Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1892, Page 13, Image 13

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Jrioales3 ? Treasures Jealously Guarded in
the Nation's ' Archives.
lin .SlKimtiirni of tlin Immortal * Almost
I'udcil An Ancient Union Otic Fourth
ol July Aliroixil Drnths on
the Natal Dny.
The archives of the national government
contain two priceless treasure1 ? , guarded
with jealous cure. They tire the original nnd
the engrossed copy of freedom's ' mogna
chnrtii Jefferson's draft and tno official
peclar.itlou of Independence. The original
draft , now yellow nnd worn , and the on-
Etosaod copy signed by the members of the
Continental congress nro both in a glass
OBSO on the cast wall of Iho State depart
ment library. The original draft us mndo by
Thomas Jefferson has a number of erasures
nnd Insertions by himself and two or three
verbal changes bv Dr. Franklin nnd John
Adams , ns Indicated in tbo margin , The
Declaration of Indoncndenco was leapt in the
patent ofllco till IbTII , when It was taken to
Iho centennial exposition , after which It wn
taken to the Stnto dcpaitmcnt , .vlieio It has
remained over since.
The otlglnhl draft bv Jefferson Is Inn much
more readable stnto than the engrossed copy ,
.tho IIIK on Iho luttorhaving faded much moro
ifupldly. The on grossed copy con , however ,
.etlll to read , but the signatures appended to
'U ore fading. Only n few can now bo made
out. Those of Lyinnn Hall , .Tuslnh iJnrtlett ,
"Williun Whlpplo. Samuel Adams , Hobert
Treat Palno und Klbridge ( Jerry , nlthoagh
very dim , inn still bo road. JelTnraon's name ,
which should remain forever on that docu
ment ns lt author. Is iilinon goao and can
only bo distinguished by thu long t's , which ,
nru still clear.
John Hancock's name can bo rend on ac
count of its monstrous size. The J is fully
two inches long. The conversation which
occur led Just bcforo Hancock signed his
utuno ns recorded in history Is amusing.
The debate ns to the expediency of declaring
Independence was of vhreo days' duration ,
nnd although II ended In the adoption of Iho
Declaration of Independence ) on"thu Fourth
of July the members did not sign the docu
ment for sovcrnl w 'ots. ! When they came
to put their Hlgnnuircs to it John
IIniH'oeu , being the president of the Con
tinental congress , signed his inline llrst. As
ho wns nbout to do so ho snld , "Wo must all
bo unanimous ; there must bo no pulling dif
ferent , ways ; wo must nil hung together , " to
Which Ben Franklin , who was ever ready
with his wit , responded , "Yes , wo must all
hang together or wo must ul ! hang sep
arately. " Then John Hancock , taking the
quill , signed the declaration ina larire , bold
hand , und although the statement is not tote
to found in any serious history It Is said that
ho made the remark ns ho laid the quill
down , ' 'There will bo no trouble in reading
in.v namennd 1 am willing to take the consequences
quences whatever they may bo. "
Jefferson , who , it is said , always worked
diligently in committt'o and said llttlo in
general debate , listened to all the criticism
made during thu discussion of the Declara
tion , but laid not 11 word. The task of da-
Bomiing the Declaration fell to John Adams.
Jefferson says In his Journal : "During the
debate I was sitting by Dr. Franklin , who
observed thet I wns writhing n llttlo under
the acrimonious criticism of some of Its
parts ; and it was on that occasion that
by way of comfort ho told mo the
torv of John Thompson , the batter , and
bis now slfin. " This story Is told by Dr.
Franklin in his autobiography. It Is about
the John Thomnson , who wns going to open
a hat sere , and on his blgn board proposed
to huvo painted a lnit and the words : "John
Thompson , hatter , makes and sells hats. "
Bo much objection was raised to the wording
of the Inscription that the sign was finally
Abbreviated to nucb an extent that there
was nothing but tno name "John Thomp-
on , " and the picture of n hat. So that wo
co that Franklin was anxious to show Jef
ferson that he must expect contention over
thu greatest question "of the ago when there
had neon so much discussion over n hat sign.
The desk on which JofTor&on made his
draft of the Declaration of Independence-
also In the Stata department library. The
dosU is noout four Inches high , nmo inches
Wide nnd fourteen inches long , and so com
pact as to bo easily carried. It is of black
walnut nml the surface is covered with green
felt. The top is arranged In two pieces or
Haps so that they can bo raised. One picco
Is 10 adjusted on hinges that It can bo turned
back train the desk so ns to rest on a table ,
nnd the other picco is made RO that It can be
elevated slightly from tno desk and hold in
position by small supports on clthor sido.
