Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAIIA TjftlLY Bf ft : niURSDAY , JUNE 30 , 1892 ,
Thcro Was Kot Much in tlio Way of News
Crop Prospect * Continue Highly ruiorablo
mill tlio iiiroprun : Oiilluok U .Still
rinttcrliiK Now Wlicnt from
Kama * an tlio Moiiril.
fJniCAno. III. , Juno M. Tlioro was not mtirh
In the way of news today , but a foollns of
firmness pervaded most of tlio pits durlnp tlio
early part of thu session , but there wassomo
wcukncsi Inter In tlio day , when p.irt of tlio
gain was lost. Near tlio close , however ,
everything took a turn-up nncl the cloio wns
Koncrully siroiiK. The reason for tlio strength
In wheat was not very us cables wore
soti.o lower iinil domestics nulot. Crop pros
pects uuiitliitio hUlity favornblo und Kuro- prospects lira still Haltering.
Tlio flrxccnrlo.ul of now arrived from
toutliorn Kansas todny nnil wns of fine qual
ity. The harvesting l.clt Is steadily extend
ing und tlio yields urn reported fulrlv up to
expectations and the ( juiillty l.ssuporb. Ono
report from Kansas Oily suld that tlio crop of
Kansas oiild cxccoJ 80,00',000 ' bti. , or W,000,000
bu. In excess of lust year , but tills was not
credited. There was very llttlo wheat for
sale anil tliodemund was not urgent , thouph
fully equal to the oirerltiKs. Tlio receipts
wore fair ns to itiatitlty | but unusually poor
us tocimillty , iiKof the I8l cars inspected into
Ktoruonly one car v railed contract.
llradctri'dt's ruporluil u decrease durins the
insl week In tlio avaliiiblo supply east of the
Hocklcp of 1VJ.IUU bu. , whllo tne I'ncllle coast
l.i reused I.MI.OJO bu. July opened at 78iu ?
np.ilnsl TDJiO at thu close yesterday , advanced
bioi.dlly to 7 ! > ! ic. wouUunutl to Tile , grow dull
nml llrmcd up at the close and closed iitTOUc.
Corn was strong and hlKliur early , but suu-
Kcmiontly loit most of thu Improvement.
July Blurted uncliniiKcd at SOT.o and nil-
vniiced toM'io. but ttie higher prices templed
hollers and checked buying , and there was a
reaction to Ale , The market remained quiet
und weak till just before the close , when It fnlt
tlio uirects of the general strength and rallied
to and closed at M'it' . In the early dealings
oats went up sharply on the strength In corn
and dl coun.glnK ciop reports , but llko other
coins failed to bold tlio advance. The mar
ket Krcw excited on true buying near the
close and closed strong from JiC to la higher.
Provisions sympalhlrcil with the early
strength In grain and made good advances ,
but at the top some longs attcmptod to real
ize prodtH und the market went oil1 sharply ,
later there was a rally and the eloso showed
small gains.
Kstlmatcs for tomorrow : Wheat. 153 cars :
corn , 4.W eiirs : oats , ! MU ears : hog , 110,0,0 hoad.
The loading fiitiiresiran.'od as follows :
June 79 S 7W I 79
July 71)t ) } 76M
Annual 76M 71) )
Juno 71)iK !
ticpl 4'J >
June. 34H
July 34
bvi'l ' 31K
Jniy II .10 11 40 11 37
Bi'lil 11 MW 11 00 U U
July B87W n')2W ' ( I S3 Cl > 0
roiit im * 7 III 70U 7IHM
EllllllT UI1IH
July ! > ? ! * I 40 7 1:5 : 7 as
bopt 7 40 7 as T.17K
Caeh ( ( notations worn as follows :
KI.ODII Dull and unchanged ; winter nnt-
tntJ1.2ll.4l : winter strallb. } 3.7iQ4.U ) ! : spring
natentH , $1.11) ) 4.50 ; spring straits , ;
b.tLOTS' . J3.0Hti75. :
WIIKAT No. 2 spring. 7iHo { ; No. 3 spring ,
71c : No. 2 red. 8lc.
CntiN Stoutly ; No. 2 , niJioi No. 3 , yellow ,
in > 4c.
OATH No. 2 , 3 ? e ; No. 2 white , 35'c ; No. 5
will to , : r.
live No.5,7flc.
IIAULKY No. 2. COo : No. 3 , 48c ; No. 4 , 33c.
KI.AX PKII : > No. l. JI.UOIJ.
TIMOTIIV SISKD Prlmo , * 1.27l.u :
WHISKY Distiller ! . ' finished goods , per jral. ,
HUOAIIB Unchnnccd ; cut loaf , 4i © . " 'ic :
ftranulatcd. 44c ! ; ftiiiuinrd "A4jc.
Hccclpts und shipments today wore as fol
lows :
York AlurKiiti ) .
NEW YOIIK , .liineSO Fi.nuit Receipts. 13.213
pkss. ; exports , fiixi ! bit's. 1MOO su-jlcs ; htcndlcr ,
oioru actlvu : sales , " . " > ,8jO bbls.
C'oitN MllAir-KIrin. peed demand.
WIIKAT hecolplH , 14IUOI ) bu. ; oxpoits. 2' > 8'ii
hu. ; hales , 1I1UXW bu. of futures ; 1D.OOJ hu. of
spot. Spot stoudy. ( inlet : No. „ ' red , SlHSo In
store niul elevator ; UllittO'-'Jio iilloat ; 8UJ 4 *
Ol'ie f. o. 1 ; . ; No. 8 red. Ml'to ; ungraded rod ,
8 < ! e 4ci No. 1 northern. b7 ? ® Wic : No. 2 C'lil-
caso. Wi' OWic : No. 2 Milwaulico , Wiu ;
No. 3 BprhiK. 80 c. Options udvuiii-od , © '
on thu decreased supplies shown by the llr.ul-
moat statement and stronger nmrUets. Thcro
was 11 decline of fiiuon ! Into private en hies ,
easier mid rcullzln ; ' . , closing steady and tin-
changed fiom yesterday. Tradlns was of u
local swItchliiK order. Ko. 'J red Juno , 81KI-1G ®
Klc , closhiB at Miiio : July , BUSOiS" Mtle. clos-
liiK atKiJUc ; Auiust,87 : < a.S7BO ; oloslnc utBTUo ;
, Uctnbor . , . , , , , , b8toHic. elo.shiK ut 8io ; November ,
c. elohlnj at Dooombor.
KYK l-'irni , quiet ) weatcrn , MS9o.
UoiiN-KccclptH , 117.SOO bn. ; exports. 7f03
tin. ; snlcR , ) , 0) ) bu. futures , 12'itwo bn , spot.
Spot fair y aetlvo and stronger ; No. 2. GKiiOJiio
In ulovator , Ojii iome allo t ; unKrudeil , tlljic.
Uptons weiu generally lower early on In-
cruaso lu Hr.ulMroot's nnd lower cables , ad
vanced Viiaiiic on ll ht receipts nnd closed
Ilrm ut JlO'/ii ' oviir yostcioliiy ; June , colic ,
oloslnn ntMlKo ; July. 67c } , r > 7Jo :
AugtiHt , 6Miditli ( ! % qloslnit at fO c ; b'ontoiii-
bijr , fiS'iflSUi1 ' , uuisln at MJio : Uotoher , f)3 ®
UA16 KrccliitsulfiOObu. | exports , 12. " > ,000hu. ;
nalcs , l.'O.uoo bu. of futuics , ii.uuo bn. of spou
euco. ( i.
HAVtcady hut quiet.
iiiu-D uiiiui. . , Biiuu. common 10 choice. lla
SOct 1'iielllo const , lli25e.
SUOAII Haw , fair y active : imwovidn firm ;
ccntrlfuga.H lower ; fair rellulng. 2 13-ltto ; oon-
tntugali- tc t. lit 3 > iu ; hiileH , 7,500 bags
ccntrifir.'iilH.lKi teat , at 3i ! : fi.u.'i ) buna molassoj
inuari lullnud fairly uetfvoaud llnu.
MoLAssKH-Kciroiifn. Dull ; New Orleans
toady but ( nil ; common to fancy , 2535c.
KICK Auho."u
1'WKOi.KUM-Hloady ; United , no sales.
' i1"0-11" ? ! " ° " --Ul'll " " 'I < J * yi oriilo,20o ( ;
TAt.i'ow-Qulct and steady ; city ( UOO for
packing ) . 5''o
ItosiN Dull hut Bteiulv.
| ut .
Kilns K lr und fancy In modoruto supply
' ' 11" " W * " Wu-lu '
. ' " "K-Moderuto demand ami
{ , ; old im'.s ,
. . .V ! ! 7i.l' l' "T8.lnnl.1 ) ? ! ? ! cL ° tLb.Jcs ! ! s ® 1 !
