THF OMAHA PHGE8. TWELVE PflGES , TWELVE JL JL JLJLlrf V _ X JLTJLJLJLJL JLJL JL TWENTY-SECOND YEAH. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , JULY 2 , 1892-TWELVE PAGES. NUMBER 11 Prospect of a Presidential Nomination Does Net Tempt the Learned Judge , _ w * ME SAYS HE IS NOT AN ASPIRANT 'His Name Will Not Bo Presented to the * Convention at All , POSITIVE REPLY TO A DIRECT QUERY , Telegram Eeoaivod from the Judge Last Night Settles All/Doubt. SILVER MEN ARE BOOMING STEWART Nevada's Senator to Bo Sprung as an Opponent tD General Weaver. NEVADA MEN BECOMING DESPERATE Will Run Their Own Ticket if Not Satisfied with the People's. ' ENCOURAGED BY THE SENATE'S ' ACTION PaEsago of the Tree Coinage Bill Joyfully Welcomed by Delegates. WHERE THE WOMEN WILL COME IN Mrs. Annie L. Diggs of Kansas Talks of Her Cox's ' Aims. HARD WORK FOR THE LOCAL COMMITTEES Dplogntot Arrliln In IJrovos nnd Srcltliif Accoiiiiiitidiitluiu lcctln ( if the * Nu * tliinul i\rciiUvn Cinnnilttuu Vluo I'rosliu-nt I.uiu'k'8 rrudlclloiu. Judge Grcsham has at last boon heard from and has dellned in his own peculiar way his position In regard to the presidential nomination. Hon. H. S. Scott , chairman of the Ion a state central commlttoo of the noo- plo's party , yesterday sent Judge Gresham the following telegram : W'll you stand as thu cindldatn of the Omaha convention for the iireil luncy on the Kt. Uinls platform ? H. S. SCOTT. To this tcloyrnm Judge Grcsham last night replied : I Bland by my Interview of a. few days ace on this subject. My nuino will not bo pro- nciiteu Iff the Onuih.i convention. WAI.TKH Q. Gitr.siiAM. The Intorvlow to which Juago Gresham rofcra was ono In which he slated that ho agreed with the people's party on a great many things , but that ho did not azroo with that party In nil its declarations. Thus the totogrum received from the Judge Is inter preted as moaning taut ho can not stand as a candidate on the St. Louis platform , slnco In his Inter vlow ho stated that ho did not ngroo with that party In nil Its declarations. The an- nouncornont that a telegram had boon received - coivod from the Judge caused considerable oxcltotnunt Into last evening , and when Its contents bocntno known It was generally accepted by the inoro conservative as clearly Indiritini ? that Judgj Grostvim dd not dcslro his nnmo to bo longer mentioned n this connection. C/onsidorab lo stress Is put upon his closing sentence : "My nnmo will not bo presented to the convention. " Tills is accepted M bolng the expression of his sin cere doslro in regard to the matter. There nro n row of the inoro onthuslastlo Graiham mon , however , who are still disposed to bo- llovo that the Judge will accept the Humilia tion If It bo londorod him , but thcuo gentlemen - mon appear to bo In a hopeless minority , nnd the Indications now are that this telegram will bo accepted as authoritative and dual , and that the GraMiam boom Is a thing of the past. _ r.m OD U'lm riuini TInH thu .Juclgci Dholillut tfi Acc' < * pt. With the posslblo exception of General Weaver of Iowa tburo Is no candldato mak ing n canvass for the prosldenllal noininu- tlou. Judged from tbo xcntlmonU expressed by the majority of the delegates already on the ground Judge Grcsham needs only to say the word to have the nomination oy acclama tion , Whllo there Is soni'j doubt as to his ucccptanco , the delegates aio tumble to shako off thu improsslon that ttioro will Issue HOIUO tlmo bofuro the convention a lutfor announc ing his willingness to stand for Uu > nomina tion. tion.Whon When nskod on what assurance they base that hopn they are , with one exceptlor un- nblo to glvo n satisfactory answer. That ex ception is Henry Vincent of the Indianapolis Nonconformist. Ho Is of the opinion that Leroy Temploton , chairman of the Indiana dologntlsn , will bring with him u letter from Grcsham assenting to the usoothis name. Tcmploton Is u neighbor of the Judge and ha > eecn him recently. Mr. Vincent nUo nuts lu evidence the statement thtit Judge Grosh- nm's son has goi.o to French Like , Intl. , to urge his fatlu < r to be a candldato. The article following was handed in bv nn Illinois dolocato who formerly lived In thh city and who U wearing n Gresham badge und milking u cnnvnss for Grushanii A Cll-d. We , the tindorsiguod members of the pco- plo's party of America , called upon Judge Walter Q. Grcshum , ut tils residence , ' . ' 003 I'ralilo uvcuuo , C'hloago , on tlur.i'jlil nf Juno ' . " \ 1SIU. This plcusiint confeionco lasted over ouo hour , and during that tlmo numerous - ous n till rest os were intul'i by varlnuH mem bers of the people's pirty , In which every speaker declared his dcmro that Judge Gresham should bothopeoplu'3 partynomlneu for prostdouU To these oxprebttlons Julgo Groihamnmno no dltsont , while ho did not und could not ns a sclf-rospuctlng Uiun , nccopvtho nomliiutlon whttm this coiumltti'o bad no authority to oITor , ho did no' , ns ho could most properly aavo dor.o , say , "I will siol ucoept the people's party nomination at Oraabu. " Judge Groiham U a dUtlngulihrd stiitos- tuan , dutlneuUhcd for hU high en u of honor. If It wns out of tint ( | UCkllon for him to accept the m'oplu'a parlv nomination for preildont , ho U inocUoly thu grand , truu uimi to have told the couiumt"p so in clear and Uiiwlsiukuulu latifuugo , Ho v.'ould not hiwu allowed thorn lo Icavo his presence under any doubt or delusion on that question , Hut what were the circumstances of the c.isof Judge Gresham In a long nnd frank conver sation , declared hlmsoK heartily In sympathy with all the essential priuclnlos ot the pee ple's party. Ho did not refuse to bo Its ores- Idonllnl nominee , but allowed the commlttoo to go away , believing that no would accept If the honor were tendered him by the con vention. Would nn honorable nnn have done this If ho did not menu to accept the nomination ) Ho would not. and Judge Gresham 1 * known to thu entire land ns the soul of honor , con- 6en.uor.tlv ho will nt-copt the nomination of the paoDlo's turtv If honorably olTored him. Tills is the linn conviction of the under signed people's party men , all of whom were present on thu occasion In question. Luster C. Hubbaru , teucono Smith , A. H. Francis , Ambrose N. Smith , Charles W. Kusaoll , D. M. Fulwilor , Andrew Ashton , Alfred Clirk. ( irrahum'ft Itotl < * rnco Conslderablo amusement has boon created by a Washington dlspatnh stating Senator btewart of Nevada hail dispatched n messen ger to Omaha , bearing u plaiform , upon which ho says ho will