Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1892, Page 6, Image 3

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Trade on 'Ohango ' Was Paralyzad by the
Derby Yesterday !
JVhnt IliiOncM Tlicro VfM Orctirrcil the
rlril Hour I I rut Trailer Were nt
About tliu riiml rlgurc *
of 1'rldny.
CniCAflo , III. , Juno 85.Tho ilorby pir-
nlr'od. Iridoon 'clinnio toluy , nu I the di
rectors readily closed tlio so lon forty-five
inlnntoi before tliu u u it hour.
There win n poor oxouio for n wheat market
most of ttia session. The prlnclpit imttnrs to
consider wore the vrunllicr , the hirvcstln ?
reports , and the proliabllltlos of the anil-
option hl. | | None of llieso contained liny-
thlne to change prices imioh. Kluctu itlons
were confined to from ' { u tn Vo rniiio. nnd
the ulosltu win u bo nt ' , o lowjr than yostor-
The corn market was not nnllo so narrow at
wlicnU Whit action thcro was uioiirrcd the
(1 ( rut hour. The roco pK owlnt prnlMbly to
rallrond wnihoilK foil const totality under
thu psilrniitc at fill oars for tlio day. The
Krad ng WHS not Improve I , willi only forty-
four curs conti.ict corn.
1'lrst triulcH were nt iihnnt thu llnal figures
of yesterday. Upan the Illlliuor n few orJeis
nliluh caino In the tirirkul ilrnied up ' { c , hut
roictrd froia > lc to ? jc. a local opor.itor feiip-
pixiid tohu Inturustol In llin Ion ; aldo Milling
freely of September. July symp.ithlycd In the
decline , The mat kiit ii-iuln rallied , and at the
clmo .Inly had trained fro-ii ' c to ! 40 and Nip-
touibcr Imt a fr.icllon.
Oats dined from 'Oe to 1ic lower on the near
futures and nlioiit stcadv on lliodufuiicd do-
llvorlnt. Tlmlo w is foatnro rH .
An aihiincu of I-- In laid for the ( lay
was the feitnro of thu provision iriulc.
The duni mil WIIH ronuirlialilu from llrat to
lust mill huolUr i\st wore lUht. Whllopor
imd ribs weiuu little in.tho and higher Hi
ndVMiico wns nol In Kooplai wltli lar.l. usually
IhflBlouust tiling on thu list. The lecolpts of
huRi MOID II.lit , which m.iy h.i\o encouraged
the liuyui * foi fin loin itccomit anil e.iiHoJ
( iiino hiiylnit also for Hlmrt" ) .
I.alio rites wore ratliur alow. The rapid
runout In the rlvor prevent * ves ols from
pulllnu to the elevators to load. Hates hold
ilciidynf.'u foi wheat and IWo for coin to
r.sllni.ileil receipts for Mondiy : Wheat.
CIO cars ; corn , 550 ears ; o its , 2nO card ;
li..o o nead.
Tnc to iilum futures ran cd ns follows :
AllllOI l. . Illllll LOW. 1.10-1.
\VII1.AT Nil 2
July 78H
AllKIIlt . . . . 7B 7S' < 78
ClillV NO 2 7Bm 7S'M 78Ul
June m UlW.
M W. .
Kci't ' 7S'fi 47H
Juno . . . S2H
July. . . . fi } ( JiK
Hcit . .
Ml us IMIilt
.Inly . . III 75 II ) 83 1075 10 FO
Pcpt . . . . II OS IU U.- ! ! 11 10
July . . . . era Gl < 0 f,70
tept. . . . C73 0 75 ti b7V
tiHim inns -
July . . . . 7 00 7 00
Pepl 7UJ 7 10 1) ) 1I7 <
( /'aah nuotatlons uoro us folloivn :
ri.oait-Nu.Meetod : wlntor iiatcnt , Jl.SK/i
I 41 ; winter \ \ \ tfi : BDrlim natcnts ,
LIOfftl Wl ; siirini straits , f4.UJU4.4U ; ha < ur- > ' .
H.0i ) l7.\
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 781ici No. a spring ,
WJc : No.2ro'l. ! ) ! io.
COIIN Nn. ' . ' , f04e.
OATH-NO , s. X'.ijwjyo ; No. 2 white , ail' ;
t\o a white , air.
KVK-No ' . ' .TOiir.
luiu.i.r No. . ' , Me : No. 3 , f. o. b , 3S3'ic ( ; No.
4 , f. o. h . IV3l-ic ,
rijAxSblili No. l.ll.U'L
TiMOTin hi'.hi ) 1'rlino. ( I.ST t.'in.
I'OllK-.Mess. | ier bill. . 110.77' 5'iHOWl : lard , per
100 Ilia , f U,7" il.0 ; short rllia l < los ( loose ) .
1C , OTl'iftT.i'O ; dry Hilled ttlionlclors ihoxedl , $ . " > .75
QilOil : aliurt sldos ( Ijuxcil ) , ! 7r. < aT.'J7i. !
WlllBKV Distillers. ' llnlbhod ioods , per al. ,
lllntcd , 4'ic ' ; htiindarU "A4n.c.
Ueoelptu and Bhlpnients today were as fol
lows :
On thu I'roduco oxchanso to lav the butter
ninikot wns linn ; fancy cro iniory , 18'/JIHc ' ;
line \\estern , 17iftlt > u ; ordln irv , lliilfio ; dulrlos.
lXQl7c. ( ) KgSB. II nil nt 1 l < itl.c. ! !
Ni'iv York
Nr.w YORK. JiinoSj. I'l.ouu Hccolpts , I0.ofl
jikis. ; exports , 4,474 lib's.M.l.w KIICXS ; dull ,
in- ivy : h.ili'H. liXHJU hhls. ; low extra. * 2a.yfi
S'.4'i ; city mill , i.r.ftl 55 : city mill p.itenu.
V-lHll \\Iiitcr\vhoit. ; . low grades , J..iwi
tn : fair to fancy , t U'W-Ufl : natonts , Jl.o&ii
451 ; .Minnesota clear , JJ'J.'iftl.OJ ; Htrnlxlits.
lUkWtl W : patontb , 8l.OJl.85 ; rye mUtuioi ,
CHUN MKAi.-llold IilKliur ; yellow western ,
. ' " .
WiihA-i Ilocelpts. 14 1/'M bu. ; exports. 101,38
ill. ; Hilen.ai5.00. bu. of fnliiresi I.M.OUJ liti. ( it
ciot. | Spot ijiilut , n Inter stei.dy , Hprlnr innu-
( i : No. - red. Ml'io 111 store and uluvator :
eprlnc , bO'Jc. ' Options \\eto romarkabiy du 1.
ov rjllilni : lining upset bv thu u > ; lt itlou of
the iinll-diillon bill , with buyers and sellers
both indliTuront. dinnjtK wni-n ullilit. P , . ! t/
lirlces were > au down , reacted 'jCl'ic. oi'itlni ;
( toady ; No. 2 red , Juno , hiic : .Inly , SiP.ot
blU-ldc , elosliiK at tO'ivi Aiii'nstN57 c. closing
lit tOJtii : boptombor. MSSWOJ.c , co ! liii at
ll'uc ; Lk'tol > or.h7c : November , MJc : Deoom-
Inir. SO T-lliniiO.'Bf. olo-ln iitMliio ; May ( IS'Jiy ,
H'.ttlU'.c. closing nt O.l'.c.
Hvi. 1'lrin. hcureo : western , o.
llAiii. r AUi.T-Qtilali 0'ic
t'ons KceelptH , ilUTO hu. ; experts , 48.U33
hu. ; Hiles , ail ) , 01 bn. futures ; aSou bu. HPOI ,
hpot dull ; No . ' . f 1o In oUiv.itor , U'u alloiti un-
Kraded mlxod , BSSU'Jc. Opt ons continued at
l4So :
ooir. no.
