PflRT CNE THE OMAHA UNDAY EE.PAGES 1 TO 8 TWENTY-SECOND YEAH. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNINGrULY 3 , 1892-SlXTtiEN PAGES. NUMBER lo. BURNED HIS BOATS Frinc3 Bismarck Has Completely Put Him- celf Out of Imparial Favon HE SAVED HIS EMPEROR'S REPUTATION Interviews With the Man of Iron That Re dounded Against Him. EDITORIALS FROM THE THRONE ROOM liorco Denunciations of the Prince That Prove the Kaisjr's Wrath. NOT A SAFE MAN TO FOOL WITH NOW Caprlvlnnil UN Colleagues Do Not Care to Tackle thn Kx-Clmnccllor , ami Are Afraid of Ills Next Outbreak ( Jermnii Nun * . [ Copi/r/aJileUS32b/ / Qonlnn nennett. ] Unitux , July 2. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE UKI : . ] Emperor Wil liam and his henchman Count Cnprivl bavo reason to bo grateful to Pnnco Bismarck. Had they boon bigger men they would hnvo thanked him for bis late imprudence , not damned him , for never did an adversary help them moro than the ex-chancellor when m n moment of inrautlon or anger ho confided opinions to newspapers. With hardly ono dissentient voice , Prince Bismarck's countrymen buvo blamed his frankness. Friends of the grout statesman bavo , for once , been almost as severe as his enemies. It may bo added that on all hands , right or wrong , tbo utterances of the prlnco In the now famous interviews with the Nouo Frelo Presso and Wostdulscho Allogomolnoeitung bavo harmed him much moro than his foes. A woolt ago the German emperor was un popular , Count Caprlvi seemed tottering , and Prince Bismarck was the hero. Now if the emperor Is not more beloved , bo ut least is less disliked. Count Caprivi has been strengthened , and his great predecessor has been seriously weakened. They lla\u Kcnllcil In Kind. How have tbo powers that bo acknowl edged the latest of services Prlnco Bismarck has rendered them ! Not by silence , which would bavo been adroit. Not by affectations of disdain , which might have been Intelligi ble , but by the bitter , llerco railing and ac cusations of tbo statesman who built up tbo 'lorman empire. Leaders in the Nordoutschoa Allogomomu Zoitung , which undo such n commotion this week , were inspired oy the emperor himself. Their publication was the outcome of long conferences between tuo young monarch and bis chancellor. Tboy were the reflections of tno wrath with which thosovcricn , no loss than tbo Count Caprivi , bad watched the Dresden ovations , and atone ono moment they seemed likely to bo followed by an even moro unseemly demonstration , which would have "shaken 'tho Uoglionc'o'or1 the Germans to their ruler , nntl have sapped the empire's foundations. I am assured tbat in the first blush of the .excitement caused by the appearance of the " "Vienna Interview , the emperor talked of hav ing Prlnoo Bismarck arrested. "Machon wir a , wo bei GcifTclten" ( "Lot us treat him like Golffcken" ) , said his maj oily. Fortunately for the monarch tbo yjuthlul "war lord" sobered down and the prince was denounced in tbo somt-ollldal orean. Ho was proclaimed a traitor. Ho was threatened with Impeachment , but bo was not arrested. Count Ciiprlvl's colleagues , who know what nasty shafts the cx-cbunccllor has in Ills quiuor , have showed no eagerness to enter on the light with Bismarck. They would profo * to lot things stand as they are , and avert a fresh scandal. lllxmarclc Is DaiiKoroiiH. It is not sure , though , that their wishes will bo granted. In his present mood Bis marck is dangerous. Ho has burned his boats , broken with his sovereign and made tils own return to ofllco impossible. It may not suit him to refrain from further con- lllets. Baron Blolscnrsoacr , who is said to have arranged the Interview in the Nouo l < Vula Prosso , has fallen into dlsfavor-nt the court and will probablv bo loss conspicuous in politics henceforth than foamorly. It Is no secret that to xomo extent , at all ovcnts , ho controls the Viennese organ mid his In tervention In tbo Bismarck question has b 'on resented. The emperor will have plenty of time , now that ho hai started for Norway , to rrllea ; upon the wisdom or unwisdom of his recent conduct , and It miy bo hoped that , he will abstain from adding to tbo prevailing con fusion by prolonging tbo campaign against the ex-chancellor. K'lUcr Wllliclm'H .Model ship. During the visit of the Italian royalists iioro the kalsar astonished Slgnor Brlndlst t ) 'bowing him u model of n man-of-war of his own designing Ship tu.ldiiiK has always been ono of bis majostj's chief bobolcs , and BO long as lie does not force the designs upon the noval contractor. ) , it may rjinaln a harmless fad , F/uui nil I gather tbo Italian minister was tut par.icjlarly Impressed by his imperial lua's Intentions. Before returning to Monzn , King Humonrt pledged hlmseir to opp3JO all attempts to reduce tbo Italian ormanunts. I understand that while at Frankfort King Hunbjrt once more ex- prejjod u fenr that peace would not long bo maintained In ICuropo , but bo did not let fall anything which pointed to a wish for war , 1 bavo also good reason to bollovo tbat m an Inform il way Slgnor Brlndisl conveyed to Count Caprivi his doslro to see Germany do Bomothing to relieve Italy of her lluaiidal embarrassments by further tarllf COIICCE- ons. Do > plto the "revelations" of th j Post and ether pupars , It is ussurtod In hlch military clrobs that fur the time Doing Count Caprivi nud tbo minister of war will not venture to ) y the now army bill before the Uoluhstng Jn the present temper of tlio bou > o ; and of the emperor , bo foresees that It would bo \1 \ InrJ , not to say Impossible , to pass u moas- u Involving fresh taxation , and reducing t t tot m of military horvlco has , may DO , not b n abandoned , but It will b bold buck till h nuro convenient moment , which m.iv uot ocoir dullni ; the next session. MUIT/KU. viaii'io.