bo willing lo accept the people's party noinltiatloii for the presi dency. Tbo trulh is Senator Stewart's ' nnmo is not being even seriously discussed In this con nection by the leaders who are on the ground and the suggestion that the people's party would ba willing to mould Its platform to hull the pirtlcular fancy of any aspirant for the nomination , oxcltos merriment rather than serious con sideration. Itidoed , there is no doubllhut If oven Iho dlsllngulshcd Judge Grcsham were lo decide lo accept the pee ple's party nomination , ho would have to ac cept the platform , sub-treasury and all , and run ns the exponent of the well known and avowed principles of the people's party. The uncertainty of Judge Groahura's post- tlsn In regard lo the prosldunlinl nomination has caused much discussion nnd there Is a feeling that serious embarrassment maybe bo preclpltalodunless Iho position of the dis tinguished Jurist becomes autnoritallvoly dcllnod. Chairman Tauboncck and ether leaders of the pooplo's party nro to- dav inquiring where a lologrum will roach Judge Groshnm and announce their Intention of wiring him to ascertain whether ho will nccopt the people's party nomination if It is formally tendered. \ Veer lor ( Ireill.nil or Himself. Gcnoral James B. Weaver of Iowa estab lished himself nt Iho Mlllard hotel yesterday morning and received the various people's party dclogalos who crowded eagerly into bis room. "Who is your cholco for president ! " General - oral Weaver was asked by a reprosontallvo of Tun Br.E. "Waller Q. Grcsham Is my first cholco and Weaver is mv sacond , " said Iho general , smiling. "If Gresham will accept I think wo nro all for him , nnd 1 presume wo will hear somolhing au'horitativo from him , or from some ono aulhorizod lo represent him , pretty soon. " "What do you think the platform will boi" ' ' "I think It'will bo the S't. Louis platform , which you have already published , with n plank added denouncing the force bill. In my opinion there will bo very little difference ot opinion on tbo platform mid It will bo u mai ler very quickly and very harmoniously dis posed of. " General Weaver smiled nl the suggestion that Senator Stewart had sent u messenger to Omaha with a plutforra upon which ho would accept the nomination for tlio presi dency , nnd said : "I don't think Senator Stowurt has done anything of the kind. lie is n very sensible man and would bo a good candidate , but ho would not expect the plat- lorm to bo molded lo sull Iho convenience ot nny nun. " Wh il Hun Tor re II lironght. Benjamin Terroil of Texas , for four years national lecturer of the alliance and tbo moving spirit of the St. Louis conference , bad hardly roglslorcd ut the Mlllard and escorted his wife to their room before n rumor spread lhat ho brought the desired assurance lhat Judge Grcahnm would accept the presidential nomination. When re quested to unbosom hlmsolf Mr. Terrell became evasive , saylnc : "I had n conversation with Judge Gros- hnm , but it was privalo nnd I would not bo Justified in repeating It. I can say , however , that when n commlttoo of our party wont to him ho cxuro-isoil himself ns heartily In sym- palhv with the movement , and when the platform was explained to him ho did not ob ject to its principles. Ho moreover said lhat the money aud corporate powers were a men ace lo ibo people and ho regarded this movement ns a protest against the existing ovtls. " "Dou you think. Mr. Terrell , that there will bo anyone nt this convention authorized to speak for Mr. Groshami" "Yos , I do , " ho answered , but when asked to stale who It would bo he evaded Iho ques tion. Mr. Terrell's manner was calculated to convoy the impression thai no believed Grcsham would consent lo iho use of his nnmo. A Michigan delocnto-at-lnrgo declared In favor of n western man. Ho thought his delegation fell kindly toward Gresham , but that a candidate from a state nearer the Oc cident would bo inoro acceptable. The balance of the California dologailon cnmo in al 10:10 : , and were assigned quarters at the Brunswick. They but reiterated the utterances of their advance guard 03 to their preference for Weaver. Among the arrivals of the morning wns MM. A. P. Stevens , ono of Iho proprietor * of the Vanguard , u newspaper worker o' national reputation. Mrs. Stevens is mas ter workman of dlslrlctassombly 72 , Knights of Labor , embracing northwestern Ohio , a position she has hold fur years. Mrs. Stevens Is here as n dologntc-at-largo from Iho Ninth congressional dislriol of Ohio. "Wo want Gresham for the head of the ticket , and wo are going to huvo him , " she said , "It is nil nonsonco to talk aboul hU re fusing. " . The llltlo lady wears n Groshnm delegate bndgo and also the tin bucket badge whlcn Gresham caused to bo adopted when he appointed a railroad receiver , and de clared that iho tin bucket brlcado should bo thu preferred creditors. HUOMIMJ hHNATOK S n\VAHT. : SlUor li'i > 2Uc'tuiii. | | . Worlcln ; ; for th No- \Milu Soniitiir. The txnnouncoment of Hon. A. J. Strootor of Illinois tonight that ho did not believe Judge Groshmn would nccopt the proildon- Hal nomination , and that in thn event of hU refusal ha wns In favor of United Statoi Senator Stewart of Nuvada , has caused tbo Stowurt boom to laaslvo qulto nn Impotu * . It is becoming vary ovldunt that the dele gates from the Mlvor states of the wojt ivill glvo Sonstor Stewart very earnest support , and in the event of Groihum bDluc strlckon from the list It is probable \Voavor nnd Stownrt will bo the loaning candidates , The drift of sentlmont at this tlmo Is doddouly In favor of Weaver ns be tween tnoso two , but there uro careful propiirailon * being made to spring a form idable Stewart boom on Sunday. lion Lee Cr.iudnll of Washington , D. C. , ono of tbo Ica'luM of the Silver loacuo. Is lu the city and appoarj to hnvo charge of Sunn- tor Stewart's canvass. Ho announces that ho has hud a long conversation with the Nevada senator und that there U no doubt of his willingness to accept the nomination nnd tnaito tbo campilgu on the people's parly platform If the convention ducluos to aulou't Him. Him.General General A. J. Warner of Ohio , a votornr. in the free coinage movement , Is on his way to ibid city to urgu thu nomina tion of Senator Stewart , und when this fact came to publlu know cdgo it crouton n great deal of discussion , us It was at once accopteJ ns an ovldonco that tuo powerful Silver inaguo had doddrd upon Senator Stewart of Nevada us the presidential cnndldalo cf the people's party