OATS Hecolpta , 107l'5 liu.t oxports. 72J.010
lin.t sales. ao.OJO bu. of futures , yj.uoo bu. of
ctiot. .Spot nmrUct dull and Irro.-iilur , Oii-
t ons dull , llrmor : June. iW'ics AiiKUMt , JITUc.
eUnlim ti7'i"i : boptembnr. Mu ; No , 2 , white , ; mixed uosiorn. TO > , : ilie : ) ; while
vebtcrn. 4' ' < ( Jl75ci ! No. l' , car o , Siyis ,
llAV bteady , quiet ,
llpl'H-null. sto.iily ; atnto. common to
cliuke , "iU.'JTc ; I'aclllcco.iat , 2j57o.
SUdAli ( inlet : fair icflnlni ; , 3 U-ICo : ccntrl-
riiBnlHliatfht. 30 JI241I a-liei : lellned. aetUo
nnd linn : No. o , : rirtiu : No. 7 , .1 u-nxai 15-ico :
Na a civn.p.o : No o. au'Q-'i''e : NO. 10 , a u-ii/a
lIll-ltosNa II.SO-IOQJtl.lCo : No l2.i'taiSei '
No M. a't w h-j ' ) oir A , ( 'i-ioe : mould A
IH ( ( > ; ! standard A. 4 5-lll ® | 7-100 : c
tluners' . a | .llo ( : out to if , ftiic : erushoil. .
MOI.ASSCS l'ori-1 n. nominal ; 51 test. lOWe :
Now Urlouns. dull , steady ; 10111111011 to fancy
UiCE-Innctlvo. stoadv : domestic , fair to
cxtru. 4Sf2lk- ; Japan , MilcT'io.
l > Kiiioi.ty > i-lull but steady ; crude. In
libiB. : I'urUurs , fcUQ : orndo , in bulk , Jj.wi ; relined -
lined Ne % 4irUt il.OJi I'lilluiluluhluuiil Haiti-
liioro. V01 ; I'hlliuleluhln nnd llaltlnioio , In
linlk , t.UXMiOi ! united cluscU ut M ? u for
July *
UtlTTONBItED Olf.-Qulot ; crude , 2J ® 0JO ! !
TAU.'OWjulot but steady : city ( { J.OO for
jiaokuitcsi. 4Jc.
Ho8iN-luil ) hut steady ; strulnoJ , cominon
' ! " ind nrm utacOSjaic ,
I.4K1S In moderatusupply and llrniur ; est-
orn prlmo. UliWlAlie : receluis. a.5 Spliir * .
UiPKii-Dull ( Jut stoiidy : wet saiu-d Now
Orleans Holroled , 4 % to 75 Ibs , txijhc ; Toxus
* ele.t. fiitotoibs. oaSo.
rouic-l'iriiii old mesa. HO.toaiL(0 ; prlmo
UurMBATs-QiilotiHrtu ; uloUlcdliollles , 7yos
UluMud shouUiuis , uao c ; pickled hulas , uifi
ll'4u : middles , Urn , ! luirt clour. t7UO7.U.\
LAUII IllKheroirp.ickun uuylnx ! we.iern
iteam eloiod at I'Ui-'H ; option sulis. l54
( Ivrius ; July , td F ajLl > i. elo < lir.nt liiu bid ; tmUfili beptoinber. (7.00 , cloilne
t r.iw naked ] Uotober , MO. Novombur , t7.W.
. . . * u" K-nrnu fairly actlvu : wentnrn dairy ,
lauQlCc ; wontern c'lo.imcry , UUif.'Je ; weateri !
tin-lory , l-'iitcJiSn ; i : Kin. vuo.
, , " ' .KX.ll > " > 'i ' "odcrato demand ; mirt
Iklnii , SiiOWJic.
t 11 linaioaayi Ainurloun , l4.a3l0.75. !
' 'ii-Iiulli lake. fii.7W.ii.tu.
limctl\u ; donicstle. Jl.WJ5l.10.
Oinnlm rrodiivo .Market.
Eooe-ltd-olpts llliernl : general market , 12o.
lltlTTKIl I'llUkllli ; titOUU. If KOOll , IIOI'JU !
mull lotHof extra cholco Hock to letull trade ,
12Q 15 1.
. f'di'l.Tiiv ' Old fowl * , weak at ft37o per Ib. ,
II vo wclitht : sprlnfH , M)4fJ75 pordnr.
HIUKS. l'.TC.-N'o. | Rrovn hides , aot No. 1
preen Halted hide * , aitu ) No. 2 Kl cu Halted
lilde * . S'jci Nil. 1 urccn valtud hides. 25 to 4U
Jb * . , JVio ; Na 2 Kreeu nailed hldoi. V5 to 40 lb , ,
tVei No I veal calf. 8 to II. Iba , , cot No. V veal
rBlf.S WI5IU.4p ; No. i dry lllnt hldoa. 7os
No , J dry Ulut bldun , 601 tto. 1 dry t&lted hldua ,
MICo. Slicop TcUn Orocn silted , onoh ,
tl.2.)1 croon silted ghunrln 8 ( short noolod
early skins ) o-ich , iMt c : drRhcarllnKs
( short wooled early skins ) No. 1 , each. & 3IOal
dry nhoanlnzsshort ( woolbd early iklnt ) Nn.2 , ; dry flint Ivnn asnnd Nebraska butch
er wool polls , per Ib. , actual wolxht , lOilU'SO !
dry Mint Kansas and Nebraska tnnrriln wool
pulls , per pound , wolttht , 8312c : dry
lllnt Colorado hiitchor wool polls. p < ir pound ,
nctnal woluht , luarj c ; dry Hint Colorado
tmirriin wool poHs. par pound , nctunl wclRht ,
8 < i4lOo | dry pieces nnd lucks , actual weight ,
7i ( & c. Tullnw nnd ( lron o Tallow. No. 1 , a'iSB
4ct tallow , No. 2. .OnUo ! KTOIISO. whlto A. .IMot
crc.iso , nhllo II , > ( c : crcno. jcllow , Jot
Brciise. diirk , 2' c ; o'd butter , 2'o ; beeswax ,
prlmo. 10I62JC ! rpntli tallow.
St. Imil * MnrlU'H.
ST. T.ouis , Mo. June 15. 1'l.oun Un
changed ,
\VlirAT-Onsli , 7fio : options ( load , dull nnd
closed e.isvt .Inly. 77ci August , 7fili"6.1-iO- ! !
coptomhor , 70o bldt December , 8 > ) c ,
Oon.v l/'iish , lower. 4 lUo : options Blow , but
firm und unchiingodi July , IIJiC ! Hoptcmljor ,
. .
OATS-Oiish. bolter , HJHIl'llc : July closed
lower iitanc : September , 'io hl.-lior at3'ic. .
HIIAV Dull ; W Til If. oust tr.ick.
II A v Qulut and unclinnuod ; timothy , 112.00
Gl5.0i | prnlrle.lfioai > .IO.
I.BAti-IIold hlKlirr nt Jl 00.
4Ki.AXHr.en Ixinur atorc.
HuiTKii lTnchni4ol ; creamery , 148o ! :
dulrv. \ , & \ ' .
n ii' Unchunscd , dull ; llo for guaranteed.
