7 t- FHE OMAHA DAILY TWENTY-SECOND YEAH. OMAHA , FRIDAY OH ING , JULY 1 , 1892. N UMBER 13 'APOSTLES ' OF REFORM Third Party Men Gathering ft Omahn for the Qrent Convcnti6r PLANKS FROM THE PARTY'S PLATFORM Harmony Among the Delegate ! as to Can didates and Principles. MANY DELEGATES CLING TO GRESHAM They Hope Ho May Bo Induced to Lead the Eoforrfi Hosts. DELEGATES ARRIVING IN LARGE NUMBERS Tlio tonvnntloii Hull Arriingoit to Scut Klglit TliiiusitiKl I'coplo Tlio hrrnm- lilo fur Tickets blnto Contention uf Iiidi'iiLMHlcnls at Lincoln. The peoplo's party will moot In national convention In this city at 10 o'clock on Satur day morning , The delegates are already be ginning to arrive and tho.ro nro Indications thnt tbo natal day of the republic the Fourth of July will witness tbo birth of u great political party which is to Do a menace to ttio old orgaimtilloiis which have ao long slrlvon for suprem acy In the nation. There Is not the Rllghtcst evidence of discord in any direction , nnd there seems n general resolve nil around to maku this convention a harmonious gath ering nt which Is to bo firmly cemented into ono symmetrical whole all the holorogcneoua elements that go lo make up Ihoso vnrious political nnd Industrial orders and associa tions that have heretofore refused to asslm- milato into any great political organization. At thu first day's session the only busitiois to ho transacted will bo thu perfecting of Iho temporary organization nnd the announce ment , of the committees on credentials , reso lutions und permanent organization. There will bo but few contests , and the commltleo on credentials will probably complete lls laborin one brief session. The committee on permanent organization will have more to do , but the committee on resolutions. Iho most Important in the convention , will likely bo one of Iho most harmonious. Agreed on u Plutloriu. These of tbe great rival political organiza tions who have hoped that the people's party would divide over questions of principle and not bo able to agree upon a common platform of declaration ! , will be surprised to know thai Iho people's party platform Is already prnctl- . cully ngicod upon. The loaders have boon I Won stunt correspondence ] for months past , and it's tacitly agreed that Iho St. Louis platform til February - shall bo taken us a basis , and that the only extraneous mailer to receive consideration will bo the denuncia tion of ihu force bill , Iho demand for .1 broader reciprocity than is offered by tbo party of lopnbllcanlMn , and the rondcmnu- lion of ttio recent tao ; batik plank adopted at tbo national domocru'lu convention. The platform which Chairman Tauboncck of tlio national executive Committee has In his pocket this evonliiL' . and which General Weaver , Ignatius Donnelly , Congressman Thomus E. Watson , Jerry S-mpson and ether lending spirits of the party ugroo shall bo adopted as Ibo war cry.ot . iho coming cam- puign , is CB follows : ri.itloi-m IMaulis. I. Wo demand n tialionnl currency , safe , sound nnd flexible , Issued by Iho general government only , a full Icgal'tendcr tor all dobls , public and private ; and that without the use of banning corporations , n Just , equitable nnd cllK'ient means of distribution direct to the pcopie , at a tux not exceeding 'J per cent , be provided , as .set forth in the sub- trcasury plan of | | o farmers allianco.orHOino bettor s.vbtom ; l o by payments in dis- charge of its obit llious for public improve- incuts. ( n ) Wo domain , Itreo and unlimited coin- ngo of silver. ( b ) Wo domain Juint the amount of cir culating medium bo speedily increased lo not Ic.ss than ? ij < ) per capita. ( c ) Wo demand a graduated income tux. ( d ) Wo bolicvo lhat iho money of Iho country should bo kept as much ns possible in the lia'uis of the pcopie , and hcnco wu de mand that nil state und national revenue Khali bo limited to the necessary sxponsos of the government economically nnd honestly ml ministered. ( o ) We demand that postal savings blunts bo established by the government for the snfo deposit of the earnings of the HOO- plo n.id lo facilitate exchange. 'J. The land , Including all tbo natural re sources of wealth , is tlio heritage of all the people , and should not bo monopolized for speculative purposes , and alien ownership of " \ , hind should bo prohibited. All land now \vlield by railroads and othnr corporations In J.cVcess of tholr aclual needs , and all lands hoiw owned by nllons should bo reclaimed by tlioVroveruniont and liud ! for actual settlers onlyX I. TVmisportntlon bclrg n means of ex- rhangi ] wind a public necessity , ilia govern ment shouii < j own and opa-ato tha railroads in the InterestofiUu.uoujU | \ ( a ) Tlio telegraph ni-d Vfjlophone , Uko tlw postonico nybluui , being il nccossitv for trans mission of news , shouliV-tV ) owned and oper ated by the govornuuyfit th tuo interest of the people. , . ' Tl > ,0 fnreii Ulll. Tn addition/to tbo above ( hero will bo n | 1miKwilicQ > U expected to ; fruatrato tbo herculean efforts that are lining exerted by thu democratic loaders of the bouth lo re claim tholr following from iho peoplo's party van ! : * This plunk will ba a denunciation of tbo republican force bill , andl \ will bo as ringing and us emphatic- ttio arraignment by Iho democratic national convention a week ago. The loaders of iho indopondout parly nnvo given this subject most cnroful consideration , | < ave weighed its effect In all Its details , und they umiounco that the dlo Is cast , that tlio force bill of the republican narty will bo denounced as tin unwarranted , dangerous and unconstitu tional Interference In state election * , fho nmiounccmcul of Chairman Tuubuncck of the national committee that ho favors such a plank U regarded us practically nettling the matter , us Tuubcnock ; bnlng a northern man und of past republican afllllations , would bo imluiullyexpected to oppojo the declaration , If opposition were to bo encountered , Hut Mr. Taubcnuck Is ono of the wurmust udvo- cities of the plan I : , ana says II incana the electoral votes of tlvo southern states for thj people's party presidential candidate this fall. The fear of the < orco bill U the las1 , bugbear _ by mcuns of which the dcmocrus of the houlh are striving to frlgntcm thfpeople's tarty man back Into thu dnmocrutlu ranks , clfo docs not fear any lui ] > los effect In the bfvrtb from an arraign mi to Iho force bill , > \cause \ , ho says , the \ \ bto n states , whcro \ peoplo'4 party nro HI 0113 st in the north , / i/uys have been opposed lo iho fotco bill , in addition to condoim ng iho force bill , / the plnUorm will ultoc'in ore ( ho Australian ballot law ns a neededrofjiiu in all tbo ttntci. I'reti from llijrtful ( 'oiitiMitlon * , In one very slBiiltlcant roipect could tbo old political parlies olTotd to follow the cx- ninplu that U bolng set by tbo people's