nnd Council HlllIIs bit ) Vmi ! "OMAHA LOAN A. THUS r COMPANY 1 > < -a\liiK Hank pii ) s the hlithest prlco for lioth count } nml city nnrrnnts. llrown block , lijth nnd lloii.lnii | Mill i ) IIAUNK S AM ) CAKIIIAIIBl MINT bo llrst clnss , cheap nnd snfo for Incl } . Address C W. Hce 170 _ TVT WAMKI ) SKCONl ) HANI ) S UOHSi : I'OWKH 1 > nprluht enulnc nnd holler comhlned 62U llrimcl iicoiintll lllults MUM. I AT HMC on TKN Arum WITH 1 ' ImproMiiicnt * . , within Hro miles of tlio post cillli'i' AclilresH 1) 1 , lieu _ .M I 6' FOR SALE-FURNITUKE. " Toir Ai r A 1.6 V oV N i , Vv noAuriso lioime furniture , used only n fu months , xery tlieip lnrulro | Itooin "Ml , lloird Trnd" M7 i ou SAM ; mi. AP. 0. lileto 10 room lurnl hed house imiel In ; Mild nt onie Omaha Murtmiiii * I onn Co Itueini 11 , Crcluh ton bloek l.'ith slreeU soulh of iioslolllcu .M ' . ' 71 -1 Oil SAI.M , ICi : 1IO.\ , I'.UI N. 30T11 bT. 01 341 8' -NHIILV tl'IIS'lsiini ) ILAT OK il IIOOMS , full of roomers centrally IciiiUd , ihenp for cash , muil leivu ilU , iheaii lenl Addreis C Iw. Hue % I I' FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. I for $15 00 II i : Cole , Continental block . "p-VKUY MNK. STYI.1MIYOl'.SCl DHIVINO J. horse iniisl be sold ul once , weight about 1.150 In 'Ihos F Hull. Mi 1'jxton block ' 171 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. " ' "IOU'SAM : . OM : nii.i.iAUi ) AND ONI : TOOL tnblo , llrnnsnkk llulko make almost new In cpilre of Oiiind hotel , Council 1 Hulls ' . ' . ' 7 Q I OU hAI.P , 25 IIBA1) F11BSI1 MILCH Dr. JclRrls , 7th nnd Crnco street .M14I J * SI'.COMJ H AND llICYChK toil SAI.ISCIIKAP. lluciikk. | Address C 44 lleo 20J i' Mill SAM' , A HtBsH COW AM ) CAI.K. 1N- qiilrunlSUIl CharlcH it , dIO 4 * Q . i Jiu. : > iv : cow , VM IIAII- ney utritt M . (71 5 * / " \ lOltbAhi : , A HNi : I.11THH OP SI1 1IEH Wmrd ( nipple * from Iho noted Mich Incl ) lto\ nun , formerl ) owned liy C W Cunllcld Umnlin , Nc.'h , sired by Victor. lack 'Ihebo nro Hue ns silk. Kir pnrtlciilnrs ncldruts Maple Leaf Kunni.1 , bin more , III J74 J * l-OIl SAI.B-ONB HOYS SADDI.i : AND ONI3 Q ! slilesnddle 911 boulh 2Ulli slrecl .iSIJ * QCHBAP , 'i-YFAIl OLD AND 1 YKAULING : Jersey Address or cill 1411 Mnton. M M U CLAIRVOYANTS. ll > - NA.VMB V WAllllKN , CLAlll % OYAN r , able business medium , llfth year at 1U .N 2.3 O MADAMB HUI7 , IIJO < UMI.Nd , k-'cl ilrvoynnl nnd trmio medium : Indcpendont voices , tells past and future. MJUO JIJ' C AlllllVAL KXTltAOUDINAItY , WONDKIll UL Or3\el itlons Chilli 'nitus the world Mrs Dr M LiKrive , dead trance clnlrvo > ant , astrolotflst , [ alrnln nnd Illu render , lells rourllfo from tbo c radio to cr we , unites thu separated , causes nmr rl.iire with the ono > ou love , lulls where > ou will succeed and In what business best adapted for , has the c elebnted I'u ) pllan breastplate for luck and to dra'r > bid InttucnLi's cures Ills , Intemperance uril nil prliite complnlnls with mnssiixe bnlh nnd nlcoh'jl Ircatmont bend tl 0 } , lock of hair , nuniu and dnto of birth and recelvo accurate ; life clmrt , Scents In stamps for circular : itlvu Initials of ono .MIII will mnr-y , also photos of same. Olllco 417 outh llth street , upstairs , hours , .lit in toJ p m Como one como nil , uud bo convinced of this wonderful oracle M , ) i7 4' MASS _ E , ATHS"ETC. " -M Abb AJ K TIIKATM ENT , KM'CTUO TIIKU- mal b ilhs scalp and hair treatment , mnnlcuro and chiropodist -Mrs 1'osl , J19 S IJlhithncll blk 22U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'P-MADAMK bMlTII 1121 DOUOL SFKISKT , J room 7 , Jd lloor. Alcohol , sulphur nnd sea baths _ MJtl 8' -H AND 1UJSMAN IIATHS : LADIKS J daj s'l lies lays and 1 rlilays , 8 lo 1 ; under bar- mini btreet theutur. MWJ Jyll * 'P-MADAMi : LA HUB , MAbSACIC , 418 SOUTH J I Mil street , tint 4 , 3d Hour. Milt i * 'P-MADAM bTOWi : , MASbHUbi : ELUCrillClAN. A 31)20 ) Pratt hire ot M Ui S * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. \r-c K ( , KILKN1IKIC. IIANJO 'IBACIIhlt , ' wllh Hosjie , or SIS N 18th st. llj \-llKKIIti : 1IUY1.NC A 1'IA.NO I5XAM1M- : HI now hCtleKlmballpUno A. Hospo , 151.1 Doiiulns. 2JJ MONEY'1O LOAN-REAL ESTATE. Ay ItBAIj l.-TATrt L'JAN > , li ' 1O 7 PBUCKNT ' ' no additional c'lnrsm ' toreo nniUslon or nttor- ne } H lies W 11 Melkle , Kirjt .V illoual Dank bld bld.Ml .Ml \v 7-MOXBY ' ! < ) LOAN ON IMPilOVBI ) CITV propeity , low rate AC Frost , Djnjjlns blk 21. \\7--CBNTUAI. LOAN i'lUUarcO , 11I5U 1IMU 2J T C. P 11AKIU-ON , Ul' N Y Mil : 231 \\r-MOVI5VTJ I/JAN ON IMIMOVBI ) Oil UN ' Improved J n t'l > prjpjrly at In v cit raluu on Miort niitlcj Cialion h in 1 I IdJlltj Irustciini pan ) , loll rurn uu ulrecl , VJi \\r-OMAII V SA 'I.N'.S ( HVNK MAKiIS I.OAVh " nn real estate at lovvesl mir el ralex I.uaiiK inado lu smalt or Inr o HIIIIIJ und for xliort or lonu tlnii' No c.ommlnKlo'1 la ch ir.'fd , an I llio lo in B aru not Hold In the east lint ean alwiya bu toun 1 ut the binkon thuiorneroC IJlh nnd Douglas ntri'cl \\T-7 1'BH CBN T MON'KV VI5T TO IIOIlllOW ' ern on Omahiclt ) properly No uxlri churuou of any kind. Wh > nay hluli rates'.Moncj lucheup \ < in inn Kit full benulll ( if low rules Irom dlobo I onn null ' 1 runt Co , K.lli and llodne 213 \\r-AM'HOVVI.OAN ANDTIlUHl' CO..118 N. V 'i l.llu , lends nt low rites for rholca Becuilt ) on Nebraska or low.1 farmsor Ouiuha city property propertyun un ArLOANb. . . U WALLACK , , ) U 1IIIOWN 11LK ' 211 _ _ \\T LOANS ON IMPHOVCDAND UNIMPltOVKD > > clt ) priinortllKignnilupwurclst.te > 8 porient. Nodelays W riinm u dmllhXCo , l5lh und llarnoy. ir-PHlVATIC lbTA.ND2DM01t'IACH I loans , lew ratou. Alex Moore , 401 lleo bulhllnx. 