NVhen so arranged these two ploces
nro in the lumo plan ? , and so form a
largo writing surface. A drawer opens at
the right sldo of the desk and discloses ink
well , quill box and paper space , so that In
this llttlo chest , which can bo so easily
moved about , room U provided for every
thing wanted in writing. In a uoto sent
\ with the desir , when ho gave it to a frlond ,
Jefferson exhibits his modest und unassum
ing character. Ilo oven goes so far as to use
the third person with an evident dcsiro to
refrain from making a statement which
would show the least suspicion of self con
ceit. He says : "Th. Jefferson gives this
writing desk to Josonh Coolldgo , juu. , as a
memorial of niTui'tion. ft was made
from u drawing of his own by Hen Hun-
dnll , cabinet maker of Philadelphia , with
whom ho llrst lodged on bis arrival in that
city in Muv , 170 , and is the iduntlciil ono on
which ho wrote thu Declaration of Indepou-
( lonco. Politics ns well as religion has its
superstitions. Thesn gaining strength with
time may ono day give Imaginary value to
this reliu lor Its association with iho birth of
the great charter of our independence. AIou-
Urollo , November IS , I8-5. "
This ucsk wns presented to the United
States by the heirs of Joseph Coolidge , Jr. .
in 18SO. Since that , linio it nas been kept in
the snmo library with the engrossed copy of
the Declaration of Independence nnd tba
draft which Jefferson wrote on It 115 voars
An Ancient Uiilmi Odr. * '
The following wns composed by Uov. Sam
uel Oilman , D.D. , who preached In Charleston -
ton , S. C. , from 1810 to 18S , and sot to the
lr , "Scots wlm line. "
Hull , our country's natul morn !
Hull , our Kpruiidlnir klndrcd-bornl
Hull , thou tmnnurnot yet torn ,
U'jivlii.'o'or thu froul
While , this day. In festal throng ,
Millions swell thu patriot son-- ,
Shall not wo thy notes prolong ,
Hallowed Jnblloo ?
Who uimld sever Krooilom's slirlno ?
Who would ilr.iw th' Invidious line ?
Thunvli liy birth ono spot bo mine ,
Duiir IK all thu rest.
Dour to me tlin t-outli'a fair land. the emu nil inountuln-nanil ,
Dojr New Kiuluim'ft loeky htriind.
Dour Iho pi all tad.West. . .
Ily our altars , liuro and froo.
Ily our l.uw'Milfop rooted true.
Ily ihu lust's deul : memory ,
lly nur \ \ iisliln : ton ;
lly our common patent tongue ,
lly our hopes , bright , huoyuiit , young ,
Ity the nu of country Hiriing ,
\\IIUtlllLuONi : !
J'nlhurs ! IMVO vt ) bled In vnln ?
Aai's ! must ye dioup again ?
AliiUer ! fliull nu mshlv str.iln
lllu-,9 111:8 sent by Thi'U ?
No ! Keculvoour bolunin vow ,
\Vhllo hufuioThy llmmu \ > u bow ,
K > tr to niiiliit.iln us now.
Union. IILurly !
Charleston. S. O , , July 4 , mi.
A rmirlli In PurU.
In Paris lastFouith of July were three
Americans a gtmUuman nnd his two nuph-
civ- , George and Frank. On the afternoon
of that duy , write * the gentloimin In St.
Nicholas , Frank LMIIIO Into the room whore I
was , saying i "Unolo Juok , wbero do you
think 1 got that ! " Ito ouuned u paper bun *
dlo he had under hu nrm and unrolled a
wt' . weather-beaten American Hag.
ft/ "Wherol11 ukcd I.
"Wa took it off of Lafuyattu's tomb. "
I opened my e > es In astonishment ! while
lie went on :
" ( cargo nny the American consul , or the
American consul general , or somebody , put
It on iho tomu lust Fourth of July , for our
government , bocuu&u Lafayette , don't you
know , helped us in iho revolution.
"They out'lit to put u uow 11 a u on ovcry
voar , Goorjio says. " explained Prank ( seeing I
ny nmnzotnnnt , "on Fourth of July tnornme.
lut the Anioricaii consul , or whoever ho is
hat's hero now , is 11 no vr mnnOoorjo thinks ;
nnyliow , ho forgot to do It , So wo bought
a ni w Hag mul wo did It ,
"Thoro wore n lot of pcoplo nt the tomb
when wo wont there , ana wo Rue oil they
wore nil watting to sco the new ling put on.
Wo waited , too , but no soldiers or nilybody
came ; and after awnlla Iho pcoplo oil wcut
away. ThcnacorRCsald :
" 'Somebody ought to put on a now flat ?