\s : ! IN TIM : mtrnsu ISM- : . * 10 .Man lUlleilSo fur itt the IrUh Muet- liilf' . LONDON' , July 2. Lord Randolph Church- I 1 , uho was the llrsl member ol the now | U"1 aiueut to bn elected , in speaking louav , aid Uiit for live years ho had occupied the position of an outcast unionist , but bo un- taakui'ly | adhered to the party , Uhiud the hume rule movement , be declared , thine ex isted a party of ono idea that of repeal of the function. That party had tried to put their Idea In effect In IbGG , but had failed. The abolition of Iho House of Lords was sug gested. They would resist to the last. Ho could not Imagine how the empire could oxUt , Tbn same strength and power of two narlla- monts , with conflicting powcw , woiv , created within the borders of the present govern ment. It had boon shown that Irelandunder Iho imperial parliament , was crowing In prosperity. There was no serious difllculty in governing Ireland , and why , ho asked , should a change. Involving the greatest 0an gers , be resorted to ) ratal Election How. Ono man has met his death through the bitter political contest which Is now waging hero. A number ot dock laborers at Southampton became in volved in tin election light and one of the participants was staobod to dcatb. J. II. Lewis , who is contesting the Flint district In Wtiles in the liberal Interest , whcro the political parties are pretty evenly divided , was assaulted whllo addressing a meeting in the district. Ho was forced to lice from the platform and tuko refuge tn n hotel. lit. Hot ) . Sir John Lubbock ( union liberal- 1st ) , who was tbo candidate for the Lo'idon university , was returned today without opposition. The total of the elections thus far show tbo return of cloven liberal unionists and four liberals. Sudden opposition has arisen in the city of London. Aldormin Uitchio , brother of Kt. Hon. C. F. Uttehio , president of tbo local government , has insisted upon standing as an independent conservative , supporting the taxation of ground rents. Tried to Kill Him. BDi'iiM.v , July 2. After an oxclted mooting of Parncllltos nud antl-Pnrnellltos last night the Parnollitos invaded the room of Sheehy , nnti-Parnolllto member of parliament , and a light ensued in which Sheody was danger ously wounded. Ho is very weak today , having lost much blood. Dfiiu.v , July 2. Whllo Mr. William O'Brien was addressing a meeting at Lim erick In support of the candidature of Mr. O'Keofo , anti-Parnelllte , the assemblage was attacked by a band of Parnollitos armed with clicks. A free light followed , during which' several ivero wounded , The police arrested the rioters and escorted Mr. O'ICoofo to his hotel. BLUE AND THE OR AY. Itnrlul of Sectional .Strife with itoiicnt OratlmiH Amlil Stirring Scenes. A most notable feature of this convention is tbo unanimity with which the delegates from all directions agree that sectionalism shall bo tabooed , tbat the bitterness of tbo war shall bu forgotten end that the bloody shirt shall bo uuiied , never to bo resur rected. Ono of the frequent and Insplrinc inci dents attending the convention is the meet ing of a union and n confederate soldier , invariably the signal for a litilu lovu feast. Again and again hnvo thospeakers before the convention declared for a brotherhood that shall know no nnrth and no south , no east no woit. The sentiment is always cheered to tbo echo , and no other seems to inspire a heartier , moro enthusiastic response. This sentiment ilnds expression in the tacit understanding that ono of the candidates shall coma from tbo north and the other from the south.Hud-President Polk of tha alii- ' nnco lived It Is probable bo would bavo been urpcd by the south for llrst place , but it Is now conceded that n man Irom the great won is moro nvuilaulo , and tbo southern delegates , carrying out the spirit of brother hood and Rood will , nro entirely content to take second place. YiiiikH ami .lohiiny Hchs In Ik. In this spirit a reunion of the blue and Iho gray was hold at the Coliseum last even ing. A martial band was on band to inspire with Hfo and drum , and before calling to order bands of veterans , Yanks and Johnnie Hobs mingled indiscriminately , marched up at.d down the long aisles singing inlrlotic ' songs , shouting war cries and into'rjoctini ; samples of the rebel yell. Ben Terrell of Texas was chosen chairman of the meeting , which was the greatest thus far gathered In the convention hall , and be introduced us the first speaker Mr. wimbor- loy of Georgia , an ex-coufcdorato. ( lory HiioiiKh Tor the North * Mr. Wimberloy told of a conversation with n Southern professor ut the oronlng of the war , who predicted that the contest would last four years , foretold the trials of the reconstruction period and prophesied that unless tbo precedents of his tory failed as a guide , tbo liberties 01 the people would bo endangered twenty-flvo years later by the aggrandize ment of monopolies. The speaker then wont into a discussion of the political situation , which bo bejiovcd had been HO prophetically anticipated. In closing bo said : "Why should you soldiers of the north , why should you sons of northern soldier * hate mo ! [ Cries of "Wo don't , we don't ! " ] You whipped us and you got glory enough when you did it. Now lot us bury that war and Its prejudice : and let us bo brethren. " The audience rose to Its foot spontaneously