Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1892, Page 8, Image 16

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    THE OMAHA DAIL'Y BEE * THURSDAY , JUNti 30 , 1802.
If Nick Fox InPlay Ing a Game It is for the
TJest of Reasons.
Llltlo Hey Pox 1'nt on the Stnnit to Tell
lloxv Illit I'ntlirr Killed HU Mother
Wlmt the Wltnofici
Hworo To.
Tbo stnto has made out Its case against
Nicholas Fox , the wife murderer. The tes
timony is all la nnd last nltrhl the defense
commenced tbo Introduction of ovldcnco
tending to show that Fox Is and for years
lias been an Insane man. Tho.cvldonco wo/ *
In the form of deposition ? of parties residing
nt Valparaiso , Ind. ' Tbo depositions In substance -
stance contained the ovldenco noted in
ycstorduy's ' Ben.
The usual crowd that attends murder trials
was on hand when tbo criminal court opuucd
yesterday morning.
Nicholas Pox , the murderer , seemed
as bright ns n dollar , though mentally
bo presented a somewhat dlsflp-
urcd nppoorncco. Ho wns not as
violent ns when In court Tuesday after-
noou , though bo continued to keep up his In
coherent mumblings.
Jailer Miller , who lias mnrto n careful
study of the prisoner's condition , Is conlldont
tbat'Fox Is playing n deep came , one in
which his llfo Is tbo Moko to win or lose.
Tuesday night after Fox wu taken to his
cell ho raved and torn around until
tbo Jailor had left tbo corridor. Then ho
quieted down and socmod burled In thought.
In this condition ho remained until bu cell
wtis approached , when ho would scream , tear
at the bars nnd ralso hades generally.
Twelve Jurors who bad not formed nor ex
pressed on opinion worn secured , sworn and
cautioned not to road anything In tbo news
papers purporting to bo the facts In the cnso.
Tbo lawyers made their stutoinonts to the
Jury , nnd then the taking of testimony com
Tiililuc Trutlmuny.
Dr. IColloy of South Omaha was the first
witness sworn. Ho was nulled to the house
on tbo morning of the commission of the
crime. Ho found Mrs. Fox very weak.
She bad been shot. The ball bad
cntored the nbdomcn , Just nbovo and thrco
Incboi to the left ot the navel. It had passed
through the left kidney and lodged In the
back near tbo splno.
Dr. Slubaugh of South Omaha was called
to attend Charity Fox on the morning of December -
comber 2'J. Ho made an examination of
her body nnd found her BUfterlnp
from tbo ofTects of -pistol wound.
The description of the wound was
thu same os detailed by tbo former witness.
In n conversation with Mrs. Fox s > ho told the
doctor that she had boon shot by her bus-
band and thut she would dlo.
In making his examination the doctor
found bruises and cuts upon the body , limbs
nnd head of Mrs. Fox , all of which she tuld
resulted from blows struck by her hus
Moses Doushorty , who resided In the
house adjoining the Fox house , was await-
cnod on tbo morning of December 22 by the
report of a nistol. Ho Immediately arose
nnd dressed , and going to tlio door of his
house beard Hey Fox. n boy 1 _ years of ago ,
rry out : "Mnthor Is shot. " Ho heard Mrs.
Fox aay : "I am bhot. " Then ho heard
her fall to the lloor , mid
01 she fell ho looked through
tbo window anil saw Fox kiclc her en the
beau. Shoarnso , ran out of tbo bouse anil
to tbo homo of the Shermans , two doors
away. Witness heard the little boy cry ,
"You hnvo shot mamma , " and Fox told him
to shut tip. Witness than wont Into the Fox
house and found the prisoner sitting on
the table , the blood htrcamlng from bis
throat. Ho said : "Donr * neighbor.
I have shot my wlfo , cut my throat and will
bo dead m IIvo minutes , and I want you to
stay and sea mo die. "
Witness told Fox that bo would not die ,
but that hoould lilco to take tbo razor and
finish the Job. Fox then gave him the re
volver .saying. "That Is what 1 used In
lulling my wife. " Witness asked Fox
why ho committed the crime and
was informed that his wlfo had been untrue.