U U could cxurt tbolutliuneo uecossury to control the convention. .south Will IU' l t Stimurl. Thora la , however , a slight dlspoiltlon on thu iinrtof the dol-jgatis from the great f cm in ns well us on the part of the represen tative of thn Knights of i abor and the various Industrial organizations of the ouu lo usL-M't Ihltattompt of thu Silver league to c etiur/o , so man , of the- destinies of the people's party. They point to the fact that nt thn national conventions of both the democratic and republican parties this snmo league appeared on the ground nnd practically assured each ot these parties of Its support In case It would Incorporate frea coinage plank In its pint- form. These dissenting delegates contend that there Is moro In the people's party than the moro llnnnclal question , and that while It Is perhaps the 0:10 : of the gieatost Impor tance there nro other Issues which must not bo lost from sight , and that , tbo destinies of the people's party cannot bo mndo entirely subservient to the Silver league. And so it is likely that while a stronuotis effort may bo exerted on behalf of Senator Stewart and n formidable move ment In his intcrot may bo started Just before the day of baliot arrives , there Is little doubt tuls would bo mot bv n , vigorous rosistnnco on the part of thoco suspicious delegates who think that the silver btutos of the west should learn more ot the great In- ilustilal movemunt which 1ms given birth to the third political pirty boforn they nssumo to dictate Its presidential candidate , TlKIii ! : ) TIIK.M MIUIITir.Y. Ninrt ol thn rassin : ) nt llio Silver Hill In the SrnutoVcll Itcculvml. The national convention of the people's oarty will convene und'jr Inspiring circum stances. The passage of the free silver bill by the United States sonnto yesterday Is ac cepted by the delegates to the' notional con vention as n vindication ot their organiza tion's demand for n greater circulating medium. The leaders all ugrco that nothing could have been done at this tlmo that could have boon moro propitious for the people's party hopes. The national central commlttoo , composed of 150 prominent members of the people's party from nil sections of the union , was In session in this city when the onnto took the llual vote on the passage of the silver bill. Thirty seconds after the result was an nounced by the chafrman of the sonata , 1.590 miles away , the announcement of the pss- sago of the bill was reported to this con for- once by n ropresontutlvo of Tun Br.c. The effect was electrical. Nearly every member Jumped to his toot nnd three cboora were given for the United States senate , and It was brawny Ben Torrell ot Texas who shouted : "Now lot the people's representa tives , the lower house of congress , do the people's bidding and hkowlso pass this bill. " There Is a fooling hero that the house of representatives will hardly dare adjourn without giving this measure Its considera tion. Telegrams of congratulation have Hashed from this city to Washington con gratulating Sonator.i Kyle und Poffor and all other people's party legislators for the llrst ray of hone that comes In the passage of a free coluaga bill by tuo United States senate. Urcilmm If llo Wants It. The presidential quostion'ls naturally becoming - coming the engrossing topic in this great gathering and the feeling of uncertainty ns to the outcome is becoming ono of positive anxiety. The great popularity of Judge Walter Q. Gresham maUoj his nomination practically certain In the event of his will ingness to accept , and so ttrong Is Gros- htim's popularity becoming tnat many of the moro conservative leaders are fearful that the convention may bo lea into the erlous error of bestow ing the nomination upon a man who may subsequently reject it. Ignatius Donnelly expressed the sentiment of n strong element when ho said : "Wo must not go too fast tvlth this Gresham movement , but must await some expression from Judge Gresham hlmsolf before wo nominate him. If ho is willing to accept and make tbo light on our plutlorm I think there ! > hut one opinion as to the desirability of his nomination , but until it is known that he will accept pru dence ( lomaticls tnat tbo nomination should not be tendered a man who Is nutsldo our pirty. If it should bo done and Gresham should then decline it would bring our party into rldiculo throughout the nation. " Will ID Nothing Kimli. This caution of Donnelly , which finds an oono from nearly Hll the people's party leaders , has had the effect of sllgntly checkIng - Ing the Gresham movement. It U tacitly agreed on all sides that Grcshum's name Is not to bo mentioned in the convention unless authoritative assurance is received thut ho stands prepared to accept the nomination. So General Weaver , Chairman Tuuboneok , Ben Terrell and other leaders of the party have Joined together In taking stops to so- euro a positive Intimation of his position from Judge Gresham. If this in timation is a favorable ono General Weaver hlmsolf will present Grosham's name to the convention In a ringing speech und the nomination of the distinguished jurist will bo made by acclamation. If , how ever , Gresham should decline to bo con sidered n candidate , tbo Indications tonight nro that General \Vcavor will bo tbo presi dential nominee. While bo expresses his first choice to bo Grosbam , General Weaver does not deny that ho stunus prepared to make the cam paign In case ho Is selected as the party's btuntiard bearer , und at this tlmo Weaver Is certainly , next to Gresham , the choice of the convention. Hon. Bon Terrell of Texas Is prominently mentioned tonight In connection with the vlco presidency. ruii : biL.viit on nn : . Novniln Will On It Mono If Nut Hntisllcil with llio roole' | I'latlorin. The first silver leaguer to put In an ap pearance was G. S. Nixon of Wlnnomuccn , Nov..who engaged quarters for twelve dele- galas at the Mlllard. Mr. Nixon Is the oashtor of the First National bank of his town and editor and proprietor of the Silver State , a dally paper. Politically ho U a re publican , being a member of tuo state com- mitluo and chairman of tbo county com mlttoo. In answer to reportoriul queries ha said : "Tie mimbotshlp of the silver clubs of Nevada Is made up of all pantos und wo uro for a free silver candidate on a free silver platform without regard to party. The organization of silver clubs began In our state 'last April , and of the 13,00) ) voters In Nevada two-thirds are already enrolled In these clubs. Wo oxpoov to huvo BO par cunt