THE OMAHA DAILY THURSDAY. JUNE 30 , 1892. THE DAILY BEE E. IIOSEWATER. Enirrn. PUBLISHED EVERY MOHNINQ. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. THUMB OF BUIISCtUPTION. r IIr nee ( without Eundur ) Ono Yost . 18 00 Ifellj nd femidajr. Ono Year . . . 10 VO Bit Month ! . . , . . : . j . J lhre Month * . . . . . . . . . . . . I tu Bnnday Bee. < ! no Tear . ; J" Bitlardar IKo , Ono Year . j Wteklr lleo , Ono Vc r . i . l m omCKS. Onmhi.TlielJpBllnllcllnf. ( Booth Omnlin , corner V nnd 2iith StrcoU. Council Hindu , 12 1'oitrl Htreot. Chicago onlro. SI7 Chamber of Commoree. New York , Hiionn IDjll and lit , Tribune Building ; ! Fourteenth Street. COUUKSroNDHNCK. All commnntrnllono rclfttlnu to news nn < l ( rtllorlnt mutter should be addroned to the na tional IX'jinrlmont. 11UHINES8 I.KTTKH3. All business letleri nnrt romltlaticoi ihoalol bo I'uhllihlnff Cotnpanr. Omnhn. < 1Jro Bwl to The lloo Drntti. cheeks and tiontonico ordorj to be made payable- the order of the company. THIS BEE PUDL1SIIINQ COMPANY. 8WOH.V 8TATKMKNT OK C1UCULATION. County pfllouulai. fBSl flrorire 11. Trfcliuck. ecrolnrr of The neo Tub- llihlns company , noc inlcmnly imoar that the act ual circulation of TUB DAILY MICK for the week tnillng JuncTTi , IS'J2. wai aa follow * ! Pimday.Jnnc IU . KM Momlay.Jutifl 20 . . . 2' .1 niiwlny.juno 31 . 23.618 Wt'dnpudar , Jnnn 22 . z < * 55 Ihumdnir.JiinoSI . < > rlday , Juno 21 . , . 2.I.8M ( Saturday , Juno . . . . . M.5J8 Average . 24,248 ( IKOIU1K 1J. TZSC1UICK. Sworn lo licforn moanrtmilwcrlbodlninypreionco Ilill2.tli day of Juno , A. . , 181P2. N. I' . KKIU BKAL. Nolnry t'ublle. Clrciilntlon for Mny , 24,381 UH nnd Vnndorvoort ! " Honvon aye the party ! TUB question is : Who "paid the trolpht" on that Detroit furnlturo for the city hall ? Freight rato3 are high tboso days. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IK IT istniothnt thoChlcnpo audlonco And gallery nominated Lincoln in 1860 , it la the only good thing a convention gallery over did. A QRKAT many distinguished demo cratic loaders and papers would lilo to find something to take that bad taste out of their mouths. AT LAST the unexpected has happened and a conviction under the oil inspection law has hcon secured. Inspector Hoim- rod evidently means business. WITH growing corn needing the plow just now nnd hogs at 5 cents per pound ffo are afraid the people's party conven tion will not bo composed altogether of formers. SOME people are blind to the dictates of reason and circumstances. Hero , in those limes of great rains and floods , the prohibitionists are advocating a wet campaign. . THE democrats have now for the first tlmo pronounced plainly for free trade. JlCihoro are more protectionists than in the country President will bo elected. THE dead , tired fooling which per- \V/3os the editorial pages of the New * ork Jlemld and the Sun since the ' "claimant's" nomination demands the use of some popular soring tonic. THE olootion of Johnson Brigham , ed itor of the Codnr Rapids Republican , a * president of the Iowa League of Repub lican Clubs was a most happy choico. ilr. Brigham is a scholar nnd an orator. WITH reference to the city hall furni ture job , the council is juat now giving n object lesson to prospective boodlors. The effect of tbo council's action is to demonstrate that honesty is the best policy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IT is very evident indeed that the city hall furnlturo contractor must abide by the contract specifications or move his atuff out of the building. The city offl. elals do not propose to bo trilled with in this matter. IT WILL bo Interesting for Editor Dana to note that the Atlanta Cotistitu- Jion , also , la supporting the Chicago ticket A diet of crow is not very palat > able , but when the bird is divided around it is not so bad. Two farmers alliance congressmen of Kansas , Otis nnd Clover , were defeated for renoraination , and hlamo Jerry Simpson for the result. There Boom to bo some traces of politics oven In the alliance. i'U'ARATIONS for the celebration of Independence day promise a program at once unique and attractive. Nobody can afford to miss it. Rupnrts from surrounding towns indicate that Omaha will bo full of strangers. THIS Chicago papers complain that gambling is still going on in that city , despite till orders to the contrary. It ivould bo much more interesting if somebody would natno a city in which gambling is not going on. Tuu Shrinors and Knights Templar will bo hero during the third week of August. They comprise an intelligent body of man whose good opinion is worth having. It. IB important to the fair fame of Omaha for generous hospitality that they bo well entertained. AN KSTIIMII > domooratla contemporary - rary that is supporting the nominee of the democratic party because it can't help iUolf bays that "tho thing tu do is to accept the situation and inako the best of it. " Philosophy coined hard sometimes , but the democrats must have it this ye . _ Tin : way the domaorntic pm > era are talking of currying Cleveland without Now York and with tha aid of Michigan , Massachusetts muV