211 A\r-io.N'r ) poiioiir THAT vfr. AIIH .MAKING < > Ion rates on Imprnvod and unimproved lemm on Omahn property. No delaj nnd ull business Iraneailed ul this oniio. Mdolity 'Irusl Coiiipnny , 11)14 ) Parnam Htrei-t , i5 ! \V WAN rill ) AT O.N'CH. APPLICATIONS I Oil 'i loans of tl 000 and upwuril un buslnom , roil denioor farm propeirllut. U J.Paul , lojirnrnini \\r-WUITK THIS HKCUIIITV AIISTHACl' AND 'l InvestmonlCo of llrokon How , Neb , rt'Kard liiKlhclr novel plan of farm Investmenu AkrU W P COATKH , CITVil'AHMH , 1114 PAH. 1115 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. X P-IF YOU WANT MONIIY ON VUIINT1I1UI5 , PIANOS. HOHSKS , WAIJONH , , , , CAM , AT 'IHU OH.JCI ! OK OMAHA MOItrij Vllrt IAAN ) CO. AND RICr 'IKllMti 111. I OUK DKAM.NO II.SKWHKIII < : . Loans made In amoiinls from ilo lo fioouo al Ihe lowest rates on very shorlnotlio Kltlioul puhllcl ty , ami with tliu privllivo of keuplnx your Koudi In your own lossesslon. lou can pay Iho money back In any amounts you wlull mid at any tlmu , and unih payumil BO nmilo will ml IHU Ihuouilnf Iho loan In proportion 'Iheru | ll bo no O\PIIIIBO or ibnr.o kopl oul of llio Hiiiounl wiinti d , bill you will receive lliu full amount of the loan OMAHA MOItl'liACli : LOAN CO , Itiiom 11 Creluhton Hlork , Uth M , , foiith of Potlollleo , Iho only Ini'irpurutid loun company In Ouiuha x.MO.N'KY ' 10 IAAN KIDKLII'Y LOAN HUAUANTKK CO. On liuuieliold Koodi , plunos , urnnnt. horin , luules , vrnuont , ele , ul lliu lonunl poxlblu rules wllhuul publlilty , roiuoralof property or ihuniiu of po n nlon. Punimnu of any amount can bo made nl any time , reuliiilnit both principal uud Interiit , tliu l.lvlnu patruiiB all the bi'iiulli. of lliu purllul pay went plun. Money ulwayii on liandl nodeilajij no iiubllclty : lo c t rulesi buslncs * coiilldunllul HDKLin 1XJAN lilJAKANTUKCO. il t \ \ llhuvll LU. , litli and Uuruvjr. 215 MONEY TO jf.fAN-CHATILK3. [ /ifllllllllCCl. V WIMi LOAN MOKP.V ON ANY KIND OK -V security , strlcllyVelnlldentlnl A K. HAIHll.s. room 1 Continental block S4'i ' V-l'imCHAllD,5l DOUGLAS III.K. 1C 4 , DODOi : fV .j 247 - \OUWA.NTAClHrrr.L LO\N Slji : WIlDnVIs , roomvo Contlnenlnl block 213 V CIIATI'KL LO.VN'rt MADE ON' UntSITt'ltn , Vplniio llvcstocXjen without publicity or ro movnl iiroperly nt life' I w < it rnles and Iho enslest pniiionl < Diitlllrccln , ooius 8 and U llnrkcr block 24J V $ lt ) , f."i , $ i1JIW AN'VSUM TOLOAN ON'PI'll vnlluro hurfo < , or nny need securllj , lowesl talis Nibrnskn Loan Co , nib Douiilns si 2MI BUSINESS CHANCES. y POH 4\IK , COMPLIITH I CHA1H IIAHIIKII shop v lll sell t'lo vholo or In scls , VOJ alh' street , at clitar store 1I.7-P -roit SAM : on TIIADI : , ONI : OP i HI : HINT nnd clennest Rcncral stocks of radse In No brasknN 111 tnkc one half In clear Nebraska lr.mli , bnlanco cash or Kilt edge nulc H Chnuiberlln , Konrney Neb ll > ' 17 V KOll hAliK. CI1KAP toil CASH , SALOON Land bonrdlnit house wllh complete llxtures lift locution clood reasons for selllnu Address 4J42 , lleo. _ _ _ - bTOHK IN A CUiOl ) LOCATION IN - the clly. with well established business Ad drc < < C bl , lice olllce 8 8' _ Y'-rOltSALIt. ' 1111. 1 , Altl ) HALL. TWO IIII.LAUI ) , Ino pool tables all lixlures llenl low Price , fiOO Write A Clement" , Ited Oak. Iowa MiU ) 4 * V 1OK S-ALK. Plltsr CIS IIAKKHV , CiOODS I In slore , horse and naioii' , brick hulldlnif on Main street bo'llnelt ) n so meat niniket. None better Cash or time vvlth sicurlt ) , I ) , a Inulmm , KearneNeb . ! . ) " > I V i-oit SAM : . DUUC. STOCK AND n.\iuitis : , 1 for cash nnd triulu llupklns , , lli N ISth vt YM IA r MAIHVP.T , INCLUDIMI SAUSAHI : tools , horse and HIIIII doliUKOocl business , tor sulu ut a bnrinln It will pa > jou to Investl ftnte Address C 67 , lli'o 1MS 7 4 * . . . . . . . - - - - - . . r/-CLiA.N : SIOCK Ol ( .n.NKUAL M'tlbK. WILL /Jlakerenl islnle.V money Hox2'J3 , Frankforl nd rAAIUAIIM : COHNII : ; i.or o.vs 11111 sr /Jfor suburban properl > A valuable cqull ) In lol for peed horse , balance vcryeas ) lerms Udellly Urust Co , lid 4 turiiiim 2 > tl / l OH SAI.H Oil K\CHAM K PIiANI.NO /-Jmlll , isili and Mnion streoH , Om.ilia John AL bhcelo ) . Ibtli und Mason slreou MMt j ) 11 * IAN KLKCANT ItOMB IN HASIINliS , LOT /Jll.'xll. ' , on ll-vktlnm Menu" , for Omaha prop e'rt ) . a BII in for u Hastings man. Fidelity 'Jrnst Co , 11.14 f amain .MUI4 ,1y7 _ y nm i\ciiA.scii : : , ncAinirUL MODHHN AJresldenco , ivvo lols , nice barn on molor line , lor bu sine KB residence