CiiiiNMPAt > Qnlotat $ J.i.T3.MU :
Wliixitv-Htoiily nt ft. Ill
lUndiMi ANrOdrroN Tifcs Unohnnscd.
ritovniiNJ--rinii , with u-ood doiiiand ,
litr ) S\IP
Innus and ribs , f MO ; shorn , fr.U5 ; boxed lots.
l"io millet bacon , shoulders tlTrJ ; lon s and
rlln , H.CC ) : shorts , | 8.1J'i ! au ar utirod luins.
If I I.I ) Kill ! . ' .
HBriiiiTs 1'lour , a 001 Ibs ; wheat , 40,000 bu. !
coin. N.Miwbn. : oils. : I2.03J bii. ; rye and bar-
lev. niino.
r-lllt'Mn.NTS 1'lour. 5.010 Ibs. ; wheat , 0,000 Int. )
coin , H'.ooo ljuoits ; , I".0)J bu. ; rye und burley -
ley , none.
KanmiK City Mnrkcts.
SAS UITV. Mo. , Juno 2. " > . WllKtT
and lo\\er ; No. 2 hard. u'iSG7o ; No''roJ.
07ri-ic. ( (
fJ.mNUoady to lower ; No 2 mixed. 42o ! ;
No 2 white. 411.- .
OAFS fit n ; No 2 mixed , iUftSOKc ; No. 2
while , M'iB-llc. '
Itvi : Sto'iiiNo. : . 2 , nominal at OSo.
riAxsr.ii : > uoe ,
HAWuik but itnch uiKod ; tlmolliy , ? 8.003
8.51 : pr ilrlo. J7.007.W1.
lilt vbloaily : sacked , me.
IIUTTEII I'lrm ; en'.imury , ll17c ; dairy ,
i : < lm-Tiill ( at lie.
Kl.Cfcll'ia Wheat. 70,0:0 : bu. ; corn , 10.0W
bu ; nuts , noun.
Hnii'MKSTb Wliaat , 43,0)1 bu. : coin , a,000bu. ;
oats , none.
IjtVEitpoor. Juno 2" . WHEAT Qnlot : hold
ers ollei moderately ; No. t California , 7s our
cental ; led wo'itoin < | ) rliiit. Os 714d@Jsed ; No.
2 red , wlntei.is9dQjs8iid. ( (
Uoliv Qnlut ; mlxo I wottern , 4s 10J per cen
tal.HACOV I.ona clear , , ' 17 ? .
OIIKFSK llnost whlto anJ colored ,
4dsCd pcrcwt.
hl.SSKMI ) OII.-21S per CWt
Cut ton .Hurknt.
NEW Otii.RANfi , La. . Juno 3.1. Dull : mid
dling , 7'Bc : low middling. C'tu : peed ordi
nary. 0 a. inc. Not receipts , 2)0 ) bales : RIOSS , 7BJ
bile1. : exports to the continent , bales ;
coastwise. , il b lies : s lies , aiO b lies ; stock.
1I1VW7 bales. The Cotton exchange will bo
closed Baturd.iy , July 2 , and Mend ly , July 4.
I'lilliuldpbl i drain .Marki'l.
I'liu.Aiirr.i'iiiA. I'a. , 1 111102.1. WHEAT Qnlot ;
No. 2 led , July , Augtiu and faopteinbor. tnvffo
tile.CORN Closed stoidy ; No. 'i mixed , July ,
OAis-Oull ; No. 2 hlto , 4Ie.
Cliirlnnntl .Miukcts.
CIVCINNATI , O . June 3x Win : vr Quiet ; No.
2 rod. We.
UOHS Weak .ind lower : No. 2 mixed , 47'/jo.
( JAT5 ! WoaUer ; No 2 mixed , alo.
WIIISKJi.11 , _
Toledo ( Ir.lln Mnrhot.
TniiKiio. O , Juno -WiiBiT Steady ; No.
2 , July. M'ic. !
C'liiK Dull , steady ; Nb. 2c.ish , 50o.
tATb Uash , a4c.
CniCAnn. 111. . Juno 2' ) . & Div
toCoukrollIlros : Wheat ruled uxtrrmolydull
lifter a little early Folllnr by Hi , Louis mid
Mlnnoipolls and biiylni ; by 1'nrdrldRO
and Now York. The anti-option torior has
aol/o I spcuitl.itots un 1 nnto-narvust Indtllor-
once possesses Bhlppcrs. The market closed
iiilot | and about unchanged. UonlractKr ides
of corn and oats nro suirco nnd lirmly hold ,
but shippers Imvo been freely biipplled
from liberal arrivals of low r.idcs.
Crop prospects are bo low the avor.ixo and
wolhlnktho maiket In a condition to Boll
much hljlier on any diminution of curient
roL'olits. | 1'iovls.onsnro In better demand for
shipment and e\poit and outside spoculatun
ho'derfiaro ' IncieiRlint theirllnos.hnt as puuk-
ers nio sto idtly iiioutlnit both classes of buy
ers ItseeniH dilllcnlt to cot much more nd-
vanio In prkes at pro onU In f ict the mar
ket looks alllllotlrod this week , iilthou.'lrtho
'oeal crowd In rll-s have suicocdod In eslab-
INliln. hlKher prices ,
UuiUAnn. Ill , , Jniiu2 > . K. G. I-ojun ft Co. ,
to DiiiiL'iin , llo.linger.V Co. : iinr who it niar-
Kot today has been of u holld.iy
July oiiciied at7H'ie , sold us high iiH7bJJe to
7tt ? o und clo'od at 7HBe ? to 7 ! ic. TliOKOneral
trndu feds the Inllnuncu of thu widely advi-r-
ll.sod boarlah coiidttloiii of a silt plus of 7U.UO'-
OIU hnshosof whoit letto\cr from lust crop
nnd the ptosucut of u crop which. If not
ciiial | to lust , piomlses to bo
above the a\oraxu tor ihn olcht yo irs
precedlni ; IBUI. I'liluro values are dependent
entirely on our ox port nomaiid a tier our crop
IB sccnroJ. The Hatch hill keeps thu tr.ido In
Hiispunso. Corn Is Htronir. no bollovo or ml
breaks th it It Is u mife pnruhaso. Ilimlncss In
oats Is nnlmpoitanl. lliu pioduct Is htu.idy.
The roonlpti of hois are IlKlit , should ihoy
conllniiu iliiht pilccs "III co hUlicr.
CniUAilo , 111 .Juno VS Konnctt. Hopkins . 'c
Co. to H. A , MoWhoitcr : With continued
ho.ivreci ) I pis nml decio.isln exports It Is
e\puulel th it the \lsiblo supply of who it will
Hhuw llttlo'-u on Monday. In fact It Is
not expected Unit our Htocus will dlinliilsh
niatcrl illy bcforo Iho now crop beIns ; to
move , und .1 rapid Incioasoln them Is looked
for. Domestic Hour trade for a fortnight bus
boon unusually r luck , nirceled no doubt by
the harvuslimw In priuressund ulioidy IIn-
lulled In the boullicrii stales. Occasionally
some country trailer lonz of wliuut
bobs up und Insists that ttio crop oulloo'c ' Is
\\roteliud. lint reports friim iilslntorottcd
sources mo Kouerully faiorublc. I'rlmo Bays
Unit conditions In the noilhwost are fullv no
fiivor.iblu for spring wheat : is List Tlio
market lius been dull and featureless , with
mnro tiilK about thollorbv this afternoon than
iinythlii'/olso. Corn and n.itn havu imrtlol-
paled In the dullness , llut fur the
purchases for a prominent Incal trader corn
would doubtless hatesold lower , desplto ro-
coliitu fulllns below expectations In conso-
iiuenceof ruliro id Manhunts. Uat < nro stuh-
born und have u peed many friends who think
them rulutlioly ohoip und u pnruhaso on nil
soft spots. l'roIslons nro llrm to strong , ospo-
clully for ribs U cannot bo possible to manu
facture at a prollt with ho < s ut these. hUh
prices , .mil It would KOOIU they must
either decline or provisions advance to uii
I'liianclul Notes.
