THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATtrUDAY , JtrLY 2 , 1892-fnVELVE PAGES. SPEG1RL NOTICES , AIVE11T1 EMKKT3 roll TI1KSK COLUMNS will tie token until 19 Wnm for the evpnlne find until S 30 p m Jot thoinutnlncor f unaur i-dl JMI n < Hrrtlfcir. rt In tlie1 rolnmns ! * ccntt n word for Brit Insertion rnd I cent n word lor each mlifpqucnt tnn-rtlon or'tt \ per line | > or month LNo aarr-rtlM'tnrnt tnki-n for lr tlinnSi centn for t insertion Terinn cn li In ndranre lnillnl . fjrolitli ftp eicli count n n word All prtl c-n enurntiot run ron pctitltplf Advcr- . . ' " - 1)7 rennpMlnir B nntuberod check , cnn h Te liie > * ttpr ddren > prt to n numt > eri-d Ipltor In para of ' ill : Ilj.K Anuwcri pa addrtiticd will bo DcllTProd on prpsgntatlnn of the check SITUATIONS WANTTED. _ AWAXTI'.I ) , II Y I.APV OF 27 , I'OPITION A9 ) inti ekoci > er In liotul or clnti rooms Addreei C 4ft. lice. 211 ! A WA XTKP HI1UATION HY A TdU.VO MAS ni tiookkppjipror tMe rnnn In n tU ) lno < liousci , Miner double or flnzlo entry ransltpcood rafcr- Micm mid i > ouk ( Icrmnn ana ini--ll b Addrc II K. box 18i , frcrltinor. Neb M3 .S ! A ItHITION AS yTISNOOUAl'Iinil OH IlOOli- kppi > cr- cnn oprrnti' pallemi > h nnd llpmlnRton nmclilnoi , lint references Aildrcei ' " M , Uot1 3091" - WA.vnm. i-oMiTioN AS HDOKKKKPKII. CAN act nil itpnoiiruiihur Hunk rtlereneea ( TO. lice M3I I 4 * [ WA TED-M ALE HELP. 1)- AOKNTriVA.NTii : > IN I.VHHY TOWN AN'I ) J'city In tlic wcntcmpxtrnllbprn1 tprtm to nclt llic popular tpn rc r tiollcr of the Mutual He iprvc 1'nnd Ufpcmorlatlon alun the now IlOnuo Mimblnntlon pulley of the I'reft'rrpd Mutual Accl- Opnt aiKOplktlon of Npwork cml only HO | > cr rrir for prcfcrrpd rl k < T raonoy by Injuring , mnkp money by rpprcM-ntlnc tbeso wld ° uwako companlpo ; llrnaBentn pan duuhlu thntr Income Wrllo for circular ! and term to II II. Iloblson , Rcimrat MaliaKcr , Oniabn , Kn\ \ > 218 TJ-MAN WITH rrsii WANTKII IN HATH CITV , J'town nnd hamlet to Introduce the fastest foiling liouiehold article on record Over a million sold In Philadelphia. Will p y cotnnutcnt pomon H ti r liny Aridrppfi with ntnnip W II WUIIani * > on 41 N. 4lh itrprt I'hlladPlphln. I-a. MI5I JySO" 1)-WK I'AY SAI.AUY WKKKI.Y TO GOOD J ) acpnt . fornipr ejpprlpnro unnpcemary , nalary pKld wppkly. SlnKcr otllpo , I51G Douglas. 631Jyl3 V-HHBAD 1IAKEU WANTED AT 6J3 MAIN ST. , JCounctl Hliitti. MM7 p soi.inioiiB WITH r.ooi ) UIKIUKNCK : AT 1 > Amerlcan Wrlnccr Co , 1IW Howard p-I'I.U.MMKHSWANTKD rtllST-riA' < t ! STKAHV ' Jmt'chanles wanten , non union preferred waecs H and f 151) ) for 8 hours Wlllard , 1'owell A. Clark. Duluth , .Minn U73 1 - 00 TO f 250.10 CAN ItUMADl ! MONTHLY B-175 worklne for 11. V Johnson A Co. Si'/JO(4-1.8 ! ( Main street , lllihmonrt , Va M - . ) HllMAHl.i : IIUISAD AM ) CAK1 B-T.OOI liakcrx Lit B ll.tli. M155 8 -THE OHAUANTEE IN VK-TM1.NT COMPANY ants reliable agents throughout Nebraska und 10"n Apply Hooin 83 , Douglas block , Omaha 1J WANTED MO MEN 1 OH UA1LUOAD COM- J'pany work In Nebrit'kn nnd Inwu. free fare , MK ) men for Montana and Uroat Northern work. Kra jucr & O'Hcaru labor agency , JJJ S. llth St. 275 2 I-WANTED. IMMEDIATELY lull PAVILION "Theater Co two actors tint can double In bras * . Wrlle mating lowest salary , Lyceum C o , \ \ uuuclta , Neb 214 2' 1 > WANTED. AS EXPEUIE.NCED SALESMAN J > lo travel In Nebraska by large shoe manufac turing and jobbing hourn In the we t. None but f > aoMUu ) of experience lu this line with a built up trade will bo considered. Address C 49 , this office , stating particulars M2GB6 B-WANTKD. MAN WITH bMALL CAP1TAI.TO take Interest In n good business Utt N. V Life B -\\ANTKI ) , LA.NYArisElti. C02N. Y Life M50D T > WA.NTI U , ,1 THAVEL1NC SALESMEN WITH J'gents furtilflilne connection to carrj Mde line of rubbcilno collars und cuflt Hcply with full iiiirllciilnri to llulliilo Uubbcrlue Collar und CuS I o llullalo N % 277-1 * rT7'iiiNTF.ii-A KIIP-T CLAJ-B ALL AUOUND .1'printer wanted to work In country ottlcc near Omaha mint be n nniMor at his business no rt corn- mends desired ollu r IUHU hl * work man who can " > excellent job work handle presses and do any- t" ing tliftt t"liy bo r < quired will be given coodtalar > nnd permanent plnce Lull on 11. P. llnllock , lUl'J llowuid 25. ) 2 SALESMAN WANTED ' HUE SALESMEN C A N uakH qnlt n uRiiiNomn addition to their halm y ari Jug a lli.e of samples nu commtsslnn Apply bago A Co. , 10J Federal si , lloslon Mass ' s ' - " > 3 3 r > WANTED AT ONCE. A FiusTd-Ab ? HAH- J'ber steadv Job , fl ! per week for right man Jo O'limmond West Point , Neb 2bC 2 T > - WANTEDA COACHMAN THAT UN DEIl- J'standi general housework None without good rlty references Apply bclncea a u. m , and 6 p in. , - WANTED HIIVT CLA S COLOHEtl UA1UIEU Wages H7 per week. Address , T. W Ashford , Cheyenne. Wyoming. 27U2 * -AfiENTS WONDEHHIL ADVEHT1S1M ! DEvice - vice Patented , jC\ery merchant buys. Hlg pay EndOM ) stump. ArcJ Mfg Co , Haclnc. Win 2'a V WANTED COMPETENT MACHINE AND B bench hands at bt Louis , Mo l.ood wages and Heady work DtiromA Olcott. Fathmnn A Miller Plillbert A Johannlnc Manufacturing Co. Ffhlhamiurr A bchnefer Henry t.aus A f-ons _ Hutllgash und Door Co. Hnlncr Lothman Manufacturing Co. Phoenix Planing Ml I Co Mississippi Plan nuM 1 Co. Lohi < e Patent Door 13 } dreat W cstern Planing M 11 Co. MectianlcH' Planing Mill Co. Crexent Planing Mill Co. jCentrul Planing Mill Co ripny Mnnufurlurlug Co. l Peterson / ( . Kuenvpl MKI3 3 * 7 > WANTEliTbALL'SMEN ON SALAUV OH COM- J'mlsslou to hanillu the new patent chemical Ink rraslng pencil Itif greatest selling novelty ever liroduccd ernscK Ink thorougbly In two spconds ; Ho abrnsUm of paper , 00 to MX ) per cent protlt. ono ngent's fales amounted lo IISU in rlir da ) s. another (32 In two hours , we want one energetic general agent m each stale and trrrltory 1 or terms and particulars address Monroe Eraser Mfg Co La Crossp , Wl * M ! ! 4 I , Wll 01 H CAjj 'aila uurkcrles btono Wellington , Mudlson \\llL TT AmSNT.-WANTED. FINLT ' 1 HINU IN THE ,1'flold. lorrltorr In Omaha or elsewhere. Call at r.0j Howard utrrrt , 1 to 2 p. ui or 7 to u p m mM2S5 4- I ) WANTED. SALESMAN TUAVEL1NO J'stnlii to carry h staple npeclalty on commlMilou , now huIng n large demand east Addrujb C. D. henscuiun , 130 Wulnut Ftroc't , Philadelphia -I > - ia A MONTH AND THAVEL1MJ EXPENSES .I'to competent ladles and gentlemen , no can l arcing Call IKj Itrst atonuo , Council IllulTs , 1) ) a ) it to 4 p m M > > j3 4 * > -WANTED AT ONCE , A PANTb AND VEST llullur. Hteady work Johu WolfsUell David Uy , Neb > iil'l : 4 * " > -WANTED. ADVEHTlbijTti bOl.lCITOHS > and rustling agenli In Omaha , Council lllulTii , Incoln , etc Apply by V a. m. ut 114 bouth ll'th st 1 M.I20 2- 7J WANTED tALESMANI1O IS CAPAHLE JJto earn f.MJto t. ' < 00 per month helling stock In Chicago \Norld e Fair hotel to Omaha people who Htnnt andean hate llrst cla free accommodation World's fair , luqulro lor ISrundenlicrg furlug loiel Dellune. M3I9 2 * 1y WANTED ( LEUKS. HOOKKEEPEIlh OU 'Osalusuien out of positions to act us uudltom , IMIVH reforoticu and i > ocurlty Address with > tauip'llin UraudvnburK Mfg Co , Dayton , O M517 2- I-AIIE vou A CATHOLIC' AHE YOU a.s'EM- JpU > ) .nl will > oii work for HHOJ per week ? \\rllotu moat ouce. J. U. Uo ) . 