Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1892, Image 9

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14 full Blast at the Continental on Today.
All Gloee Buyers Invited.
Special sale of men's all wool
cheviot and cassimere suits on Sat
urday at
$5 , $6 and $7 ,
Don't miss this sale. 500
men's all wool Cheviot and Cassi
mere suits will be placed on sale
Saturday morning at $5 , $6 and $7
per suit. These are the best values
we have offered this season. The
lot includes sacks and frocks in
Cheviots , Cassimeres and worsteds.
The cheapest suits in this lot retail
for $10 everywhere , and some of the
best styles as high as $15. Samples
aiiershown in our windows.
Thin coats and vests at January
prices on Saturday.
All our mohairs , alpacas , flan-
> ynersw md-ser-ges at cut prices on Sat
urday to close.
Continetat Ctotliiiw'
Spring Notwithstanding ; , ' 92's Harvest
Will Eo a Good One.
o Agon oy's ' Review of Condi
tions nt End of Juno.
Merchant nud Farmer Alike Look to a Year
t of Prosperity.
J'lotlimn of D 'i > imltH I'aimcrs Don't Ni'oi
to llorroiv and Mmcliuatu' hiatus Aiu
* '
MJloim ljut tliu 1'imnur Hearken ,
, , , A < ; lciiim lodge , and Applaud.
Headers of Tun line are herewith pre
sented with n full , careful nnd candid review
of the present condition nnd future prospects
of this year's crops and the no n oral condition
of trade In olghty-sovon counties of the state
. us they stood on Juno 110. The report is the
wbrlJ 'of the It. G. Dun & Co. mercantile
ngomy , | nud is here printed through the
couYtcsy of the Omaha representative of the
firm , Mr. W. A. Uoborson. Thurston , Uixon ,
Dakota and Codnr counties in the northeast
of the state report to the Sioux City ofllco
of the ngonc.y , nnd those four counties nro
not included in this rovlow. MoPborson is
tpar ely settled nnd Inaccessible and Is
thoreforu , perforce , omitted. All the other
counties of the state nro beard from.
While the reports below toll their own tale ,
it muy bo permissible to point out .that In
view of the discouraging conditions prevail
ing in May It Is quite rcmnrknblo that the
stutomcnts from nearly ull parts of the state
should Indicate so fair iv prospoot for both
corn nnd small grain.
Tiioru. ts no "politics In the mercantile
nuoncj ? ' business , lia tendency being gener
ally , It uuythlnir , ' .o underestimate rather
than ovcrtutnnato favorable conditions ,
, The aoroago in western counties is largely
Tbo fruit crop may bo reckoned a failure
nearly ovorywhoto.
Corn planting was much delayed by the
wet weather , mil whut is in has u good stand
nnd n.fuIL avcrago crop may still bo looked
Sugar beats , flax , sorghum , broom corn ,
garden scads nnd millet are the only crops
nutnlJo of staples mentioned In the reports
und theao appear to bo grown profitably , nud
the ucroaijo Is rapidly being Increasedexcept
in the case of llax ,
Corn ooniluuun to bo king in nil the older
counties , though winter wheat Is coming into
favor along ibo southern tier. In western
Nebraska , in spite ot bbort seasons , oloyii-
tlpn nnd want of ruin , the corn acroi o
stiows an almost phenomenal increase.
Collections appear to bo good in most soo-
llonB of the ctato nude trade , except In very
[ ow counties , Is all that could bo expected.
I'ho farmer * bavu uioro money In buuk and
Men's Fine Cassimere and Che toot
Prices unheard of to close the sez son
$15 worth $25 :
On Saturday morning wiV will
place on sale 75 fancy worsted ) puits
which have sold all season for $25.
The cloth is made by the celebrated
Hockannm M'f'of Co. and is one of
the best fabrics in the market. Our
price for these suits on Saturday will
be $15. All sizes. Sacks and frocks ,
A big cut in the prices of all our
high cost suits has been made for
this sale. Come early on Saturday.
Thin Coats and Vests at January
prices on Saturday.
All our Mohairs , Alpacas , Flan
nels and Serges , at cut prices on
Saturday to close.
" ' '
"Continental CloMhgtffouse"
are in easier circumstances financially than
for years.