August ,
at J7.SS
. . . . . . .n M'oderato demnnd , strati ; : ; weRtnrn
oulry , vukturn I'loumcry , IW.'Vui
wunturn fiictoiy. . . . ISttlJJiu ; KlBluSlMO3.V.
1 " " " - " - r. demand
, stouily ; part
I'ul IIION Qulot ; American , JI45OI0.25.
Con-KU-Dullt lake ,
.KAii Klrm ; domostlc.
l.Uerpuol .Miirkuts.
l.lVElll'OOl , Juno ' 0.-WIIEAT Steady ; de-
maiid poor ; Holders olTer moderately ; red
xveneru tiprlnsr. ( a 7d6tra (
uor cental : No. 2
red winter. C Oljdaos b d.
C'oitN btoady ; domuiid poor ; mixed west
ern. 4 UU < 1 iior cental.
llACON-jl.'w ul per cut. for Ions and short
oSeur middles , ulout fi5 lbn. | 3s CO. tor long
clour lulddli'H. ubout 45 Ibs.
LAUD I'rlmo wcnern , Us fd per uwt.
Cotton -Market.
New Out-c.iNH , In. , Juno 20 , Quleti nild-
dilu.TUu ; low inlddllns , 011-irei Kood orul-
iiury.03.lCc. Not receipts , XT bales ; gross , 2. 8
buk-k : ( . 'xuort * to HrHaln. 2.SOJ baivt ;
toiittwUf. CIO ballshitlov , 05J bulca : utook ,
| .UtHl Luil-K.
Omaliu 1'ruduro .Murlift.
r os Itrrclpli ilbvral ; general market. 12u.
lltrrrun-l'ncklii ? took. If uotHl , UOISui
fiinili louiof utru cholconwk to lotull trudc.
I'oL'i.Titv Good old licm. ( XSi'oi rootteri ,
glow , tmi nurlui ; chicken * . t..S CI.OJ.
, LTU-NO , i Ktovu hiau , 3cj No , t
crccn dalteil hldo , nvo ; No. 2 Rrcon salted
ildui. 2' ci No. 1 grocn snltoa hhlct , 2 % to 4J
bs. , 3 > { c ; No. 2 green salted hide * . 25 to 40 Ibs. ,
2Mc ; No. 1 calf , 8 to r , Ibs. . Co ; No. S veal
calf. 8 to l-llbi. . 4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides , 7e ;
-fo. 2 dry Hint hide ? , 5c ; No. I dry salted hides ,
300. Slicop I'olts-Urocn salted , ouch , 3 > cJ
1.25 ; green silted shearings ( short woolcd
pnrly skins ) ench. I5s.ic > dry Rhcarllngs
thort woolod early skins ) No. I , each. MllOo :
dry.BhoiinlneB ( short noolcd early skins ) No. 2 , ; dry flint Kansas and Nebraska butch
er -wool potts , peril ) . , actual weight , 1CV314HC1
dry flint Kansas nnd Nebraska ninrniln wool
nultx. tier pound , actual weight , E { l2c ; dry
lint Colorado liutclicr wool polls. pir nounil ,
ncltial wotzht , loISet ! dry flint Colorado
niirratn wool pelts , per pound , actual weight ,
44IOc ; dry pieces nnd luck ! , actual weight ,
' Tnlluw and ( lron o Tallow , No. 1 , 3 > , { t8
c ; tallow. No , 2.ilUo : ; greiim > , white A. Il'ioi
srcaso , whlto II , 11140 ; grcu n , yellow , 3o ;
grease , dark. 2J c ; old butter , 2o ! ; beeswax.
ptinio , 103250 ! rough tallow. Itift'-'c.
St. Louis
ST. I.ouis , Mo. , Juno SO. FLOUII Dull nnd
WHEAT Went off 'iocnrlv , but soon turned
and advanced lie. later duollncd , but closed
! iUo above yesterday ; tush. 7"ici July
3loscil ull'JiOiiUoi August , 70'ic ; September ,
Coitx Advanccfl pretty steadily and closed
' So higher ; cash and July , 4lVo ; Septum-
, .
UATS Higher ; cnnh. 3l'c ; Juy,31c ) ; August , .
BO'io ; September. liolstt.OMc.
Hvii I.oivor nt'Oc.
HHAN Quiet ; G0 < & 0lc , oust truck.
HAV Dull and unchanged ; timothy , 510.50 ®
10.00 : prulrlc. * 3.riO@IO..V > .
I.KA n Steady at tl.0.1.
llUTTKit Unchanged ; creamery , IffflWe ;
dairy. 12 ? , IOc.
Kons.-Unclmngcd ; llfftltHe for guaranteed.
UoitNMKAII.owor ut $2.30iQ ,35.
WIIIHKV Steady nt $1.10.
IMIID IllRhcrutG.700,75 , according to the
jr.ind ,
I'omc Higher , nrm.
HKCIIITS Ii'iotir , 4.000 Ibs. : wheat. 35 003 bu , ;
corn , 4i.M : ' ( hu. ; outs , 3I.OOJ bu , : rye , l.OJO bu. ;
jarluy , none.
BIIII'.MI\TS : I'iour , 5,003 Ihs. ; wheat , l.OOObu.
corn , 1UCO bn , ; rye nnd barley. 110110.
City Mnrkcts.
Wuuk nii'l lower ; No. 2 hard , OIJ45itJOJie ; JJo2
rod. OTGO'Jc.
OOIIN Steady ; No. 2 mixed. COo ; No. 2 white ,
OATS Very weak ; No 2 mixed , 23 > { c ; No. 2
vhlte. Me.
ItW Steady : Nd. 2 , nominal utCSc.
I < 'tAxsKiu : Die.
IlltAN Steady ; sacked , 5.1c.
HAV Weak und $1 lower : timothy , 58.00 ®
O.COj pralrlo. * 5.507.00.
IIUTTEII rirni ; cnmtncry , Il18e ; dairy ,
Kuns-Qulet nnd steady at 10e. !
ItKCCll'is Wheat , 42.UOJ bu. ; corn , 22,000
un. ; outs , none.
Sllli'MKNTS-Whcut , 37,00(1 ( hu. ; corn , 21,000
bit. ; oats. 2,000 bu.
New York Dry Uomls Market.
Nr.w YOIIK , Juno 20. Business In dry coeds
wns more restilctcd to the specialties lately
m the market , prints , ginghams nnd woolens.
Miring weights are having a goo.l movement
'or the early stage of the season but the
market will not ho fully open In this direction
before the mldd o of .Inly. Agents of prints
undo thu following opening prices : 1'nclllo
'ancles , soarlots and robes. O'ic ' ; cochin fancy.
Olio ; Merrlnme , fancies rods , purples and
links , 0)ic ) , Mcrrlmnu shirtings , prints , 4ic. !
Now Yoitit. Juno29. Options opened stonily ,
incliangcd to 5 points advance. Sales. O.DOU
jags. Including : July , $11.1)3 ) ; August. $11.00 ;
; cDtombpr , $11.05 : October , $ il.W ) ; Docembor.
. Spot Rio , firmer , more active ; No.
Mllwunl < e Markets.
MiLWAuunn , WIs , Juno 29. WHEAT Firm ;
Soiituniber. 77&c ; No. 2 spring , 77c.
UOHK Klrm ; No. a , ! 7 < aiSc.
OATS rirm ; No. 2 whlto , 3jia30c ; No. 3
white , aijiaasjje.
Traders' Tulle.
ClliCAno. III. , , Ium > 29. Coun& & D.iv
toCocKicll llros. : The wheat inarkotvas a
tumc ulliilr , nnd although conslderablo rattier
bullish gossip was iillout it fulled to cnthuso
operators In fuco ot the uncertain notion on
the Hatch bill tomorrow. There was * , however ,
enough conservative buying to give the mar-
Kut a slightly firmer tone , bused on
the observation that reported prospects
of shortened crops in India and
Itussla have caused a sharp upturn
In llrltlsh nnd continental markets , which
loads homo to predict a repetition ot thu bull
furor of liibt August. Farmers will got Rood
pr.cus this year If politics will allow. Corn
ruled Qriu and made u slight gum on hoavv
buying bv the country. Thu late hull clique
huvo apparently sold out urd turned their at
tention to buying oats , uhleh caused a sham
upturn In that cereal , Provisions wore
Irregular , hut closed s.lghtly higher , with
local bulls in control.
CHICAGO. 111. , Juuo21) ) . V. O. Logan & Co. .
to Duncan. llolllngor & Co , : Wo have had
a quiet day In wheat. July opened at78 , ' c ,
sold up to 7UJo ! and closed at TUJic. Tliero Is
no special feature lo It. Cable advices from
Kngland and the continent are only steady.