Wisconsin , remind ) us of the pitiful spoctuclo of Cal lirlca on election night in 1888 , giving up Now York mid plnnlug hit ) faith on Indiana and Illinoiw. Tins democrats BOOIU to bo very glad that Mr. Clarkson has retired from the chatrmatmhlp of the republican tmtiona committee. They will probably bo equally glud when his successor retires As a mul tor of fact the domocrnts are always glud when any republican retire from any position. hBtttlASKA AXD TllESUiJAH TtlUST. The prospect for n moro extensive uttlration of the sugar boot in No- irnskn Is good. The development of his young industry In this state has won very rapid during the past few ours and hns attracted wldo attention , 'wo largo factories are turning out ugar of the highest quality from the > oets grown upon Nebraska soil , and the ) OsslI > Hltles of augur ranking being Hin ted only by the possibilities of boot growing , it is evident that the business nay bo extended indefinitely in a re- ; ion so admirably suited to it aa No- ) raskn is admitted to be. It has boon hewn by reports from tha Agricultural oparlmcnt tbat among the samples ot wets received from various states the lighost coofnciont of purity was found n those from Nebraska. The proper- Ion ot sugar in the boots grown in this la to is ! t per cent greater than in these f Germany , nnd the natural produc- .Ivcnuss of our soil is such that it gives ho boot growers here a great advantage n the competition with these of the old world , who are obliged to robert to ar- Ificial fertilizers to an extent which olTsots the difference in the cost of labor. The sugar factories of Nebraska are urnlng the products of her boot ( Jolds nto rollnod sugar , and doing the work veil. This is as it should ho , and the nnnufacturing facilities should bo ox- ended with the growth of the boot jrowing industry , as it doubtless will bo. touching upon this phase of the subject , the Now York Comm'm'ut Jiultctin has the following : In commenting upon the question , now bolng ngltatod by these wlio bavo takoa up ho culture of sugar boats in Nebraska , vhatbor they ougbttooractrollnorics as well ns fnotorios-for the production ot raw sugar , or the latter only , \Vlltott & Gray say , In holr "Statistical : " "Wo do not lIUo to see ho onportunity for prolllablo ooot root agri culture Iti nearly every stftlo In the union est to our farmers by the present disUiroctod efforts. Abandon the oftort to build up the nclustry oy Doot root sugar raflomg nnd Unit It to boot root sugar agriculture , and It must succeed. " If the growers of boot roots and the manu- ncturcrs of raw boot root sueur In Nebraska vlll ngrco not to oroot roHncries , Wlllott & 3ray declare that the sugar trust ' 'will con tract for It" ( raw boot root suuar ) "now at bo market value of similar sugar at the time of dollvory In 18U3 , and wlltcommonco work- np their larea rollnory In St. LouU just as soon as n six months' supply can bo given , hem from any or all of tUo boot root produo- DK states. " The journal quoted labors under a slight misapprehension upon ono point , it uHsumos that the idea of erecting refineries - fineries in Nebraska has not yet been put into actual practice , whereas the .ruth is In nt all the boots grown in this stnto arc made into refined sugar horo. 3lBowhoro in the same editorial the Commercial Jlulletin says : Wo do not bollove that , the boat root growers and raw sugar manufacturers of S'obraaKa will accept this ad vino. In fact , , here is no greater monaco to the success of > DOt root sugar culture in the Umtoa States than the sugar trust. Unless the raw sugar manufacturers shall bo able to put their sugar upon tbo market ready for consump tion .hoy will bo at the mercy of the sugar ; rust. There Is now but ouo buyer of raw sugar hi tUa United States , and the farmers of Nebraska have but to observe the history of tbo Standard Oil trust to see what their tuturo will bo if forced to sell their sugar to the sugar trust only. This is very good counsel from an able source. Tbo sugar trust will eagerly covet the raw product of Nebraska , and if the present rate of increase in beet culture here is maintained it will soon 30 a product worth reaching for. But there are no signs of any tendency on the part ot the Nebraska farmers to play into the hands of the sugar trust. There is no reason why they should do so. As matters now stand they have nothing to gain by seeking to place the roflulng business entirely in the bunds ot this giant monopoly , Tboro is plenty of money and enterprise.In this state to provide as many sugar refineries as the growth of the beet producing industry may demand , and the local pride ot our producers will load , them to encourage the homo manufacturer rather than to promote any interest of such an octopus ns the sugnr trust. The time may not bo far distant when the sugar refineries of this state will bo among its greatest industries. Nebraska for Nebraskans , and may the sugar business growl JJOAI/7S FOR THE II031ESEEKRIIS. Two homeseoking excursions will come to Nebraska this year , ono on August HO and the ether on September 27. It is