1114 Mudlnon street , Chicago M-II8 2' TJ-WANTED , FlltbT CLASS SALEhMAN , MUhT J'be a hurtlcr who known 11 MUfOurlriver whole MluKruriiris upeclalty man preferred Meady job nnd good salar ) gl e ugn , reference" , etc. , who you LavuoorkiHl for Address CtZ , IJeeottlco.MB1G MB1G J 'ft- WANTED , MAN OH WOMAN IN EVEHY jJfoniiiuiullyi stundy , paying poxltlou , purlieu 4c mauips C A ( jnlu A Co , 410 Hutted build Iars Kaunas City , K n M315 ; WANaEB..I''EIJALE HELP. li - A.STEli l7ADH > OH VoL'vil S1EN TO V take Hilit , pliM mit work at their own homes , JIUUto UUO per day cm be oulvtijr made ttork > ont br mail , no cuiivastlnv lor purllculart ad drum ' Mfg. Co. , llux WJl , IlOKtou. Mass " j : ubllsh M20) ) } * CM AVANTED. A LAUNDUEsd. APPLY W. U 'Mlllard , Omah * Nat hank 505 f WANTED. IMMEDIATELY. FIHsT 'CLASS V. waist CnUber and uppreutlou girls at 1509 R 16th trrcl . M2 4 J1 -WANTED. A until roii HOt'ohWOUIC Must bu good cook und lauudrps > . HJOro wth > tu < t M74I -WANTKD. HHST CLAbS COOK AT TIIK | aiuptun , 14th and Douglas. fcJ - , WETNt'HHEOK K MONTH 1M " North loth 145 p-COUPKTKNT CIHL rOH UENKIIAL HOUSE- V work. aul Capitol avu. 148 ! , 'lO 'X > HOUbKWOUK. KOUH . lu family , no chlldrvui ll.H b. 14th > l. Jll ! TV V ANT Ell. A U 1 IlL O IU .H.Tl fllbl'SKWOHKi 1. 'n ' w cor. 15th tad llarn y , 8rd floor , entrance oc Ilaroi r WANTED. A ( JI11L ) Vll UENKIIAL HOUSE era Must bo a good cvuk. lamlly of two. , APP'r ' ifitl Jacktou If cut. MS74 4 / - V r loucli r Utrl'i tludlo , Hltlr , N b. WANTED-FEMALE HELP. Cimtinntil fv. WANTED A FEW LADIES IAN SKCl'llE v handsome salary for homo work permit ting other duties W Springsteen Box JU Cbrlaco , 111 _ MMt-Jyll * p-r.K'l ) SALAHV ( JI'AIIANTl'KU Tit LADIES I willing to do writing for meat tbflr homes Ad- drpes me In own handwriting , with Maiiaprdrn volope Miss Ldnn L Sinylbc bonthlliiid Ind proprietor of the famous Ulorla water for tbo complexion Md24 3 * -COMPETENT OIHb AS LAUNDUK3S AN'D chambermaid Mrs W J Connell , S fi corner Ith and M Mary s avenue. M3U -"WAN i ED-niiti. TO ASSIST i.viiorsEwo UK nt ItU 1 arnani , one that sleeps nt home. (1 AN KXPEUIENTED NUHSK WANTED. INv - v qulro at the residence of Frederick Krug , Bis S th ft , Uuiahn Neb 275 _ l-WANTKD , A COOK AND A "KCOND COOK V- ' at once nt City hotel , cor tub and Uarncy sts " p-OIUL IHOM 1C 10 IS YIIAU OK AGETO v help tike care of baby , reference required 2110 t blcago street M.Uil 7 * fi W NTID-GIUL lOH GENEHAL HOl'SE- v work co d wnqcs Mn t have good references SI'j outh P-tli stioel. M2 > > 1-OlHL AllOtT 10 YEAHS OK AGE TOIl . housework , fs.pcr week , no washing and Iron Ine 614 N. Hth Ft 8103' fOR RENT-HOUSES. 1 > - CLASS ni:8ii : : xcK TLATS. 30114 rooms , new block Hoorufi , tic ! - Z3d 320 1-iioubi'.s. ALL PAHTSTIIE CITV PHI.VTED /lists UcorgoJ. Paul , 11X15 I-amain street. 50Jy4- D -COTTAUE , 411 SOUTH 24TI1AVK. D1J D-KOH HUNT , TWO OOOI ) fi ItOOM HOUSES , fTUOO ; within 15 minutes walk of court houso. The O 1 ° Davis Co. , 1505 r'arnain street. Kfj D-3I1OOMSONJISTST , I1AL1' I1LOCK NOHTU of Grace , $700 , city water. Also other rooms and houses at lowest prices. O. F Hulls , room 4 , lc ! building 327 J7 * 1)COATES HKNTAU AOENCV , 1014 PAIINAM. oil. J ) 4 D-l-OIl UF.NT. DKSIHAIILi : 1IOUSKS AN ! ) residence flats , cheap Ilotnos lor sate monthly paymunts J W Squire. 1st Nat bank. D-10HHKNT , A 7 ROOM DttTACllKtl I1OUSK , with lawn , shade trees , bath , laundry , etc. , ! blocks from court house ; rufcruucu required David Jamil son , MS b Mlth st. UJ .M lOltTIlKSl'MMlIH rLItNISHKt ) 7-room house. All conrcnlinces. Knqulre t > 15 Park avenue. Mil ] ] y 5 D-OK UKNT TWO IIOUSKi. Ill AND 115 S Iblh street Very hundy to business Modern conveniences D T. Mount. 213 y llth st. 1C3 \-FOIt HENT. A Fl'IlM'-HED llOl' B ' 'block from motor l'J22 ' Corby it. 2"J3 8 * D-roit ni\T. 7UOOM COTTAOK , swii AND Chrlaro sis II. T Clarke , 'jth nnd Cuss , or 219 Iloaad o I trade ? ( V1 D-KOH HP.NT-10 ItOOM HOINK. MODEIIN 1M provcmenti Corner l th nnd Dodeo Apply next door or I lib I'arnani. bamuul Hums. M'"i7-3 1-V-IXJIt IlKNT. 7 HO ( M HOL'-U COH WITH AND J-'Woolnorth faclnc Ilanscom park All modern Imp. J I Nlchol. 2th und Leavuuworth MMJ 11- FOK RENT-FfJBNISHED ROOMS. I ? KUIIM I1KU HOOM3 TO HUNT WITH ALL i modern conveniences UliUoucIas street. MC21 E-LAUGH DK IHAni.i : UOOM TOIl KUN'T , sullabln for two. lulu Hedge st Mi 17-roltltlNT. 5 PUilNlSHKI ) UOOMri TO MAS Jnnd wife , no children ; runt taken In board 319 North 17th si Mlr.J . -NICE HOOM , IU.N V1K.N CEa 172o DAVLM'OHT J BIO 4 % E-MCii.VlL'KNlslll DUOOMsAT 2101 DOUQ la- ! street M'.KW b * 1J HUO.M- > l-LUM-Iliil roll HOI'iKKK-I'- -J-'lnt : all coriTenlonces , good location , { lu UO Ad drc-iti < 'M Hue MJJ ; 5 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. ] ? Ml K UOOM AM ) 1IOAI1I ) Kill TWOOKNTLE 1 men. unc half block Irom motor , coed nice home . .Is - > o. 2lith hi 221 "IIJAIK I'AHlOU OK LAItliH THONT HOOM -1 with bai window and board for two. ? 4500 per month "mailer roum for two with board , J4UUO per montli. tuodein convonlcneps. elepantly fur- ulslied private la-nlKr 515 North 2.U st. 6J7 p lIKfelKAIILlS rilt-iT AND hKCO.VD I1XKM -I south rooms at "The I'raniur , " Hu N. 'JMslroot. . MJ26 8' F -FL'IINIMIKI ) IlOO.Mb AT Till ! HAMITON ; flrst cl ? board , references roqulrud 201 S. 21th 701 1 lIKsT l KA T KHONT HOOM IN CITY , 210 so uth 25th street , M124 17-FOH HKST. rfilNl HUD HOOMS WITH -L tlrst class board , ut the Utopia , 1721 IJavcnport street 16J 4' IT'-MCKLY KUHNISHKI ) HOOMS WITH I'lHsT -L cla board , references cxcbanKfd 2UU N ISth st M1U72 * F lNIiIlKI ) HOOM WITH 110AHI ) 2.J3 ? t Mar : ) me 2Hi ! > i 17-1 I UM HKD Hi OMS AND DAY 11OAHD 1717 Chicago st _ Mg > 3 3' i ? 'iwo i > i-iUAiiLr. : UOO.MS WITH HOAHD , i V57d Hiirney kt ill ; ) FOR BENT-UKFrJRNISHED ROOMS. G Oil UKNT. 4 UNKUHNlVllKD ilUOMh SUITable - able for housekeeping 1TU2 Wfbetur street * > G-H > ll HENT. UNFfHNISHED APAHTMEN1S forllKht housekeeplnc , Kas und bath 2518 Done las ureet lbB2' G-THHl'.E UNFUUNISUED UOOMb TO HENT 1CI3 DodKOSt. 