Koports of our own crops i > ro good. Until
our own crops are secured and more known of
the foreign crops wo sco nothing to buy It on.
The market Is weak und looks lower unless n
hotter export demand comes. Corn Is strong
and we believe It will sell higher. It Is sato lo
buy on Ml breaks. Julyopuuad at Me. closed
at ! Conslderablo excitement In o.its.
.Inly opened at IIJJ c and closed at iUS3le.
Tlio accounts from the country are poor of
the growing crop. 1'rovlslons In sympathy
with corn weiOhtrong. I'ork for September ,
811.55 ; lurd.f7.OA : ribs. Jr : > . 1'orK for oeplem-
ucr ut ill.&l Is too low with i Ibs ut * ? . : tj.
CincAno. III. . Juno21) ) . Konnelt. Hopkins k
Co. to y. A. McWhorter : Whout today
traveled over about the sumo cround us yes
terday. Cables wcro u little llrmor and the
iiioveinentH from primary markets wniollb-
oral. Ex ports weio also faltly Rooil.butnow cn-
Kacumi'iits ll ht. The now eroji news con
tinues favorable. The showers have gener
ally mlssod harvest Holds and a peed deal of
f ruin has already Leon secured In Southern
Indiana. Illinois , .Missouri and Kansas ,
harvcBtlui ; belli , ; done south of thin.
The now wheat Is uotclunlng
to move. The moat of the principal winter
wheat markets have already lecelved bomu of
It. If the weather continues seed It Is thought
that the movement will bo Koncrul. The qual
ity Is very lino. The trade la ccnurally ho
bnlllhhoti corn nnd outs that , otronnss con
tinuing light , prices uro not only well main
tained but advance whenever tbo news
Is uiiywuy bullish. Nothing but u peed
government report will satisfy opera
tors that more than two-thirds of a
crop of corn Is possible , Provisions started olV
strong , but eased elf Is claimed , on
roulklng sales by the bull people.
London 1' Jtlov. .
IosiiON.liino2a [ Now York Herald Oublo
Special to Tun Iir..1 ! : There Itus boon u
marked absence of now business In thu Stock
exchange toduv , operators being disinclined
to do anything us thu : o\ullumeut of thu elec
tions draws near. Thu progress of the huttlu-
iiii'iit , however , has provuntud morbors :
being completely Idle. Consols Imurovod .i
and i nor cent , Indian rupee paper It from
It to "i per cent lower. KoroUn government
securities close a llttu Irregular. 1'oituguusu
lias been freely olferod and mark u de
cline of per cont. Spanish are uUo a trlllo
uahlor while I'icncli luutcs , Greek bonds und
UiHslun fours are better. Some railways have
iivcn Minor nun nil any , notwlllistiinillng the
favorable weekly tralllc returns. The
Ilrlghton working Btiitemeni for May is not
consldciod batlstactory , Ilrlghton deferred
has given away y per eent. nnd boveral others
leave off ) to f > per cent lower. American
railways close somowhut less flat than they
have been. Dealings throughout the day
huvo been entirely confined to Insldo opor-
iilow , ti > o publlu doing nothing. At preuont ,
bnyniiil'i per cent In Chicago & Milwaukee ,
the fall In prices does not exceed ! i to " per
cont. I.ako Bhuro Is oxccutlonitlly high
er on the duolarutlou of Increased
mvldeml. Caundlan lines close dull , but
Uraud Trunk are ubout their worht , prefer-
unccs showing a decline of U to ? i per cent ,
Canidlan I'aclllo are ' pur cent easier. At
UNual , ut thu end of a half year , money hns
been moro wnntod. Lenders have been able
to obtain lii to 2 per cent for short loaim. The
dHcoiint niarUut bus also boon rather Ilrnier.
two threu months' bills bolng quoted at 1 pur
rroportluim or tlio Spi < nulatlon Contliiuoi
htfiidlly to Dwindle.
NEW VoiiK , Juno Sil Tlio proportion ! of
the mock speculation continue * steadily to
dwlndloi'iul ' oven thouith from time-to time a
tow stock * develop ucortaln iimonntof nnlmu-
llon with coiupuriitlvoly wide fluctuations ,
the wholly professional nature of the trading
robs tlio movement of aljuilllcutice. In the
best opinion the holiday olinruutor nt thu
murkut Is Ilkoly to continue till after the
effect of the July dlBbur oiiiont Logins
to . bo fe.t
und for the rot o
this week nothing of iiny hind Ute
to ho expected of thu market. The Ulalimoni
& Wust Point iitTulr furnlshod a nubjcct for
conversation and conjecture , but wnllu tin
report Uiuod hy llruxol , Mornun , t Oo. wu
encouruglii'- Indlcutlni ; the foimlblllty of i
reorgunliiitlon , noonu wa * bold onouuli tolu-
dloatotho lines upon which It would ho car
ried out or the U'ustli ' of time It woulk tuko to
uvcompiUh t. 'IhoBtatt-muliUof the Vun-
deihllt and Heading linen wuro rnthor oncour-
ugliiir , but the offuot u fur au Wall Htreet , N
lonci'rnod In hardly lu
apparent uuy dlreo-
' * 'l\e Jait dcclHlon In favor of a wliUky trtut
olllclnlly ad vJincud the prlco of muck H per
ociitjtl thu oiH-nliiR but thu linprovomun
could not bo hold , and uv lu the rum of tliu 1U
the kialu iiiollud uwity whllo furlhur fruelloiiK
wuroloiU The murkut an u whole wan duller
und tuurt ) uulutvruHtluv thuu that of uuy du ;
astweek , hut hcshlos Distillers only Chicago
Jas suffered n loss of more tlnin tbo &tuallost
rHctlons. Thn coverings of ihorts helped the
mrkct In the late dealings and the close Wns
uleinnd firm generally at something under
ast night's prices , though cxlondcd topper
put. and the only ndvatico of notownstnat
f I'li pnrccntln i.aku Shore. The transactions
piiciicd only HS.K'ti listed nnd M43 unlisted.
florcrnmont bonds have been dull und
Iniidy. State hon s dull nnd steady.
The Post s.iys : Thu general nmrkot , thouch
ull up to the last , closed unmistakably
tronger. n very encouraging fact when It Is
onslaorod that inostof the day's news wns
Tlio following are the closing ouotilluns
or Iholoadlng stocks on the Now York Stock
xcluingo toduv :
itcldion . . . . . do preferred , * .M
A'lnmi Kxnrcts . N. V. Crntrnl .
Alton , T. II . 3.1 N , V. , O. A St. li . 10
do preferred . ISO do preferred. , , , . . 71
American Kxnrcss „ 117 Oulo A MI'slMtppt. 20
: nnnillnn 1'nclllc. . . . Unlnrlo \VcMurn. . 18f
'fliindnHoutliern. . , , Orcxon ImproTem't. 21H
rcntrnl 1'nclne . 8U Oregon Nav . . . . 72
Clics. A Ohio . UreKim Trnns . 14H
do lot preferred. . . I'ncllle Mnll . MX
do Vrt preferred. . , I'corln , Dec. & K. . . . 17JJ
Milcnifo ft Alton , , , . 113 I'lttsbiirn . I1J
c. , ii. * y . 10IM I'ullmnti t'nlncc . Its
! . , C , . C. &St. I , . iS11 Ucndlng . I0' (
> olnnnrcX Hudson Itock Uland . ttiH
) . . I * & West . ' St. 1 * > t8. F. UtpfJ. 7HM
) . ft It.d. pM . 'SIM St. 1'nul . M l
* R9tTcnneini. > o , . . . do preferred . 1 7
do l t preferred. B9 St. I' . , Mln. A. Man. . 115
do7il tirofcrruJ , , . 10y St. 1'nul ftOniaun. . . 1KU
Irlo . y- do prcfcrrcil .
Jrlo preferred . y01 Tenn. Conl A Iron. ,
01S" Toxns 1'acltlc . .
i ; . in. . . . . TOl. * O. U. pfd . U )
Hocklnn Valley. . . . S7U Union rncltle .
Illinois Ccntrnl lOjli II , S. Kxpreis .
St. 1'nul A Diltlllh. . U Wnbnsh. M. IA 1' . 1U <
. UUK do preferred . 2' > ! 1
, nl.o Krlo ft West. zw Wella-KiirKO Kx . HA
mko Krlo.V W. pfd 7.114 Western Union . IX )
nkoSlioro . U5H Am , Cotton Ull , . . . U' ' <
.onlivllloft Nnih. . Culorudo L'onl . -14J6
, otil vllloAN , A. . . lloiucttnko . 14
lemunls&Clmr. . . 10 Iron Sliver . IX )
llclilean Oeatrnl. I08MJ Ontario . S'J
IH.,1 , . S. AW . IK ) gulcksllvor . 4
do nrofeircd . iw : liulwcr. 01
Hun. A : St. I , . iwMi Illch. , V W I' , term. 01fit
do preferred . Wlscom In Contra ! . . 18
lla-onrl 1'nclllc. . . , Great Northern pfd. 1T !