At no time dill Fox talK In n manner that
would ludlcato that bis mind wcs unhinged.
All of the time ho Insisted that ho had killed
his wife and that within live minutes ho
himself would bo dead.
Son to Accuse tlio i'nthor.
At the session of the court yesterday after
noon there was a pathetic sccno , nnd ono
that brought tears to the oycs of many of
- the spectators In the great court room. Uoy
Fox , an unusually bright Huh ) boy 10 yours
of lice , wns placed upon the witness stand.
As the little fellow suatod himself In tbo
witness chair nud glanced at bis unnatural
and wilu-oycd father , bo burst into
tears. The grout audlonco listened
to the sobs that echoed through
tbo room , whllo more than ono heart , full of
BYBputlir , wont out to the little follow.
Forcing back the tears , bo told nstroightfor-
v/ard story , but every tlmo ho turned his
face toward bis father ho would break down
.mi ircmble.
HU testimony was to the effect that the
evening before the murder his father quar
reled with his mother. Ho accused bor of
receiving letters from Anderson , n man who
had boarded ut the house some months pre
vious. The mother denied the charga and
then the family retired. The next morning
Hey was awakened bv tbo screams of hi *
mother , and Jumping out of bed bo wont Into
tba next room , where bo saw his futbur
Btrlko his mother ou * the head and knock bor
down , nftcr wblcU bo llrod the pistol ball
Into bor body.
Hey testified that ho wont to where bis
mother was lying , when ho was caught by
his father and hurled back Into the bedroom.
From there ho escaped aud went to the house
Of his grandfather , F. A. Sherman.
Tlicty Intended to Kill Him.
William Sherman , n brothnr of Charity
Fox , tbo murdered woman , resided nt homo ,
four doors from the Fox homo. At 0 o'clock
on the morning on which tbo murder waa
committed ho wns awakened by the cries of
his sister. Ho at once unlocked tlio door
ana she fell Into his arms , exclaiming :
"Nick has killed mo. " '
She wns luld on the bed , nnd after dress
ing , the biother went out to hunt Fox. Ho
BUW Fox running toward the Sarny county
line , when suddenly bo stopped and drew u
razor across tils threat. As Sherman approached
preached Fox said :
"For God's gulio lot mo dlo. I bavo cut
mv throat. "
John Sherman , another brother of Charity
Fox , followed the inttrdoiur toward the
Harpy county line and caught un with him
lust ut the tlmo when bo cut his throat. Ho
and bis brother lutcmloJo kill Fox , but
-tier oohig that bo bud drawn the razorover
bis and was bleeding freely , they
thought ho would dlo.
Mrs , Katu Smith wns called to the Shcr-
man house the morning of ibe murder , Sbo
was n wltnoss to the dying statement made
by Mrs. Fox. who suld that Fox knocked boi
down , kicked her and then Shot her through
the bou.v. Then bo placed the pistol nt her
forehead aud attempted to shoot ugnln , but
the carttldpu failed tooxplodo. Sao know
Charity Fux aud know she was true to her
Fox \viu unusually calm during the after
noon session of tbu court , and the oplnlot
tuut hu Is playing a part is rapidly crowing ,
published In bolmlf of Hood'a Sarsaparilla
tire not extravagant , ura not "wilttcu up , '
iioruroibry from Its employes. They uro
' { arli , and provo that Hood's Surahuarllla
IIOSSCRSOS absolute merit aud U worthy tbo
full confidence of tbo people.
Hood's Pill nro pure vegetable , perfectly
harmluii , but do uoi cauko.paln or grlpo. JLJo
euro to got Hood's. '
m i
Death or.Mm. lllrnry.
News of the death of Mrs. Major J , U. Dir
noy at Denver Was received iu the city yet
torday , Mr * . Blrnoy was the mother of Dr
-It. H. nirnoy nnd Clarke A. Ulrnoy of. this
city , The remain * _ ro balnit brought to
Omaha and will boburiod from the roHUcnco
Of her son C'lurko at lliiO South Thirtieth
uvouuo , thU morntug.