with three oheors and waving of hats. A glee club from Paola , Kan. , sang a selcc- t'ou ' , and C. A. Powers of Indiana , a union soldier , was introduced. The "lllooily Shirt" Cry a Political Trick. Ho spoke of his visit to Texas as a cam paigner and said bo was greatly impressed by the cordial reception of the mon who were the gray. At ono place ho was escorted to his mce'tlng by f > 00 confederates , "Tbo bloody bhlrt , " ho said , "is a term coined by the politicians , and you , boys , are tbo last men to give It currency. [ Applause. ] The crowning act of your careers Is that vou meet hero in this reunion or tbo blue aud the gray. | Cheers. ) A line glco club from Qulnncmo , Kan. , Eont tbo crowd Into spasms of delight by singing a campaign Eong entitled " .Molly and the Baby , " and T. P. Lloyd , n con fedora era to from southern Florida , was called to tbo front. A S.ireiiHtlc Smithroon , " \Vhon here " he said ' ! on my way , , was asked whoin 1 favored for president. I said FroJ Douglass. When they got over their as tonishment ni.d asked mo why , I explained that V. wo were to have niu-ger domination In t .o south the sooner tbo bettor. I want to know If there Is n soldier hero , federal or confederate , who think- , there is anv dancer of nigger rule. iCrlos of 'no.'l If there Is 1 will take him to a dime musoo and mike moro money than any freak on record. " ILauchter.J Tbo speaKer then wandered oft lute n discussion of political issues until a live minute rule cut him short. Colonel S. F , Norton of the Chicago Son- tine ! , u union soldier , followed. Among other things bo said : llattlo of the It.illoU , "It is a great occasion tint calls us to gether. The feature of the convention U ibU mooting of tbo blue and thagiay. His a happy day to RPO the hour wnoii so many men wearing different uniforms can como together as brothers. Wo inherited from tbo old world 2011 years ago two in IK slavery and a specie basis for currency. Ono cost four years of bloody war and I hope iho ether will bn wiped out by tbo peaceful battle of the ballot. "In this new emancipation of labor wo of the north are joining hands with you of tbo south , and wo are going to win , ( Appluuao.J While wo were cutting cnuh others'throats In tbo war the bondholders htolo IOUKUIHIO ) and u land ring stole enough land to maKe eleven states as largo 'as South Carolina , Wo uro Inaugurating hero a movement that will compel those monopolists to dUgorgu lomo of their stealings , ' Go with mo to the battellulds of the south. Wo 801110111101 burled man in blue and mon In gray bide by nldo without a bit of dllforonoo. i IS A F. Bismarck Declared to Bo a Monaco to the Peace of Europe , HIS UTTERANCES VERGE UPON TREASON * Ho h Denounced by the Conservatives and the Emparor's ' Friends , * HINTS THAT HE WILL BE PROSECUTED The Ex-Ohancollor , However , Maintains a Dignified Silence , LEIPSIC ANARCHISTS PLACED ON TRIAL Vou llnlou-'s ramoui 1'hltharinoulc Orches tra Will Attend the World' * fair Kmperor William's Movements Vou Muttku'H Letters. d iwiby Xcio 1'orff .ls ocl ilciZ JVcus. ] Bmi.iv , July 2 , Prlnco Bismarck has boon assiduously entreated ut Kissongon to delay further attack on the emperor and Chancellor Caprivi. Ho maintains , how ever , absolute silence , except to deny having attacked the omporor. His special organs tbo West Deutsche Allogomolno Zeitung , the Munich Allogomoino Zoltung and the Ham burger Natohriston have also become silent. Tbo Hamburger Natchnstan for days past has not made the slightest refer ence to the situation. This silence does not mean cessation of the conquest. The parties are cxcltou and are arranging themselves for or against Prlnco Bismarck. The loaders of the national liberals , thojeh disapprov ing the prince's recent utterances , are ready to resent any iutorforonco with him or to op pose the government if It ventures upon a prosecution. A strong section of the con servatives are in a similar mood. On the other band iho froisslnnigo party ana tbo central party want the government to tuko immediate action against the pnncs. Ai a mooting of the party , the speaker declared that the revelations maOo by Prlnco Bis marck verged upon high treason and that ho ought to bo tried for that offense. They de nounced him as seeking to embroil Europe in order to avcno himself on tbo emperor and Chancellor von Caprivi and as compromising the case whllo giving vent to bis ill humor. HUiimrck Mint lie Careliil. The Frankfort Zoltung , a liberal organ , urges that It Is time to end the toleration tha government has accorded Prince Bismarck. Tbo ministers , it says , should accept the challenge bo has ofTorod. They will need all , but iho struggle will enable the eovorn- ment to distinguish between ( U friends and its enemies. The ofllcinl opinion is that if the prince renews his attacks , oroiocutlon will bo inevitable and prompt. In tbo meantime Pnnco Bismarck Is enjoy ing repose after his triumphal progress , and bis presence atjilssongen has.rtruUru crowds to the place. Ho resides In a villa belonging to tno Bavarian government , to which is at tached spacious grounds and n garden along the river Saalc. Ho has n guard of Bavarian soldiers , who nave been specially detached to honor him. A carnage and horse for his use have been sent by tbo prince regent of Bavaria. Kvory night a band plavs in front of tbo villa and uurinc its performances the prince , smoking a long pip ? , can generally bo scon at a window listening. He treats tbo members of the band at intervals with copious draughts of beer anu hobnobs with the bandminor over vvino and