of all bsfore election. "After tbo Minneapolis convention refused to recognize our demands wo called a conven tion of the clubs , which met lust Saturday at KOHO. That convention organized the silver party of Nevada and put up un doctoral tlcnut. Of the electors two uro republicans mid ono a democrat. Tuo republicans are ex- congressman Thomas Wren und ox-State Senator C. C. Towney , who was nn opponent of Stowurt 11 vo years ago for the United Slates senatorjhlp. Ttio democrat Is M. S. Bonnlllcld , who hold & Judicial ofllco some years u o. The convention also cnoso twelve delegates to the Omaha convention , "Tho democratic state convention not only omitted lo nominate nu doctoral ticket , but absolved Its canaldnio * from suppirtlng Cleveland and Stovcnsou , It Is alsu very doubtful If the republicans put up nn doctoral llckbt. That will give you some Idea of the strength of the silver sentiment In Nevada , und you must ramombor that the membership of the silver league Includes the best and brainiest men In the stato. "If wo fall to got u satisfactory candldato nt this convention wo propose to organize u silver party and nominate a presidential ticket of our own. If disappointed hero wo will go baforo the National Mining conven tion at Helena , on July It ) , and endeavor to form n silver party. If wo fall In that , thn silver moil of Colorado , Nevada , Montana and Idaho will ineut Independently and organize. Tnojo four states have thirteen electoial votoj , and oven If wo only succeed In uufuatlni ; HurrUon wo will have advanced our cause by compelling the ropublluiu party to rcjpcct our strength lu holding thu balance of power "Nevada has three electoral votes , and the nominees of our Iciiguo will undoubtedly bo clouted , so thatthcru will bj n. bllvnr party ovou If Nevada has to go it alone , Colorado has 10.000 voters cnrollnd In her silver league , mid M. II , Sinter , its chairman , arrlvd this afternoon , llo went before the Minneapolis nnd thu Chicago conventions , and ho will bo baokod hero by a strong dele gation , The other Nevada delegates will begin arriving tomorrow. "Nevada Is not Instructed for any candl dato. All wo aslt is n Ireo silver plank with a free silver man on It. Gresham would bo mitlroly sitlsfnctory to us nnd Is our first cholco. Of COUMO Senator Stewart is n favorite in our section , but wo need him In the fienato , nnd there arc other men who would bo stronger In the east nnd south. D. O. Mills , the father-in-law ot WhltoluwKold , owns the Virginia City Enterprise nnd the Virginia &Truchoo railroad. These Interests will oppose the silver loamio , but wu bnvo the Australian election system , so that their inllueuco will not cut much of a llguro. " Vlawri of u lUniKtnllUt. Colonel Leo Crandall of Washington , D. C. , editor of the National View , arrived with his family yesterday and Is at the Mll lard. The colonel is a member of the na tional committee nnd n delegate from the District of Columbia. H < j is iilso secretary of thu Ainoricun Bimetallic league recently organised mid a delegate to the National Mining congress nt Ilolcnn. Ho has been connected with the greenback or the people's ' party movement slnco 18TO. "Tho membership of our league Is scat tered nil over the .country , " said Coloni-l Crandall to n reporter , "and It Is growing rapidly. It Is made up o ! men of all politi cal faiths. The league Is nonpartisan , but Its moirboM will naturally support the can didates who stund for free and unlimited coinage of silver. The league ns nn organi sation will not cotnc before the convention , but it passed a resolution at its recent moot ing asking the pcoplo's party tonamon ticket and make a platform acceptable to our members. Individual members will be hereto to urge tbat , and among them will bo Gau- cral A. J. Warner' of Ohio who , though n democrat , Is president of the league. "Wo will not urpo any particular candi date. My Idea is ( hat the delegates from the iioithwestern 'nnd the 1'aclllo states should bo allowed to narna the candidate for president , and that'tlu southern states should bo permitted to fl.l the second place. Gresham would bo satisfactory to the silver men , but before ho U nominated It must bo known that bo will nccopt nnd stand on n free silver nlatforiri. With proper candi dates on the right platform the people's partv will carry Georgia , North and South Carolina and Alabama. Wo also have n good lighting chance In Texas , and western silver men nro conlldont we can carry Colorado , Nevada , Idaho , Montana nnd the two Dakotns. Of course this convention Is already committed lo'givo us a silver plank that will concede nil the Icacuo asks. " llcnihiimrtors Opoiiod. M. H. Slater , the npostlo of free coinage , arrived duiiug the afternoon , and , fraterniz ing with G. S. Nixon ot Nevada , opened Sil ver league headquarters lu room 110 at the Mlllard. Mr. Slater Is the chairman of the Colorado Silver loapuo nnd preached the gospel of free colaajo to tbo republican platform commlttoo at ' Minneapolis and the democratic commltto'a'at Chicago. lie came to Omaha from Chlcairo nnd feels that bo has finally found son6 ono of his own faith. "At ttio last rockonttig the Colorado Silver league had eighty cJa-clnbs , with a membership - ship of19,000 , " ho sala to n reporter. "Tho Denver club , alone , bos 11,000 members. Kicli man signs n pledge to vote for no man for nny prominent , oflco ) , except hols un- quallllodly for the fr'ao coinage of sliver and gold and stands on nplatform declaring for free coinago. When the members of the Denver club signodt the roll they were asked to glvo their politics , [ f the proportion holds throughout the slaUi < ag lu'Danvcr tticro nro about 18,000 republicans and 15,000 demo crats in the league.1Poorest / are third party men or glvo no politics. Wo can hold nlna- tontbs of the momtership on the St. Louis Platform and carry Colorado. " "Whom do you.profor'for the presidential candidate ? " , "Wo consider Gresham sound bn the silver question , nnd ho would be entirely satisfac tory. 1 think , however , that Senator John T. Morgan of Alabama would bo even a bettor candldato. I am not as enthusiastic ai Bomo who think the third party candidate can bo oloctcd. The most wo can hope to do Is to throw the election Into the democratic house. Morgan has a bettor record as u dem ocrat than Cleveland and ho would stand some chance of boliitr chosou. A majority of the representatives from twenty-seven states are silver men and It ouly takes tweaty-throo