2105' G -KUONT AND HACK UOOM . AL'O 1.1VEHY barn lalrchanie Inquire I'JiZ bhcrman are AtVSHi BOABDINQ. H PULLMAN HObaE , 13IODOI > H KOH GOOD hoard nlco rooms , conTuuloncoa , rat9 andloca tlou It cauuot bo uxcellod. Mr a. Horn , prop 473-Jj P' FOR RENT--STORES AND Of FICES. 1 - 1011 HENT , THE 4 STORY IlItlCK Hl'ILDlNO J-'lii 1 uruam st The bulldluu IIIIH a Hreproof ce iiient basi-menl eouipleto eteumheatlCK llxturt's , waliT un all the tioors , KUS , etc. Ajiplj at the onlco ot ' 1'he Itee Ma T-l OH HENT , STOHE ' 'JAW , 1118 JACKSON. 1 22T FOR 1 TIIK "LITTLE ( , EM STAHLEfe" AT 1718 ' Cai > H street Is now open and nolli-IU the board nnd care of kTUtliHiian'x roadotcrs and famllv horses Customers patrviuUlUK this slublo may rol ) upon prompt attention uud HOI urine for their horson und uirrlafu. the ver > hlKhust class of rare and troatmcnt M IB. . WANTED-TO RENT. K-A GENTLEMAN WITH 1118 WIFE AND sister , well connected , denim to accuroa suite of three furnished or parti ) furnished rooms and hoard lu a Kood lumllr Address Lock lloxl.T.i. MAO 8 K-\VAN1ICD ONE OH TWO rL'UNlhllED rouuis for IlKht hoiisekecplnc. uiun lia reason nble Address C'65. lleo 23b 1 * RENTAL AGENCIES , L-E C. OAli\'lN A. CO. . 2JJ 31IEELVrllLOcic 24 STORAGE. r-OLDEST , CHEAPEST AND 11E8T fcTOUAOE L house In the city Williams.tCruss , UUllurnejr. WANTEP-TO BUY. N-FUHNITI HE 110UGI1T , faOLU , STOHED. Wulls , till Kurnam st 22S AT-CLAIMS FOH sALAUIEs. SEHVICES AND l' nKO ugalnut city , county , corporation , Indl Tlchmls bouiht or advanced on. W. U. Davis. U. 70 , Continental Illock " M740 J DON'T Snl.L L'HNITUHE U.VT1L YOU hEE 1 ' Oniulm M-cunil Hand Kurnlturu Co , Highest prccs paid uOI N loth M744 Jxl7 * AT-CAt < H PAID FOIl FlIlsT-CLASS GHOCEHY 1 > slocks , largo or small All communications utrlcllrouulldumlal c O D. llroun , Omaha , bouth ( Jiuahu and ( .ouuill Hlutf > i > M AT THE OMAHA LOAN A THl'ST COMPANY J i cavlngb Ilauk pu ) > the highest price for both rountr audclly warrauK llruvo block , liith and DougUb. M113 VAT _ AT - 1 1 0 1 is E. HAUNEi > AM ) CAUUIAGK ; MUST li bn ttrnt class , cheap aud tufefor lady. Address C 4U , llee. 170 ATWANTED. . SECOND HAND B-HOUSE POWKH J ' upright ruglnu mid boiler combined 5211 llroad' way , Coupcll lllunt M1W8 ANU DEUVEUV WAGON. ADDUESS 13 63 , ne'e. 2t l FOR SALE-.FURNITTJRE. _ _ 0-FOK BALEV A LOT OK NK\V llOAHUlNii" housa furniture , used only a fuw mouths , very cheap. Inquire llooiu 5J4. Hoard Tradu. B37 FOIl b ALE UIKAP. tTKMTUIIK OK A COM plte 10 room furnished house must be uld i > l once. Uuahk Mortgage Loan Co . Huoai 11 , Crelgh- ton tlock , Itth utrvvt , nouth uf jioitoWco. M 774 FOR 8 ALE--nORaH8 , WAGONS. ETC. iV-tOUSALK , A hlXTY IKILI.AU TOP J forM50J. II K Col . Cootlnuulal block FINB , STYIJSU YOUNO IWIVJNO Lor i. mu.l lx old l tiuMi w lLI about 1,150 bi. 'Iho * . Y 1111 , Or ) Putun block , V7 FOR SALE-HORSES. WAOOyS , ETC. fonluiwd T-rOH SALE , CAHHIAOK TEAM MATCHED I hlackp will be sold cheap If old today or Satnr day Call at Colllni barn. 2104 Cumlng M S. N Malno 80S1- FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. osAL MiULLtAHD AND OVKi'OOL table Ilrun wlck H lke make , almost new In quite of ( irand hotel , Council UlutTs 137 -Kilt SA1..K. 55 1IKAI ) FRKSll MILCH C ) W9 Q tr ) JoOerls. 7th and Oraec ( itrpcl. MIIIS * - > -1IANIII1ICYCI.KI.XIISALEC1IKA1' . Q-SKCONI lie quick. AJdrc C < l Ilco 203 & - COW I-OH SAI.K FllUilll JKHSEY Q-JISltSKV cow. 2M4 llarnpy troet. HH- ! CLAIRVOYANTS. S-MU9 NANN115 V WAHUKN , CI.AIHVOYANT , . reliable buslneM tnpdlum , fifth jcar at 111) ) N 10th 3JS C-MAIIAMU KIUT7 S32d CUMINO b Oclolrvoyant KII > | trunco medium : Independent \olcos : lulls pn t and future Maoj JU' O AltlllVAl. UXTItAUItlllNAIIY lOrcvelatloiis C'tiallonKUH the norld Mr < llr M I/ccravo , dead trance clairvoyant iwtroloul t pnlmlst and iltu reiulor lulls your llfu from the pradlu to utnrtt , unltpR the neparatod raui > i * > mar- rlnKc MIth ttie one vou love tolls where > ou will Miecei't ) nnd 111 what tiutlmxs be't adapluJ for , has tht'telpiiratud Kcyptliin brpn tplalu for lurk and to destroy bad Intluuncon cures tlti , Intunipurancu ard all private complaints with ma ! : > ii' . bath and alcohol treatment M-nd tJ 10 , lock of balr. numoand dale ( if birth and receive accurate llfo chart 2vnti In tnuip for circular : Klvo Initials of onu you will mar 'y also photon of stuu > . Unice 417 south llth mrppt. up tal . bourn V a ru lo'.i p rn lomu one curno all. and bo convinced of thl < wondurful oracle M 37 ! t * S-MHS IHl. VAN Tllflt. MINI ) HKADKIt AND ( orccaMcr. has arrlvpd from California. bb tells , IIUM present and fuluturewlth pertvct truth : ttlvco ndvlce on all matters of Interest , love , mar rtnpo , divorce , doim title troutilu . ppeculutlonn , lester or t lpn property , hidden treajures , restores intt nlTucllon and unites the separalod. describe' frlcndi and enemlHs , warns you of Impending disaster. M'lthout trltkcry prcten o or xham. but In the broad. oj > cu llcht of * obur sense. Bbu will read your entlrti llfu 1'ofltlvoly no massaco trratmont or nnytbliiK of n questionable character solicited or tolerated tatters containing tl will receive atten tion Consultation fruo 40.1 N 15th m KIWI * MAS3AOE , BATHS , ETC. TI-MASSAOE TUL'ATilKNT ELKCTl6"TTlKU- mal bnths scalp and hnlr trcntnicnt. manicure nud chlropudl U Mrs 1'ost. 31i > 4 S IMli\\UUneH lilk 13 * . * T -MAIlAMi : SMITH 1121 DOUGLAS STUKKT. room T , Ud Uoor Alcohol , sulphur and sea Inllis M'Ul a * p-Tt'tlKI'-ll ANII IlfSSlAN IlATllb. T.ADIKS -1- days Tuesdays and Fridays , S to 1 , under Kir- iam Struct thtmter MWiJySl * MADAMK LA UL'K. MAbsAGK , (1C BOl'TH . lilh street Hat 4. 3d floor M3I4 6' 'P-MADAM TOWE , : i. 3.123 Pratt street X1312 8' PERSONAL , . U-A OENTLKMAN WITH COLLEGE EDfCA tlon. In antuady nnd good position. wl hc to cor respond vlth n respectable and honest lady , t-camllutivlan preferred Address , IIone ty and TiiKtworth ) . C 01 caio Omaha Hoc M34) ) 2' MTJSIO. ART AND IjANOTJAOE. Twr fi iuNHECK IIANJC i TKACIIKH , ith Ilo'po or 618 N 18th st. WS ' - iiKroiiiiiuvisa A riANo KXAMINK TIIK lo Klmbnllplnuo A llospo , 1513 Douk-lni MONEY IP LOATf-BEAL. ESTATE. A\T HKAL KsTATK IiOANJ.O TO TI'KIICKNT * < no additional tharcut for comm Isslon or utter no'sfeus W 11. .Mclkle. Kirst National llank bide ' 'II \V-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPIUIVED CITY 't property , low rate. A C Frost Dauglnsblk 21. ! XV'-CKNTHALLOAN \ THLVT CO , 11 BE III IIG \\r C. F IlAUUIlON , Sill N Y. LIFE. > 231 -\\r-MONEV TJ LOAN ON IMPIIOVKD OH UN ' Improved O naha propsrty at lo v cst rates on hhort notice Cash on hand Fldallty Trust com pany. IGll harnam street. IJj \V-OMAIH .SAVING IHVK M\KES LOWS ' on ruil estate nt lowest market rates Loans made In Mimll or largo sunn and foi short or long time No cummlKion Is charged an I the loan s are not Bold In the east but can alw a ) s bo found at the baukou the corner of Uth and Doujlas streets 2JO \\7-C W HAINEY.iilS OMAHA.VAT U 1C BLDG ' ' City mortgaket Lowest rates Money on hand 217 \\T-7PEHCENT MONEV-NET TO HOIIHOW ' ers on Omaha city property No ottra charges ofnnyklnd Why pay high rates'1 Money Ischeap Vou cnn get full bcncSl of low rates Irom Olobe 1 eau and TrustCo , Itilh und Dodge. 