NKW OUI.KANB , La. , Juno 25. Clearings ,
KANSAS OITV , Mo , Juno 23. Clearings ,
I'AUIH. Juno 23. Thrao per cent rente * , 08f
7iu ! fur the account.
lUi.Tlsiout : . Md..luno 21 Cloarlnta , 11,103-
811 ; balances , * "JU31. Itntu 0 per cent.
MKUIMIH. Tonn , .luno 2.1. No > v Vork ox-
otKiiu'o sulllru ut II.5J. Ulo.irln. a , 110,01 J ;
baliincos. * ! UJtja. )
Nitt-YoiK. .luno 2.1 Oloirlius. : I9.1.70ld7i
balances , fl.'ioj.on. Per the wook. ulourlngs , b iluucoi , IfI1.0I7.8VJ.
1'uir.Aiir'M'HU , I'.i. . June. 21. Clearings ,
( JII1I7.077 ; balances. 8t.70i.70X Tor the week :
Ulourln.'s. * 7I,2IV.'JO ; baluiieo * , JII.80l.4lX ) .
Money . 'i percent.
HOSTON. Muss. . Juno21.-0lo1irlii2l. III.HOI-
22t ) : , UIU t.OM. Monov , „ ' ner font.
I.xchHiiKopn Nnw York , luc. Kor the week ,
elourhus. ttu.il7'rn : ; balances , $ | u.87H.H.ia. Tor
the s.itnu woelt luHt your , eloarliiKH , (70,570,391) )
buliinecs , tt'J. * > 4,2ll.
UIIIUAOO , III. . June 21 Oloarlntr * . H10HA11.
1 or the woo ; , , tJO,7uMjJ7. UKiiliiBt t7lni)4.HU7 ) for
the n.imo weolt lust your. Money iiiiot | und
unclmtiKod ut 4U1 | ior cent. Now Vork ox-
cliniu'e 40o preniliim. Htorllim oxuhaiiJO
dull nt ( I.Hr tor sixty duy bills und tl.HiU for
ST. Louis. Ma , Juno :5.-01oarliizg.M.3II.-
777 : balances , ; HJ9.W3 ( : eleirlius th' weok.
K'l,78I.GClj ( bilanues. f.l,75U.ioloarliiKH ; luat
week. il. O.MJt b ilancos. W,41J.Oji : : oluarlnia
corroipondliu ; week hint your , t 8.441,103 ; but-
iiiiLOS. tTM"i.'i ! Money iiilot | at 4 to I ) per cunt.
l.M'huncuon Now Vork OJo proinlilm.
lluslupinVn 'liimo und Unlntvroitlni ;
Throughout the bmsliiii ,
NEW YoiiK.JIU1025.-Tho ( took market wan
tame and iiiilntiirustliM throiiliout | the nes-
ulou today , tliudullnani belnj ; oxtromu.wliUo
the traUliu wiui almost wholly conllnod to the
present ulemont , and whllo the temper win
utroni ; tbronxbout , It wui duo entirely to the
couirliu operations of local operators. NuV-
turully the too KB which h.ivo boon most
uiuler urcHauru for tliu last week were utroiiK
und coiuplououu. Aiuoui ; them was llur-
llngtou. which was tlio only utock
which succeeded In roacliini ( Uo flKuroa
In the miiount of IU tranauctlons
aud wa the only OQO la which the
fluctuation reached 1 par cant. As m'f it bu
snpiiosod , It led the list In stronsth ami olmed
with a not etiln of 1 per cent , the only other
strength fdiowlnj ? an > appro ich lothaVbcIng
Lackawnrinn , which rose f percent. The rest
of the list were , with the exception of Hook
Island , Now nnglniid , AtchUon and St , I'atil ,
Inten ely dull mid almost Rtngn-xnt through
ftymptithlzlnff with the loiidors In tliolr up
ward tcndoncy. No fcatiiro uf any kind
marked thodonllnehoncvor. and the Inmost
session Of the Stock exchange In many weeks
finally closed with a llrm tone at the best
prices but Intensely dull ,
Government bonds dull nnd steady ,
The 1'ost euyst The fcoblo Lunr demonstra
tion of the last few day affalnst the stocks of
cnrii-carryliu sratiKer raids wns swept under
totliy by a fresh b.itch of favorable crop do-
fipntchor. Tlio weather In tlio ctop rcnloii has
been extraordinarily propltlbns throughout
the wcok , and as Wall street always prefers
ti > discount the future rather than the put
thooxpootat'onof poor statements of oarn-
ItiKS for May has not cot \ oil as an cffa.tlvo
bo'ir nrutinicnt.
This iliado the traders who Invo been
maHliiR so loud u nolsu over llouk Island and
HurlinstDii. | . ' | TO u ) ) the fl ht nnd were the
only nctlve buyers In the m irkol , The feel-
liiRthon rose u point , Itoek Island ! ( per cunt ,
nnd the futility of such iitt.icku may bn julKel ( :
by the fact thnl the o stocks now soil ns high
as at thoclosa of last wcok. and the second
loss than a point higher. Outside of these
stocks llttlo or no lmslnos was done , but the
undertone of the market wis llrm.
Now nnglnnd held higher th-in wan ox-
pccted after ycsterd.iv's revived absurdities.
The following are the cosine nuotilluns
for thcloadliiK stocks on the Now York Stock
oxclianpo to lav :
Tlio total sains of stocks today oro."GTOJ
Sharon. Including : Atclilson , 5.101 ; Chicago
G.I a. ] . - > GO ; Del iwaro. LackawanmiVosturn ,
l.BJti ; Mlnsouil I'aclfli * . UAW Northern I'nelUo
nrcforred. lV > UNow ; Kngland , J.OJJ ; Heading ,
MOO : SU t'liu' ' , 4,100.
Now York Money .Murltct.
NF.W YORK. Juno2MovEV ON CAM. Easy
at I'JSM ' uorecnt : last ! ! per cent ; close
olTorrd at 2 | ior cent.
I'ntJiB > IincANriM ! PAPBH "V3& per cent.
S' i\ciiANfjK : Qulut but stoutly at
* 4.S7'i for sluy-diy bills , and SJ.bSU for do-
Tlio cloaliu anotatlonsoii bonds :
New York Mlnlnc ( Juotatlon * .
NEW YORK. Jnno2. " > . The following are the
closliu mliilnp stoulc qnot itlons :
Cattle Am lllUor and Active HORH still
Alien o 95.
OMAHA , Juno 2" > The week's receipts foot
up I'-'i'S ' catt.o. 4n.VJ. ) ho s and 4 t'W Bhccp ,
against 11.1)8 ) ! eattli' , 4I.5 I ho s and .V > (1 ( shocp
lust wooL and 7.45S u.tttlo , 28.U-II hoes nnd MI
slioi'i ) the eorroaponulng wcok of Juno last
During the oirlv p trt of the wcok , with
fairly llboral supplies , the cuttlu raarkot con
tinued to drooy .ind the outlook was rather
dlseouritKliu. 1'or the past three days ,
turnover , receipts liavo bocn iiiulsuillv
11. lit and In conscquonco values hi\o
llrmed up coimlilor.ibly. KHiioelally has thla
been the ease with L-ood to vholco ( fry lot o it-
tin of all woUlits. Tbeso arosolllnf ; anywliero
from lee to 150 better than a week into. Ship
ping , halt fat nnd pronn steers are soiling
about us loxr as last week and they will prob i-
bly 'olowei from noivon asurnssealtlo bo ln
to arrlvo In number * . The reuont Improve
ment In eastern in irkols has put now life line
the sntpphu and export trade and a
Rood sharu of the H lies of peed
tie the hitter part of tliovoolc
liiivo been to lho > o buyers. llutchu '
atonic and oanners ha\o shown conip iratlvoly
little cliuiiL-u all wtuk and the naaio holds truu
of.HtoutiurH anil feeders. Trlceu are ruling
pretty miieh lliu s into us a week
11 ot ; valuoHhavosliown an upward tcndoncy.