party leaders In those latter days of practical poli tic * . Thorn nro no Hills'opciily striving for the political nomination ; lucre are no Clove- lauds with tholr Whltnoys on the ground tklllfully laying wires for later political triumph ; there are no Harrisons wltb u horde ofofUcoiCoUcw striving ( runtlculty for the glorification ot their chief ; nnJ there are no Utalt.os to receive the hero worship ot their adherents , but destined to go down In defeat with their Idolatrous admirers mourning and refusing to be comforted. The man who receives from the national people's party convention the nomination for the presidency of the United States will receive it unsought and it inunt come to him mi- beckoned. The nomination must seek the man nnd not the man Ibo nomination. Half a dozen prominent leaders of tha great Independent movement are freely discussed , but not ono has yet arrived upon the ground and noie Is making the slightest ciTort for that ercat honor which any ono might covet. There will be no headquarters opened for the ro- ceptlon of uncommitted or utiplcdo.l dele gates , nnd iho oadgos which wcro so conspic uous nt ttio recent republican and democratic conventions us expressing loyalty to thn per sonal candidate of the delegate will bo un known in this great Independent convention. The only emblem tUM adorns the breasts of tbo delegates Is a little metal badge worn in the buttonhole and bearing tbo inscription , "Tho People's 1'arty. " Will Seuk the 'Man. The selection ot u candidate la to bo the last work of Iho convonllon nnd Iho cholco Isle lo oo made after cala nnd tnaluro meditation. The magic of but ono name Is sunictont to tnko Ibis convention by storm and.that name will never bo mentioned within the precincts of the Coliseum , If the wisher of this great popular American nro to be ? respected. Walter Q. Oresbam of Indiana could have the nomination by thu merest signal ot as sent , but ho has forDtduon his friends lo allow hli name to bo mentioned In this con nection , and his friends are so loyal that they are disposed lo accept bis wishes as their law. law.The The other gentlemen who are prominently mentioned in connection with the presiden tial nomination are General James B. Weaver , ox-congressman from Io va and for merly the greenback candidate for tbn prosl doncv ; Hon. Marlon Cannon , president of the California farmers alliance nnd a prominent writer nnd worker In the reform movement ; Hon. Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesota ; Hon. John Willlts of Kansas , the farmers alliance- candidate who was defeated for governor of that state by but 5,000 ma jority ; ox-United States Senator Van Wyclt of Nebraska nnd Congressman John Davis ol the Fifth district of ICaus.li. 'Ibo only can didate for wnom any delegates have been in structed is Oenorul'Wcavcr of lown , ana it is probable that ho has not more than 100 , so that nine-tenths of tbo delegates will proba bly coma to Ibo national convention unin- structcd nnd uncommitted. Vlco I'ruitlilriitlal Nomination. Thorn Is a disposition to glvo _ tbo vice presidency to some live young campaigner of the party , and the eloquent Tom Watson of Georgia , leader of the people's party in the national IIOUBO of representatives , could have the nomination If ho would accept It. Wat son's chief ambition just now. however , ap pears to bo again lo wrest Ills district from the democratic hosts of Georgia , and ho says ho would rather defeat General Black , his chivalrous democratic opponent , than to bo oleetcd vice president upon me peoplo's party ticket. Hon. J. II. Davis of Texas , who accepts the soubriquet of "Cyclono Davis , " Is also mentioned for iho vice presidency , and his well known formisic abilities tilt all the qualities required of a candidate. Temporary Chairman. The temporary chairman of the convontlon will bo Hon. C. 11. Islington , n prominent larmurs ulllanco leader of Georgia. The first cholco of the national committee fell upon Congressman Tom Watson of Geor gia , but Watson has informed Cholrmau Tuubenoolc that bo cannot leave Washington at Ihls lime , as ho desires to record himself on various Important measures now on the calendar. An it was particularly desired that the honor should go to the south , Mr. Watson suggested Mr. Ellington for tbo temporary cbairn > an&l < ivnnd | -comi.iltloo has announced that this selection will bo rallflcd. The committee has not selected n secretary , but John W. Hays of Philadel phia , general secretary of the Knights of Labor , has been mentioned for the place und will probably bo chosen. WHAT Till : CHAIRMAN SAYS. .11 r. Tuulii'livck 'I'MIf * ol C'linillihltvs mul tlio Prolmlilo riiitlorin. Mr. II. B. Tauboneck , chairman of tbo executive commit lee of the iuOcpandont paity , arrived from St. Louis about 0 o'clock last evening. When nsl'ed by a reporter what in his opinion would bo the platform adopted by the convontlon , he said : "It will bo the nlatforin adopt Jd at tbo In dustrial conference at St. Louis. That is , the three plank- , referring to money , trans portation and land may possibly bo revised somewhat , but 1 do not oolluvo there will bo any material alteration of Iho principles ns laid down it St. Louis. In addition to those three planks we will have a utrong plunk op posing all federal interferences In elections. In ether words , wo will oppose what Is now Know as the force bill. At Iho same time wo will declare for Iho Australian onllot system of voting , a Ireo vote nnd a lair count. " "Will you have a woman suffrage or pro hibition plunk in tlio platform ) " "Xo , 1 Ihii'lc not. That question was dollnitoly settled at the Si. Louis convention. Wo have nothing In regard to either woman suffrage or pensions In tlio platform adopted ut ihu St. Louis conference. My opinion is ihnt they will ba dropped by the Omaha con vention. " "What will you hove to say in regard to free "ilvori1' "Wo shall declare for free silver and un limited coinage of bilvor , Just as the law stood in IhTI ! before silver was demonet ised. " "Do you expect the silver men of tbo west will become n part of your party and Join in the coming campaign I" Mlvrr Suites anil Candidate- ) . "Yes , l do. 1 have the very best assur ances mat the silver men not only of iho silver producing states but aUo of the niUlun are going to Join hands with us. I have re ceived a letter Irom General U'arnor , presi dent of the Dimctalllu league , saying the executive committee of that society has passed a resolution stating that neither the Minneapolis nor Chicago conventions had given any hope ot free silver , and calling upon thu silver men ol the nation to send del egates to Omaha lo confer with the peoples parly. The western silver clubs und Colorado rado have already opened headquarters at tuoMllliird hotel. " "Who are liitely lo bo the candidates before the convention ! " "That I cannot state positive ! " . The tide has been toward Llrobham , und , In my opin ion , bo will bo our nominee , provided ho can bo induced to accept , with a strong man from Iho south for vlcu president. I have rccoived lotteri from Arkansas saying that If Grusham U nominated no will carry that stain by ! IUOOJ , The same nous coinoi from Colorado , Montana , Washington and California. Texas favors Grohlium ; so does Kentucky , Ohio und Pennsylvania. Ho Is a perfectly satisfactory man to iho silver men of the west. From n prlvuto letter I under stand Weaver Is for him and will make thu nominating speech. In regard-to second place on iho tluUut , ttioro has been u number of mimes mentioned , but BO far , from iho corrcipoudencu I have received , everything is at sea. "Groshum would ccr'uinly bo the strong est man we could nominate , " said Mr. Tai'i'onecK , "If bo could bo Induced to accept thti-.fomlantioii , There uppears to bo much uncertainty as to tU position , but unless ttio Judge makes some dolinlto announcement soon the convontlon may conclude to nominate him. The truth is , however , tbo ijuobtlon of can didates lit not being discussed yet. if the picsidontiul candidate Is a northern man of courio the vlco presidential candidate will bo from the south. " Wurlc of Mio Convention , "Who will bo your choice for temporary chairman of the con\entlon ) " "Tho temporary chuirm-u , J think , will o > C , il. Ellington of Georgia. Our llr t clioloj wus Contrrossumu Tom Wulstn , but ho bus declined und recommended Uliingion. Tno present Intention of tbo committee U to accept Watson's recommendation and uom- luute Kltlngton , " " \Vtmt will your platform bol" "It will bu based upon tie St. Louis plat form , but will contain several additional planks , Ono will bo an arraignment of the force olll nnd another will bo nn endorse ment of tbo Australian ballot sys tem. Many delegates nlso favor the denunciation of the plank m the democratic plattorm demanding the repeal of the 10 per cent tax on state bank issue. The most Important declaration , however , will ho against the republican force bill. It will moan five states sure for us In tbo south nnd I think will bo tlio moans ot raising the total of people's parly states this fall to at least o'gbt. ' I have no doubt wo will carry eight stales and think the chnncos nro bright for ten or twelve. By ar raying ourselves against the force bill , wo toke the last legs from the democratic party fn the south , as thnt is the only argument they advance to reclaim their brethren from the peoolo's party ranks. Wo propose , too. In In Ibis convention to glvo tha old parlies a lesson In harmony. There will bo no bicker- Inrfs , no desecrated loaders , and no regrets to carry nwny und endanger the success of the ticket next fall. " IN STATi : CONVENTION. National llrl iRiitos . Srlcctnl nt Lincoln Amid ( Ire.it Kiitliiisliism. LINCOLN , Nol > . , Juno 30. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bii.J : : The state convention of the people's ' Independent party assembled nt Bohanan's hall In this city at U o'clocK nnd was called to order by J. V. Wolfe , chair man of tbo state central committee. Mr. Wolfe was made temporary chairman by ac clamation and his brief address was roundly noplauded. J. A. Edgorton of Buffalo county was made temporary socrotarv bv acclamation nnd C. H. PIrtle of Lancaster county was made assistant secretary. Tbo chair , on motion of a delegate from Douglas county , appointed a commlttoo on credentials , composed of ono delegate from each congressional district. The list is as follows : First district , Ellas Baker ; Second end , T. C. Kelsey ; Third , D. Collins ; fourthE. W. Mentor ; FilthJ. S. Kennedy ; bixlb , A. E. Sheldon. A commltleo on permanent organization wus appointed as follows : W. Stco'o ' , Ham ilton county ; D. Clem Doavcr , Douglas ; E. 1 . Inuorsoil , Johnson ; J. D. Ilatlleld , Ante lope ; Daniel Freeman , Gage. An adjournment was then taken uniil 2 o'clock this afternoon and .Mrj. McCormlcU , president of the Kansas Woman's alliance , addressed the convention , her remarks being opoatedly chooroa. Tlieic W TO No Contest1) . It wus nearly 3 o'clock when Cbalrman Wolfe called the convontlon to order nfior recess and the committee on credentials was not raidy lo mane lls roport. The Lincoln Glco club entertained the convention with u song , after which tbo commlttoo on cre dentials mode Its report. No contests were reported and the committee was discharged. The committee on permanent organization recommended that the temporary ofllcors bo made permanent and the suggeslion wus adopted. At this polnl Paul Vandervoort wanted all the old soldiers in Iho convcnllon lo stand yp and be counted. They did so , to the number of li > 5. The ox-confedoralos wore then called and live stood up , while the con vention gave three cheers for the blue nnd tbo gray. Vandorvoort then moved lhat the convention endorse tbo St. Louis platform by a rising voto. Georje Ahbott of Falls City opposed the motion because ho thought it m'ght ' em barrass Ibo national convention. A delegate from Holt county settled the matter by assuring the convention ; bat the only platform thnt would bo considered by the Omaha convontlon would bo the Sf Louis platform. Vandervoort's motion was then carried without , a dissenting voto. The work of selecting oljht delegates to the nutiounl convention was taken up. William ' liam Cruno of Jefferson county mado'a fervid apucal for the farmers , assorting lhat neither of tbo old parties had boncrcd the farmers by sending one to their national conventions D. Clem Deaver of Omaha mov < ? d that each congressional district select ono delegate nnd then the convention select the ether tv/o. The motion was carried. Sult'ctliig llin Delegates. The First district named .I. \r. Wolfe of Lancaster ; Second , .1. Kelly McComdus of Uouglas : Third , W. A. I'oyntcr of Boone : Fourth , I. I ? . Chamberlain of Polk ; Fiftn , W. A. McKclirtmn of Webster ; Sixth Wil liam Neville of Lincoln. Pending Ibo nomi nation of iho remaining two delegates , n glee ctub from Custcrcounty made its appearance and sang several songs to the dellghi of Ibo audience. They wont wild over It. Tbe Lincoln Ulco club sang "Got Off the Earth , " which called out another burst of enthusiasm. A martial band then tnado Its appearance nnd after ono or two selections. in which the bass drummer exerted himself to the utmost , leaving the convention in n condition lo llslcn lo .ulnioai nnyihing. It wa.s probably this fact which onablo'd them to listen with patience 16 a song enlitled. "Youcg Eli , " written and composed nud satiLbv a younu' dclUirato from Valley. At the conclusion of the tnlrlconth verso a dolo- gale suggested that. Ihero were htill two more delegate * to select. Silt Oinvn on ,1113Itiirroivx. . Nominations wcro