propcrt j. Whul IinAUjou' P. 0 lluxilli , Oiniilin 17i 4 y-i HAVI : CAH AND UIAL : I : TATK TO /Jlindc for merchandise. Lock buxlil , Pnpllllon , Neb IfcliJ * y I OH SALK Oil KNCHANOK hOll A 81OCK " of cenoral incrchaiidlso. lown leitt In Punier , Neb. the boomlUK coiinly Boalof 'lliurslon Co Address T. P. lllaik. Ovcrlon , Neb 2U7 5 _ V VALUA1U.K HORtDA LANDS. CLUAlt , PKIt" /Jfect title ; nanl $4 OKI In merchnndlie or clear renl islnlo. Address llox 4'U ' , Cenlrnl city. Nub MZl 7 J * rWANTKD , 0 Oil 7 UOOM IIOUS'I ' INblDI ! OF /Jlwo mile line In exchange for 1 1 1 , aero lot near Institute , with tine Improvements Will double In value Inside of 5 yiars. Mdollly Trusl Co . Ild I 1'iirnain. MiyU J7 _ _ 7-1-011 KXCHANCK. A PINK .IJO ACHK FAitM IN /-Jt-ndth count ) , Knnias , cleir , well ImproM'd , nnd occiiplid b ) a ( .oiicl tenant at n cash reiilnl Will lake Omnhn betith Omnhn or Council lllulTs prop crt > bubmltoltcrB , Udellty 'JruslCo , Aiit lidl 1 nrnniii .Mill 7 y LANDb INOltK AND DAW-'ON COUNTlKfc , /-.Nubrnxka , to trade for a Mnnll stock of dr > KOdila erienl merihandlso. Address C " > i. lieu olllco. MIOI b' _ Z CLIAU : LOT roil noit i : AND nuoi.v OH phaeton Address C 61 , Hoc M I0.t J * _ HITMNINH PHOPrfiirVHl'.NIINC. l-Oll 510 00 /'per month for desirable Oai.iha ri'hldenco prop ert } . Amed , 15J7 1 arniitn strict MJJO 6 * y-$2fwo STOCK 01 CKNLIIAL MiiicnAMibK /Jtu exilian o for cmh and laud llox 65 Illtio 1-prliiKS. Neb -MJiiO 7 r/-Pcll i\CHA.Nin. : A SPLUVDID MOU1II.NO A/mill well located In lantern Nibrnskn for yood land In Nebra ka ur California property Ames Heal Lstnle Agency , 1W7 rnrhnui .MilM 5 V OWNKIl WILL HXClANtK COHNKIUIIllNO- Jlny KOod renlal and vvtlhln four blooks of tar * nam nnd 20th. nnd cash , fur ilean stock ofolothlng orl dry Keiods of flSOWCto $25000. Owners nKcntB nicd lorresnoud Cl > 3 , care lice olllco MUI 5 y JOH KXCIIANOB , $2000030 WOHTI1 OF A/Omaha Improved and unlmprovod property rank'lnK from $1,000 to S.UI.WJJ. for land K. t. ItlnRcr , l&l'J rarnnm. M IV" 8' FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. II ICK8 , UB.VU ESrA'IB 11AIIC.A1.NS. fflxlOO near Hnnscom park . J 300000 lIKJxIOO corner Hat and I'acltlc . T.iUOUO ( jtxir. corner JUth und Pacllle . 1UUUUUO 01x151 , 1 , owe avenue and Jackbon . 6.rVJOOO fflxlUO , 1'ailtlc near JIsl . 4UOUUU 8 room house near Hanacom park . R.SOOCO Urooin hmipe cleinlly ( llnlihed , 3210 Pop pleton uviniiu . 7IK ) 00 S room modern housu , .I.1JJ Popplcton nve nuo . 700000 li room brick cottiiKe , neir HlKli "chool . M lOOOJ S room cottage , deorxla uviniiu mar park 4,60000 5 acren close to belt rallnaj . 200000 lOairi'H wlllicoltin.'O , near clly . 5VXJOO lOncres vUll idut Into 4f lols . I UOJoO .0 aim 4H miles from louit house . 700000 4lacre ( tlnuHt tract around clly . IS 000 00 K ) acres 6 miles from poslolllce . li > ,00000 TrnckiiKO properly 1 . ' 0) ) feel by 280 . I.1 00000 'iiackufo lot , UiXllO.Ulh slrect . . . .I'lfOiOO llltkn , , ) Oj.N. V Jli. 4 llAllliAIN It AVi : A ( OOll'-I/KDI.or AIIOUT .110 li'et from feherniaii aM'.ll inlniiteH walk iriiln pobtotlae bplc'iidld nelKhborhoodlll linllil to null cubtoini r cm i a > ternm II will pay > uu In Invi'stlt-'iitii thin ollt'r A C I runt , room . ' . ) , DoiiKhis block , llith and Doclijo Bis 757 ACATBl I'K PI.ACi : VOlTMtJST bKK THIS jiropcrty to upprrilnto It , luo IICIIIICH for nle at bark'nln CalllortirniH etc , Hilcllty 'Irus t Com pan ) , loll tarnain Htrecl - ANPIMCK$7r , fl.jiU UP : 1. LMIH ) tcriim , take clear propc rty iis llmtpumenl. (1. ( j Wnllaic , Ilrovvn block , lUli und Douulaa. 2M IAHCA1.NS IN HUAUrilUL HOMLS NO. a. > 03 POPPLKTON AVIC. New nml meilern built house. Just complili'd , nil rendy lor eec upnncy. bplendldly furnished ihruii.huul All latest cuiiviiilinces , electric bells , speaklne tubes iii'tant : hath , stntlonnry marble wauli ttundi I'lirniuc , brlok eellnr ele. Cull and obtnln prleo NO 1I.MO POITLI.'ION AVi : . New modern eliihl room lioiivc. Biibstanllally built by day labor throiiKlioiit All lonvenlenees , splendid neighborhood Close lo motor line with pn\id ulreeln , elo. Call nnd obtain price. NO. Al\n \ POPPLKION AVI ! . Kk't-'ant collude with soulh front lot. All modern Improvements , Iniludliu bath , hot and cold water , stationary inurblj wash- Knrnaco. brick e ellar , etc. Call and obtain price NICK L11TLU COITAOK AND LOT Only four hluck wurl of hlvli school. Wllhln convenient vrnlklnKdlstaniuof lliiklness portion of illy , M 500. Cleo N Ulck * , hO'i N. Y. Life M 403-5 I/nu HAM11111 IIAUUAI.N IN OIIUIIAUII iin.i. -L'lol , will Inku KoodiUorse as Ilrnt uayiuenl , bal > nnce niunthly iiayineiitB , Wo will fell ) oir'n'lol dirt cheap nnd furnish money to build > ou homo on monthly pnymuiu ; neveral localloliB v. We lll build yon a coUauc lo null on monthly piitincnla ; imall pafitichl down ' 1 wo now A room cotUii.O' * In Klrkvvood , ono block from inr line , cheap 0 | . monthly paymenta llarKidn In clear lol In Walnut Hill only f 1.100 00. llarciln In clear let In On hard Hill , only tlliUOO lluriialii In cli ar loLn | Creliiblon HidKlit > , tHXJUO , llnrvaln In u beniitlfiil homo In Lafayette I'lme , the Uncut H'Mili'iue tcitace In Omaha , cvcryuno ad- mlla It. IIB Bhoif ll/you lor lerniB pikes , 'ele. , call on 1'ldellty 'Irimt Co , HMI rnrnum trcu. 2U Ifttll HAI.r , NOS.'jW ? ANI > 4101 I < AKAKTI'K J live In Infn > eity Place , new Kroom dwtdlln u , vvllh bath Kan , ite , cU'i-irlc KanllKlitlnif and every other modc'rn Improyimenl , line Inwn , troen nncl niininnillnK ono bloi k from electric curn 'Ihenu t o hoiiM'ii will ho aiild ut u blK burKuln , will taku lot nn purl puymonli lei u > hhiiw you the properly lid fill ) 'Irunl comjiuii ) , Kill t'arnumut , 2U 170U HAI.B AT A 1IA1IUAIN , i.Ol' IS. 1II.OCK . 