2 3 \\f ANTHONY LOAN ANDTHUST CO . 314 N V Life lends at low rates for choice secuilty on Ncbratku or Iowa farmsor Omaha city propert ) 2J9 \\r-H25.0JO TO IX3AN , . * UMSOFfi 000 t'PWAHDb , " ' cau place loans on an Inside Improved prop er ! } tu any amount wbtro value Is back of the loan Amen Uoal Lntato Agency , 1JJ7 1 uiuuui bl 2JO \V-LOANS. G. o WALLACE , Ji2 IIUOWN HI.K " \ \ - LOANS ON IMPHOVED AND r.N'IMPHOVED ' city pniperty , fl.OtlO nnd upw ards.ti to 8 percent Nodelays W Faruata smith .VCo ,16lh und Haruey \\T PH1VATE MONEY.T ] AND 21) MClllTGAOE > * leant , low rates Alex Moore , 401 Uee building VITDON'T rullGKT THAT \ \ E AUK MAKING < < low iateh on Improved and unimproved loans on umuhu property. No delay nnd all business transacted ut this otllco Fidelity Trust Coiupan ) , IC14 1-nrnam htreet. 2U V\7" WANTKD AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS hOlt ' loans of flCJOand ( upward on bi'slneis , rail donee or farm properties. G J.Paul , Iwjj Faruam TIT WHITE THE SUCUUITY AI1STHACT AND > ' Inrestmcnt Co of Hrokon How , Nob. , rccard Ine their novel plan of farm Investments Pl ! > J23 J AV-U. W.P COATES , CITY4.1'AHMS , 1014 KAU M UO _ MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. It YOU WANT MONEY X ON rUUSlTl'HK , PIANOS. UOUsKsVA ( > riN& , CAHUlAIti : ? , ETC , CALL AT THE OFFICE OP OMAHA MllltTliAOE LOAN CO. AND GET TEHMs UEKOUE DEALING ELSEWHEHE. Loans made In amount * from MO to S1UUJU at the lowest rutf ou very short not leu without pulillcl t ) and with the pr.vlkv'O of keupltiK jour coeds In your own pmi OHSlou. \ou can pay thu money back In any amounts you nlsh andut any tliuo , und < > aih piym nt so made will reduce the cost oi the loin In proportion ' 1 hero will bo no expense or charge kept out of the amount wautcd but you will receive thu lull uiuount of the loan OMAHA MOHTGAGE LOAN CO , Hioin 11 Crrlchton Illock , 15th Ft. , M > uth of Poslomce The only Incorporated loan company In Omaha 244 . ' -MONEY TO LOAN. X FIDELITY LOAN ( iUAHANTEE CO. On household coodi , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wiiiions , olc ut the lowest potslblu rates wlllidul publicity , removal of property or cliunco of posM'fislon. Pajuiunts of any amount can be made at any time , rrdnclni : both principal and Interril , thus KlrliiK patrons all the beuotlts of the partial par tucul plan Money always on hand , no dolais , no publicity , lowest rules , business confidential FIDELITY 1/JAN ( JUAHANTEE CO . _ U 4 Wlthncll blk. . 15lh and Haruey 245 V-WILL IXAN ) MONEY ON AN'Y KIND OF -V security , strlclly contldcDllal A E. HAltltlf. room 1 , Coutlnsutal block. 2ii -PH1TCHA1H,51 DOUGLAS IILK. IB & DODGE. _ 217 Y -WHEN } OU WANT A CHATTEL IXJAN SEE -v \V It Davis , room 20 Conllni-nUl block 2H V -CHATTEL LOANS MADE ON KUHN1TUHE , -Aplanon. lite nock. i-tc. . without publicity or re- moral property at Iho lowest rates und thu easiest pa > menu Dun tJroen , rooms tl uud V llarkur block. _ 211) V -110 , ti ! > , J ) , UOO , ANY SUM TO LOAN ON ruil nlture horh s , or any coed security lowest rates .Ntbrit.ta Loan Co . lull ) Douglas el. 240 X-IJO.OUO TO 1XJAV ON CHATTEL SECUHITV butluusscoutlduntlaL Itoom 4JJ Karbach block. -Foil KAIB , COMPLETE S-CUAIU llAHliEH shop , will sell the whole or lu sols , 209 tHh' ( trovt , at clicur store. HJ-C V-KOH KALE. A COMPLETE ELECTHIO LIGHT -L liik'oultu , lacludlDK boilers and enclno , all In k'ood coudltlou. Will bo told cuuap. Korpartlru- lars tddmi C M. HPO. MI01 t _ V-IXH SALE OH TltADE , ONE OK THE HEST J- and rlean > t feutrul stocks of rudsc , lu Ne- braika. W III take one half In clear Nebraska lands , bulance cash or gilt edge notes. U. Chamberlln , Kearney , Neb. KM * _ _ V-rOll SA1.E-A J'lllST CLASS MILLINEIIY Jtture. . Addresn P. O. lloi 145 , Ida Groto , la IM5i _ _ _ _ V-MKATMAHKKT. INCLUDING BAWt * . TOOLS. Jhort * and wagou , doing good bustueu ; for sale at a bargain ) It will paj jou lo lortinllgato. Ad- drtsi C 67 , lll'B. _ > iaU)3 ) V JXU BALK. CHKAP FOH CAHH , 6AUXN J od boarding home , with ooiuplcu dxturvt. lien loctllon. liood rvasoci for selllog. Address OH , Ure. FOR EXCNAWGE. y-CLEAN STOl'K OKtl.Mtl > AlM D'h E WILL /Jlnkc real estate tnoncj Hoi J'j\ Frankfort Ind 311 y A VAI.VAUI.K COHSEK WJT ON S 11TH ST AJfor suburban property j A talualde cqulljr In lot for , ton J her p balance Tcry oa r terms Fidelity Tryist Uo , 1C14 Inrnatu y VOU SALE OH EAfltAtOK Pl.AM.Vn ' - > m\\\Ifth \ \ \ and Mi on stroMH Umaha John M. fabeclcy. IMh and Mason rtreeli MMl ] f 11 * y WANTED , C OH 7 HOOM-HIH1SK IN81DK OK /Jtwo mile line , In ejclmncnfor 1 l i aero lot near Instltiilp , with tine Improvements Will double In value insldo of & rearv Flfiellty Trust Co. , 1CU Farnam. D' ' MRJI J7 Z-AN ELEOANT I10MK IN HAST1NUS. LOT 132x131 , on HaMInc * avpniin , for Omaha prop crtr , a jnnp tor a llnMlnc * tniin. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1614 Farnam MIM4 Jy7 y-FOH IIXCHANUE , HKAt'TlFUL MODEIIN 'Jresldonre two lot * , nice barn on motor line , lor buMne * residence proprrtr. What have you ? P. U Uo 7lK. Omaha. 172 4 y-1 HAVE CASH AND HEAL E.-TATE' To /-/tindctor nictxhandlse. IAICW box Cl , Papllllon , Neb I lp3 * ' / KOH ALE OH i\LHANii : KOH A STOCK fJ of ci'ncral merchniidl e , town lot In Ponder , Neb. the hoomlnK county seat of IhurstonCo AddrcuT P , MlHC k. Ovcrton , Neb SU7-5 r/-VALUA1lLE riXMUDA LANDS. Cl.EAU , PKH- /-Jfect tltlo , want ? 4OH ) In merchandise or clear real c tMo Address Uox 4'JJ , ( .c-titral City. Neb M5G7 y-FOlt E.XCIIANOE , A K1NE 320 ACHE FAtlM IN ' mllh countr , Kansas , clear. > ell Improved , and occupied by a EOOI ! tenant nt a cash rpninl Will take Omaha , South Omaha or Council IDufln | rop- crly. t-ubuilt oflers. Fidelity Trust Co , Act. . 11.14 Fnrnam. MIDI 7 y LANDS IN YOHK AND DAWSON COUNTIES , /JNebraska , to trade for a * mitll stock of dry poods or ecu 1 merchandise. Address C tA. Hoe ofllcc > I. M 3" rCLKAH LOT FOIl HOUSE AND 1IUUGY OH Aiphacton. Address C M , Hee M30J 3' yIIL'SINES1 * PHOPIClfl Y UKNTINO FOIl $10 00 ' . 'per month for tlcilrablu Omaha reildenco prop erty. Amos , 1507 Fnrnam street. M.LtO FOB , SALE-KEAL ESTATE. 