clears. The crowd greets him with repeated "hoohs. " The prince seldom poet out , bjt ho receives a largo number of visitors. Known dust llo\v I'ur to Go. His outings ore sometimes accompanied by- troublesome ovations. The Injury to the nrincs's eye , caused by his baing struck a shorttime ago by a bauquot thatwas , thrown to him by a fervent lady admirer , was not at all serious. In a private loiter to u Hamburg friend , alluding to tno threatening prosoou tlon of himself , Prlnco Bismarck says that ho has too much respect for himself not to know the limit beyond which nc ought not to go. In raferrlng toothers , he deUos anv ono to show that he has overstepped tha limit. The Munich Allogomolno Xoitung returns to the defense of Prlnco Bismarck in an artlclo denying that his criticism } wora Inspired by u desire to return to ollicc. It says that his summary dismissal precluded all such thoughts. Tbo West Dautscho Allogomolno Z'jltung renews its call for the publication o ! the truth regarding tbo prlnco's dismissal. The simultaneous appearance of tbo articles in both oriraus suggests that Prince Bismarck moans to push tbo government to action. Will Attend the Kavlctv. The omporor-on his return from his voyage to the north , will utlond the combined naval and military raamuuvros , which will bo hold on a great scale at the beginning of August at the mouth of the Elbe. The plan of opera tions Is for the Hoot , commanded by Admiral Schroedcr , to rendezvous at Holiogolnnd , whence they will proceea and try to olfect a landing near Guax Haven. The lleot , vill bo opposed by tbo Ninth army corps , under WaUloraeo. Kxtonslvo fort works are building on Heligoland , as the engineers fully recognize tlio value of the island as a dofcnso to iho entrance to the Blbo. While the emperor Is on his voyage to the north the empress remains at Potsdam. The princess will go to Wilhelmsboo and thence to Nordonoux. Aiiurchlxtii ami Immorality. The Holntr. trial , which promise. ! a sensa tional treat to tbo public , Is proceeding be hind closed doors. During the tirst hearing that was hold last fall , the case attracted attention on account of tbo depths of im morality that woroHbown to exist in Berlin. The trial was then postponed , Holntz calling for the evidence of. n man named Just , who had gone to Chicago. Just's deposition has now teen received. It falls to exonerate HolnU. From the details tbat are leaking out , conviction of the accuiod is certain. H was tbo dlsclo uros In this case from the Soutqulres and their women associate * that gave the emperor the impulse to Issue his famous rescript , which resulted In severer penalties for Immorality. Five anarchists , Kowencr , Bonntbalcr , Hull' , Wirner and Dobborstcln uro under going trial before the imperial tribunal at Lelpslo for high treason , They aw charged with distributing Hy shoots to the soldiers , The trial U hold la Caaiora. There are a host of witnesses , The government hopes to ouulii evidence us to how far the troopi nro permeated with unurchlstlo Ideas and what soldiers assisted the prisoners In cir culating the lly shcoit. Ni < Note * , Tbo emperor ban llnully refused to allow a military board to q to the Chicago Colum bian exposition. . 'rofvXolgBfeld , to whom the minister ot waCfCorutuuulcatod this de cision , will onRjROt Von Bulow's famous ' Hamburg phllbar'monfc orchestra to ploy tn the torniIo ) of inuilo. , Princess Uadzwell has Intrusted Minister Phelps with tbo sale of n collection of let ters of Count von Moltko , written In French nt the time Voa Moltko was ac counting olllcor. It appears from the letters tbnt ho had an ffalro do cour with the princess. They n'ro charmingly written , and give a line insight Into the character of tbo great general. Ex-Kmuross Eugenie will arrive at Carls bad next week to take tbo watcrt. Mrs. W. W. Sewall , president of the na tional council of Iho women of tbo United States , Is hero In the Interest ot a woman's congress nt Chicago. u.vrorur.Ait TAX IN. .Madrid's Clciron * Kugitga In a Sorloiu Klot Miiny Wounded , Miiiiin , July 2. The now taxes Imposed by tbo government on various branches of business nro meeting with strong opposition. It was only yesterday that the bourse operators refused [ to transact business owing to the tax cm bourse transactions. A popular demonstration was made against the now tax placed upon retail operators. The men doing business on iho market formed a procession and marched through the streets , shouting and yelling , and In every way showing their disapprobation of the now tax. Wbon'tho shopkeepers heard that the market people were coming they hastily closed their doors , fear ing that tbo piQccsston would pillage their shops. The o taking part in the demonstration assaulted the police who were trying to keep them In order , in the mean time using Insulting epithets toward thu civil governor. Finally the civil guard charged upon the mob , but mot with unex pected resistance. Stones , heavy sticks and anything that catnb uandy were thrown nt Iho guard and manyof , thorn were severely hurt. The olllcor In command eventually cuvo orders to his mon to prepare to lire into the mob. and nt the word a volley was poured into the rioters. This ended tbo iinbting. Many of tbo crowd fell with ulood pouring from their wounds , while those who were uninjured and those whoso wounds were slight sought safety In flight , leaving the civil guard in possession of the field. The wounded were picked up and placed upon improvihod litters and curried to the hos pital. It is thought'that Homo of thorn will ale. , HOW IT IIAl'PUXKI ) . Iteporf of "llie Captain of the City of Chleago Concerning the Accident. LONDON , July 2. Captain H\dford of the City of Chicago , which.went ashore on the Irish coast yesterday , decided to make Queenstown , as several of his passengers were to land tbcro. * 'ljho steamer did not strike at the Barre rocks as was at llrst staled. Before sjobad ! rounded Iho old Head of ICmsale ( she rnn on the mainland. Soundings had been , takou which showed plenty of water , and ihtf stoamoi' was going at nearly full speed. When shohetruck she ' " forced horsol ? i to'f" * tlargo beotllne clllt that ptpnds "WSuDj loop "aboyo ' ' the ' 3ea.iThO shook "was aom'gttiln'tf" fcai- ful and many of tbo parsons on deck were thrown completely pfl their feet. The bows were torn put and the fora eompartmant was soon full of water , when it was found that tbo steamer could not''got oft by backing aud that she was badly damaged. Tbo en gines were kept going ahead to keep her on the rock as It was , though she might slide oft Into deep water as the tide roao , Tenders reached the wreck at " o'clock this morn ing. They waited till the fox lifted , when tboy arranged to take many of the passen gers to Quoonstown. Tbo disaster will not interfere with tno regular service of the lino. Tha City of Chester will take the City of Chicago's plaoo v in the service. IIUI.O.VIUAN CONi > rllATOUS. They Are IMacoil on Trial lor the .Hunter of thu Minister ol Finances Sorn , Julv 2. The trial by oourt martial of sixteen parsons , including M. ICttravaloff , formerly Bulgarian promlor , and M. MolofT , a former caoinet minister , was commenced horu today. Tno ornoners were accused of complicity m tbo murder of M. Beltscboff , minister of 11 nance , who was shot on March 27 , 18'Jl , whllo leaving , a shpp in this city , and died Immediately , Ono of the prisoners , named Svotoslav , declared during the proceedings that the ambition of his Ufo was to overthrow Prince Ferdinand , the ruler of Bulaaria. Ho said lhat an Odessa dolouato of a Slav benevolent society furnished funds to these engaged in the plot. Another of the prisoners , named Popoff , confessed that he and throe others had taken an oath to kill Princa Ferdinand , and had solemnly sworn to saorlfloo tholr lives , if necessary , In carrying out the plans to as sassinate the Bulgarian rulor. This prisoner also confessed that the conspirators had ob tained money and revolvers from St. PJIOM- burg to aid in carrying- out tbolr murdorom designs. Ho admlitad that lie once lay In wait to kill Prlnco Fardlnand. HI ; r.irr Tin ; ( ; SCKKA.M. How u rroihytrrl.iii MlllUter Kxultfd the CunadlwiiH' Ire. TOIIONTO , Ont. , July 3. A Upoclal from Wlarton , Ont. , nays : , This Is Dominion day and tbo citizens worn surprised ibis moraine lo sec the starj and stripes , an immense flat' , hoisted high over a small British Hag on tha premises of Hov. U , A. Vcomans , a Probby- tcrian minister. Ki UeJ citizens called tbo attention of the authorities to the matter , and then asked Yoom'HKJ.tb place the fligj on equal terms. Ho rof'qsej .to and dolled them to Interfere. A numbol ? of loading citizens marched to the IIOUSQ aud'n constable lowered tbo Hag and It was torn up by tbo oxclted citizens , - - Another llattlo lu Toniinn | , PAIIIS , July 2. A Ugtuch from Tomiuln stated tbnt another largo attlo has occurred between the French ( uijd'a largo body of ' Tomiulncso pirates , \ybo' were entrenched at Thuuhoa. Tbo French force numbered 150 meu. After a dosuqrato lesUtaneo the French charged tbo I pirates' position and carried It , but iiotulitll they had loU six teen mon ulltod and seventeen wounded. I'arnu'rs TaUuu 1 hy rhotiir.i | | > 7rii. Cuiuu itu'ins , la. , July 'J. [ Special Tele gram to TIM : Bui-jL lieecbor & Johnson , pliotogr _ ipbcrs , bav * "skipped out from Sluournoy. leaving debts to a lare amount. Tnoy also victimized 4 largo number of farm- CIM In the surrounding country by o.'lcnni ; a crayon picture and u dozen photographs for t. , providing a payment of&U cents was made In advance. None bf those ordorj were tilled , Onlcers are searching for them. Overeat * In lm > IItink lte erve. NHW YOIIK , Julv | ' . ' . Tbo bank state ment shows ttio reserve bus decreased 1,7:1. : ' ) . t.W and specie has douroaiod fjtVJ'U ( ( > . The banks now bold ' $18OJIb5J in exec * * of requirements. HIGH ON THE REEF Great Inman Steaimr Oity of Chicago Firmly Oangbt on Fastnet Lctlge. NARROW ESCAPE OF THE PASSENGERS Had Thera Bean Much Wind Great Loss of Lifo Would Have Followed. TALE TOLD BY ONE OF THE RESCUED Sailing at Full Speed Through the Fog Whou the Vessel Struck. MANY ARE CRITICISING THE CAPTAIN Charges Tluit the Chtel Ollleer Wan Uattloil Uillleiilty in fleeing the llo.its Climbing tlio Hock * to Sufcty. x , July 2. [ Now Yrk Herald Cable Special to Tim lieu. | Tbero Is uot the slightest room ( or aoubt that It a strong wind litul boon blowing at the tltno ot tbo stranding of tlio City of Chicago on the rocks at IClusalo would have boon attended by most frlgbtful results. It is only duo to the moderation ol the elements that no loss of hfo is to bo recorded , for all the circum stances point to the possibility of an appall ing disaster in loss favorable weather. It was bedraggled and tired looking crowd of passengers who arrived at Quconstown this afternoon. They bad undergone all the tortures of agonizing suspense and bad nioro than ouco believed themselves doomed to destruction. As it is their oscapa pcoms almost miraculous. The danger of sinking on board ship is not half so terrible us the perils which resulted from what