Mortgairo indebtedness has been largely
reduced In many localities and new lands
purchased from speculators In others.
Although all iho local hanks are in funds the
demands for loans are very lignt und inter
est is generally below the rate fixed by law
The principal crop of Adams count- , last
your , was corn. About the same ucreago of
Hint cereal Is In cultivation this year , and
is in excellent condition aud growing rapidly.
Winter wheat is gaining In favor in Adams
and the present crop is nbovo tbo average ,
Spring whout is not moro tbun a lair crop.
In the acreage of oats and barley there is
but little change nnd both will full short of
the average. Potatoes are ilno , and several
largo fields ore being grown. Clover nnd
timothy tire grown oxtonbivelv nnd are in
splendid condition. Last year tno farmers
reduced their indebtedness $0. > ,030. This
represents debts actually paid ( mortgages )
and loss than ( ! per cent of this amount was
released by foreclosure. The fruit crop will
fit 1 short as compared with last year. Collec
tions are somewhat Improved , but merchants
have not yet experienced any marked im
provement in trade. Future prospects of all
are improved since ft year aio. A great uoal
of prairlo was broken up lust year and sowed
to whout , oats und barley. The season is a
little late , but there is no prospect of a
failure and there seams to bo no scarcity of
Principal crop last year was corn , and the
acreage is at least one-fifth moro ibis year
than lust. The yield lust year wns largo In
all ninils of grain nnd the prospects , nt pres
ent , uro good , in fact bettor than n year ato.
Do not think crops more alvorsiflcd than last
year , although all Iclnds of grain nro raised.
Crops uro well advanced considering Iho lute
season nnd prospect ) nro good. Collections
nro reported us fuir and trudo with merchants
good. In fact , everything looks promising.
Whont was the principal crop last yoir and
the ucroueo this year is about throe times us
lur < ; o , with an increase of 'JO per cent In
acreage of o Us. Ityo and barley nbout the
bumo , with loss flax and corn. Prospects ex
cellent for all kinds of small grain. Corn
very late and It Is Impossible as yet to deter
mine accurately about it. IJuslness better
than a year ugo Loth us lo collections und
trado. There is considerable building
on this year , while there was nouo last.
There U no Increase ) of about 50 per cent in
the acreage of corn and wheat this yoar.
Corn Is late , but wheat is ; line , with
prospects for a large crop. Present condi
tion of trade and collections are good , show-
lug considerable improvement over a year
At tbo present llino crops are looking fine
and cromlslng , Small grain of nil kinds is
doing nicely. Corn is rather backward , but
the opinion Is expressed that the crop will bo
good notwltstnndlng the Jute season. The
acreage this year is largerthan ever before ,
moro land having been broken this season
than for the past three yearn. Merchants
express themselves well satisfied with trade ,
but are still looking forward to improve
ment. Collections are good and moro farm
ers hnvo money doposltcd in bunks this sea
son than In any since ISS'J , The marknl in
cattle nnd hogs Is moving some , several largo
shipments having boon made recently , und
the produce market Is aUo beginning to
llvon up. Pnslurapn is good and the general
outlook Is for the bettor ,
II ( lit llllttC.
Wheat was the principal crop last year , al
though n great deal of corn and oats was
raised , The acrcuga this year is more than
double and the prospects are excellent for u
largo wheat crop. Corn is n little backward.
Oats in good condition. Future prospects
rogurded bright , everybody confident and
some very enthusiastic.
ThU Is a now county and wa * sparsely re t-
tied luit your , so that-ll would hardly bo possible -
siblo to make comparisons , TUoro are about
1,400 quarter section * occupied now unit forty
acres to one-fourU ) .section is a conservative
estimate of acreage In cultivation. This
will uo nearly equally divided between corn
and small grain , There Is considerable- ,
wheat nnd oats , nnd prospects were never
bettor. Trade Is 113 per cent better than last
year , but collections are only fair nt present , i
The future looks promising for both larmorlj
and merchant. I' '
llroun. 11
The principal crop last year wns whea I
though considerable rye , oats and corn woj I
grown. This year there is n largo area I ° j
newly broken ground on which llax is th
principal crop. Loss corn and mora oa1'
than a year ago. There was no failure
any crop last year and at present prosocc
nro good , although all crops are rather bac
ward owing to the cold , late spring. Collt
tlons and trade are fairly good and mercnai
nnd farmers nro very hopoful.