1 W U M'lhy's Klrtt uddlllon looulli ! tiiunhu ; mull pnyment ilown , Imlnniu monthly If ileilrcd. Imjulroci 11 TtEChucK Oinahu Hie , .WI allBAU'lIKHIiHOMKS UI'IMj Mill HA 1.1' . IN iJifn ) i ltd place. Veil will iiMko u mUtlkj If you buy without n ilnK IK ubout llmiiti liomui llunl furUUJunit tlU.IVpi > r iiiuntU HiioH liivintmuiH lu Ihu illy. Vli Jy a ACKV'ri ADIirilllN-HINK U)18 NUAH.MOIOII jllne lAIJi'aili ; ) i u.nli. bill ! , I tl. , 7 pjr cent , KutliliMivuluU within i ) ( uillo of poitollloj ; MUiakli , lal loiu limit ut 7 percent Unu lol nllli ilxToom lOtUKci nt .1Mb und Hurt trict . 1'rlco. l..oOl : J.iXI ci h , bal. nmy. Potter & ( iitorKo Co , H. W , cor. lotli iind Karn tin. Mill ) rl KIM' M AC1U5 IXJf IN IIK.NBON Al ) . ) , A lo motor , only IK'J ; vuny payuionu I'ldillly 'IriulCo , 1014 turimui , HUU Jyl I.MNKI.V IMPIIOVKI ) KAIIM8 MII.KH HIOM P. O 1 Will null ri'J or HU ncrui very low Wrlvhl * Lnnbury , IItil und llnwunt. M.'iU BIO IIAKC.AIN , 1-111,1. 1.01'ON 32MI AVK.NUK belween lloilue and Duvinport ttueti , In Iho ImuiiillBlo Tlclnlty of IUB lluu t riilduico * or the city for only UWJ , Mjitb.ll.wg. llilillty 'Iru.t Co. HII turouiu UricU Ul FOK SALE-REAL ESTATE. BA1IC1AIN8 IN ACIti : PIIOPI.H1V SncroKCliKclnbell lino. MIW jOntrcs "outhwesl of cltr > S 'iDO 10 acre clo c lo Hell railway , Wrsl Omnnni will pint Into M nice IiiU , owner will taVe mnall collaKO or vacant risldenco or farm a * | iirt payuienl prlco SO ncres clef o to rlty , tll.OOO 40 acru close to Hell line , will pint Into WO colco lou | irsiioii 6 acre < \Ve l Omalm only K. < W 10 acrc c lo o In licit railway , $1 'OJ SO ncre < < idc'iianl trnct only f 10 OOJ , l < l nirea We t Onialia. oil ! ) $2JT'iO , 40 aere < near new fair tirounds nnd only 44 mllei from ponoltlce , HI , < XiU 40acri' WcMOniiihiionly JIOOJO ISXJiicni live lulled from posUilllcc , 53JOW. , Jon SAI.B on i\niANni : : . flicre rlosc loOmnln. Will nlnt Into 100 lolii price , J410UU one fourth cn h bnlnneeto nil or will Inko one lldrd or possibly one half In k'iod farm or ninth IIAIKJAINS-SOUTH OMAHA , A choice trnclof PO acre * nl Omaha N oh . less llian live mllcKlrom tlu > | tu < tnniiu and liliilnox lurtlon of iheell ) iitlio f 13 UW 00 one fourth cash , halnnce to mil or will take one third or po slbly one half In Improved propcrl ) . Thin H ono of Iho lineal tracts nt ncrci property nroundomiilin.idliinlcd onn beniitlfiil vlcrnllon cotninandliiKaiiiaKiilHceiil view of thedt ) and lot nted directly In Hie way of the ftiluroKrovvlhof Oimha , II U abvilutell icr- Inln In i-nhnnco ver > rapidly In valiio nllhlii Ihe neM fe } car lln bien In the hnndn of llio pren cut cwners for over twenty } enrs lhe > nro nol able lo tarr > II In Hit prenenl unproductive shnpo any hinni'r , and will M > | | nr iciiisldernn exchniiKO for InipioMMl , IniumeliinrlnK property Address ( eorn'N llliks , I0j N V l.lfo lIulldliiK , Omaha , Neb. MIOI5 Ij'Oll SAl.K , iiKIANT : Mw ; HOI'Si : JUS I * lielnuiompleted In Hanscom Place all modern lmpiovemeiit ( all and net prke and lermi Hliki , 103 .N V l.lfo biilldlntf M40I 6 ij'ou ' SAM : IDJ-J NKHUAMCA , KV.N VM AND 1oiith linkola farms for iinluur exihnniie from fi-00 lo ta OOJ i ; r Hlniicr , 1M1 > I nrnniii .Ml'ijlg * A N ITMM OP LNTHHKST. ' V'llip trend of Intcrcxl ratcn l do nward The average rate of Interest realized on United Mules Kovernmenl bonds In thu month of.laiiiiiir ) , IfcTO , wnt4 Hi per lent In Jnninir ) , lt > su II was < .i5 "IT pent and In January , ItW , It nai OT percent 'Ihe deminclHcif the In o silver advocates and of tlio Mill-treasury people will ri'iult III n fnrlher do illne In llio Inlero'l beirliiK power cif money , nnd time. Mart , hence moniy vvisl of the .Ml uurl rlMrinn buhad nt 6 perient , and live ) unri liciico 4 per cent , Here nro InvcMmonls lltiil lll pa > 5011 S per cent net lur nlnil ) nlnu years , Biiurlty itood as Kovirn menl bonds \\o will sell 5011 nlol on I arnani street , 44\I12 fell to an ulles , on which Is c ruled n line brick biilhllni ; worth i'2J OUO 'I ho price ol the lol Is ri7.i > OI ) \\evvlll lakeu lease of llio lol nml paj nn renl fSSO PIT nnn urn und imeiiino nnd pn > all taxes of every kind for the n hole period of the lease Acaln,2.