Ijbllo.t Ohio . , . ,
CnHlirllloClintt . Lend Trust . W
V. J. Control . SiiKnr Trmt . tS6
Norfolk ft Went | ifd Southern 1'nclllo . . . 87
Northern 1'nclllc. . . . 20 ! i 0. 8. U.VU. .V . 81 '
ilo urcfcrroil . 6t % it. G. w . : it < i
U. 1' . Dun. , Viulf. . . Wi do preferred . 72
Northwestern . UttH Distillers . 4VM
Tlio total sales of stocks today were
shures. Including Atcliison , ; > , . " 03 : CluuiiKu
Gas , lli.V ! ) ) | Delaware , Jickuvmnuu : < b West
ern. 2,000 : Krle. 2 , | j ; Lake Shore. 2,393 : Head
ing , 25,10 * ; St. " " -
Now York Manny Marker.
NEW YOIIK , Juno ' > . Mo.vuv ON OAr.r , Kusy
t llt ! < 5W per cent ; lust loan , " per cent ;
loscd olTorcd nil ! pcroout ,
gTuiti.tKo KXCIIANOI ; Quiet , hut Blciidy , tit
1.87 for slxty-duy hills , nnd ftSSU for do-
mnd ,
The closing nuotntlons on bonds :
I. S. 4 reir Mutual Union Us. . . . Ill )
) . S. Is coup 117W N..I. U. Int. Cert. . . . m
U. S 4Hs ret ; 100 North. I'ncllle lets. . III )
l'nclllciisor'05 100 North. Pnclllc 2nds ,
oulslnnait'pcd 4s. 1'J Nortliwcgtern Con. .
'cnn , new sot. ( is. . . . Northnast'ndebSs , .
Vim. nen 3t. ,1s. . , . St. I.A.I.\I. Gcu.Ss.
'cnn. now pet. Us. . . SU I * AS. F.Oen.M.
"nnnilnMo. Vnds 10.1 St. 1'nul Consols. . , ,
Central 1'nclllo Ists. . 10S st. i' . a Ai' . 1st. . . . 120
Den. A U. G. Ists. . . 111 ! Tex. I'.UG.Tr.ltcts 7
Den. Alt. U. 4 65 Tot. 1 > . ll.G.Tr.llcts 20
Crlu 2nd > 104U Union t'nc. Ists 1W
I. , K. AT.ion. Us. . 60 West Shore 10 %
I. . K. & T. Gen. is. . 4C.M U. . W 82
bid. tasked.
llostou Stock Jlnrkut.
BOSTON , Muss. , Juno 20. The following
wore the cloalim prices on stocks on the los-
on stock nmrkot today :
Vtchlson ATopckn , lloston A Mont. . . .
iOBton A Albany , , , C'nlninct A llccln. . .
lupton A Mulno. . . . 16.1 Cutnlfn ' *
c. H.y Kcnranuo , ,
ItclibnrK K. It Usccoln 21) )
'lint & 1'ero JI SOVj Santn Ko Copper. . . . 10
IIISH. ( . ' ( Mitral 174 Ttinmrnck ICO
lux. Cnn. com III lloiton l.nnil Co. . . .
N. V. AX. tt 37 $ rm DICKO l.nnd Co.
do 7s iia > Went inil : l.nnd Co.
Mil Colony 18.1 Hell Telephone
tutlnnd pfd 72 LnmsonMcro S
Alluucr. M. U. ( new ) . 75 Wntcr I'owor
Atlantic 75DM
Now York Milling ( Jiiotutlons.
Junoi.0. The following nro the
loslu ; ; mining stock quotations :
Axpcn 10U llomcxtuke UJD
11. AD 145 IIornMlvcr u20
Con. Cnl. A Vn 310 Mcxlcnn 120
> eidwood T. 2IS Mt. Ulublo 1UU
Curckn Con Ill ) SnvDEO MO
Into A Nurcross. . . . 120 dtundard 1M
financial Notes.
OMAHA , Juno 29. Clearings , $1,081,011.
KASHAS Cuv , Mo. , Juno 29. Clearings ,
, 'AHIB , Juno 29. Three per cent rentes , 09f
for the account.
Xaw YOIIK , Juno 29. Clearings. 890,031,033 ;
balances , &lC3S,7iw ,
tlEMi'ins , Tonn. . Juno 29. Clearings. J'170-
392 : balances , $243,411. Now York exchange
selling at * 1.W.
CINCINNATI. O. . Juno 29 Monov. 3 < 35 per
cont. Now York exchange , liffi-3 per cent.
Clearings , $2.32.sliOU.
NKW CHILEANS , La. , JnneMi Cloarlturs. $733.-
500 ; New York oxchangc , commercial , 5Jc ;
bank , 81.50 per $ l,00tt
HOSTON. Mass , Juno29 , Cleurin' ! L > ouso bal
ances , ( ! ; Cull loans 2ii ; : per cent.
Time loans o5 per cent.
ST. Louis. Mo. . Juno 20. Clearings , jii73.M2 : ; ;
balances , ftTill.UQO. Money , quint , 4SB per cent.
Exchange on Now York , 75u preiniuni.
HOSTON , Mass. , Junu29. Cloiirlnps , $ I ,0S.- ! )
105 ; balances , JI.UII.K18. Monoy. 2 per cont.
Kxchangu on Niw York , lOc discount to par.
New YOIIK. Juno 29. [ Spoclnl Telegram to
Tin : I1EE.1 Ktehanzo was quoted as follows :
Huston , loc discount ; St. Louis , 73u premium.
CHICAGO , 111 , . Juno 29 , Money unchanged at
4(23 ( per cent. Clearings , ? 13.u7U,601. New York
exchange ! IOc premium , Sterling exchange
null ut JI.87 tor sixty-day bills und Jl.SS.'i for
slght.drufta. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cuttle lu Good Demand and Higher Hogs
Still .Skying.
OMAHA , Juno 29. Compnrcd with the first
liulf of last week , receipts for the last three
days show an Increase of about 'IOJ cattle and
n ilecrea > , u of about 50) hogs and 3.UJU sheep.
The supply ot cattle was ratlior more liberal
than last. WeilnubUay , thu olfciinirs , as usual
for thu past wuck , Including n very respectable
proportion of desirable corufuJ ttocrs. llusl-
ni-sd was ncllvu from the start , ull buyers
heliu In tho. market for the cattlo. Tnu
shlpplii ) : nnd export demand was very
food , and these buyers took considera
bly over 11 third of thn olTcrliigs. l.O'jal
huyer.s were not at ull slow , and with active
comuotltlou prices ruled strong to IDu higher
on anything at all desirable. 1'ulr to uood
I.20J to lri'W-Ih , stuors sold from i'JU ) to 1.3) ) ;
fair to good light nnd medium weight steers
weighing l.UUO to 1.200 llw. sold ut rroiu $1.70 to
Jl.l.i. lire on nnu half fat stufT sold no bettor
than usual of late at from t-JO'J down to W.uo.
U wuu n eooil , Healthy traUo. howuvor , all
throuuh , the bulk of thuHtourn solllnz at from
8,1.lj upwards , uTitrythlng iihoful bulnv
on tot tlrst hands by noun.
llutchcr stock ana cjnnorH wore not nnot
ably changed , Boiling as usual of late from
( fl.73 to 13.23 fur poor to choice cows and helf-
OM. There was perhaps a little moro activity
and u Btronxor foiling on the moredoslrublo
grades , but It took prlmo stun" to bring over
M.II.I. Hulls , oxen and slugs wuro firm ut from
fl.bS to tJ.25. Uulvea wuiu diul und movud
slowly on the basts of W.OO lo $4.73 fur fair to
good vo.ils.
Htocknrs and feeders wore In fiiippl/
again und prices dropped ( mother noteh or
two. The outstdo demand was very light and
us local traders wuro prutly well loaded up It
took strong Inducement * to tempt buyers. A
big Hiring of very good Colorado cattle
hioiiKht 41.2.1. hut they were prolty nearly
what might bo cillod choice. Homo line Oio-
11) . natives iilso bi ought J3.20. but the bulk of
the tr.idlng w.iu til under J.I.OO. The f eclltiir Is
wuuk und ( loiilor.uro quoting u inuu'lSo dccllnu
last Wednesday. Representative dales :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. No. AT. 1'r.