called for , and right hero Is where ibo convcnllon proceeded lo sit down upon Jay Burrows. Poyntor nom inated General C. II. Van \\yok. Vandcrvoort named J. W. Edgorten , William Crane of Jefferson county , the same man who made BO Impassioned nn aprieal for iho selection of none but farmers , placed the name of .lav Burrows before iho convention , while B. F. Pratt of Morrlck county brought out J. It. Powers. There worn cneors for \ an Wyck , Edgorton and Powers , but the nomination of Burrows was rccoived with eloquent si lence. With a look of grim determination on its fiit'o the convontlon settled down to avenue itself for what It belloved to bo Burrows' treachery lo iho independent partv. The roll call was started und a < t county after county was called , und votes were announced for Van Wyck , Powers or Edgorton , thu friends of Burrows , If there weru such in Iho hull , listened In vain for a vole for him. The roll call was completed nnd before thu conclusions could bo footed up tbo nomina tion of Van WycK nnd Powers wus declared unanimous \\ltliout a dissenting voto. HiVu Ui-llliurutoly liimilttnl. Not a vote tad been cast for Burrows. The Insult was evidently Uellbarato und premedi tated , for all forenoon II hud been whispered about that Burrows would ho given a rebuke at iho afternoon session. Bufore Uio roll call was commenced Van Wyclt endeavored lo withdraw his name , but the con volition would not have It. Buforo ttio call wus completed the name of Edgcrion was ulso withdrawn. Mr. Powurd was called to the platform and greeted with an ovation of cheers. Ttiero were loud calls for Van Wyck , but ho had ills- appeared. A committee was sent In search of him. Thur found him nt the hotel nud re turned with him to the convention hull. Probably no mun in Nebraska has over boo rhonorod with so greuV an ovation as thui which was given ox Senator Van Wyck IhU afternoon. As hn appeared at Ihu ou tran co of the hull ho was greeted with cheers which vero redoubled as n half acoro ot brawny fanners hoisted him upon their shoulder : ) and advanced with htm triumph antly down the alslo. Delegates carried flags before him , while others waved them w.lldly in the air. The band started then "Sue , the Conquering Hero Comes , " but the Identity of the selec tion was swallowed up by tbe cheers unit wore bolng so lustily given. When ibo sen ator had regained his breath ho addressed Iho convontlon. thanking the members for ilie unexpected honor they hud conferred upon him. Ho then pioccodcd totulkiipon the Nsuoi presented bv tbo people's party , not neglecting to allude to thu manner In which ho hod boon trouted by ibo Indopand- outs during the past two yonrs. I'livur * lor thu Vuter.tiu. Tha business of the convention being priic- tlcallv over the delegates were ready for ad ditional onttuiblasm. It canui upon a motion that ll wus the sense ot the convention that ull exunion nud ox-con federate acldlon bj uumlltcd to the Omuua convtiitlon lu fur as poi&ibln , J M. Suydrr , a gray-beaded dele- gale from Slicrmun county , looU the plat form iu bUimort of tlio motion. Ho claimed , that the Independent , Carty WAS the only ono In which the blue and' gray could bo re united. An cx-confbdrr\Q In the audience joined the old man ou the ? tKgo and as they clasped hands the convention came to Its teot with n mlghtv1 hurrah. Snyder then called for all old soldiers to coma to the platform. Ono hundred and fifty men nt once mounted the stago. Catch ing up the big 'silk Hag belonging to the Custor county delegation , Stiydor waved It over tbo heads of the soldiers Mid then led a procession round nnd round the big ball. The building fairly rocked with enthusiasm for at least ten minutes. No similar scone has over been witnessed In n No- brasHa convention nnd It gave many n spectator In the gallery something of an Idea ot the ournostncsi and enthusiasm of the Inde pendent parly In this campaign. A tow moro spcccbos followed , but Iho convention hail exhausted Itself and was ready to go homo. A long-haired dolognt" from Endlcott named Urlns Keolo.attempted a speech. In which ho paid particular attention to Tin : O.MMti BnK , but ho tins culled to order by Allen Hoot ot Doueltt * , who assorted that the discussion of Tin : BitK had no place in an Independent convontlon. STII.IJ LOOK t NO TO ciitnsiiAM. Indiana and Illinois Ilulognten Ilopo tlio lililgi ) Will Load Their Hosts. C. A. Pownr , Satnyoi T. Jones and M. C. Hankln , all of Terre Haute , members ot tbo Indiana delegation , r.rrivcd yesterday mornIng - Ing wearing Grostmm badges. Mr. Power was thp originator of the Cin cinnati conference held a year ago. It was he who went to 1'lorlda-and caused thn call to bo made. Ho Is quite n prominent man In the independent cause. \ \ hen asked bis opinion on the silver question ho produced from his inside pocUetu resolution which ho said expressed his \taws exactly und which ho expects tbo convention to adopt. Hero 1 the resolution : "Wo ncmand tbo free and unlimited coinage oi jsllvor on equal terms with gold of present weight and fineness nnd condemn the action of the president in tittompllng lo barter iway the sovereignly of Iho American people over their domestic af fairs , through an International conference coniDoscd of foreign aristocrats ' , opposed to frco irovernmont. " x , Mr. Power i lor Groshnm with all bis might and snys his nomination moans noth ing moro nor less thi'.u his election. "But it Is understood Judge Grcslmm has declined to allow his pp.mo to bo used , " was stated. "Tnat is not tmo ; Jn the llrst place ho cannot decline something which has never been olTorcd him. Ho has been visited by committees , ills Iruobut _ iney were merely conferring with him and had no authority to act. I think I know as'.much about Judge Greshnm's attitude ou thi question of his candidacy as any man , as I was the llrst to approach him , and have , a letter with mo now Irom him written last February , in an swer to opo 1 wrote him. Ho has not de clined and I thliilt hol-wjll bo nomiuutod by acclamation and olcc'od , " "What will bj the ftsUltif ho should de- cllnn or if some other mau should ba the nominee } " "The election would go to the house , but wo lire not figuring on chat. Tlio country is on the eve of a palltlir.l revolution. Wo are going to have IbOJ rcusatcd , so far us breakIng - Ing up and reforming parties are concerned , and there U no man 1 < 'Ing today who can so stir the laboring masses and the poor man in Grcsham can. Ho is another Lincoln in the sense that ho is a m > 'it ' tbe people. " ' All Ciill'lii for. t'o.Judge. . , A second installu < ; it , of.tho ludlnnit dele gation. , headed bgaYnuol W. Williams. dcleg.ito-al-larfiO , : irriv'i. l at. noon. In the ' party wcro .himo. M. 