a common practice in every now and fresh settlement to present highly colored inducements to eastern people who are seeking to bettor their condition , and notuafroquantly a severe penalty is paid for oxcetsivo boonfing when the deceived homoseokor pulls up his atnkos and moves awtiy , leaving these who have oxpoclod to become fiuil- donly rich by inflated real estate values to mourn and find fault with the hard decrees of fate. Nebraska passed boyoud the experi mental period many years ago. Among the states west of the Mississippi it ranks as an old commonwealth. It is not a Held that invites the adventurer. It offers no Inducement to the devotees of happy chance , There Is no such thing an gambling upon the future ot thlsstalo. With this jlnln uUitomont ns an introduction , THU OKI : ventuioa to suggest that the thousmids of cltl- eitl/ona of Nebraska who have friends in thu east unnnot bettor allow their in terest in them than by asking them to join DUO of these homosucking excur sions uml take a look at this state , in- vobllg.tting iU vast resources and esti mating its unHmitod portabilities. It is n curious fact that millions of oostorn people whoso material condition could hardly bo worse than it is are wholly ig- norantof tlioopportunities here olTorod them , if they have heard of thoao op portunities they have imagined that some uim was trying to practice upon their urcdu.ity. ' Thorn in a vast amount of room \n No- brartka. Thufe is ample spuca'for the farmur , the tradesman and the manu facturer. It Is not necessary that thu homcBockcr should bo a moro tlllor oi the soil. With each year's dovolopmoul of the rich resources of the state a widet field la opouod for every form of human activity. Lot the citizens pt Nebraska Invite their custom friends to join ono ot these lomcscoking oxcuralons and pay them i visit. In any event it can do nu larra , and perhaps It may effect a great mprovomont In the condition of some f ho are now struggling for bxistonco In ho thickly populated oast. Visitors ace always welcomed horo. TIIK XK\1' \ SKritKTAIlV UP ST.t'fK. General John W. Foster waa yostor- Iny appointed secretary of atato by resident Harrison and the appoint ment was promptly confirmed by the sunnto. General Foster's diplomatic experience fits him for the position. Ho ins boon minister to Russia , Moxlco nnd Spain and had .a great deal to do with lufjrotintlng the reciprocity arrangement vlth the latter country. Ho has also cprcsomcU the State department in tbo icgotltitlon of ether reciprocity ugroo- rents , nnd no ono has a moro thorough cnowlodgo of that policy. Ho has boon indor the present administration the diplomatic attorney of the State dopart- nunt , nnd in that relation hue proved ilrasolf a most nblo and useful olllciaU General Foster is said to bo entirely fa miliar with every phase of the Boring sea controversy , and as the arbitration s near nt hand his counsel will bo Im portant and valuable. Besides his ox- ronslvo experience in diplomatic affairs , the now secretary of state is a lawyer of superior attainments. Ho enjoys the ull confidence ot the president and Is in complete harmony with his views on all the subjects with which the State do- Nirtmont has at present to deal. Ha Is , o bo credited to Indiana , although for v number of years a resident of the Dis trict of Columbia. The Stnto department under the pres ent administration hns received a larger share of the attention of the president .nan . has boon usiial. During the pro- ongod illness of Mr. Blaiuo the affairs of the department wore closely looked after by President Harrison , and it is a well known fact that a great donl of the corrcspondonco in the Boring sea matter ter- and the Chilian controversy eman ated directly from the president. It is altogether probable that the presidant will continue to devote a great deal of attention to the department and to per sonally direct ita utterances upon nil matters already under consideration or which may hereafter arise. Himself an iblo lawyerwell versed in International aw nnd evidently having n taste for diplomatic discussion , President Harri- risen will undoubtedly continue to give close attention to our international ro- utions and to give direction to the for eign policy of the government so far as lie has authority. In view of the very successful manage ment of international affairs , largely due to the attention and Interest of the president , the country is warranted in expecting that the excellent record al ready made will bo maintained , regard- ess of who is at the head of the Depart ment of State , nnd this without disparag ing in the slightest degree the experi enced and nblo diplomatist who now oc cupies that position. General Foster is in every way qualified for the important duties of secretary of state. Indeed , there Is probably no man in the country bettor equipped for them , and unquestionably tie will fully maintain the high standard of the leading cabinet office. STEVENSON HAS AN ISSUE. The democratic candidate for vice president , Adlal E. Stevenson , hns an issue which 'ho considers to bo moro momentous