MM. L. It. I'&ttou , HoaltforJ. III. , wrlteu
"From nuMontil uxpurtauco I mn ru com in on a
JtoWUt'u Sanupirilla , a CUM for Impura
blouu _ uij gcucrulouiUty. . "
Every Dollar's Worth of Stonehill's ' Bank
rupt Dry Goods Block
t'sno Longer n Question oft'oft , tlio Itoom
Mint bo Yacatcil nnil the Stock
Closed Out ni Quick
ns 1'osftlblc ,
The Boston Store desires to Inform
ho public thnt the Stonohill store must
)0 vacated nt once , nnd In order to do so
wo must dispose of the stock inimcdl-
Tomorrow wo begin to sacrlflco the
silks nnd dress goods.
All the polka dots In blnclc ground ,
ill the 18-Inch pros grains , nil
.ho summer silks , In met nil of Stone
hill's silks thut hu sold nt 76c and S'Jc
and which wo olTorcd up to today ns n ,
great bargain nt GOc n yard , go tomor
row nt 2oo yard.
All Stonohill's silks with satin stripes
n cream , white , yellow nnd gray , worth
up to 60c , go tomorrow at 12ic yard.
All the double wurp surnhs in Mnck
and white and black and colored fnncv
stripes , nil Stonohill's moire bilks , nil
the 81.00 satins , nil the black faille
rancaiso that Stonohill sold nt $1.00 , go
it 3lo ) n yard.
All the high prlco silks thnt Stonohill
sold ft 31.GO , $1.75 , black nnd colored
gros grain , falllo francnlso , tallotas ,
in tin rluidnincp , plain changcablus ,
jrocaded silks , novelty stripes , ut the
ridiculous price of 03c.
Wo tire determined to sell dross
ooils nt nny cost. It matters not how
food the quality , every ynrd of goods
lll bo offered at sacrlflco prlco ,
Hero for Instance are wool twilled
plaids In tans , grays , brown and other
colorings , whleii neither Stonohill or
any other house over sold less than 2oc.
Our price to close , 6c ynrd.
And hero are part wool double-fold
jedford cords , and fancy weaves In
ilpaca. Stonohill's price , 2Sc , our
irico to close , 8c.
And hero nro tl'O--44-Inch summer
cnshmeros in black and colors thnt
Stonohill used to advertise nt GOc.
All the striped Henriettas , till the
H'ondhond twilled plaids , all the 40-inch
guminor brillinntincs ; in the lot you will
ccognizo goods that Stonchills sold up
o 7oc and which wo sold up to date for
GOo , go to morrow to o'oso at 2oe.
And hero nro benutiful check sorgos ,
silk striped nil wool twills , various col
ored stripes nnd fancy figures that
Stonohill sold at SOc ; our price to close ,
61) ) pieces nil wool nnd silk check mx- )
.urcs nnd stripes , nil wool bedford cords
nnd cropons , storm serges in fnncy
veuves nnd all colors , Stonohill's price
'rom ' Sl.OO to 81.25 , our price , to close ,
Full GO inches wide , the most dosiro-
able fabrics for summer wciir , finely fin-
'shod , shedding dust , excellent in their
ivearlng qualities. Stonohill's price , and
overv other house's price for this qual-
ty , $2.00 n'yard , our price , to close , just
ibout half.
N W. Cor. Kith and Douglas ,
O/llccra / Xninnil for the Annual Contest t
liullavuo In Aujruat.
Arrangements are almost completed for
the annual rlflo competition for tbo Depart
ment of the Platte at the Bellevue rifle
range. This competition will begin on the
1st of August and continue uuoul two weeks.
Immediately otter the rifle competition has
ticcu completed the annual cavalry competi
tion for the Departments of tbo East , the
Platte and California will bo taken up , be-
imiinc on the 15th ot AUL'Ust.
Captain Charles A.Coolldcoof thoSovonth
Infantry has been designated as commander
of the camu for both competitions. His staff ,
so far as appointed , will consist of Lieu
tenant Edgar W. Howe of Fort Robinson ,
adjutant nnd signal ofttcer ; Lieutenant Harry
E. Wilklus , Second Infantry , quartermaster
and ordnance oulcer : Lieutenant Jam s M.
Arrasmltb , Second infantry , commissary nntl
oxuhango oDlcar ; Lieutenant Arthur B.