\ltj feel In Ihu hoarl of builnoK' , pilco flT.wx ) . Inipiovc'iiii'iils suhnlnnllall } sumoiisubovo and will l ike le.iso on piuni- terms Another tine hnrnim itreel property , well I in ' providnnd pn > liiK" per eenl nit , on price , til ) UOO 'JlilaliiiKiintniiilirrimlnKliruiicrt } \\lll take a liood Omaha residence ns purl pn > menl , some insh , balance loiinllmc Al \AMiKlt l Moonr , 401 lleo HldT Itial Kstnlo , Loans and Inv e * > t nenls .M II J 4 r$10000 bToi ic MUSI : , SPLUNDIO i / Kood Ion n , half cnsh , bill KOOd land or Im pro\ed properly Ki VX ) Block hurdwaro for Improved farm nnd lash llrlc k business hlk In Rood town , f21COO mortir , $ " , V)0 ) , renlBf OJO , for inojeru residence . orb parl of clly. IM ueriB In Horlila. M ) ncres planted to oranijo and lemon irees , farm Implemenls , etc , price , $7'il,0. clear : will Iriulo forOniahii or nn > Koodlown propcrt ) ' 1 his IB vvorlh Invemlnntlni : 470 acres In Joe'llaUs Co . Ill , hluhlj Improved , ilear , price $10 00 per acre , for Omaha business or residence properly. 4SOuire mock farm near rranklln , Neh , well Improved - proved , 1W tattle 41. horses , farm Implement * , for stock incite K I. HlnKcr , 1MU Inrnum SISVI 8 * QOUT11 OMAHA ACltlCS Oil acres tj mile wcxt. $12 3 211 ncres 1 < mile nouthcnsl , $11 OOJ 8 acns J , mllusoutheual , already plillod Into 40 lots , ilO.MJO fi acres Z miles Koulh f I WO 6 acres S mils southttesl vvllh small house , JI-iOO 60 ncres 14 miles soulhwesl In 5 or 10 aero Irucls , { 4JO per ne re 1 iicrca at n bargain Tall for price. 'Jornn. 14 i tilt halaiH'J In f nit ietler ; \ lieorKC Co . loth and I'arnam Ms MIITi 1 l > uv Aciti : PIIOPIU'I\ : : > ror'inK cii\ . J > Now Is Ihe lime to Invest ! ' 1 he bulldlni ; of the Nebraska Central railroad. the new parks and boulevnrds will mikcoutalde acres ver > * Unable. I lanotlira fort ) ncro tracl nt } COO per aero that. with the rnidd cronth of Omaha , ean be plnlte-il Into . ' 00 n'co lots nnd sold nt from J190 lo M > UO per lot within the next few ji.ars Heiirt > out the prorlt oiinnlnveftmenl of lids kind , Hie snfcsl and surcsl on Die market todaj Here are n few liarKiilm I offer : 80xl' , corner 21th nud C , $1 IJO. OOxl W , near 24th and I ) , $ J,000 tXJitlW , corner 5 ilh and II , t.,400. HOUbUS AND LOTb toil SALI5 In all partH of the clly Klcpant noiv inodcrn- bulll restdencoB near Han < .cum park Also niter hlK bargahiB In West Knd and Weil Omalia uddl liens. FOIl HUNT. Several nice houses In Ilanscom Place ( ShO N. HICKS. 505 Xen York l.lfo llulldlnir J140 1 5 _ ONTIII.Y PAV.MBN'I , ( I IIOUSKS IN POKT- landPlaec $ > 00 under prko , see Ihoni , also 1X1 ] ot $ > UO to $60 1 cheaper than udjolnliiK lots. K P. ItliiKCr , ISIS tiirnam Mi'U 8 * 'TO IlKAIj Kil'ATB OWNKIts , IP VUU HAVE - Ire ldence. bunlncu or nire propoity to oiler at Imrualns ll l wllh K. K Itlnt-er , 15UI tnrnnm. \\TK 8TII.I , HAVi : CUSIOMHJIIS KOll IIOtlriKH , ' $1 WOlo $10000 , all parts clly , K C eur\ln.V Co , 2J8 tlieely block. .M87T 4 M : , CHOICI. ACIIR PIIOPHHTV. CHAS. M. Powir , room . ' 1 1 , Chamber of Commerce TKAlTIKtJU ) CI.KNWOOD IlKKiH'lS IS 'IHi : I'slKhtlcst propeitj In OmaliR. On motor line Mirroundid h > ik aiil homei. Kood sihooM and ihnrilicx. Iciti MixH- till from (40JVOIO fOOOO \\rlKht X l.asbury , loih und lluvvnrd slrccts a , . MI02 l\r. : OKI' Kit hUVHHAI. HAIK.AI.Nb IN WI'.I I , ' ' locntid hoiin'snii easy pn ) uients K C Car Mn A Co SOSSheely block. -Mini IOCO ) Hl'fl.NPSS HHICK III.OCK INilD.C. Wlll , $ sell bo renlal nelB 10 per ceul If dn 10 al once. Cliar 'lake parl Irado A. K lllley , room 40 , Ilarkcr block M i % 5' FOR BENT-PASTURES. ' JHHHS AND CATl'IdJ PASI'lIlli : ! ) AT SUJCK "arm llclleviie. II T Clarke , Jli ) Hoard of Irade Omaha 7 _ IMblUUlMOll CAriI.iXHOHbid : T MLIIlllAV VAMKIHOIt hd TO PASrUlltC , OALLii : > I for und delivered O. A. Llndquuit Slob Pith JASTUllACJK PJIt IIOIHK5 "COl.Ti , CATTI.K. I 200 ncros | i * turu , bam room ei o ot Btorm My tiirni riinili ls ono mlle Irom Jlth street motor car BOiilh ou ( .lluiore ) road. 1 crtll nnd deliver Address me. J II. Hrusti , P. O. box 111. simtli Omaha. > U < J Jyl4 _ A8 1 UIli : tOIl CAT1 Li : A. IIOHSUS. T. .M UIIHAV P tiiO LOST. TOST IIAV MAUK , B VI-AHS Oll ) , WKICHT -LiUI Ibs , had lealher halter on , 4 white feet , while pol In forehead , bunch on rU'ht hind ankle. Ilo warcU'lven Under at .No. i440 J-mmill gl.o Puxton blk , ON OllCHAItli HIM. . A IIKDI-OIII ) COIll ) LOhT , inodeiolorolfit collar , satin lined , nunio nlinde , t6 will bu pnhl lu Under ut Wlj > cork Life biillilliii ; -i -1 * _ Osl'-A IAIHI'.S J.KA'IHKH 1IK1.T. lll.'I UilN .oChaconnd f.cldy , 1US loih ulreel 401.1 EMPLOYBIENT AQENOY. , mole und fiiiualo help 'lei. e 4. 0 N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , mm p rnm Ct- " * OMAHA lUESHORTESr LIXB TO 0111011) ) is via the Chicago , Milwaukes & St. Paul R'y > a3 represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heated - ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9'45 ' am - City Ticket Odice : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A , NASH. Gen'l Agent. OU.liIiltliillNull ! i' . The piirtiit-rHlilp lioretofore oxMlug \ > e- tween I'on A. Nluliol U lioruly illbsoh ed , J. I. Mehol lontlniiib tlio t u IIISH und lollootn all bUU nnd jmys all lndubtuUuui.ii 03mU .J lyll ft jVi'lC RR1LWRYT1MECMRD .M ami. , , , Sioux ( Ity Pusaii'or . . . . 