than all others. It is the so-called force bill , the measure intro duced in the Fifty-first congress provid ing for frco and fair federal elections in every state of the union. Mr. Stevenson has boon interviewed by a representative of the Now York iS'u/i , to whom ho said that while the tarlli issue is moro important than the silver issue , moro important than both is tbo ' and force . " 'despicable dangerous .bill. This , in the opinion of the gentleman whoso political distinction rests upon the fact that ho put some 50,000 democrats in fourth class postolllcos in the place of republicans , is thu main issue , and ho romai ked that "it is so far-reaching in Its consequences that its importance cannot bo over-estimated to the people of the southern states and to the people - plo of the country. " lie declared that such legislation would destroy the peace , prosperity ana happiness of the people of the south , and asserted us a fact of personal knowledge that the negroes in the southern states are aa well treated as the whites on election day , uud have little if any causa to complain. The reason for the professed fear on the part of the democratic candidate for vice president and BO mo others of hia party that in the event of republican success there might bo legislation terse- euro every where a free ballot and an honest count is found in the plank of the republican platform which demands "that every citi/.cn of the United States shall bo allowed to cast ono free and un restricted ballot In all public elections , nnd that such ballot shall be counted and returned as cast , " and which do- chiros that "tho free and honest popular ballot , the just and equal representation of all the people , as well as their just nnd equal protection tindnr the laws , are the foundation of our republican institu tions. ' ? Is there anything alarming in thia ? la there anything in the demand and the declaration that any patriotic ulti- /on , honestly desiring that ovory'other citizen , white or blauk , shall bo secure in the enjoyment of the most essential and valuable right of citizenship , can not endorse1 And if it bo a fact , as all woll-informod men know it to bo , that 1,000,000 of citizens are not permitted to freely exorcise this right , guaranteed by the constitutional the country , is it not the duty of the political party which has always Insisted upon a free anO honest ballot to take notice of the "fact ana to demand that the wrong bo remedied ? The republican party would bo faithless to its character and its tra ditions if it were to ignore the fact of n largo body of citizens being deprived ol their sovereign right of sutlrngo at every federal election , and the party will forfeit its ohiiin to the coiilldonco and support of patriotic nnd fuir-mlndec cltlzunu whenever it shall cease to have the courage to denounce and protest against an injustice which iiiontveos Ve- mUicnn institutions and Is a reproach o thenation. . Mr. Stevenson will hardly succeed , even with the valuable aa'rtstanco of the fovt York Siiiiui making Iho so-called orco bill a leading Isstio In the cam- talgn. The democratic party vlll not m allowed toovndotho hsuo it hasmndo > ffulnst the system ot American proteo- ion nnd in favor of free trade , or to lougo the fact that n very largo ma- ority ot the party are willing to debase .ho . currency by opening the mints of ho country to the free and unlimited coinage ot silver. No subterfuge will w permitted to Interfere with the full discussion of these Issues , and it mat ers not which of thom is regarded as the more Important. The force bill may do service for the purpose of keeping .ho . south solid , but it cannot bo mrulo to lave any terror tor the people of the lorth. The farmers , the business men and ho great army of labor , who uro deeply joncorned in the growth of American ntlustrlos , the extension- American commerce , and the maintenance of a sound and stable ourronoy , will not uivo their attention drawn away from ho questions In which thuso conditions > f national pr.ipross nnd prosperity are nv.olvod. But it Is interesting to enow that the democratic candidate or vice president , who In the event ot iis election might roach the highest office in the republic , bollovos that it is .ho . first and greatest du.y of his party o antagonize the demand for a free nnd loncst ballot in every section of the country. WHEN Governor McKlnloy said in his Now York speech tbat tha bilUon-uollaf congress , which the democrats say so much about , was really n two billion- dollar congress , ho opened the eyes ot its nudionco. It was a two blllion-dol- ar congress , ho said , because under the iporatlon of the laws which it passed our domestic trade increased billion dollars and our foreign trade amounted to a billion nnd twenty million dollars , the like of which was never known in American history. The republican party can very well afford to go before the country upon such n record as that. The democrats said that this tariff law would be prohibitive and that It would loithor lot us out nor lot ether coun- -ries in , and yet it is plainly