'Shooard , a farmer delegate ; frgm the Kccond congressional district ; Hov. Their 'Wadwortn of the same district ; Ed Pierson , delegate from the Eighth district ; IlcMt' -Roolnsou. . stale president of the Farmers Mutual Bonotlt association ; Thomas Force , state president of tno alliance , nnd S. M Holcolmbof the First congressional district. Friondsof the latlor sav ho will bo nominated for congress , with almost n certniuty of election. Samuel W. Willtaim was chairman of the Indiana state convontlon. Ha declined to nu.ko any statement for publication , but in spoaklng of Judge Grasnam bo said every citizen of the Hoosloi state has the highest regard for and the greatest confidence In Iho Judge. Said no : "I know aim personally nnd I love him. Weaver nlsoblis a largo following In ourslulc , is a favnrilo witli iho alliance and also with 1)13 ) Farmers Mutual Benefit association. 1 have heard but little of Vandorvoort , but will stale ibat ono out of every twenty-six citizens of Indiana is nn Old soldier , and that may be considered favorable to Vandervoort. "I am very favorably impressed with Oir.uha and Iho hospitable and unselfish man ner in which thu htrangers nro being re ceived. Il Is the proper thing , however , ns the convontlon will Ma more to advertise Omaha than nnylhlnglt has over had. There are some remarkable features about this convention. It Is tho-llrst national convon tlon of the now part- , and will bo the largest political convention over held. Il will have 1,7T < ! delegates , and codio uoaror filling every chair than any ever hold , and there will not bo a federal tolllcetioldor entitled to u seat. Omnha Is larger lhan I supposed , nti'l the buildings are larger and bettor than 1 had pictured them. " Illinois WIIIIIK tint Judge. A. Ashton of Rocltford , 111. , a member of Iho delegation from that slate , came In this morning and made hfmsclf nt homo nt the Arcade. The Illinois delegation will consist of ninety-two members and Mr. Ashton ex pects from his fitato in all about : iiJ ) people. Mr. Ashton is for Gru.shum nnd was ono of a committee ot iwentv-flvo men who united on the Judge last week unticlpalion of Iho convention. "And did ho sav ho would nceepti" "No ; neither did ho refuse , Of cour'6 wo had no authority to snsak for the nutty but wo found iho Judge in perfect accord wiih us. I consider him nn lioncst-Tnim nnd do not bcilovc he would Iwvdpqruiittod the CP" " . . - tee lo leave wlibout . doclii"i" ; . < on his pirt If ho intended to rfliuou to allow the use of his name. " "What is your opinion on iho silver ouos- lion ? " "I am In favor of putting coinage back to where it was in lUT' ' ) . " ' Alter Principle' ; , Not .Men , Samuel T. Jones of Toiro Haute , ono of the delegates from ihu Hooiilcrstato.is quartered at the Arcade. In an lutervluw ho said : "It miilcos but little difterancu who the inau is it is principlewo me after. Wn have had too many generals In time * past and now wo wani Iho common pcvuid to bava a show. I am an old soldlor , served utidor Joe Hooker , and would like In sou a mail who has squinted over n northern gun uonlliutoJ ) for president audit confederate kolJIor for second place. Wo want to bury wai' grievances and that is tbe way lo do It. " , Tlio South U'milK Him. J. II. McDowell of jjashvlllo , president of the Tennessee state alliance , Is hero as a dclcgate-ai-largo. " -Vo are for Groshatu It ho will nccopt ; if not , Weaver. I nm an old-tlmo democrat aim only severed mv connection with that party ten days ago. . Tlioo nro iW.UX ( ) demo crats in my state who have left the party and joined us with in the pasttlilriy \ days. Wo want a northern mfai for president and n southern man for /econd placo. C , W. Macuno of Texas'editor ' ot tbo National Economist nt Washington , D. C. , would suit us for vlco president. The pnoplo'b party ulll carry Tomisiec. iu least wo hnvo a good llglinsclmucu. " Amuug the Tennessee delegates are John Ji'lllcorse , congressional lecturer for the Fourth district , G. W. ( iroon , delegate from East Tcuucs eo ; J. O , Roberts , f.tato lec turer aim doloiatatlarKo ; L. K. Taylor , editor of thu Teller , ( ho otllcia ! organ of the Htuto alliance ul'Nliitivlllu and dele ate-al- lurgo : John F. Browu of Bedford county , T. C. IMnnnr , J. W Jumos , Chattunooirii , member of the national cxvcuiivo commit tee" , D. M. Osbournu and J. P. Prlco. Alah.umr J'uople. I'lcitttul , J. C , Manning , chairman of the Alabama delegation , U editor of the Alabama Hu- iCO.XTI.SUKll OX SKCOND J'AUE.J ANOTHER CANDIDATE General Bitlwoll Noniinntod by the Prohibi tionists for President , JUST LIKE A REGULAR CONVENTION Exciting Scenes and Animated Discussions Oil the Floor of the Hall , MRS. COUGAR PUTS HER FOOT IN I AGAIN She is Galled to Time for Bringing Up Issues Long Since Dead. PLATFORM ON WHICH THEY WILL BATTLE DntugittrH Dlimgrro on .Many of the 1'lniiks The DiuMiiiii-ntK IIH finally Air < < cil On I'roci'tMlliigti of tlio Con. \oiitlon Tlio Tli'luit. Cincinnati , ( ) . , .Iniio : ) . Iliillctln Oi'ii- ornl Illiluvlt ol C.tlllnriini wim luiinlnatcil lor iifc-Hlilont on the Tlrst Iliillot i , O. , Juno ! tO. The friends of cold water got plenty of' it today. There was a torrlllc downpour of rain and iho delegates - gates lo iho national prohibition couvonllon straggled bedraggled into tbo hall this morn ing. The platform committee was still in session when the convontlon was called to order. The subcommittee made a report to the full committee at ! l n. in. aud a light at once onsued'ovcr tbo tariff and silver planks which had also torn up the subcommittee. The frco coinage men were defeated in the subcommittee and n plank wus submitted to tbo full committee antagonistic to absolutely free coinage. The tariff plnuk reported by the subcommittee was that of the Ohio pro- hlblllnn party. It declares for a graduated Income tax und tariff only where foreign na tions bar out our products , the revenue to bo only incidental. Prohibition is made as strong and eloir-cut ns possible and a liberal labor plank is inserted. The re pression of monopolies is demanded nnd ono term of a longer period for president Is fa vored , us Is also the arbilrullon of labor dis- pulos und government control of transporln- lion. The fusion qunsllon Is Ignored. The followers of General Bidwoll are elated over the result of the caucus of the Now Yorker * opposed to Domorost. They decided not to present Bascom's name , butte to vote for Bidwell. It Is claimed Bidwoll will receive throe-fourlhs of Djmorost's own delegation. .Mrs. ( ioiigitr'ii Tout In It. The reference to the slave auction bloolt in the speech of Mrs. Cougar last night led Delegate Ulbos ot Virginia to offer a re- > elution - lution soon after the opening this morning that It was the sense ot the convention that unnecessary reference ? to the late unpleas antness should bo avoided by the speakers , which was adopted. There was a sail for Miss WHIard and In icspoiiBo to iho urgent , demand sue came for ward. Her first words wcro n denial that she favored or over had tavored fusion with the people's party or any other. She explained her actions nt the people's party convonllon on the ground that she was willing tpaccept the aid possible from /armors / and worlilngmen. She closed by pledging herself and the Women's Christian Temperance union to stand by the prohibition party , .SlarlL'il Alter Cninpulcii I'miila. Dr. J. O. Evans of Abincdon , 111. , pro scnlod a plea for funds to carry on the campaign. Subscriptions of * 1.000 each were mode by the Voice , the prohibition organ , and W. \Varnwoll of Now Yoi K. Pennsylvania gave Sl.L'liO , Virginia and Illi nois ? 