11 u nu i o.
The principal crops nro wheat and co :
Owing to the wet and cold spring corn 1
bcon rather backward out tbo present wa
weather Is bringing u alone finely.
growing Molds of cereals are nil looking g
und with present promises fulfilled tl
will bo a bounteous yield which will on
both farmers nnd merchants to square
their accounts and lift the mortgages
their homos , which owing to the crop fall
for the past two yours they were force
place thoro. There have boon quite
corn shipments of late und good prices
Ized. There is a decidedly bettor fcj
among the merchants who nro anticip
n good nnd profitable fall trade. The
showers hnvo done much good , cattl
fattening and , in fact , everything bcs
better times nil around. The acreage
your is liirner than heretofore to u cons
ble extent. There appears to bo plci
money with light demand. Collection
trade are fairly L'ood.
Hurt. _ .
The principal crop last year was corilTho
acrougo this year Is one-fourth loss thnl'/lnst ' /
owing to the lateness of the season. 1/rops /
nre a little mnro diversified but ovor.'jfblng
is growing rapidly and prospects nro f'/mfor /
u teed crop. There has never boon W'bud
failure of crops in this county. ColKltions
arc close and trailo is lighter than It hrj boon
for some time. However , prospects jro fn-
vorablo and the impression prevail ! that
merchants will do a good trade thin y pr.
Con ; was the principal crop last ycl.r nnd
the ncroago this year Is ubout ttnf .samn.
Owing to continued wet wonthor IK curly
part of season the crop Is rnthor bnfkwnrd ,
but it Is growing well ut present andLho out
look is favorublo for nn average crop ) , There
Is moro small grain this year tnun'Jnst anil
the prospect is fair , uotwlthstuniing tbo
rains boat the ground and the sul tequent
warm weather baited it so that the r < op dons
not look us well as usual. The pros ) cts are
that If proiont warm weather contin , os corn
win have Its usiial growth by the first of
July , Money Is plenty in banks and Individ
ual depositors hove nearly doubled In num
ber within the lust your. Merchants uro
doing a fair business , but collections arc
slow. However , merchants ana farmers uro
hopeful and anticipate good tunes ttls year ,
C < -
The principal crop last year was corn nnd
the acreage and distribution this ) oar nro
about the same. Corn though small Is In
excellent condition and a splendid crop is ox-
poctod. Small grain Is looking medium.
Trade is good , auout the average , and farm
ers are cheerful. Collections slow , old claims
Doing gathered up somewhat , especially
those against farmers. Only ono recent fail
ure , and that u small ono. caused bv competi
tion and injudicious buying combined with
small capital , Prospects are good and on the
whole trudo and farmers seem toT be slightly
bettor than the avorago.
The principal crops last year were whout
and corn. The acreage of wheat this year is
about twice as largo us last , with a decrease
of probably 50 per cent in the corn crop.
Crops nro loss dlvorailloil , farmers confining
themselves to small grain nnd paying but
little attention to any other crop. Thn cropi
are now looking well , but it is not uollovod
the yield will bo as largo as formerly. It is
estlmutdil that there are about 75,000 acres
of small grain out. Collections are good ,
hotter than last jour. Trada Is improved
nnd future protpocts for merchant and
farmer are bright. Everything is in a
healthy condition.
Cliurry ,
Wheat was the principal crop last year ,
corn second and oat * third , The overage
Boys' Long Pants Suits ,
Ages 13 to 18.
RW TIllW PlOM Sllifa
JJUjo ( lllitl ; 1jJj [ \ \ \ ulutoj
Ages 12 to 16.
At prices never heard of in Oiuaha
to Close the Season.
Our boys' department will be the
busiest part of our store on Satur
day. Prices on Boys' Long Pants
Suits have been almost cut in two ,
beginning as low as $6.50 for all
wool cheviots , $10 and $12 will
buy the best in our stock. In three
piece suits , 12 to 16 , we will sell
several styles of fine goods at $6.75.
Boys' Hat Department.
Remember we undersell all oth"
ers in Boys' Headwear. Saturday
will be our clearing up day on boys'
straw goods , at 25c , 35c and 50c.