shown that this country never in its history had such n trade before. The republican system of duties upon foreign importa tions seems to have worked very well since the McKinley law was put into effect , and these who have studied its results without prejudice will veto for a continuance ot the same policy. THE thousands of people'who will como to Omaha tnoxt week , most of whom will ronlfnift h'oro several days , will leave a largo amount of money in the city. This will not bo expended wholly for accommodations. Most of them will lake this opportunity to pro- viao themselves BW.lh } manyr things not readily to bo "pHTiinod at their homos ' and which tho'trc-'cans < got 'hero moro cheaply. Hundreds of therm will look about for the Superior bargains which Omaha can offer. It fs" presumed that our wideawake merchants fully appreci ate this , and that they wifi/mprovo { so excellent tin opportunity to apprise the visitors of what they have worthy of their attention. Next week can hardly fail to bring largo rewards to these business men who attract the attention of the people by liberally advertising their goods. Tnu World-IIeralilis frothing at the mouth because the authorities have , in response to a public demand , voted in significant sums of money to help moot the expense of a befitting celebration of the Fourth. Hud .not the national con vention come to Omaha on Independ ence day there probably would have been loss of an effort to make the cele bration a notable one. But nn exigency has arisen and it is the duty of this city to make some demonstration in keeping with the two great events. It is-truo there is no authority in law for the ap propriation of these small sums , and it is no less true that there should bo pro vision made to cover the necessary ex pense of public entertainments and cele brations. TIIK course of true political love deep not always run smooth in the royal cir cles of Europe. The betrothal of Crown Prince Ferdinand of Roumanta to Prin- cuss Marie of Edinburg is the cause of a great doul of trouble. Every day or two Princess Marie receives an old love letter sent by the crown prince to Mllo. Helen Norasco , whoso love affair with him created a sensation and a decided political disturbance in Roumanian pol itics some time ugo. American lovora have a great deal loss trouble than these connected with the royal families of Europe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AUKANGKMENTS for accommodating visitors to Omaha during the session of ' 'Convention week the people's party next uro about complqte' l , and the committee has no doubt that everybody will bo pro'perly taken cnVo of. Private families desiring guests-can secure thom by ap plying to the committee , whoso head quarters is unfitTr the Millard hotel. ' The indications urd , that' there will bo more people In Omaha next week than have over boon no o before nt ono time , nnd they will aUjbq entertained. THU proofs ofJlHgland's hostility to the republican lajjjff law multiply day bv day. This gpt-'H to show that it is a good law for Ai fcfjca and a bad law for England. Thiaia tis it should bo. It moans that tho' murican manufacturer and laborer uro' protected and that the ' English manufaotuYor'and his employes nro the losora by .thia 'policy. Public uy.inputhy on this ' Ifhj of the Atlantic will go out to the 'worlcingtuon of Eng land. They are not to. blame for the free trudo system which makes thom poor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tin : full capacity of our hotels and restaurants will bo taxed Monday. Com petent judges declare that Omaha has novcr ooon called upon to ontortuln as grout a number of people us will cer tainly visit us next week. THK democratic platform declares against Chinese immigration and con tract laborers from abroad , but with an nconststoncy , ns manifest as it is vain , it declaims for the importation of free nw material nnJ goods manufactured jy the cheap labor ot Europe , Every aborlng man can see that the movement -hoy favor would do moro damage to the worklngmon than nil the Chinese or contract laborers on earth , OMAHA has been soloclod ns the icxt mooting place ot the grand edge of the C. S. P. S. of No- brnska , which has just closed its session at Wejt Point. The ledge does not moot again for four years , hut none the loss Omahn appreciates the favor shown It , and wo can safely give the assurance that the city will then bo oven moro attractive than It Is now. Or u Spirit oil Millrncc. PhttailtliMnfcord. . With nidwoll of California for Its stand ard bearer , prohibition should got a golden gate on. The Truth In Three I.lnoi. Kew I'oi-h Commercial ( rr-d m. ) In u campaign in which the txvo adminis trations nro compared Mr. Harrison's looms largo and wise. AVhiU Struck rnttornnn ? lVilfirtclj > Mt Tfmes. Thoreasonfroo silver Colorado doosn't love either platform it because it nsltod both : "Will you bo miuol" and neither would. Provocation turn Uroan. MiUaiMphla Press. The spoctaole of the Samuel J. Randall as sociation glorying In the Chicago free trade andspotlsman tlckotouahtto mnlco the grand old protectionist turn In his gravo. Tito Hotter Jinn. C/itaiflD / Tribune. It appears that Henry M. Utanloy rankos even a worse fniluro as n stump speaker than ho did ns a locturor. Ho should lot his wlfo do his political campaigning for him. The Cnuso of Good Uoiiili. A'cio I'oi fc Tribune. The cause of good roads gooa inarching on. There Is no politics In It , consequently when people got tired of discussing the presiden tial ctuiv.