1OJU each , California and Wisconsin SoOJ each. Other subscriptions brought Iho total up to ? 20,0)0. ( ) The convention then took a recess until 2 o'clock. Upon reassembling the following reports wore made by the committee on platform : aiiijnrlty Report. The prohibition parly in national convon tlon assembled , acknowledging Almighty God as the source of all true govcrnmontniid His Ituv as , the standard to which all hum in enactments must conform to secure the bless ings of peace and prosperity , presents the follovvlng declaration of principles : 1. The liquor trafllc is a foe to civilization , the arch enemy of popular government and a public nuisance , it Is the citadel of forces Unit corrupt politics , promote poverty and crime , degrade the nation's homo life , thwart the will of the people and deliver the country into Die hands of rapacious class in terests. All laws that under tlio guise of regulation legalize and protect this trafllc , or make the government share In Its ill- gotten gains , are "vidoiib in principle und powerless ns a remedy. " Wo declare anew for the entire suppression of iho manu facture , Dale , Importation , exportation and transportation ot alcoholic liquor * us a beverage - orago by federal und slnto legislation , nna the full powers of the government should bo exerted to Bccure tuls result. Any parly that fails to recognize the dominant nature of this issue in American politics is undo- Horylucr nl the support of the people. . < . No citl/on should bo denied the right to vote on account of BOX , and equal labor should receive equal wages without regard to sex ; , The money of the country should bo Is sued bv the general government only In suf ficient quantities to incut the demands of business and to give full opportunity for the employment of lubor ; to this end an increafo In the volume of monov Is demanded and no Individual or corporation should ho allowed to inako any profit'throush its issue. U should bo made a lo al tender for tbo pay ment of alt debts , publics and privito. Us volume should ba fixed at a dolinlto BUIII par capita , and bo made to Increase with our lucreiso in population. 4.Vo laver the free and unlimited coinage of silver and cold. cold.Tin Tin Iff I'litnlc. .1. The tariff should bo levied only an a de- foiiho against foreign governments which levy a tariff upon or bar out our products from their markets , revenue being Inci dental. The residue of the means neces sary to nn economical administration of the government uiould bo nilsou by lovylnir u tax on what tno people possess insU'au of What we consume. 0. Knilroud , telegraph mid other public corporations should be i'Ontroll J by tlio gov ernment In tno interest of the people , and no higher charges allowed than Is nixoHsary to glvo fair Intwoat on the capital nutuuily In vested. 7. Foreign immigration has become n burden upon Industry , aud one of the factors In depressing wngos and causing discontent , therefore , our im migration laws bliould uo rovlsea und sliictly enforced. The tlmo uf rusldonco for naturalisation tmould bo extended and no imturaii/.oU p < .T on should bii allowed to vote until one year after bu uocoinm a cltuen. Alli'ii OunoivililM < il I.mill , 8. Nonresidents should not bo allowed to acquire land in this country , aud wo favor thu limitation of individual and corporate ownership of land. All unearned grants of liir.db to railroad companies or other corpora tions should lie reclaimed. U. Years of Inaction and treachery on tbo part of iho republican and democratic parties titivo resulted in the present reign of mob luw , nnd wo demand that every cliuon bo pro- tncteu In the right of trial by coiib'.ltuttouul tribunals. 1' ' . All men should bo protected by law thir to ' rest In in rlpht ono uay' seven. U. Arbitiution U the wisest and most economical pud humuno method ot Bottling nuilonnl ditt'i'i'mcc * . I',1 , .Speculuuous m luurfliia , coruur- Ing grain , money mid products' the for mation of trusts and comblnt s.for . tbo arbitrary advancement ot prU bould bo suspended , > 111. Wo p'.edgo thnt the Jtbltiltion party , if elected to power , wllFovcr grant Just pensions to disabled veterans of tbo union army and navy , tholr w' lows nnd orphans. 11. Wo stand unequivocally for the Amer ican public school nnd nro opposed to any ap propriation of public moneys for sectarian schools. Wo declare that only by united support ot such common schools , taught In the English language , can wo bopo to become and remain u hpiiiuogonous nnd harmonious people. 15. Wo arraign the republican and demo cratic parlies us fahotottio standards reared by their founders , as faithless to the princi ples of tholr illustrious loaders of tbo past , to whom thov do homage with their lips : as recreant to the "higher law , " which Is ns Indexible in political affairs as in personal life , and as no longer embodying tin aspirations of the American people or Inviting iho confidence of the en lightened , progressive patriots. Their pretest - test against the admission of "moral Issues" Into politics Is n confession of tholr own moral deponoracy. The declaration of an eminent authority , thot municipal mlsrulo Is "tho ono conspicuous failure of American politics , " follows ns a natural consoqnenco such degeneracy , nnd is true allko In cities under republican and democratic control. Each accuses the ether of extravagance In congressional appropriations nud both alike uro guilty ; each protests when out against Infractions of thu civil service laws , and each , when in power , violates these laws Iu loner and spirit ; each professes fealty to Iho Interests ot the tolling masses , but both covertly irucklo to iho money power In tholr administration of public alTalrs. Even the tariff Issue , as repre sented in the democratic Mills bill nnd Iho republican McKlnloy bill , is no longer treated by thorn ns an Issue upon the great ntid di vergent principles of the government , but U a moro catering to the different sectional and class Interests. The attempt In ninny states to wrest the Australian ballot system from Its true purpose nnd so deform It as lo render it exlromely dilllcull for now parties