may bo called the panic-stricken management of those in charge of tbo ship. The passengers uro outspoken and forcible in their criticism of the manner in which they wore loft al most to shift for themselves. Among the llrst to reach Cork today were Prof. Cameron ot Princeton university , accompanied by Bayard Stockton , prosecutor of tbo court of common p'oas for Mercer county , Now Jersey , his lainlly and the two Misses Tyng of Now York. Their expe rience reads like a leaf out of ono of Sloven- son's or Dr. Clark Russell's most sensational ocean tales. I give you Prof. Cameron's story In his own words : rijluif Through tlio l"ug , "Wo ran into fog oft Fastuot at about 5 o'clock Friday tftornoon. It Is not necessary for mo to tell you that in spite of tha thick ness of tbo fog the engines of the ship kept golnp at full speed , out tbo fog born was not blown. Tbo only danger wo feared was that wo might cut down ono of tuo many Ashing vessels , watch are very "numer ous oit. tha cost. But wo trusted In good lucfTand tfcc'wiil'of thu captaln * to pull " -"us I through. After dinner most of tbo passen gers were on dock in happy expectancy of soon sceinp the tender from Queenstown , wqich was to take ashore a number of pas sengers , including the IrUh-Amorican peace deputation , who are bent on creating harmony between the fighting homo rule factions. Captain Kadford and two officers were on deck. Suddenly I saw a long line of rocks not more than HOO foot ahead of us. I rubbed my eyes under the impression that I wa * suffering from an optical illusion , but the more I rubboj my oyus the nearer wo cimo to the rocks until the shrieks of several women convinced ino It was live roallty , end that wo were making a bop line for what looked like the jaws of death. "When the inevitable collUion between the ship and rocks arrived , it was loss forci ble than I Had expected , for we gilded safely on tbo ledge and seotned lo rest there in an easy position. The engines were reversed the very moment when danger became ap parent , and to this fact alone 1 ascribe our oicapo from destruction. Captain Had ford loft the bridge after the accident and seemed undecided what course to pursue. It "ISattleil" the Cnptaln. "Ho plainly 'rattled , ' and ho can hardly bo blamed. But ono thought seemed upper most in bis mind , and that was tbo loss of bis ship. Purser Kavanaugh did much to allay the fears , and under tbo circumstances tbo calmness and cool Judgment of tbo pas sengers. who , acting without instructions or knowledge of what to do , was wonderful and praiseworthy , A long wooden plank was placed from the bow of tbo ship to the cliff , and wo could bavo walked ashore , out this operation was attended with moro or loss of danger. Finally three boats were ordered over , and manned by sbortbandod crows of sailors. "I am not exaggerating when I say that tbo first boat bad to bo cut loose with an nxo before It would yield to the swinging of the davitts. About fifty passengers were put in each boat , and after much exertion , in which wo had the pleasure of helping the sailors handle tbo boat , wo reached sboro , all the woman in a more or loss state ot exhaustion. Hero wo met a number of coast guards to whoso invaluable services wo ewe much. In order to roach a place of safety wo were obliged to climb a sixty-foot ladder , along the steep sides of the el iff. This was a most perilous task. Tbo foot hold was not particularly Inviting , and u practical to it bus not given mo a bleb opin ion of this manner of elevating oneself , even in time of dangor. After reaching the end of tbo rope wo were obliged to clamber along the scraggy sides of tbo rock , but the women accomplished It with courage born of des peration , "Once In safety , wo were taken in hand by kind-hearted peasants who liolpoJ us along vltb words of comfort and cheer , and did everything possible to make our lot easier. " Tbo passengers nra being well cared for by agents of tbo In in an line , who are very zeal ous in attending to tbolr wants. Tno steamer is In a norllous position. She has eighteen feet of water under her and her forward compartments are tilling. Very llttlo doubt for her safety Is cxprossad hero , although all tlio passengers will probably save oaggago , whlcti can bo saved if the prompt measures directed by the management are carried out. Bl.U.Mll.XrEl.ll. _ LONDON 1'INANOIAI. JKKVIKW. ln lne H on tliu Stock llxchaiiKo Voiiriliiy U'uit onitc Limited , [ Coi/i | IvMal IHltoj Jttinet . ) rJ 1 1 IIenn't\ \ IJONIIOV , July U. [ Now York Herald Cable Sueclal to Tim BBU. | Business on the block exchange to-day could ecaicely bavo oeon luss hud the bourse boon closed , which would have bi'en the ctuo had It not been 'for the consol settlement. Funds are unchanged , while Indian rupee paper has Improved one-fouriu of 1 per cent THE BEE 'LLETIN. IIVnWifr/or O/n.thnn'nl / Hi ; I\ilr ; < \ \ Auitlinly in til * . l\ioe , I. Story < il tlio Chleai * , < < Wreek. \VllheliuN lleiiiiiiemtlon of HUmareli. Kltect nl Hut I'nnce'a Tiilk. ImlepemlentN tit Sen. II. Oiimlm lo es the rirnt ( Same. TiiiniiiiinyVlni ( iront ICiice. I. Kdltorlal mill Comment. r . Look * HrlKhter lor I'niil. Krail.v fur ( ho I'linrtli. Washington Now i. 0 , Council ItlitlU 7. I.IIHI Week in Soelety. SI. .liMC'pli'i Hospital Uoilleateil. 8. Allaire at Smith Otimhii , W. Sltrtehes of Independent Leatlern. Origin of the People's 1'iirty. 10. Carpenter's I'lr < t 1 iiiiilni ) Letter. 11 , Condition ( it Omulm's Trmlo. Live. stuck anil drain Markets. Nick I'ox Convicted mill SeiiU'liceil. IS. IlullUlo Cniintj'N llonnty. 