6 IJ h in | MI Pnul ix : | > ro i I Hi IIP v in Foaves j SUM \ < II V \ PAUHU I Airivji Omaha ) Depot 1'ith an I Wobifr sti Omihi I'nnl Limited Lcnvoi I I1. I. A MO \ AI.I.MV .Onnlml Doixit nili nn I Waliit r Sti TOO u ml . . . Pcidnooil Kiirt-n | . , , ' . 11 p m I'M ' n m ( Hi Snt\Vjo ) Ktp ( Kv Moil I 'i I ) p in MCI p in Vorfolk ( Kr bun Ixr ) II IJ k m 145 p in | . . . St I'tul ICtiirm | i ii n m Leaves I ( . , M' . ! . M A I ) Oinalial llopot nth ninl Wolntcr sti Onmln X 111 n m . ' 'Icti'C Lltjr Au-om no i p m * .l'i p in Sloin Cltr Kxpresi ( tir SmiJ yi U4I p m f > ( j p m . . .St. I'all l.lmltjj . . . 'i It 11 m 11. , p m llnncroft li * n ctrlf ( \ untl yl 8 41 n m Loaves CH1CAUO A. NOllliWI.SlMl.N Arrlvoi Oninlin UPdoi [ _ _ > iot lutli nnd Mnrey bis Ointlit 7 id n m Ihx. aun'j ) earrull 1'mioiu'or li ' > J p m 10 40 n m . . . Clilcik'O 1Cxpron i > .0i p m 4 05 p m , L Vcsllbulo LlmlloJ li ' . ' 0 k m 7W p in Knstcrn Flyer . . . 2 li p m 0 40 pjn ( Kx Sun I Chic PASS ( Kx Mon.l b Ul rv in 1 eaves ICIlll AliO.V MJItriltt LSI Kit N Arrival 1 run j for I Union Depol. ( oiinill lllilUi I run ( or 11 10 a m I hlia o Kxprc'ss 5 1U p m 45) ) | m Visllbiilo Llinlled b iG a m 7 I ] [ m Kaslera 1 Iyer 1 fO p in 8 OJ p m ( Kx bun ) Atlantic Mall ( Kx Mon ) 7 l"i a m 7 40 a ui ( ix : S ) Carroll PcMtinuor ( Kx S ) II45 p m eaves I OMAHA A bT. LOUIS Omaha | U. P depot 10th nnd Mnrcy | Omihi Not lie. Slnto of Nobr is' ' , i , Doitglnt conntj , ss : In tlio iniilior of the linpru\ciiioiit or lltli htioct from Missouri .i\cnnc tu 11 sticut * To \ \ 111 lam nnd I'lioobciod ' , ounuia , lot 1" , block , I. A nllliows .subilh Islon. Niioml Gaits , owner , lot X' . ' , block 0 , tnonh siilidl > Islon. 1' M. U ildor. owner. lot ? , b oalc J , il ittlio\\3 suliilh Isluii. Ouorito . tr.iy ! , owner , 1 1lota I ) .mil 8 In 3- 14-1.1. 141.1.William William Uhoiulcs owner , lot 6 , block 3 , M , xt- lliows sulKllIslon. . Kate I'cursun. ounur , lot SO , block 3 , tliuws&iitjdlv Islon Kniiiia Unmpnoil , owner , lot 19. block 5 , Miit- thews sul llvi\lon. I'.llu.M .Smith owner , lot 10 , block 4 , lliuwB siibdU Islon. ( jL-or o CJr.ibo , owner , lot 1 ? , block C , Mat- tlmwssuljdlvIs'Dii. ' P. lluntun. owner , lotC , block 0 , M.U- lliuws htiLdlislon. . Tlionms II. IliitKon , owner , lots "J and 21 , block ( I , Miittbows subdivision. A. J. Kullorlnc. ownur , lot j , blouk " > . Mat- tliown siilidlvlhlcin. A. .1 , Keliurlin : owrer , lot .1 , block 0 , Mat- lliows subdivision. A iron byiions onne- , lot 1 , block II , thu/r& subdivision. bl ilo Loan lind Trust coinn my. owner , lots L"JHNIblock. | | . ) . Mailliuws snbillvlskin. Jnines n Tocld , owniii. lot 5 , block .1 , Mat thews stibclh Islon. ( iLoruo /.immcriivan , owner , lot 29 , blouk , r > , Matthi'us siibdlt Islon. \V. It. MolurJ , ottiicr , lot 17 , block II , M.U- Ihews subiin Is on. Miry I' . MiCricken , owner , lots ! ) and 10 , blouk , I , M illhoHB subdivision M.ny I' . McUr.iukun , o nui , loly 1 nnd " , b ouk 4 , Multluiivs s u lull v Islon. .l.inusC Nuibnn. owner. lot If , block 5 , lliuws subdivision A. II , Honors , owner , lol ! > , block T , Matlliuus subdivision. C'linrles L Uoborts. ownur , lot 15 , block 1. M.illliovvs subdivision , M. H. llosnorlh , owner , lots 1U .mil "I , block U , .Matthews subdivision J lines llootli. owner , lots o und 0 , blouk 5 , Muttliovvsbiihdlvls on. Ma on L Mlsvvortb owner , lol 12. block 1 , llnrton's sulicllv Ulon M.ison Jj Kllsuortli owner , lot 5 , blouk 2 , llurloii'h siibdiv ision , rr.nikV Ki-od owner , lols 1 , 2 , .1 , 17 , IS , block 1 , liuiton'h subdivision 1'r ink W. Kied owner , lot I , block " , llnrton's Hiibiliv Ulon. Trunk 11. Henderson owner , lot " . block 2 , llnrton's subdivision. \\IIK ? . binllli uwnur , lot 14 , block 0 , Llnwood Annie I'niilsun owner , lot IS block 1 , 1-tnwoud I'loVi I.lnn.iborry owner , lot 15 , block I , l < ln- wootl I'arK. U 11. Lliln.iberry owner , lol 14. blouk I , Lln wood I'urK. lu ) la Montgomery owner , lots 2 , ,1 , I , block 1 , Mnwuod I'arK. Joel A O'.idnon owner , lots 1 , 2 , J , block 0 , Llnwood 1'nrk. , Valentino Hint/ owner , lot 4. block 1 , sub division of blouk M , Albrljhl'h Ciioko. M. .MuDlrnill onnur , lots H , 12 , bliKk 2 , sub- cllv Islon of blouk ' . ' 7 , Albrlx'lil'fc Obolio .1 A. Mclnlosli. owner , lol ! < blouk 1 , siiL- dU islon of block -M , Albrlchl'H Clio co. I'ulrluk L. Murjiby owner , lot" , block I , sub division of block . ' 7 , Albilulit'H Ulioliu , \\in.ll llort owner , lot 1U , block 4 , Iloppo'fl Ilonitn/ii , , , , , , Ulirlhlinn Hlrschinunn uvvner , lot 4 , b.nuk 4 , lloiipo's llonuiua. M. K. Anthony on ner , lot U , block 4 , lluppo s " " ' ' "m''w ! Tort owner , lots 7. 8,0. 