1. . kM { I ( U il7..K'HH ( J 8J 1W..U2U I'
H. . 717 3 25 4J..1IUJ U H ) 62..12UJ 400
121) ) , 018 : i : 39.1151 3 HI 40U41 400
2. , UIO u so 3 KO 24.II4U 4 DO
1 , .10.10 : i fie M. . W ! 3 H5 20.1317 403
2..1IK5 area " : i M l.uw : 4us
4.,10(1) ( ) wi" 1035 3K1 2I..liW : 410
31. tC18 a co 19. .12.1) ) 3 DO ( I.I1XI 4 15
2 , , ( UJ 4..1IIH7 3 IX ) ! Ul..l''hl ( 4 IS
17.,1238 370 20..1227 311) 7U..C1.H 4 20
10 , . UOI U 70 16..10U7 31XJ 70.Ull ) . 430
17..1085 UT5 11.1181 3 IK )
Binri'inn AND KXTOIIT ,
20.,1112 3 55 10. 1151 3 70 42. . UV ! 305
1. . U.M U U 1U.11111 3 70 403
20 , . UbU 4 M & . .I23I. 4 IK
2J.lLtn 3 U 24.1105
2..1075 3 W 45.1135
l.t DM U 70
1 , . CM 1 75
: i , . UGO 1 M )
2 UI5 1 bO
1. . 71) 2 01
2 , , HIO 2 10
3. . HIO U IS 2. . W > JOJ
6..I04U 5 15 3. . 1073 a 10
3 , . 877 3 24 U..1000 a 25
18 , , 650 20. . CM 205
b , . Ml
20 , . 4CO 2 7)
1..13U 1 85 . .IfM 2 KO 1..177J 300
1.ATM 2 10 1..I2.U 'i I 1.IHIl 30J
1..1&70 S W I..lliO 300 1..1COJ 325
1..123U li 75
IS. , 877 2M a..6J7 300 So. , 018 300
7. . tOU 2 W ) 1 . B4U 3 OJ 21 , Hod 35
0. , (01 'i V ) 0. . W3 a W
No. . CATTLE.Av. . I'r.
2 feeders. , . . ; . . "
Moos liccolpu ciinblnuo to frill fur short of
expectations. ThVsupplyt liowovor. WHS fair
tind the quality ur.lho olTcrlnas fnllv up to
the recent itvisraKc. 'Tho nmrUct opened 60 to
lOc higher qn all Krilos. ( Imurovcd us llio
inornlnK ndvaticodinnd closed up firm at the
iidvnnco , with the , i > cns empty some timoho-
fiironnon Hhlppora , started tlio ball rolling
hy nayltig ( \ | to20 for fair to good hutchor
nnd heavy hoes , with several of tlio host lo.ids
soiling at J5.2S nwa upwards , the ox-
trcnio limit rcnclidd holng t&m for
load of prlmo aoi-lh , hois. i'ackors
wcro also strictly In It , oral lo-ist they Alert
to humid unduubtitlly would IIITO boon had
the supplv held oiit.jlutigcr. They paid front
S\00 for Inferior llislit stnir to tA.20 for good
icury loads and took bout two-llfths of the
orfcrlncs. Shippers took another two-fifths ,
or about .1,403 hogs , leaving a fitth of the ro-
colpls for the ( rosli meat men nnd speculators.
The big hulk ( if tlio trading wns nt from t.V10
to 1.1.20 , rxcnlnst rt.03 to * : > .IO Tuesday. The
Kencral avoraco of prices paid. wns rVlll.
ainlnst $5.07 < Tuesday and fl.8 H last
A udncsdny , Itoprcsontutlvo sales !
No. Av. Sh , I'r. No. Av. yn. Pr.
5 142 J00 75 , . , . . .221 200 ( .115
2(1 ( 18 ! ) 100 A03 14 } . . . . .210 250 515
10 . . . . 211 80 fi 00 Kl . . . . 233 321 515
0 . . . , .lRi : ft 03 12(1. ( . . . . .225 230 515
0 213 40 51)0 ) 00 . . ,212 1X ( ) B15
5 . . . . 170 G 00 70 . . . 2IO 2f < 0 B15
: i 320 r , oo 70 . . . .228 249 515
ft 243 r , 00 ( . . ; ; . .215 515
7 204 80 50 } M 2.14 SIB
10 , . . . : ' ,8 6 00 TO..231 243 BIB
48 104 120 ! > 05 C3 211 N ) 515
. 210 - f , 05 73 225 120 B15
. . . . ,17d 240 5 03 55 VSS 20J 515
HI . . . . 181 ! I20 5 0714 711 205 120 513
. .100 120 n OTH 71 . . . . 241) ) 200 B15
. .2.12 1GO ft 10 70 230 200 015
. .17J r.'o fi n 02..205 SO 515
' 7 sun 24) ) n 10 71. . . . .2.V , 281 B15
BO 101 mi o 10 70 231 200 BIB
vs 2i 28) r > 10 f,0 , 230 120 RI.l
75 HIS 12J 5 10 1,0 210 120 BI7(4 (
ri : voa 200 r > 10 M .210 100 B17ii
IS . . . . 20.1 240 B 10 03. , . . .SID 1U ) BI7i !
89 203 1M B 10 08. . . , . .217 - B1714
70 2M 28) fi 10 80. . . . . .2.17 120 B174 !
70 204 210 G 10 03 . , , . 209 1C. ) B2)
" 8 200 Ml fi'll ' ) 70. . , , . .22.1 ISO 520
07 ' .Ml I'SO B 10 77 , . , , . ,2-iS 8-0 B2J
:3 : in.loo r. 10 CO. . . . . .212 HO B29
. .V8- > r io B3. . . , . ,200 63 B23
. .ssn 30J n 10 fll , . , . . .831 200 5SO
' 8 . . . .21:1 : 120 fi 10 Oil. . , , . .2A3 103 B23
' 4 . . . .11)3 ) 20 r , 10 r.3. . , 10'J B20
' 0. . . , . .11)2 ) 100 fi 10 70. . , 203 40 520
83. . . , . ,102 SIO fi 1214 74. . , SO 52. )
TS. . , . 200 1BO 5 1214 00. . , . . .207 100 B20
" 0. . . , . .218 40 fi I2 < 4 15. . . . .287 620
01. 22.1 12J 6 1214 47. . . . .200 120 B20
72 2KI 100 ft 1214 0.1 . . 214 120 520
222 - n I2k 03. . 80 B20
. . 2it : 120 5 1214 . ; ; . . . 100 B20
. . .214 240 5 12J4 03 220 240 B23
. . .208 120 fi 1214 71 228 BJ B20
. . .1IW 2SO B 12 > i 131..233 413 B2J
. . .231 210 5 13 43 2. > l bO 520
. . .128 6 15 70. . . . . .2 > 2 SO 520
. . 2JI 120 5 15 53. . . . .205 200 529
. . . .240 ICO 5 15 07. . , . . 257 230 B23-
H. . . .2C8 JMO 5 15 CO. . . . .202 200 520
. .2.11 2JO 5 15 50. . . . .205 529
04. . . .211 BO 5 15 03. . . . 225 40 520
ret . 233 ICO 5 15 113. . . . .233 80 320
74 210 120 n 15 82 . . . 244 40 525
73 2J2 ! ICO 5 15 53. . , .311 40 523
09 22. 120 5 15 03. . . . .211 523
00 272 300 5 15 02 . . .277 103 B25
03 23 $0 515 D5. . . .277 525
75 238 ICO 5 15 00. . . .203 120 52715
83 222 120 6 15 67 . .290 N ) & 27J4
BJ 253 ICO 5 15 El IITi 60 B30
72 231 120 5 15 57 . . . .304 533
14 113 - 4 20 3 143 400
1 430 4 30 1 200 400
1 280 4 40
SHEEP Four double-decks were received ,
ono of them billed direct to Swift , the other
throe were fair grass westerns and sold readily
at satisfactory prices ; Demand good , market
firm. 1'alr to good natives from J4.50 to $3.00 ;
fair tojzooa westerns , fiom 11.00 to SI..Mi ; com
mon and stock sheep , , from &J.39 totI.OJ ; good
to choice 40 to 00-lb lambs , from $4.00 to ' .
Itecolpts'iiml DUposltion of Stock.
Oflk'lal receipts and disposition of st.ocic as
shown by the books o the Union Stock Yards
company for thu twenty-four uours ending ut
5 o'clock p. m. , Juno 29. 1892 :
1IUVEHH. CATTLI : . noas. SIIKUI * .
Omuhn I'ncklng company.
swift & ( o . .r.r. . 871 418
1'lioCudnliy.rncklnR Co. . t'J ' 207
J. V. Hqulrc-t , lloston . . . ; .
vlnuan A Co
[ .co Uoth hlM
VnnlSnnt AjCo
Ifurt St. Louie
J. W. Ovcrstreet Ill
1)011(1 C55
llcckorft U
A. Hans
I' . 1) . Armour 175
I ) . Terry.- 2.SC
licnton A a 278
: lrcok 20
Speculators , shippers and
feeders 153
Totals. 2.510 7.9SI CJ5
Movement of Hogs Wits Soinowlmt Itcduccd
During tlio 1'ast Vow Days.