Iloyl , assistant surgeon United States army ,
medical ofllccr of the camp. Other oflJcors
will be appointed later on.
General L. A. Grant , 11 rat assistant secre
tary of war , loft last evening for Minne
General John R. Brooke post ot the Army
and'Navy union will meet on Saturday evenIng -
Ing to install the newly elected o HI cars at
the headquarters of the post In THU BEE
Major Boll , for the past thrco ynars chief
commissary ot tbo Department of the Platte ,
has been appointed purchasing agent for the
donartmcnt at Denver and departed for his
now post , of duty yesterday. Captain QJ-
good will fill the position tnado vacant , for a
tlmo at least.
To Clpanno tlio Hyutnm
Effectually yet gently , when costlvo of
bilious or when the blood is imp uro or slug
gish , to purmanontly euro habitual constipa
tion , to awaken the kidneys nnd liver to a
healthy activity , without Irritating or weak
ening them , to- dispel headaches , colds or
fevers , use Syrup of Pigs.
Work on the Po tolllco Ucliyrd In Anticipa
tion ol'an Appropriation ,
Work on the now postofllcd building ts pro
gressing as rapidly as could well bo ox pec tod.
The footings for the outside wall art ) all In
and tbo south wall Is ready for tba Iron lin
tels. Part of the Iron Is already on the
ground and will bo placed in position as soon
us wont oa thnt part of tbo structure can bo
begun to advantage.
The wutor keeps seeping into the excava
tions for the footings for tbo piers and makes
It ccccssnry to keep the pumps running
nearly all the tlmo. Assistant Suncrlnlond-
ant Overbcck s-iys , however , that the founda
tion is n tolld ono. Ho has tested nearly
every foot ot ground with portable piers ,
upon which ho had the men pllo six tons of
itlona. 'J hc ! > o testing piers are only ono foot
in dlauiotor. With six tons of stone upon
thorn they settled but n few inches In the
Superintendent Bolndorft has ordered the
workmen to cease cutting stone for tbo west
wull because there appears to bo some likeli
hood that the additional nmnoprlullou will
bo sucuro > l and the west wing may yet bo
carried up with tbo main portion of the buildIng -
Ing , Mr. Ovurbcck Is now working slxtv
men , ana ns soon as too work has proirrosso'd
far ouongh to put u lureer force on the brlolt
work tbo number will bo increased to 100.
Impaired digestion repaired by Boocham'u
The Eo3ton Store's Stonohill Snlo Today
I Stands Without a Parallel. .
No Snch I'rlccs , No Such Ilnrcnln , , No Stoclt
So Well Known nnil Appreciated
Kvcr 1'ut on tlio Market by
Living Mnn.
( Stonohill's ontlro stock of Upht
I colored calicos nt Ho n , yurd in The
Huston Stord htisumcnt.
Stonohill's entire stock of wash goods
and white goods , including nil chiillios ,
crcpo cloths , colored batistes , white
goods and all other grades of summer
wash dress goods , worth up to 25o , go
at33cin The Boston Store basement.
Slonohill's cntito Block fine outing
flannels , summer domot llannots and all
his dress ginghams go at 60 a yard In
The Boston Store basement.
StonohHl'a ontlro stock of men's
nntaon nnd madras cloth shirts CO at Uoc.
Stonohill's prlco 76c.
Stonohill's 25c domot shirt waists go
at 12e. }
Stonohlll's GOc shirt waists go at 25c.
Stonohill's $1.00 rod tablespronds go
at 2oc.
Stonohlll'g 25o doublofold bedticklng ,
Stonohill's 2oo black organdy lace
stripus with white Ilguro , lOc.
Black Iron frumo gronadlnos , Stone
hill's price 25c a yard : our price -10o for
a full pattern , containing 10 yards.
The greatest millinery department in
all Omaha.
During the last few days others tiavo
advortlscd untrlmincd hats us groatand
unusual bargains at from 35c to $1.00.