Tlio coiitliiuud Ilhcr.illty of the receipts II.IH
been nioro than conntorbalancoa by the ac
tivity In slilppInK circles Prices are about
' . ' ( ) c bluhur than a woeU 1170. the advance bolnx
coallnod to no particular Kr.ido or wolghu
lloivyiind butcher lioxs eontlnno to com
mand a premium of from -ic to 5u oor llL'lit
nnd mixed stuIT and the xpreud refuses to
\Uilon. although ono ruabon for this lies In tlio
ummuully o\cn iinallly of the ho s now coia-
liiK to mat ket. The noner.U tone to thu trade
Is decidedly firm.
OATTI.K Kocolpts were nnlto liberal for tlio
lust ( Inv of the week , and thoiiuallly was very
Roml tukoniiHa whole. Continued /uvorablu
ad vleos from o ihturn and continental markets
led to continued activity on the part of ship
pers and exporters. This , together ulth a
\cryrespoctublo Iminliy from local dressi'd
bout IIOUSOH , produced u alrnnx , hoallhy
tone , although In Konoral there was
no quot.iblo ndvanco except pcrhapj
on the moro dOHlrablo handy grades
of corn fodstears ; HIOHO ItiHonio cases were 5o
to do lilKhor. llo.ivy rultlo , that Is stoera
wolRhlnit from 1.2.VJ to 1.500 pounds , moved
r.ithor freely at from $ .165 to t\ \ . : & 1'ulr to
ffood 1,05'J to I.tK ) steers wore eood sollerH at
all thu way from U 7u to f I 11. Common to In
ferior llht Rrcen and half fat stuff was not
moro than etoady at from H.OO down to JAOO.
It was a tolerably active , healthy iiinrKot
throughout and un early cloarunco wan ef
Cows and mixed ntock WBB illiohniiRcd , poor
to oholeo H'oek nellliiR at from tl.M to U.S&
Hulls were In moauor supply and about steady
at from KH5. Calves moved ulowly
and at nominally Btoady prices.
Offurlims of stock and foodliu cittlo were
llmltod an 1 In ( iiiallty common. Tliu outside
( lomaiid \ nu lUht anil the feeling wen lc. Hales
of 4'4 to luil-ln. niilinals were at from * . ' .7U to
tJ.'M. Uoproseutntlvu sales :
m w si * m v DIBTRICTa , IWATER
Correspondence aollctlttl.
I03-I05 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO *
(8 Wall Street , NEW YORK *
70 State 81. . BOSTON *
1 ISIO lr.1700 271
1 1.140
1. . 47) ) 2 ! S.i ( 2 no 11. . Ml S 11
10. . 411 2 70 4. la 7 < 300 1. .10(10 315
11. . 2 71 7 _ 11711 3 UO 10..1031 339
14. . 721 273 8 00 S. . 055 343
cor.olMtjo c.
No. Av. I'r.
'SfccJcrs. , 073
lltin Hoccltitswn c fully up to , oven bo-
yonU. cxpoctiitionirtrtcr-ihu " .utility In Kcncral
wni very fulr. Thbrii.woro plenty of choice
medium woluht bum licro. Outcood lionvy
lio.'s WLTO rillior scarce. Tlio wcok' * receipts
were 2,101 he.ivlor tli ui a week nso nml 17.VM
lic.ivlLT limn i ) onr njo. The mnrkot opened
up ratlier divor.ihlj' ( or the Rolllnif Intoroita.
HilpnoM nnd fieM ! ( nput men p.ild fJU5 niul
S.Uo forKoott to ehdlco heavy und butchnr
welRht ho > rs. or tishiulu toflolilKlior than the
same ho s brouirht 1'rlday. There wns afso nn
.ictl\o domaiul from lornl liotisos , cspcclully
packers. They palil Jl.M to M.0.1 for conimou
to Rood hojs of all weights.
Some very Inferior stuff sold below the
latter quotation. While tlio competition
lusted the. marUot was ucthonnd llrm , but
with the IlIlluR of shipping und fresh meat
orders and the receipt of bearish news from
Uhlcufro. the market close I wcuk with u few
loads unsold. The bulk of Iho sales were nt
from J4.IO to , iiRiilnst from tl.m to $ .1.03
1 rlduy und tl.80 to4 S3 lust Saturday. Tlio of prices tiuld wist10lj ,
nKiiInst $ I.OA' Frlilay nuilil.S''lJ laVt Saturday.
Hoprcscntutlvo sales !
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
2 . . X'8J 4J JJ 70 5J.CO. . . . 2 > 0 101 to00
2 . IS } 4 M CO. . . . .207 200 603
4 . . .U ) 4 85 77 241 2SO 500
2 . ! S - 4 85 83 . . . . 10. 120 r > OJ
0 . V2l ( 4 W 8. 218 : rM 600
74 . . . .Iba U'O 4 IK ) 53 207 4110 500
W . 201 2JO 4 Ij Ci ) 24J 4U ) 600
77 . . " 'J 320 1 US 77 2-J4 S4) ) 503
tU . 17.1 211) ) 4 M M i''U ' UO 503
d. ' . . . . 2J ) 200 4 05 CJ 21J 281 50J
' ) . 240 4 IT. 74. . . ,2.l ( 120 503
1,9 . 2J210 4 Id ni . . . .210 240 500
B4 . . 173 BO 4 111 . . . . ' 'IT 1G3 5d2i !
10 . . . . 2J410 4 U'l 70 . . . .20.1 Kil 5C'J4 !