-m lu all ot the sharp aisagrco- monts which that oxorclso Implies the ; can got together and relieve the strain , ronubh- cons , democrats and the rnst , oa the good road Issuo. It'H u Cumpulen , Not n llaby Snow. U'lU/idiObin / Post. The country has bad enough and moro than enough of Baby McICoo and Baby Uutb and Baby Dorothy and all the rest of the In fants belonging to Harrison , Cleveland , Whitney ana ether distinguished familloi. Wo have been surfeited with long nnd maud lin narratives of Baby MoICeo's now trousers ana llttlo Uutti Cleveland's precocious tooth. In the name of decency nna common snnso lot us have done with this melancholy fool ishness an < i return to the ways of dignity. This is a great national campaign , not a baby show. THE NEW Minneapolis Times : Chairman Campbell should lese no time in searching the repub lican party for ooncoalod weapons. Minneapolis Tribune : The choloo of W. J. Campbell of Illinois is an excellent ono. In deed it could hurdly bavo boon bottor. Chicago Journal : The olootion of Hon. W. J. Campbell of Chicago as chairman of the republican national committed places the campaign in ohnrgo of a man superbly equipped for tbo service that bo will bo re quired to render. Ho Is a stalwart , physic ally , Intellectually and politically. Chicago News : The choice of Mr. Campbell - boll is most significant , however , as Indicat ing in some degrao an aoDrchnnslon In the republican mind as to tbo steadfastness of Illinois In the republican faith. Mr. Camp boll as head of'tno national committee- will not lese sight of Illinois. The disquieting effect on the democrats of Mr. Stevenson's nomination will now bo Intensified. Chicago Inter Ocean : Mr. Campbell Is a \voll equipped man for the position , and , If circumstances will permit him to give his time to the work ot the comuilttoo , wo have no doubt the result will confirm in all minds tun good opinion hU western friends have of him. It certainly was wise on tbo part of the committee and the president to como west for the manager of the campaign. PITHY AXn POIXTVD. Sittings : ( f a church bo on fire , why has the organ thu smallest chunuo of osuuue ? Bo- uaiibo the engine cannot play on It , WushliiRton Star : "lluvoyou a parrot that can swear ? " ' yes , " replied the bird dealer. "Well , I'll take It. I want to hang It up bo- sldo the thermometer. " A high old time the lligii school clock. New York Tribune : Hangs So old Do Fulo Is sending message ? from tbo spirit world ! Through whitt medium does ho communicate with his friends ? Janzs Well , when lie was on earth ho did most of his talking through the medium of his hut. Puck : Tourist ( lu Kentucky ) Thatgontlo- in n n sitting over there Is the most tuulturn person I over encountered. Though I have tried almost every imaginable subject of con versation I ittn utterly unable to draw him out. Landlord That's Colonel Ooro : try a eorl < sro r , sub. TOO MUCH. Clutlilcr and Furntolter , Why did the maid refuse tovo < l The man she said aim would ? Wan It because lie was not Kind Or every thing that's 1:001 ! ? Oh. no. It was because , alas I This ivotild-bu , e rluv blood Did tuck Ills niicktlo In nlsbhlrt To show lilb diamond stud. Boston Pilot : The Pennsylvania woman who gave n costly fimontl to berrot miiHlilT the ether dtiy comes under tlio o.xuot defi nition of u dog gene Idiot. Now York Evening Suu : The best nmtut- Inal uforclsn Is to got un uarly uud start the kitchen lire for your wife. VAllltAK'J. ' MUSES. Truth. A Rtroak of rust from day to day , A Boctlon Mouse , u right of way , A string of box-cars moving HIOW Across plains where sago bushoi grow. A few runchoros. uattlc , buoUors , A triiln-loatl of Uallnu muckers , A trestle spanning canyon gioen Uonuilole u Texan railroad MCOHO , Iffiv Yoih lleralil. She twines her urms around my nook And s.iys her bonnet's vllo. llnr ball dress In a total wreck , Her cloai : Is out of Htyle. "I know It's hard. " I say , "hut , dear , Wo c.iu't lly without wings. And 8i > 1 guess tbat you will bavo To do without tlu'Bo things. " Sr.o nhrd9 u tour , once moro she twines Her arms around my ncclc. "Au you say. dear. " sfiu aaya , and then 1 write licr out u cliculc. . * , Jutlue. 1 took thn Dlodso the other day "Alus ! 1 Kuut It not. 