CinciNNATiO..Juno29. ISiieclalToloeramto
THE UGG.1 Tomorrow's 1'rlco Current will say :
The movement of hogs Is somewhat reduced
although continuing fairly liberal. 1'ackliiK
In the west for this week was 275.UDU against
3X5.000 the preceding week. 18J.030 last year and
2S3.10U two yu.trs aco. The soapon's total Is
4,2i'5UOO asalnst 3M 1,000 lust year.
Promltieut places compare us follows :
I 1MU. I
l.MO.OO )
Knnnns City. , 181.003
Omalin S9.I.OOJ asilouo
Bt. Louis lul.UOJ 170.000
Indl.inapolta. 20I.OJJ 151.000
Mllwnilki'O. . . . 143.0JC 182.000
Cincinnati 135.COJ 97.000
Ccilnr llTiihls. lU.OJt. 110,000
hlouxClty. . , . . bll.OtK )
St. Josopli lOi.OUH 42,000
Uttumwu IH.WJ 80.000
Cleveland . . . 177.000 .1.1000
Chicago l.lvo Stock Market ,
ClliCAno. 111. . Juno 20. [ Special Tolo ram to
TIIK 1IUK.I The cattle trudo was active and
prices for wood to extra dryfod btcers con-
tlntiod toshow an advancing tendency. The
raiiRo of prices for cattle cumlnz under that
head was from 5o to lOo hlxhor than yester
day and 13o to 20o higher than at
the close last week. Shippers , ox-
portris and the drc'sod hcof men were
ull free buyers and there was not enough
Kood stock hero to ( III their orders. I'or poor
and common cattle the miirKot was not much
moro than steady. The bulk of the rcculuts
ansucrod to the latter description and
holders wcrounuhle to "aprniK" prices. Tlio
ratiKu of values wns from 31.23 tojalO for
cows and heifers. S..Oi to 9.1.75 for Mockers
ami feeders , 81.40 to J.'i.OO for common to extra
dressed heof and shlpplns steers and from
{ 1.50 to * l.uj for Texas cattle. Nearly all the
Kood stock wan out of bnlosmons' hniuls by
noon and the close wns strong. Some Texans
were luft over. That state contributed fully
ono-half the day's receipts.
nTlioro was no iib.itemciitof the flrmnqss that
nas uisiiUKnibiica ino nog iniuKei.iori.onjo
days past , lluycrs wuro as hungry as before ,
and although the supply rouohod very liberal
proportions It was wiped up In quick order at
an advance on Tuesday's prices of frnin Bo to
lOc. At the olojo quotations stood at from
13.15 to f.\5i for common to prlmo Hunt. 15.20 to
$1.51 for medium weights and from $3.25 to J3.05
for heavy. A fuwtfanoy light and heavy
wotsnts wore taken utM.M , and there wns a
llttlo trudluir nl-OTUlB ut from 13.50 to $4.90.
The nmrkot closedViUwlv at thn ud v.ince.
Very llttlo clmtiKO took place In the wheat
market As on the previous days of tlio week ,
good to choice shcetniiot With a good demand
and were taken utjturmor prices. Quotations
run from fc-.M to to/ipifor 20111111011 to line. W.OC
to M 21 for oholue. Lambi worouaiaulo ut
fiomfl Mtot0.7.\ I !
Itcculpta : Oattlc , 18,000) ) hops , 27,000 ; sheep ,
'flio Kvenlnc Jdurnal says : OATTMS Ilo-
cnlptu , 1R.OJO ; ohIphiontB , 4,500 ; market active ;
native hlocis and TuxaiiH ouslor ; ciiolco to
oxlru natives , ll.W4C4.HJ ; others tl.WtitM ;
Texnns. K'.l&tC3.UJMtookors , $3.00 3.70 ; cows ,
. ' .7M i'l..M : feeders. fit753 > 3.UJ.
Hoos-Heceliits , 2D.UOO ; shlpmontB , 7.090 ;
mnrKet nctlvo. H cliVlier ; rotu'h und common
t3.104t5.i3 : ; mixed jjiid paoltcrs , I5.405.MI ; prlmo
heavy nnd butolivfH ulKhts , 15.50)1,5.05 ; Unlit
f34 QAM. jti j
Hiir.Bi' Ito'ointn. 0,033 ; shipments , 0.000
peed million sheoncady | ; others , Including
lambs , 23o lower : j mlxoa natives. JI.5 5t3.50
wethers. $5
13 7 ' 75
fnlll * * ' - - ' - *
much other ire BSMCWajI otmcnT.awi dclug
reduced tooul " " " to u low condition
ot health , an It van thought ho could not lite.
, Cared ray llttlo boy of hereditary
Scrofula , which appeared all over
hU face. I'or a star I had git en
upall hope of hU recover } ' , when finally I was
Induced to use V7V3RH A 'cw bo tiles
cured him , and Iv yj no itniplonisof
tlio dlseaso remain. Miut. T. I. . H ATHWUI ,
ilathervllle , Miss.
Out lock CO OiooJ 4Ekla I ) ! n mtlt t free.
iWUI M-tClMC CO. , AUuU , Ci.
ioad , Including HI cum for sMo. Market very
aetlvo and lOc hlghor ) nntlvo steers , < 4.a'.3).M
per 100 lUs.t hull * nml cow * , Ji.axiMuO ! droned
lecf firm at O'i'Si'io ' per Ib. Shipments
oday , M43 nttarters of bccfj tomorrow , 29
beeves and 8.1 Mioop.
IUI.VKS Uoeclpt.s. r:03hoadt : : market nctlrn
and HAlindo firmer ! voals. fl r.3CJO.I'-4 ! per 101
bs.ihtittcrmlllt calves. $ J.Otfft , T.\
HilEKP-ltecclpts IVKI lioadl slicop steady :
amli ) 'jo higher ) sheep. * .I.MXS\8J per 100 Ibs-i
amlis , $5.o04t7.73 ! dreaded mutton steady at
U4llo ! per lu : drcs od lambs Him at lIUWKto.
lions ltecolptHUM head. including : ! cars
or sale ! Urmor. M'-utt5.70 Dor IOU Ibs.
Kansas Oily I.Uo Stock Market.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Juno 29. CATTLI : IJc-
coluts , S.ffWs shipment" . 9,800 : good nntlvo
steers active and lOo higher at 414.40 | cows
tcady at JI.7.Vd2.b.1i Tovnns lOo hliher at
' . ? K < ; stoekors and focdors lOc higher at
i-IMi-MK ) .
lions Hecolpts. o.oooi shipments , fl.V > Ot mar-
; ct actlvu anil .VK1 c higher ; nil grades , 84.M
© . 5.41 : buikj.viKtr.n ( :
SiiEni'-Hocolnts. TOO : shipments. 1.200 : mnr-
( ct dull and we.ik : muttons , TJ.50I.OJ ;
ambK , f\tOOS.U ! ,
St > I.ouls l.tvo Stock Mnrkot ,
BT. Louis , Mo. . Juno 20. CATTLE Itrcolpts ,
.473 ; shipments , 3,100 : natives , slow : Tcxan ,
Inn : fair to choice nntlvo Btoors , M.UQI.3J ;
rtixuns , all grades , IJ.03'ltiT .
lions llocelpts. SlO ! shipments. 1.021 : mar-
; otr > n to lOc higherj heavy , JI.-'OSMiO : mixed ,
. < OiA70 : light , fair to best , M.IOiJV.13
SitKKi' Itecolpts 4.ViSslitpmcntgi.otl ; : : mar-
cot steady ; fair to good natives , JI.OU © > .00.
Lincoln Iiivo Stock.
TiiNCOt.v , Nob. , Juno 2ii. [ Sonclal to Tun
IKE. ] Hecclptsof hogs \Vestljlucolnworo
oday agalii light. Market So Higher , prices
anglnu from S3.I24 ! to ! o.7i. ! !
TOLEDO , lown , April 0. 1SOI.
Dr. J. B. Moore , Dear Sir : My wlfo lins
used about six bottles of your Tree of Llto ,
ami thinlts that fitio lias rccolvod groixtor ben-
oflt from It than nny modjclna shu has over
altcn. VOUM truly , L. II. BI/FKIN.
Geu'l Acont nml Troas. West Collojjo.
Slnco rocolvlns * the above testimonial , 1 nm
nrecclpt of a letter nnd check from the Uov.