66 . 2.KI 18J 4 - > . . . . .281 12J 505
CO . 210 1 ) 4 in 81. ; .2JI 210 503
8J . 10S 60 4 U3 211. : : : so.i
71 . 210 ! ! & 0 4 01 78. . . .2:17 : 2i > 0 50.1
70 . 210 ; N ) 4 Itt 01 . 243 l.'O 50.1
7- . 2UI ) 2JO 4 Hi 87 . . . 2tt KB 503
75 . . . . IWI i8J 4 01 05 . 217 it'J 5U.1
7J . : : W 240 4 03 0.1 . 2(11 ( 80 505
HO . 210 200 4 OT'S ' Mi . . . .S.J2 8J 505
f)5 . ' 'O'J 100 4 1)7(4 ) ( 77 . 2.M 8'J 505
62 . 201 200 4 Iii4 IK ! . V40 120 51.1
l > 7 . 1U1 203 4 o ; ' W . 210 123 505
77 . 2.PJ 240 4 Oi i n . 2.1.1 12 j 5 u.i
S'J . I'M 80 4 II7'i 43 . : n ; 210 r > os
( . . 200 8) 5 00 60 . 2.U 80 50.1
RS . 2H 240 500 P4 . 211 103 501
75 . 227 400 5 00 G.I. . . 220 120 601
7(5 ( . . . .2-W K.O 5 00 5J . 219 20J 505
70 . 211) ) 120 fi OJ 07 . 211 100 501
711 . . . .22J 1.1) ) fi 00 7. . 2JS 505
bl 241) 480 500 01 . 27T 100 50.1
81 208 8J S CO 70 . 241 40 505
74 . . . .215 40 S 00 71 . 213 8) 501
70 22i1 ICO fi UO 72 . 2.JO 300 6(1.1 (
85CI . . 218 41) ) R 00 7.1 . 2W IhO 501
CI 8.M 120 fiOO 07 . 210 H ) 503
07Ml . .aw 240 5 00 60 . 2 ; > S : iO 501
Ml . .215 80 50 ] 5'J . . . 220 2SI 60.1
8S . . 211 120 5 00 27 . 2i'J 503
88 . .2111 203 5 TO CS . 2311 40 505
01 . .100 40 500 B42 . 200 280 501
70 . .2 0 100 5 00 60 . 2.10 40 5i5
00H , .2IJ 240 5 03 70 . 2J4 8J 505
H ) . .214 120 5 00 68 . 211 320 505
74 . .200 100 5 00 70 . 243 40 507V4
UO . 2IJ 103 5 00 59. . . . . .250 8J 507&
7 ! ) . .211 80 500 01 . 253 8) 607
1(8 ( . .221 100 500 03 . 214 120 507J4
10 . .241 200 500 (11 ( . 10'J 80 510
06 . .218 120 603 67 . 28J 510
77 . .2IW 5 00 01 . 247 80 510
CO. . . ail 300 5 00 OS . 253 400 610
81 . .201 1JO 503 B3 . 241 41 510
84 . . . .20 4J 5 00 70 . 240 610
73 , . . .2U7 20J 50J
1 323 2 00 n CO 141 1G3 400
1 . . . . 4JJ 2 50 1 330 423
1 41) 2.10
SIIBFP Tlicro wore nn fresh receipts to
speak of. i-oniu Minnesota fctockors holdover
from I'rld'iy sold forSI.7.1. The domund eon-
tlunes strons for desirable muttons ut about
steady prices. Quotations ns follows : l > ' .ilr
to ; : oed natives from JI..M ) to $5.0Ji fulr to ( 'ood
westerns , from $4 OJ toil.Sl ; eonimon and stock
shec | ) , from $ .150 to tioi ; coocl tu cholco'40 to
OJ-lb lamkh from ZljUOjto $3 SO. lloproscnt.itl vo
sales :
No. Av. I'r.
00 SJ 75
Ilccelpt * nmrmiiposltion nr.Sloek.
Onielnl rocelpts itnd'dlspr/sltlon ' ot sto3if as
shoxvn bv tliu books ot the Union .Stock Vards
comuany for the ttvotlty-four hours ondln at
5 o'clock p. m. , Juno -5.1UOJ :
KiinnnK Ulty Llvn Stock Market.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Juno 2J. OATrr.K Ho-
celutH.VOO ; shipments. KM ; stoorn , active and
steady to Btron. % tJA OJ.J3 ! cows , steady to
lower. ll.7ftiaiM.
HOOK Kecolpts , 3,400 ; Btilpmonts , 2,100 : the
rimrkut for xood lio/s was active and Stuc
higher ; all grades. l.ij.r.Ti : : bulk. 1M 1I.VT65OX
fciiEi-.i' Uccelnts. I.f > 00 : shipments , 1UJ ; mar
ket was nominally steady.
St. I"ills Il\o Stock .Murliot.
ST. I.ouia. Mo . Juno 2V CATTLE lleeolpt
10) ) : shipments , , 1ODU in irket Htronff nt the
advance ; fair to choice heavy , iJ.KQ.M ;
Texan steers. ? iiOfflJ50. :
Ilodh Kocolpts , &tr > ; shipments , 1.100 ; mar
ket titoady ; fair to best hu.ivy , '
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
Emtly yet proipptly on thoKidneys ,
iver and Boivejs , cleanses the sys
tem effectually" , .dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. 'Syrup ' of Figs is the
only remedy of : its Itind everpron
duccd , pleasinglo the taste and ac-
coptahlo to thq fctomach , prompt in
its action and'uuly beneficial m its
effects , prepared/only / from the most
healthy and agr cable ubstances , its
to all and hiy $ made it the most
popular romeclyj known.
Byrup of Figa is for sale in 75o
"bottles by " "lending druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on htthcl will procure it
promptly for any ono wno wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
MKMV. a ipeolDe for Uritoilk. llulnm , KID. Nif
rilgli , llead&ent , Nerroui 1'ruXnilon eau > * 4 br
looboior lubioco , VVakefulnoti. Motil l ) oroi-
Ion , Uullne of I tit llralo. o u lo < luiaalir , calitrr ,
deotjr.UM'.tr. I'ruiujture Oil Ane. llarreanti. Lan
of 1'owiTis ollhorias , Imputouor. l.ouoorrl nl
II teuikle kno 5i Inrolunttrr lx it , tipar
miiarrbDa uuiaj br o ? r amrtloa of ttu brain
Hef'abuiaoT | r Indudcvacn A muath't Irtatuonv
II , C for U. t > / mill.Vuuir > atugtli bozoi locurj
Eaeti order Ior6ooi i. wllh II will taail wrlllin
ur nltilo r ( uail If nolourol. UuLriaU * linil
pair br A. bcbroter. druftit. > ol * agtut. iguinjan
mlxoil fair to itood. $1 "MiWJ : llRht. mrdliim
Io bc t , f ( .axt-VVM.
8tlKCi Uecclpti , 1,3101 hlptvcnt" , 1,000 !
market steady ! fttlrtndc lr.iblo native mill-
ton ? , Jl.oortDO ! fair to doMrnblo Texas unit.
tons M.5C < 3I.5. _
Chlrapn ll\o sinck Market.
Oiiir'Aao. Ill . Juno 2. . . [ i pocl l Tolosram to
TUB llEr.l An iincluumrd in.irkot wr , e\po-
rlctiocd today. ' 1 here wai a fair Inquiry for
local and snipping account unit thorancoot
values w.i nominally the lunions forl rldiiy.
MWS nnd hclferi were quoted at from
f.12. % bulli at from H.'t to f . (0. stockcrs and
feeder * at from fiOJ to M.M , nnd drcMcil boot
and slilpplns steers at fiom HWi to
Cnl\o were ncnln stroni. 'Ihoy wcro < talo-
nblo ut from tiUO to J2.nccimllni ; toqunllty ,
Thli IK an advance for the wcok of from - " - to
oOc , Toxiis caltlo wcro quoted ut from il. ' . ' )
The 1ms nmkot opened steady nt yestcr-
day ad\ancn . or at from J' > oo Io W n for
poor to extra llglit , WOlto t ,40 for medium *
weight and at from fl > to t\45
for heavy. Toward tlio eloso thorn
win n weaker feollni ; . the later tradlnu
Indicating u decline ofio Mcnrly everything
win t-ikcn. hoffover , the hulk of the stuir
EoliiK at from t-V-'J toUIO. Culls were peddled
outnt from f.1.00 to 81.75.
Snlci of ihocp nnd lambs wcro at tiutto as
coon price * ns wcro pnld on 1'rldny. The
fornipr quoted at from J-lT.t to t\.r \ > . nnd the
latter ntfrom 81.63 to $7. B. Thcto wns a
luht supply'nna ( i good domund at the alo\o
o Hccclptst Clattle , l.MOj hogs , 14,000 | snoop ,
The I > on icJournal reports ! OATTt.n Ko-
cnlptg , I.IJO ! 4hlpment9 , l.ivi ; n-nrkct stonily ;
o\ans J..45 < a 5U ! stockor- " .
. . . .
Hons-Uecolots. 14UOUi shlpmenU. 4.000 !
inaruot . ' > ® ICc lower ; loimh nnd common ,
JJ.di i4 SOpneklim. . fl.ll OS. 15 ! paukliiK nnd
shlpplnir , JV105D.4J ! prlmo heavy and butchers
M Il.Vi0.-v ft ; llKhtl50.S.-.f. .