'Twas thu pawnbroker that kent It , And btlll that jiledno lie's KOU 1 WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. ( Tasteless Effectual. ) von ALL BILIOUS and NERVOUS DISORDERS , Such as Sick Headache , Weak Stomach , Impaired Digestion , Constipation , Liver Complaint , and Female Ailments. CoTtredwlthaTutaleis & Soluble Coating , Of all drugglsti. Price S& cents a box , New York Depnt. - 6 < Canal St. WILL USE THE ALLIANCE Democrats in the South Organized to Dis- conraga the Movement. EASY TO KEEP THE BOURBONS IN LINE In the North nnil West Iho Vcoplo'n i'nrly Will lie An.lntr.l mill n View at Dividing the Iteimlillcnn Itiinks. WASHINGTON UUJIKAU OP TIIS Ben , ) 518 KouiiTBBsmt STUKRT , > , WASHINGTON' , D. O. , Juno 29. ) It Is the organized purpose of the aonio- crts in the south to counteract , the farmers alliance mul ether Independent movements Iti thuirsoctlon and koeu tuo bourbout In line by raUlnu the ory ngaluit the "forco bill. " The bourbons In congress are already mi- nounulug that the indopondontmovomonts In the south will not divert the democrat * In the south from their usual course , "beoauso they know tunt the oloctlou of Harrison means tha success of the ( orco bill. " The southern domocrnts are arranging however , to jrlvo all possible. Impe tus and encouragement to the Inde pendent movement tu tno north nnd northwest , notably the nllmnco cause in Nebraska , Kansas , Iowa , the D.-iko- tas and Minnesota , hoping thereby to elect the democratic candidates for the electoral colloBo In tnoso states. His the intention of the democratic managers to conduct their campaign not with a nope of securing a ma jority of the tricolors tor Cleveland b'ut with a view to electing enough independent elec tors and democrats to defeat a majority for the republicans and thus throw the election ot president nnd vlco president lute tuo na tional house of raprosoutntivus , which It democratic ] by an overwhelming majority. Ills Allml Wan Uillinlnncuil. Judge Valentino spent yesterday "at ( Joshon , N. Y. Ho uas called there by the closing ot the doors ot the Gosh on National bank , whoso cashier , WUUam.M. Murrv , was secretary and treasurer of the West Point Land nnd Improvement company , of which Mr. Valentino Is vice president. Murry has loft for parts unknown. The affairs ot the West Point company wore found In good cenditlnn. There was no loss by reason of the absconding of Murry. At a meeting of the directors of the West Point company j > lr. Wilcox resigned the presidency nnd Mr. A. VV. Bly was cuoson president and James T. Wisner secretary nnd treasurer , vice Murry. Mr. Valentino reports that the Uoshon bank will resume business in a shore time , and is not much crippled by Murry , who for some months has sbown an unbalanced mind. Trouble far Utah Cnmiiilssloiim-s. The senate today , upon motion of Senator Sherman amending un amendment to tbo legislative , cxecutivo and judicial appropria tion bill submitted by Senator Uaroy of Wyoming , reduced the compensation of the Utah commissioners from Ki.OOU tn 3.01)0 ) n year. The motion of Senator PanlUnor of West Virginia to abolish thu commission en tirely was defeated by four votes , Senators Carov and Warren of Wyoming both voting In Its favor. As the amondmnnt makes the commissioners residents of Utah , all of the present commission will have to resign if tbo provision becomes a law , and there is little will stand. Among the commissioners are OS-Governor Sounders of Nebraska and General Robert son of Indiana , old pcisonat friends of the president. , MlscolltuieouB. Representative Bryan said to THE BUR correspondent this afternoon that ho would call up for final consideration in the out of its order , us soon us bo could get recog nition from the speaker , the senate bill extending for a period of tbroo years thu Nebraska Central railroad bridge charter , which has boon reported favorably from tno house committee on commerce. JVlr. Bryan anid there had not as yet dovolonod opposi tion to the bill , and that ho had no reason to bollovo it would not become law within a fortnight. A favorable report has already boon made upon tno senate bill to pay the city of Lin coln $11,150 for one-half the expense of side walk improvements about the government building at Lincoln. H. Marsh of DOS Moiaos is at the John son. son.Mrs. . Kussoll Harrison is expected at tha white bouse in tbo course of the next few days , and after a short stay will go to Capo May , wnure she will spend the summer at the president's cottage , in order to bavo tbings in readiness for him whenever ho can got away from the city for a little holiday. Representative Henderson of Iowa todav introduced a bill to Increase the pension of Captain Samuel II. Cbapmau. W. J. Martin was today appointed post master at Grand Rapld.s , Holt county , and S. Ecliort at Ickes , Cheyenne. In the timber culture casoof Vincent Kap lan , from Valentine , Assistant Secretary Chandler todav nfllrraed the decision of the commissioner In favor of Kaplan. Ho also affirmed the decision of David Strickland against Willis A. Veroriok , from Bloomington - ton , against Strickland. In the withdrawal appeal case of Julius Stroblow against Nich olas Brahm , from MoCook , thu con test Is dis missed. P. S. H. Muy Lay the Alnlna. ' Judge Dundy decided yesterday to author * ize the receiver for the American water works plant iu Omaha to proceed with put ting tn sorrlco plpo connections ns ordered by the city In accordance with the pinna prepared by the city engineer. Thl