Wholesale houses who boast of un-
eqralloa facilities , think they are giv
ing you something beyond the roach of
Wo don't know what others cnn do ,
BUT The Boston Store WILL duplicate
any $1.00 hat ottered , will give you the
same quality of braid , and if possible
the sumo shape , no matter if it Is a , aCOc
shape or $2.50 shape , all this summer's
goods , for just 25c , exactly one-fourth of
those marvelous wholesale prices.
All of the remaining trimmed hats in
the Stonohill stock will be sold ( regard
less of former price or cost of production )
at just $1.00.
N. W. corner 10th and Douglas.
Vln the \Valiuh : Line.
1st Cincinnati and return 319.10.
For the national prohibition conven
tion the Wtibash will sell round trip
tickets at above rate on Juno 27 and 28.
_ ( ? Now Yo. k and return $23.7a
Loss than half faro.
For the Younjr People's Society of
Christian Endeavor convention the
Wabash will sell round trip tickets at
above rates on Juno 4 , 5 and 0 with
choice of routes via St. Louis or Chicago.
3d Sarntotrn and return $30.55.
For the National Educational associa
tion the Wabash will sell round trip
tickets at above rate July to 10 , with
choice of routes via St. Louis or
4th Detroit and return $20.50.
For the Baptist Young People's unio
the Wabash will sell round trip tickets
at above rate f'lly 12 and 13.
For tickets , Sleeping car accommoda
tion and a folder giving lists of routes ,
side trip ? , cost of same , with other
"aluablo information , call at Wabash
office , 1502 Farnam street , or write
N. W. P. and Ticket Agent ,
Oinahu , Nob.
Water limits Dun July Int.
Payable at company's ofllco , BEU
building. 5 per cent discount allowed
if paid before duo.
Now York anil Itnturn.
July 4 to 0 ono faro for the round
trip. Choice ot routes from Chicago.
Return Urait August 15. Call at Chicago
cage , Rook Island & Pacillc Ry. ticket
ollico , 1GO. ° Farnam street.
J. L. DJ BEVOISIJ , City TkU & P. A.
Haydcn Bros. 3-strmer cabinet grand
upright piano , now scale , $187.51) ) .
Dr. Culllmoro. oculist. Baa building
Jtouml Trip Tickets.
The only line running through trains
direct to Denver , Colorado Springs ,
Munitou and Pueblo. Low rates .o all
points in Colorado , Utah orPaeifh vmst
points. Fast tlmo on elegant vestibulod
trains , free reclining chair cars and the
celebrated "Rock Island dining cars. "
Comfort , safety and speed secured when
ticketed via the 'Great Rock Island
Route. " Ticket ollltio 1002 Farnam street.
J. L. DEBKVOISE' , G. N. W. P. A.
City Ticket and Pass. Agt.
The rcmmylviiniii Linen' First Cliisx Excur
sions from Chlcneo to Now York.
At all their Chicago ofllcos , on Tues
day , July 5 , on Wednesday , July 0 ,
and on Thursday , July 7 , agents of the
Pennsylvania Short Lines will sell first
class excursion tickets to Now York and
return at unusually low rates. Tickets
will bo good to return for 40 days , or
until August 15. You can learn all
about it by addressing1 LUCE , 218 Clark
street , Chicago.
i'lmlliii ; no Money , Thuy IloKln to Move tlio
I'liniltiiro 1'rom u House.
Jack GauKhaa Is an old-tiino tough , who
once Borvod lima for tlio robbary of a bade
which ho drove. Dun Thomson has made
bis face familiar to tlio pollco court habitues
by gutting caught at tbo crlrao of larceny
man } ' a time. MlUe Kerns Is u highway
robber aud will take anything looso. This
trio last made an attempt to ruiso the wind
la a manner entirely origin" ! .
They vlaitud the house of Belle Brandon , a
woman of the town. The inrnatos of the
house were asleep , and evidently no money
was lying nbout loose , for the roobors boeuu
moving the furnlturj out into the struct , and
had got nut a couple of burouus when sniuo
one awoke nud gave the alarm. Tnoy were
all arrested.