states to elect. " WHAT AN KOITOK THINKS. Mr. Dulibyn Talks nf the Pint form Anione tlio Press ( imiK. Editor William R. Dobbyn of the Pro gressive Ace of Minneapolis , ono of the delo- gutos-at-lrtrgo from Minnesota , arrived yesterday - torday morning. Ho stated that Minnesota and the entire norttuveu was solid for Gresham , with Weaver as second choice in case the Indiana man could not be nro vailed upon to nccopt. Ho thought It certain that a southerner would be selected for second place , but ho had no idea who bo would bo , although ho had heard Davis of Texas prom inently mentioned. Ho was in favor of drafting a now plat form , embracing the main features of the St. LouU production und certain , ether things. Ho said that the third party was Just start ing out , and would bo given Its most import- nut nond-olT hero at Omahn , and should therefore have a platform formulated for tbo occasion , and not ba content with any hand- mo-downs. As to the prohibition and equal suffrage contingent , ho said that while the north was In favor of equal suffrage , It was very unpopular In tbo south. Ho thought the convention would probably try to concil iate tno southerners by cropping that plauk , but ho hoped not. To Ilegtilnto the Hnluon , He did not believe there would bo any thing said about prohibition , but bellovcd thatn plank would bo Inserted regarding the nationalization of the liquor trafllc. "That , " said Mr Dobbyn , "will bo a voto- goiter Instead of u voto-loser. It removes the revenue tax , destroys the political power of the saloon , prevents the adulteration of liquors and would not offend thu personal liberty advocates' . It woula place the tralllo lu the hands of the government at cost und no outbldors could compete with it. It Is really n tompoiMuco mov ; , for thu saloon power must ba destroyed before wo can have prohibition. It is merely preparing the way for the nrohibltionists , nnd they should glvo us tliuiu support. The position ot the prohibitionists .011 cotnairo will throw nt least 100,003 of their people to our ranks without a doubt. "I have been much Interested in reading of the energy displuvea by thoOraubn peopla In preparing for1 this convention. I bavo been surprised sired coining hero to see the enterprise of the cttkciis and tlio grand de velopment of the cltjr.iund have been partic ularly struck with the cordiality nnd good fooling expressed. Your city will see the results ot It long , after tbo convention hat become history. " Among the .S'owxjmper Worlicrn. R. W. Storrs , n Florida newspaper man and delegate , came 'In ' uhoad of his dele gation , which numbers fourtoon. Ho tald tlio balance with noaut tblrtv visitors would bo In during the ovcplnjr. Ho tuld thut the Florida dplogatloa was for Gresham , "pro vided Gresham would got on thu mlddlo of the St , Loutp platform with both foot and stand there with hoola and toes down , " OtborwUe , they would hnvo to look else where , for they did not want any dodging of the subtroasury Auhomo or any othr pan of the platform. In l his rospcot Mr. Btorra differed from Mr , Deb u vn of Minnesota , who suld that thu people of his Mate did not lay as much stress ou that part of the platform ai they did on the rostof ll , and Judge Grusbam's disapproval of It would not render him any the low satisfactory to them. John W. Postgato U hero representing tbo Chicago Herald , and will bo Joined by Charles Ludcrer und R. U. Bojari. Mrs. A. G. Havdo.i , connootod with the Dakota HurulUt , Is ut the Mlllurd. W. S. Morgan , secretary of the National U'iform Prot association , also editor of the National Reformer , und associate rdltcr of the New Forum , St. uoult , is nt the Mlllurd , assisting Chairman Taubunock. Looter C. tluubjrd , formerly editor of tbo Farmer's Voice , but now editor ot the Van guard , the now third partv piper nt Chicago , cnmo in this morning nnd may bo found ut the Murray. S. R. Davis , representing the Chicago Nows-Rocord , is In the city to report the pro ceedings of the people's party convention. Hnmlln Garland , whojs the apostle of the "new Idea , " and the lltornrv sensation ot the hour , author of "Main-Traveled Roads , " "Jason Edwards , " "A Member of the Third House,1 a pitilessly frank study of American legislative methods , will nrrlvo < n the city this morning and will hnvo qunrors * nt the Murray. Whllo hero ho will bo entertained by Mr. nnd Mrs. R. B. Poittlo of the World- Herald. Mrs , Clara B. Colbv. vlco-prosidcnt of the Woman's National Press association , has called n mooting of all Nebraska woman Journalists or writers , to meet nt the World- to organize ti Ne braska division. S. F. Cnry of the Cincinnati Knmilror Is In the city for the purpose of ropoitlnu the proceedings of the forthcoming convention for hU paper. The name of Cary will bring up warm memories of llio famous campaign of Ihtt ) . "Old Sam" Cary of Ohio , n relntlvo of thi ! Knqulrer's representative , was candi date for vlco president on the grounbank ticket with Peter Cooper , nnd that year sowed seeds In Iowa which two years Inter resulted in the election of U'oivor nnd Gillette - lotto , two avowed grconbaekors , to congress from the Sixth mid Seventh districts , re spectively. For tno Information of newspaper cor respondents and the general puullo the Western Union Telegraph companv desires to state that n full forca ot operators and carriers will bo on duty at the convention hnll at 0 o'clock Saturday morning to remain ou duty during the session of the convention. i : TIII : WOMIN : UOMI : ix Mrs. Annti Dlggn Tullts About the Woman Slilo nl the Convention. Women are to play no inconsequential part in the nomination of n man who will stund squarely on tbo platform which will bo pro mulgntod next Monday by the representa tives of the people's party nnd among the lights on the female side of the house Mrs Anna L. Dlggs shines brightest. For ten years she has been acti\o in the work of re form , first In the ranks of the Women's Christian Temperance union , now lecturer , writer nnd enthusiast In favor of the prin ciples of the farmers alliance. Mrs. Dlggs is n potlto brunette with snap ping uluck eyes , nervous in movement , sug gesting n follower of Dols.irlu rather than nn admirer of Polk , the Into president of the national iiillanco. A typical rolormer In every look and gesture and a talker of moro than ordinary ability. Her ntro it would bo hard to say , possibly 35 , but In in Minor and activity sbo suggests the girl of ' . ' 0. Ills only when you talk with her