. ,
\ftrfi ' * - I- > 1 ( /M"--r1 ' * * --TfT ' - ' r
continental Clothing House
lold for wheat In the , entire county was
ilwonty bushels per aero. Corn anil oats nv-
Iiragod ubout thirty. This yqar there is a
( larger acreage than last and prospects uro
( excellent. The increase in ncreago is cs > tl-
limited at To per cent and the ncreaco in corn
is decreased about the same nor cent. The
corn crop is small bat of hoalthv color.
Wheat and oat crops nro exceptionally coed
and are assured now. Vegetables of all
Hinds are in good condition. Trade is gradually -
ually Improving. Collections uro good and
can bo made readily /from merchants , and
after the Harvest no trouble will Do ex
perienced with the farmers.
Clu'ycrine ,
Plio principal crop fast , year was wheat ,
rye. oats and corn following. There is a
very largo increase in acroauo this your , and
crops are all looking well. Corn is very
backward. Collections are easier , and there
scctns to bo plenty of tnouov whore there is
security to put up for it. Farmers are look
ing forward to good crops , und land Is ad
vancing In price.
U'iio principal crop las year was corn. The
acreage this is not so great aslant , being
estimated at 00 per cent. This dilTcroncu
was caused principally 'ny ' the late spring
and the poor condition of the ground for
planting. Un account of this much ground
that was to have been pluntcd in corn was
seeded to millet and sorghum. There Is 50
per cent inoro winter wbeat growing this
year than ever uoforo. This looks well nad
the prospects are tor an enormous crop. All
Uinds of faiuall eraln are in excellent condi
tion and prospects are good for a largo crop.
Corn , although small , is in peed condition
end the warm weather is producing rapid
growth. Much of the corn that was planted
early had to bo planted over on account of
cold wet weather. The fruit crop will not
tie so largo by 50 pcrcentas that of last year.
Potatoes have mada a good growth and give
promise of n largo yield. Collections and
trade aio pood. Prospects ivero never
bettor for farmers aud merchants. A largo
number of farmers lio'.u ihcir last year's
crop of corn until recently ana disposed of it
upon the advance in prices. Sorghum , which
has heretofore been grown in tbo nature of
an experiment , has boon largely planted tnis
year as crop ana Is in good condition.
Ura4 is in excellent condition and stock
is doing well. Furmorswho ) have heretofore
gtown cattle lor feeding are now turning
their attention to cuttle for milk ana are
well pleased with inn results ,
The principal crop/ / last year was corn ,
Acreage this year Is about the sumo as last ,
from bO.OOO to 00,000 ' acres. Considerable
prairie has been broken and whlto tbo farm
ers were late in getting crops planted they
have grown well the last month and appear
ances indicate an A No. 1 yield , wheat.
about 10,003 acres , game as last year , and
prospects good. Very little llax was sown.
Potatoes , about 5,000 acres ; prospects good ,
There Is an Increased acreage of rye over
last year , sny uboui7UOO acres , prospect * ex
cellent. The hay business In this county is
n largo item every yenr. Collections are
flow. The present condition of trade aud the
future prospects of merchants and farmers
, > cro never bolter.
The principal crops last year wore wheat ,
oats and corn , corn comprising about tbreo-
fourtns of the norcngo. There is a Blight In
crease this year , and ) n < some portions of the
county moro email grain has boon bown. All
crops are In good condition and as far ad
vanced us they wore Just year at this tune ,
with the exception ot Corn , which Is rather
late to make n full crop , , but it never did fall
In this county and farmers are Htlll hopoful.
Tradu has been slow und collections only
fair. Monov rather iqirca. One reason is
that during the last vfi r the farmers have
bought up Hourly all latids hold by nonresi
dents and moil up alt tut ) money they could
raise for that purpose. Tbo prospects for
future trade und collapttons uro good.
Wheat was the prijicflpBl crop last year.
the uvorufo yieluifotf JICTJ belli y ' , ' " > to ! JO
bushels. The acre * * , , foj wheat tbU. year is
J5 per cent greater * ff jflast , with good prospects -
pects for n largo yl M & tjls time. Corn Is
looking line , the olh awback being that
soodlnis and plantlwKvoro ; | atRi ol , account
of the continuously nml coj | spring. Tbo
crop is making ww , rfm growth and with
couilnuoa favoruW ou\Uer wu oo nit aver-
ago height on July 1. Collections nro fairly
good ; trailo Is fair , mid the farmers and mer
chants are in good condition. Merchants
report business Incicaslne.