11AUOA1N HAVE AOOODSIZEDLOT AIIOL'T J\.iaa feet from Sherman avt1. , , ia mlnntrs' walk from po'totllcc. splendid nelehborhood. Will build to suit customer ou easy terms Itnlllpny you to Inri'sllKnte thN otter A C Irost , room 2J , Douglas block luh and Dodtto Bt 757 AFAU5TTE PLACE YOU Ml > T t-KE THIS property to uppreclate It , t o homes for sale at bnrenlu Call tor turtuH etc , Fldelltj Iruit Com patij , ICiU Farnam street 255 1OHSALE-lKnll > ANY PHICE $7.V ) , JI.SiO t P. JL easj terms , take clear property n < tlrst pavment U. ci Wallace , llrown block , 10th uud DouKlas 25i ( 17'OH ' bALEHIG HAIIOA1N IN OltCOAltn HILL I lot. will take Rood horse a > tlrst piytuent. bal once monthly pa > montn \\cwlll sell you n lot dirt cheap nucl furnl li mone > to build jou n homo on monthly payment v hoverul locations We " 111 build yt u a cottage to suit on monthly jiaTiuenls , small payment down Tuo nowb-room ( Ottnccs In Klrkwood , Olio block from car line , cheap OL monthl } pnj uients Harcaln In clear lot In Wnlniit Hill enl ) $1.10000 HarRHln lu clear lot In Orchard Hill , only ftuOOO Hargaln lu clear lot lu Crclghtou HoUliM.WOO Harculn In a beautiful homo tu Lufaycttu Place thotlncHt residence terrace In Omaha. I'lunono ad mits It. Ijvt u she It you. For terras , prices , etc. , call on Fidelity Trust Co , lull harnaui btroet 255 OH SALE , NOS 4102 AND 4104 LAFAYETTE avo. In l.ufiiyette I'lnre , new R-room dwellln R with bath , ca , etc , electric caillKbtlnir and every other modern Improvement , tine lawn , trees and surroundings one block from electric cars Thc e two houses will bo bold at u hlK bargain , will tuko lot as part payment , let us show 5 ou the property Hd clll ) 1 rust company , 1014 I urnam st. 255 17011 ALE AT A IIAHfJAlN , lAIT 15. ULOCK 3 , J. W L. Scllu First nddltKin 16oiith Omaha small payment down , balance mcrnthly If desired luqulroti H ' 1/"chuck Omaha HeC. uM 3HEAUTlFrLHOMES fcTlLU * "FOH hALK IN Lulayelte place. You will malrea mlstiko If you buy vvUli.inl sm'lni ; us about thl'J.3 homes Hent f or fJiiJ-J nud ilJ.CO per month Fiaost investment In the elty 2s5 Jy 8 LACKY S ADDITION-FINE LOTS NEAH MO1OII lluo , C203 each. cash , bal 2. 4. 0 > er.ri , 7 par cent. Hesldciico lots nllhln 2M mllen of postottlca f(50eich. 1 lOriish , bul lon tlmo at 7 per cent Fine lot with MX room coltaco nt , bth und IJurt streets Price iJ.SIJ f" > W cinli biUcasy. Potter i OeorBeCo.h W cor IbUi unil Fnriium M317 jr4 A FINE l AC'.tE LOT IN HENS'ON ADD , CI-OM5 Jito motor , only $400 , easy payiueuts FIdi'lity T'ru'.t Co , loll Farnatu. iMfl. . > > Jy" OOl'TU OMAHA ACHES I Oil acres ? J mile west f 12.503 211 acres ? i mile ftouthousl , 111.033 B acres LC mile soutbi'U t , alrcady'plattcd Into 40 loin. IIO..VW u 5 acres 1 miles south , UML , 6 acres 2 miles southwest , with nmnll lloujc.fl.tiM. M acres 14 miles soutliwcstln 5 or 10 acre tracts , { 4W par acre 2 < acres at a bargain Call for price. Terms , U ca&h , balance to suit. Potter A George Co . loth and Farnam sts. M1W 3 OII SALE-AN ELEGANT 20 ACHE THACT west Of Elmnood Park nllloeon the market lsMcck enl ) U .N Jones , 1H ( bouth 15th 1702 IT'INELV ' IMPHOVED FAHM8 MILES I ItOM P O X will sell 8J or IK ) ncrus very low Wrlcht & . Lasbury. Ilith und Howard M2t > 3 O'5X ! ) HOME NEAH PAUK V .UUO choice cottacu near park. FS .r > 00 large house near park. II 000 tine lot near park. C ! IM cottage and full lot near park ( . .IXlcholcc lot 40th and Half Howard. f-.500 corner 'ICIrd uud Davenport. tlO.OUO building lle 40tb uud Unit Howard flUJO lot on lA'avennorth , near Jith BMOOOO lOOleet near o 51. Carter a resldeno . C F Harrison , H12 .N V Life 812 J FOR RENT-PASTTJUES. _ _ J Ha E A N I ) C A TTLE 1'A ST U H K li AT bT OCK farm , llcllovue H. T. ClarLc , 219 Board of Trade. Oiuuha 257 1 > ASTUHEKOB CATTLE AUOHSES. T.MUKKAV 203 J-HOHSES TO PASTURE. CALLED for and delivered. O. A. Lludquest 310 S. l.Mb pASTUHAGE roil HOUSES. COLTS , CATTLE J 2UO acres pasture , turn room case of Morm Mr farm ranch Is one mile from 2ith street motor car , south on tttluioro road. 1 call und dciuor Address uio , J. 11 Hrush , P. O box U'l ' boutb Omaha. MUM Jyl * ASTUUE roll CATTLE i HOUSES T. 11U HH AV C70 LOST. LOSTBTUHDAV EVENING. JUNE 25 , IN vlc'lnlty of Park avenue uud l.cavcriworth seal pocketbook. Ueturu to I1U buuili JJrd tl for ru ard 2 7 ! EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. MPLOVMENTOI TIC E IjOStFAU.NAM -'upBt.iln : male und femi lo help lei. bl > 4 254 TIIK IIUAL1Y MAICKUT. TNSTUCMEXTS plaeod on record July 1 , JL isxi : WAHKANTV DEEDS. Horinaii Ilollkouiid wlfu loJNIIub- boll , Wx.uO ) foul lot 4 , block : ! , Hyde u.irlc . J 10 June McDonald to T O McDonald , lot IU , block Ull , south Omaha . U.003 WMKolsoto K A llcnson. lot IK block 1. lots 3. 4 , IT to"i. . block 1. M.irnu plncu 1 M r. Dennis und husband to M V Aluyitll , wl3 loth land - ' . block 17 , lluuhcom pluco . . 8,000 I.unnQuIck nnd liukhand to .Nlcl ; Olim , ti'j lot : i , blocU CB. GroJIt 1'onclor add , und wii lot 14 , blocUi.C , Glaudvlow . 20) \Y < 3ubul 1'lNonka uud wlf < ? w Arthur Metz. n 41) ) feet lot i , blouK-,71- , Ssoutli Omuha . , . . . , . ' " . . . a 03 0 r 1'ahs und wife to sanavlilt. ( : same . C.OUU C II Uusniubbon ana wife "uijLoonldus Link , lot C , Dovrle'B sntidlv. . , . J.700 J A lloruacli und wlfu to AntJiony Mar tin , lot II. bloolc J , llorbtti-ii'iij add . . 775 1 II Irwm to 11 i : Clark , lot W , block "IV tfaunderi & , ll'i add . t- . , . . 1,800 C II ilainiubben und wlfotoJUns Haslet - lot U , Duvrlos' ii u. , , , i . 1,700 Same lo Has iu UB KasinuBsoji. Jot j , same 1,700 llenjainln Wollmnplon un jvo ( to W H Hustell , lot : i btanton plucu . 1,503 1'otter A , Ueorge Co to Jo uiiU Thomp- hon , lot 1 , bloul. I' ' , t'ouur.d Geor o Uo'b udd to Hast Orimha. . 3SO KC'Jone to .Nntlonul llstrt-llulldlns company , o ! j lot 7 , block " 7 Omuliu , OJO W A llrovui and wife to 1'W Itaux , lotJ , block 0 , WuluullUll ( ox elJ ot ) . 2&K ) QUIT CLAIM PtJJKi Jens Jonbcu and mfu tofX'YSari Iloyt. lou U' , ia uud II. bioaU - ' , ? ldJi''lu ) ' udd No.l . yj"y. ' . 123 DKKDS. . J P Tulbot , Kpoclal master , lo I U An- drenb , 4l ) lJj feet , cominonclna F.'iJ cbaliib n of Ilb7 D-l : fuel \i of su cor 0-15-M. , . . IB Same to 7 1' U ( Hi PCS , 40xl3t ! feel , com mencing 124 chains n of l. .T foot w of t > u cor biunu . 16 D 11 Mercer , mailer In chiuicery. to J W i-inrc ( | ! . trukteu , lot IS , block % eub , J t Uudlck'vudd . 6,001 Total amount of transfers. . , . .f OM'J7t > Dot i'oumltKTprr'n Xotlrr , The followlns dos liaro been luipoutidod : J bulldogs. 1 khuphprd. 1 Nuvrfouudland. 1 pug dog. k . 1 black und tan. 3 skyo terriers. 2 Hitter npunlcli. 