.H HufUlnof Toledo , lown , April-Jo. to
send llov. J.V. . Konworthy , Crostflno , Kan
sas. six bottles of Mooro's Tree of Life.
For aalo by ull drugplsts.
Sehoino on 1'oot to Dust the Snprrlntcnd-
out of tlio 1'oor 1'iiriii.
Cruel Into has maruoct John J , Mnhonoy
'or ' Its own , but whether or not the tnnrk
will bccomo visible to tbo naked , eye
is n matter that rests wholly with
the Board of County Commissioners ,
At this time John J. Muhoaov Is the super
intendent at the county poor farm , nnd
tliero is a man who covets tho'posltloti. The
nan who is doing the coveting is n democrat ,
Li. M. Anderson , an ox-chairman of the
Mr. Anderson shlod his ca stor into tbo
ring several days niro , but this luct
did not bccomo nubile " property until yester
day , when bis "friends openly announced
that ho was in the r.ioo nnd that ho would
distance all competitors before the quarter
stretch was roachod.
That be has a pull none of the commis
sioners deny.and nt this time his star appears
to bo slightly in the nsceudaupy , but none
of hU backers will venture an opinion on the
result of the ballot.
It is certain , however , that the democratic
members of the board have soured on Mr.
Anderson , und if hn Is elected to the position
it must bo by vepu oilcan vote's. The light
ins been booked , but not for today , and , In
'act , not until after the reorganization of the
Do Witt's Sarsaparllla is reliable.
Marring ! ) Iicoii8os.
Countv Judge Ellor Issued marriage
Iconses to the following yesterday :
Name and address. Ago.
I Albert W. Crawford , 1'corla. Ill . an
I Lillian Stadctolnmn. Omaha . 23
3 , A. Isaacson , Loomls , Neb . U4
Tllllo Lyon.Omaha . 23
W. I > . Kahlor.Omaha . 25
Ilcrtha May KInc.ido , Omaha . 18
1 John T. Hongon , Omaha . 4.1
( MllloL. llumlll , Omaha . 21) )
Do\Vitt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood
liuililliif ;
The followmcr permits wore issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
Catherine II. Nnsli , live-story brick
warotiouso , 101U Ilarnoy . SI'i.OOO
Lars Johnson , one-story brick cottage ,
VM2 Dccutiir street . I.R03
Same , 20JO Ueeatur street . 1,510
Nine minor permits . 2,700
Total . J49.700
Backed up by a cash offer the statements
thnt nro made by the proprietors of Doctor
Sago's Catarrh Remedy. They say that their
medicine will cure , perfectly and perman
ently , the -worst case of Chronic Catarrh in
the Head that not only Catarrh Itself , but
all the troubles that come from it , nnd every
thing caturrhal in its nature , are cured by
the mild , soothing , cleansing and healing
properties of their remedy.
They can't say nny more. Probably every
medicine for Catarrh claims us much. But
it's ono tiling to promise a cure it's a very
different thine to perform it. The proprie
tors of Dr. Sago's Remedy want to prove
thnt they 7)iran ) what they Bay. So they
innlo this offer : If they can't ' cure your
Catarrh , no matter how bad your cose or of
how IOHR standing , they'll pay you $500 in
cash. You're sure of the money or a euro.
Isn't such n. medicine worth trying I
Union Stock Yards Company
est cattle , II'OE ; and sheep market In the west
n flWUHl Write to thin houss for cor-
U. UdIAIlA | reot Market Baportj.
Wood Brothers ,
South Omaha Telephone 11 )7. - Chicago
J , U. IAIISMAN. ! . , . ,
„ „ „ „ ,
W. K. WOOD. fMttiiniors
Market reports by mull and wire cheerfully
furnished upon application.
Campbell Commission Co.
Ohlontro , EistBt , Louis , Kansas Olty. Fouth
Omuha , btoux Olty. Kort Worth.
A. Crlll , W. V. IKmnr. II. V. TiUlmadiie ,
-ulusiimn. L' ttlotittlo ui n
Grill , Denny & Company ,
Jtvo Block Commission. IloomVT Hichon/o
Buutli Onulio ,
A. D. Boyer &Compan y ,
GSuiidSU Kxolmniro IlulldlnSoiith Omulii.
Correiponilonco nollclted nnd uromptlr nnswrrjl.
HpocUl uilontluu to order * ( omtockeri It fuodcri.
ICitablUUcd , lb8J. . . . IncorporftUJ , ItUJ
Capital fully pMJ , f2UUJ.
Birney Company ,
prompt and reliable matkot
\ > & Company ,
x , tfouth Omaha
, .0110 17J7.
M. H. Hegarty & Oo. ,
It ccm 31 Kxcuujo
South Oinahu , - Neb
Union Stock Yard National
The unlr bank at tlio yardi. Capital and iur *
flat , tr Ji//J. Colloctlou * vrowlnu out of I us lira
> took tuilue i uliould te lout direct to tlali bank
faUlpper * can depuilt for credit of. tuulr laomo taaK
Contrnctor * nnit ftnbcontrnctoM fo'nil klnil of
luilldlna , plnjlerlnu. palnllnncto will rocclro
conr of ( Moan's architects timlcrs illrcclora
free , t > r svnillna their nnuio. \nlnesi t nnit lee
tlunto thoiiubllihor. J.ll , Olcnn , 113 s , iMli s
INQ COMPANY , Tcnti , nwnlDRi , tarpau
Flam , hammocks , oil nnd lin , , covers ot all kinds ,
rubber clothlni. Bend nags , ImnncrK. cto. ! < ender
foroafg-no. llli Farnaai ( or oMaloguo.TCU 8. ICtli
fills ! , raanllla , oMtoo
mportcrj anrtrarfe.flour
, , rot *
lacks , burlaps , tnlno. rnpe tiprap , lute
ton twlncntarred cord-
ngB. cto. 8Uf. litli t.
mo. OAXOH Bnocetsor to. ) . J.Vllk -
, cnion , M'f'o olKnr. piprr
Hoyclos sold on loonthlj piicklni.bolt. " . All nuvel
pajrments. 1M K. Utli-st llct In i > ox lino.
U1U Uouulas 8U
1IOJ Howard Hlrajt.
Fnttorr corner llth nnd UuuBlM .
W ro maklnit oloa * prloai to oa < b b.iran. nntar *
lllua a ole i of izoodt whloh Is run sal-
bla trim merchant * .
Mixnufnctiirer's ncent. lenn aupplr you with nvcry-
llilnuln lioo9. men' .wntiien's nnd clillil't nt low-
cut fnclory | irlco and dlnronntB. l.ntuit ttlos.
KOI I'nrnniii Street. Hooiu l.S
Whnlcsnlo Mfrs. Aconts Hoots , Minctj , rubbers
Ilntton ltubbi > r BliocCo. felt Koodt. 13U3 , 1J1
110A 11UI. llUJllnrnoyst llnrnor-st.
INO 00.
M9o , S. tth and Lcarn-
worth 8ti. . Omaha.
John Marbortr. Atl.
Cnrrlago builder * , lloso
und pntrul nngons n
ISlh , upp. I'ourt Homo.
. ,
llotlilnn. notionfurnlflr
IIIKD. lilro us K trial- Mnnufn and rrUolrssls
S-umplcs prepaid by ex- clothiers. 11C8 ilarney
pros. 1113 llnrncy. tract.
LIME CO , , Mfrs. KalTfinlied Iron
Bard and soft coal. B n. cornice , window caps ,
ccr. 10th and Douglas- mctallo skrllKhtu , otc.
It * . 1110 , 112 IJodiiO-sU
Contractors nnd mib contractors far nil kind , of
Imlldlne. plnsterlnx , inlntln ct ; . , will rooelvo n
ropy ofOlennNnrcliltvctnnndhulldori tllructory
free , by scndliuc their name , biinlncis nnd loca
tion , to the publisher. J. 11. Glenn. 113 S. 15th
M . r . imiTH & no . , KILPATRIOX-KOOH
Dry ffoodi notions , far-
, - Dry . '
goods.notions , gent' *
Dlihlng roods. Corner
JnrnlBhlng Roods.
lltb and Howard-it * . .
HUi and liowdrd-it.
UptiolMcrcd furniture NITUREQO. ,
KHrMW Nlcliolmst Grace and Thirteenth
Wbolosulo only. ftrooti.
To the owners of nil lots , pnrt of lots and
rOal estate nloiv' thu alloy from 8th street to
tint street between i'lno and Hickory streets :
Vou nro hereby notified that the umlur-
slvncd. three dllntorcHtcd freeholders of the
city of Omaha , have been duly appointed ny
the mayor , with the approval of the city
council nf said city , to assess the damage to
the owners respectively of the property af
fected by grading the alloy from mil to 10th
streets between I'lno nnd Iltukoiy streets , de
clared necessary by ordinance 3,107 , passed
June 14 , IS'.I. ' , approved Juno 15. 189. .