that you nro Impressed with the thought that n girl of L'O could In no wlso converse so brilliantly upon u multiplicity of subjects , from govern mental paternalism and favoritism to the subtrensury scheme nnd Its promise of solv ing grout financial problems. Mrs. Dlggs shows In htr face that there has been u great deal of "sturm and drang" In her life , as Carlyle puts it. She has gone through several stirring stnto campaigns In Kansas , she has seen her good Iricnd , the late Sam Wood , go down before tbo bullets of as sassins , she bus fought valiantly for woman sullrugc and is today ono of the brainiest women in the pcoplo's party , n writer of note , usslstnnt editor of the New Forum ut St. Louis , secretary of the National Citizens alliance and dolegnte-at-largo from the Dis trict of Columbia , mid chosen chairman of her delegation in recognition of woman's connection with the alliance. .Mrs. Dlggb' Sentiments. "I believe with Emerson , " said Mrs. Dlgzs as she leaned back in a big arm chair in ono of the parlors of the Millard yesterday , "that all now reforms have an element of tbo re ligious about them. Aud as I look over the faces of tbo men nnd women who are In the fore front of the people's movement , I cannot help but bellnvo that there Is something higher , something nobler actuating them than mere sordid , snlllah motives with which they bavo been charged by tno enemies nf the raovomont. There is something ideal In the sinking of sell among those men , some thing exceedingly noble in the absence of potty bickoririgs and quarrels. There is n profound lesson to to learned by the old par ties in tbls utter solf-ubnegntion nmons the leaders , who are fighting for measures , not men. " "Will yon attempt to pledge the party to woman's suffrngof" naked the reporter. "That matter wns settled ut St , Louis , " replied the intorvlowed. "Mrs. Loeso , Mrs. Wardall and ether Just us prominent woman sulttugUts , and myself arcuod all night before - fore tbo commlttoo on resolutions at St. Louis to pledge the party to " woman suffrage , but when tho" vote was taken wo were squarely beaten and then wo resolved to lot the larger and moro momentous question take prece dence. It Is thn Biuiio way with the prohibi tion question. While I am Just as firm an ad vocate of the prohibition idea as ever , I nm moro deeply Impressed with the greater re forms necessary lo bo carried to successful conclusion before woman sutlrage and prohi bition shall obtain , I am not fearful , how ever , as lo iho position tbo people's party will take ou those questions when the pres sure of poverty , thu pained consciousness of deprivation , are put aside as obstructions which stand In Iho palu of progress. Condition of thu I.iiborum. "Tho laborers who are In Iho pinch of dis comfort from conditions constantly growing harder have summed up Iho situation and dccluro that the thing called pollllcs has lode do with the caso. Tnoy demand readjust ment and to meet the growing , nay universal demand from ovary class und condition for a now order of things , iho people's party wns born nnd on July will name the man wbo Is to lead tbo party to viclory In the November battle of the ballots. "Tho men ot the farms nnd iho mon of the mills and mines hnvo Joined forces. Nothing can stand buforo It because the time has coino. The quickened race gonsclcnco will no longer bo at case while hunger and cold torment the millions. This now conscience Is ruvolllng against the doctrine of blessed- be-drud ory for the ether half. Blossad- bo-diudgory Is vicious. Drudgery has pro duced misshapen Imugcx , suJ catIcittiros , und hovels. Instead of lomplos lor Iho Indwelling - dwelling ransior the soul. The f armors and oihcr laborers are not asking much nt the first. They are conservative , patient , will ing that conditions shall ovolvo. Bui those first demands as to land , money nnd trans portation they will have ; mm following these such ether good things as shall bo soon men need wherewith to make them bettor men. " AT THIS IIOUJU Delegates und HpoclntorH Inilnlio In nn Impromptu MIKH .Montlnc. "Cyclone" Davis of Texas was to address a mass mooting at the convention hall last night , but the ulTalr foil through bacauso the local committee was nol notified. Nor was the meeting announced in the papers , nil of which is a great pity , for it would have afforded thousands of Omaha people a chance to sea n convention hall that will compare favorably with tnat at Minneapolis In every rospast but Its s-jatlng capacity , and nn auditorium immoasuroably butter than Iho Chicago wicwum. The big gum of the poonlo's party are quartered ut the Mlllnrd Hotel'which Imi it , conscquonco bocomu the rallying place of the Ihlrd party hosii. Last night thu hotel ro tunda was packed with bobadgod men until any cITort lo movement cimo to bo u slrugglo tlint endangered clothing as well as tompurrf. H was a good naturoj crowd , however , Hiadv tolauvh at any sally of wit mid over flowing with au enthusiasm that bubbled and shouted and cheered on the slightest provocation. "Cyclone" Davis happened to pass down' the grand stairway , when some ono shouted , "Davis , Duvls I" The crowd took up the cry , nnd Iho Toxuti hud to respond with ono of his characteristic tpotvhos , full of homely wit und ijuulnt Illustrations. C. A. 1'owor of Indiana then mounted the stairs and In a stentorian volco announced mat there was a rumor that ho had received u telegram from Greshum 'Jcelli.lnb' to per- THE BEE ; . BULLETIN. 'or Omtfni nil.2 tffl'lf'l Itatnii iiinl i < ii. " ! ; Ail iiuud l > u roolrr. I. OrrMrim llrrllutM ? , ' Itnn. Orlotic lit Mason , > . Mlvrr Itltl I'mi-iM t , iriinlc. All ill ot tinW ntt t.euim > . KIIIIVIH Itopulille tnt Se * lon , n. Council ItlnlVH XI-MH 4. IMIIorliU Mint Comment , fi. Notirnskt * Untn .Sous. IVem mt' riitnitaiiiiuii Openetl. AU'.ilrH ut South Onintm , lie.itli'sViiHhliiitoii Letter. 0. I.lvi ! stock nti'l drain Markets , 7. Stilt righting In llriirll. H. Alterlolin M'lltono.Vs .lob. I > . NeliniBkii's Crop Repoft. 