2i cur , If not redeemed within (4) ( ) four dan the dot : * will be drowned J. HI'OKltk JJJlt Dog I'oundkeeper Headache and Neuralgia Kickapoo These distressing and annexing trou Indian bles that" are such c o m in on c o m Sagwa plaints , so fre quently and easily cured ; not requiring one-fourth of a bottle of this simple remedy of Nature to accomplish the purpose. " Pute B oed Perfect H ith " "Mrt U. FANNIE ttEST , of Chester. N. H. , arltes t "For yrart I had suffered from sick head ache ana neuralgia , and found no relief. I uas recommended to try Kickapoo Indian Saga a. I did so , and my distressing trouble U'uj cured In ene u ceUr , / feel eery grateful , and recommend It to all sufferers. " Why suffer from this malady when Nature has provided a cure 1 $1.00 a bottle. All druBRUU. „ . , Kickapoo Indian Salve heals all skin WWUOns. at ; rents. MANHOOD RfclSTORED- - . "SANATIVO , " lh Wonrtorful spcnich llnnrdy , In rnld with a Written Cuoronteo to cure all Isciioti * lts * pasrs , such nsralc I.lPinorv , lo'snTIlialn 1'owtr , Headache , WnLcl tlnrns.LoHt Mnn- hood , Ntrrounnns , ! " > dltudp , all ilialns und los of poncr f the Oiicrntlio Orcatw In pJThrr BPX cauird liy ori eicitinu xouiltful i'Klin { ( Minns , or tin rxtc iiva isc of In ) ncO npiuin or Mitt munlt * uhi < h itUii'ilt'.y ' liiulti ) ItillnnlU ( iin unipiiiin mid InMUilli I'm up ill i-umenicnt funn t mm in tlu > < * ' i iik t J'ure ( I a paLkncp orijforfi \ \ nhrteir { ; > onln i'cl > 'a written guarantee to cure or rofunrt the money , -wilt ' 0 mail I an * nldrru. I iruilai ( ice mi lain cm elope Mention this piper Adi'ixs , HW.11D CHEMICAL CO Ilranch on.ce foi U. 3 A. 358 Dcnilmrn < ! | rTt CUM AGO , ILU FOH SALE IN OX'AHA. KED. , BY to. . To r 15th & Donclm St . A Fuller & Co. . Cor 14tb ft DoueluStf We send the marrplnun Frrnrh Itcmoly CAL7HOS frpo. an.l \ Iual cuarantJB that CAM HOP * 111 ' 'TOP IlUrhorcr * * Fmlolnn * . CCItK * mTmRtnrrbcn.\nHc ecl and U1 > TOIIK I.act % Icon de tt and pa ) if satisfied. Adlwii , VON MOHL CO. . K..1. Anrrlnn lr ° U , doclno a Chlo. Om.-o of the rretnont , nikuarn& Missouri Val oy Hnllrojd Cuinpnny. Umnba. Ncl > . May ,11. Is1- ! ' : In eotnplltincp with tin- statutes of tliu state of Isoliiaika. and rspbi'l.illj In coin- ( illiinco with section l.l'i. ' i hauler Iti. c'ntillod "Lorporatlnns , " we. the nresldrnt und a nia- jority of the Hoard of Ilicolors , do ln-icby vl\e jiublif notice that nil the existing In- ck'hti'dnf > s of the I'lciuoiit. Klknorn Mis souri Valley Uillroad loniuany at tbo dute May Jll , ivt' , ninounts to twi-ntj-onr million , two bundled und onu thousand , tlnuo hun dred : uid tlfty dollars. if.M.LVl.IljO.UOi.T \ riisttuurtsace bonds . . . . g llnndsof the WyoinlucC'ontral ly. Uo. ussutnud In consolidation of Juno4. IfiDI r.iilpinpnt ] bonds l..i.iiOJ.oo Flouting indebtedness 8i.l5i03 Total f-'l.a > lt.VJOO : MAIIVJN HUOIIITT , President Directors- Marvin llti-Miitt. M. M Klrkinnn , J. It. Kedlield. D.ivld 1' . Klmtiall. J dll. M IinpoundiMl. Twenty-first duy of Juno one gray horse , s-oroou hind lc ? : If not roducmcd will bo sold nt puullu auction July 'i ut JO a. m. . at Gooso's barn , ou 15th unC Jackson. Jl'dlt JUH.N Sl'UEKl. . 1'ouiidmaster. w c TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I 'os. ' P. Dealer . . Niegeath , , RHILWHYTIMEOMD Leaves ICUICAOO I Omaha Dpot 10th an I Mimn St Oiniiii 4 45 p m . .Chicago Voitlbulo . , 8OJ a m f 60 n m . Chicago Express . o II a in llWpm . . .Chicago . , 4 T p m 060 p m . Chicago .t Iowa Local OUJ p m Leaves IUUIILINU1O.N ,1 MO KIVKH Arrlres Omaha I Depnt 10th and Mason M Omaha. Lcarei K. C. . ST J. A 0 B Omabn. Depot 13th and Mason SU I O-nil f.VI a m . .Kansas Oily Dar Kxpross . ODD p m IH5 P miK. C NUlit Kip via U P Trint 1. 43 a m Oolnu I CHICAGO. It. 1 A PACIFIC from Eait I Union Depot 10th * MarcjMs Kun. IDUJumi . Atlantic Express . : < > 'J p ra < XJ p m . Vftlbule Expioss . I LIO p m fM p ml . Nlcht ( Jxprasi . I 8. VI a m 2.05 a m . Pant Brpross . I UJ u ui I CHH'AOO. It 1. A PAl ll'If ' I From West 'Union ' Pi-pot lOtliai ? I. Marcr Sts I WeaL 1 2U p m . . . . Denver l.linlloJ . . . 'I- ' ) p ra IJljum . Fast Exprois . . . . U'UJ a ru OUJ utu .Kansas Cltr ( Exrept sundar ) u U p in l.iavus UNION PAUHU Arrive * Omaha Union DoputlOth audMarcr Sts Oiuuhti. 7.55 a ml lioatrlce Express I t'.l'J p m ii.53 a m Denver Expresj 4UJ ptn JHpm Orel-landHycr , I 7.01 p ra i 15 p iu IlluoSp k'i .V Mrin bExox ( Sum 12 SJ p ra IM p ru Pacltlc Exurets 10 4J u m 11.15 p m . . . Denver l"mt Mall . . . . 4 15 p m LeaTes fUlllCAtJO , illU A. ST. PALLlArri.e t Omaha | U P. depot and Marsr Bti | Omahi I 45 p PI i .M Paul l.lmltod . r..v. jUIIIUAbO , HUULN 4 UUINCY,1 Transfer ! Union Depot , Council Hlufl * _ VM a m , Chlcaio Exprvii i 6.40 p m 10010 pm . . . Chicago Express VU a m T.U5 p m Crostou T li a iu I OMAHA A MT I-OU1S. ( Arrives Trauif r | Union Dupol. Council Ilium ITransftr 440 oml hi. lx > ul > Canon Hull 112 U p m blOUI CITV A PACIFIC. 1 Arrives Union Dupot. Council IlluOi 'Transfer ' bloux City Accommodation 11C 00 p iu BbPaal Eiprin I V 4J tu JI3RE FIGHTING IS BRAZIL IVo Defoati for the Federal Forces nml One Victory Over Republicans. BOMBARDMENT OF PORTO ALEGRE Dclrnilen nt tlin TIIITII Snrpppd III I > rl lnf ; A tay the ( SotnrntiuMit Unnlioiit Kpl * ilf mldirintlnpiirn In llnpinx Arrn South Anuirlcaii Nona. ) , Chill ( via ( Jalvcston , Tex. ) , .luly 1. | Uy Mexican Cable to tbo Now Yutk Herald Spochil to TIIK Uni' . ] Later ncus lias roarbcd mo of tuo bombardment ot the city of 1'orto Alopro In Uio Hnuillan state of Uio Urando do Sul. The RUM bent Marnjo sailed up the lulo nnJ opoucrl lire on ttie city. Too Castllho forcoi quurtorod In the \Vodnctday were not unprepared for tuo attack , and with the op ° iiiiiK o' hostili ties bogati prepa-atlous for the repulsion of the attaculns party. The land fonw , uudof command of Ucncral Vclasiiucz , opened fire irom the now batteries. At tbo inmo tltuo the gunboats Kuritjuo Diaz and Cntnoslu bCRan llrlni ; from tbo laUo. The combined attack , which was sustained from shore and lake , proved ton strong for the Marajo , She retreated under full Head way , pursued by the Uinz and Caniosln. Owing to Ibo superior batteries und Rpocd ot the pursuing vessels , it is boilovud tbo Muralo will be captured before she roaches tbo ocean. Another Desperate Itnttlu. News has reached mo of & desperate battle In Vlamao , which is situated twelve miles cast and south of Porto Alopro , on n lake of the samu nnmo an the town. After thtoo bours of heavy Ilphtint ; the Cns- tllhos weto ocfcated The fodcral troops cs- catiod with little loss , but forty-eleht of the Castllho troops were killed in the battle. Among the killed is ( .iuoros , chlot of the 10- publicant. Thuro vvai also n battle between the coti- tcndme forces near Bace , in tbo southern part or the stato. In this ( inRitgcmcui the Castllho forces were successlul. Colonel Gome/ was in command nna routed the fed- cials. The ca\ airy lost all of their