Siinui' Uecolpts , U.1JJ ; Hhtpincnts l.MO ;
market otoiuly to uoik ; nntlM'x , * 1 4' ' ' ® " > Ili !
Tuvaii3.l.VJ5ii ) ; iO ! westerns , tl.75-\5U ! native
feeder" ,
Lincoln I. no Stork.
LINCOLN , Nob. , .luno ST. tSneclal to Tm :
I1EB.1 Thoru wns n fulr run of hogs atVest
Lincoln today. Market steidy to Ac higher ,
with prices rangln , : from fl.lK ) to$3oa
Do sure and use Mrs. Wlnslow's SootUtiiR
syrup for your children whllo teething , as
cents a bottlo.
> 'o v York anil Itctiirn.
July 4 to 0 ono ftn-o fop the round
trijx CJioico ol routes from Clilcauo.
Return 'tmlt August 15. Cull nt Chi
cago. Rouk Island & Pacillc Uy. ticket
olllco , 1002 Itanium stroot.
J. L. DC BKVOISI : , Olty Tkt. & .P. A.
It fills the Mil a
dose of Dr. I'icrco'a
Pleasant 1'cllets. Slclc
or Bilious Ilcadnclics ,
Dizziness. Constim-
tlon , Indigestion , Bil
ious Attacks , and nil
derangements of the
liver , stomach and
bowels nro promptly
relieved and perman
ently cured.
| But not in the nay
[ the lingo , old-fashion-
1 cd pill tries to do it
These little Pellets have lictter methods.
They cleanse nnd regulate the nholo system
naturally. In other words , they do It
thoroughly , hut mildly and gently. There's
no disturbance to the system , diet or occupa
tion. They're the smallest in ( .ire , but Iho
most cfTertivo In result purely vegetable ,
perfectly harmless. Only ono little t > ugar-
coatcd Tellet for a laxative three for a
Tbcy'ro the cheapest pills you can buy ,
for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction ,
or your money is returned. You pay only
for the good you get.
This is true only of Dr. Picrco's standard
Anew and Complete Troatniont. comlstlng oj
Buppoiltorlta. Olnlmont la I'npiuloi , alia In Hot
and L'llli : n Poililvo Cure far ICxternal. Intorml
Mind or Uleodlnz Itching , Ulironlc , Itcasnt or lloredl
twr I'llos. T > ili Homo If has never boon known to
fall , llporbox 0 forfi ; Bantb7mill H'lij suiter from
llili tcrrlbld ilhoajo nhon a written Runrantoe Ii
posltlvel r glvan wltb 0 baxai or rotund the mony II
not cured Sand Btnmp for free Snmplo ( iuaralltae
Inuod by Kuhn A Co. , DriiKKlitt , Hole Agenti , corns'
ru H. Oraahn Neb
A Written aunrantoo
SYPHILIS to Cure Kvory Oaio or
Money Ho funded.
Our curt It permanent and not patclil it up. Catoi
treated leren f e&n ngo have narer teen a rmptom
Inoe. lljdescrlblaK case fully we caa tro&t 7011 bf
nail , and we Rlvo tbe > amo strong guarantao Io euro
or refund all money. Tbo'e who prefer to coma hera
fortreatmentcando Bonn ! wa nlllpa ? railroad far *
botk wajri and hotel bill ] while here , If we fall to cura
W challengiflha world for a caia that oar Mails
Remedy will not euro , write for particular ] and Ret
( batTldgnce. In our listen years practice with the
Maole Itemed ? It lias been most Olftlcult to orercoma
the prejadlcci against socnllcd speclllcs. nut under
our strong guarantee thousands ara trying It and bo
IHR cured. Wecunranteo to euro or refund eiery
dollar , and asweliaru a roputitlon toproioot , also
Bnanclal backing of fyOUJOIt Is perfecllr f to nil
who wlli try tbo treatment. Heretofore yon Iiaro
putting up ftnd paying out your monolor different
treatments , and allhou h you are not yet cure I na
ono h&s paid back your money. Wo will positively
cure yov , Old , chronic. deep seated cases cara&tntJJ
tosndays. Investigate our flnnnclal sundtu ? , our
reputation asbuslncsi men. Write ui for names aal
addresses of tlio a olmvo ouroil who barn glren
pormliclontorofo.- them. It coil * you only postage -
age to do this. If your syrupt'itas ara sore throat ,
mucous patclios In mouth , rlioumatlsra la bones aad
Joints , hair falling out , eruption * * on any part of tbc
body , ftallng o ( general depression , pnlns la bealor
bones. You bare no time to ffluto. Tooss who ara
constantly taking incrciirr and potnsb , should dl > -
continue It. Constant uie of these drugs will enroly
bring sores and cation ulcers tn too en < l. Uou't fall W
write. All correspondence sent scaled In plain cm-
voiopc. Wo InvIIo the most rUIJ Investlgntlou auil
will do all la our powcrlo al 1 you It It. Address ,
COOK KKMRDY CO. . - Omnha. Noh
Union Stock Yards Company
est ontllo. ho ? nnd fcboop mnrkot In the west
THE LIAunits.
< JA nUAHU Wrlto to this housa for cor-
iW. UJHAIlA | reot Marltat Bsport ) .
Wood Brothers ,
Eouth Omahu Telephone ll > 7. - UhloiiRo
W. K. WUOIl.M ( nnuerj
Market reports by mull an 1 wlro cheerfully
furnished upon application.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chlcaco , HistHt , Ixinls , ICansusOlty , Fouth
Oiiiulu , nloux Olty , I'orL Worth.
. . V- U F. Tallmad/a.
A. Crlll , W. Vllunny. . , . .
ChlcsKO. HOK bulosmnn. Cattle
Crill , Denny & Company ,
Live Block Commission. Uooorrf UxciianiM Ull'n ,
tiuutu Ouiutia.
A. D. Boycr &Co-npiny ,
fiSnndM r.xolmnifo Ilulldlnr , South Oiniihi.
Correspondence sollclleil and promptly oniworJl.
tipeclul nltuntluu tounlurj forsluekuri AfeoJorJ.
Establlilied. 1681. . . . . Incorporated , 13JJ
Capital fully paid ,
Waggoner Birney Company ,
\Vrltu or wire us for prompt and rollablii murk at
Perry Brothers & Company ,
LIvoBtnck Commission.
Koora 51 Uxoliiuigo Ilulldln. . bouth Omaha
Teiephuno 17J7. _
M , II. Hogarty & Oo , ,
IWoin 'Jl Kzcuiuo
South Omaha , - Not )
Union Stock Yard National
- J-3.A.N ) -
The only tank at the ynrds. Capital and tut-
plus , ftMfM. Collocllous uroxloi out of tliu lift )
stock business should bu tunt direct to Ibis bank.
BUIppert can deposit Jet cr 4lleJ tUilr UUIUK
rors1 and
Contractors nnd nh contractor ] for Ml kin Hot
biilldlnB. iili\itorln . palntlnaeto will rrcelrn
fopf at Utonn'9 urctiltccts unit Muleriillreclnrit
free , bf eiullnir tliolr immf , lu lnm < unit lee
tlonlo ttiapnbllsiior. J.H. ( llenn , 11.1 S. istti S
Blml , mnnlllv cotton
reporters nndmrOflour rene , hemp , Julo , cot-
aoki , burlaps , twloo Inn tnlnoMMTi-il cor *
ngo. BIO. Ml 3. Hill H.
H.0.1QDD ,
M.O.OAXON Successor toJ.J.
. . , cnio t. M'f'u cl r. pa
"old on monthly packing boiov All tiuT l
pajmont * . 1M N. litli > t llosln box Una.