10 , II , 1. ' , 13 , 14 , blouk 4 , 'I lilrteonlb sirt'ol iiddltloii. \\m Hair owner , lols 14,0,1 ! , 7 , C , Missouri Aveiino I'liuu , J , IniiU Urnliiiin owner , lot 'J , MUsoml Avo- iiuo I'lnce. M. A. Drown. CHMICI , tax lot B , InM-ll-ll. h. M. Hhou , owner , p irt sonllio ist .1-14-1.1 AlnlddYlilti' , ovrnur , jiurl sonlbe.istIIl'l. . Ann Yules , owner. Darl bontlio ist . .111,1. . K mill Ainsun. uwnor. p irl Noiillii'uht .I-I4-KI. Von aiuboruby nottfioJ Unit at a ineolliiKof thu Ilo id of County Coiniiilsslonois of b ild DoiiitliiHuuiinty. In lliuslnteof Nebrasku , liold on tlio .list clay of .M iy. A. J ) . ItU. * ' . It HUH by 8ild bouiil deulded to Improve Tliiiteeiith Hired , In tlio H ild inuntv.lhrouili a portion of tliuclty of t-oiilli Om il. i. frcitn Mlsiourl avon - n HU to H blii'ol. bv Kradlni ; bald hlicut aiconl- In. lo a prolllu for bulu Kradlni : pruuurnd by tliu I'unnty surveyor of said lounty and now on tile In life ollluu of llio conntv ulerk of Halil county. "Mil to akhcsa one-tliliu of llio nmt of suld Krudliu aKalnki llio piouerly abiiltlni ; upon said nlieul , Von will liavo an opportunity to bo liear.l upon H ild proponed Iniprovniiieiiu before s ild Hoard ot Counlv C'oiiiinlxslonerH on llio llllh day of July , A. I ) , Ib'Ji ' IriEAKl I'UBIJ J hACKKTT , C'oiiniy C'lnrk , Jyll iir > le.VlliuJylU I iiAiKii'Ain'iitHnii'Aur.Mr..NTorTiin : : : Jll'lallo. Clilef ( uiirlirinablir'H Ollleu , Uniiiliii , Juno .II , I1HScaled propKHiila In lr ullcalc. "Ill I" ) rtioivud hero until ' I'cnlral lime Ju.y J n'cUiuk p in , , f } , Ihir. . and Iheu opened , for 400.00U pniiinU buiiiiilnoiii coil , delivered nt Uanip I'llol Unite. Wyo , In llsial year cndlni ; limo , iO , Ib.a I'ropukiilb fordelhery nt lliinu polnlu will bo eiileil'ilnid 'I liu 1) ) . K riuurvos llio rlulil to rojuul any or all I'ldn , Tliu uoal munt bn of botfl iiiallty | ami Wfll koreened Illildurs vvllU'Ui' nuniouf inlnu ftoni which tliey pio- puse lo furiiMi llio coal , Tliu lonlr.ul will bllpul ilo thut It will be"omo liiupuratlvo Bliould llio trciopsbc lemoved from tlio lamp buforulU toiinlii.illun All Infoiinallon fui- nUliud on appllcutlnn , Knvvluiioi eontulnliu proposal * Bliould bo tnurkiul "fropoiuls for ' uttl , " nnd addrinod to Win. II Iliulioj. I.leut. Colonel and Deputy Qr. Mr. ( leneral , U , B. A. , CWuryuftruriuuitor , Jjrj.uu-'MrJ : HELD UP AN OMAIU TRAIN Two Bold Robbora Stop the Bonthbounil Passenger in Minuoiota. BUT THEY FAIL TO SECURE A CENT , y7 lingliircr , riromnu nnil Kxprc < Mo'irngi Otorpiivvtirril , . but tli I'rciKiirO HUE \viis iniitj- : | None of Ihe I'asaen- vroro .MeilcUccl. TUo pnssonBor train from the north on the Chicago , St. I'aul , iMluncupolls & Omntm ronilwntch roachcil Omuha joitcnlay inoru- inyuii3 hold up bjr truln robbers botwoonSt. Peter mid Do Solo Jmt bofuio midnight last night. When the train , No. 1 , wns iibout n tulle out ot tit. Peter two tnon who tmil bcon conccnlcil In front of the bignago car cllmbtul over tbo tender , lo\ok < d tliulr re- x'olvcN nt nnoinoor Hunr > Nenl iintl forced htm to stop the train. That , , \ \ lillo ono of the rabbets leapt the engineer nml llrcmnn covered with his revolver , the other \\ont back to the oxnrcsa car. I.iiiiUod HOMII a | [ C\O\IT Iturri'l. John Kennedy was the oxpicss mesbcngof In ctmrgu of the cnr. He opened the door , thinking tlio train had readmit -itntion. . Ha found himself looking into thu inu//lo of n levclc'l ' revolver , nnd under the persuasion ol the threatening weapon ho opened the strong box. fortunately It was empty anil the rob ber -aid not get a dollar for his troublo. Ivonnodv and the engineer nml flroman win then ualkod up the track forhnlf n milo and \\cro left standing there while- the rob- uots disanpearod. The latter \voto evidently well up in tholr biulness. and hud the o\- press Lonipiny had a big lionsuio on board they might , have inado n rich haul. .Muikcil mill Arini'il. Uoth robbers were masked nnd armed with two nnolvors. A brnkcinau btnrtcd up ta sco what the matter \\as \\hon the train stoppod. but halted on being shot at by ono of the robbers. Ko effort was uiaao to rob nn of tbo pisson- gois. gois.Thoro were a number of Omaha people on the train , but all of thorn slept during the exciting Incident. DoWitt's Snrsaparilla aonroys sucn jtDl sons as scrofula , sitin elisoiso , czoma , rhou matisiu. Its tlmolv usosavo ? many lives. CODltT ItUUM V.l/tA.S. The spring term of the United States court Is nearlng a close and it scoins to be in order for the attorneys to relate Incidents nnil anecdotes of court room scenes Inhieh Juilgu Ddiitly has played n , prominent part. The old jnrns nro , of course , nil thr.isheel over ngnin for the bonolU of these who have not hcarel thorn , ana a few now nnil good ones nro sandwiched in to lonil freshness to the collection. Una of the best among the old stones , nnd ono which has not been told lately , is the skating rink moment. Some years agj when slciiunir rinks vtero Iho ngo Judge Dundy acquired the nntlpn tbv for men encaged in the business of man aging these places of nmusomoiil. His dis- lllio for the skating link fi.itetnltj vvns b.tscd upon a flrm belief