"Wo wont to a store on the boulevard and
for 20 francs bought a now flap Just like this
ilJ ono. Georpo and I each paid half.
There were two women and a llttlo girl nt
iho tomb when wo cot back and wo waited
till they wont away. Then wo unrolled the
now llasr and tcok the eld ono off the tomb.
"Wo thought wo ought to say somothlnc
When wo put the now ling on , but wo didn't
know what to say. Ocorso said they always
made n regular pccch thanking Lafayette
for helping us In iho rovolu'lon , but wo
thought It didn't mutter much. So wo just
took off our hats when wo spread out the
now flag on the grave and then wo rolled up
the old Hag nuil cnmo tiwuy ,
" \Vodrowlotsforltnfturward , and I'm
gelntr to tnko It oack homo with mo.
"Somebody ought to have done It , and as
\vn were both American boys , It was all
right , wasn't 1U"
Ton days nfor this adventure came the 14th
of Julv , iho great ' 'QmUorzo Julllat , " which ,
I bcliovc , was the day on which the French
people stormed the grim old hustilo and
cried ; "Down witn the tyranny ot kings I"
Of course wo went to sco the great parade.
Uoforo wo started out Frank suggested
that wo should got two big flags , of Just
the same size ono American red , white
and blue , and the other Fiench 'red , white
unil blue , and tnko them along in the ear-
rlago with us. Well , wo crossed the 1'laco
do la Concorde , to enter the Champs Elv
sees , that beautiful green nvonuo lending
straight up to the Arc do Trlomphc , when
suddenly Frank gnvo n shout from the box.
"Lookl" ho culled out , ' -There como some
soldiers I"
Crowds of people wore standing along the
walks on olthor side of iho avonuc , nil gxzlng
up tow'nrd tlio Arc do Triompho. Yes ; there
WITO soldlor.1 on horseback coming right
down toward us. Then faraway shouts
reached our oars Irom the crowds ahead ,
whuro the soldiers woro. Wo could see the
people waving hats and handkerchiefs.
"I coic at the pistols , " cried Frank from
this Lex. "They're holding them right un iu
tiniilr. . What's that for ? "
"Ttiov're cuirassiers , " Ueoige called back.
Tlu\\'ro a bodyguard. It must bo some
body "
' 'C'cst lo uresldont do la republlquol"
ejaculated the coachman , as Iho soldiers
druw down upon us ut a rapid pace.
\Vo wi-ro within ilfty yards of thorn now ,
and could sco everything plainly. There , in
Iront , vvi'ro the two lareo cuirassiers , with
shining broaitplutcs and hnlmots , each with
a cocliou revolver-Held out in the air ut arm's
length. Bt'hlnd came the president's car
riage drawii by four coal-blnclt horses , with
poitllioni In dazzling liveries , then two moro
cuirassiers with dr.iwu pistols , folloxved by n
troop of cavalry.
On they camo. The coachman stopped his
horses. The people were shouting and
cheering on all sides "Lo President 1"
Ilo was almost abreast of us and close by ,
when suddenly I noticed that ho was looking
in our direction , and all ojes wo-o turned
toward ourcarriaco.
It was the American ilagl
There it was , floating proudly aloft in the
hands of our little Jolly boyon iho front seat.
And when Frank saw the president right
abreast of him , and everybody looking nt his
Hag , without a sign of hesitation ho stood
straight up , held thn flag as uighiu the aims
lie could ami dipped a salute to the president
of the French republic I The crowd was
cheering wildly. President Carnet moved
forward a little in his seat , lifted his hat
and bowed low to Frank and the American
And then In n second ho had passed.
And tbi ! Hag , I think , is pri/ed by Frank
even moro than the other. At least whenever -
over ho takes anybody up l his room ho
always says first :
"This is the llusr that was on Lafayette's
tomb ; " and then In a more impressive voice :
"Tnat's tno one President Curnot took oft his
hat to. "
Viinkeu Uomlln ICovlMRil.
Vankoo Doodle cnmo to tonn
Danelne on a dnllnr ,
Ho were thustrlpus upon his pants ,
The Ht.irs upon Ills collar.
Columbia nicked the good old tune.
And nt It she wis liiimly :
"Ourynrd-wiclr , -ill-wool Union , boys ,
} ankuo Doodle Dandy ! "
Momnmlilo 1 mirths.