to exorcise the right ot biilTrngo is an outrage upon popular govern ment. The competition In both parlies for the vote of the Mums and th assiduous courting ot the liquor power and subserv iency to the money power has resulted in placing these powers in a position of prac tical arbiters of the destinies of the nation. Wo renew our prolost ngalnst Ihoso perilous tendencies and invite all citizens to Join In the upbuilding of u party that has shown in live national campaigns Hint it prefers temporary defeat to the abandonment of the claim of Justice , sobriety , personal rights and the protection of American homos , Minority Iteuort. The minority , composed of almost half of the members of the resolutions committee , through Wheeler of Now York , offered the following us a substitute for ihu financial and silver and tnrUT plank : "J'hu Issuing of national currency belongs 10 congress alono. as Hie representative- - > ov- crolgn power ot Iho nation , nnd should not bo delegated to private individuals or corporations. Insufllelcnt production ot und the variance of the relallvo values of gold nnd silver makes it impracti cable to relv upon cither gold or stiver for a safe , sound und sulllclont currency. Wo favor , therefore , the Issue of legal tonuor treasury notes , exchangeable in gold or sil ver bullion , on a plan similar to that which now llonts $ : ) ltOUOOi)0 ) greenbacks on th'i SIUD.UOO.OOO gold reserve and nialtcs Ihom more accept able and convenient tii'iu either u-old or silver coin. In the extension of this plan , rather than in the coinage of gold or silver , llos the solution of thomouotary prob lems that are disturbing till nations.1 1'or ttio tariff plank the minority ofored the following : "Oar taillT should bo so lov- led as to furnish ruvenuo for tbo nonds of trovornment ocobuiukally. nUmlnlslcrcd. 10 , lloving the nccossiliesof use by u mass of the people and for Iho benefit of labor , protecting American productions nnd manufactures against competition of foreign nations. Tno details of our tariff laws having occomo iho fool ball of party politics to the groal dis- lurbanco and dnniagoof our protected Industries - trios nnd commcrcu , we bolievu URb details could bu bettor adjusted by a tariff commis sion to recommend lo congress iho duties to meet tbo wnntt. of government , so grad uated as to protect American skill and labor against the competition of the woild. " The following Is offered by tbo minority as an additional plank to the platform : "itocog- ni/.lng and declaring that prohibition of the liquor tralllc has become tbo dominant issue in national politics , wo invlto to lull party fellowship all iliose who on tins one domin ant issue are with us , agreed In full belief that this party can and will remove sectional differences , promote national unity and in sure the bosi welfare of our entire laud. " All Tangli-il. The minority report , v/as signed by twelve inembcis. The majority report was taken up section by section and no serious trouble occurred until the financial and silver planks wcro reached. An effort was made to substitute Iho minority plank and caused u parllamcn- lurv langle , wlilch was further complicated by an amendment olfored by llaru of Illi nois , having In view us n substliuto for both , u doclaraton for the free coinage of iho A met icnn product , under certain conditions , Prof. DlcKlo endeavored to cut off debate , but ox-Governor St. John demanded that It continue. The chairman recocnlzed Dickie , but on appeal from thu decision of the chulr ll was roveried by n vote of IS'J toIM. . and there wus a warm discussion of the silver question. St. John nnd Ulll of California championing free coinage nnd Carscndden opposing it. Finally Ilartz' amendment was beaten and the minority ronort. was defeated bv a vote of : tJ7 : to IHi. ! Plunk No. ! ! , relating to finance , was then adopted without division. A vote by states was then taken on the fourth plank , ft being rejected by a vote of ; ) ; jr > to r.y.i . After tno free colnauo men wcro beaten an ciforl was made to strike out "unlimited" and adopt a resolution for "froo coinage , " but it was ruled out of order. The tariff light followed , but It took only a few moments to defeat thu minority plank nnd adopt the majority. Other planks wont through without amendment , though meeting with ouuojl- lion. lly u Ni > lirii Kii CliirKyiiiiin , Hov. Ueorgo Woo J by , n colored delojato from Nehraikn , offered in , addition to tlio "mob rulu" plank thu following : "Hollovlni : in iho purity of iho ballot and freedom of elections , wo denounce the two old parties for purchasing voles , fraud 'and Intimida tion. " 'I ho ninimdinunt was defeated. The n isHugo of the publlu school plank was creeled wltn vociferous encoring. Consideration uf tbo platform having boon completed a minority resolution , intended us an addition to the platform , Inviting Into iho party all persons who consider with the prohibitionists that the liquor question Is the dominant issuu , then came up nnd pre cipitated a light. Mrs. Ciougur , St. John and Strong , untl-fuslonlbU , opposed It und It was defeated. When Ht. John endeavored to huvo the plalloim us n whole pui on passage consid erable confusion arose and ihero wcro cries , " ( Jag rule , " raised. Uodgc of Michigan was recognized and of fered ait amendment to insert the words "consist of gold , silver und paper1' between the words -'should and bo ishuod" In the first line of the financial plank. It being discov ered tlmt the words had boon Inadvertently omitted , they wcro Inserted. Tno recognition of DoMgo wai a dangerous precedent , giving nn opportunity to renew the sliver aqur.bblo , much to the HII- noynncu of these who wanted to Mulsh the work , 111 feeling wus ill so engendered In another direction , and thorn was dunger of there being being u Bpllt , not only In the convention , but In Iho party , and of a uoit by BOIIIU momliiTs of tlio Now VorK , Pennsylvania und other dologu- tions , the financial and other economic plan us buiug OKtromely distasteful , The defeat ol the minoilly ickolutlon , making prohibition thu only teat of party loulty und ilia prin cipal tie still binding them lo Uici paitv , | COS11MUU OX 71111111 I'AQU.J KANSAS REPUBLICANS MEET ' Thsy Make an "Effort to Solool a State Ticket , but Do Not Succootl. i THREE VAIN ATTEMPTS TO NOMINATE. Prohibition It Kmlornoil In the rintloriit Adopted Homo of lit Other I'lnnks l"i\\orltes fur I ho ( liilierimturml Nomination Thrlr Strength. Tort.KV , Kan. , Juno M. The ropubltcnn state convontmn was cnllua to order nt 10:1)0 : ) by Chairman Uuchannu of the control com- inlitoo. Tim question which absorbs nil others Is tbo light ( or the gubernatorial tiotnlnutlon between Morrlll , Smith mul Murdoch. The llrst struggle between tlio factions was on the selection of temporary ary clmlnuan. F. 