111. ronrtll tit , luly Heading. Secret Society NotoH. 1 1. Ilelil Up 1111 Omaha Train. Court Itiiiiin VitriiH , in. Ill Womau'H World. It ) . Weekly Sporting Miiiiiimry. owing to the slightly firmer ten dency In silver. Foreign govern ment securities closed heavy , weakness being - ing reported on continental bourses , moro particularly that of Paris , where the settle ment is in progress. Greek bonds have clvon way one-half par cent , as have Italian , Hungar'an gold , Spanish , Portuguese and most others. Turkish Issues are oft one- half to one-fourth per cent. Homo railways are loss favorably Inclined at loss than they were nt the opening. A decline oC seven-eights of 1 per cent has token place in Great Western , Hull , rtansloy and Midland and a rise of from ono eighth to one-fourth ot 1 per cent in North British and Northeastern. American rail ways opened llrm and generally higher , but In tbo last hour hnvo became dull , being ad versely Influenced by tbo passing nf the div idend on Denver preference. Shares have inllon 1 pOr cent in consequence. Changes established in others are irregular , but do not exceed ono-oiguth to thrco-oights of 1 per cent cither ono way or the other. Money has been quiet and unlondablc. Short loans are nominally quoted at one-half of 1 pur cent In the discount market. Bills have also been scarce , 'iho ordinary rate for these nt two and three months is seven-eights of 1 per cent. CANADIANSIALIIIS sii/.in. : An American Cruiser .Makes u Haul m Alas kan Waters. VANCOUVCK , U. C. , July 2. There Is great excitement hero over the report that tbo American cruiser Corwln seized the steamer Coqultlam in Alaskan waters , besides several Canadian sealers. The Coqultlam is owned by the Union Steamship company of Vancouver and is chartered by an association of sealers to carry supplies to schooners in Boring sea and bring back skins. Her owners will maKe n representation to tbo Dominion gov ernment in regard to the matter. snld the CqqulUamJiadSlpO.ODO worth" " ' * < t were made prisoners. The sol/.uro , it is thought , will do much toward breaking up poaching , us it will force tbo poachers lo como in from tbo sealing grounds for supplies. Tbo Corwln also over hauled twenty-live British schooners in Port Etches , and after giving them a reasonable time for repairs ordered them out of the har bor. _ _ TUJt.\J/t ! > AT blOUX CITY. Teams from Viirloim 1'artn ol the West JJn- JojliiK a l'est. Sioux CITT , la. , July 2. [ Special Tolo- grara to Tun Bnn.J The heavy rains which fell duping last night made Hivorsldo park an undcsiraulo place for the turners today. Tbo grass wai wet and tbo trees dripping and it was decided to carry out the program in the hall. Tbo tlrst hour was occupied with wend exorcises , In which the partici pants displayed wonderful oxpertnoss. Then came the prize turning , consisting of work on the horizontal and parallel bars. Exer cises .vlth tbo clubs , dumb bolls , etc. , and fancy work on selected apparatus. The judges will not announce their de cisions on those nor any other contests until tbo fost Is closed , but it Is probable trom n comparison of the work in Iho various branches that Omaha and Lincoln will carry away most of tbo honors. The parade was the chlet event of tbo afternoon. The procession was led by the Knights of Pythias band , twenty pieces strong. The members were in full uniform. Next came the Lincoln turners , carrying bright colored Jaimnoeo parasols. Plaits- moutb followed with tbo stars and strlpos on the left breast and carrying light ciuios. - 1'rof , AiulroHH * Ovation. HASTIXOS , Neb. , July 2. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEH.J The Hasting * post of the Grand Armv of the Republic gave Prof. W. E. Andrews , the republican nominee for congress In tbo Fifth district , an ovation to night. Tbo Junlata band and a Hastings Grand Army of the Republic drum corps furnished the music. Tbo musio attracted largo crowds. There was plenty of noise- and enthusiasm and ovary one was shouting for Harrison and Andrew * . Finally , after the vast throng of people assembled in front of the Dutton block on Kocond street , Gen eral Alva V. Colu of Junlata Introduced Prof. Andrews , paying him a neat compli ment. Prof. AndrawJ was received with tbrco cheers and , after the apnlauso had subsided , made a short address. After eulogizing the services of the soldiers in the lute war , ho stated that If elected to a seat In the Fifty- third congress he would at nil times endeavor by bis volco and vote to show bis appreciation of tbo services of tbo veterans. JuditoJ. II , Cessna was called. Ho made n ringing republican address , in which bo predicted that Harrison , Reid and Andrews would bo triumphantly elected in November. Antelope County Hepuhllraiis. SAVtni ; , Nob. , July " , ( Special Telegram to Tun Bii.l : At the Invitation of the re publican club hero Hon. C. F. Bayha of No- ligh delivered the opening speech of tbo cam- paten In Antclopa county. Ho wont from lieio to Pleasant Valley school house In Ver- dlgrco township to help organUo u club there and speak last evening. Thoiupub- llcuus In this part of the county are aroused and Baymi's argument1) on tarllf , nllvcr and reform will do much goou in this section. / : . i IIKII MIHKV.IHT. Orrici : or BI'IIKAIJ , ) OMAHA , July' ' . | Local 1'onic.nt I'or Ionium Nrliruxlui , Omaha ami Vlrlnlly I'nir eath r , proli- ulily priiciidml In tlio ii-irth\vc t rii portion ol the Htitte hy loeal hluMUim ! llilitl > cooler nith northurly itliuU iturliiK Sunday , For tbo 4tb tbo weather promises to bo fair and moderately