The fact that the death of Hannibal Ham-
lin occurred on Independence day last year
provoked comment , and no doubt will bo re
ferred to again in the blog/nphy of ono who
will bo remembered as the associate of Abra
ham Lincoln through the civil war. Sixty.
six years ago a far moro memorable avont
was connected with the national holiday. On
the Fourth of Julv , ISu'O , John Adams , the
second president of the United States , died ,
in Iho Olst year of his ago , and Thomas Jef
ferson , the third president , died on tbo sumo
day , at tbo ago of 83. Jefferson on the 3d of
July , asking those around him the day of
the month , bad expressed tbo wish to
live to see the dawn of tbo fiftieth anniver
sary which ho had drawn and signed , wbilo
Adams , on being asked , when the bolls rang
and the cannon HreO , If ho know what day It
was , had replied , "Oh , yes ; it Is the glorious
Fourth of July ; God bless It. " it is re
markable also thutJ&mos Monroe , the llfth
pro'idont. died live years later on the Fourth
of July , 1SU , at the ago of 73. The death of
Madison , the fourth president , which oc
curred after another tivo years , in 18)0 ! ) , at
the ago of 85 , toolc place during the week
preceding the nation1 ! ) birthday anniversary.
Dry , .iparhllncr and delicious. Coon's Im
penal ChanipiBiio. Keep it in your ice
chest for your friends , , they will appreciate
The Order of King's Daughters has formed
a chapter in Now York city devoted to tone-
mom house work along lines not covered bv
any mission or charity.
Forty -six Congregational churches in Con
necticut nru without pastors. It scorns that
the pastors they can got they won't bavo and
the sort they want won't ha\o then ) , which
Is a melancholy state of affiilrs.
The United Methodist Free churches at
tbotr recent mooting repotted in the denomi
nation at homo and abroad . ' 178 ministers and
77,710 members ; cf these US ministers and
10r > 10 members uru abroad ; the income has
been 1)1,420. ! )
To secure regular attendance at divine
service u Presbyterian church in Lancaster ,
1'a. , decided to give a medal to each person
who attended all iho services throughout
tua year. Last year the sexton xvas the only
person who won a modal.
Hecontly the Friends' mooting house in
Odon , 1ml. , was supplied with an organ
through the efforts of iho younger element iu
the church , who bollcvo that oven Quaker *
should move with the times. Whereupon u
number of the consomitivoi showed what
they thought of the proceeding by nmushiug
the windows.
D. L. Moody , the noted ovangollst and
founder of the Norlhtiold homiunry , has
issued a call tor the tenth general conference
for the promotion of ChrUlinu life and serv
ice , to ho held at ICast Northliold , Mass. .
from August 1 to 15. Ampin accommoda
tions will bo provided. Owinc to the no-
sonco of Mr , Moody In foreign lands iho con-
f 01 once will ho conducted by Dr. A. J. Gor
don of Boston.
Father Mollinger , who died Juno 15 nt Al-
IcgL'iiny City , Pu. , was ono of the most noted
priests of tliu country. Attracted by the ro
reports of the cures made by him bo was vis
Ited oy people from all parts of iho world , and
on lastSu Anthonv'H day it was estimated
that bo blessed 10,000 persons who cumo to
visit at tbo shriui ) . Father Molllngor was
born on the frontier between Belgium and
Holland about slxly-llvo or sovouty years
ago. Ho received u liberal education and
studied wodlciuo iu July. At the ago of 18
ho returned homo und entered the seminary
nt Ghent , where he studied for the priest
hood. Hu alto studied medlclno and theology
in this country. Ho is rononod to have tiled
[ lossesjou of aoverul million dollars , moil of
wh'ch will romulu in this country , Tno
funeral curomonios over iho "doctor-priest"
were uorforraed uj hU church on Troy Hill ,
Allegbany City , on Juno 18 , and were at-
lauded by over 0,000 pooplo.
When you go to Dmivor atop at tbo Ainorl-
cuu house. Hates $ J.6l ) to fa.50. liouodolod
thtoufhouU |
What the Other Side Has to Say of tha V r-
dict Against Ecot.
Doing * of Sorrot Societies Throughout tlio
City nml Stiti rjthiniilMii htlll nit
tliu Incrcnso Hy Words
nnil hlgns.
Dr. W. O. Korcrs sends the following com
munication for Insertion in this column in
reply to an excerpt from the Modern Wood
man published Iu last Sunday's Ur.K :
The quotation in TUB SUNDAY BISK from
the Modern Woodman , n paper printed by
the order , is manifestly unfair , misleading ,
and n direct thrust at the good immo of J. C.
Uoot of this city , the founder ot woderntt
and the principal olllcor of the Woodmen of
Iho World , a successful order which Is re
garded ns a rival or competitor.
The Inference to bo gathered by the article
would bo that criminal proceedings had bcon
Instituted against the ofllcnrs of the Modern
Woodmen unit that conviction had resulted ,
Such is not the case. The lawsuit was u
civil action in the county court brought by
State Auditor Pavoy against the Modern
Woodmen of America and its ofllccrs nt the
instigation of P. L. McICInnlo , who had boon
removed from ofllco by the unanimous vote
of tlio directors.