"Latot bed and early to nso will stiortat
the road t& your homo in tbo sides. " Bun
early to t > od and "Llttlo Early ItUo' , " tbo
pill that wanes lifu longer and bailer and
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Thousands who have
suffered , and have
been cured , gratefully
testify to the remark
able success attained
The Specialist
who , for more than 17
years , has devoted his
time tojthe treatment of
Private Diseases. And
surely no physician
in this broad land is
entitled to so much
praise for the wonder
ful good he has accom
plished. He substan
tiates evercy statement ;
he fulfills'every prom
Reliable , , Skillful ,
Reasonable and Fair ,
are the universal en
dorsements given Dr.
J. E. McGreW , of this
city , cHe is one of the
most t successful spe
cialists throughout the
west , in the treatment
of Private Diseases and
all diseases of Youth
and Manhood. Those
who place themselves
in his care can safely
rely upon him , as every
case is regarded in the
strictest confidence
and treated in the most
skillful manner.
Among the most successful mcdlcnl exports
and specialists In the west Is Dr. J , E. .McGrow
of thlt city. Ho Is thorouchly read mid con
scientious. " [ The Omaha Ucu , Jan. 1st. , 1S9L' .
"Or. J. E. McOrow 1ms do voted his Ufa to the
study uud treatment of pnvuto discuses. The
Doctor Is painstaking and conscientious. "
[ The World-Herald , Ojimhu , Sent. 4th , 16UI.
"Dr. McGrow Is a doctor on whom yon can
depend , nnd Unit Is the ronso'h why ho Is so
well known nnd praised unions the Swedes of
Omaha and all the . " '
over country. L'flio Swed
ish Tribune , Omuhu , Sept. 4th. 1891.
"There IB no specialist who stands higher In
the estimation't f the penplo of Oinahu and
throughout the t < ) st than Ur. .McGrow , us his
eminent ability add success In tlio practice
of hit ) profession will testify. Ho Is known
throughout the ontlro nest IIH a muster of hit
profession. His untiring olTorta In behalf
of young men , uro ton well known to require
mention. " [ The Omaha Commercial , Octo
ber , 18'JX-
"Wo do not hesitate to nlnglo out Dr. J , E.
McGrow , of Omulm , ns a spedliillut worthy of
the highest praise. Ho Is a thoroughly
trained physician , a scientist of no uncertain
standing , a deep thlnlcor , u keen rousonor , a
persistent reader of the literature of his pro
fession uud hence u ffldo awuUo and Intelli
gent specialist. During our "J years as nows-
papur correspondent wo have never had oeca-
nlon to comment on u business conducted
more In Keening with the principles of fair
doiillnv and honor. " . [ The Ghlcaxo Trade He.
view , November , 1891.
The doctor's siioccsi since 1 ntlns In
Omahahuu boon inmost fluttering one both
professionally uud1 financially , and ho fully
appreciates the patronage which has boon
given him In Omuhu , and throughout the
surrounding Btatos. as well an the uost and
northwest. Ono of bis chief desire ? Is , that ho
may over continue to deserve this recognition
of Ills Professional Bklll us u specialist.
Istinsnrpaesort In the troatmnntof nil forma ot
riUVATti DISEASES , unit all ilUor.loM
and debilities ut youth tint ! immbool. ITyoura'
experience , HU rosmircos nnd f.icllltlo-i uro
liruvtloully unlimited. The Doctor U roconi-
inomlcd by thu jire-is , nud umloraud in the
BtronKoat tcrma by tlio people ( or fulr trunt-
uiont uud lionoit j > rQf > " _ ! Hiiiil ! itdvloo , The
most powcrfii ( icr.n n . 9 known to innduru
tclonco for tlio Ktic utul treatment of tlio
Iiiiineali'.to relief , A com-
Pluto iiuru without thu lo of uu liour'a tlma
from tiuKlnoss , ,
OLKEr Unupf tlio most couiploto anil iiio-
ccsjf ul troutmoiiM for Klcot and nil annoying
dleoliur.esyul known lo the inuJluul profos-
klou. The roautu uro truly wondorful.