horses , which fell into tbo hands of the Castilho troops. Larco foices of the republicans are encamped throughout the stato. Tbo Herald's correspondent nt Uio tolo- praphs mo that congress has agreed to post pone the election for president until the end el the year. President Floriano Pixalto will hold over. The Herald correspondent nt Buenos Avres telegraphs that beballos , formerly minister of foreign nlTuirs In Argentine , will represent tbat republic In Chili , succeeding Auburn , who has been elected vice-prosldont of the re public. I.'jililcinlc of Iiitlnuii7n. Influenza is epidemic in tbo city of Buenos Avrcs. The intendeutu , fearing that the news of it would have n serious effect ou the business of the citv , has forbidden the news papers publishing a list of deaths. The rapid spread of tbo dis > uuso is causing pi oat alarm. Kio Janeiro has quarantined npumst Hucnos Ayre . From Montevideo tbo Herald correspondent tolegr.inhs tlut tbo Bank of the Hiver Plata proposes to ioiu s.ilvor. The fiunucial affairs 01 the republic of Urapunv are ( . 'looiuy. The llciald corrcsi > oident at Ascocsion , Pora uav , sends word of a run ou the Hank of Paraguay. The Chilian Chamber of Deputies has adopted a bill injpo-iugdutius on nitntos and iodines. The lalo fixe by the measure is 71 $2.25AMOHTHHOArtE ( [ TREATMENT TWICE A DAY , Specific ( hyp Produces Naturally PURE HIGH BLOOD ! BEAUTIFUL , COM PLEXIONS ! GLOWING HEALTH ! Free Trial Inhalations. Really Cures ; Catarrh , Bronchitis. Asthma , IJny Fever. Consumption , Headache ( biclc or nervous ) , Dyspepsia. Nervous Prostration. IVlJ' ta.VIJU/UVJl CJ Call on or write without notice , THE SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO , , Suite 510 Sheely Blk. , cor. I5th nnd Howard Sts. , OMAHA , NEB. Extract ofBeef. * Do you want u copy oi Deo'f ToiiV See thitt it is mitdo from the Genuine uino IiH'Oinimnibly the best. 1'uro , jKtlu- Uible.rofrcbhiii } , ' . Dia- soluds cloarly- the Boron LoiXTf bip's Hlenauro L/r &ZZjt * & . jii blue on onchy * c label , thus. v To tlio ownt-ri of lots und purtsdf lots nnd reul t-st ttu ulinu'Hi street fiutn lioos stroia tu I'.iclllo htreet und I'm-lllo strt-ot from L'lth ttiuul Ui"illi AXOIIUO In lliu city of O.nann Von mo liuruhy notillod tliul tliu niidi'r- Blu'iiuJ , llirc'o disinterested fr eli < ilders of tlio city of Oiniiln. have been duly iippointod by tliu ina > nr , wltli tliu upprornl of tlio city council of SHI | | city , to ussus tlio dninuco to the owners respectively of the properly uf- fcctod liy tin' i'liuiiio of ur.iflo of 1'Hli htreat from Kuiis street to I'ncltlo btrcut und I'nrillo Htiuut frniii 'Hh Htroct to ritli uii'nue , Ue- uiarod nouusnrv b > uidluunau ! ) . pussoa Mny SO. A. 1) ) . Ml ! , upprovcd May 2 . A I ) Ml.1. 'i ou urn fnrtlior notllluil , tliut liuvln : nc- copteU said nppolntniont , und dniv iiuiilltled its miulrod Iir law. no will , on Hit' llth uay of July A. D. Ib'iitilm hour of 10 n'clo < U In the forunoon. at the olllun of John K. KiiiuU. room fMl , Ulianiber of Oouimurco williln tliu corporate limits of Haul city , moot for the purpose of uoiihlderlnziind inuklnsllio iis ess- nierit of diuimKU to tlio ownera respectively of snicl properly , utfucted liv biild chatico of cmde. tiiklns Into consideration spoolul Lieno- 11 u. if any. Vou itru notified to bu preeont ut thu time nnd plucu ufnrci > : ill ( and iiinke liny ohjuutlons to or Htatunientu conc'ernlns Bald uu you niuy uoinlder p ' /OILS I' . j'- UKO J. I'AIJU Coiuuiltteo uf App. Omitlia. JunoL'S. lsl > J. JjjJIOt Sulr. By vlrtuuof un exoentlon IHMIO ( | by I'mnU 1Z. Moorus , tlurk of the DUtrlut court of Duui- lusuounty , NubniNka upon u judgment rend ered In buld uonrt In fuvnr of tliu onnunerolul Nutloiiul Hunk of Omaha , Nuuruskii , und iiuuinhtc > l Schnulder t C'oiniuny , und O .M . C'lineldtr. 1 liavo levied upon tliu follow ing ctMidt : ind oh'ittoln HS the property of tlio ualtl U. .M Mlineldur : > V Uompuny , lo-ult : Thuunllru uliolekulo block of notions nnd pcntb' furnUbliij ; Hood * . ho lcry und cloves. undothur nierunundlbe , tuuether with olllce nnd itoru fiiriilturo und fixture * , und all con tained In the banuiueut und live Htory more liulidlnf. NOD. UWH und till llownrd ctieet In the city of Oiu.iliu. DOUL-IUS County , No- briikku ; uud I will ou tlmlltli duy of July. A. ! > . , IPU. ' , uoniiuuauliiK nt 111 o'clock u. m. of said day , ut Non. HfJ1 , und 1111 Howard si reel , In thu city of Uniaha , Silrt county und kt.itr. hull Eftld Koudk und flmtt li ut public unction to the lilidioKt blddiT , or bidder * , for cn li. or ho inueh thuicot asiuuy bu iicoekiary to lutUfy huld nxiicutUiu , the uiuount duo tliuroon bolti4 twenty tlioukund und Ufty dollar * ( ijtvjWi ( judtrineui und nlno und a-iuj dollnrn. ( tfi.uji costs , with Interest on nuld uniounU at the rate of 10 percent per annum from tliu lutli day of June , A. O , Ib/.imJ thuucurului ; costs , Oujuliu , Nub , JuneUJth. Ixir * . dP.UItuL A IIKNNB1T. Sheriff of Dou lus Couiit Neb. [ pence per metric quintal for nltrnte * nnd .3 pence per lIlo : ou loJIno. Tlio tmvnionts nru j to bo mndo nt often in the. ROXem inent requires thorn. The . thus rni oJ Is to bo npliliod to moot thirty ilnys London draft * in pnunent for the coupon debt , which now amounts lo $ < W,000 unim- ally. The povorntuent will take bills on London in payment of the duties I lie nmount necessary to bo raised to meet tlio Koverninrnl obligations Is basr > d on tlilrtv per cent ot the totnl output of 1IXHOJO ) quintals of nltrato , which nmount the tutrato syndicate agreed" to put out unnuallr. New IScirnui * Srlu'iiit * , This plnu for ralslnc roveuuo originated with ox-Mlnlstcr Vepn. Alter sut ) milting it to the council , the iiliin wits modlticil by Mluioor of Pinaaco .Mclvors , u ho so itrr&uced It as to pravciit nnv over plus Crafts being put ou snto. Mclveis statement slious thai tlio notunl ix'cvipH from this tnnlT should bo fTsl.OOO.OOO nnd expenses $ . " > 1,001'00,1 , ! oa\li > u tur. plus of $1SH)0IWO. ) Ho rc-trnrds t io present paper currency of Uhlll ns tuo only drawback to n brilliant llnancliil Ulturc. In rasoot deficit on ttio pnrt of the tiltrate syndicate , the povcrnincnt has nraplo , ccurlty. It holds valuable lands of the company situated in the soutnein province's cm ! nUo property In Valnnraro nntl Santiago , and nlto the nltrnlo bed of Turapaca. The consul Rcnornl for Knrlnud nt this part , Joel , is maitinc n report to his povorn mant of the murders nnu outrages on HriUsh subjects In times past in southern Chill. VUltom to Conirntlon. At the request of the entertainment eoimnUtoo people's party Exposition hull , I'Oi'in-r 1 1th mid Capitol avenue , bus boon IHtcd up with cots for the ac commodation of