Incidentally another suit was begun to
wind up the order and throw it into the
hands of u rucoivor. Mr. Uoot borrowed
$10,000 upon bis panonal crodlt , pud off its
liabilities , defeated the suit and saved tbo
lifo of the order of which ho wus the
The state case was practically defeated , as
the oflluors ( except Mi'ICIniile , who wds removed -
moved ) hold their olllcoi to expiration of
tholr terms , and the only controversy In the
case was as to who should pay the costs. The
old oftlcers gave it no further attention , not
even attending the trial , and Judgment for
costs was ronJorcd niruinst six of the olovcn
directors who happened to oo present Rt n
meeting of the directors that voted unon n
resolution offered by MuKlnnlo himself to
allow the head clerk reimbursement for
moneys expended by him and time employed
In visiting and instituting new camps , which
the directors hold was outsldoof and In addi
tion to his duties of head clerk , tiut which
the Judco hold resulted in increasing his
compensation as bend clerk , which Is con
strued as a technical violation of Illinois law.
The directors who were present ( Including
the head consul , Mr. Hoot ) were the only
olllcors against whon. costs were assessed.
The ether charge was In the omission of
"contingent liabilities" from ono of the
four state reports. It was slcned by Mr.
Hoot as head consul , and by F. C ) . Bravton
as head clerk. This report was made in the
head clerk's ofllco. Tnero was no printed
blank in the report calling for contingent
liabilities , and the corn mil too to whom the
claims were referred did not report same
until three months after the dnto the report
was required. No secret was made of the
unpaid mlloago and per dlom which consti
tuted the principal part of the "contlnsiout
liabilities , " us reference was made to same
In the ECHO sent to every member , nnd Mr.
Hoot signed tno report presuming it to bo
correct , but Itapuoarc that the judge differs
and imposes costs upon Mr. Hoot for his
The other so-called charges bavo not boon
sustained , although several attempts havn
been tnado to do so In the unhappy quarrel
extending over a period of throe years.
Tlio starting of the now Woodmen society
is not pleasing to the old order and has , no
doubt , had much to do with tbo keeping
alive of tbo controversy , which should now
G. L. Marchand , the state export ,
examined Mr. Hoot's books and made a
sworn stntcmontof their accuracy and of tbo
fact that Mr. Hoot had paid into the treasury
all that was duo before the suit was insti
tuted or the official investigation mauo. Of
which fact tbo state auditor and attorney
wore advised , but refused to omit the charge
from the informutlon tiled by them In the
suit.Tho now officers have failed to find any un
paid liability of iho old officers , who remain
in good standing as members of the order ,
which owes its existence to tholr unflinching
c.iro and management.
KnightB of 1'ytliliin.
Monday night Marathon lodge , No. 82 ,
gave ono of the plcasantost evenings in its
history. There was a good number of vis
itors present and thu evening scorned alto
gether too short for all present to say what
tboy had to say.
Several of the boys from Marathon lodge
had formed themselves into a traveling
troupe and visited nearly all the lodges in
the city last week , and In return several
members of tbo lodges visited attended the
meeting last week and made the evening
pass all too quickly.
Brother Bechtol , who was among the vis
itors , has promised to bo with Marathon on
Monday , July 11 , when ho will exemplify
tbo secret work of the order , bis profMencv
being well known. All Knights of Pythia's
uro cordially Invited to attend.
A. O. U. W.
At the regular mooting of North Omaha
Lodge , No. 159 , Ancient Order of United
Workmen on the 127th ult. the following
officers were olcctod for the ensuing term :
Past master workman , Hobert IJ. Carter ;
moetcr workman , William W. Chnstman ;
foreman , Hobort Saudon ; ovoraoor , William
J. Brown ; recorder , Charles A. Walker ;
financier , Samuel S. Watt ; rocolvor , Benja
min H. Porkius ; guide , .Tamos Mclltsh ;
inner warden , John A. Graham ; outer
warden , Thomas Fitzgerald ; medical exam
iners , C. D. Sprnguo , N. J. Carrlkor ;
trustee , E. H. MclCenua ; chorister , John J.
I. O. O. T.
Mayflower lodge. No. 1 , Independent Order
of Good Templars , held its regular meeting
in their hall , near the corner of Thirty-
fourth and Amos avenue. After tno trans
action of the regular business of iho ledge , a
short tlmo was given lo literary exorcises ,
constating of recitations by Mr. Cash , Mr.
Grmcr and Mr. Allison , select readings by
Mr. Flanory and Mr. Jones. Following the
procram Mrs. Forby of Lifeboat ledge , No.