skatinff links were the cause of a gicat dial of im moiality find doirostic difllcnlty , nnJtlus be- Hofas strengthened bj the facU mat. cronped out In n number of luusults wtucU were tried In his court. The Judge wont to Lincoln ono day to hold coutt , nnd as usual the uitornoya ucro dilatory nbout getting rend.i for the case that u us set for trial. By sonio moans the Jude/o found out that ono of the nttoinojs hart- , spent the evening before nt thei bleating rinlc Instend of cottlntr readv for the tiial of the cnso in uhicli ho ought to lm\o been inter ested. The cuio had to bn postponed. The case then taken up for trial iia that of n young man ulio had violated the uostal laws by Bonding 11 very obscene raus- sago through the malls to n man at Ivcirnoy. The young man admitted his guilt , and all that lotnalnod to bo done wns to have the jury make out a verdict of guilty ns charged , nnd tho-i the judge could lix the line or pon- nlty. This young man's attorney stutoa to the judge that this vxas the Hist limo his client had over vlolnlod the law in any imn- nor , that ho was in roallty n verv iixcm- nlnry citizen and it would bo well to take alt them ( acts into consideration when fixing the lino. .Indgo Uuiuly took up his pencil , ns is hi * custom , nnd looking tlio joung man lu Iho face , began to nsu him cjucslions about his stn'e of mind nnd wtiat ho thouclit Ihu pon- nltv for such a crlmo out lo bo. Tlio judge was inclined to fix a penally severe ) enough to in.ilto a verr deep and lasting Impression upor. Iho prisoner at tlio bar , und Just a& ho was about to llx Iho line llio ulloinov for Iho licensed snld : "If the court please , there Is one point that I believe has not been men tioned. It Is this , the man to u horn my client sent the objectionably message uus engaged ut tnc time in running n skating' rliw. " "Is that sol" inquired tlio judge of the prosecuting attorney. "Yes. that is u fact , " wns the reply of tba prosecutor. "Your line Is a dollar and costs , " said th * Judge nbruptly turning to the younir man , who was nstonishod und delighted witb tin/ lightness of the lino. The best storv that tins boon heard In the federal court recently is told by ono of the deputies who had churgo of the vvltnobos in the case of llio United States against Pilvnte Jnilnon , n colored EOldior , who brained & follow soldier willi his musket nt Port Hobinson last fall. There were suvenil colored soldiers down from Kob- Inson to testify In the case , and some of them had never been In court before. Uhoy er very anxious to know what sort of procost they were to bo submitted to when they enlorod the court room The uitnosscseio called into the court 100111 nno nt n tiino , as they were wanted by thu prosucuUunso thai tboy could not hoar each olhcr'tt testimony. When the llrst colored witness o.imo out of the court room the others were all anxiou * to learn the nnturo of the com I pioceedings. "Is ells coat anything Illto u griiii1 jinyl" inquired ono or the colored men who had been n wllnois before the grand jury a few uceks previous. "Nnw , It alnt nothiii' llko n grnn' jury , " . - ropllod the lirst witness. "When you llrst gees In Ihnr they puts jou up on lop of nbigh platform nn1 swars you an1 then tells jou to tnlto a sent. 'liout the time ) you ge'ts set down ono ole lawyer sings out , ' Wnnt'syour iiiuno und what do you know 'bout this or * c.tso anyhow.1 Then unotlii-r lawyer , ho says , 'I abject to that , ' an' then nn old gray whmltciod dude slum' up behind n tall doK Riiouts nut , 'Sit down , you il urn oil fool , or I'll knock you down. ' Thut'H JIH' thu way the thing nnii nil tbo way thiougti. " There Is nouoilv about the federal court who uoeuib to enjoy lolling this story moro than Judge IJtiidy lumtolf. . * . Another good ouo Is told on Judge Dundy. Borne years ago It became his duty to sen * tcnco n preacher who hud committed a for * gery or some surh ciuno nnd pats uon- tenco upon a clorcyrcan who hud lommltti'd homo trivial offonco. 'J'lio mlnUter rciniustcit that the matter bo attended to In ns prlvato n manner as posslblo , unit the Jiidgo look him Into n private ) room and read the penalty ta him The minister was vary profuse In Ills llinnls > nt ha rullrod from thu room , Ten minutes after thi ) olTendur had retired the judge notlcoa that thu mini fnr whom Im had BO much lonsldurution hail stolen his hat. nUnoliitloii cil I'nrlniTHlilp. Nolluo Is huraby Klvun Unit thu partuemhlp lii'relnlori ) uxUtini ; boltsoi'ii Alcxiinilui Mo- ( Ja\ouk , W. J. Mi.UiiMiiik , ThumuH L < Jlur- iiiliiKhani and ThoniHH 1) ) I'oloy , nuclei r thu linn niiiiin ot McUuvuuk , lIcriiiliiKhani A. coin- ] i my , Niild linn liuvint ; buun enguuud In thou u iltlo mid liono buamusu In tlio cjimlcirn purt of Ar.iiMli.oo county , atulouf l/olornde , ul thu "IX 1' . " rantli , su oallud , U clUxo.vud. All purHon uro warned thut the uiuler- hUnud will not be roHuuimlbu for ny ( liibla eonliuulud lu thu iiuuiu of said IIrm fruiu unU ufior tliU clato. Denver , Cole , June SI , ISO. . AI.KXANDEII McCUvouK *