You uro further notified , thut havlnc .ic-
ccptod suld appointment , and duly annulled
as required hy law , wo will , on the 8th day of
.Inly. A. 1) . Ib9. . lit the hourof Ijo'clo.-lc In
the forenoon , at the ofllco of T , U. lirnnnor ,
Itoum 1 tV.'iro block , within the corporate lim
its ot said olty , meet for the purpose ofcon-
sidorlni ; the making and asiossmont of dam
ages to the owners resueotlvolv ot said urou-
urty , ntTectoa by Bald Kr.idlne , taking Into
consideration sucoliil bonollts. It any.
You uro notified to ho present nt the time
nnd place aforosald. and maUo any objections
to or statements concerning suld assussmont
of damujos us you muy cousldor proper.
Committee of Anniitlsors ,
OMAIIA , Juno23 , ifaiu. jaaiot
To the owners of ull loto , jinrts of lots , nnd
leal estate alpn ? "I > " I formerly Dominion ]
street from Oth street to llltn street.
You are heieby notlflod that the uniler-
slenod , three dlslnterestod freeholders of the
olty of Omaha , have boon duly appointed by
the mayor , with thoapprovalof thoelty coun
cil of said city , to ussoss the damage to the
owners respectively of the property affected
hy grading "D" [ formerly Dominion ) slrout
from Oth street to 13th street , declared neces
sary by orulnanco No. inn , pussod April 3jth ,
16'J/ : / , approved May 3rd , 18 ! ) . ' .
You are further notified , thnt havlnir no-
coptodsaht uppolntnient , and duly ( iiiiilllied
as rconlred by law , wo will , on the etli day of
Julv , A. 1 > , Jfi. ! ' , ut the hour ot 2 o'clock In
thu'aftorpnun , at thoofllcoof . II. Uutus , No.
03.1 , N. Y. l/lfe building , within the corporate
limits of said city , meet for llio purpose ot con
sidering und making assessment of damagu to
the owners respectively of said property ,
directed by Bald grndlni : , taking Into consid
eration special benefits , If any.
You are notified to bo present ut the time
und plnco aforesaid , and nmUo any nbjoctloim
to or statements cuncornlnt ! 8'ild assusimont
of dumagos as you may consliler proper.
\v. J. MOl ) > 1 ,
Omnhu , Jnno 21. ISO. .
Healed proposals will bu received by the iln-
dornlnned until l30 ! o'clock p. m. . July Stli.lBU , ' ,
far curbliii : with i'-'d Colorado Hundstono.
whlto Colorado Hundstono und Huron tcind-
stone according to NpccltlcallonH parts of cur
tain strooU In the city of Omaha , comprised
In atroot Improvement districts iiumboiud und
de crlbed an followH , towlt ;
. No. 4l ( ( Tnlrd street from south line of
1'lerce street to Williams htreet. and
No 401 1'lorco strovt. from east line of 4th
street to west line of 3rd htreot ,
No. 440 C'hlcaso Btreet , from uost line of
Twuuty-IUlli atrcot to Twonty-sUth street ,
No. 4W Oass street , from west llnu of Twon-
ty-fourth struct to u point 1M feet wi > t of
Twonty-llf tli BtrcoU
No. IM-Ci89Bticol : , from cast line of Twen
ty-fourth street to thu went line of Twenty-
fourth Htroet In thoelty of Omaha ,
Kaon bid to specify u prlco pur llneiil foot
for the curbing complete on the atroots In suld
Work to bu done In accordiince with plans
nnd spoolfleiulmu on llio In thu olllco ot
thn Hoard of I'ul Ilo works.
1'roposals to bu madu on prlntoil blanks fur- by the bourd and these aocompunlod
with u certified chock In thu sum of &VX ) , pay
able to tha city of Omuliu , us an ovlduncoof
of uood tuith.
The board reserves the rlnht to reject any
or ull hid. and to
Chttlrman llourd of J'ubllo Work * .
Omaha , JuuoW , IbiO. jasslJ. . *
O.M. STEELS A CD. , GLAKE , BRUCE & 00 , ,
1MM30J Jontl itr * t , 10th i n < 1 narnar tlrtitV
Umabft ,
CO ,
, llnalorV hardware ani
OornerlOth tad Jukion mechanics' tools.
1(04 Douglas Strtet
A.7c , RAYMER ,
llnllilerir llnrdvnra nnit
Contractor * ' Hmn > llo
64Soulli 10th ttrooli ,
. : .
Unnlwood lumbar , wool
oarpots nn.l iii\rqu t Import * l.Amorlotn I'or t
Mooring , . lnn > l cdmont , Mllintuk >
HiritrAullc cement nod
tlh nnd DougU * . ( Julncr whlto Urea ,
I.tqnor tnorohrvnti. Ill ]
llnrnoyit. Mfr > . Kan *
Dctiyt KMt Ir.JU lilt- WholeiMa liquor dcaltrl
tori , 1001 famnm-il.
C rrr n full stock of
printing , wrapping and Itcflned nnd liibrlcatlnz
willing papar , card pa
per cu > . oils , nxlo creaio , eta
Mfr ot"K Ik S" pants , Mfrs el brnled "Dnc
Milrts nnd ovorallg.ctc. kln" OToralls. pantt >
mu-st- alilrta , ooati , eta KMI
Eltatjllahcd. 1873.
A DO. ,
Produce , frnlti of U
liljutt,0'1" " ' "T * '
Onr fpoclnlllo3t Uuttor. Hutter , cbooiu , tggi ,
zga ami puultrr , UIJ
puultrj and ,
Uuwar a itroau jam *
17 SoutU Ul ! ) airooL
( EstnblUhod 1835. )
Wliolsnlcuutter A oggi 'Butter ' , clioo o , azgt ,
lluti nnd nelli for jtB ; ° tnnjt'caV0ruiti'l ! . > oul1
" "unauio.
caih , < 13 H. lllU-it.
Fine Ranch
of yours. Youhav e worked
hard for it , haven't you ?
It wasn't worth a dollar
acre when you settled on it ,
and now you would'nt take
fifty. How long ; do you ex
pect to live on that place ?
Would you be surprised if
some railroad land agent or
claim juniper should come
along some dayand tell you
to move oil ? Unless you
have a patent on record you
are not safe perhaps not
then. Why don't you ask
The Bee Bureau of Claims to
look into your title and get
you a patent that will stick ?
Bee Bureau of Claims
Room 22O ,
Bee Building , Omahr'
To t lie owners of all Into , parts of loin and
reul ostalo along Howard Htreot from Twen
tieth nt root to a point : B ) feet west of Twou-
tlulh Hlroet and necessary appioachcn.
You are hereby notlllud thnt the nndor-
atunod. thrun disinterested frcoholdora of Ilia
cltv of Omaha , have hoon duly appolntod hy
the mayor , with the approval of the olty -I"
council of said city , to auo < s thu dunia o lethe -
the owners , respectively , of the prop '
erly alTuotod ny KrndttiK Howard utruot from
Twentieth street to u point Ml feet went of
Twentieth htroot. deelarod noci-sxary hy ordl- No. IUOK , paused Juno 11 , 160. ' , approved
Juno J , IfeU- . ' . , , . ,
Vouunifurtlior nntinod that having.oo .
coptud Hiild appointment and duly iiuullflod
IK rcfiulriid hy la'T , wo will , on the llth day of
July. A. U IbtrJ. atthu hourof I j o'clock in the
forenoon , at the olllco of Hhrlvor ft ( ) llonn-
iioo , 1(01 Farnum etreet , within the corporate
llmimof suld olty , nifot for the purpose of
conn ( Icrlnzuml nialcinK the imto mont of
( IniniiKo to thu owners respectively of saia
property , affeotcd Uy said Krudlnu , taking
Inlo consideration peulal bonellts , If any.
Vou are notlllud to ho piinont at the lima
nnd pliicn aforosald and niaku any objection *
to or Htaloinouls coneornlnr Hiild atautmiiuna
of ilunmguB ua you may rongldyr pronor ,
\V , ll BIIKI , l-lt ,
OoiniiiUteo of Apprulaora.
Omaha JunoaO. lbl . J dlOt
rruiioaul * for Kcpalrlni ; unit Talnllug Ua
J.uni | > < .
Hoalrd hldi will ho received ut tbo olllco ot
thn uuy Complrollor , for the ropalrliiK nnd- , < .
iiulntlnu of a laini | . up to 4 p. in. , July Oth. / *
Jbx' . A corllllod chucK of t'ii to accoiupuuy /
ouch bid , /
The right la ruaorrod ti rqjoot anv or all *
bids. XllUO , OL3EJS , Comptroller.
Jitdat. ,