150 , gave n , short talk. Also , Mr. Lee Forby
expressed himself in a few witty remarks fn
answer 10 Mr. Allison's recitation. May.
flower is increasing in members and enthusi
asm and expects soon to bo ono of tbo load
ing lodges of the city.
A. V. unit A. M.
Jachln ledge Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons of Holdrego nail their Installation of
officers in their hall on last Thursday night.
The now officers nro : E. Temporal , W. M. ;
W. H. Hart , S. W. ; G. E. Hunt , J. W. ; H !
E. Bush , secretary ; Max Uhllg , treasurer ;
W. P. Hall , S. D.j Harry Stern , J. D. , and
A. P. Enc'Kson , tylor. Refreshments were
served during the evening and the boys had
a Jolly time.
Ojcoola ledge , No. 75 , Ancient , Frco and
Accepted Masons , baa their regular installa
tion of officers on St. John's day , and the
following named persons were selected for
the ensuing Masonic year : T. H , Snundors ,
W. M. j MH. . Snodgrass. S. W. ; J. N. Scott ,
J. W. ; E , L. King , secretary ; H , A. Scott ,
treasurer ; L. L. Snider. S. D , ; S. O.Whaloy ,
J. D , ; W. J. Conklmsr , T. ; L. U llor and Lee
1C. Mutiaw , stewards ; Hov. J. W Soabrook ,
chaplain ; J. S Slieesloy , organist ; H. F.
Henderson , H. P. Shore , and J. II. Ander
son , finance committee. After the installa
tion tbo lodiro adjourned to the Hotel Mus-
solman , where refreshments were served.
Boniiot ledge , No. Ul , Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons , on Friday evening , the
festival of St. John , held a public installa
tion and social which was largely attended
by the wives , daughter * and friends of the
brethren. Thu following officers were In
stalled for thoonsuingMasonloyoar : Chariot
A. Pierce , worshipful master ; J , E. Vandor-
lip , onior warden ; A. J.Vail , junior warden ;
H. HossmuHson. treasurer ; D. 11. Harris ,
secretary : Harry Honnor , senior deacon ;
Otto D. Nelson , junior deucoti ; E. N. Cobb ,
senior steward ; Chart n L , Johnson , Junior
steward ; 11. Peterson , tyler. After the in
stallation the evening was spout witu music ,
readluqi , songs nnd social chat , ending by
surprising Brother Jamus 11 , Laytor by pre
senting him a past muster Jewel. Tno even
ing's pleasure and enjoyment will long bo ro-
momburod by the brethren and tholr friends ,
Mason City lodge , No. 170 , Ancient , Free
and Accepted Matontt , Installed the follow
ing officers last Saturday evening : Worshipful -
ful nmstor , M. C. Warrington ; sunlor war
den , Jam03 ( Jouley ; junior warilou , David
Woods ; secretary , W. J. Hurlov ; Irons-
uicr , Johli Castollnw : , spliior duncon , Ooorgo
lioivdoti ; junior deacof.ludson , , C. Porter ;
senior steward , Wllllatn Hunynn ; Junior
steward , Hiram T. Coffipan ; tyicr , J. W.
Wills. . . i ,
Table Reck ledge J > ( o. 103 , Ancient Frco
mid Accepted Mnsona , installed its officers
for the ensulni : Miisonluiyenr Monday night.
Thny nro the following ! , J. A. Oarlock , W ,
M. ; O. H. Barnard , S.V. , . ; G. U. Martin , J.
W. ; C. S. Wood , treasurer ; James Tdlotson ,
secretary ; J. B. PhlMips , S. D. : William
Boggs. J. D. Past Mastflr W. H. WlUon was
installing officer. The Ipdgc ends thu year in
a flourishing condition.
The following officers of York ledge No.
50 , Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , were
Installed last wookiWH. . Hondor , W. M.
O. F. Wruck , S. W. ' , W. H. Davis , J. W.
John Maylard , S. D. ; U. W. McGinns , J. D.
J. H. Cowoll , J. S. ; A. Howloy , S. S. ; E
Granger , tylor.
"Lato > bed and early to nso will shoMDt
the road to your homo iu the sklos. " Bun
early to bed nnd "Llttlo Early Hlso- , " the
pill that maitos life longer nnd better and
wiser. |
under 16 years of npo a
Bicyde FREE.