warm. WAHMIXUIO.V. U. C. , July 2. For Nebraska Showers , followed by generally f'llr ' on Sunday ; warmer except In extreme south- cast partlon. For Iowa Local nhowcru , cloarlnir Sunday night : northerly winds ; cooler In southern , uliuhtlv warmer In northern portion. For Houth Dakota -Fair on bunduyj wanner southerly winds , becoming variable. ALL AT SEA ] MANY WHO ARE WILLING TO BE CALLED Qresham'a ' Withdrawal Loavjs the People's ' ttoom Without n Visible Head. WEAVER'S ' WALKOVER IS THREATENED Little Private Booms Are Numcroui and Becoming Moro So Rapidly , Iowa's ' Qalhnt General Will Got a Good Kim for His Money Sure , SEVERAL SENATORS IN THE RING Stewart. Jones and Kyle , with a Possibility of Poffor and Others. TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION EFFECTED Chairman Ellington's ' Eloqnsnco ou the Aims of the Reform Hosts. AN APPEAL FOR HARMONIOUS ACTION Outline of Plans ou Which the Now War Mnat Bo Waged , BLUE AND GRAY IN UNION BOUND Old Soldiers Put in an Evoniuj in Wiping Out the Past. COMMITTEES WERE HARD AT WORK Not WlhhliiK to Labor on .Sunday , They Tolled .Saturday Night What Au- othcr Day llroiiht | 1'ortli m iCelorm'H Holy Cause. The first day's session of tbo national con vention of the people's party was a harmoni ous one. After the tomnornry organization of the convention , and whllo the various commit tees were In session , the Interval was con sumed in speeches by Upnucllj' of Minnesota , , "Cyciono" Davis of Texas , and to accentuate tbo harmony displayed on nil sides a gonulno Indian with long raven locks was called to tbo stand and made ono ot the most eloquent and Incisive speeches of the day. But little In'tbo wayof sub qtjjlaj .business was tran sacted , as it did not seem to bo the doslra of the delegates to proceed In any other than the most deliberate manner. At the close of the afternoon session an adjournment was taiton until Monday at 8 o'clock , wnen the permanent organization will bo made aud the report of the commiltoo on rules and resolutions presented and adopted. After that will como tbo nomina tion of candidates for the presidency and vice presidency , and the only contest of the convention will probably talto place at that timo. An Informal session Is to bo held this afternoon for memorial exorcises In respect to tno memory of ox-President Polk of tbo Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union and other deceased leaders of the reform move ment. Not So Awfully IJnar.lmoiit ) . The convention Is entirely at sea as to Its presidential ticket and the indications are thai when tbo roll of states Is called for the nrcsentatlou of candidates for the presi dency at least a dozen names will no placed before the convention. The telegram from Judge ( Jrosnam , curtly Inlormlng Uonoral Weaver , Ignatius Donnelly and others that ho ivould not accept the nomination on any platform , settles all doubts us to iho Groshum position , and ho Is no longer mentioned lu connection with tbo presidential nomination. The candidate nmt froolv mentioned U General James B. SVoavor of Iowa , and there Is llttlo doubt tbat no will load uncn tbo first ballot , although tbcra will bo so many candidates In the fif'd ' that it Is qulto Improbable that any nomination will bo reached until nt least two or three ballots have boon taken. Soiuitor Slowart of Nevada - vada , Senator ICylo of South Dakota , lena- tlus Donnelly of Minnesota , Senator John P. Jones of Nevada , nud Paul Vandorvoort , are only a faw of ibosu mentioned in connocllou with tbo presidential nomination. Looking lor 1'iivorlln SOUK. It Is very probable tbat n doicn favorite sent > will como Into publlu prominence before the convention opens on Monday morning. There are sunlit Indications that delegates who go to rnuko up tbo people's party conven tion are not likely to altogether forgot their former utllliations In balloting for the prosi doncy. Thu farmer * alliance people are dis posed to favor a presidential candidate who has neon an active member of the nlllanco , whllo the ICnighih of I ibor are In the same way likely to record with special favor ono who has been Identified with their organisa tion. In like manner the radical free silver men look very kindly toward the candidates from the stiver states. And It 1s probably because of thn signifi cant numerical strength of the sliver delegates - gates that Senators Jones and Stewart have suddenly loomed Into prominence. A urcat many of the silver men are qulto enthusiastic ] for Senator Stewart of Nuvuda , but tbo delegates - gates from his own slate maintain qulto positively that he is not n candidate and de clare that tbo wl-ih longer to retain him In congress should lJ respected. Despite tha position of tbo Nevada delegates , however , the members of the Silver league generally look with much favor upon Senator Stewart , and nothing but thu decided stand of tbo delegates from hU own ntutu will prevent his name being presented to the convention. If Not nril .Tinlie Hecoml. Tbo is but llttlo discussion of tbo viea presidency. Itlsijutto probable that of tha various candidates for the vlco presidency some unsuccessful aspirant will bo contoniud on tbo second placo. Congressman Tom Wutson of Georgia could bavo the vice presl. dontial nomination If ho desired It , lu thu event nf tbo nomination of a northern candi date for Iho llnst place. But Mr. Watson has Instructed tbo Georgia delegation to sco that his name U not presented to thu conven tion In thU connection. Ho li u candidate for ro-olootlou to congress from tbo xtulo of Georgia and has given hlH pledge to tb *