STHTCTUKU Oroiitost UIIOHII roinoJy for
thu treatment of Btriciuru , without , p tin , cul-
HiiLMird.latlu % A iiiojtri'iuurU ililo ro nudy ,
SVPHILIB-So tti'iitmont for thin lurrlulo
blooil dlsuiiHO lia over boon imiro Kucuaiiiful ,
nor lii ; < J Ktrouscr oiidor onieiit In thu llxht
of inudurn suvtiico thin d BU.ISO U positlvoly
cur.tb.o mid ( wory trace of thu poison entirely
removed from tno hlooJ. ,
LOST MANKO01) , nml nmultlon , norvou-
IIOM , timidity. UutpuiiJoiicy and nil wo.iUnojj
,11111 ! Ul > or4et | ) ] f yuilth or tilunliuud , Itolluf
'olitnluud ntuu.i ) . . . .
SKIN DZSdA'jBa , und ull dlsua o of thi
klomocn. bkind. liver. Ul.nuya ami bladdur
nro troutui ) u cce .iml"y " w th thu jtruw
known roinudle * for t.iou. ! mu ,
Write forou-ul rt uuduuoitlon lift. fr > i
Public iction-
Of the Stock of
At His Store , 1314 Farnam Street
Will commence , Thursday , June 30 , at 10:30 : a , m. , and continue
daily until the debts are paid.
Hots of Sale , 10:30 : a , in. , 2:30 : and 1:30 : p. E
This Stock consists of Diamonds , Fine Watches , Jewelry ,
Silver and Silver Plated Ware , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Opera Glasses ,
etc. , to be sold in single lots to suit buyers , Sale absolute to highest
JT. H. RR.EXNGPI Will Conduct , the © ale.
All the latest styles tit
Soft and Stiff Hats.
218 South 15th Street.
Furs Stored and Repaired.
is via the Chicago , Mihvaukes
&SL Paul R'y as represented
on this map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A , NASH , Gen'l Agent.
Tliis medicine for babies prevents anil
cures pains of teething and resulting
diseases , not by putting children to sleep
with an opiate , for it contains no harmful
drugs , but by supplying the teeth-forming
ingredients which are lacking in most
mothers' milk and all artificial foods.
It is sweet and babies like it. 1.00 a
bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam
phlet , "Teething Made Easy. "
Save Your Eyesight
riycs tcitod f roe bynn nXPKHT OPTICIAN
I'orfect adjustment. Huporlor lonsoi , Norv-
oushoaduolio cured by UBlnif our Spootuolci
nnd Eyozlnssos I'rlcoi low for ilMt
114S llt'i St. , C.-jU''itii 3 > j ;
National B ank.
on ! ( -aJnirofn-Ilmrjr IV. yt i.7'i iil lin
11. UUatlilax , Tloa r tl4)a $ UL _ . > ( tirli. tr
Morie.Johni. Coinm.J. , M. IL IVtrlox. Li
iuUlor ,
The only lozillr gr.iilnntal Oilnssa nliyilclnn
KlKlu years' study. Toi yours practical otpar'-
once with nil known illsoitcs. Treats siica9itulir
nlUhronloc.iiss ulveu lip liy otlior doctors Unit
and BOO him or wrlto for nucstluti hlvik. Do not lujinlojii lios.uiu your iloctor tails
yon BO , tin t try tlio Clilncso doctor with III ) now mil
nondorful ronioillct. unil resolve now lionollts un.l n
narmanent cure whnt otbcr ( luolor * cinnut Klvj.
llorbai Hoot and I'lanU nntura'ii n.'mjdlus-lili
medicines. Thu world his wltnoii. Ono tliouiiimt
testimonials In three yoan1 practtco. No Injurious
decoctions , no tmrcotlci , no palioa ,
treatment and permanent cure.
Followingcimea nuccaufully trj.iUM mJ enrol ,
litven up by other doctors :
Tho. Ccuiihlln. ill. ' Hnrnny street , chronic rheu
matism t ! yours , ttldnoyiiml llrcr troubles.
Thos. Culvert , 13th nnd Furnun Btruol * . nonoral
dolilllty , Initliraitlon , Ion of Rtraiufa and vlUllty.
Took medicine lot yo ir but got no relief ,
M. I * Anderson. I.IJl Cumin * Btr.iot. oitirrh ,
nBtlima and bronchitis of Of 10311 yo irs sttinJIiu.