You need not pay
cent. We will send
you FREE. Every
clo "Warranted
equal to those sold
wncre at from $15
Any hey or girl
under 18 years of
age , who wnnts n
can get one 1'KIUi
We will plve any
on very easy ccmil
lions. The wheel *
nre 55 Inches , with
crescent Meet rims
nnil molded rubber
tlrct , and run on
hardened steel
cone bearings , nil-
Jnstnhlc to wear ;
'Retired ' to461nchcs ;
detachable cranks ;
Utos Inches throw ;
frame finely eiiam-
'eled ' with nickel
trhnmlugs. J5acli
machine Is sup
plied with tool bag
_ wrench and oiler.
_ _ _ O'c imve either
boys or girl , . . . If Jtuwista Dle7de TBEE cut this
advertisement out nnd send us to-day. Address ,
170 W. Vnn Duron St..CHICAGO , ILL
Mention IhoOumhn llco.
For tha'grand fusilatlo of shot and shell
ujion the fortress of disease , is possessed in
unlimited quantities , and of the most effect
ive kind , by those nionarehs ot the medical
profession ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Upon whoso banner victory has
perched for 7 years.
Vanish bcforo tlio magic power
of their skillful touch.
These , ono and all , readily yield to their
skillful and scientific treatment , as thou
sands of testimonials from grateful people
abundantly prove.
Sjuntl 4 cents for their now , handsomely
illustrated and valuable book of 120 pages ,
full of rare information for all.
Consultation froo. Cell upon or address ,
with stamp ,
119 South 14th St. Corner 14th
and Douglas Sti
. . ( STOPS. *
'lill'Bdvance of or-
PI flQTFC ? 'dlhhry porous plas-
r LHO I ti\ t ( that | S why it
succeeds why VJffop'S Pt-AbTun Is
worth taking trouUjCjtp get ,
SOLD BV nnur.ol < frs
N. V. Depot , gt William St.1
r JURE ,
_ .tBlc your Drngb'5' ' for a
f bottle o ( lilg u , The only 1
/ noti- ; > ojoMoiiruinedy for all \
J Iho unnatural dltchargci and
1 prlvatedUt'iJrfs of men und the
j debdltutlni ; weaLncu peculiar
1 to women. It rnre in a few
liUys without the aid or
\ publicity of a doctor.
tiTht 1'iutrial Aiaerttan Cure.
Manufactured by I
kThe Evans Chemical DJ. '
U , O. A ,
What cnn bo moro chnrinlnff in a person thnn BKAUTtFUL CLHAN TKKTIt nml n Stt'Kl-VT LWKATII. Ono nmy b
robml in the rlohost nppnrol and orniunontod with the rarest ROtns , yet If nccotnuiiiul | ) : with unsightly , dirty tooth ,
the charm is gone. While , on the other hand , n person jwssosslntr ix bontulful or even cloun sot of tooth , when nccom
pinicd with pluin dross. Is nt all
titnos attractro ! nnrt fascinating.
DO NOT dolny Iheso important organs
and have your mouth put in n healthy
condition. For these who hivvo boon so
unfortunate as to loao n part or till of
their natural tooth , a beautiful artificial
But may bo made so natural in appearance -
anco as to decolvo the closest observer.
Tcdk Inserted Without Plates
no covering in the roof of the mouth. It
will pay all who desire Artificial Tooth
to investigate this method.
Broken tooth and roots made useful
and natural looking by artificial crowns ,
all without pain.
Our WonderfulLocal
Local Anesthetic
or painless extraction is causing much
nvornblo comment all over this hcction
of the country.
We still make a Set of Teeth for Five Dollars , a fit warranted in every case
, ,
Office , Third Floor Paxtcm Block , 16th and Pariiam Streets.
Cut this out for a gtiido. Telephone 10S3. lintranco on Sixteenth street.
By Purchasing Goods Made at the Following- Nebraska Factories. If you
cannot find what you want , communicate with the manufacturers as
to what dealers handle their goods.
N , M. RUDDY ,
2111 South 15tli St , . KurnnmSt. Tliuittor.
Olnssos Fitted to roinoily ull Jlofocts of oyo-
KlKlit. Stool spui'tuulus of Kuar.tntuuil ijuiillty
tlnud .
Solid ( Jolil Spcct'iuli'4 iml
und upward. Oceullst's prosorlptlom for
glussob Illlod correctly s.tino day ns rojolvol
The glorlovs day of upon doors
nil outside is smilling' welcome
hero's health and joy all unconfined -
fined Tlio cycler sees everything
free us frtiodbra from the heights
of exhilarated happiness ho cannot
fall from his Columbian Safety.
AH about rolumlilnn free on application
to niijr Culumtiln nitunt , or > rnt tr mall for
two two-cant um | . 1'opo 4U . Co , 221
Columbus Aye. , Lustun.