1110 Uouula ? SU
11UJ llowird BtroU
oornur lltli nnd Oouitlni .
W * are mating prices to onih b ir n , nnl ar
ailing a olasi of itoodi nhlo'i ti voriale -
blanllh uiorchiult.
Maniifnoturor' ' ' n cnt. 1 vnn suiiply roiinlth oycry-
thlUK In nhoc'K. nicn'n.wiHu MI' nml < hlUI at lo -
rst factor ) | irlvi > > nnd rtl toiint 1. itojt ntylus.
Kill Knrnnai hired Itooiii IS.
Offloo , B. Blh and I-careo-
worth 8l - Omaha.
John UarbOTtr. Agt.
Cnrrlaxc Imlldorn. IIo o
nnd pntrol wuituns u
IBIli , opi | Court lloino
BlDfCrtf tt tiuilcl
Clolliinn. notionfiirnlnh ,
IIIKS ( ilvo us n trlnl Mnnufra and whotetal *
prt'pnld by express clotblon. 11CW llarucy
press itroot.
LIME CO. , Mfrs. Ralrnnlied Iron
Bard end toft coal. B n. cornice , window cnps. .
ccr. lutb , and Douglas- melallo sUylUUta , etc.
tU. 1111) , ii2Uudgo. U
i. H. OLEHN.
Contrnctorj and sub contractors for nil
kinds of
building , plti'torlne , pilntliw etc. . will recclyoa
roii } of ( ilenn'onrclitteitn and builders directory
free , by nendlin : their nump , bimliuas nnd loca
tion , to the publisher. J. II. Ulcnn , 1IJ S lltli
oaroooosco. ,
oed , notions , fur- Dry KOods.notlona , gent' *
_ . .
--.ilng poods. Corner . lurnlihlni ; uoortn Cor.
llta and Howard Ms. llth and Uonard-sU
Upholstered furniture
, W I MX ! Mcholiu st Grace nnd Thlrteentk
\\liolcianloonlj- . siruota.
You'd better not waste any
more time if you expect to
get anything : from the gov
ernment. Unless you put
your claim on record before
March * 3 , 189-1 you will
never have another chance.
It takes time to put an ap
plication in shape , and there
is not a bit of spere tinn
left. Whatever you have
lost by the Indians , under
the conditions dcscribsd in
the law , can be recovered if
you go about it in the right
way. Tha Baa Bureau of
Claims knows just how to
go to work. Wiite and finl
Bee Bureau of Claims
Omaha , Neb.
Out Doors
If mon and women of nil ngos know
how uasy it IB to bloyclo how oiifo
healthful joyful economical nil
tlio world would oyclo As cycling
londa oxoruiaod of all out-doora. uo thu
Columbia lends the cycles of the
Hook about Columbian free at Col
umbia aitoncliiii , or Kent for tno two-
rentBtiunpi-l'opO Mfrf. Co , K.'l Col
umbus Ave. , lloiton.
National Bank.
Capital $193,031
Surplus. . * , , UJi , " J
Onlc r n4l > lrotiri-lleirr W. Vat.o 11 | I lit
II. ( iCmlilnTluaprailtJnt. . US. Utulat. .V /
Mors .Jolind. Ccllla , J , . < . IL Tatrloi LJ I A
ll * d. CaibUr.
Iir < JrnuUi > i-otufliit 'iin
( th and Douglas. VJulncj whllj luno.
HER K. DO. , FRIOK * . HER3E3r.
Liquor morchints. 111 !
llurnor-st. Mfrs Kea-
noJr's llait Ir.dla lilt \Tliolcsa1o liquor dcalart
Mrs. 11X11 tarnnu st.
tmpnrtprs nml Jobtmrsol
nillllncrr. notloni Mali
ordorn prompt. IW U .
lllh st.
Pianos orRans. artist * 1IWN. 10th St.
materials , eta 1118 music and muslcnl ln <
Douglas st. strumcuts ot all klnai
Mfrs of "K A 8" pants , Mfra oolabrated "UneS
hlrtn nnd nvornllj.ctu ekln" ororalls. pant * ,
(14 13y. lltlisu hlrta , ooats , etc. Ka4
Uoiaba ,
Eitabllsbpd , 1378.
BRANCH a , CO , ,
Prodtico. fruits of all
' ' OJi'1 " ' *
Our apoeliUlasi lluttjr , Duller , eheoio ,
OIKS nid poultry , 10U
poultry and
lluvrard streou tarn *
SlTSoutU 13ib Utroil
niuutti uu , ,
( EstnbllnhodlSSJ )
Wbolsalo butter A cggi Duttor , cheese , asm ,
IJUTB and ion , for , ; ! ' ' ' ' :
cash. 413 b. llth at.
BIOTorcpnlri and wntel
nlUaliinonls for any
kind of itora mad * .
1AJ7 Douglas.
. J. E.Mc GREW
IsniiBiiri ) issed in tlio trnifmmtof all form ? o (
PKIVATK DISEASES , and all dlsorlorf
nnd debilities of youth in I in itiliool. 17 yours'
oxperleni'ii. Ilia roioun'cH und f icllltlo-i ara
lir.ietle.illy iinllinltol. Tin ) I ) lutor N ruconi-
inondod by the prois , an I uadiir-n.l In ihti
Btroii ast torim by tin- people for fair trimt-
incnt and lumou profession il nilvlco. Th < l
niott powerful roinoillni known to modern
science for tlio miocos-itul Iroilmcnl of tliq
following illNnaBos :
QONOBHIIOliA Iminortli'to rellof. A com-
p'eto i-iiro ttlthout the \oa \ of mi hriur'n tlina
Iiom liiihlnnss , .
QLUnr Ono of the most oomiiloto an I uo-
cc ful tniatmontH for BU'Ot und all annoying
d kolmrjcsyot known to Iho molloa profoi-
blnn. The results are trnlv woiiilerful. 7
STKTCTUHE ( Jroitost knonn roniody for
the troitinciicof strloturo , wltliiiul p tin , cut-
tin-- , enl I itlnr , A mostri'inntk iblu romodv.
SYPHILIS No troatniont for thlx torrlbl *
b'oo ' 1 dlseaso ha * 01 or hojn moro tm 'ce fijl.
norlialHtronsforondor ( oMieiiln In the UK it
of modern mjlonco thiH d o IHO h ponltlvo y
curib oand uvory trace of the poison ontlrutjf
roinovi 1 from thohloof. . . . .
LOST MANHOOD , and ambition , nervous-
neil , tlmlilitv. iloipuiiiloiiay and nil wo.iknusl
ami dlsor-IiirJ of youth or minhooj , Kullot
otittilni'd at onci ) . . , . , , . . .
SKIN DIBEA8E8. and all dUoaRiii of tha
ktoma" ! ) , blood , liver , IdlnoyH and bladder
nro treated * u ocoisfully with the nroato
known rninodloBfor the dHoiRnii.
Write fnrolroulaM undone * lion Hat. frjo
Elastic Stockings
Weak Limbs ,
Varicose Veins
Swellings , all
sizes. Abdo
minal Supporters
ters , Deformity
Braces , Medi
cinal Supplies.
_ _ _ CO.MI'A NY.
114 S. iotlrit. , Next to Post Office
JIIJOU OI'UIIA K"frlptolndU. ( . "
"J.UJ.U , " Tlia Utah MaunctloairU
Ml01.IA"llio I.UlNK Half Wouaa
TUB ( JAI.I.OWB uicd la KiuiutliiicNell i > ( l 1'liU '
1OO. TO ALiIu. 1OO ,
i lueatgr Tlek ti Co iiud lOo.