\Vhcat and oats wore the principal crops
last year. There was sorao llax , a little barley -
loy , rye and corn. This year the acreage in
wheat has bcon considerably increased.
However , the yield is not likely to exceed
tbo 1601 crop , as a great deal has not. bcon
put in In the best order , the season being
late and farmers in n hurry. The county Is
receiving copious rains. Corn looks rather
poor this season , owing to the cold , back
ward spring. The prospects for an abundant
crop ore regarded ab flattering. Trade is
fair. Collections average as to ease and
merchants and farmers are hopeful and in
coed spirits over present prospects , which
are the best for three years.
Principal crop la wheat. The condition ot
this section of the country was never bnttor
and the prospects for an cxrellent crop of all
kinds are very flattering. The general acro-
atre is increased probably 10 per cent ovtir
ISO ) . All kinds of small grain nro well ad
vanced and looking lino. Corn is nearly n
month behind but is doing nicely , and with
favorable weather will make an excellent
crop. The yield last year was abundant.
Collections nro generally oasv. Money is
plenty. Trade Is generally quiet , but pros
pects are very good.
Wheat , oats , rye and barley nro the crops
in this county , with wheat the principal one.
There is an Increase of about 500 per cent
this year In acreage and prospects mo good.
Collections are reasonably good the bestin
deed , for Ilvo years. Futuio prospects for
merchants and farmers uro cortulnly flatter
Dodge ,
Corn , wheat and oats are the principal
crops , corn loading in acreage , which will
probablv fall a little short this year owing to
wet weather. However , the crop so fat-
looks exceedingly well , bettor than last year
ut this time , and gnming rapidly. Wheat
and outs were poorly put In , but look fairly
well ; will probably make n fair ere ; > . Farm-
era have nearly finished marketing last
year's crop nf corn and money is plenty.
Trade good for the season. Collections fulriy
good and Improviug. The olp.nd aud pros
pects are very good ,
Crops in this county nro greatly diversified.
Corn and hay , with some oats , are the prin
cipal ones. The acreage of all is diminished
from last year on account of the backward
spring. Corn ni > d oats ore about ill ) per cent
loss , with poorer crop prospects than any
year for at least two , Hogs and dairy pro
ducts form a considerable Industry. The
dairy business Is increasing , Are shipping
from the creamery hero about .fifty cans of
milk nnd cream each day , an increase of
about ten cans over last year. This Is n
monthly cash income to tbo farmers. The
potato crop Is fair as to acreage and pros
pects. The lain cold winds ana stornn do-
btroycd the fruit , except in a few well pro
tected localities. Everything Is lute , but If
the frosts cona Into all will compare favora
bly with lust year , as everything at present Is
growing very rapidly. Collections are fair.
Present trauo Is dull. Uropj are becoming
moro'diversified each year , nnd now aovornl
hundred acres are planted to melons ,
bquBsbcs , etc. . for the seed , also a few acres
"tubugar boots ,
Thn crops of Ib'.U were corn and wheat ,
with a smalt amount of barley and oats , The
acreage of all Is increased ! per cent this
year , Condition of alt crops Is good ,
I'lllinorc ,
The principal crops last year were corn nnd
wheat , and the acreage Is comparatively
moro this year than lait. Wheat looks as If
it w uld bo a fair , but not a full , crop. From
present appearances it will not inuko over
fifteen bushels to the acre. Corn in growing
nlcoly. The general outlook u favorable.
Collections are fair to good.
Corn Is the principal crop in Franklin ,
Acreage moro this than last year. Crops
v.ero rather late , yet doing nicely now , No
fnlluio Imminent. Collodions uro fair , con
sidering everything , MorcuanU nro doing
The last is the best. Closing
sale of
Ages 6 to 14. On Saturday
$1 , $1.50 & $2
Thousands of boys have been
fitted at the Continental this season
and on Saturday we expect to fit a
few hundred more. We offer yo'u
the goods for less than they cos.t to
make. Our leaders tomorrow will
be 300 suits of Boys' Knee Pants ,
Suits , ages 6 to 14 , at $1 , $1.50 and
$2 , and have cut the prices on fine
suits so that for $3.50 and $4 you
can have your choice of some of the
best in our stock.