The only loxallf iirailuntol Clilnoio phyilclan
KlKht yu.-ira' muilT Ton yours practical uxpur'-
I'ncowlili all known illiu u . TreaU nucojaifiillN
nllchronla OUHI ) Uun up by iithar doctor * Cull
nml BUO lilinor wrltu for queitlon blnnk. Do not
tliliilr your cine hopulim buo.iuiia your Ooctor tulH
you no , but trr thu i.'hlnuiailoctur with hit IIDW nml
wondprfulrumuilloi , niulruculru nuw buiiutlt * anil a
porinanuntouru wbut ether doolor * oiunot xlro.
ilurbi. llooti und I'lnnU iiiilure'a romodloahli
mi'dlclfio * , The world hi * wltneii , Una thautaail
tvntlmonliili In tbruo yours' prnctlua. No Injnrloui
decoction * , no nurcotloi , no puUon. Uutlunil
truatuiunt un4 pvriuununt uuru
Kallowlnx cnoi nucc3 fully Irjsitol nnj curJl ,
glvuii up by ether doctori :
Thoi Oouifhlln , 4UJ llnrnoy strout. chronlorhou >
inntlmn tl yuur * . kldnuxniul llvur troublud.
Thoi. Culrurt , I''lli nnil Knrmm mruoti. Kunoral
ilobllltr. Inilltcuitlun , lox of ntruiu'th and vltiillty.
Took luudlclnu for yo ir * but k'ot nu rollnf ,
M , l Andorion , Ull CuniliiK utrjot ,
uailiiuu anil hronvhltl * o ( llfloon yoarj iiundln ;
Has for iialu the fotloivlnu iircpirol roinadlai at
II.KUaliottlu ulr boltlon for iW , lor thu euro of
AKthrna , CiiUrrh. Hick lluadtcha , IndlKoitloii ,
lllood I'nUonlnit , Ithimmitl'iiii , KiMuiloVniknum. .
Klilnoy und I.Ivor Complaint. Nu uuonta. Hold
only by Cklnutu Mudlclnu Co , Cupllitl , ( IUJ.UI ) .
Oice , IGlh aaJ Califoraii SU , Oaulii , Neb
THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and
bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and
always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches
on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ,
Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite ,
Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash ,
Painful Digestion , Pim- pics , Rush of Blood to
the J-Icad , Sallow Corn- plexion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling ,
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom or dis- ease that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each
meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle
15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
that the
Behr Bros. & Co's.
Have atlnlnpd , and ( ho high prnlso ( hey liavo cllelloil from llio irorlilN MOST UK-
NOWNI20 AKTISTS. from thu press nnil from n public lon iircjuillvuil In favor of
tier ninkcs , it is .yiiifo lo iisiiimi ) tiut ! lliu mint bu pussjiial of UNC'OJl
Sole Agents , Omaha , Nebraska.
Established 1866.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Th eminent niieclnllit In nervoni , chronlo , prlnile. blood , * kln and unnury illicniei. A romlar n1
reitlitorad Kraduatu Iu inudclne , u > diploma * und coriltlcittt chow. 1 * mil treallnit with thii graatuit * uccoii
calnrrh. "Ptiruiiitorrliooa , lu t m nhooil , touilnal wunknai * . nlvtit lon , Inipnloncy. urphlll , ilrluluru , uun *
orrlioes. uleot. TurlcDcolo.clo , Nomtircury ui 'l. ' Nun irenlmunt for lost of vltiU puwir , l' rlle * iiiiobln tti
vlilt me may be truutod at homo by oorruipondunCB. lluiliilns or Innrumenti mint I"/ mull uroxiru.i r <
ouroly packeil. nit mark * to luUlciitu uontunt * or iund r. Ono purional Inlorflow pruiuirod. Uoniulmilua
frua. Corru i > on4enca itrtctly prlviuci. lluok ( ily lrl i of Uu ) mat liva. omou uuurUa. m. toy f. ub
Uuuiuyi lUk. iliabuudtluiupfor rtyif.
f Mk Droi ttt fur CAickttttft Knglttk tn < tmuntirunj In Jltil u I ' * c/d intUtllc
l4 vlih blue r.Uon T ( * j nt > ullirr Mint. Af/iu * butntitutwni and /Mltnti < mt\
tKiitfd Ui < , pink wr purrittr duntffr > U4 i * > uiiU'rr-ltft. All > ruKli * < or wn4 of
r i' rilo4l > r , titloi&tl li , na < t * 'IUlkr fur l.udlr * , " tUtirt bj rtturn Mult *
ouUu , / / 'i'a r , CHICHC8TCH CMCMJCL CO. , JhltnlUun hnnuru.
lot * . iUuiUtl. . * . AU11.AIJL1U'U1A I'll