11. Duwos was noinluntcil In bolmlf of the Smith fore on , mul Judge Frank Mnrtluviu made n cmuiutnlo for the Morrlll combination. A ballot resulted la the selection of Martin. On assuming iho gavel ho made a vlgorout speech , which wiw well received. Com mittees were then appointed , A resolution of sympathy with Jaijio * G. Blalna niul fnmlly In their recent nllliotlon wa passed and F. II. D.iwos. the Smith cnndUlnto for temporary cbalrman , was called on niut spoho on the Issues of the day. After an address by Sumui U. Anthony on the woman suffraeo question and iho np- pointmont of thu various committees tbo convention took n rocosi until ! l o'oloclt. I'l-rmunmit Organization. Upon reassembling the commltloa on per- manmil organization recommended the fol lowing permanent organization : Chnlrmnn , lion. W. 1' . Hackney of Cowloy county ; soo- rotary , Charles M. Sheldon of Osuga county ; assistant secretary , C. O. Moore of Morris tounty. The other commlttoo nol being ready the eon vontlon proceeded to the selection of a stut contrnl commltlco by legislative districts. ' 1'hu credentials coinmlltoa raportud no con tests. Whllo waiting for the resolutions committee to report Hon. Dick liluo moved thai D. M. Vnlenttno bo rononilnatoJ for associate - sociato Justice of the supreme court. The re- numinnlion was tnado by iicclamntlon and the convontlon then adjourned to S p. in. At Iho evening session the early hours were occupied by spRcchmaklng , the plat form committee itlll being out. Finally at 0:30 : p. in. tbatcomrnilteo reported lhroup.li Hon. Georjro L. Douglas , lu chalrmnn. J'hu resolutions endorse the Minneapolis platform , fuvor legislation to prevent gutnbl- SIIR In futures ; endorse the recommendation of the postmaster general for governmental control of the telegraphs and telephones ; favor free delivery of malls In the country districts ; demand a ful ! , vigorous and manly enforcement of the prohibitory laws ; favor oqunl taxation and the assessment of all property at Its actual value ; dymaml a lioer.il appropriation by the state lor the exhibition of Kansas products at the World's fair ; do- iiumas strict legislation for preserving the Diirlty of the ballot ; favors an amendment of of the constitution so as to allow women to voto. Other planits relate to purely state affair. ) . After a long debate the platform was adopted , and then nt 12:15 a. tri. the conven tion urocccded to ballot for governor. The gubernatorial cumllaalas were Smith , Morrlll. Murdoclt , Wright and Hiddoll. After three ballots without a choloo the cou- vontion adjourned till tomorrow morning. MutMier.snn OhJuo'tH to'tlio Sotir.lo Cuiinlit. tiring thi ) Silver Hill Today. WASHINGTON , D. C. . Juno 80. When the senate adjourned on Wednesday it was with the arrangement , fixed up by unanimous consent that the bill for the frco coinage of silver would bo voted on at ! i p. in. on Friday , but when the sunnto adjourned today that ar rangement had boon entirely broken up nna the prospects for linal action on tbo bill ap Reared to bo as remote as over. It was Mr. McPhcrson who wrought the change In the situation. When the bill was laid before the honuto ho repudiated the unanimous con sent of the day before because it hud bcou made in bis noscnco , and in the absence of every mombnr of ttio tiiianca commlttoo , and because it was in practical violation of the agreement madu before the Minneapolis convention that no vote woulu bo taken on the Wl until after both conventions which meant , no contended , until senators who had boon attending them had returned to Wa-ili- Ington , which they had not all yet done. Mr. Morgan denounced Mci'horson's un willingness to ahldo by the unanimous con sent of yesterday a * a violation of good faith , and of the tradltionx of the aonate for cen turies and ho declared that the policy of delay would not succeed , but that the senalo would p.iss the bill and send it to the bouso In time for that oody to pass It also. As to Its Doing votoocl by the president , Mr. Mor- pnn expressed his conviction that it would not bo vetoed , but would bo signed. A motion to recommit the bill to the finance committee was pending when Iho senate adjourned , as was also an amendment to Mr. Stewart's substitute , which would seem to confine the free coinage privileges of the bill to thu products of American in In la after the ulll becomes n law. Conluronco reports on the noval , tbo Dis inct ot Col urn bin anil agricultural appropria tion hills were agreed to , iho last bolng ono ot three In which all the DOIIIIB In dispute were arranged. In view of the fact , which in without precedent , that not a blngla general npproprlatlon bill lias yet been sent to iho president , although the llscal year expires today , a joint resolution to continue the appropriations for the expenses of the government for ilftooii days from the end of the fiscal year wai passed by both house and sent to the presi dent. Adjourned. Jn tlio lloiun. WABIIIS-OTOX , D. C. , .luno JIO.-Ttio Joint resolution , extending for ilflcen days the ap propriation for the expenses of the govern ment , passed the liouso today. The repub licans then proceeded to filibuster against the tin ulatu hill and their efforts were MicccssCul In preventing Its consid eration. "The bill will not pass this bouse , " was thn prophecy of one of the loading mem bers of tlio ways und means committee , and "wo will pass it" was the dictum of a prom. Inont monitor of the democratic sldo. It being apparent that r.o conclusion could bo reached today , thu friends of iho mousiiro yielded to Mr. Doakory of Missouri to call up the conference report on the District of Columbia appropriation bill. A light ciibiioj on the proposition making nn appropriation for the ontortulnmont of the Grand Armv of the itupubllo , The re port was hont back to the conference. Mr. Hatch of Missouri Huuwlttoci the con- foronca riinort of the agricultural appropria tion hill. I'ondini ; action the hotiao ad journed. ' 'J'llIifi VltKnl'lt n'il.l , It Iff. I'nlai'lo'rtgimt * nutting Out. or Vuneiuulu to Atolil till ) ItetoliitlonUtii. ICnwirlvhtatlSMti'i fl'inltn llenntU. ] TniN'iinn ( via Galvoiton , Tax , ) , Juno 30. | By Mexican Unhid to tbo Now Yorlt iiorald Kpocial to TIIK BKii.J FruooUco Casanas , who wai Pnlaeio'is representative In Bollvur , fearing the veiiKounco of thu CrespUts , with whom his brother is allied , has Mod bore for safety. Ho hai no con fidence In the stability of ihu government of Ylllogas und feels confident of tbe ultimate triumph uf ( 'repo. The lutost now * ' ' " has toadied me from tbo bcuno of I' lution Is decidedly favorably to ' lm now complof Orinoco rivrrand thucnuiirillpil | ntltllll > HlbUlUlC HU forces ha nl o Ctti'dIhlwl , Ouirl.i nmlC'mnimno.i.y , Oo moll Blui ( P/ < , -su < u of lUo ! } < > > ' oontor of Uinulia oa ' a tllultj uiuotrlg