H for silo the following prepiro I romo'lloi nt
II.W ) a bottlo. nix botllon for IS DO , for the euro of
Anllim.1. Ciitnrrh. bloi He.idjclio , IndU-Dillon ,
llloodPolsouliic , llhounutljni , Feaiilo U'ockness.
Kidney mid I.Ivor Complaint. No luontx. Hold
only by Cblnoso Mcdlclnu Co , Capital , S1UJ.WJ.
Office , 16th nnil Clifbrh Sis. , Omihi , Neb
fho Lorft.t. r t t n"ll , , , 'n ' J.1/c'J { / , ] } f W0113 *
Hvcry Bntiinlay , _ _ _ _
NEW YOKIC , MIllK/iM'nil nnd NAPLES ,
At rciriilnr Intcrvnln.
ratPBonlowoBttormsto anil from tlio iirlnclplo
BMiCH , Eiiausn , i sn ft ALL COHTIHEHTAL rowro.
Eicureloii tk-keta avallaliloto iftiirn liy cUlu-rIliorlo-
tureinue Clvdo & No'tli of Ireland or HnplcaiS ( llkraliar
Ittilti 1 licstj OrJsra for Aor Aneint at twet Eiti ! ,
Apply to any of our local ArcnUorto
HKMUUUSOU lUtOTUlUl.S. Clilc KO , II ! .
OV\f , (
CAIHN. 0 to * H < > . Aeeordl'iK ' to etuitmui
and locatlrui of Stiilorooiu.
Intorino/lliitiiiijid / hU'or.iito ' . 'f0 ' ' * '
lalondoiiI rry , every I'orinluht.
JiinoaOtl..Hl'ATK ( H'NKVAJA 21' ,
Ju y th..STA'lKOK CAI.HUMA. ! I'M I'
Ciibln , l , bfcoiid Cabin < .a ) , rUoermo , JIJ.
Apply I" AIJjAM \ CO. . ( hlcnitu ,
II. i ; . ilOOHK. 151'J Howard Ht , Uinalin.
Wa cnd Ilio nurvolnui Trcorh [
KetncJr CALTHOD fftf. nud nl
lecul suarant.'B Hint L'ALI not T. Ill f
r TOI DUcbarcwfe Kwli.lon. , t
' , ' . Hnrrmntorrliea. Vaic ! rlo I
Use it ami fay tftatlsfid ,
Adircii , VON MOHL CO. . ,
Rol. .Hrrlcu Iftttt , lUrtnnll , Oklo. I
fS'SPI-l-- ' i ? ? !
Unlvcrilly-proparnlory. ( KuublUhnd ib'fl
( JlilliAiVo , ll.l.lM'lh , YOUIK r-4illo4 un )
Children. I'or further parlli-iilar * Hddroiu
You'd better not \vastc any
more time if yon expect to
get anything from the gov
ernment. Unless you put
your claim on record before
March 3 , 1894 , you will
never have another chance. „ „
It takes time to put an ajr7isr' "
plication in shape , and there V
is not a bit of spere tima
left. Whatever you have
lost by the Indians , under
the conditions described in
the law , can be recovered if
you go about it in the right
way. Ths Baa Bureau of
Claims knows just how to ?
go to work. Write and find
Bee Bureau of Claims
Omaha , Neb.
Elastic Stockings
Weak Limb s ,
Varicose Ve4rt9f
Swellings , all
sizes. Abdo
minal Supporters
ters , Deformity
Braces , Medi
cinal Supplies , ,
114S. Iblb St. , Next to 1'ost ' OfflCft
Is the purest , richest , cmoothost and rnost
wholesome whiskey produced in America.
It is distilled from Rye a grain , containing
moro nutrition than any other , vastly
superior to corn ( from which Uourboo
whiskies ore distilled. ) You may know h
by ila exquislto flavor nnd Ibo proprietary
holtlo In which It Is served. For sale at
all first-class drinking places and drugu
stores. Call for " Crttuii J'ure Ayt" aoU
take no other , "
CI > Micl , UUr.rr. Bclentllo ( Cour § ct ftodf _ In ,
f.nlrr nd AitllUrr < lrlll nd etu l ti lry.
OlVlr.l tttUlnrr Hrltnot In Mo. r t lc.rtJ.