ques- lion was submitted to Judge Dundy for nil- Justmont some weeks ngo. The water worki company wan , of course , opposed to the Idem of having the receiver Instructed to proceed with these Improvements , because the amount Allowed will bo only $13 for each property owner furnished with sorvloo plpo , whereat It cost under the old regime about (35. PARKS AND JOULEVARDS. Cnminlislonor * nnd Architect Clovolnnrt ArrniiRo n ProRrnni. The park commission mot yesterday after noon and laid out business enough to occupy the tlmo of tha members during the re mainder ot the wook. H , W. LM Cleveland uf Minneapolis , the landscnpo gardner who has chnrgo of the plans for park nnd boule vard Improvements , was present. Mr. Cleveland will Inspect the north boulo- vixrd In company with members of the commission tonight preparatory to matting the clans for additional Improvement * . Friday morning the board with Mr. Cleveland will drlvo out to the south boulevard nnd Uomls park. The nature nnd extent of the Improvements will then bo decided on nnd the plans will bo drawn nftor Mr. Cleveland's return to Mm- neapolls. The board decided to give their permission to hold the Fourth of July exorcises In Jeffer son square. Notice to members of the various oommlt- tcoi : Tbcro will bonipcclnl mootliifrof all committees connected with the Fourth ot July celebration at the oxahango room of the Board of Trade at 10 o'clock n. m. today Juno 110. It is desirable tbnt every member should bo present. By order of W. F. Ilaohol , chalrnmn. W. N. NASO.V , Secretary. All wheelmen desirous of lakliiR fart ia the parade on the Fourth of July are nikcd to moot at the Youtitr Men's Christian asso ciation hall , Thursday , ntS p. m. Arrange- menU are butiiK raudo to havaovorlOO wheel men In line. Members of the Omahn , Tourist , Young Men's Christian Association and Ladles' ' wheel clubs who can participate , hand your names to the captain of your oluu. Wheelmen not members of any club , hand your nnrno to the physical dirootor of the YOUHR Men's Christian association or to M. A. Urant , U18 South Fifteenth street. _ _ * A Ilrnimitlu llvoiit. This evening "Mario Stuart" will bo presented - sontod nt Boyd's Now theater for the bonaflt of the Homo for tha Aped. Many of Omnha'i loading citizens have lent their aid to make the play a success. The object , as Is wall known , Is a vary worthy ono mid these tlcslr- Ing to perform devoted chnritnbla deeds will bavo an opportunity to do so with plans- uro and lulvuutuco to themselves. Tickets nro on sale nt the Boyd box ofllco. Prices nro 50 , 35 anil 25 cants. A Friend Wishes to speak through the Register ot the beneficial results ho lias received from a regular use of Ayor's Pills. Ho says : "I was fecllnR sick and tired and my stomach seemed all out of order. I tried a number of remedies , but none seemed to grvc mo relief until I was induced - duced to try tbo olil reliable Ayer's Pills. I Imvo tnkcu only one box , but I feel lll < o a now man. I think they are the most pleasant and easy to take ot anything I ever used , belli ; ; so finely sugar-coated that even a child will taka thom. I urge upon all who nro In Need of a laxative to try Ayor's Pills. " Bootlibay ( Me. ) , Register. "Hotween the nges of llvo and fifteen , I was troubled with a kind of salt- rheum , or eruption , chiefly confined to the legs , nnd especially to the bond of the knee above the calf. Hurt' , running sores formed which would scab over , but would bieiilc immediately on mov ing tbo leg. My mother tried every thing slio could think of , but nil iwas without avail. Although a child , I road in the j'apera about the beneficial effects of Ayer'.s Pills , and persuaded my moth er to let mo try them. With no great faith lu the result , she procured Ayer's ' Pills and I began to use them , and soon noticed an improvement. Encouraged by this , I kept on till I took two boxes , when the sorcH disappeared and Imvo never troubled nio since , " H , Chlpmau , Ileal Estate Agent , Roanoke , Va. "I suffered for years from stomach and kidney troubles , causing very severe pains in various parts of thu body. Nona of the remedies I tried afforded mo iiuy relief until I began taking Ayer's Pills , and was cured. " Win. Goddunl , Notary Public , JFlvo Lakes , Mich. Prepared l > y Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Masi. Bold by Irnggl u Everywhere. Every Dose Effective & CD. Largest Manufacturers and rotation of Clothing In the World. Summer Days Are not more than half enjoyed unless you are coolly dressed. We're selling now all our summer coats and vests at half price ; brown , black , blue serges , all colors mohairs and fancy flannels. Single and double1 linen duck vests , in checks , plaids , stripes , at half price. The sea son is now on and we've only a small lot left , so we want to close them out because we never carry anything over to next year ; half price now. We're making a great reduction in straw hatstoo. Browning , King & Co rom now till July . I . , ourstoro will bo open . . JO'H.VUl 1C IV ( "fir 15tl& ! UUUgldi S vfry dayIII 8p.m. Saturday * till lu p. m.