1O. CttHix. In HID Supreme Court. lliiit't lleloof thr Wrclc. ( iriiiul Arm ) Dopiirtment. mil the USD nf his iimuo for the pmsidenlHl nomination. Ho wanted It distinctly under stood that the rumor was faUo mid without n shadow of foundation. Airs. l.eiMii ot The crowd ihon called for various promi nent member ! of the party anil Powers came down the stairs loading n lady whom ho In troduced as "Mrs. Todd of Michigan , the blggost man in this movement" Mrs. Todd excused herself from speaklnir booatiso of n bad cold , but said Mr. * . Loeso of Kansas would bo along In n minute. That lady was Introduced by n gentleman as "Mrs. Lcoso of Ainorloa , " which of course got n cheer , and she said : "J presume you want to hear something about Kansas , the stale that has led In ovorv reform movement , but I hud better toll jrou the news from Oregon , ns 1 have Just cotno from that stale. With only two weeks of preaching of the Kind tidings of human liberty Iho people's tmrty polled one-fourth of the whole voto. With n llltlo moro work wo will next fall carry the state by ut least a plurality. The people's party Is keeping In iho middle of iho road. We are slrong enough In Kansas to get every ofllco from nog catcher lo governor. " Thomas V. Cater of California , a lyplcal okl-limo campalgnor , made a regulation tnU , in which ho declared Ihnl n resolulion would bo Introduced In Iho convention debarring nny officeholder from being n delegate to n convention of the paoplo's party. Heard Irom ( ienenil Woiitrr. General Woavnr was received with tumul tuous client's aud said : " 1 nm delighted nt the spirit of will , zeal and onthusHsm dis played here , und especially because you bring It from your homes. I have been"in all parts of the country nnd I know the .same spirit prevails every whore. Wosoomtohavo reached n time when the brotherhood of man has stirred the hearts ot the psoplo to their depths. I found on the Pacific ulopo thou sands of mon who had been di ivon from homes in ihc east by n cruel economic sys tem , nnd I noticed that Ihoy called each ether brother. They have Iho same motto as you men south and cast , 'equal rights to nil , special privilosos for none.1 Thut 1 take It Is tbo golden tulo In a new Hotting. When n distinguished statcmati said iho L-olilon rule had no place In pollllcs , up rose the alliance with Its golden rule nnd slow him nnd cast him Into a chasm of defeat. I thank God the war Is over nnd wo nro one people , one In sentiment and In feeling. " Than followed Ben Colvin of Michigan , who described himself as a farmer who lived iii a hole In the woods so small that when ho wanted to turn around ho had to unhitch , , lie talked on thu farm mortgage. Gillette of Des Molnos wns called for mid denounced tbo old parties , after which ho In troduced Mr. Davis , also of Iowa , who gave the crowd a rythmical rendition of the platform to the tune of "Glory , Glory. Hal lelujah , " the audience joining in tbo chorus. The New York Glee club nnd an Illinois Eoloist followed with "Tho Tariff , " aud "Tbo Kansas Cyclouo Baby. " MuKclKhiui Titlktt. Nebraska's William McKolghar. wns j pushed to the front by some onthuslaslle souls from Ihe Flflh dislrlct. Ho said thai heretofore all discussions of economic ques tions had elicited south ot Mason and Dixou's line yells < jf "nigger domination. " and north of it cries of "rebel bilgadlors , " nnd lie was glad thai Iho people of bnth sections had now mot to light the com mon onnmy , the Iwo old parties , llo thoughl there was moro In principle llinn In mon , nnd moro In Irulh Ihnn In"excite - mont. Ho honed iho convention would not allow itself to bo carried nway by oxcito- menl , but would counsel togolhor dcllb- oralely and instead of allowing iho platform to oulor Into details , have It simnlv oniinct- au > a few great principles. lib counsulQd each delegate to bo prepared to ylelrt-n little of his pot theory , ns It would not do for the skirmish line 10 got too far in ndvnuco of Iho main body. He declared that the now p irty felt keenly Iho unfair treatment nccordcd it by a subsidized press , but ho hoped there would bo no calling of disagreeable names , ns abuse of the old parties would make iho now movement no votes. Mr. Ashley , also a Nebraska delegate nnd nn nx-conlodernte , rejoiced over Iho reunion of Iho blue nnd Iho grar , and predicted lhat the people's movement would sweep the country. A Volrn Irom Tttxu * . Palmer of To.xasaiinouncod that the people's party would entry the Lone Star state this fall , much lo iho relief ot Bomo of iho delegates wbo , up lo lhat time , bad appar ently bad serious doubls of 11. "No moro 100,000 bourbon democratic majority for us , " said Mr. Palmer. "No moro of Roger Q. Mills in congress ; no moro party represent ing fifteen kinds of domocracv. " Ho said that Texas demanded , ono thing nnd must have It , and that was a candidate whoso past record was all right , and who stood fairly and squarely on the platform. Texans had carried their lives In their hands for thu cause and did not propose lo bo sacrificed. Baldwin of Connecticut was pushed to the front , nnd arraigned the old parties for plac ing the country on its knees as a suppliant before the British bankets. What It Did ut It * Mooting Vo t eril.iy Afternoon , The national central committee of the pco plo's party mot yesterday uftornnon and o- looted lion. C. lC Ellington of Goorgla as the temporary chairman of the convention nnd John W. Hayes , general secretary of the Knights ot Labor , as socrotiry. It also decided thut Hon. Benjamin Torroll ot Texas should , on behalf of the convention , make the response to the address ol welcome of ibo mayor of Omaha at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The oxccutlvo commlttoo was dircctod lo pioparo n list of spoaknrs who should rcgalo thu convention during the interval hotwcou ihu appointment of the committee on era- duntlalH and the report ot ttm * . organization. Cunirman Taubonuck reported thut ho had received numerous lotto suggesting the propriety of setting np'irt ' nn hour In the ntternoon to bo devoted to memorial ad dresses In memory of President L. L. Polk of Iho Farmora Alliance und .Industrial Union , who died n few dayn ago nt Washing ton. It wns decided that HUCII addresses should bo delivered , but considerabledisputo arose 111 lo thu hour when llio convention Hhould direct Itself to thosu memorial exor- clsoi , "I suggest that It should DO some hour on iho Sabbath , " suld General Woavir of lown , "No ; 1 am opposed to that , " said Mr. Tor- roll of Texas. "I think that thin n.irtv owes U to the memory of President Polk to sot an hour for thonu memorial exorcises when the convention shall bo lu regular sonilon and when nil delegates shall bo present. 