, , . .
v - * 9 * * - * * " "V J J * r * * 1 XX * % * * * w-V * - * * # * < - „ / fti t
Continental domin House
fairly well. Prospects nt present nro peed
all around ,
Frontier's principal crops last year were
wheat and corn. The acreage this year has
been increased about 10 per cont. Corn is a
littln late , but Is looking good generally , nnd
growing very fast. Prospects at the present
tlmo are very fluttering. The volume of
trade has Increased UO per cent ever last
year , although somewhat light at present.
Collections are easy.
The principal crop last year was corn , nnd
about one-third moro this year tnan lust is
in corn and more than twlco as much wheat ,
mostly fall wheat. Fall wheat has been
raised only a few years , but it is fast coming
into favor. It is in line sbnpo now. Corn is
good but lato. Collections uro fairly good ,
Principal crop last year was corn and the
ncroairo this year is ubout the same as last.
Crops are not moro cllvcrsllled than usual ,
bnmll ginin looks woll. Corn is a good stand
but vary small as yet ; it is at least four
weeks fate , und an early frost would seri
ously affect , n crop. It seems hardly proba-
bio that there will bo moro than 7 , " > per cent
of a crop. Collections are fairly prompt , not
quite as good as usual. Trudo Is fair , but not
as good as at this tlmo last yoar. The future
of merchants nnd farmers is good. Hnvo hud
no total failure of crops hero. Farmers nro
thrifty and hard working , not making largo
stauos , but almost nil of thorn accumulating
each year. Merchants nro conservative ,
doing n good deal of credit business nt cer
tain times ot the year , but bad debts are
fow. Trade is quiet.
The principal crops last year were corn ,
whcac und oats. The ncreago Is larger this
year than last. All crops nro doing well , al
though rain is needed. Considerable grain
has bcon marketed within the past two
weeks and prices nro very peed , corn solllnir
on the market at ! ! ! cents. Collections are
slow at this time of year , although money
can bo hud nt reasonable rates. The pros
pects both for farmers and merchants look
Principal crepe are corn , oats , wheat nnd
broom corn. Acreage of corn somewhat less ,
wheat Is one-third moro nnd broom corn 50
per cent less. Prospects for a full crop uro
conditioned upon rain. Collections have
been good. Homo old ones are loft ovor.
Future- prospects are good ,
( iiiint.
This and the adjoining counties arc ,
strictly speaking , adapted to cattle raising
only , there being not ono pornon who farms
as a business. All settlers hnvo cattle and
horses nnd make stock raising their busi
ness. Small quantities of grain nro raised ,
but none for the market. Owing to the se
vere snow storms this spring many cattle
perished , butthoy are now doing nlcoly , nnd
In Julv and August , when shipments nro
made , money will bo moro plentiful. Trade
Is very dull aud no Improvement is ox pec toil
until fall. Now tlmos are snug , money
bcurco and collections blow.
The principal crops lant year were corn ,
wheat and outs. All woio good , The ncro-
uua this your is greater than last , und diver
sified about the same , The prospects nro
fair , but moro rain is noodo'l. Collodions
uro fuir aud prospocU good for the fall trnde.
Corn , oats nnd wheat are the principal
crops. The acroairo of corn ID about the
sumo as last year , Tno same with oats , and
there is an increase of .1 per cent In wheat.
Cold weather has materially retarded crops ,
but prospeoti generally for ambll grain uro
good. Owing to excessive ruins nome corn
on low lands will bo Into , out it Is generally
very little later than last year , and Is coin
ing on finely. Collections ura very good.
Most of the grain that uus hold back is now
boinir marketed , Trade is steady. Pros
pects are brighter. Merchants nro hopeful.