visitors. Cots evii : bo secured tit Too par night. BIO HOLE INHE GROUND. Contract ! , < ( Tor n MK Kxtomlim of the North Omatm sror. . The Hoard of Public Works held a session yesterday afternoon at which lac bis sewer contract of the sooson was lot , The bids provide for un open ditch J1.)1 ) , foot deep , 'Jl feet w'do ' nt the top nnd 1'J foi-t \vido ut the bottom , runnlnc fiom Sprucuo to 1'inuknov on Thlrty-iltst street ; ou I'lii'Mr- uov , from Thuty-llrst street to the crock , ana on Twontv sexonth. from Sprnpue to Tort Omiilm creel : , or to a point llliO ( foot north of Fort street. Ed 1'biilan was the lowest bidder. Ho bid IT cents if the eiirih was loll ou the sldo of tnn ditch , or 2t > cents per cubic yard if removed. The construction of the ditch icquircs the rotnoval of 74iin , ; cubic yard * of earth. In the construction of the extension of the North Omah.1 sewer on Spraiuo , from Twontv-suventh to Thlrty-Cr t street , Kali A : Cailabauvoro the lowest bidders. Tlieir bid \\ns ns fellows : 1,001 lineal feet of 7-foot. IMnch , three-nnc brick rower , $12 il per llnonl foot ; 4' > J fcot of 5-foot (5-lncli , two-ring brick sewer , $3.15 ; 03 feet of 0-Joot , two-ring brick sewer. * ( ' > SO ; 42U foot of b-inch inlet pine , ! ! 0 cents per foot ; four manholes , $3U cnch. Clieiip Kxciir lon llulcn llust. The Kfcn\ \ Rock Island route will Roll lickots ,1uly Ull , oth nnd OUi to Now York iiiicl return at less than half fire for the round trip with return hunt , good until September 16th , with other privileges cast of C'hic'tigo. For f ill part cularb cull at ticket oilice , Ibifii rarnum btioet. CiiAs. KK.VNLDY , Ueu'l Jf.V. . P.ibsouucr Ajjout. \ < > stt > rn I'tMisKiiiK. Wsnivr.ToN , D. C. , July 1. f.Spocial Telcpram to Tun Bcc. ] The following list of pensions granloa Is ronortoJ by THE ii a and Kxamincr Bureau of Cluims : lowu : Oriuinnl Morgan Titm , .lohn Vir tue , Ausustus U. 1'rinvjs , Moses TopiiiiiRs , John W. Hoolt , ( iieorco S. Govo. Additional Ueoi'Ro Unvhon. lletcr O'Hnnn. Jacob Brown , Hurry G Sessions. James H. Bush , Christopher Antcnruith , Martin V. B. Crouch. Orlgiual widows Jane P. Croos , Lucinda Cozad. Colorado : Original Andrew Glover , Henry Davis , John M. Pacett , n. T. Atkin. son. Adailiooal CieorcoV , Norris , Moses D. Edwnids , Jonn Heed. Original widows , etc. Arlctna Daniels , mother , Julia L. Blgo- low. low.South South Dakota : Oncloal Duvid Thorpe , Uoorge Bryant. Additional Dennis llnn- nilin. Original widows , etc. Sallie M. Mo- Donald. At the earnest request of the patrons of Wonderland "H M. S. IMnnfoio" will lie presented - davs , commoticing1 Sat- urdav matinee at " : ! )0. ) Special feconery and effects. Elegant costumes and the Bijou Opera Co. in this f.irorilu nroduc- tion are the inducements oiTorod to the visitors of Wonderland. DiHruifliiff Sfhocil Istiililln s. The Board of Education held an ad- journoa meeting last ovctiing to consider the plans for new buildings for the West Omaha nnd Lathrop schools. On motion of Mr. Martin Uio pUns for the ten-room buildings were approved as far as completed with the understanding that they should not bo adopted until the next mooting. Mr. ( Jibsun voted QraliiFt the motion. Ho claimed that a ten-room building was nit Kuflluiont nt Lmlirop strnet. Ho subse quently moved that the secretary bo in structed to uJvorti-o for bids for a tweh o- room building on that hito at u cost not ex ceeding J.'tti.UUO. This occasioned a prolonged discussion , after which Uio m ellen was lost nnu the board ndjourncd. in . .r us. ! \utlru > uf Jiirliiict iir lexe uml r ( M * licad fifty rtit * : r.nih wt hti'inal tin * trn cent- -M1TII Jiini''J at Lincoln I'.uU t-'aiiltiirliiin , C'hii ac . II ! . Mollic l.liiliclh. . bili\Ml u , ta of 11dullicrt ' iiiilli. : isuHI ( yoirt. I'liiifi il J rum h'T late Inline , b-M I'.irlt UM-IIUO. huti- di\.luly ; I , ut-p m. InttMiuiMit at I'urest l-.ittn cumelory. CONSTRUCTION' . Council I hiiinbi r , Uinuh'i.Ntih . June H , 1S91 Holt iool eU by thoc'tyrouni'll of the v ty of Un.iiliiit the mayor concnrrln. : ' 1'lmt wooden Hldnwulhs hu coiiHtrni'tcd In the elty of Uninha ns dcsicmited boiuiv \ \ lilun Ihu days after the publication of lliU luiolu- t un , or the IHU-UIM ! btirvlcu tin roof , HS liy ordlii.iiice ix uuthorl/ed und icijiilrod : hiieli bi.e | alKs lo liululil toUiuJi | ( ' ' ) --iuloon llio htreels hiioeldort lieruln. and to bo ruiistrnfled of plno plunk of Mich width and tlilcknusH and bolHld upon julxts of snuli illinciixlotis nnd in sneli maniiHr as is piusL-rltud liy the HPOI Id eations on II. u In lliu ollk'o of the Hoard of 1'ubllo Works und under ltd nupurvUlon , to- Hit : iiiBt ; Milo of 2Tth tiiieol. N ' 'J f | of lot fa block 1(1. Milnn'n addition. U fret Ido. Noith Kldo of Mtwiird utiuct. 1 4 ! ) ft ( if lot'J block : . ' . Milnu'H nddlllon.O feet wide. jubl : hl''o of.Mil BVrc-ui , | nt 7 bloeU 1 , I'.it- rlel.'s iiildlllon , d feet uldu houth slau of Martha ntroet. lot 1 and W 41 ft lot , : ; block 1' ' . I'rnyn's addition , fi ft > ot "Ida South M'lu ' of Miutliu slit-et , lots I nnd 1 block : i. Iinpruxement Absoultlloii addition. 0 feut wide. \V bt Hidu of KHli Htruet- lots 1 , n , n , 7 , 6. ( I , 10 , II. 1. . bl oi' I , 1 1. Improvement As&uuiiUlou ad- dlllun. 4 feel uldc Noilli side Miiwin strcut. lots ! ' " and 58 bloi-lc 8. KonnUuil Hum huddlllon U feut wliln. Noilhhlduor Nelinn fctrenl. lols JB , 17 , 18. 1'J ' , L'O. blouk 24..ilmit 11 ill. Ofect widu. side of . " 'n btrcui , lol . ' > blui l , l l' , . c ty , hciiii : fiom Mcliolu * utieut 170 fuui nurlh , 0 foot u .do And I m It further rcsolvoa : Tliul the Huiri of I'linlln Works be arid hereby Is authorized and dlroi'tixl to eauso a copy of thiu resolution to bu iHililUluiU In thu ollli'lal piiiiurof the oily for nnu week , or liu horved on tl.ii owners of bald luu und uim'.a hllt'll OHMl'Ir. ill. * I Wlthlll llVU (1.1 J llfltr thU publlcatliin or w < i vice of kuuh cony con > tru > 't xnld hldevtalUs un liorulii KKiulieil , that thu llourd of I'nbiloVorkn CUUMI thu saiiio to un don u. the cost of conttructln ; : w.'ilil hldi wulln rcbpcuthuy to bu itkes * oil acnlntt the reul iihtitlu. lot or purl of lot In front of und ubui- tlnc Mii'li lduwall > u. J'rutldentof thu Council. Attest : JOHN UKUVI > . Ulty Clerk. Anpiovud : or.o. i1. iinMis. Mayor , NOTIcn TO C'ONhTUUOT MDKWAMCa To tint owiieri of the lots , purtu of lots and roul u tate deHtribud In the ubuvo rukolu- tlon ; You and each of you uiu hcroby notified to i'oii truit wooden kldeHullik UB iniiulind by u resolution of tliu city oounull und muyor ot the Uty of Oinuhu , of wn > h thu uboxn Uu copy I' , W III 1(1(11 A , C liulrrnan llourd of I'ubllo U'orky. Omaha. .Nub. , July „ ' . IsX- jy - : > -6-7-k U-ll