1 think wo should dovota our most valuable lima to tblt inn tier. President Polk was always conscientious In his work und uuvayii did whnt ho believed to bo rluht ; and wo have test in him ono ot our most valuable leaden , Lot us glvo those memorial oxer- [ CO.YriMT.U OX .ItCONP I'AOB.J SCARCELY A HOUSE ESCAPED Mason , Nob. , Visited by a Very Destruc tive Cyclone. WARNED BY THREATENING CLOUDS InhiihltiiiiU r Ilio City i'rrpirod for ( ho Din liter mill No I'ntiillllcH Oeolirrocl J.iit of tinlitjurrd Olhur Storm .Nnlrs. Mvsox , Nob. , July I. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Uii : : j-Al T.33 tlilsovonltie , this town wns visltoil by n cyclone which loft rulu mid destruction in ns wnko. I'lio wind blow tram the southwest , mid Iho people \vlio hna beim watching Uio threatening clouds were warned In tlmo to scolt places of satoty. The residences of J. H. Mulvnlo , J. A. I'nyiio mid .1. .M. Author were utmost completely doitroyoil. The Mcthodlsl and Baptist churches mid the now brick school house were torn to placet mid ' ' market Jardorf I'nyno's meat building , & Klllotl'a hardware .toro. Cnstollau fc , Hurley's blacksmith stiop , Dreyfus' llverv barn ami two unoccupied buildings , all on Miiln street , wcro destroyed. The front * of A. H. * \ \ orroll's drv gooui store , Ghaao Bros. ' drug Htoro , the Trail * script oflloo building and Dauk's store were nlso badly damaged. . Many Sin til Unllitlng ; * WroehiMl. Barns , comcrlbs nnti other small buildings wcro blown down and promiscuously acntlercd over the town. Nearly every resilience ) In the town was tnoro or less damaged. It is hard tb estimate the damage ut this time , but careful estimate * place II at between $ . ' 5,000 and $10,000. H Is Indeed Blrango that no ono wns sorl- ously Injured. Mut. J. O. POUTHU sustained aomo Injury while going from her house to n neighbor's. E. W. Moi-i.iox received Injury by being struck on the side of the head by u Hying board. Dr. K. O. Smith's homo was among those partly destroyed. Kcndnl .t Smith's largo corn cribs mid barn wcro blown down. Several freightcars standing In the railroad yard were blown over. W. N Dreyfus' house , onu-half mile cast of town , was partly blown down nnd his barn Is n complete wrccit. The roof of .loliu Mulvnny's barn , east of town , was damaged. Those who were so fortunate ai to escape without loss of property nro lending all the assistance within their power to their neighbors. Lightning's Work lit Kriirnoy. KfiAitxrv , Nob. , July 1. jSpecial Tele gram to TUB Bii : : . ] During a violent storm which passed over this city about 8 o'clock this evening , lightning struck Maxwell's barn mid burned It , together with four horses , nilllo Haumlstor , who hau been tending ; the horses , was knocked down but recovered in tlmo to got Maxwell's valuable pacer , Flosslo Hoed , out of the burning structure. Oao of the animals was a stallion , owned by Mr. Streetor of Denver ana valued at $1,000. Maxwell's loss will bo $2,000 , with no Insurance. The barn Is only n Sow feet from the gas house , a nd but for tbo timely arrival of the lira department It would hnvo burned also. Until In NcbriiHltu. Ruxot.pp , Nob. , July 1. fSpscial Tel - cram to Tim BIK. | Heavy rniu and toino hail lell Hero today. There was damage to crops. Nr.i.s < jx , Nob. , July 1. [ Special Tologr&m to Tin : BEC.J A heavy rain began fulling hero thli morning , Melbourne has boon at work hero for several aoys. Many nUributo the present moisture to his efforts. Huxnr.nsoN" , Nob. , July 1. | Sooclal to I'm' Bii : : . | A splendid shower fell here thin morning. Crops look tlnoly. Winter wheat is nbont ready for the sickle. GIUMI l iJtNi > , Nob. , July 1. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEI-.J Ono inch of rulu fell hero tonight , accompanied by an electric storm. This ntin wa ° budly needed foi * small grain mid will insure u fair crop of oats and wheat. _ Thlnlc It'H u Mi.llionrno K.iln. YOIIK , Neb. , July 1. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bin : ] This morning occurred ttio heaviest rain since the downpour of last spring. Fully mi inch of water has fallen. Many attribute the rain to the efforts of Prof. Melbourne , who has boon at work at Nelson , about seventy-live miles west of York. JM.V tlK ; IX si J'UO. 1'rolmhloVrcirlt of I ho (11111:111 : I.lno Striimor City nl C'lilviiu" . LONDON , July 1. Tholnman line stoainer , City of Chicago , Captain Hail ford , which loft New York Juno S3 for Liverpool , la ashore on the Irish coast. Thu Btomnor went ashore In n UCIIHO foff about half n milo insldo the wast head of Ktnsnlo. Sno Is In a bad position and from all that can bo learned ut present U Is bo. liovcd thuL It will bo a dilioult task to go her afloat. The passengers and malls of llio Htraudod steamer uro now hoinf lauded by means ot the life boats. The fore compartment of the steamer is full of water , as a result of her bottom com ing In contact with the Jaggon rooks. The weather is BO thick that the tugs have not yet succeeded In clearing the harbor , and will experience considerable dlHIcully lu reaching the disabled liner , J'niind ( iiiilty < l Murilor. ST. Lome , Mo. , July 1. Late last night a Jury found Frunk Murxor ctillty of the rnur- dor of Watchman Mtuhnol Trloncu hero Sop- torabor 17 Marxor Is n country boy from St. Clnlr'counlv and confossc.1 shooting Trlenon for ordering him out of the Iron Mountain freight yards where Trionon win omplovcU. Hu altorwards withdrew the confession , but It wns used nznlntit him. Son- tuuco of death will bo impotod In n few days. DiiRpnndoiit mill hliot Ilinmiir , CiiHYKS'xi ! , Wyo. | July 1 , | Spoolal Toli ! > gra ) loTiiu Bnn.J A man nuinod Anderson from Mompbls'Tumi. , trlod to commit sui cide In Laramlo city lust evening , Ho shot himself on Main stroat with a rovolvcr. Tim bull entered his loft sldo Just below tin hcurt. Ho was taknii to a physician's olllco. whoio the wound wns diciBcd. Ho Is still ulivu with the chuiiccH In his favor. Tha cansu of the nhoo'.lng Is ddHpondonoy. IliulVi < ( ! ( fin lh Krlr , HIINTINOHIS , InJ. , July 1.Aii uxprns fiolghton the Chicago & Krlo road was wracked hero lubt nl 'ht. Ton curs loaded with bullion , llkand valunblo hones were ditched. Thu wroeic was caused by tie * pllod on the truck , It Is uuppoied for the pur pose of lobbory. No one WUK killed , but tlia llii'inclul loss will bo very heavy. .MllUI I'lllllllH III till ) blllltll , New OHI.KAXH , La. , July 1. Intolilxonca has boon received that the entire country along t'ho Amlto rlvor from IIH mouth to 1'ort Vincent , sixty miles , U Hooded to a depth of Ihrixi to live foot. HuslnosH U wholly sun- iicndnd mid many families are leaving ( heir homes for tbo hills , Cropi uro altuoat wholly dcntroycd.