Fanners look nt good crops nt bolter prices ,
Two thousand seven hundred acres of sugrr
ueots look line , much hotter than for the two
previous years. At banks a decided Increase
is reported In deposits ,
The principal crops Ia t * year were corn
aud outs , but com looms to bo tbo loading
crop. The ncrcazo of oats is larger this
year than lust , while the acreage of corn is
less , on account of the Into spring. There
is moro winter wheat this ycarni d sl'.h''y ( '
moro outs , but loss flax. Flax bus Loon a
large crop here , but Is decreasing , while
winter wheat is coming Into favor. Tl a
prospects for crops nro good at the present
tlmo. Winter wheat , without oxeoptio.i is
looking well , HMI spring wheat and oats are
a good avcrago. Flax promises well nl this
tlmo. Corn planting was from a week to
ten dnj sinter than usual , but .tho cereal is
now up and with n good stand und the
ground Is generally In good condition. At
present the weather is favorable and corn Is
making a very rapid crouth. Prospects nro
good for crops of all kinds and trade Is fair
and collodions batter than tbo nvorago. >
Oats , flux und whout never looked hotter.
The principal crops last year were wboiJt ,
corn , rye and oats. The acreage this ycnt
is 2J per cent larger than lust. Tbo prospects
nre most flattering for the largest yield of
small grain ever known , both in average and
The principal crops last year were wheat ,
corn nnd outs , the largest acreage being in
wheat. Wheat averaged last year about "I )
bushels per acra , corn X und oats ( iJ umbels
pur ncro. The acreage this year U nt least
50 per cent larger. Crops consist of wheat ,
corn , oats , llax , barley , potatoes , corn and
broom corn. Crops all look well bore , espe
cially small grain. Tno average of oats , bar
ley and broom corn is double that of last
your and the prospects are good. There
having boon plenty of rain , smull grain is in
good condition. It u thought the nvonigo
per ncro will not bu us good us last year , but
with the Increase in acreage everything In
dicates that this county will have n , largo In
crease In bushels of small grain ever last
year. The prospects for farmer * und mer
chants are good. Land is Incicubing in vnluo
and some Is being sold at good prices. Col
lections nro only fair on account of lust
year's crop being about nil marketed.
Tbo principal crops last year were corn ,
outs , wheat , rye , potatoes , millet , llax and
buckwheat , und there is thought to bo fully
ono-ihird more ncreago in ciops this sew on.
There is a linger acreage of wheat this your.
Corn wus the principal crop lust year , and
thoru it planted three acres to ono of it this
your. The corn this is about twenty
days Into ; the other crops are in u good con
dition. Notwithstanding the late wet
spring , the crop is cor'uinly ' moro promising
than last year. Collections show u marked
Improvement ever last year , as the farmers
are in easier circumstances generally. The
present condition of trudo is good , there
being a careful , conservative plan of do ng
business , nnd the prospects of merchant *
and farmers are much bolter than lasv year.
Ityo Is ubout the same acreage as last year
und has matured , if hall does not dostror.
Outs , about ! i5 percent moro acreage thin
lust year. Corn Is nbout 15 ! per cent In 4U
per cent greater In ncrengo than last year ,
and. though soinuwhnt backward , is In good
condition , except on low land , where ex
cessive rains have drowned It out ,
lliiiikur ,
The principal crop * last year were corn
nnd wheat. It is thought there is moro corn
planted this year , nnd about double the
nnreuco of wheat. Crops are looking well ,
and if frosts do not come too early , every
thing points to a good corn crop , Trade la
very quiet. Collections uro slow. Prospects
for the future are fair.
llmvunl ,
The condition of all kinds of crops in
this count ) is excellent. The principal
crops raised are corn nnd wheat and ucroa o
U about equally divided , Thu acreage of
corn Is somewhat loss Umn last your on ac
count of the Into spring , but tliu plant Is all
up nnd doing woll. Kmall grain Is in line
condition nnd there Is every promise of o
largo crop. Water did but lltilo dumuga In
this county. Ituln U needed but crops are
not sutTerl'ng from the want of it. Collec
tions are very easy und farmers rave plenty
of money , liut llttlo credit Is being asked ,
Merchants have u good trudo nnu good pros.
poets. ( Jood prices are had for ull kind * at
grain. Mho p ° si year , together with the
very largo crop , huvo overcome the dopres-
ulon of u your ugo. Prospects urn HOOI ! mid
ICO.MI.SUKU o.x 1-xuu.J